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NET PAID CIRCULATION THIS ISSUE 1675 THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES GUIDE TO MOTELS •Hotel . peitfmn aunouhrpinonlfi appear on pages, fi. 7 and H; also fill) Hiimiitnr "■..Season Program in Ocean Or ove AND THE SHORE TIMES VOL. LVXV, No. 32 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1945 FIVE CENTk Township Authorizes Five Sales; July Tax Receipts A t $148,446 i- — -— -— -— . Committee Discusses Property Appraisals And Approves Two Sales, Five properties o w n e d by Neptune Township were authorized, at T u e s d a y , night’s meeting of the Town- ship committee, to be sold at public auction. The sale notices are published in this week’s issue of .the Times,’offers having been received from various prospective buyers. Proceeding the action of the com- mittee thcr>> was a general discus- sion of prices. Chairman Ross R. Beck suggested that it might bo advisable to securc professional appraisals before future, sales are held. ; Although . hr: voted to pro- ceed with the various sales, he said thai he was not in a position to say whether the minimum prices accepted to start the sales in each case were “fair prices." The pro- cedure is the same as .that, followed ior several years, according to Clerk John W, Knox, The procedure was recommended by the Tax Title Lien committee, of which tho township committee, tax assessor, collector, attorney and clerk; are members, who stud- ied the situation. The committee accepts the offers as opening bids at tin: public "sales. In many cases properties had brought much high-, cr prices than, the- opening bids, said Mr. Knox. The- committee confirmed two sales: lot on Myrtle avenue to John Spencer for $300 a id two Fishe. avenue lots for $3G0 to Joseph j 'V'I Luncheon. The deal made with the Shark River Hills company whereby the township comes into possession of many valuable lots in settlement of back '.axes is now in the .hands of Local Government Commissioner Walter R. Darby for final approval, according to Clerk Knox. Tax receipts for the month of Julv were reported by Collector Walter II. Grayatt at $148,440, .in- cluding $120,736 for 1945. Re- ceipts on rents of. township held property amounted to $744; -lax title liens $1,6(58; cost and interest, $2882; licenses, $740. The sum of $2,00ft. was received from the U. S, government for restoration of Jumping Brook, following its war- time lease. Neptune sower account reported 10,291 received. A complaint about a “blind cor ner” at Ridge and Corlies avenues was made by O. Van C. Smith, Shark River Hills. A high hedge at the southwest corner there is a j traffic' hazard, . he claimed. ; Mr.’I Johnson told Mr, Smith that steps; had been taken to force compliance with an ordinance limitinc; corner i hedges to three feet in height, j Mr. Smith expressed the appre- '. ciation of residents of tVic Hills for police services given there.. --- -* ---- .' Moody Bible Teacher To Speak Here Sunday Dr. W ilbur Smith, Christian Author and Lecturer, Auditorium Preacher. FLASH!! Domei (Jap) was Heard to broadcast at 7 this A. M. that Tokyo was ready to accept Potsdam unconditional sur- render terms. ■'Official' confirmation by the State .-Department. in■ Washington that Japan had actually surrendered had not been received up to the time we.’ went to-press. Radios are timed in everywhere. The dropping of the second Atomic bomb on Nagasaki.and the entry of Russia in the war ap- pear lo liave rung “curtains” for Japan ami ifshered. in V-J-DA Y. udden Death O l Bandmaster Saddens Salvation Army Week- End, Sunday’s Attendance 9,614 Dr. Henson Preaches In Morning In Auditorium/ Commissioner Orames, Canadian Leader In evening Young People Present 2nd Concert O f Year Guest Soloists, Sacred and Popular Numbers and Other Features. Another great Young People’s Concert will be. held in the Audi- torium tomorrow night, August 11, at 8:00 p. riv., under the direction of Walter D. Eddowes. The pro*; gram will open with organ selec- tions by Mrs. Eddowes, and a prayer and welcome by Dr. Robert C. Wells. . ^ v . V The first part of the program is a sacred sequence: “I can do. all things’',.-“The Lord is my Shep- herd”, Sally Burch, Peg Roberts*, “Believe in Me'*, God Understands”, Don Phillips; dramatic reading, Virginia Campbell; “Back of the Clouds”, Joanne Pemberton, Jim - my Kesler; “Christ is the Answer”. Lt. H. 0. Steinke, U.S.A., of Fort Monmouth, baritone , soloist, who sang in tlie Auditorium during Mus -ic Week, will sing “The Beatitudes” “Through the Years”* and by popu- lar request, “Dc Glory Road”.] Miss Ruth Lamed, soprano, of Fairfield, Conn.,' will render a group of Czechoslovakian, folk songs, and will be dressed, in authentic native garb, and will sing a group of Ne- gro spirituals, A popular sequence will follow this with Ida-Bryza singing “Don- ..key Serenade”; Mary Jane Shot- well, Mary Anderson, Betty Simp- son, Katheryn Woelper, Barbara The Rev; Wilbur M. Smith; D. D., instructor in English, Bible at Moody Bible -Institute,, Chicago, will 1 speak in the Auditorium at 30 and 7:30 on Sunday, August 12th and in the Temple Monday through Friday at 11.00 a. m. and 7:30 p: m. Dr, Smith,- widely known as a Christian author, - bibliographer, and: Bible conference speaker, served in the pastorate for 15. years before joining the Moody faculty in. 1938. For several years he was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Goatesville, Pa., a charge with a congregation of 1,800. Reared in Chicago,. Dr. Sniith studied first at Moody Bible Insti- tute, then; attended Wooster (Ohio) College;, Dallas. Theological Semi- j nary conferred the divinity degree in 1932. • . I To Sunday school tbacliers a ll- over the country, Dr. Smith is r known as the editor: of “Peloubet’s ! Select Notes*’-on! the. International Sunday School Lessons. He con-| tributes regularly to ; “Moody1 ; Monthly” arid.other Christian peri- ■ odicals: Some of his recept books are: “Time Periods of.’Prophecy”, “Profitable Bible Study”, “The Supernatural ness of Christ” and ; “'J*iieri*fore Stand”.. ‘ . . : --- , -• Cornelius-Glashan \ Betrothal Announced Recreation Commission Reports Play Ground C5oal In Sight In the absence of Dr. Mil- ton. II . N i c ho Is, >v h o w ; i s . scheduled 'as. the. -Sunday m orniiig'p r e a c: h (» r, D r. George \V. Henson- occiipie4 the pu 1 p it;• The largest a.u dir once so. f«uvthis’season greet- c(l. the- Association president, as. he chose as his theme.. “Resources for Abundant Living”/. The audience ;was'.augmented by many who. Were he re for the Salvation A rmy.'week- em L . :■•• .'.. : ..*■'T . ' The president paid, tribute, to the Bandmaster,.;. Major; George Granger, wh o "'pnssfcd. - away sudden- ly d ur i n g th e. Sal vat ion Arm y con - cert the-, night before;-- That sanie eveninghe/ ;.receiyecl; ii V.telegram: from .Dr. Nichols -who; was \mable. to come; because, of tlie ‘.personal advice'of hisphysician’. • ' ; T h e’ chose ,ing! V lie htas ;been • d isciitfsi ng at tliei daily.. 10 fi’clock ' meetings, in. , the Taberiiaclb. :.'i'he scripture reading- er in. any instance; did Jesus boast' of being a leader of a: great host o f; people. He always insisted they .■dionld- i ise up ‘ to. meet •demands through . Cod’s help’- he- continued: ‘What help.have we jiv.achieving : this goal ihat Christ -has:*Set.?. . Re- ' me»nher., how. he said," 'I am come UiaV you m'ight. luive life and have it hiore .•abundanily'. The. New Testament p6rtrays for us .Abun- dant Living.- '. It begins.-first of all in the niiracle of (liyine grace called .‘new '; birth’,” Div.. Henson said. “ \Viihout:'^that beginning' it;'cannot be; realized, Christ’s, life is a Steady,, sure .'grovvth for -all- who face, it; honektly‘ iuid're.vererjtly: . ■ *‘If:is .(Jo<I' nia( 1 e a 11 y provision in . .His. grace: for us to live .an abuii- ■ciaiii! i life"’ "..; tluf .vspeal<er .asked* “ There is^evidence of the .piovisioii •; thatGlirrst *. made . when. Paul at IvphwUiji REV. DR. WILBUR M. SMITH, .editor of “Peloubet’s Select Notes”,, who will preach morning . and evening on Sunday. Betty Lyn Propert T o W e d S taff Sergeant M r. and Mrs. George M. Osmun, ; of Neptune, announce the engage- ment of the latter's daughter,. Miss Gloria G. Cornelius, to Benjamin F ., Clashan, .jr., pharmacist's mate! third class, son of Mr, and Mrs.!; Benjamin F. Glashan, South Atkins j av'enue,. Neptune. . ; ) .Miss Cornelius was graduated from Neptune high s'chool, class of • '44, attended Monmouth Junior: college, Long Branch,- and .will, en- ! ter training September 4 at Wil- j liam* McKinley Alemorial hospital, Trenton. . .Glashan is also a . graduate o f Neptune high school and entered the navy July 27, 1943. . He is now, on a thirty-day leave at his home,! having recently returned from 18 months’: duty in tlie European thea- j. ■Mi*, a ml-Mr s.. VV alter S.. Propert,' of (Jermautnwiu- I’a., and summer res id en Is a t (U) • M t . Ta hor, W ay, announce. the engagement of their daughter, Betty Lyn. to. Stalf Ser- geant David II. Kinley, Army Air Corps, also of Germantown. Miss .Propert is ,a. graduate of. the Germantown, schools and in June .was gra J.uated from the Moore School of Design in Philadel- phia. She .was active at the Young People's meetings here, • - Sergeant Kiidey who was. a tail gunner on a B-26 is. home on a thirty-day. furlough after 9 months overseas where, he wras, attached to-:the. 0th Air Force in France, He; has beeni . a\yarded the Purple Heart for . wounds received over, Germany, the Air Medal with four Oak Leaf- clusters, and the Presi - dential-citation. Sgt. Kinley is a graduate of Amberst college where The Ocean Grove Recreation commission reports splendid pro- gress in completing it:= goal. of . a $2000 budget for the: equipment md operation of the, comniunity playfields in the south west .corner of the town. The total received to date is $1805. The permanent steel back stop for ‘-the soft ball diamond is being constructed and the’ basket ball backs - are up. Swings have been - secrtred. . .Much work still remains to bo:done, but should be completed by next month, according to the committee. The oflieers and trustees of the commission are Alfred;-P.’ Todd, president; Joseph Connelly, vice president; John E. NVwbon, secre- tary; Dorothy* DeHaven, treasurer;; Howard L. Smith, E. L. Thompson, Joseph A. Thoma, Mrs. S. E. Heth- erington, Mrs. J. , H. Hemphill, Augustus B. Knight, Mrs. Donald Lippincott, trustees. The committee ropi irts the fol- lowing- contributors'-to, field’: __ _ ; 1 :... Mrs. Abrams, Miss Elizabeth Aitken, Rose Arbor. Mrs. J. Algoi*. Albert Ander^oiii Sampler Inn; Mrs. Willie Austin." Barnegat Bay Restaurant,' M rs. Trene Batdorf. M aryL Beare, Jean l». Beriihart, Alvin E. , Bills. The . ...... . . • „ says ‘niahy achieve/abun- Pijbjcct .jyhrclii ,D H e iiiio n . r.dant - life ’’ -by ' certain V processes: as :his::t.heme. ;vVbun<lant;.Ln;-: first, in ;s.])i ritiiaf. strength ahat God has provided'"hi* by. being filled with thy. . Holy Spirit.* . The ; second . .... .. . thought, [’a u l <levlai;eW: ist to/, be a on ..Which he ba^ed his. .theme • was; Chrj>;t-cen|:ered.: life,'; -'ihat Christ rent 1. ehr 1 ier by. ^lajor/Emii N 61 - .m a y •' 1 jve •;in -your heait throu! son., of- the .SalvaCion Arin\\. taken ' I . .. . ' Vi . * t 1 i . i •» *- fl'iim'KiilieMjuisI “ I -anr' iiiViVrosfied' ■ !>>•; the high' standard of life the -New.'Testa- ment gives for. Christian living",, the; speaker said .."N'ever at' any poilit, j‘n the . -Xe\v . Tfestanieiit is there ,a I6\vcrin"- uf . standards, to meet the. p'optiiai;. demands! that: j Jesus and his disdplcs .faced. .. N'ey- Uilin.s, M rs. A. Blackloo);.. E .. ,1.; liorton,. .Marlborough Hotel; Mrs. Edna Biace, L. K. Bronson, Gil- bert it. Bush, .Mrs. -Malic! Battel, The Seacroft. Arthur Carpenter. Miss' Edna Carpenter, \\ . H a r o l d . C a r- penter, Mrs. Daisy Carr, .Ocean House; Mrs. Ellen Carrie!:, Mrs.; Edith Chafey, Joseph II. Chamber- lain, ■ Hotel Eal’ierre: Eric W.S Church', Richard Clark,. Miv and I c o ^ t ph Cu!,"clly’ M r'•■;Hobu,:t ! D e a t h F a ils T o S t o p Mrs. Alex Damon, J B! Davirj u a i n /* ■son, M rs;.c. D.en.hi^ii, curwin r . ; Army s voncert Dodd, ,i. .1, Dooner, . Mrs.,' Grace __ _____ Drake. Allenhurst Hotel; Frank .1. Dunn, Dorothy DeHaven. E. II. Stokes Fire Co., Eaj'lc Hook and Ladder. Co.' . Bernard Fediles, ,7. E. Feidnian, A friend. A friend. First Aid Squad, Mrs.-Ralph Ferrcl. I •. - Mrs. K. F. Gallagher, Boscoh'el', While ;leadi«si ti-.e .SiilvVition Hotel; The Garrabrandts, Waiter! A t‘my Territorial Stall band in it:.' Gilber t, Mrs.! Robert Gillum. Mary '.tenth annual, music, festival iii. ii>.e: Grhce.Vi ■ Raymond-— — Qrace,\-- 7- 0 >cea,V'Gro\v-A-iiditi*i1iufn-L^att|i'dt!\fc Green Ilafrerniati .Lumber-Co.. Mr. ui^sht. Majt.r Cieur.ire Gran^e.‘‘, vet- :md Airs. Arch Grillith; - .Mrs. \V.m. . el an conductor.. \yas: stricken .\v|t!i Presiding Officer Felt it Would Ee Bandmaster’s Wish That Cbncer> Continue. Ocean Grove Girl Engaged To Captain Mr. and • Mrs. .Tames .Wesley Hiller, .36 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, have announced the engage- ment of ther-daughter, Donna Lu- menta, to Captain Albert C. Tra- liowskt Jr., Army' Air Forces, son- of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clarence Trakowski of Milwaukee, Wincpn- sin. Miss Hiller- is. a student of Po- litical Science at .Middlebury Col- lege, .'Vermont, . ..... Captain Traliowski,; is stationed at the Signal Corps-; Engineering Laboratories, Bel mar. He' was a studeiit of Engineering Physic? at Illinois before la it Iv .1 : Tho .;. secret ; ofi,abundant' fiving'-is^ ;Ghrist niaking^V.-his- ’lijjme ; in- the. luinian' heart‘> . tlie ;speaker declared. ^ ‘'The third provision- for <il tun da n t i i v il;g -(ii t hi s life i s a - 1 1#vo-con| i;«)! led . Itfe.'*• l ie fun her defiiied’thi«:by quoting frohi Ephes- . ' ; a ii s. ■ IW\ j 7 and.=18; ,‘|That. ye' bei n g routed and Vgi'oiiiide*V'i,l .;.bjVe.; may : be v 'able ;iV>’;.c»>i'nprcbeni 1 .Wit\\ : a 11 ‘•aiuts jwiiat . is'.the* breadth,;-and length,: and depth' and he)gl*:” . “.Tn de^eri b in g:the..»Ii me n.sioijs of Christ’s . love, / PauL said1. Christ's .' [.1 a ■ broad 1 ove,‘ it is .nniversa 1; His Icji!*e:; is eternal; the love of. God.: can; .never Lbe »scal<M. atid. its depth;is-^^unfath'oniaide;jt" is .sym- - pathetic ;t 13 ^everyone, in-xitis.-world ' ; In. ■ ..‘closing. ...Dr..;-. said, - * A bu ii d nt..) 5y4» g;i. is I b e • 'o nly. life woftli ■ .1 iv in g .• for. '• [C'liris.t- Is ■ ade- - fiiiate* to every ’ need and ,the- ans - wer, to .human life.” . : •; Co)nm iss i on e r Be ii j a in in, 0 rain es Jraye: the /operiiiig. praycr and the lie ii ed ic tin t\\ \ was pronounced b y_ Guyer. ‘a ':lieni t a i taV;k; .; As he '• ITrigadFelvAy'Ul]ain GT^ITat-ri :: V 'Evi*n;ng ’ Service . ;- • CtnViniissi«)ner Ernest; 1. Pugmire Junip.eujvvhoVpres'ided.-at the.*i\veii:ng ser- (rontimini oii I’acrt' I) : : i a - , - - woo :i»resi«ien.‘ai ,*ujvenmg .ser-- •;, to the lleor he wa^ quicUly.remove.) ,-v.ic 'e;-introduced the.spcaker of the j to--.a <I«!SS1»» room ,.n the ■ -ear ;< r| Ovo nintr. .on - .hi-, firi* o.,-,-,.ior, here |tlie Aitd.toriuni, where a - n r ' - ,,j.clu:ho,.: r.,,,,; i i<her«'- ,' 'reoare >r 'V1 't •••uirijamtri Orames. . ot" - »•*«'- sF d , r :!>y Di‘ Willjnni A. gohln.son.- alter ctiii "Gay Nineties ReVu ‘‘t t c o m . - p r a i n e i j e ^ r or '-.the' sai- i been ! dri|il 4tU.mii (int/dV i jiersons • ;TlVii yy-ii V e.h u i i- i .-the • .AiulitoriUnr c • i n * * mv m j j.saw hini collapse. ...... . Special Guests in Ye O ld e '. rColohet -Norinan;; ,S/ ; M arshall^ Tov/ne Hall^, Saturday Night, August 18. var|oh.;.'Arniy.; iviirk ur Canada ;_has been’ a Salvat ion Aruiy>otlicer:. for 47. years;; . He".is a ‘native of Aus- tralia, aiid’ in .the last-, war served who was-pi esnlnig attjie-XJUie. of .’u ('j)aplain with ’ the, Australian M a jo r (. ranger s .deatn, a nnftu need- j forces? ■ ;I n his Jopen ing woi:»ls Sun- that u - would .be the ;Major: s .wish < <lay eveniUir, lie extended a. note of “The Gay Nineties Revue in Ve; Olde Town'e Ilall-’i. will lie present- jday eve’iiUir, lie extended a. note of ue. tne concert..• i lie. mus-J t}10ni<s. to Com, Tugmlre’ who-invit-. topped • mom ^ i it a n 1 y, then; f, j,n toi/nd dress' tlie. even ing. serf* ■|;.Vtve, o f Salvation Army-: weekend. U III L i til. JIL aXi .II , , V. 111 U v . | ll ' ■ . - •• l » . oil by Hii!,: Thomson’s Auditorium i Ushers..Saturday nifjlit, August IS " , undei- the direction, of Walter D. w !1-llt .T-'-''-■ - - .................................... ••— -. . 'Vys. ft.i'i.mber of the orjrati-,.(|,.essi the ati-iienee on a ,subject of ar- ■ ‘^atKin .s-.jv-.'e t-'-P-. lie was a Lrtf nt ininor*ai'.re; -T-Ie chose as his anger.-:,\vho-- has i.*een • The/ Ctmiinissioner ■ said; it was’ t lie. ; sta;r ^bmid: si nee . '^veat h onoV. and ;pri viIege to ad - Eduowes in the .Auditorium.. 'Phe .cast in its order of-appear-, » ? . ..... *•* '*• aiu-e is iis follows: Andv Leach, ,’ralV ' z 1 '5 W* scrinture St. Euke .2:40. Ivan Awfulitsch, drum major; Ve' ‘ ' ‘p Wv?»{\5..; “.Heeaus.e, I have been 'pr^ijejjoi Volunteer FSre.nenV. Band; flavor ill.All. tbe.ron!inents P ,, Doolittle, George. Miller;' Mrs. .Doo- \ ^Kngland. and Fiance.- and \vah>ei i- South America and have been cb^e- ■" I on,*ln 1... I ,,, ■ '* • I, rt - 1\ I ,• -*..-, . . |* . - I;,* associated with .•working' ni.m. ; 1 *i-'\fes.sini*a.l -jnoo, atid' lw»eause as the University of he was a member of Beta Theta Phi ‘ eiili.sting in the Army- Air Forces fraternity. in. 1942. Death Strides Band During Concert Hurry, . “Sentimental Journey”; j ter. Louise Armstrong, “The More I The. engagement1was announced See You”; and Lois Wilson, “Yah- Wednesday, August' 1, at a bulTet Ta-Ta”. . | supper at Miss Cornelius' honie. . Geprge Toenes, New Jersey State ;Those-attending were Mr; and High School champion clarinetist, - Mrs. Glashan,. Misses Shirley Glas- wi 11 play “Concertino”, von Weber,1 hanK Charles Boyce, Willard Hulse andlAvilllbu.-.:assisted.. in. _th‘e_second • and.:Larry-Stein, of,Neptune;;.My.r-, number by Bob ICanzler playing on Harris, • Elaine Runner, Lois “Two Little Chums”, A, Perfect;. I lviiox aiid Barbara ; Feldman, of Other popular songs to be heard Ocean Grove. .are “ Bell Bottomed Trousers”,' Jean Nitschman; “I Need Vitamin U’V Harriet: Everett; “It's a Long Way Home'', Bruce Steinman; “When Hearts Were Young”, Al- mcda Johnson;’ “Tabby the Cat”, Jean A^chenbach; “I Wuv a Wab- bitt”, Emily Young, and “Please Don’t Say No”, Nancy LeMoine. An intimate glimpse at the life : of G. I. Joe will be presented by 1 Corp. Harry Nackos and Lt. H. O. Steinke, and other special features will be given by the Young People, phis a grand finale of patriotic . songs. False Alarm at Spray View Smtike from an incinerator that filled the building caused a fire scare at the Spray View Hotel, The Washington Engine company Ocean Avenue, Saturday night, dispatched to the scene-found ex- cessive smoke coming from burn- ing trash: and the Ocean Grove police, • investigating, found' no blaze. Ocean Grove .Pharmacy, 40 Main Ave: Drugs, Prescriptions, Soda, Luncheonette. Two 'RegVd Phar- macists on duty.,Open to 10:30 p.m. — 28tf. No date has been set for the wedding. .. — ' 1 V.oung Pemberton Enters.Princeton Jack Pemberton, son of Rev. an<l Mrs.. John Pemberton, of Pough- I keepsie, N. Y., was a guest here ! last'weekend- of Mrs. G. L. D, Tonipkins, of Interlaken. Jack,! whose father was a former pastor- of St. Paul's church here, entered Princeton University the {lay after; his high school graduation in June t to study for the ministry; ; He is j the'nephew .of Rev. Janies. Pember- ton, pastor of Ballard Methodist church, Asbury Park. American Barber Shop, 52 Main Ave. AH hair cuts are 50c.— 22tf. CARD OF THANKS I wish to; thank all who so kindly sent me cards and flowers, and who called on me or inquired about my welfare while I was ill in Fit- kin hospital. Rev. J. N. Kugler. — 32* AUCTIONEER B. G. Coats, Tel. Lg. >Br. 3599. Licensed and Bonded. —9 it. . iioouttie, ueorge. iMiuer; .\irs. .uoo* •' ^ ' . • :»Y -r- \ little. John. Dixon; Ye Olde'jlaes- :!nl*!>V'™«mled m the Arras-C, tro." villaBe music' teacher, W a l t ” ™' '•,'M:arement .in A.ifrnst. !h ....................... ... .... Eddowes; Ye Village- Oivaiiist. H« W l>i?c<l one and ,I,reeled.two ,, face .the worhl and Josephiiie Eddowes; Ladies Choral' JJV)ltai \. - “ V ^ a,1.‘)(la P\ l9]: Af c a n i. ill v. 9w.1 v.J1 vipg. you *11 1orgive Society. . ":*• j t . r' 11!1- \ nVV ;»ie; if. I. sp^/nk tonigiit oh; the sub- Guests: / Carrie : 'Nation,' Joe ! -. ,,?nvf ,w................. ' ................. ~ Tweedy; Senator Bliilf, Bill Gray; • .Mrs. BlulV, Ell Spit?.; Ye Towne i , A Gossips. Ellis Worn-. Rutirir Stir- 5:l1 llc't '11^ . “ v anger had been ,'coii-:- .Ul; b'atid 'iu eaelv of ;; Hie ;^even. concert s. given a? a part: t> f; the • a it h mil., ga t he 1 ;i.ii g j n O eean ! Grove. •>v . ' ; ■ . . "• ■ .- .-:;■ • Th \boily wa< re 111 oved . to the . .Maithewsv •'.Franciopi .and Taylor : .P'lineral lionv. As!»ury IMrk,; tipon- j t he i> vdf »: ;o f ' I) r .*'Harvey 11 nr til tan, •; c.otuny;’ ph y s i e ia n i :hv> Cftmpbell Finiernl Uo.nie,. of New; York City ;; Lwei-e.:inlt haree of fu tv*i~al a i-rangc-; Hay Mauley, hasso pidfotindor San- i.-n.'v-t*,. • . dow, Ye -Towne Slrdnn Mr.n. ' 11 u^- ■ ' , \!J-r,V n ■ • - llleerker Stirli.w;- I. i 1 I a r o l; f^n h ■ ' C-V 1 I.CW Mulfovd. hathinK cus- Fpurt e/'*•t li st, N^W V o *. C;^'. ? onel Norman S. Marshal!r,.ehief- ling; Diamond. »Iim'Brad lev, Sam*- uel Y eo; L i (1inn R usse II, E ’d. J en r (ley; Ye .Vinage: Organ Grinder/ Tjnny aiid de Monk; EtVrle Beach; Ve Village T’arson,. Carl •1 lorsehoi ; Ve Parson’s Wife, Pat, Dodd; Ye Village. Blacksmith.- ;’Teii Pierce; Barber Shop Quartette: Alvin Bills, first tenor; Anily Leach,, second TO GEORGE : . (A Bandsman’s Tribute) You were there when the final chord was played. ; Your orders camq before the festival was done, :.. .' And when they came, you left the platform, George. You left and yet you stayed with everyone, .- It's true that for a fleeting moment, Horns were silenced, doubt prevailed, i. And then we knew the music must go on. -V:" So trembling hands raised saddened horns to grieving lips,' The music sounded— filled the balmy air. - ' Your friends, your comrades playing songs of Zion And knowing even then that you were there. W c, ymi wore there'when the final chord was played. You went on wings of music-marching friend, And left us with determination to play our part until the very end. Hath tmner; Walter Carr; bathing girl; .lake Beutell, peace otlieer; Ye Vil- laire Sluile ^Iartn.Milt Condit; Ye Shuie Soloist, Karl Lein; Ye Skule Children; selections by the Fire- men's band. Special guests will he; Teddy Roosevelt,. Bill Thomson; P.. T, Barnuni, George Burrows;: Jenny Lind, Arch Grifiith; Gihson . Girl, Heiiry. Nicdenstoin; Bu/Talo Bill; Joe Thoma; . Ann'e Oakley, Al Todd; Ye Count»*y Chaniiicen. Jug- gler; Ye Old Fashioned^ Mellow- :Drama, snitched from the.Jaws'of Death; Hair Breath. Harry, the Hero, Ray Manley; Edna, the beau- tiful Cloak . Model, Howard Peter- son: Dead Eye Dick, the Villain, Earle Height: Cactus Ike, the Fid- ler, Arch Griffith; Grand Finale. OCEAN GROVE fAUDITORIUM The preacher Sunday August T2(h at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30.. p. in. will be Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, Edi- tor of Peloubet’s Notes.—32 , secretary.' officiated :ff tbi? ser.vice. l; The Stii tV Band playv* I ; ■ $e tun end .J' inarch. “Proinbted to* tilory.*’ A ■ voc;al solo, was ronderejl by. Ivnvoy Frank Fowler. • -Mrs. William • H. McGue , travetlie 7. openitvg ;• prayer. and 'Maior . Edward Cln>;k'' pro- nounced tho benediction. Messages, i were irivon by:. Brigadier/ Charles Bearchdl.. The burial service, h?ld at 3:30, 1 ). • in. Tuesday at Kensico Ceme- tery. New York, was conducted by Cominissioner. Donald McMillan. Lt. Col. Edwin Clayton read the. scrinture and delivered the n, aiid-Major William Boai;ehel1 gave the ben«<!ictioii, followed by Taps^ Vhe Male chorus w as present to sing. a Optometrlst-Optlcian Dr. Joseph F, Heine Dr. George M, McEneany . S18 Orokmon Ave., A. Pi TeL 154 CARROLL H. FRANCIS M. D. U. S. Navy (Ret.) U, S. Vet. B.u. Offi. Phy .:—i do 7 pm 606 2nd Ave., Asbury Park —I6tf .• : STATIONERY: Fine assortment at Onenahaws, “The Greeting Card Store”, 60 Main Avenue.— Adv. je • t • “ The.;Foi’gott en ".Christ/ - vTiijiO; 1 ‘i'i.isVs us t^ -forget”, the rneaUer c o . n t i T l i e r e . is the stiipy; ofV;i hi? forirotteii ' nian who ; eomes.;out >o• i tbe• stage and his. na i«Vcs '•appv.aV• hi: headtl no’si. bii L '■ 'miv ' < o d p ; » r « /':foi:^',-tt«n. In . :the .- :i'^rCiinada 'i> ^.000.000 'V'.Hidiiimodi'^'Sonni peonle. put : it there;<lei: *J ’ve bei*;i Va* S a jv a t^ ‘t.i-. A r m y ...biViccr f o r o\*iriv. ' yea‘--.-. 1. • Van'/. jni t • u p :‘ m y ., .and;v1trut:!it;^lx:;-spy;' ‘Not ' iUu- - in^ vpres*e(l.:;h I s - . n» \ » >t ITTl h o " '?vi ’ ;*r of . th**; A lid it or him ushers. •r; I«;s j j£ j i; ■ .«. ;j: coi» n; (■ y ;nhei» !,v-avi*. i)Oj)*v*'-*ed ;»in'o\j<>!V’ t o - .; . ; . » : Go()’s . ji'ace -:pii 'iii-.*, Sab- *jj«.**.!*■'..; ■''■.*. : - .’vi'^rii"'; fen ; ;si>ldiers; - forgiit ten- r• rl. »rmd- u'i.^ott eti n a ie rf' s; a *-e’ -a 1 r 1 • ci*? i.’.npit«rh; but f j oiv sb'ill I, re- * -.jvion'i*: t)iat, forger Christ ? iixv*1 ; in* ■•/.'isJitisv. pul/*i• ’ng world b••.<• **s. f);.»r1 s rootn for business : 1 * <::>■ ti n for tun)) tel y .for ' ‘h'-.'st, - t’lei e 15-not' a-’place- ho can '■nter. • T V 'v'pi'i^s fimn so deep- ■ , ’ ’*• " "* '7’ *1 1 h e ..bu ^ i n o : ^ in a y -'ficiiv ,th^. business"of pro- ;j,ic .phi.*’ he \iVged. “ r»v. wtirl’vng ««'Veii da:?s a week \ye may make a little money, by at- itMin'il o|t Pjipo. 3) \ritjle’s Main Central •Pharmacy Ta-sty. del:riot*s.sandwiches of all liids find -''. lunch at Nagle’s 'odn Fo'intaih, tn:Main Avc.~adv« Dr. Norman I^ayton, Chiropractor, 97 Abbott Avenue, Ocean Grove. Phone. A. P. 5130.— 31-35. If yon wa”* j>n' AUCTIONEER Call WETTLIN, A/P. 1490 -15 tf. J

