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1/6/2013 1 © Project SOUND Out of the Wilds and Into Your Garden Gardening with Western L.A. County Native Plants Project SOUND 2012 (our 8 th year) © Project SOUND Extraordinary Scents Native Plant Scents for Potpourri and More C.M. Vadheim and T. Drake CSUDH & Madrona Marsh Preserve Madrona Marsh Preserve May 5 & 8, 2012 Do you ever wish you knew more about how to use your native plants? © Project SOUND © Project SOUND Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across a thousand miles and all the years we have lived. - Helen Keller http://www.sepulvedaba age.html
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Page 1: Extraordinary Scents - Notes



© Project SOUND

Out of the Wilds and Into Your Garden

Gardening with Western L.A. County Native Plants Project SOUND – 2012 (our 8th year)

© Project SOUND

Extraordinary Scents Native Plant Scents for

Potpourri and More

C.M. Vadheim and T. Drake

CSUDH & Madrona Marsh Preserve

Madrona Marsh Preserve

May 5 & 8, 2012

Do you ever wish you knew more about

how to use your native plants?

© Project SOUND © Project SOUND

Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across a thousand miles and all the years we have lived. - Helen Keller



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Smell is our most primitive sense

Memories recalled by smells often feel more vivid and emotional than those associated with sights, sounds and tastes.

Unlike the other sense organs, the nose sends information directly to the limbic system, a primitive part of the brain concerned with memory and emotion.

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Floral scent is often the most powerfully

sensual experience in the garden

The scent-sensing part of

the brain is very ancient

Floral memories can last a lifetime – and are among the strongest memories

Not all people experience the same scent in the same way: Biologic differences –

different receptors

The memories that particular scents evoke

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Despite their complexity, plant scents can be as

recognizable as their other attributes

The human nose is capable of recognizing 10,000 scents.

Scent in plants comes from volatile oils found in the glands of flowers, leaves, branches, seeds, bark, and, in some cases, roots.

More than 3,000 chemically different oils have been identified from at least eighty-seven families of plants. © Project SOUND

The experience of scent is individualistic

Yet some scents have been purported to cause certain effects for a long time – and in many different cultures:

Lavender – calming

Mint – energizing

Sage can reduce mental fatigue, stress and mental exhaustion.

Is there a chemical basis for these effects?

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Practitioners of aromatherapy say ‘yes’

An aromatherapy garden focuses on the scents of the plants and flowers in it. The scents are the basis for the essential oils used in aromatherapy.

Essential oils are volatile (from the Latin volare, meaning to fly), which means they evaporate at or above room temperature.

Heat releases the fragrance of the oils (essentially the plant's perfume or flavor), hence the more noticeable fragrances generated by a walk through a summer garden. In the winter these fragrances are less noticeable as the cooler air prevents easy evaporation of the oils from plants.

A scentless garden would have amazed the ancient Greeks, Romans, Persians – even the Victorians!

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methods of using

scented foliage

Simple Hanging herbs

Simmering herbs

Scented wood for drawers

Bath ‘teas’

Hand rubs

Slightly more complex Smudge sticks

Sachets/scent pillows

Bath salts


Infused oils for massage

Scents/flavors/oils Hydrosols and essential oils




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CA native essential oils and other products –

commonly available for purchase

Salvia apiana Salvia mellifera Achillea millefolia

Balsam fir


Bay Laurel

Monterey Cypress

Incense Cedar

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* Incense Cedar – Calocedrus decurrens

J.S. Peterson @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

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Montane forests from Oregon south through California to northern Baja California, Mexico and east to western Nevada

Locally in San Gabriel Mtns.

On mesic sites including riparian habitats in mixed-evergreen, yellow-pine forests, 2000-7000 feet

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* Incense Cedar – Calocedrus decurrens

© 2005 Steven Perkins,158,159

© Project SOUND

Incense Cedar: a true N. American Cedar

Size: Commonly 40 to 70 ft. with age

– may be much taller

10-25+ ft wide

Growth rate fast up to 20 ft.

Growth form: Woody tree

Can live 500+ years

Bark thick, furrowed, cinnamon-brown –later gray

Foliage: Bright green; in flattened

sprays of scale-like leaves

Very aromatic

Roots: taproots and shallow laterals

Susan McDougall @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

J.S. Peterson @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

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Flowers are unusual

Blooms: winter/spring

Flowers: Separate male an female

cones (on same tree)

Female cones urn-shaped – small but noticeable

Seeds: Take 1 year to develop

Female cones split open (decorative) releasing seeds

Vegetative reproduction: Tip-propagate from current

year’s growth in fall

Charles Webber © California Academy of Sciences

© Project SOUND

Incense Cedar:

not demanding Soils:

Texture: likes a deep, well-drained loam – takes most

pH: any local – wide range (5.5-8.0)

Light: full sun to part-shade

Water: Winter: good, deep water

Summer: amazingly drought tolerant; good in Water Zone 2 once established

Fertilizer: very tolerant

Other: likes an organic mulch

Does well in a wide range of conditions

© 2010 Ryan Gilmore

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© Project SOUND

Incense Cedar is a

magnificent tree

Good choice for evergreen tree in large yards, parks, business parks, schools & other large areas

Used as a large screen

Human uses of Incense Cedar

Flavoring Leaves used to flavor acorn meal

Medicinal Leaves decocted to treat stomach


Foliage steamed to treat nasal congestion and colds

Other Wood used for shelters by native


Wood still used as insect-resistant lumber, fence posts, railroad ties, venetian blinds, greenhouse benches, siding, decking, cedar chests, pencils and shingles.

Roots and bark used for basket-making

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© 2012 Daniel Passarini

Monterey Cypress -

Cupressus macrocarpa

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Why do cedars & junipers have unique,

earthy or ‘woodsy’ scents

Cedar oil (cedarwood oil; Cypress oil) is an essential oil derived from the foliage, and sometimes the wood and roots, of various types of conifers, most in the pine or cypress botanical families.

