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POLITECNICO DI MILANO Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Energetica EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON FOAM ASSISTED WATER ALTERNATING GAS FOR ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY FIELD APPLICATION Relatore: Prof. Fabio INZOLI Co - Relatore: Ing. Leili MOGHADASI Tutor aziendale : Dott. Martin BARTOSEK Tesi di Laurea di: Maria Elena SIMEONE Matricola: 787525 Anno Accademico 2013 - 2014

EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON FOAM ASSISTED …...POLITECNICO DI MILANO Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Energetica EXPERIMENTAL STUDY

Apr 22, 2020



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Page 1: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON FOAM ASSISTED …...POLITECNICO DI MILANO Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Energetica EXPERIMENTAL STUDY


Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione

Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Energetica



Relatore: Prof. Fabio INZOLI

Co - Relatore: Ing. Leili MOGHADASI

Tutor aziendale : Dott. Martin BARTOSEK

Tesi di Laurea di:

Maria Elena SIMEONE

Matricola: 787525

Anno Accademico 2013 - 2014

Page 2: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON FOAM ASSISTED …...POLITECNICO DI MILANO Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Energetica EXPERIMENTAL STUDY


Page 3: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON FOAM ASSISTED …...POLITECNICO DI MILANO Facoltà di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Energetica EXPERIMENTAL STUDY



Questa per me non è stata una semplice tesi, è stata più che altro un esperienza. Un esperienza lavorativa e di vita che porterò sempre con me. Per questo motivo ci sono molte persone a cui sento di dover dire GRAZIE.

Grazie Prof. Fabio Inzoli per avermi accolta con il sorriso dal primo giorno. Per avermi seguita e guidata in questo percorso con umiltà e fare paterno. Per aver sempre trovato il tempo per me, per i miei dubbi e le mie insicurezze.

Grazie Martin Bartosek, sei stato il mio mentore, il mio boss, un padre e il più delle volte un amico fidato. Mi hai aiutata sempre, anche quando avevi mille cose da fare, un momento per me lo trovavi. Mi hai fatta sentire a casa dal primo giorno.

Grazie a Baldo e Dario per avermi sempre supportata nella fase sperimentale. Per aver risposto sempre alle mie mille domande e curiosità e averlo fatto ogni volta con umiltà e con il sorriso. È stato un piacere lavorare con voi.

Thanks Leila, 12 months ago I met in eni a colleague. After few months that colleague became my friend and now is my sister. You supported me every time in this experience. You exhorted me to do always the best I could. You trusted in me, you prayed for me, you always helped me without asking something back. You putted all you forces in helping me with my thesis. Then, really thank you!

Grazie a Fabrizio, Martina, Mario e tutti i colleghi dei laboratori eni per avermi accolta con entusiasmo dal principio.

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Grazie Ale, per essere stato sempre al mio fianco in questa avventura. Per tutte le volte che il weekend non era il weekend, bisognava studiare, ma c’eravamo noi due e questo bastava a renderci felici. Non è stato tutto facile, ma non importava quanto io fossi arrabbiata o stressata, bastava un tuo sorriso per farmi scordare tutto. Grazie per l’amore quotidiano e incondizionato che mi regali giorno dopo giorno. Questo traguardo importante lo dedico a noi. Grazie Gigio!

Grazie mamma, da sette anni ormai 1000 km ci separano, ma per noi sono solo polvere. Non è passato giorno che non sentissi la tua voce. Mi sei stata vicina sempre, mi hai accarezzata da lontano. Tutte le volte che si è presentato un ostacolo mi hai presa per mano e lo abbiamo superato insieme. Grazie mamma, penso che non mi basterebbe tutto il tempo del mondo per ripagarti di tutto quello che hai fatto per me. Grazie Mà!

Grazie papà, per avermi sempre supportata e assecondata in ogni mia scelta. Per aver creduto in me anche quando le mie decisioni andavano contro quello che la gente credeva “giuste” per me. . Grazie Pà!

Grazie fratellino, questi ultimi anni per noi non sono stati una passeggiata ma io e te ci siamo dati la forza l’un l’altro per andare avanti. E piano piano ne siamo usciti più forti e più uniti di prima. Non so cosa abbia in serbo per noi il futuro, ma so che tu ci sarai sempre. Mentre ringrazio te non posso non ringraziare Alessandra, tu sei la mia sorellina acquisita. È sempre più raro trovare persone “limpide” come te. Grazie Ale.

Grazie Francesco e Antonietta, mi avete accolta dal primo giorno come una figlia. Avete gioito e sofferto con me, come una famiglia.

Grazie Rosalba, Francesco e alla piccola Silvietta, fratelli acquisiti e amici in questi anni. Mi avete regalato un sogno due anni fa.

Grazie ai miei amici di sempre, Andrea, Giandomenico e Fabrizio. Grazie per tutte le giornate, serate, nottate trascorse insieme. Non necessariamente a fare chissà che, semplicemente per il piacere di stare insieme. Grazie perché su di voi ho sempre potuto contare!

Grazie Anna e Peppe perché anche se siamo distanti per noi non cambia nulla. Siamo amici, è questo l’importante.

Grazie Ettore perché sono passati 14 anni e noi siamo ancora qui a raccontarci giorno dopo giorno come va.

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Grazie Francesca, sei stata la mia prima e unica vera coinquilina. In questo lungo cammino tu ci sei sempre stata. Grazie Fra per la tua amicizia sincera ed incondizionata.

Grazie Andrey, perché questa percorso l’abbiamo vissuto insieme, chi meglio di te sa quante ne abbiamo passate. Ci siamo dati forza a vicenda e tutto è passato più liscio

Grazie ai Bibliofriends, Antonio, Iacopo, Federico, Andrea, Lorenzo e Paolo. Senza di voi non avrei mai assaporato il piacere di studiare sodo finalizzato all’arrivo random della fatidica domanda “Pausa?!”. Grazie ragazzi per avermi reso le ore di studio molto più piacevoli.

Grazie Lidia. Grazie perché, anche se ci conosciamo da poco, mi sembra di conoscerti da sempre.

Grazie e tutti amici e parenti che hanno sempre creduto in me.

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RINGRAZIAMENTI ........................................................................................ 3

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................ 11

LIST OF ACRONYMS................................................................................... 13

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... 15

EXTENDED ABSTRACT .............................................................................. 16

SOMMARIO ESTESO ................................................................................... 24

1 - INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 33

1.1 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) – Definition .......................................... 35

1.2 Gas injection EOR ................................................................................. 36

1.3 The aim of the thesis ............................................................................. 38


2.1 Multiphase flow and its importance in oil & gas industries .................... 42

2.2 Influence of medium and fluid properties on multiphase flow ................ 43

2.2.1 Porosity .......................................................................................... 44

2.2.2 Permeability ................................................................................... 45

2.2.3 Relative Permeability...................................................................... 48

2.2.4 Saturation ....................................................................................... 49

2.2.5 Relative permeability-saturation relationship .................................. 50

2.2.6 Wettability ...................................................................................... 51

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2.3 The displacement of fluids ..................................................................... 51

3 - FUNDAMENTALS OF WAG INJECTION ......................................... 54

3.1 Types of WAG injection........................................................................ 55

3.1.1 Miscible WAG injection ................................................................. 55

3.1.2 Immiscible WAG injection ............................................................. 56

3.1.3 HWAG ........................................................................................... 56

3.1.4 SWAG ............................................................................................ 57

3.2 Properties affecting WAG injection ....................................................... 57

3.2.1 Viscosity ........................................................................................ 58

3.2.2 Mobility and mobility ratio ............................................................. 58

3.2.3 Microscopic sweep efficiency ......................................................... 59

3.2.4 Macroscopic sweep efficiency ........................................................ 60

3.2.5 WAG parameters: Slug size, WAG ratio, WAG cycles ................... 62

3.3 Operational problems of WAG .............................................................. 63

4 - FUNDAMENTALS OF FAWAG INJECTION .................................... 67

4.1 State of art of FAWAG applications ...................................................... 67

4.2 Foam in EOR processes ......................................................................... 69

4.3 The physics of foam .............................................................................. 70

4.3.1 Foam stability and capillary pressure .............................................. 73

4.3.2 Foam generation mechanism........................................................... 74

4.3.3 The foam coalescence ..................................................................... 77

4.4 Gas mobility reduction .......................................................................... 77

5 - EXPERIMENTAL METHOD .............................................................. 80

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5.1 Fluids and chemicals ............................................................................. 82

5.1.1 WAG fluids and chemicals ............................................................. 82

5.1.2 FAWAG fluids and chemicals ........................................................ 82

5.2 Equipments ........................................................................................... 85

5.2.1 Core sample and core-holder .......................................................... 85

5.3 LPLT WAG experiment description ...................................................... 87

5.3.1 Experimental set-up ........................................................................ 87

5.3.2 Experimental procedure .................................................................. 89

5.3.3 Experimental Results ...................................................................... 90

5.4 LPLT FAWAG experiment description ................................................ 91

5.4.1 Experimental set-up ........................................................................ 92

5.4.2 Experimental procedure .................................................................. 93

5.4.3 Experimental Results ...................................................................... 94

5.5 HPHT Experimental set-up design ......................................................... 95

5.5.1 Experimental procedure ...................................................................... 97

6 - RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................... 100

6.1 Water recovery .................................................................................... 100

6.2 Pressure Drop ...................................................................................... 102

6.3 MRF.................................................................................................... 106

7 - CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................ 108

8 - BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................. 110

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Figure 1.1: World Annual consumption of the primary energy resources per

capita in the year 2013. The consumption is in tons oil equivalent (

June 2014) ...................................................................................................... 33

Figure 1.2: World Annual consumption of the primary energy in the year 2013

for different energy source .............................................................................. 34

Figure 1.3: a flow chart about the oil recovery sequences ............................... 36

Figure 1.4: contribution of gas (HC,N2 and CO2), chemical and thermal

flooding to the World’s EOR oil production .................................................... 37

Figure 2.1: Porosity schematic ....................................................................... 45

Figure 2.2: Effect of hysteresis on relative permeability. After (Bear 1972). ... 50

Figure 2.3: Schematic of miscible and immiscible flow in terms of oil recovery

....................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 3.1: Schematic representation of miscible WAG injection with carbon

dioxide ............................................................................................................ 55

Figure 3.2: Sweep efficiency schematic .......................................................... 61

Figure 3.3: Oil recovery for different WAG ratio and increasing the number of

WAG cycle ..................................................................................................... 63

Figure 4.1: differences between gas injection, WAG injection and FAWAG

injection .......................................................................................................... 70

Figure 4.2: A picture showing lamellae and plateau border of bulk foam with an

oil film (the black one) .................................................................................... 71

Figure 4.3: picture showing liquid, flowing gas and trapped gas of foam in

porous media .................................................................................................. 73

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Figure 4.4: Pressure distribution in the water phase ........................................ 73

Figure 4.5: Schematic of leave-behind mechanism showing gas invasion (A)

and foaming film (B)....................................................................................... 75

Figure 4.6: Schematic of snap-off mechanism showing gas penetrating a throat

(A) and bubble formation (B) .......................................................................... 76

Figure 4.7: Schematic of lamella division mechanism (A) and two bubbles

formation (B) .................................................................................................. 76

Figure 5.1: recipe of making 1 kg of SSW ...................................................... 82

Figure 5.2: pre-screened surfactants ............................................................... 84

Figure 5.3: ranking of surfactants from pre-screening ..................................... 85

Figure 5.4: core-sample .................................................................................. 86

Figure 5.5: schematic of pressure ports within the core-holder........................ 86

Figure 5.6: sleeve and core-holder .................................................................. 87

Figure 5.7: LPLT WAG experimental set-up .................................................. 88

Figure 5.8: WAG experimental results in terms of water recovery, inlet preeure

and outlet pressure .......................................................................................... 91

Figure 5.9: LPLT FAWAG experimental set-up ............................................. 92

Figure 5.10: FAWAG experimental results in terms of water recovery, inlet

pressure and outlet pressure ............................................................................ 95

Figure 5.11: HPHT experimental set-up ......................................................... 96

Figure 5.12: schematic of HPHT experimental sequences............................... 98

Figure 6.1: Water recovery results during core-flooding experiments ........... 101

Figure 6.2: The zoom of water production curve in the first injection cycle .. 102

Figure 6.3: Total pressure drop for each core-flooding experiments .............. 102

Figure 6.4: pressure drop into 3 different sections of the core ....................... 105

Figure 6.5: Mobility reduction factor into section 2 of the core ..................... 106

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AOS Alfa Olefin Sulphonates

CAPB Cocoamido-Propyl Betaine

CGW Combined Gas/Water Injection

DADS Di Alkyl Diphenyl Disulphonate

EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery

FAWAG Foam Assisted Water Aletrnating Gas

FBET Fluorinated Betaine

GOR Gas Oil Ratio

HPHT High Pressure High Temperature

HWAG Hybrid Water Alternating Gas

LAS Linear Alkylbenzenesulphonates

LPLT Low Pressure Low Temperature

MMP Minimum Miscibility Pressure

MRF Mobility Reduction Factor

PV Pore Volume

SSW Synthetic Sea Water

SSWAG Selective Simultaneus Water Aletrnating Gas

SWAG Simultaneus Water Alternating Gas

WAG Water Alternating Gas

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Today, a main challenges of oil & gas industries is that the global growth of the

oil demand is starting to outpace the world’s oil production. This fact has put an

emphasis on identifying realistic solutions to meet future world energy demands.

Applying enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques in the existing fields is

indeed a key step to sustain the oil production level. One of the most accepted

and widely used EOR methods is gas flooding. Due to their low viscosities,

gases have high mobility which results in poor macroscopic sweep efficiency.

