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w ith e r iForecast Fair, tonight aad'Saturday: fmt- Inr ieropenituiti at nl«ht. IIJRh •■J«t«nlay fll. low 20. low Uili .nwmlitjf, SO. . CHANGE PLANNEO RoTdrnftinff-Wlll*-Bo-CoTTlnd Out Over Week-End. to Moet.Objoctiona HEARINO IS POSTPONED Now BUI Will Follow Same ............ Prindploff of- Control • -------- BrTiiide-Body'WASIUNGTON, Mar. D iUi;i— The aenato Innklnp commlltcc today c«tlc<J off Jtfl hcajlnR. on the FJcLcher-nuybum slovk mar- ket control.bU) to permit revision erf Uie intMurc over the week- entl. The commlttflo will LiJtc up Uic r«-(lnift«l mMwuro MonOay. FerdUianl recora, ooiuwcl tor the eornmlltw. mlil thnt the bIJI Ba rcKlroftoJ will meet tho "critlcimn ot nierlf that liavc been 'leveled at the ortfflnal bill. It wUl follow the muno penenil principals 'u Ihe old bill' he cx- plaUiMl, with contrvl- vcottU In tha tcKlcmJ irado commlMlan. It Ifl plMinctl to hold brief tie ln(pi on the revloed bill and rcT>on U to the aenatc late nwt week. of Iho iiudden chmif^e in jjaaa Uie ccunmltteo heard no '•'iUeMca.tosiay. — ....................... iloodny It will Iicar William C- -. J pUct, rtalrmnn-of - thc-'battfd of the Quaroirty Trust company and Pcrey H. JohMton. c-hairman 'of ■Uie"New .York- C lcw lnp House UMoctalltift. Capital Police Wait Six Hours But Nab Solon WASIirNGTON. ilar. !> il'.IU —Uke Ihc rcIenUcrs rod-coat- ed -mountluji, two doURhty Wnahljipton pollcc or/Iccm had Uiclr n m today, tJjc nuin bv- Inff ncp. Fnincb H. (You r.'L, Minn.. conKre.'o’ only cx-convict. It took n flU-hour airirt ot Shoenmker'ii ju lte In the oKlce buDdlni' to Oo tin.* trick as a result or ihe of/lcera’ coup Sli NRA HOURS AND WAGES DISPUTE NEARING CLIMAX Business Heads Urge Resffictibri Id'" Pay Boost .. r to ......................... appear 111..police., courts charge of luimiultlnK CUA.N0E3 U S T E 0 WASHlN'OTON. Mar. B (Ui:)— -CIta Rayburn ttnck-market bill-before It la reported Ur tha senate 'was • lodlcat^ today by Senator .Dun- can U. Flelehcr, Dam., Fla. He.llstod the following chanc«» oa likely; ’ UbcrallzaUon o f. martfin aulrement provluiona to. make ___ them more flexible. Revlaloii of the sccUoh Joillngr with lho'WOT't»w^uxit«^>TW • . to Jnftko It moA‘dSnHlte. KxompUon of railroad arid nlcipal accuritlen, ulreddy ailbjccl lo rtgulallon. . ; Grant of power to tho federal trade commission to oxenjpt ' ’ • ixiln BCCurillM-lf advlanblc. Modification of roglAtratlon lion. EXPIERSFINO ENI CAPUA Frcnchmon Report' Diicovcry . .Of Lflgondory Olty Ruled . By Quoon of Bbcba J'AJW). Mar. D (I'.Kl — Th.-3 I-'rcnch oorkl explorers wiro- JcaMd from Djibouti. Africa, to* dky that they had dlacovcrcd'the joitt capital of the Queen of Sht* ba. Tha explorem. tho Frcnoh Cap- CoralffJion-ifoJlffnler and AJdro Mnlreaux. author, reiported IhAt they bad fJcrwn over tho leffcn- duy'clly from whltfh the queen come In blbleail tlmen to visit King Solomon In Joruaalesn. The location of the cliy . _.. eh-cn oa near tlte norOicm Italts of 'Roba El Khatt, the irreat san- dy, dtaert. The trockleas wnaUs - ‘Bvrt'nd"uwr ixu- t ot *oW3)o«ut«ra AJU.bla. towortlfl t h e ,P « « lt a gulf. ■■— ^AecoMlftfi— to" t he tjttrteal—«c»- count In the Book of King:*, the Qi/een. of Shdba tvos fabulously wnllhy-' Hearing ot Uis wisdom fhft wonderful' workfl Solomon. «he camc to vKl£“ . . VrlHRlnc frent otorefl of Bold anJ aplcca............ asaault charge agnlnal tl« burley Mlnnenotun. Shoemaker lold ncwip.'tpormen •'Nobody can arrest me.” Ho cald the charge wa.i ii frame-up. Detective Scrscanla •rioj’d Tru««lt aad JlownnJ Of;}!' flc! out after Shoemal(cr with on!- •era lo "Kct Uiclr miin." Lone VIjjU TJicy traced Shocmiikrr to Uie c.tpitcl and t^icn to bb of* flee. T>iere they were iilwup- ed. They were unccrtjiln as to the congrcnsman'ii Immunity - from Houra pniied. U’lth mldnlRht not far away, back canic Shoumaker'a see*,' rtUry for tho third time. He; veni Into Ihe Otflcc. and came out grlnnlnjr. "If you're wnltlntr for Mr. Sliowiakcr.” he imld. "Hu will be cIbJ to «ec you now." So six houra after Uic nelRC bc^ran, Shoemaker •wan escort* od to poiicc. .hc2dqwi2icrs, formally cJuirfc'cd und roli'Wicd MOUSE REVOLIS ONRESIflfiAIi OFPAySLAlS Rooscvrlt-Veto-Appwrs-Only— Burner to Elimination Of Economy Act.............. . nr„- ,d„ii'rd » fitrp nillng ..r Atloriloy OVncnl Homut >ii4tllulion:i Illy 'if till- feili'irul rniiTK-. Vhkh hlld l>.H-ii ronI.->t.-<l hy Comp- i-{'!irl n-fiisi'll 1,) hi)iu.r rxIM-iidlliireH ICnborl 1>. Ki ihii. upper right, In N tM-icliiiil>iK to 1 .-C 't ai'thiii cin J.roji'cl.'* V<.rk'« n 'iit.-r. Siinir t.f III,' Ihc l<mr{' Ii'lt 111•0 K'l'iig 1 lo fi-<-l tho COyRTDISiSSES -MSlJASE^ 'jPariffrGhairman Urges House To AdopFl(ecrprocalTPropiam bays Plan 'Is ‘ W a y * to Bo€ Trade ‘Only Innctive Suits Ordered Closed By Judge;-Murder Hearine: Colled for Monday OlES, 2 HilR INPLANEIASH Army Aiimall Bomber Oraahes From 500*Poot Altitude Near Daytona DAYTONA BE:ACH, Fla.. Mar. 0 nU!' — An army' aimuUI plane crftsbed bere today, kllllne a oet^fcant and Injur&ff tbo pilot and the redJo operator. . BoUj.motora of tliO'large Key- atoilo bomber corrylnff four sa. ‘ of mall to Mlamt cut out at olUtudo of 000 feet. Tho machine hurtled to -the tf«>Und, «m;uih- Injf up wlUi a. report heard three rnlWi away In paytoaa-Beach. •• The deed flier la Set. Eraert Cbealey Belt. 20, .'Of WUkn? - ' Uo. 7^0 IhjCPcd fliert Yillli'fn " “ ■■ ■■ rrlii'te ri’oj-d' B. Harsbal. Lta' .viirt, Neb., the radio cyerotor. today when Judfre W. A. Babcock callcci the mUccllnncoun calendar. The. (tullfl were thouo upon which no acUon had been taken fo r --- than a year. Two dlvorcea were rrantnl and the civil trial calendar for thf March term of dlnlrlct court, open- InK Monday, wofl net Cloa RodRcrn waa fn-unted a de- ■ce. fronv M. T. ItodRcrs on hei chorKes of crucUy, an<l Don Alscr waa Riven n almllar judpnent from Ada Alper. oh n denertlon aai' cruclty complaint. Both plalntlffi were represented by Bolhwell & Povcy, Twin Fallii nltnmeya. Svvull Trial Monday Follflwlnp the criminal trial Max E. Swttll; charjred wlUi m.. derofDore (Dude) Devail, Kllcr, which will open nt 10 a. m. Mon- • ly, four civil nctlonn will b« heard Joro a Jury, ris foliown: Mor. IG—UUl Bailey company t. M. Slatliln. Chapman i Chap- on for plalntlffB. Walters, Parry & Ttioman for defcndanCa. Mar. 19—Homo Loan company, by Ray D. Agee, attorney, vn. John Stoekamp. reprcncttted by Cliarlcs A. North. Western Poulto’ anil Produce company, by Bothwcll i: Povey, vs, Northwentcm Mutual Ffra Inauranco aajiocfaWon. with Martin Si &(artln, attorneys; John Stockimp, whoflc nttomcy Is Char- les A. North, vs. Merrill L. Ayres cl al. repreacnted by Ilaybom £t Raybom. ' Strong Home-Brew Banned. Man Findt Three and lwo*tenthB per cent be«r-mBy-b*-leB:al-ln-Idaluv-but- aalo of home-brew havlnjf a stronj;cr klclc than tho lawful article, comca under the ban, Sheriff B. F. Prater said today ■folloTfliii'-'un eJ't-of.-Fmnk-qrpy: rc.ildUiff north of Flvo Points. Prater ordered destruction of all liul a few of 40 caacs’ of bottled brew which ho aaya were found -at Cray's premlne.i. The man was arrentcl and face.n charset In court of llleROl liquor. MGUESSS WASHINGTON. Mur. I) jKIH —The U«>lt«l 5U it« Clu,jnl>cT nf Ciimmer«--o today prr*cnti-d fitronR opposition to I'rmldont -i;^(^elff»— wiproeal—-lurlff- preiHwahi' u n l« - i& y are r tnod- Iflod to providp further proU-c- llon for Amnrlciin hiMlnniH.' WAaHINGTON, Mur. 0 (111 llobcrl L. O'Brien, clialrmun ... Uio United SUiU-3. tariff conjHib- nion, urKC<l conRrea.i today lo adopt President Ilooiievclt'n roclp- rociil tariff propoaalfl os "Ihi' on- ly way for u.i to rcsult:i Id our forcij,’Ti trade." Conccmlnc casein. O'Brlai cx- pJal/icd: "I did not knov.' what I t , wnu until thrrc yearn aj;n. And then I . found It i>sovlcle<l an excellent example of the burenucmtlc jiyii- tem under which wo are paylni; costal of production for tariff pur- panai. I -frtund there were /ik different way/i of aeltinfr up tho coi/tii of cjuneln njid 1 dtiregardcd Uiew' all. ’Tliere arc 10 buslnc.ui reaimni for bcinf; in tlio ,cov/ buslnc.ia. One of Uieao reniwna Is /'.klmmcd milk. And ibrrc nro li) vnn .Ticlmmcd milk. One la ciuicln. Sn every once In a while u famirr takes! a barrel of iikimmMi mllli diJrtTi to the caocla factory and ;lb IL" Before Houso Cumnillt4y> O'Brien uppenre<t Iwforc -tlic house ways and means commll' lee. He .'Wild Uiat tho only dlffi cnce bctwren the present metliod (Continued on Pa|;u.3. Column IJ - im m m Mail Flier Falls to Death In Blinding' anowstorm Over Ohio nWy i-/-pnrtisl the TvdlnCT bill provldlnR for Independence of the J ’ZilIlppJfio laJ.-LnJfl jvithln yearn. ---^ --- !_ Chairman—Millard. Il^'dlcga. AKHWEBa ON PAGE TWO llUrtTON, O.. Mar. D (Ui;!—A ollndlnf^ onowslomi look (urtiier toll from tho ranko of .the army's airmail pllotn. today when Lieut Olto Welnecke, flylnfT fron\ New- ark lo Cleveland, craahed and was killed In a comflcld near here. Llout. Weinccko waa moro than four houra overdue nt Cleveland airport when tho crash occurred. Aulhorltlen believed he had be- come l03t In tha tm-irllnp snow* storm, had cruised about four hours In an attempt to regain hia bearln'ffB and, flndltitr hla gan run- ning low, crashod In . trylnp to make an firnorgency landint. All Planea Grounde»l The snowstorm which caused Uio flyer's dcatii waa so aovera that all fllRhU from .Cleveland airport ha.d been . cancelled, RroundlnfT both mall and pass* enRer planoa.... Weinccko loft Newark airport late laat nlglit and* was duo to arrive In Cleveland al I'i'SO a. m. wIUj the night mall. Army offi* clida hud bccomo alarmed at his failure to arrive, and were pw- paring lo ■ aon'd out s'earchlnR plonen when newo of tho crash was rccelvcd. Air Dive Returns -Use-of-vf^'a.cuUipfi To Young Mother ST, 1.0U19. Mur. 0 A iiliarp power dlvc In nn air- plane ccinipli'lely ri'iitornl the facitllies of a younir mnthor here who hii« ni'cn icmi»>rar- ily blind, deaf and npccchleiui for nix dayn. . ' FfllnUnfT'an'thrr pllotr-pul-' hl.i plane 'into the plunfin from II hclRlit of 2,001) fvct. Mra, Vera llopklnn, wan taken lo Liimbert rieUl lioii- pltJil when Ihe tditp landed. Upon bclnn revived flvo mln* lilcK Inter ;ihr cnuUi nee. nprak and hear Mni, Hopklnn luid ni'Vcr been In-un airplane before yc/itcrdny. a n d RoDorlJion Airplane lie r v ic e offlclalii wer<!- Hlicptlcal iilwut the bcnvfltJi nf taklnjr.op the- piitient puJaeiiRer, but Pilot Joe Urad wiin a.inlj.'nc.d lo the tjuik and Mrs, IlopkUin waa loaded Into plane. She was accDmpanied by Clem Bacon, HoberUion office .manuKcr, who luild the pat/pfit mvooned junt after Head brf;an the dive. veil It H iM m E RECEIVES P i l P P l Bl Favorable Report Returned by Committee on Action for Eventunl Freedom. WASinNOTON. Miu-. 0 ilU!)— The senate terrltorie.n and Innular Froduccn: Warned to Acccpt -- Only-Federal.. Estimates On Crop Size • l''l(:uri'.'i cn^'liltil to J, c,'Jacub- cn, Jdalic. Fallu i>otalo dealer, prcdlcllnfc Uial 217,000 carloadH of tubers will 1)0 iihlppvd thl.'i year compared with IST.HOO earn u " dc!i|ilt,; rc'iHirt.'i of de- crcaiieil prcKluctliin," wnro chal* Irnpcd tiKlay by ii number; of ilealers ami jfrowiys al Klnibcrly, iwhd polfit to dopartinent of a(;rl- j culture Htatliillca aji nol nustain- ' Injr Jacolwn'a contontlonii. They aiincrl that the Idaho Kall.i nuin mu«l have been "K'uea.HlnK” and presmni-fl lo place hia pue.M in contradiction lo the figures Kathered liy tlic U. S, Kovcmment laufncleu. who.' one grower aald, "have nt) Inlereat other'than lo report cdndlllona correctly and whone past reeonlii iihow that Uiey have been less than two per cent off In Ihclr fllati.itlcs durlriR the entire l-eRlmc of the dcparDhcnL” J)l«,'ow)V» Ilrport One' iiuinodly. In db- counting* the eastern Idaho report. aufrRested that If anyone ho-i sold potatoes nhort for April delivery on Iho ChleaKO exchanRC. or hoped lo lower pricc.i, in order to ac- cumulate .polaioe.t for later aale. he mlRht create flRurcn contra- dictory In those of Uio govern- ment. but added that since no actual survey hnd been made In Iclalio or in the oilier potato ntatea recently, Kues-llnp ahouU not be taken seriously unlcsa ' ■ "gues.icr" had a record for (•k.jiiil lo-lay •If into hot V.-IIC If ho conform!! the (jovcmmenl may charj wlLh collu-ilon (inil friud. iicorn:l Uie Blu If 'he < fipctlon of Ihe Kovernniciit pra'iecute him for violation of the national induiilrlal r.-covcry att, ' .SII(uitlon lo Piimdox Thill jwxniduxlcal ulltialloii h:i:i re.'iched nuch a p;uu-i that CTi:irl‘ «, leadlnjr iiianuf.\oliirer :>i commercial atiitlunerj'. Im refu;i- «1 to do bualne,-!a with Uie piv- emnient. Tiiu jjovurnmcnl ll.HtIf, he thtnk.i. .ihoulil he Inventtjrnleti, W Tlie -fe<leral iroveniiiionl alnnr liol- Hl-fau1l,-«ir*yii- ley, producer of bUHlo'W fiirtii- iiire. He chilmii that l)uiilni-.'i-i lu"? arc In a dilemma whenever Iti'y ncffollato wlUi any of the iiun- UUKiiiand:! of iHiili', i„Uit'r‘ latt-ri»:illy iirojKmii Hut the. inly. 11c iiKencleii. Iiivt 1 ll-pu ln;r-bu.-dne;i.Tmen i.i-n -eomplieii one, b.’uie<! upon the promise t conj,Ti‘.vi appiirenlly has 'cniic infllctlnjr laws,' One that the Kovemmrnt, InK anyUilnir, mtirt ei-pl ixlw of fair crL-atln>r adoption of iCfJnjpr'tJU/vi. TJiei.i- * luenlly Include the i>o.'iUn,’; jpen price lists. No-*- ihen, o iilder the lij-pothcUcal auie of I war (li'parlment buying' .“<> ! ditch dl^-KinC macJilnery. O j«n to ProBecntloii If nU 0:e flvichlnery jjiali: lire openitlns under the et>.le fair competlUon, Iholr pricc.-t (ConUnued on Pa^e 2, Column be rc;tLrlcted ln;r the avrni|,'c NUA tlH-n w :i>)aiulon and rats" prici-a by a mualli'r liiar;;ln llian v.-oul'l a ciimtilnatlo; I'f- rHuei-l • ami -Inr.riamt . .lJidualrldll:iU-_ "C',i''n.lly_iaMni tlial tin- iiclniial;itnit!Mn plan would piTlloitily Inrri'a Uterehy ret|uem;r the ' l)U.~lnc.'ii hi.' 0;Ui;ie wuultl ho oul of n-:i<:h of tin- e<iiimim,T. Opposos riilii Ccor;:.- 51. Uouaton, ' j>re..,l<lci ............................ 2111101; Worla and- cbalrmim of tlic capital (:i*o<bi eoTiimllti'e seleclwl (Continued on P»Ke Column 3) Dem„ Md., said Uic 'eommlttco action wafl taken wlUiout ft roll- call. Senator WUIlam II, Klnjr, Dem., Utah, author of a bill for Indeiicndence wlUiln Uiree lo five yeara, told the United Preiia tiuit three members of tho commillco re nKaimit Uie Tydingn 'bill, 'I Puhftll flpht It on Vic floor of m acnate, but I do not In^ tend U) flllbUHtcr it." KUij; oald Tjtiinfrn mid ho expectc<l to report the bill to the senitlo cai-ly next week and hoped for prompt conslderaUon. jracy. Movie'-Fiirm FiicB- ‘Rasputin’ Appeal LONDON, Mar. 0 il'.i;) — rtctro- Goldwyn-Mayer, Ltd.. filed an ap- peal today agalnBl a vcnllct f^imt* InK Prlnce.ns Irlnya You>iQU|wft damaRcs of £25.000 (5126,600) and coati In her libel lailL A Jury found thnt Iho princcsa afl llbelletl In a film deplctlnR the nlaylnp of • the mad monk, Rns.' putln. In which tho character Na- tashn la represented as having ticcn seduced by lh?r monk. Everybody W ill Be Talking About .“Alley Oop” Before long, you will be say- ing tlmt "Alley • Oop" la Uio funnlc.1t chamcter on the comic page. He's that dizsy, but likable niugh-hou.-io cavc man, who will appear In tho new.comic atrip, which ntarU In Uiia “l'«l'«l'"Saldra£‘y-------------- OIAf] PLEA HIIS UTILIIY CONCERN Attorney General Asta Court' To Oust Elcctric Bond And Share Firm SALT LAKE C ir r . . Ut^Ui. Mar, 0 (i:i;)—ClwrclnK that lacked . proper authority, Utah Sbito Attorney General Ja-irph Cher, today hud before the third dhrtrlct court a challenge nRaini ri^ht of the Electric Bond an Share company of New '\ ‘brk lo do business In thLi «iate. TVd carry on Itn contmct wlUi the Utah Power and Li{:hl com- pany, Ches declared the eajitcm firm must first qualify as a < pomtion under requiromcntii Utah law. . Vrgr.i Ouster I n t n nn- under Uio corporation act: that, under the corporation francIiLn act,. Uio court Impoae ft fine of nnt. mofo Ihfin Sfi OOQ nfalrml the firm; Uiat tho company t>c "oust- ed of Ell franclilfl?B .and prlvllcKCS of doing buslntJEi a.n a foreign corporation" in Utah, and tJiat any representative of jniny bt^ prohlbltc<I from rnfjiiginK Ui lUi bohalf In UUs atate, Jool Nlblcy, attorney reproauil- Ing the Conmimem' Welfan* and Comnimora' Icopue, uppeared be- fore the nUliUen commtjsiion tc uflk tliat tho parent comp.'uiy ho; Included In the rate case In* eUlUted agulnsl UUih Power and Light.________ SLOT MACHINE DEADLINE SET Enforcement of the alato law re* gnrdlng Uio operaUon of slot ma- chlnea. no belnjr u n d e r t a k e n throughout tho state at Uie InaU- ^U on of Atty. Gen. Bert H. Miller, will oppiy to Twin Falla county ai wflU na others. • • This fact was made known Uils . ;tcmrKm by Sheriff E, F. 'PraUr who fitHxed to tho Evening Times Uxat ho had aot March 10 ao tho deadline for operation of vlcea. Ho oald many owneni Imd al- ready diacaided them and .otbera were expected__ to ImmedUUcly^ They will bo compcTTed'W on i after Thurodoy of next week, bo LABOR IRlUiPHS 01 MacDonald Forces Worried Over Municipal Favor for Socialistic Platform LONDON. Mar. !> ,n',iri--Lil>or candUiiiti'M. riitinlnjr on a platf( ovi-lalling wiUi the Socialistic !!;• ii'llJi u-JjfcIi llii'y " ’*** pJitfr 10 nc'xl Roik'ral cU'Ctlon. have hicn iiwepl Inin control of the London county council, relums In Ihc! municipal election iihowcd to* day. Ijibor Irailor;! Jubilantly regard- fvj iJji! rcUirmi iiii IndJraUun Uiat Ihir party will gain tremendously In Ihe next parll.amcnlary elcc- tlnn, when It plans to seek a ma- jority In tho houiio of commona I a platform Involving natlonal- .allon of ca.'!cnlhil inilustrlca. (Inrcrnmrnt A«»lolJ'» Though municipal cIccUons do . 3t reccuaarlly ahow deflnUoly Uie trend in national jiolltlcs, and in there were Imucs which :nter Into the next gen- eral elecUun. there wan reason for thn Jiatlonal coaJltJon govcmrocnt lo be gnively anxious, , Rom.iay MacDonald, prime mln* ■ tutor, heada ine government with but 12 fellow members ot his Na- tional Lalxir parly In the house of commons. Tho Cons'ervaUves, who support him, have <57 mem* Tho Lttlwr parly proper, haa repudiated MacDonald, lender, ^nd 'adoBted VET BENEFITS PLANNED Democrats RefuRo lo'Suppoft Adiminiatriitibn After Stormy- Cauciu------- WA.SillNCiTON, M;ir, 0 <L '.l:i— w ith the hiiu:m In open revolt, a I'ri'NidcnlUil veto apiMured today tr> Ilf Uiir only Ikirrler against vJrti(.-iJ t-limlnaUofi of thr. JP33 r-<.'onuiny lift which roiiuecd sal- arlivi It! fo<li-nil employt.l and dccroiuf.-d veterun.i' conipea.-wtlon. The hou.'io lradrt-:illli> c.iplluliit* nl lo tho ilenianJa of pay*cut •f.ilorallon iKlvocatcs after :i ^eiiiocratfc caucn.t I.' •.vhlcli fulled lo b:ml tho meinberi- o aupport lh(' admlniatration. It van of.TCi'd lo brlnjr tho Indo-? .lindenl offlcoa appn>jirlatlon bill up fiiiT con;tldcrailon ' lato next -Kinday or Tileiklay. The- imfrpcndi'fit orilcc.i WJI >nlalna ihe a]>proprUitlon;i for <lr-ra1 cmployc.s' aalaries and ;terann' compensation, CompromiHO -Doulitful Majority U'luler Joneph W. yma... i?cm..._rcnn,._ii-'il(t, iiJi no doubt that liie houso ould ii^rree lo acrept th': r.en— -c ami-ndmealii 'lO' in'’ -bm'.- iind iiiburtl, that it wuuW be poo- blo .t<j bring out a compromise propa-ial uatl:ifiu:tory to ttio ma- jority of the mcnibcnfhlp. "1 don't luiow whether Uio bill coiilil be whipp»Hl Into a compro- ■form, bt^ua/1 of tho prca- alTllinJc" ol me ineniutrsaip, lhat would bo' ticceplablo to the President,’' Bynw said. •Tlicrc’ la not any quc.^ion he „1 veto the bUl If It la prcae^t- ed to him aa It came from Uie itc," Bj-ms aald. Bonu.4 Vota Monday j Thf _ hoitfo .will Mnslder- -Uifl U .1 quentlon itondry. Uio l*ntman propoaal to pay the vetcmna with a 'J2,400.000,- 000 iaHuo .of greenbaclco la reach- ed before tho close of Monday's lii-.'ialon the houao will ImTncdlotc- ly tftJie up the lr.d«pcodent of- fices bin. fn a» erentrt tho np- • •jiroprlatlon.t mcruiuro will bo con- (ConUnued on Pago S.'Coluom 0) Seisure of Prominent Packer Foiled When Abductora Got Wrong Man OTTUMWA. la., Mar. 0 fUrj— An attempt to kidnap T. H. Fos- ter, pr«sldent of tho John Mor- rell and company, packing waa dloclosod todiiy «-hen it was rovoaled tbrta men laat night at- . tacJccd his son-lnOa'#, R. B. 'Ver- non. Vernon confirmed to. United Prcas that’ he waa accoatod but, escapcd vhcn he convinced bt*« attACkero that he «ns’ not Foa>' ter. 'Vernon was doslnp Ibe -.doora of tbo A'ara^o at his homo near the F o « c r residence, about 10:30 T>. m., last-alffht when tha. two i^ p e d out and seUc4 him. A third aioocl KUwd" The men spoka non saia U ftHS' -lltUe, ! [-Vcr- '40X5: BlCVEItLY H ILIA Calif,— I/Ota of no'.v.i. Mr. Rooaovrlt gives a veo' clear atatonirnt of what Uiey, arc doing to ulRiigliten outthcttlrmall. And you remember dap ago I wrote j-ou Uiat Iho ormj’ men leapeclally Uie pri^tea. army nolarj- Is very small), who had to leave their homo biuTaclta and pay for 'food, rooma and everything, that tho Rovenimcnt -hasn't given ’em nay extra montjy. Well. It's otlll like U wa-1 .then, only t)iey are moro broke Una thoy waa Uion. An old boy whoso plcturo nppcara before,mo. Zora’ A{;ba. don't m«m onj-thlng docs'It?' Well, kulles, you better wnka up. lor Zum la bn the looac, looking for Hls' H th wife, ^am Is IGO years old and a Turk. Zora Is comlDff to Hollywood. Yours, yf- ‘him. Seiinlns that they confuscd, ha said: . , — ;iVou'v»-got.^B-aaMiffr man." ■'Aren't you ,T. H. Fost«c3!’ one of tho kldpaners nskad. \: •'No," Vertloa replltii.. • ' , . 'IM F i eAilTUK; Indiana’B Attorney .Aaacrta Dillingw Helped by Bltia rNDlAUAPOLIS. . —Bvldonco Uat tha John DlUlaffer from Point JoU wM *n, volvlnc one' or w perodo'a gutcls ' Attorney Qeaoiti today. - . . . ' , > L-utz said Invastifabi allcsnd. tbot.. S:mut' ffcrprlDt fflttcrt at' * one ttJ0,pw<?;aMn' DUtlflgw. >bia to ftcoU-----


Jan 07, 2022



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.

w ith e r iForecastFair, tonight aad'Saturday: fmt-

Inr ieropenituiti at nl«ht. IIJRh •■J«t«nlay fll. low 20. low Uili .nwmlitjf, SO. .


— RoTdrnftinff-Wlll*-Bo-CoTTlnd

Out Over Week-End. to



Now BUI Will Follow Same

............Prindploff of- Control •

-------- BrTiiide-Body'— •

WASIUNGTON, Mar. D iUi;i— The aenato Innklnp commlltcc today c«tlc<J off Jtfl hcajlnR. on

the FJcLcher-nuybum slovk mar­ket control.bU) to permit revision erf Uie intMurc over the week- entl.

The commlttflo will LiJtc up Uic r«-(lnift«l mMwuro MonOay.

FerdUianl recora, ooiuwcl tor the eornmlltw. m lil thnt the bIJI Ba rcKlroftoJ will meet tho "critlcimn ot n ie r lf that liavc been 'leveled at the ortfflnal bill. It wUl follow the muno penenil principals 'u Ihe old bill' he cx- plaUiMl, with contrvl- vcottU In tha tcKlcmJ irado commlMlan.

It Ifl plMinctl to hold brief tie ln(pi on the revloed bill and rcT>on U to the aenatc late nwt week. of Iho iiudden chmif^e in jjaaa Uie ccunmltteo heard no

'•'iUeMca.tosiay. — .......................iloodny It will Iicar William C-

-. J pUct, rtalrmnn-of - thc-'battfd of the Quaroirty Trust company and Pcrey H. JohMton. c-hairman 'of ■Uie"New .York- Clcwlnp House UMoctalltift.

Capital Police Wait Six Hours But Nab SolonWASIirNGTON. ilar. !> il'.IU

—Uke Ihc rcIenUcrs rod-coat­ed - mountluji, two doURhty Wnahljipton pollcc or/Iccm had Uiclr n m today, tJjc nuin bv- Inff ncp. Fnincb H. (You

r .'L , Minn.. conKre.'o’ only cx-convict.

It took n flU-hour airirt ot Shoenmker'ii julte In the oKlce buDdlni' to Oo tin.* trick

as a result or ihe of/lcera’ coup Sli


Business Heads Urge Resffictibri Id'"

Pay Boost ..

r to

......................... appear111..police., courts

charge of luimiultlnK

CUA.N0E3 U ST E 0 WASHlN'OTON. Mar. B (Ui:)—

-C Ita• Rayburn ttnck-market bill-before

It la reported Ur tha senate 'was• lodlcat^ today by Senator .Dun­

can U. Flelehcr, Dam., Fla.He.llstod the following chanc«»

oa likely; ’UbcrallzaUon o f . martfin

aulrement provluiona to. make ___ them more flexible.

Revlaloii of the sccUoh Joillngrwith lho'WOT't»w^uxit«^>TW •

. to Jnftko It moA‘ dSnHlte.KxompUon of railroad arid

nlcipal accuritlen, ulreddy ailbjccl lo rtgulallon. . ;

Grant of power to tho federal trade commission to oxenjpt ' ’

• ixiln BCCurillM-lf advlanblc.Modification of roglAtratlon



Frcnchmon Report' Diicovcry

. .Of Lflgondory Olty Ruled

. By Quoon of Bbcba

J'AJW). Mar. D (I'.Kl — Th.-3 I-'rcnch oorkl explorers wiro- JcaMd from Djibouti. Africa, to* dky that they had dlacovcrcd'the joitt capital of the Queen of Sht* ba. •

Tha explorem. tho Frcnoh Cap- CoralffJion-ifoJlffnler and AJdro Mnlreaux. author, reiported IhAt they bad fJcrwn over tho leffcn- duy 'c lly from whltfh the queen come In blbleail tlmen to visit King Solomon In Joruaalesn.

The location of the cliy . _.. eh-cn oa near tlte norOicm Italts of 'Roba El Khatt, the irreat san­dy, dtaert. The trockleas wnaUs

- ‘Bvrt'nd"uwr ixu-t ot *oW3)o«ut«ra AJU.bla. towortlfl th e ,P «« lta gulf.

