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Cha ACADEMIC QUALITY ASSURANCE Appendix 4 INFORMATION ON THE EXTERNAL EXAMINER SYSTEM Last updated June 2017 Academic Quality & Compliance

External Examining - University of Central Lancashire · Web view1 Note: where a team of examiners is in place, one vacancy might not put standards at risk, but the Head of School

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Appendix 4


Last updated June 2017

Academic Quality & Compliance

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ContentsSECTION A : INFORMATION FOR INTERNAL USE............................................................1

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................12. Criteria for the Appointment of External Examiners.................................................2

Person Specification.......................................................................................................2Conflicts of Interest.........................................................................................................3Term of Office.................................................................................................................3External Examiners Appointed to Collaborative Awards.................................................4

3. Process for Selection and Appointment of External Examiners...............................4Introduction.....................................................................................................................4Responsibilities of the University School........................................................................5Responsibilities of the Partner Institution........................................................................6

4. The Selection of Potential External Examiners by Schools......................................75. The Appointment of External Examiners Who Do Not Meet the Criteria for Appointment.......................................................................................................................96. Eligibility to Work Checks for External Examiners..................................................10

List A.............................................................................................................................11List B group 1................................................................................................................12List B group 2................................................................................................................12

7. Guidelines on Completion of the External Examiner Nomination Form.................13General Information......................................................................................................13Section A - Details of Course/Subject..........................................................................13Section B – Details of proposed examiner....................................................................15Section C - Approval of Nomination by the Head of School.........................................18

8. Induction Documentation and Information for New External Examiners................189. Responsibilities of the University............................................................................1910. Responsibilities of External Examiners..................................................................2011. Criteria for the Termination of External Examiner Appointments...........................2112. Procedure for the Termination of External Examiner Appointments......................22

The Termination of an External Examiner’s Appointment.............................................22Example for Reports due from June Assessment Boards............................................22The Resignation of an External Examiner....................................................................23

13. Responding to External Examiner Reports............................................................23The Process for Considering and Responding to External Examiners’ Reports...........23

SECTION B : INFORMATION FOR EXTERNAL EXAMINERS...........................................25

1. Introduction............................................................................................................252. Eligibility to Work Checks for External Examiners..................................................26

List A.............................................................................................................................26List B group 1................................................................................................................27List B group 2................................................................................................................28

3. Role and Duties of the External Examiner.............................................................283.1 The Role of the External Examiner.............................................................283.2 The Duties of and External Examiner.........................................................293.3 Proposed Period of Tenure.........................................................................323.4 Resignation.................................................................................................323.5 Termination of Contract..............................................................................323.6 What are the responsibilities of the University?..........................................32

4. Payment for duties.................................................................................................345. Guidelines for the Production of the External Examiner’s Annual Report..............346. University of Central Lancashire External Examiner Fees.....................................35

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7. Travelling to the University.....................................................................................368. Map of the University Campus...............................................................................38

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1. Introduction

This booklet has been produced by Academic Quality and Compliance to assist University Schools and Partner Institutions in the selection of nominations for external examiners and to clarify the role and responsibilities of external examiners and related procedures. Section B of the booklet is intended to assist newly appointed external examiners in the execution of their duties. Any comments and suggestions for improvement should be made to Academic Quality and Compliance (Tel: 01772 892154).

External examiners play a fundamental role in assuring academic standards by providing an external perspective on student performance and on the conduct of the assessment process.

Further assistance on the procedures and requirements of external examiners and of the University can be obtained from Academic Quality and Compliance on the above number.

Other useful sources of information provided by the University are given below:

On appointment, Academic Quality and Compliance provides each external examiner with a copy of Part B of this booklet together with:

A copy of the Academic Regulations. This is also available on the Academic Quality and Compliance web pages under:

Scale of fees and expenses for external examiners

Academic Calendar

The current Student Handbook, which contains the course structure, aims, learning outcomes, course regulations etc.

The University School will provide detailed information on the modules for which each external examiner is responsible; details of provision of courses at Partner Institutions and other UCLan Campuses and any further information which is required.

Please note that in line with QAA requirements, Course Teams will publish the name of the respective external examiner(s), their position and home institution within the student handbook together with a statement advising students that it is inappropriate for them to make direct contact with the external examiner. External examiners are asked to advise any student who does contact them directly, to contact Academic Quality and Compliance at UCLan where they can obtain advice on the appropriate channels for taking forward their query.

Prior to the assessment period, Academic Quality and Compliance will provide a proforma for the annual report, and other relevant information on claiming fee and expenses. Our preferred method of submission of the report, within six weeks of the final Assessment Board, is via e-mail in the first instance to [email protected]. The report proforma can be downloaded from Academic Quality and Compliance website:

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A compulsory induction event will be held each year for all newly appointed external examiners. Details are available from Academic Quality and Compliance (Tel: 01772 892154).

2. Criteria for the Appointment of External Examiners

The following criteria (numbered 2.1 to 2.9) are applied by the University during consideration of proposed external examiners; the notes beneath each criterion provide a checklist of issues that should be considered.

Person Specification

2.1. An external examiner's academic/professional qualifications are expected to be appropriate (or equivalent) to the course examined. Both the level and the subject of the examiner's qualifications must generally match what is to be examined in the course. External examiners are also expected to have a high level of English language proficiency.

2.2 An external examiner is expected to have appropriate standing, expertise and experience to maintain comparability of standards. Standing, expertise and breadth of experience may be indicated by:

the present post and place of work; the range and scope of experience across Higher Education/professions; current and recent active involvement in research/scholarly/professional

activities in the field of study concerned.

2.3 An external examiner is expected to have enough recent external examining or comparable related experience to indicate competence in assessing students in the subject area. If the proposed examiner has no previous external examiner experience at the appropriate level, the application must be supported by either:

other external examining experience; extensive internal examining experience; other relevant and recent experience likely to support the examiner’s role.

Proposed examiners without experience as externals are expected where possible, to join an experienced team of externals or, where there is only one external, work initially alongside an experienced currently appointed external, perhaps on a related course. This initial period must include involvement in the final stages of assessment for the award. Normally this should be for at least two student outputs.

2.4 There must be an appropriate balance and expertise in the team of external examiners:

The proposed examiner is expected to complement the external examining team in terms of expertise and examining experience;

There should be an appropriate balance between academic and professional practitioners;

The range of academic perspectives necessary to the course is expected to be represented in the external examining team;

If the course is associated with or may lead to a professional award at least one practitioner with appropriate experience is required to be in the team;

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The external examining experience in the team as a whole must be sufficient and wide ranging;

If the team of examiners is large, this may indicate a need for a chief external examiner;

Where the School has identified a chief examiner, he or she should have sufficient external examining experience to take an overview of the course and ensure that a consistent standard is maintained across subjects;

The phasing of appointments to the team should be structured to ensure continuity.

Conflicts of Interest

2.5 External examiners should be drawn from a wide variety of institutional/professional contexts and traditions in order that the course benefits from the wide-ranging external scrutiny. There must not be:

more than one examiner from the same institution in the team of external examiners for a subject area;

except in a complex course, involving a very large number of discrete subject areas;reciprocal external examining between courses or subject areas in two institutions. It is recognised that reciprocity is sometimes unavoidable in the case of subjects taught in a very small number of institutions;

replacement of an external examiner by an individual from the same institution; an external examiner from an institution which has been the source of

examiners for that course in the recent past (normally five years).

2.6 External examiners should be impartial in judgement and should not have previous close involvement with the institution, which might compromise objectivity. Over the last five years, the proposed examiner should not have been a member of staff, a governor, a student, or a near relative of a member of staff in relation to the course; or an examiner on a cognate course in the institution.

The proposed examiner should not be:

personally associated with the sponsorship of students; required to assess colleagues who are recruited as students to the course; in a position to influence significantly the future employment of students on the

course; likely to be involved with students placements or training in the examiner's

organisation; anyone significantly involved in recent or current substantive collaborative

research activities with a member of staff closely involved in the delivery, management or assessment of the programme(s) or modules in question.

Term of Office

2.7 Examiners should not be over-extended by their external examining duties. The examiner should not currently hold more than the equivalent of two substantial undergraduate external examiner appointments.

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If the examiner appears to exceed this norm, the institution must provide supporting arguments, for example that the phasing of examinations alleviates the workload during an academic session.

2.8 The duration of an external examiner’s appointment will normally be for four years, with an exceptional extension of one year to ensure continuity.

2.9 An external examiner may be reappointed in exceptional circumstances but only after a period of five years or more has elapsed since their last appointment.

External Examiners Appointed to Collaborative Awards

2.10 An external examiner appointed to a course (or a cognate group of courses) is responsible for it at all sites of delivery. For some overseas links, a School may decide to appoint a local (in-country) external examiner, based upon the needs of the course and to advise on local context. The local external is supplementary to the UK based external and provides support by attending progression boards and looking at students’ work in-country. The UK external is nevertheless, provided with samples of work from the overseas location to look alongside the UK work to ensure consistency. The exams set are the same and are verified by the UK external. Where in-country variations to questions need to be approved, these are approved by the UK external after consideration with the in-country external.