The injection of water after gas, helps to control the mobility of the gas and

stabilizes the displacement front. Following this idea Water Alternating Gas

injection has been conducted (WAG). This injection has also several problems,

which are early gas breakthrough and poor sweep efficiency. In recent years,

foam injection have been studied in the oil industry in order to mitigate the

negative effects on the production, due mainly to the high mobility of the gas

injected during WAG processes. This thesis has been conducted in eni E&P

LAIP laboratories. The main goal is the reduction in the gas mobility in Angolan

offshore reservoir. We performed several experiments o Foam Assisted Water

Alternating Gas (FAWAG) as an advanced EOR technique. We carried out

some preliminary tests in order to investigate the physics of foam during the

injection in the core without using oil. All the experiments have been executed

at low pressure, temperature. Also a high-pressure and temperature core flood

facility was designed to perform core experiments in presence of oil at reservoir

condition. Using results in terms of pressure drop in WAG and FAWAG

experiments, we were able to calculate the mobility reduction factor (MRF).

Considerable agreements were found between experimental result and theory.

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1 – Introduction

Today, a main concern of oil & gas industries is that the global growth of the oil

demand is starting to outpace the world’s oil production. This fact has put an

emphasis on identifying realistic solutions to meet future world energy demands.

Applying enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques in the existing fields is

indeed a key step to sustain the oil production level.

2 - Dynamics of fluids in porous medium

The study of multiphase flow in porous media is of great industrial importance.

Its applications include aquifer purification, containment of toxic and nuclear

waste, geological flows of magma, chemical reactions in catalysts, enhanced oil

recovery and the study of blood flow through capillaries.

The importance of studying multiphase flow in oil field production rises from

knowing that the reservoir rock contains two or more immiscible fluids in its

pore space. In addition, the development of an oil field often involves flooding

the reservoir rock with fluids that displace oil or gas.

Multiphase flow can be characterized by two parameters: residual saturations

and relative permeability. These parameters are the most important parameters

in reservoir engineering calculations, since they determine the rate of recovery

and ultimate recovery of displacement processes. It is important to define all the

parameters in term of rock and fluids to understand the physics of these


Porosity is the fraction of the total volume that is occupied by pore or

however void area. Total porosity (total) is relates to the total pore

volume that is filled with fluids. The interconnected pores that support

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the flow of fluids make up the effective porosity (effective) which is

numerically less than absolute porosity.

Permeability is a property of porous materials that quantifies the relative

ease with which a transporting substance can pass through the material.

The larger the permeability, the more fluid flow can be achieved through

the medium.

Darcy conducted many experiments on beds of packed sand using

different liquids, he observed the following relationship:

Saturation is defined as that fraction, or percent, of the pore volume

occupied by a particular fluid (oil, gas, or water).

Two types of fluid displacement are possible when two or more fluids in motion

occupy a porous medium:

Miscible displacement where the two fluids are completely soluble in

each other. The interfacial tension between the two fluids is zero and the

two fluids dissolve in each other.

Immiscible displacement where there is a simultaneous flow of two or

more immiscible fluids or phases in the porous medium. The interfacial

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tension between the two fluids is non-zero and a distinct fluid-fluid

interface separates the fluids within each pore.

3 - Fundamentals of WAG injection

WAG is an EOR method where water and gas injection are carried out

alternately in a reservoir for a period of time in order to provide both

microscopic and macroscopic sweep efficiencies and reduce gas override effect.

Due to their low viscosities, gases have high mobility which results in poor

macroscopic sweep efficiency. The injection of water after gas helps to control

the mobility of the gas and stabilizes the displacement front. WAG recovery

techniques combine the benefits of both water and gas injection.

The most common classification for WAG injection is the difference between

miscible and immiscible injection processes. Miscible or immiscible injections

are function of the properties of the displaced oil and injected gas as well as the

pressure and temperature of the reservoir.

During WAG injection it is important to taking into account reservoir

characteristics and fluid properties. WAG parameters and injection and

production well arrangement are two other important factors that affect the

WAG recovery process. In the following we will present some of these


o Microscopic and macroscopic sweep efficiency, The microscopic

(displacement) efficiency and macroscopic (volumetric) sweep

efficiencies are used to measure the success of any flooding system. Are

defined as follows:

The fraction of oil that is removed from the pore spaces by the injected

fluid is referred to as the displacement efficiency, Ed:

The macroscopic sweep efficiency, Ev is the volume of the floodable

portion of the reservoir that has been contacted by the injected fluid:

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o WAG ratio, WR is defined as the ratio of injected water ( ,) to injected

gas ( , ):

An optimum value of WAG ratio allows a good mobility and thus

avoids problems caused by either an excess of water injected that may

lead to poor microscopic sweep and water tongue at the bottom of the

reservoir, or an excess of gas injected, which may rather result in a gas

tongue development (override) at the top of the reservoir and a very early

gas breakthrough

o WAG cycle, is a group of water and gas injection. The number of cycles

in the WAG injection affects the recovery of oil from a core or reservoir.

If everything else remains the same, the more WAG cycles applied, the

higher the recovery of the oil from the core or reservoir.

This injection has also several problems that are early gas breakthrough and

poor sweep efficiency. In recent years, foam injection have been studied in the

oil industry in order to mitigate the negative effects on the production, due

mainly to the high mobility of the gas injected during WAG processes.

4 – Fundamentals of FAWAG injection

At the end of chapter 3, we speak about the problems associated with WAG

injection. Foam injection can help standard WAG to solve these problems.

Foam is advantageous for controlling the mobility of gas in a porous medium. It

can be relatively cost effective considering the liquid only needs a concentration

in the order of one weight percent. Foam can reduce the effects such as

channeling, fingering, and gravity segregation by reducing the displacing fluids

mobility. It can also reduce the interfacial tension between the fluids.

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Foam is a dispersion of gas in a liquid solution. The gas is known as the

discontinuous phase, while the liquid is known as the continuous phase. Gas

bubbles are separated by thin liquid films called lamellae.

These mobility reduction mechanisms require multiple disconnected bubbles

and stable thin-liquid films between bubbles. Film stability is provided by

surfactant molecules that array themselves near gas-liquid interfaces where the

identically charged interfaces repel each other.

The mobility reduction is identified by the mobility reduction factor (MRF).

MRF is calculated from the steady-state pressure drops developed during foam

injection as follows:

ΔPfoam and ΔPno-foam are the measured differential pressure across the porous

medium with and without foam respectively in steady-state condition. An high

MRF corresponds to a strong foam

5 – Experimental method

Most of the work of this thesis is related to experimental activities which have

been carried out in LAIP laboratory of eni Company. The main objective of

performing the experiments is the evaluation of the reduction in the gas mobility

due to foam injection.

The conducted experimental procedures in this thesis are divided in different

several steps; we will introduce here only experiments that provide proper


1. Designing of experimental set-up LPLT WAG injection.

2. LPLT WAG experiment.

3. Designing of experimental set-up for FAWAG injection.

4. FAWAG experiments at different surfactant concentration.

FAWAG at 2000 ppm of surfactant concentration

FAWAG at 5000 ppm of surfactant concentration

FAWAG at 10000 ppm of surfactant concentration

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5. Designing of experimental set-up for WAG and FAWAG experiment at

reservoir condition HPHT.

All the experiments were conducted at the same condition. We injected into the

core 2 PV of brine with a flow rate of 480 ml/h. Injection of 2 PV of brine is

considered as our standard which we applied it in injection of 2 PV surfactant

solution into the core to satisfy its adsorption capacity. After this we injected at

720 ml/h 1 PV of gas. Then we did others 2 cycles injecting 1 PV of brine

alternating with 1 PV of gas for a total of 3 WAG/FAWAG injections.

6 – Results and discussion

We present summaries of results in terms of MRF. This parameter gives us

important information regarding the goodness of using foam in EOR

application. MRF is the ratio between pressure drops in FAWAG experiments

to pressure drop in WAG experiment at steady-state conditions.

An important consideration, derived from the analysis of all experimental data

results, is that the section 2 is the one that better describes the process. The

section 1 is affected by inlet effect. This effect depends on the fact that two

different fluids are injected alternately into the core. The section 1 does not have

the time to adjust itself to a new regime. This also depends of the small length of

the core sample. The section 3 is affected by end effect. This effect is the

capillary end effect, is an important issue in core flood experiments, because it

can cause serious errors in the calculation of saturation and relative

permeabilities from pressure drop and production information.

Then in the following figure we will report MRF results mainly focused on the

section 2.






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2







n F





Surfactant Concentration, %w




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The figure shows that the MRF increases with increasing in surfactant solution

concentration. These three curves represent each FAWAG cycles. Looking at

the third cycle curve is easy to do an important consideration. That is, after three

FAWAG cycles the MRF rises with surfactant solution concentration. But the

slope of the curve from 2000 ppm to 5000 ppm is higher than the slope of the

curve from 5000 ppm to 10000 ppm. At this point is possible to conclude that

FAWAG injection with 5000 ppm of surfactant concentration is the best

configuration for our process.

7 – Conclusions and future challenges

Looking at MRF results is possible to observe that the trend of the MRF

obtained is in line with literature results. Then:

o By increasing surfactant concentration, the MRF will rise. Then, even if

the MRF grows with surfactant concentration, we chose 5000 ppm that

exhibit the best tradeoff between economics and efficiency.

o A surfactant solution with 10000 ppm of surfactant concentration is

convenient whenever we will decide to conduct only two FAWAG

cycles on field.

o The surfactant solution with a concentration of 2000 ppm has to be

excluded cause of its foam instability.

For futures HPHT experiments we suggest to test other surfactant screening also

evaluating some mixture of different types of surfactants. It is also important to

conduct both bulk and porous media surfactant experiments without oil and in

presence of oil. These experiments may give a useful surfactant screening

database that could be use in future application.

It is also interesting to investigate the gas mobility reduction by using miscible

injection, such as CO2 foam injection.

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1 – introduzione

Attualmente, l’aspetto su cui si sta focalizzando sempre più l’attenzione delle

aziende che operano nel settore oil & gas, è che la domanda mondiale di petrolio

sta iniziando a superare l’effettiva capacità produttiva. Questo ha enfatizzato la

necessità di ricercare nuove soluzioni che possano soddisfare la domanda futura

di petrolio. L’applicazione di tecniche di recupero avanzato (EOR) rappresenta

la chiave per mantenere il giusto livello produttivo.

2 – La dinamica dei fluidi nei mezzi porosi

Lo studio dei flussi multifase riveste grossa importanza a livello industriale.

Diverse applicazioni riguardano purificazione di acquiferi, contenimento di

tossicità e rifiuti derivanti dal nucleare, flusso del magma terrestre, reazioni

chimiche nei catalizzatori, recupero avanzato di petrolio e flusso sanguigno.

In campo petrolifero l’importanza dei flussi multifase nasce dalla conoscenza

del fatto che le rocce serbatoio contengono all’interno dei pori due o più fluidi

immiscibili. Inoltre spesso diversi fluidi sono iniettati nel giacimento per

aumentare il recupero di olio o gas.

I flussi multifase sono caratterizzati da due parametri: saturazione residua e

permeabilità relativa.

Questi parametri sono molto importanti in quanto permettono di determinare il

fattore di recupero e capire quando i processi di spiazzamento hanno raggiunto i

risultati prefissati. È altrettanto importante definire altri parametri riferiti alla

roccia e ai fluidi che ci permetteranno di apprendere al meglio la fisica di questi

processi. Quindi nel seguito vedremo nello specifico i concetti di porosità,

permeabilità e saturazione.

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La porosità è la frazione del volume totale della roccia occupato dai


La porosità totale (totale) è relativa al volume totale dei pori occupati dal

fluido. I pori interconnessi, che vedono il flusso dei fluidi, portano alla

definizione di porosità effettiva (effettiva) che è minore della permeabilità


La permeabilità è una proprietà del mezzo poroso che quantifica la

facilità con cui un fluido attraversa il mezzo poroso stesso. Tanto più è

alta la permeabilità tanto più alto sarà il quantitativo di fluidi capaci di

attraversare il mezzo.

Darcy ha svolto diversi esperimenti su campioni di roccia utilizzando diversi

liquidi ed ha estrapolato la seguente relazione:

La saturazione è definita come la frazione percentuale del volume dei

pori occupata da un determinato fluido (olio, gas, acqua).

È possibile avere due tipi di spiazzamento dei fluidi, in cui due o più fluidi

occupana un mezzo poroso:

Spiazzamento miscibile, ha luogo quando due o più fluidi sono

completamente miscibili l’uno nell’altro. Le tensioni interfacciali sono

nulle e quindi i fluidi si dissolvono uno nell’altro

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Spiazzamento immiscibile, si ha quando c’è un flusso simultaneo di due

o più fluidi o fasi di uno stesso fluido nel mezzo poroso. In questo caso

le tensioni interfacciali sono diverse da zero e un’interfaccia distinta

fluido-fluido separa i fluidi nei pori.

3 – Principi fondamentali della WAG injection

La WAG injection è un metodo EOR in cui acqua e gas sono iniettati

alternativamente in una giacimento per un determinato periodo di tempo allo

scopo di migliorare l’efficienza di spiazzamento sia microscopica che

macroscopica e ridurre gli effetti di mobilità del gas. A causa della bassa

viscosità i gas hanno un alta mobilità che risulta in una bassa efficienza di

spiazzamento microscopica. L’iniezione di acqua dopo quella di gas permette di

controllare la mobilità del gas e stabilizzare il fronte di spiazzamento. Le

tecniche di WAG injection combinano entrambi i benefici derivanti

dall’iniezione di acqua e gas.

La principale classificazione per la WAG injection riguarda il tipo di processo di

iniezione; ovvero miscibile o immiscibile. Il tipo di iniezione dipende dalle

proprietà dell’olio spiazzato e del gas iniettato, oltre che da temperatura e

pressione del giacimento.