■■— ^AecoMlftfi—to" the tjttrteal—«c»- count In the Book of King:*, the Qi/een. of Shdba tvos fabulously wnllhy-' Hearing ot Uis wisdom fhft wonderful' workfl Solomon. «he camc to vKl£“ . . VrlHRlnc frent otorefl of Bold anJ aplcca............

asaault charge agnlnal tl« burley Mlnnenotun. Shoemaker lold ncwip.'tpormen •'Nobody can arrest me.” Ho cald the charge wa.i ii frame-up.

Detective Scrscanla •rioj’d Tru««lt aad JlownnJ Of;}!' flc! out after Shoemal(cr with on!- •era lo "Kct Uiclr miin."

Lone VIjjU

TJicy traced Shocmiikrr to Uie c.tpitcl and t icn to bb of* flee. T>iere they were iilwup- ed. They were unccrtjiln as to the congrcnsman'ii Immunity - from Houra pniied. U’lth mldnlRht not far away, back canic Shoumaker'a see*,' rtUry for tho third time. He; veni Into Ihe Otflcc. and came out grlnnlnjr.

"If you're wnltlntr for Mr. Sliowiakcr.” he imld. "Hu will be cIbJ to «ec you now."

So six houra after Uic nelRC bc ran, Shoemaker • wan escort* od to poiicc. .hc2dqwi2icrs, formally cJuirfc'cd und roli'Wicd



Burner to Elimination

Of Economy Act..............

. nr„- ,d„ii'rd » fitrpnillng ..r Atlori loy OVncnl Homut

>ii4tllulion:i Illy 'if till- feili'irul rniiTK-.Vhkh hlld l>.H-ii ronI.->t.-<l hy Comp-i-{'!irl n-fiisi'll 1,) hi)iu.r rxIM-iidlliireH

ICnborl 1>. Ki ihii. upper right, InN tM-icliiiil>iK to 1.-C't ai'thiii cin J.roji'cl.'*V<.rk'« n 'iit.-r. Siinir t.f III,'Ihc l<mr{' Ii'lt 111•0 K'l'iig 1lo fi-<-l tho



'jPariffrGhairman Urges House To AdopFl(ecrprocalTPropiam

bays Plan 'Is ‘ W ay * to Bo€



Innctive Suits Ordered Closed

By Judge;-Murder Hearine:

Colled for Monday


Army Aiimall Bomber Oraahes

From 500*Poot Altitude

Near Daytona

DAYTONA BE:ACH, Fla.. Mar. 0 nU!' — An army' aimuUI plane crftsbed bere today, kllllne a oet^fcant and Injur&ff tbo pilot and the redJo operator.. BoUj.motora of tliO'large Key- atoilo bomber corrylnff four sa. ‘ of mall to Mlamt cut out at olUtudo of 000 feet. Tho machine hurtled to - the tf«>Und, «m;uih- Injf up wlUi a. report heard three rnlWi away In paytoaa-Beach.

•• The deed flier la Set. Eraert Cbealey Belt. 20, .'Of WUkn? - ' Uo. 7^0 IhjCPcd fliert

Yillli'fn " “ ■■ ■■

rrlii'te ri’oj-d' B. Harsbal. Lta' .viirt, Neb., the radio cyerotor.

today when Judfre W. A. Babcock callcci the mUccllnncoun calendar. The. (tullfl were thouo upon whichno acUon had been taken fo r---than a year.

Two dlvorcea were rrantnl and the civil trial calendar for thf March term of dlnlrlct court, open- InK Monday, wofl net

Cloa RodRcrn waa fn-unted a de- ■ce. fronv M. T. ItodRcrs on hei

chorKes of crucUy, an<l Don Alscr waa Riven n almllar judpnent from Ada Alper. oh n denertlon aai' cruclty complaint. Both plalntlffi were represented by Bolhwell & Povcy, Twin Fallii nltnmeya.

Svvull Trial Monday Follflwlnp the criminal trial

Max E. Swttll; charjred wlUi m.. derofDore (Dude) Devail, Kllcr, which will open nt 10 a. m. Mon- • ly, four civil nctlonn will b« heard Joro a Jury, ris foliown:Mor. IG—UUl Bailey company t. M. Slatliln. Chapman i Chap- on for plalntlffB. Walters, Parry

& Ttioman for defcndanCa.Mar. 19—Homo Loan company,

by Ray D. Agee, attorney, vn. John Stoekamp. reprcncttted by Cliarlcs A. North. Western Poulto’ anil Produce company, by Bothwcll i: Povey, vs, Northwentcm Mutual Ffra Inauranco aajiocfaWon. with Martin Si &(artln, attorneys; John Stockimp, whoflc nttomcy Is Char­les A. North, vs. Merrill L. Ayres cl al. repreacnted by Ilaybom £t Raybom. '

Strong Home-BrewBanned. Man Findt

Three and lwo*tenthB per cent be«r-mBy-b*-leB:al-ln-Idaluv-but- aalo of home-brew havlnjf a stronj;cr klclc than tho lawful article, comca under the ban, Sheriff B. F. Prater said today ■folloTfliii'-'un eJ't-of.-Fmnk-qrpy: rc.ildUiff north of Flvo Points.

Prater ordered destruction of all liul a few of 40 caacs’ of bottled brew which ho aaya were found -at Cray's premlne.i. The man was arrentcl and face.n charset In court of llleROl liquor.


WASHINGTON. Mur. I) jKIH —The U«>lt«l 5U it« Clu,jnl>cT

nf Ciimmer«--o today prr*cnti-d fitronR opposition to I'rmldont

- i;^ (^e lf f»— wiproeal— -lurlff- preiHwahi' u n l« - i&yarer tnod- Iflod to providp further proU-c- llon for Amnrlciin hiMlnniH.'

WAaHINGTON, Mur. 0 (111 llobcrl L. O'Brien, clialrmun ... Uio United SUiU-3. tariff conjHib- nion, urKC<l conRrea.i today lo adopt President Ilooiievclt'n roclp- rociil tariff propoaalfl os "Ihi' on­ly way for u.i to rcsult:i Id our forcij,’Ti trade."

Conccmlnc casein. O'Brlai cx- pJal/icd:

" I did not knov.' what I t , wnu until thrrc yearn aj;n. And then I . found It i>sovlcle<l an excellent example of the burenucmtlc jiyii- tem under which wo are paylni; costal of production for tariff pur- panai. I -frtund there were /ik different way/i of aeltinfr up tho coi/tii of cjuneln njid 1 dtiregardcd Uiew' all.

’Tliere arc 10 buslnc.ui reaimni for bcinf; in tlio ,cov/ buslnc.ia. One of Uieao reniwna Is /'.klmmcd milk. And ibrrc nro li) vnn .Ticlmmcd milk. One la ciuicln. Sn every once In a while u famirr takes! a barrel of iikimmMi mllli diJrtTi to the caocla factory and ;lb IL"

Before Houso Cumnillt4y>O'Brien uppenre<t Iwforc -tlic

house ways and means commll' lee.

He .'Wild Uiat tho only dlffi cnce bctwren the present metliod (Continued on Pa|;u.3. Column IJ

- im m m

Mail Flier Falls to Death

In Blinding' anowstorm

Over Ohio

nWy i-/-pnrtisl the TvdlnCT bill

provldlnR for Independence of the J ’ZilIlppJfio laJ.-LnJfl jvithln

yearn.---^ --- ! _ Chairman—Millard. Il^'dlcga.


llUrtTON, O.. Mar. D (Ui;!—A ollndlnf^ onowslomi look (urtiier toll from tho ranko of .the army's airmail pllotn. today when Lieut Olto Welnecke, flylnfT fron\ New­ark lo Cleveland, craahed and was killed In a comflcld near here.

Llout. Weinccko waa moro than four houra overdue nt Cleveland airport when tho crash occurred. Aulhorltlen believed he had be­come l03t In tha tm-irllnp snow* storm, had cruised about four hours In an attempt to regain hia bearln'ffB and, flndltitr hla gan run­ning low, crashod In . trylnp to make an firnorgency landint.

All Planea Grounde»lThe snowstorm which caused

Uio flyer's dcatii waa so aovera that all fllRhU from .Cleveland airport ha.d been . cancelled, RroundlnfT both mall and pass* enRer planoa....

Weinccko loft Newark airport late laat nlglit and* was duo to arrive In Cleveland a l I'i'SO a. m. wIUj the night mall. Army offi* clida hud bccomo alarmed at his failure to arrive, and were pw- paring lo ■ aon'd out s'earchlnR plonen when newo of tho crash was rccelvcd.

Air Dive Returns - U se- o f- v f^ 'a .c uU ip fi

To Young MotherST, 1.0U19. Mur. 0

A iiliarp power dlvc In nn air- plane ccinipli'lely ri'iitornl the facitllies of a younir mnthor here who hii« ni'cn icmi»>rar- ily blind, deaf and npccchleiui for nix dayn.

. ' FfllnUnfT'an'thrr pllotr-pul-' hl.i plane 'into the plunfin from II hclRlit of 2,001) fvct. Mra, Vera llopklnn, wan taken lo Liimbert rieUl lioii- pltJil when Ihe tditp landed. Upon bclnn revived flvo mln* lilcK Inter ;ihr cnuUi nee. nprak and hear

Mni, Hopklnn luid ni'Vcr been In-un airplane before yc/itcrdny. an d RoDorlJion Airplane lie r v ic e offlclalii wer<!- Hlicptlcal iilwut the bcnvfltJi nf taklnjr.op the- piitient puJaeiiRer, but Pilot Joe Urad wiin a.inlj.'nc.d lo the tjuik and Mrs, IlopkUin waa loaded Into plane. She was accDmpanied by Clem Bacon, HoberUion office .manuKcr, who luild the pat/pfit mvooned junt after Head brf;an the dive.

veil It

H iM m


Favorable Report Returned by

Committee on Action for

Eventunl Freedom.

WASinNOTON. Miu-. 0 ilU!)— The senate terrltorie.n and Innular

Froduccn: Warned to Acccpt

-- Only-Federal.. Estimates

On Crop Size •

l''l(:uri'.'i cn^'liltil to J, c,'Jacub- cn, Jdalic. Fallu i>otalo dealer,

prcdlcllnfc Uial 217,000 carloadH of tubers will 1)0 iihlppvd thl.'i year compared with IST.HOO earn

u" dc!i|ilt,; rc'iHirt.'i of de- crcaiieil prcKluctliin," wnro chal* Irnpcd tiKlay by ii number; of ilealers ami jfrowiys al Klnibcrly,

iwhd polfit to dopartinent of a(;rl- j culture Htatliillca aji nol nustain- ' Injr Jacolwn'a contontlonii.

They aiincrl that the Idaho Kall.i nuin mu«l have been "K'uea.HlnK” and presmni-fl lo place hia pue.M in contradiction lo the figures Kathered liy tlic U. S, Kovcmment

laufncleu. who.' one grower aald, "have nt) Inlereat other'than lo report cdndlllona correctly and whone past reeonlii iihow that Uiey have been less than two per cent off In Ihclr fllati.itlcs durlriR the entire l-eRlmc of the dcparDhcnL”

J)l«,'ow)V» Ilrport

One' iiuinodly. In db- counting* the eastern Idaho report. aufrRested that If anyone ho-i sold potatoes nhort for April delivery on Iho ChleaKO exchanRC. or hoped lo lower pricc.i, in order to ac­cumulate .polaioe.t for later aale. he mlRht create flRurcn contra­dictory In those of Uio govern­ment. but added that since no actual survey hnd been made In Iclalio or in the oilier potato ntatea recently, Kues-llnp ahouU not be taken seriously unlcsa ' ■ "gues.icr" had a record for

(•k.jiiil lo-lay •If into hot V.-IIC If ho conform!!

the (jovcmmenl may charj wlLh collu-ilon (inil friud. iicorn:l Uie Blu

If 'he <

fipctlon of Ihe Kovernniciit pra'iecute him for violation of the national induiilrlal r.-covcry att,

' .SII(uitlon lo Piimdox Thill jwxniduxlcal ulltialloii h:i:i

re.'iched nuch a p;uu-i that CTi:irl‘ «, leadlnjr iiianuf.\oliirer :>i commercial atiitlunerj'. Im refu;i- «1 to do bualne,-!a with Uie piv- emnient. Tiiu jjovurnmcnl ll.HtIf, he thtnk.i. .ihoulil he Inventtjrnleti,

WTlie - fe<leral iroveniiiionl alnnr liol- Hl-fau1l,-«ir*yii-

ley, producer of bUHlo'W fiirtii- iiire. He chilmii that l)uiilni-.'i-i lu"? arc In a dilemma whenever Iti'y ncffollato wlUi any of the iiun-

■ UUKiiiand:! of iHiili',

i„Uit'r‘ latt-ri»:illy iirojKmii Hut the.

inly.11c iiKencleii.

Iiivt 1 ll-pu

ln;r-bu.-dne;i.Tmen i.i-n -eomplieii one, b.’uie<! upon the promise t conj,Ti‘.vi appiirenlly has 'cniic

infllctlnjr laws,' Onethat the Kovemmrnt, InK anyUilnir, mtirt ei-pl

ixlw of faircrL-atln>r adoption of

iCfJnjpr'tJU/vi. TJiei.i- *luenlly Include the i>o.'iUn,’; jpen price lists. No-*- ihen, o iilder the lij-pothcUcal auie of I war (li'parlment buying' .“<>! ditch dl^-KinC macJilnery.

O j«n to ProBecntloii If nU 0:e flvichlnery jjiali:

lire openitlns under the et>.le fair competlUon, Iholr pricc.-t (ConUnued on Pa^e 2, Column

be rc;tLrlctedln;r the avrni|,'c

NUA tlH-n w :i>)aiulon

and rats" prici-a by a mualli'r liiar;;ln llian v.-oul'l a ciimtilnatlo; I'f- rHuei-l • ami -Inr.riamt

. .lJidualrldll:iU-_ "C',i''n.lly_iaMni tlial tin- iiclniial;itnit!Mn plan would piTlloitily Inrri'a Uterehy ret|uem;r the ' l)U.~lnc.'ii hi.'0;Ui;ie wuultl ho oul of n-:i<:h of tin- e<iiimim,T.

Opposos riilii Ccor;:.- 51. Uouaton, ' j>re..,l<lci ............................ ■ 2111101;

Worla and- cbalrmim of tlic capital (:i*o<bi eoTiimllti'e seleclwl (Continued on P»Ke Column 3)

Dem„ Md., said Uic 'eommlttco action wafl taken wlUiout ft roll- call. Senator WUIlam II, Klnjr, Dem., Utah, author of a bill for Indeiicndence wlUiln Uiree lo five yeara, told the United Preiia tiuit three members of tho commillco

re nKaimit Uie Tydingn 'bill,'I Puhftll flpht It on Vic floor

of m acnate, but I do not In tend U) flllbUHtcr it." KUij; oald

Tjtiinfrn mid ho expectc<l to report the bill to the senitlo cai-ly next week and hoped for prompt conslderaUon.


Movie'-Fiirm FiicB-

‘Rasputin’ AppealLONDON, Mar. 0 il'.i;) — rtctro-

Goldwyn-Mayer, Ltd.. filed an ap­peal today agalnBl a vcnllct f^imt* InK Prlnce.ns Irlnya You>iQU|wft damaRcs of £25.000 (5126,600) and coati In her libel lailL

A Jury found thnt Iho princcsa afl llbelletl In a film deplctlnR the

nlaylnp of • the mad monk, Rns.' putln. In which tho character Na- tashn la represented as having ticcn seduced by lh?r monk.

Everybody W ill

Be Talking About

.“Alley Oop”

Before long, you will be say­ing tlmt "Alley • Oop" la Uio funnlc.1t chamcter on the comic page.

He's that dizsy, but likable niugh-hou.-io cavc man, who will appear In tho new.comic

atrip, which ntarU In Uiia

“ l'«l'«l'"Saldra£‘y--------------


Attorney General Asta Court'

To Oust Elcctric Bond And Share Firm

SALT LAKE C ir r . . Ut Ui. Mar, 0 (i:i;)—ClwrclnK that lacked . proper authority, Utah Sbito Attorney General Ja-irph Cher, today hud before the third dhrtrlct court a challenge nRaini ri^ht of the Electric Bond an Share company of New '\‘brk lo do business In thLi «iate.

TVd carry on Itn contmct wlUi the Utah Power and Li{:hl com­pany, Ches declared the eajitcm firm must first qualify as a < pomtion under requiromcntii Utah law.

. Vrgr.i Ouster

In tn nn- under Uio corporation act: that, under the corporation francIiLn act,. Uio court Impoae ft fine of nnt. mofo Ihfin Sfi OOQ nfalrml the firm; Uiat tho company t>c "oust­ed of Ell franclilfl?B .and prlvllcKCS of doing buslntJEi a.n a foreign corporation" in Utah, and tJiat any representative of jniny bt prohlbltc<I from rnfjiiginK Ui lUi bohalf In UUs atate,

Jool Nlblcy, attorney reproauil- Ing the Conmimem' Welfan* and Comnimora' Icopue, uppeared be­fore the nUliUen commtjsiion tc uflk tliat tho parent comp.'uiy ho; Included In the rate case In* eUlUted agulnsl UUih Power and Light.________


DEADLINE SETEnforcement of the alato law re*

gnrdlng Uio operaUon of slot ma- chlnea. no belnjr u n d e r t a k e n throughout tho state at Uie InaU- ^U o n of Atty. Gen. Bert H. Miller, will oppiy to Twin Falla county ai wflU na others. • •

This fact was made known Uils . ;tcmrKm by Sheriff E, F. 'PraUr who fitHxed to tho Evening Times Uxat ho had aot March 10 ao tho deadline for operation of vlcea.

Ho oald many owneni Imd al­ready diacaided them and .otberawere expected__to ImmedUUcly^They will bo compcTTed'W on iafter Thurodoy of next week, bo


MacDonald Forces Worried

Over Municipal Favor for

Socialistic Platform

LONDON. Mar. !> ,n',iri--Lil>or candUiiiti'M. riitinlnjr on a platf( ovi-lalling wiUi the Socialistic !!;• ii'llJi u-JjfcIi llii'y " ’*** pJitfr 10 nc'xl Roik'ral cU'Ctlon. have

hicn iiwepl Inin control of the London county council, relums In Ihc! municipal election iihowcd to* day.

Ijibor Irailor;! Jubilantly regard- fvj iJji! rcUirmi iiii IndJraUun Uiat Ihir party will gain tremendously In Ihe next parll.amcnlary elcc- tlnn, when It plans to seek a ma­jority In tho houiio of commona

I a platform Involving natlonal- .allon of ca.'!cnlhil inilustrlca.

(Inrcrnmrnt A«»lolJ'» Though municipal cIccUons do

. 3t reccuaarlly ahow deflnUoly Uie trend in national jiolltlcs, and in

there were Imucs which :nter Into the next gen­

eral elecUun. there wan reason for thn Jiatlonal coaJltJon govcmrocnt lo be gnively anxious, ,

Rom.iay MacDonald, prime mln* ■ tutor, heada ine government with but 12 fellow members ot his Na­tional Lalxir parly In the house of commons. Tho Cons'ervaUves, who support him, have <57 mem*

Tho Lttlwr parly proper, haa repudiated MacDonald,

lender, ^nd 'adoBted


Democrats RefuRo lo'Suppoft

Adiminiatriitibn After

Stormy- Cauciu-------

WA.SillNCiTON, M;ir, 0 <L'.l:i — with the hiiu:m In open revolt, a I'ri'NidcnlUil veto apiMured today tr> Ilf Uiir only Ikirrler against vJrti(.-iJ t-limlnaUofi of thr. JP33 r-<.'onuiny lift which roiiuecd sal- arlivi It! fo<li-nil employt.l and dccroiuf.-d veterun.i' conipea.-wtlon.

The hou.'io lradrt-:illli> c.iplluliit* nl lo tho ilenianJa of pay*cut •f.ilorallon iKlvocatcs after :i ^eiiiocratfc caucn.t I.'

•.vhlcli fulled lo b:ml tho meinberi- o aupport lh(' admlniatration. I t van of.TCi'd lo brlnjr tho Indo-? .lindenl offlcoa appn>jirlatlon bill up fiiiT con;tldcrailon ' lato next -Kinday or Tileiklay.

The- imfrpcndi'fit orilcc.i WJI >nlalna ihe a]>proprUitlon;i for <lr-ra1 cmployc.s' aalaries and ;terann' compensation,

CompromiHO -Doulitful

Majority U'luler Joneph W. yma... i?cm..._rcnn,._ii-'il(t, iiJi no doubt that liie houso ould ii^rree lo acrept th': r.en— -c ami-ndmealii 'lO' in'’ -bm'.- iind iiiburtl, that it wuuW be poo- blo .t<j bring out a compromise

propa-ial uatl:ifiu:tory to ttio ma­jority of the mcnibcnfhlp.

"1 don't luiow whether Uio bill coiilil be whipp»Hl Into a compro-

■ form, bt^ua/1 of tho prca- alTllinJc" ol me ineniutrsaip,

lhat would bo ' ticceplablo to the President,’' Bynw said.

•Tlicrc’ la not any quc.^ion he „1 veto the bUl If It la prcae^t-

ed to him aa It came from Uie itc," Bj-ms aald.

Bonu.4 Vota Monday j

Thf _ hoitfo .will Mnslder- -Uifl U.1 quentlon itondry.Uio l*ntman propoaal to pay

the vetcmna with a 'J2,400.000,- 000 iaHuo .of greenbaclco la reach­ed before tho close of Monday's lii-.'ialon the houao will ImTncdlotc- ly tftJie up the lr.d«pcodent of­fices bin. fn a» erentrt tho np- • •jiroprlatlon.t mcruiuro will bo con- (ConUnued on Pago S.'Coluom 0)

Seisure of Prominent Packer Foiled When Abductora

Got Wrong Man • •

OTTUMWA. la., Mar. 0 fUrj— An attempt to kidnap T. H. Fos­ter, pr«sldent of tho John Mor­rell and company, packing waa dloclosod todiiy «-hen it was rovoaled tbrta men laat night at- . tacJccd his son-lnOa'#, R. B. 'Ver­non.

Vernon confirmed to. United Prcas that’ he waa accoatod but, escapcd vhcn he convinced bt*« attACkero that he «ns’ not Foa>' ter. ■

'Vernon was doslnp Ibe -.doora of tbo A'ara^o at his homo near the F o«cr residence, about 10:30 T>. m., last-alffht when tha. two

i ^ p e d out and seUc4 him.A third aioocl KUwd"

The men spoka non saia U ftHS'

-lltUe, ! [-Vcr-

' 4 0 X 5 :

BlCVEItLY H IL IA Calif,— I/Ota of no'.v.i. Mr. Rooaovrlt gives a veo' clear atatonirnt of what Uiey, arc doing to ulRiigliten outthcttlrmall. And you remember d ap ago I wrote j-ou Uiat Iho ormj’ men leapeclally Uie pri^tea. army nolarj- Is very small), who had to leave their homo biuTaclta and p a y for 'food, rooma and everything, that tho Rovenimcnt -hasn't given ’em nay extra montjy. Well. It's otlll like U wa-1 .then, only t)iey are moro broke Una thoy waa Uion.

An old boy whoso plcturo nppcara before,mo. Zora’ A{;ba. don't m «m onj-thlng docs'It?' Well, kulles, you better wnka up. lor Zum la bn the looac, looking for Hls' H th wife, am Is IGO years old and a Turk. Zora Is comlDff to Hollywood.



‘him.Seiinlns that they confuscd, ha said: . ,— ;iVou'v»-got.^B-aaMiffr man."

■'Aren't you ,T. H. Fost«c3!’ one of tho kldpaners nskad. \ :

•'No," Vertloa replltii.. • ' , .

' I M F i

eAilTUK;In d ia n a ’B Attorney

.Aaacrta Dillingw

Helped by B lt ia

rNDlAUAPOLIS. .—Bvldonco U at tha John DlUlaffer from Point JoU wM *n, volvlnc one' or w perodo'a gutcls ' Attorney Qeaoiti today. - . . . ' , >

L-utz said Invastifabi allcsnd. tbot.. S:mut' ffcrprlDt fflttcrt at' * one ttJ0,pw<?;aMn' DUtlflgw.>biato ftcoU -----


Pago Tvfo rPAnn E\n;NiNr, time s, t w in f a u .s. idaho ' '

SCORE coiipyc- s. B I D O l

Leaders Asacrt NRA nncl Pant

. , Laws Vary on Low Price


/Coritlnuetl finm r*it~ Onr) iv<* brrti Icnfm-n In cacJi olhi 111 ill all IIU.-III1C-XI liu'lr blrln !<• war (I'.-vartircnt will Ir* i<lc L-ul It. Uii; fr;ic:i.i!l, Tt;;it 1k-i

1 con.iiJi-ii'.l jiriiivl'lriicr i.f frmj.I I

tISE B O L I SN P A y s m s

Roorcvelt Veto Appears Only

.Barrier to Elim iniition

O f Economy Act

(ConDnUfd from Pni:<' One) iTrd biiiiu'diatcly iiftcr t iu-1 (Hjc.-it1<iii In (ilKj»o.Kil Ilf. ;i«'al«T llonry T. IlJiliify, Drm.f , Mill ih;it ii;u::i;i}:c of tlii.' ia'n-

aiiiciKlmciiL'i l;i cnllii'ly upIlii- IUpiib1lc.-ui iiu-mljcni.If tlicy wanl to iiiaiii' 11 jxill

llcKi l.n.iiK--of thbi thlni: IhiTc (■ .ljULwlll,

-•ra flout 111.- nine JCai w.-r ;m>l j)ay wanr.i hr cutle J<-ivlv. tJi.i'r IM.i will bi- Tlio lo-.vcMl u-lll Kcl tlic hiL'iliii-r i. On.' la'.v j>mvl(li,-.T Dial Iia\- blj. iliT!! .■ih.ill win bul lliu otlii.T layn

— llii* - iw-biiiilrr opm .to pronecy. lion for vlolmlnK llu; NIIA.

’liiniiiH liilu rin> Ti-.')tlnioiiy btfcin' General John-

“ Ton'n 'rotlr*TCViatnn"'ctTtifvrvncrs"2R* illcat«-n tuliHwjuenlly . lltiL cvrry tln if 11 l)U3!no;iii inari blJn Jiccorcl- Injr 1(1 the cfxlm lie jumps froin 111.: frj'lii): p in into lla- firo. Kv. rrytlitu^ Jic j;,TK>rr.ii Hia coJcii. wltiir.-iwa cluiri;.! fiirllifr. Ju- Jiliiipa from Uit amiH ol Uii- devil inlo thp .K'l'p Wild W'.-i.

Tlirai' factd ht>ia not only In tlu‘ cn.v ( if Oil! foli;riJ K’ '-'crn- j)iirnt, lull of 3.03U cinmllc!! lu Uii- United Stalrti, thoimndH up <irj tliuuKindfl of cKIca iin»f town':,

• and u prfAvlnK’ lint of. ncml-jmbllc• unwicics, IncluUlnK tlic Hi-d CiTj-ui

and tlic fcdorfti rciervd biinltg, which n w n rd eonlr.iclfl to t ie

- • WJder. - --

i i F F i mj p p i o i m i

Stiffrni rnuTtliml Mll>Roy KinK', IV'ln KjiIIh, wlio

Injuml In on auldjnnbll.- an;i< tlil-1 wccic near K(m(ii.Tly. (h at hwipltiil rccolvlne trp:vttncnl fr fmeturpd lilp, which Me aufft durlni; (he itccldi-nl.

JJwjjp Irvni JJoilHX T/J/i

"S n y a Kcclpr6ca l''P r60ra:n 'TiF

.. “ Only W a y " to Boost

U. S. TnicJo

(Conllnufi<l from Pnec One) nr -flxlnL- tartffn -anrl Ua- r>ro.

' nu-lhod ■■■ liu i llio liitt.--.-wni Work.’................................

" I ln/.l3t," he iwld, •'Uicr * Ir jwmcthlnt; to t>e Mid for n nyn- tcm wlilcli will nilow llu- Trcul. tlcnt to 1 dun't 2/C1.why' tJicfc Is ofi{*ii5lUon to thii oy;itcin and fawr of Uiu jircm-nt ny.'ftcm which o;icrntcn In thi :;;Lnic u-oy but doco not Kut ro milLa,”

‘ 'CHo« Tcmiiitott*" ■ O'Brii-a tociU n» lUimlmtlona

thi- c;wi'.‘ of tomaloM and coflcIn. -...........

Concerning tomiit/jc.1 lio icild t li «; r u wen- ut Icx-it 0,000,000 fiwvi-r.i In tliLH ciiimtry and loaat C.oa3,00n dlffurrnt cohIs -of f>r»«JuciJo/!.

" I <K'.'y nnyonc to find ,Uic e.-i- act nvi-ragc coiit of tcimato pro'

icUon fiir'Uio'Ittinjf of t irlffii,’

trlji to cnaal and ;wi-.'ilom mnrkullnx rcnterB. liii Hjnnf'tbo p.i.'it rcvcpjl buying,' ilil'fch&ndbc.

Vflloii It«Tovrrliijj Ci-dl L, Y<'lt(in, iiiaiiaKvr 'i ifi- Stin;itionp atrcot Safrjmy nor: nM In lh<: Jiii.'tpltaJtoiliiyn’cnvi'i

jDC_;.'u!t/T','Cli>rf)y ,frnnv_,anKCiiey iijijicndlntlomy, ivliicli iiundcwcnt late yf.iterd;iy,

Sluiiafirr VinltA 'K. J, AlUlfi-'ion. illrlricl n'lan

aRcr of tho MoiintaM Sliitr TpUjjlitini' anil Tcli'ijriiph com

Sans of Late Senator

^Atteiur Ojic-ulnff’ c f----

__Iow a Play

10\V.\ (,'ITY il'.l;i li;ii;.IIIL- lire t.r till- lali- Srnat.

M. l.n K.illi-ll.-.of U- win Ik- ll f.l^^ l ;il Hr. Uii

Nti>:iii>i>r,'' ''anotih-rj/\, Uoii Aj^iiinst Annoy;uicc by

Will I ,'cSi Airpiunc. viowtd «=tr«)n':- -rpmiii'-l.v-Ihld -JIIK-- pi^.-!-,— . -ToHl-Cnt'C - - —


i K I l l E i l i R K i H E M l i

MONTRKALi t'l:. Tlieqne

■Who owhii th- alnriMee?"

cdjiie l)-.fore llie ciiiirla

or nolllciiienl.An lndi),^Innt iniliuibaiillr.

u.yed at airj-lan.L-i riyliij: (ive:

»<idiiiiin;riiftiiiriuii.ii)rraiitiici ir till- vdi kniri <iiirp-i iiiviiii..SldU'ii In wlil<-h luMlimn:!

iillioriw-d. Include: Miriaoiift ......Ncbtanlia Iwri; Odorailo'11; Wy-

Inc l!i; ldalii> ;>-J; ■cclmcT (lald location

(-ainp i aiith'iirl7.<'il for I

today by Ui>b.-rl Kcchncr. dlri.-clor if (-lni'n;rncy con;i'-r\’alli>a worli. riu' clianK.-H will iipply during tlu- lilrd rnmllnii-nt' period, utaitini:

April ! and tiujllniilni; fur :ax inonlli:;. „

l.tC.K, \

News of Record

Ma.rriaga Llccnsca

Ir. and -Mm, Jack SmiUi, Tw! Ill, arc llie parents of « boy 1 ye.'iterdiiy at Uio hoapltnJ,

D istrict Court

I'aclfic Coa.nL Joint Stock Land lali V!i, J, O. Ticc- for fore-

lorccluaurc of two farm mortKORM- Oao la for Sa,SOO and Uic other fur S'.',300. Ccorj;e.Donart, Welncr nt- V‘n'“>i-''i'pri"n^n’’J ih>~ pinirmff


I city .1 city .

Ni-A- York .......Pocalelli. ........ -JHSail I-ilu- ....... .IfiSim I'Yaiicluco-.-VSSi-.ittlc .............. .11TWl.S 1--ALUS....30

llMon . , -I Yelluw^toncr ... HO

I.ow I ’roclp.