2.11 Chief External Examiners The appointment of a chief external examiner from within a team of approved external examiners is a matter for the School concerned. The approval of the appointment of an external examiner who is to act in this capacity will be subject to the normal criteria as set out above and the person will be expected to have subject responsibilities within the team.

2.12 Institutional External Examiner Academic Quality and Compliance will appoint for the term of 4 years an Institutional External Examiner who will:

comment on the University’s annual overview report on themes and issues arising from external examiners’ reports;

advise the institution on issues pertaining to the operation of the external examiner system at the University;

advise the University in relation to issues involving and arising from applicability of its Academic Regulations (including Section K Extraordinary Circumstances Governing the Assessment Process);

submit a written report annually on duties undertaken during the year, including issues, concerns and good practice.

2.13 The School must promptly advise Academic Quality and Compliance if there will be no current students on a particular course so that this can be noted on the central database.

3. Process for Selection and Appointment of External Examiners


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The procedures for the appointment of external examiners are set out in this booklet and are reviewed on a regular basis.

At the end of August each year, Academic Quality and Compliance notify Deans/Heads of School of those external examiner appointments (for all stages of a course) that are due to end and require a replacement to take up appointment in the October of the following year or the following January. Additionally when new courses are approved to operate, potential external examiners are identified as part of the course development process. This ensures that appointments are made promptly following successful course approval so that external examiners are in place from the commencement of the course.

All nominations must be submitted on the University’s proforma (EX1/EX2), signed by the Head of School or Dean’s/Head’s nominee and forwarded to Sue Ballantyne in Academic Quality and Compliance by 31 March to ensure appointments have been made for October or the following January start. ([email protected]). Proformas are available from Academic Quality and Compliance (Tel: 01772 892154) and on the Academic Quality and Compliance web pages under:

The School checks the nominations against the University’s criteria for appointment of external examiners prior to approval by the Head of School on behalf of the Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee. Any proposals that do not meet the University’s criteria and have the support of the Head of School are forwarded to two Executive Deans [NB: the appropriate Executive Deans will be Executive Deans who are not responsible for the School for which the external examiner is required.] who then recommend approval/non-approval to the Chair of Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee, who has the final decision. Once a nomination has been approved, Academic Quality and Compliance confirm the appointment in writing to the external examiner.

Responsibilities of the University School

The seeking of new external examiners (where required) within the specified timeframes is the responsibility of the Course Leader. The monitoring of progress with regard to securing new external examiners is the responsibility of the respective Head of School.

The Head of School is responsible for scrutiny of proposals for external examiner appointments for all courses overseen by the School (whether on campus or at Partner institutions) and ensuring that nominations for replacements or for first appointments meet the University’s criteria for appointment and that recommendations for appointment are made promptly to the Academic Quality and Compliance.

Where nominations are received from Partner Institutions, the Head of School is responsible for scrutiny and, where recommended for approval by the Head, for forwarding to Academic Quality and Compliance within one week of receipt from the Partner Institution.

Where a nomination does not have previous external examining experience, the Head of School must provide a supporting statement for consideration by Academic Quality and Compliance. This statement is expected to outline how support will be provided to the new external examiner in the first year of office from within the School/Institution, and to provide details of a named, experienced external examiner currently appointed by the School from who the nominee can seek support, advice and guidance. The nominee (if appointed) will be invited to attend a compulsory induction event organised by Academic Quality and

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Compliance. The relevant Course Leader, Head of School or relevant member of the Course team is required to attend the afternoon session of the induction event for newly appointed external examiners to meet them for the first time.

In exceptional circumstances, where a nomination does not meet the University’s criteria for appointment, the School must ensure that a written statement accompanies the proposal with a persuasive rationale as to why the appointment should be approved on this occasion.

The School is normally responsible for seeking professional body approval where appropriate, following approval of the appointment by the University. However, it is recommended that, before a nomination is submitted for University approval, Schools use their contacts within the professional body to ascertain that there are not likely to be any problems with the proposed nomination.

Schools should forewarn nominees of the complex University criteria against which potential external examiners are measured and should not make any assurances or commitments to a proposed external examiner before the University approval process has been completed, in order to avoid any embarrassing situations.

Schools are responsible for ascertaining and chasing progress being made on outstanding appointments so that all the appointments are made in a timely manner.

For any nomination still outstanding as at the 31 March, the respective Head of School will be required to complete and submit an action plan to Academic Quality and Compliance within two weeks of the original deadline of 31 March. The action plan 1 should outline what action is being taken to secure any outstanding nominations and how the standard of these courses will be assured in the absence of external scrutiny. If the completed action plan or the outstanding nomination is not received within those two weeks, the relevant Executive Dean will hold discussions with the relevant Head of School with a view to precipitating the production of the action plan or nomination form. If the complete action plan or nomination form remain outstanding by 1 October, Academic Quality and Compliance will inform the Deputy Vice Chancellor accordingly and the Head of School may be required to meet with the Deputy Vice Chancellor or their nominee to discuss the situation.

1 Note: where a team of examiners is in place, one vacancy might not put standards at risk, but the Head of School must be able to assure the Deputy Vice – Chancellor that all modules are covered with appropriate subject expertise.

Proposals approved by the Head of School will be forwarded to Academic Quality and Compliance who will update the database and send out the formal appointment letter on behalf of the University.

Where proposals do not meet the University’s criteria but the Head of School supports approval of the nomination, the Head of School will forward the proposal and their supporting statement to Academic Quality and Compliance who will seek approval from two appropriate Executive Deans.

[NB: the appropriate Executive Deans will be Executive Deans who are not responsible for the School for which the external examiner is required.]

Course Teams are required to publish the name of the respective external examiner(s), their position and home institution within the student handbook together with a statement

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advising students that it is inappropriate for them to make direct contact with the external examiner.

Responsibilities of the Partner Institution

The external examiner appointed to a course operating at the University campus will automatically assume responsibility for the course franchised to partner institutions both in the UK and overseas. No formal extension is therefore required to cover newly franchised courses.

Where courses are approved at Partner Institution, as opposed to being franchised, the HE Co-ordinators are responsible for ensuring that a nomination for an appropriate external examiner is submitted in a timely manner to the Dean/Head of the University host School to be approved prior to it being forwarded to Academic Quality and Compliance.

If a nominee has had no previous external examining experience, the HE Co-ordinator must include a statement outlining the support which will be provided to the new external examiner in the first year of office from within the Institution and is expected to provide details of a named, experienced external examiner currently appointed by the School from who the nominee can seek support, advice and guidance. The nominee (if appointed) should also be encouraged to attend the External Examiners’ Briefing Sessions provided by Academic Quality and Compliance. The relevant Course Leader, or relevant member of the Course team is required to attend the afternoon session of the briefing event for newly appointed external examiners to meet them for the first time.

In exceptional circumstances where a nomination does not meet the University’s standard criteria for appointment, the HE Co-ordinator must provide a written statement with a persuasive rationale as to why the appointment should be approved on this occasion.

The relevant Course Leader, or relevant member of the Course team is required to attend the afternoon session of the briefing event for newly appointed external examiners to meet them for the first time.

4. The Selection of Potential External Examiners by Schools

Schools should plan well in advance for experienced external examiners to take over from an existing examiner when her/his appointment comes to an end. However, Schools may, from time to time, experience difficulties in finding suitable nominees who possess the relevant experience to undertake the role of an external examiner.

There are no hard or fast rules that apply to this procedure, however, and Schools may find the following points helpful in recruiting potential external examiners:

4.1 New Courses When a new course has been approved, Schools may wish to consider whether the external adviser(s) who acted at the course approval event, or at a previous approval event for a related course, may be appropriate to undertake the role of external examiner. A key condition is that the proposed external examiner is sufficiently independent and objective.

4.2 Other Institutions Schools are recommended to contact other academic institutions, operating similar courses, as a source of potential external examiners. This may involve the Head of School making tentative telephone enquiries to another University to establish whether the particular course has a similar focus and

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whether there are staff who may be willing and sufficiently experienced to act as an external examiner.

In making such investigations, the School should take into account the University's wish to involve external examiners from a wide range of UK institutions. The University does not, however, encourage the nomination of external examiners from an institution where, say, the Head of School or Course Leader was recently employed or the nomination of a close colleague/friend of a Head of School or Course Leader.

Schools should also note that reciprocal external examining arrangements between courses and Schools in this University and another institution are not permissible under the University's Academic Regulations except where it is unavoidable due to the subject being taught in a very small number of institutions.

An external examiner should not be nominated for a course which they have recently undertaken (ie. within 5 years), as this constitutes too close an involvement with the School which may compromise an examiner’s objectivity and therefore contravenes the University’s criteria for appointment.

The Head of School of another institution may also be able to advise as to whether their own external examiners will have completed their term of office in time for them to be nominated to take on another appointment.

In addition, an external examiner from another institution may be able to recommend a colleague who would be sufficiently experienced to undertake the external examining role.

Schools should not limit themselves to those institutions with whom staff already have a close association or which are geographically near to this institution. Possible sources of reference for determining similar courses run by other institutions are the Universities' Entrance Guide and the UCAS Handbook, copies of which are held in the University's Admissions Office.

4.3 Current external examiners With respect to the replacement of an external examiner, Schools may wish to enquire whether the out-going examiner is able to recommend an appropriate successor from another institution other than his/her own.

