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EVERYMAN’S SCIENCE Vol. XLVIII No. 6 (Feb ’14 – Mar ’14) EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Prof. Swapan Kumar Datta (New Delhi) Prof. Premendu Prakash Mathur (Bhubaneswar) Dr. R. L. Bharadwaj (Agra) Prof. Rajneesh Dutt Kaushik (Haridwar) Prof. Amarendra Kumar Sinha (Jaipur) Dr. Mohan Khedkar (Amravati) Dr. Pitamber Prasad Dhyani (Almora) Dr. Subhash Chandra Yadav (Varanasi) Prof. Lalit Mohan Manocha (Vallabh Vidyanagar) Prof. D. S. Hooda (Guna) Dr. Surya Kant Tripathi (Lucknow) Prof. Parimal C. Sen (Kolkata) Dr. Sanjeev Ramachandra Inamdar (Dharwad) Prof. Surinder Pal Khullar (Chandigarh) COVER PHOTOGRAPHS Past General Presidents of ISCA 1. Prof. A. K. Saha (1980) 2. Prof. A. K. Sharma (1981) 3. Prof. M. G. K. Menon (1982) 4. Prof. B. Ramachandra Rao (1983) 5. Prof. R. P. Bambah (1984) 6. Prof. A. S. Paintal (1985) For permission to reprint or reproduce any portion of the journal, please write to the Editor-in-Chief. EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Dr. Ashok Kumar Saxena Area Editors Dr. (Mrs.) Vijay Laxmi Saxena (Biological Sciences) Dr. Pramod Kumar Verma (Earth Sciences, Engineering & Material Sciences) Dr. Manoj Kumar Chakrabarti (Medical Sciences including Physiology) Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena (Physical Sciences) Dr. (Mrs.) Vipin Sobti (Social Sciences) General Secretary (Membership Affairs) Er. Dr. Nilangshu Bhushan Basu General Secretary (Scientific Activities) Prof. Arun Kumar Editorial Secretary Dr. Amit Krishna De Printed and published by Dr. Ashok Kumar Saxena on behalf of Indian Science Congress Association and printed at Seva Mudran, 43, Kailash Bose Street, Kolkata-700 006 and published at Indian Science Congress Association, 14, Dr. Biresh Guha Street, Kolkata-700 017, with Dr. Ashok Kumar Saxena as Editor. Annual Subscription : (6 issues) Institutional 200/- ; Individual 50/- Price : 10/- per issue

Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — …. R. L. Bharadwaj (Agra) Prof. Rajneesh Dutt Kaushik (Haridwar) Prof. Amarendra Kumar Sinha (Jaipur) Dr. Mohan Khedkar (Amravati)

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Page 1: Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — …. R. L. Bharadwaj (Agra) Prof. Rajneesh Dutt Kaushik (Haridwar) Prof. Amarendra Kumar Sinha (Jaipur) Dr. Mohan Khedkar (Amravati)

Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



Vol. XLVIII No. 6 (Feb ’14 – Mar ’14)


Prof. Swapan Kumar Datta (New Delhi)

Prof. Premendu Prakash Mathur(Bhubaneswar)

Dr. R. L. Bharadwaj (Agra)

Prof. Rajneesh Dutt Kaushik(Haridwar)

Prof. Amarendra Kumar Sinha (Jaipur)

Dr. Mohan Khedkar (Amravati)

Dr. Pitamber Prasad Dhyani (Almora)

Dr. Subhash Chandra Yadav (Varanasi)

Prof. Lalit Mohan Manocha(Vallabh Vidyanagar)

Prof. D. S. Hooda (Guna)

Dr. Surya Kant Tripathi (Lucknow)

Prof. Parimal C. Sen (Kolkata)

Dr. Sanjeev Ramachandra Inamdar(Dharwad)

Prof. Surinder Pal Khullar (Chandigarh)


Past General Presidents of ISCA

1. Prof. A. K. Saha (1980)

2. Prof. A. K. Sharma (1981)

3. Prof. M. G. K. Menon (1982)

4. Prof. B. Ramachandra Rao (1983)

5. Prof. R. P. Bambah (1984)

6. Prof. A. S. Paintal (1985)

For permission to reprint orreproduce any portion of thejournal, please write to theEditor-in-Chief.



Dr. Ashok Kumar Saxena

Area Editors

Dr. (Mrs.) Vijay Laxmi Saxena(Biological Sciences)

Dr. Pramod Kumar Verma(Earth Sciences, Engineering & Material Sciences)

Dr. Manoj Kumar Chakrabarti(Medical Sciences including Physiology)

Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena(Physical Sciences)

Dr. (Mrs.) Vipin Sobti(Social Sciences)

General Secretary (Membership Affairs)Er. Dr. Nilangshu Bhushan Basu

General Secretary (Scientific Activities)Prof. Arun Kumar

Editorial SecretaryDr. Amit Krishna De

Printed and published by Dr. Ashok Kumar Saxenaon behalf of Indian Science Congress Associationand printed at Seva Mudran, 43, Kailash BoseStreet, Kolkata-700 006 and published at IndianScience Congress Association, 14, Dr. Biresh GuhaStreet, Kolkata-700 017, with Dr. Ashok KumarSaxena as Editor.

Annual Subscription : (6 issues)

Institutional 200/- ; Individual 50/-

Price : 10/- per issue

Page 2: Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — …. R. L. Bharadwaj (Agra) Prof. Rajneesh Dutt Kaushik (Haridwar) Prof. Amarendra Kumar Sinha (Jaipur) Dr. Mohan Khedkar (Amravati)

Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



Bacteria or Bacterial Products and Cancer

Manoj K. Chakrabarti 391


Presidential Address : High Altitude Studies—Mountain Preservation

and Prosperity

A. S. Paintal 393

Bioplastic : A Green Technology

Apoorva Bhatnagar, Amit Kr. Singh and Vinod Pravin Sharma 401

Bio-Art : Developing Art Through Bio-Science

Sangeeta Sharma 405

A Steaming Cup of Medicine : Green Tea

Rakesh Kumar & Binita Rani 409

The Architectural Mind and ‘Me’

Debjani Mukherjee and Devaditya Mukherjee 415

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Abhijit Panigrahi 419

101st ISC–List of Awardees 424





Page 3: Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — …. R. L. Bharadwaj (Agra) Prof. Rajneesh Dutt Kaushik (Haridwar) Prof. Amarendra Kumar Sinha (Jaipur) Dr. Mohan Khedkar (Amravati)

Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



Research evidence suggests that certain speciesof bacteria or their toxins may have a protective orcurative role in cancer. The use of bacteria or theirextracts in the treatment of cancer can be tracedback to more than hundred years when the Americanphysician William Coley noticed that one of hispatient suffering from neck cancer began to recoverfollowing infection with Streptococcus pyogens.His assembled thoughts and well planned ideasgave him the inspiration to use bacteria and theirtoxins to cure end stage cancers. Problems with thepredictability of patient responses made him developa safer vaccine in the late 1800’s which constitutedof two killed bacterial species, S.pyogens andSerratia marcescens to simulate an infection withthe accompanying fever without having the risk ofan actual infection. The vaccine was extensivelyused to treat Sarcomas, Carcinomas, Lymphomas,melanomas and myelomas. Coley’s toxin whichwere bacterial derivatives were also thoroughlyinvestigated for potential anti cancer activity. Theearly success of Coley’s toxins gave way to thefootholds for current advances in this field andmotivated Scientists for developing bacteria basedtreatment alternatives for cancer. Bacteria or theirproducts being used in cancer therapy are live,attenuated or genetically modified, Vectors as thecarriers of tumoricidal agents or bacterial enzymes,toxins conjugated tumor surface antigens or ligandsand spores. Anaerobic bacteria have been usedsuccessfully to target cancer tumors, deliveringgene therapy based anticancer treatments.

Most of solid tumors contain regions of lowoxygen or dead tissue.This environment encouragesthe growth of certain bacteria such as Clostridiumfamily.These bacteria are the ideal agent to deliveranti cancer treatments. Spores formed by theseorganism can grow and multiply in favourable


conditions such as dead areas inside tumors. Agroup of Scientists have proved that using thesebacteria to target cancer tumors is effective. WhenClostridial spores are injected into an animal theyspread throughout the body but only spores thatreach an oxygen starved area of a tumor germinate,multiply and become active. The effective anti-tumor activity using genetically engineeredClostridia in animals with tumors has beendemonstrated. This type of bacterial therapy mayhelp to destroy existing tumors and force certaintypes of cancer into complete remission. Sincethese bacteria lacked toxic proteins the side effectscan be easily managed.

Although colorectal cancer is the third mostcommon neoplasm worldwide, it exhibits lowincidence in underdeveloped countries. Thecorrelation of colorectal cancer with diarrhoea canbe easily drawn if the inverse relationship thatexists between the incidence of colorectal cancerand enterotoxic bacterial infections are considered.Drawing from these observations a study hasintroduced a hypothesis that specific peptideelaborated from enterotoxic bacteria might preventthe hyper proliferation and neoplastic developmentof intestinal epithelial cells associated with initiationand progression of colorectal cancer.

The lactic acid producing bacteria which are usedfor fermenting milk and other dairy products haveanti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties.

It has been reported that dietary intake ofLactobacillus acidophilus suppressed DMH inducedcolon tumor and increased the latency of tumors inrodents. Moreover, dietary administration oflyophilized cultures of Bifidobacterium longumresulted in significant suppression of colon tumorincidence, multiplicity and volume.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


“Everything must be made as simple as possible. But notsimpler”.

— Albert Einestein

So, bacteria show protective role in certain typesof cancer. Certain agents derived from bacteria aresuccessfully used for the management of cancer.The role of bacteria in cancer etiology and treatmentis studied in detail since last few years. The integrateassociation of bacteria and cancer is evident in bothpositive and negative aspects.

In contrary to its beneficial effect, bacterialinfection causes substantial morbidity and mortalityin cancer patients. Etiological association of bacteria

with cancer gained importance after the discoveryof carcinogenic potential of Helicobactar pylori.Other suspected associations are Salmonella typhiand gall bladder cancer, Streptococus bovis andcolon cancer etc.

The association of bacteria and cancer in bothpositive and negative ways usher the need to doextensive research in the field so that successfulalternative therapy may be developed against cancerin future.

Dr. Manoj K. Chakrabarti

NICED(ICMR), Kolkata

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


I am most grateful to the scientists for electing me as President for 1984–85 and thus giving

me the honour of presiding over a session that isbeing held in Lucknow University where I spentabout 9 years as an undergraduate and postgraduatestudent.


The choice of this sessions’ focal theme arosemainly out of the unsatisfactory conditionsprevailing in the Himalayan citites and villages. Itwas obvious that the demand on the mountainresources and consequent exploitation had increasedgreatly in recent years owing to the large increasein the population of the Himalayan region itself(30% in ten years). As a result of this a dismalpicture exists today both in urban Himalayan regionsas well as in the rural regions. However an evenworse potential danger exists in the sub-Himalayanplains where the population is also increasing rapidlyand this therefore poses a threat to the Himalayanregions as it will surely tend to move into the lesspopulated areas. It is therefore clear that if theexisting conditions remain unchanged, then in thenext fifty to a hundred years our high altituderegions will be subjected to such ruthless treatmentand exploitation that our habitable regions will beruined for several centuries thereafter by the greatlyincrease and inadequately self-disciplined




population. It is therefore necessary for the wholebody of scientists to look into this problem urgently.

The second reasons for my interest in this highaltitudes was the fact that the present global North-South disparities are essentially disparities betweenthe countries with temperate climates and thosewith tropical and equatorial climates. That climateplays a significant role in the development ofnations and civilizations is well-known. Combinedwith a suitable political system and organisationalstructure, certain nations have in in the past madegreat advances, relative to others, dominated othersand remained in a dominant position for longperiods. In the absence of technological advancesneeded for living in temperate climates, themediterranean climate was apparently the mostsuitable 1½ to 3 thousand years ago. In the lastthousand years the temperate climate has proved tobe the more suitable one for advancement tocivilization and technology. In more recent timesthe ability to create the most suitable workingenvironment has apparently been an important factorfor the greater progress of certain countries. I havetherefore felt that we should recognize this aspectand devote more attention to our high altituderegions which provide the most suitable climateconditions for the establishment of settlements basedon highly advanced technology.