The most important cedar oils are produced from distilling wood of junipers and cypresses (Juniperus and Cupressus spp. - family Cupressaceae), rather than true cedars (Cedrus spp., of the family Pinaceae).

Similar oils are distilled, pressed or chemically extracted in small quantities from wood, roots and leaves from plants of the genera Calocedrus.

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What makes up the ‘scent of Cedar’?

The main components of cypress oil are a-pinene, camphene, sabinene, b-pinene, d-3carene, myrcene, a-terpinene, terpinolene, linalool, bornyl acetate, cedrol and cadinene

The main components of Incense Cedar oil are: δ-3-carene, limonene, α-pinene, terpinolene, α-fenchyl acetate, with some cedrol.

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What are

‘essential oils’?

Essential oils are volatile, natural, complex compounds characterized by a strong odor and are formed by aromatic plants as secondary metabolites.

Chemically, essential oils are very complex natural mixtures which can contain about 20–60 components at quite different concentrations. They are characterized by 2–3 major components at fairly high concentrations (20–70%), compared to other components present in trace amounts.

Generally, these major components determine the biological properties of the essential oil. The components include two groups with different biosynthetical origins: the main group is composed of terpenes, and the other of aromatic and aliphatic constituents, all characterized by their low molecular weight.

© Project SOUND

Various essential oils have been used medicinally at different periods in history. Medical applications proposed by those who sell medicinal oils range from skin treatments to remedies for cancer, and often are based solely on historical accounts of use of essential oils for these purposes. Claims for the efficacy of medical treatments and treatment of cancers in particular, are now subject to regulation in most countries.

Interest in essential oils has revived in recent decades with the popularity of aromatherapy, a branch of alternative medicine that claims that essential oils and other aromatic compounds have curative effects. Oils are volatilized or diluted in a carrier oil and used in massage, diffused in the air by a nebulizer, heated over a candle flame, or burned as incense. © Project SOUND

Essential oils The distillation process: the most common

method for extracting essential oils

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Hydrosols and ‘Floral Waters’

Made by distilling the whole plant; contain not only essential oils, but many other water soluble components

More true to the essence of the plant and a more complete representation of it, chemically.

Contain the same medicinal properties as the essential oils, but not as concentrated, so it can be used in more applications.

Can be used as a facial toner/cleanser, perfume, deodorant or room freshener - or incorporate into lotions/ homemade soap.

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alpha-Pinene An organic compound (a monoterpene)

Contains a reactive four-membered ring; very reactive.

Found in the oils of many species of many coniferous trees, notably the pine. It is also found in the essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis

Known for its growth-inhibitory activity. α-pinene inhibits early root growth and causes oxidative damage in root tissue through enhanced generation of ROS, as indicated by disruption of membrane integrity and elevated antioxidant enzyme levels.

In the atmosphere alpha-pinene undergoes reactions with ozone, the OH radical or the NO3 radical

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The terpenes Large/diverse class of organic compounds,

produced by a variety of plants, particularly conifers though also by some insects (termites; swallowtail butterflies)

The major components of resin, and of turpentine produced from resin

Often strong smelling; may have a protective function.

Terpenes/terpenoids are primary constituents of the essential oils of many plants/flowers; used widely as natural flavor additives for food, as fragrances in perfumery, and in traditional and alternative medicines such as aromatherapy.

Emitted in substantial amounts by vegetation, and these emissions are affected by temperature, light intensity.

© Project SOUND

Derived from isoprene ( C5H8

) The basic molecular

formulae of terpenes are

multiples of that, (C5H8)n

Monoterpenes Have been known for several centuries

as components of the fragrant oils obtained from leaves, flowers and fruits.

Monoterpenes, with sesquiterpenes, are the main constituents of essential oils. α-pinene is one of the principal species

While a few, such as camphor, occur in a near pure form, most occur as complex mixtures, often of isomers difficult to separate.

Have numerous basic actions in plants: Allelochemical functions between plants

and between plants and predators.

A role in wound healing.

As anti-oxidants

Many monoterpenes possess antitumor activity in animal and cell models.

© Project SOUND

Mono-cyclic monoterpenes

bi-cyclic monoterpenes

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Cedrol A sesquiterpenoid (C15H26O)

Isolated from cedarwood oil extracts

A fragrant compound with demonstrated effects on animals: Autonomic NS effects in many animal

species: decreases heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and respiratory rate in humans.

Anti-microbial: human skin microbial flora Staphylococcus

Anti-tumor: (+)-Cedrol was identified as one of the terpene compounds showing activity against human renal adenocarcinoma and amelanotic melanoma cell proliferation.

What's fascinating about the studies on cedrol is that it seems that we don't need to actually be able to smell it to be affected by it! The reaction isn't necessarily about smelling it!

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The ancient Egyptians

actually used cedar oil in

one form of embalming

Why is so little known about the actual

effects of many plant compounds?

Many compounds; we’re just beginning to understand their functions in plants

Less $$ for plant than animal research

Current skepticism about ‘herbal medicine;

Volatile & reactive – many break-down compounds which may be the active forms

Some information is proprietary – pharmaceutical industry

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Cedar oil – actually does kill insects

Cedar oil has an overwhelming effect on insects – in an unusual way.

The aroma of cedar oil breathed in by an insect causes a respiratory blockage; the insect cannot continue to breathe, therefore it suffocates.

This is why many research studies show the quick and high mortality rate of insects when they come in contact with cedar oil. Unlike pesticides that have to be digested or touched, cedar oil only needs to permeate in order to eliminate an insect.

This works very well with pheromone-driven insects that need to follow a "chemical trail" in order to complete tasks.

Insects like bees, wasps, butterflies and other non-pheromone-driven insects will simply stay away from this aroma.

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Traditional delivery modes made use of

the nature of essential oils

As teas or infusions

Scent inhaled (like aroma therapy)

In baths

Smudging - French hospitals, which use much more aromatherapy than ours, used a rosemary/juniper smudge as a disinfectant until fairly recently.