4.4 Professional Bodies/Associations Professional bodies often publish their own list of approved external examiners and professional associations (eg Association of Business Schools) and may also provide Schools with another source of potential external examiners.

4.5 External Events Attendance at conferences, workshops, seminars, etc or acting on the Course Approval panels at other institutions may yield possible contacts for potential future external examiners, as may any links with other institutions for research purposes.

4.6 Higher Education Academy Many of the Subject Centres established on the Higher Education Academy’s website have developed registers of external examiners as a potential source of external examiner nominations, which can be accessed by Course Leaders and Deans/Heads of School.

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4.7 Social Media platforms. Schools could use social media sites such as ‘Linkedin’ to source potential external examiners.

4.8 Equal Opportunities The University encourages Schools to consider issues of equal opportunity in relation to all its activities, including the nomination of external examiners. All reasonable adjustments will be made for external examiners with special needs.

4.9 Diversity The University encourages Schools to source external examiner nominations from all ethnic backgrounds and welcomes nominations from underrepresented groups.

4.10 External Examiner's Workload The School should brief potential external examiners on the following points in order to ensure their full support and commitment in undertaking their role throughout the full period of appointment:

The School should advise the proposed examiner as to the full demands upon his/her time and workload during the Assessment Board period in order that the examiner will be available to attend and contribute fully at the Board(s);

Schools should also advise potential external examiners as to the risk of over-extending their commitments by taking on additional external examining duties during their period of appointment.

5. The Appointment of External Examiners Who Do Not Meet the Criteria for Appointment

5.1 Where nominees for an external examinership do not meet the University’s criteria for appointment, the School is required to submit a statement of support to inform Academic Quality and Compliance as to the level of alternative experience and abilities of the nominee. It is important to demonstrate that, although a nominee may not meet all criteria, they must have an overall balance of experience and be able to judge comparability. The following guidance is provided on the range of evidence which needs to be provided to Academic Quality and Compliance as part of the decision making process so that a judgement can be made about whether a nominee is appropriate and whether there is a need to involve the Executive Deans in the approval process. Nominees need not meet all the criteria itemised under 5.2 below and Academic Quality and Compliance or the Executive Deans will make their decision on the overall profile.

This guidance is intended to simplify the process and reduce the administrative burden for Heads of School and Executive Deans by reducing the number of repeated requests for information and eliminating delay in the processing of appointments.

5.2 Attributes and Experience

Academic Quality and Compliance/Executive Deans will look for evidence of:

Work Experience At least 3 years relevant experience and normally 5 years. For academic staff, this should cover teaching and assessment and for industrial

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nominees a high degree of specialist knowledge of the field and needs of the industry.

Education/Qualifications Normally qualified to the level of or above in the subject area of the award for which the external examiner will be responsible. Additionally, it would be helpful if there was evidence that the applicant is the holder of a recognised teaching qualification.

Skills and Abilities It is expected that academic nominees will have experience of assessment techniques, which test a range of cognitive and/or practical skills.

Academic or industrial nominees may be able to provide evidence of:

- scholarly activity in the subject area eg conference papers or published papers, books or refereed articles;

- expertise in the enhancement of the student experience;

- ability to make comparison with similar provision, eg through course approval experience or through experience of another institution or employer;

- interest in curriculum development, eg through membership of course development team or internal review or course approval mechanisms etc;

- external recognition eg through membership of a professional association or industry awards;

- involvement in subject benchmarking or internal/external quality review;

- member of an organisation with a high reputation for quality and standards;

- ability to communicate positively to influence quality enhancement, eg through involvement on a course approval panel or personal recommendation.

5.3 The School is also required to confirm the type of support, which will be provided to inexperienced external examiners during their first year of office. Some suggestions of the type of support which is expected are provided below.

It is strongly recommended that:

the Head of School ensures that arrangements are made for contact with the Chair of the Assessment Board, Course Leader and at least one other external examiner in the School in the first semester of the appointment to discuss the course in detail, the assessment strategy and criteria used by the School;

the Head of School ensures that the nominee is provided with the names, contact address and telephone numbers of other external examiners appointed by the School;

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the Head of School ensures timely provision of material before Christmas for Semester One Assessment to the external examiner, including the provision of marking schemes.

6. Eligibility to Work Checks for External Examiners

In order to comply with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, all external examiners must confirm their eligibility to work in the UK. External examiners’ eligibility to work in the UK will have to be checked in person for all external examiners upon appointment. As external examiners do not normally attend the University immediately upon their appointment, the following process will apply:

1. All new external examiners are asked to return with their completed nomination form a photocopy or scanned copy of documentation verifying their eligibility to work in the UK (as detailed in List A and List B below). Nomination forms submitted without this evidence will not be processed.

2. All new external examiners will be invited to a compulsory induction event at the University. The external examiner must bring the original documentation verifying their eligibility to work in the UK to be checked by QA staff at the event.

Please Note: An external examiner will not be allowed to work in their role as an external examiner for UCLan unless they have attended the compulsory induction event and submitted their original documentation for checking at the event by QA staff. If an external examiner does not engage in this process their appointment is likely to be terminated.

If it appears that the proposed external examiner is not eligible to work in the UK please contact the HR Department for further guidance.

List A – Documents which demonstrate an on-going right to work in the UK.

1. A passport showing that the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a British citizen or a citizen of the UK and Colonies having the right of abode in the UK.

2. A passport or national identity card showing that the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a national of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. See for full details of all EEA countries.

3. A Registration Certificate or Document Certifying Permanent Residence issued by the Home Office to a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.

4. A Permanent Residence Card issued by the Home Office, to the family member of a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.

5. A current Biometric Immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office to the holder indicating that the person named is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

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6. A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

7. A current Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the named person is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.

8. A full birth or adoption certificate issued in the UK which includes the name(s) of at least one of the holder’s parents or adoptive parents, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.

9. A birth or adoption certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.

10. A certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.

Official documents issued by a previous employer or Government AgencyA P45, P60, National Insurance number card, or a letter from a Government agency are acceptable to demonstrate a person’s National Insurance Number. A Government agency can include for example HM Revenue and Customs (formerly the Inland Revenue), the Department for Work and Pensions, Jobcentre Plus, the Training and Employment Agency (Northern Ireland) or the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency.

A National Insurance number on its own in any format does not provide acceptable evidence of the right to work in the UK.

List B group 1 – Documents which demonstrate a time-limited right to work in the UK that expires when the document expires.

These documents indicate eligibility to work in the UK with limitations.

1. A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is allowed to stay in the UK and is currently allowed to do the type of work in question.

2. A current Biometric Immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office to the holder which indicates that the named person can currently stay in the UK and is allowed to do the work in question.

3. A current Residence Card (including an Accession Residence Card or a Derivative Residence Card) issued by the Home Office to a non-European Economic Area (EEA) national who is a family member of a national of a European Economic Area

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country or Switzerland or who has a derivative right of residence. See for full details of all EEA countries.

4. A current Immigration Status Document containing a photograph issued by the Home Office to the holder with a valid endorsement indicating that the named person may stay in the UK, and is allowed to do the type of work in question, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their last name issued by a Government agency or previous employer.

List B group 2 – Documents which demonstrate a time-limited statutory excuse lasts for 6 months

1. A Certificate of Application issued by the Home Office under regulation 17 (3) or 18A (2) of the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006, to a family member of a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland stating that the holder is permitted to take employment which is less than 6 months old together with a Positive Verification Notice from the Home Office Employer Checking Service. This is verification obtained by Human Resources which confirms a person’s right to work in the UK where an individual has presented a Certificate of Application issued to a family member of an EEA or Swiss national which states the holder is permitted to work. Please contact Human Resources on 01772 89 2324 for further details. See for full details of all EEA countries.

2. An Application Registration Card issued by the Home Office stating that the holder is permitted to take the employment in question, together with a positive Verification Notice from the Home Office Employer Checking Service. This is verification obtained by Human Resources which verifies a person’s right to work in the UK where an individual has presented an Application Registration Card which states the holder is permitted to work. Please contact Human Resources on 01772 89 2324 for further details.

3. A Positive Verification Notice issued by the Home Office Employer Checking Service to the employer or prospective employer, which indicates that the named person may stay in the UK and is permitted to do the work in question. This is verification obtained by Human Resources which verifies a person’s right to work in the UK where an individual has presented an Application Registration Card which states the holder is permitted to work. Please contact Human Resources on 01772 89 2324 for further details.

4. Official documents issued by a previous employer or Government AgencyA P45, P60, National Insurance number card, or a letter from a Government agency are acceptable to demonstrate a person’s National Insurance Number. A Government agency can include for example HM Revenue and Customs (formerly the Inland Revenue), the Department for Work and Pensions, Jobcentre Plus, the Training and Employment Agency (Northern Ireland) or the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency.

A National Insurance number on its own in any format does not provide acceptable evidence of the right to work in the UK.

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7. Guidelines on Completion of the External Examiner Nomination Form

General Information

Schools must ensure that all sections of the form are fully completed and, where appropriate, an explanatory note should be given. The use of terms, such as "not applicable" or "not relevant", without further explanation, are not acceptable responses and a line must not be drawn through any section of the nomination form. For example, where an external examiner does not have any previous external examining experience, the word "none" must be entered on the form rather than "n/a", etc.

