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EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) Szia! Amerikai utam alkalmából küldöm Neked ezt az exkluzív ajándékanyagot. A videót is nézd meg :-) GO and do it! Fekete Gábor GO! Tanfolyamok Itt éred el:

EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the

Dec 01, 2019



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Page 1: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the



Amerikai utam alkalmából küldöm Neked ezt az exkluzív ajándékanyagot.

A videót is nézd meg :-)

GO and do it!

Fekete Gábor

GO! Tanfolyamok

Itt éred el:

Page 2: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the

Különleges „helyszíni riport”a Niagara ajándékanyagodhoz


Nézd meg!


Page 3: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes

from the Iroquois Indian word "Onguiaahra", it means "the strait". Niagara Falls is a very popular

place for a honeymoon. I spent some time in the U.S. state of New York so I went to see the

wonderful Falls on the Niagara River. It was really amazing.

Niagara Falls have 3 smaller falls, the Horseshoe Falls, American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls.

There are 2 islands between the falls, Luna Island and Goat Island. The international border

between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York crosses the Falls.

Horseshoe Falls lie on the Canadian side but American Falls, Goat Island, Luna Island and Bridal

Veil Falls are on the American side.

The view and the sounds there are fantastic. The ice formed The Falls about 10,000 years ago.

Then the ice melted and it became Niagara Falls. It is beautiful and very useful. It’s power plants

produce electricity. The height of the Falls is 323 metres and 110,000 cubic metres of water falls

down every minute.

Niagara Falls is wonderful in the summer evenings with it’s colourful lights. More than 20 million

tourists visit the Falls each year. They just love the Cave of the Winds tour. That cave is 178 years

old, it's 40 m high, 30 m wide and 9 m deep. The first guided tours started in 1841. You can walk

very near the Falls.

Another exciting adventure is the Maid of the Mist tour. The Maid of the Mist is a ship which takes

you very near the Falls. This cruise started in 1846.

There are many interesting facts in the history of the Niagara Falls. The water and the mist can

sometimes make 5 m thick "ice bridges" between the banks. Until 1912 visitors could walk under

the Falls on these bridges. In 1888, 20,000 people were together on the ice. However, on February

4th 1912 the "bridge" broke up and 3 tourists died.

In 1969, workers stopped the Falls for a few months. Scientists wanted to make a nicer view. The

project did not continue because it was too expensive.


Page 4: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


A lot of people wanted to break records on the Falls in the past, too. A 63-year-old woman was the

first get over Niagara in a barrel. High wire tightrope acts are also very popular. On June 15, 2012,

Nik Wallenda walked across the Falls without support. Nik thinks that he keeps the all time record.

There were many accidents at the Falls in the past. Roger Woodward was seven when he fell into

the water and fell down the Niagara Falls. He wore only a life vest and survived! People on the

Maid of the Mist boat saved him.

Niagara Falls are scary and beautiful at the same time. Go and see it!


Page 5: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the

lucky - szerencsés

strait - tengerszoros

honeymoon - nászút

state - állam

amazing - lenyűgöző

fall - vízesés

horseshoe - patkó

bridal veil - menyasszonyi fátyol

goat - kecske

border - országhatár

province - tartomány

cross - keresztez

side - oldal

lie - fekszik

melt - elolvad

useful - hasznos

power plant - erőmű

produce - termel

electricity - elektromosság

height - magasság

cubic metre - köbméter

wide - széles

colourful - színes

cave - barlang

wind - szél

guided tour - vezetett túra

bridge - híd

together - együtt

scientist - tudós

break a record - megdönt egy rekordot

support - kibiztosítás

high wire tightrope - magasan kifeszített kötél

river - folyó

save - megment

life vest - mentőmellény

maid - leány

mist - köd




Page 6: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the

Életre Való Angol1-2-3.

Életre Való Angol GOLD1-2-3.

Életre Való AngolUltimate

Nulla nyelvérzékkelfolyékonyan angolul

GO! könyvekkezdőtől felsőfokig



Ismered a GO! könyveit?