Thus we need to preserve our Himalayan legacyon the one hand and increase technologically basedprosperity on the other. For both these purposes a

* General President, 72nd Indian Science Congress held duringJanuary, 1985 at Lucknow.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


dynamic approach (quite different from existingattitudes) is needed and I suggest that theGovernment of India establishes a Department ofMountain Development for mountain preservationand prosperity. The Department would have severalactivities.


The development of any region in the Himalayasinvolves deforestation for construction of roads,buildings, dams, reservoirs etc. All these factorshave in the past led to long-term undesirable effectsconsisting of rock-falls, landslides, and avalanchesand it is because of this past experience thatenvironmentalists are not keen to promotedevelopment projects in the Himalayas. It isrecognized that the single most important problemin the Himalayas is deforestation arising partlyfrom the need to fell tress for fuel but mostly forpromoting the business interests of unscrupulouscontractors who have in the past (and also in thepresent) successfully bribed their way through aweek law enforcement system. Even social outcriessuch as that achieved by Mr. Sunderlal Bahugunathrough the Chipko movement have not made amarked difference to the continutation of the evil.The Department of Environment has undertakenseveral projects to deal with the above problemsbut I think that it needs a much more intensiveapproach to even maintain status quo leave asiderepair and damage that has been done during thelast hundred years.


At a recent conference held in 1983 argumentswere put forward for promoting tourism in theHimalayas. Undoubtedly there is a great temptationto get the maximum gains by encouraging as manytourists and trekkers as possible to the beautifulHimalayas. But in the absence of adequateprecautions tourism causes much damage owing todeforestation, pressure on water and other resources

and disposal of waste material. So far these aspectshave not been adequately dealt with and theunfortunate results from tourist pressure are visiblein the overcrowded insanitary conditions in placelike Mussorie and Darjeeling.


There is a desire of some in the hill states toestablish industries and advance technologicallylike certain other states in the plains. However,industries produce highly undesirable pollutantsand these can cause harmful effects not only locallybut also in distant places as exemplified by the acidrain in Europe. However, there is an even moreserious danger arising from the pollutants enteringthe tributaries of our major rivers. Thus while oneof the means of increasing prosperity is byintroducing modern technologies one has no keepin mind the effects of pollution. If unchecked thiscould destroy the environment at high altitudes. Atthe present time it has to be accepted that becauseof our culture, social structure and ineffective lawenforcement machinery we are at present quiteinadequate to deal with the pollution generated bycommon modern systems and technologies. In factthe pollution generated by any common modernmachine or factory in India is much greater thanthat allowed to be generated by the same machineor factory in Europe of America. For example takethe permissable level or exhaust fumes from cars,buses and trucks. This is several orders of magnitudegreater than the punishable levels in Westerncountries. In the capital of India itself it is quitecommon for a government owned and run Delhibus to generate a thick smoke screen as it goesalong and there is nothing that the law enforcementmachinery has been able to do about it. Nor has itbeen able to do anything about the large number ofsmoking chimneys from industrial units in citiesincluding the three chimneys of the Power Stationin New Delhi located directly opposite the WorldHealth Organization.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


Therefore to be on the safe side it must beensured that we establish in the Himalayas thosetechnologies from which little or no pollution arisesor the law enforcement machinery can deal witheffectively.


The Department of Mountain Development couldprofitably deal with the above aspects relating tomountain development e.g. devise procedures andmethods for planned development, ensure thattourism is developed along modern lines, ensurethat pollution is strictly controlled. More importantlythe department could co-ordinate high altituderesearch in various fields. It should establish anInstitute of Research, design and get constructedsmall townships (taking the Swiss model as anexample) that are particularly suitable, ensure theeducation and development of the local population,design and install alternate systems of energy (e.g.small hydel systems; and systems based on solarand wind energy); help in the establishment ofsmall manufacturing units suitable for high altitudeswhich will not produce any pollution and developmeasures to preserve the cultural heritage of thelocal population.


A large Research Institution should beestablished, It should have well-equipped and well-run divisions of engineering and Medical, Veterinary,Agricultural, Biological and Geological Sciences.In fact it should be a Mountain Research Instituteof Technology, Medical, Veterinary and AgriculturalSciences whose main function would be researchfor the solution of high altitude problems. Such anInstitute should not be established in any well-known city such as Simla, Darjeeling, Gauhati,Mussoorie, Naini Tal or even smaller cities butshould be set up in an almost new region wheethere would be facilities for the landing of smallaircraft. The Institute should be actuallyautonomous. The initial outlay for such an enterprise

would be of the order of 500 crores which wouldinclude the construction of the landing strip andother infra-structure in the new place. The figuremay seem large but it is’nt so in terms of thepresent rising prices and it is certain that thebenefits accruing from this investment will faroutweigh the inputs and such benefits will becomemanifest in a short space of time. It is to beassumed that the Institute would have regionallaboratories in other parts of the Himalayas forfinding solutions to problem that are specific tothose regions. For example it is easy to see that theagricultural problem will be quite different in theNorth-Eastern Himalayas when compared with thecold dry desert conditions of Ladakh.


The question that the layman can ask is that inview of the fact that the contributions, bothdiscoveries and applications made by the variousresearch Institutes have not been large and obviousit is reasonable to create another large researchInstitute ? What evidence is there that this Institutewill not turn out to be like the others. Yes it is truethat if the conditions under which the scientistshave to work remain the same on the one hand andon the other hand the level of accountabilityexpected to them also remains the same then thelevel of achievement will be no different from thatobtaining in the average research institutes in India.Under unchanged conditions it would be a fruitlessexercise to establish a Mountain Institute ofResearch. I would therefore recommend that inorder to make it a successful venture accountabilityon the one hand and facilities common and specialon the other must be suitably increased. Thenecessity to earn or acquire a parallel income mustbe eliminated. If these cannot be done on theexcuse that one cannot have a different set of rulesfor one institute, then I would strongly urge that theproposed Mountain Institute not be established atall.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


If one assumes that the Institute is established,as outlined above then one of the interesting pointsto consider in relation to the research that would bedone in various fields is that much of it, if genuine,will be of value as most of it will be goal-oriented.This statement needs elaboration and I will thereforediscuss it a little more in relation to the researchdone in India.