A curriculum vitae may be submitted in support of the nomination form in respect of those nominees who have substantial teaching experience, qualifications and/or research publications. However, Schools are required to ensure that the nomination form has been completed with all the relevant information, rather than cross-referencing with information provided within the curriculum vitae.

Section A - Details of Course/Subject

1.1 Name of University School making the proposal

Please ensure that the details of Partner Institutions are completed as this information is added to the central database and used in the distribution of annual reports from external examiners.

1.2 Details of Course

In order to ensure that an external examiner is appointed to all the appropriate University awards (target awards only), the title and mode of attendance of the course to be examined must be stated.

In order that an external examiner's duties are not over-extended, proposals for a nominee to externally examine more than one course, at different levels, will be considered on individual merit by AQC and if considered to be onerous, will be referred to the Executive Dean. The application form must clearly state the suitability of the nominee to externally examine all the courses, together with a rationale for using the same external examiner for more than one course.

1.3 Modules to be Examined

Whilst module responsibilities may change, there is a need to ensure that all subject areas within a particular course are covered and that the module responsibilities will not overextend the proposed examiner's workload.

All modules for which the external examiner will have responsibility must therefore be listed, including the code, title and approximate number of students taking each module. The School is required to ensure that all modules are covered by an external examiner, including Foundation Entry modules where appropriate and those modules developed specifically for adoption by another School.

AQC/Executive Deans acknowledge the need for flexibility in those programmes where responsibility for modules is shared between an external examiner team. In cases where it is not yet known which examiner will have responsibility for which modules, the School is

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expected to indicate all modules to be covered within the subject area on the nomination form, since Academic Quality and Compliance need to judge whether the Subject expertise is appropriate. As soon as the precise allocation of modules between examiners has been agreed, the details must be forwarded to Academic Quality and Compliance.

2. Proposed Period of Tenure

The period of tenure should allow the external examiner to be associated in all aspects of assessment, including the drafting of examination papers and involvement in resit examinations and will normally be for four years, with an exceptional extension of one year to ensure continuity.

For courses, which cover the normal academic year (September - August), appointments will commence in October and terminate in September. For courses, which have boards that take place after September but before December, appointments will commence in January and terminate in December.

The periods of tenure will normally overlap where several external examiners have been appointed to the same programme to ensure continuity of standards.

2.2 First Appointment/Replacement

The school is required to indicate whether this is a first appointment of an external examiner to the course or whether this is a replacement of an existing examiner.

2.3 Name of the External Examiner to be replaced

The School is required to provide the name of the external examiner who is to be replaced by the proposed external examiner. For new courses this will not be applicable.

2.4 External Examiner Team

The external examining team is expected to complement each other in terms of expertise and experience appropriate to the course being assessed. There must also be an appropriate balance between academic and professional practitioners within the external examining team, reflecting the range of academic/vocational perspectives required for the course.

Section B – Details of proposed examiner

3. Name and Title of Proposed External Examiner

Full details required of the proposed external examiner. Details of the external examiner’s date of birth must be provided for the purpose of applying for access to the UCLan network.

4. Current/most recent Employment

Full and accurate details of the examiner's present post and address for correspondence are required for future communications by the School and Academic Quality and Compliance.

The criteria for the appointment of external examiners stipulate that an external examiner must not be appointed from the same institution as a previous external examiner normally

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within five years. This five-year ruling will not be waived unless the School can demonstrate very good reasons as to the suitability of a particular nominee to undertake the proposed examinership (and why a suitable nominee cannot be found from another institution).

The nomination of people no longer involved in teaching/working in an academic institution Schools are encouraged to put forward nominees who have a direct input into the teaching curriculum of the relevant subject area and who wish to develop their external examining expertise. However, if the School does wish to nominate someone who is no longer directly involved in teaching or is no longer working within an academic environment, then a strong supporting statement as to the nominee's ability to fulfil the role of an external examiner in terms of comparability of standards, must accompany the nomination form.

5. Contact Details

Full and up to date contact details for the external examiner must be provided in order to facilitate communication with the external examiner.

6. Higher Education/Professional Qualifications

The nomination form must provide details of the proposed examiner's academic and professional qualifications, which will reflect how the nominee's academic expertise matches the content of the particular programme to be assessed. The nomination form should also provide assurance with regard to the external examiner’s proficiency in English.

7. Employment History

Details are required on the proposed external examiner's standing, expertise and breadth of experience across Higher Education and professions.

In addition, it is expected that external examiners will be drawn from a wide variety of institutional/professional contexts and traditions, in order that the course will benefit from wide-ranging external scrutiny.

Employment details must be entered in chronological order with start and completion dates, commencing with the current employer and position held. Any variation in posts held within the same institution (eg Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Principal Lecturer) must be included with dates.

8. Current external examiner/external verifier appointments

All current appointments held by the proposed examiner must be entered in this section, including title and level of course, institution and dates of appointments.

To ensure that the proposed external examiner's workload is not overextended, the nominee should not hold more than two substantial appointments on taught courses, including the proposed appointment. As a guideline, a substantial appointment involves at least 50 students taking 12 assessments, of which one is a project and one is based on continuous assessment.

The University is aware that the diminishing pool of external examiners has resulted in difficulties in recruiting suitable nominees with previous examining experience at the required level of expertise/ability.

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In order to increase the pool of suitable external examiners, Schools may wish to take advantage of the expertise of an experienced external examiner by appointing a less experienced examiner to work alongside as a team, provided there is a sufficient overlap between the appointments (ie normally two student outputs). The School must, however, outline its strategy to demonstrate the way in which the external examiners will work together as a team and, in the case of the less experienced external, how support and backup will be provided by the rest of the team and/or the School.

In considering nominations, Academic Quality and Compliance will look at the overall expertise of a nominee to undertake the proposed external examinership role, including any previous relevant experience in areas of external examining, internal assessment, etc.

9. Previous External Examining Experience over the last 5 years

Any previous external examiner experience will lend support as to the nominee's ability and competence in assessing students' work in the subject area.

Details of any other external examining experience, albeit at a lower level or for a professional examining body, must be entered in the relevant section on the application form, including level and title of course, institution and dates of appointment.

9.2. b) Internal Examining Experience

Information regarding the nominee's internal examining experience will help to assess the nominee's experience, range and scope of internal examining abilities, particularly in respect of those nominees who have little previous external examining experience or experience at the required level (eg Masters).

9.2. c) The Nomination of Industrialists Whilst it may be appropriate for industrialists to be appointed as external examiners to some programmes, the application form must be accompanied by a detailed explanation from the Head of School highlighting the strengths and abilities of the nominee to undertake the role.

An industrialist would normally be expected to have some previous experience within education and to be appointed to work alongside an experienced examiner from an academic background. The School should therefore indicate on the nomination form its strategy as to how the two external examiners will work together as a team.

An indication as to the nature of the role, which the industrialist would undertake in externally examining the course, would be helpful.

10. Links with the University of Central Lancashire

Any current or previous association with the University, School, the course, individual staff or students must be clearly stated, together with the dates of the association.

A nominee must not be personally associated with the sponsorship of students on the course to be examined or required to assess colleagues recruited as students on the course. In addition, the nominee must not be in a position to influence the future employment of students or involved in student placements/training within their organisation.

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Any current or previous association must not compromise a proposed examiner's objectivity.

The nominee should not have been a member of staff, governor, and student or near relative of a member of staff associated with the course or an external examiner on a cognitive course within the University for at least the preceding five years.

The nominee must not have been significantly involved in recent or current substantive collaborative research activities with a member of staff closely involved in the delivery, management or assessment of the programme(s) or modules in question

11. Research and Related Scholarly Activity

Details of the nominee's research activities, published journal articles, chapters, articles, etc and consultancy work over the last five years, which are relevant to the subject area, must be entered on the application form to provide evidence of the nominee's standing, expertise and breadth of experience.

12. Teaching Experience

The level and subject area of the proposed examiner's teaching experience must be appropriate to the programme to be examined, so that comparability of standards may be maintained. A brief account of the nominee's main areas of teaching responsibilities is therefore required, to assess the nominee's range and scope of teaching experience.

13. Reciprocal External Examining Arrangements

There must be no reciprocal external examining arrangements between courses or Schools in two institutions, except where it is unavoidable due to the subject being taught by a very small number of institutions.

Section C - Approval of Nomination by the Head of School

The application form must be checked and approved by the Head of School prior to forwarding to Academic Quality and Compliance for processing.

Further information/statement in support of nomination - It is very important that this section is completed and a strong supporting statement is provided.

The School is required to include any additional information, which is relevant to the proposal in this section.

The appropriateness of a nominee to undertake the role of external examiner, particularly in those cases where a nominee has little or no previous external examining experience, must be clearly highlighted. This would include any support, which the inexperienced nominee would receive from the current external examiners team.

A nomination which does not fulfil the Criteria as stipulated in the Academic Regulations must be accompanied by a detailed explanation from the Head of School outlining the suitability of the nominee to undertake the role of the proposed external examinership and what difficulties, if any, have been experienced in selecting a more suitable nomination.