Ha nem, akkor érdemes belépés után a főmenüben az adott könyv

ikonjára kattintanod.

Tiltott Angol 1-2.

Page 7: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


GO! tanfolyamok a mobilodon is!

Kevés időd jut az otthoni tanulásra?Folyton úton vagy? Van egy jó hírem!

A GO! tanfolyamok már a mobilodon iselérhetőek!

A oldalon keresztülszinte az összes GO! Tanfolyammobilváltozata elérhetővé vált,

így bárhová magaddal viheted, ha vaninternetelérhetőséged.

A GO! mindig kéznél van,használd ki a lehetőségeidet!


beszédfejlesztő tanfolyam

élő szöveges tanfolyam


beégetős tanfolyam

Phrasal Verbs tanfolyam

Page 8: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


Seeing Niagara Falls has definitely been one of the greatest experiences of my life.

The name itself "Niagara" comes from the Iroquois Indian word "Onguiaahra" which means "the

strait". This place is known as one of the hottest honeymoon destinations.

Roving in the U.S. state of New York, I obviously found time to see the breath-taking Niagara Falls

on the Niagara River. Well, it was worth travelling all that distance.

Niagara Falls are a chain of three waterfalls. This chain is broken up by 2 islands, Goat Island and

Luna Island. The international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state

of New York is crossed by the Falls, so Horseshoe Falls lies on the Canadian side but American Falls,

Goat Island, Luna Island and Bridal Weil Falls are located on the American side.

There are no words to describe the view and the sounds there. The Wisconsin glaciation started

forming the Falls more than 10,000 years ago. After the ice had retreated northward, its meltwater

began to flow down to create Niagara Falls.

It is not only beautiful, it is also an essential source of hydroelectric power. The power plants are

supported by an average daily amount of 110,000 cubic metres of flowing water per minute which

rains down from the height of 323 metres.

Niagara Falls is an evening attractions as well, especially during the peak holiday time, in the

summertime. Floodlights illuminate the sides until midnight. The average annual number of visitors

is more than 20 million. The oldest and most famous tourist attraction has been the Cave of the

Winds tour. The cave was discovered in 1834 and the first guided tours began in 1841 in the 40 m

high, 30 m wide and 9 m deep cave. Walkways of redwood decks bring visitors to the front of

Bridal Veil Falls. Another exciting attraction is the Maid of the Mist boat cruise. The passengers are

carried into the rapids, right under the falls. This cruise has been going on since 1846.

As the years passed, several weird events have occurred at the Falls that sound like thunder. The

enormous volume of water never stops flowing. Mingling with the mist, it can create ice formations

along the banks and the falls, sometimes as thick as 5 metres.


Page 9: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


The ice may stretch across the river and form an "ice bridge". Until 1912 visitors were able to walk

over the "ice bridge" and see the Falls from below. According to a newspaper report in 1888, one

day about 20,000 people gathered on the ice. However on February 4th 1912 the "bridge" broke up

and 3 tourists died.

There was one time when people managed to stop the Falls flowing for a couple of months in 1969

so as to make the river bed nicer. They soon realized that their project was too costly.

Venturesome people have tried to conquer the Falls time after time. The first person to survive

getting over the Niagara in a barrel was a 63 years old female schoolteacher.

High wire tightrope acts have been performed over the falls for many years. On June 15, 2012, Nik

Wallenda was the first person to walk across the Falls in 116 years.. According to Nik, it has been

the longest unsupported tightrope walk ever. And it was over the roaring Falls!

Despite some fatal accidents, many people have survived incidents at the Falls. Roger Woodward, a

seven-year-old American boy, was dragged into Horseshoe Falls in 1960. He was protected only by

a life vest when tumbling down the huge Falls.

Minutes later, Roger was rescued by the crew of the Maid of the Mist boat.

Niagara Falls are both frightening and beautiful. Don't believe it? Go give it a try.