Dakota Youth Dies At Hospital Here

i-ivil WalterK, 23. rcjildcnt of r.irlh Dakota wlm him been living

.M l Srienil!! nt'' P«ft few wopUh. <llrU of pneumonia at the lio.spiial 111 10:05 thb niomlni;.

' ,'ntiTcd the lioitpltal Murta

Thr yrmth had nii rHatlve.i here, KlH fathrr In expcctnl tn arrive Inna the ea. it tonioriow. The body rriita a l llic Kvuna and John.ion rimenil home.

iu-:av> t jik timicm w a n t a d s


Chamijcr W ill A a lfFrco Tolls

. For Vialtora Coraing to ■

Oily April 3

Twin I'Hllj Cliombcr of Com-

inercu bonrd of Ulrectorn In week­ly luncheon scMlon toddy look

itepn to make Aorll 3 a pain day in Twin Kalla in a decbilon to iink thu owners of the Twin Kalla- Jcromi: Intereounly hrldge to pTint frco lolls to rcaldenta north of Uie river denlrtnR .10 view the new ■Uliiail-mifl(rthihi-huro“ ll,a{'ilayr—

SchcdulM call for Uie train Rolii}; i « on the main, line from Bol.n; .> MlnldoHa without atonplnir. It

w((( be in iwtn falls ull day Tueo- day April 3. ivccordlnR lo Inforniu- tlon recclvcd by the Evealng Tlme.n In reaponsc to ‘Li InvltaUnn. to *!•_ ■Union Pacl/id officliila to bring ihc' tniin'hcre.

Uoporla were rccclvcil at the niu(‘tln(; from Bert A, Swcel, prcnl-denl, who went to (i conference In---Oplcn tlila week! and from Newell S, Wlcht. accretnry, who reported nnH'tlnK with favorable reception at the hanilfl of Gov. C.,Ben Rowi ’ In rcffnrrJ to propomila to reduce or eKmrnato tolla over the hifjh brldfi,:. lydtteni from Congrcwmun Coffin '

cncournKcment lo tho reccnt ) of Ihe t«ard. In attempt to

Ket Twin l-'allfi on nn alrmuil routo ■ r the new army mnll sct-up.

New Title GivenPrivate Aviator

CHICAGO lU’i—The oporVnmivn pilot, lhat carefrcc gentlcnian who cavorta tfie air lancfl ori‘ rice min- - • ny dny.i uad variously dc«j^iit«l ‘'prhnio." “Rolo” nnd "aiudent'' pilot, hft« cntcrcii nnoUier aiatua,

llcnci-forUi he will be known i>fflclnlly an .‘'amateur pllni," nu- conllntf lo amcndi'«l dcpnrtjncnL

■ iimnerce rcKulaliono._,,c iimaleiir , pilot ratine In at-

lalnoU' ttftsr- 2A-h0u«-noJQ nylni,' — \ flijTht twt.

la a B B B IB B t fB a B B H B a H B B a M IR a ia u 'R M M M H B B



h." mid.Under

O’iirlcn Mill tluit hi. would liko Ui iH-ctlim 330 of the U rlfl bill, perlalnlnj: to cicita.of pro­duction, repealed and the I’reaU deni'll pro|X)naJ-.i for reciprocal tiiidc- nulcitltuU'd.


•NRW YOrtlC (U.b -• A li \Yhlch him tho poiver of dcloetinp miiirnelle wavcii orlKinatliij.' nt the miifrnctlc p<iJo, tfiou.wnc/if of ftillr.'i uwny. Imn bi-cn dlncoviTcd In Pnrlji,

Thl.i unique fiicully waJ>.ol».• nrn-od In cxpenmenta conductcd

l>.v Marcel Rohind In llie jimall »• OP vivarium, of, the I’nrla .Muiieuii The becUfl which l.'i limnvn to ri lo;nolof:Ula n.i the lelrphnnn'. wii U<-d wUh.a jitrlnfT, U.T iniivemrnUi unlilndored wlthl nthi radlim pro-

— v’Uioa.~ Ai i.'f n 'fmv-f.r,giimtiMiiiri'ir lli< nnlonnilp nnd phuo mnneuver-

— Infr.-tht?-be'‘t1(*-p'n<'ed lUrtilf pajul-, Ird to Ull." terroiitlid mapietlc riir- ri-ntJi' dIretllDn. Alllif>ui;h .■'hlfleil

• tlir Irk-phoi-U/i almo.'it Ini- — uivillatL‘b’_tc.'jum?'l.Jl«.p.'’'.'i>*'"'.f'‘.''-.-.

inn the pqU—-precrdcd by lhi: uy- iial oa.'itlnj; about 'if tin: nnleanau ;lnd a few trial lyKiy movcinrnL'i.

icra a l Boliie today, followliij: iwo-day vb lt hero, diirltij; which time he confern-d wllli .M. K. Dollln.7. local m»n;iKiT.

r i lw Dl«-om'rv\rtI«nSuit for jllN'orcc h;u been flknl

In dl-ilrictjj:ourl by Mm, Ma<la- IjTine Hocklnwin aj;aln!il Chirencc 1 '. ■ Hocklnnmi7~allejTli'fr” 'l'-?i'crticn. •Tht- couplu •jn.'\rric<l at., Bpulder Colo,. Jan, 33. lOJH. and becaine

par:ll..<l March 1, 1033. A. J. Jlytra Is utWrncy for Ihe plain tiff.

•fl'Alr-llnc. Tnibi .Ilerl A, Sweet, Chanih.'r of Corn erc« prtaldi'jil. and H, P. Kobln n, inanaRcr. of the J. C, ivnnoy

company More, ivccoiiipiuili'd by Mrs. Sweet and Mra. Rohln.'ion. home fniin a trip to Oi;don Salt Ijd<ii;whire the men Iran.' i-d bUMlncaii Thi' party vliwod th-- new tinlon Faclfle nlr-lltn- iniln al 0/;dpn Wedncadiiy, ami pVono

:nar\'cl. .

whielir Go

,villThe prodiu-lliin. pri-:«'ntcd hefore f l'hlll[> I-i I'ellelt.................. ... .

1 y.'imlor Jj/»l Mrx ii-.berl M. I'olli-Ue, will mark u new e|«:c llie hlatory <if Ilic

. I'niducinirijirrtiil.eisof plaVH bv ren.i-ni/ed drmiiatuib.

Worlt]'.s Liircest W ater Line

W i!l Supply Ciilifomiii

Coiiinitmiticr; ,

. - LOS v\.\QELi::5. , 'U::..-. -The.,;re:ite”t ai|ii-"’ticl liillll In lli.- his-. ;iiO’ " f miin In- <iiiti‘iia|'- IMu-ac-r-i

year of coiiatnicllim 11 leni C..lifuml;i.

- cDiirt to liri-p them l;i-A’yclTi i::iy that•ciilil dear up a n'1 that,

Seven In jured BySubmarine Blast <

’ l>rr.v rli.vel.i).


KAN UliiGO. Ci.•!-lfiii:<ly

I nl|:hl.

l/;.vl»;!.-r In »!<'■ laibmarlnr Nail- la inakln;; 1:dlta-olf lhu I

_ t o n it e AND s a t .o r d s t :Over :100 Inflated »:iII»oil* .vlll \U- Dropped from.N;ct |

DurliiR Daiicc*! _ .1 .Miinf.'1-av.. ahow iitarLi at 8 V. M. tonlKlit. The Cum Dnncc j OrclK-.iiris thr <litncr at H:30 I*, iJ.. and prlcr.i

;iuplc lor for the (jcntlrmcn r .........................,. dmitti'd), Bxlm I,rfidlen sind gE Chlhlreh lOe, ' ..■

'I 'of l.ind c.irrl-:a ■.vilh It -j;i |<if .-v-TVtblni: l!i;it exteml;

'Li.aiiJ_bdQ',V-U..-. _____i„Kulli

llKillon.NS IN <)»i;i;oN i ' :N T K U J ‘ i : i .s r ; , Oro. n'.i

4ount;ita .lihcep lilill lyclal. In Ihii. <-mi>to ]>hice:i <if thin countv,•;il wr-'ko offlciula n-tH.rL The

imlirr In uncertain. Ilan!;rn fn.- ■ently aei- Irackt!,

IB B B B B B B B B B B B B ia B B B B B B B B a B B B B B f lB H B ia i l ,

H A M n a T O N ' S j■ Tiic PolJowinff PrJccu Are in Effcct Saturday and Monday j|

jinmlMlonen* Ketrim County conimbwloncni, reccaaed '.ilrr<lay lo meel n[;iiln \Vedtu!i

ja y In r(pccl«l nc.-wli-in for Ut<- rtxi sldcnvtloii of a propo;ar!iubniltl<.< ly J. W, Ixilcr, nn out of iitat' eiildenl. for the Ica.nltii: of Uu- oimty liOKpltal, to act on county

: Grange W ill Meet

t l'iiinomi Crnnce Will ni"el nt le fnir };n>und.i ot l-'llcr tf.mor- iTivv In one of lCi.rr>:ular iic-ialona.

iJi'hlcli ure conducted every other uiontfi. U wan '/st:clr<l l<Kl:iy t/y Thyitm.M I-arltn, Jlnbl. I'-n riratlK"'' Itia.'iler,'TlK- jie,|<aion Will open at i . rii. and will contliitK- tbioiii;Ihe day. with imliet; lunch helns

• *i :v. d at tho.noon hour.



.Jonad of^r-r.Kl:.John Slewart. arndcni->l In pro­

bate court Wednwdny, tcKlny re- ijuivit(.d the court to vviilvc prelim- Inar}' lii-arin>,',(nrt lor .Monilny, nnd wail Ixiund over li. annwer fcrcery charges In Ihe tie.'<l term of dt.Mrict court. Juil>;c Cuy L Kinney fixed hill IximW'tit $1000, .Stewart l:i at- cuiii'd of iittomplinf: lo pawi a clii-ck .nipied by Dcnlila Sleivart al a Biibl ulorc I''eb, 7.

TH-. first- A ’Dii rlran-.' clDcks

fl,i4{nall}:^'iU!_U‘£.• iL-nn clvi'u onc-ttoO' hoii»c!»T llv<-d In by Kuriiue.m« in

Cotf-;v. *l<en (Irrt .Ixtroduced., watt eomlrlertd ISTpXlCATlNO

- -by -tl.e-MoliamuiB<ltaniherefMC." prohlbltrd by Iho

if iu W. ,\V. Qiillllari. Oalili-y, Mltcr''<l.lh<*_hr>apltnl a.sji m la-iU patient tod,'\y ami Mm. Tino Cee, Burley, entered lo undergo an pperallnn. Dlmiila.’iol. were Claude

W.-llri-r, Twin nilUi, GrraM Wll-: „;::pu'rTryr:5rn.r-75ia~-c/>.iH-i'.Twin I-'Hll.i, Hetty May, ]A).iier, Twin rnlla. .'ihil llev, G. f;, GeM-

ilte. Iluhl. all lifter opemtlona .... , Mifl Sally Hu iMr.'s .Shuiilioiic. jin. Mrs, Ilalph Sliipml an.l hatly :«in. Twia iVdln, nie<ltoi| pau'ent.i.\'|.ai Cwur d-Aloiie

a U' Kl.-idJ, a».V)f.fali-,l A ..O . Mii-llalid ln_ttu- :iah t,lo(;li in llie Idahn .Molla-r K.ild niln-., lucalcvl lirir Mu . Ill Ihe Coclir d'AIcni'fl, roltini'-d .j'catenl.iy with n party of ei;:ht per.''iini!, IntiTi'Jili-Hl In viewing properly. Stark cr'"'!.'' <aon; lld ly than he had. expecli l, wHIi three i.hUUi ‘ opemtlri;, nnd elii- lililj-mriit liicr/iiMd fXleii-ilvcly In Ui<t n-;,-loii.-. AV.U'-'* fromM.-IO to Ji3.60 'dally. The parly •aent by ■'ftiitimioIKIc, and en- nountrrixl Iit|4i? snojv, Slavic itiyit.


\VA.‘)HIN'ai'ON, Mur. P .I'.iri— The ndminl.itriillon’fi bill for e.Mnb- llnhmcnl ,pennnm'ni iilrninll acodce in.Rcconl wnlh Prefildent Hqowvrlt'n roeomntoniUtlnnfi Introduced In the senate loday by Senntnr Kennelh L'. .McKclhir.

’rovliilon made f<ir nwanllrK e'e year contracU to airmail

companlva under,u policy of open blddlnj; by conctmn which have divorced themSelvea of some of tho avlla charRcit to those whnso contmcU were cancelled, v




Ind ian Girls Oppose Shoshone

Twin Falla W iU Meet

dooding Maidens

l in n - . >far. n (S i.oc in l)^' Tiiri'c Class A ti-am.s. aii>t- inu-

Cinw! H Ki-xtol H-ill-i)iitilr it oilt loniKhi in smi-finniK n f' th<'

'-r<liM>riol-(;laK><-A-(:iaKK ll-huKkttU liall loiirmuMcnl. Ihtc.

. . riayiiiK tjcfore ii crowili'ji pyiti in aripnidfiti iiiul morn- iiiC so-vsioiis Tliiirsdiiy, I lie four

, si-iiii-finalis(« won llipir ojiun- gflinr-'i. yc.studay.-.iii_-rniyi

IJmt. wcrn piKiki'd witli llirillK' <hroiiK?i(Hif. Fdiir TIjiss IJ (caiiiK

,V'pro nliminatcil a*! a ri’Mili oft-iip-'riuirs(ia:;"Tlaslin!C— ....... ...

Tho achrOulu for toniKtil:H p. m^Shaihono \i. Uulil.0 p. m^Ttvlfi FiiU» w. aood*

ln«.Tcama cllmtnntrtl from competi­

tion following Uia Thurnday jranicii wcro Bellevue, Oltnna Kerry, A l­bion nnd MurUuRh.'

Scorcfl of the Hit yeflterJay: ,

HhMhoao 4G. DcUovuc 32.Hum 20, tllciiiu Ferry 17.Tn7i> l-Ul* 4], >H.(iooain^ 30, Murtuli{li 17.

Winnern of tlip .tcml-flniil jramcji • lonl(rlit will mrfl nl 8 p. ni..8at*

tirOay for the district rlmtnpl<in-. .'flhtp, _______

Kralurft «ianin ^Feature Kunm tm the opening

' tifly’/i card Thurnday wan Uio 20 U 17 batUo between Clennn Ferry Klnir Hill nuWlulriet repreiientji. tlvc», UuIjJ, hoflt tram. The Indian Kirl* forced into an curly lead of 7 to 1 at tlJe cad of Ilia flmt (luorttr, and held a 12 to 7

— advantafro-at--lmlf—time;— Biihi managcU to retain Itn nlcnder mar-

, cln (luring tlio flnalj'ftl^ alUiiniKh fi'cndcd'uio Katnc with five girl! on tho floor.

Slioflhonc'n 40 to 32 victory ovci Bellevue had prcvlowily opened tin tournament !n faat Btylc. The fniy wmi cJo«c and fast throughout the

. flrat three qunrtcra, with Shn.


the final.period.,, _

Itrularttes Poiverful Tvi-ln Fftlln cxlilbltwi too mueli

atrcn^th for a plucky Albion «cx- let in the 41 to 18 game that open­ed loflt nlghfn profjnim. The Urulneltc.i a to 4 marj;in In the first period, extended thb to 17 tn. 4 l)y-lh'!..hiiir nml.wwit furthur Into the lead .In the final two periods,

Goodlng'fl 30 to 17 win over Mur tauRh waa a closcr battle than in dicaCcd by tho flcorc.

EDGEONNEUSDhicJifpan Bated aa Favorite

To Defeat German Boxer

In Gotham Bout

NEW YORIC, Mnr. 0 n’,l!)~Klnir Lcvlnnky of Chlcepo In a 7-lo-5 favorite to beat Wnlter Neu.icl of G o rm n n y tonight at Madteon Stiusre Garden in their 10-round battle to determine which Bhall en­ter tho circle of heavyweiffht con- teadern to r P r lm o Camcra'n crown.

Only Maxle Baer and ■ Sieve Kamaa will ntand In the wlnQC-r'a way to ft crack at the title. If neither Baer nor Hamaa can be in­veigled Into the ring with the Itnl- Ian giant by Madlnon Square Gar­den *n June, the winner may j;et tho Bhot.

More Experlenon ' L.«v[niiky Lb. tavored bteaun of

BTCatcr experience,- hard punching and ruKgedneao. Lcvhwky'n op- poncnla included Camera, Lough- ran, Rlako and Baer.

Neuiifl, 0 comparative newcomer -nonttcsg'TmurcB, nxn iUy iittvi.- ituy

TmpelletUere a severe beating. He knocked out Stanley Foreda andLxa Kcnncdy,,nnd_drewcwHI» Natio Brown.■ .They are cxpectcd to weigh

_{ihout 20 ixiundB ei'Cli.



Lecture: King Levinsky ~OrrWhy~Eat-Meathalh?nV HENIIY M0I.K.MOUK

NEW YOIIK, Mur. 8 lUll]— Convtniallon among NVw York'ii Jicvcn mlilion or no cilizcnn lo- dny wn« ri-"trleted alnio/it en­tirely to .'ipeculdllon lui (u tlio nntiirc of tlie necret food which

manugrr of Klngflnh-Uivlnfiky, - comiHJUndcd •while doln(7 re- nciirch work among the pofi and piinii of her Chicago Idlch-

Accordlng lo tionplng Uonn. Uie new, /itrange food luui biren ft-d lo till) Kiiigflflh fur lliu Iiiia

-thrco-wcclca.-and wlH send.him.. In the rlng-agiiiniit Wiitler Neu- ad III Mudluon Square Gnrdeii tonight "more deadly than a rfi-ngiil llgor, . mnro 'fcroclnuii than n.wounded lco]iar\l cat.”

If L>-na hi not bluffing, and ri-ntly luui concocted li '•vlttle" dynamic enough to change the dull, alow, cUimiiy and flat-foot- ed Ulngflull Into ii’ thunderbolt nf fury and a dcviuitatlng nion-

noon. nhe might Just an wull pre­pare to'deiu’rl Uui prijcfight buMlJiciui and W.'illow in wealth and prcatige. Anyone with 11 food 110 powerful It given a man 40 honie-powpr where he had only alx before. In going to find govcmmenln bidding furiou-ily for her necreL

Give Hitler Ihe recipe and hl.i

Irooplng week imd be up on Kmnci''ii root pulling Uie nhlngle.-i off in a month. Mun.iollnl would go pretty high for Uie concoction, loo. for wlUi It hin boyn would

M|>» 1AiiJiumlng tlint Ihe-klngfl.ili'n

Ui-ite Ifi like mine, my guciun In that the new dl.ih In cither t iploca or croquette.i. Three wrekii of croquetle/i (nny form) and I ’d be ui deuperuUi I could Ink.- a whole rtx.iiiful of jiigu- am. Uc Uielr tallM together, and we:ir ’em for n biiUirobe.

CrfMjuettefl ure undoubtedly the Iowe.itform of culinary life. The tip off on croquettn. (s that you never heart! of any­body Jual up and making cro- nuetten. They’re nlrlctly a sec­ond day dijih. And they need i\ iitrong flupportlng' »c- jilJeji. any diidi thut rjiii't atnnd on itii own and munt be hidden under a luiuce of the name con- .liiituncy und Umtc aa whlte- waiih iH whipped from the .lUirt.

(ICd, Note; To nonie It may necni iilrangr to utart off with King Levliiiiky nnd end with mentball.i. To mo, however, havlni; viewed bolh KlngfliOi and nieatballn, il'.n u pcrfi-ctly natural condition.)


Baseball Season Opens With

Exhibition Series at

M iam i Bc.tch

MIAifT, Fla., JJar. 0 d'.n— Tl»e bancball nea-ton opma unof- Iclnily today wlUi Uie flrrt ex- ilblllon game hetween two ma- ■or Icnjcxjc clubn.

Opponlng tcam-1 are Uie world jj, ' - - -!ho National league and ihe'l’KlI-" lulclphla. AthIeUc.n of the Ameri­can circuit. Five nlralght pame.i will—bo-pUyod.-lht_flrat-.Uirec :here and the laal two on Sun­day and Tuc.'Hlay nt Fort Myer*,the-A's-trulnlnp.-frroiindr— ----

' Out of today's conteat. which the GianLn lire favored lo win. b.mioball fan-'i'of Uie nation wlli get their flrnt detailed de.icrip- tlon of play, their firtil line /Korc' and tx)x ficorc of the neanon.

n » t Li Yearn

I t U Uic firut meeting between the Glanta and Uie Atlilelles nlnce lff28, and 11 la of particular lnlerc.ll to baacball fans because It brings together a world cham­pion team and a^club that ha-i been vlrlually wrecked by the sale of ■ fllcllar players.

Manager Bill . Terry of the Glnnln had hoped to fire hLn front line troopo agJVinBt the' Madc- mcn, but thin liope waji partially blafited when Johnny Verges, acc third boaoman. wrcnched his knee yeaterday, Aa n result Trovls Jacltoon waa- cxpecled to shift from ah o rfto thlnl. permitting Blondy Ryan to take over short- atop. VergiJs will t>c back la Iho gtune In ft few dayo.

Hal Schrnnacher will open on Ihe mound for the GlantB, pitch* l i i three Innlnso ,wlUi Clyddl CajtUemann, ft young prosptcl from Nnahvliie, hurling Uie next three. Terry waa uncertnln a-i to hiJi thlnl fllngcr. Alton Bentnn. -V«mon-K<inni ‘ ’ ‘


SALT LAICE CiTV. Uloh. Mar.0 (II.RI — atxtecn new championn went liome today after a four-day aeaslon of the Intfrmountain A. A. U. boxing toumiunent here.

Bert BrJnUmll, Nampa. Idaho, decialoned Earl Winger, Logan, overcotftlng the handicap of height advantage • to win .the 112-pound aenlor dlvinion claaa.

Jlolie VoiiUi I/OUMiJack Doone, Ogden, pounded

hlfl way to a dcservlnfl dccLiion over Everett Reagan, Uolne, Ida. ho,'for tho 118-pound chunplon- ahlp.

perhaps thn most IntcresUng fllugfest of Uio’ClDstng evcnLi aaw Eldon Bolcc. U. I. S. B., Pocatello,

• decision Jack McLenigan, Butte, for the 13B-pound title. '

In the i2G-pound claas for Juniors, John Nunley, Salt Lake, dcclslohcd Darwin' White, Rich­field high school,-

Cardinals ExpectOrsatti to S i ^

. BRADENTON, Fla., Mar. G Him —Ernie OrsalU was cxpectcd to cfomo to tel'finnMay^viUi Titul*- ■ dent Sam Breadon .and sign his conUact vriUi the.SL Louis Card-. Inals. They talijcd yeflterday. but Oraattl InflWlcd hi* aalnry cut ntllt

— WEJrtwrlargcr-;-- :-----r----- -

tusak wil pitch'for the Mackmen.

glft.-M ■ may nometlmcs bP broken by ntrlklng _a loud luund of-itg V*'ynQ*o

Here’s AnotherIn addition to' the tele­

phone numlWM of ^ocal fed­eral agencie.1, li.ite^l In tlie •Tou Moy Not Know" column ye.ilerdny, there should have been included that of Uic Federal Rc-em- ployment agency, loeatol in the Sprague building.

For the InformaUon of IhtHie who may wiah to pre- nerve the numbenr, the cor- reeled list followa:

County CWA, Pari.ih Jioll —1310-W.

■Federal Re • frmploymcnt offlco—IMS.

Stnle Chairman. CWA (T. J. Lloyd)—«73. -

SouUiem Idalio Prfxluc-tion. Credit ni»-K>cmilcin- 1749.

Tlie latter “ two agencies are.located In jho First Na- Uonal bank building. '


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. Mar. _ Mil:)—Narrowed down to four teams the L. D. S. ixll-cburch "M"

iMUikettMill tournament en- tore<l Into Ita nemt-flnal rounds today. The championship punea will be played Wrc tomorrow night. • ,

Two of the ntrongcBt leamn of the tournament. Waaatch, Salt Lake, and Ogden fourth ward, will play In tho lost gtimes of the neml-flnalfl tonighU

Uennion,' another Salt Liikc champion, will faco-Elslnoro In the lower bracket championship flight Wlnnera of Uieao two gamea will play for tlio church championship tomorn?w nIghL

Pocatello iB still. In Uic running for the consolation crowTi. Dcclo was eliminated by Sunnyoldo last right.

Idaho Vandals Place Two Men

In PinaU; Lewis Denton

Wins Match

.SACUAMI'-NTO. Ca- Till.- :ilui>ly i>.)X.-ni

W;i.-ihlni:lcjn Slato colU-gc w.-n- <-ntrenchi-d In fiml pliice lodiiy i" triiins from i.lx i-(,IIcgp;i j>r.par-L*ll 11 fln;il /ifihi! I’liciflc cixi.ll Intercoliogiiitc, iKixing clianiplon:ihip.i ht-ic.

The. norUm'c.item Irathrr-pwh- cm Bcori‘<i 10 polnLi In l.i-'tt nlifhfn (ipcnini: miitchrn.- In m-c- onrl place wore Univcnilty of Call/dml.i. e.irly f.ivorlto.i, nnd California— A|nrir:r,— rnch— wltnv eight poinln. Unhvcilly of .San | f’Tsincl.ico h cl six, M;ili<t fourand-U.. C.-l -A.-1-J.o twinti;.----,.,lUiUlU-or |n«l -nif’'ll-'«“ included:

lin-poumi cl.i.w; JoeU«ri.'iib.Tg. CallfoniUi Aggli'N . dc'cl.iioni-<l Frank l)oolry, U. C. I.. A.

12K-pound cliuLi: 'llav U. S. K. drchl.,nv.l Lciiuid .•Kin. Wiiiililrglon .Sl.ili- rolk;;.'.

Vandal \Vin<i 135-pnund cl.u..'<; ilariro

•blgimi. Catlfomln. dfdsloncd Max Homoff, U. C. 1.. A.; llud Taylor, WiL'ihhigUin .Stale, icdmically knodciHi out OiMri /'ty<ir, Calir-

vCKli-n: Kli'liiinl W.-.(tcl:thl. CaltfoniUi, lincH.'Iii-<l out Malt :<Tj;an, Ai;i;lr.i; Aujn'M.

Idahu, .Iccl.ili;lii-.l Mark Miillln,., C., I- A ...........................-nr>-IKjumr cliL'i.s: Winium Flynn,. S. F„ (kcl!iioni-J Dick Si.ntii

Ciilifornla: Mmirlcc lloga!. _, Ifornia Aggle.'i, di'clslnned John Curr>-. Wu,tlilnclon .SUle; I -wl.'i Denton, W.iho. docrttonfvl ■ L<'--£l(o Ijimlz. CallfomL-i Aggl.-Ji;Burkett, II. C. L. A. dccl-sloncd ICl nay, i;. H. i.'.: Mandl, Lttch.-CallfoniIa,-lo«h n l« < illy knoclml out Frank Zli U,-Cr-I.

IM-I’cumdrn.IM-pound cla.-cir Ikrt John-’wi ,

WaJihlnglon S ta le , decl.ilontii Jolin Young. U. C. 1* A,; Geor»; riilvn. U. S. F. dcchiloned Eti Cavanaugh. Washington State.

17r)-pf)un<l clftAs: Gil Borl>a, Cifornlu AggK-ii. aiXBiuntd WU Frtincls,- Cnllfomla;- Lralle -Hlldr- brand. Washington Slate dccl- jilonwi Frank I>jwc, U. C. L. A.

Hca^7^■elKht,■l; Jim Ciintle, C.H- Ifomla, decl5lon«i Cliff SdimUll, Oillfomlii AgKk'!'; (Jixjrgi! TJu;- o.loraliw, Wnnlilngton SlaU-. dc- feiitL-d Tcron Hopkins, U. C. L, A

OAVISCUPPILOFormer Ohomplon Chosen for

Non-Playinp Captain

And Coach

NEW YORK. Mar. 0 (IM'i—The United States Uwn Tennb a.tio- claUon announced today that R- Norrin (Dick) WilliiimB; 2nd. of Phlladdphla wilt captain the 1034 Ui S. Davlfl Cup team.

WllllamB, former DavLi Cup nee, former naUonal c h a m p lo n 'l t i singled cup captain, was appointed, it iB believed In tennis circled, to match tho methods of modem French and EnglLih' teams ,1 paignlng fop Uie trophy.

Uo nuceceds Bcmon S. Vcentlec nf New York, who captained the 1033 and 1032 teams.

Wllllumit, although not u profe.i- iiionnl coach. Is expected to benefit Ihn team greatly by hb pernc ■' experience and Ids masterly cc iitratcgy. His Davis Cup record tended over a perio<l of more tluin 10 years, between 1013 and 1027, during which he won more lhan 78 per cent of the malche.i In which ho parUeipatfil

Holdout SignsWEST PALM BEACil, Fla. Ma

0 rUBT—TliffSL- t.oulJ Rroy-ns' roster is complete. First Baneman Sam Bums, last of the hddoutfl. fligned yesterdny. Meanwhile Third Baaeman—Art-Bchiiorein- entered the fold at St. Louis.

Pocatello Seeking 2nd Tourney W in

POCATELLO, Mar. D (Bpeclai) —Pocatello high school was to meet Thatcher nnd Paris was to »lay DowTiey here Uiln afternoon.

..................... • • • a^U lrlc tibasketball tournament Three . games «re Plated for tonight

Dlttckfoot, wllh two Victoria nnd 1 dcfentJi. topped the ntandlngii at

the-fltarl-or-lho-<l(ky'fl-i>lay.--- —



BargainsBuick 102s C O O S

Standard Sedan

Pontiac 1030

C oupe..............

Ohevrolot 1927

Ooupo ..............

Whippet 1020

4-oyL Sedan ....

Hudson Six

Sedan ..............



Easy G.M.A.C. Terms


---- G A R A G E - ^

a.M.C. Tnicka

'Buick Pontiac

! Hollywood Rookie^ i Lose to Firemen' UIVKK.SIDK. C:tl„ M;ir. il’l'i

ENIISEXPANDiiiiil^^:ii-y .Spnnc'


__\V]tti-‘'nlrl<'ii piiurlnir in frommMliinltlcN' th'ftjuin>mirtlilrrm:0- >n uf Idiihn, 2.1 additional youllui wiTe linU'd as Filer, J.-rome. UurlVy nnd Rupert conlciilantJi in the American Ix-ginn's annuiil

lulhern Idaho amali'ur Iwxing lurnanicnt.A large percunUigc. of the Iwiyii

who will compete are high lichciol

t yiniih. V 11 1>0Ioiinii for

ngfrtm':—Alh<"*'Hii4ti;-<.iit(ii' and Tubr.-y Hhldt-lcr, antrti liner, wlti' rxcepti.nis to ■

lily p.,rf<.r)oki<-

Wyoming Captures B. Y. U. Triumph

___numcnt offlclnlH .nild. TIv:tnumey is enilorseil by athletic coaches nnd civic bwiles, who ap­prove the Nportiimnniihip and phy- alcal nngle-1 by the Legion-

Tho Itairnumenl is l» held In Twin Falls March 21, 22 nnd 23. Avvariln nii> lo in- mmfO to lli- vlc- lora In each division, and iidiiillon- «l t'rophle.i wll! be pre^enteii tn the amateur conl<'slanl:i who rank hIghe.M in i.peclul nllninmenm.

A/Hunj: thi; JalMt cnlr;i;il;i u-Jju nn; training regularly for the ama­teur mBtehr.H are:

FII.KItLewis Rich, l[»0; Hill Tumlp.M'ed,

1G5; J!en Turnip,leeii, ly.’l; It/iy Hiickmnn, IfiO: Don Andrews. lOO; Jferbert Slile.i, 1211; lleriichel tlnnling. i;iO. 1_____ _ JEROM E— - ----'

Hill Mrrrltl. ICtl; Hav Merritt. 21H1; J)i‘nnl;i Hyan, IS.I; Huh ivtty, 14V.