The generation of new knowledge is valuablefor mankind as a whole and it is the aim of themajority of Indian scientists to produce a newknowledge. We are not yet organised for doinggood applied work. When an outstanding piece ofwork is published the attention of other scientiststhroughout the world is drawn to it and this workis cited in their own papers. If a paper contains noinformations worthy of mention then it is not citedby anyone. Thus one useful but rather rough (andalso at times falliable!) measure used for judgingthe quality of a paper published is its citedness. Ina recent analysis it has been reported that themajority of papers published by scientists workingin India are not cited at all and therefore the bodyof work leading to these papers has not served auseful purpose as far as India is concerned. It hasalso been pointed out that about the half the paperspublished in Western laboratories are also not cited.However, in the latter case it would be misleadingto say that because the paper has not been cited thatit does not contain any useful information foranyone. This is so because many papers containinformation about a particular technology or productetc. These papers are of value for the advancementof the particular technology or product as it helpsmanufacture of instruments, durgs, etc.,considerably. For example many of the papers onprostaglandins (a few thousand) would not havebeen cited but many of them would have provideduseful information for the evaluation and

development of various prostaglandins by the drugcompanies concerned who sponsor a fair amount ofresearch work on their drugs in one way or another.No doubt similar papers that are useful formanufacturers are also published from Indianlaboratories. For example in the near future a numberof papers arising out of the use of nuclear magneticresonance equipment will be published from Indianlaboratories but they vast majority of them will notbe cited as the work it likely to be mostly repetitive.However, the manufacturers of the equipment willbenefit in any case and will also derive usefulinformation from these papers as in the case ofpapers published from their own countries, but thisinformation will be of use mainly to them and notto India. I am not here making out a cause that wein India should therefore only promote researchthat is outstanding but to point out a possibledifference in the value of uncited work in the twodifferent situations. However, if good work onspecifically Indian problems was published, it wouldof course remain uncited as other scientists of theworld may not be interested in Indian problems butit would be value to India. This applies to theresearch work already done on high altitudeproblems and that would be done in the proposedMountain Institute. Thus the interesting possibilitythat emerges in relation to the research that wouldbe done in various fields in the proposed MountainResearch Institute is that a large part of it, ifgenuineness is assured, will be value to India evenif it is not cited much. That is because research inthe field of high altitude does not run the risk ofbeing repetitive, and hence of no value, as suchresearch is being done in very few places in theworld. I will now give you one example about howuseful research on high altitude problems can be.


So far, apart from some research on horticulture,endangered species, ecology and such like projects,

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


the more significant research on high altitudeproblems has been done by certain defenseorganizations such as the Defense Research andDevelopment Organization and the Armed ForcesMedical Services. The research in various fieldsbegan after the brief encounter with the Chinese inthe Himalayas in 1962 when it was realized howlittle we knew about operational factors at highaltitude and man’s responses when he is suddenlytaken up there. The disasters we faced in the fewmonths of 1962, fortunately made a deep enoughimpression to make various agencies such as theIndian Council of Medical Research, Council ofScientific and Industrial Research and the Defenseorganizations take an active interest in the problemsand face man and machine at altitudes abovebetween three to six thousand meters. The problemsare due to two main factors, reduced atmosphericpressure and cold temperatures. I know a littleabout the medical research that was done and Iwould like to mention it briefly in order to illustratehow useful all the work done has been apart fromproviding new knowledge. I will use only oneexample and that is high altitude pulmonary oedema.


During the brief war with China in 1962, a fewthousand soldiers were involved in operations at 3to 5 thousand meters. Normal people becomebreathless when walking at these heights. However,several soldiers became breathless even at rest.They also had cough. At that time it was thoughtthat they had infection of the lungs. It was onlylater that it came to be recognized that what thesesoldiers suffered from was in fact high altitudepulmonary oedema (HAPO). Even though thedoctors did see clearly that some of them had frankpulmonary oedema they had did not label all thesecases as HAPO because this entity had not beenclearly recognized at that time and few were awareof its existence.

In fact the description of cases (mountaineerswho had suffered from this condition) in the late

fifties and documented by the well-known expertDr. Hurbert N. Hultgren showed that physicianscould not distinguish HAPO from pneumonia andthey gave to HAPO patients penicillin instead oftransporting them to lower altitudes. The samemust have happened in the case of Indian troops inthe Himalayas. Thus due to lack of knowledge anumber of men were lost due to HAPO. Therewere also casualties due to cold injuries etc. but Iwill not mention them here. One cannot give areliable estimate of the number of men who wereaffected by HAPO as no reliable records of theincidence of HAPO in the forward areas is available.

Troops have continued to be stationed at highaltitudes after 1962 and it has thus been possible toobserve the patients carefully in properly equippedhospitals run by the medical crops of the army. Theresearch carried out mainly by the defence personnelsuch as the late General Inder Singh and BrigadierN. D. Menon resulted in the acquisition of valuableinformation. Certain lines of treatment andprophylactic measures were tried out and theresearch carried out earned and admiration ofpulmonary physiologists and chest physiciansthroughout the world. As a result of this (andresearch done by others) it became possible tostandardize and make immensely effective thetreatment of HAPO as well as provide preventivemeasures so that today the treatment and preventionof HAPO is not longer a serious problem.

The information that became available in armyhospitals has enabled new light to be shed on themechanisms of cough. In particular the valuablereport by Brigadier N. D. Menon in the NewEngland Journal of 1965 showed that one of theimportant symptoms (in addition to breathlessness)of HAPO was s dry cough. This led us to re-examine the already published data on the coughproduced by a chemical substance called lobelinefrom which we concluded that perhaps the coughproduced during HAPO was due to the samemechanism as the cough produced by lobeline. In


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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


the latter case the cough, could with reasonablecertainty be attributed to the stimulation of the Jreceptors. It therefore seemed reasonable to expectthat the dry cough of HAPO must also be due tostimulation of J receptors. In order to establish thisfact we examined the records of more recent patients(for which we are grateful to the DGAFMS) andwere convinced from the data that the cough mustbe due to stimulation of the J receptors which arenormally stimulated during muscular exercise whenthe blood flow to the lungs increases. The mostinteresting feature of the new findings which werereported at the International Congress of Physiologyheld in Sydney in 1983 was that the dry coughproduced by the stimulation of J receptors duringHAPO was a common sensation which the patientshad experienced earlier for example when theirthroat was irritated by foreign substances or inupper respiratory tract infections.