Durante la WAG injection è molto importante prendere in considerazione le

caratteristiche del giacimento e le proprietà dei fluidi. I parametri riguardanti la

WAG injection e la progettazione del pozzo produttore ed iniettore sono i fattori

fondamentali da cui dipende il processo di recupero di WAG injection. Nel

seguito vedremo solo alcuni di questi fattori, per la trattazione completa si

rimanda al capitolo 3.

o Efficienza di spiazzamento microscopica e macroscopica, l’efficienza

microscopica (o di spiazzamento) e l’efficienza macroscopica (o

volumetrica) sono utilizzate per misurare la bontà di qualsiasi sistema di

flussaggio in mezzo poroso. Sono definite come segue:

La frazione di olio rimossa dai pori a seguito dell’iniezione di un fluido è

definita come efficienza di spiazzamento, Ed:

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L’efficienza di spiazzamento volumetrica, Ev il volume della porzione di

giacimento in cui è possibile l’iniezione che viene a contatto con il fluido


o WAG radio, WR è definito come il rapporto tra la portata di acqua iniettata

( ,inj) e la portata di gas iniettata ( , ):

Un valore di WAG ratio ottimale è necessario per raggiungere una buona

mobilità. Inoltre è possibile evitare problematiche relative all’iniezione

di un quantitativo eccessivo di acqua come, ad esempio, la riduzione

dell’efficienza di spiazzamento microscopica. Al contrario un eccessivo

quantitativo di gas porterebbe ad breakthrough del gas troppo veloce che

lo porterebbe ad affiorare precocemente in testa pozzo.

o Cicli di WAG, rappresentano gruppi di iniezione alternata di acqua e gas.

Il numero dei cicli dei WAG è importante perché determina il recupero

finale di olio. Infatti all’aumentare del numero di cicli di WAG il

recupero di olio finale aumenta.

La WAG injection ha però alcuni problemi tra i quali i più importanti sono, il

prematuro breakthrough del gas e la bassa efficienza di spiazzamento.

Negli ultimi anni ha preso piede l’iniezione di schiume che permettono la

riduzione della mobilità del gas.

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4 – Principi fondamentali della FAWAG injection

Alla fine del capitolo precedente abbiamo visto come alla WAG injection

conseguano delle problematiche che l’iniezione di schiuma può risolvere.

L’utilizzo di schiume è vantaggioso in processi che prevedono il controllo della

mobilità in mezzo poroso.

La schiuma è generata dalla dispersione di gas all’interno di un liquido. Un

tensioattivo è utilizzato per vincere le tensioni interfacciali del liquido e

permettere al gas di entrare e quindi formare le bolle. Il gas è la fase discontinua,

mentre il liquido è definito come la fase continua. Le bolle sono tra loro separate

da un film sottile di liquido chiamato lamella.

Il meccanismo di riduzione della mobilità richiede la formazione di bolle

multiple disconnesse e un film di liquido stabile tra le bolle. La stabilità del film

dipende dalle molecole di tensioattivo the si dispongono lungo l’interfaccia


La riduzione di mobilità è identificata dal fattore di riduzione della mobilità,

ovvero l’MRF definito come segue:

I ΔPcon schiuma e ΔPsenza schiuma sono le differenze di pressione misurate a cavallo

del mezzo poroso con e senza schiuma, in condizioni stazionarie. Un alto MRF

corrisponde ad una schiuma solida e stabile.

5 – Metodo sperimentale

La maggior parte del lavoro presente in questa tesi è relativo all’attività

sperimentale svolta presso i laboratori LAIP di eni E&P. Lo scopo principale

dell’attività è stato lo svolgimento di flussaggi in mezzo poroso in assenza di

olio, al fine di valutare la riduzione della mobilità del gas a seguito

dell’iniezione di schiuma.

Sono stati svolti sia esperimenti di WAG injection che di FAWAG injection per

essere capaci, alla fine, di calcolare il MRF. Diversi esperimenti sono stati

condotti ma nel seguito verranno riportati ed analizzati solo gli esperimenti che

hanno fornito risultati utili:

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1. Designing del set-up sperimentale della WAG injection a bassa P e bassa


2. Esperimenti LPLT WAG injection.

3. Designing set-up sperimentale LPLT FAWAG injection.

4. Esperimenti LPLT FAWAG injection a diverse concentrazioni di


FAWAG ad una concentrazione di tensioattivo di 2000 ppm

FAWAG ad una concentrazione di tensioattivo di 5000 ppm

FAWAG ad una concentrazione di tensioattivo di 10000 ppm

5. Designing del set-up sperimentale per WAG e FAWAG injection alle

condizioni di giacimento ovvero alta pressione ed alta temperatura


Tutti gli esperimenti sono stati svolti allo stesso modo e nelle stesse condizioni

operative. A seguito di diversi esperimenti fini alla preparazione dell’impianto e

alla caratterizzazione della roccia sono stati iniettati 2 PV di soluzione acquosa e

successivamente 1 PV di gas. Questo rappresenta il primo ciclo di

WAG/FAWAG injection. Gli altri due cicli sono stati svolti iniettando

alternativamente 1 PV di soluzione acquosa e 1PV di gas. Il fatto di aver

iniettato nel primo ciclo 2 PV di soluzione acquosa è dovuto al fatto che il

tensioattivo tende ad adsorbirsi sulla roccia e, a seguito di esperimenti

sull’adsorbimento, si è scelto di sacrificare 1 PV iniziale per questa

problematica. Sebbene nell’esperimento di WAG injection ovviamente non ci

sia il problema dell’adsorbimento, abbiamo deciso di iniettare comunque 2 PV

iniziali per essere esattamente nelle stesse condizioni sperimentali.

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6 – Analisi dei risultati

In questa sezione vedremo esclusivamente i risultati in termini di MRF, per tutti

i risultati sperimentali si rimanda al capitolo 6. Questo parametro da

informazioni fondamentali riguardanti la bontà dell’uso di schiuma in

applicazioni di recupero avanzato EOR. Si ricorda che l’MRF è dato

sostanzialmente dal rapporto tra le differenze di pressione lungo la carota negli

esperimenti di FAWAG injection e quelle relative alla WAG injection.

La carota utilizzata in fase sperimentale è divisa in 3 sezioni diverse e per

ognuna delle quali è stato possibile rilevare le differenze di pressione.

Un importante considerazione, derivante dall’analisi dei risultati sperimentali, è

che la seconda sezione della carota (la centrale) è quella che meglio descrive il

processo. La prima sezione risente degli effetti di imbocco dovuti al fatto che

due fluidi diversi sono iniettati alternativamente nella carota. In questo modo la

prima sezione non riesce a raggiungere uno stato stabile. L’ultima sezione

risente, invece, degli effetti di uscita dovuti essenzialmente alle pressioni


Nella figura seguente viene presentato l’andamento dell’MRF nella sezione 2 al

variare della concentrazione di tensioattivo e del ciclo di FAWAG/WAG.






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2







n F





Surfactant Concentration, %w




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La figura mostra chiaramente che, guardando al terzo ciclo, l’MRF aumenta

all’aumentare dalla concentrazione di tensioattivo. D’altro canto, prestando

attenzione al coefficiente angolare della curva, si nota come quest’ultimo sia

maggiore nel range tra 2000 ppm e 5000 ppm che in quello tra 5000 ppm.

7 – conclusioni e sviluppi futuri

Prestando attenzione al MRF è stato possibile stilare le seguenti considerazioni:

o Nell’ottica futura di implementare tre cicli di iniezione, la soluzione

migliore, in termini di miglior trade-off tra efficienza e costi, è quella a

5000 ppm di concentrazione di tensioattivo

o Un soluzione con concentrazione di tensioattivo di 10000 ppm può

trovare applicazione in un ottica futura di limitare i cicli di iniezione a


o La soluzione di tensioattivo a 2000 ppm è da escludere in quanto porta

alla generazione di una schiuma debole e completamente instabile.

Per il futuro sono già in programma esperimenti ad alta pressione ed alta

temperatura in presenza di olio. Per questi esperimenti un suggerimento

potrebbe essere quello di svolgere uno screening più accurato dei tensioattivi in

modo tale da creare un database interno consultabile in future applicazioni.

Un'altra idea è quella di valutare, oltre ai singoli tensioattivi, un eventuale

miscela di questi ultimi per meglio rispondere alle esigenze del singolo

giacimento in cui l’applicazione FAWAG verrà implementata.

Un ulteriore ed interessante studio futuro potrebbe essere l’implementazione di

una FAWAG injection che sfrutta un gas miscibile come ad esempio la CO2.

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The OPEC World Oil Outlook provides projections for the medium-term (to

2018) and long-term (to 2035) on an annual basis for oil demand and supply. It

demonstrates that fossil fuels will continue to play a major part in satisfying the

world’s growing energy needs.

World primary energy consumption, including oil, natural gas, coal,

hydroelectricity, nuclear and renewable energies, grew by 5.6% due to the

economic recovery in 2010 ( June 2011). In 2013 energy

consumption grew by 2.3% ( June 2014) reaching record levels for

every fuel type except nuclear power (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1: World Annual consumption of the primary energy resources per capita in the year

2013. The consumption is in tons oil equivalent ( June 2014)

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As shown in Figure 1.2, oil remains the world’s leading fuel, accounting for

33% of global energy consumption in 2012 followed by coal at 30% and gas at


Today, a main concern is that the global growth of the oil demand is starting to

outpace the world’s oil production. In 2013, the rate of growth of the oil demand

was 1.4%, which is higher than the increase in the global oil production for just

0.6% ( June 2014). These figures cause concern how we can meet

the world’s oil demand in the coming years. The official reports state that most

of the thirty giant oil fields, accounting for half of the world's oil reserves, are

becoming mature and are experiencing a decline in oil production. It is

estimated that the reserves in sandstone and carbonate fields have respectively

around 20 and 80 years of production time left at the current production rates.

Moreover, the probability of new oil discoveries to replace the produced

reserves has gotten smaller in the last decades. The discovery rate of the giant

oil fields peaked in the late 1960s and early 1970s, but declined remarkably

Figure 1.2: World Annual consumption of the primary energy in the year 2013 for different

energy source





1%0% 1%








Geothermal & Biomass


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afterwards. Most likely, new large oil fields will be discovered in deep offshore

or in difficult-to-produce or environmentally sensitive areas, which eventually

will lead to new oil barrels becoming more expensive. These facts have put an

emphasis on identifying realistic solutions to meet future world energy demands.

Applying enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques in the existing fields is

indeed a key step to sustain the oil production level.

1.1 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) – Definition

Typical crude oil recovery involves primary, secondary, and tertiary, or EOR

processes. In the primary recovery process, crude oil is produced by means of

the pressure differential between the high pressure reservoir and atmospheric

pressure above ground. Generally, primary production is followed by secondary

recovery techniques, which include water-flooding and pressure maintenance. It

is estimated that a recovery of 35% to 50% original oil in place can be achieved

by waterfl-ooding.

EOR is typically defined as oil recovery by the injection of materials not

normally present in the reservoir (Lake 1989). The focus of the process is on the

rock-oil-injectant system and on the interplay of capillary and viscous forces.

The goal of any EOR process is to mobilize remaining oil. This is achieved by

enhancing oil displacement and volumetric sweep efficiencies. Oil displacement

efficiency is improved by reducing oil viscosity or by reducing capillary forces

or interfacial tension. Volumetric sweep efficiency is improved by developing a

more favorable mobility ratio between injectant and oil remaining in the


In the following figure 1.3, there is a flow chart about the oil recovery sequences

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Common EOR techniques include: Gas injection, chemical injection and

thermal recovery methods, among other innovative techniques such as microbial

and nanoparticle injection.

1.2 Gas injection EOR

One of the most accepted and widely used methods is gas flooding (Orr Jr

2007). Common gases include hydrocarbon gas, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Its

use is mainly influenced by its availability in the field. Fig 1.4 shows that in

2010 the contribution of gas (HC, N2 and CO2) flooding to the World’s EOR oil

production was 39%.

Figure 1.3: a flow chart about the oil recovery sequences

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The basic mechanism to increase oil recovery by gas flooding is a better

microscopic sweep efficiency compared to water flooding, leading to a further

reduction in residual oil saturation by gas (Lake 1989). Gas flooding EOR is

based on viscosity reduction and swelling of oil phase as well as lowering of

interfacial tension between oil and the displacing phase. It’s common to divide

gas EOR methods into miscible and immiscible floods. In miscible flood the

injected gas forms a single phase with oil and immiscible floods in which only

part of the injected gas dissolves in oil.

The problem of gas flooding EOR process is the adverse mobility ratio (Koval

1963, Wellington, Vinegar et al. 1988, Rao 2001, Farajzadeh, Andrianov et al.

2010). The gas has a very low viscosity compared to water and oil at the

reservoir conditions this means that the mobility of the injected gas is much

higher than that of the displaced oil. This cause instability in the gas front, the

growth of gas fingers through the oil, eventually reaching the production well,

and premature gas breakthrough.

All above mentioned behaviors contribute to poor volumetric sweep efficiency

during the gas EOR process and ad a direct effect a large amount of oil

remaining untouched.

Figure 1.4: contribution of gas (HC,N2 and CO2), chemical and thermal flooding to the World’s

EOR oil production

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The WAG was originally proposed as a method to improve sweep of gas

injection, mainly by using the water to control the mobility of the displacement

and to stabilize the front. Since the microscopic displacement of the oil by gas

normally is better than by water the WAG injection combines the improved

displacement efficiency of the gas flooding with an improved macroscopic

sweep by the injection of water (Christensen, Stenby et al. 1998). This has

resulted in improved recovery (compared to a pure water injection).

WAG process is good but limited in applicability because water is also quite

mobile. The use of foam for mobility control shows considerable promise

(Patton, Holbrook et al. 1983). Foam injection can solve gas mobility control

problems by delaying early gas breakthroughs, reducing Gas Oil Ratio (GOR)

and store more gas in reservoirs building a bank behind oil (Skauge, Aarra et al.

2002, Spirov, Rudyk et al. 2012).

This advanced EOR technique is called Foam Assisted WAG (FAWAG), in fact

a surfactant solution is used instead of water to generate foam and improve gas

mobility control.

1.3 The aim of the thesis

This thesis has been conducted in eni E&P LAIP laboratories. The main goal is

the reduction in the gas-oil ratio (GOR) Angolan offshore reservoir. In this

reservoir the GOR is too high and this situation could reduce the production life

of the field. For this reason eni proposed a study about the reduction in gas

mobility using foam injection. For this, we improved an advanced EOR

technique that is the Foam Assisted Water Alternating Gas (FAWAG). In this

kind of process the foam helps the standard WAG by delaying gas breakthrough

and improving the sweep efficiency of the recovery process.

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In the following, an outline of the thesis organization is provided.