Juekey Cooper, 100: U Vere Goi-ch. 12.'1: iJlwin Dell. 1.14: Uland Filnmre, 13T: Jnd Moullry. 138| George C.isper. H7: Glenn Lyonn. 1C7: Francis Casper. 130; Anlcl Daylcy, 170; Bob Pnrriidi, 120,

KUPKItX Ed K'Irlf. 100; Jack Toyer. O.S;

Tisl Munger, 1.'..'.; Walt Duniup. IC5.'


tonlcMl w'i.-n 111- iindrifat.-.! tlllkin on t.:iiir.if I’ortlnnd Jneets the . lr<■n;: Cilmnrr Oil-u(;ip‘*'Ka- lion •>' »<;.llk' ..:i ihi- Unlvrniity (,f Wa.-iliini:t.m fl<«>r here. In Uie iienil-flnal« bst nlglil, Uie Union Oiler:! ellminslol Clirh'.Llld.. :_ ia ll-ClUll.BUL I'uhl-

lir.'t, Mi.-hix.lil Win b.- wlOl- iM :htv1c.-.i of I-:j:.Oiilon and n<I, iwii hunlira iiLirii of the ii.i-t. I).' liukiT. . iitiir, anil Tunier, a hulf-

' nuli r. l)Otli will 1«' niLi»<-<l. having 'in-.-i‘Iiiat.xI.'-- " — - - - - ^I 'IVo mrmlwr.'i of the winning.relay . Oo Baker aod Allen

'• v.'iil iw- ab/ient from Uie Wolvcr- ' ine linrup. Howell, thlnl la.1t year in thf mile run. and MoWo, who pl:ie<-l in the high Jump, havegnidtiale,!. '

Among Ihe Inillana are Couch, (buih nUir: Cliff Wutflnn. wlnn.'r-of—lh.<—iwo-mll*.;—NVfji-v— iii-e.m,! Ill the two;nille. an.l iJua- hfe. who wiiji yiecoml in the .ihot liuit yc-iir. Bl<i<llngu, fourth In Uic .•ihol. and Sieve Ulvlch. thlnl In, Ihi- pt>le vault, will not compete.

Ohio am! Illinois appesr 1“ >>« thr nmtendrr.T for thirxl place, v.-lih bolh rated an oUtnidB chance

Willi U'li Wilt.-, Uirir. i;ii»Ui[uiw ho<ik-nliol urtist scoring 2(1 polnt.-i in tho form thai foscutie.i allcntton upon hla AH-Arnerkan eiindldacy, the Wyoming univeriity Cowlxiya today .n-i-Mieil bound iin a quick

^lomp for Ui« llocky MouaUiln con- IfrlTiiuv l«Rkelkill clmii.i.i»n:diii..I l*air,-<l by thi- blond ur.r wliciie i i-qually blond brulhcr. Wlllui'd I (Uutch) Wllle, eoiiche.H them, the llluckaroo.i night defeated ! Brigham Voting trnivrmlly of t"ro- vo, Ulah. 43 to 3S In the first of a Ihree-giiine .ledr.i on Wyoming’s hiiKc'courl for thr Cimferenei- titli-.

Ex-Pirates StarIn Reds Workout

TAMPA. Fill.. Mar. ;« il'I'i Plel and Adjim Comor.inky, ai;-i nulred from the Plraii-ii during the i,ff-;iea;«m. made an c':;crllenl I jihowing in their flrnl woikoul with | tho Clnckinutl iteds yestenlay. | George Wise, a shortmop from the] Topekn club, nrrlve<i for a ti-j’out' wllh the Hed.t.

Midwest Amateurs Hold Titular Bouts

CHICAGO, Mar. 0 d'.I'i—Thirty- two amateur txixem. Urn pick 5f the middle went, will competc to­night in the sevrnlh Goiaen Glove.i tournament at Uic Chicago Madium. A capacity crowd of 20,000 appearoi a.'cmr* ed. '

The final program will connist o f 24 boob, each' lanling eight

linutc# . Ic-is. There will tie 10 ..->mi-finnl Iviltles In Uie eight weighlJi with the winners fight­ing- It out in -Uie eight champion- ihip bouU. ___________________

HUSKIE.S v*. TKO.IANS LOS ANGELE.S. Mar. 0 if.i;i-

The UnlverBlty of Wa.vhlngti Hiiiiklea will renew Uielr bid U the I'aclflc coani cnnference bn kelbnll championship timighl wh( they meet the Univernliy nf SouUi-j ei'n California quintet on the Olym-' jiic auditorium floor In the flrnt of a Ihive-jpime nerlcs.

ml of tlw running hy . ,C“ In"Ih("c<mii-datlo mills t-inighl Tatoiii;

Seals Heading forMission Red Tilts

SAN r'flANCl.SCO, Mnr, 0 dM!' - Twenty memlKTS i>f thi- San Kran6l.ieo Siuln piicked their uni- for;y roll.'i wid UirJr kit-i today for till- trip lo Woodlaml whiTi: Ihi- tram will piny the MhiSlon Heds Salurtiay ami Suntlay. Manager .Tim Cnveney In.itnicted nine pltch- eni lo make the trip and indicnled (Thr (irrnt) Malls, velcrnn hurirr, v.-riuld l>r glvrn iin oppor­tunity to Hlunv Iii.'i ntuff im the'

Pairings Due Today For A.A.U. Cagers

KAN.SAS CITY. -Mo.. Mur. 0 <f.i:i--The Hih iimuiil Nnllonul. A. A. IJ. ha-ikelball •tournament will open In Convention hull here tomorn>v.’ wllh .'ill tcyimii. the lurgeiit numbir in hLitor>-, enter* e<l.

Entry list-i have becfl closed and flrrt rounrl pilrings were tn be unnounccrl to<iay at Omahii by r>r. J. A., Itillly, .toomament


r Indiana.rifhrr


Mission Red Pilot Watches Youth, 17

WOODLAND. Cal.. Mar. 0 'UH • M a lin g e r Chnrles (Gabby) Stn-.-i. driving the Mtision Ileda hard In iln-lr .'ipring training ue- flvlik-i:, wuleheri-cioaely today the- play of 1-Mdle Jooiit. 17-ycar-old in- fielder fnmi San Francisco. Street Indicated thal .foosl might b« seen in one of thu two gnmoB the Ileds play over Uie week-ond with the San Fninciiico Seals.

The average horse cnn exert on­ly nboul three-fourUiH of a horse- power.

W ater w ill be shut ont of the entire system'at Mur-

taugh Lake, for tJiree dayo, beginning March 13th, nnd

w ill bo out on the 13tli, 14lh, and 15th of March.

Twin Falls Canal Company



Rolled Prime Rib Roasts................Rolled Shoulder Pork Roasts......

Rolled Shoulder Spring Lam b........

Leg or Loin Veal Roast....................

Leg or Loin Pork R oast........

Fresh Ground Hamburger...............

J*ure Pork Sausaige..... .....................

Fancy Skirined Hams, half or whole

Dry Cured Bacon, half or whole .....

Four Pounds Pure Lard ....................

—JUST A FEW O F OUR SATURDAY SPECIALS—:• I f your Sunday meat is from any Indopcndont M ca f Company market'you

“ : “ know ili 'q tia lily mc’a r a i " '* *“ ■* '

Fresh .^ e lb i , pound ...i

18c Ib- 16c Ib-

.... .:20c ib-

.......18c lb.

....18c ib-3ib»-25c

....10c lb.

..,..-.i8c ib-;

....18c Ib-36c

Olwa^~SbTdTnrtll0“l ‘l2litT)fii:cI~r— - .~



‘ Page Foot IDAHO EVENING TIIilES. T\VIN FALLS. IDAHO , Friday, ararcli 9,,1934

.’ubllnhH Blx D«r. »



^ Q O M A N lC ^ U m W m t


a v il a n o -t a y l o r


C. <!nvl. HI..


' l(7 u se~ R "t< v 'h 'aT c~ ;rc m o n n

tinn, inarkiiifr ihe laiise ,"f HK> VfUi's since Timniai; McKay, lialf-hrued facioi- for thu Hiidsnn Bay com- jjany a small foit at ihi;'cfjnflnenct* of the Boise anti Snake rivei-s, oi.uht miles from liie jire-

' "senTBoiseVThe CapiUil City it (lne>

catello, Augtisi fifth to eighth, inclusive, and tliere is no reason why the two o,vents should conflicL

In fact there ^jhould he more'celebrations of this sort. Twin Fulls Jias a historical hackiinmnd .which should be coinnieiiiorated. The occasion should

this year.It would be too early to plan a celef)i‘ation of the

soit projected at Roise or Pocatello, jit the time of the arrival of tJie .UHi/in train Jjere Aprilsecond, but tins summer or fall woiild be an ap- jjropriate time to hold a ,celebration in Twin Falls worthy of the name.

A year oi‘ two,ago/[California decided upon a fiesta year when every comnmnity in the state endeavored to hold a celebration of-one kind pr another. W ith Boise and Pocatello arranging such events, it woiild be ideal /or Twiii Falls .-and other cities to do like­wise. Attractions which visit the other celebrations could then have a more complete circuit, people ,who

■■'came'from-a^distance to"attend'one"event could' be induced to visit all three.

This year of 193-1 is a n . eventful one in the history of the Twih'Falls region. W ithout going beyond the founding of .the tract, it Is to be noted that this year marks the. thirtieth anniversary of ;the filing of the

“ land opening"in'this city was'held' Octo7)er'iwlftli of the same year. ;

Nineteen thirty-four, then, is ;the^thirtieth-anniver­sary year pf Twin Falls!

There have been^no county-wide celebrations her(» for.several years.-T he re J iL J ittle ^p rQ b iJe cL - io f- th e-

. county fair .being revived for this fa ll Many other arguments .could be presented in favor o f a huge celebration lasting; several ,days and featuring the gro\vth .of this city, tract, county and section.

There is the spirit here to jiut over just ,such event All that is lacking in .this city joinintc with Pocatello ^ind Boise in commemorating its history', i: leadership, which also isjiere. ■ ________

It is proposed then, that Twin Falls fittingly ceie brate its thii-ty.years from the sagebrush!

not mean to IntiM- centennial at P<

th« door, he «nw. itiaklDfc “And ton. tho frnit ot ila. rob my chtl- dren of Jhetr bre»df' ahc «crenin»a. Pa8lllo'» mooth wtn rtrr rrom buoBcr and fear. Ii would bs bad tDd bt wai male (■ickl. ThA dar and i bat( vlth- out teod bad urt Dim dlzzr. ob, mur malot (rerr (III.

“ I E«t their flUby moooy. a few r«nta«o« and foser pexeUo. and TOO eat—yon «a tr 8h® raliod ber aMck.

A lUila Infer Antelaitooderecl. the (tick Kill crippod Id bci ■■NoVor ba»«T tl»»o io'yon taii bardoM* of BeatlOBl" ab« Bar ahrlekpd trtncnpbaoHy. AndMiti>rioB ttili lb* wai jDit.

Wben (be olsUl block ani real and Fabllio fonnd be eoBl< maooco to riot# b« crawled frocn

corner ©f'tba tback. OuUlde.

«wnra, Afler a i oaib be knew tad ret of travel on (I icooflcloui. CO ibe


_ Passage by the Senate of the bill which would give the President power to declare un embargo on the shipment .of arms from ’ the United St^ites to warring nations leads one to wonder just what world history might have been like if such law ha(l been in force back in 191-L • It goes .without saying that tho story of the World war would have been vastly different if no munitions o f"w ar had been .shipped overeeas by American- manufacturers. One is justified in feeling that the United States even oiiight have been able, to l<ee]

. out of the conflict altogethei-.And that gives a notion of the ])otential value of

this law. The way to .stav out of a war, evitienilv, is to have nothing whatever to do with it. From i)'eing involved commercially to being involved with fleetls and armies is not a very long stej).

This embargo bill, if used wiselv, ought tn In* -lung .stop t(u\ai'd iiiitimunflir------------------


tank 10 tli« eround a o wba kae« aimsblf Noyu tat by a iilcky

inc loio la empty slata. ilm vM aa anplcaiaai • OttD rooma wbere latl Kh-bandi DurrlAd eAculy ibo praprietor

tald. “ADTlhlnc nore. Wr.- SmtlDt"

Noye* annwerad tn a voice thni old or eood blrUi and •cboollnc

, 1 Bollei

He held a UshleJ match belaeen eUfipeJ palmi and, hol{ing dean,uid. -Mil Codr .

to IN or«r iCDftll meaaarM.*; Till t in a n ^ o u a a . mida Fabliio Ceel Bftaid tcaia. 0 « illpped from 61* cbaJr to aUad 0» Noyw *bg OMluiwJ .a liji, tora.fflooiMt ioa Uiea,. lookiiii (taUrblBtd. imid P»W|,to.;to him teoea, eblld'a baad l)a coaid im Uie fior'

of a wotaajj wiu> aaotliar lit. Ua Boy , ta bar u-ox.

rabllto relt Uie artna' cbat 'wer*' aroUBd Wm Uehl^nln*. ‘

Terbnp^-tn wjii rtay flor»-wiib me.- laid Noyea balf-alood,, aed (oea a ludden. wild oBiUugtii ol

itfbL'a wtad mada.Paoitto (uro to ellbs (o (be OAO wbo wu cloDlai 10 m U za ’ bow Jaaety &■ bad been.

A-lIitJe laccr Noy*» oniJrcued racilfo aa’(r~idw tfae tears'and brulau ibat were opoa tb* cblU’« body, -loumouaf*' lie lald uo- ileadlty.

PabUto ctood witfe-eyid. wonder ' Ins u bla ra«a, wore b«lo| pulled rom bim. It woa ■ wild, cold ilebt t« Tooturo-iDto tbe soi dui--

El Hembre KOtos. ba Tronld'fnirow: T so wher* you fol- b# aald

(carlcatly wlioro ba woald; abo( wJodowo: (beaters: warmtb; cood food, nut bs had oaly—

s aback and Uie loaellneas (bero '■Como acala. Mr. Smltb." aalC

Jake.probably aball," a&ld Koyei


Weat I ad ODI far (rocremote, atrotcb-

}DRer ot an liland. no bur- toward tt. tor Lb'o debt waa a n f ot the lok^dark qualliy U DiDde by a itorm la (be

Uoplca. ~“Not-ioo-ploa»anl-ta-D« ■ bo tbooebt atid itaciblod eotnotbloe aolL After aororal

tcUlo BUompta bo bold a llcbtcd atcb between cupped palma and oklQc down. laid. “U j Q odV Pabllto. BcalD aware of Ilfs

ibook from tear, ilad not Apseli ~ ' lad 1



} lifted tbi im. walked

1 track , Tboi

.Dd C b« laid I'ab-

iftor atopplDK raBIlUi tried man.caoBhf


lla‘iirlDk D

boat and ibod U off.

Co cflt oat but (be tiloi and* bold falta made aott. aouodi nod. l>abllio □uDd to bla boart (be leoaatloa a bad bad from boldtof tbe bird 'Kb tbe broken wlae. Tbeo the mn went back'to-bla pIsco ood esaa ro^loc. Oeiptto (ear Pob- CO cropt clooa to blm. clutcblos fold of bla coat. ••Hcnor l)lo»7"

I’nblllo whispered.. C'Mr. OodT") r a . "No. bijo inlo, an bom- aolol" ("No. ny aon, onlymptlblemau;")--- --r quite a tittlo trtp tho mnn 1 tne bOAU lined i'ablilo nd carried tilm Into a aback for o little time, with a

lantcro lit. be aat by Pabtlto 0 eoacb. Pabllto kept 'oattlDi bis arm. He oidn't know wor, ooi wby tb« man bad «oa wa'er lo bli eye* when be lald. “We'lJ-stick totclherl"

[\T0TE3 roie: tbo child muit bi fed and carod for. Pabllto.

looking around, aaw a ablny ihlni oa a obolf tlcklae. Pabllto aiked wbat K waa la bla low<Jaaa, bnl ready Gpanlib. ood la Calterloi Spanish Noye* onawored. Tbo ,dfWeT_tl_ti»iHuiii B}&Tu..a clock. Oae MUi. worka. toveo. sleeps at ica blddtnc and tbs clock baodi acd ay Indications hnro nerii aeroedl"

Tbe books Pabllto t ru to leara by bum ba law as bozts;

chairs, a bed. a^.tabli . tbat Pabllto reeosBlz«d by

toa' .Oao'or a wonaa ood a child ilm murtnur. ' **La Madr*

SanUulma da Chrlator ^ oyea aald wtirlly, “No. sot It Is my 'lf» aod my ehlldi”

Norris Noyea. baring usomblid fond.^csrjftiJ Pi^llto to'n Chalkytha table. Tbe-boy - RUlped- down :bft rood. tiuHKiB It into his uouth »lth crlmy flncor*.

The man waa acaJn maklae locor CDiBM but now FabllUi; dlda't_mlad.....Na;afl bod. aalil .tn Cncllib. 'UnleM yoa mend yonr 'aya you woot make a cood’club it Prlncotoor Tbeo bo laushed. lot anlte steadily, for Inuftbter wu ilmoot forcottoa by blm and It iirt a Wt to recoTor lu

. Pabllto plcLod'ap a forit 'What ucana tlilar bs asked.“lij una tenador,- anld Noyes,

■"riioy tiiTo creat Injporiane# to pcopla wbo are not tall enousS

?Tbat-!a-8oo<I-to-bearI—{hat ii tood to bearr Noyoa ioawered.

^ r r n tbo paaslog ot a wook l>at» llto’s fpar begna to e<rapnrite

n tbe warntli ot klodnesa. "K u I cood placo." ba remarked iitaln lOd aealn in bio low dnu Span- tab, and It was ft cood place. Tb«

or on eltlier aide of tbe lilaad shallow, proTldlne two palettM

et rlotODs color. At the oarrow t a i e t tJj* I tlu x a tbat »(retj:afd toward the. aaa waa deeper water aad there tht't>oa( was drast«d to a ate«[i. baalnesa-llk* lookinc beach. At tlio wldor aod flat eod ot the Isiand wa«

News Behind The News

Th» lew down en-vhat ■na on bihtAd th« sMnas- iii

ih. tuiver werttner et’poliue*, for Ev*nln« Tlroli l{»8d«r-

•vify toy and av«rrwti(r«.

nV PAVL MALU)N ' | {(.’opyrlchr,- lOIM, h>- Paul MiUlon)

WASHINGTON ~ TliP dofeorn. lliaUon of ncpuMlcan .Scnntor Ft-iui waa u pul'Up job by n iT’oup of olil rjomocratlc mMnfcfl, :- Tlicy dellberauiy led him on to iittnck tlic admlnbitrutlon ii^J thtn dropped n prepnrtsd samlbajf on hl« head, leuvlfif him tljrumtlvcly and polltleally eiit onil blredtny. while tlicv nil hnd a j;ood hearty lau];b.

Th^ plot atArtM when L^morru* tic Floor Uadpr Hoblnwn de<‘WrJ

-If you do not Bus'ii",-V ot *uf you."'

STOCKSEveryone kno-*'s Hie I>enio*

. craciu iwnate leodfr would not have mode that nnnottbcrtncnt sibout the uncertainty of Block market Ifj^tilatlon without first jCtCllnff ftpproval frotn Wglier up. -

Yet that -<009 ./lot tneai the Irfrlalatlon Is-dead. .

r . .« r r. iMuaiwii urc.upu; The announcement nfem.» to to r lr■w hi** prnt-up cnthiuliuim ^ balloon. Iffor tho new Orul In a «p«eh com-1 roacUcm nbowfl Bufficlent i memonitlnjr iU fin t nnnlvrniao'' the Ifglftlfttton. It ^ ,Hodellb^rafoly-fonchoapertldnJiofi'Wtll be rushed throuch. If-ndt,

ipeerJi »o a* to'Arou»c oni* (if f "nturo • will be pennllted' toJtapubllcan nenators—the Iii-i tjike her courw.

Maim--KobInMn-or'PMB:~.--' - f - ------- — -— --- ---AlRo U pre<«TnnKt<l' Hint NOTES , •

wKeit nlUirr Robln/iOn or Fca« re-1 I’rof.. TujrweU'S c.Yplalnen «*• nponrted. • ih« pri'pan'd muiUljiiB’plitinUbttt Tii? joined llif PecU for- ?hoii1(l Iw n-k'niicd by thp Demn*l«’l}fn tmda nchwne bccauio ho — • leadiT. Jim I5yni. H. I knew il would not be an out*

----- ■ Vstiindini.' Kuccc.1.1 now. but that laSANOB»\n I «lx_ month.i or (i ytor'the U jw__“ U wrrlfS almrat^orfrctiyVA^^ ripe for;'tlevcJopmeht^f ..htir Roblnnon fnllod to ut tho lra<lc.'ball, blit nil soon uH'tbe Democrntic

Tlie 5 to 4 majority declalon tn . tlio N<iw-York mUU eaflo put tlie- . iiupreme cflurt firmly on ireorJ tor pclcc-flxlnK In the New DcaU

smoIllBC sea wbon the tide waa hish.

Pshllto's life was slmplo. lie awoke to eat aad ota acala wben Ibe soa waa la the ratddli ot thi sky. At alcbt tber* was aootbrr noal aad tbea bo woot to bed. D>v twMB thm.ratalB sUeithtd.noan for play aad peacp—ntur peaeel

. Sotss weeka attor bis lotonsai adoption PnBIlto oao momlas said to Noyes. “Tho wind aakes tfii trees ttira tn their beda aod tbef itret«h-J"

tfoyea loolcod for a Iodb whll'i at the imall blond boy wBo « u

ensnsn.’Impohaat thlnea. flo aald alowi ,

will como to yon. I don't All I can iMCti you Is ktad-

D«9/i and the claiuies: to see the truth It aot to speak the truth-

perhapa. frora tar bad eiaa- P lva Joatblns of etroas drink.*• Pabllto -arose-from -nli-boeli vbere be bad bean e'quattloc and. itrotched.- The oartB was awake:I train bad potiaded by aod tb« iiDoke that. It inortod bad drifted imy bIcB, clear ftna_almo«t_uaa^_ larcot Instead of banirlai lulklly low. This meant-to Pabllto s loay day of play in tho aunllcbt.

•BreaUtaat 'bow; nrnakfast," be said loudly aod to CoslUh.

*T?e ,arp_t»cointPB..-ClrIIItod.".. said Norria. 'Sball vs bar# it

It In trom the cion, old man. or kooek op • aomeCblos for au^

. . lL'irrcom;Iu(li'<l, out popped FcM-nf-Ohin. He In-jiomrwhnt too tliln tri br n cboriib. but In other- wlM ftRKvllc. H»* hit ul the aiJmVn- liitnitlon with Innoccnt I'nthwilanm.;

Jlifl orffiimcnt was jiound In Ropresentutlvo. nonWliOd tlou^ ipot«, but the DemocniU wcro no t' b!«l In bnuw In behalf‘of ■ hta lontcnt to let blm irn hln own way. i brother'll cottoa eiirUUnwnt Wll. Under thoir plun Uiey usked hlm jAa co-author of the bUl he » • iur»Unn.i li-ndlnc him on nml on,;penn?d. before bimself tut .oetlac intll they finntly drew from the!chairman of tho rule/i commlttce

Ohioan a nlntement that the new nnd Induaxl. hlnwelf lo repoit a deal had nccnmplliiheit nothinir nilu for the bill, whiitcver. i

Dyrnert jumpcil up nncf • drewi TIic-'perfect man. ha* been.' from his jioclcet n miuu of clip, found. He Ur B. A. GolOeftweiwr, pIncB of Ohio ncwaapcrfl. adviser of the 'federal rMeivc.

•' - Cleveland, Altron. Younirii-! When he took the ntantl In thetown, Cnnton, Toledo, Dayton. Jio-road. praliwn of the, now deni pollcle.i FtA'i had Ju.nt nounclnfr. They filled (:inn/i of the ConKTe.islnnal P.ecord, wlee uii much npacc iia the F< peecb-Kyme.T had nlmllnr clipplnpi

ir^the "R^Xnon Imd nttempted .to any anythlnjT.

AMMUNITION ■■ The' KepuTilIc.ln .'ieViatom «lo not kndiv It yet, but tbe Ueino- .•mlii have ii uomptet« neuH-

keep the Ohio and Jndlunu pu].er» rllppod np to cfat«, birt iiUo pupem from other. Kcpubll- nin Rtiiten. .

Ire « ' *-

doen (lie wceriouRl, ,

«• drni

atock market UiveflQ^tlon,-« eral - whispered:- ‘Therfr' t'oejl • tM t conoerviiUve." and a. BibcK'M- . chanif* attorney nimultaneously- wbli«pere<l; "Then: KHe.'J that lib-

l O i

8 » : i

BOISE,' Mar! » — -IncDnJo IX muat be <io4ter tb pay l lm -

hist year. , though cxempQoaa are fc^-er and higher, acconlinj; to ’

■fllicJtwurtliy l.on!» piirtment of finance. Income tax

They Itavo divlwloD. Already a larftromoijnt I pmlilnc the of money is In ’ and there' arc iplUhmenu to aino more rclumji 'thttn.- at- thla

iiul • Iteeorrl I lUne bat year. ' ' 'I The dCKdllno for puylny the tax

----- ) Is mldnljyit of ^Ia^cli 15;. ThoIluw rcqulros that the fetunut ond

!r>- ilnylhnrFewi ntURk-out*ir,„'"nnymonU'Vniim:'he poHtnUirtc* ' , 1. Mr. R<'K>Hev.‘lt outlined p<i iK-fOro thut hour an;S day'(Jf

the new nile for critiel.ilnff tho « !• ^h^ penalty must be meted' ijUt.'


(To ne'Oontlnued)

Public Forum

O l |)eace.


Tabulation-recently-nia(lenyv-lire“ 7s^atimKil'City — Bank-^f-New-York-ijii()n»s-in-hlnd~nnii whitc~j ti5r

how tlie revival of the Iasi 12 months has improved the sUtus of American industrie.s.

This tabulation studied some 810 cor])orations di vided among'37 industrial (rrmips. In 1932 the ojjera tions of these 810 corporations .showed a net deficit of $46,000,000. In 1D33 thev had net profits of .S-MO, 000,000.. ' ,

Similarly, in 1932 only -10 jier cent of these firms operated at a .profit, l^ist veai-.the percentai^e rose

, to G2. .

Figures like these indicate that the improvement . of the last year is, very real and suh.stontial. I t be­

comes more and more evident that that lontf-await- . ed “corner’'.might have been ttirned .some time am

We- can look forward lo the future witii a preat deal, of confidence.'

Thiiiufrli riKlio and low wav

tile- iDCiltlOl

Histoi-y of Twin Falls City and County


I S Y ea i;s A g o

appixjpriation of in- Grvsa Shor.lwT w;i.n paii.'KiI by Uic

iviti-hluy and will Ih- ; iVi-nior n —I): t.> thicl

I.'. W. IJavl .•-xtn


Those who have come to rely upon tho authentl- city of government crop rejiorts will doubtlessly be undisturbed by contradictor}' infoi-mati^m from'oth­er. sources as to the amount of potatoes left either ml Idaho or in the country as a whole. Fact is, no one man_ is in possession o f this imiiortant piecc of

_m i^ationr-for-'4he-reason-tlm t-it-i!5-imposfdbicttT defmitely fL\ the amount. One man’s iruess nnVht be as good as another’s. ^

1 biivc* tircn Ibnilitl witJiIind Iniiplnsl by cuod j;/t - I feel Unt tlie .n:i|v;itlou <if iitinii di-pondii lan;ely ujxin ' —■clilTloiis—conrtltion" of—our— On-JTonftay.

»chool!i ;in<l clmrclir.r ni-;w Wonien’.n— Thr-rprCTpli'-TvnrrV7Pn.T*Ulrlr wjiy RlV0'.VSt.“ r.ilrr lo fh«lr favorlto church racb Sun- i-it> bdll tn lu>i day. arc the law abldlnf,- cllircnn. Wullilnjrtoii, wli They tnlc<-Hint; lo a.ivnible Uicm-|tui-n«l from W ;iclvt:n toKcUicr mi<l iiin/; prninoii w'Ikti- Jilii! lia;i to tho Mmit IllK-h God. We bav.-jmr.-nl work for I ninny R<xbi whom tlir world i.i fol-!liwlnjr .inrt (iictuton wlio irnve «rt -------------Ihcniwlviyi up lui Nvvrrth?-! Uwi lo.xi, tho Chri.itl;iii l.i nut di-celvcd I the by nny of Un-m. 1 ui.-

How Imixirtjuit that ....... ................

27 Y e a ra ,A g o

. The Golden Rule ntorr, which hurl been coniUicled liy AiiU dylie for iiomi'tlmc pimt. wan m thl.t week tn O. Sllmlee of Call, dcr, Iciiva. .Mr. Sllnil.-t linn U bu.iy tlii-1 week taklnjr lnvi‘nt( and will open the Htoni for bu ne.'iii. .Mr. Axb will leav.* tin- c l.'rldtiy for Llvlmriiton.^) iiij: by way of Seiiltle.

I,r;.|lc P, J(in and .Mii!.-i .)o:i

Lho lioim- of the brlde'.n parent.-' liuii ■niiiRiday nliiht by R<-v. 11. W, I’arlicr. pantor of the Kimt Metho- illnt clnireh,____________j_________


Uiat1- WlKllc .•

niuy bi- iibl

k-e nhouUI r of God .Miind In

10 of Un- i:rcMl.-;a ncHa -Id today in to back i'K foiuid In the Ten Cor i-nt.n and live »p to the ■p ■tryluK' to Invent code;i 1 Indivldunl, We mujil find

HANSIC.'J, Mur. 0 fSpccIal). free »h<w w:m plven at U.e

Woodmen hull Tucixliiy evcnlnf;irc-<l by the Woodmen.

The ithow comtbitpd of two come- 'Trip Thrvurh YeHmv.

ntune 3‘iirk, and Century of rroj.'ren:i Kxpoiiltlon." and "'Dc- troll, the Motor City." After Uv iihow tlio;

You May Not Know That—


liii.e,! ;Kails

to tile

6 E A R 0 E C


nAfini.sBunG. ph . "Oid

.■«Kaciniw prise ii-nm

ie<I f .•vlnu npoD.wrctl

lUncs andircd lltvniture i .11 Iheir pomp t.-achiiijrfl of Kii

■wrr than Jmvo comlltloni ,’ :»re today In Kurope. Ii to me Uiat llolliind. Hel nd_ KnKland'are far ]>rltci



worthj' iiubaUtute, lo KTo Uir .lame wny unit

e llse hl3 :U.! fACt.iTlie Peiin.iylvanlA siune bonni

wanin thiit the plunty of Ihls nea- iK>n .ihoiilil not blind uportamen Ui the immthUlly of the black U'l illnappcarinh*. The wcniher WJ Mml and a fine tracking siia aided In mnklnff the exceedlnRly lar>;e haffn tJiln year. Btiiln miuil be j;iven more thou;;hL nnil pr-j. t<-cIlon Uion he liiui received li the pa.-Tl, the boiinl tifKod.

linI tratlon.TlticUim wu; iceompnnleil tivn proponai

Simio of hi.'J lllwral frleml.i tUoHKM h« went tno fur In laylriR down Umt rule, SnvemI men cloii to him .mid prUiitcly that It wa the only thlnjr they objected to li hla-cntiro. N ltA ap«ech--Jt mn' mean thut . all criUda will hJive ti ciirry llUe.n to tihow Uielr pood

He/lald in cffecfthut MftrrleU pernom -wltlrvtncoiiies ily when of more than'SI.BOO.a-ycnr »U9t altema* pay cax.-Slnjrlc pcraoha.'tartiliSe.-

;er JTOO-muat pay taxM . Followlnfr la -thf raX6- at .tlo»

mx\ Klnrl'MiOOO oI.nitl: lacwnc. (or portion IHareof, a t . i y tr c«rt; second $1,000 or portion.-2 per;ccnt: thlnl-51.1*00.-f---- -per. cent:- foUrt3«-»J'. . tloD. 4 per ccnt:- f if th . ; ...........

The tmth r.ctmn to be that the " - “ * ’ . <•-, 'Imlnlatmtlon nfflclaln. r e f io t it __________ ■ ••Itlclsm only-when It comes from

All the'critic- ,bamboo . plant.'.baa-'

unnoUced and imannwered.Kon

Ciineral Jolmiton'n letter wrilei- an- alwayjc ffettlnK him, in trouble.