Incense Cedar (as well as juniper and cypress) traditionally used in sweat lodge ceremonies as spiritual purifiers and for the attraction of good energy, while eliminating negative energies.

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Commercially available products with CA

native scented materials

Dried herbs or flowers



Essential Oils

Hydrosols/Floral Waters

Scented soaps, bath products, lotions, candles using CA native plant materials

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Uses of Cedar (Cypress) oil

Burners and vaporizers Useful in vapor therapy for all breathing difficulty, such as asthma,

emphysema, whooping cough and bronchitis. It also helps to calm the mind and dispel anger.

Blended massageoil or in the bath Cypress oil can be used as a massage oil or diluted in the bath for

arthritis, asthma, cellulite, cramps, diarrhea, sweaty feet, rheumatism, varicose veins, heavy menstruation and menopause.

Lotions and creams In a cream base, cypress oil can be used for varicose and broken

veins, as well as clearing an oily and congested skin.

Cold compress Used diluted on a cold compress, very effective for a nosebleed.

Foot bath If it is added to a footbath, it will help control perspiration with it

astringent and deodorant properties.

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The Mint Family -


Aromatic herbs or shrubs, rarely trees or vines

Usually with stems square in cross-section, 4-sided, and flowers in long clusters, heads, or interrupted whorls on the stem.

~ 180 genera and 3,500 species nearly worldwide.

The Mediterranean region, the chief area of diversity, has produced many spices and flavorings; various mints, oregano, marjoram, thyme, sage, and basil. Catnip and lavender are also in the family.

© Project SOUND Salvia brandegeei

Mentha arvensis

Monardella linioides

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* Mountain Mint – Pycnanthemum californicum

© 2001 Jeff Abbas

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© Project SOUND

* Mountain Mint – Pycnanthemum californicum

Foothills of mountina ranges from OR to Mexico

Locally in the San Gabriels

Moist sites of chaparral, oak woodland, and coniferous forests,4861,4862

The genus Pycnanthemum - in the mint family, Lamiaceae.

Most species are very strongly scented and pungent

Most are used in cooking and in making herbal tea – mints tend to be ‘safe’.

All species in this genus are native to North America. © Project SOUND

CA Mountain Mint – a typical mint

Size: 1-2 ft tall

Spreading to 4+ ft wide

Growth form: Herbaceous perennial

Stems erect (for the most part)

Fast-growing (like Stachys)

Woodsy looking

Foliage: Attractive gray-green color – may

be fuzzy or not

Simple, lance-shaped leaves

Make a nice tea

Roots: Spreading via rhizomes

© 2006 Dean Wm. Taylor, Ph.D.

© Project SOUND

Flowers are tiny & sweet

Blooms: Summer - usually June-Aug

in our area

Flowers: In ball-like cluster typical of

Mint family

Flowers are small

White, usually with lavender spots

Very old-fashioned look

Butterfly plant

Seeds: Many tiny seeds – can shake

them out of dried clusters

© 2009 Neal Kramer

© 2001 Jeff Abbas © Project SOUND

Easy to please Soils: Texture: any, very adaptable

pH: any local

Light: full sun to part-shade

Water: Winter: takes seasonal flooding –

good for wet parts of garden

Summer: needs regular water – Zone 2-3 to 3.

Fertilizer: would do best with some added humus or leaf mulch

Other: treat like other mints – take out parts that are growing where you don’t want it (pot up and give new plants away – or use them fresh or dried)

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Use Mountain Mint in

wet areas

Under a birdbath or fountain

Places where the neighbor’s water makes the soil damp

In bog gardens

In large, moist-soil containers

In the vegetable garden

Moist areas along walkways – smells wonderful when stepped on – and it doesn’t mind a bit!

Around ponds/pools

© 2001 Jeff Abbas

Mountain Mint is good for cooking

Harvest mature leaves at the height of bloom – summer

Use fresh or dry (lower temp.) then store in airtight (glass is good) jar until used

Cool infusion tea with lime juice is excellent. Cold infused is best - put in quart jar of water and place in sun, or in refrigerator over night.

Also, use in cooking where you want a distinctive, strong mint scent and flavor – raw (salads; sandwiches) or cooked

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It was also used medicinally

Native Californians used both the roots and leaves for medicine. A tea made with the leaves and an infusion of the tops were used to cure such conditions as chills and fever.

Was used for a variety of conditions: stomach upset, colds, sinus headache, sinusitis, fevers, tonic, stimulant, increases perspiration, relaxant (stomach), colic, breath freshener.

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Why do plants make the ‘essential oils’


A wide range of reasons, many related to communication:

To attract pollinators – or the spreaders of seed (usually in flowers, fruits)

To repel herbivores – insect or other; either cue or toxin

As breakdown products from compounds used for other purposes

As protection against fungi, bacteria and viruses

To prevent other plants from growing too close ?

To communicate with other plants – via soil water or air

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Plant chemistry is exceedingly complex

Different molecules in the same essential oil can exert different effects. Remember, essential oils are complex mixtures of chemicals

A single species of plant can have several different chemotypes based on its chemical composition. A plant grown in one area might produce an essential oil with a completely different chemistry than the same species grown in another location.

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The bottom line: low doses (of plant chemicals) will usually be safer than

higher doses – so start slow. Inhaled or topical uses will usually be

safer than ingestion.

Why do mints smell/taste ‘minty’

Composition of essential oils varies by species – even by individual plant – yet all are distinctly minty

Like fine blended perfumes: different key notes, but an underlying fragrance of mint

Principal components of most Pycnanthemums (incl. CA Mountain Mint) :




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A monoterpene

Has a pleasant odor similar to pennyroyal, peppermint and camphor.

Is used in flavoring agents, in perfumery, and in aromatherapy

A chemical similar to capsaicin that also has pain-relieving effects.

Toxic if ingested in large quantities; broken down if heated

Insect repellant; Pycnanthemums are less toxic to animals/humans than peppermint and other insect repellants

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Menthone explains part of the ‘minty’ scent

Menthone is also a monoterpene and a ketone.