Chapter 2, a review is given of some of the basic dynamics of fluids in porous

media. In particular we present about multiphase flow and its importance in

oil&gas industries. Then will see properties of rocks and fluids. At the end we

will introduce the different types of fluid displacements.

Chapter 3, we focus to describe WAG injection process. We will discuss about

WAG properties and also about problems related to WAG.

Chapter 4, we will introduce the fundamentals of FAWAG injection. The state

of art of EOR technique is presented. Also we will speak about the physics of

the foam and its properties.

Chapter 5, this chapter contains all the experimental parts of this work. It is

devoted to performing different EOR technique such as WAG and FAWAG

experiments. Here we will present materials, fluids and chemicals used in each

experiment. For each experiment we will present the description of the

experiments, the experimental set-ups and the procedure. Then at the end we

will see some numerical results for each experiment.

Chapter 6, we compare the results of WAG injection experiment s with

FAWAG injection experiments. We will discuss about different behaviors of the

foam versus standard gas injection. Then we analyze all the results in terms of

water production, pressure drop and mobility reduction factor.

Chapter 7, we will conclude the work and we will illustrate some possible future

application and modification of FAWAG processes.

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The study of multiphase flow in porous media is of great industrial importance.

Its applications include (Love, Coveney et al. 2001): aquifer purification,

containment of toxic and nuclear waste, geological flows of magma, chemical

reactions in catalysts, enhanced oil recovery and the study of blood flow through

capillaries. The fluids may perform a variety of different functions. For example

in oil field applications, fluids may be required not only to displace oil or gas

and transport them to the surface, but also to act as coolants and lubricants for

the drill bit. Another example of a multifunctional fluid is blood that transports

salts and sugars in solution as well as white and red blood cells in colloidal

suspension (Love, Coveney et al. 2001).

Reservoir rocks are a part of the wild category of porous materials. We can find

porous materials in every scientific and technological field, from the geology to

the medicine. Hydrocarbons are trapped in reservoir rocks. All solid and

semisolid are “porous” to varying degrees excepted for metals, some plastics,

and some dense rocks. Porous medium is a material that has to achieve both:

It has to contain small areas, called pores that are free of solids, rooted in

the solid or semisolid matrix. The pores usually contain some fluid, like

gas, water, oil, etc., or a mixture of different fluids like foams.

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It must be permeable to a variety of fluids to allow flow; that is, fluids

should be able to come in through one face of the material and come out

on the other side. In this case one refers to a ”permeable porous


The flow of fluids through a porous material is governed by geometrical

properties such as the porosity , the connectedness and tortuosity of the pore

space, as well as properties of the fluids. The flux is proportional to the applied

pressure gradient driving the flow and the constant of proportionality is called

Darcy’s constant or the permeability k, which has the dimensions of length

squared(Friedman 1976). In the following paragraphs we will see all the fluids

flow’s parameters in detail but before we will introduce the importance of

multi-phase flow in oil & gas industries.

2.1 Multiphase flow and its importance in oil & gas industries

The importance of studying multiphase flow in oil field production rises from

knowing that the reservoir rock contains two or more immiscible fluids in its

pore space. In addition, the development of an oil field often involves flooding

the reservoir rock with fluids that displace oil or gas. Important multiphase

displacement processes in hydrocarbon reservoirs include (Marle 1981):

1. Under the effect of production (i.e pressure drawdown), water from a

neighboring aquifer may encroach into the oil reservoir.

2. Crude oil often contains dissolved gases which may be released into the

reservoir rock when the pressure decreases.

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3. Many development techniques use the injection of a fluid (typically

water, gas or a mixture of them) into some wells to displace the oil

towards other wells.

In order to predict the behaviour in these and other cases, it is necessary to know

the governing physical laws to describe multiphase flow. However, the literature

shows that there is still no agreement on the governing equations. The lack of

fundamental knowledge about multiphase flow is due to three reasons (Van

Wachem and Almstedt 2003):

Multiphase flow is a very complex physical phenomenon, where many

flow types can occur (eg. gas/solid, gas/liquid and liquid/liquid) and with

each flow type, several possible flow regimes can exist.

The complex physical laws and mathematical treatment of phenomena

occurring in the presence of the two phases (eg. interface dynamics,

coalescence and swelling of the wetting layers) are still largely


The numerics for solving the governing equations and closure laws of

multiphase flows are extremely complex. Very often multiphase flows

show inherent oscillatory behaviour that requires costly transient

solution algorithms.

2.2 Influence of medium and fluid properties on multiphase flow

Multiphase flow can be characterized by two parameters: residual saturations

and relative permeability. These parameters are the most important parameters

in reservoir engineering calculations, since they determine the rate of recovery

and ultimate recovery of displacement processes. It’ s important to define all the

parameters in term of rock and fluids to understand the physics of these

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processes. That is, we will see in the specific porosity, permeability and


2.2.1 Porosity

Porosity is the fraction of the total volume that is occupied by pore or however

void area. We have to distingue the pore in two big categories, interconnected or

effective pore space where there is a continuos phase within the porous medium

and noninterconnected or isolated where pores are dispersed over the medium.

As a consequence we have two main definitions in term of porosity, total

porosity and effective porosity.

Total porosity (total) is relates to the total pore volume that is filled with fluids.

In some reservoirs (shaly sands and vuggy limestones) there are a number of

isolated pores which contribute to the overall pore volume but are not

interconnected so that they do not contribute to the flow of fluid through the


The interconnected pores that support the flow of fluids make up the effective

porosity (effective) which is numerically less than absolute porosity, that is, the

intercommunicating porosity excluding the pores containing irreducible

saturation(Wu and Berg 2003). Porosity can be generated by the development of

fractures, in which case it is called fracture porosity.

In the following of the thesis we will mention porosity as effective porosity.

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For better understand the magnitude of the porosity an example could be the

sand on a beach, here the porosity is around 35-40% , going in the deep

underground the porosity is much lower, where the grains comprising the rock

have been fused together at high temperatures and pressures. In this case we are

in the range of 10-25%. Then the porosity value depends of the grains

disposition into the space. In the laboratory it’s possible to measure the

permeability directly on core samples (rock samples taken in the first step of

well drilling for laboratories tests) or estimated from so-called log

measurements, or down-hole measurements (Heslop 1975).

2.2.2 Permeability

Permeability is a property of porous materials that quantifies the relative ease

with which a transporting substance can pass through the material. The larger

the permeability, the more fluid flow can be achieved through the medium for a

given set of conditions. The earliest attempt at quantifying permeability was the

Figure 2.1: Porosity schematic

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work of Henry Darcy in 1856. Darcy developed the first models to help our

understanding of the fluid conductivity of a porous medium. Since then his work

has been adapted and modified, but a complete universal picture remains beyond

our grasp. One of the main reasons for this is that permeability is a function of

the rock’s microscopic properties, including pore size and distribution, facies

type, shaliness and heterogeneity, such as non-connecting vugs and fractures.

Thus, permeability in a reservoir can vary from a few millidarcies (mD) to over

1000 mD within a few feet.

Darcy conducted many experiments on beds of packed sand using different

liquids, he observed the following relationship:


q: average cross sectional velocity

Pin: pressure at upstream end of porous medium

Pout: pressure at downstream end Note:

μ: fluid viscosity

L: flow length of porous medium

k: absolute permeability

In SI units the unit of permeability is squared meter. In the petroleum industry,

the Darcy (D) is more convenient (since 1 D ~ 1 x 10-12

m2) the standard unit of

measure for permeability. It represents 1 cm2

of fluid with a viscosity of 1 cp

flowing through a 1 cm2 cross-sectional area of rock in 1 second under a

pressure of 1 atm per 1 cm length in the direction of flow. This intrinsic rock

property is called the absolute permeability when the rock is 100% saturated

with one fluid phase.

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The most general formulation of the Darcy’s law including the gravity force is:

This equation is telling that the permeability of a porous medium is a tensor in

fact is the permeability tensor. If we apply a pressure gradient along the x-

direction, we can of course compute the average velocity qx, but also the

induced pressure gradients along the y- and z-directions, and the consequent qy

and qz. Obviously, for each direction we have a permeability kxx, kxy and kxz.

Darcy’s law is valid when the pressure gradient is sufficiently low, i.e. the

Reynolds number is low. We can identify a Reynolds Number for which the

relationship between the Darcy velocity and the pressure gradient begins to

deviate from linearity and thus, the permeability is not constant any more. This

is a first effect of inertia forces, but it shall not be confused with the transition

from laminar to turbulent flow, but just as a transition from Darcy to non-Darcy

flow. In particular, the Darcy’s law underestimates the pressure gradient needed

to obtain a certain flow rate. In order to take into account the inertia effects, the

Forchheimer equation has been proposed which adds a further term into Darcy’s


Then it’s possible to tell that Darcy’s low is valid taking into account the

following hypothesis:

1. Reynold’s Number less than 1 (Singhal and Dranchuk 1977, Oak, Baker

et al. 1990).

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2. Incompressible and homogenous fluids (van den Bosch and Seinfeld


3. Isotropic rock matrix (Auzerais, Ellis et al. 1990).

4. Darcy’s velocities do not change too much in the space (Bear 1972).

5. The value of the term should be more than a certain value

(Oak, Baker et al. 1990).

6. The average free path line of the fluid’s molecules is less and not

comparable with the average diameter of the pore space. So the Knudsen

Number must be less than 1 (so all the gases at low pressure are not

allowed) (Swami, Clarkson et al. 2012).

7. No chemical and physical iterations between rock and fluids (adsorption,

ionic exchange, etc.) (Allan and Mavko 2012).

8. The rock matrix does not deform (Auzerais, Ellis et al. 1990, Oak, Baker

et al. 1990).

2.2.3 Relative Permeability

Permeability is also measured in reference to a fluid phase when the rock is

saturated with a multiple-fluid phase. In a two-phase system, where fluids flow

simultaneously through the porous medium, the permeability of each fluid is

dependent on its own saturation (Muskat 1949, Dullien and Brenner

1991).Therefore the relative permeability term was introduced to relate the

effective phase permeability to the absolute permeability of a porous medium. It

is defined via Darcy’s law as follows:

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where the subscript “p” stands for phase type, qp is the Darcy phase velocity, k

is the absolute permeability, krp is the phase relative permeability, Pp is the

phase pressure drop cross the core sample, is the phase density and g is the

gravity acceleration. The relative permeability characteristics depend on many

factors such as saturation, saturation history, wettability, capillary pressure,

initial water saturation, viscosity, pore geometry and interfacial tension. This

section discusses the influence of some of these properties on the two-phase

relative permeability.

2.2.4 Saturation

Saturation is defined as that fraction, or percent, of the pore volume occupied by

a particular fluid (oil, gas, or water). This property is expressed mathematically

by the following relationship:

Then we can obtain a saturation value for each reservoir fluids:


So: oil saturation

Sg: gas saturation

Sw: water saturation

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Saturation, like porosity, is also a dimensionless parameter.

2.2.5 Relative permeability-saturation relationship

Relative permeability a strong function of the phase saturation. Figure 2.2 shows

relative permeability curves as obtained for different saturation histories. As the

saturation of the wetting phase increases, the relative permeability of the wetting

phase increases while that of the non-wetting phase decreases. The figure also

indicates that at some saturations (S wo & S nwo, i.e residual saturations), the

relative permeabilities are zero for wetting and non-wetting phases respectively.

This means at certain saturation, the phase becomes immobile and enhanced

techniques are required to re-mobilize the fluid and reduce the saturation.

The effect of saturation hysteresis on relative permeability shows that in a

strongly wetting system, the wetting phase relative permeability is primarily a

function of its own saturation which means the hysteresis of the wetting phase

relative permeability curves is much smaller than that for the non-wetting phase

(Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2: Effect of hysteresis on relative permeability. After (Bear 1972).

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2.2.6 Wettability

Wettability is the tendency of a fluid to spread or adhere to a solid surface in the

presence of other immiscible fluids. In the flow of two immiscible fluids in a

porous media, wettability is the tendency of one fluid to adhere to the surfaces

of the porous medium in the presence of the other fluid(Donaldson and Tiab

2004). It is important to note the wettability of reservoir rocks to the fluid

because the way fluids are distributed in the porous medium depends on

wettability. For instance, the wetting phase tends to filled up the smaller pores

while the non-wetting phase occupies the bigger pores (Ahmed and McKinney

2005). The distribution of the fluids will affect the recovery of the oil. When the

surface of the rock is water wet in a brine-oil reservoir, the water will tend to

occupy the smaller pores and wet the surface of the bigger pores. By occupying

the smaller pores, the water will force the oil from those pores. If however the

rock surface is oil wet, the oil will adhere to the smaller pores by displacing the

water. In such a case, recovering the oil will be difficult (Donaldson and Tiab


2.3 The displacement of fluids

Two types of fluid displacement are possible when two or more fluids in motion

occupy a porous medium (Bear 1972):

Miscible displacement: where the two fluids are completely soluble in each

other. The interfacial tension between the two fluids is zero and the two fluids

dissolve in each other. Therefore, in this type of displacement, there is no

capillarity; instead there is mixing (i.e. dispersion) of the two fluids. This feature

makes the miscible displacement a very efficient recovery procedure, where the

elimination of capillary forces might lead to total recovery of the displaced

phase (oil). In miscible displacement, when two fluids are in contact with each

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other, a transition zone due to hydrodynamic dispersion is immediately created.

The compositions of the fluid vary from that of one fluid to that of the other

fluid across the zone.

Immiscible displacement: where there is a simultaneous flow of two or more

immiscible fluids or phases in the porous medium. The interfacial tension

between the two fluids is non-zero and a distinct fluid-fluid interface separates

the fluids within each pore. A capillary pressure difference exists at the interface

at each point on it. The flow of immiscible fluids in a porous medium can be

conveniently subdivided into two types: steady-state, where all the macroscopic

properties of the system are time independent at all points or unsteady-state

where the fluid and flow properties change with time.

In equilibrium steady-state flow of immiscible fluids the saturation of the

medium with respect to all fluids contained in the system is constant at all

points. Therefore, in steady-state flow there is no displacement of any fluid by

any of the other fluids in the pores. This means each fluid is flowing through its

own path without affecting on the flow of the other fluids (Figure 2.3).