The lateat Inner commotion was cau/ied by ft r.mart NRAer u-hr wrote n letter to Uie National Rifle nwoclatloa. He Stated In n very annoyed way that If the an- iiociatlon dKl not .stop uslntr the N'RA Initials and on eifrlo on itii Nt.atlonery, General Johnaon would fjet out an injuncttofi apalnat It.• In roply he received a letter

from the NfiWonal KWle ajoerVtnft that It had been Incorporated In 1878. Since time It had lined the NilA initlalii on Itn jiUtionery iind nloo an eaple. althou;;h not n

EoKle.effect It .Mated:

F r e e L e c t u r e

on O h r 'ia tlftn- S H e nM '- ^ jadg«-TrtdlWctf-ff H{n.'q.•S., of Los-AnbclMrc^flrrnia. momber o r ^ e ; B p ^ ot Lcciorcshlp.of TioJKoUi:.

cr Ohiircb, T h^T inVqiww Ji.

of. Christ, BdeaUiV iia ton. Mas#.,School .Autlitorhua. I ll 'Twin, Falls, Sunday, March .11,'tit

v . a p . w . ■

hip.- to;

rihlpn hTheme diet:ierlt<sl tiilfl honor." neltlu'..........hey appointed b^ Jehovah, nor •locletl by the people, tmpn.itor.i IM 11 l>etler name for them.

Therefore, they could not have aji;nimcil .luch power had they not set the people apiinrt their riil- rr« and iit.'ainnt each oIh--r. Thu.i It hehoovi-3 our Kovemment to! /itren;.'then our army and navy, w d nl.-\nd lendy lo kr.-p l.jcl;.

■ Itn

mercy upon the peo- Uhllc-1 State.-., whi:

\cern«l about Uk->j •hajvi Uie world <li<: • nwn peril in ID li

uinnot but realize ;■ it we .ihould di It It, W,. !.|K)Ul<l

■ml worneiwdio :ind •


Moat, o f the -ci Loday could be jion could be ran m tho Uvea or oi

*clti=ewho .piirade under the Stnm

Strlpe.i nnd yet preiich coi Inm, fa;icl;im. and anarchlai y with thrm, lmni!ih them • or iKick lo the coil, fromlwliidi ihey came. Thi.n ip-Bniy~wf.y-

mtry of Tliin Rre it i :en.-ly.


I Reliable Tested Bulk\ GRASS, F IELD , GARDEN & FLOW ER


Dingle & Smith Seed Co. |, .ijw in PallB, Id.iho 5


B A R N A R f i ^

for a


— a n d - ^ .

POLISHING• \vith our uew wilier Vntrjfvv’ raeim.i.-H,' l.n| n jw _■

F.leclro!"-': nntl-<iiirj^iew cleelni-jmlislivr. ?i»re o<»upi«-a ic. «W a better job on your ear than

anylliiiit; .von havo hpp'ii hefcire. br clud to liiiv« iIk- opporluuity l<> <l(imon.'<lnite !m\v wu ciin ninlti;.

- voiif ear look practrcally liUe new...

W E A R E O P E N D A Y A N D N I G H T !

W ith 24-Hour Mechanic Scrvico

OoU Ufl Any Tiroa- .. ‘ — r . *. .vi; .



rrlr1n>S ^rnrcli /). Ifin J ' IDAHO EVENING TIJIES, TWIN FAIJ.S. ID'AHO Pag® ri»«

- TRLUPm>NE-33-


Rflch Injiertloo, per lino .03 (For flrat 3 Innertlons)

Siibiwoucnt lascrUons,per line -----.02»4

TrtIvc nijnlha' con- tmct, every 1muC| enchInnertlon, per line......... 02

No (Ida tAkca for Irjui thu) 2 llnea. Mlalmum fhttrKc

Slew Today

YouiiK man wJtli tfnm liornM, newhamcM, wmlieii worlt.

C. Loglilcilr.Tll. 2 JcrOmc.---

DELICIOUS API'LES 60f bu. ftl bln. Urine conU>lncrn. 1 nil. No. Waahlnfjton School. W. Clay SinlUi.

ONION SEED FOil SALE or . will cxchiinso fnr onlyn.i for fftll

delivery. O, J. Jolmiion, Phone H2.

WANTUD TO BUY—Hounu Anil loL HUito prlco nnd locution. Ad> <lrc!i3 Bos 2 in. C/o Times.

Sco Brtnncn the Unlr Spu-clallnl, will prow hair on Dnlit Kcitdn, Blop fulling Iwlr. Houm from 1 till 0. Under Bank & Trust. Uarbcr Shop.

' IDAHOME ROOMS. 135 Main Ave. Ejiflt, under new monaKemonl. lUlca per day, 'lOf, nnil up, weelily

,33.00 iind up, MiontWy, 510. uml up. Mr.i. Alma Conklin. MnniiKcr.

FOit SALE—4 room houac. mod* cm except heat, pnmije. Priccd chrftp for quick mile. Lociiled nl

' lIOMOUi E. AddrfM owner. 1001 -3. E. ^Oth Avc. Portland, Ore.


NATUItAL remiancnt complete J2.7ri. Italr. ,cuta 25c. Shampoo. Ilnjjer wave dried 50c. <50 2nd Avc. No. Mrs. Reamer. Phone 000.


FURNITURE WANTED~C;uih ?ald for . u s ^ furniture, coal ranjjc.1. hcutiof? atovrs and clrcu Ifttorn. Phone 5. Moon'o.

MArrRESSES renovated. . recovered. Ocnn wool carded, 20c lb. Washed und'curded ^Oc. Fuml' lure uplmbli;rln{r- Twin Fnllr Mnttreiu Factory. Phone Bl-W.

„.SmT_CAeH_ RAID forall k lnda^t of Used Furniture and Sto Bert A. Sweet. Phono 1203,

CARHU-RETORS, 'Cnrburetoi piirLi nn.l vrvlce, F. C. H,r Motoi Servlcc, 230 Shoaliono SL W. Tv,-ln Falls.

- F O E 'S ALE—Miscclltinoonj-

FOR 6AIJC—Small grand piano hlcheat quamy at nn atlnictlvi. price. Tcrmn If ilealrcd. Write Box •J08”Twm-FnlIs.“ ...... ..............

FOR 3AI.IC — JfcCarmyck-Dcer Inir Tractor. 7 fl. tractor Tand.-n Dliic imd 3 bottom P. O. triictoi plow;. Phone 02D7-m.

GET (JENnlNE CRAZY CRYS­TALS and drink your way Uj I lEALTil. n . J. 8chwllj:er, The RuwlclRh Dealer. 723 Main Ea^t. Tv.-hi Fnlla.____________

FOR SALE — Another cnrload of Mure.ico ICiUiornlnc In hullt— buy what you need and brlair b.ick wJiat you have lefL We loan you a bruflh free. Let iis estimate the material you will need, or if you wonl n'palnUT wc Imvc nrvcrai on

lljit who will be glad to give a price on your work.



«. 1-iberly

C lassified

L o a r A N D FOUND


Mfddle-agcd man wiihtJi ........ranch. Excellent references, plenty .of expeHenee. 335 3rd Ave.'




fo r Salft-SEEpB & PLANTS

• FOR SAUE—Trebi Barley. Jl.OO • per hundred. 1 mile So, Murtaugh,

Georjtc Plflclier.

FOR. SALE;— Mountain grown UllM'THu'mph .leed Botatcc; ‘ Palace Sand & Cravct Co.

SAVE MONEY by buying built «eed« thta yeiir. Wo have.a full lino Eberhart A Bunw. 248 Main South. Phono OOOW.

FOB SALE-Tefltr<l Field, CliT- ilon and Flower flrodB. DINGEL A SMITH SEED CO.. Tcl. Ni r^vln Falls. Idaho.

C J a s s i f i e dD i T f r c l T f f T y

Itenponxlbln nu-ilnras I-irmn and rrofeaatonnl Offlccs of

Twin Fall*.

F. V S, BELL. Lawyer. . Room 0. First .National Bank Bulldlnff.


SHOE REPAIR E.'CTORTS—WE actuillly robHlld'"8«6ea' nnd unly the beal'of mnterialB, work provca wn. are cxperUi— riiit coblilcrB.,. Twin .Falla. Shoo Repairing. 132 Shoshone Wi

lU-X/AB^y. SHOK .SliOP FOR , expert nhw repairing while you wait. Next to Parrot Fruit Ston}.. ,Fred Monscn, Prop.


•TOR SAL'E—^VINDSRIELD AND door glass. Auto tops and cur- tAln repair. caoVas and canvas repairing. Thomets Top is liody Works.-Oack ,of Dancetand.



WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS and calling cards engraved or printed, .Uooy,correct styles to

- <iho«>«-<roia.-C»n-M-tb6-Ev*- nlng Tlmefl • office, 253 Mnln

V .- W . T S l f p t e Mt

Baby Chlek.i and Ciintoni Hatch­ing, hlggert'.T Quality Hiitchery. 420 Main Avc, So, Phone 2:r.-J.


C i P M M S

Rniiclicrs Hcnr Dairying and

Poultry TaUts at A nnua l

ProjjTHm Here • •

Ulindrodii of ranchfit tho high Kllcnd Ihe iinnutil "Swift rtiij progmm, ntagi’d under the dire tlon of the public relnllonn dcpi inenl of tho coinp.iny, with N. Bn-nniin. local miinug.T. prrai

AddrcBWfl by aulhoritlcn poiiltr)' nnil dalrj- flubjeclfl. ilr •rutl'.n' F'llnro Fann'-rn, ig of lunch at mwn througl

courte-iy of the fpnn.norlni: patiy. und u lour of .Uii; SwlfL.mid company pli

of the h

WANTRD — Wheat, Barley Oats to cleun nnd treat, DINGFL i SMITH SEED CO., Tcl. No. ' TVTTim n u .Tdiniff,' •— — =


FOR SALE—A carload of u.ied furniture. ’ Rcd.i. m a t t re n n e i •prlnga, table.i, chalrn. duofoldi day. be<l!!, bed davenportfl, rugi dre.Mern. drewilng tublea, bet: roniii flultM, living, room nultc and dlnin^ ruom JiUlteu. Tliin lui alture In In good condition nnd u'lll be iwld at priecji you cai ford to pay, MOON'S.


FOR RENT — Fumlnhed ipartracnt In Boyd BlocK. nleam heated, J35 per month- Sec Dr, Boyd,

FOR BKNT—C o n» f o r t a b 1 ( plennant. 'large apartment (n. ou Cottnge Aptfl- Children wcleomc Call at Apt No, 14 California Apt;




CEASED.Notice Is.hereby given by. tlic

undersigned ftdmlnlfltrator of the entato of Ida I. Miller, deceajied, tr the credltorn of nnd all peraona "lavlng claims ugaln/it the nuld de- icnstrd, to wchlblt them with thi icce. .wo' v-ouchcw.. fllJ-iionthi after the first publication if this notice, to the uald admlnlff' rotor at tlie office of Wllnon. .•aulnon' & Shenebcrger, Flrnt Nii Uonal Bonk Bldg.. Twin Fnlb. Idii

Statft'of MuhoTthl? being thn ;e Ilxfd for the tmnmictlun of

tlio bufllne.'M of naiil eatale.Dated Feb. 13, 1034.

GEORGE H. MILLER.Admlnlntralor of the e-ilntc

of Ida I. Miller, decenncd.

TIME TABLESchedule.i of poji.ienger tralnn

•iinJ"mf>torntnf:orps!wmirthrDn{rtT Twin Falla dally nrc m follows:


irrlvcs ..... ,....C;3(] nNo. 372.

\VcsttwuiiiIB71, nrrlvcn ........11:00 a. n

It. fiG3, nrrlvc.1.......... 1;50 p, nKuiithlHiuiid

Dally Except SuiiiLiy -D, 3Sti, to WbIIb, Iv..... 4:00 p. n

N<Jrlhb«m.d ■ ■D, 340, from Wells, ar. 2:10 p. n


rrlvca’ ...................... 12:M a. itrnvM ........................ 1:30 a. tjrrlvw ...................... 10:1T a. n;aVM ........................10:22'a. n

' . Wu»tl)ouiid...................... 0:25 a. n

!>:30 0. n........ C:22 p. ir

:avea ..... ....... — C:62 p. trNOIlTinVESTEIlN STAGES

EuAtbound Leaves Rogeraon llote! 4:00 p. «■

Wm Umuri]•s Roger.tbn Hotel 3:00 p. n NOHTU.SrDE STAC.ES

Arrives .............. 8:4S a. nr■a ................... 4:25 p. itTWIN yAt.I-S-U’EI.l.S:a .... .............. .....10:30 a. «•

Anlveit .....-............... 7:45 p. rrTWIN FAtUS-JEKOME ' SnOSiIONE-l!AH.GV

----- jMlhbOUJld-- -----Leaves ........................ 11:00 a. ir

Southbound .Arrive# ---- 1 ...... . 3:30 p. w


-York-- huB more - prlvatp homes than uny other atale In Uie

SeMlo audltorli opened ii O.T.-Koi.lprnn-"Mllk-nnd-Ci- Producllon"; •'Connunior rnce;.," II. M, M a th . ’ w '■Chlcliemi." by 11. J. Honic .throrjire, rcprcjoiiallyta- Sv.-in compiiny.

DI»riJ>.»c» Djilr>l))j;

Ci-orgr N, TilCkiT, Bohie tor i)f Iho iiUite biin-au of cli Ulacuaied llieMiiho <lairy Ir and a film "PiiNlucin;: on kuling Poiillry and Eci

Ing on the proi;rai; nnl Arrington, Uoi nil' DfVrirB and /

Eighly-frur ptT ci-r ter, egg", pfjullry an( cn In the Unlle<l Ktat< clttcfl outiililc of Bnnto Philadelphia and Chic Mathewn of the neiirch deptirlme Ing thin, thc Bpcakc tlio tendency of coi thcrlr diilry nnd poultry p •• !3c four large citlea

line frequent overiiuppllos. wl rcJiult In lower prices,

Ijirge Indaitr.v.•idel. In dlBCUiWlnir Ui

productn and their care,"The dairy indu.itry li

, V. the liirgcBl, It not the tiirj:i-.iit. ! Indii.itry in the United Stiitra, More than 30.000,000 people In lliiii country derive a living directly or Indirectly from the dairy cow. She iiupplle-1 J23.20 out of every $100 received by the fi

and compiiny’n prtKluce plant ii Fonlana. CnII/.. ouDlnrd melliodii of productlvH iwultry niialng. <ind dlncu.weil modem trenda In jmiiltry i ,i,,v' .,,.11, houjdng. He tilnletl that in iin un- s’* '*5-J3' clean pen an average of 42 out of every 100 chickens ifi loat whlli! in a clean pen thy ratio la 7 to 100.The necerally of iiurflcU:nt v.itn- Hilnn and protelna In chlckLii ral.i- Jng alao was atrfMcd by Mr. Bonle.

N D IiS ’ GRAVESl IC A i l B A L S

Trnccs Found nt California

Burial Orotind Indicate

Grim OuBtom

COALIN'GA. Cal. clM:i—I’on.-ilbll- Ity that the Clmnnel tribe of Ctill- fomlft Tndi.m:i may have been can-

en-today following acked burned hu> • Indian griiven In


bonefl m thU dUtrlcL.

Gonlon Call diHCOverc( nel Indlai

local . :ton!i of two Clmn-

poMlbly father nnil ion. The miinniT of burlul. with the ikclntonn pnine In the griivcii,

proved them fo Iw mcmiKFH ot Ihc Channelri. who nornmlly dwelt nlong the coant of Southern Cali­fornia, Cnln nald.

ItoHKtrtl Ilonen Uoajiti^l human bone.i. crnckcil

[r> permit extnieUon of marrow, ib n were found near the griivrti. Indicating, Cain Mid, .that |>ofUilbly Uio Channcl.1 were cnnnlbaln. Thin wafl the'flrst IndicJitlon tiuit ony of tho Cftllfomla Indlnnji .practiced tho grim custom.

•hlte men In tJie une of petroleum produeln. Cain dlncovcrcd. Arrows found In the pmvefl, which \-erc hundrcdn_of_yearfi_old,_u'ero_found to have thelr hc.ids fnolenetl on with aapliallum. which iiboumln In ■tnurncctfoirorTfic'nnnouilccttrc'

1 Hllln.

O ld Ruin Given To Wife of President

ST. caoi.v. Vlnrln Itdrjnda (lM;t — A tujttlc of St. Crolx rum bot­tled In 18D7 was prcaentcU to Mm, Frunkltn - D, - Roonevcit -on

vtilt here. She neco]>ted it tho PnsUdcnt.

Till' Chicago rl' ity Into three disunci :it

north, wcjit. and iiouth nidi

llvldeii thu

1*0RTL.\ND Lm :sTOcic . PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 0 ir. ^ Hoga: 200: (luotable nteady; no' '

leht lights aokl $4.25: packing iiowa around $3.2(1: feeder eligible around $3.50,

Cattle; 60: calven 40: few e.irl> Bide.i about nlcady: odd lota med' lum nlfcM eligible around $4.00 tc $4-7C un,iold.

.Slieep: .'TOO: market ([uotiibk nteady: choice wooh ‘ ‘ ‘ • able up lo ?0,10: e' to 54.50,

n l„ llne.i freely told of h* lnl..rvl,.u- U'llh ll» ‘ 1

work In at Interview with the United Preaa,

I'olIoWH MiiB»nllnl ' Portrulta of MuiuiolinI nnd Hit ler hung on the walln of hla Bludj In the llttlo town of St. Michel

i!>a i)Ui)t- 'f'1'll'’K 'nt"

I $3. lo $4.00; culte $1.75 to

Calven: 75; Btc.idy: ■ealer.i $fl.r,0 lo $7.00.' Sheep: 300; nteady: m

good nhom lamba $7.00.

...................... . if Europe.wllh the "Groot Nodcrhind" which hu envlalonn outlined In black.

"Wc are going to create .a nolld nation by de.itroylng wfiat Jia: illvlded lU" aalil Vnn Severen. i thin, aolldler - like figure with i

• ...a... . conimanrtlng pcrnotinllty, "We art hi^feni $4.00: Thi

IX).S ANGt:L>y; MVKSTOCK ,.LOS ANGELES, Miir. 8 il’.l:i-

Hoga: 2.’)| ateady, locals and grain fed $4.40 to $5.

Cattle: 350: iitradyj plah

''I'ode'i of political parties.'warfare and the capltallat-con

n,.,ii,im''rolled parliament mual go. Thi ' . I butch pKopIn wl}l bo reunited In 1

iiiiini 111 •itl'ong corporative ntnte."j Revived SepumtI.Hl»

__ I I>mg before the war (1 wpiiratlu'

0,MAHA UVraTOCK iDMAtiA \fiir f) ir i’i _iIi)L-a-. Belgium. Van heverei

7 ,m ; Btraily: Oc lower; lop $4-20;'il'“'’Vion fn in I Flemish BOldlera maintained

$fi.fi0; vral top $G._00, ............. ...........

kept iillvc by aecrct

......... , oftenhowiHl dinllko for tholr Wallooi

nffleern. who iipokc it different Ian

■ ■ ; l„n.b,i to .Irons: iclii«.ie.i nominally nleaily:

bulk fe<I wfiuled lambii $8.:!5 to 1 ' J9.85; lop $8,00: Borne held higher.


itll the Belglai lawed IL tho war, In which he 1th conapleuouB gallantry.

DENVER I.I\T^STOCKvlvlng tlie • movcnjc'ni. He

Caiile. .to JO.OO. cowa nnd hclfent $2 t. $5.23: calvea $3 lo $0.00: feeder and Btockcra $3 to $5.00: bulls $ tn-$

aen'ed eight yea

Hoga. 1,200: ateady to high' •<>rM«>»$ .7.'.i-bult{-M.3i-X0;.pack. IngMwn $2.75 to $3.25: to $3.00. ,

Sheep: 2,300Mileady to atrong— no early sale.'i.

Real Estale.Transfcrs

Infnmuitlon l ‘url1lah^d by Intermountnhi Tltln Uiuminty


Pennies Buy Pair

Marriage LicensePITTSBURGH C l’i — Joseph F.'

MalbaCh. 25. and hl» pro.ipecllve bride. Bertha Bchmeltr, 23, walked In to the PltLiburgh marrlag)

. Ileenae bureau thelr faces al - umilr::,

Malbaeh phmkcd down a pile of pennies before th e ualonlohed clerk,' Bert Winler.i. - '

•'Whafa. that for?" Winter hiimded.

"For the license," Matbach nwered.

TUESDAY, M ARO I C _.asc: F. Uoopi to C. Ii! Harklna

NENE. E 'iSE 14 11 18.Deed: H. W. Barrj' to Sheldon

I ’ully SIO. LoUi 0-10 Block 07 Buhltownalte....................

Deed: R. L. Goddard to Adi Gilman $10, Lot 4 Block 42 Twin Fall.-(.

WEUNESIIAV. MAUCII G. Stockburgcr to A.

in i i- m s o o r s E s in n in ir----Lease: D, Hualon to L. B. TUley.

E ^S E 10 0 14,Deed: J. R. Smith to H. Hohn- ..........

atcln $1. lot 41 Block 3. Munjron’flnends^cupport. to Addition. Fll«r.---------^ - ‘--lAnU]fOk>pjlU-4hat.

Wlntem counted tho 230 pe; nlea, but InaLilcd lio was bolng made the victim of a pmctlcal Joke and asked VWhnt’a the idea ■" . ■•Try and guesa." the couple a. iwered ahowing Winter* a lx>x of lennles — 750 of them — oaylng, 'Wn’re going shopping,"


plga$2.50| United Statca lighthouse /lerv- icu recently wna Kived from un emburraaalng nliuntlon by n .nl.-ner depunmenl. ilic weather bureau.. .

It occurred over an alleged 4m])053iblUly. The ncr\'lce bul­letin publtahcd Ua- report that a itllef llghUhlp had algtile<l Uie Tybcc llfrht on the. Ctttsl of Ceorjla. for a Ulalance of 31 milcB. ■ despite the fact tho doparlmcnt prcvlou.ily maln- tjilned It Impossible to ace the light more than IB miles.

The woollier bureau stepped In' and ejcplntncd Uie app;m.'ni fallacy. The bureau termed Uio p he ao m o n c fn a "looming," caiued by "Invcrtlon,” and de­clared It perfectly po.sslble to

■ around the curvature of


Deed; &. \V. Wllcoj: j3ent $1(}.000, S'.^SE 20 n 19,

ROME ii:i;i-A portralt.busl Emperor Domltlan wan found by an agricultural‘ b\:)oror near the 'HWTyTcniHUEn-TnuTrTjrTattorwr which MuMohal had built after completion of- the work o f drain­ing .the Pontine marshes. The find ■ ‘ ■ ■ "

• lio man..II. cloeo'‘tn r

Ujeiongcd ^linen

the e rth.Invenilon wna explained aa_a

revertal of the unual weatherconditions ■ wticrftjj' atr at'thesurface Is cold while that above 1-1 warm, ciiuBlng the mj-s from the llghthouBe to bend down- v.ivni and rollow Uie • cartli'n cuWo. light traveling more quickly through the warm'airthan through the :cold. •

OPEN U qU O R STOKES -SAi3KMrHDrfr7--ll«‘)— Twenty-

#ttt{c,.llquor <liapen»ai’8C ftgenclta connUtutcd Orcfcon’a Chain atonj.',liquor .Bctup .opened during; Fdbruari’. Storea , openvte ln.i!ttleir\V»h n.nM or wore popu- Lilli.n. wnjlr ugoni'Ti^an> .•iiii/.nMl’ lo piral i;e(; l'>»iri

lloi ... $!IG.87r,-$11725

.*<II.VEItl:w YOItK. Mar. 9 il'.lli ~

Silver futurca clorl^l nlcady un- cliangCTl to ir> polnt;r higher. Sales 1.14 loui. March 40,50-,.in, April 4(i.70,. May 4U.D3N. June 47.13, July 47.33N. Aug. 47.62. Sept. 47.70-.75. Oct; 47.05, Nov. •""•’.N, Dec. 48.45.V. Jan. IB.TO.

BAR SILVER NEW YORK. Mar. 1) ir.i:i—Han

dy & Harman quote bar silver (pe inince) New York 4fli; ccnta. ui 'fl cent. U. S. treaaury price for newly mined metal C4>; cenl.-i.' iliin 20ij pencc, off 3-10 pennj

o e n v e r ' m e t a i ,df:n v e r , Colo.. Mar. U il’

silver 46'i: lead $4.

Amsterdam Farmers Begin .Spring Work

AAISTERDAil. Mar, D (Sp.r- d a l)—Farm. \-ork la olmvly get­ting underway here. With very..... prospect for Irrigation wa-

ranchera arc reluctant to npend time' and money plowing

ture of the last two weeks haa given jwmc impetus lo work and made tlio soil moist enough for

kuhnii ' b “ 'n 'RuMra. linnia >ert vlaltlng her »c fuluw. lihd his”'fiuT ty]

week. In' tlO-i cinnlng cai-pei Falla, • .

npending Uds vicinity before be- ter work at Twbi

Boat Wreck Traces Found in Marsh

HOmCON. W1.1. (UP)—Horl- con nitir»h. nt one Ume Uie si of the largeat artificial hike the country upon which ateame navigated dally, haa yielded up number of old. rellca.

In the exact cenlcr of tl «ia« ft game prercn-e, blt-s ot wreckage havo - been found which were IdcnUOed with, ohlps Bclicduled to arrive In port ;iO yearn ago. In one /ipot parta of a large boiler surrounded by hloclis of . quarried alone indicate

conclusion of one wyage.VO other veasela are known inve- rone (k>wn in Uie lako.

___ n .acmv. Kink In July 1637.when lightning atruck It during

hurricane kllUng three of the .. and aerlMialy ' Injuring the remaining 13. The other disaster oecurrea two.. years . later, .when Uic boUec of the steamer. Winer, exploded and killed two. ■

r-ttoaC-IN-ilDLESLJAW^.OKEitAH, Okla, • (in:. — S\ D.

Van Oaa. operatetf cn <Jne of :_hls^mule* and.rimoVrtrr l 2-oun'ce'^lt from Ahe animal’* jaw. Vetertnarlana aaM'the rock Kf«''SVT?lJ>r<'Thocau» ■nfirin'WivA


st;.squi;HAN.vHargalnii (jalcire tire ne\v.ipapcr fr. , . a .nlierlffn iialp here rei:cnlly which cuUnlnati-d the utrlkc of lov.'nn- pi'iiplii agnln/it incrcaaoil rates of the Canawncta Water company.

The rrnidenta of Suwiueliimn.-i. in n-iunini; in abide liy Ihi- rriv nili-.-r, continued to pay tl)o old nitca, with tho r.;:iult tliat properly of more than n' clt,7<-n were offcre<I at the aherlff.i !mle.

Roluliis Paper U- G. Baker. milltJint editor of

the Sunquehanna Kvenlng Tran- acrlpt. who haa been-camp.ilgnlnc againnt the inereancd water rate.i, reUilned control of hla i>aper. al-

■ the hammer


talciea: weak: Lung Inland to S2.6.1 bbl.; Maine $1-50 to $4.40 bbl; Malu. $2,50 to $2.00 riack:.Ber­muda $5.00 $f>.75 bbl.; Caniula $2.15 10 $2,25 bbl.


loea; old alock—Bupply liberal: de­mand and trading alow: market ; dull: WiaconKln Round Whites, few siileii, $1,70 to $1.75: Minnesota. Red River Ohloa. 1 car. Sl.CO; Wft- lio Rusaela $2.00 to $2.05.

iafy ater bill. Not an nlltlon waa :nl.-vied.

A member of the paper's ntjiff. Dorothy Springsteen, bid In the properly nnd Immediately turned It imck to Bilker. He announce<l iin intention of continuing Uu‘ cam­paign agalnnt the'Iricreawl wutirr mtc-.i. .

Hundreds of citir.enji gathered In aub-zcro weather a l thii new«pa- per office whi-n the aale was riUirt- ed by Deputy .Sheriff W. J. ,Mc- l-.ughlln.,

.Sniiwflaken have bcea photo­graphed by the thou.nlind.-',‘but no

have been fouml alike-,.


I'otatoeic U. R. No. 1 Idaho Rya- riefi $1.70.$1,75 per ovL ,

wool...................BOSTON, Mar; 0 UlI!)—Asking

prices for wo<il continued to hold lirm In Ihe Boston markot tcKlny : although aalea were bring made on ; ihQ fnwer aide on tho nuigo of ' ■luotailoos. Ruslne.'ia wiu alow and ] wan moaUy llnillcd lo amall lota. : Ohio Delaine fine combing wool I w:in selling la n modenita way at ; 35 i(. 3(1 cent/i. greaae: .U blood, at 40-41, Sales of territory and Tcxoa ; wools mo.illy In fine gmdca also

, materlallr-ixl. Other quotaUona f were unchanged. |

: Isbell ’s New !Seed iStore j.■----- ------ _Is;.Complctcly-Stockcd,,WUh________________ *


■ Double Tested forTypeahdGerminati6xi.5If you can find Retler Seeds you need and wont Uiom— h <Ion’t you? You will alway.n find better needs at this atorc . a and at prlce.n that are- Hght, Come In and itec fpryourocU.No matter what you need In Garden and Mo«jir Socdjj you will find ll:h6rc imd of the finest Improved ataloa,

W E o i io w THEM and W E KNOW THEM . ,


^ _ Located on 4th Avenue South ' -

j Sw iSrs B aby Chickjirrodiiei-d ill oitr

i'\— .Mmtn'n iir tn iililii

• lUflliod;

TO<I l(<i< Wliite


iiiv itf -ypu to!i»s|iiTt 'oiir t;ilililuiVeliV h«iVmolto'’ ’7


. llcds. Ih iff iOniiiiifttittt*, lid AViiit p . lM'R)io'rn.s.-:‘


8!x I D A H O r A ’ l’ N lN 'd T l.M E ^ . T W IN i 'A I .L S , T D A I IO FrIJpy, O j W

Society and C3ub News ff/1 j|[]fj jQ f](j[lj(]{jUAUSlON KOCIAJ. CLUU NKW I'KDKISATU)?.I*LA^*S DANCK A M ) UINNKK |()m CKnS ANN<U ' Vemtocrs ot S.ilmon Saclul club i O.'flrcni nr itii- tit-;

pblJiaed two apcclal cvcnU f<)ri„f ^<1 Mareh ftl their mcctltiR iit tin- ’ tome of Mr*. Oliver Stcwarl yc«-; terdny nflemoon. The fiml •“thtno will l» nn uproii unci overall.Ottnce n t tho LfRion McniorlJtl liall.Mr.i. K-'FHiloy. March 10. Tliff wc»n«l la


Ci. )!.)nse.-clt W ill Dciivu-

r,::’itn Adt!rcTr:U atnrt'-

Of 0 !):erv:i;;a;



■ jinvi



I’ riirirojc Rrbfk.ah’ ,, Officiutc

At Grave Scrviccj-for

LocaJ Wom;in

Suburban Churches I N I G A f t lW C E S

wrro Irlflh Johc.-i. Tv.’cnlyTlK'til members anO llie j;ui-.iU rr«iHmilc<l. I (•'irri---i»iiic|ii GuratJJ IncIuiJftl Mr*. Cliff Davl«, lt«y •' l»y‘‘- Mm. WllUnmCnmrron, Mm. Mauilrl T.Bucbl, lira, D. F. Iwiiabcrt. Mni. I Jtxi Bennett, Mrs. Borl Murne ii M lM Lcnri BrtKjUn. Mrn. Mo ffttve an Irbih rcudlnp. A l ii cun-; tcJt .Mra.. lluxj-.WtuJlc woii.hluti Drj- li' ncoro prlrc iinil Mrn. Arthur ItouUi rr; .Mr.i. ' received cunoulatlon fiivor.

~SHiry'BTO0lcjTtii(}-Mni7Rmjlh' recclvctl Inlo mcmbcratilp.

The hofitts-vir ttvrvcil tlaliUy ri'-jMrw. Orriii i'- .................cluilrnmn: Mivi

lin.ja’iiin clKilr Wlj.'ht.11.1 Mr.n M. J

KI-MHKIU.V NA/AJ{ENK KfV. T. K. Mtirtln, f)ufllor.) n. 111. Suntlity Bcliuol. Sum

.SaviiKf. niipcrliitcncJcnl.U 11. m. Mornlnf: wonih^p. Sub-

Ji'Ct "A CrOMlr.-ui Crown."7 ]i, III. Yniiiii; 1‘coplc’u nici-lliur.H |). m Kvunuiir wonhiii’

Jcct "My iS I) :ii. WclnpRduy I’myiT mccl-IV'*-’ " ‘nfioccnt plen»ur«i'

In.. - jclnticp (lurinKT tho lo»cr.... ilitn life.