It is structurally related to menthol which has a secondary alcohol in place of the carbonyl.

Is a constituent of the essential oils of pennyroyal, peppermint, Pelargonium geraniums, and other scented species

Menthone is used in perfumery and cosmetics for its characteristic aromatic and minty odor.

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d-Limonene One of the most common terpenes in nature - produced by many plants

Some forms have distinct scent of citrus

Uses: As a scent agent in food, cosmetics &


As a cleaner/de-greaser

As a solvent for paint removal, glue removal, clearing tissues for histology - can replace a wide variety of products, including mineral spirits, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, toluene, glycol ethers, and of course fluorinated and chlorinated organic solvents.

As it is combustible, limonene has also been considered as a biofuel

? anti- cancer effects

As a botanical insecticide

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Dangers of distilled essential oils

Highly concentrated

Should not be applied directly to the skin in their undiluted state

Dilute with passive carrier oils before ingestion or topical application. Common carrier oils include olive, almond, hazelnut and grapeseed. A common ratio of essential oil disbursed in a carrier oil is 0.5–3% (most under 10%).

Some can cause severe irritation, provoke an allergic reaction and, over time, prove hepatotoxic. Try low dose test on your skin to determine sensitivity.

Some essential oils, including many of the citrus peel oils, are photosensitizers.

Consult the material safety data sheets (MSDS) for hazards and handling requirements of particular oils.


Can be aggressive toward rubbers/plastics

Are oils – spills will stain

Use in Pregnancy

The use of essential oils in pregnancy is not recommended due to inadequate published evidence to demonstrate evidence of safety.

© Project SOUND

Other cautions about the use of

purchased essential oils

Ingesting essential oils Used extensively as flavoring agents - according to strict Good

Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and flavorist standards in low doses

Ingestion of essential oils for therapeutic purposes should never be done except under the supervision of someone licensed to prescribe such treatment.

Some common essential oils are toxic internally.

The internal use of essential oils can pose hazards to pregnant women and should not be used during pregnancy.

Flammability The flash point of each essential oil is different. Many of the

common essential oils, such as lavender and citrus oils, are classed as a Class 3 Flammable Liquid, as they have a flash point of 50–60 °C.

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Benefits of using your own fresh or dried

herbal products

Lower cost

Guaranteed fresh; and you get to enjoy the harvesting

You know no pesticides have been used on them

You know that the product has not been treated or adulterated – and contains only the herb you want

Doses of chemicals are low in fresh/dry products compared to distilled essential oils

You’re limited to what your garden can produce – not as likely to overdo

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Air drying herbs: easy & inexpensive

1. Cut healthy herb branches mid-morning from plant. The best time to cut herbs for drying is just before they flower—this is when they contain the most oil, which is what gives them their aroma and flavor.

2. Pull off any diseased/dry leaves; make sure there are no insects on leaves.

3. Pull off lower leaves from herb branches, so that you have space to tie them together.

4. If dirty, rinse herbs with cool water; gently pat dry with a paper towel.

© Project SOUND

Air drying herbs: easy & inexpensive

5. Combine 5-6 herb branches together then tie with string.

6. Label a paper bag with the name of the herb(s). Make several holes in the bag then place the herb bundle, leaves down, into the bag so that the stems are at the opening of the bag. Gather the open end of the bag around the stems and tie closed. Hang the bag in a well ventilated, warm room (70 to 80 degrees F). You can dry herbs without placing them in a paper bag, but the paper bag helps keep dust off of the herbs while they’re drying.

7. Check herbs in approximately two weeks then periodically until dried. The drying process should take approximately 2 to 4 weeks.

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Air drying herbs: easy & inexpensive

8. Store your dried herbs in an air-tight container in a cool place away from direct sunlight

9. Use within 6-12 months; will lose their potency

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Simple uses for your dried native herbs

Simmering herbs – to give a touch of fragrance to the whole house; great on cold winter days

Scented wands & wreaths

Potpourri jars

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Simple native potpourri: your choice of scents

Use any combination of dried leaves and flowers – ‘blend your own perfume’

Store it in an air-tight jar – open when you need a little fragrance

Replenish the herbs as needed

A ‘fixative’ will keep the potpourri fresh longer – and you won’t need to hide it away

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Fixatives for potpourri The fixative absorbs and retains the volatile scented essences.

Some common fixatives (readily available on-line or at some craft or herbal/health food stores): Chopped orris root (root of

Florentine Iris) - has little scent so it is a good base. Use 1-2 tablespoons of dried orris root per cup dried potpourri mix.

Chopped calamus root

Oak moss, cellulose, ground gum benzoin or fiberfix

A cheap alternative is dried citrus peel – use lemon or whatever you have available

Some people also add a few drops of essential oils

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Fruit and Herb Soaps

Relatively simple and straight forward in the home kitchen if you purchase ‘melt-and-pour’ soap bases – lots of sources online

You can use fresh, pureed materials (all fruits and herbs; whole berries, herb leaves, or citrus rinds, etc).

You can also use ground, dried materials: ground dried juniper berries; mint leaves; sage leaves, etc.

Follow the directions exactly

Warning: may become an addicting hobby

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products/all-natural-essential-oil-soap © Project SOUND

Purple Sage – Salvia leucophylla

Photo by Amy Findlay

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© Project SOUND

Purple Sage – Salvia leucophylla

Central and southern coast and coastal mountains of CA to Baja

Dry open hills, usually in areas with coastal influence:


Coastal sage scrub

leucophylla: white-leaved

Many variants and hybrids - confusing,4865,4879

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Why choose Purple Sage?

Lovely foliage: gray-green in spring, white-soft in summer – nice aroma

Attractive flowers: often lavender to pinkish; lovely “pastel” look to entire plant

Mounded growth habit

Many horticultural cultivars and hybrids – with wide range of characteristics (flower color; height/size; scent)

Sages – long used in herbal therapy

Sage & sage oils have been used for many medical conditions – and for a long time

Calming/soothing properties; used to calm and induce sleep

The proven therapeutic properties of sage oil: anti-spasmotic


antibacterial, antiseptic; skin wounds, urinary tract and colon

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Salvia leucophylla: used like common sage

Used in soaps, perfumes and cosmetics

Sage stimulates skin. Used in skin lotions, massage oils.

