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Exide project report

Jun 02, 2018



Jayant Pai
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  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report





    1 Executive summary

    2 Introduction to te com!any

    " #om!any !ro$i%e

    & Product !ro$i%e

    ' (attery mar)et in India

    * Teoretica% (ac)+round

    , Introduction to researc -or)

    O/0ectives o$ researc

    Sco!e o$ researc -or)

    1 3esearc metodo%o+y

    11 Data ana%ysis

    12 O/servation and inter!retation

    1" 4indin+s and su++estions

    1& #onc%usion

    1' (i/%io+ra!y

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report



    Te #om!any -as incor!orated as Associated (attery 5a)ers 6Eastern7 Ltd.8 on "1st

    9anuary8 1&, under te #om!anies Act8 11" to !urcase a%% or any o$ te assets o$te /usiness o$ manu$acturers8 /uyers and se%%ers o$ and dea%ers in and re!airers o$

    e%ectrica% and cemica% a!!%iances and +oods carried on /y te #%oride E%ectric

    Stora+e #om!any 6India7 Ltd8 in India 8 since 11* -it a vie- tere to enter into and

    carry into e$$ect 6eiter -it or -itout modi$ication7 an a+reement -ic ad a%ready

    /een !re!ared and -as ex!ressed to /e made /et-een te #%oride E%ectric Stora+e

    #o 6India7 Ltd on te one !art and te #om!any o$ te oter !art. Te name o$ te

    #om!any -as can+ed to #%oride India Ltd on 2nd Au+ust8 1,2. Te name o$ te

    #om!any -as a+ain can+ed to #%oride Industries Ltd. vide $res #erti$icate o$

    Incor!oration dated 12t Octo/er8 1. Te name o$ te #om!any -as $urter

    can+ed to Exide Industries Ltd. on 2'tAu+ust8 1'.

    Exide Industries Ltd is te country:s %ar+est manu$acturer o$ %ead acid stora+e

    /atteries and !o-er stora+e so%utions !rovider. ;it seven internationa% standard

    $actories s!read across te nation8 te com!any o$$ers one o$ te -idest ran+es o$

    /atteries $or every conceiva/%e a!!%ication in industria% as -e%% as automotive

    se+ments. Exide a%so as a manu$acturin+ su/sidiary in Sri Lan)a and does /usiness

    +%o/a%%y trou+ its su/sidiaries and a$$i%iates in Sout Sin ?o/e and 4uru)a-a < Exide as consistent%y remained at te

    cuttin+ ed+e o$ internationa% /attery tecno%o+y and introduced various !ioneerin+

    !roducts and !o-er stora+e so%utions in te Indian and +%o/a% mar)ets. Exide:s

    !roducts $ind a!!%ication in automotive8 t-o

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    Industria% Ener+y Americas8 Industria% Ener+y Euro!e8 Trans!ortation Americas8 and

    Trans!ortation Euro!e > !rovide a com!reensive ran+e o$ stored e%ectrica% ener+y

    !roducts and services $or industria% and trans!ortation a!!%ications. In addition8

    Exide:s Asia Paci$icC 3est o$ ;or%d o!erations contri/ute siea/%e revenues to te

    #om!any8 divided even%y /et-een te Industria% Ener+y and Trans!ortation !roducts

    and services. Exide Tecno%o+ies is a +%o/a% /usiness or+anied to serve customers:

    com!%ex stored ener+y systems needs. ?ey stren+ts o$ te #om!any are tat its

    !roducts and services s!an +%o/a% mar)ets and +eo+ra!ic /orders8 me%din+ t-o

    si+ni$icant /ases o$ ex!erience and tecno%o+y ex!ertise $rom its Trans!ortation and

    Industria% /attery divisions. Te #om!any sares ex!ertise across /usiness se+ments.

    4or exam!%e8 Exide esta/%ised a +%o/a% net-or) o$ /attery testin+ centers and desi+n

    im!rovement centers in Nort America8 4rance8 S!ain8 Austra%ia and te @.?. Tis

    +%o/a% $oot!rint ena/%es /etter and $aster means o$ introducin+ innovations in !roducts

    and services8 can+in+ te -ay te -or%d uses and stores e%ectrica% ener+y.

