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Extended Nijboer-Zernike approach to aberration and birefringence retrieval in a high-numerical-aperture optical system Joseph J.M. Braat Optics Research Group, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, NL-2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands Peter Dirksen Philips Research Laboratories, WAG-02, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Augustus J.E.M. Janssen Philips Research Laboratories, WO-02, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Arthur S. van de Nes Optics Research Group, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, NL-2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands Abstract The judgment of the imaging quality of an optical system can be carried out by exam- ining its through-focus intensity distribution. It has been shown in a previous paper that a scalar-wave analysis of the imaging process according to the extended Nijboer- Zernike theory allows the retrieval of the complex pupil function of the imaging sys- tem, including aberrations and transmission variations. However, the applicability of the scalar analysis is limited to systems with an NA-value of the order of 0,60 or less; beyond these values polarization effects become significant. In this scalar retrieval method, the complex pupil function is represented by means of the coefficients of its expansion in a series involving the Zernike polynomials. This representation is highly efficient, in terms of number and magnitude of the required coefficients, and lends itself quite well for matching procedures in the focal region. This distinguishes the method from the retrieval schemes in the literature, that are normally not based on Zernike-type expansions, and rather rely on point-by-point matching procedures. In a previous paper, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A20, 2281-2292 (2003), we have incorpo- rated the extended Nijboer-Zernike approach into the Ignatowsky - Richards/Wolf formalism for the vectorial treatment of optical systems with high NA. In the present paper we further develop this approach by defining an appropriate set of functions 1

Extended Nijboer-Zernike approach to aberration and … · 2006-09-19 · Extended Nijboer-Zernike approach to aberration and birefringence retrieval in a high-numerical-aperture

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Page 1: Extended Nijboer-Zernike approach to aberration and … · 2006-09-19 · Extended Nijboer-Zernike approach to aberration and birefringence retrieval in a high-numerical-aperture

Extended Nijboer-Zernike approach to aberration

and birefringence retrieval in a

high-numerical-aperture optical system

Joseph J.M. Braat

Optics Research Group, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology,Lorentzweg 1, NL-2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands

Peter Dirksen

Philips Research Laboratories, WAG-02, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Augustus J.E.M. Janssen

Philips Research Laboratories, WO-02, NL-5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Arthur S. van de Nes

Optics Research Group, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology,Lorentzweg 1, NL-2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands


The judgment of the imaging quality of an optical system can be carried out by exam-ining its through-focus intensity distribution. It has been shown in a previous paperthat a scalar-wave analysis of the imaging process according to the extended Nijboer-Zernike theory allows the retrieval of the complex pupil function of the imaging sys-tem, including aberrations and transmission variations. However, the applicability ofthe scalar analysis is limited to systems with an NA-value of the order of 0,60 or less;beyond these values polarization effects become significant. In this scalar retrievalmethod, the complex pupil function is represented by means of the coefficients of itsexpansion in a series involving the Zernike polynomials. This representation is highlyefficient, in terms of number and magnitude of the required coefficients, and lendsitself quite well for matching procedures in the focal region. This distinguishes themethod from the retrieval schemes in the literature, that are normally not based onZernike-type expansions, and rather rely on point-by-point matching procedures.

In a previous paper, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A20, 2281-2292 (2003), we have incorpo-rated the extended Nijboer-Zernike approach into the Ignatowsky - Richards/Wolfformalism for the vectorial treatment of optical systems with high NA. In the presentpaper we further develop this approach by defining an appropriate set of functions


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that describe the energy density disctribution in the focal region. Using this morerefined analysis, we establish the set of equations that allow the retrieval of aberra-tions and birefringence from the intensity point-spread function in the focal volumefor high-NA systems. It is shown that one needs four analyses of the intensity dis-tribution in the image volume with different states of polarization in the entrancepupil. Only in this way it will be possible to retrieve the ’vectorial’ pupil functionthat includes the effects of birefringence induced by the imaging system. A first nu-merical test example is presented that illustrates the importance of using the vectorialapproach and the correct NA-value in the aberration retrieval scheme.

OCIS codes: 000.3860, 050.1960, 100.3190, 100.5070, 110.2990, 120.4820

1. Introduction

The characterization and the control of the quality of optical imaging systems with ahigh numerical aperture, like microscope objectives and projection imaging systems,is of great practical importance. This type of high-quality imaging systems is encoun-tered in a manufacturing environment like that of the semiconductor industry wherevery precise projection lenses are used to define lines and spacings on Si-wafers wellbelow 100 nm in lateral size and that are crucial for the functioning of advancedcomputer processors and memories. Once applied to the silicon wafer, the character-ization of these very fine features also asks for high-quality optical inspection devicesworking well within the diffraction limit. A reliable description of the residual aber-rations of these optical inspection systems is needed to successfully enable the precisereconstruction of the details of the features on the wafer. In practice, we also noticethat the reliable production of advanced integrated circuits requires a constant qual-ity monitoring of the optical projection lenses used in microlithography; this appliesto the manufacturing process itself but it also has to be repeated during the lifetimeof the apparatus in order to prevent any drift in the manufacturing conditions.

A wide-spread classical method for quality control of an optical system relies oninterferometry to derive the wavefront function in the exit pupil of the optical sys-tem1. A practical drawback of this method is the special requirement on the source: anat-wavelength coherent source should be available which is not always easily realized.An interferometric method also asks for the insertion of special optical components torealize the wavefront or amplitude splitting that is needed for interferometric measure-ments.

An alternative to interferometry is the measurement of the intensity impulse re-sponse of the imaging system. In the literature many papers have been publishedwhere the intensity distributions in the image plane are measured in the presence ofa known object. In some cases, a simultaneous measurement of the intensity in theexit pupil is included. Using the a priori object information in analyzing the image,algorithms enable the reconstruction of the complex lens function, including the aber-ration phase2−12 of the imaging system (inversion). The stability of these algorithmsis not always guaranteed because of inherent non-uniqueness problems. Informationobtained from a focal plane intensity pattern has to be transformed into a complex


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lens pupil function. Noise in the image capturing process tends to make the inver-sion process unreliable and certain frequency bands can be irrevocably lost. Wienerfiltering is often used to stabilize the inversion process but this method introducesan arbitrary parameter to the inversion process. Other approaches to retrieve thephase of the complex lens function use least-squares method or other optimizationmethods13−17 to compute the complex lens function that best fits the problem.

We propose an alternative method that is more practical and easily adapted toe.g. the on-line quality measurement of projection lenses: starting from a quasi point-source, we directly analyze the spatial intensity in the image volume of the imagingsystem. In some previous papers, the authors have described this method that en-ables the retrieval of the complex lens function from intensity data collected throughthe focal volume of the imaging system18. To this goal they developed and used aparametric semi-analytic description of the intensity in the focal region, the so-calledextended Nijboer-Zernike theory19,20 of diffraction. While the analytic results fromthe classical Nijboer-Zernike theory were limited in practice to near best-focus imageplanes, the extended analysis enables analytic results that are valid and computa-tionally reliable in an extended focal volume. By using this extended theory and theimmediate relationship that is established in this theory between the complex field inthe exit pupil and the intensity distribution in the focal volume, we can establish arelatively simple set of equations for the Zernike coefficients. These equations use themeasured intensity distribution in the image volume as an input for a ’matching’ op-eration with respect to the analytically calculated intensity distribution determinedby the still unknown complex Zernike coefficients. The solution of this system of equa-tions yields an effective representation of the complex pupil function of the imagingsystem even when a relatively small set of Zernike coefficients is used in the ’match-ing’ process.