In herbal baths it is mixed with lavender for stimulation.

In the foot bath it stimulates and relieves aches – used by Chumash (with Black & White Sages)

Used for herb wreaths and in potpourris and sachets.

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Waxy, white or transparent solid with a strong, aromatic odor

Found in wood of camphor & laurel trees – also in rosemary & Purple Sage

Used for its scent, as an ingredient in cooking (mainly in India), for medicinal purposes, and in religious ceremonies

Modern uses: as a moth repellent

as an antimicrobial substance

in embalming & fireworks

Solid camphor releases fumes that form a rust-preventative coating - stored in tool chests to protect tools against rust.

Camphor crystals used to prevent damage to insect collections by other small insects.

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Camphor Camphor is readily absorbed through

the skin and produces a feeling of cooling similar to that of menthol, and acts as slight local anesthetic and antimicrobial substance.

There are anti-itch gels and cooling gels with camphor as the active ingredient.

Camphor is an active ingredient (along with menthol) in vapor-steam products, such as Vicks VapoRub. A recent publication in Pediatrics suggests the topical application of VapoRub may improve symptoms of colds and sleep quality when compared to a control

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High doses of camphor are

toxic – very high doses can

kill; USDA limits to topical


Cineole AKA Eucalyptol; high concentrations in

Eucalyptus species

Also found in camphor laurel, bay leaves, tea tree, mugwort, sweet basil, wormwood, rosemary, sage and other aromatic plant foliage.

Fresh camphor-like smell and a spicy, cooling taste

Used as a flavoring at low levels (0.002%) in various products, including baked goods, confectionery, meat products and beverages.

Medical uses: for colds, runny nose; also reduces pain & inflammation in topical applications; kills oral bacteria; may improve concentration abilities

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Although it can be used

internally as a flavoring and

medicine ingredient at very

low doses, typical of many

essential oils (volatile oils),

eucalyptol is toxic if ingested

at higher than normal doses

Smudging: another way to use native herbs

An integral part of the Native American, Celt, and other ancient cultures as a way to cleanse, purify, clear, and release energy.

Used in many ceremonies and rituals, setting the mood, and preparing those involved emotionally, spiritually, and psychically.

Often employed before meditation, prayer, sweat lodge, when people are ill/depressed, or just to ‘create a new beginning’.

Smudging can be performed in one's environment, on the physical body, and personal possessions.

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Using aromatic


Commonly, smudging is done with a bundle or stick. Another method is to put the herbs into a pot.

Either way, the herbs are lit to form an ember that imparts a stream of smoke.

This smoke is fanned or moved around the area, person or items, generally in a clockwise direction.

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Many aromatic herbs are used for making

smudge sticks

Western Sages

Silver King Artemisia




Hemlock Pine





Yerba Santa

Many others

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Making a

smudge stick

Gather small branches (ask the plant for permission before cutting).

Let herbs sit for several hours to a day until they become slightly limp.

Choose the twine for wrapping the smudge stick. Use a natural material like cotton or hemp. Take a length of string and measure three and a half times the length of the branches.

Lay out your cuttings and form an easy to wrap bundle.

Tie a loop on one end of the twine; make a slipknot. Place the slipknot loop around the bottom of the stems, pulling tight.

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Making a smudge


Wrap the twine around the smudge stick until you have reached the top. Be sure to keep a moderate tension. If the twine is too tight the smudge stick will not burn well - if it is too loose your smudge stick will fall apart.

When you have reached the top, reverse the direction, wrap again to the bottom, and tie a knot.

Some people like to tie the twine in several places as they wrap

Dry the smudge stick for several weeks in a warm, dry place

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How to Burn your Smudge Stick

Light the tip of the stick well. Make sure the sage has plenty of air for the flame to really get going. Allow the sage to smolder.

Use a feather or other fanning device (your hands work just as well) to direct the smoke where you'd like it to travel. Inhale the smoke lightly as you visualize all negativity leaving your body and environment.

To easily put out the smudge, have a plate (or traditionally, an abalone shell) filled with a bit of sand nearby. When you are finished, put the sage out in the sand by lightly tamping it down until extinguished. Stored properly, a sage stick can last for years of use! © Project SOUND

Smudging is not for everyone…

People with respiratory conditions (asthma; chronic bronchitis; etc.)

People with smoke allergies

Some people may be allergic to sage or other components when burned

Be sensible and respectful – start slowly and test individual plant parts for their effect on you

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Herbal sachets are a milder way of using

native aromatic plants

Sachets can be placed in drawers with sweaters, gloves, lingerie, and linens to give them a beautiful scent.

They can also be hung on hangers under dresses and shirts or even placed inside shoes, or put into suitcases or in the pockets of winter coats being stored through the summer.

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Making an herbal sachet

Select or make a small bag with a somewhat open weave. Be sure to leave one side open, if you are making bags. Purchased re-useable tea or herb bags work fine

Mix together enough dried herbs to fill the bag.

If you’d like to enhance the scent, a few drops of essential oil can be added; orris root powder can be used as a fixative.

Fill the bag with the flowers and herbs.

Either sew the bag closed, or tie the end tightly with ribbon or string.

Enjoy. Rubbing the bag gently will further crush the herbs and release their fragrance.

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Customize your sachets

An insect repellent blend might include: lavender, rosemary, sage, mint, santolina, pennyroyal, tansy, mugwort, cedarwood chips…

A soothing potpourri if you want to know how to make poutpourri might include: lemon balm, lemon verbena, rose petals, lavender, calendula, meadowsweet, chamomile…

For sachets tucked in with clothes you might try rose and lavender mixes or a blend of citrus peel, spearmint, lemon verbena, and thyme, with a drop or two of pine essential oil.