    Exide Tecno%o+ies extends its customer o$$erin+s /y se%%in+ services and systems

    tat enance veic%e !er$ormance and $%eet uti%iation or reduce ris) o$ %oss o$ !o-er

    !ro/%ems. Exide is !rovidin+ ener+y so%utions > not mere%y /atteries. Exide Industries

    Ltd8 te country:s %ar+est %ead acid stora+e /attery manu$acturer and stored ener+y

    so%utions !rovider8 today dec%ared its annua% resu%ts $or te year 2

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report




  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    Board of Directors:

    P. K. Kataky Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

    A. K. Mukherjee Director - Finance, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    u!riya Coo"er Co"!any ecretary # $ice Pre%i&ent

    'auta" Chatterjee (oint Managing Director, Executive Director

    )a&ee" Ka*i" Director - +u"an e%ource% an& Per%onnel, Executive Director

    uir Chakraorty Director - n&u%trial, /hole 0i"e Director

    aje%h '. Ka!a&ia n&e!en&ent )on-Executive Chair"an of the 1oar&

    ajan 1. aheja )on-Executive $ice Chair"an of the 1oar&

    /in%ton /ong )on-Executive Director

    $ijay Aggar2al n&e!en&ent )on-Executive Director

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    Company Profie:

    63e$ ---.exideindustries.com7

    Te #om!any -as incor!orated as Associated (attery5a)ers 6Eastern7 Ltd.8 on "1st 9anuary8 1&, under te

    #om!anies Act8 11" to !urcase a%% or any o$ te assets o$

    te /usiness o$ manu$acturers8 /uyers and se%%ers o$ and

    dea%ers in and re!airers o$ e%ectrica% and cemica%

    a!!%iances and +oods carried on /y te #%oride E%ectric Stora+e #om!any 6India7

    Ltd8 in India 8 since 11* -it a vie- tereto to enter into and carry into e$$ect 6eiter

    -it or -itout modi$ication7 an a+reement -ic ad a%ready /een !re!ared and -as

    ex!ressed to /e made /et-een te #%oride E%ectric Stora+e #o 6India7 Ltd on te one

    !art and te #om!any o$ te oter !art. Te name o$ te #om!any -as can+ed to

    #%oride India Ltd on 2nd Au+ust8 1,2. Te name o$ te #om!any -as a+ain

    can+ed to #%oride Industries Ltd. vide $res #erti$icate o$ Incor!oration dated 12t

    Octo/er8 1. Te name o$ te #om!any -as $urter can+ed to Exide Industries

    Ltd. on 2'tAu+ust8 1'.

    Te #om!any manu$actures te -idest ran+e o$ stora+e

    /atteries in te -or%d $rom 2.' A to 28& A ca!acities8

    coverin+ te /roadest s!ectrum o$ a!!%ications. Te

    #om!any as six $actories strate+ica%%y %ocated across te

    country > t-o in 5aarastra8 one in ;est (en+a%8 t-o in

    Tami% Nadu and one in Faryana. Te #om!any:s !redecessor

    carried on teir o!erations as im!ort ouse $rom 11* under

    te name #%oride E%ectrica% Stora+e #om!any. Terea$ter8 te #om!any started

    manu$acturin+ stora+e /atteries in te country and as +ro-n to /ecome one o$ te

    %ar+est manu$acturer and ex!orter o$ /atteries in te su/

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    %ar+est ran+e o$ industria%/atteries extendin+ $rom 2.' A to 1' A and coverin+

    various tecno%o+y con$i+urations.

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report



    !"!# #%oride E%ectric Stora+e #o. 6#ES#O7 @? sets u! tradin+ o!erations inIndia as an im!ort ouse.

    !"$# 4irst $actory set u! in Samna+ar8 ;est (en+a%.!"$% Incor!orated as Associated (attery 5a)ers 6Eastern7 Limited on "1 9anuary

    1&, under te #om!anies Act.!"$% Incor!orated #%oride Internationa% Limited 6!revious%y Exide Products

    Limited7!"#" Second $actory at #inc-ad8 Pune!"%& Te name o$ te #om!any -as can+ed to #%oride India Limited!"%# 3=D #entre esta/%ised at ?o%)ata!"'! Tird $actory at Fa%dia8 ;est (en+a%!"'' Te name o$ te #om!any -as can+ed to #%oride Industries Limited

    !""$ Tecnica% co%%a/oration -it Sin ?o/e E%ectric 5acinery #o. Ltd. o$ 9a!an8a su/sidiary o$ te Fitaci Grou!.!""( #%oride Industries Limited renamed Exide Industries Limited!""% 4ourt $actory at Fosur8 Tami% Nadu!""' Acuisition o$ industria%C manu$acturin+ units o$ Standard (atteries Ltd

    %ocated at Ta%o0a = ?an0urmar+ 65aarastra78 Guindy 6Tami%nadu7 and !%antat Amedna+ar 65aarastra7 $rom #ose!a 4isca% Industries Limited as a+oin+ concern.