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Dec 05, 2021



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•Hotel . peitfmn aunouhrpinonlfi appear on

pages, fi. 7 and H; also fill) Hiimiitnr

"■ ..Season Program in Ocean Or ove



Township Authorizes Five Sales;

July Tax Receipts A t $148,446i- — - — -— -— • ■ .

C o m m i t t e e D i s c u s s e s P r o p e r t y A p p r a i s a l s

A n d A p p r o v e s T w o S a l e s ,

Five properties o w n e d by Neptune Township were authorized, at T u e s d a y , night’s meeting of the Town­ship committee, to be sold at public auction. The sale notices are published in this week’s issue of .the T im es ,’offers having been received from various prospective buyers.

Proceeding the action of the com­mittee thcr>> was a general discus­sion of prices. Chairm an Ross R.Beck suggested tha t it m igh t bo advisable to securc professional appraisals before future, sales are held. ; Although . hr: voted to pro­ceed w ith the various sales, he said th a i he was not in a position to say whether the m in im um prices accepted to s ta rt the sales in each case were “ fa ir prices." The pro­cedure is the same as .that, followed ior several years, according to Clerk John W , Knox,

The procedure was recommended by the Tax T itle Lien committee, of which tho township committee, tax assessor, collector, attorney and clerk; are members, who stud­ied the situation. The committee accepts the offers as opening bids a t tin: public "sales. In m any cases properties had brought much high-, c r prices than , the- opening bids, said Mr. Knox.

The- committee confirmed two sales: lo t on Myrtle avenue to John Spencer for $300 a id two Fishe. avenue lots fo r $3G0 to Joseph j 'V'I Luncheon.

The deal made w ith the Shark R iver H ills company whereby the township comes into possession of

■ m any valuable lots in settlement o f back '.axes is now in the .hands o f Local Government Commissioner W alte r R . Darby for final approval, according to Clerk Knox.

Tax receipts for the month of Ju lv were reported by Collector W a lte r I I . G rayatt a t $148,440, .in ­

c luding $120,736 for 1945. Re­ceipts on rents of. township held property amounted to $744; - lax title liens $1,6(58; cost and interest, $2882; licenses, $740. The sum of $2,00ft. was received from the U . S, government for restoration of Jum p ing Brook, fo llow ing its war­time lease. Neptune sower account reported 10,291 received.

A com pla in t about a “ blind cor ner” a t Ridge and Corlies avenues was made by O. Van C. Sm ith, Shark R iver H ills. A high hedge a t the southwest corner there is a j traffic' hazard, . he claimed. ; Mr.’I Johnson told Mr, Sm ith that s te p s ; had been taken to force compliance w ith an ordinance lim itinc; corner i hedges to three feet in height, j

Mr. Sm ith expressed the appre- '. ciation of residents of tVic Hills for police services given there..

---- * ---- .'

M o o d y B i b l e T e a c h e r

T o S p e a k H e r e S u n d a y

D r . W i l b u r S m i t h ,

C h r is t ia n A u t h o r a n d

L e c tu r e r , A u d i t o r i u m

P r e a c h e r .

F L A S H ! !Domei (Jap) was Heard to broadcast

at 7 this A. M. that Tokyo was ready

to accept Potsdam unconditional sur­

render terms.

■'Official' confirmation by the State .-Department. in■ Washington that

Japan had actually surrendered had not been received up to the time we.’

went to-press. Radios are timed in everywhere. The dropping of the

second Atomic bomb on Nagasaki.and the entry of Russia in the war ap­

pear lo liave rung “curtains” for Japan ami ifshered. in V-J-DA Y.

udden Death O l Bandmaster

Saddens Salvation Army Week-

End, Sunday’s Attendance 9,614

D r . H e n s o n P r e a c h e s I n M o r n i n g I n

A u d i t o r i u m / C o m m i s s i o n e r O r a m e s ,

C a n a d i a n L e a d e r I n e v e n i n g

Y o u n g P e o p l e P r e s e n t

2 n d C o n c e r t O f Y e a r

G u e s t S o lo is ts , S a c r e d a n d

P o p u l a r N u m b e r s a n d

O t h e r F e a tu r e s .

Another great Young People’s Concert will be. held in the A ud i­to rium tomorrow n igh t, A ugust 11, a t 8 :00 p. riv., under the direction of W alte r D. Eddowes. The pro*; gram will open w ith organ selec­tions by Mrs. Eddowes, and a prayer and welcome by Dr. Robert C. W ells. . ^ v . V

The first part of the program is a sacred sequence: “ I can d o . all th ings’',.-“The Lord is m y Shep­herd” , Sally Burch, Peg Roberts*, “ Believe in Me'*, God Understands” , Don Phillips; dram atic reading, V irg in ia Campbell; “ Back of the Clouds” , Joanne Pemberton, J im ­my Kesler; “ Christ is the Answer”.

Lt. H . 0. Steinke, U .S.A ., of Fort Monmouth, baritone , soloist, who sang in tlie Aud itorium during Mus -ic Week, w ill sing “The Beatitudes” “Through the Years”* and by popu­la r request, “ Dc Glory Road” .] Miss Ruth Lam ed, soprano, of Fairfield, Conn.,' will render a group of Czechoslovakian, fo lk songs, and w ill be dressed, in authentic native garb, and w ill sing a group of Ne­gro spirituals,

A popular sequence w ill follow th is w ith Ida-Bryza sing ing “ Don-

..key Serenade” ; M ary Jane Shot- well, M ary Anderson, Betty S im p­son, Katheryn Woelper, Barbara

The Rev; W ilbu r M. Sm ith; D. D., instructor in English, Bible at Moody Bible -Institute,, Chicago, will 1 speak in the A ud itorium at

30 and 7:30 on Sunday, August 12th and in the Temple Monday through Friday a t 11.00 a. m . and 7:30 p: m.

Dr, Sm ith,- widely known as a Christian author, - bibliographer, and: Bible conference speaker, served in the pastorate for 15. years before jo in ing the Moody facu lty in. 1938. For several years he was pastor o f the F irs t Presbyterian Church, Goatesville, Pa., a charge w ith a congregation of 1,800.

Reared in Chicago,. Dr. Sniith studied first a t Moody Bible Insti­tute, then; attended Wooster (Ohio) College;, Dallas. Theological Semi- j nary conferred the d iv in ity degree in 1932. • • . I

To Sunday school tbacliers a l l - over the country, Dr. Sm ith is r known as the editor: o f “ Peloubet’s ! Select Notes*’-on! the. International Sunday School Lessons. He con-| tributes regularly to ; “ M oody1; M onth ly” arid.other Christian peri- ■ odicals: Some of his recept books a re : “Time Periods o f .’Prophecy”, “ Profitable B ible S tudy”, “The Supernatural ness of Christ” and ; “ 'J*iieri*fore S tand”.. ‘ . . •

: --- , -•

C o r n e l i u s - G l a s h a n \

B e t r o t h a l A n n o u n c e d

Recreation Commission Reports

Play Ground C5oal In Sight

In th e a b s e n c e o f D r . M i l ­

t o n . I I . N i c h o Is , >v h o w ; i s .

s c h e d u le d 'as . th e . - S u n d a y

m o r n i i i g ' p r e a c : h (» r , D r.

G e o r g e \V. H enson- o c c i ip ie 4

th e p u 1 p i t ;• T h e la r g e s t a.u d ir

o n ce so. f« u v th is ’s e a so n g re e t-

c(l. the- Association president, as. he chose as his theme.. “ Resources for Abundant L iv ing” /. The audience ;was'.augmented by many who. Were he re for the Salvation A rmy.'week- em L . :■ • • .'.. : ..*■'T . '

The president paid, tribute , to the Bandm aster,.;. Major; George Granger, wh o "'pnssfcd. - away sudden- ly d ur i n g th e . Sal vat ion A rm y con - cert the-, n ight before;-- That sanie e v e n in g h e / ;.receiyecl; ii V.telegram: from .Dr. Nichols -who; was \mable. to come; because, of tlie ‘.personal adv ice 'of h isphys ic ian ’.• ' ; The’ chose,ing! V lie htas ;been • d isciitfsi ng a t tlieidaily.. 10 fi’clock ' meetings, in. , theTaberiiaclb. :.'i'he scripture reading-

er in. any instance; did Jesus boast' of being a leader of a: great host o f ; people. He always insisted they .■dionld- i ise up ‘ to. meet •demands through . Cod’s help’- he- continued:

■‘W hat help.have we jiv.achieving : this goal ih a t Christ -has:*Set.?. . Re- ' me»nher., how. he said," 'I am come UiaV you m'ight. luive life and have it hiore .•abundanily '. The. New Testament p6rtrays for us .Abun­dant Living.- '. I t begins.-first of all in the niiracle of (liyine grace called .‘new '; b irth ’,” D iv .. Henson said.“ \Viihout:'^that beginning' it;'cannot be; realized, Christ’s , life is a Steady,, sure .'grovvth for - all- who face, i t ; honektly‘ iuid're.vererjtly:. ■ *‘If:is .(Jo<I' nia( 1 e a11y provision in . .His. grace: fo r us to live .an abuii- ■ciaiii! i life"’ "..; tluf .vspeal<er .asked* “ There is^evidence of the .piovisioii •; th a tG lir r s t *. made . w hen. Paul a t IvphwUiji

REV . DR. W IL B U R M. SM IT H , .e d i t o r of “ Peloubet’s Select

Notes”,, who will preach m orning . and evening on Sunday.

B e t t y L y n P r o p e r t

T o W e d S t a f f S e r g e a n t

M r . and Mrs. George M. Osmun, ; of Neptune, announce the engage­ment of the latter's daughter,. Miss Gloria G. Cornelius, to Benjam in F . , Clashan, .jr., pharmacist's m a te ! th ird class, son of M r, and Mrs.!; Benjam in F . Glashan, South A tk ins j av'enue,. Neptune. . ; )

.Miss Cornelius was graduated from Neptune h igh s'chool, class of • '44, attended Monmouth J u n io r : college, Long Branch,- and .w ill, en- ! ter tra in ing September 4 a t Wil- j liam* McK inley Alemorial hospital, Trenton. .

.G lashan is also a . graduate o f Neptune high school and entered the navy Ju ly 27, 1943. . He is n o w , on a thirty-day leave a t his home,! hav ing recently returned from 18 months’: duty in tlie European thea- j.

■Mi*, a ml-Mr s.. VV alter S.. Propert,' of (Jermautnwiu- I’a., and summer res id en Is a t (U) • M t . Ta h o r , W ay, announce. the engagement of their daughter, Betty Lyn. to. S ta lf Ser­geant David I I . K inley, A rm y A ir Corps, also of Germantown.

Miss .Propert is ,a. graduate of. the Germantown, schools and in June .was gra J.uated from the Moore School of Design in Philadel­phia. She .was active a t the Young People's meetings here, • -

Sergeant K iidey who was. a ta il gunner on a B-26 is. home on a thirty-day. furlough after 9 months overseas where, he wras, attached to-:the. 0th A ir Force in France, He; has beeni . a\yarded the Purple Heart for . wounds received over, Germany, the A ir Medal w ith four Oak Leaf- clusters, and the Presi­dential-citation. Sgt. K in ley is a graduate o f Am berst college where

The Ocean Grove Recreation commission reports splendid pro­gress in com pleting it:= goal. of . a $2000 budget fo r the: equipment md operation of the, comniunity playfields in the south west .corner of the town. The total received to date is $1805. T he permanent steel back stop for ‘-the soft ball diamond is being constructed and the’ basket ball backs - are up. Swings have been - secrtred. . .Much work still remains to bo :done, but should be completed by next month, according to the committee.

The oflieers and trustees of the commission are A lfre d ;-P.’ Todd, president; Joseph Connelly, vice president; John E . NVwbon, secre­tary; Dorothy* DeHaven, treasurer;; Howard L. Sm ith, E. L. Thompson, Joseph A. Thoma, Mrs. S. E. Heth- erington, Mrs. J . , H. Hemphill, Augustus B. K n igh t, Mrs. Donald Lippincott, trustees.

The committee ropi irts the fo l­lowing- contributors'-to, field’: ___ ; 1 :...

M rs . Abrams, Miss Elizabeth A itken, Rose Arbor. M rs. J . Algoi*. A lbert Ander^oiii Sam pler Inn; Mrs. W illie Austin."

Barnegat Bay R estaurant,' M rs. Trene Batdorf. M a ry L Beare, Jean l». Beriihart, Alvin E . , Bills. The

. ...... . . • „ says ‘niahy achieve/abun-Pijbjcct .jyhrclii ,D H e i i i i o n . r.dant - life ’’ -by ' certain V processes:

as :his::t.heme. ;vVbun<lant;.Ln;-: first, in ;s.])i ritiiaf. strength a h a t God has provided'"hi* by. being filled w ith thy. . Holy Spirit.* . The ; second

. . . . . . . . thought, [’a u l <levlai;eW: ist to/, be aon ..Which he ba^ed h is . .theme • was; Chrj>;t-cen|:ered.: life,'; -'ihat Christ rent 1. ehr 1 ier b y . ^ la jo r /E m ii N 61 - .may •' 1 jve •;in - your hea it t h r o u ! son., of- the .SalvaCion Arin\\. taken' I. .. . ' Vi . * t1 i . i •» *-f l ' i im 'K ii l ie M ju is I

“ I -anr' iiiViVrosfied' ■!>>•; the high' standard o f life the -New.'Testa­ment gives for. Christian living",, the; speaker said .."N'ever at' any poilit, j ‘n the . -Xe\v . Tfestanieiit is there ,a I6\vcrin"- uf . standards, to meet the. p'optiiai;. demands! that:

j Jesus and his disdplcs .faced. .. N'ey-

Uilin.s, M rs . A. B lackloo);.. E . . ,1.; l io r to n ,. .Marlborough Hotel; Mrs.Edna Biace, L. K. Bronson, G il­bert it. Bush, .Mrs. -Malic! Battel,The Seacroft.