Page 10: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


definitely - határozottan

experience - élmény

strait - tengerszoros

hot - népszerű

destination - uticél

rove - barangol

obviously - nyilvánvalóan

breath-taking - lélegzetelállító

it is worth doing sg - megéri vmit megtenni

distance - távolság

chain - láncolat

goat - kecske

border - határ

bridal veil - menyasszonyi fátyol

province - tartomány

horseshoe - patkó

describe - leír

glaciation - eljegesedés

retreat - visszahúzódik

northward - északi irányba

meltwater - olvadék

essential - alapvető

source - forrás

power plant - erőmű

support - ellát

average - átlagos

amount - mennyiség

flow - folyik

cubic metre - köbméter

rain down - lezúdul

attraction - látványosság

peak - csúcs

annual - éves

floodlight - reflektorfény

illuminate - megvilágít

cave - barlang

discover - felfedez

walkway - sétány

deck - stég

maid - leény

mist - köd

cruise - sétahajózás

passenger - utas

rapid - zuhatag

sg is on - műsoron van

pass - eltelik

weird - fura

occur - történik

mingle - keveredik

thunder - mennydörgés

enormous - hatalmas

volume of water - víztömeg

thick - vastag

gather - összegyűlik

manage to do sg - sikerül vmit megtenni

realize - rájön vmire

costly - költséges

venturesome - merész

defeat - legyőz

barrel - hordó

survive - túlél

high wire tightrope - magasan kifeszített kötél

perform - bemutat

to sy‘s mind - vki szerint

unsupported - kibiztosítás nélküli

roaring - üvöltő

fatal - halálos kimenetelű

come through sg - megúszni vmit

drift - elsodor

protect - megvéd

tumble - leesik

rescue - megment


Page 11: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


Seeing and hearing Niagara Falls is an experience that you’ll probably never forget.

The name itself "Niagara” originates from the Iroquois Indian word "Onguiaahra", meaning "the

strait". This area is a honeymoon destination widely yearned for.

Roving in the U.S. state of New York I spared some time for visiting the breath-taking Niagara Falls

on the Niagara River. Well, never in my life had I seen such a wonder, I tell you.

Niagara Falls, the chain of three waterfalls, is interrupted by 2 islands, Goat Island and Luna Island.

Since the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New

York is intersected by the Falls itself, Horseshoe Falls lies on the Canadian side but American Falls,

Goat Island, Luna Island and Bridal Veil Falls are located on the American side.

The view and the sound are both beyond expression. Their evolution of the Falls started with the

Wisconsin glaciation some 10,000 years ago. No sooner had the ice retreated northward than its

meltwater began to flow down forming Niagara Falls.

The Falls is significant both for its beauty and as an essential source of hydroelectric power. The

power plants are supported by an average daily amount of the flowing water of approximately

110,000 cubic metres per minute from the height of 323 metres.

Niagara Falls make for a unique evening attraction as well, primarly during the peak holiday season.

The sides are illuminated with floodlights. The average annual number of visitors amounts to over 20

millions. The oldest hot spot has been the Cave of the Winds tour. The cave was discovered in 1834

and the first guided tours began in 1841 in the 40 m by 30 m by 9 m cave. Visitors are brought to

the front of Bridal Veil Falls on walkways of redwood.. Another popular attraction is the Maid of the

Mist boat cruise, when the passengers are carried into the roaring rapids, right beneath the falls. This

cruise has been going on since 1846.

The years haven't been uneventful around the thunder-sounding Falls. The enormous volume of

constantly flowing water accompanied by the mist is capable of developing 5m-thick ice formations

along the banks and the falls.


Page 12: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


In long cold winters, expectably, the ice stretches across the river, forming the "ice bridge". Until

1912 visitors were allowed to walk across the ice bridge and see the Falls from below. As one

newspaper report puts it, about 20,000 people sledged on the ice in 1888. However, on February 4th

1912 the bridge broke up leaving 3 people dead.

Not only the mass of ice formation stopped the Falls flowing but once human effort managed to do

that as well for scientific purposes for a few months in 1969. Loose rocks were to be removed from

the base of the falls in order to make the beds more attractive. However, this project soon proved to

be financially unfeasible.

Venturesome people can't help conquering the Falls. The first person to survive getting over the

Niagara in a barrel was a 63-year-old female schoolteacher.