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California (Coastal) Sagebrush – Artemisia californica

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California (Coastal) Sagebrush – Artemisia californica

Coastal CA from Marin County and Napa County south to San Diego County & Baja – a ‘CA endemic’

Coastal scrub, chaparral, dry foothills, especially near coast, < 800 m.

May even be found on Coastal Prairie/strand

Artemisia: referring to the Greek goddess Artemis who so benefited from a plant of this family that she gave it her own name,719,726

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Adaptations to

mediterranean climate

Shrub form – not large

Re-sprouts from crown when damaged (by fire or eating)


Small Silvery Seasonally dimorphic


Shallow, net-like Forms adventitious roots when

stems touch soil

Interesting chemicals:

Scented foliage – to repel herbivores

Burns readily

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Ca Sagebrush is great

for local gardens Use in rock gardens, herb

gardens, and in flower beds and borders.

The silvery gray foliage makes an excellent backdrop or separator for bright-colored or delicate flowers.

Especially attractive massed in sunny areas

Include in a fragrance garden: very aromatic; fills the air around it with its lovely scent

Useful for erosion control

An interesting ‘cut flower’

Can make a tea from the leaves – was used by Native Californians for colds

Can be a fire hazard

Important habitat plant:

• Fall bee-food

• Birds: important for roosting, cover

• Lizards: important cover plant

Artemisia: scents function to protect the

vulnerable parts of the plant

Most species have strong aromas and bitter tastes from terpenoids and sesquiterpene lactones - an adaptation to discourage herbivory

Artemisia oils had inhibitory effects on the growth of:

bacteria (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis);

yeasts (Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans);

and dermatophytes (Trichophyton rubrum, Microsporum canis, and Microsporum gypseum), Fonsecaea pedrosoi and Aspergillus niger

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California Sagebrush: medicines &


Native peoples used artemisia for the treatment of coughs and colds. It is said to help alleviate menstrual cramps in women and to ease labor. The Cahuilla Indian word for this plant is hulvel. Like many sages, California sagebrush can be used in cooking as a spice.

The smell of Californian sagebrush reminds many Californians of the smell of grandmother's house. A pleasant smell, like Californian sagebrush, can help the patient remember long-lost memories. Aromatherapy is a very powerful way of bringing back pleasant memories.

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Native California uses suggest ways we

might use sagebrush

The Luiseño and Cahuilla tribes used coastal sagebrush in girl’s puberty rights; smoke from the leaves purified and perfumed the skin and clothes of the young girls in the ceremony.

A tea of the stems and leaves was also used by women at the beginning of each menstrual period and after giving birth.

For respiratory ailments, a decoction of the leaves and stems was used externally for the relief of colds, cough, and asthma, and a decoction was taken internally for bronchitis.

Some tribes used a decoction of the plant as a bath for rheumatism. The scents and warmth added to the soothing effect

Some Indians of the California coast used the leaves to relieve tooth aches and as a poultice for wounds, and the Cahuilla chewed and smoked the leaves mixed with wild tobacco.

The pungent smell of the coastal sagebrush makes it effective as an insect repellent

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California Sagebrush Tea: easy to prepare

They say that the tea can be drunk safely, in moderation, and that it will bring back pleasant memories.

Used also for irregular periods

You could also use this as a room freshener or insect repellant

12 cups water 2 Tbsp dried California sagebrush (loosely packed)

Bring water to a boil and remove from heat. Add sagebrush and let steep for at least 4 hours. It’s best to let it steep overnight, strain out the sagebrush, and refrigerate the remaining amount.

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Simple Ways to Use Herbs in your Bath

Make an herbal infusion (basically a strong tea), using a handful of herbs and a quart of boiling water. Let it steep for half an hour to an hour, then strain and add to the drawn bath.

Soak a handful of herbs in a quart of warm milk for several hours. Strain and add the milk to the drawn bath.

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Simple Ways to Use Herbs in your Bath

Place herbs in a muslin bag or tea strainer. Than place the bag or strainer under the water as you run your bath (use hot water). When the bath is drawn, place the bag or strainer in the tub. Let the water cool, then enjoy your bath. Squeeze the herbal bath sachet gently to extract the remainder of the herbs' essence. You can either leave the herbal bath sachet in the water during the bath or remove it.

To make your bath more emollient (skin softening), add almond meal or skim milk powder. Or soak finely ground oatmeal or barley in warm water, strain, and add the water to your herbal bath.

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Herbal body scrub

1 cup sea salt, kosher salt or epsom salts 1/2 cup sunflower oil (or other oil – almond is nice) 1/2 teaspoon vitamin E oil (optional) 1 tablespoon dried herbs ground very fine (parsley, mint, lavender, sagebrush or a combination) 1 drops lavender essential oil (optional)

1. Mix together all ingredients and pour into clean jar with tight-fitting lid.

2. To use: While standing in the tub or shower, take a handful of the scrub and gently massage into skin. Massage salt all over body, rinse with warm water and pat dry. Do not use soap or other cleansers, to preserve the moisturizing effect.

3. Store any leftover scrub in a cool, dry place or refrigerator.

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CA Mugwort - Artemisia douglasiana CA Mugwort - Artemisia douglasiana

Much of non-desert CA: WA to Baja

Many Plant Communities including Coastal Sage Scrub, Chaparral, Freshwater Marsh, Mountain Meadow, Mixed-evergreen Forest, Southern Oak Woodland

A plant of moist/riparian places

Named for David Douglas (1798-1834), Scottish botanist who made several journeys to America. Douglas provided the material from which some 300 species of California plants were to be described

‘Mugwort’ from use of this species in mugs to flavor beer prior to hops

CA Mugwort in the wild

Usually in damp places in drier surroundings - a ‘facultative wetland indicator species’

grows vigorously in the late winter through the middle of spring

When the sun is shining it inverts its leaves so the pale undersides face the sun, reflecting most of the rays and keeping the plant from losing valuable moisture

Loses it’s leaves in summer drought

Uses for CA Mugwort

Ground cover on naturally landscaped slopes, hillsides

Under trees/shrubs like Mule Fat

In planters & pots – contained situations

For erosion control

This is an important medicine plant

for Native Californians. Used as a

purifying plant in ceremonies. Also

good for treating stomach & other

gastrointestinal illnesses

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Some traditional uses of Mugwort

It was used for flavoring beer before the introduction of hops. The plant was gathered when in flower and dried. Malt liquor was then boiled with it so as to form a strong decoction, and the liquid thus prepared was added to the beer.