A rthu r Carpenter. Miss' Edna Carpenter, \\. H a r o l d . C a r- penter, Mrs. Daisy Carr, .Ocean House; Mrs. Ellen Carrie!:, Mrs.;Edith Chafey, Joseph II. Chamber- lain, ■ Hotel E a l’ierre: Eric W.S Church', Richard Clark,. M iv and I

c o ^ t ph Cu!," clly’ M r '•■;Hobu,:t ! D e a t h F a i l s T o S t o p

Mrs. Alex Damon, J B! Dav irj u a i n /*■son, M rs ;.c . D.en.hi^ii, curw in r . ; A r m y s v o n c e r tDodd, ,i. .1, Dooner, . M rs.,' Grace __ _____Drake. A llenhurst Hotel; Frank .1.Dunn, Dorothy DeHaven.

E. II. Stokes Fire Co., Eaj'lc Hook and Ladder. Co.' .

Bernard Fediles, ,7. E. Feidnian,A friend. A friend. F irst A id Squad,Mrs.-Ralph Ferrcl. I •. - ’

Mrs. K. F. Gallagher, Boscoh'el', W hile ;leadi«si ti-.e .SiilvVition H ote l; The Garrabrandts, W a ite r ! A t‘my Territorial Stall band in it:.' Gilber t, M rs .! Robert G illum . Mary '.tenth annual, music, festival iii. ii>.e: Grhce.Vi ■ Raymond-— — Qrace,\--7-0 >cea,V'Gro\v-A-iiditi*i1iufn-L att|i'dt!\fc Green Ilafrerniati .Lumber-Co.. Mr. ui^sht. Majt.r Cieur.ire Gran^e.‘‘, vet- :md Airs. Arch Grillith; - .Mrs. \V.m. . el an conductor.. \yas: stricken .\v|t!i

P r e s id in g O f f ic e r F e l t it

W o u l d E e B a n d m a s t e r ’s

W is h T h a t C bnce r>

C o n t in u e .

O c e a n G r o v e G i r l

E n g a g e d T o C a p t a i n

Mr. and • Mrs. .Tames .Wesley H iller, .36 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, have announced the engage­ment of ther-daughter, Donna Lu- menta, to Captain A lbert C. Tra- liowskt Jr ., A rm y' A ir Forces, son- of Mr. and M rs . A lbert Clarence Trakowski of Milwaukee, Wincpn- sin.

M iss Hiller- is. a student of Po­litical Science at .Middlebury Col­

lege, .'Vermont, • . . . . . .Capta in Traliowski,; is stationed

a t the Signal Corps-; Engineering Laboratories, Bel mar. He' w as a studeiit o f Engineering Physic? at

Illino is before

la it Iv.1 : Tho .;. secret ; o f i,abundan t' fiving'-is^ ;Ghrist niaking^V.-his- ’lijjme ; in- the. lu in ian' heart‘>. tlie ;speaker declared. ^ ‘'The third provision- fo r <il tun da n t i i v il; g - (ii t hi s l i f e i s a - 11#vo-con| i;«)! led . Itfe.'*• l ie fu n her defiiied’th i« :by quoting frohi Ephes- . ' ;a ii s. ■ IW\ j 7 and .=18; ,‘|That. ye' bei n g routed and Vgi'oiiiide*V'i,l .;.bjVe.; m ay : be v 'able ;iV>’;.c»>i'nprcbeni 1 .Wit\\ : a 11 ‘•aiuts jw iiat . is'.the* breadth,;- and length,: and depth ' and he)gl*:”. “.Tn de^eri b in g :the..»Ii me n.s i oijs o f Christ’s . love, / PauL said1. Christ's .'

[. 1 a ■ broad 1 ove,‘ it is .nniversa 1;His I cji!*e :; is eternal; the love of. God.: can; .never Lbe »scal<M. atid. its depth;is-^^unfath'oniaide;jt" is .sym- - pathetic ;t 13 everyone, in-xitis.-world ' ; In. ■..‘closing. ...Dr..;-. said,- * A bu ii d nt..) 5y4» g;i. is I b e • 'o nly. life woftli ■ .1 iv ing .• for. '• [C'liris.t- Is ■ ade- - fiiiate* to every ’ need and , the- ans­wer, to .human life.” . :•; Co)nm i ss i on e r Be i i j a in in, 0 rain es

Jraye: the /operiiiig. praycr and the lie ii ed ic tin t\\ \ was pronounced b y_

Guyer. ‘a ':lieni t ai taV;k; .; As he '•

ITrigadFelvAy'Ul]ain GT ITat-ri :: V 'Evi*n;ng ’ Service

. ;- • CtnViniissi«)ner Ernest; 1. Pugm ire Junip.eujvvhoVpres'ided.-at the.*i\veii:ng ser-

(rontim ini oii I’acrt' I) :: i a - , - - woo :i»resi«ien.‘ai ,* ujvenmg .ser--

•;, to the lleor he wa quicUly.remove.) ,-v.ic'e;- introduced the.spcaker of the j to--.a <I«!SS1»» room ,.n the ■ -ear ;< r| Ovo nintr. .on -. hi-, firi* o.,-,-,.ior, here | tlie A itd.toriuni, where a - n r ' - ,,j.clu:ho,.: r . ,, , ,;

i i< her« '- ,' ' r e o a r e >r 'V1't •••uirijamtri O ram es.. ot"- » • * « '- sF d , r :!>y Di‘ W illjnni A. gohln.son.- a lte r ctiii

" G a y N i n e t i e s R e V u ‘‘t t c o m . - p r a i n e i j e ^ r or '-.the' sai-i been ! dri|il

4tU.mii (int/d Vi jiersons •

;TlVii yy- ii Ve.h u i i- i .-the • .AiulitoriUnr

c • i n * * m v m j j.saw hini collapse. . . . . . . .S p e c ia l G u e s ts in Y e O ld e '. rColohet -Norinan;; ,S/ ; M a rsh a ll^T o v /n e H a l l^ , S a t u r d a y

N ig h t , A u g u s t 18 .

var|oh.;.'Arniy.; iviirk ur Canada ;_has been’ a Salvat ion Aruiy>otlicer:. for 47. years;; . He".is a ‘native o f Aus­tra lia , a iid ’ in .the last-, war served

who was- pi esnlnig attjie-XJUie. of .’u ('j)apla in w ith ’ the, Australian M a jo r (. ranger s .deatn, a nnftu need- j forces? ■ ;I n his Jopen ing woi:»ls Sun- that u - would .be the ;Major: s .wish < <lay eveniUir, lie extended a. note o f

“The Gay Nineties Revue in Ve; Olde Town'e Ilall-’i. w ill lie present-

jday eve’iiUir, lie extended a. note o f ue. tne concert..• i lie. mus-J t}10ni<s. to Com, T ugm lre ’ who-invit-. topped • mom i it a n 1 y, then ; f, j , n toi/nd dress' tlie. even ing. serf*

■|;.Vtve, o f Salvation Army-: weekend.U I I I L i t i l . J IL aXi . I I , , V. 111 U v . | ll ' ■ . - • •• l » .

oil by Hii!,: Thomson’s Auditorium i Ushers..Saturday nifjlit, August IS " ,undei- the direction, of W alter D. w ! 1-llt .T-'-''-■ - - .................................... — ••— -.

. 'Vys. ft.i'i.m ber of the orjrati-,.(|,.essi the ati-iienee on a ,subject o far- ■ ‘ atKin .s-.jv-.'e t-'-P-. lie was a Lrtf nt ininor*ai'.re; - T-Ie chose as his

anger.-:,\vho-- has i.*een • The/ Ctmiinissioner ■ said; it w as’ t lie . ; s ta ;r bmid: si nee . '^veat h onoV. and ;pri viIege to ad -

Eduowes in the .Auditorium ..'Phe .cast in its order of -appear-, » • • • • ? • • . ..... *•* '*•

aiu-e is iis follows: Andv Leach, ,’ ralV ' z 1'5 W * scrinture St. Euke .2:40.Ivan Awfulitsch, drum major; V e ' ‘ ' ‘p Wv?»{\5..; “ .Heeaus.e, I have been 'pr^ije jjoiVolunteer FSre.nenV. Band; f la v o r ill.All. tbe.ron!inents P ,,Doolittle, George. M iller;' Mrs. .Doo- \Kngland. and Fiance.- and \vah>ei i- South America and have been cb^e-

■" ■ I o n ,* ln 1... I , , , ■'* • I, rt - 1 \ I ,• -* ..-, . . |* . -I;,* associated w ith .•working' ni.m . ; 1 *i-'\fes.sini*a.l - jnoo, atid' lw»eause as

the University of

he was a member o f Beta Theta Phi ‘ eiili.sting in the Army- A ir Forcesfraternity . in . 1942.

Death Strides Band During ConcertH urry , . “Sentim ental Journey” ; j ter.Louise Arm strong, “The More I The. engagement1 was announced See Y o u” ; and Lois W ilson, “Yah- Wednesday, August' 1, a t a bulTet Ta-Ta” . . | supper a t Miss Cornelius' honie.. Geprge Toenes, New Jersey S tate ;T hose-attend ing were Mr; and H igh School champion clarinetist, - Mrs. Glashan,. Misses Shirley Glas- wi 11 play “Concertino”, von W eber,1 hanK Charles Boyce, W illa rd Hulse andlAvilllbu.-.:assisted.. in. _th‘e_second • and.:Larry-Stein, o f ,Neptune;;.My.r-, number by Bob ICanzler p lay ing on Harris, • E la ine Runner, Lois “Two L ittle Chums” , A, Perfect;. I lviiox aiid Barbara ; Feldman, of

O ther popular songs to be heard Ocean Grove..are “ Bell Bottomed Trousers” ,' Jean N itschm an; “ I Need V itam in U’V Harriet: Everett; “ It's a Long W ay Home'', Bruce S te inm an; “ When Hearts Were Young”, Al- mcda Johnson;’ “Tabby the C a t” , Jean A^chenbach; “ I W uv a Wab- b it t”, E m ily Young, and “Please Don’t Say N o”, Nancy LeMoine.

An intim ate glimpse a t the life : o f G. I. Joe w ill be presented by 1 Corp. H arry Nackos and L t. H . O.

Steinke, and other special features w ill be given by the Young People, phis a grand finale of patriotic

. songs.

False A larm a t Spray View

Smtike from an incinerator tha t filled the bu ild ing caused a fire scare at the Spray View Hotel, The W ashington Engine company Ocean Avenue, Saturday n igh t, dispatched to the scene-found ex­cessive smoke coming from burn ­ing tr a s h : and the Ocean Grove police, • investigating, found ' no blaze.

Ocean Grove .Pharmacy, 40 M ain Ave: Drugs, Prescriptions, Soda, Luncheonette. Two 'R eg V d P har­macists on duty.,Open to 10:30 p.m . — 28tf.

No date has been set for the wedding.

.. — — — ' 1

V.oung Pemberton Enters.Princeton

Jack Pemberton, son o f Rev. an<l Mrs.. John Pemberton, of Pough- I keepsie, N. Y., was a guest here ! last'weekend- of M rs . G. L. D, Tonipkins, of Interlaken. Jack ,! whose father was a former pastor- of St. Paul's church here, entered Princeton University the {lay a fte r; his high school graduation in June t to study for the m inistry; ; He is j the'nephew .of Rev. Janies. Pember­ton, pastor of Ballard Methodist church, Asbury Park.

American Barber Shop, 52 Main Ave. AH hair cuts are 50c.— 22tf.


I wish to; thank all who so kindly sent me cards and flowers, and who called on me or inquired about my welfare while I was ill in Fit- k in hospital. Rev. J . N. Kugler.

— 32*

A U C T IO N E E R B. G. Coats, Tel. Lg . >Br. 3599.

Licensed and Bonded.— 9 i t . .

iioouttie, ueorge. iMiuer; .\irs. .uoo* • ' ^ ' . • :»Y -r- \little. John. Dixon; Ye O lde 'jlaes- :!n l*!>V'™«mled m the A rras-C ,tro." villaBe music' teacher, W a l t ” ™' '•,'M:arement .in A.ifrnst. !h ....................... ... . . . .Eddowes; Ye Village- Oivaiiist. H« W l> i?c< l one and ,I,reeled.two ,, face .the worhl andJosephiiie Eddowes; Ladies C ho ra l' JJV)lta i \. - “ V ^ a,1.‘)(la P\ l9]: Af c a n i. ill v. 9w.1v.J1 vipg. you *11 1 orgive Society. . ":*• j t . r' 11!1- \ nVV ;»ie; i f . I. sp^/nk ton ig iit oh; the sub-

Guests: / Carrie : 'Nation,' Joe ! - . ,,?nvf ,w................. ' ................. ~Tweedy; Senator Bliilf, B ill Gray; • •.Mrs. BlulV, Ell Spit?.; Ye Towne i , A Gossips. Ellis Worn-. Rutirir Stir- 5 :l1llc't '11 . “ v

anger had been ,'coii-:- .Ul; b'atid 'iu eaelv of ;;

Hie ;^even. concert s. given a? a part: t> f; the • a it h mil., ga t he 1; i.i i g j n O e ean

! Grove. •>v . ' ; ■ . . "• ■.-.-:;■• Th \boily wa< re 111 oved . to the

. .M aithew sv •'.Franciopi .and Taylor :.P'lineral l io n v . As!»ury IMrk,; tipon- j t he i> vd f »: ;o f ' I) r .* 'Harvey 11 nr til t an,•; c.otuny;’ ph y s i e i a n i :hv> Cftmpbell Finiernl Uo.nie,. of New; York C ity ;;

Lwei-e.:inlt haree of fu tv*i~al a i-rangc-;

Hay Mauley, hasso pidfotindor San- i.-n.'v-t*,. • .

dow, Ye -Towne S lrdnn Mr.n. ' 11 u ^- ■ ' , \!J-r,V n ■ • -llleerker Stirli.w ;- I. i 1 I a r o l; f ^ n h ■' C-V 1

I.CW Mulfovd. hathinK cus-

Fpurt e/'*• t li st, N^W V o *. C;^'. ? onel Norman S. Marshal!r,.ehief-

ling; Diamond. »Iim 'B rad lev, Sam*- uel Y e o ; L i (1 inn R usse II, E ’d. J en r (ley; Ye .V inage: Organ Grinder/ Tjnny aiid de Monk; EtVrle Beach; Ve V illage T’arson,. Carl • 1 lorsehoi ; Ve Parson’s W ife, Pat, Dodd; Ye V illage. Blacksmith.- ;’Teii Pierce; Barber Shop Quartette: A lv in Bills, first tenor; Anily Leach,, second

TO G E O R G E : . (A Bandsman’s Tribute)

You were there when the final chord was played. ;Your orders camq before the festiva l was done, :.. .'

And when they came, you le ft the p latform , George.You le ft and yet you stayed w ith everyone, .-

It 's true tha t fo r a fleeting moment, ’Horns were silenced, doubt prevailed,

i. And then we knew the music must go on. ’ -V:"

So trem bling hands raised saddened horns to grieving lips,' The music sounded— filled the balm y air. - '

Y our friends, your comrades p lay ing songs of Z ion And know ing even then th a t you were there.

W c , ymi wore there'when the final chord was played.You went on w ings of music-marching friend,And le ft us w ith determ ination to play our p a r t u n t il the

very end.

Hathtmner; W alter Carr; bath ing g irl; .lake Beutell, peace otlieer; Ye Vil- laire Sluile ^ Ia r tn .M ilt Condit; Ye Shuie Soloist, Karl Lein; Ye Skule Children; selections by the F ire­men's band.

Special guests will he; Teddy Roosevelt,. B ill Thomson; P.. T, Barnuni, George B urrow s;: Jenny Lind, Arch Grifiith; Gihson . G irl, Heiiry. Nicdenstoin; Bu/Talo Bill; Joe Thoma; . Ann 'e Oakley, Al Todd; Ye Count»*y Chaniiicen. J u g ­gler; Ye Old Fashioned^ Mellow- :Drama, snitched from th e .Jaw s 'o f Death; H a ir Breath. H arry , the Hero, Ray Manley; Edna, the beau­tiful Cloak . Model, Howard Peter­son: Dead Eye Dick, the V illa in , Earle H eight: Cactus Ike, the Fid- ler, Arch Griffith; Grand Finale.


The preacher S unday August T2(h at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30.. p. in. w ill be Dr. W ilbur M. Sm ith, Edi­tor of Peloubet’s Notes.— 32 ,

secretary.' officiated :ff tbi? ser.vice. l; The St ii tV Band play v* I ; ■ $e tun end .J' inarch. “ Proinbted to* tilory.*’ A ■ voc;al solo, was ronderejl by. Ivnvoy Frank Fowler. • -Mrs. W illiam • H. McGue , tra v e tlie 7. openitvg ;• prayer. and 'Maior . Edward Cln>;k' ' pro­nounced tho benediction. Messages,

i were irivon by:. Brigadier/ Charles B ea rch d l..

The buria l service, h?ld a t 3:30, 1). • in. Tuesday a t Kensico Ceme­tery. New York, was conducted by Com inissioner. Donald McM illan. Lt. Col. Edw in Clayton read the. scrinture and de livered the n, aiid-Major W illiam Boai;ehel1 gave the ben«<!ictioii, followed by Taps^ Vhe Male chorus w a s present to sing. a


Dr. Joseph F , Heine Dr. George M , McEneany .

S18 Orokmon Ave., A. Pi TeL 154

C A R R O L L H . F R A N C IS M. D.U. S. Navy (Ret.)

U, S. Vet. B.u. Offi. Phy .:—i d o 7 pm 606 2nd Ave., Asbury Park

— I6 tf .• :

ST A T IO N E R Y : F ine assortment a t Onenahaws, “The Greeting Card Store”, 60 M ain Avenue.— Adv.

je • t • “ The.; Foi’gott en ".Christ/- vTiijiO; 1‘i'i.isVs us t^ -forget”, the

rneaUer c o . n t i T l i e r e . is the stiipy; ofV;i hi? forirotteii ' nian who ; eomes.;out >o• i tbe• stage and his. na i«Vcs '• appv.aV• h i : headtl no’s i . bii L '■'miv ' < o d p ; » r « /':foi:^',-tt«n. In . :the .-:i ' ^ rCiinada 'i> ^.000.000'V'.Hidiiimodi'^'Sonni peonle. put : it there;<lei: *J ’vebei*;i Va* Sa jva t^ ‘t.i-. A rm y ...biViccr fo r o\*iriv. ' yea‘--.-. 1. • Van'/. jni t • u p :‘ m y .,

.and;v1trut:!it;^lx:;-spy;' ‘N o t ' iUu- -

in ^ vpres*e(l.:;h Is -. n» \» >t ITTl ho" '?vi ’ ;*r of . th**; A lid it or him ushers.•r; I«; s j j £ j i; ■.«. ;j: coi» n; (■ y ;nhe i»

!,v -avi*. i)Oj)*v*'-*ed ;»in'o\j<>!V’ t o -.; . ; . » : Go()’s . ji'ace -:pii 'iii-.*, Sab- *jj«.**.!*■ '..; ■' '■.*.: -.’vi'^rii"'; fen ; ;si>ldiers; - forgiit ten- r• rl. »rmd- u ' i.^ott eti naie rf' s; a *-e’ -a 1 r 1

• ci*? i.’.npit«rh; but f joiv sb'ill I, re- * -.jvion'i*: t ) ia t , forger Christ ?

iixv*1; in* ■•/.'isJitisv. pul/*i• ’ng world b• •.<• **s. f);.»r 1 s rootn for business :

1 * <::>■ ti n for tun)) tel y .for ' ‘h'-.'st, - t ’lei e 15-not' a-’place- ho can '■nter. • T V 'v 'p i 'i^ s fimn so deep- ■,

’ ’* • " "* '7’ *1 1 h e . .bu i n o : in a y -'ficiiv ,th^. business" of pro-

;j,ic .p h i.* ’ he \iVged.

“ r»v. wtirl’v ng ««'Veii da:?s a week \ye m ay make a little money, by at-

itMin'il o|t Pjipo. 3)

\ritjle’s Main Central • Pharmacy Ta-sty. del:riot*s.sandwiches of a ll

liids find -''. lunch at Nagle’s 'odn Fo'intaih, tn :Main Avc.~adv«

Dr. Norman I^ayton, Chiropractor, 97 Abbott Avenue, Ocean Grove. Phone. A . P. 5130.— 31-35. •

I f yon wa” * j>n' A U C T IO N E E R

Call W E T T L IN , A / P . 1490 -15 tf. J

Page 2: F L A S H - DigiFind-It

FRIDA AUGUST 10,’'1946

lough IB com liijf" up unori: a iH ! ; ! think I ’ll try luul ilrup ill to tho Au«lltnr}um some Sundny nnd also try tlio good old A tlantic for a real swim. As over, IU11I".