.>II I!TAr«iU (:OM. SI^mtODlSTI In “ ^ I’"' mnniiBfr otK>li:iir U Wlilt.-, mlilWcr. i the Alpxandrirt. Vu., Awcmbly.

Kuniliiy achool. Wlllliim ' L" IX’"*e»»lon of Vlllwi.

, VIIXANOVA. l*a. (L-JIi-Cwruc I W'luililnjrtbn' .wua forcetl to forego

r years i

I l.iiiiUu I/I chnct f.n II. in. Mornlnir’wiinrlilii.'S'T-

imii by till' pa.'ilor; «iibj.-cl •• ir Ciic.i.irT" Hpeclul munic by tho

' chr>lr.7 p, m. Kiiwiirth k-iiKUc (lel'iilldli-

III ncrvico, with ii ohorl tiilli by • .Ml. WliKc.

Funeral Tomorrow ' • Fot' CharlesrLewis

Funeral bim-vIccji for Clmrlrn


MembcrB~ or'Ulvcn'irw "c liil j ' . meet^C nt ihr humo of Mrn. Ar­

thur I ’utzlcr yontcnliiy conilucteJ.....Ihewinuftl eltcUon of offieer.n. Mrn.---IxJlOy ■ WcKcr wjxa cllosni I.rr.-<1.

dent to Bucceed Mm. Luther Wall, who prcaliktl. Mr*. Lyman .Rich- ardrt is vlcp preftldrnt and Mrn. BuRenc While. «ecrcluo'*trenBur<T.

Mrs. Wciicr apiwlnltsl the ful- lOWlnjT commlltecn; proprum, Mrn. Lylu Atkjnik Mrx. HIchardii, Mr.i. TTtomiiaKrucRcr. Mrs. Walter Chnpmiin;

' muafc. Mrs. Wlllluni Martell porter. Mrs. Frank Boytl.• Hcfrcfllunenlfl were nfrve<l. Mra.

M aty ifarleU and Mini nul;>' Jfur- phey werft rumIji.. Mri. Rlclmnln

, win cnlcrluin tho i;roup April 12.

r iA N o r u r i i i} • rHESENTEU IN IIFX'ITAL - MloA Creco Bryiint presented

»'{:roup of her .piano puplla Jiuit ■ evcnlnp In a rccltnl prpjrrtun of

soiofl. duR i and dcmonatnitlons of t io Dunnlnff Bystem. 1‘nrenti

’ of' the puplla and a fe%' Inllmato - frlesds cntheml in hcr-«lutllo

Ninth avenue north for the pro- gnun. ;.•■The pujiils pre«ntcd. Unry-Fmnceii Bate.r Lucy Adclo

. DUUJvrhftm, •Peff^rie Qivanii^h, Fred FoM. Martin Fom . McClain JcAmston. Domliiy KrenKcl. Dale Lincoln, .Mnrccry H o b c r tn o n , PrlacUla Bhlnn and Marjrnret Voorhcco. •

InB yesterday nftemoon at homo of Mrs. B. J. AMcndrup, cl<tete<l Mm. J, A. Griffith na the nevf prcnldent nf the group. Mrs. E. H. OlmBtcad waa name<l vice prcal- (lent. Mrn. C. i l . HarrlnKton. a«- rclnry nnd Mrs. Uobert DooUi. trfAitur<<r,.. Mr« AlHpiKt DrvrlPfi w u ' » jpJMt: of the Br«jup. Tho flower funil prlio went lo Mrs. OJmlHead. Jtcfre.nhments we-* ncrvetl. Mrn. A. C. Sklllman \ entertain the group on March 22.


Honoring MUs Marian Graves. Filer, whoso mnrrJase to Harland Cnrlaon. Twin Fall.n, tools place to- dny In BoUe. Urn. U. E. Couberly entertained at a mittCellancou.n nhower Itwt evenlnp. Mm. Carlson U'Mra Gmvr.V nlater.

•Mrs. n . T. Graves, Filer, .and Mra. Herbert Carljwn. Tv.-lh Fulls acted OS nMlslant hoilensca. Gue.nln Bpenl the evening: nt pinochle. Mm. Carlaon recclveil n number of love­ly Rifts. The h


Mrs. Ear! Hkidmnre cnterlalnnl at (t party yrirterday afternoon In honor of the fourth birthday ot her dttURhter. Jeanne. Tlio iimall ffucsta were cntertalnisl iit Oftriea of •games^ and dainty r frwihmcnlB were nervctl. Que.‘'l.'i tocluded- Joan Wull. Patricia Avnnt, Infm Van Aun<!clii, Miiry Lou Sm lU i Jaclclo WorbcPK'. Hud­dle Smith. Dill Du'fln luul Hll Wntla.

si'KiK<i'rt;ouT;ii.=; -----tlSKl) AT I.IINCHKO.S'

Spilnjr flov.Tia-iii.’i'b' ........■ill’’'utliiinUVi;- Uii;.which Cunn;L- .'<li;iri iiii'l Mr.i. C. .S. Itindall rnt>-rt:iiru<l f.jr.Vin I'xl J. Kllison, .Salt I.iltc- Cilv. ycjitenhiy. Ou(.vit;i v.'crc nilriliilri- ed 111 till' 81ms li'itiiv.

\‘aai';i »f iiliiU citrnall'inH aii'l ' daf/odllii iiuirki'<l i ti •• roum:; ■

Uj II. Mr.'i . .lA'iiiKinl KII1.-I


; K n i g h t s o f P y t h i a s j

E l e c t J . L . R o u p e

IV nt thi- IJralir mortuary cliuppl. I Mr Ia-wI/1 <Ilfsl 111 a farm ht)itie

lhr<'c iiiIIm' northwcfii of Twin , ,j Kails lute la.H cv«-iiJn(;'._HeJuid

btcn c!ircd for llicrt- for ni-vcrul

Ail]t. Ilcrl T. SUictt of the Salva- Mnp Army wIll/'pn'lucL.Uicjcrvlcc.lluri:il will be In llio I'tlcr tcine-

Mr. U'wl'i had bycii 111 fm- i:ome- tlmi-. Hr h;ta been pmpliiycd In thin l<-Kl«n In hcrdlnir and iihr;irlnc

■ alipcp. .Vn relatives arc Itnown.

oyii Colie|;e, the- flriil I'fealrJfnt e.>;pn-sxcd his irtncorr rcijret that he was unable to fttiend.

Written In Waahlnirton'a linncl. the letter 8old:

M'nmt Vcmon, U’th Nov.. 17W.Gentlemen.Mrs. Wiuihlnt:ton luid myself i

hiive been honoured with your jw- llte InvlLittiun. t<> tho--iuuiembllrfi in Alexandria. Ihl.i winter: and tlmnk'-you-for-thin'mark-of-your attention.—But ivloal our danclni: d.iy.i are no more; — we wish, ho-A’evi-r. all Uio:)c who. rclUih foi*

iiKri-eablo, & Innocent an

Flower TheiFts Starting Early

- IdnlM>'« balmy climate wus today a new aource of police

Chief a. U. Klrod nald that Mrs. \V. N. SklnocT phoned the slation prolesUnjt that boys or. older pemona were eiiuslaj; annoyance by pluclt-— Ins flowers from her flower pnnlen a l the.Skinner resi­dence. 310 T h ir d avenue North.• Thia inflUcnccd the police

head to Ijwuc a wumlnj; that vanilaliflm would not be coun­tenanced nnd to aslt the pub­lic's coopenitron :n prevent- Inir theft or destruction of flowers.

He commented that March W.1S unusiuilly early for thla type of compliiint.

nmusemeiit, all llie pleasure thespwn-will—nffortl-lhtmi—ttnd—I---am, Gentlemen.

Your Most Oltedient unJ Olilljrr'' Humble Scrvnnt,




I HATUIIDAY NIGHTI Ma;ilt;i, False I'ace.i. Fun Makers, Ktc., ObUilnablu at tiie Hall.

GEO. WAKE und Hl-i Kim Iloe.k Kldcr*I I’rlzei for tho 7 Ikst Cwitunien-

FiucK! - u e e k :

cacti f.'iuMt recrlvi-d a tor, plnlt ronrtiiid.i and ylli>-.v Mm. W. W. Tli.miiiM iKorc J>in. JCID-mi;) vvdii pr*-wented wlUi ii t.'Uriit prir.-' aiul 'il-

) won the tmvclijij: prl".-'. GucsU-i incluiicl .Mra. i:il!j-.n.

Mrs. Thoinii;(, Mrs, O. W. l^ii- .. . Mr;i, W. 0. Wall;i. Mi:i.' J. U«lden and Mrs. C, .1. CaniKni.

.Mi-T<I.i:»T()TAKE Sl’KINti J'Li:i»;h:S

MeT club wjll cliiiii.'ii- I’la apr plc-rlgen lit a mcotin;: ti. bi- held al Uic lujjacjjLMtJU Sally.Soulh Hi day afti'i-no<.ii, annountoa Mina Ilo. pllenn • Kiister. MrT prcililiwil. Names of tho K'fi'i elii).Ncn will ijr iihnounciil Wpdn.-;,.lav aft-r I, have been Kiveji and.iiccri)t''d.

I; I'liilu,. .Mra, Kil


D R i V eci-nlly In Kiirlry.



,Mr;i. Dr. IMvcn b’l'K i/Ilriiiii' H. U'.' Adv.

Special. Utilkn Ilf ttic Council met i Hloir.—‘ llie h.iiilf: Of Mr.'i, Ira FO(ltcr'(

Thun^iy (ifli-rmiun. --tThese Vejgetables 'A fe Freah from the Gardena' Daily-^’




i s e

LETTUCE Asparagus


Mra. W . ,J. Hollcnbecl( wan h teas to rncmbem of the 1‘nitl Noble Brands' club liuil evening Al her home on Addison avenue. Guesta .plnyctl' cnnLi after Uie

W o lti won tlio hridjre prlre iMrfl. LRum Whitney the bridge Ttceno prlie.

-----i-Mm.- Hollenbeck.--Mrs.--Lionel■r Doan and Mr*. A . Bcitilre aer-A---v«»t-4atnty-jofrc3lunenla—Mni^P,.h' .A. GmcA. Mrs. Masicie Holm unu .( Mr». WcJiion were in clinrse of tl cntcrtalnincnt.


Mra. D . I t Young f;ave an t lm ^ in g dlscusjlon of Indiana at

■at the church. Mra. Nellie Ostroi winp II group of Indian compoiu- ■tloas -by Cadmon. Mrs. Youn and Mrn. Henry J. Wall wuir hostcaaca.


Ladlea of the Church -Oottfseil met in the cJiurc?} parlor.i yeirtenJay. i(rs. B. F. C.inion led the proRTam. durinff M^iich Ml.iJ iLffUiac Kreaffcl 'ffave a readinR and Marilyn*- Brlzee and Jan.’t •Flt^water play-ed a piano duct. Mrs. • N«»by led dc^-otlonala. Mrs. Carson's divialon- acrved

■ wenta. 'me ffroup ' phnne<l a cooked food cale.

SCHOOLS’tO G IV E 1’L.\Y.S . .HA2BLT0N,-iI*r. 0 (Speclat) —The annual da*® pl»>’ "'Ui be given by Iho senior* of Uio hlfrh school Thursday, March 15. It is

-oftmcdy--<lr*g>a -.-‘n ’hc— Eath'





5 9 9

Brown Rice

9 < s





8 u . ,



8 C


2..r,.„..15CW HITE OR -iTEttOW ' '

Corn Meal

MEATS1 FRESH CAUGHT SMELTS ..................... . ..Sc lb. 1

Beef Roasts ........................................6e lb. Veal Ro.iBt3 . .......

Hib Boil Beof ............................... 4c lb. Vcnl Stew ....................

.......................8^ lb.

...................„.5<i lb.

1 Round Sirloin or Swiss Steak ...... ...... 12c Ib. 1

8 C lb.

...3 lbs.-25c

.2 If}s. 3 5C

...........5 c lb.

......... 4 p 'lb .

• Acroaa Dio HIIU.'Tho crado ichool is worJlfnc

an operetta. 'TJia Kln'ff .Sneeze to'bo ffiyco the iM t of March.

Pork Slcak ,..........

Pork Sausnge .......

Loin Veal Ohops .

Beef Hearts .........

Spare Elba ............

Fancy Ham or Bacon/ half or whole.......

Bacon Squares, Dry Sugair Cure .:.............

Salt Pork S lre ak ^w ith Lean ...............

Four Pounds Pure i.ard, “Falls Brand” ..

........12Y .^ lb.

.............lO f t lb.

............ IS ^ t Ib.

...............5 < lb.

..............7 < lb.

18c lb.10c lb.

-12c lb;

36cWe Have New Specials A ll Day! If You Want to Savfe on

__Your_MeatlEurchase»,-Shop-from—the-Big^-Coimbrr—We-Alwayi Sell fo r Leaa -


Today’s News and 1...Markets Today!:

Evening Hours Are Reading Hours



"S a a o ” Movement to Mnrkcta

Oalled Best Course, for'

Idaho Growers

MrsrRoosevelt Finds Her Social Dreams Come True

Wife of President Helping Women,


IDAHO,FALLS. Unr.,8 (Spc. clal)—Orderly. nmrKellnK ot pow-

:---urped-ln lh# wMkly-morUolreview of R. G. Rljuier. local r«prc flcntatlva of Ih? mnrlttt ncwa B rv- lec o; the U.n8. department of tiKrl- culture. ■

Tho rcpbri naya:A dull market at orlclDiillnf;

k points occaAlan;d Iar('«Iy liy heavy _ /oadfncfl thoJtTsl’vretlt (n afareh

Imii been iHo major deVclbpmeal lio far this monU). Tlio movomtnt from eertuln MmpcllUve utatcfl lian

__ hpcn BloWed down to ti certain ex­tent •pdrtly by rotid'condrtfons c3- pcclolly In IH« eniit.bOl .ftlfio by the lack of-demand, frencnt nlilptnentfl from Idaho and current dcUvtriefl to.loadlnir polnU contlnuo to In­clude MlM which were effrctcd upon the' advanced mirkct ond durln(; thb octlve trading arpund thouilmt of the month.

. . , Sane nnfl'ConsrrvatJvoJt now oecfiis- apfwmit that

ihinRa wero overdone In iwmc rc- upccta durlnp Ihla period nf c«lte- mcnt Generally npcikln^r sane, conflcrvaUvo twilcy' or origlnatlnj; fihlpmcntA pvldcntly pnxluceii thC' Ixiat the varioai Inler-' nrtfl who ftTO either directly or In­directly concerned., A (ittody, or- derly movAmcnt Ia renponse to a definite de'mainl and a irrAdua! re­duction of atockA In line with the market requlrtmenta on .they de­velop would neem to be tlie' Ik. 1 course for the Indtulry. 'However. It la rccognlied that competlllon Li. knpn, and'Uiero are many In- terentfl, jieetlonj, and problema In­volved,'aJl o f whlch'mako'It dlf-

. tlcult to mtkltilain (vn even, well- balanced ochedule of movement In actual practice.

•While t|io teniMrftry lull in the market Ifl recVlvlnB the nttentlon on all aide# It of.Intercut Id note that year n to 'lt '— banking holiday which, matter of grayeot concern. In opito

-which.beirt-thft lndu»try-la«t- (lon and th e ls r^ amoiint'of Block K'htch did not enter. ti>e carlot moveme:^. vfi umleratand'. there waa fln&lly a good cleaa-up athigher frlcea ----

illjfher Levela .'A .larger proportion of- the re-

lU:ved to-BcttfKcinijiTCa'-lh the muJor'.producUCa dlitrioU-.on ac- cbuJit of,the.II{ht ylcliU.ln.Bomc of Die denBcly populated'p&rtu of the ■ country. • eapeclolly .the .upper

. MlBflUnlppl vaileyoml aUtea like Pcfinsylvanla an’d New.Tork where Uio ag;rrc(;ato production and totalednaumpUon are nomu"- ......l^or thla rcoiiOD. apeclol . felt in the oltuotlon InMaino where .mtjre potatoea aro held'than In any -other-fltale. - Our-IhformaUoa- la IhAt there maS/ be further Intemip- ktohri In haullnj; but that Maine

:nhlpmenta durlnf; the next few .»)' likely: to bo llberal. Our. advices from Maine Indicate, how.' ev?r; that-Maine Bro*cre aro'very firm, with many ot them expect- iHg <thc'price', to go to still' higher, le ^ f l. ■ .................

Fiitijre' JVlisslo^^ry ' Honored by Church

. ;'3EnOME, ila r..0 (^edttl) — IX!0 .OlBCn-WM honored. Tuejiday ■flvenlnff by .a .forowell party clv- ,4h' .by niombero ond Xriend* «f

.. p)ci'. Xattcr ■ Day..Salota.,church, pliien. Jea,vefl. noon (oi; Mlnneapo- Iia’c a a mliwlon. Nearly 3110 p:r- 'M tt enjoyed an evRllm of <lone-

■ .lii^;'proj^mflif and rofre#ihmcnti. Ktunbeni.on the J lr c ^m .Includ- W-'a. .vocal '90)0 by'Mrs. Sam Williams; pitmo-solo by Mary Bleak; tap. d&aco .and nont; num­ber ty'tho-iunall Tiltty, glrl«: duct nuhiber Jjy .Mlss Jonea and Mr.

...nWlUtomBi ..Oiil^,^ll4tinotitou..nna ariifn aeltctloa by Joaeijrfi Sniw.'

.'it: wda'Announced. Ut thU time 'thiit . Thurndftv night ntnke'bnri- auet . hod,

iGrihges^Have Joint ; VMeel kf NbrthvifeW

''■.'NaftTH^mnv. '.MHr;- Q—fSpe- . • ciaJ)--NorUiv^ewl3rtopf'mef liat . kxek with Ccdflr’ lm iw ' Gnmst

hil |^<urtJ.-ThQ foli6wlnc>commit>. ttca . w m appolntea.'by U)c maav ter, women’ll work.: Mrs. Iteed,

. Vrti.'Uaxfv'eU.'aaa.'Mn: COnhun ; » » « , lira. Hort, «f».- Honar, and Mfii. I Currtnton; .flflancc, • Homer

. 'Bcrt'.'.Coarad .anl Charles.Saiiec. .-7^0 .raasltr (A Cedar DiuiP'.Orange occupW the mo3-

■ .ter'h:. choir.',' Tho n,C«!ar.' Draw ' Cnmge Tiad chJi^«. of. tho pro-

rn. - Refrwhmenti • ^w^o served t ie Ndrthvlmvjdrahge.

,!dliree Clever F!etes .' . Listed afctiHazelton

MAZELTOM.'Mai, 0 '<6pcclal) ,i-WrB. AlllC'-WlUey-entertained lh6 . Monday Night Bridge club .this wcok. liigh Moro going to M r* . J L . Slatter. Donald(Adftma . ftsd Mrs.- ‘-Uartim Magel Vcro;-ffuesta.''.V'-irnr' • -Bmitfi '- and • Mrs. 'Jm ea Jifesj&ihtai'^kaYe a birth- ‘day.,.j)Mty. Thuntdiy .afternoon .bonor&^ .Mbws -EaUter. Smith bad ''Anno sUcsdeKlaU. SUteen 'ymms BlrJ* wore preeoot. ' r . Mrs. Ralph Deoil'gave a bridal ghower for aUss/Ooml Ffwraaa ;Tu*«day nfUnjoonJ.,- TWrty-Ilve

bea:Bifta wcro received ;byMla« Wee-

Charles'SomrnWi'U'very III ot _ jh u :h o rh e :n ^ Bdtil,’'"__, ' • •’

ii>' i i i i n v ni.ACK

WASHINGTON il'.IN —.A yonr nfp) Mm.- Fnanklln D.. IVmiuwlt entered the Whia* Houiie. ex-

Tlh'i)icy“ lhc^i6]«i“ Uwit“ ihc'"wVmTir" find i:orac time, to rend, nml Indi­cated tluit flhu would rrllnqulnh hfTTiiWlc ftctlvltlffi, iilth'juKh nht miitht find "not :itrielly po-llticar' thlnjpi to do uml n.iy.

DurlnB that year iilie hait iieen many of her dr?;ims come triic— *ut not the-one rilrtul -tltiie- /-r- rffulInR.

She Jwn traveled from conut in ulrplanon.- a l l - t r i p * sha-lia*..

turned and told jjovcrnmenl 6.'fl- claJa. 'from the ‘ I*rfnUl«nl down, .pertinent facta about the country and the people, Many, of thiac foctfl have trufded government ac­tion.

Dlnclalmji Credit

Here 'arc some of the dreamu ahe hoa necn come true In the Ujit.- year; ,

Child labor haii been olmout abotbhe<l. (She won’t admit tilic had luiythCnfT to do with It.)

Women are giurantecd e<]Upl j»y for equal wnrit In NItA coilcs. bf’cauac 'nhe diiwumwl the (luention with Hoeiivery AiltiilnW-' trdtor Hui;h'S. Johri/ion.

Undemourl.'ihe<t childwi in Uic Dbitrlot of Columbia arc being fed milk and fresh vegetnblfjfl ill lunch bvcauM iHie mjRpoctpd Uiat a npeclal '.'afhow" waa put on when olie vlB\t<yt Hje Juneh roonm, imd later made an linnnnounced viait wHich revealed the truUi.

Ail over the country, suKiLit- cncu homtttwulfl-arc'being dtfvcl- oped with government loonn bc- uusc .nhc and Mr. Rowievclt had long dreamed of decentralizing lo- dujitry, aiding people,In living In sun.'jhlno and fre.’rti air Where they can grow their vcgelable.t and ob­tain thelf,’,ca«h income from fop- top- work.



“Li.'^zic” M ight Go on Toiirs

To Arivertise Newest ^ Tarzan F ilm

«'opVrlKl<t. I’n-HH) HOLLYWOOD. Mur. 0 ll'.l’l -

- .TJac_firjt_rlilnoccroa—ytiu—juavlcfaiiH Hi'i- wulkliig (Ipwn Ibf iitrm^ on nil.' end cf It Ii-iinh whllf u publlclly mun tugy on tiiK uUr'i' riiil, yiiu'll l<mw Mrliti-iJdM'.vyn- Maycr iilucllo luii drcid.-d I.) Ii'[ Llr.:;lo c-iiiry im llii''J>:illylicMj fnr Tiirxin.

cxecijllvc.v Hie nunklrii; of piiiting-Liz7.!,----,n-Vi\n'','in-.r pilllliclty iilutil for" till' hiti'sL T r-

plctiirc, "'nii.'.in iiini • lll.'i Mute.". 11 -li/.nii’nH'on d.'nniii-ly'lP'Ur ed yot ljul offleltilii' bdicv.- tJi- eo.Ht of tniniiportfiling Lhc two- ton' Llz7.1i- ainimil ihi- coiintrv would more than W ofr.'i--l by it.'., adilllional number of cuiiIoiikt. Lizzie WDulil liirr Into Uio tl'o- nlom, .

Tho iitmlln p;iM n handrionit' >itim for llic rhinocotxj.'i iic-v.-ni! monlli!! iigo, buying hrr fi'>iin ttii; Jlnccnback-Wnlhice circu.'i whlj‘i rvfii.'ii'd to hire her out.

Murii'l Kv:inii, ydiiBjr .ictiT.'i't. I hiui lntnxluci'<l n novi-l nmln'iiji' 1(11 tlmt 1;. aUnictlng .-nvv of li"ri fi'llow-pliiyeni. • j

U';i [1 "iiiiiltcu]) cll|)," ;i .':iii:c|l! ''luMiii-l affair no bigi.'iT it'

J li:ilf-(i(i!i(ir \Tlilch njn.iiji it, /iti.iv,'! !i tiny rccrptaclc tu lioUl pnw :md puff. On the Innrr iiliie 1: n\liii;iture mirror.

T-,' |iL'd by D. E.

:i.'ilniiiiriit;il H.'ill;: f„i,)1ly; ilri. All>rrt C< iiihiUI Kiriiliti.lOOL

iii;ym;R.v, :A liin;c lUi'llc

L the njienlng pujiri'iiiii of llu'

lilWl Monil;>y .'Vrnliw:. Vi'-liil- I'lllllpri of iluiii'lt \v:iri tli.'H]ii'iilcrr of Ihi' rivnliii:. Ill- '!!:'• CD.Wcd iij'jiri'Cl;itl'-n of 111.' fiil—miil- iirj til ■ U-'iIfiiiT.'! I'l

irr>' tli‘‘ <i<jilri' for Ix'aiily iiil.i iimrii (I Hi I iiuri'<>iindlii|vi.Tilt ri'malnder of iin- ],p,;;iTiin

ron;:l.Mnl of hrlrdtiin^ l\v (h.. m-liivil iKDiil; t'.Vii vinMl ;iiil<, ' ':)i'il'li-.s \VhlU;il'.i i'. ;i<vcm;;iaii

Johriioa: a tnini- Hw;ird Cork.'i.'i:

i-.'liii'Iilljlc; by till-

Hmilti. ;.uj>rrititi'n'lcnl 1 J-'.iJh TlU- }lryl,irctioiil ;;lrc; rliih Jcttilfi


. DAl.l.AK, T<-x. (Ill’i—I'ilot nieh- anl I.. of DaKwi, wJio flewIII.- ilr^il air moil piano Jnto Dal- la;* oil .May 1-. ll'iO, und wlio luui piloird mall. c.Nprr;i.H and puaioa-

from hen- to Chlco4>) alncii ihai Iiini', will nail for Uernuiny

to tiac-h foreign pilot* thn iirl. of htin_illliig_U<ielng lrtui«porli».___

Til-'' 'Or'ui>icbe~lluflKuiiia TiUil lHiivli;u:''d li'oni Ui<; Boclnj' Alf-

cnnviriitUm j«;veral now tninrijmrt plane.i idmtieal wltlLW— il;i,rio l)i'lii(r flo'i'n on ttic Dallaa- ciik'aj:" I'lUir.

ifoto,,'»U»—Stulitl — Tiiriii r,' San rraiii'Ui'o. (oolt u linsllliiii as iiiHtriictor In » CW.V ii(Hi-t-\vrilhiK I'oiirn.-. SiKirllv afti'nvurdH a Nr»' Vofli luiiiH-licr iUTr|.l.-d lirr ii(.\r| "On.- Way Ticlirf’ imhllialliiii. It :i nlory of San Ijiii-iilln jirliiia life.


CASTLRTORD, Mar. n (S;m- cbil)—TJic Imnor iJill of tho Oui- tli-fortl .nchooln ha^Ja'it Wen re- Icanwl by Supt. D.'O. Oibbn, ami ' a.i foHmva:

High nchool—Martha U’llllnmfi,

John Uaro'mnn; .iml ano!;r: branch of lib famlty luivc iric; on the iicri-i'n for the finil tlni. in n-'current him IJrtrrymorc 1 m;il!lng. Tlie 'nntroducUon" wn; accomplished when Arthur Kit; kin D;iven;)ort wn-'i aiuilgiii' I j

fnirt In the picture. Dav<'njw)ri ho nof! of Hurry Davcnjwl, to. tin yearn a veteran nl^igo iii;i

ncrcen actor. whr>;tc w(fo win I‘hylli:i'IlankUi, iii.iter of Cl'i ly; IVuikln Drew, In tuni waj

'Mctiiciil Miiga:;iiic Listii 1933

Lcailers Outstandin;j: in

Varied Studies

-Tho. homca-toelag.biult-on.the:ie farm-fuctory projecta are to have plumWng- awl cJtelririly.

Jobleita women w ere . given equitable connlderatlon hi CWA

'eta b ^ u " “InterMted, . , ,

.Unemployed artiat*.— painters, iwulptorH, aclorn, nuwiclana—got CWA' Job.1 'becaiiso'ahc-catted-at- tcntkjn to tho fact that aomethlng haj| been done for nearly oi-cry oUier .group:, of - wTirkfrrt- except them. , ,

• Tukm Active Part She haa humanized tho ^ ■hlte

Houaa. More. iwople .— ordinary people— Iwve necn the necond floor than ever iia'W It before. She hn;i nmde • It •..the . noosevolt family liome. and yet hiui admlltctl thu people to I t She hoa made even the formal functlonn ' "they were partlen nht ...u. eated in glvlnfr. She invitcfl many "f/'- people to lunch and dinner with ^ *'2* “t, her. She glvcH informlil parties.

.Soreniionr raulinu IZcerv'.' Baroreil narilliiiV,' Almiirle Jlouglilallng. Kleanor Vogel, Dorothy Clunent. Ucthl Cantroll. E v e ly n Houchl^iling

CHICAGO dM!i-M.-(lleal Inve; ti;:alliiii of Ihi' many problem:! iitill rrinalning aa to the funetioim and dl;;oriIi'r:i of the human tody made HUbiitiiiitlal procrnu'i In 10:i3. iic- cnriiliij:. to ihe ma(;ar.lne Modern Medicine.

Tiio magaziiii' tli't-i S.T mei ail "Honor Uoll" of doctora jilandlni: in varlouH bninChcri of medicine.

pltU Bill K a n d o ip h . Goldlo Sparkji, Alma Blnckiim, Marjorie JlMUUt. ltacold~^orr.n£uni- Uulva Bladth.nn. Xllce ICcljilxdBon. Kola Cnntrell, Lorcntti:'HaJeyc HelcJi Peterson,' Jamcn Cook, ’ Irene BlaclOinm,' Pauline Hclnley, Boi). by Kimbrough. Hari'cy VOgel. Lc....... Wheeler. Itlta Nlhart, Wil-

Bybee. .Della Unibh. Dettj- Gorrell. Cnrmen j-irdnlM. Alvtn C/nmpltf. Vcmon H’Jicefer, Mtir- llyn Heller. : — •’* •

Olorln H.nley, Opal Richnrdson, Shirley Metrier. Doris Bw.itow, Jack Barnt«w. .Tnck Fnilner,

Fairview Newlyweds FriendsFAIRVIEW,- Mar. 0 (Special)

— Miaa Maiy Mraz and Cen Jaocn. .WcrOunited- In marriage Friday at'tJie Gatliollo church in Buhl. After Uie ceremony a wed­ding dinner waa aerve<I at tlin home ot Mr. and'Mrs. Joe Tmv- nlcck to the relatives and cIoho fricndn. On Monday evening chartvarl dance-wan enjoyed by large crowd o f. their friend.-* at the Faln-Iow hall. Treala were enjoyed during the evening ami dalniy TefrcnhmcnXa were nerved at midnight. The bride la tJit dftUithtef of Mm. Joe Trav- nicck.............. ■ .

iccoooooab o c a o ^ ^

'W EEK -EN b'*

Golden Speciul -I A‘Flour, 48 Ib....... .Sugar, .10.Ib. bag ;.................

It.,,...33cMother'ff Oata, China or Alum* Inuro,

DritKl ......... .......... .......... .White or YeUow Com O f f A


10 lb. paU Staley’s,■ s j V u j i .... -r...........5 lb. pall Stalcj's8>TUP ............ ...........Good Solid Head ]>ttooo.'2 he«4la ......Bunch lU m lp ^ top*'are fresh--------nadUhe*,3 bunehe*.New Cabbage lb. --------

59c 30c 15c 5c

iOc _ 3c


— rr-A-Kitnberly..-. -• .

iatxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ ^!o«!g^

.McKnrlnnil. Melvin Nl- liart, Phyllla Heciie. Mildretl Damex. Nedni Honcncrims, Marlu Krrxloljia. Irving Kttcale^. Jrma Burkhnltcr, Virginia TucJianncn, Maxine Petemon, RuUi Ree<l, Shirley Brown. Pauline BulUley. Ida Pinlwton, Virgil Reed, Alvin Hannon, J'*«nk Ncrn Frun): Sheltrih.-^Morlam Darrow, Clinton Qulglev, Hons Nuehci, 53me/it WVjt.‘ Billy Brown, Jnm«t Mon­roe, Bertha Oldridge, Elnle Nucli; el, Jeroma Xach, »obl>y Brown, Dorothy Brown. Norma Jean Darrow. .