So far it had been assumed that cough wasproduced only when the cough receptors in theupper airways are stimulated and it therefore cameas surprise to find that the common type of drycough could also be produced by stimulation ofreceptors (i.e. J. receptors) at the alveolar level.Having concluded thus far it then followed that onecould explain the dry cough that occurs in left heartfailure leading to interstitial pulmonary oedema.Thus the dry cough in patients with previous historyof coronary artery disease has become an importantsign which could be useful in averting a disaster.


The new knowledge obtained partly as a resultof research of high altitude problems has proved tobe of considerable value in the evaluation of certainpatients who had inhaled air containing methylisocyanate which had polluted the atmosphere inBhopal recently owing to an accident in the factory.It will be recalled that the press had reported thatthere were many patients who in addition tobreathlessness and chest pain had complained ofsevere muscle weakness. It was therefore confludedthat methyl isocyanate must have affected the

nervous system directly or that the patients hadbeen affected by other poisonous gases. Neither ofthese assumptions were necessary as the muscleweakness could be easily explained by the fact thatstimulation of J receptors which is intense inpulmonary oedema causes marked inhibition ofmuscles and this is manifested as muscle weaknessin man as he needs to put in a greater effort thannormal to perform the same task and this isinterpreted as muscle weakness by the individual.Thus there was no need for additional concern onbehalf of these patients as it was expected that theweakness would disappear with the clearance ofthe oedema in the alveoli.

The reflex inhibition of muscles by J receptorsis called the J reflex and it is a life-saving reflexwhich is well-known at high altitudes. Howevercertain trekkers disregard this muscle weaknessthey experience as a result of this reflex and theythen end up with HAPO which the army nowprevents almost totally be enforcing a set regimen.The same thing apparently must have happened inBhopal for thousands of people who had inhaledmethyl isocyanate, moved around in panic andunnecessarily worsended their condition. Had theybeen told to remain still so that blood flow to thelungs is not increased may lives would have beensaved. Here on may recall the advice given in theReport of the Chemical Warfare Medical Committee(1918) a most distinguished committee which saidthat the three cardinal features of treatment afterinhalation of phosgene gas were rest, warmth andadministration of oxygen. Unfortunately in Bhopalrest was not ensured and there was obviouslytotally inadequate supply of oxygen.


During the plenary sessions and the sectionalmeetings, the results of research on high altitudeproblems will be presented. A large part of the

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


research which is of an applied nature has been ofconsiderable regional benefit. For example therehave been advances in the selection of vegetablesthat grow well at high altitudes under unfavourableweather conditions. Advances have been made ongrowing trees at high altitudes above 3000 metersin what can be regarded as a cold desert. This hasyielded rich dividends and the new techniques havebeen passed on to the local population in Ladakh.

Another important contribution made by theArmy is that they have successfully modified thetraditional “bukhari” used for heating rooms so thatit will work with kerosene thus avoiding the use ofwood and saving the trees. It was suggested at arecent symposium that if sufficient kerosene ismade available at reduced prices to the localpopulation, it would help reducing the felling oftrees for cooking and heating the houses. Anotheruseful recommendation was that if wheat wasprovided at subsidized rates it would also reducerate of deforestation by reducing the pressure onarable land.


There is scope for, literally, enormous amountof research and development work on high altitudeproblems. Past experience has shown us what wemust do to preserve the grandeur of the mountains.This is bring effectively tackled by the Departmentof Environment and they have plants forafforestation etc. In addition extensive work needsto be done by professionally qualified people in amodern well-equipped Institue. I have alreadymentioned that we need to carry out research on alarge variety of problems pertaining to the mountainssuch as medical, veterinary, agricultural, geologicalproblems etc. Sources of power for use in themountain must be explored in a more energeticway. We should consider whether we shouldendeavour to inhabit the higher altitude regions andif so how. Certainly we should carry out mineralexploration at higher altitudes e.g. above 3000

meters and find out sources of useful minerals thatcould be mined by modern methods. Mining athigh altitudes is not a new feature as it has beendone for many years in the South American Andes.We must explore not only this avenue but alsoother avenues for creating modern employment forthe local population. It should be remembered thatthe preservation of our mountains will depend to alarge extent on the prosperity of the local population.We could profit greatly by using Swiss models toplan and establish small industrial units in themountains that have been such a great success inthe region of the Swiss Alps.


Although the Department of Environment isconcerned with the preservation of the environmentof the whole of India, it is playing an importantrole in the preservation of ecological balance in theHimalayas. Their ongoing activities are many e.g.action oriented eco-development in the 15Himalayan Universities, establishment of eco-taskforces, programme for the depth study of landslidehazards, eco-development in the Himalayanfoothills. They have also planned to establish aHimalayan Institute of Environment andDevelopment with a decentralized structureconsisting of a chain of centres of advanced studiesalong with field stations along the entire Himalayanbelt. This proposed institute will therefore havemostly different functions from those that I haveoutlined for the Mountain Research Institutealthough there will be some overlap of activities.


The talk I have given is mainly an introductorytalk of the focal theme. It will be followed bycontributions by highly distinguished scientists inthe plenary sessions. The focal theme will bediscussed in almost all the sections where you willlearn about the many contributions that have beenmade and what can be done in the future. I am

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


certain that before the Congress is over a lot ofvaluable suggestions will have been made. At theend of it all we will be in a better position to decidewhether we should have a Department of MountainDevelopment for the preservation of and prosperityin the mountains and whether we should havefunctioning under this department a MountainInstitute of Technology Medical Veterinary andAgricultural Sciences and as to where is should belocated.

If the Government agress the Department itselfwill be set up within the framework of theGovernment of India. However, as far as the Instituteis concerned a departure from the existing fulesand regulations that exist in governmentorganizations will be necessary. This is so becausethe existing system in the various institues of Sciencehas turned out to be inadequate for, it inspite ofconsiderable inputs our achievements are far belowwhat we had expected. It is clear that our scientistshave not been able to work in India in the way theywork so effectively when they are abroad in goodWestern laboratories because by and large we havenot succeeded in creating the appropriate workingconditions. Therefore unless the conditions, underwhich the scientists have to work are modified andmade more suitable on the one hand and thescientists are made more accountable on the other,achievements of significance arising from a broadbase cannot be expected. This will apply especiallyto the Mountain Research Institute I have proposed.In fact the project will be a failure if it is set upunder the existing conditions. Therefore unless wehave the will to change, it should not be set up at

all because to do so under the prevailing conditionswill only add to the problems at high altitudes. ButIndia simply cannot afford to allow things to driftfor in due course, if we proceed the way we arecurrently proceeding, in a hundred years or so theHimalayas will be impoverished and in a very badstate. Prosperity in the mountain regions mustincrease in order to save them and it is thereforefortunate that attention will be focussed on them atthis Congress.