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8. Induction Documentation and Information for New External Examiners

On receipt of confirmation from Academic Quality and Compliance that an external examiner appointment has been approved, the respective Head of School must ensure that the following documentation/ information is made available to the external examiner as part of the induction process.

I. A letter of welcome, along with instructions how to access verification and moderation materials electronically.

II. Contact details of relevant staff members and, where applicable and where consent has been given by the External Examiners concerned, contact details for other members of the External Examining Team.

III. Where consent has been given and where appropriate, forward the External Examiner’s contact details to other members of the External Examiners Team.

IV. Ensure that where an External Examiner is responsible for provision delivered both on and off campus and across a number of sites, that they are aware of the need to make clear within their annual reports which partner institution their comments relate to.

V. Module Descriptors: Detailed information on the modules for which each External Examiner is responsible; and any further information which is required.

VI. Verification and moderation materials. These will be made available to External Examiners electronically.

VII. Details of the timings when verification and moderation materials will be made available (electronically) to external examiners.

VIII. Details of marking schemes.

IX. Module handbooks or information packs

X. Dates and times of Assessment Boards

XI. Details of opportunities to meet staff and, where appropriate, students.

XII. Details of meetings with mentors/assessors and students where practice assessments are part of the course.

9. Responsibilities of the University

9.1 On appointment, the University's Academic Quality and Compliance office will provide the external examiner with a copy of the current University Academic Regulations, academic calendar, external examiner fees and expenses and a booklet entitled “Information for Newly Appointed External Examiners”, along with:

A copy of the current Student Handbook which contains the course structure, aims, learning outcomes, course regulations, etc.

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The Programme Specification

The Course Leader’s last Annual Monitoring Report

The Annual Report from the previous External Examiner

Academic Quality and Compliance are also responsible for:

issuing annual guidelines for the content, structure and submission of reports issuing guidelines for the level and payment of fees and expenses. issuing revisions to University Academic regulations. drawing attention where appropriate to significant issues raised in external

examiners' Annual Reports. Inviting external examiners to the external examiners’ compulsory induction event

9.2 The Chair of the Assessment Board for the School concerned is responsible for ensuring communication with the external examiner by School staff and for:

providing the current definitive document for the programme(s) for which the external examiner has responsibility;

briefing the external examiner on the operation of the programme(s); informing the external examiner of Assessment Boards and timing; consulting the external examiner on possible minor changes, if appropriate updating the information held by the external examiner on the current structure

and content of the programme; notifying the external examiner of the provision of a course at a Partner Institution

or another UCLan Campus ensuring that, where external examiners are required to scrutinise examination

papers and scripts, this material is made available in reasonable time [agreeing with the external examiner the timings for when materials will be made available electronically throughout the academic year]

9.3 The School is responsible for ensuring that:

the Annual Monitoring process takes account of the views of external examiners as expressed in their reports;

the views of external examiners are made known to Interim and Periodic Review Panels as part of that process;

that the full external examiner annual report, as accompanied by the Action Plan from the respective Course Leader’s report, be shared with students electronically, and that Schools make it clear within Student Handbooks the mechanisms through which the reports will be made available;

the University Head of School will be responsible for ensuring formal responses are made to issues raised by external examiners in their reports. Written responses to any ‘essential’ issues raised under section 8 (a) of a report must be sent by the Head of School to the external examiner within two weeks of receipt of the report.

9.4 The University will make all reasonable adjustments for external examiners with special needs.

10. Responsibilities of External Examiners

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The contract of appointment for external examiners clearly states the duties which an external examiner is expected to undertake. The University expects external examiners to have a responsibility for ensuring that standards and comparability are maintained, that justice is done to individual students and for judging whether students have fulfilled the objectives of the programme and reached the required standard. In order to fulfil these expectations, external examiners are required in particular to:

approve the form and content of all proposed examination and re-assessment examination papers for every module which contributes to an award and for this to be recorded;

review a sample of briefs for course work/practical assignments/dissertation proposals selected from all briefs made available electronically by the School;[NB: External examiners are entitled to review an amended assessment brief on request if substantial changes were suggested in external verification.]

scrutinise a representative sample of examination scripts or coursework/dissertations and provide confirmation of whether marking is in accordance with the stated criteria and weightings and identifying any issues. External moderation is required for all assessments contributing to an award, based upon a representative sample of work. External moderation should consist of a confirmation that the assessment criteria for every element of assessment have been correctly and accurately applied to a representative sample. The minimum requirement for moderation samples for both internal and external moderation purposes is set at 10% of all work submitted for a particular element of assessment, and (where student numbers on modules are small) the sample to include at least 3 pieces of work from the batch to be taken from work awarded the highest marks, marks in the middle range and the lowest marks). The sample of work moderated by the external examiner should include a selection of work that has been internally moderated.

communicate with Course/Subject Teams without lengthy delay on matters concerning examinations and assessment;

participate in all relevant end of year Assessment Boards where final awards are made. If this duty cannot be discharged for some unavoidable reason, then the examiner must communicate his/her views in writing to the Chair of the Assessment Board. There is a requirement for there to be an external examiner presence at Re-assessment Boards either in person or by other means such as video conference, Skype etc. There is not a requirement that all external examiners attend the Re-assessment boards, we only require the presence of an external examiner to oversee the process of the Re-assessment Board and this external does not need to be a subject specialist for the board;

sign the recommendation list from the Assessment Board. Signature may be withheld if the results have not been agreed;

submit an informative annual report to the University in accordance with the guidelines provided (if an external examiner is appointed to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, the external examiner will be required to submit two separate reports following attendance at the relevant Assessment Boards);

advise the course team, when requested, on proposals for minor changes to the modules and programmes to which they are appointed;

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If an external examiner has serious concerns arising from the assessment process which put at risk the standards of the University or any relevant external awarding body, these must be raised with the Chair of the Assessment Board in the first instance. Should an examiner wish to raise matters of particular importance or sensitivity, this can be done by way of a confidential report addressed to the Vice Chancellor. If an external examiner feels that they have not received a satisfactory response from the Vice Chancellor, they are entitled to invoke the QAA’s concern scheme or inform the relevant professional, statutory or regulatory body.

11. Criteria for the Termination of External Examiner Appointments

The contract of appointment for external examiners may be terminated on any of the following grounds:

I. Failure to attend a final Assessment Board without good cause. The University recognises that Schools must give sufficient advance warning of the dates of final Assessment Boards so that external examiners are able to confirm their attendance and carry out their responsibilities.

II. Failure to submit an annual report as required. The University values and requires full and informative reports which follow the guidelines provided.

III. Failure to undertake the external examiner duties to the satisfaction of the University by providing inadequate scrutiny of proposed assessment tools and/or assessment outcomes and/or an unacceptable delay in corresponding with Course/Subject Teams on matters concerning examinations and assessment.

12. Procedure for the Termination of External Examiner Appointments

The Termination of an External Examiner’s Appointment

12.1 Where circumstances arise which meet the criteria for termination of an external examiner’s appointment, Deans/Heads of School are required to report to Academic Quality and Compliance and on the circumstances noted in points 1 and 3 above, (failure to attend an Assessment Board without good cause and/or failure to undertake duties to the satisfaction of the University). A letter will be sent by the Academic Quality and Compliance, on behalf of the Deputy VC to the respective external examiner outlining the circumstances and asking for a response. If a satisfactory solution cannot be found, the appointment will be terminated.

In relation to point 2 above (non- receipt of reports), the following process will apply:

Academic Quality and Compliance will send a reminder letter if reports have not been received 6 weeks after the Assessment Board with a further 2 weeks given for the report to be received. Deans/Heads of School will be advised.

Where reports remain outstanding 8 weeks following the Assessment Board, the Head of School will be advised to make personal contact with the external examiner within another 2 week period to allow reports to be received.

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Where reports remain outstanding 12 weeks following the Assessment Board the Head of School will be advised that the appointment is to be terminated if the report is not received within a further 2 week period.

If no report has been received within this period the contract of appointment with the external examiner will be terminated and the fee forfeited. A replacement nomination will then be required.

Example for Reports due from June Assessment BoardsTimescale Action Responsibilit

yMid August All reports to have been received External

ExaminerBy end August Final reminder sent to external examiner and

Head of School informedAcademic Quality and Compliance

By end Sept All remaining reports to have been received External Examiner

By mid Oct Academic Quality and Compliance to advise Deans/Heads of School to contact external examiners with reports outstanding

Head of School

By end Oct All remaining reports to have been received External Examiner

By end Nov Termination letters sent to external examiners Chair of ASQAC

By end Dec Replacement nomination made to Academic Quality and Compliance

Head of School

The Resignation of an External Examiner

12.2 Where an external examiner wishes to resign from their appointment (eg for personal reasons), the University requests that the external examiner notify us in writing, giving a six week notice period. Letters of resignation should be sent to the Head of Academic Quality and Compliance and the Head of School. the respective School must request formal written notification from the external examiner. The School is expected to also seek to ensure all outstanding reports are submitted. Where an external examiner does not fulfil their responsibilities, a School should, where feasible, make appropriate arrangements to ensure that all outstanding responsibilities (including the preparation and submission of the annual report) are covered. A replacement nomination from the School will be required by Academic Quality and Compliance.