IN UNIFORM1,1. XV. S. I'crkinH 0-691021 1100 A A F lion Unit Caribbean l)iv . A.T.C.A I’O 8 IS, M iam i, Florida

1 Dear U nde Hill: Well, it's been n long time since I Inst wrote you so by the Inws of average Perlc finally go t around to writing. By tho way, I ’m now in. Puerto Rico whore all indications po int to my peinm mm Uy being stationed here. I ’ve been transferred oftt of my old outfit; Troop Carrier, to A ir T ransport' Command. Sure hated leaving tint old group bu t it is nice to live, like » white m an again. Our quarters" lici-e are lovely and there are four o f'us to a bungalow w ith all the'modarn' conveniences of home. Yep. even to electric re­frigerator nnd stove; . The field is beautifu l and one o f the best over­seas. We have.a grand club, sw im ­m ing pools, tennis courts, and even a golf course of IB holes. A io t has happened since I le ft England and Fv.uice, bu t it is a ll pleasant m em­ories. We had a tough job to do but -ve did r it. You read about our big operations in the paper, like Normandy on D Day, Holland, and the Rhine. That wasn’t ali because all the .tim e in between we' were flying supplies, etc., up to the front lines. When the big push went into Germany, we went r ig h t along tak ing gas, etc. to help keep them moving. I ’ve seen Frankfort and scores of other German cities. You ’ll never know what a grand job bombers did un til you see the rubble- of Germ any’s cities. I ’ve been flying this Douglas C-47 quite a few times now ant! it ’s a wonder­fu l. ship. ' W e had to land fu lly loaded ships, w ith a ll kinds of loads, in little places that you wouldn't dream were a ir fields at times. We’d, drop in over bills and mountains and Sand on their pas­tures and wheat fields and still we'd make it. A ll this is over now and we’re fly ing a ir line style but I wouldn’t have missed th a t flying with the 315th T C G fo r anyth ing in the world. The C-47 is a grand g irl and for our money- the best plane in the business because no other ship could do the job as well as .the.Old Lady did. She took.,the unexperienced pilots and brought them safely through because she couhi take a beating. I took quite a few pictures while flying over Prance and Germany and hope to show them to you all when t get back. Most of them are ill TCoda- cliromo so ! can project them on a screen. I got some excellent shots, on the ground a n d .hope they tu rn out good. I f there is a n y th in g - else you would like to know just, let me kiiow. i guess this is all to r this time. W rite spoil. Sincerely,

Hit riilil \v: .Uninv«r rlir is tnphrr Ui'Hzrl .Millon. IthJifuny

, lit'tinWir II. U i l i ' y . -Waller II. Hll«*y \V (*>!*'} HUivy HiTiuir.l T . II hm A'alicr-T..It Ini? •A11’rn i It n l« I ii so u .*< . liniitllfnti Hull la nil \f; ntlu HI .1. I I i ii i i it ; •

mi Ui . it . itiis- IMwuril .1.II. finj-al .'Ullsli

; W illiam Sam|isoti. ,VV Kiln in I.. ?iji iilntrii • i;., Ail rit in S fh nn lz ; . ’I'litMiilnri* Si*lilc»**>*nirlt > r:i nl« 1>n

•liowtinl Si'uuuis ••I **ui rli’s - l.i Sc Vi-rs. (*) AV (Min lit. Nlmllrr ’ t;«*on:t*; Slillilti II.-.ytrirlialn* Shlhlpy, 1*1*11*r • i,. Slili»li*.v, >r; r.nrli- it. <; still Mi • (*): K iMtjU'tli- .1. sin It h I .oil j-I*. I’. • Sin I Hi Unlii'il A. SinJili If ii III 'K. Stull Ii ■ ViT.iic I-,. Smith AViirriMt. 1*. Smith*W ill In m. 11. Smltli I'll ill !».- Siilttli'houso I.. sii'lniHTi?. ot In ',S l i t l l f- J r . ll lilm n l U. •Stout W ilbur St nut , liouj-'Ins.Stirlfiiir.A lhrrt J StrnsshurRot i\.,I. si rii>slinri?i*iy .lr; 1 loiiti lil : St n it ton

- Itiihi'rt Hi Strutton llihvanl AV. Stratton, ■ U irM V. Swftiurton.

.lolin f.VHynts, Jr .(V i- li T n y ln r W'ooKfy -Thompson;Ft! m in i Thoms Martin J. Tobin- •

‘ lrvl|i« Tozonr > Uttthvr(*«v«!., Trimmer .liwpplr Vuii ( 11*11 f •I’ri'ilnrirK Van r io o f .. Wit rri'ti X.. Vasi'I (•)It ..‘.nl Ip A . “V nlut :

•sjiliM 'j T. W'lilton Utilpli F. AViihvortli W illiam S. -Wnnl Alnrshnll W’nrn<*r s • i iii111*I WfitMin, Jr.

i itfiiriru- (% Wi-Jilon • henro* IK Wpslorvrit It a r.r y W . W Ii It« :AI|n*rI' Whlto.

T.y itMI C. White liiilh It. White

C Jiir lii. W liltrhfin! nil Ih . W hit fori! r . Stephen AVlrlort

- rtinvnsiH ,T. AV Ii'le rt (•>' |{iiIm*rl W'illiiuns1)11 V hi W)l I Jams’ *Jr. Sura \i'illi:it»i*i.’ . • : Jfoiiii F. W i l l In ms .lull n I*. IV III him son,

Wills. W illiam IV -Winter Nor in it n Woli*nit It. lu Ill'll! Wolrotl . • llrit ry .7.' W iioil r I ii i?» ■.lolin W. WopJIi'y .; 1'htfir AVrlicht • • *•'_... illiitfiriK* W rinht John S. A*i'o •.fnlin S. I*. A'otini?1 ill wlti Yoiiiij?JllSI*|l|| : Vl>ll tie

•Ininfs llnruiiiloti : Kii.viiioihl Hnrt;iiilon i*' W in slim . llnt'KrnAt*

ill in ii) ilnrrls II. M y run ; Ilnrrls .Istcitii '.HaitsvUau, :jv,|

...W llllnin w .llW nt*. Jr.■lami's II ciKlrJi'Usoii ’Janif>'--||».rln‘r l"Hiilii‘t'1 , ll»>|lirnnl; .I hli .lt u l I V ‘ • Vl.lwar.l It.' 11 oil

. . MloH: Itli liai'ii llo l/ . . . •W;ilHnin; tilli:Ill'S ■ • • r:liarh's it. ■ limitrr.- • Aliirtlii-.lliTley •;H*;« Ina lit .liitr lvy ' r: % ii ii * I*:, .iiim i's . . v u ioM 'f. U.- .liim i^. .ir.,

v. Il on a i'll ;iinnoii.nirnn, jr . i.,lui'<; AV. .ii't'i'rry-SmilJi : JiHni *W, J i li'r.A . • I*. .loJin^i'iv.

! ^ litry ' hi'Jm . '.losi.pii, . liniM.p' l.>nru«‘ l\ |-|«;I'C • , \

. AVHslMI I\ !• il llI'll.V •Haul Koli)lla .

■ W llllnm ■'I1. ICri*st:o . ' li»m t‘r l(rr*iri'. .1 r .;-

. Iiorntliy 1). Kticlrr <*>nnir l»itI»or lt;iiiiln|]i|i i,ii itnrrr •. . Itiiyiiiiiiul .H. I.n iisliil'rr .Hn’V I.I'tit .. v ■'A r lh n r*. V*. I,iiK *(*) , • *'■ AV II1 la n i ' F t\H ton I. in s . /

...lo-cpli H.' I, fir li wooi) .. WnJIni*i*. l ’. ?,in| tvlar

. ;J(uln-rl '^riiHllM* '* ’ *t. W llllnm I .yon lion lm i .11 ucanIiiy **W 111 hi m •. Mnrliay •K>. M«rAVh$h«»*y, -Jr. . HnsUntr .MarWlilniiVy ‘ Wcoriii'H ., ^lai»i*r •

. Kilssnil |*. Al ii .fur f •). Donirhis. It.-.MntiH'y'

,.Toliti A. AIJtrftn • , .Thomas W. Alartin,. Jr. .Tliotmts W . M u rtin- Unlii rl .ilI'C lrllnm l . Jr. ; WfllJam ’ IK- >lr(*l**Ilninl HohiTt II. Him iii* ’I»n vlii. V. Mi'tz

: J.r.«iti AlIlllcnn : Frnnli .11 UN .'l.o«is '.I,, .illsurnc ..

C la ri'iin* Alorrls. ... .liuiii”* Athvrt- Morrln

Will fix ' I.. Alorrls W liiiam lt.' Morris I*) ltoln*rt K, Alos*: •

; Arthur. .Tr M ln iin t. ’ifi>M-|ih .llotml•Willliim - Alofkrlilui' . Harry AHillU»»'it. (**).Ind; 3I1I11II<<<II. ■ - lU ihan l V. Mulltni'n ’ ' •In11n .I..AI nr|ihy *Ala Im'I f>. >'ii I ter I ' . . Iiiilril >'i'lsnn*

. (’hitrli's .W,.; Ni'WPomh •lohii .V. Ni'Ui'omh.. Nonimn* Norris . dona i»l 0 |».|v|;W,

.1 it l*r .r>i rii or ' ■ •■Cly.1i* I'm1 tin ni*

,.-N o rm :i n .If.- Ha i* h a nt - •. (•'rnriri* • l';i t li'r>nii, ,lr. - •; Dfirl*.-,.!, ■ Horliins W ill Jam S; Hi* r kins . I'.huiT A; Hi-rry,'; • :11 Ay »l I* n H itry ..lolin I'ottit W iill^ni'/A : l»fclfi>r rarro il S.-Hli-ri'p .-., * .loJlH I'llTll* r . . A. HJprci*. Jr.

-T. .• IC.'H <• lr h I-1 <!«• r f «• r

tbe Poet’s Corner

!* H6trfr4*I.i'orif.i«J H. Itoi;i>rs.Wall<t* S. .Str'ljifimnn j i : Alfri'tl-»>f. SrottW llllam (!. Srott I lm ia n r W , S«thy, Jr.

. . II. «iWhy Wilt In i't* Shaiturr J a m r*> _ .T. S b rr.rii r»l,3 d J

. .1 S.' Siiti|i1*lnsHfri’il. f’v. Slniislmry Wni. II." sfiitishitry Ilavlil K. Sti'Ai'its . ;IJoyil..l^ Sli'vpiis . Ith'hnril It. StirilMC Frank i;. Sirollsky It ut h . StroII'iky - v W ill in in ii, s i tilts r<. IV. Knlllvno. Jr. Hraltii'nl F. Suafn * .<>. I). Swijn’t Itniicrt* l:. Swank •• VJi'ior. T. Tho’mns H. Tl»om\iMin, -jr.'It. I>; Thomson '•lolin Tlinmni ,H lrniy It, T ruitt , 1'.ih\anl ei Truyh'r. .Ir.II. WIIhnr. Tunis * l\i'niip||| M. I ’ ltttPr Sian (mi F.-rtmpr Frank IV.. Van- Zam il • Will hi m .A. AViicnor Ihirohl Warrlnirton • IMtfirr V. W'nsiiuha ncir ll:i**ry W. Wit|son Itolii-rl T. Wi'Ktro W illiam U: O. Wolls llnrry AVliri'lor *■liH'R W. W illiams . Amlri'M Wilson, ,Tn. St»\nli*y V, AVoofli Jr. Hoficrt Wooil • •

i IliirM I!.. 7.Inijj?



S This i t a hurry ca ll to every experienced tele­

p h o ne ope ra to r in th is area.. We need.your help,

your- experience, your t r a in in g a n d b ack g ro u nd

to h and le the trem endously-increased vo lum e o f

te lephone traffic g o in g th rough our exchanges

these d ay s—-m uch o f i t caused hy re tu rn ing

servicem en.

9 W ages pa id are the h ighest in h istory o f the

com pany . Salary credit w i l l be' a llo w ed for past


9 This is a real opportun ity for form er operators

w h o w o u ld lik e to re turn to active duty.

« Y o u c an v /o ik part lim e o t lu l l lime-

CH0C0U 1l*FUl)GE*CARAMEi D e lU h s s C a n d y Bar

• A n sw er fh it ca ll fo r h e lp now . The need is


• Your te lephone I i h and y . P ick ' i t u p a nd ask

fo r the C h ie f O p e ra to r :

M Ih Stodelhofer— — lo rn & li^orntatlon Chief Operator,

Aslury Park, Official 11

Miss Smith— ToU Chief Operutor, Asbury Park, Official 40



Page 3: F L A S H - DigiFind-It



| G u e s s T h e T u n c |

I C o n t e s t 1

I WINNERS ).................................................. .

Twcnty-ono persons subm itted correct papers a t the Cucss the Tune youth contest Monday after- noon in the Auditorium , w ith Mrs. Eddowes a t the organ.

The first three tunes used repro- . sented species of flowers. The next four were the seasons of the year. The program was as follows: Rose, "The Last Rose of Summ er” ; vio­let or daffodil, “ A pril Showers” ; Buttercup, “ Sweet L ittle " Butter­cup” ; Summer, “ In' the Good Old Summ ertime” ; Autum n, “ Song ! of Thanksgiv ing” ; Spring, “ Easter Parade” ; W inter, “ W hite Christ­mas”.'' •’ ;•. The winners were L ila Mae Abrams, 83 Stockton avenue; Sh ir­ley Baldwin, Scarsdale, N. Y .; Mrs. W illiam W ardell, Majestic hotel; Esther W eyant, Belleville; Dorothy Allen, Claire Hemon, 115 P ilg rim Pathw ay; Lois Alexander, E la ine Quigley,. Jam es Alexander, 82 Stockton avenue: Jane t Roach, Baldw in, L . I .; Miss Grace Archi­bald, 17. P ilg rim Pathway; Louise

•' Grestaevel, ,2C Ocean Pathway; Mrs; H. D. Sm ith, Ardmore-Sym- merfield; Lois H . S turtz, Pathway M anor; -D. Pettigrew , C lifton ;

- Mrs. Charles E. W altz,.M rs. Robert Bigsby, Nutley; Thomas Sm ith, G7 P ilg r im ' Pathw ay;' , Sally R u th Busch, 81 Broadway; Ida Bryza, 12

.K in g s le y PI.; Ruth Goldsmith, -G rand A tlantic hotel.

— — j — •:

The Beach Comber ]Hello kids! W ell,.you d idn ’t get

sunburned did you? The weather man didn’t give you much , chance ! to do tha t but don’t give up hope .1 01’ .Sol is sure to come out o f h id ing soOn. ' V

. Let's- look around and see. w hat >ve can d ig up. this week. I t ’s, swell to. see the fam ilia r faces o f other seasons around the Grove; For in ­stance— Steve. W ie lert and Boh Holbrook looked like they were en­joy ing themselves on th a t, ra ft which Steve brought home w ith h im . M illie Sisco w ent a long fo r the ride. 1 Also here’s a hello for A ldyn Graham Taylor— glad to be back A ldyn 1 .. *

■We’re anxiously w a iting to see Stan U lm er w a lk ing ; the boards with a g irl. So ‘ fa r he’s stayed

, pretty, close to home. A re you holding ou t for a special one S tan? Those two beautifu l g irls from last year arfe 6ack; O f course we mean Marianne and Flossie. Have you

• caught any boys yet g irls?. W e were going to pu t something

in this week about Doug . Sm ith. > go ing out w ith M argie aga in-but

we. decided not to cause his other g irl m ight read it. The N. E . um ­b re lla , boys m ust have taken our advice because they’re noticing the passing g irls now. As if th a t was­n ’t enough they asked , Duncan (Professor Q u iz) Hallock to fix them up w ith dates.: W ha t k ind of a lecture did you give them last Saturday M a? .

Wo hear from a very roll able source th a t George H o lt Ih looking twice n t.a certain Doris {Belleville) A llaire. .Y o u should take your walks more often, Pat, O r do you prefer thc. soldiers th a t you and Ann I licks had the other n ig h t? Yes, we told you A im would bo back. W ell, she d idn 't lose, any time either.

Fellows, have you taken notice of all the blondes from the N. E. cafeteria th is ,year? We've heard it rumored tha t some of them seem to like the N. E.* guards. . Now I wonder what lifeguard l i k e s blondes? Marilyn Cannon ..and Ginny Hancock make a cute couple on the beach. W hen are you g irls go ing to get some fellows?

Harold Harrison can be seen lately w ith a blonde named; Jean. Where did you get her H aro ld? Too bad you had to have th a t set­back with, your leg Herbie. Y ou . know the g irls a t S. E . won’t feel \ secure till you’re' on the bench again. V iv Ball has deserted N. E. beach fo r S. E . th is year. June U lm er has been missed a t N . E . too. • -.

W e found out i t isn’t the food tha t attracts Tommy Shotwcll to the Macaroon Shop. Her name is Joan Bannister. Did you enjoy yourself a t the Auditorium w ith Dolores Sunday n ig h t . Tommy? Alan Konzelman and Bob Brown are seen w ith two., g irls alm ost every place they go. Funny, isn’t it t lia t both g irls;are named Carol.

We have another, t ip — this time for you S. E . fellows. Haven’t you noticed tha t cute sister of Herbie Doele?. Her name is . Betty ‘ Ann. “ B, J .” had her sister on the beach this week. W e alm ost thought we

I were seeing double b u t tha t’s al- j r ig h t too. The N. E. bell-boys seem to stick to their, girls, from Palmer-

! ton. W e th ink they’re nice too fel- ■ lows. Has Norm K lauder really ( settled down to th a t one girl ? We | wonder how you stand it.Norm!-/

Why- doesn’t : someone, notice Jeanne DeBlock find we do mean tha t certain S. E . Umbrella lioy rhe makes .-A Hie B ills is home on leave. Be sure-he has-a nice- tim e, g ir ls .. Thelma Aschenbnch has a new adm irer in the person of Bob Bunnell. W h a t’s the m atter, Charlie, are you- s lipp ing? By the way, where’s sister . Jean ? We haven’t-seen her lately, : ’

Hope to see you all a t the. Young People’s concert Saturday, .night. I f the A ugust ta len t presents as goof] a program , as the. Ju ly group it shoiild^be tops. Don’t forget, i f

you’d like to see your, name in p rin t, drop us a lino a t tho Tinier ollice. •

Meanwhile have fun so the Beachcomber can d i g d ir t !

B a n d m a s t e r(Continued from I’nge 1!

tendin'); the best Universities We may cultivate our m inds, b u t to - niffbt-I want to rem ind,you of tho Master himself, tlia t warning, o f His, 'W h a t shall it profit a man if he (jain the whole world aiid lose his soul.’ We are liv ing in terrible .cl/iys when- realities of life are thrust upon us and when certain­ties, of death are very hear us. Tlie realities of .life warn us ?*ot to forget Jesufe, and the certain­ties of 'loath are an added warn- jnjr:r not to leave H im out t>f our lives.”

The speaker reminded us of St: Paul who said near, the end: of his life, " I have fought tlie good fight;I have finished my course; ! have liept the good fa ith '' Paul, remem­bered the Lord Jesus Christ. In .closing' Com. Orames Urged, “ I f ever-you th ink you may forget H im , remember He is tlie only hope for: our poor blighted w orld . to day ." '

The evening service was closed impressively w ith the sing ing of the "H a lle lu jah iChorus"- by the Auditorium choir arid the -Sinff Band and male chorus led by W a l­ter D. Eddowes. The (lag was lighted and the entire audience stood during the sing ing and joined in the final H alle lu jah.

Col. Norman S.- Marshall gave tho opening prayer and Brigadier A. E. A rkott pronounced the bene­diction, Several' selections were rendered by the Staff Band and Male C lio ius during , the service, led by M ajor W . E; Bearchell, as­sistant Bandmaster. During the 15 m inute song;i>erio<l led by Mr. E d ­dowes, Frank Fowler, bass soloist, of the Salvation A rm y, sang.

The flowers in the fo n t 'wove'. In loving memory of-Dr. and Mrs. A l­

fred W ngg from tho, fam ily ; Com­missioner and ' Mrs. B. ilo lz, from Brigadier and. Mrs. (i. tllatr Adams; L illia n K. C. liiier- ley, from her children)- Mr. and .Mrs. W. II. Selfridge, lovers of Ocean (!t;ove. and Salvationists from their children; Staff Captain Harrctt .1. -i\Iugford, given by his wife'; A rthur , F . ' Mugford, from wife and son; M ajor and Mrs. James A llan ,- from the ir children; D a v id : W . Banks, from Helen Ii. Weeks: Lt. Col. and,'-Mis. A lbert 10, Kates from their grandchildren', A lbe rt and iieverly Baggs;' A d ju ­tan t W. (1 Crouch and mother M is. Rose Ballantine froin Mrs. W , (;. Crouch;1 M ajor IOJIoii Wilson, from mother, Mrs. Ad ju tant C. W il­son; Mr. and Mrs.-Joseph Cham ­berlin, Trom fam ily ; Ll, Commis­sioner Richard Griffith from sis­ters aiid brother; Brigadj6r Oscar Hagg, from -.vlfe and; children; Miss Sarah Louise Akers and Mr. and Mrs. F itch, from Fi'aneis F. Woolley.

The total attendance for the d a y was

JA R S ,

C A PS ,

L ID S a n d

R U B B E R SAnd follow instructions ia.

tho Dali Blue Book. To get your copy Bend JOc with your namo and address to—

M il f.SOlHSSS eOMMNY, Muncit, Ind.

flsk For~>

Painting is Fun When You IIte

Cook & Dunn

9deal frvi the SeadJuyie GL+tuUe

• - •«'***•»

At Leading Paint & Hardtcare Store*

- v

I C EP r e s e r v e s V i t a m . '

Ico keeps foodstuffs-molsturc-l r;\i\ —br^BgfVgs thelr henlth-glvlnB vit­amin comerft...

For H o m e Delivery Service

P hono ^

Asbury li’ark


l E R V K E

the Shore-


P S a l t W a t e r :

■ T a f f y / IA-I/L (Mill CA.VDIICS ;

ROME MADE. A I. I. :i< ! N* D S ' . tM A IL E D E V E R Y W H E R E . .2

GREGORY'S \CHOCOLATE SHOPPE ’516 Cook man Aye., A ..P . . E


< t'tirmv rty. 1 .'*1U A y I*.,1 X . Y.f!.> ;


101 E m o r y S t ., A . P .

ST YL IN G , P ERM A N EN T S , D Y E IN G — Personally Su- ;

pervised by CORTEZ "■Phone.A. P. 731S

| Fun a t the Hoach |

I Pedal Boats 1i ° n<t i

! Motor Boats 1f . . on - |

I Wesley Lake f1 B e tw e e n A s b u r y P a r k \

| a n d O c e a n G r o v e

I F L Y I N G S C O O T E R |

I , Lake and Asbury Avenue.

| - O C T O P U S .1

| - 3 r d A v e & . B o a r d w a lk |

| A s b u r y P a r k |

S T R I C T L Y b u s i n e s s

I r l i l f f i i l ’

Fvewrife this Setter 1S times, seT'd cut the one with the least mistakes!”

THESE WOMEN ! B y .d ’Alessio

§ O B S T A C L E G O L F ||

| (T h e G o l f C o u r s e w i t h |

| th e w i n d m i l l ) I ;

4 t h A v e . & B o a r d w a lk |

Skee-Ball Alleysat the


m. . , ... ...

'M r \ '

" A \

‘I f there 's n o answeir, o p e ra to r , g iv e m e tha t w rong

n u n ib e r a g a in !”




1 9 3 5 1 9 4 0 1 9 4 5 1 9 5 0 ?

N um ber of Farm

t e le p h o n e s in

N ew Jersey Bell

area, 8 ,000.

N um ber o f Farm

te le p h o n e s in

N e w Jersey Bell

a rea , 9 ,000.N um ber of Farm

te le p h o n e ; , in

N ew Jersey Bell

area, 12,000.

O v e r h a l f o f th e f a r m s in t h i s a r e a n o w h a v e t e le p h o n e s

Ever no tice h o w many, o f your N e w

Jersey farp i fr iends have te lephones?