As many of you know a task force is set up bythe Department of Science & Technology (DST) tofollow up the suggestions and recommendationsarising from the Congress. In connection with lastyear’s focal theme “Quality Science—ends andmeans” the DST therefore gave substantialencouragement to the setting up of a society for theimprovement of the ethical standards obtaining inIndian Science. The society called “Society forScientific Values” is still in its formative stages butI believe it will help to raise the level of whatIndian scientists will expect of each other in future.Likewise, perhaps to an even greater extent, I thinkthe DST will have an important and leading role toplay in getting implemented the final suggestionsand recommendations, of this Congress, which willprobably have far-reaching implications and willyield great benefits.

Finally, I would like to record my gratitude tothe General Secretary of the Indian ScienceCongress association, Prof. Archana Sharma, andthe staff of the association for the invaluable help,cooperation and guidance they have given me.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



Apoorva Bhatnagar*, Amit Kr Singh and Vinod Pravin Sharma

Bioplastics have great importance and they are available in different forms. They are madefrom the polymers derived from biological sources. They are considered suitable for use asthey rely less on fossil fuel and reduce hazardous wastes. There are enormous potential of itsapplication in packaging technology and other allied industries.


B ioplastics are plastics derived from renew-able biomass sources viz starch, vegetable

fats and oils etc. Plastics are synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solid materials that are used formanufacturing of industrial products. They areconsidered to be vital asset for humanity, oftenproviding functionality that cannot be easily oreconomically replaced by other materials. Mostplastics are robust and last for hundreds of years.They have replaced metals in the components ofmost manufactured goods, including computers,car parts, refrigerators etc and have often made theproducts cheaper, lighter, safer, stronger and easierto recycle.

Plastics have taken over from paper, glass andcardboard in packaging, usually reducing cost andcarbon emissions. About 4% of the world’s oilproduction is converted into plastics for use inproducts such as shopping bags and the externalpanels of cars. As oil runs out and the use of fossilfuels becomes increasingly expensive, the need foralternative sources of raw material for themanufacture of vital plastics becomes increasinglyurgent. In addition, the use of carbon-based sourcesof energy for use in plastic manufacturing addsgreenhouse gasses to the atmosphere, impeding theworld’s attempts to cut CO2 emissions.

Bioplastics are a special type of biomaterial.They are polyesters, produced by a range ofmicrobes, cultured under different nutrient andenvironmental conditions. These polymers, whichare usually lipid in nature, are accumulated asstorage materials in the form of mobile, amorphous,liquid granules, allowing microbial survival understress conditions. Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) isbiodegradable polyester, which accumulates in thebodies of microorganisms. Some bioplastics degradein the open air, others are made so that theycompost in an industrial composting plant, aidedby fungi, bacteria and enzymes.


The biobased material or product is (partly)derived from biomass (plants). Biomass used forbioplastics include stems from e.g. corn, sugarcane,or cellulose.

The biodegradable material or product is derivedfrom renewable biomass that can be broken downin the environment by micro-organisms.


The family of bioplastics is roughly divided intothree main groups :

● Biobased or partly biobased non-biodegradable plastics such as biobased

* Department of Biotechnology, Institute of AppliedMedicines & Research, Ghaziabad, India.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


polythylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP) orPolyethylene Terephthalate (PET) andbiobased technical performance polymerssuch as Polytrimethylene Terephthalate(PTT) or Thermoplastic polyester elastomer(TPC-ET).

● Plastics that are both biobased andbiodegradable, such as Polylactic acid (PLA)and Polyhydroxy alkanoates (PHA).

● Plastics that are based on fossil resourcesand are biodegradable, such as Polybutylenes adipate co terephthalate (PBAT).


Biodegradable plastics are plastics that willdecompose in natural aerobic (composting) andanaerobic (landfill) environment by the action ofnaturally occuring microorganism, such as bacteria,fungi etc. over a period of time.

● Starch-based bioplastics can bemanufactured from either raw or modifiedstarch (e.g. Thermoplastic starch or TPS) orfrom the fermentation of starch derivedsugars (e.g. polylactic acid). Common starchsources include maize, wheat, potatoes andcassava.

● Cellulose-based bioplastics are typicallychemically-modified plant cellulosematerials such as cellulose acetate (CA).Common cellulose sources include woodpulp, hemp and cotton.

● Lignin-based bioplastics contain wood (orlignocellulosic plant material) produced asa by-product of the paper milling industry.

● Plant proteins such as maize ‘zein’ can alsobe used to manufacture bioplastics.


Non-biodegradable bioplastic is a plastic derived

from renewable biomass that cannot be easily brokendown in the environment by micro-organisms.

● Conventional plastic resins can be madefrom plant oils and are manufactured usingcompounds extracted from castor, soya beanor oilseed rape oil. Examples includepolyurethane (PU) manufactured from soyabean oil and nylon (polyamides or PAs)made using castor bean oil.

● Conventional polyethylene can bemanufactured from bio-ethanol.


Mixed bioplastics can be both biodegradableand non-biodegradable depending on the polymersused to manufacture them. For example, a mixedbioplastic containing starch and polycaprolactone(PCL) is biodegradable, whereas a plastic containinga 1 : 1 mix of biomass and oil-derived polypropyleneis not.


The production and use of bioplastics is generallyregarded as a more sustainable activity whencompared with plastic production from petroleum,because it relies less on fossil fuel as a carbonsource and also introduces fewer, net-newgreenhouse emissions if it biodegrades. Theysignificantly reduce hazardous waste caused by oil-derived plastics, which remain solid for hundredsof years and had open a new era in packingtechnology and industry.