A. From scalar-wave to vectorial-wave imaging in the presence of an aberrated op-tical system

In the case of low-aperture scalar imaging the retrieval of the complex Zernike coef-ficients enabled a full description of the wavefront aberration of the optical systemand of the possibly spatially varying transmission function of the lens system. Thetreatment of the imaging by high-NA optical systems first requires the extension ofthe forward calculated intensity pattern in the focal volume from the scalar case tothe high numerical aperture vectorial case. With respect to the scalar imaging theory,several refinements are needed:

• The vectorial nature of the problem requires the calculation of the electro-magnetic field vectors in the focal volume. The aberration-free case has beenthoroughly examined in two well-known publications21,22. The case of aberratedimaging systems23−27has been analytically extended to the Zernike formalismin a recent paper by the present authors28.

• Apart from the vectorial nature, the high-NA case also requires a more careful


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treatment of the effect of defocusing where the originally chosen quadratic phasefactor22 has to be refined

• The so-called radiometric effect22 has to be included. This can either be donein the diffraction integrals themselves or it can be included via a non-uniformtransmission function of the imaging system.

• For a full description in the vectorial case of the optical wave exiting the imagingsystem, we have to specify the complex exit pupil function for two orthogonalpolarization states. In practice, one will often use two orthogonal linear statesof polarization, e.g. along the x- and y-direction.

To carry out our forward calculations, we now define the complex pupil function,using polar coordinates (ρ, θ) on the exit pupil sphere, according to

Bx(ρ, θ) = Ax(ρ, θ) exp [i2πW x(ρ, θ)]

By(ρ, θ) = Ay(ρ, θ) exp [i2πW y(ρ, θ)] . (1)

The Ax and Ay in this expression are real-valued functions and describe the fieldstrengths in the x- and y-direction. W x and W y are also real-valued functions andthey describe the wavefront aberration in units of λ, the wavelength of the polarizedlight. The wavefront aberration has been caused by geometrical and polarization-dependent optical path length variation and birefringence and the aberration appliesto linear polarization states along the x- and y-direction in the exit pupil of theimaging system. Different values of W x and W y are caused not only by material orstress birefringence but they can also be originated by polarization-dependent phasejumps at discontinuities (e.g. air-glass transitions, optical surface coatings) or bydiffraction at structures with dimesnions of the order of the wavelength. Further onin this paper, we will treat the more general case of elliptically polarized light that isincident at the entrance pupil. Note that in Ref.(28) we included the radiometric effectfor a large-field imaging system (equal to (1 − s2

0ρ2)−1/4 with s0 = sin α equal to the

value of the geometrical NA) directly in the functions Ax and Ay; this is because thisradiometric effect can be considered as being an intrinsic property of the large-fieldimaging system as it has to obey the Abbe sine condition.22 However, in this paperwe will not follow this convention because it leads to nonzero aberration coefficientsβ in the perfect imaging case and this is considered as a counterintuitive result.

Using the complex amplitude functions Bx and By above, we can evaluate thecomplex field in the exit pupil in the presence of a general superposition of twolinear polarization states in the entrance pupil (using complex numbers a and b with|a|2 + |b|2 = 1 for normalization puposes) and this will lead to a distribution of, ingeneral, elliptically polarized light in the exit pupil of the imaging system.

For the vectorial treatment of the imaging by an aberrated imaging system wehave expanded the complex exit pupil functions from Eq.(1) with the aid of a setof complex Zernike coefficients βm

n,x or βmn,y for the Zernike terms exp[imθ]R|m|

n (ρ). Itwas shown28 that the three cartesian electric field components in the focal region,


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corresponding to an initially linearly x-polarized incident wave are given by

Ex(r, φ, f) = −iγs20 exp






imβmn,x exp [imφ] ×

V mn,0 +



2V m

n,2 exp [2iφ] +s2


2V m

n,−2 exp [−2iφ]

− is2


2V m

n,2 exp [2iφ] +is2


2V m

n,−2 exp [−2iφ]−is0V

mn,1 exp [iφ] + is0V

mn,−1 exp [−iφ]

, (2)

and for a y-polarized incident field a similar expression is found

Ey(r, φ, f) = −iγs20 exp






imβmn,y exp [imφ] ×



2V m

n,2 exp [2iφ] + is2


2V m

n,−2 exp [−2iφ]

V mn,0 −



2V m

n,2 exp [2iφ] − s2


2V m

n,−2 exp [−2iφ]−s0V

mn,1 exp [iφ] − s0V

mn,−1 exp [−iφ]

. (3)

The functions V mn,j(r, f) have been given in Ref.(28). A minor modification is intro-

duced here concerning the radiometric effect (equivalent to a factor of (1 − s20ρ


in the integrand). The functions are now given by

V mn,j =

∫ 1




1 +√

1 − s20ρ



(1 − s20ρ






1 −√

1 − s20ρ




× R|m|n (ρ)Jm+j(2πrρ)ρdρ . (4)

In the formulae above (r, φ, f) are normalized cylindrical co-ordinates in the imagespace with the origin located at the geometrical focus, see Fig.1, with f being thenormalized axial coordinate and (r, φ) the lateral polar coordinates. The normaliza-tion has been carried out with respect to the diffraction unit λ/NA in the radial

r-direction and f = −2πu0z/λ in the axial direction with u0 = 1−√

1 − s20. As men-

tioned before, the quantity s0 = sin α equals the (geometrical) numerical aperture ofthe imaging system (u0 = 1−cos α). The coefficients βm

n,x pertain to the Zernike circle

polynomials R|m|n (ρ) and are sufficient to describe the complex pupil function (both

amplitude and phase) of the lens system under study in the case of linearly polarizedincident light in the x-direction. The integers n, m satisfy n − |m| ≥ 0 and even. Ananalytical approach to evaluate the V m

n,j-integral has been obtained28 in the frame-work of the extended Nijboer-Zernike theory and the evaluation with the radiometriceffect included is carried out along the same lines.

B. Procedure for the retrieval of the complex pupil function of a high-NA imagingsystem

In the present paper, we use the results of the forward calculation according to Eqs.(2)-(4) to obtain semi-analytic expressions for the intensity distribution through the focal


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S0 S1


Fig. 1. The propagation of light in a high-NA optical system. The incidentfield is specified in the entrance pupil S0 of the system (polar co-ordinates(ρ, θ) with the aid of the amplitude and phase of e.g. the tangential and radialfield vectors (~g0 and ~e0) and the unit propagation vector ~s0. After traversal ofthe optical system, the field vectors and the propagation direction on the exitpupil sphere S1 (cylindrical co-ordinates (r, φ, z) are specified by, respectively,the vectors ~g1, ~e1 and ~s1. The numerical aperture of the imaging system isgiven by NA = n sin α, with n equal to the refractive index of the imagespace. The nominal image plane position is given by PI . The description ofthe field vectors according to the scheme in the paper requires a distance Rthat is rather large so that the aberrations of the system do not significantlyinfluence the directions of the electric field vectors ~g1 and ~e1 in image space.

volume as a function of the cylindrical co-ordinates (r, φ, f). Although the squaringoperation of the complex amplitudes of the electric field components leads to rathercomplicated expressions, a systematic notation has turned out to be possible. Fromthis notation it becomes clear that each separate aberration term with an azimuthaldependence of order m gives rise to azimuthal components in the resulting inten-sity distribution of orders m − 2, m and m + 2. If more than one aberration typeis present in the pupil function, cross-terms are present with sum and difference or-ders m1 ± m2 ± 0, 2, 4 of the azimuthal dependence. The complete path towards thereconstruction of the complex pupil function uses the basic ideas developed in a for-