However, in unsteady-state flow, the saturation at a given point in the system is

changing with time. Therefore, displacement phenomena fall into this type of


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Figure 2.3: Schematic of miscible and immiscible flow in terms of oil recovery

As we told before the studying and understanding of multiphase flow are really

important in oil & gas field. In particular the huge context of this thesis, that is,

EOR. We already spoke before about the importance of EOR for oil & gas

industries then in the following we will see in the specific the WAG and

FAWAG processes to reduce the Gas Oil Ratio (GOR), improve the sweep

efficiency and enhance the oil production.

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WAG is an EOR method where water and gas injection are carried out

alternately in a reservoir for a period of time in order to provide both

microscopic and macroscopic sweep efficiencies and reduce gas override effect

(Rosman, Riyadi et al. 2011).

Due to their low viscosities, gases have high mobility which results in poor

macroscopic sweep efficiency (Hustad and Holt 1992). The injection of water after

gas helps to control the mobility of the gas and stabilizes the displacement front.

WAG recovery techniques combine the benefits of both water and gas injection.

The WAG injection results in a complex saturation pattern because two

saturations (gas and water) will increase and decrease alternately (Figure 3.1).

This gives special demands for the relative permeability description for the three

phases (oil, gas, and water) but we didn’t investigate these phenomena that are

out of the aim of this thesis.

WAG injection has been applied since the early 1960’s. Both miscible and

immiscible injections have been applied, and many different types of gas have

been used. To be correct it’s useful to know that WAG injection processes are

also called in the literature combined water/gas injection (CGW).

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3.1 Types of WAG injection

The most common classification for WAG injection is the difference between

miscible and immiscible injection processes. Miscible or immiscible injections

are function of the properties of the displaced oil and injected gas as well as the

pressure and temperature of the reservoir (Lyons and Plisga 2004). Other less

common classifications include: Hybrid WAG injection and simultaneous WAG

injection (SWAG).

3.1.1 Miscible WAG injection

In this type of WAG process, the reservoir pressure is maintained above the

minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) of the fluids. MMP is the minimum pressure

required for miscibility to occur between two fluids. Miscibility occurs when the

two fluids mix in all proportions without the formation of interference between

Figure 3.1: Schematic representation of miscible WAG injection with carbon dioxide

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them (Mehdizadeh, Langnes et al. 1989). If the pressure is allowed to fall below

MMP, miscibility will be lost. In the real field operation, it is often difficult to

maintain MMP and as a result there is back and forth between miscible and

immiscible WAG injection. The majority of WAG injections have been classified as

miscible and are mostly applied onshore, where wells are arranged in closed well

spacing (Christensen, Stenby et al. 2001).

3.1.2 Immiscible WAG injection

The purpose of this type of WAG injection is to stabilize the front and increase

contact with the unswept areas of the reservoir. The displacement of oil by

immiscible gas injection has higher microscopic sweep efficiency than by water.

However, the very high mobility of gas due to its low viscosity results in poor

macroscopic sweep efficiency and consequently poor recovery of oil during

immiscible gas injection. So immiscible WAG injection is applied to overcome

this problem because the water helps to control the mobility of the gas and

increase macroscopic sweep efficiency (Fatemi, Sohrabi et al. 2011). This type

of WAG injection has fewer records of field application. The experiment

performed with this study I’m going to explain is immiscible WAG and

FAWAG injection.

3.1.3 HWAG

HWAG injection has been applied during the last 30 years. This process consists in

injecting a large slug of gas followed by small slugs of water alternating gas. Even

though the results might be different, the same considerations as those reported for

traditional WAG can be applied.

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3.1.4 SWAG

SWAG is a technique in which water and gas are co-injected into a portion or

the entire thickness of the formation, by using either a single wellbore or a dual

completion injector where the two phases enter the pore zone at different depths

(also called Selective SWAG - SSWAG). SWAG process appears to provide a

better control over the gas mobility than a traditional WAG, resulting in

improved sweep efficiency and steadiness of gas production and GOR (gas to

oil ratio) response [17]. In fact, considering that injected water and gas are at the

same pressure, the injection process seems more uniform, gravity effects are less

evident and, as a consequence, a better mobility control can be achieved.

Moreover, from a “producer” point of view, the producing gas-oil-ratio is

expected to have a smoother profile, since the presence of big slugs, which

increase the well-head pressure, are avoided. On the other hand, gas and water at

the same pressure must be injected through the well avoiding hydrates

formation. Furthermore, 1-D simulations have shown that a traditional WAG

injection has a better injectivity than a SWAG process (from 12% with small

slugs to 30% with larger slugs), especially in case of foam formation through

Surfactant-Alternating-Gas (SAG) processes (50% to 150% increase in

injectivity) because of the reduced mobility of three flowing phases – gas, oil

and water – in SWAG (Faisal, Bisdom et al. 2009).

3.2 Properties affecting WAG injection

During WAG injection it’s important to taking into account reservoir

characteristics and fluid properties (Latil 1980). WAG parameters and injection

and production well arrangement and are two other important factors that affect the

WAG recovery process. In terms of reservoir we already discuss about

reservoir’s heterogeneity, porosity, permeability, saturation and wettability.

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Then in the following we will analyze fluid properties and behaviors, that is,

viscosity, mobility, sweep efficiency and WAG parameters.

3.2.1 Viscosity

Viscosity is the most important fluid property in EOR projects because it controls

the flow of fluids in the reservoir. It is defined as the resistance of the fluid to flow

(Ahmed 2010). The lower the viscosity of a fluid, the easier it can flow in porous

media and vice versa. The viscosity of crude oil is highly dependent on temperature,

pressure, oil gravity, gas gravity and gas solubility. If everything else remains the

same, the higher the viscosity of oil, the higher the residual oil saturation (Latil


3.2.2 Mobility and mobility ratio

The mobility of a fluid is the effective permeability of the fluid divided by the

viscosity of the fluid (Ahmed 2010). This can be expressed as:


: Mobility of oil [D/cP]

: Mobility of water [D/cP]

: Effective permeability to oil [D]

: Effective permeability to water [D]

: Relative permeability to oil [-]

: Relative permeability to water [-]

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The mobility of the fluid (water, gas) injected WAG, affects the stability of the

displacement front, which in turn determines the volume of the reservoir to be

contacted. Adequate mobility control can lead to greater reservoir pore volume

being contacted during flooding. Contacting more un-swept zone of the

reservoir will lead to greater recovery efficiency.

The mobility ratio is the ratio of the mobility of the injecting fluid (e.g. water,

gas) to the mobility of the fluid it is displacing, such as oil (Ahmed 2010).

For the water injection:

Favorable mobility ratio (M < 1) will optimize WAG displacement. Favorable

mobility ratio can be obtained by reducing the relative permeability of the fluids

(water, gas) or increasing the gas viscosity.

3.2.3 Microscopic sweep efficiency

The microscopic (displacement) efficiency and macroscopic (volumetric) sweep

efficiencies are used to measure the success of any flooding system, be it water,

gas or WAG (Ahmed 2010). The fraction of oil that is removed from the pore

spaces by the injected fluid is referred to as the displacement efficiency.

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Ed: displacement efficiency

Soi: initial oil saturation

Sor: residual oil saturation

Ed is bounded between 0 and 1. The rate at which Ed approaches 1 is strongly

affected by the initial conditions, the displacing agent, and the amount of

displacing agent. Fluid, rock, and fluid–rock properties also affect Ed (Lake


3.2.4 Macroscopic sweep efficiency

The macroscopic (volumetric) sweep efficiency is the volume of the floodable

portion of the reservoir that has been contacted by the injected fluid. These can

be expressed mathematically as:

The areal sweep efficiency is the fraction of the area contacted by the injected fluid

(Figure 3.2). The vertical sweep efficiency is the ratio of the sum of the vertical

height of the reservoir contacted by the injected fluid to the total vertical reservoir

height(Lake 1989).

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The product of these two (areal and vertical sweep efficiency) gives the volumetric

sweep efficiency which is the fraction of the reservoir volume swept or contacted

by the injected water.


EV: volumetric sweep efficiency

ED: areal sweep efficiency

EI: vertical sweep efficiency

The total oil recovery efficiency, E is the product of the displacement efficiency, ED

and volumetric sweep efficiency, EV (Thakur and Satter 1998). Mathematically,

Figure 3.2: Sweep efficiency schematic

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The recovery can be optimized by maximizing any or all of the three factors EA,

EI, ED (Christensen, Stenby et al. 2001)

3.2.5 WAG parameters: Slug size, WAG ratio, WAG cycles

These parameters are all important for effective recovery efficiency to be


The slugs of water and gas injected must be controlled. Injecting too much

water will negatively impact the microscopic efficiency as injecting too much

gas will result to poor macroscopic sweep efficiency.

The WAG ratio, WR is defined as the ratio of injected water ( ,) to injected gas

( ,):

An optimum value of WAG ratio allows a good mobility and thus avoids problems

caused by either an excess of water injected that may lead to poor microscopic

sweep and water tongue at the bottom of the reservoir, or an excess of gas injected,

which may rather result in a gas tongue development (override) at the top of the

reservoir and a very early gas breakthrough (Arogundade, Shahverdi et al. 2013).

In field application, WAG ratio of 1:1 is the most popular (Jeong, Cho et al.

2014). Just to be clear this is a general assumption but the optimal value of WAG

ratio also depends on the gas availability and rock wettability of the reservoir

(Jackson, Andrews et al. 1985).

A WAG cycle is a group of water and gas injection. The number of cycles in the

WAG injection affects the recovery of oil from a core or reservoir. If everything

else remains the same, the more WAG cycles applied, the higher the recovery of

the oil from the core or reservoir. Figure 3.3 shows the oil recovery as a function

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og Wag ratio and number of WAG cycles from the literature (Johns, Bermudez

et al. 2003).

3.3 Operational problems of WAG

In the production life of an oil field, some operational problems cannot be

avoided WAG injection is more demanding than a pure gas or water injection an

thus, some operational problems must be avoided during the production life of

an oil field. Most common problems in WAG applications are listed below,

following basis of operational reports of field applications (Christensen, Stenby

et al. 1998):

Early Breakthrough in Production Wells. Poor understanding of the reservoir

or an inadequate reservoir description can lead to unexpected events such as

early gas breakthrough. Several field cases report of early gas breakthrough

caused by channeling or override. These problems are difficult to solve, and the

wells are in some cases shut in long before scheduled. For offshore fields,

Figure 3.3: Oil recovery for different WAG ratio and increasing the number of WAG cycle

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override can be very critical because the number of wells in the projects is

generally very limited.

Reduced Injectivity. Reduced injectivity means less gas or water injected in the

reservoir. This will lead to a more rapid pressure drop in the reservoir, which

again will affect displacement and production. The cause for reduced injectivity

could be a change in relative permeability owing to three-phase flow, wellbore

heating, and thereby reduced effects of thermal fractures during gas injection or

precipitates (hydrates and asphaltenes) formed in the nearwell zone. It is a

common trend that while reduced injectivity of water is observed after a gas

slug, the injectivity of the gas after a water slug generally is not a major problem

Sometimes injectivity is even increased. A more unusual injectivity increase was

found in Kelly Snyder (a carbonate reservoir), where injectivity was increased

owing to dissolved reservoir rock (Kane 1979).

Corrosion. Corrosion is a problem that must be solved in almost all WAG

injection projects. This is mainly owing to the fact that the WAG injection

normally is applied as a secondary or tertiary recovery method. The project will

then have to take over old injection and production facilities originally not

designed for this kind of injection. Only applications using CO2 as injection fluid

have reported severe corrosion problems.

Scale Formation. The occurrence of scales in WAG field trials is usually and

quite logically found when CO2 is the injected gas source. The scale formation

may stress the pipelines and can lead to failure (Brownlee and Sugg 1987).

Asphaltene and Hydrate Formation. Asphaltenes and hydrates may lead to

problems and disturbances in production. Although the problems connected with

the precipitations are the same, the factors influencing the formation are better

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known for hydrates than for asphaltenes. Thus, hydrate formation normally can

be controller with methanol solvent treatment. In many cases, the problem could

be solved with solvent treatment at proper intervals. In a few cases wells have

been shut in, but in a majority of the cases reported production has not been

drastically influenced. The presence of asphaltenes may lead to production-

delays/stops and can thereby affect the economy of a project.

Different Temperatures of Injected Phases. It is normal that the temperatures

of the water and gas phases are different under injection. Temperature

differences because of the WAG process have resulted in stress-related tubing

failures (Wackowski and Masoner 1995).

As we saw before some of these problems could be fixed changing fluids, using

solvents etc. Other problems such as early gas breakthrough are difficult to

manage and predict in WAG processes. For this reason in this thesis we will

introduce another EOR process, substantially the aim of this work, that is,

FAWAG process. In the next chapter we will see the fundamentals of FAWAG

injection and we will explain the physics of the foam.

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4.1 State of art of FAWAG applications

The application of foam for mobility control was first proposed by Bond and

Holbrook (1958). Thereafter, many experimental and modeling studies have

been devoted to understand the mechanisms underlying foam mobility control.

This has been followed by many successful field applications where foam has

been mainly applied as diverting and mobility-reducing agents, for instance in

East Vacuum field in the US (Hiraski 1989, Patzek and Koinis 1990, Hoefner,

Evans et al. 1995, Patzek 1996), Oseberg and Snorre fields in the North Sea

(Aarra and Skauge 1994, Skauge, Aarra et al. 2002). In these applications gas

mobility is lowered by a greater factor in the high permeable layers compared to

the low permeable ones. The lowered gas mobility diverts at least part of the

displacing fluid into the other parts of the reservoir that are less-permeable and

have not been swept before. This leads to improvement in both vertical and areal

sweep efficiency, and thus to additional oil recovery from the unswept regions.

Until recently, experimental and modeling studies have been devoted to describe

the behavior of foam in the absence of oil, but comparatively few studies of

foam in the presence of oil have been done. There are still important and

unsolved questions regarding the stability of foam and its propagation in the

reservoirs containing oil. Available evidence resulting from the bulk foam

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studies and full-field simulation suggests that the presence of oil can

significantly affect the success of foam-flood performance (Low, Yang et al.