Mugwort is occasionally employed as an aromatic culinary herb, being one of the green herbs with which poultry are often stuffed during roasting.

The leaves used to be steeped in baths, to communicate an invigorating property to the water.

Placed among woolen cloths it prevents and destroys the moths.

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Vulnerable Mugwort produces a huge

variety of chemicals

Secreted by trichomes and secretory glands (mostly leaves)

Produces a staggering variety of chemicals: camphor (29%), artemisia ketone (26%), artemisia alcohol (13%), alpha-thujone (10%), 1,8-cineole (8%), and hexanal

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Demonstrated effects of Mugwort

Molluscicidal; antifungal

Cytotoxic – breast cancer cells

Anti-stomach ulcer – promotes body defenses (mucous production; anti-inflammatory (anti-mast-cell)) Anti-bacterial against helicobacter pylori – may be promising

new treatment for resistant strains

Anti-oxidant activity

Good at keeping moths out of clothes and areas

When rubbed on the skin, the leaves have a natural moisturizing effect

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If you grow Mugwort (or mints) you likely

have plenty to harvest

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Scent-infused oils can be used for massage oils, bath oils or body oils


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Scent infused oils: Artemisia or other

aromatic species

Cold-infused Mugwort Massage Oil

1 cup olive oil (or almond, sunflower, grape seed or other oils) 1/2 cup finely chopped mugwort leaf (or other aromatic leaves)

Chop mugwort finely and put oil and mugwort into a sterilized glass jar.

Store in a cool, dry place for one month. Check your jar regularly to make sure the plant is completely covered with oil (or it will mold).

Strain out the plant material & discard

Store the oil in a cool, dark place. Shelf life of the oil is about one year.

This is a terrific massage oil for sore joints or an achy back.

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Mugwort is also a plant with lots of

aromatherapy hype – ‘Dream Sage’

Mugwort ‘helps to direct the psychic life into its proper sphere, gradually opening the soul to expanded consciousness’.

‘Mugwort is used to promote lucid dreaming. Mugwort intensifies the dreaming process. It may cause nightmares or restless dreams. Some say it causes a specific type of dream’

Chumash, Paiute, and other California Indian tribes burned or inhaled smoke from the leaves to promote healthy sleep, sacred dreams, and to ward of ghosts or evil spirits.

Mugwort contains thujone a compound which is said to induce hallucinations and convulsions. When mugwort is smoked or taken as a tea, or used in oils or dream pillows very little thujone is present. Extracts of mugwort made with alcohol are (generally) not recommended, as they can be too concentrated and potentially dangerous.

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Dream sage is used by Traditional Healers

to promote good dreams

To use dream sage, collect the stalks, leaves and seeds, dry them and sew them into a small pillow.

Place the small pillow under the normal pillow to promote dreaming. Dream sage contains camphor, linalool, cineole and other pleasant-smelling compounds.

The pleasant, sage smell of the dream sage induces aromatherapy that will help promote dreaming. This helps heal the spirit. When the spirit remembers to be normal, the body can heal.

One of the most romantic things a young man can do for his girlfriend is to make her a small pillow of dream sage. This shows her that he cares about her and her dreams. Hopefully, she will dream pleasant dreams about him.

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Try a small sachet first

to see if this works for


Dream Pillows

Dream pillows are for those who want to enhance their dreaming or wish to remember their dreams. To create a blend that encourages dreaming, blend any of the following:

Catnip: Relaxing, helps bring deep sleep. Chamomile: Calming, relaxing, and said to keep bad dreams away. Cloves: Brings warmth/exotic feeling to dreams, add only 2-4. Hops: Relaxing and brings peacefulness. Lavender: Soothing, relaxing and eases headaches. Lemon Verbena: Uplifting, used to add “lightness” to dream blends. Mugwort: Greatly enhances lucid dreaming and helps with remembering of dreams. Peppermint or Spearmint: Enhances clarity and vividness in dreams. Rose petals: Brings warmth and love, may be used to evoke romantic dreams. Rosemary: Traditionally used to bring deep sleep and keep away bad dreams.

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*Desert Lavender – Hyptis emoryi

© 2004 James M. Andre

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*Desert Lavender – Hyptis emoryi

Southwestern N. America from S. CA to AZ & NV, N. Mexico

Plant of S. Mojave & Sonoran Deserts

Common in gravelly or sandy washes and canyons below 3000',

Creosote bush scrub In colder areas, plant

prefers rock and boulder strewn foothills where it receives extra sustaining warmth.

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Flowers are dainty

Blooms: off and on throughout the year, but most heavily in spring

Flowers: Tiny; in clusters

Lavender to purple; typical shape for Mint family

Scented of lavender

A bee, butterfly & hummingbird magnet!!

Seeds: small; plant in spring – no treatment

© 2004 James M. Andre © Project SOUND

Desert Lavender is popular with desert gardeners

As an attractive accent shrub near patios and walks

In a habitat garden; try it as an informal or sheared hedge

As a delightful addition to the ‘Evening Garden’ – color & scent make it attractive day & night

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Desert Lavender is important for desert

peoples – to this day

Dried foliage used to make a calming tea, season foods

Infusions of flowers and leaves used for inflammatory and infectious conditions

A poultice of crushed leaves makes an antibacterial dressing for wounds

‘Fragrant natural cleansing bar, with the healing qualities of Desert Lavender (Hyptis emoryi) and organic jojoba oil extracted from the seeds of Simmondsia—both native to the desert Southwest--partner here with the best French lavender essence to achieve moisturizing aromatherapy as you bathe.’