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mer publication18 on scalar retrieval, but now extended to the high-NA case. First,in Section 2, we derive the expression for the electric energy density in the focalregion in the presence of aberrations and nonuniform pupil transmission, using theZernike coefficients that correspond to the specific exit pupil function. The expres-sion for the Poynting vector can be obtained also but will not be used here. Thispaper focuses on the aberration retrieval process. In Section 3 we introduce the en-ergy density formulae that arise when the lens defects are relatively small and nottoo far beyond the so-called diffraction limit, both regarding the lens aberration andlens transmission defects. These formulae are derived in the presence of an arbitrarystate of polarization of the incident light and we present some special cases and com-binations of intensity patterns that enable a stable retrieval scheme for the complexlens pupil function. In Section 4 we extend our analysis to the practical case wherethe optical system under study exhibits residual (linear) birefringence. The explicitdependence of the detected intensity patterns is derived in the presence of both geo-metrical aberrations, transmission defects and polarization-sensitive ’aberrations’ dueto linear birefringence that is spatially varying over the exit pupil. In Section 5 wepresent the basic steps that have to be taken to retrieve the complex lens functionfrom a three-dimensional aggregate of intensity data in the focal volume. In Section 6we present a detailed analysis of the functions that are used to describe the complexamplitude and intensity distribution in the focal region. Apart from the aberration-free case we also present graphs of the focal intensity distribution in the presence oftypical aberrations that illustrate the interaction between vectorial image formationeffects and aberrational image degradation. Finally, we present a numerical retrievalexample that is relevant in practice, viz. the high-NA retrieval of the lens function inthe presence of illumination with natural (unpolarized) light. This case is frequentlyencountered in projection systems for lithography and it leads to a simplified versionof our analysis, closely resembling the one we get in the scalar case. Finally, Section7 is devoted to some conclusions on this theoretical and numerical study about theretrieval of lens data in high numerical aperture imaging systems.

2. Explicit expression for the electric energy density

For the retrieval of lens data we need the expression for the light intensity in the focalvolume of the imaging system. To this end we consider the time averaged value of theelectric field energy density 〈we〉 and, for a harmonic field in a homogeneous mediumwith a dielectric constant ǫ = n2

r , we obtain (see Eq.(2) above)

〈we〉 =ǫ0


r|E|2 . (5)

The electric field components in the presence of aberrations in a high-NA system areused to compute the scalar product E∗.E .

To examine the energy flow through the focal region, we should evaluate the time-averaged values of the Cartesian components of the Poynting vector S and this leadsto the expression

〈S〉 =ǫ0c


2Re[E × B∗] , (6)


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with B the magnetic induction for which a similar expression holds as for the electricfield strength.28 Although the divergence of the Poynting vector would also allowus to solve the retrieval problem, we prefer to use the expression for the electricenergy density because 〈we〉 is the electromagnetic quantity directly relevant for thecalculation of the locally absorbed electromagnetic energy (exposure)29.

A straightforward notation of 〈we〉 leads to a rather lengthy expression involving aquadruple sum over the indices m, n, m

and n′

that occur in the expressions for theproducts of electric field components as derived from Eq.(2). In general, we encounterexpressions that can be written as

Gkl(α, β) =∑


im exp [imφ] αmn V m

n,k(r, f) exp [ikφ]




exp [−im′φ]βm′

∗n′ V m

∗n′,l (r, f) exp [−ilφ]



exp [i(m − m′)π/2] exp [i(m − m′ + k − l)φ]

× αmn βm

∗n′ V m

n,k(r, f)V m′

∗n′,l (r, f) , (7)

where the function Gkl has the sets of Zernike coefficients αmn and βm

n as variables (inshorthand notation written as α and β in the argument of Gkl).

For the retrieval of Zernike coefficients, it is important to make explicit the az-imuthal dependence of the intensity distribution in the focal region. To this end, wewrite a quadruple series


′ an,m,n′,m

′ as in Eq.(7) according to the followingdiagonal summation scheme


am,m′;n,n′ =n2∑





am,m;n,n +




(am,m+µ;n,n + am+µ,m;n,n)







(am,m;n,n+ν + am,m;n+ν,n)






am,m+µ;n,n+ν + am+µ,m;n,n+ν

+am,m+µ;n+ν,n + am+µ,m;n+ν,n


, (8)

where the various summation ranges determined by m1, m2, n1, n2, µmax and νmax

are derived from the transformation from a rectangular summation scheme to a sum-mation scheme along diagonals. After some rearrangement, the following expressionis obtained

Gkl(α, β) = exp [i(k − l)φ]




αmn βm∗

n V mn,kV

m∗n,l +




exp [−iµπ/2] exp [−iµφ]∑




αmn βm+µ∗

n V mn,kV




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+ exp [iµπ/2] exp [iµφ]∑




αm+µn βm∗

n V m+µn,k V m∗










αmn βm∗


m∗n+ν,l + αm

n+νβm∗n V m






exp [−iµπ/2] exp [−iµφ]





αmn βm+µ∗

n+ν V mn,kV



m+µ∗n V m



+ exp [+iµπ/2] exp [+iµφ]





αm+µn βm∗

n+νVm+µn,k V m∗


+αm+µn+ν βm∗

n V m+µn+ν,kV






where we have suppressed the (r, f)-dependence of the V -functions.With the G-function notation above, the electric energy density is readily written


〈we(r, φ, f)〉 =ǫ0n





G0,0(βx, βx) +

s20Re {G0,2(βx, βx − iβy) + G0,−2(βx, βx + iβy)} +


4{G2,2(βx − iβy, βx − iβy) + G−2,−2(βx + iβy, βx + iβy)} +


2Re {G2,−2(βx − iβy, βx + iβy)} +

G0,0(βy, βy) +

−s20Re {G0,2(βy, iβx + βy) + G0,−2(βy,−iβx + βy)} +


4{G2,2(iβx + βy, iβx + βy) + G−2,−2(−iβx + βy,−iβx + βy)} +


2Re {G2,−2(iβx + βy,−iβx + βy)} +

s20 {G1,1(iβx + βy, iβx + βy) + G−1,−1(−iβx + βy,−iβx + βy)} +

2s20Re {G1,−1(iβx + βy,−iβx + βy)}


, (10)

where the indices x, y of β in the arguments of the Gkl-functions refer to the sets ofZernike coefficients to be used, corresponding to either x- or y- linearly polarized light(to be denoted by βm

n,x and βmn,y, respectively).

Using the summation property

Gkl(α1 + α2, β1 + β2) = Gkl(α1, β1) + Gkl(α1, β2) + Gkl(α2, β1) + Gkl(α2, β2) (11)

and the propertyGkl(α, β) = G∗

lk(β, α) , (12)


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we write for the electric energy density

〈we(r, φ, f)〉 =





G0,0(βx, βx) + G0,0(βy, βy) +

s20Re {G0,2(βx, βx) + iG0,2(βx, βy) + iG0,2(βy, βx) − G0,2(βy, βy)} +

s20Re {G0,−2(βx, βx) − iG0,−2(βx, βy) − iG0,−2(βy, βx) − G0,−2(βy, βy)} +


2{G2,2(βx, βx) + iG2,2(βx, βy) − iG2,2(βy, βx) + G2,2(βy, βy)} +


2{G−2,−2(βx, βx) − iG−2,−2(βx, βy) + iG−2,−2(βy, βx) + G−2,−2(βy, βy)} +

s20 {G1,1(βx, βx) + iG1,1(βx, βy) − iG1,1(βy, βx) + G1,1(βy, βy)} +

s20 {G−1,−1(βx, βx) − iG−1,−1(βx, βy) + iG−1,−1(βy, βx) + G−1,−1(βy, βy)} +

+2s20Re {−G1,−1(βx, βx) + iG1,−1(βx, βy) + iG1,−1(βy, βx) + G1,−1(βy, βy)}




3. Approximated G-functions for modest values of the Zernike coeffi-cients

Like in the scalar retrieval procedure, we now make the assumption that the lensdefects (amplitude and phase) are sufficiently small and that the Strehl intensity IS

of the imaging system is relatively high. With the (scalar) relationship IS = |β00 |2, we

have found that in practice it is needed that β00 ≥ 0.5. The basic functions occurring

in the energy density function 〈we(r, φ, f)〉 applying to the vectorial case have beendenoted by Gkl(α, β). In the case of a dominating α0