13. Responding to External Examiner Reports

The Process for Considering and Responding to External Examiners’ Reports

i External examiners are required to submit a copy of their report to Academic Quality and Compliance within 6 weeks of the date of the assessment board.

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ii Officers within Academic Quality and Compliance scrutinise the report and log the categorised concerns under section 8 and the good practice under section 5.

iii The report is copied to the Head of School with a covering memo which draws attention to concerns under section 8.

iv [Academic Quality and Compliance maintains an institutional overview of the concerns raised; the Head of School is responsible for considering the concerns and other matters raised in the report, for responding to the external examiner and for taking any necessary action; Academic Quality and Compliance monitors the Head of School’s actions and responses to ‘essential’ concerns and identifies Institutional-wide issues].

v In the case of collaborative provision, the report is copied as above but is additionally sent to the UK Partner Institution’s HE Co-ordinator who will ensure that the report is circulated and considered within the institution as appropriate and will then liaise with the University Head of School. The University Head of School remains responsible for response and action, as above. The University Head of School is also responsible for forwarding reports to overseas partner institutions.

vi In accordance with the recommendations from the Quality Assurance Framework for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, endorsed by HEFCE, the full external examiner reports must be shared as a matter of course with students. In view of this, Schools will arrange for the full report and the good practice identified to be made available to students electronically and Schools should make it clear within Student Handbooks the mechanisms through which the reports are to be made available to students.

vii Where a report identifies an “essential” concern in section 8 (or where Academic Quality and Compliance finds it necessary to categorise a comment elsewhere in the report as “essential”) the Head of School is required to send an immediate written response (ie within 2 weeks) to the external examiner and a copy at the same time to Academic Quality and Compliance. [Note: it is recognised that a Head of School may not be able to give a full response or explanation straight away, and that the immediate response may therefore need to be an acknowledgement of the concern whilst the Head liaises with others. This acknowledgement should, however, give a date by which the full response might be expected.]

viii “Advisable” and “desirable” recommendations must also be responded to by the Head of School but this might take place less immediately. The Course Leader should ensure that all issues raised and recommendations made within the external examiner’s annual report are addressed or commented upon within the Course Leader’s Annual Monitoring Report and any action taken in response should be included within the action plan. The Course Leader’s report and action plan must be made available to the external examiner.

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ix The Course Leader’s Annual Monitoring report should also comment upon any good practice identified by the external examiner within their report.

x Annually Academic Quality and Compliance in liaison with the Institutional

external examiner prepares a report for the Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee identifying the “essential” concerns and responses to them plus generic issues arising from other recommendations and good practice.

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1. Introduction

This booklet seeks to assist newly appointed external examiners in the execution of their duties and is produced by the Academic Quality and Compliance. Any comments and suggestions for improvement should be made to the Head of Academic Quality and Compliance (Tel: 01772 893126).

On appointment, Academic Quality and Compliance provides each external examiner with a copy of this booklet together with:

A copy of the Academic Regulations. This is also available on the Academic Quality and Compliance web pages under:

Scale of fees and expenses for external examiners

Academic Calendar

a copy of the current Student Handbook which contains the course structure, aims, learning outcomes, course regulations, etc;

programme specification; the Course Leader’s last Annual Monitoring Report; the Annual Report from the previous external examiner;

The University School will provide external examiners with the following documentation:

Contact details of relevant staff members and, where applicable and where consent has been given by the external examiners concerned, contact details for other members of the external examining team;

module descriptors: detailed information on the modules for which each external examiner is responsible; and any further information which is required;

verification and moderation materials. These will be made available to external examiners electronically;

details of the timings when verification and moderation materials will be made available (electronically) to external examiners;

details of marking schemes; Module handbooks or information packs; dates of assessment boards; School Manual containing details of the School’s moderation process; details of opportunities to meet staff/students where applicable; details of meetings with mentors/assessors where practice assessments are part of

the course.

Please note that in line with QAA requirements, Course Teams will publish the name of the respective external examiner(s), their position and home institution within the student handbook together with a statement advising students that it is inappropriate for them to make direct contact with the external examiner. External examiners are asked to advise any student who does contact them directly, to contact Academic Quality and Compliance at UCLan where they can obtain advice on the appropriate channels for taking forward their query.

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Prior to the assessment period, Academic Quality and Compliance will provide a proforma for the annual report, and other relevant information on claiming fee and expenses. Our preferred method of submission of the report, within six weeks of the final Assessment Board, is via e-mail in the first instance to [email protected]. The report proforma can be downloaded from Academic Quality and Compliance website:

2. Eligibility to Work Checks for External Examiners

In order to comply with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, all external examiners must confirm their eligibility to work in the UK. External examiners’ eligibility to work in the UK will have to be checked in person for all external examiners upon appointment. As external examiners do not normally attend the University immediately upon their appointment, in the first instance the University will request a photocopy or scanned copy of documentation verifying their eligibility to work in the UK (as detailed in List A and List B below). Following appointment all new external examiners will be invited to a compulsory induction event at the University. The external examiner must bring the original documentation verifying their eligibility to work in the UK to be checked by QA staff at the event.

Please Note: An external examiner will not be allowed to work in their role as an external examiner for UCLan unless they have attended the compulsory induction event and submitted their original documentation for checking at the event by QA staff. If an external examiner does not engage in this process their appointment is likely to be terminated.

List A – Documents which demonstrate an on-going right to work in the UK.

1. A passport showing that the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a British citizen or a citizen of the UK and Colonies having the right of abode in the UK.

2. A passport or national identity card showing that the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a national of the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. See for full details of all EEA countries.

3. A Registration Certificate or Document Certifying Permanent Residence issued by the Home Office to a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.

4. A Permanent Residence Card issued by the Home Office, to the family member of a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.

5. A current Biometric Immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office to the holder indicating that the person named is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

6. A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

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7. A current Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the named person is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.

8. A full birth or adoption certificate issued in the UK which includes the name(s) of at least one of the holder’s parents or adoptive parents, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.

9. A birth or adoption certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.

10. A certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.

Official documents issued by a previous employer or Government AgencyA P45, P60, National Insurance number card, or a letter from a Government agency are acceptable to demonstrate a person’s National Insurance Number. A Government agency can include for example HM Revenue and Customs (formerly the Inland Revenue), the Department for Work and Pensions, Jobcentre Plus, the Training and Employment Agency (Northern Ireland) or the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency.

A National Insurance number on its own in any format does not provide acceptable evidence of the right to work in the UK.

List B group 1Documents which demonstrate a time-limited right to work in the UK that expires when the document expires.

These documents indicate eligibility to work in the UK with limitations.

1. A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is allowed to stay in the UK and is currently allowed to do the type of work in question.

2. A current Biometric Immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office to the holder which indicates that the named person can currently stay in the UK and is allowed to do the work in question.

3. A current Residence Card (including an Accession Residence Card or a Derivative Residence Card) issued by the Home Office to a non-European Economic Area (EEA) national who is a family member of a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland or who has a derivative right of residence. See for full details of all EEA countries.

4. A current Immigration Status Document containing a photograph issued by the Home Office to the holder with a valid endorsement indicating that the named person may stay in the UK, and is allowed to do the type of work in question, together with

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an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their last name issued by a Government agency or previous employer.

List B group 2 – Documents which demonstrate a time-limited statutory excuse lasts for 6 months

1. A Certificate of Application issued by the Home Office under regulation 17 (3) or 18A (2) of the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006, to a family member of a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland stating that the holder is permitted to take employment which is less than 6 months old together with a Positive Verification Notice from the Home Office Employer Checking Service. This is verification obtained by Human Resources which confirms a person’s right to work in the UK where an individual has presented a Certificate of Application issued to a family member of an EEA or Swiss national which states the holder is permitted to work. Please contact Human Resources on 01772 89 2324 for further details. See for full details of all EEA countries.

2. An Application Registration Card issued by the Home Office stating that the holder is permitted to take the employment in question, together with a positive Verification Notice from the Home Office Employer Checking Service. This is verification obtained by Human Resources which verifies a person’s right to work in the UK where an individual has presented an Application Registration Card which states the holder is permitted to work. Please contact Human Resources on 01772 89 2324 for further details.

3. A Positive Verification Notice issued by the Home Office Employer Checking Service to the employer or prospective employer, which indicates that the named person may stay in the UK and is permitted to do the work in question. This is verification obtained by Human Resources which verifies a person’s right to work in the UK where an individual has presented an Application Registration Card which states the holder is permitted to work. Please contact Human Resources on 01772 89 2324 for further details.

4. Official documents issued by a previous employer or Government AgencyA P45, P60, National Insurance number card, or a letter from a Government agency are acceptable to demonstrate a person’s National Insurance Number. A Government agency can include for example HM Revenue and Customs (formerly the Inland Revenue), the Department for Work and Pensions, Jobcentre Plus, the Training and Employment Agency (Northern Ireland) or the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency.

A National Insurance number on its own in any format does not provide acceptable evidence of the right to work in the UK.