1992, Schramm and Schramm 1994, Zanganeh, Kam et al. 2011). In fact, to

develop a practical foam process for a given field application where residual oil

saturation may vary from zero to 50%, any effect of oil on the behavior of foam

generation, propagation, and destruction is an important issue. Notwithstanding

the primary importance of oil on foam stability, the existing data in the literature

show a controversy about the ability of foam to generate and propagate when oil

is present in porous media. While several studies argued that the presence of oil

could be detrimental on foam stability (Minssieux 1974, Jensen and Friedmann

1987, Svorstol, Vassenden et al. 1996, Arnaudov, Denkov et al. 2001, Hadjiiski,

Tcholakova et al. 2001, Farajzadeh, Andrianov et al. 2012, Simjoo and Zitha

2013), others supported that relatively stable foam could be formed in the

presence of oil (Schramm and Schramm 1994, Mannhardt, Novosad et al. 1998,

Aarra, Skauge et al. 2002, Vikingstad, Aarra et al. 2006, Emadi, Sohrabi et al.

2011). It was found that oil saturation must be below a critical value before gas

mobility is reduced by foam (Jensen and Friedmann 1987, Svorstol, Vassenden

et al. 1996, Mannhardt and Svorstøl 1999), but this has not been supported by

other studies where the possibility of generating foam even at relatively high oil

saturation was observed (Farajzadeh, Andrianov et al. 2010, Andrianov,

Farajzadeh et al. 2012). In some studies the type of oil was found not to be crucial

for foam generation and propagation; instead the type of surfactant exhibited large

effects (Jensen and Friedmann 1987). This is not in line with other bulk and porous

media studies where foaming behavior was found to depend on the combination of

surfactant and oil types (Nikolov, Wasan et al. 1986, Raterman 1989, Vikingstad,

Aarra et al. 2006).

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4.2 Foam in EOR processes

At the end of chapter 3 we spoke about the problems associated with many gas

injection projects, that main important are the inefficient gas utilization, poor

sweep efficiency and low incremental oil recovery due to viscous instabilities

(channeling or fingering) and gravity segregation. These are caused by rock

heterogeneity as well as the low density and viscosity of the injected gas. Foam

can be injected into the oil reservoir to mitigate these drawbacks (Blaker, Celius

et al. 1999).

Foam is advantageous for controlling the mobility of gas in a porous medium. It

can be relatively cost effective considering the liquid only needs a concentration

in the order of one weight percent. Foam can reduce the effects such as

channeling, fingering, and gravity segregation by reducing the displacing fluids

mobility. It can also reduce the interfacial tension between the fluids. Foam has

a selective property of blocking high permeable layers, which means it blocks

the high permeable (already swiped zones) layers, leading the fluid to un-swept

areas or layers. The selective property of foam targeting high permeable layers

can be very beneficial in a heterogeneous porous medium. The implementation

of foam as an enhanced oil recovery technique has been hindered because of a

lack understanding of the foams behavior in a reservoir. The effectiveness of

foam in reservoirs remains unpredictable, because of the complex nature of

foam and contradictions in foam studies. In naturally fractured reservoirs foam

can be used to create a viscous pressure drop in the fracture, which forces the

gas into the oil bearing matrix, thus accelerating oil production (Kovscek and

Radke 1994, Alvarez, Rivas et al. 1999, Farajzadeh, Wassing et al. 2010).

Figure 4.1 shows the beneficial effects of foamed gas compared to pure gas.

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4.3 The physics of foam

Foam is a dispersion of gas in a liquid solution. The gas is known as the

discontinuous phase, while the liquid is known as the continuous phase. Gas

bubbles are separated by thin liquid films called lamellae. Foam can vary based

on multiple factors: foam quality, texture, and rheology (Marsden, Eerligh et al.


The foam quality, Γ is defined as follows:

where Vg is the gas volume and Vl is the liquid volume.

Foam is generally divided into two wide categories: foam in bulk and foam in

porous media.

Figure 4.1: differences between gas injection, WAG injection and FAWAG injection

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In bulk foam, the size of a container is much larger than individual bubbles. This

sort of foam can be treated as a single homogeneous phase, with almost the

same velocities of liquid and gas (Calvert 1989). The thin liquid film is called

lamella (plural lamellae), which can be stabilized by the presence of surfactant

molecules. Lamellae touch each other or the solid wall at a region called a

Plateau border (Figure 4.2).

Foam disappears when lamellae break from high capillary pressure or when gas

diffuses through the lamellae, causing smaller bubbles to shrink until they

disappear. The thickness of a lamella at rest and at equilibrium is governed by

capillary pressure through the disjoining pressure (Weaire 2002), which is the

repulsion between the opposite surfaces of the lamella, caused by the presence of

surfactant (Figure 4.2).

In Porous media foam, the diameter of bubbles is comparable to or larger than

the pore size (Rossen 1992). Foam in porous media is defined as “a dispersion

of gas in a liquid such that the liquid phase is continuous, and at least some part

Figure 4.2: A picture showing lamellae and plateau border of bulk foam with an oil film (the

black one)

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of the gas is made discontinuous by thin liquid films called lamellae” in

according to (Hiraski 1989).

Inside the rock the lamellae and its interaction with the pore walls are of central

importance when considering foam in a porous rock. There is, however, no way

to visually verify the existence of lamellae inside rock, but it can be observed

that when a gas is in contact with an aqueous surfactant solution gas mobility is

reduced (Prud'homme 1995).

Foam can also be classified as continuous-gas foam and discontinuous-gas

foam. Continuous-gas foam is one which there exist at least one pathway for gas

flow in pore network that is unblocked by lamellae. A discontinuous-gas foam is

one in which all pathway for gas flow are blocked by lamellae (Prud'homme

1995). For continuous-gas foams at low pressure gradient, gas mobility is reduced

because gas relative permeability is reduced by a fixed amount. At higher pressure

gradient lamellae are mobilized and either breaks, thereby increasing gas mobility,

or divide and reproduce, which leads to a discontinuous-gas foam of very low

mobility. There is no flow of gas at all at low pressure gradient for discontinuous-

gas foams. However, at high pressure gradient, gas may flow through some or all

pores, as all or part of trapped gas is mobilized. Thus the velocity of gas is not

proportional to pressure gradient in discontinuous-gas foam. The strongest and most

stable foam is thought to be a discontinuous-gas foam, and weak foam is associated

with continuous-gas foam (Friedmann, Chen et al. 1991)

In porous media, foam splits into liquid, flowing gas and trapped gas (Figure 4.3).

Flowing gas flows through the large pores, taking a small fraction of the liquid

along as lamellae and plateau borders; trapped gas bubbles reside in the

intermediate-size pores; and the majority of the liquid separates from the gas and

flows in the same small pores and pore corners as in conventional gas liquid flow.

Only a small amount of liquid is transported with gas as lamellae and Plateau


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4.3.1 Foam stability and capillary pressure

In porous media, foam exists as gas bubbles whose shapes conform to the solid

matrix. Each lamella contains two gas-liquid interfaces separated by the thin

film, and each lamella has a surface tension. This is the variable which is

significantly lowered when a surfactant is added to water. Moreover, in a water-

wet porous medium it is possible to notice the presence of water as both bulk

water in small pores and lamellae between gas bubbles (Figure 4.4).

Figure 4.3: picture showing liquid, flowing gas and trapped gas of foam in porous media

Figure 4.4: Pressure distribution in the water phase

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The pressure difference between the bulk water and the gas bubble is expressed

as capillary pressure pc:

Where pg is the pressure inside the gas bubble and pb the bulk water pressure. At

equilibrium, the value of pc should be balanced by the disjoining pressure, Π:

Where h represents the film thickness and pf the average pressure inside the

liquid film. The disjoining pressure is characterized by attractive forces between

molecules, which lead to attraction between film surfaces, and repulsive forces,

due to the interaction of two same-sign charged interfaces. If Π exceeds the

maximum value Πmax, then the thickness becomes lower than its critical value

hcr and the film collapses. Then the stability of the foam is strictly dependents on

the capillary pressure, that is function of the surfactant formulation and

concentration, gas velocity, permeability of the porous medium, and presence of

oil (Khatib, Hirasaki et al. 1988).

4.3.2 Foam generation mechanism

In field applications, three different flow regimes have been encountered in

porous media and each of them results in totally different flow behaviors and

generation mechanisms (Sheng 2013):

Surface facilities and well itself, where inertial flow may create bulk


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Near-wellbore region, where flow rates and pressure gradients are high;

Formation, far away from the injection well, where flow rates and

pressure gradients are much lower.

It is commonly accepted that, on the basis of what just said above, lamellae are

created by the three following mechanisms inside real porous media:

Leave behind

Leave-behind is a creation process that occurs in pore throats when gas enters

from separate directions in adjacent pore bodies as shown in (Figure 4.4). The

creation of leave-behind lamellae can be very effective in a three dimensional

medium, because the of many potential pore throats available for lamellae

creation. Albeit an effective creating process, leave-behind has proven not to

greatly reduce gas mobility, which means that this is a weak kind of lamellae

and a high amount of the lamellae are destroyed. Leave-behind only occurs

during a drainage process, when saturation of gas is increasing (Prud'homme



Surfactant solution accumulates at the pore throats and in the small pores where

the capillary pressure is higher for a water wet medium. As capillary pressure

decreases the water can bridge the gap in the pore throat and create lamellae

and is called snap-off.

Figure 4.5: Schematic of leave-behind mechanism showing gas invasion (A) and

foaming film (B)

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For gas to enter a pore body through a pore throat it needs to exceed a certain

capillary pressure to force its way through the pore throat. When the gas enters

the pore body, the radius will increase and the capillary pressure will decrease.

This fluctuation in capillary pressure can cause a lamella to form in the pore

throat as shown in (Figure 4.5). This process is called snap-off. (Prud'homme



When a lamella is pushed through a pore system it can suddenly reach a point

of several pore throats. The lamella then stretches and either breaks or makes

new lamellae in the different pore throats. The lamellae will take the path of

least resistance, which means that lamellae are created in the pores of least

resistance, forcing gas to take different paths or to displace the lamella.

(Prud'homme 1995)

Figure 4.6: Schematic of snap-off mechanism showing gas penetrating a throat (A)

and bubble formation (B)

Figure 4.7: Schematic of lamella division mechanism (A) and two bubbles formation (B)

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4.3.3 The foam coalescence

In absence of oil, two mechanisms are mainly responsible for the foam

coalescence. Both mechanisms result in the formation of one big bubble from

two smaller bubbles which were initially occupying the pore space.

Capillary suction, Moving lamellae coalesce when they are rapidly stretched

across large pore bodies. For a given gas flow rate and capillary pressure, pore-

throats/pore-bodies combinations with large aspect ratios serve as termination

sites. Moreover, as the gas velocity or capillary pressure increases, an increasing

number of pores become termination sites (Farzaneh and Sohrabi 2013).

Gas diffusion, Gas diffusion coalescence occurs when two bubbles with

different curvatures are in contact. As the pressure on the concave side of a

curved foam film is higher than that on the convex side, gas diffuses through the

film and dissolves in the liquid present in the convex side. Thus, the gas diffuses

from smaller bubbles to less curved (bigger) ones.

While the first mechanism happens through a fast physical process, the latter

takes place through a slow diffusion process (Farzaneh and Sohrabi 2013).

4.4 Gas mobility reduction

Foam alters gas mobility in two ways. The first mechanism is associated with

moving bubbles and rearrangement of bubble interfacial area. Recall that a

lamella is a thin-liquid film that separates bubbles. Foam bubbles in porous

media are as large or larger than characteristic pore size; thus, bubbles and

lamellae completely span pores. This foam configuration is referred to as a

confined foam because of the constraining effect of the porous medium on foam

structure. Confined gas bubbles transport by sliding over lubricating liquid films

that coat pore walls and liquid-filled pore corners. At low bubble velocities

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characteristic of flow in porous media, the pressure drop to drive a bubble at a

constant velocity exceeds that of an equivalent volume of liquid, thereby

increasing the effective viscosity of the gas phase. Additionally, surfactant

movement from the front of a moving bubble to the rear induces a

surface-tension gradient that slows bubble motion and so increases the effective


The second mechanism that reduces gas mobility is trapping of the gas phase.

The fraction of gas that is stationary in a foam is quantifiable using gas-phase

tracers. The most important factors governing bubble trapping include pressure

gradient, pore geometry, and foam texture; however, the dependence of trapped

fraction on these factors is not established. The fraction of trapped gas increases

slightly with gas velocity at a constant gas fractional flow. On the pore level, gas

flowing in the form of foam tends to flow through the high permeability and

high porosity zones.

These mobility reduction mechanisms require multiple disconnected bubbles

and stable thin-liquid films between bubbles. Film stability is provided by

surfactant molecules that array themselves near gas-liquid interfaces where the

identically charged interfaces repel each other. Foam films are meta-stable as

opposed to thermodynamically stable. The surfactant induced stabilizing forces

are sensitive to surfactant concentration, surfactant structure, and to ionic

strength of the aqueous solution (Apaydin and Kovscek 2000).

The mobility reduction is identified by the mobility reduction factor (MRF)

(Kovscek and Radke 1994). MRF is calculated from the steady-state pressure

drops developed during foam injection as follows:

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ΔPfoam and ΔPno-foam are the measured differential pressure across the porous

medium with and without foam respectively in steady-state condition. An high

MRF corresponds to a strong foam (Vikingstad and Aarra 2009).

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Most of the work of this thesis is related to experimental activities which have

been carried out in LAIP laboratories of eni E&P. The main objective of

performing the experiments is the evaluation of the reduction in the gas mobility

due to foam injection. We started the experiments by performing some

preliminary tests in order to investigate the physics of foam during the injection

in the core without using oil. All the experiments have been executed at low

pressure, temperature. Also a high-pressure and temperature core-flooding

facility was designed to perform core experiments in presence of oil at reservoir

condition. As it is mentioned before, the MRF is the ratio between foam

pressure drop in the FAWAG experiment to the water pressure drop in the WAG

experiment. WAG and FAWAG have been performed to determine the MRF at

the same condition in terms of temperature, pressure, chemicals, core properties,

gas flow rate, brine flow rate, pore volume and numbers of WAG cycles.