Dried foliage has been used instead of mothballs - fragrance is said to repel moths

Like Lavender, essential oils

are a complex mixture

Use dried Desert lavender to make a

body powder

Start with a base like arrowroot, cornstarch, or fuller’s earth. (You may even want to try sifted rice flour, which was used for body and face powder for centuries.)

Add herbs that you’ve pulverized with a mortar and pestle or in a spice grinder— lavender or rose petals for example—and a bit of orris root to fix or hold the scent (if desired).

Use about equal parts base and herbs.

Store your powder where it won’t get damp, in a covered container.

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Herbal pillows: a pleasant alternative to

sleep-inducing chemicals

Design the pillow to make it easy to change the herb stuffing often. Enclose the herbs in an inner case made of a double thickness of cambric, muslin, or other tough lining material.

For extra comfort enfold the herbs in a layer of cotton or polyester batting, cut to fit inside the lining and sewn up on three sides.

Fill with any preferred mix of dried herbs and potpourri flowers (avoiding anything too lumpy or hard) until comfortably firm, then hand-sew the remaining side.

Any pretty pillow or cushion cover, perhaps antique or home-made, can serve as the outer case for a dream pillow.

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Soporific Sprays – also easy

Scenting your bedroom with sleep-inducing aroma is a wonderful way to make the transition to sleep. Lavender is a favorite for room or linen spritzers, but try other aromas, too, like lemon verbena, jasmine, or rose, for example.

To make your own spray, simply steep about a tablespoon of herbs in one cup of boiling water for 15 to 30 minutes, then strain through a fine strainer or cheesecloth.

Once cooled, place in a spray bottle and store in the refrigerator. Spritz your bedroom just before it’s time to turn in.

To scent your linens, squirt your spray on your sheets and pillowcases before you put them in the dryer, or make your own dryer sheet with a small, clean cloth that’s been soaked in the spray and then tossed in the dryer with the linens.

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Good choices for herbal pillows & sprays:

Traditional herbs






Lemon Balm

Lemon verbena



CA native herbs

Desert Lavender

Rose Petals


Sage (esp. Purple Sage)

Strawberry leaves


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* Creeping Wild Ginger – Asarum caudatum

© 2012 Jean Pawek

San Francisco Bay to British Columbia, Montana

Understory of deep, redwood or yellow pine forests below 5000 ft.

Usually in mesic or wet places

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* Creeping Wild Ginger – Asarum caudatum

© 2004, Tim Hagan

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Creeping Wild Ginger: herbaceous

groundcover Size:

< 1 ft tall

3-5+ ft wide, spreading via short rhizomes

Growth form: Herbaceous perennial;

evergreen in our climate

Mat-like groundcover

Foliage: Dark green, heart-shaped

leathery leaves – exotic looking

Aromatic (ginger) when crushed

All parts produce a toxin – handle with care

© 2011 Margo Bors

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Flowers are unique

Blooms: in spring-summer


Single flowers on stalk

Maroon with yellow

Flowers are long-lived, but are increasingly covered by growing leaves


In fleshy capsule that explodes open

Seeds distributed by ants

© 2009 Jim Maloney

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Plant Requirements Soils: Texture: sandy to clay

pH: any local except very alkali

Light: Dappled sun to deep shade;

this is a forest-floor plant

Water: Winter: plenty of rain

Summer: regular water – Water Zone 2-3 or 3

Fertilizer: likes leaf mulch; fine with compost

Other: protect from slugs

© 2012 Jean Pawek

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Garden uses for Wild Ginger

Very attractive in containers

As a groundcover in shady places

Any other shady, moist area


Native Californians used Wild Ginger in

several ways

Various California Indian tribes used the warmed fresh leaves as a poultice to bring boils to a head.

Similarly, a poultice could be used to relieve toothaches.

Wild ginger was among the various plants that California Indians used as a sedative for nervousness, insomnia, and hysteria, and stems were placed in a baby’s bed to promote calming and to relieve illness.

A tea made from the leaves was used as a wash for sores and a tea made from the roots was drunk for indigestion, colds and constipation.

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© 2004, Ben Legler

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Aristolochic acids

A family of carcinogenic, mutagenic, and nephrotoxic compounds commonly found in the Aristolochiaceae family of plants, including Aristolochia and Asarum, which are commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine.

Have been linked to several recent outbreaks of kidney damage (including kidney failure). In addition, some patients have developed certain types of cancers, most often occurring in the urinary tract.

The fact that this plant contains aristolochic acid means it is best to not consume this plant, even if it was used in the past

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Stronger doses and longer use can be harmful,

even for plants routinely used in the past

Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises consumers of Aristolochic acid to discontinue use.

Gardeners, landscapers, or nursery workers who handle or transplant Aristolochia or Asarum plants could potentially be exposed to aristolochic acids. Handling Aristolochia or Asarum plants could result in dermal exposure, which, as of 2010, has been associated only with dermatitis. To reduce the likelihood of accidental ingestion, workers should wash their hands before eating, drinking, or smoking.

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We hope you’ve learned a lot today

There are many ways to use the scented foliage grown in your garden

Using your own plant materials have many advantages – including the safety of lower doses of plant chemicals

More scented products using CA native scents are becoming available – surf the web

CA native plants will almost certainly be a source of new medicinal & other useful products in the future

A plant’s ‘scent’ is a complex bouquet of chemicals

You need to understand which plants/materials are toxic – and how to handle them

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We hope you’ve learned a lot today

Plant scent chemicals can have medicinal effects; they can also affect our mood and bring back pleasant memories. We should probably consider using them more in our daily lives.

Plant materials can be used in a simple manner – or you can experiment with more complex ‘scent crafts’ like soap-making or candle-making; the choice is yours

Lots of great advice, recipes, etc. on the internet – just remember to use your common sense

Enjoy – and create! Scented projects offer a wide range of possibilities that can keep you busy for a long while.

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See and smell some simple projects

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