0 and β00 term and, consequently,

modest values of any of the remaining βmn,x and βm

n,y terms, the general expression forGkl(α, β) then reduces in good approximation to

Gkl(α, β) = ei(k−l)φ



0∗0 V 0





exp [−iµπ/2] exp [−iµφ](


µ∗0 V 0

0,kVµ∗0,l + α−µ

0 β0∗0 V −µ

0,k V 0∗0,l


+ exp [+iµπ/2] exp [+iµφ](


−µ∗0 V 0

0,kV−µ∗0,l + αµ

0β0∗0 V µ








0∗ν V 0

0,kV0∗ν,l + α0

νβ0∗0 V 0





exp [−iµπ/2] exp [−iµφ](


µ∗ν V 0

0,kVµ∗ν,l + α−µ

ν β0∗0 V −µ

ν,k V 0∗0,l


+ exp [+iµπ/2] exp [+iµφ](


−µ∗ν V 0

0,kV−µ∗ν,l + αµ

νβ0∗0 V µ







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A more compact notation is possible according to

Gkl(α, β) = exp [i(k − l)φ]νmax∑




{exp [−iµπ/2] exp [−iµφ]

× α00β

µ∗ν V 0

0,kVµ∗ν,l + (1 − ǫνµ) exp [iµπ/2] exp [iµφ] αµ

νβ0∗0 V µ





where ǫνµ equals unity for ν = µ = 0 and zero for any other combination of (ν, µ)-values.

A special case arises when the coefficients α and β are equal and k = l. We thenobtain

Gkk(α, α) =∣


2 ∣∣

∣V 00,k







exp [iµπ/2] exp [iµφ] αµνα0∗

0 V µν,kV



, (16)

with the value µ = 0 excluded in the double summation.Using the simplified expression for the functions Gkl(α, β), we subsequently ana-

lyze a general state of polarization that is incident on the optical system by putting

βmn,x = aβm

n , βmn,y = bβm

n , (17)

with |a|2+|b|2 = 1 for normalization purposes. The generally complex quantities (a, b)allow us to specify the initial state of polarization. Using the result of Eq.(13), weobtain

〈we(r, φ, f)〉0 =ǫ0n





G0,0(β, β) +



|a|2 − |b|2]

Re{G0,2(β, β)} − 2Re(ab∗)Im{G0,2(β, β)}}




|a|2 − |b|2]

Re{G0,−2(β, β)} + 2Re(ab∗)Im{G0,−2(β, β)}}



2[{1 − 2Im(ab∗)}G2,2(β, β) + {1 + 2Im(ab∗)}G−2,−2(β, β)] +

s20 [{1 − 2Im(ab∗)}G1,1(β, β) + {1 + 2Im(ab∗)}G−1,−1(β, β)] +



|a|2 − |b|2]

Re {G+1,−1(β, β)}+

2Re(ab∗)Im {G+1,−1(β, β)}}]

. (18)

The index zero has been added to 〈we(r, φ, f)〉 to indicate that no spatially varyingbirefringence was present in the optical system.

Several special cases for the energy density function arise when we choose specialvalues for (a, b):

• linear polarization in the x- or y-direction, resp. (a, b) = (1, 0) and (a, b) =(0, 1), and in the diagonal directions, resp. (a, b) = (1/

√2, 1/

√2) and (a, b) =





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• left- or right-handed circular polarization, resp. a = 1/√

2, b = i/√

2 and a =1/√

2, b = −i/√

2 ,

• unpolarized or natural light, a summation in intensity of the above mentionedorthogonal linear or circular states

• radial or tangential (azimuthal) states of polarization

A. Linear polarization in the x-direction, (a,b)=(1,0)

Note that in the absence of birefringence the coefficients βmn,x equal the corresponding

βmn,y and with this assumption the energy density becomes

〈wxe (r, φ, f)〉0 ∝ G0,0(β, β) + s2

0Re [G0,2(β, β) + G0,−2(β, β)]


2[G2,2(β, β) + G−2,−2(β, β)]

+s20 [G1,1(β, β) + G−1,−1(β, β)]

−2s20Re {G+1,−1(β, β)} . (19)

B. Linear polarization in the y-direction, (a,b)=(0,1)

The energy is proportional to

〈wye(r, φ, f)〉0 ∝ G0,0(β, β) − s2

0Re [G0,2(β, β) + G0,−2(β, β)]


2[G2,2(β, β) + G−2,−2(β, β)]

+s20 [G1,1(β, β) + G−1,−1(β, β)]

+2s20Re {G+1,−1(β, β)} . (20)

Again supposing the absence of (linear) birefringence effects, the subtraction of thetwo exposure patterns in (19) and (20) yields

∆wl,0 = 〈wxe (r, φ, f)〉0 − 〈wy

e(r, φ, f)〉0 =

2s20 Re [G0,2(β, β) + G0,−2(β, β) − 2G+1,−1(β, β)] . (21)

The subtraction of two exposure patterns resulting from orthogonal diagonal linearpolarization states yields

∆wl,π/4 = 〈wxe (r, φ, f)〉3π/4 − 〈wy

e(r, φ, f)〉π/4 =

2s20 Im [G0,2(β, β) − G0,−2(β, β) + 2G+1,−1(β, β)] . (22)

C. Circular polarization (LC and RC)

We follow a similar procedure to calculate the exposure patterns in the case of circularpolarization. With our convention exp{i(kz − ωt)} for an outgoing plane wave in thepositive z-direction we find the relations b = ia for left-handed circular polarization


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(LC) and b = −ia for the right-handed case (RC). A straightforward calculationshows

〈wRCe (r, φ, f)〉0 ∝ G0,0(β, β) + s4

0 G2,2(β, β)

+2s20 G1,1(β, β) (23)

and, in a corresponding way,

〈wLCe (r, φ, f)〉0 ∝ G0,0(β, β) + s4

0 G−2,−2(β, β)

+2s20 G−1,−1(β, β) . (24)

The difference between right- and left-handed polarization exposure distributions thusequals

∆wC,0 = s40 [G2,2(β, β) − G−2,−2(β, β)]

+2s20 [G1,1(β, β) − G−1,−1(β, β)] . (25)

D. Natural light

Finally, the exposure with natural light gives rise to the summation of either bothlinear orthogonal or circular orthogonal polarization states and this yields, apart froma factor of 2 due to the normalization of the circular eigenstates,

〈wNe (r, φ, f)〉 = G0,0(β, β) + s2

0 [G1,1(β, β) + G−1,−1(β, β)]


2[G2,2(β, β) + G−2,−2(β, β)] . (26)

Recall again that in this analysis we have excluded any birefringence effect, whichimplies that βm

n,x and βmn,y are related by a simple factor of proportionality to the

coefficients βmn that are uniquely defined by the geometrical lens properties.

The general case of partially polarized light can be accounted for by defining atotal exposure that is a weighted sum of a fully polarized exposure pattern and anunpolarized pattern according to the degree of partial polarization.

4. The incorporation of polarization and birefringence effects

The propagation of a polarized wave through a general optical system leads to a per-turbation of the initial state of polarization due to the polarization-dependent am-plitude and phase changes on transmission through the (coated) air-glass interfaces.On top of this, anisotropy of the lens materials, induced by structural properties ore.g. by residual stresses in the lens materials, leads to a gradual change of the stateof polarization on propagation. In this section we first describe the cumulative effectof the birefringence on the polarization state in the exit pupil. In the next step, weincorporate the amplitude and phase effects due to the birefringence in our descrip-tion of the complex exit pupil function for x and y-polarization using an extra setof complex Zernike coefficients and we point out how a set of exposures with dif-ferent polarization states at the entrance of the optical system yield the unknownbirefringence data in the exit pupil.