Five Uiouiiand coal mlncrn f employed in digging Uic fuel c< iiumcd by automobile mnnufucti ing plantn. *


Alwftya Your Moneya Worth In Quality Uaed Cara!

1023 Auburn Sedao ..........1125JI12O Oldinnobllo'Coach .... 52261020 Chryaler 62 Sc<lan...-.SlflO1032 Ford i Coupe ..........»a7C1028 Noah 'Sedan .. ..--- S1401P20 Dodge DA Sedan .... ?275lt»32 V-8 DeLuxo Coupe.. Bun 7.000 miles...... .55001029 Kord Truck, beet body, '

new rubber ...............JI73Fordson Tractor, recon-

dlUoned ..........-.$1251033 Ford V-8 Truck, low

mileage, sold in Dec.1053 .............-...— ..... 5650

Watch America Follow Ford! Let.Va CaroJor Your Car!

Union' Motor Companyyour r*OKD fteaJer •T trln^F^'ldoho

-Davenport,.-Jolm . luiU .-iJor.ol ,n ,u '0 0^ 'rpl'lrm'lc ^ ^ bmltr Bariymore once-w.trI«-l-t.H,:el)iei' ,nit In St. fxiui-t. 01

.Hi l/)o aldge p/.O'i ‘ Tilt’ Jc«£. ’ |.])ari-ot fever, wan nntiCliiT illncu!"

(JU A N iT JT l^ n ^ ’K 'c^VnTKUi;:';:^,!' tlrnclentl^’C, S ; : “ of r ‘:HANSKN, Mar. It (Special) — [ cent cutl;reak;i.

The Gninge meeting p.)<l ' .Study ' nf tho endocrine.i. 01 from ioat niursday wnn helrl (U'lctlciui gliimln, conllnuoil to be the church Tue.iday evening, j Uie rmhject nf concrntratod effort pi'flping-of tho'-charter'"wh?i-tlic-!nTid'''vt>n honom for iick-nti.'th'in' prognim. . , <nc niii(;a?ine'a but.

Spring HardwareFrom Our COMPLETE Hardware

Stock in Kimberly

•98c 98c

$3.95 1 5 c

Irrigatinff ^ v e l s , A Q p

a closiiouK:,.,,,......U O r


Ra ltcs ......


Hoes '.....•...

Garden• Cirilivators

Garden •

• Trowels....


Regular Irri- (I»*| O f f .

gntiao'Shovels v


Handles •.


Sbcep ________



4 9 c

85c3 1 . 9 5

Teajii Lineii,

1 1-8 in. 2 0 ft.

• T r i t ' . , . 3 4 . 9 5

single Trees

59c 85c 31.25Double Trees

85c,31.25 31.65

Lawn Broom A p

' Rakc';..'..;:............ :. 13*,^

Pads ..........---------------Wraretnnr

100% Deer Hair . A f f p Set of C

Oollttf P a d s . • W r e n c h e s ; 98c-4Vatch-¥our-Weight-wilh-Bathrbom--

> Scales '

Onejkind, only^............ ........ S2.49The yery bes t.............. .; S6.S0


2ise25c 20c 25c

Com Fhikea, •

2 /or


2 for

Special White

Soiip, 10 ba rs .

Baaanos4'l b s . ....

Goldoo. Special Floiir, 48


■2 lb. gloss ja r Hoody’sP eanu t.' ----

B u tte r ..... ........

3 lb. box

OraoherB ..

W o W ill Pay 12c a Dcsca

for Effgs' Saturday

Kimberl^Hdw. & Gro. Co.......... Kimberly, Idaho

What a Man?-HeUs-!. Alley.-Onp,” and__oLt r animals and bird^t

he is busting right out of not to mention the Cardiff : the cave man days of the giants, other cave men» and-

___ prehistoric -past-to- amuse «ven some pre-historic^ap^-you!---------------- -—

For “A l le y Oop” will play the star role in a new a n d different k io d of a comic, which starts in this paper Saturday. We know it will interest you and give you lots of real laughs.

For in aTOition to “A l­ley,” there will be all kinds

V. T. Hamlin> the artist, has'made the settings r pic- torially correct,, but -with;: these he has combined^such lu d ic r o u s situations' that the strip is good for a laugh every day. Plenty b f Sur­prises, thrills and ' ment, but above all^‘;] ^ l> humor.

Everybody Will Enjoy . “Alley Oop” and’-

His Strange Playmates , ,


Page tiglit I D A H O E V E N IN G T B I E 5 . T V / IN F A L L S .- ID A H g .Fxidny. MarcTi 1034

i lN 'S P B E S SU U I S l C i

Roosevelt Praised by Editors

For Accompllshmentii of

HJfl F irst Year

Hy XInlW I'rffi*• Thr pr<'H:i rtf the niitloti pnu

li'ibuto ihLi week lo I ’rcJiliIrnt I’.cHjscvolt'Il^J hl.i ailmtnlslmllon CM the llr il luurivenurj'.of hbi .'.oniln;r offk-c. .

Ni-.vrrpuppni t r o u p h o i l l Ihr iDiintrj' rcvli’Witl Uio momcnlou.i

Ilf the past y o r and ipve tljii ijrciliionl full crcUlL fop hi« «;iiTf;ctlc Orive aj;ninat dfjirps.ilon

— TTT't-nnrirTltTrTTiwit:-- ------—F^ciTi't* frum iK>mt* of Uir cOl-

luilui ciwimpnti fbllott’: llupjiy CulitKuil

>:r« Yoric 'ninr.'i: "Wlic'fl he tivjlL cffico the In tlitor ijiinlry \va;i '.m Illicit Uiat U couU !«• cut Willi II knife . . . U

— Vfnr- inter -wi* 'hiive-lhe-liiii)j)y of frtctulily Increo-iin}; rc-

rovt'i-y. of lmprovr<l buslocJW and iii;imif;iclijrc, of Uie banking’ crlaL*!

—■rniU'il,-nf"wuinJ-nrllllcns-niore-sl •.vurlt. .md, more Important than (ill. ii :r,vcepln(7 cliarjre of 8cnU- iin-m. with revived hope luid re- ii(-.viil coiiruKC vlalblo on all sides, *r.. Mill <|iicnUon aUll put by »m o utwUniit.: pcMltnblfl, wtiat the |in'.'.ldi-nt liu3 done, the cinmver is )u;it to look about and note the ^•onerclo eridcnco fvcrywliiTr."

aittr>-cloii» CJuuifrf Dttroit Free PrcSJt: "A com'

jkirljion al tlic altitude and out' Jijok of the ptopjff of America ,J2 iiiontlm ulnee and today rovwla ' i.')iun(,'e for Uio bolter that in i.. lea.1 than fnarvctoufl. Thla much cunnol be gnlnaaJd by tho ucver- i';it critic of Rooaevcitlan pro- i:r.un3 and pollcliin. Certainly no- IxnJy who Uvea In Detroit, and has obHorved the rcnewiU oC hope, tho recovery of morale. bjkI tli« Unj;- Iblc pickup In eomreerco and In- «laito- which have taken plaec hero will attempt a dlaputo cb U>e ])olnl."

Conton Post: “The prophets of -fii'.O »1tiyfl-apo have b «n confound* rU. T}ie aeers tuuJ tho a-iffct oro brcalhtivia with the pace and en- erfTy of the.' axlmlnlkralloa We iiavo aJl felt the ruahlnR of the wln^rs'of Ktvcl eventJi. For.-of till the years of our hlatory, tiilo haa be<ui the moJrt amazlnp. Fortun­ately. wo oro better oir tlum wc v,-cro a year afro."


--- Hum-anJ-rciTB-tinin-ldrnl-lnTakfnst-comblnullon, iim>rJliiK «o' Wliikn. Prmldmt new EnRllnh netter. luid 11) portion*

Ifi Ju»t ubdiit riKht for lii>i ii|ip>tlle- Wliilin Nllppnl Inlo \Vhltr lloUKr KCn'UiilK' i)iiiirtrrn unil ilrviillrrd Unit in:iny hmikfiiKtH uiid

—BtlU-trlt-WTirpnniiBh tii dpmointratc-to thr-rnmrntiniin -hm\'-hr-dld It, Ilckiiii,' Ihn (lUitr rli'Uii In thiN picture.



Are you on the anniial suppo commltlce of your dub or lod>;e

church iioclcly? Or arc ymi the • ordaJ/lcd to iii/i/iti/.'f '{ftc /<xxl

and rcfrr;ihmpnt;i7 Never mlnil. you will be. .Sooner or latir you will have lo ruck >MUr brafn ti find fooJu tliat will pU-iuHi cwry body, Includlnf; Uk' finance com niiltee and the jiviiiiy-'.vatchlnt; trcaaurcr.

When that day arriv«i, with all lU'anxletlcfl, you will be n lltllc moro calm In face of tho ta-'ik If I'DU have some facta nn<l Blatliitloi ftt lumd. nomo quantity rrcljics thiif will Como out rlKhl, Ajc-'lniil that day. w;e have collecli-d .-i Better clip them n(»w!

To Mnuiuro hy Ciitm liov much in ii can ? Thin wIH

Boston Ilciald: " It b .quUo Ito* possible, to. predicate fnlluro or Hucce. a for the now admlnlatra- tlon. .Tho natlafactoiy brief Jitatemcnt on the subject Is thoi i>f Henry A, Wallace. Bcerotary of ajTrlculUirc. " I do not think wo can aay Jiwt yet,' ho haa dec!nre<l,' ‘junt whero wc uro headed.* \\’hclliiir''\ve awTb cmharit on nii- tlonalLmi or intematlonalliim or H'tiicthhiff In betMiwn. caiuiot be ilelemilned."

L:iud> Dollar I'roKmm Deirolt Ncwii: -'At the cm! of

Ihe pn-ald'wiffl fimt year, our.flrat Ji(ipe in Utal ho retntnn hbi healOi. liln iw/.fo and hill' Iitad/difp of a iC'finjr Kovemment, nupporled .h> cimKrv'.in, Our /lecond. l/i' that he cllnjr with an unrclaxablo prip lo the Btjiblllrcd n w dolbir. ana- to hb plans for pultlnfr tho treasury on a securely balanceil basis ;vlth* !q a rcaaonably ohort tloift. 'Tho more the tn-onurj' dlrecUy aad.ln- dlrt-clly tnkcs over bankloff and neeompanylnn hostfl of oblipa- tlonfl, the more must wo reallsi? c.'>peclnlly here In Detroit, Uiiit, JJkf any banJf. howc\'cr And .' eemlnfily. necurc, even tho Irca. tiury can cnMh."

Improvenienl I ’orlland OreKOnian (Indepcml-

rnt ilcpublican): . . Any at- tempi at; llilu Umc to p;i«H final judgment on tho new djfil wouUl he decldcdly premature. There'has been' f^-nl Improvement durlnj* tho 11! month)!, but the.’ unrecon- Mtnicled minority an.oie.H tluit tills lioA been on the uurfaco and thiit It lum cost too much whatever the coi;ts . . . luid dan- Cem. tho fact renuilmi that'wheat tirlccB have approximately dou­bled, com haji moro than dou­bled . . . Bu.ilnea.1 and industry »ho-*'ed a frrcat Impelun during the flnit six monthn of tlio od- •mlribtraUon, and ttft<T Uie winter (ilack neaaon thero are renewed .•lictui of revl'TiK"

No. ......................... ....... _3u.N0 . . 3 ______ ;.......................... -I

Here are numo uillmatt-a tliiit wJll help in /liTirlnjr out ' how much to buy:

Coffee ~ One pound makes 10 cujM. ■ .


Cri'am—One tjii.irt thfn en-an or one pint thick crcani (to thin,’ Ln i'noiii;h for ^0 eupn of coffre.

lAuiioniiilc OP other lilmllar bev- uTUKr -Tlirei! li) four jjullami b. unouich for 100 uervln*;n. and .pou may allow lU lemonn to each L'al- Ion of lemonade,

Ice Cream — Throe j;alluno iihould ftcn'i: JOO <>p count seven allce-T lo each brick of Ice cream.

Diilter—One jKmnd print butter itii Into 40. nmall /icjuurcn. Uread—One pound loaf makca

1:4 . Hllceii ijf .hrtad ..tli!.. nand- wlehe.’i).

Gcnenilly . .'ipeakinir the follow- Inj; amount.H will iicr ’u 23 peo­ple: Fifteen pounda polatowi; five pounils onUinii; five No. 1! conn to- matoi-.'i; .nl.t j>ound.-i meat Iro- mov«i from bone); five bunche.i celery, - -

I’arty Simduk-hi-o

-Uy. Cnlt4MlfrTii»». .

............SE.VATB...........Continues debate on amend-

|intnt to make catUc n bsfic c

Araericafi' Girl" diven commit-1 Decrease, Kotcd -purinff • F irst

For CftJifornitt. Mission continues open henrinirj. onj Tlirco Years of U. S.

R ccarch W ork •. , a' d ’roTar'^^ffalr,.! . . ■ Depreasio.

Dunkin;,' and ounvncy lee continues open henrincji iitock market ref;iikiUon bill,

Terrltoric.1 and Insulflr nffalr<i—.— ’ IcomjnlHee ccmildcM rhilipplnej • ----

I.Ofi ANaPTLK.'? UUi.-Mnrle T-' ' COfSK. Mar. 0 <L'.i;i—ldniia lax- Walsh t/Kiay wan in.jwmciwloii o f ', , ,v^ wana ’ixl a. ollce ofa i:old ni<-dal be.itowed her ' ' 11S.8 per cent tn i;cni'nU properlyI'otie Pius VI f„r .u-«rh ! munlcatlon/i bill. 1 ihrce yeuni o f the

depresaion, the Jiamc.tlme reduced tended Indebtnlni I 1-1.0

Pope Piui XI for rwearch , _In the hinidry of California mln-: h o USB

The younK Callfombn I.1 b-. ( Dobaten Banl; cotton pn. llovc-d to be Uiy <nily nirt ever t.i diiclion control bill, uon. made by the -Btatereeclw ihe ppi-ckjus award, <mo of i Ways and meann commllter' Ootnmerce.lesa lhan a dozm piT.wnn in nio con.iidcrs PrnldenLn tariff pro-j Bolw«.-n 1020 and 1032 the Iho United Slatea to be so hon- poial, •. - ••• • . (property tflx--or; all pjvcmlni;orol,_________ . . -SubcommlUee con»ldeni o ld , was reduced from <21,807.

m/’p-pciunoTiffr-- :------ --------------------- -------- ----In IKHH ■ - , __ _______________fir tC of thiMb ifrcortifltm-t!

-i>r.-«„„UHi In Juiy .-iHXK,-.iui-.j.(jrge8-Sluaies on-

Accept ContractsJEItOMJ:,. Mar, . 9 (Special)—

Com-*o}r KTOwers met for'an•81)7—ur^,358,283rTUia-ln--xnct>otjnenl--m«wtlnK— lnj-th*— high

111); lh<- g;oldrn Jiiliijc prie.nliood of I>-<> XIIl;

Imicrllied with the pupal

nerlod outoiaadlnj' bonds . . -cut from SM,477,30H to 548,-.with 17S pre«nL E.. T. Bronaon,

>2403*c. .......... - — r ••-‘a;:ricn}tiirccl-—econombitr 'Boljre .• • outlined the plan • of/ iho jMmi-

pro(;ram.- Harvey. 8. Halo.

R o b i n a o n P r e d ic t * ;

. , M a y , 1 A d j b t t c m n g ;

-WASHINGTON)-JOir. a OIPJ — Seaator Joseph T;*‘*.'lWftna9on. pomocrntJo .majority .lf4dw...,Iiiia informed -presklentTWOflcvtlt-'puit ho hi oonfideat conyrean wlU ml- joum...'betwej3t;May 1 onrt.r;May .

Mr. -.Rooiovelt -and; . RDtoJiiso'iT- surveyeU the-, entire- lc*btetlvo picture and'.It wpJi"'UndeWtoofl that tho latter would conc«ilrate on the tariff, mtosuroi- tho;- op- ptxjpriatlon- bUla and- lo g l'^ o n lookJnir- to-rcUif rot.wualdpaH- ties. At-the same- lime Hobbuion Indicated that no mf.i«s:o oa the war -debt nltuatlon would go bo-fofc'conj,TCM ,ai>.thl» " a f ja lo n . ..


—Orvll Chrlfltopheraon, Bill Dav- la. Elolae Freelore.. Dole. McDon­ald' and. Junior ■younfr-aro'oft the -eiyJitti- ^;r»d#-honor-i-A)ll-for _lha—

nchool biilldlnif Tuc*lay evenlnj; montli of .Fcbniary. -

Youth# Play T*g WitK-TIiijrd Rail

NeKv . yoB It (UJy — The younger j^em libn ' In Queens

' llkM a tittle spice with lu recreation'. '"-'- .

TWi’o specb! officers found .. four. ho>'a iMundlnv bock . and

forth over the hTjrh voltace rail of aft elevated irtructure;

•'Wo're playlftj; ik lp the. Ihird r»\l." said one of the boya.

••And how- do--you:-pIay tlutT"

"Wc/t If you (ouch- tho third txjII .yoii lo.*ic,'' •

T\3uchlnu the third- rail would mean Inirtant electrocu- tkin.

T I-ilKlwny dliilricLi effected Uie outiL e i s u r e i i m e i-eduotionm direct tft.-«a, »«pI ../V.. . . . . . . . , largest j-eiiiiotion in direct tft.\ca, ‘~k *iurvoy. a. umo.

arm-n, ••I'r.i ]-:ccle.-ilu Kt';>oatlflee.'| BOISE, TO-School.i rccoCTlae l33,7 • por cent. Countlcj. J«1 in «un ly a^ent. . »

...............................................m ijthc-y mur.1 b» .Mchln,: » l only I . c S c l T . v-“rc^ac?Mw*ie"t)7rfoTmed “’ 'i- Complltttton « • 1033 flRurcs has .copteJ by nearly, a ll prt«nt-.

oy uaisn i leisure Umc. SUle Superintend-; hot-.been compl*.led, but tho State March 10-17 have been. art oaiHec^ntiv ih- vniiihfiii norli-tv‘‘'nt J, W, Condie nald today, tl chambcr" <oar»' Jxitft taxea and finat rign-up days. Tho perrtian-.

at the InntlKatlon of Pope Plun N. 12. A. deparlmonl of superln- XJ and sl -ncd by CajdlnBi PucDlll,;iendrnce racetin; . In Qeveland. riueri'lury of «ato at the Vatican.; Ohio.«<ini;ralulalljiK her on wrlUnj;| Mr. Condle vlll npeali on tho •'The Ml.viion of iho I’atisfi," ii;.*iubjecl at a digtricl. liomo .eoo- l>wik on the .Santa Inei Mission, 1 nomlcfi conference In Boise March

17, and at the Inland Empire

, CWA- PItOJECr STOPPED AJdStffiRDAM. Mar. 0- (Spe-

clal)-T^CWA KTBvellnfi: In this' lo­cality has be«n,.cllmlnatod aacl 0 Kood many men are thrown- ' '

of the Jerome torcltoty. b tpoied of. Joe Handy,. Chatle*. amoaaJ,-onif . Jorf -Day. ‘ -

NEBII.VSKA MAS V1HIT8......... ...... ...... ............. -FAIRWEVV; Mar. 0 '{epwilfti)

of work. Owlhir lo -water cowli- —Stonle^ Smulney. Nebnuika. I9, Uonti oh.UiB Sabnon-.tract^therolvbltlnff at Uip Frank Kodeaji, b UttlR.’dcmtgtjl-fqp-iabor here, ‘home. , . .

.* .. —Sefr-I ' CO IU OIU3RKUOW-

;■ IBO MalD'AV6.'Ni (■ to 0 p. 7 to » p.

liny ;iuiiilwiclic.'i for a parly, tm- lonve.n of bread len(:lh-

wise. Butter the larKc allcc.i. pul on Ihe nandwlch fllllnj; imd Uicii cut Ihe Mind-A'lchcn In Intricate lit­tle iihapi'.i. Thvy'Jl add 11 note of Interfflt t»> your .landwlch plaller.

Children Fete 68th

Birthday of FatI'ClvOVER, Mar. P /Specbl) — ailldrcn of C. E. Thawncrt ap- peHml JirTllU llUTilu TJlUl5»l3yi've»- nine to rwalnd him of his nlxty- dffhUi birthday.. After o pleasant dtonlni; lunch waa ocr>’e<3," Lorenz pchaefer recently left l^r Portland, whcra he Is altwul- inK ft nehool for.mechanlc.1.

Erlmrdt Llermtcin and little iV>'iilnn arrived Tbur»dft}' over-.; Juncl.. from Waterloo, Ja- tfhero; they (ipent the pwrt. winter. Thoy; w'ci^ accompanied by Mrs. L. Mryef imd her nloce, Mbs Clsu- ■ wn, who win otay at the Utr-1 'riiann home Indefinitely. ,

-..Vlbert and A jthur Licrmann' wllh Uielr famlUca moved to Uielr nc-.v home at Eden. Thursday. j

Robert Wemer and .family b , moving lo tho west end onto Uio plftco v.ncatc by Arthur Licr-. mnnn,

Walter laucnder and TTieo,) Klucnrjer, jr.. ‘ aro renUnc tho, tVin. Kluendcr plocft on the wwt; end vaeate<l by Albert Llermnn.

A ftrirly Ki>od attendance b rt>.| jwrtisl at the Trinity Uilles Aid"' iiock-ty meettnc Tljursday at the l->nll Hermann homt. with Mm, Ulrich an hoBlea.i. Dc^-oUonnls In! Itcepln;: wiUi tho Lenten season were led by their poatOr. Rev. -Mr. Dcnaonrciat A lter the buitl? ni-.'ti mecUnC quUt Woclt,pleeInff wofl tho dlvamion XoUowwl by' re-


Oakley Woman Fetes Husband’s Birthday

OAKI.I-:V, Mar. !) (Si.itial) — Mra. Merrill Warr jjave a hirlhday parly Tueiiday niclit In himor cif hi-r huiibiind. C'ui-;aa were Mr. and Mfk. I'usit R-icb,- .Mr, nml M n. Krn-

' IneUi Warr. Mr. 'and .Mra, l.loyd• . I Criiehfielc!. .Mr. anil .Mrs, Kldcn

OAKLFA'. Mnr. 9 (.S>-cian - -Iwhitlle. .Mr. and Mra. Geori;« Jolui ■ McMurray, liuKenu Piclcell Kclckaon. Mr. and Mr;i-Axel Erlcli- and n, Parl(7 .Mallhewn met kiiHon, Mra. Annela Warr and Mr. Bobo recently wlLli I'mnk Wy-|and Mra. Sam 1-', Ilalijht,

n, bondholdeni’ attorney, Oth-j Claremont Grnnne ileK'ree leam comniilleo menibera an’ L. K. and alioul oO other nieinbera were

Crltchfleld and Ge«r»:<’ Severe.' It in Oakley Moiulny to cimfer Ihlnl b reported by tho comniiiu-o lliatlnnd fourth deffreea upon beclnnlnj: chajice.i are no v In favor of pur-iC:hini;i-ra, clmiio by .ia'Ulem of the 10,330! Mr. ;m(i .Mni. Orville Ada:Hhure.-i of iilock held by Uie bond-; tertalned nt u pliuicihe party lust holdeni la time tn Irrl^ale mo'weuk-eiid, Gueabi Includcde Mr. 103-1 erop,!. lanil Mr;i, Eui;ene Price, Mr. and

It b connidcred cert-nUi.jMni. l.loyd -Smilh, Mr. and Mrii, the commlll'‘o a;iy;i. that moneylHarold .Martin-and Mr, and Mr.t, will be pul up by Uio H. F, C. jH'iwanl Adiuim. lo finance Ihr 'purchiiar. whicul •Erina und Gwen Halts of thi> Al. will-. Include 5200,000 phui lho'>>lo" Korniiil ;.|.enl Ihr weell-en.l ooiit of llqulilatlnt; la-tcji, Pemllnn thc-ie iiareiit.i, Mr, and >Irs. further ni'KOtlaliona with Wa.ili-|''l*“''' Hale, Jr.. of Oakley,InRton, the Iwndholdeni wlll-iic-l ---- --------

f'T';.''“i" bearing «ix per eenf Riverside DoingsInleresl. Provinlonu of Uila iioU- Will cull far paymonUj to be miicie wllAln 20 yearn, Bomlholderi' have promlied to adjuat maltera wlUi UioiMi holding' Jitdjnnenia iRaln-'it iho.r.linre-j.-.

During Week ToldIHVKilSlOE. Mar, 0 (Special)

Ir. and Min. Arthur Merman Id fiuiilly of Clo

, II the ranch vnenU-U by the 1C, lOtmnlnjf futnIJy.

Mw. 1-'. D, V»ji Ant'A-eq) laP;UlENTy OF DAlKiUTKK AM3TKHDA.M. Mar. 8 l.Spi-li^h

Clamplll are llie ]vii-ent;i of a'.Meyeihoff 1UaUfThU-r bum at Iheir lioan-| _____

Mnrdi 0. .Mri. aivmnlllMl xivrv'^ iI- ;,.„i n* II I

• been <[uile

a 2 S a :mouier iuil] “iiuiUiV. wia. ii! Ji. 1 OAKl —H.,ddle.nton and Mon.e Proe. 'rvvla i’.nd

C'*"'-laark arc the part^t.'. of t^hln. a

- Beer and wino from “slot ma­chines'-. Is A ''quick lunchl’ Xeaturfl ia Buenos Alrcs;

'■ I-HO.VK «50



M e


I 10cOhoico Veal K oiun , Ib. 7 c V e il SUaJi, lb. 1 0 c

we linvo II complete lino of ohoico mc.itd specially priccd

Hahbut - Salmon - Smelt - Hens

A Few GroceEy. Specials

3 3 cTOMATOES "»• -•'= c«„,

3 for

HOMINY, 2 ( 4 , 9 9 | . | OOliK, No. 2 sisc a i ^ nS t or ,,, can. 3 fo r . 27®

Figures thatThe M etropolitan Li/e Insurance Company Resents from its

A ririual Statemmt for1933 makes comparisonswhkk show how,

*h^ Compatiy has carried on during the five difficult y ^ rs since. 1928

T H E O U G H O U .T a p e r io d , o f a jm o s t , u n p a r a l l e l e d

w o r ld - w id e d e p r e s s io n t h e i n s t i t u t i o n o f L i f e

a s a f a a e e - i n - A a a e g c a - b a s - f e n i s h e d - a n - e x a m p l e-

■ ( $ i ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 p ) i n t h e a s s e t s ,h e l d f o r f u t u r e d is t r i ­

b u t i o n t o t h e m s e lv e s a n d t h e i r b s n e f l c i a r i e s . , .

PILLSBURY’S CAKE FLOUR:Larffo. Sico Pocka^c. * • m : 2 X or............................... , 4 5 ®

..iWHOLE WHEAT FLAKESiSM ate-i^E ickaei!,----- _________________________

'^ ,3 ,'o r ............................................................................. 2 7 ®XOV W ILL BE PLEA SED ’ '

o f a c h i e v e m e n t t h a t w i n s a d m ir .a B o n w h e r e v e r i t

is ' u n d e r s t o o d .

B e t w e e n J a n u a r y 1 s t . 1 9 2 9 a n d J a n u a r y 1 s t , 1 9 3 4 ,

t h e M e t r o p o l i t a n L i f e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y , - w h ic h

in s u r e s , t h e l iv e s o f m o r e , t h a n 2 S ,M 07000”p e r s o n s —

h e M y o n e ’- ' f i f f h 'o f t h e t o t a l p o p u l a t i o n s ,o f t h e

U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d C a n a d a — p a i d to i t s p o l i c y h o ld e r s

a n d t h e i r b e n e f ic ia r ie s m o r e t h a n T w o B i l l i o n D o l l a r s

($ 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) ; •

, D u r i n g , t h e s a m e j e r i o d , . i t s p o l ic y h o ld e r s c o n ­

t r i b u t e d , t h r o u g h t h e i r p r e m iu m p a y m e n t s , t o w ^ d

t h e i n c r e a s e o f m o r e t h a n O n e B i l l i o n D o l l a r s

. A f t e r p a y m e n t , d u r i n g t h a t p e r i o d iO f m o r e . t h a p F g u r .

H u n d r e d a n d F i f t y M i l l i o n D o l l a r s . ($ ,4 3 0 ,00 0 ,0 00 )':

b y w a iy o f d iv id e n d s : t o . p o l ic y h o ld e r s , t h e ; C o m ­

p a n y ’ s s u r p l i i s W M it ic r e a s e d i b y m o i : e t h i n ' O n i i ;

H u n d r e d M i f f io n D o U a irs ( $ lo a . 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) . ' ' •

T h e s e f ig u r e s , , o f o n e c o m p a n y a t o n e , , a r e s t r i k i n g

e v id e n c e o f t h & r e l ia n c e w h i c b l | tbs . p e o p le o f t h e

U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d ' C a n a d a p l a c e o n t h e s e c u r i t y

a n d p r o t e c t i o n o f l i f e in s u r a n c e .- ■

L i f e I n s u r a n c e , is t h e m o s t , e f f e c t iv e a n d s a t i s f a c t o ^

m e a n s o f p r o v id in g fo r t h e f u t i i e o f o n e ’s s e lf a n d

o n e ’ s d e p e n d e n t s . ..........

,** D c c c m b e r 3 1 ,1 9 2 8

. 52 ,695 ,475 ,965.64

D e c c m b c r 3 J . i9 3 3

J 3 ,860,761,191.39 .

In c r e a s e in B v e Years;

, _ - $ 1 ,1 ^ ,2 8 5 ,2 2 5 .7 5

S t a t u t o r y P o l i c y R e s e r v e s r ,\ . . . . <

O t h e r L i a b i l i t i e s ........................... ......

S u r p lu s , i n c l u d i n g C o n t in g c & c y R e se rve

. - 2 ,374 ,118,707 .00


. , 160,075,99.9.95.

■' 3,358,462i467.00

.■ 216 ,1 .7 5 ,6 9 1 .^ .

. 2 8 fr ,U 3 ,P 3 2 .7 t.'


..................- M ,S 9 4 ,432.97-


. 1 16,371 ,956 ,002.00 ,,^- - • J 18,802,984,818.00 ■ 2,431.(»28,8i6'.6C

D u r in g the 1928- ^ D u r in g ttK y e a r 1 9 3 ^ ,

D iv id e n d s p a id P o l i c y h o l d e r s ......................... ... 67,904,719.32 101,790,534.56

T o ta l ' p a id P o l i c y h o ld e r a a n d B e n e f ic la iic s ’ ■. . ■

_ ( i n c l u d i n g D iv i d e n d s ) . . , ......................... ; 283 ,396,831.69 ; 572,679,580.85

Totaf fo r Five

’450,608|045 J 2 .

2 ,3 1 9 .3 5 ,? .2 U .7 »

_Hpp n r f fn f the* Y earJE nd in^ December 3 1 .1 93 3 '

l ia b i l i t ie s - -

EatiitoiyToTioyTleservTa . . •

R ese rve fo r D iv id en ds payab le in 1934 u p o n

In dus tr ia l Po lic ies ^ .

O rd in a ry P o l i c i e s ......................

A c d d c n t and H e a lth PoUcics •

/ * T o ta l R ese rve fow D i'v idends .

.A U O e h a rU ab iU t io s

y C o n t ln g c n c y R e s c r v o . . . •

\ Unasslffned F unds (S u rp lu s ) . .

In c o m e in 1933 ■ • . . • ' •

Increase in Assets, d u r in g 1933 . »

Tbevilae«OMdfor*toek«8nd forboodsnotiublect to.qmortla* iloQ tire thooe furoUbed b ; tt^e Natloool Convaotloo Of InwniDce CommlMlooen. On the baoU of miirket value*, b« of Decet»ber 31.19U. o l stock! and ol boodi not lubiect co.amortUatloQ, ibs 'QoIaI Aiaeta are »3.837.m.?«4.21. the CdnHOKCocy Rcaerre »»,HJ,S1«.83 aild the UoAMlsned Funds (Sarplaa).S343,133,132.71.

^ 6Qi76ilTl9lT39—:— ----fcifiritosuranc g O a ts tand ing -


(45,232,899.00 '



....... 9S,250,452.05

1 20 ,^ ,2 3 9 .6 8

' 43,000,000.00.