3. Role and Duties of the External Examiner

3.1 The Role of the External Examiner

The external examiner's role is to enable the University to ensure that:-

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standards of awards are comparable with those across the HE sector in the United Kingdom;

assessment requirements of modules leading to University awards meet learning aims and learning outcomes of those modules;

standards across the modules for which external examiners are responsible are comparable;

the achievement of programme aims and objectives through the assessment process is referenced to the commercial, industrial and professional environment;

assessment strategies and methods leading to University awards are in line with current best practice in the discipline concerned;

work leading to University awards is assessed carefully, accurately and fairly by internal examiners;

Assessment Boards give full and fair consideration to each student; there is an experienced and objective input into the exercise of discretion by

Assessment Boards through the external examiner's understanding and knowledge of how comparable situations are dealt with elsewhere; and

In addition an external examiner is expected to:-

provide an annual evaluative report on the assessment process, to assist course teams to improve the quality of the University's provision;

give advice to Course Teams, if requested, on proposed minor changes to the modules and programmes to which the external examiner is appointed.

An external examiner who has previous experience of external examining is expected to:-

give guidance and advice, if required, to new external examiners who join their examining team and who have no previous external examining experience.

3.2 The Duties of and External Examiner

.1 External examiners have particular responsibility for ensuring that standards and comparability are maintained, assuring fairness in the application and implementation of assessment processes and procedures in accordance with the approved programme/course regulations, and for judging whether students have fulfilled the learning outcomes of courses to a satisfactory standard.

.2 In undertaking this role, external examiners are primarily concerned with the final qualifications of students, however, external examiners appointed to a new course for which only stage one is running, will be expected to familiarise themselves with the course and advise on any proposals for minor changes to the course.

The main areas in which external examiners will be involved include:

at Stage 2 of undergraduate degree programmes (both single and combined Honours);

in the full programme for other courses (eg one year courses, postgraduate courses, Foundation Degrees and HND/Cs);

at Stage 0 and Stage 1 only where final (not exit) awards are made.

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Please note that where professional bodies require external examiner involvement at Stage One, this should be negotiated with the Course Team.

.3 Precise details of the involvement within a particular course will be negotiated between the external examiner and the Head of School. However, the external examiner will be expected to:

verify the implementation of the overall assessment strategy;

verify the form and content of all proposed examination and re-assessment examination papers in relation to the modules/programme assessments and re-assessments for which s/he is responsible;

review a sample of briefs for course work/practical assignments/dissertation proposals selected from all briefs made available electronically by the School;

[NB: External examiners are entitled to review an amended assessment brief on request if substantial changes were suggested in external verification.]

scrutinise a representative sample of examination scripts or coursework/dissertations for the modules/programme assessments for which s/he is responsible (to be negotiated between the external examiner and the Head of School). External moderation is required for all assessments contributing to an award, based upon a representative sample of work. External moderation should consist of a confirmation that the assessment criteria for every element of assessment have been correctly and accurately applied to a representative sample. The minimum requirement for moderation samples for both internal and external moderation purposes is set at 10% of all work submitted for a particular element of assessment, and (where student numbers on modules are small) the sample to include at least 3 pieces of work from the batch to be taken from work awarded the highest marks, marks in the middle range and the lowest marks). The sample of work moderated by the external examiner should include a selection of work that has been internally moderated.

NB The external examiner has the right to see the work of all students proposed for the highest available category of the award and for failure and samples of the work of students proposed for each category of award, in order to ensure that each student is fairly placed in relation to the rest of the cohort. S/he may see the work of all students assessed if s/he wishes.

Changes may not be made exclusively to marks within a representative sample. Where the external examiner is unwilling to confirm that the marking is fair and of an appropriate standard, based on the sample, the relevant parts of the assessment in question for the entire cohort should be remarked. This might be through scaling up or down, should the sample be considered to be consistently over or under-marked, or a full re-mark if the pattern of error is inconsistent.

attend all relevant Assessment Boards where final awards are made to help to ensure that those recommendations have been reached by fair means according to the University's requirements and normal practice in higher education in the United Kingdom. If this duty cannot be discharged for some unavoidable reason, then the examiner should communicate his/her views in writing to the Chair of the

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Assessment Board. An external examiner presence is also required at Re-assessment Boards.

provide advice to the University Assessment Board concerning decisions in respect of final awards of candidates registered for a course for which the external examiner is responsible (this does not confer any right to overturn the grades previously agreed by other Assessment Boards) and must sign the recommendation list. The external examiner may also withhold his/her signature from the list if the results have not been agreed.

approve the recommendations of the Board by correspondence where they are not able to attend the end of year Assessment Board for exceptional reasons.

(NB external examiners will not be expected to attend module assessment boards, end of semester 1 assessment boards, or stage 0/1 Assessment Boards, where final awards will not be made, but may have an input to these assessment boards by correspondence, telephone etc.)

provide an Annual Report on the particular programme to which they have been appointed, on the standards at the University in comparison with the national scene, the effectiveness of the assessment process and the lessons to be drawn, and to draw to the University’s attention matters of serious concern arising from the assessment process which put at risk the standards of the University. External examiners will also be asked to report on any good practice that they have identified. (Where the responsibility for the modules in a programme is split between a number of external examiners, one of these will normally be nominated as a chief external examiner who is expected to maintain an overview of the comparability of results across the programme).

Where an external examiner is appointed to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, the University will require two separate reports to be completed following the relevant Assessment Boards.

External examiners should be aware that under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2005 the University is required to publish all information (not covered by exemption) if requested. The institution is also required by the QAA to make the full external examiner annual report available to student representatives. In view of this it is important that external examiners do not include in their report any reference to individuals by name. External examiners should also be aware that under the requirements of the Data Protection Act students can request a copy of any comments made on their scripts or any reports make by external examiners on their work and if requested the University will be required to provide this information.

If an external examiner has serious concerns arising from the assessment process which put at risk the standards of the University or any relevant external awarding body, these must be raised with the Chair of the Assessment Board in the first instance. Should an examiner wish to raise matters of particular importance or sensitivity, this can be done by way of a confidential report addressed to the Vice Chancellor. If an external examiner feels that they have not received a satisfactory response from the Vice Chancellor, they are entitled to invoke the QAA’s concern scheme or inform the relevant professional, statutory or regulatory body.

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approve the mapping exercise undertaken for proposed articulation agreements to confirm the match between the course at the partner institution and UCLan at the point of entry.

scrutinise a sample of APL portfolios of evidence and assessed work from articulation agreements submitted by students for entry with advanced standing onto a course if required.

provide advice to course teams, if requested, upon proposed minor changes to course/module content or regulations to which the external examiner is appointed.

communicate with Course/Subject Teams without lengthy delay on matters concerning examinations and assessment

assume the role of a mentor, if required, for new external examiners who join their examining team and who have no previous external examining experience. This may involve allowing the new external examiner to contact them should they require any guidance or advice concerning their role.

4. It is at the School’s discretion as to whether to invite an external examiner to visit a partner institution to meet staff and students.

3.3 Proposed Period of Tenure

The period of tenure should allow the external examiner to be associated in all aspects of assessment, including the drafting of examination papers and involvement in resit examinations and will normally be for four years. Extensions by one year are by exception only to ensure continuity.

For courses, which cover the normal academic year (September - August), appointments will commence in October and terminate in September. For courses, which have boards that take place after September but before December, appointments will commence in January and terminate in December.

The periods of tenure will normally overlap where several external examiners have been appointed to the same programme to ensure continuity of standards.

3.4 Resignation

During your 4-year tenure there may come a point where you feel that, because of a change in your own circumstances, you are unable to continue your duties as external examiner. If this should occur the University would be grateful if you would notify us in writing, giving a six week notice period. Letters of resignation should be sent to the Head of Academic Quality and Compliance and the Head of School.

3.5 Termination of ContractThe contract of appointment for external examiners may be terminated on any of the following grounds:

1. Failure to attend a final Assessment Board without good cause. The University recognises that Schools must give sufficient advance warning of the dates of final Assessment Boards so that external examiners are able to confirm their attendance and carry out their responsibilities.

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2. Failure to submit an annual report as required. The University values and requires full and informative reports which follow the guidelines provided.

3. Failure to undertake the external examiner duties to the satisfaction of the University by providing inadequate scrutiny of proposed assessment tools and/or assessment outcomes and/or an unacceptable delay in corresponding with Course/Subject Teams on matters concerning examinations and assessment.

3.6 What are the responsibilities of the University?

3.1 On appointment, the University's Academic Quality and Compliance will provide the external examiner with a copy of the current University Academic Regulations, academic calendar, external examiner fees and expenses and a booklet entitled “Information for Newly Appointed External Examiners”. Along with:

- A copy of the current Student Handbook which contains the course structure, aims, learning outcomes, course regulations, etc.