The conducted experimental procedures in this thesis are divided in different

steps, such as:

1) Designing of experimental set-up for low pressure (LP) and low

temperature (LT) for WAG injection.

2) WAG experiments at high gas flow rate, LP and LT to understand the

behavior of the equipment with WAG injections.

3) Experiments for the evaluation of gas and brine permeability.

4) WAG experiment at low gas flow rate, LP and LT to be able to calculate

the MFR.

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5) Designing of experimental set-up for FAWAG injection.

6) Screening and choosing of the best surfactant from a list of candidate.

7) FAWAG experiments at different surfactant concentration.

8) Designing of experimental set-up for WAG and FAWAG experiment at

reservoir condition high pressure (HP) and high temperature (HT).

In the following we will see in the specific only experiments that provide useful

results. That is, WAG LPLT, surfactant screening, FAWAG LPLT, WAG and

FAWAG HPHT experimental set-up designing.

Before starting we will introduce the concept of pore volume (PV) about of we

will speak often in the following.

The PV has not to be confused with porosity although it depends on porosity. A

PV is a dimensionless parameter often used to interpret porous media injection

data. In graphical representation of data is used instead of time like independent

variable (x axis). It represents how much times, during the injection, the total

volume of the pore is occupied by the fluid. For example, 3 PV injected means

that the fluids were injected with an amount that is 3 times the volume of the


Where Q is the flow rate, t is the time and is the porosity of the core.

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5.1 Fluids and chemicals

5.1.1 WAG fluids and chemicals

Fluids in WAG experiments consist of Nitrogen gas with a purity of 99.98% and

Synthetic Sea Water (SSW) as brine. SSW is obtained mixing distilled water

with salts and chemicals that are, NaCl, CaCl2, KCl, MgCl2∙6H2O, Na2SO4

and sodium azide (NaN3). Sodium azide it’s important to prevent the formation

of bacteria into the core. Figure 5.1 lists the recipe of making 1 kg of SSW.

Figure 5.1: recipe of making 1 kg of SSW

5.1.2 FAWAG fluids and chemicals

Fluids in FAWAG experiments consist of Nitrogen gas with a purity of 99.98%

and SSW mixed with different surfactants concentration to obtain a surfactant


The main objective of FAWAG chemicals are surfactants and their screening.

We selected surfactants from literature for the LPLT experiments. Another eni

laboratories is conducting accurate surfactant screening to select the best

surfactant mix for HPHT experiments.

The purpose of pre-screening was to evaluate and select suitable surfactants for

the project from a wide range of potential candidates figure 5.2, based on their

foamability in static bulk tests, compatibility with brine (solubility), adsorption

and environmental requirements. In the literature are evaluated several

parameters including: i) influence of brine composition on solubility and

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foaming performance, ii) influence of oil on foam strength and foam stability,

iii) influence of temperature, and iv) static adsorption on rocks.

Potential candidate surfactants comprise two main categories: a) anionics

(sulphonates and disulphonates) and b) amphoterics (betaines). Characteristics

of anionic surfactants that make them considerable candidates for our project


Proper foaming power

Proper stability

Low partitioning into the crude oil phase, and low adsorption

However, anionic surfactants may precipitate in the presence of salts, especially

divalent cations like calcium and magnesium. Conversely, amphoterics are good

foam boosters, practically insensitive to brine and tolerant to oils. Their main

potential drawback is their high adsorption on rocks.

More specifically, linear alkylbenzenesulphonates (LAS) are all-purpose

surfactants commonly used in foaming products (e.g. household detergents,

dishwashing and cleaning). These are relatively inexpensive surfactants with

good general performance and they have been proposed for a number of EOR

processes (Muijs, Keijzer et al. 1988). Alfa olefin sulphonates (AOS) have been

successfully used as foaming agents for controlling gas mobility in a North Sea

field (Blaker, Aarra et al. 2002). Amphoteric surfactants are excellent foam

boosters: a fluorinated betaine (FBET) has been previously studied as a foam

agent for controlling GOR (Vikingstad and Aarra 2009). We also evaluated a

commercial cocoamido-propyl betaine (CAPB) due to its effective synergistic

performance with anionic foamers (Mannhardt, Schramm et al. 1993). In the

next figure 5.2 there is a summary of surfactants behaviors previously discussed.

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Regarding literature is easy to ranked surfactants for reservoir conditions (from

0 to 10, where 10 is best) using the results from each pre-screening criterion. In

the spider chart figure 5.3 only surfactants with good foaming properties are


o FBET has well compatibility and foaming performance but fails because

of its very high adsorption and cost when compared to AOS or LAS.

o LAS is a cost-effective surfactant, but fails because of its poor

compatibility with aquifer water.

o Both AOS C12-14 and AOS C14-16 perform similarly under all pre-

screening criteria. AOS C12-14 has even better brine compatibility and

adsorption than AOS C14-16.

Surfactant Abbreviation Type Pros Cons

Linear alkyl sulphonate C10-13 LAS AnionicGood foamer

BiodegradableNeutralization required

Alpha olefin sulphonate C14-16 AOS C14-16 AnionicExcellent foamer


2+ intolerance

Alpha olefin sulphonate C12-14 AOS C12-14 AnionicExcellent foamer


2+ intolerance

C10 di alkyl diphenyl disulphonate DADS C10 AnionicExcellent tolerance to brine

Low adsorptionCa

2+ intolerance

C12 di alkyl diphenyl disulphonate DADS C12 AnionicExcellent tolerance to brine

Low adsorptionPoor foam

C16 di alkyl diphenyl disulphonate DADS C16 AnionicExcellent tolerance to brine

Low adsorptionPoor foam

Fluorinated betaine FBET Amphoteric

Excellent foamer

Tolerance to crude oil

Tolerance to brine

High cost

Not biodegradable

High adsorption

Cocoamidopropyl betaine CAPB AmphotericFoam booster

Tolerance to brineHigh adsorption

Figure 5.2: pre-screened surfactants

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Figure 5.3: ranking of surfactants from pre-screening

Being in line with literature results we decided to use AOS C14-16 as surfactant

in our LPLT FAWAG experiments.

5.2 Equipments

The experimental set-up consists of a Hassler type core holder containing the

Berea sandstone, double injection equipment, double effect piston displacement

pumps, two balances, a gasometer, high precision transducers and computers to

acquire and elaborate data.

5.2.1 Core sample and core-holder

Berea Sandstone core sample with 30,48cm (1feet) of length (L) and 5,08cm (2

inch) of diameter was used to perform the experiments (figure 5.4). This

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock whose grains are predominantly sand-sized and

are composed of quartz held together by silica.

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The Berea sandstone core is located vertically inside the stainless steel Hassler

type core holder (figure 5.6) under a confinement pressure of 30 bars. Hassler

type core holders are defined as core holders that have radial pressure applied to

the core sample. These core holders are routinely used for gas and liquid

permeability and other core flooding experiments. The distribution plugs are

provided with a single inlet and outlet. Additional ports can be added as we did

for our experiments. As shown in figure 5.5, we have four ports for pressure

transducer in order to measure inlet pressure (Pin), outlet pressure (Pout), pressure

at 1/3 of core length (P1) and pressure at 2/3 of core length (P2).

Figure 5.4: core-sample

Figure 5.5: schematic of pressure ports within the core-holder

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5.3 LPLT WAG experiment description

Oil recovery by WAG is dependent on the saturation cycles that occur in a core-

flood or in the reservoir. The importance of WAG experiment at low pressure

and atmospheric temperature is to measure the brine pressure drop and

determine the MRF. WAG experiment is also important to better understand the

early breakthrough phenomena and the importance of the foam injection to

delay this behavior of the gas due of its low viscosity.

5.3.1 Experimental set-up

The set-up used to carry out the core flow experiments is shown in figure 5.7. It

consists of a core-holder with inlet of fluids in the bottom. The core is under a

pressure of 30 bar that is the confine pressure to avoid that fluids take

Figure 5.6: sleeve and core-holder

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preferential pathways. A pump provides this pressure (ISCO pump). Brine and

gas arrive to the core from two different lines. The injected brine comes from a

double effect piston displacement pump (Pharmacia Biotech P-500) at flow rate

of 480 ml/h. Nitrogen gas is supplied by the line at 7 bar with a pressure

regulator (KHP Series, Swagelok). Four pressure transducers are used to

monitor the pressure drop over the core segments with increasing length from

the core inlet (section 1: 10, 1±0.1 cm, section 2: 20, 2±0.1 cm and section 3:

30,4±0.1 cm). At the outlet there are two balances to collect fluids. Two

balances permit to manage the presence of different fluids and phases. Then

liquid production is monitored by weight. The fluids spread across a burette

connected to the first balance and then go down to the second balance. The gas

escapes from the top of the burette and goes into a gasometer which measure the

gas flow rate. All these devices are connected to a data acquisition system

(National Instruments) that is used to record pressure, liquid production and gas

and liquid injection flow rate. The experiments were at atmospheric temperature

(21±1 °C).

Figure 5.7: LPLT WAG experimental set-up

















BurettePhase sep.



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5.3.2 Experimental procedure

In this section we describe the basic sequence of conducting core-flooding

experiments. The experiment has been started after full saturation of the sample

with brine. The system is maintained for 24 h in these fully saturated conditions

under a back-pressure of 1 to ensure the system is in equilibrium. The absolute

permeability to brine is measured by applying a sequence of different flow rates

and employing Darcy’s law. Next 2 pore volume (PV) of brine with a flow rate

of 480 ml/h was injected in the core. Injection of 2 PV of brine is considered as

our standard which we applied it in injection of 2 PV surfactant solution into the

core to satisfy its adsorption capacity. We did the same for WAG experiment

exactly at the same conditions. After this we stopped the pump and opened the

gas valve that was injected pre regulated conditions at 720 ml/h into the core for

1 PV. Then we did others 2 cycles injecting 1 PV of brine alternating with 1 PV

of gas for a total of 3 WAG injections. This choice was made to be in reservoir

condition in terms of injection where the flow rate is low, about1ft per day, and

the WAG injection is done injecting more or less 1 PV water and 1 PV gas. At

the end of the experiment the absolute permeability was re measured. The

absolute permeability was the same we obtained before the starting of the first

experiment then we chose to continue the experiment with the same core.

Using LabVIEW (programming environment really useful to convert and

elaborate information in terms of pressure, temperature, etc in digital data)

pressures, water mass and gas flow rate data were collected. Then we analyze

the results in terms of water production curve, gas breakthrough and pressure

drop that we will describe in the following of this chapter and in the next


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5.3.3 Experimental Results

Figure 5.8 depicts results of the water production with respect to pore volume

and pressure drop. This figure is divided into different sections that represent

WAG cycles, each section is identified by an abbreviation. For example, 2 PV

W indicates two pore volume of brine injected and 1 PV G indicates one pore

volume of gas injected. The blue color is for brine injection and red color is for

gas injection. In a secondary axis there are also inlet and outlet pressures. The

water production graph starts from 0 till less than 0.5 PV which brine,

depending to its permeability and saturation and porosity of the sample, needs to

reach the end of the core sample. The blue curve has a linear trend that depends

of brine flow rate. Conversely the red curve has a non-linear trend that indicates

that gas flow rate vary from inlet to outlet due the gas expansion, this is the

reason why we used an average flow rate for gas. The gas curve increases

immediately with a jump then, after less than 0.05 PV of gas injection, the red

curve reaches the plateau. This means that gas breakthrough was reached and no

more water could be produced. This is the reason why we need to improve the

gas viscosity to delay gas breakthrough that means improving in sweep

efficiency and enhancing in oil production. Looking at the black curve, that is

the inlet pressure, we are able to see when gas injection starts. In fact we have a

peak that corresponds to the opening of gas valve. Then the curve decreases

reaching a plateau at 0.5 PV till the end of injection that corresponds to a value

more or less of 0 bar. The decreasing in the first part of the curve is in line with

water production and with water saturation reductions. The green curve, outlet

pressure, is more or less always at 0bar.

In the next chapter we will discuss in details a comparison between WAG and

FAWAG, analyzing water production, pressure drops in all sections of the core

sample and the MRF.

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Regarding the trend of water production curve, we were able to understand the

importance of using foam to help standard WAG injection processes.

5.4 LPLT FAWAG experiment description

In the previous paragraph we illustrated the WAG injection experiment and at

the end we analyzed the importance of FAWAG injection to reduce the mobility

of the gas. Therefore in the following we will describe FAWAG injection


For FAWAG injection experiments, three different tests have been performed:

















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


re (bar)






n (


Pore volume (PV)






2 PV W 1 PV G 1 PV G 1 PV G1 PV W 1 PV W

Figure 5.8: WAG experimental results in terms of water recovery, inlet preeure and outlet


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FAWAG injection with surfactant solution at 2000 ppm of surfactant


FAWAG injection with surfactant solution at 5000 ppm of surfactant


FAWAG injection with surfactant solution at 10000 ppm of surfactant


We performed these three different experiments to understand which

concentration is the best selection to have reasonable trade-off between MRF

and economics aspects.

5.4.1 Experimental set-up

In the figure 5.9 is shown the scheme of FAWAG injection experiment set-up.

The only one difference you can see between FAWAG and WAG experimental

set-up is that in the FAWAG set-up we provided a graduated column to collect

the exceeded foam from the burette to avoid foam spread into gasometer. The

column has a 3 way bypass valve to be able to shift the foam flow in the column

and measure gas flow rate from the top of the valve.
















Foamer solution


BurettePhase sep.