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A. The field components Ex and Ey in the exit pupil

We approximate the cumulative effects of birefringence in the optical system by defin-ing at each point in the exit pupil a certain value of the retardation due to the bire-fringence, ∆, and the azimuths of the orthogonal principal axes, e.g. by defining theangle α of the ’slow’ axis of the birefringence. In practical cases, it is allowed to ne-glect the dichroism introduced by an optical system and for this reason we will limitourselves to the influence of the phase retardation on the strength of the x- and y-fieldcomponents in the exit pupil of the optical system.To analyze the state of polarization in the exit pupil in the presence of a sequenceof birefringent elements and surfaces effects we use the Jones matrix analysis30. Thematrix relation between the x- and y-components of the input and output electricfields is in general given by31







m11 m12

m21 m22






where the complex amplitudes of the x- and y components of the incident electricfield at the j-th exposure have been denoted by (aj, bj). Note that the field compo-nents (Ex, Ey) are a function of the position in the pupil; the functions describingtheir locally varying complex amplitude can be expanded with the aid of Zernikepolynomials. The field components (Ex, Ey), affected by the birefringence of the op-tical system, formally replace the original components (aj, bj) related to the entrancepupil. The Zernike expansion corresponding to (Ex, Ey) is used to determine the vec-tor components of the field on the exit pupil sphere; these are then used to evaluatethe field in the focal region, see Eqs.(2)-(3).

B. Procedure for evaluation of the birefringence of the optical system

Basically, we need to evaluate the four complex matrix elements mij for each samplepoint in the exit pupil, leading to eight independent quantities to be determined. Butsince we have excluded dichroism, the matrix above has a special structure32−36 andcan be written as

M =


m11 m12

−m∗12 m∗



, (28)

with the property |m11|2 + |m12|2 = 1. The eigenstates of this matrix are elliptical ingeneral. Once the eigenvalues and eigenstates have been found, the orientation α ofthe slow and fast axes and the value ∆ of the phase birefringence are known.Because of the special structure of the unitary matrix M , three independent quanti-ties need to be determined on top of the geometrical wavefront aberration and trans-mission defects of the system. We thus need four retrieval operations to determinethe complex quantities m11 and m12 plus the polarization-independent geometricaldefects of the system. Preferred polarization states (aj, bj) are two orthogonal lin-ear polarization states, e.g. (1, 0) and (0, 1) and the circular ones, viz. (1, i)/

√2 for

left-circularly polarized and (1,−i)/√

2 for right-circularly polarized light. The fourexposures with the preferred polarization states lead, after retrieval, to four differentsets of β-coefficients, βm

n;(1,0), βmn;(0,1), βm

n;(1,i) and βmn;(1,−i). Note that the coefficients


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βmn,x and βm

n,y, used previously in Eqs.(2)-(3), correspond to the first two sets thatwe discuss here in the framework of birefringence retrieval. From the four sets of β-coefficients we obtain the complex amplitude in a general point of the exit pupil forfour different polarization states. This is basically sufficient to uniquely determine thesize and the orientation of the cumulative birefringence of the optical system in thatspecific point of the exit pupil. In addition, we obtain the geometrical defects of thesystem that are independent of the state of polarization of the incident light.

5. Outline of the basic retrieval scheme

The various expressions that have been obtained for the electric field density consti-tute the intensity pattern detected by a sensor or the exposure profile in a storagelayer (e.g. a photoresist layer in lithography). These measured data, collected from aset of axially displaced (defocused) planes, serve as the input for the retrieval schemethat will yield the complex βm

n;(aj ,bj)-coefficients that describe the high-NA imaging

system. The basic term that appears in the expressions is the real or imaginary partof Gk,l(β, β); if k = l the function is real anyhow. We now want to sketch the basicapproach for retrieval of the complex β-coefficients.

Following our retrieval approach for the low-NA scalar case18 we first detect theazimuthal periodicities in the measured intensity patterns according to

Ψm(r, f) =1

∫ +π

−πI(r, φ, f) exp(imφ)dφ , (29)

where I(r, φ, f) is the measured intensity function in the focal volume.In our retrieval scheme, the measured through-focus intensity pattern will be matchedby the linearized intensity distribution according to Eq.(18). In compact notation wewrite this approximated analytical expression as

wan(r, φ, f) =∑


Fk,l(r, φ, f) (30)

and the various functions Fk,l are, apart from a constant factor, given by

F0,0 = G0,0(β, β)

F0,2 = s20


|a|2 − |b|2}

Re {G0,2(β, β)}−2Re(ab∗)Im {G0,2(β, β)}]

F0,−2 = s20


|a|2 − |b|2}

Re {G0,−2(β, β)}+2Re(ab∗)Im {G0,−2(β, β)}]

F+1,−1 = −2s20


|a|2 − |b|2}

Re {G+1,−1(β, β)}+2Re(ab∗)Im {G+1,−1(β, β)}]

F1,1 = s20 {1 − 2Im(ab∗)}G1,1(β, β)

F−1,−1 = s20 {1 + 2Im(ab∗)}G−1,−1(β, β)

F2,2 =s40

2{1 − 2Im(ab∗)}G2,2(β, β)

F−2,−2 =s40

2{1 + 2Im(ab∗)}G−2,−2(β, β) . (31)


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The general expression for Gk,l (linearized approximation for dominating β00) reads

Gk,l(β, β)} = β00 exp{i(k − l)φ}




βµ∗ν Ψµ∗

ν;k,l(r, f) exp(−iµφ)

+ (1 − ǫνµ)βµν Ψµ

ν;l,k(r, f) exp(+iµφ)}

, (32)

where ǫνµ has been defined in Eq.(15) and where we also introduced the shorthandnotation

Ψµν;k,l(r, f) = (+i)µV 0∗

0,k(r, f)V µν,l(r, f) . (33)

A harmonic decomposition applied to the general terms Gk,l of this analytic functionyields the result


∫ +π

−πGk,l(r, φ, f) exp(imφ)dφ =




β(+k−l+m)∗ν Ψ

(+k−l+m)∗ν;k,l (r, f)

(1 − ǫν,−k+l−m)β(−k+l−m)ν Ψ

(−k+l−m)ν;l,k (r, f)


, (34)

where we have used the property that, without loss of generality, β00 can be taken to be

real (reference phase of the pupil function is zero). We ultimately need the harmonicdecomposition of the full analytic expression wan(r, φ, f); because of the rather lengthyexpression involved, we give the result for the various harmonic functions Ψm

an(r, f)that arise from this decomposition in the Appendix.

Having available now the harmonic azimuthal dependence of order m both fromthe measurement data (Ψm(r, f)) and from the analytical functions (Ψm

an(r, f)) withwhich the measurement data have to be matched, the equation to be solved for eachazimuthal order number m reads

Ψman(r, f) ≈ Ψm(r, f) . (35)

Here, the right-hand side function has been obtained via measurement values in a largenumber of lateral and axial positions in the focal volume. The left-hand side containsthe unknown β-coefficients that have to be calculated and the ≈-sign expresses thatthe linearized version of the analytical intensity distribution that has been used.