    !""" Acuired '1H Sareo%din+ in #a%dyne Automatics Ltd&))) Acuisition o$ 1H sta)e in #%oride (atteries S E Asia Pte Ltd.8 Sin+a!ore

    and &H sta)e in Associated (attery 5anu$acturers 6#ey%on7 Limited8 Sri

    Lan)a.&))* #ommissioned !%ant at (a-a%8 Faryana&))* Ne- 0oint venture in @?8 ESPEX8 -it '1H o%din+.&))$ Associated (attery 5anu$acturers 6#ey%on7 Limited8 Sri Lan)a /ecame a

    su/sidiary conseuent to acuirin+ $urter 12.'H Euity o%din+.&))( Investment in 'H sareo%din+ o$ ING ysya Li$e Insurance #om!any

    Limited&))% #a%dyne Automatics Ltd /ecomes 1H su/sidiary conseuent to acuirin+

    te /a%ance &H sareo%din+.&))% Investment -it 2*H sareo%din+. in #EIL 5otive Po-er Pty Ltd. A 9oint

    enture in Austra%ia.

    &))% Acuired 1H sta)e in Tandon 5eta%s Ltd.&))' Acuired '1H sta)e in Lead A+e A%%oys India Ltd

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    Vision :

    JSimu%taneous to !rovidin+ credi/%e va%ue addition to customers8 em!%oyees and

    sareo%dersK /ein+ reco+nied /y society as a res!onsi/%e cor!orate citien. In

    addition8 acievin+ o!erationa% exce%%ence a%on+ -it carin+ $or environmenta%



    To care$u%%y /a%ance te interest o$ a%% sta)eo%dersK strive to $u%$i%% as!irations o$ te

    em!%oyees and !ursue exce%%ence -it !assion8 -itout deviatin+ $rom our core


    Core +a,es:

    4undamenta% axioms tat or+aniation /e%ieves in and !eo!%e res!ect and -or)


    #ustomer Orientation

    Persona% Inte+rity = #ommitment

    Team ;or) and 5utua% Su!!ort

    Peo!%e Deve%o!ment and Invo%vement

    Strivin+ $or Exce%%ence

    5ana+ement /y Process and 4acts

    3es!onsi/%e cor!orate citiens.

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    E-ide man,fact,rin. pants in India:

    17 #om!any:s P%ant at Samna+ar8 ;est (en+a% is an ISO

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    /,r 0o1a Presence:

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    Product Profile:

    A /attery is !era!s te on%y +i$t o$ science -ere ec%ectic ener+y is stored /y meanso$ e%ectrocemica% !otentia% +enerated /y e%ectro< cemica% reactions. 6#emica%

    reactions initiated /y e%ectric !u%ses -ic ta)es !%ace -it te means o$ e%ectron

    excan+e /et-een te reactants7. As and -en reuired8 te stored ener+y can /e

    converted /ac) to e%ectrica% ener+y trou+ simi%ar e%ectro cemica% reactions. In

    certain cases8 te e%ectrocemica% reaction convertin+ te ener+y trans$ormation is not

    reversi/%e. Suc /atteries are ca%%ed !rimary ce%%s8 -ere te e%ectrocemica% reactions

    +overnin+ te ener+y trans$ormation is reversi/%eK te ce%%s are turned as secondaryce%%s. Severa% ce%%s8 -en connected in a desi+ned manner +ive a set o$ a /attery. In

    tis e%ectrica% ener+y can /e stored trou+ car+in+ tem. Tis ener+y can /e

    extracted as and -en needed ti%% te entire car+e is exausted trou+ a cemica%

    reaction. Te !rocess o$ /attery manu$acturin+ is concerned -it creatin+ and

    sustainin+ e%ectro cemica% !otentia% di$$erences .te !otentia% di$$erence is

    maintained /et-een t-o sur$aces ca%%ed e%ectrodes or !%ates. Tese e%ectrodes or

    !%ates are surrounded in an environment8 -ic connects tem and e%!s tem to

    sustain te !otentia% di$$erence. Tis usua%%y consists o$ a medium ca%%ed e%ectro%yte.

    In case o$ %ead acid /atteries8 -ic are te !roducts o$ te or+aniation8 te

    e%ectrodes or !%ates are made o$ %ead and di%uted su%!uric acid is used as e%ectro%yte.

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    Te /rand name em/odies te va%ues o$ exce%%ence8 commitment8 de!enda/i%ity and

    service8 -ic as sa!ed its8 caracter (attery o$ 9a!an8 S4 Sonic as a $ormida/%e %ine u! o$ mode%s $or a%% ty!es o$ &

    -ee%ers and 2 -ee%ers on Indian roads.