FoamReceiving cylinder



Figure 5.9: LPLT FAWAG experimental set-up

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5.4.2 Experimental procedure

In this section we describe the basic sequence of FAWAG injection

experiments. We focused on one FAWAG experiment which is the one with

2000 ppm surfactant concentration, all other experiments are the same in terms

of procedure, obviously with changing the concentration of surfactant in the

solution. Before starting the experiment we measured brine permeability

changing brine flow rate and employing Darcy’s law to be sure that the core

sample is able to be used in the next experiment. The FAWAG experiment has

been started after full saturation of the sample with surfactant solution. Next 2

pore volume (PV) of surfactant solution at 2000 ppm with a flow rate of 480

ml/h was injected in the core. Injection of 2 PV of surfactant solution is

considered as our standard to satisfy surfactant adsorption capacity. After this

we stopped the pump and we opened the gas valve that was injected at 720 ml/h

into the core for 1 PV. Then we did others 2 cycles injecting 1 PV of brine

alternating with 1 PV of gas for a total of 3 FAWAG injections. At the end of

the experiment we washed the core sample injecting methanol for 24 hours to

clean all residual surfactant into the core sample and be able to start with the

next experiment. At this point we again measured brine permeability to be sure

that during the injection, the permeability of the core has not changed. We

continued the experiments by using 5000 ppm and 10000 ppm surfactant

concentration. Using LabVIEW pressures, water mass and gas flow rate data

were collected. Then we analyzed the results in terms of water production curve,

gas breakthrough, pressure drop and at the end MRF.

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5.4.3 Experimental Results

Figure 5.10 depicts results of the water production with respect to pore volume

and pressure drop. As it is shown in figure 5.10, the graph is divided into

different sections that represent FAWAG cycles. Each section is identified by an

abbreviation. For example, 2 PV SS indicates two pore volume of surfactant

solution injected and 1 PV G indicates one pore volume of gas injected. Also

here the water production graph starts from 0 till more or less 1 PV, which

surfactant solution, depending to its permeability and saturation and porosity of

the sample, needs to reach the end of core sample. In this case we had 1 PV

instead of 0.5 PV which we obtained in WAG cycles. This behavior verifies the

fact that during the injection of surfactant solution, foam is starting to be

generated into the core sample. Then the brine solution needs more time to reach

the end of the core. The blue curve has a linear trend with a slope that depends

on brine flow rate. After 2 PV of surfactant solution injection, the blue curve

reaches the value of 150 g. As it is shown in figure 5.8, at the end of 2 PV brine

in WAG injection, we obtained 200 g of water production. This difference

indicates that 50 g of surfactant solution was starting to become foam into the


Then looking at the first red curve is easy to understand the delay in the gas

breakthrough with respect to WAG injection. In fact the gas curve increases

immediately its value with an initial jump then the curve continues to rise till the

end of the injection that is more or less 1 PV. In the WAG experiment we

obtained a plateau behavior after less than 0.05 PV of gas injection. Comparing

water production curve of WAG injection with FAWAG injection, it may result

to have higher water production. Generally the objective of FAWAG injection is

to increase oil production not water production. Usually water production is

important in oil-free experiment to easily detect when gas breakthrough


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In the next chapter we will discuss in details a comparison between WAG and

FAWAG, analyzing water production, pressure drops in all sections of the core

sample and the MRF.

5.5 HPHT Experimental set-up design

The last part of this thesis has been focused on the design of experimental set-up

for HPHT WAG injection and HPHT FAWAG injection in presence of oil. This

kind of set-up was made to be in reservoir condition in terms of pressure,

temperature, fluids and chemical. Then we modified the set-up for LPLT to

perform the test at reservoir conditions (Figure 5.11).























0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


re (ba



r P





Pore Volume (PV)






2 PV SS 1 PV G 1 PV G1 PV G


Figure 5.10: FAWAG experimental results in terms of water recovery, inlet pressure and outlet


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Figure 5.11: HPHT experimental set-up

The set-up consists of a core-holder with inlet of fluids at the bottom and outlet

at the top. The core is under confine pressure up to 700 bar to avoid that fluids

take preferential pathways. An oven contains core holder to reach the desired

temperature up to 200°C. Brine, oil and gas arrive to the core from three

different lines. The injected brine and also oil comes from a double effect piston

displacement pump (Pharmacia Biotech P-500). Methane gas instead of nitrogen

gas is supplied by transfer cylinders at high pressure up to 600 bar. Pressure

transducers are used to monitor the pressure drop over the core segments with

increasing length from the core inlet (section 1: 10, 1±0.1 cm, section 2: 20,

2±0.1 cm and section 3: 30, 4±0.1 cm). At the outlet there are two balances to

collect fluid, to be able to do a mass balance and at the end to evaluate liquids

production. The fluids spread across a burette connected to the first balance and

then accumulate the second balance. In this way we obtain stratification on

fluids and then it is possible to calculate oil recovery by balances difference.

The gas escapes from the top of the burette and goes into a gasometer which


























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measures the gas flow rate. All these devices are connected to a data acquisition

system (National Instruments) that is used to record pressure, liquid production,

gas and liquid injection flow rate. The difference between HPHT FAWAG and

WAG experimental set-up is that in the FAWAG set-up we provided a

graduated column to collect the exceeded foam from the burette to avoid foam

spread into gasometer. The column has a 3 way bypass valve to be able to shift

the foam flow in the column and measure gas flow rate from the top of the


5.5.1 Experimental procedure

For performing the HPHT WAG tests, we selected the core sample which is

similar to reservoir rock.

The experimental producers for executing HPHT WAG are divided into

different steps. After selecting the core sample which is similar to reservoir

rock, brine and gas permeability have been performed. Then we saturated the

core sample with oil. The next step is performing WAG injection experiments as

scheduled for real field injection to achieve the residual oil saturation (SOR). The

aim of FAWAG is to increase the oil recovery. This experiment is useful to

perform after WAG experiments, which it can help to improve the recovery

factor. In this case, foam may help to increase the sweep efficiency by

enhancing the gas viscosity.

As it is shown in figure 5.12, there are 2 cycles of WAG and 2 cycles of

FAWAG in the scheme. This is just an indication to have an idea about

experimental sequences. The number of cycles will be decided during

experiments. Then FAWAG injection will take the scene when WAG injection

will not be able to recover more oil. From economic point of view, using the

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surfactant is expensive, especially for surfactant transportation, stock and

mixing/injection plant.

In the next chapter we discuss about all experimental result. We will compare

between WAG and FAWAG injection. We will figure out more about the

reduction in gas mobility.






Brine Brine

Gas GasGas Gas

Surfct Surfct Brine


Preparation WAG FAWAG WAG







Figure 5.12: schematic of HPHT experimental sequences

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In this chapter we will analyze in detail all the experimental results. In particular

we will compare WAG injection with FAWAG injection. We will start with

water recovery, and then we will speak about pressure drop. At the end we will

present results in terms of MRF.

6.1 Water recovery

We conducted all the experiment in oil-free conditions. Water recovery graph,

which is shown in figure 6.1, is really important to understand the behaviors of

foam injection in porous media. The graph is divided in three different sections,

which indicate three cycles of WAG and FAWAG injection with different

surfactant concentration. In all the FAWAG curves, the water production graph

starts from 0 till around 1 PV that is the volume the fluid needs to reach the end

of core sample. Looking at WAG curve, we had 0 for less than 0.2PV. This

behavior verifies the fact that during the injection of surfactant solution, foam is

starting to be generated into the core sample. Then the surfactant solution need

more time to reach the end of the core. The same behavior occurs in other

cycles; obviously the curve is shifted upward. The importance is the constancy

of the water production curve during water injection.

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In the figure 6.2 shows the zoom of figure 6.1 from 2 to 4 PV of the entire water

production curve. This zoom is necessary to understand the behavior of gas into

porous media. In the graph the gas injection occurs at the end of the linear trend

of the water production curve. Looking the graph after 3 PV the first curve

represents WAG experiment, the second curve FAWAG at 10000 ppm, the third

FAWAG at 5000 ppm and the last one is for FAWAG at 2000 ppm. In the WAG

injection experiment the gas curve increases immediately with a jump then, after

less than 0.05 PV of gas injection, the curve reaches the plateau. This means that

gas breakthrough was reached and no more water could be produced.

Conversely in the FAWAG experiment at 10000 ppm, instead of a jump, we

obtained a continuous growing of the curve up to the end of the gas injection. In

FAWAG experiment at 5000 ppm we had a jump, then a continuous growing of

the curve that reaches the plateau at more or less 1 PV. The trend of the

Figure 6.1: Water recovery results during core-flooding experiments


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FAWAG experiment at 2000 ppm is the same of 5000 ppm, then considerations

are the same.

Figure 6.2: The zoom of water production curve in the first injection cycle

Looking at figures 6.2, we can observer that FAWAG injection is an efficient

way to delay gas breakthrough. This means that foam is able to increase the

viscosity of the gas and consequently to improve also the sweep efficiency in the

oil recovery.

6.2 Pressure Drop

In this section we will analyze results of pressure drop. Pressure drop is

important to calculate the reduction in gas mobility. Figure 6.3 shows the total

pressure drop into the core from the inlet to the outlet.





2 3 4






Pore Volume (PV)


FAWAG 10000 ppm

FAWAG 5000 ppm

FAWAG 2000 ppm

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Figure 6.3: Total pressure drop for each core-flooding experiments

From figure 6.3 we can easily identify different types of injection. When brine

or surfactant solution injection starts the curve rises continuously. Then the

curve reaches the plateau, a steady-state condition is achieved. Looking at the

WAG curve the steady-state condition occurs after less than 0.2 PV. For

FAWAG experiments the curve reaches the plateau after more or less 1 PV.

This behavior can be explained by two reasons. The first one is the adsorption of

the surfactant into the core that means a delay in the fluid stability. The second

reason is that during the injection, foam is started to be generated into the core.

With this generating of the foam into the core, the time for reaching to steady-

state condition will increase because of existing two different fluids phases.

Gas injection can be observed at 2.5 PV, 5 PV and 7.5 PV points. These are,

starting points of gas injection. The gas pressure drop decreases with the








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



re D




Pore Volume (PV)

FAWAG 2000 ppm

FAWAG 5000 ppm

FAWAG 10000 ppm


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increasing of PV for both WAG and FAWAG experiments. This behavior is due

of the reduction in saturation.

As it is mention in previous chapter, core sample is divided into three different

sections (see chapter 5). For all these sections, we were able to measure inlet

and outlet pressure. Then, as it is shown in figure 6.4, we had three pressure

drop curve for each section.

We analyzed the results of each section in terms of PV and pressure drop. The

section 1 is affected by inlet effect. This effect depends on the fact that two

different fluids are injected alternately into the core. The section 1 does not have

the time to stabilize to a new regime. This also depends of the small length of

the core sample. The section 3 is affected by capillary end effect. Capillary end

effect is an important issue in core flooding experiments, because it can cause

serious errors in the calculation of saturation and relative permeabilities from

pressure drop and production information. There are several studies regarding

these effects (Apaydin and Kovscek 2000). Then, based on the analysis the

results of each section, we observed that the section 2 can better describe our

core flooding experiments.

To discuss in details of the section 2 in the terms of pressure drop (Figure 6.4).

Blue and red curves are respectively for FAWAG at 2000 and 5000 ppm.

Looking this curve is evident that the process needs the third FAWAG cycle to

reach the higher pressure drop. For FAWAG at 10000 ppm, that is the green

curve, two FAWAG cycles are enough. In fact in the third cycle the pressure

drop is more or less the same. This behavior is because of stability of generated

foam at 10000 ppm.

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Figure 6.4: pressure drop into 3 different sections of the core

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6.3 MRF

The MRF is the most important result of this thesis. This parameter gives us

important information regarding the foam effectiveness for EOR application. As

we mentioned before, MRF is the ratio between pressure drops in FAWAG

experiments to pressure drop in WAG experiment at steady-state conditions.

In the previous paragraph we observed the section 2 is the best in terms of

results. Figure 6.5 depicts MRF results of the section 2.

The figure shows that the MRF increases with increasing in surfactant solution

concentration. These three curves represent each FAWAG cycles. In the x-axis

Figure 6.5: Mobility reduction factor into section 2 of the core






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2



y R



n F


r, M


Surfactant Concentration, %w




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there is different surfactant concentration. Looking at the third cycle curve is

easy to make an important consideration. After three FAWAG cycles, the MRF

rises with surfactant solution concentration. But the slope of the curve from

2000 ppm to 5000 ppm is higher than the slope of the curve from 5000 ppm to

10000 ppm. This result has an important economic consequence. In fact the

curve reported in the figure 6.5 is indicating us to find the best trade-off between

efficiency and cost of surfactant in the region. The red curve is related to second

FAWAG cycle. Here it is possible to see that 10000 ppm is the best one. In fact

the slope of the curve from 5000 to 10000 ppm is much higher than the slope

between 2000 and 5000 ppm. The blue curve is related to the first FAWAG

cycle and indicate low MRF. This behavior can be explained by foam stability

factor, independent from the surfactant concentration. The foam stability is not

sufficient to reduce effectively the gas mobility.

Regarding the results, FAWAG injection with 5000ppm of surfactant

concentration is the best configuration for our process. The further aim is

testing these three cycles of FAWAG injection for field application. The best

configuration of in the terms of surfactant solution is the one with high

concentration. For instance in our case the best surfactant solution will be the

one with 10000ppm of surfactant concentration.

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This thesis was mainly focused on the application of foam to reduce the mobility

of the gas that can affect oil production and associated gas handling costs. WAG

and FAWAG experimental rig was set-up. Several core-flooding experiments

were conducted at medium-low pressure to investigate foam behavior in porous

media. All the work was organized in three steps:

The first step was the WAG injection experiments to set-up experimental

rig and perform preliminary tests to characterize the core sections and obtain

WAG baseline data.

The second step was the execution of FAWAG experiments. The setup

for this experiment is similar to WAG. FAWAG experiments were characterized

by several flooding steps at different surfactant concentrations. The importance

of selecting the proper concentration for the foam will impact on efficiency and

economics. Pressure and phases flow rate data, were acquired and analyzed. We

observed consistency of results in terms of gas mobility reduction.

The trend of the MRF resulted is in agreement with results reported in literature:

MRF rises with increasing surfactant concentration; the lower surfactant

concentration should be avoided because adsorption and instability.

The third step was the setting-up the rig to perform WAG/FAWAG

experiments at reservoir condition HPHT. This could also be mentioned as

future challenge.

For future, more field representative condition experiments will be conducted on

pre-selected surfactant mixtures. Phases mobility, oil interaction,

thermodynamic miscibility, adsorption, foam stability, will be investigated.

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