The approximate equality in Eq.(35) can be solved for the unknown β-coefficientsin various ways. Our preferred method uses the fact that the functions Ψµ

ν;k,l(r, f)that implicitly appear at the right-hand side of Eq.(35) are close to being orthogonal.By applying inner products with the involved Ψµ

ν;k,l on either side of (35), we obtainan approximate linear system in the β-coefficients that produces estimates of theseβ-coefficients upon solving it. The inner product that we choose here is defined forfunctions Ψ(r, f) and Φ(r, f) as

(Ψ, Φ) =∫ R


∫ +F

−FΨ(r, f)Φ∗(r, f)rdrdf . (36)

The integration limits R and ±F formally should be infinitely large but, in practice,they are determined by the lateral and axial extent of the measured data set. The


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inner products of the form(

Ψmν;k,l, Ψ


ν′ ;k′ ,l′


are calculated just once and their numer-

ical values serve to fill the matrix corresponding to the system of linear equations. Ingeneral, the procedure is to first calculate the best fit β-values without the birefrin-gence included. Given the residual error of this solution for the various polarizationstates, the full set of βm

n;(aj ,bj)-coefficients is then taken into account to evaluate the

birefringence effects of the optical system.

6. Graphical illustration of the basic functions V mn,j(r, f), Gkl(β, β) and a

high-NA retrieval example

In this section we present some typical examples of the amplitude function V mn,j(r, f)

that plays a basic role in the calculation of the complex amplitude of the cartesianelectric field components in the focal region. We also present some examples of theanalytical function Gkl(β, β) that plays an important role when evaluating the energydensity in the focal region and when the inverse problem is solved for retrieving aber-rational lens properties. Some characteristic aberrations like coma and astigmatismwill be treated in more detail and the subtle interplay between the state of polariza-tion in the exit pupil and the azimuth of a non-circularly symmetrical aberration willbe discussed.

A. The aberration-free V mn,j-functions

In Fig.2 we have plotted the functions V 00,0(r, 0), V 0

0,+1(r, 0), V 00,−1(r, 0) and V 0

0,±2(r, 0)in the upper row. The same functions have been represented in the middle row fora value of the defocus parameter equal to 2π. In both cases, the numerical apertureof the imaging system was 0.95. These functions with n = m = 0 are generally thedominant ones that determine the complex amplitude of the electric field components.If there are no aberrations at all, they are the only ones needed for the calculationof the intensity in the focal region (the coefficient β0

0 equals unity and all other β-coefficients are zero). Some remarks follow from the inspection of the V 0

0,j-functionsfor the aberration-free case. The amplitude at the central point of the diffractionimage (r = f = 0) is given by the value of V 0

0,0 only. We also note that for equalvalues of |j| the V -functions change sign for odd j. In the defocused case, we seethat the on-axis amplitude does not vanish for a value of the defocusing parameterequal to 2π. In the scalar diffraction case at low numerical aperture, the V 0

0 -functionis zero precisely at this defocusing value. At high numerical aperture, the on-axisamplitude is non-vanishing because of the non-quadratic defocus phase and the non-uniform amplitude distribution over the exit pupil (radiometric effect). In the lowerrow of Fig.2 we have produced contour plots of the absolute value of the three electricfield components and of the resulting total energy density (or intensity) in optimumfocus. The incident state of polarization was linear and oriented along the x-axis (seeEq.(2) for the expressions for the field components in the focal region). The Ex fieldis the sum of the dominant V 0

0,0-function and the smaller contributions from the V 00,±2-

functions (with zero-azimuth off-set) which tend to reduce the field value along theazimuths φ = 0, π (x-axis) and lead to an increase along the azimuths φ = π/2, 3π/2.The Ey-component only consists of a 2φ-component with a phase shift of π/4 and is


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0 1 2 3




j = 0

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = 0

0 1 2 3




j = 1

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = 1

0 1 2 3




j = −1

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = −1

0 1 2 3




j = 2

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = 2

0 1 2 3




j = −2

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = −2

Fig. 2. The functions V 00,j(r, f) (upper row: f = 0, middle row: f = 2π) for the

aberration-free case (NA=0.95, linear polarization along the x-direction). Thehorizontal coordinate r is expressed in the diffraction unit λ/s0 with s0 thenumerical aperture of the imaging system. The solid and dotted lines in thefirst and second row apply to, respectively, the real and imaginary part of theV 0

0,j-functions. Lower row: contour plots of the three electric field components,|Ex|, |Ey| and |Ez|, and of the electric energy density

∑ |Ei|2. The contourlines for the electric field components have been chosen at 0.5, 0.09 and 0.025;for the electric energy density the levels are 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, 0.017 and 0.005.In the latter contour plot, the dotted circle indicates the circular 0.50-contourof the hypothetical in-focus scalar intensity distribution.

the weakest of all three. In the intensity plot we have also given the 50%-level of thescalar Airy distribution with the transverse position expressed in units of λ/NA. It is


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clearly visible from the contour plot that the full width at half maximum (FWHM)of the high-NA intensity distribution is slightly smaller in the y-cross-section butdrastically increased along the x-cross-section. From the contour plots of the threefield components, it can be seen that this effect is created by the Ez-field componentthat constitutes the most prominent extra feature at high-NA values with respect tothe scalar case.

B. The definition of Strehl-intensity at high NA

A close inspection of the upper-left graph of Fig.2, representing the function V 00,0(r, 0)

at NA=0.95, reveals that the on-axis amplitude in the nominal focal plane is notequal to unity but slightly larger because of the vector addition and the radiometriceffect. In the absence of aberrations we define the Strehl intensity by

IS =

∫ 2π0

∫ 10 A(ρ, θ)ρdρdθ


∫ 2π0

∫ 10 |A(ρ, θ)|2 ρdρdθ

. (37)

With the amplitude function

A(ρ, θ) =1

(1 − s20ρ



1 + (1 − s20ρ




, (38)

we find the following expression for the Strehl-intensity

IS =






8 − 5(1 − s20)

3/4 − 3(1 − s20)


4 + 3s20 − (1 − s2

0)1/2 {4 − s2


For the value of s0=0.95, the on-axis intensity is 1.05856 (numerator of Eq.(37)) and,after normalisation to the incident power (1.060075), we find a Strehl intensity IS

equal to 0.99857. All calculated intensity values in the remainder of this paper havebeen normalized according to this definition.

C. Field components and intensity belonging to an aberrated system (coma)

In Fig.3 we have plotted the set of graphs belonging to a wavefront in the exit pupil(linear polarization along the x-direction) that has a comatic aberration of the lowestorder. The wavefront aberration is given by 2πW x(ρ, θ) = Φ(ρ, θ) = α1

3R13(ρ) cos θ

and the corresponding coefficients βmn,x have been calculated by the insertion of this

expression in Eq.(1). In the upper row we have now plotted the radial cross-sections offunctions V 1

3,j(r, 0); in the graphs of the middle row, the same functions appear with adefocus value of f = 2π. The functions now show a more general behavior and there isno identity or change of sign, respectively, for indices j that are even or odd. The fieldcomponents (moduli) and the intensity pattern are given in the lower row and theyshow the typical cos(φ)-asymmetry. But on top of this basic azimuthal frequency, weexpect higher frequency components because of the presence of azimuthal componentswith ranges from −3φ to +3φ for the Ex- and Ey-components and from −2φ to +2φfor the Ez-component. After the squaring operation, we thus can expect a highest


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0 1 2 3




j = 0

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = 0

0 1 2 3




j = 1

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = 1

0 1 2 3




j = −1

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = −1

0 1 2 3




j = 2

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = 2

0 1 2 3




j = −2

0 1 2 3−0.2





0.3j = −2

Fig. 3. Same legend as in Fig.2 but now with comatic aberration of lowest order(α1

3 = 1). The values of the relevant βmn,x-coefficients (second-order approxima-

tion of the phase aberration function) are: β00,x=15/16, β0

2,x=-1/80, β04,x=-1/16,

β06,x=-9/80, β1

3,x=β−13,x=i/2, β2

2,x=β−22,x=-1/20, β2

6,x=β−26,x=-3/40; all βm

n,y identicalzero. In the contour plot of the energy density (lower row, right-hand figure)the contour levels have been chosen 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005 and 0.002. Forreasons of comparison, we have also included the dotted contour plot in thecenter corresponding to the 50% relative height for the hypothetical scalardiffraction image (same comatic aberration value).

azimuthal frequency of 6φ in the intensity pattern of the lower-right graph. In thisgraph, for comparison, we have again plotted the FWHM-contour (dotted) of thehypothetic scalar diffraction pattern at the same value of the numerical aperture(aberration-free case).