T he figure in the territory served by

N e w Jersey B e ll is 51 pe r cen t— w ith a

steady u p w a rd trend in . ev idence, fo r

m any years. T h is trend w i l l be g iven

new im petus w hen w ar co nd it io n s per- •

m it further extension o f lines and

en largem en t o f present exchanges. I n

th is connec tion ; it is in teresting to note

that n in e o u t o f ten farm s w ith o u t tele-

-phones are near-enough to ex isting

lines to ob ta in service w ith o u t paying

ofF-property cons truc tion charges.

N um ber of Farm

telephones in New

Jgrsey Bell area (es­

tim ated), i 7 ,000.

N E W J E R S E Y B E L L T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y • &










Soluiion In Next ..Issue,

I 2,;. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

n 13 : . 1 14

15 16

W h17

19 20 21

22 ; 23

W h24 25

26 27 28

m29 30

31 33.W h

35 36 37W fo


39 40 41

42; . 44 . 45

46- 47.w *

48 49 50

51 52 53 . 54

55 56 57 . t


No.. 35

J10IUZ0NTx\L‘1 Urn ’. i Sh i p*'s"-c om-'

• .:plemcnt.' i) To' batter

Preposition '13 Danish-island. 4.Yq11ow ' Bugle

? 5 .Aromatic plant .

.‘.7 Cut short '!)• Washes

lightly21 Bacteriolo- '

gist’s wire22 Farm, ‘ building - 24 Paid notice '25 Vase28 Native metal 27 To satisfy29 Whether :il Cover12 Note of scale

French for ’Hhe”

^4 Nahoor sheep35 Hypothetical .

force36 Gathered38 To spread

for drying39 Man’s* nick­

name .

40 Teutonic.•deity- , .V-

"4rSoulhwest«"” . ;i ern Indian -

42 Seed;. coating ■ 44 Clothing - 4G Calmest 48 Abounds V51 Caoutchouc . tree . . -

52 To crease .54 Chief divinity, of ancient.

Memphis 50 Woody plant ■*: 57. Slave

VERTICAL1 .By way of .2 G irl’s name3 Mixed .4 Reddish- col­

oring matter :5 Symbol for 'calc ium6 To fall back7 Is mistaken8 To court0 To mature

10 The birds11 Manufac­

tured.16 Printer’s


18 Smallopenjn .

•20 Tnfnsacttons22.|5hi!ippin«

weapon •23 Dry25 Employed27 English baby

carriage, •28 Nimble29 Arrow..poison30 To lose color34 Thorough­

fares. ■30 To fashion.37 To adjust

39 Ornamented . —with squares'

. of baked clay 4 \ Fa brie. '42 River in Asia43 To irritate44 Musical -instrument

45 That thing •. 47 Newt49 To provide •


50 Feminine . pronoun

53 Prefix: from

A nsw er to.T?«>j|p N o . ||,


Page 4: F L A S H - DigiFind-It

[Your Confidcncc Is Our Whole Concern'


THE STREAMLINER - By .CollierTHE OCEAN GROVE TIMES, And Hhni'c Thmcn;• I'u h>It licil, Krlilnjr ■ HOll l-Mr |>. n UKSin:, K.ntor. Itml VutillBimr .

,Hiir> .him* .1 niM’H, I,ni*iii i ;il (forHiXTv i h r u m a i\ a v i i m ' i:, on:.\> n k w jk u h k y

tvlin ilimu' •?

BPHSCIlI I ‘T IONS: ' ill 00 y vH iiy ; fl.25 sciul-HiuiiuiUy; 70c. <juartorly or JMiil iM/r/iai'c* |H*i<Cojiv, |ii>.h|;i«i' |»;IUJ In tIn*-1'nlH‘il. Slati!H;-'C<inililii ♦JK.'iO atl« Foreign,( I.fiU a y**,ir. ,V ;:-v; •' : :

Al>!>llKSS.|iJs - v'l*i,f**ri*«l 1 iiit r»»tjii*i>s.i ;'.iii\vu.vs. iciv#*•; former . mhlresH.:Al iVl'JItTlSK.'il KNTS ti.ifi.M ,\vjlf hr furnished l.y iis on. . .

W A T t'H rili'J; i.A liK J , |'»N ■'Vi.U.’ ii- I ’APK It l-’OU til!- : K XV ntA T lU N -OK •' -- ■■ v'-v • ‘ ■; - . si:nsoK<N*Tto>>.,


- -II• 'mi -Ml




CAN’T LKAVK ItAIIY Two nursemaids were wheeling

tlieir.. in faint charges in tlie puck, ulien one asked the other, “Are you going Jo I lie dance toiniirrow.

.night V " , . :afraid not,'.' she replied.

" V lm l !’’. exclaimed the other, “ 1 ’thought you were so fund of danc­in g -’ ” • ’:■■■>'■‘•f.’.''. r

■i'd love to fro,” explained the- conscientious m aul, ‘ 1ml to tell yott tlie truth/ I'm afraid, to leave the 'IViVM-v-with:'i; its hiothqiV!.,’vi \Vilso'n, Kan., W orld. '

U S T I2+ ;

■Po s t w a rJOBS r~N A T IO N A L € D I T O R I A L _


’. I'li i i V * r <>d:«j* :i». n! J; ? .-,

•' ;)t\; t l l;'i «Vt• i J * -vL ,1

Vl *0 10 i 1 u


... . I l ' i L is overpricet!, noites.^uiitial .-uiflslightly idi ti tic', t he artful-, mer- ('haiu'iisei' can alway.s point but. that'

■•it.coi^tnliiitesito:.’;^— Detroit News,

E x c e r p ts F r o m P r e s id e n t T r u m a n 's ,A d d r e s s to T h e . N a t io n

O u r v ic to r y , in R u i ' o p r w a s m ore ' t h a n a \ n i o r y o i

. 'it was Vi vietory of. one .way of iitV o v e r 'another. . It w.t.-.u .v ic to r ) o l an- id e a i . f o u n d e . i l oil, th e - r ig h ts , o t- the cpm -

m o n .m a ir . o n th e d ig n i t y o i n Ive h i tm a n b e in g ,a n d , .on-.'the

.coi'ViA jitioii; ol' thy state as-thv .ervanl--no( the master—-of

. . A' I'ive |ieoiile :;ii(iw.tHl that it was able to' defeat pro­fessional- so id io t> .only •moral arms were, obedience

and worsliiiroMom1 , > ■ - .

I i* any ohidulTcr wants to leririt how/ tru ly •antique lie i.s.- le t him- consider the fact t h a t ^ q Dionne quintuplets, being’ 11. now wear their first “ formals.”—rWashing- ton, D i; C .,'Evening: Star; •. ;''vv •

t . w ill ■ take , years' - befove ..tlie ; ivrrtiy h as; tl) o') ast o £ \ ts oiricdv's/pufc of- : Germ any, but one suspects i.t: w ill, li ave tha t theater'of operations evacuated . before"’ it ;does ;Mont- ijomery W ard, and the .UoeUtail lounge; of the Mayflower Hotel.— Hutchinson^ Kan., News,

" U t> won the race.ol' flisoovory ( Atomic Homb). against

,the GermansHaviiVK- found the bomb, \ve have tlsetl il. We have

ustcl it against who attacked -us wjthoiit .warning- at Pearl Harbor, against those who have starved and beaten and executed American prisoners of- war, against those who-have abandoned all pretense of obeying international laws of. warfare. We have used it in order, to shorten the Agony of will'; in order'to save the lives of thousands and thousands of.young A-merjcanss. . ’ ■

Tlio National. Labor Relations ‘Board ; is broke aiid has prone to Congress for help. W h y not hire Cen. E Ilio tt Roosevelt to negotiate a loan ?^r.levelan<| P la in Dealer.

V; W hitney Thompson, Mrs. G. L. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. W alters, D. Tliompson, F. L. Thomson, Wii- Frances R. Washbourne, Washing- liam Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ton Fire Co., Reba P. W ielert, Mrs. C. T itmas, Mr. and Mrs. A . P . Todd, W ildey, Frank W ilpus, Frank O. T. Mrs. C harles . Todd, Mrs. R ., B. W ilson, W atkin W illiam s, Mrs. Trimmer, Mr. Tydman, Twin C ity Jean W illiamson, W isteria Rcstau- Garage. . * . riint, W omen's Club o f . Ocean

Usher’s Union of St. Paul's. Grove, M orris J . W oodring, H arry IlaroJd . Van Benschoten, W hite L. Woolman, E. N . Woolston, Wo-

House, Roy C. Vanderhoof, Dr. and m en’s Society of Christian Service. Mrs; VanOesen, Eva Vering. Samuel P. Yeo.


| 500 hats, on sale a t 59c and $1.00 in whites and other colors. g

| A lso handbags at 59c and $1.00 ^ |

| • , V alue , up to . I' ; . • I . v-..." - • ;

| Ju s t Arrived— Fu ll assortm ent‘o f latest fa ll hats and latest 5

§ fa ll handbags a t the lowest prices. i

. There’s a reason for-everything. I f there were not fa t people, who woiihi occupy all the aisle seats at the movies?— Illino is State Journal.

' . W e' tel I 011 rsu I v iis that we have emerged from .this war the most powerful nation in the-world—the most powerful

nation, perhaps, in all history. That is true., ,

-■ The new thing—the thing .we had .not known—the thing we have learned now and should never forget, is this.: That a society of self-governing men is more powerful,

inoi'i ehdlii'inu', nitjre (, reatiye -than any other kind .of so:ci'ety,.-howeAoi'tlisciplinedi howev-ei'oentralized. ' , .

We' know now that the basic proposition of the worth and dignity, of man-is not a sentimental aspiration or a vain hoiie 'or a piece of rhetoric. It is the strongest, the. most

creative force now present in this, world.Now let us. use that force and all our resources and all

out* skills in',the great-cause of a’j.ust peace!. '

ridfte, Centennial Soda Shoppe; J . Mold, Monmouth Cold Storafte and Products Co., ; Mary Jane Morris Mrs. Motince. .

Wesley B. Nae:le, John E. Ne\v- 1,011, Neptune Tivp. Committee^

Ocean Grove C liapter 0 . E. S., Ocean Grove Pharmacy,’ Ocean Grove P.T.A., Olin Market, Mrs. .Marjorie Oliver, Harry •Opcrishaw,

.Mrs. Gertrude Osliornej W ilh u r F. Osborn. : ’ - . t

H ow ard, Partei', Mrs. ■ Joseph Patterson, Joseph Patterson, Mrs. A. '.Pfeiffer, 1!. W. Post, Mrs. 1C. Poznanski, Mrs. L. Priest, Mrs. It. Priest, L illia n ' C, Purdy, Charles \V. B. P utt, Iy y 'llouse,

Helen A. Queri.nfr. • • 'Mrs. N ita Raiiioar, Harry Reeves,

Mrs. Ellen Reilly, Seaside Hotel; Clarence Ii. Rohland, Ocean P laza Hotel, Mrs. Janies H. Rudhart.

M is. J . , Sanilford, Mrs. Fred Sehultz, G. F . 'Sccj'cr, A rthu r H. Secer. Mrs. C. L. Severs, Broadway House; Mrs. B. f!. Shubert,.’St. El-

House-by-tlie-Side-of-tlic.Uoad—Mrs.- M . ' Johnston, Teaneck; Mrs. A. A. Cross, Union p ity ;: Mr. and Mi's. , W." J. Sm ith, Cleveland,. 0.; M r. and’ Mrs.1 L„ 51. Sm ith,.O lmsted Falls, 0 .; Mrs. Luther R. Janies, Glpticostor, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. C.0 . /Reesciv Vpstai, N.-, Y.; Mr. and Mi's. W illiam Van Ohleu, L ittle Ferry"; Sgt. W alte r Oarlock, Gar­field; Goorjje Bell, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. .Wilfred Snyder, Ph ila ­delphia, Pa.


, Mid-su'nvmev days are lengthening, 'MiU*summer vistas, strengthening, The cool winds vie with the wing-

ing birds, high . !In their hummocks* they swing\ ’Neath the cjear, a/.ure sky.. .^fqther bud sings to sleep ’. “ ’ ' W ith lo w shiniberous: cheep, ,Oh - the .wind’s-lullaby - :v Sweet ])ird soil nets fly;. ,Tii rough, the sun’s , golden haze .In' these miracle' days.,;. . ' ;Thb gay sunflowers nod 5 ‘ '•O ’er- earth ’s isleepy - old sod;The' berried vine creeps . •

“As- the warm . sun light, steeps'O ’er the crum bling old wall Busy spiders enthrall . \ / . W ith rare network of lace Silver dcwdrops. in space,Apple, boughs lower bend .Gold and crimson now blend The mid-summer suns, and the

sweet dews intake,Lend coloring gorgeous To rare ,purp ling grape; * ;'• . Kyeping shadow's o’er all • Ch irp ing crickets now call ' N igh t bats sw ing apace In skies canopied space. •W hile nature now voices her sweet

: low .refrain '...'.. v j 1 . The mid-suimner d ay s are w ith us

.again. \ / . ; ■ .tv-i . V Sarah Hopkins

Ocean Grove * :Aug. 8, 1945

i -i3G Cookman Avenue . (Phone 4831-J) Asbury Park =

^ Open Wed. Eve. until 9:00, Saturdays ’till 9:30 P . M . I'iiiiii 1111111111111111 iiiniiiiiitiiiii in imiif iiiimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiin in iiitiiiiiiiiiii i.-jiianiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiti,,,:

.12 rooms, stove heat, $3,ii00

11 rooms-, li. «•. heat 5,000

9 rooms, hot air heat 5,f,0t)

12 rooms, hot air heat 6,000

17 rooms, h. \v. lieal 12,000

IS rooms, steam heat 12,000

32 rooms, no heat 25,000U n d e r th e N e w C h a r t e r . ■ , '".Q",-

The pnVmpt ratilication of the charter of the,United Nations by ihe/United; States Senate,- makes it practically certain that the,new organization.formed to prevent war will get o*n to a good start, and begin its work of. maintain­

ing:'p.oafe under't.lie most, hopef.ul ausiiices. _.....^T Tinted with the application of the new atomic bomb to the (lestriictipn of the .Japanese, city of Hiroshima, the- ratification becomes doubly auspicious, The. peace-loving nations, no w have within their po'wer. a sensational weapon that-<-o|ild prevail mightily in maintaining, world; order where other.persuasion might fail.

For centuries-people have booh declaring against war and jiointing out how these conflicts create.terrible bur­dens and- sorro.w and greatly hamper world progress. Up to now it has seemed impossible to induce, the nations to

take the steps necessary to keep such wars ffom starting.If the new organization really keeps any great, war

from starting; the-world will enter a grand new era of pro-; A'grcat many f.orm.s of .deyelopment can be accom- plishctrthat-are not possible while the threat of war Over­hangs the world.. There can be great progress in educa­tion, in social welfares iii development'of- living conditions, and- the energies of the world will-be turned into peaceful

ac tiutM s . Vy’;The threat of war .-corns so real now, that for many

yi-ais the peace loving nations may have to-maiiitain strong military armaments to: keep the 'warlike countries from

starting any new-trouble. As time'goes on, and th.e war- lik. rountries -ee that they will.not be permitted to ac- rum.iilatf .any griiat'- military.power, the" threat .of war should grow less. ' The burden of- militaiy preparation In pence loving countries like ours should not he so heavy.-

Tin- one tiling .necessary will be to demonstrate to. countries like Ge.rmany and Japan-that preparations for

war on their part will never be tolerated again. They have, shown that‘Tht\v cann'dt he'trusLed to have the Aveapons of conflict: ..If hny move toward war preparation by them, is promptly stepped upoh, the danger of any general conflict will grow less; and the worlil can look forward confidently

tb permanent peace.






& T A Y L O R

Agency I ' "R E A L EST ATE

Insurancfc M crtgage Loans Telephone A . P. 2124 78 Alain A rc , Ocean Grove HECK AVENUE, NEAR BEACH— 6 Room Home—

Year Round, . Condition Excellent; Possession Im­mediate. Cash Price ...... 1........$4,000 (Terms)

F l ’N R R A L H O M E

Exclusive but Inexpensive

701 Seventh Avenue). - "Asbury I’ark, N . J.

Asbury P ark 21J . A . H O R R Y A G E N C Y


I Telephone 4132 Residence 387-ROcean Grove hotel, overlook­ing oceanfront. 15 rms., 2 baths, 8 lavatories, runn ing water in all rms. Fully furn . including innerspring raal- tresSes, silverware, etc. $27,- 500. Terms.

T H E P IO N E E R O F F IC EAre'you Jookliij^. for u hoh»l?

Wo iiiciitli»ii a few we have for. your iiisj»«-i'tloir;1 *Fouclevtt • ro.oms. 2 lotni '

n*fi»r*Kar:ik«*, furnished, osklnlr price'. . . . - • • • • • 125,000

T w tny .fm ir rooms, fm>nlsht'ij upurtinciitH 0.000

.^Ixty rivouis, furnished . 2.7,000 'i'’i*i ly-llve ..niaius, 3 ba ths ,.. '. 1

runiiltu; walor ......... . 45,000Kf>iirti*eu.• moiiis; ■' b ’u't li--,•. |»:tt*ily '.furnished ;-' ••• 0,000 Thlrty-«iiv- .-r(iinns, . ruii-.*

idiiu \v:u<;r. lurnlsln'd . 20,000Thirty-two ", r o o.m s .. 2

luiili.*-', furnished, • run-- itliiLT wah iv 3. lots 20,000;

.V.i i i I -OllierM for V«»ur CiuisliliTiithui

iN s r u w c i : is m . l i t s i»ua.S*ciii:s

F H A T itle 1 LoansFor

R e p a i r s o r M o d e r n i z a t i o n

Plan NOW for Spring Repairing and Modern­izing. Materials for all essential jobs are available. Credit facilities are at hand for your convenience To postpone necessary repairs adds to their cost. Let’s work out tilings now.

For Information Inquire At

The First National Bank of Bradley Beach;; Bradley Beach, N. j. ;


I f the Supplemental Contract is attacKed to ■ your ■ fire iii? surance pplicy, you have no need for-worry .;

P l a y G r o u n d

' . - .I C d ii t in i ie d - f n u n I ’ni,'!! 1)’ *

ClifTord Hackman, A . and P. Tea Store; Mrs. W alter ITagerman, Miss A nna Hardy, Mrs. I I . Harley, Miss Amelia Havens, Helen’s G ift Shop, JOthel S. Hemphill, Park View f Icitel; !\1 rs. Jane t Hendrickson. Mr. apd Mrs. W illiam Herbert. Mrs. H il l , ' Mrs. . L ily Holbrook, Homestead Tea Hoorn, Mrs. -How­land, Theodore A. Ilughson , The Strand Theatre; M r.' am) Mrs. Howard H untington, Mrs. V irg in ia .J. Hurry , Mrs. S. K. Hetherington.

Mrs. Irene Jackson, Mrs. John ­son. ;■ ; . • ' . ■. •

Mrs. Jesse Kester, Kohr Bros., Bill ' Krayer, for thc Red Men’s Lodge;. Mrs; • Homer 'K r e s g e , Htimer ,_Krcsge, ;Augustus B . Knight. . .•

Mrs. R. LeBarre, Ladies, Aux. of Eagles, Charles. Lewis, Jr ., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Linster, M r. and Mrs. D. C. L ippincott, W illiam A . Lip- nincott, 3rd, John H. Lohman, Fern Cottage.

Mrs.' G ilbert. McCabe,' Jane B. McKee, The Cheltenham, Mr. and Mrs. W . B. McK im , Ann McMur- ray, Mrs. Marjorie McW hinney, W m . J . Majors Mrs. Malcolm M ar­shall, W illiam Marshall, M r. and Mrs. F rank M artin , Men’s Com­m unity Fellowship o f St. Pau l’s, Mrs. Louise M iller, Florence Mock-

8 EE M R U R F O llt i YOU BUY

. B U R N O il IIO R IIO W

L ou is E . B ro n so n


53 M ain Avenue Ocean Grove, N . J . ,

Phone A. P. 1058

F . I i W O O L S T O N48 M A IN A V E N U E

Tel. 398 Oceon Grore, N . J .

We invite tlie people of this community nnd snrroundlng

vicinity to avail themselves of our complete banking facilities

which include t ie fo llow ing:






SLUiiu' THE MUL.mjCE. H£ ,

WENT UP INTO ^ MOUOTAIN. iFactors in Progress ' - What' are the conditions which enable Some com­

munities to go ahead and make progress? The following

might be mentioned as conditions that haVe helped'.many

cities to go ahead:i- ^v .1..: The possession of a group of public spirited people, who are willing to give considerable time to promoting

good causes and business growth.' ,2; A general willingness to cooperate on the part of

the,public, :iin(l help on good;and progressive projects. ' 3.-.The 'absence of the. carping, and knocking spirit

that makes'.fun of progressive movements, and chills the

enthusiasm of the 'people foi- good plans; y-It takes considerable power and energy and leader­

ship to produce deve>opment and get things done. I f everybody sits: around and says that sohieoiie .else'fehould do the work for the public good, it is not likely to get done.





A R R A N G E D & SP O N SO R E D for tho P U B L IC By


511.—2nd Ave. A . P. 567 Asbury Park, N . J.

Eitnbltslml 1900 l«07 .Bangs Ave., Asbury Park

A dignified sorvice tb meet any financial ne.ed. • No ad­d itional charge for use of Funeral Home.WII..VA. I,. ItODLNE l‘ro|u-.

LoROY A . M U L L E R , Manaeor

Telepbene 4525


Coriies Avenu. MAIN AVENUE Main SWtot Nopiune OCEAN.GROVE A.burj 1-ttrk

Mutb.r r.d.ral Be,oilt IiiniuiH Cu,«r>Ui» MUlfBBB FjasRRAI, BESHBTB SYSTEM

Complete Volume of these.Famous Scones, Mailed Froa on Request

Page 5: F L A S H - DigiFind-It


P A G E F t V #



M yrtlo Holmcn Naylor; dramatic noprnno and teachor of voice, of Ocenn Grove, wan tho guest Boloist yostordny afternoon nt tlio organ recital gWcn by Mrs. Josephine Ediiowes in the Auditorium ,

. ------- i , .

M r. and Mra. E . Robertson, of B a n c r o f t B a z a a r A t Summerville, N. J ., were guests |

.................. " f Mrs Carl L o u - E l l e n Au9. 1 6 - 1 7

PUIItlllVi » ...v, . . . -r • -las t wock of Mr. and Mrs.■ Aschanback, G2 Broadway.