- The Programme Specification- The Course Leader’s last Annual Monitoring Report- The Annual Report from the previous External Examiner

Academic Quality and Compliance is also responsible for: issuing annual guidelines for the content, structure and submission of reports issuing guidelines for the level and payment of fees and expenses. issuing revisions to University Academic regulations. drawing attention where appropriate to significant issues raised in external

examiners' Annual Reports. Inviting external examiners to the compulsory External Examiners’ Induction Event

3.2 The Chair of the Assessment Board for the School concerned is responsible for ensuring communication with the external examiner by School staff and for:

providing the current definitive document for the programme(s) for which the external examiner has responsibility;

briefing the external examiner on the operation of the programme(s); informing the external examiner of Assessment Boards and timing; consulting the external examiner on possible minor changes, if appropriate updating the information held by the external examiner on the current

structure and content of the programme; ensuring that, where external examiners are required to scrutinise

examination, re-assessment examination papers and briefs for coursework/practical assignments, this material is made available in reasonable time [agreeing with the external examiner the timings for when the materials are made available throughout the academic year]

3.3 The School is responsible for ensuring that:

the Annual Monitoring process takes account of the views of external examiners as expressed in their reports and that Course Leaders Annual

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Monitoring reports comment on or address the issues raised and recommendations made within the external examiner’s report. Details of any actions taken in response should be set out within the action plan. The Course Leader’s Annual Monitoring report and action plan should be made available to the external examiner;

The Course Leader’s Annual Monitoring report should also comment upon any good practice identified by the external examiner within their report;

the views of external examiners are made known to Interim and Periodic Review Panels as part of that process;

that the full external examiner annual report, as accompanied where appropriate by the Action Plan from the respective Course Leader’s report, be shared with students electronically, and that Schools make it clear within Student Handbooks the mechanisms through which the reports will be made available;

the University Head of School will be responsible for ensuring formal responses are made to issues raised by external examiners in their reports. Written responses to any ‘essential’ issues raised under section 8 (a) of a report must be sent by the Head of School to the external examiner within two weeks of receipt of the report.

.4 The University will make all reasonable adjustments for external examiners with special needs.

4. Payment for duties

4.1 The annual fee is determined according to approved University rates and will be advised to the external examiner upon appointment. The annual fee covers all the duties undertaken by an external examiner in that academic year but will be forfeited if an annual report is not submitted as requested.

4.2 The University will reimburse the cost of travel and subsistence at the approved rates, notified annually, and will provide overnight accommodation, if required, at approved hotels. (Arrangements for overnight stays will be made by the appropriate School staff, normally Secretary to the Assessment Board.) It is expected that under normal circumstances examiners will be required to visit the University to attend the final assessment board and that other regular communication will occur by telephone and correspondence.

PLEASE NOTE: External examiner fee payments are not automatically generated upon receipt of your report. Each year an Ad-Hoc claim form for your Fee and Expenses must be submitted to Academic Quality and Compliance ([email protected]) within six months of us receiving your annual report.

5. Guidelines for the Production of the External Examiner’s Annual Report

The University attaches great significance to the annual reports of external examiners as they form a vital part of the documentation used within its Quality Process and are considered carefully by the Course Team and Academic Standards and Quality Assurance Committee.

External examiners must not identify individual students by name in their reports or alter the format of the report templates in any way. Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2005 the University is required to publish all information (not covered by exemption) if requested. It may, therefore, be necessary for the institution to disclose the contents of the external examiner main report. Also, under

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the requirements of the Data Protection Act students can request a copy of any comments made on their scripts or any reports made by external examiners on their work and if requested the University will be required to provide this information. External examiner reports are sometimes requested by external organisations such as HEFCE, professional bodies etc and will be a standing item on the agenda of Assessment Boards.

In accordance with the recommendations from the Quality Assurance Framework for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, endorsed by HEFCE, the full external examiner reports must be shared as a matter of course with students. In view of this, Schools will arrange for the full report and the good practice identified to be shared with students electronically, and that Schools will make it clear within Student Handbooks the mechanisms through which External Examiner reports are made available.

Where an external examiner is appointed to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, the University will require two separate reports to be completed following the relevant Assessment Boards.

Please note that the University does not encourage the submission of joint reports from external examiners and prefers independent views to be expressed.

If external examiners make comments that are specific to a particular course at a particular Partner Institution/Campus, they must ensure that they clearly identify which Partner Institution/Campus and which course their comments relate to.

The University is moving to an electronic system for submission of external examiner reports. Further information and guidance on production and submission of your report will be forwarded to you in due course.

6. University of Central Lancashire External Examiner Fees

The annual fee covers all the duties undertaken by an external examiner during the academic year which includes attendance at the final assessment board. The annual fee will be forfeited if an external examiner does not produce an annual report when requested by the University. PLEASE NOTE:  Fee and Expense claims must be submitted to AQC ([email protected]) within six months of us receiving your annual report.

Taught Postgraduate/Masters ProgrammesBasic Annual Fee £280

Single Honour Degrees/Combined Honours Subjects (stage 2 awards)/Integrated MastersBasic Annual Fee £350

Certificate/Advanced Certificate(NB some elective modules may lead to an award, e.g. Languages)Basic Annual Fee £150

Postgraduate Certificate/Cert HE/Foundation Certificate/Foundation Entry/CertEdBasic Annual Fee £210

Diploma/Graduate Diploma/Postgraduate Diploma/PGCEBasic Annual Fee £280

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Foundation DegreeBasic Annual Fee £280

HNC/HND CoursesBasic Annual Fee £280

Specialist Service Modules£280There may be occasions where a very small number of specialist modules contribute to awards across the University, normally known as service modules. Where an external examiner has no responsibility for a final award, but is appointed with an onerous responsibility for such service modules, an annual fee of £280 is paid upon receipt of a written report.

Additional ResponsibilitiesAdditional Awards £70 per additional awardFor each additional Certificate/Advanced Certificate £20 per additional award

External examiners will receive the basic annual fee for the first final award they are appointed to with an additional £70 for each final award added to their responsibilities. For example, an external examiner with responsibility for both a single honours programme and a subject on combined honours will receive a total of £420. If the additional award attracts a higher fee than the first final award that the external examiner is appointed to, then the fee will be calculated using the higher fee with the addition of £70 for the additional award, this will ensure that the external examiner will not be disadvantaged. No additional fee will be paid for individually named intermediate exit awards from the final target award, or for University Certificates/Advanced Certificates which comprise modules that contribute to existing higher awards, for which the external examiner is already responsible.

Chief External Examiner £200 per yearA School may wish to nominate an existing external examiner (usually from a team of external examiners) to act as Chief Examiner. A proposal, outlining the rationale for the role of a Chief Examiner and the reporting mechanisms, should be submitted to Academic Quality and Compliance for approval. If approved, the examiner will receive £200 in addition to the current fee upon receipt of a written report.

7. Travelling to the University

LocationPreston Campus is located within a short walk of the city centre

By Road

From SouthLeave M6 at Junction 31, turn left at end of slip-road towards Preston City Centre. Continue straight until traffic lights at T- junction (Homebase straight ahead), turn right and follow signs to University.From NorthLeave M6 at Junction 32 (M55), take Exit 1 (A6) to Preston. Turn left at end of slip-road, and proceed towards Preston City Centre. At 6th set of traffic lights, bear right onto Moor Lane and follow signs for University.

By Public Transport

On foot from railway station

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Take exit from station over overhead walkway, turn left to traffic lights. Cross road at lights, turn right and almost immediately left down Corporation Street to the ring road. Cross ring road, turn right, then take first left down Corporation Street at Office World. Follow signs to University.

On foot from bus stationTake subway at south end of bus station to Guildhall Arcade. Walk straight through Arcade and across Lancaster Road until arrive at open square. Walk across square and turn right down hill on Friargate. Walk through pedestrianised area down to traffic lights at ring road. At lights, turn left to next lights

Preston Town Centre

Detailed information is available from the University web page:-

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8. Map of the University Campus

Preston Campus Map

Please note : University Car Parks require UCLan permits.

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BLUE ZONE - Harris Site Green Zone - Media Factory Site


Chandler BuildingDarwin BuildingEdward BuildingFoster BuildingFoster Sports CentreJB Firth BuildingHarris BuildingLeighton BuildingLivesey HouseMaudland BuildingPre-School CentreStewart BuildingSir Tom Finney Sports CentreWharf BuildingBoatmans CourtBowran HouseDarwin Car ParksFoster Car Park (reserved spaces for visitors)Leighton Street Car ParksLivesey Car ParkHarris Car Park


Computer and Technology BuildingHanover BuildingKirkham BuildingMedical CentreMedia FactoryMoss BuildingPeel Building (Mailroom)Pendle HallRoeburn HallComputing & Technology Car ParkHanover Car ParkMoss Car ParkRoeburn I Car Park (Pedder Street)Roeburn II Car Park (Pedder Street)

ORANGE ZONE - Adelphi Site PURPLE ZONE - Harrington Site


Adelphi BuildingSt. Peters Arts CentreFylde BuildingLibrary & Learning and Information Services (LIS)Multi-Faith CentreUniversity Police HouseStudents’ Union/53 DegreesVictoria BuildingDerwent HallDouglas Hall53° / Adelphi Car ParkDouglas Car ParkFylde Car ParkVictoria Car ParkVictoria II Car Park


Allen BuildingBrook BuildingGreenbank BuildingHarrington BuildingVernon BuildingEden HalliQ KopaRibble HallWhitendale HallRibble Car ParkBrook Street Car ParkGreenbank Street Car ParksHarrington Street Car ParkVernon Car Park (Berkeley Street)Whitendale Car ParkAshmoor Street Car Park (temporary)Vernon Car Park (Moorbrook Street)

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