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Everything Must Change Leader's Guide

Mar 31, 2016



If believers don't change, all is lost. This impactful DVD study, based on the book, Everything Must Change, shows how the message of Jesus provides a framing story that brings healing and sanity to the dominant societal and global realities of our time. This DVD study will help participants discover a “form of Christian faith that is holistic, integral, balanced, that offers good news for both the living and the dying that speaks of God’s grace at work.” Each session summarizes and expands on a section from the book and DVD footage from McLaren’s nationwide tour serves as discussion starters.
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EverythingMust Change

L e a d e r ’ s G u i d e


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© 2008 by Brian D. McLaren

The publishers are grateful to Kate Etue for her collaboration and writing skills in developing the content for this book.

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Thomas Nelson, Inc. titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected].

ISBN: 978-1-4185-3421-9

Printed in the United States of America

08 09 10 11 12 GI 5 4 3 2 1

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Welcome � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � v

How This Study Works � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ix

Week 1 Two Preoccupying Questions . . . . . . . . 11

Week 2 Suicidal System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Week 3 Reframing Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Week 4 Reintroducing Jesus. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Week 5 The Security System . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Week 6 The Prosperity System . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Week 7 The Equity System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Week 8 A Revolution of Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

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We live in a time of many crises, but we don’t have to be without hope. You are about to lead your group into a deeper understanding of global crises—and you will guide them into a hope-filled response to our world. Your group members trust you to take them carefully and ethically through this eight-week study. You may be a bit nervous about your role. If so, that’s perfectly normal. If not, you might take a closer look at the significance of your position in this group!

This leader’s guide will provide you with direc-tion and focus for your discussions. There is a lot of material to cover in the Everything Must Change book, and the DVD will add even more to the les-sons. The goal of this study is for each of us to begin to foment a revolution of hope within, a hope that can lead to change. The goal is not to have all the “right” answers. The goal is not to have everyone agree on every detail. So do your best to create an environment in which people feel comfortable shar-ing, saying what’s on their hearts, respecting the perspectives of others, and exploring ways to join in God’s work around the world without fear of embar-rassment or criticism. Here are some tips:

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Everything Must Change Leader’s Guide

• Createaphysicalenvironmentthat’sconduciveto good conversation—sit in a circle, use warm lighting, limit distractions (i.e., no music, TV, etc.—although you should have a TV/DVD player available for watching the video segments).

• Bewillingtoanswerquestionsyourself,asthiswill set the pace for length of responses and also make others feel comfortable sharing.

• Keepthegoalinmind—hopeforachangedworld. Don’t get distracted by arguing over these controversial topics. Instead, focus on emphasizing and establishing the truths that bring us closer to an appropriate response.

• Sticktotheschedule—thepeopleinyourgroup are busy, and if they can trust you to be a good steward of their time they will be more willing to come back week after week.

• Don’tbeafraidofsilenceoremotion—welcomeawkward moments.

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• Don’tbeatyrant—eventhoughyouaretheleader, you are also a member of this small group, so don’t steamroll over others in an attempt to lead. If you feel that taking a tangent is important, then by all means, take it.

• Don’tletagroupmemberbeatyranteither.It’s your job to keep anyone from dominating or making other group members feel unsafe or intimidated.

• Becreativeandmakethistimeunique,worshipful, and honoring to all who attend. This is a special time together, and you should be building intimacy as a group in addition to exploring these topics.

• Prepareforyourmeetings—spendtimeinprayer and study this leader’s guide before each meeting so that you will be effective in guiding your group through this experience.

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How This Study Works

In order to get the most out of this study, maximize the use of your resources. Each week as you meet, you’ll engage in deep, intense discussion on the top-ics that are affecting our world today. You will be-come more informed and interested in these issues, and you might even move toward advocating signifi-cantchangesinthewayoursocietyworks.Changecan start with a group like yours, so don’t discount the importance of these discussions. Your time to-gether can be so much more than simply watching and analyzing from the sidelines—you can make a real, tangible impact in our world.

Once your group picks a time and place to meet, you’ll need to establish a length of time for your gatherings. The video sessions are each about ten minutes long, and you’ll want to allow at least forty-five minutes to an hour for discussion. Each DVD segment covers, in broad strokes, one part in the Everything Must Change book. Prior to the meet-ing, group members should read the chapters from the book that correspond with the video discussion. So for the first meeting they will read Part 1 from the book, for the second meeting they will read Part 2, and so on. Watch the video segment together at the

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Everything Must Change Leader’s Guide

beginning of your meeting, and then discuss the questions addressed in the video. There are addition-al questions at the end of each chapter of the book. For discussion, pick and choose from those ques-tions, depending on which interest you most and how much time you have. Encourage your group members to reflect on the questions at the end of each chapter so that they can think about the issues throughout the week and come prepared to discuss.

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Week 1

Two Preoccupying Questions

You may criticize my two questions for their lack of mod-esty, or you may feel I have no business asking questions of this magnitude� But then again, you may find your-self as intrigued by them as I have been� For people who share a commitment to ethics or faith or both, not ask-ing these questions seems unthinkable—once you think of them�

—fromChapter2,“TheAmahoro Flowing Between Us”

This week you will begin your discussion on global crisesbyaskingtwocriticalquestionseveryChris-tian needs to consider: 1) What are the biggest prob-lems in the world? and 2) What does Jesus have to say about these global problems?

The answers may seem obvious at first glance, but consider them carefully. The answers to these questions will be complex, challenging, at times overwhelming, and in some ways inspiring. As your group gets started on this journey, don’t gloss over

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Everything Must Change Leader’s Guide

the foundation of the discussion. Dig deep this week, and honestly examine the issues at hand.

Starting Point

Use a conversation starter to get the group talking. If this is your first week meeting together, you may want to start with some get-to-know-you activities, such as a game or making simple introductions around the group. If you already know each other, start by having members respond to one or more of the questions below.

1. Have you ever visited a foreign country? If so, share a vivid memory or two. If not, where would you like to visit and why?

2. Name a movie you’ve seen that best illustrates the plight of the poor or those living in harsh conditions.

3. What aspect of global crises is most interesting or compelling to you?

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Week 1: Two Preoccupying Questions


Watch segment 1, “Two Preoccupying Questions.”


Explore the questions addressed in the video. If any questions from the reading stand out to you, discuss those as well. We suggest:

• Inyourcurrentunderstanding,whatarethecauses of poverty around the world?

• HowdoyouthinkmostChristianstodayrespond to the issue of poverty?

• Defineordescribethe“kingdomofGod”inyour own terms. See if the group can come up with a good definition.

• Whatmightthehealthcareworker[inChapter4] say about churches in your city, state, or nation?

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Everything Must Change Leader’s Guide

• Haveyounoticedadeclineinchurchattendance among younger generations? If so, why do you think this is?

• Discussthisstatement:TheChristianreligionappears to be a failed religion.

• Giveanexampleofaframingstorythatmightcause one group of people to harm another group of people.

• Whatquestionshavethereadingsraisedforyou at this point?

Closing Prayer

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord turn his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.

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