. M rs. M argaret Harley, and Mrs. E lla Good, both of Philadelphia; were . recent vacationers in Ocean

Grove. • ;" i , •'...'M rs. Jam es Hendrickson, 38 At>-

bott avenue, is recuperating a t her

home after being ill fo r a week;Seaman 2nd class Lester Bush,

who is stationed a t the Naval tra in ­ing station in Sampson, N; *•* visited his parents M r. and Mrs.

: H erbert Bush, 38 Abbott, on his

recent 7-day leave

Miss Ella Fieger, Chair­man of Annual Fair Next Thursday and Friday.

Raising Funds For Fitkin Memorial Hospital

• " * . . .

les iucut uo ........along w ith her daughter Mona, v isited relatives in Philadelphia,

th is week;Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Horace and

daughters. Patric ia and L inda, o f Astorja, Long Island, are spending the month .of A ugust a t 97 Cook­

man avenue.Miss Madeline Frasca and Miss

M arian F itzgerald , o f Ozone Park,Long Island, N . Y», were recent guests a t the home o f M r. and Mrs.Jo h n Syms, 116 C lark, avenue.

, M r. and Mrs. George Westeryelt,.1 1 0 Cookman avenue, recently en­

tertained Mr. and M rs. E lsworth Snyder of northern New Jersey.

Corp. Raymond Holmes and Mrs.Holmes, 123 Abbott, are the par­ents o f a g irl born A ugust 1 in

F itk in Hospital.M r. and Mrs. Paul E . Sargent,

113 Heck Avenue, are entertain­ing the ir daughter Mrs. Jack J . I r----» —- «Cowan . and children Jackie Lou J^ranch and other interested friendsand Jam es Paul, o f Des Moines, i *r° m New . York j in d Brooklyn.

Ia*. and their, son S taff Sgt. C lif ­ford L . Sargent, of Easton , Md.

Mario E. Garcia, 67 Main avenue, hap just completed his recruit tra in ing a t the naval tra in ing sta ­

tion, Sampson,' N . Y .Mrs. W i B. P h illips ,.o f W illiam s­

port, Pa., who. has been spending . the sum m er a t the N orth End ho­

tel, returned la s t week to her home.- . , .• ’ ■ '•

Mrs.. Howard Isaacs and son George, and Miss Peggy Green­woods of Trucksville, Pa., arc spending the week a t the Quaker

In n , M ain , avenue.•Rev. Norm an H . Paullin , pastor

o f the. Asbury P ark B ap tis t church, w ill be the speaker a t the Beach m eeting Sunday a t 6 . o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam L. Moesh- lin , o f Philadelphia, w ill aiTive to ­morrow to spend two weeks a t the Manchester, Ocean Pathw ay. .

_ A d ju tan t George- H enningcr, of*' T T +Vir> rriipe

‘ Miss E lla Fieger is chair man. and M rs :W a lte r :M ., Dawley, assistant chairman, of the Bancrof t-Taylor Rest Home annual bazaar to be held Thursday and: F riday/ August 16 and 17, at the Lou-Ellen hotel,

cent 7-day leave. ,58 Main avenue.Mrs. M ary Maser, a sum m er! The chairmen of the booths are

resident a t IS) Delaware avenue, I Mrs. Susie A . W inold, aprons;......... vr,.-., I Miss Rosa Santee, bags and cush­

ion covers; Miss M yrtle Chapin, bargain square; Misses Ada Cook and . Nellie Scofield-, books; Miss Florence Noblej candy; Miss M ary Hebrew, children's; Miss Cornelia Farring ton , fancy . .w ork ;: - Mrs. Bleecker S tir ling ,'food ; Miss Edith ta n n in g , grab ■ bag; Miss Margue­rite Harrison, greeting cards and postals; Miss' Catherine Watter- son, handkerchiefs; Miss Sue B ar­row, novelties; Miss Edna Harvey, quilts; - Miss Leonora. B. Sm ith, shell novelties; M iss Cartes' K. Swartz, th is and th a t (jew elry ); and Miss Gurney Ayres, transpor­

tation.Each chairm an w ill be assisted

by members o f the Rest Home as well as by women o f the W .S.C.S. from the Methodist Churches in Asbury Park, Avon, Belmar, Brad­ley Beach, Ocean Grove, Neptune, Neptune C ity, Red Bank, Long

j J I t h o u g h t f o r t h e W e e k G t t d I1 fly Verne Lewlie Sm ith ' ■ t| . . .Pastor of St. Paul'M Church | .

: . ; * ^ ifi- iyS ■; -Jesus loved the hills. Jle often cljmlied a hill to be alone w ith God

jn prayer, His greatest sermon..was a sermon on a hill, His transfigur­ation occurred oil a hill, it wasOn a hill th a t 'l ie had h is.last rendezvous w ith His disciples, ’ and from- a hill .He ascended. But h ills may be sources o f diftWulty as well as inspiration points. Jesus was tempted on a mountain, and was crucified on a hill. Do thc hills of life inspire or frighten' you? . .

. . . v • *" Sunday in St. Pa til's Church • Cliurch School a t !>:'}() a. m. with classes for all: .' •'•..*• \ : ‘

M orning W orship a t 10:45.' Sermon.:' -.V“T i ! 10 H I L L D I F FT C 'U /L T Y”j ;

Prayer .Meeting, Wednesday a t ,7:'10. ; ;

Contract To McDowell

For Paving; of Asbury Avenue

Adjacent t«» Karle Depot

E . T . M . C a r r P r e s e n t e d

W i t h L i f e t i m e P a s s

' General Agent at Long Branch and Well Known. Along Shore.

J1£ A D F IT K IN DK1VE— A drive to raw« $50y000 fo r F itk in hospital ii. under way and it W ill touch

every major town in Monmouth county, ohown In picture are the local committee chairmen: left to

right, front row, Mrs. Louis II. Fetter, jn rew sbury , Miss T. IV. SIcGinness. Eatontoun, Mrs. Frederick

C. Tag, be lm ar, Mrs. J . E lmer Pearce, liiie lfe , Mrs. W illiam \V. Crotchfclt, jr., Manasquan, Mrs. Wil-

liam D . C lark, Neptune City. Second row, left to right, Police Sgt. Joseph O ’ltourke, Neptune to;vn-

St.ip, Commissioner Eugene B. Lowenstciii, ilradley Iieacti. George \V. i ’" - "OT-. Avon,, and. Hoss Foo,.*-

.- tain, gcaeral:chairm an. (Press photo)

Form al contract .for Asbury Aye-; nue paving adjacent to tho. Xaviil Am m unition Depot, a t -Earle West

of Asbury Park, was approved.this week by S tate Highwav' Commis­sioner Spencer Miller, Jr .. for award to the low bidder; Fred, Mc­

Dowell of-Neptune, at $14,100. .t l iu iniprovemcot will i t t madei,

.at the request of.- t|ie >iavy and will link , the concrete, pav ing on'. Asbury A vcMiue near- the: resei'var' lio.n.’ thft-,beginning of the work, to lie subject to 'the W ar. Production -Board’s approval.

u i;A D T H E O C E A N GRUVE--

T IM E S FO R L O C A L n e w s '

Hotel Guest Surprised

Given Party, at Grove - 1 Wednesday

H all N . J . Educatioo Association • bands P lans '

A surprise party was tendered Mrs. R. J . Brownell, of Plainfield, Wednesday, when she. celebrated her 85th b irthday anniversary .at Grove H all, P ilg r im Pathway, where she. and her son George Brownell are spending a two weeks

vacation. • •' - 'M any friends attended to give

the ir congratulations to Mrs. Brownell who has been coming to Ocean Grove for the past 35 years'. Her son was a t one' time a violinist in the orchestra which was organ­ized by the late Tali Eseh Morgan.

-She >s th,e w idow of Richard Brownell.. -

In Hospital in FranceThe Central Railroad o f New

Jersey presented gold l i f e t im e ' . . „ „ ..asses Tuesday to the 83 active I Uor,s Recovering

• t--- 1 M inor Operation

fromPlin.-Stia i . . . » __. ..

and pensioned employes who havo :s|ient. 50 years or more in the ra il­road’s service. P rincipally becauseof the w ar emergency, 20 of t h e . ...... ■83 are voluntarily still in active^seven weeks, ......... ....... .. _service. received word this week th a t she

H eading the lis t and receiving was recovering.from a m inor oper- Pass No. 1 is E . T-., M .:.Carr, s till ation in an arm y hospital in active as general agent of the Jpr- ' France. She is a member of the s o y C e n t r a l ’s . southern division 129th. Trafiic Regulation group in

A d ju tan t George* lienn iiiKvt, - .>vitli. headquarters a t Long 'B ranch. Paris.Hempstead, L. I., was the guest of j j e jlas been' w ith the road for 031 Miss. Perkins’ brother, L t. Wil-

. H arry : - Freese, 85 M a in avenue, years and six months. : j l ia m Perkins, is now in the airfo r the past week. • Second .oldest in length o f service group re tu rn ing the wounded to

Mrs. F lpyd Rush, 120 Cookman I is W ilson S. Campbell of Bethle-1 M iam i, Fla., via Trin idad in the avenue, had as her guest for a .h e m , Pa„ who had a rccord of (51.;Caribbean. H e is (ly ing a C-5-1 in

-- « m ™ ..f Tjiolimnnd years and three months when he the same area where he was loeated

| retired Jan . .1,. 1942. Third on the ffo u r years ago.

Convention Canceled

Cancellation of plans for the an­nual convention of. the New Jersey Education- Association was an­nounced' recently by Charles- J . Strahan, association president.

M r. S trahan said the association “feels tha t nothing should inter­fere w ith the conduct of the war and the transportation-: (if troops to .the ir homes and across the con­tinen t”. - . ..

The convention usually is held in November, and attracts- thous­ands o f public school teachers of the stale.

A fte r fa ilu re to hear from their

d augh te r ,, T-5 Doris Perkins, foi 11 lieutenant’ colonel in tiie 'U . S.M r. and Mrs. Perkins.| A .intf- roIonot M ira...U,n. w ho

Promoted to Lt. Col.- .Joseph C. M irandon, Sea G irt

and Ridgewood, was recently noti­fied of his promotion from major

avenue. Unit as i.e. — -week Mrs, Ed. M iller, o f R ichm ond H ill, L . T.,-: N.- y . Both husbands are serving qh "tho same~sh!p in

the Pacific.L t. Harold G. Dunkerley, 109

M t. Tabor W ay , arrived Tuesday in N ew York on the SS Sea Pike, a long w ith other members of the 28th division arr iv ing in the U . S.

from ports in Europe.Rev. and Mrs. Sam uel Ford and

daughter, Florence, • returned to P ittsburgh , Pa., on Tuesday after' spending three weeks a t the Shore View. Rev. Ford is pastor o f the Brookline Methodist Church in

P ittsburgh . / •Tho W om an’s C hris tian Temper­

ance U nion w ill meet in Thornlcy chapel, Tuesday,. A ugus t 14 a t 2:30 p. m. Colonel Stanyon and Rov.- Bland Detw iler w ill address thc meeting. Rev. and Mrs. Detw iler w ill furn ish the music. Members and friends are invited to attend.

S 1/c John A r th u r Pierce, son of M r. and M rs. E llis Pierce, 93 Heck avenue, enjoyed a 48-hour leave from Detroit, M ich., which enabled h im to spend a day w ith h is parents

’ ’’ *"

lis t” isT Eugene ’Mahoney 'of Glen R idge N. J ., 'w h o had worked fo r the railroad, fo r ' GO years and five months when he retired in Septem­

ber, 1939.The gold passes were personally

presented to a il veterans able to attend the ceremony a t the ra il­road’s Jersey C ity Term inal Tues- j day, and are being mailed to the

Couple Wed SO Years

i M acW illiam s To Celebrate A nn i: versary Monday ’ •



With 2698th Regiment

RidgewaySergeant M ilton In Ita ly

M r. and M rs. Edward Ma'cWil- Jiams, 98% M t. Hermon W ay,, w ill celebrate the ir 50th wedding ann i­versary Monday, A ugust 13.

Mr. and Mrs. M acW illiam s are 5 form er residents . o f Jersey; G ity = and have two daughters: MrS.-C.E. Seaman, of Union, and Mrs. A.H . G rim m inger, of L itt le Silver; also a grandson, H a rry E . Seaman, of Union. The couple w ill be at home to their friends from 3:00 to

10:00 p. m. Monday.

A rm yl Colonel. Mirandon, who held a commission as captain in World W ar I, is serving’ under Col. E dgar N. Boomer, state d i­rector of selective ‘service.'and his work, is chiefly w ith occupational deferments.Keyport Passes .Ordinance

All food handlers in the Keyport borough .will have heallh certifi­cates according to • an ordinance jiassed on final reading al the meet­ing of the Keypprt Departm ent of Health last Thursday, night. The ordinance becomes effective, Sept. 2. . A lthough several changes in the ordinance were suggested by Edward Farry, attorney for several establishments; the ordinance as previously proposed was adopted. Howard W . Roberts, attorney for the board, was present a t the meet­

ing and discussed the proposed

changes. John W . Fos ter;' Sr.,

stated tha t the- new law does notf

propose. arb itrary action a n d ; that

if it is found to work a hardship the

necessary changes w ill be made.

11.18 Incheii of. Rain , in Ju ly ■'

J u ly broke all records fo r ra in ­

fa ll, Frank J . .Moreau, official wea­

ther observer in the Freehold area,

reported last week .with, 11.40 inch­es.of rairi for the month. The rec­ord iii New Jersey as a whole was established in 1897 .when the Ju ly fa ll ’ reached .11.42 inches ,. Just- by

wav of contrast .the 1944 Ju ly rain­fall was .44 inches. Seventeen days in Ju ly were cloudy or . over­cast and rain fe ll on 16 of them, There was only one clear day from J i l ly 15 to the end of. the month. Luck at Freehold Races . Jrv Thompson, butcher, one of

the best harness horse racing fans in > Farm ingdale, takes time out now .and then to go to the races a t Freehold,-taking with hjin. his 12- ycar-pld : son. B illy. ..D ad . cannot always' refrain front a lit t le wager on the . races but Billy- sometimes comes home w ith the most money. Billy, instead of 'w atch ing the races so closely spends) a part of his tin ie . g a the r ing ; up discarded tickets then checks, w ith the score card. One day he found a good one which he. cashed for $4.80 and another day he pu t together a torn ticket which, pairl So to V in . One ticket was on Madge M artin and another on Rufus both well known horses racing ‘'a t the Freeholld

track. '

Strassburger’s Market ;

Pilgrim Pathway and Olitt. Street

Telephone Asbury Park 1749

The Oldest Independent General

Market in Ocean Grove

^u ia i[ iiiiiiiiaaiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii< iiiiiiiiiir ii'ii'a iii» t|' ' j

WOOLMAN’S |j Quality Market]

125 Heck Avenue J- -telephone 963 .. |

Ocean Grove . 1

GroceriesDelicatessenFruits and Vegetables

We Have - / ' % .

VVilson’s I

Have you tried it? |.

. A body builder, made of ex- |

tract of beef. Stop in and §

get a booklet on its . ^5

. many uses. . i

Make gravy o f it, delicious “

on pan cakos. . ; 5


Classified AdvertisementsAdvertlseroents for theao columns ahouM bo In the offlc© of “The

Tlmea" NOT LA T E Il THAN 12 0 ;C L0C K NOON* ThurHdiy. of each

week. "•


. . . . . . . . . . . . ...l6 o ..1 cent per word

2S words OR LESS ............................Moro than-25 words ........... ..; . • • •

•6 times for the price of rour. vCopy mailed In, civen to representative or brought to office per­

sonally n»ust be accompanied by caali or atampa to cover cost. Copy accepted over phone aa a . courteay and convenience to customers. Bills due Immediately upon presentation. • _

P E N IN S U L A R B A SE H E A D ­Q U A R T ER S , IT A L Y — Staff Sgt.M ilton A . R idgway, son of Mrs. IA nna S. R idgway, 98 Heck Ave., Celebrate Double B irthday Party Ocean G rovt, is a member of tho I A double b irthday party was 2G98th Technical Supervision Reg i- ! celebrated: a t the sum mer home of m ent (Overhead), which was J MV- and Mrs. Fred Price, W ells formed to supervise the activities avenue, Neptune, on Wednesday, o f approxim ately 60,000 Ita lian . The, la tte r’s daughter, Sally Anri troops in the performance o f esscn- : Price, o f W est Orange, N . J ., and

h im to spend a day w ith ms parents , tia l services o f supply tasks fo r t h e i r granddaughter, Barbara las t week,: while on the w ay to .the Peninsular Base Section. Head- i Fund, of Towson, Md.', were ’each . W ashington, D. C. | ed by Lt. Col. Edward D. M cC a ll,, ten years old this week. They were i

• • - ' 1 l-'-otnce to a laree nrroun o f ne igh-: =



. J E W CANTON RESTAURANT]1 = C H IN ESE ond AM H ltlCAN FpO D 5 I'S :, l^edr Neptone n igh School - I •s 88 So. Main Street Ocean Grove 5 ■ : • Telephone A;'.P. 9177 * ; ;


' B E A U T Y CU I.T U RK ■ P E A T m iN O THE NEW

COtT) PEn'MMfE.\T , WAVE .1310 CoHI.s A're, .Nf ptiiqe, N. J .

BOOKS m u i. o im i:u_ s iM tvK i:

f.i-t ns s>nrrh for. your ‘«liaril-to-

SHS nno^nldlnffV Sought

””,i N e m e t h

1102 (iurvi’ii Ave*.., Wnnninassu, y , J. •Writi* or IMionc 0 ls l«W . (A .IM


:. W A N T E D — Small apartment for

one.‘ in Ocean Grove. Infiuirp. J9. Olin St. Phone mornings A P 3SS5-M:— 3 2 - 3 3 ? "


FUR■ P i c k Y o u r C o a t

N o w a n d S av e !Small Payment Accepted

A . S A R I A N

M ’f ’g Furrier 627 Mattisou Ave., Asbury Park

LOST— M ilitary watch w ithout a strap Thursday n igh t at-South End. Reward. Apply Cantales, St. E lm o. Hotel.— 32*

LOST— Aug. 4, P. M., bracelet, silver, Scotch agates, in . or near Auditorium , sentim ental., value. Please return to Shelburne, Ocean Pathway- Reward.— :32t- ■I;'.-''.:;'

W A N T E D — Furnished--V a p a r t- nient or house by the year by couple liv ing in Ocean- Grove. Apply 3 °* C, Times ofTice.^-32-33'* y :■

parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ket- . . . ... ,cham, 24 Bethany Block. L t. K et- 1 F rom its activation in August, pnrtm ent ol. the W esc u rangu mgi. ^ chani was a prisoner-of-war o f tho un til the final b r illian t finish school, hav ing got some of his early —

--»•--- of the cam paign in Ita ly , thc Tech- prin ting experience in the compos- =----- f . l . . n .„ ,„ C m n » T im ( , tcham was a prisoner-oi-wui u i w«>. ........ — —Germans fo r 1G months and was , cainpaign in Ita ly , the Tech- printing; ... v..« -.....,—released M ay 1. He 'arrived in the nIcnl Supervision Regim ent has ropw of the Ocean Grove Times. =

’ "• " 'j furnished trained cadres fo r the j ----- ;------- ■ j =States June 21 u u i tiiaucu t.tamvu .— ____ -Moinv P i n , ™ K niM it n f n . j supcrvisional control of large fore-1 W orld ’s F irst Boardwalk ---

tvn lt M i i (> i n r . - L t ^05 ’ of tho Itn lian A rm y effecting '. The first boardwalk in thc world , = t h l f v nS wTn,’w 'b ltKc release of m any thousands of was erected in 1870 a t A tlantic ' =

spending a thirty-day furlough Am erjcang frontline! servico. I C ity ~' his w ife and son Billy, I _____________^ ■ " ■ J

, a i J u ^ L . t , » --------„here w ith his. w ife and son Billy, who have been spending the slim­mer a t 79 Delaware avonue. M ajor K n igh t recently returned from the European theatre where he was

fo r a year.Pfc. Douglas Manleyi son of Mr.

and Mrs. Raym ond Manley, Broad­way, arrived home Wednesday to spend a thirty-day furlough here w ith his parents. Private Manley has ju s t returned from the E u ro ­

pean theatre. .Mrs. Melvin Jones, 90 Webb ave­

nue, returned home this week after a three months' v is it on tho Pacific coast w ith her husband L t. (j.g .) M elvin W . .Tones, who has since re­turned to duty in tho Pacific on a heavycru iser. She visited Mr. and

, . . . 7 7 * 7 : , . . . . . .

Neptune Man Killed

T/5 John C . Rush W as Member of 1896th Av iation Engineers

John Calv in Rush, Technician F if th Gi;ade of Neptune, who has been -reported m issing in action since Janua ry 12, 1945, is reported dead. H is w ife, Mrs. Elsie Rush,

i o f Neptune was notified Monday by the war departm ent of the death of her husband. He was in a U. S. convoy Philippine-bound, which was attacked by a Japanese plane in the China sea off the west coast of Luzon last January .

. . .......... Ol • 1 M . , Technician Rush, 37, a member ofheavy cruiser. She visited Mr. and | ^ igggtj, av iation engineers, en- Mrs. \Villiam Zickler and daugh- . recj a rm y j une 12, 1943. Be-I'HO. «, MOM... ■ U.V.U«. ---b..ters Dorothy and Louise, form erly of Neptune, in A lham bra, Calif., fo r several weeks. '

Capt. Charles W . Jeffrey-Smith and Mrs. Sm ith , who have bcohv is it ing ^ Sm ith ’s parents M r ^iheV 'is - 'K tty Officer ‘ Floyd Rush and Mrs. Wallace Reed, 119 A b b o tt , o f 0ce-an G r ' vc.A..nM«.n *>nef m n n tli lo fh w i

tored the arm y June 12, 1943. Be­side his. w ife, E lsie, and mother, Mrs. M aud Rush, of B radley Beach, he leaves two. sisters and fou r bro­thers, three o f whom are s.erving the Arm ed Forces. H is one bro-

avenue fo r the past month, le ft for the west last week. They were ac- compav,'ed as fa r as Pottstown, Pa:, by Mrs. Reed, where they stayed over n ig h t w ith relatives. Capt. Jeffroy-Smith was formerly a signal corp officer a t Camp Croft, Spartansburg , South Carolina.