High wire tightrope acts have been performed above the falls for ages. On June 15, 2012, Nik

Wallenda became the first one to walk across the Falls after a 116-year-prohibition, having received

special permission from the government. As Wallenda puts it, never before had anyone completed a

longer unsupported tightrope walk.

Despite some fatal accidents, many people have come out unscathed from the turbulant rapids..

Roger Woodward, a seven-year-old American boy, protected only by a life vest, was dragged into

Horseshoe Falls in 1960 while his 17-year-old sister Deanne was being pulled from the river by two

tourists, only 6 m from the lip of the Horseshoe Falls at Goat Island. Roger went over the Falls, and

minutes later, he was plucked from the whirling pool under the Horseshoe Falls, grabbing a life ring

which was thrown to him by the crew of the Maid of the Mist boat.

The view of Niagara Falls can be described both beautiful and frightening. It's not just mist, it's also a



Page 13: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


originate from - ered vhonnan

honeymoon - nászút

widely - széles körben

yearn for - sóvárog vmi után

rove - barangol

bridal veil - menyasszonyi fátyol

horseshoe - patkó

interrupt - félbeszakít

province - tartomány

intercept - keresztez

sg is beyond expression - szavakkal leírhatatlan

retreat - visszahúzódik

meltwater - olvadék

significant - jelentős

essential - alapvető

approximately - körülbelül

average - átlagos

cubic metre - köbméter

make for sg - szolgál vmire

peak - csúcs

illuminate - megvilágít

floodlight - reflektorfény

annual - éves

mount to - kitesz vmely mennyiséget

hot spot - nevezetes hely

walkway - sétány

deck - stég

lion of the place - helyi nevezetesség

maid - leány

mist - köd

cruise - hajókirándulás

roaring - üvöltő

rapid - zuhatag

beneath - alatt

thunder-sounded - mennydörgő

uneventful - eseménytelen

enormous - hatalmas

constantly - folyamatosan

accompany - kísér

capable of sg - alkalmas vmire

expectably - várhatóan

as sy puts it - vki szerint

sledge - szánkózik

mass of sg - vmi összessége

purpose - cél

loose - meglazult

bed - meder

unfeasible - kivitelezhetetlen

venturesome - merész

defeat - legyőz

high wire tightrope - magasan kifeszített kötél

permission - engedély

unsupported - kibiztosítatlan

come off with a whole skin - megúszni ép bőrrel

fist of doom - a végzet marka

pluck - ránt

roiling - kavargó

grab - megragad



Page 14: EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD A NIAGARA VÍZESÉSTŐL :) EXKLUZÍV AJÁNDÉKANYAGOD I am a very lucky person because I saw the Niagara Falls last week. The name "Niagara" comes from the


Véleményeka GO! tanfolyamokról!

Mit gondolnak róla, akik már használják a GO!-t?VIGYÁZZ: NEM KAMU! Ők nem statiszták!

Angoltanulók, pont, mint TE!

...bármikor, bármihez hozzáférhetek, utánanézhetek!Más angoltanárokat is ismerek, de ti mérföldkövekkel jobbak vagytok.

Számomra rengeteg segítséget adtok a gyakorláshoz,a rutin megtartásához, hogy bármikor, bármihez hozzáférhetek


Raposa Csaba 2015.12.08 óta tanul a GO!-valVéleményét 2016. áprilisában kaptuk

A Go! sokat segített nekem felsőfokú nyelvvizsgára való felkészülésben. Sőt, most hallgatom az

Életre Való Angol 2 anyagait és rengeteg új dolgottanulok belőle még a C2 után is.

Kocsa Krisztina 2012. 01. 11. óta tanul a GO!-val

...rengeteg új dolgot tanulok még a C2 után is

Teljesen kezdő szintről indultam és nagyon szeretek a GO!-val tanulni. Hihetetlen, de mindig várom, hogy mikor ülhetek le végre angolozni.

Újkéry Noémi 2017. 02. 22 óta tanul a GO!-val

...teljesen kezdő szintről indultam!