-O rd ina ry Insurance $9,936»236»416.0t

T 'S ----T lifttu »tfla lln ran race (p rem lm nB -

p a ^ b l e w eek ly o r m o n th ly )

G ro up .lo su nu lc e . * • . <

T o t t l Insurance O u ts tand ing .. :

PoUcies in Force ( in c lu d in g . -

l,3 5 2 .M 4 G rou pC e rtif lca te f ) .

: 6,424,

. 2 . 4 4 2 . 2 7 9 , ■

. $18i803i984;818.M:^

Faid-fqr. L ife InsurimCe Is su i^ »R c v lT e d 'a « d Gicreseet) iu "

1933, I3,174,9«.475. O rd inaryM t,«83.300.7e6vi Indqijlcijil; ;

J l , 505,470.439; G ro up (exclud in ip Increasedi) t8 6 t:W 3 (L , *

A cc i^ f ir it an d H ea lth In sn iT O jpD jQ i^ fs tan d ^ ’ ,

P r in c ip d Sum Benefit •: . | t'^3 ,6 ^ ,7 (n .!^4 '

• W e e k ly In d e m n lw . . . . , • . ! . . . 12,53^918.M

D lv i(Jeod9 Paid to Po licyho ldera . (fl da te plu& : ' , ' ’ ''S

th ose declared fo r l934 . . . . . . . $9j8;472k21M7

. ' * Thlsisamuti'alCompanyiThercarenostbckhotders,AHof its assets-are held for the: bieneflf df~it PoUcyho!den-,~ ' ' "

- M E T R O P O t l T A - N r W E I N S U M N e E r e b M ^FRBDBmck K. ECKER, ?reuefon« ' ;| . I.EROY A..tmCOI^; '. '


Friday , ifarcli 9. IM f IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO f. i H B oilBlOTiS W iQBil) By w m iam Forjuson

'd t ^ OP.tHB' •••■

HAS NO LBCS, PBHT • oB^ aiROBfts:/' ,tr l i A MPAsire .

..w y icH uvae oNTHE60DIBS CP eATS,—.~

5 ^ fiOUUNQ >IKE A 6>J4'.

^ VC

-■--.-'X^<^’ '^ c ^ E r .A r . .w e s T . .p a N t rbcbiveo

• ^JZ-OBMBAi/T'S.. ONuv as show


/M^'AtJlTMOB OP\X$oo F ^ r f ■

.■ «»wiyi«nawt>L.>L l i

G H a ^ liu . cMTER’SiMoord at.W M t JSjIift can 'be rcftfl.'to thU 'day ' In a a^pakU^botmd voiume, 'lo Uii> aOmbbtr&tion I)UiJdloffo/<thnt iaiUluLoa. The Jonff wray of oWtiuksa commllUd by yoiinc Custer covm *Ix page*. i

•‘Ytou're jual terribly ftinui^nc. whm'ftnybody. ctnc Li.arouncl.”

Indiana PoetoTiTli^Wl^'tuj^*^o•;:: ''VindUni —

filet).17 2000.;iouD':f

'iffiia.Wa calM . tlia potl Isu-

. m le nf —20 One o( a pair. ,

,« ,0pln1flM'cf A oi«id«r»to pany.' '

S3 Scantllnavlia • tritod.

illE C lm iias

a- STSklllrt. - V—II

^ _ sa.To throw.

.ygS^\ I,\ On-l0P,0t.

iMorlndln dy*.

3,!n;themiadlo\<5Co«l'(il9nU,--fif.- . .-.—— CMJ^CrMUd-Uct,-

. wbeel; \ Sllff cellar. PeitilnltiB [o29PortJco . 6To,divide." 4.|„nch..

.fliioo*!— ------trajr»ailiE ,--- 5A«ir2a>.LJi}?lj:32'91a«.-- lOBut-.-.;'.3»Mlnioat. MTroopi.

'53W B£«/thB

, HOfUZOfiTAIj 1.8 The potl

trom-lndlapit — ^ ■WjiUeomti.

C To'tirocBre.' ItMatterraMftcl. ' l i Elttc'tf' cbuticlK;' UPlUMM. ITAtfjUatttf. at a


19Tjrpe,ft»D(!v<I. JHWooJf flbir --vkoota. - -

.rSA proDour. '£3 Souifamc. '' '

OUB BOABDIW Q HOUBE____________________



T^OOM TOR VOLJ^ EH ?1 T E U . *TW' S W v^E W W


O N C E — 714EN ,



w w tin.s -beetleONCE— I SOLD A STOW TO TW '’•SWITCHMANS


D ^ p Tn THE ^ H.\2ZATO




— SOME T> V.







OF TWE,.P\CTy '&,TO.Si^ViO? UO. GVJtVi \<P OOT


' Ako .w\v.ui"nm'.'. Hti) 00WO«)T' AVWTH\MG WT

. ^i0THm^i0&‘.’?a^.^H'F^iW0F a- ^ .NO- HE'D tE Trt' V^^)T PERSON OVi T.A'RTW Boots ^^iy tV\©^RRA5»6ME^4T

THE N EW P A yO LES (Wom’n Pop)


H6 'LL O N 'Y BE IN.T H ’ SU IT C A S E W H IL E l ‘M P A S S IN ' A N Y OP TH ‘ F E L L E R S —



, T LL T A K E HIM O U T — \ ■ I 6\VE H IM T O M E ! \


1 H O PE , W H EN y o u 'r e M A R R IE D , Y O U R W IF E V JILL L IK E SLO O D - H O U N D S, O R W O LF y

• D 0 6 $ . ^

B y W m iaau

1 : ' l

* ' / /■i 1 / v ' / r

r a y - '

'1' I f


aws OUT r rTLr.i




By Crane

—<t>uRt: •■.■ .. _____BtT K COO\i\t-W'iO‘ >T NTJli "«

Wft\T ...... -U-& VAi-A-\-T!r

,Bua--TWtaE'&'tiO DOO T OT \T-

W VtK T. hiOT -Itt HER - he'*) -TW 0M\.N .VEWSOSl iiVCt «ViOW£>, dRWcaV tViOOGVi TO 9\.M A,

■ TR\C« VWS THKT--TH’ H>Oul^O.

0M.'<6AH'2 VJ£LL,TMeU«T.-J, UAU&H'OONWVA-HCtWEO ='T HOOK WE-A«’FAMPiWHAODAX c a r e ‘BOUr . ’ . VAAKIN' /T>v ANSf, PRj6rt<?

- SX liE SM A if S A If ■----

f^coetu. t* . v'n-TJi^Ke n y > am ' j'Li. <w<j6.dv 'a ‘/'THi«<S- H ^TOFPToTH ISr ' T kaan CHCBiS ‘ a LL iCid-H-c: — ~:>Le^K., u iR u e n l wi5gma3:M- <s&HTLfe^^e^^\^^^a^ RftO),RAtO^

fncn-fel Tftvce IT QhCX AMD • 4oOK IT SOMS,

------- ■flffti't-----

IJfMtmliratioui ■ juis* ' ESTo coniume.

37,Cftmo'cUye4. CSConUnrat.

' 7 Deity y 47 lV)mpo«lilon 'RMnda 'rex*ei.;' for ihrta- a'A BWMSe. TO/(«V ■

lUBpy/ ' ■■ » 4S-Auror», '■• a Half an cm. ■ siMoneHiry , WT».r«puUe, \' im>i»pC.-



: oD horictack. 8?.5SOo» of UIi. ” Itumjinltt.. 3* Katber. ‘ • • Uqwia poema. • woman. - ^ 2 t r « harln*■«Anlmal altollar: -----IS Ho wroi« hl»-•.•,lowktr«d. •

• lo am c iK ia '-- pocma.fof . , 84 NorthweiL


SSSBIBjI AM''iiJMtLB.YGa AT scAR.y, sift| /- iTj 'fA

lailSSSIiiiBiilir ^ o K L ia . AijD B d '^ ftiam s

, - liB p c m ii: I «AV<% t e u ABoor THIS ,dnW*t...rT t66»te’ familiar,'"’r r-..ii x Y ^ u PUQIJC


. TH© IS jeftEMlAH'SCimLE..'. I JDSr CALLEP TO LET 'rtiU

{<Nov/ 7fw.nMERe.wfa ae PAYMENT DOE

VPUR-Hoose. IfcJ A





•K F W E .D /B fW W ^ .j

WA9DUE.... .


P«g«T cn IDAHO EVENING TBIES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO 'F r id u y , ^Tairii 9,

QUITS U. MBour<|uiu May Run. for Senate

Post; Scorcs Oourl


llEUJNA. Mont Mar. !■ - FMcral JuiIkc CJcorj,'c M. liour- quln h.1* tendered hl.t rf-si(,iiiitlfin to Prcnkli-ftf R xj.'icvclt, iiiiktnK that II pbccome i-rirctlvo Mny 17, when he Inlcncln to cntiT tlir nirn for UnltH at.Hc.1 /icniilor from Montnn.i.'

TIi« rMl/tnatlnn Imllcaloil ftoiir* —quln w flH illalicflrtoMf'l ' bv I'rr- . Htrlctinn of lurl-Tcllctlon of ill.itr;cl

ootirts, which thrratcn/i to rc<liici' them to cl'^rlflr.I jmllrc- Irllnni- ntii.”

Uounjuln .lirui K<rvv<i 2:’ y<':ir» on the fcJprnI Ix-nch (n Montana.

DM-ilnr« Ktutcqirnt The iiilvtr-halrwl jurl/it dccllncil

lo'.innho'u '(Icnnlts annoiincmint Kf hlfl plunii for thr futyri', hut It Li. UictUy umlcr;iloo.l that in' will be a nenaUirlu! camll<lntc.'■ Xhnounc>.'ttii‘nt of formrr t/. s. Attomoy .Wellington D. Ilanltln thtt h«, w-ould hi; Cl wniitnrlnl cflTKjldatc 1-1 efepoctol to be fol­lowed ahortly by nt«U-mciit!i from former Con^rcanman Scott Lc.iv lit of Grenl M lii, nnd T«>ni ICnni', iitato senator from nnmlH conn- tj;. and Republican fl<x;r. Icmior a l the flj>eclal aesnlon of the It :- Waturo.

Wheelrr In Jtuco 'Incumcnt Smatoni B. ]{.

cr and J. E. Erleltaon an; .'X- IKCta/ to Jjc aimikLiti-s inr n- rlcctlon.' In BricJ<)»on'

Curried Eggs on Browii Rice Offer Ideal Table Dish for Lent Season

(»,V NK,V Srrvlr,.)I/'nten rllnhi-;i iirc in diiIit mid

cvc'iv I(now;i thultlioy offiT cxcclti'iii <>iii)ortiinlti('.’i to niiiltc use (if unil ollirrinc.-\l .•iu1j;itiliilc;i. .She- al.'W) liiunv;i that liiT fiiiiilly (julcltly tln'ii o( plnln iicrnmblcil, Ixilli'd nr ji'iaclicd I'j'Tn nncl that ll'n U]) to Inr to u:io IniaRlnuil'in hi concoclinj; aj)- pctlslnp (llnho.'i from tlw (lame old ln;:ri'<IU'ntJi.

Maybo idic'll IIIk' to nrly <u' currii'*! ill:;h iiiw uii'l tlicii. Tli

ari' miinv ;:iicli rvclpi-n to whetnppftttfr.i.-'----- —-----

Om- iJi ciirri'-d cm brownr!ct'. Try nialdnn It lhi:i wny;

I'tit f<i»r;jjxxiii!i of huttvr nni| fii'.ir labli'iipoum; of flour In

I p:in il lilcn<l dd two cupii of rich - -piKT (in<J curry p«k'

oiii:tily. inUIt, i-iri, pdel' to Wlvn youdIfJi ilhal'i, iilmo.1t Incvli.

'jiliU' niici' you’ve tii.'itci! 11), I'lit ] In idxilit oiiedialf cupful of iiillli jfr.ini a rcmanut. It will Ihi'

jtauci; a illffiTcnl Iliivor.'-1MI- <inf -(im} .brown ricir In four oupn of watc nnlH'ti'nclcr. \Va;ili Ib'r jXMiliod ri<

utiirch and pul In ti ]iiin, covcrc wUh wiLN p.-ipiT. Set the pun the oven until Uit riec b vi-i. iK>(. Tlil.'i thi' /.’r:iln:i fluf/y.

Whi-n rc:u1y lo ihtvc', place rlcr <m u liol juTvini: ill:.h, cover with wlioli' Ivdlcd I two lo n:;.in) and pour Ihc curry 1 oviT thrin.


It la planned not to conflict with, blit rnilitr to cox^pcratc with I'oealcllij'B Fort Hall ccn- tcniiial ccIiAratlon. already net for the first week In Autruitl. '

Mayor John J . McOue Selected

,A s Cliairinan for Fete

During Summer

nOtSIC, Mur. 0 tr'l'i- Mayor Joftn J. itcCuc will be cb.itnna/i <if u local coinnil'-.'>l»n to plan a

Kort U01.1C ccntrnnW cidr-brntion. to »>o held In AuKiiiit or Septem­ber.

In the fall of 18JI Mc­Kay. halM>rc(«l fr.ctor of Uu Hildwin'n llay co:np:iny. built liio

Furt.JJ';jJi'_aj the conflu-, i)f ilol.'io and Hnaliib rivem.

.'iiM not movivl to Hot:ip town until 2 1 ycar« later,

Sixteen or more jiervtci- club.'i and civic orKanlr.iliona are belnc

Girl Reserves Give Civic Club Program

JEKOME; Mar. » (SpecIM)Clrl Ilcscr\-ea [l*< of theJrronic Civic club prcncntcl th? pro;:rjim for the mcetlnjr held Tuf.vlay afternoon. I.lHa Mny Ciillrn wan In clinrpe of nicntii. Munlcal numbers were a duct by Murjcnrcl Lee and IJvclyn llandall, a nolo by MLi» nandiill. and a planft number by LUla Mny Cidlen, Helen Rose Hc.-uiler c ivc a reAdinir, and Mnr^.'iirel Sur.i; made ft rcpon 0! «-hnl Uie O.ii llencrves had done thin y<nr.

-AUlUt-lfi- metnbW-wara-Brcaoi:- ilciiteiisen Included ?dm. A. I- Sn”(', Harvey W. Hilno-b;iii!i. Mm .' Kranu Ualey, and Mm. II. n. Callen.


Expert Says .Economic Force

W ill Prevent Conriict

For 10 Years

rcporW, 13 ft hundred ttmca moro ririd onil severe than the luxBe- . vdt Unuid. In'.Europe 11 ta btloK cnoctcd 6y force, wJiUo m ' tne Urtlted fitafcfl, recovery flud re­form Ifl effected by nioral fluaalon. he as«rted.

Durlnc the Pullman strike In CIUenBo, In 180<, Prlfildcnt Qtve-. Iiind won forced to fend federal tJTjopn to that clty-

NKW YOnit lU.rt

forcea' will prevent ■


................. , ■ In Eur­ope for 10 yearn. Smll Lcn^cl. ^vell known writer on European dff^lrj, Mid la an Interview here. Problems of economic recovery arc afiaorblnjf the entire energies of Uie people, he flald.

Lcnci'cl, who recently returned from an cxtenslva tour of Europe. In 111- ppilinr of "The Ntr*- Deal In Kuropc.‘'VB*'FTu'>n>i'^1!jW2'I by Funlt nnd WiiRnall.i.-

Tho Ni-'i' .Deal tittdcr way In (leveral of the .counlrfcii,.'. UngyeJ

Free Lectureon O b r i s t i f t n Science by

Judge Frederick C. HIU. 0. B-, of Los Auffclcs, Oalifor- nift, jnember o£ the Board of LecturcBhip o f The Moth­er Church, The F irst OUurch of Christ, Bdentist in Bos.

ton,' IilassV, a t tho :

Falls, Sunday, March 11, a f 3 P .M .

Gftv. I-'YonU - , CtaractecLiUe vii;ar m,irJ(c(J

BourqulJi'a letter to Rooaevelt. The 73->-cflr-okl' JurLil nddreiV*d the Prcaldciit a» follown:

‘•In ,«cconlanc6 with the act of Feb.'26, ■ 1010, amcndlnf; nectlon

••2G0 Of the MlcUil'code. I .iin- .xifitmw, recort and tattler tny re- lltwntnt In rc»p«t to the office

' of judco of the United Stnteii dlii- trict'court In nnd (for Montann. to. laUo cffcet May 17. 103<: and this, after 30 yenm in Judicial

■ ftCFvIcc. 22 of them on thin bench -oBd more -Vttui ■my three jjrcjo- .eeiiora ‘

_____________ ___ „ .r Tu~ iTn;crtion'of lhe district courtfl threat- cna to rcduco. them to filorlXicd police tribunals. In conDcquence. sJ,lhoujr2) court nnd of/lec wJll

. continue lo 5* of prcnl UJieful- ness enil honor. I am pernundeii ttat the very <rreat debt I owe Uic RcneroUB ami kindly people of

---ilonluiui,—may~b(i_jiion:. ncarli" •paid, during perhaps tJic next 22 yeara, ty service m due tJu)e nt tba <bar or. other occupation:) of Creater,activity nnd freedom.■ "Anti I presetitly advbe you.

' 'rIt, to'the end tiiat usual prelim-

ent enmpii would be pewnllleil t' remain more timn 12 lo !r. nionthif after tliclr orl;dn:xl enll.'.t-iHont time:---- ------------

Mny Ite-KnlKt All metnbera of Uie coiii.i ■•vlh

iie dlichui'xed on Ajirjl 1. An non" r,( them wlU have neived a yeat nt thnt time, all who de/ilre Jiia.v

A l ' r r m 5

...... ... "»>■ ..................■'.“WJiether or not cxercliic of thlff. my /rtatutofy rlRht. reiiu^re/i

ru«ion.' in rjriCKson.n cjme, nm ^nr\ r-a r\ n i I I I A >--------------------------cahdWftcy woul<l b« for the Jwo-| 1 I H A 1 ]| A fclP ' 1 ^ ^

:AJ LAlio ; Seen TodayiiMiiiftnf fMrrt-v/'jir rir ndlntrrw-nt hv 1

Rcplacciment of Workers ' By

Other RccniiW Propor.ctl

By Director

WAKMINGTON d'.ili --- AUnovtcoinplet.i rephicement of i>ei:,-in- nel of the civlllnn coMiienallon COrpit Is exjH'Cteil ilurlnfj Ihla year -under n m-w cnllnlnient poliey de- /ilirned to 'acconirnodiilo probablv

H'ljiiirin K'rlfi <loi' Of! Jc.'i.vh at.,mt to /u:c If anyone

l;i watching' her, then tiiro'.vini: Monc.". in truo woni- <mly fiiHlilon at aontlier <lo- tliat |i( jiil!Ua in bclnjr too al- tiatlve to the one ;dic In Inf,', . , , , Oroup cTtlhri<-<l nlioijt lo tniipi'ct Khljimcnt of iliild fbl. lh:it JiU!i aiTived al local nlorc. (llrl de;ierlbe!i .ii:e of the fbh a;; il "fin-tall." . . . . I'l.'ilieniien bcjrlnnln;; l<i ln;i[)ect wrlouii flic;i a l !<i>orl- //)(• i:ii<hIii nlJ>re» in utillclji.’i- tliin of coniltii: open ne.iMin. . . . . Women :itaadlnir In front

the iK'iicflto «f the profnam- - CCC nirector Itobeil Kechner

nnnounco'l thal by dirccllon

li:i|)Kiy winniiw. dincu:i.nii|r •rlain artlcte'or nicrclmii- They contlnuu -*Io\vn thi.'

"Ifcel iiIliT one of the Kroup



Retired Tradesmen Has Fifty

Of Them— And AH Are


I.OV.’KLU Mans. d:.Cl-l>;.iler U Villa, M-tlre.l irniccr, hn.*! no do,"!!

1.11 of them lUU )1il.The W.'fin Itcnnei in of Uie In-

loor variety, 'coniiliitint: of Chind pri-lnpT Uic mo»t

...c^en t, may It you. itr. PrcaUlent to "'frnlfy your coptonce." '

l O l E I E R i O'A S S i K U O Y

! Provides Plcasuro W anted By

‘ Tobacco Users, Survey

Points Out •

‘ •:NEW YOriK a'.lli—rieaimrc dn- Hved from umoltinj; tob.icco ban

. lo^n traced to the abjiorptinn oC minute dose.i of nicotine by tho

■ ;faOdy.i-f'lieBUltfl obtalnwl thmiif:}/ perlmentA reported In Science, the

. 'jotimal of The Amerlcnn Aiinocla- . tton for the Advancement of Scl- .^ e . 'a n d conduetwl by Dm. H. ■'Vj Ilnujrard and Leon A. Green- 'berp, Ijnvc.lndleatwl thal the for-

■ iner IheoriM—onc of which JicJiJ .................ifi.lnn :fif

waa 'linked ■with pyrUlene (a prod' •net of combustion)—arc frwund. leiH.'Pyrldenc, U w.ia pointed out

__-occur*-in.:.BUch-H_juVcn!In_nti»wl|.tute na com allU, yet Uie Invel- crat«i«730ker doea not rely ujion

■"-'MEn'-Bllt.......... ............ • '-iNlcotInc, In e ld c n t a n y . nametl for, Jean Nlcot, who intro­duced tobacco ehcwlnK to Cather­ine de Medlcl-

Mosquito Paintedfor U. S. Survey

■ 'WASHINGTON il'J;i—The : (iulto Ifl golnfr to have a new k r BUlt- He will bo drrruic<l In blue, or pcrhapa ewn pink, but hLi bite wUl not bo nffected.

" The (iqiartmcnt of nffriciiltnrc la Blartlnff tho Voruc. The color

for moflqultoa han been , devised by dcpartmcr.t offlelal.i to

determine hbw lonp they live, Iio-a? fap .Uicy trftvel, nnd other fact i of tbeir life. : -

- , The Bamo- mothod la u.-wd lo paint mos<5Uito« afl lii employed

■ in thecoallnfr o f.n nmv nutomo-• bile. 'The color Is aprayed, but

drica shortly. leavlnK the pcrmaa-.. ent shade dtalrcd."

SCHOOL tJBES co\vnEixa 1 'HYANN13; Maaa- (Un — When ■;th«i electric :bcll ayatem which

, rcfrOlaies closica at Bamotablo■ .hlffh tchooJ 'Went aflltew.-Pflnclpnl• Artbm* if..Ty« ocnt to a hardware. : flloni for four cowbelf*. ptnccd ••. -Ulcm In tho haadn of atmtrglcnlly- . .located pupils 'around the build-• Inff. dnd managed to pet nlonp:■ imtii tho rm ila r ayatem wn« rc-


and June. I'lri.l.Ill June' .m Tho.’ie w'iio will be replaced by new recnilt;i chnsen by atate n;:iiu'ii-.'' deiiliTTiat- ed by the hiDir deiiarlmenl and velenin udminliitnitliin.

Fechner tjillniatecl 100,nOO men would leave the eorpa thia inolltli to !ieoIc other i-mphyttt-nl. Vc hi- lleved 2ri«i,n00 fr<-'ih roenilt;i wmild he tnken In on ihe Ajiill 1. July 1 and other enll.'itmenl datea.

No p>qwniflon ,beyon'l the prea- ent .-lulhorlred lolnU -slrenj;lh of n'03,.’i2n i,'i contein])lated, I'ccliner luiUI.


WASlilNOTON (I'lli Scrro- litry of the Trea;iury Hinrj- Morrrentbaii, Jr.. whoae de]>art-

ha;i I :i;ih iMlarS1.f>“-»,(>33.0.M).!<0 wa.T forced to lHirr»w 2rj cenl-'i from a capit<il poIlci'iii(i(i to ;:cl b.'ic); lo >ih office after ap|ieariii;.' before the aenale finance ctmimittee.

Morjienlliau went In jiearrh of a laxleab lo leliini to the Ireaiiiiry. He fell In hlii pock- rlH. Th<'y .were empty. He ti;r«cd {<> J’r)v;ile (Juy J’-

"I.eni^ me 'a (|inrt. r taxirnl) and I’ll p'>y yo later."

but finally proi ter.

.'d a ij\iiU-

An •hour latcr an rmployr In Morpenthnu’H office reUime.l by taxi nntl K 'Ve Reevea n half dollar.

'•I can't take all of llial," Rceve.s wild. "The liecretary only borrowiHl 2.’t centn."

Chiinp: w.iii maile and the me.wenjror laxlol b;iclc lo ihetre.i/m'ry to };lve Mc>n:enUi;uihl;i fiunrter-

IIAV ~r, YKAItS Ol.T)lilCLLlCrONTAINK. O.. it'.l'f —

Charlea Kooj;Ier. a farmer II here, nlill hn;i two ton

hay atored iiway by hla >;ranil- fnther 75 yenia aj;o. When I ' rrandfnther. Mathina K'ooi;|i completed a bam in IK,’)!), ii!iked hl.i children m>l to :iell uae the flral load of hay placed In the barn- New hay.placed on ,tl)p lieepH the Olil HUpplied with cufflcient moisture to i>roaer\'e it.

Krengel'sHardware & Shop

Ei.EcrmcAJ. svi'vuKS i» ir « A i-iPE r ir r iN G s

p a ik b a n h s -m'oiuse Eqr.


ceiit.n li'Ji.i eiacwlu l/'t-al lini.lncri man b!tln>: off end of well mulllalod cljnir ho )in.i been chtTwinj; for mori;i!mn :>n ii-c)J rlnwifd woliiiin «h;x‘i out of car beariii,; Cillfornla IlccnM''n am 1) e r.-i. CJrinip of piriiliij.' ;;elii)ol j'lrl;: .lerullnlr.c? lUT from head to foot In jiaaa- Inc ihflr iipparenlly envlouiiapproval...............Child nillerJil:ntii),T for rlivir ll/e (Jf>wii .Main Iventie fnlbi flat anil ;.lld.a iilxmt a ,vanl over the lailewiillt. Alhli’llo, appe.irlnir ynuth whti probably pride:t hliiwlf In hill uhlllly io •'UOtc it" f.-iirly lurna iiooiie-pimpllnh when lie !ii)a;.'ini'.'i the reauUit of itie youn(;;iler'n .•ipill, only to !nt' the yoiinKriter ?:i:t up nml iilart iiltat'.njf hnrdir than iver to malio ii|> for the lo.nt llrne. . , > - <Jlrl with hole in till' foot of her hn;io bhrdi- In;: niidleatly a;i ho a fu t ii'cent ■hnce announceii that all .the wonicivwill throw one of their ,illppcni into the middle of the lull, for Uic men to liiiuilcovtr a.s a meanii of Idenllfyln}.' theiv ne :t i|;inciniT partncni.

Juror CollapsesFrom Food

-SYUACU.SiC. N-. V. Il’.l;> - When l>iilla Walter. Tj I. collapiicil In the Jiirj- l>:ix after !ier\-in>: for nine d.ij'.v, llx' coiirl Mh-vril he !ini! H heart attack and onlered him iii'nt linme.

The followlntr day. Waller ati- 1'iiiK‘d la court.

•Uo'.v do you feer/" the eoiirt i|1|''i!1o:um1 him.

"I'rii Iiiin/,Ty rinil ~J ii:>HKJiiev" li. ;rT)l!cr

...ilecUun of lh>ni in exlatcnce, Only cealenarlnnB are accejiltal

by Wllla, and their riirily may he Juilired from the fact that he has iH’en able to jjafher only half hundred In 2r. yeara. But \V1 iiliK) deinimda thiit the npeclmena lie without blemWi and thal they ronie In p'Alr;:.

Uer^nii I-«inc Aco The l^owi'il. collector atnrted hln

. eJilna >fop Jrennel when he liccumc ;fa:-elnated- bv- Iwo black doga.1 called "Itlack .lackfleld." In i : I’ortland. .Me., antupie nhop n . rpiarter eontuiy aj;r>. The pair re . main Uu- mnal valuable In hi.s col'lleelliin.( .'f'wt of the In the caVcc- lion were made in the Urlll.'di

I laU-a or in Ci<Tmany, and alaiont all are models of N.-wfoundland

^loj;a, vao’lnj: only In iiettin;;, col- ,or or IH ilute.! Willa alao collecta coinn, nica,

'■.■trUirnwiirc. hiil Iil:ithe I i:a Intri.i'uln;;.

; More than 2,1H,''i,0»0 oiince.t o ;/:old waa produced In the Unllei : .States In lli:i3.

; & ^ a / e e n jiiic & iji

' iTcshcn.n the mouth \

; ..Poollics the lliroat


Tlie cciurt onlered that Walter lie ]i:ad the nine diiv.'i' Juror eiinj- pcnMlliin duo him' am! reee:.-i,d eiairl until he had vaten.

FOR SALEAT:T0 d o o r OI.ASS, w ind- SIUKU)-S & W'lNnoW <iIJVS3Urinjr your iia.ih In and have tho broken cliia.i rejdaced be- furu eold Weather nctn in. No charj:e for labor aemnf; (jin.ui.

Open Satunlny Nl|;htfll



TO BOISE— V ia Jerome, Wendell, Goodtng.Stafjc: latvvfi ’Aviri Kalin al p ni.


Via Burley, Snowvillc, Ut-ih, Ogden.-Sla;:o leavi^Twin i'alla at ’UUl) p. m.

Connections A ls y to Chicago and Los Angeles

For Information"CaIl Rogerson HoteJ

; . v . v w u w . w . v . w . w . v . v

I WEEK-END BARGAINS $ 1 0 .0 0 ;

$ 1 2 .5 0 :

$ 7 .5 0 ;

OU) FASHIOM'.IJ DISHCfl'IJOARD ......... .........................................(iOOD niEAMHrrAKATOK -*................................................

■ GOOD i;.SKD TIKD, SPRIXO .■ AND .'MATTUKSS .........................................

B We have a fine line of used enameled r.-vngcs that

• p'riccd rigli^

Bring in w hat you have—Wo buy, sell and cxclinngc-


LYOA & WEAVERN ex t Door to Tinics Offico

■ V - V A V A V A V - V A V .V - V .V d

'Attractive Prices in Our TwinF^ls anH~BuKl'St6res Saturday

and Monday, March 10th and 12th

M a n h m a l l o M s ^Uaiurpittcd In Cooldns <t well <i (or EtUns k


'"^^te'Kin'g Cocoa -Matcltes PineappleGranulated Soap

The Favorite Household Soap


Rockwood’s Pure

Breakfast Gocoa

Highway Brand I ■ J J J-

Six Box Carton.

Hillsdale Brand

Broken Slices

can IS^Ig. pkg. 25^ 2 lb. can 23jz' carton 23^ 3 cans 51/

CoffeeAirway Brand

Choice Brazilian

1 lb. 2003 lb. 590


They Melt in Your '


lib. pkg. 190

SugarFine Granulated

- Idaho Beet Sugar

10 lb.cloth bag 550

Peas. 'Seven Peaks Bi-and — .June

Sweet Peas , No. 2 Cans

4 cans 49^

Mayonnaise__.Bc,st Foods

JelloAssorted Flayers

The Nation’s

Favorite Dessert

pkg. 5/

Tomatoes'U tah’s >

Soap0 ; K: T5'rand, ‘

The Large Brown


4 bars 19

CheeseKraft’s Brands

CoffeeMaxwell; Hoiase

Vita Fresh

Vacuum Packed


SalmonLibby’s Fancy.Alnolro

Gold Medal

.... ..... R i'atjdirr.^'^

pt.jar' 24/


7 NO; SrC ari ■

4 cans 45/

Large Assortmenf

‘ J ib . Package - ■

2 for 29/

---J-Vl-flSlttl—>jQCKry(!Red Safmfeh

. .No., 1, Tall Cans

can 19/ 3 cans 55/

DaffodilsFresh and Full

Blossdmed — They’ll Brighten Your Home ,

1 doz. 210

Pork & BeansVan Camp’s Fine

Quality Beans

4 cans 250

BaconWell Streaked

. Bacon

poulid 170

Lemons Oranges Grape Fruit I^ettuceExtra Quality

Pure. Gold Thin Skinned

Sunkist Navels Fancy Seedless .

Large 200 Size , ■ Larg4’ 80 Size^

Large Solid ..ealifomia

Iceberg Lettuce

1 doz. 25/ 2 doz. 39/ 6 for 25/' 2 f6r 13/Don’t Forget to Get Your Weekly Fre^Copy of “Family Circle” Magazine