................. - * ------ '

. Burr- IIam ilton Duel .Aaron B urr and Alexander

H am ilton i fo ugh t the ir fam ous duel near Weohawken beneath thc P a li­sades. I t resulted in the. death of H am ilton.


j.M AT. D A11.T 2s30— E V E . 7 and 8

jSat. ond 'Son. Oonflliuona rrora'filfld f

|PltI.-SAT„- Aug.-10-11—

i ‘A-l!L MUNI

“C O U N T E R AT T A C K "

S B R IA L : Mnttnee .O n ly . “TUK M A ST E ll KF.T”

! _ _ ______________________________

isUN.-MON.. Aujr. 12-13—8 JA C K B E N N Y arid A L E X IS | SM IT H

1 “H O R N B LO W S AT i - M ID N IG H T ”

iTijE.-W ED'-THUIt., Aug-.' l-t-lC-10— | 1 VAN JOHNSON nriil EST IIE It a | W ILLIAMS ' I

, "T H R IL L O F A R O M A N C E ” |

I-— ------- — — - 1iPltl.-SAT.; Aug. 17-18— . . . I.'I:- 1’UILII* 1)0ItN and IIEI.MTIT- ■ 1 DA.N.TINK j

i “ E S C A P E IN T H E D E SE R T ” |4 P


-4 s i i i i i t s l u n . v •i‘ KllI-(llIM’VNpl-:S: I : If, >!«,, 1:00 nml <1:11(1 1'. H-

1*1.on r: .4. 1’. sn;t

3. D A Y S START ING A U G . 13

i l


The Corn Is Green*1

w ith ' " . . .



SON of LASSIES tarring




“ filmed in breath-taking Technicolor”

FO R REN T— Two apartments, starting A ugust 25 through Sep­tember; also ope room, double bed. August 18 through September - 3. Inquire Scotia Cottage, 10 P itm an Avenue.— 32* :r

W IL L B U Y china, glass, jewelry, silver, antique furniture . Best prices paid for one piccc or many.

.___ W rite and T, will call. Box 5,'( = ; Times Office.— 29-38*. .

F O R . R EN T — Small .apartments and • rooms w ith runn ing water, week, month .or season. 18 Webb Avenue, Ocean Gr6ve.-^25-3-l*

FOR SA L E — Elto, two cylinder outboard motor, pood condition. Phone' Asbury -Park 8372,-— 32?

LOST— A bike, bluish green col­or.' bn boardw alk ., Reward. Dandy G a llagher,. Boseobel, 02%-' M ain Ave.— 32* ■;

FO R S A L E —5 room Bungalow, ■ bath, heat $3500.: 12 rooms, bath, heat' $0500. (j rooms,' bath; heat; 3 rooms, heat, both $5500. Semons Agency,,124 M t.,Tabor.— 31-34”

" W A N T ED TO R EN T — In Ocean Grove, yeal*' round house, partly furnished. Phone A. P. 4151J. — 31-35” r.v .v.-

W IL L 'S E L L — riiy-ten room-win­ter house clear of any. debt to r igh t party. Lot 30 by 00. N ot a cheap location. 33 Em bury avenue, Ocean Grove;— 31-35*-

F O R S A L E — Beautifu l s ing ing ' canaries, all guaranteed, w ill deliv­er a t request. Call A . P. 23. or 1218 'Stir Avenue, Asbury Park.— 23tf

' W A N T F O R SE PT E M B E R — A

home near the water. Address G.

Gailon. 285 W est 11th St., New

York, 14, N, Y". Plibao, Ch 3-0059.

State price.— 32-33' -,

F U N E R A L PLOTS— To settle an estate a number of beautiful: funeral plots in Monmouth Memori­al Park w ill be sold by thc owner a t reduced prices. Each p lo t pro­vides for 4 burjals. I ’rompt action is. necessary as these plots- are worth much m ore 'than the asking price and w ill be disposed of im ­mediately.. Address Adm inistrator, Box A , O. G. Times Office.— 30tf.

Now Showing: “T H E V A L L E Y O F D E C IS IO N ”

Wm\ i n

R OOFS of all kinds applied and repaired, w ith metal edge. .Esti;. nlates . given. W illiam Kraycr, 7-7V*-Benson"avciiue.-Octan Grove;, Phone A. P. 405S-J.— 22*— ’4G

M U R R A Y ’S— “The Pants Housf o f Asbury Park.” 805-807. Lake avenue. Ju s t off M ain St. Boys and Men’s needs supplied.— 63 tt.

W A N T E D — All year round house! in Ocean Grove by fam ily of three adu ltj--. .tenant, who will take ’ good care of property who have lived in Ocean Grove for,..'past; 12 years. •Unfurnished or partly fu r ­nished. Samuelson, 50 Abbott ave., Ocean • Grovc.-^32-36*'

FO R S A L E — House, 7 roonis, a ll improvements, $5,000; house, 8

rooms, a ll improvements, furn ish ­ed, $5,500; 10 rooms, a ll improve­ments, furnished, $8 ,000 ; a ll year home and apartments oil lieat/un- furnished, $7,500. A ll nicely lo­cated. L is t your property For Sale or-For R ent w ith J . C.. Perry Agen­cy 09 M ain avenue. Phone A. P .. 8322 or residence, M anasquan 3541. — 31tf.

F O R S A L E — Hotel, 30 rooms, 30 bedrooms • runn ing water, partly furnished, $16,000; Hotel, 45 rooms, 40-bedrooms, runn ing water, fu r ­nished, $25,000; 10 rooms, runn ing water, furnished, hot a ir heat, $12,- 000; 12 rooms, furnished, $4,500; 14 rooms, furnished, $4,500; 10 rooms, 2 haths, hot a ir heat, furnished, S5.500; 11 rooms, hot a ir heat, $7,- 000; 7 rooms, $4,000; Duplex house, 10 rooms, each Side, $5,500; Duplex house, 7 roonis, each side, $4,500; 8 rooms,- corner, also -6

room *. cottage, furnshod, $4,000. C. J . Heinz, Realtor, 130 M ain Ave., Ocean Grove.— 31-35*

F O R SA L E — Hotel, overlooking ocean. 32 rooms, 2 baths, 6 toilets, runn ing w ater a ll guest rooms. D in ing room for fifty, kitchen, laundry. Good condition, well fu r ­nished, fu lly equipped. .Im m ediate possession, already open fo r sea­son. Price $25,000, w ith. 4 fu ll size lots.

McClintock Street, 1 block from ocean, 14 rooms, arranged two apartments and furnished rooms, , fu lly furnished. Im m ediate pos­session. Price cut to $4200 fo r quick, sale. Brewer and Smith,

.Realtors’, 701 Bangs avenue, Asbury Park. Phone A . P . 250.— 25tf ’

Page 6: F L A S H - DigiFind-It

j in:itiiiiiiiiiiii:uiiiiliiiuiiiiini!ii:iii»iiii:iMUi«iiii:iiiiiiiHiiiiiini|tiiiniiiiiiiiiiif«

: n ■ iii t* 11« n 111 • 11 ■ i t * 11* * i ■■ i in» u_*u ■ i«fit f * t1 ® n* i' ■ ti ■ ^

Page 7: F L A S H - DigiFind-It

A l k a - S e l t z e r


FRIDA, AUGUST 10, 1946

18. Broadway, ha lf block fro*ri •caan. Comfortable rooms o t rossonaiule r*tes,

M RS F. E, M A C K A Y ,Broadview , "Government control of produc­

tion 'distribution nnd price • in a

peacetime economy i». incompatible

with economic and political freo^

dom.”— W endell Berj?ef ■ Oopt. of

Justice. . . • ,

HOTEL LA PIERRE G r a n d View Hotel r g l l - „ A Avo., ’/i hlo«*k from wean, I ■ ■ H 1 * 0 «*ojitral to wUlm; plac<*«, hot and cold

.« • M-MM wHtur In room», htncwprlm : maUrfmtw,

l>orche* overlooking ocian. A, I*. 8332 . MILS. M A .IVniA EVANS AUST IN

1 . B EA C H AVENU I2 AT W E S L E Y L A K E i

| A ll rooms w ith • runn ing water, innerspring mattresses; |1 many w ith private bnth. Elovator. ,s5 ■ Many years distinguished service to discrim inating guests. sI Superior food, painstaking ly prepared by skilled women cooks, -j•#' attractively served Iri beautifu l lake view d in ing room. ;I Sensible Am erican P lan rattis, day, week, season. J

f v S , JO S E P H H. C H A M B E R L A IN , M gr. ; |5 . Winter at ' fS , Hotel I j i Ico Alfred.. . =g Lalco .Alfred; Florida. *

13 P itm an Avenue

5>2 Central avumio. Itoomn and . apart-; tiMjnta. Hot and cold running' water.- in roiMDH. ltmoiHprlrUf niaUrejiMfjH, -one and : ono-half, minuton-to Auditorium and ,l\cao.h, 0 3 1 - M . . - M I L S . ( ^ C H A N D L E R

Furnished 2 and 3 Room Apartments and Robnv; Chandler A. M. AUSTINOne-half Block from Ocean —. Near Cafeteria and Auditorium near ciifotorla.1!. Phoue A. I !

Carpenter and Builder

Weather S tripp ing

Estimates Given. Tel. 237-M

86 Hock Avenue, Ocean Grove


CheltenhamT h e b r e a k e r sGLEN HAVEN HOT



. I Surf Avenue . . .

A L E A D I N G H O T E L O N O C E A N F R O N TFamed for Food and .Comfort

American Plan "V. S. B A IR D , Ownership— Management

36 OC EA N P A T H W A Y . W ione Asbury Park 5033. M idw ay between ocean and Auditorium , l in t and cold water in rooms, Heated a ll,chilly days. Cleau, cool, Cheerful sleeping rooms. Addition­al lavatories installed and other improvements. Rates on application,

' ■ >•■' J . E . MeKiSE .Modern

DIAMOND STATE COLON 1 AL15 M ain Avenue,'Ocean Grove.

One-half block to boardwalk and ocean. Convenient to Auditorium and .a ll points o f'in te rest. Running hot and cold water in- rooms. European. W rite for. rates.Telephone* A. P. 1510-J M , CULGIN

Reitz Model Bakery 47 Piigrijrn Pathway

OCEAN GROVEA i'ome by the sea, one block from board­walk. l lo t and cold running, water in all rooms. Spacious verandas. Rates on re-

C. W . B. ' PUTT; Owner-Manager;THE AURORA H ote l Le C h e v a lie r quest. . Phone 1844;

Corner Webb arid Central Avenues

’ . Open Wednesday, May 30

Two blocks froir; ocean. Newly-decorated, comfortable rooms w ith hot and cold runn ing water. Reasonable rates.Phone 1319 • E D W IN D. TILTON

. JEWELER Watch Repairing



a p p r a i s e d f r e e

67 M ain Avenue

Occan Grove

Post Office Build ing

The DEA N S Edwards HousePhono.Asbury Park -5023-J

37 P itm an Avenue H o t ahd Cold W ater irt Rooms. Near Ocean and Auditorium

Inner Spring Mattresses In Every Room Open M ay to October

Telephone 4450 JE S S IE L. M IT C H E LL , Ownership-Management


; Private Showers

i fcpr*1- A l l Outside Rooms

11 f ' y j ; H ot and Cold

! vV W ater ;in Rooms

1 4 Spra>1 av<v: at lH*ach, t wo’ thin* utnw from. l»u*i terminal. '.Com- fortaldo a iry rooniH. .• N. I ’. Cafe*

. c iR ivcH w .: p o e e s o n .HAMILTON COTTAGE

23 Central Avenue A friendly vacation home where comfort is always considered.; It is t ie nearest room ing house to the Great Auditorium , and is only a two m in­ute walk to boardwalk and ocean.. Near cafcterias and restaurants. Rates reasonable and given on application.Phone 7132. A . T. D E Y , Owner-Manager.

Jacob Grossman Shoe Store

Selling tine Footwear

for Men, Women and Children Since 1888


58 M uin Ave.

Opp. PostofflcoW hole block on ocean frost— Cor.-Ocean Pathway and Ocean

E lovator R unn ing water in roonis . Baths

Telephone 190 M RS. G EO RG E Ii. H A IN E S , Owner nnd ManagerPhone:

A . P. 8549

C- 11. O R A H A J.1 E M a nage r

MARLBOROUGHC orner. Beach arid Scaview avenues, block from oceKn

.■ Hot and cold runn ing water in all. rooms. H eat for. chilly days. Private-lavatories. Rates on application.

Tel A P 3329 . E D W A R D J , NORTON

708 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park:

“The Friendly House for Friendly People.*

Rooms and apartments. Runn ing water. ■ Ono-half block to ocean. Tal•phone Asbury Park 765)1. Our rates are always moderate.

11 Main. Avenwe. M RS. R O L A N D L. R l in R A U F F

62\'z M ain Avenue

U n d e r N e w M a n a g e m e n t

R u n n in g . water in all rooms. Easy w alk ing distance to A uditorium , Beach and Restaurants, ’ .

- - K itchen privileges if desired.

«Rates on request;

Phone A . P. 8341. Mrs. JO H N W E S L E Y G A L L A G H E R

Centennial Shoe Rebuilders

63 M A IN . A V E N U E


Our business, kas been built on


ami ei-.- of finest materi­als. So please be pationtd Don’t w a it till the iast m inute before repairing your shoes.

Give us enough time to DO A GOOD JOB

OLIVE H OU SE WATSON HOUSE l • 1 'jVrrini ; I ’a f h way. <‘li« rrful- rooins . >viih <!•»■ witho.ui < l j k h i

U . WATSON'. 1 ’u »pr.

Corner Heck and Beach Avenues.One block from the ocean and centra lly located. Open A ll Tear.

Hot and cold runn ing water in till rooms. European Plan. Tel. 1188• M ltS . T R IN E B R A IN .

Wilmington House Centml' and Ileck: comfortablo,. frtomily and convenient- Ail out- aid# rooina: light hodsekoeping-

O. E. and IK C. : EDVTArtpS.

78 Mt. Ilormon Way. nmr Auditorium and 'nli attxadUooH. Drlffht »uuny rooins/ Eiiro*

jHjan plan. Prlyilpftos;



25 Ocean Avenue W6NDGLLC A S T L E A R M S

Opposite Itath ing GoscliRoums Overlooking Ocean

Convenient to Cafeterias

G. G O R M E g , M anager

White HallPark View Hotel16 M ain Avenue

OCEAN GROVE, N. J aitd Auditorium,

WH1THAVENE D. W H IT E H E A D , Owner Telephone, Asbury Park 4163-M =

AHbury Park G itli

PINE TREE INN X JA V E you tried Alka-Selt* icr for Ca* o n ’Stoninch,

8oar Stomach, **M orn tn it After” and Cold D iitron?; I f not, w hf. not? Pieaaant,' ^prom pt in action, effccUve.: \ Thirty centa a n d SCxty 1 conta., .

kooplnp.10 M A IN A V E N U E

F irst hotel from ocean on south aide o f M ain avenue. N e « ali attrac­tions and cafeterias. Runn ing water in a ll rooms. Completely renova­ted throughout, European P lan. M RS. JO H N S H A F E R


(Under New M anagement)

Centrally located, near beach and Auditorium . Ro6taurant

in bu ild ing . Outside rooms, spacious porches.

Phone At I ’. 8353 D . C ARR , Owner-Mgr.

THE PRINCETOND in e O v e r T h e O c e a n50 Em bury Avonue, central location for bath ing beach am: Auditorium),

Comfortable-homo atmosphere. Rooms nnd apartments; hot m d cold, runn ing water in a ll rooms? clean, ligh t, uiry. Reasonable rates givon on application...

. M RS. M A RT H A K IU IEG E R ,Ownership-Management

at the Famous

A SINGLE J.-.- Miles Anil- Pain P ill often relieve*

Headache, Muscular Pain* or F u n c t io n a l Monthly F a i n a 25 for 25*, 125. /orjl.00. Get them at your drus atore. Head direction* and xisft only ft* directed.

WARRINGTON HOTEL Pioasant, clean a iry rooms w ith hot and cold running water in all,

many overlooking thc ocean and boardwalk. A ttractive rates.

7 Main Ave., Tel. A. P. 5040 L IL L IA N C. B R O W N , Owner-Manager


22 Lake Avenue, facing. Lake and Asbury Park

Convenient to all Beach-front tttractions and Auditorium. Rooms only, hot and cold running water, hot b*ths and showers, inner spring mattrea- ees. Write for folder and rates. H. W. Brown, own- er-manager. Telephone 8356.

Reservations for Parties

Phone 3196

Directly on the Ocean Front— Season, May to Oct. European P lan. A ll rooms have innerspring mattresses, hot and

cold runn ing water, some w ith private bath:: and lavatories.Telephone A. P; 4084 I. A . S H A W , Ownership-Management



31 Em bury Avonue

European. H o t avd cold runn ing water in a ll rooms. Near Beach, Auditorium , and a ll attractions.Phone A. P. 6749 A . E. H A R P E R .

R unn ing

W ate r in

Every ’loom

(Form erly nt N orth End Boardwalk)

68 Main Avenue, Ocean GrovaJannrA /£ tV

< /£# S £VWhen the oldest raoi^etft was a youngster we supplied


Fay lor Dairy Co.Catley. & W illiam s, Proprietor*


From M onmouth County Fari&a

Phone 1970 142 Lawrence Avenue, Ocean Grov«




14 Searicw Avenue Under New Management

H a lf block from ocean, outside rooms, tcean view. Remodelled and jiew ly decorated. Rooms w ith toilet, tw in beds.

“You 'll Fell n t Home Here” .Phone A. P. 8214 C. W . and M. G. BU T TEL, Ownership-Management

| SPECIAL RATES IN JUNE j| ■ H osp ita lity — Comfort — European I

I M. E. S U T H E R L A N D !' ,11......

-..........W illiam Argerskis, |

| l ’eter A thans, Proprietors |

....... . ............................ .... .House-By-The-Side-Of-1 he-Road

T h e A m h e r s t Q U A K E R INNH O T E L A n d R E S T A U R A N T

O P E N FO R TH E N IN E T E E N T H SE A SO N R unn ing W ater in a ll 40 Rootas— Private Balks

Cor. Main and Central Avob. Tel. A . p. 7525 H. W . awj M . B. S T RA

I'l; P itm an Avenue One-half block to ocenn, near Auditorium nnd all attractions. Rooms and apartm ents: hot nnd cold runn ing water in a ll rooms;, ligh t, niry, comfortable. ' M RS. A , M IT C H E L L ,Phone A . P . 6S50 . Ownership-Management

Page 8: F L A S H - DigiFind-It

T* A Ci ft ■ KIO II T. FRIDAY, AUGUST 10/1948

■■ .7 V ...

IOTIOM I'K IM U; MAIVS»iKi»ftWifi siW- ! nv 'i'ii !■:

......... . NU I’TIJNI'! INK .M tV an jU T ii. I».vv«lvi*n flint nil

tlr*(. if«>- or- iMJK- ... ut 0uvN'*|H»iuv rl'rfH; ’ I .'IT Sniilli

..mi*, NVw .Irr^-.v, N,‘|.Mhh*. ‘ in . thi!

.!)» will »*lT**r ;u i>ifb- ifclwstY l.lililfcr, at a •i*' of S«»v«»n . I liimlroil

........ r«Kl,t tUli- njhl intVr-ld . Township. ;n Miilr*,'0 *.at;' t)n> foiHM’IOSHtH* of . jilt*

tlu'K'of In ?at««| *i*i IM*;!. Uuul> ; pi

li>\. I’-’.'i ioi*( on the.-Horth MUo »f». . \WsI o f : •Stokesiil.uii ilie tyllowinif toi-ins

; '>.•*,;> -V• .-.•rwCMii&V w r e n t ••/<si)#).V;t

, pahl (it thnc of ;}iali*. ami.Italaiin*I»uji| i ip«.n»:• I ir 11 ve r >T ofMhe lijtmul K«i.. i ><•«••<!.-; .- r-.r v1- : • ••>;;<'2) V. ^ahT‘C Irio'tJs >{iiul pr«yj}I.*p»r..nri;

r to~. be ;jin|«r .fniHjivt . to ',a ll. municipal, .statu-/ ariiV/. foilcml. >onUnances. suit-'

• titcrt nml roKtilartonjr; nflf«vc<liiK' tho uso of ','ilwj. .naId '.Ttimls* itlul p r o m t s '\a.nrl

. jsulijoc.t ' t o , the*. coy't*n:UiU<, • eOtuHtlouH ami -.I'rHtrlctlouH.. contained In priordeeds ;nffectfnK .saUl'>prenilHOB. -'•/•

• (JI). Tho inirchast*r »li\U ho'required , a t the time, of .-losing oi, pay. an an■additional purrluw.o prior. sum »H[Ufil.--! tf>: tho amoiiht of tax' liaHwl

.,on the.- ltist.;aHHi>ssod-valuation fronY tin* flr«t. of . tho month next- aftor. tho d:*io oC CloHlnn:- nntir. tlio cud of tHo

..ourretil year: *\ Any . hldihirV wjfto falls .(«>• contph.*to /hiR/jm ri‘lm*o , n*||F. (nr-.• fo lt '\to/;'.the' / Township'.- aijy- ' deposit

A .w * '• w K V lV

• . .*• ?-Township./ Clerk.

. i I ) , 'J’Wfhly-.’Mmrri'nt..’ lo ‘he■pnld.Ai 'thin? of.'i'jilir’ttHd hnlamT to hi*•pnId- uphh' dollvoi y of'tlie ' hlir(’iiln/niid

i -> Suhl luinlH iind .propttMoM nro tn be'!<o|d HuhJi.'Ot' t.o uU MiunUdpiil. state nnd frdonil ordlfmneW*.. HtatntOH arul r.euulatl>riH nlT»*<uip»: the -umo pf the M3 l«l In in lHn iui • pt emlH»*M, mid .mil»Joet I f tffo /vuldltIons and rr-ntrlrtlnnn contained In prior d^oilyafr«HMlnK Maid prV»mlH0H. :

Cli- Thr pnr»;ha?*or nliall ho renulretl Ht . tho llrn^ of- closing to pay, uh an addttloiifil pttrohaKb price; it nnm .etpinl .'to-'- tlio ,amount. <ff tn.x Hnjieil on tho !a<t a/*s«*MMod :valnntlou • from, the first Of tin*, iiiniifht noxt iaftor,; tlie. date s0f closing; n id l l tin* end. Of the.»*urrent Vi-ar ; Any 'bhhter. who' falls -to oom- pleto' Ii Ih purchiiw" will* forfolt (o (he Township any deposit- paid; . . * .l.'ated: Aiib'u>t ?, XV15-

JOH S AV. K NOX/! oo j}-> ‘ ' > TownshlJ) ’ Clorlr.