    27 A,tomoti+e 1attery:

    T-o -ee%er /attery 4our -ee%er /attery

    Exide o$$er a com!reensive array o$ i+ !er$ormance /atteries suita/%e $or

    various automotive uses. Te ran+e inc%udes s!eci$ic /atteries a!!ro!riate $or te

    various automo/i%e s!eci$ications. Tey incor!orate %atest ca%ciumCca%cium /attery

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    tecno%o+y to meet te startin+ reuirements $or today:s i+

    en+ines. Tese are a/%e to de%iver exce%%ent so%utions under te arsest conditions.

    "7 S2 Ind,stria

    Te S4 Industria% 3an+e o$ Industria% Lead Acid (atteries stand $or a/undant !o-er8

    undaunted /y te ca%%en+e o$ Indian conditions. A%% /atteries !rovide !o-er /ut it

    ta)es on%y an S4 Industria% to !er$orm at !ea) !o-er8 a%-ays. Tis matc%ess ran+e o$

    /atteries $or On%ine @PS8 O$$ Line @PS = Fome @PS a!!%ications rede$ines

    dura/i%ity8 de$ies te years and /reates ne- %i$e to !o-er. Te !o-er !ac)ed S4

    Industria% /attery does not mere%y %ast %on+. It Lives Lon+. Stays Stron+. Trou+out

    its %on+ %i$es!an8 te !o-er never dro!s8 come -at may. Tat:s -at ma)es S4

    Industria% /atteries so un/eata/%e.

    &7 Ind,stria:

    Te #om!any desi+ns and manu$acture its industria% /atteries in a -ide ran+e $rom

    2.' A to 28* A in conventiona% $%ooded and a%ve 3e+u%ated Lead Acid 63LA7

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    desi+n. In domestic mar)et8 te #om!any se%% its !roducts main%y under EXIDE8

    INDEX8 S48 #EIL = PO;E3 SA4E /rands and in te internationa% mar)ets main%y

    under #EIL8 #FLO3IDE and INDEX /rands.

    Industria% /atteries are o$ tree ty!es8 #onventiona% %ead acid /atteries8 3LA 6a%ve

    re+u%ated %ead acid /atteries7 /atteries and Nic)e%

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report



    Te Indian /attery mar)et is a /i%%ion @SD mar)et inc%udin+ te t-o mar)et su/ 6>.6 6>.6 6>.6

    uy their !ro&uct% on a

    regular a%i%

    85 9

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    (94,m1er of c,stomers ;o ;a+e seen E-ides ad+ertisement on 1i1oards:

    Ta/%e no. '

    C,stomers ;o ;a+e seen E-ides ad+ertisement

    Yes 4o

    Billboards 88 112

    Magazines 38 162

    Newsaer 94 1!6

    "nline 16 184

    #$bli% transort 42 1&8

    'adio 3 197

    (ele)ision 11& 8&

    "t*er +edia 9 191

    /1ser+ation:Accordin+ to te o/servation8 out o$ 2 res!ondents8

    !eo!%e ave seen Exide:s advertisement on /i%%/oards

    " !eo!%e ave seen Exide:s advertisement in ma+aines

    & !eo!%e ave seen Exide:s advertisement in ne-s!a!er

    1* !eo!%e ave seen Exide:s advertisement On%ine

    &2 !eo!%e ave seen Exide:s advertisement on !u/%ic trans!orts

    " !eo!%e ave eard Exide:s advertisement on radio

    11' !eo!%e ave seen Exide:s advertisement on te%evision

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    #94,m1er of c,stomers ;o can identify E-ide o.o:

    Ta/%e no. *

    Fre3uency Percent $ali& PercentCu"ulative


    $ali& 4e% 5>9 >7.< >7.< >7. 79.6 79.6 79.6

    )o 65 ;6.6 ;6.6 5

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    !)9 4,m1er of c,stomers ;o p,rc;ase S2 Sonic 1atteries for to fo,r

    Ta/%e no. 1

    Fre3uency Percent $ali& PercentCu"ulative


    $ali& 4e% 67 ;8.6 ;8.6 ;8.6

    )o 59: 75.6 75.6 5

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    !!94,m1er of c,stomers ;o p,rc;ase Ind,stria 1atteries:

    Ta/%e no. 11

    Fre3uency Percent $ali& Percent



    $ali& 4e% 5: =.6 =.6 =.6

    )o 587 >:.6 >:.6 5

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    !&94,m1er of c,stomers ;o p,rc;ase S2 Ind,stria 1atteries:

    Ta/%e no. 12

    Fre3uency Percent $ali& Percent



    $ali& 4e% ;> 59.6 59.6 59.6

    )o 575 86.6 86.6 5

  • 8/11/2019 Exide project report


    !*9Brand oyaty of c,stomers toards E-ide 1rand:

    Ta/%e no. 1"

    Fre3uency Percent $ali& Percent



    $ali& 0otally agree 5= 8.< 8.< 8.