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D. Construction of the image intensity from the G-functions

In the retrieval procedure that was presented in Section 5, the functions Gkl(r, f)play a key role. The ranges of values of (k, l) are limited by the condition |k|, |l| ≤ 2and there are in total eight G-functions that occur in the expression for the energydensity in the focal region, see Eq.(13). In Fig.4 we have plotted these eight functions

−1 0 1





−1 0 1




ℜ G0,2

−1 0 1




ℜ G0,−2

−1 0 1




2 ℜ G1,−1

−1 0 1





−1 0 1





−1 0 1





−1 0 1





Fig. 4. The eight Gkl(r, f)-functions that contribute to the energy density inthe focal volume and that are used in the aberration retrieval scheme. Theunit along the axes is the diffraction unit. The contour plots apply to theaberration-free case in the nominal focal plane (f=0, NA=0.95). To visualizethe features of the various functions, the contour levels have been changedfrom plot to plot. G0,0: 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.10, 0.07, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005 and0.001 ; Re[G0,2], Re[G0,−2] and 2Re[G1,−1]: 0.055, 0.015, 0.005, 0.001, 0, -0.001,-0.005, -0.015, -0.055 (contours with negative values are dotted); G1,1, G−1,−1,G2,2 and G−2,−2: 0.12, 0.06, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0005. Note that the functionsG1,1, G−1,−1, G2,2 and G−2,−2 all have a dough-nut shape with a zero on axis.

according to their relative importance in the expression for the energy density (weightfactor containing s0); the imaging system is free of any aberration. The dominating G-function is G0,0 and this is the only one that remains in the limiting case of very smallnumerical aperture (s0 → 0). In the nominal aberration-free focus, this function equals|V 0

0,0(r, f)|2 and it closely resembles the basic Airy diffraction pattern if we neglectthe influence of the radiometric effect and an average increase in lateral size due tothe vectorial image formation. The functions in the lower row with equal k- and l-


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indices have a central zero in the nominal focal plane. They lead to a further ’blurring’of the diffraction image because of the vectorial effects. The functions in the upperrow with |k − l| = 2 lead to the absence of rotational symmetry in image formationwith e.g. linearly polarized light. These functions are not everywhere positive as werethe functions with k = l. The contributions to the focal plane intensity of the G-functions with |k − l| = 2 is proportional to Re[G0,2 + G0,−2 − 2G1,−1] if we havelinearly polarized light along the x-direction in the entrance pupil (see Eq.(13) withβy = 0). From Fig.4 we see that the contributions from the three non-circularlysymmetric G-functions lead to a broadening of the central lobe along the x-cross-section (FWHM is 34% larger than that of the hypothetical scalar profile). Theirnegative contributions along the y-cross-section lead to a narrowing of the intensityprofile and a reduced FWHM-value (-7% with respect to the ’scalar’ profile). Theasymmetry effect leads to an elliptic 50%-intensity contour and the ratio of the longand short axis amounts to 1.44. In Fig.5 we have plotted the G-functions in the same

Fig. 5. Gray-level plots of the G-functions for the aberration-free case in thenominal focal plane. The order of representation is the same as in Fig.4. Theplots of the functions Re[G0,2], Re[G0,−2] and 2Re[G1,−1] have been coded withgray for zero level and with white and black shades for positive and negativevalues, respectively. Note the dough-nut shape of the functions G1,1, G−1,−1,G2,2 and G−2,−2 in the lower row. There is no relationship between the graylevels in the various graphs; all levels are relative with respect to the localmaximum or the zero level.

order but now using gray scale levels to represent the intensity contributions. Thisis especially useful for a comparison of the intensity levels of the Gkk-functions and


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to make clear the doughnut-shape of the G-functions with k = l 6= 0. Note that inimage formation with natural light or circularly polarized light we only encounterthe Gkk-functions in the expression for the energy density. This means that for thesecases the vectorial image formation will always lead to larger FWHM-values thanthose given by the scalar extrapolation.

E. Application of the G-functions to a general aberrated system

In this subsection we discuss the G-functions for a general aberrated case with lin-early polarized illumination in the x-direction. As the aberration function we chooselowest order astigmatism with 2πW x(ρ, θ) = Φ(ρ, θ) = α2

2R22(ρ) cos 2(θ − θ0). For the

off-set angle we take θ0 = π/6 and the amplitude of the phase aberration is givenby α2

2 = 1. A first approximation of the main aberration coefficients is given byβ2

2,x = i(1/4− i√

3/4) and β−22,x = i(1/4+ i

√3/4) and the remaining βx-coefficients are

found from the Zernike expansion of the function exp{iΦ(ρ, θ)}, approximated up tothe second order; all βy-coefficients are identical zero. In Fig.(6) we have plotted thecorresponding Gkl-functions for a defocus value f = 0. We see that the G00-functionresembles the intensity profile we would expect in the case of astigmatic aberrationwith an azimuth of π/6. The Gkk-functions with k 6= 0 in the middle row also showthe astigmatic behaviour with maximum azimuthal periodiciteis of 4φ. The functionsG1,1 and G−1,−1, as well as G2,2 and G−2,−2, show a mutual rotation of π/2. This fol-lows from e.g. Eq.(16) for the astigmatic case because the intensity contribution withperiodicity 2φ in these functions changes sign when the k-index of the Gkk-functionschanges sign. The three G-functions (Re[G0,2], Re[G0,2] and Re[G1,−1]), that introduceby themselves an extra periodicity of 2φ in the intensity pattern due to the linearstate of polarization, show the most complicated patterns because of the summationof periodicities with an azimuthal off-set of π/6. The intensity distributions can showperiodicities up to a frequency of 8φ. In the retrieval approach we have chosen to se-lect the azimuthal periodicities from the through-focus intensity distribution becausethese periodicities have a virtually straightforward relationship with the azimuthalperiodicities we encounter in the aberration function. Finally, in the lower row ofFig.6, we have plotted the intensity distribution in three focal planes, resp. with f -parameters of −π/3, 0 and +π/3. The axial settings f = ±π/3 correspond well withthe positions of the astigmatic focal lines according to scalar diffraction theory. Thefocal lines are clearly visible as well as their distortion due to the nonparallellism ofthe linear state of polarization and the astigmatic principal cross-sections. The orien-tation of the elliptic shape in focus due to the linear state of polarization is preservedon both sides of focus; the two astigmatic focal lines are perpendicular to each other.The combined effect at an angular off-set of π/6 leads to the typical pattern in thelast row of the picture.