N OTIl'E •

;-NOTlrK ;-j ■.LA N OS -VVNt\-

I'lT.liU'' SAl OF:

...m On


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;d.->J-Vil M(;-10ifdK,ao0.:tn;onHi>^-.,f• . v,

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.- 'NoTK.’lv Is /Jiorohy nlvoh that on Tuesday-.* tlio twonty-lVrst.-day. nf Atip- nst. IT*l.’l a t il I ‘. M. a t tho Neptune /lownshlp HoailMuartors, 1"T Sotith. .Main St root. * N ‘‘p* uno. - N ow . Jersey, slur Township, of N.optiino, In tho I ’in iilly 'rif Nlomnonth w ill offer at pti.h- llo--sa.liV, : to! thi,* highest, bhhlor, a t a m inim um sate'.price-of.Fotir ilmidiv?d F ifty ’ .(«ir.O.UO). Dollars a ll the rlKht title and interest of thoVsald Township 'of; Ni'pt U no - a<M|idiVd* at :a ta,v salo and the foroi’losure of.tho'equlty of redonip- f Inn r fhiTeof Hi ;i'i)d. to thi* follbwlnfr. descrlliod land^ and premWei?:.• ■

All that certain.plot, plneo. or parcel o fm V itm d known and -.designated as. I tlork 171 - 1 >V 1 .ot fiOO. bol njr vara tit ur«Hind. approximately ;"1 foot by 112 re**.t: jnrtho..souih''.slde> hC"13inhiiry;.‘Ave- tim*;* east. of. lUdKo' Avenue.', upon the fidhiwinir .term s .andt’dndlllons :.

TI ) -Twentyr porcont (L'O^V .to .-lie paid nf ttiuo <if shle.ahd halnnco to he paid upon:delivery, of tho IfarKafn and S a !»* r»oi\d:•>'-.• • '.. • : 'v-;.. if'2 )- S;iid -lands . and" premlses - aro to-><? -sold4-snbjo«'t;- to a ll m un icipa l, 'state ' and fedenil : ordinances.' 'stat- ,n<vs and, re«ulatJoins affectIntr the use -6'f* tho-.siiid' htnOs rtiwl premises.- 'and >;irlij(«*t to the covenants, enmlitions m id to^t riot Ions •contained ;lr»' prior deoils.:/affecting said premises.■ V.U. Tim , purchaser .shall ho rertul- ,iv«l at . tho t|nn,‘ . o r . closing,; uis'an-lid.dlHoiial 'tnttcIiase prloo. a Vujn y'V'i;t 1' :f;to.. th.C - aniount . of, 'tax,!'based •mi -ithe. I.lstn.v$t*ssed‘ ■ valiiai Jon, frojp •Ito-.-'itrsMth(*;')VioiYl.l» ...noNt. •* a ffer h.»:‘ dato,.pf rJosin« ,ui|til. tbV*-.Vnd.'of

ourrOpt. >var. • Any- uiddijr.'- who ;l-tii.‘ •VaV'jhjloti'.;; ins’; p.uic'hase, -.will it ; .tn . tlie' Tc‘\i*ushlp; any deposit

TOWNMIIM ' OF: N K l’TUNF,.: IN ■:Tl!'!*:• rtiH N T V O F MONMUIJTH.. NOTICI: Is hereby given'-, that on Tuesdny,- tho twent.v-lli Ht day.'of • Au«* ust,. liMfi h t '2 'IV M;.;;.nt th*» Neptimo d*i.wpshlp. Ilemhpinrters. . j:t7 . South Main Strnot. Neptune.: New .lersoy, the Township of -Neptune, .'-lip the fo un ty .o f Monm.outh- w ill offer at pub- lie s/ih%. to' the hl^host bidder, at a liiinimmn sale', '-price; ( i f ' .Twenty-two Unndr. d /F if ty . <|22f.0,00i IJollai-s. .a ll i he rliiht tlll.e and Interest of.tlie wild Tiiwnsldp of Neptune aoiiult’od a t a tax sale ••‘and. the .foreclosure of- the eipill.v of rot tempt Inn thereof In' njtd to the folhoylnt; desiTlboil lands and premises: •/■

All that certain plot, piece, or jiatvel ,c»f Ki'oVmd known- Jind" designated as

Afonroe Avonue'. 'bc.InK -10 by 100 foot fin which thoro is.a I '* story bun-- galow ttpvu the following; terms .and tvondltio)in:: . -i •' .

(1 ) *l‘wentv - porcont (209c) to bo p/th? at thiie ti( safe and. be palii'tipoii delivery t»f the Itar^u iu and Sale Oe<?<l.. •' / ...

t'-) 'Said lands and premises arc •to he' 'sOld'. snbjoot ■ to a ll municipal, state and federal ordinances, statutes nnd. roKnlntIons nffoctIns: tho uno of the .said lands and -, premises, nnd subject to the covenants; conditions, and rostrlctlons contained . in prior deeds affecting said premises.• •(3) The purchaser shall he requl- red'.at- the time Of closing to pay, as an aild ltlonal purchnso price, a sum . orpin I . to the amount of tax based on /the last assessed valuation from the -first; of the month next after tho date ,of cloving until the end of the current . year.. . Any bid­der who falls to complete his pur- ohi\se w ill forfeit / to the Township nny •. deposit paid. •*'Hated;.'August 0, 1 ft * f>

, * .to ilN W. K NOX. '• a«* a- ' ‘ •.-;•/ Township Clerk.

. :n/: •<

s.paidHhto *;•{ 1 jVJnv’ V

■ ;Ii >HN W /./KNON. / '■ Towniihlp Clerk.

I jiil'iila nd* A'y'v.n'ue..-:in' Shmk' i.ii-vof • HiI'h.ji/Vth^foUo^ing;: i il! f f- ' '•' •'

________— :------- ------- —

rl I . . ..S<>rir\v



'.o f ; : . iM ^ idV ;. • W ■ ani;>. P ixkm tt?y-*-}N;: *n.| !*•

; “ . * -‘V ? •'■;/•.:;•■ ;'; :-/100-’ .Avenue/OcW in Grove :' !* -" i •/’;: -. •/:’/ : •/•••.- . ' '''

. ./. tr«f"Jopatioii’. npju'sile Asln jiy Park-.ln:sitieSs pooler. onZ \Vo?;lvv .Jdijvi}, •^lipiiv't.p'/.t.hrXH* VooLr*.: ■'*tiv.crythin^;«*•; \\\ttcr^rjpt:;-maUresses•* hot ami cold H'umintf .water; ’• Kui;opeon

• '^Hit-*-/i:ciom<.- vvitli \ private*,liath’,.’’-ptiVcherf: entrances,*

- itelien privileges.* / ’

- A;-i\.'r»ii-is- -'Slit. A N !) AIUSu W M : HONSH U ;.; Owncr-M^r.M U. A M ) >1U^. >V>1

;*i- i i i i i : i'i«li«ui11».'■»'i»:*'1 ■1 *:• ?'*;* -

•.>/.':>*OTICB /V


. TH.R COUNTY O F MONMOUTH.N.OTW'F. Is hereby kIvOii that on

.Tuesday, jthe twonty-nr.*st .dn jvo f. Aiig- \isi, !!Mr*<.at li-P. .M. at -the' Neptune Township Hoadfpiarters. 11ST South Maicr Stceot. Noplune;. New ’ .lorsov.

. the Township of - Nenthne, In the i County t»f .Monipouth w ill offor^at pub* i lie ,sale.;, to the .highest .bhld«*r," nt a • /iilnlniitin s a le 'v p v l f P F o u r Thons- ni'd -Tvyd tliw'Ond jDdllni’s.•all-, the i;luhf,-,tIt'll-’ a.nd -interest.' of':thi* said Towiisldp -of'■■.Netttnne.,,ncipi||S-d ’:it/a tax-sale and th.e',fO»oclosiiK* iif tlie ••Vpilty- ’ o'f , rt'/huni'tloir theVeof,*;ih .am i Io-; Ib«-! ^,o.llow,ing ilo^c* d/ I.jnd/s and premiVs'. . v/w-:* >.; ; /■, .Nil that certain, plot, piece, or pared •if. grdund-: known and designated as I'.liV.’kv )irj; ;,t.0 i 'l 1.? aiid also;known as j2l 1 V> Ave/n«je...upi»p the ■followlpg oVniSs iind conditrons ; --.', - '-•-/.- .. ti.V fbio 'IMjouVahd (J 1000.00). Dollars i b bv* jia Id . a t I line of -Sah* a nd b:^la iii-c at,*. rate- of l*lft>* .($r.n,no> T»ol).ars )M*r.''h. .u n t il. the • fu l l . purchase•prJci*- h a v been. paid. • :.. • •

(21V Said, lands, and premises: are to 'lie,-sold subject to jiII - municipal, sttiti i f nd'.;. fe-’ecal. o»*d |iw nce«*/ .•»? a t utos a nd. regulations, affecting the use of; tiie **ald :|nnds and;; .promises, a nd- stihjoct: io (»*;..e'ocei)nn*‘- .fo n d lt io ,'c and ' re*. s.trlj;tlons/ contained ■ In ..prior deeds, ' n f f ; . « n I d 'Promises, * ■;p‘ (tt)’ -. The ./purclijiser sh'ail t>o ro- /i«‘i* ed JI«'.»bo •\ line o< olnC-j -ii»' t o j}X

I rr<J (i“ '.'aitdlHnnal • nnt.-i-hn^o'-'prlce,'.vjpn ' /.final, to' the amount o f ,Ja>: j '.nased. on/tin* laVtVafc‘;‘*sv'ed valuation. ‘f'fvovr -. j»vj* n•••'»' of.- •- .♦>« . -•»ev't-" affer th e , date of tdoslng until, the •>.‘>d . o f '■ ttir : crirroiit year. • Any bld- •'dor* -who :*f*tll« to comnlete hls-.pnr- /‘liaso will: “ fi»rfi i{ to tho. .Township t o.v/ deiio*--Vt'_ ;na<d.,.'/. ; ; ’ •

ie« 1:'; A<i•}■ irst !«,. ! f*.tr. •' i •] .-. •/.". * • JOHN’.. tV,- K N O X . j . . ‘ ' ' Township Clerk


JOHN T. JIULL, SK.John T. Hull, Sr., ape 80, 10 E m ­

bury avenue, nml formerly of Cald­well, died Sunday morning, Aug. 5, .aftt>r, n sJtort illness. Ho had been a resident, o f Ocean Grove for. twerlty years, haying Retired .here' from the grocery husinefls. He was a metniicr of Caldwell lodge, F . and A . 'M., and ori m any occas­ions served as organist of Ocean Grove and Jordan lodge here. The remains were taken, to Caldwell, where funeral services were held on Wednesday- followed by. inter­m ent in Prospect H ill cemetery of th a t place. He is survived by his w ife E va J . Hull and one daughter and; two; sons: Mrs. Frederick Ru­dolph, sr., of' Roseland, N . J . ; E r­nest R .. Hull, of East Orange, and Sgt. John T. Hull, ji*., who is honte on furlough; also three grand­children and otic great grand child.

F R E D E R IC K V A N C L E E F , SR.

Frederick L. VanCleef, sr., 73, died Tuesday m orning a t his home, 120 Main avenue. He is survived by h is wife, Mrs. M inerva .Van- Cleef, and a son, L t. Frederick L. V an Cleef, jr.i U . S. Arm y. Fun ­eral arrangements are in charge of M atthew , Francioni and Taylor, A sbury Park. Services w ill he held pending thb arriva l of Lt. Van Cleef w h o is a t sea eriro.ute Home. • He is* being contacted through the Red .Cross.


- Mrs. Theodore Meat!, Sr., 90, of Newark, and \vho spent many sum­mers here in Ocean GroVe, (lied Re­c e n t ly /a t the home of . her son, Theodore Mead, Jr ., iti Cleveland,. 0 ., where she had resided fo r the nast fifteen years. She is survived by another son, Edward D. Mead; o f Caldwell. Funeral services were held in Caldwell and burial was made in Rosedale Cemetery, Mpnt-

’clairV-.-i-: .'v'; -r . ‘-0 , /-i ■ ' * ;v

i- JA M E S . F IS H E R

j Jam es Fisher, 82, of Baltimore ' anti 22 Pitman aVenue, died Satmv jday night, after su'fT.cring; a heart ia ttack as lie Walked home from the Salvation Arm y meeting in the; Auditorium . He collapscfl on . Pit- m an avenue and was taken, to F it

Ikitv H osp lta l/by th e ‘Occan Grove first aid spttad where lie was pro-

[ noiinccd dead on arrival

F R E D E R IC K A. R O G ELj .: Fredericlr 'A. Ropcl, 74, of 32 Ab- jbo tt avenue, died. Thursday morn- • 'h 'r ia t F itk in hospital fo llow ing an oiinration. He is surviyed by hjs w ife Mrs. IVessie Ro^el and a bro­ther. Alfred, of Relmpnt,' L. I.


89 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J.

Dinner Served From 12 Noon to 8 P. M.

Glam Chowder Served iiiiifcvliifi Dinner Daily

Io . l-.toreiire >*s’,nr In

yv.inmi;; 1 1. May Coifcerti:' •. ■ /. ,Talo* .notice m at ;«'.»■• Saturday, An-

trust is, l!i-|l. ntV.ti*h'o!oloo.k lu the fori-- >-o ,n .M A Y l’ b- at Central; Gm-ago^ $02 K st,. tv im a iv N. . J.. I will sell at iMildii; .’>\uciloii ,'otie Chevrolet - coupe,' ye;ii, lf#::i. engine No; > Jrin^rjoii.: .serial. No 2A I>2.2-<2 1 ; . for moin-y owin^r Cen­tral...! Iaraire. -im«)er th.**- fJarage. Lion Act.* lt< ;:57:;2**.!0 In ' the.- amount • of *'*?& ‘and the’ Cokt ;of these proceed-:IllgS. •' • ;.••■•*.. . ■; - :

MK«!||HvL ItlT/.F.N,DO|.LAIt. HaUiff ''•?*T-*f2, ; for-Cep.t ral <i.*tVagc.

Special Sale August 21

WiS.C.S. Meeting- to Fo lio " .Sale on ; St. Paul’s Church Lawn.

A sale o f a rtic le s w ill tak e place on the- lawn, a t S t. P a u l’s , church .

Tuesday} A u g u s t 21. a t 10;00 a., m ..

i t wa? • announced a t tiie W .S .C .S .

eveeu.t:vc! !)oard m ee tin g T uesday hffw'-noon h t S t. P a u l’s church .

T h ° : sale w ill lie fo llow ed by .the re gu la r m ee tim r a t .2 o’clock w ith ; M rs. A lice D e tw ile r / a s guest

sPoa.Kor. M rs . C harle s; Poole , is ch a irn ia n , o f the p ro g ra m w ith

Mi*:*; E liz a b e th .S tr o w as ‘devotion ­

al leader. • • / ;;: - 1.

Marine Gateteriaand Hotel 41 Pilgrim Pathway


Full Course ■Dinner 1.25 !JS :S ^- re a- «V .C ,,ffW e , .A ,d innerdeLuxc .

Keiislics— Chick'uii Soup w ith : Iticc— Uoast. I.«HK Is land : D uck , A p p le Saurce,'Old Fash- j.m cd Di-ossiilK-^Ki-esh-AsparaBUS— M ashed


/..Tlie Wayne l'ea Rcom:;;; jAsbury and New Jersey Avenues

. A t Emory Street Hr idee I. C L O SE D M O N D A Y S

DLNNLU.S—-1:30 to 8:00 I*. M , Tuesday through i>attirday ' j

< S U N D A Y S , Noon to 7:30 P. M. •Public PhoiiVA; IV85U5'.: . • -: ,M. G. ICVANh.J


" T h e B u s I s M y V e r y

B e s t F r i e n d T o d a y ”

“ IIow could I ever get along

without the dependable C.C.C.

blisses.for everyth ing?;’


SHORTHAND!W e lle r 's m okos s h o r th a n d o f th e jo b o f

. k e e p in g y o u r ica boK f ille d w ith c(ean ,

w ho lesom e ice to preserve foods o nd o h iil

y o u r fa v o r ite beverages,

a n d en jo y th e su m m er .

W ELLER 'SP h o r i s A . P . 6 1 5

30,00.0,000 L IN K S — Aqccleraletl pacc- of the war has resulted in an increaoe'of 100 per cent in gov­ernment orders (or machine nun belt links being manufactured by the Anid-lcim Can Company. An

1 outpu Ii0 m illion is-slated for 1 1015,


REACH. (H EADS) OK THREE j W AKS— Natalie Parramore of I Spapish-Amcrican War. left; Air.clia Crossland of 1917 v in ­tage anti Marion Holm of today. A ll gals; from St. P e ic i/ Mig Fla.

7TH W A R LO A N X IIEM E. is Joe Rosenthal’s famous picture of the flag raising a t Iw o Jirtia. T -ive starts M ay 14 and ends , -"• Goal is 14 b illion dollar! -

R A T IO NReminders

1 (This..dig;e;st of Important ration-J ing information is prepared for our readers by thc New Jersey oflicc o f - price adm inistration.) •

F a d O il ' .-/ ; /

Period 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Coupons , all good for 10 pallons a un it, are valid. A lso valid aro Per­iod 4 and 5 coupons and d iange coupons from 1043-'44 season. A ll coupons remain valid through

August 31, 1945. ^ S‘


New serially numbered 137 and C7 mileage ration coupons are now being issued, vnluod n t five gallons each. H-7, B-8 , C-7 and C-8 Coupons good, for 5 gallons each.’

Sugar - S tam p 3G, good for 5 pounds, be­

came valid May 1 and remains good through August 31. Sugar for home canning w ill be tighter this year— there . w ill be no general stam p validation. Special coupons are now being issued on application to ra tion ing boards. New- stamps will be issued only once every four months— next stamp is due Sept* 1.

Moat-Bu Iter-Fat-Cheese

Stam ps Q2. R2, S2- T2, U2, be­came good on May I and will re­main cnod thromrh A ucus t 31. Y2. W2, X2, Y2, Z2, were validated June 1, good through Sept. 30. Stam ps F I, Gl,' A lj J I and K1 validated August 1, good through Nov, 30. A ll stamps are, good for ten points each.

•Shoe' Ration ing : X--.'. A irplane stamps 1, 2 and 3 (Book

3) good indeliiiitcly. A irplane slam p •! validated August 1 ,.good indefinitely.

. Processed Food

P l. Q l, R l , S I and. T I; validated Aug. 1, good through Nov. 30. Stamps Y2, 7,2. A l a n d ' C l gooil through A u g u s t.31;-til through H I good through Sept. 30; J I through N F good .througlr Oct. 31; J'[ through T I good through Nov. 30.

----- * ------ v / r v


WILBUR R. GUYER •. Successor to j



HEATING j. '•//;:; - t- v ' •:■ • •

Estimates Given !

64 M ain Avenue, Ocean G rore*

Telephone 428 J

! Ann Louise J j Candies, In c J5 N orth End Pavilion 1 | Ocean Grove §

§ A ll O ur Candies Mndo o n :th e s = ! Premises |

| -Salt Water Taffy ||- Twenty Flavors 2

I M A IL O R D E RS T A K E N 1= . .(Tor- Men In Service) 1

| Home-Made Ice Cream 1pn, 11 ii. i..| (•..ii iiln 11 hi li il iti in i, tn hi him i i.iiii in iniil


^ J H A I N K YO U-™. C A L L A G A IN



Of curse you want the best and most reasonable.Get it at the

Cut Rate Crockery CompanyKitchen Equipment and Furniture

House Furnishings, Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies

15 South M ain Street Telephone Asbury Park 1141Opposite M ain Avenue Gates


Phone 1439 ' 24-HOUR S E R V IC E


Corner Corlicn Avenue and M ain S treet • Neptun<\ N . J .




-Ml nontrs A^enno, Nrptunn, N . J . Telcphono A shnrj Park 8988' J





R. C. BRITTON and SON, Inc.Asbury Park 1690-J P H O N E A llenhurst 1264

g,>ltil|ll|IJIllBll|l,|..;,M|i|,.;l.., ,<i,i<.,i.(.i|i:|llllllll,|i

I li ltA K E S E R V IC E f

I /B A T T E R Y SE R V IC E i :

I . - ■ C A R S IN SP E C T E D I

| ST O R A G E T IR E S §

1 NEPTUNE [I AUTO REPAIRS I i-. Auto Repairing lrI R A Y E L L IS ' i

| ' Stockton and So. Alain St. ;5 Ocean Grove.- Tel. 7727 I


Itmilltor*.- slil I ii i.'t S p rpd is ’ Storm Susli—- O incru l Pruperty Multitcnnnrc

1125 Corlies Avenue Tel. A. P. 370 or 5592M Neptune, N. J .


Let Us Dyo . . For You


Ofllco nml Fuctory Aslinry Avinuo nnit ltnllruad, Asbnrr I 'u r t .Ocrfln Pro re (In Sumiimr) <0 P ilgrim P t tth > v n y _______



( Howard L. Smith jThe Hardware Store |

. of Ocean Grove |

PLUMBING j Tinning & Heating!



Thompson Coal CompanyF U E L O IL W OOD A N D C H A R C O A L

117 South M ain Street, Neptune, N . J.“'B L U E ” C OA L

Phone 2300


All kinds Electrical Work Radio Repairing

Frank Tephford18 Abbott Avenue, Ocean Grove. I ’liorfe, Asbury Pork 7517





51 Main Avenue : | OCEAN GROVE, N. J. |

| Phone 4741 ." t i i i i i in i t i i i f i i i i i i i i iu i in i i i in i i i i i i in in i i i in iu i . i iu in , , , . ^ '



THE N E W NEPTUNE LAUNDRY, Inc.A L L S E R V IC E S — Wet Wash, A ll F la t , Sh irts by H and ; W e t and

Flat. Finished, Itlankots Phone A . P. 4513

8 Stokes Ave. Cor- Corlies, Intersection l l ’w'y 33 and 35


N EPT U N E , N . J .


Telephone 1916


ELM'S DRAPERY SHOP401 M ain Street Bradley Beach, N. J .

CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS-_E lizabeth Sm ith , . : . .y I»hone A. P. 6556



LONGSTREET’S STATIONERYGl.'l.Mtiltlsou A vpiiuu Pluim)-A. P. f.OII.J Ahltury Purk

Koxt To.Salvation Army '. • '

Oc c a s i o n a l l y , i wake up inthe momiiig with a Headache.

I t sometimes wears off along the middle of the forenoon, but I don’t . want to wait that long, bo I drink a . glass of sparkling ALKA-SELTZER. In just a little while I am feeling a lot better.

Sometimes the week’s ironing tires me and makes me sore and stttf. Then it’s ALKA-SELTZER tp the rescue — a tablet or two ond a little rest makes me feel more like finish­ing the job.

And when I cat “not wisely but too well,” ALKA-SELTZER relieves the nAcid Indigestion that so often . follows.

Yes, A lka - Seltzer brightens my day. It. brings relief from so many of my discomforts, that I always keep it hanay.


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