Environmental data from Nature Works, theonly commercial manufacture of polylactic acidbioplastic, says that making its plastic materialdelivers a fossil fuel saving of between 25 and 68per cent compared with polyethylene. Whileproduction of most bioplastic results in reducedcarbon dioxide emissions compared to traditionalalternatives, there are some real concerns that thecreation of a global bio economy could contribute

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


to an accelerated rate of deforestation if not managedeffectively. There are associated concerns over theimpact on water supply and soil erosion. Otherstudies showed that bioplastics represent a 42%reduction in carbon footprint. On the other hand,bioplastic can be made from agricultural by productsand also from used plastic bottles and othercontainers using microorganisms.


Biodegradable bioplastics are used for disposableitems, such as films, packaging bags and cateringitems (crockery, cutlery, pots, bowls, and straws).They are also often used for organic waste bags,where they can be composted together with thefood or green waste. Some trays and containers forfruit, vegetables, eggs and meat, bottles for softdrinks and dairy products and blister foils for fruitand vegetables are manufactured from bioplastics.

A very broad range of applications exists forbioplastics. These include :

● Medical technical products have been animportant area of application for bioplasticsfor a long time. Implants and also stitchingmaterials made of high purity PLA dissolvesin the body during the healing process. Thismeans a further operation can be avoided.

● PLA has quite diverse applications withinthe field of fibres and textiles. Bioplasticsare also used in a variety of officeapplications. Window envelopes and diverseoffice utensils, adhesive and packaging tapesare examples of the diversity of applicationpossibilities. Toys made from bioplasticsprovide children with fun and creativeopportunities for development.

● Non-disposable applications include mobilephone casings, carpet fibres, and carinteriors, fuel line and plastic pipeapplications, and new electro active

bioplastics are being developed into outerlayers of electric pipes that can be used tocary electircal current. In these areas, thegoal is not biodegradability, but to createitems from sustainable resources.


Bioplastics does have both advantages anddisadvantages. The advantage of bioplastics is thatorganisms are able to feed on them better and fasterwhen weather conditions are right. Thus, thisallowed the bioplastics to be broken down intosmaller pieces, reducing pollution in the process.With this, pollution is reduced and there will be noproblem with litter or harms on wildlife.

The main disadvantage with oil-basedbiodegradable plastics is that when they breakdown, carbon dioxide is released in the process andcontributes to global warming. Another disadvantagewith biodegradable plastic is that degradation willtake place very slowly underground, even if itdisintegrates completely. Also, biodegradableplastics when mixed with normal plastics wouldreduced the worth of the plastic itself if it isrecycled and make the recycled plastic useless.


1. Van der Leij FR, Witholt. B. J. Microbiology,41, 222-238, 1995.

2. Ha C-S, Cho W-J. Prog Polym Sci, 27,759-809, 2022

3. K. Snell et al. Metabolical Enginnering, 4,24-40, 2002.

4. Steinbu chel A., MacromolecularBioscience, 1, 1-24, 2001.

5. B. Rehm, Qi Q, BB. Beermann, H-J Hinz,Steinbu chel A., Biochem J, 358 : 263-268,2001.

6. AL Andrady, MA Nela, Philos. B, Biol. Sci.364 (1526), 1977-84, 2009.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


7. EL Teuten, JM Saquing, DR Knappe, et al,B, Biol. Sci. 364 (1526), 2027–45, 2009.

8. A. V. Yabannavar, & R. Bartha, Appl.Environ. Microbiol, 60, 3608-3614, 1994.

9. Goodall Chris, Bioplastics : an importantcomponent of global sustainability. WhitePaper, UK. 2011, 11-12.

10. Bioplastics and Biodegradable Plastics http:/;2013.

THE INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS ASSOCIATION14, Dr. Biresh Guha Street, Kolkata-700 017

Nominations for ‘‘Asutosh Mookerjee Fellowships of ISCA’’ 2015-2016

ISCA has instituted 10 senior Fellowships in the name of Asutosh Mookerjee Fellowships in the Centenary yearto utilize the services of the Life Members of the Association who are active in high quality research in theirspecialized disciplines but have superannuated from their service.

Objectives : The objective is to utilize the expertise of ISCA Members after superannuation primarily for researchwork in some R&D center/university/colleges/institute in India.

Eligibility :

(i) The fellowship is open to ISCA Life Members who have superannuated and are between the age of 65to 70 years.

(ii) The applicant should posses a Ph. D. in science/Engineering or MD in medicine.

(iii) The fellowship is meant for those who have a proven track record as evident from their Researchpublications and recognition.

Number of Fellowships : The number of Fellowship to be selected each year shall be decided by the ExecutiveCommittee from the panel recommended by the Selection Committee, to be constituted by Executive Committee.Usually, the number of Scientists to be selected each year will be based on the availability of vacancies and fundsavailable with the Association. The total number of Fellowships at a time should not be more than 10.

Tenure : The term of Asutosh Mookerjee Fellowships will be tenable initially for a period of three yearsextendable for another two years after a review of the achievement of three year’s works.

Emoluments : (a) The fellowship carries an honorarium of 30,000/- p.m. such that 30000 + pension does notexceed the gross salary drawn at the time of retirement. The honorarium of Rs. 30,000 will be reduced wherever.The honorarium will be Taxable at source.

(b) Contingency grant will be 100,000/- which includes the expenditure of chemicals glasswares, stationary, parttime services of a scientific assistant/secretary for typing and travel within country only.

Nominations : Nominations for the position shall be invited from the Life Members of the Association.

The nomination papers duly completed in all respects, signed, and routed through the Head of the Institution, wherea scientist intends to work, should be sent to the General Secretary (Membership Affairs), so as to reach latest byJuly 15, 2014.

Announcement : The names of Fellowships thus selected shall be announced.

Activities Report and Renewal of Scheme : Fellows will submit an Annual Report of his/her research work at theend of each Calender year along with statement of expenditure for renewal and release of grant for the next year.

Contact Details : General Secretary (Membership Affairs), Indian Science Congress Association, 14 BireshGuha Street, Kolkata 700 017, Fax 033 22872551, Phone : 033 22874530, Email : [email protected],website :

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



Sangeeta Sharma

This article deals with a new emerging branch of science, BIO-ART, a broad term for theblend of art, technology and science that is attracting artists as well as scientists. By usingartistic tools on living material many innovative creations have been made, few are beneficialfor human kind and few are just for the sake of entertainment. The various aspects ofbio-art are discussed in detail.