F. Retrieval at high-NA with unpolarized light

Finally, we present in this section a relatively simple numerical example that showsthe importance of including the high-NA imaging effects in the retrieval scheme.We consider the frequently occurring situation, e.g. like in a lithographic projection


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−1 0 1





−1 0 1




ℜ G0,2

−1 0 1




ℜ G0,−2

−1 0 1




2 ℜ G1,−1

−1 0 1





−1 0 1





−1 0 1





−1 0 1





−1 0 1−1.5






1.5f = −1/3 π

−1 0 1−1.5






1.5f = 0

−1 0 1−1.5






1.5f = +1/3 π

Fig. 6. Same legend as in Fig.4 for the upper and middle row. The graphs applyto a system with astigmatic wavefront aberration and the β-coefficients (secondorder approximation of the aberration function) are given by the followingvalues: β0

0,x=11/12, β02,x=-1/8, β0

4,x=-1/24, β22,x=1/4(

√3+ i), β−2



i), β44,x=1/16(1 + i

√3), β−4

4,x=1/16(1 − i√

3). In the lower row, contour plotsare given for the astigmatic focal distribution with defocus values f of −π/3,0 and +π/3, respectively, where the defocus values f = ±π/3 approximatelycorrespond to the image positions of the two focal lines of the astigmatic pencil.The choice of the various contour levels is identical to that in Fig.4.

system, that the illumination is unpolarized (’natural’ light). Unpolarized light isrepresented in our analysis by adding incoherently two orthogonal polarization states;for the sake of simplicity, we select linearly polarized light along the x- and y-direction.If we turn to Eq.(A1) and carry out the summation of both orthogonally polarized


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contributions with, respectively, (a, b) = (1, 0) and (a, b) = (0, 1), we find

Ψman(r, f) =






Ψm∗ν;0,0 + s2



Ψm∗ν;1,1 + Ψm∗






Ψm∗ν;2,2 + Ψm∗



+β−mν (1 − ǫν,m)


Ψ−mν;0,0 + s2



Ψ−mν;1,1 + Ψ−m






Ψ−mν;2,2 + Ψ−m





and this function is then used to construct the linear system of equations as indicatedin Section 5.

In this numerical experiment, we used an asymmetric set of Zernike coefficientsaccording to: β+1

3 = β−13 = 0.1i, β+1

5 = β−15 = −0.02i and β+1

7 = β−17 = −0.02i. The

fact that the (small) coefficients are purely imaginary implies that the lens defect canbe contributed to wavefront aberration, of comatic nature in this case. The through-focus intensity distribution has been calculated using the basic result from Eqs.(2)-(4)with a value of the numerical aperture equal to 0.95 (refractive index n equals unity).The retrieval scheme is then applied using values of the numerical aperture in therange from 0.001 to 0.95. In Fig. 7 we show that the correct values are retrieved onlyif the exact value of the numerical aperture is used and thus the influence of thevectorial effects is correctly included. The scalar case (NA → 0) shows a substantialdeviation from the correct lens values of the order of 10 to even 100%, especially forthe higher order β-coefficients.

Data sets taken from intensity patterns in the focal volume at different incidentstates of polarization could not be studied yet. These data sets at high NA are noteasily created in a lithographic projection system since the standard illuminationsystem has not been provided with special polarization means. For this reason, acomplete check of the vectorial retrieval scheme, including the birefringence effects ofthe projection lens, could not be carried out yet. With respect to the sensitivity ofthe method and the range of aberration that can be covered, we refer to two recentpublications37−38 for the scalar case. Here it is first shown that retrieval operationsremain stable down to Strehl intensity levels as small as 0.30; or, equivalently, rmswavefront aberration values are allowed up to twice the diffraction limit (150 mλ).The robustness of the retrieval method in the presence of noise and off-sets has alsobeen studied in these references. When using a basically identical retrieval schemeas the one described in the preceding chapter, signal to noise ratios in the intensitypatterns as low as 10 to 5 can be allowed without comprimising the retrieved lensdata.

7. Conclusion and outlook

We have presented a high-numerical-aperture analysis of the intensity distribution inthe focal volume of an imaging system using the vectorial version of the extendedNijboer-Zernike approach. The three-dimensional intensity distribution has been ob-tained by means of a series expansion of basic functions in the Nijboer-Zernike theory


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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1−0.06









Numerical aperture



d co


ic Z


ke c




Fig. 7. Variation in the retrieved value of optical aberration coefficients whenan incorrect value of the numerical aperture is used and the vectorial imagingeffects are not correctly applied. Forward calculation at an NA-value of 0.95.Retrieval of the β-aberration coeffcients (comatic wavefront aberration of 3rd,5th and 7th order, resp. with Zernike coefficients of +0.1, -0.02 and -0.02 radi-ans) at various values of NA. The correct aberration values are only retrievedwhen the NA-value at retrieval is chosen identical to the value used in the for-ward calculation scheme. The retrieved values for the scalar scheme, +0.088,-0.050 and -0.042, respectively, are found in the graph at the abscissa-valueNA=0.

using generalized aberration coefficients related to both the amplitude and the phaseof the complex pupil function. For high-NA imaging systems, the original scalar theoryhas been extended to the vectorial case and an extended set of aberration coefficientshas been introduced, describing the behavior of the optical system as a function ofthe state of polarization of the incident light. It has been shown that the intensitydistribution in the focal region can be constructed from a set of elementary functionsthat give rise to the basically non-circularly symmetric intensity profile in the focalregion and to the relative increase in spot size at high NA as compared to the scalarprediction. Our theoretical approach has also shown that the collection of focal in-tensity data from four exposures with well-selected polarization states of the incident


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light enables the retrieval of the ’polarization’ aberration coefficients. They representthe geometrical aberrations and the spatial distribution of birefringence (azimuthand size) in the exit pupil of the optical system. A first numerical exercise to illus-trate our theoretical approach has shown that, even in the case of illumination withunpolarized light, the correct aberration coefficients are only retrieved when the vec-torial formulation of image formation is correctly included. Future experimental workshould concentrate on the collection of through-focus intensity data for various inci-dent polarization states in a high-NA imaging system; with such experimental data,the retrieval of polarization aberrations becomes possible along the lines described inthis paper.

AcknowledgementThe authors would like to acknowledge stimulating discussions with Dr. S. Stallingaof Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven. Sven van Haver from Delft Universityhas been very effective in producing the numerical results and graphical representa-tions.

E-mail address corresponding author: [email protected]


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Appendix AExpression for the azimuthal harmonic components of the an-alytically derived intensity distribution in the focal volume

To solve the basic ’retrieval’ problem as represented by Eq.(35), we need analyticexpressions for the azimuthal harmonic components that are present in the linearizedintensity distribution through the focal volume of an aberrated imaging system. Theincident illumination is a linear superposition of two ortohogonal linear states of po-larization (with complex amplitudes a and b, respectively, for the x- and y-polarizedstates). After some straightforward manipulation one obtains for the component withupper index m

Ψman(r, f) =






Ψm∗ν;0,0 + s2



Ψm∗ν;1,1 + Ψm∗






Ψm∗ν;2,2 + Ψm∗







Ψm∗ν;1,1 − Ψm∗



− s40



Ψm∗ν;2,2 − Ψm∗




+β−mν (1 − ǫν,m)


Ψ−mν;0,0 + s2



Ψ−mν;1,1 + Ψ−m






Ψ−mν;2,2 + Ψ−m







Ψ−mν;1,1 − Ψ−m



− s40



Ψ−mν;2,2 − Ψ−m






|a|2 − |b|2)


β(m−2)∗ν Ψ



− 2Re(ab∗)Im[

β(m−2)∗ν Ψ





|a|2 − |b|2)


β(m+2)∗ν Ψ



+ 2Re(ab∗)Im[

β(m+2)∗ν Ψ





|a|2 − |b|2)


β(m+2)∗ν Ψ



+ 2Re(ab∗)Im[

β(m+2)∗ν Ψ



+s20(1 − ǫν,−m+2)


|a|2 − |b|2)


β(−m+2)ν Ψ




β(−m+2)ν Ψ



+s20(1 − ǫν,−m−2)


|a|2 − |b|2)


β(−m−2)ν Ψ




β(−m−2)ν Ψ



−2s20(1 − ǫν,−m−2)


|a|2 − |b|2)


β(−m−2)ν Ψ




β(−m−2)ν Ψ



, (A1)

where the function Ψ has been defined in Eq.(33).Note that in the special case treated in the numerical example of Section 6 (’natu-

ral’ light), the only non-zero contributions to Ψman(r, f) are those found on the second

and fourth line of the equation above.