* IPS Academy, Indore (M.P.) E-mail : [email protected]


B IO-ART is a new branch of science at thejunction of Art and Biology, especially

ecology and life sciences, in which humans workwith live tissues, bacteria, living organisms and lifeprocesses to get artistic results. The extent of BIO-ART is considered by some artists to be strictlylimited to “living forms”, while other artists considerit to be an art that uses the imagery of modernmedicine and biological research. This bring togetherall traditional media, including painting, sculpture,printmaking and drawing with basic and advancedbiology such as molecular and cellular genetics;transgenically altered living matter, reproductivetechnologies and neurosciences to convey novelways of representing life forms. The inter-disciplinary nature of Bioart is depicted in Fig. 1.Bioart broadly refers to artworks that use life andlife manipulation as the communicative mediumwhile employing the practices of biology and thelife sciences. Initially strongly associated withgenetic art, bioart is an expanded term that seemsto have developed in parallel with the advances inmodern biology and biotechnology. It includes avariety of works that include diverse levels ofmanipulation, from the whole organism to the

cellular and molecular level, and employ a widerange of (bio) technologies, from physicalmanipulation to tissue culture and geneticengineering.1

Fig. 1 Inter-disciplinary nature of Bioart


Bio-art is a relatively new development incontemporary art, still at the emergence of identitybut it can be linked to two modern originators.Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin,exhibited his ‘germ paintings’ (images drawn byputting bacteria on paper that was pre-soaked in aculture medium and then incubated) in 1933. But,the interesting thing to notice is that it was displayedin a hospital rather than an art gallery. Later, in1936, at the Museum of Modern Art, New York,USA, an artist, the photographer Edward Steichen




















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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


exhibited a collection of strange yet beautifulDelphinium flowers. Delphinium seeds were dosedwith a chemical colchicine, a toxin that inducespolyploidy (multiple set of chromosome), whichresulted into beautiful and ugly mutated flowers.The selected beautiful flowers were exhibited andugly flowers were rejected. In both of these earlycases of bio-art, the mutational experiments werereductively judged in terms of their beauty.2

Scientist Adam Zaretsky, TROY, N.Y. once spent48 hours playing lounge music to a dish of E.colibacteria to determine whether vibrations or soundsinfluenced bacterial growth. He found that bacteria’santibiotic production increased, Zaretsky decidedthat perhaps even cells were annoyed by constantsubjection to “loud, really awful lounge music.”This sense of humour is a huge factor behindZaretsky’s work in the growing field of BIO-ART3.Responses to more recent and controversial formsof bio-art, such as the creation of transgenicmammals have gone beyond judgements of beautyin favour of more inspiring assessments.


Bioart works majorly utilizes biotechnologicalprocedures or practices as the tools for artisticproduction. Menezes describes bioart as a practiceof modern biology and biotechnology as the mediumfor artistic expression. He further states bioart as“art created in test tubes, using the laboratory asthe art studio”. It is important to notice that severalof these works would not have been possible withoutaccess to laboratory equipment and scientificexpertise. Though Do-It-Yourself culture and part-time biology is gaining attention among bio-artists,but the biotechnological protocols and practicesinvolved in the understanding of artwork are quitecostly in terms of laboratory equipment andscientific resources. Not surprisingly, if the artworkis created inside the laboratory, certain implicationswill emerge for the artwork to step out of the laband move into an exhibition space1.



The “Victimless Leather” project was introducedin 2004, to the public at Perth’s John Curtin Gallery,during an exhibition that focused on the future oftextiles and fashion with the controversial idea ofusing cells to grow “semi-living” fabric-andreactions were mixed. Immortalised mouse andhuman cells were used to make leather like materialthat is “Victimless Leather” inside a speciallydesigned bioreactor that maintains optimal growingconditions (temperature, supply of nutrients, wasteremoval, etc.). A biodegradable scaffold (base thatdirects the growth of the cells into a three-dimensional shape) is “seeded” with the cells andafter gradual degradation of the polymer, a stitch-less, coat-like structure or a miniature “leather”jacket is left behind that could fit a mouse (Fig. 2).The project is the teamwork of husband-and-wifeOron Catts and Ionat Zurr, and their research isconducted in the labs of SymbioticA.

Fig. 2 Jacket grown from living tissue

It might sound absurd or even disgusting, yetCatts, SymbioticA’s director, notes that, “Manypeople wear leather, but the fact that it is obtainedfrom parts of dead animals seems to be acceptedmuch more than growing semi-living cells into aminiature leather jacket-like shape.”4

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



An Australian group called The Tissue Cultureand Art Project, have chosen to turn the practice oftissue engineering into the medium of their artworks.One of their most famous projects is the‘disembodied cuisine’. They procured cells from aliving frog without killing or even hurting it andgrew frog skeletal muscle over biopolymer for foodconsumption. The climax of this project wasrevealed in a feast at the international biological artexhibition ‘L’art Biotech’ in Nantes, France inMarch 2003, where the little pieces of this“victimless meat” were marinated in brandy, friedand then consumed by friends and other artists5.The various statements about Disembodied Cuisinethat Catts and Zurr have published suggest that theproject aims to move meat out of the strict categoryof ‘animal’ and into an emergent category of ‘semi-living,’ a category that skirts the edges of theanimal, plant, microbial and synthetic worlds.


Adam Zaretsky’s in his project ‘Two-headedZebrafish-embryo’ attempts initial embryonictransplant Surgery. In the project Adam Zaretskycuts of the head of a Zebrafish-embryo and tries toattach this to another embryo. The project takesplace at a MIT-lab using standard techniques andfollowing the ethical procedures of the lab. Theproject raises questions about whether an artistmay do the same as a life scientist and it creates aplatform for debate about ethical practice in the lifesciences. At first sight we seem to encounter theparadox of bioarts here again. However, Zaretskycircumvents this paradox by apparently welcoming,rather than rejecting, biotechnological innovationand the creation of new forms of life : a Zebrafishwith two heads6.


The project artist, Jalila Essaidi, worked withthe Forensic Genomics Consortium Netherlands to

develop human skin with a layer of transgenicspider-silk sandwiched between the epidermal anddermal layers. Dr. Randy Lewis from Utah StateUniversity produced the silk from goats andsilkworms that have been genetically modified toproduce the two proteins necessary to make spidersilk. The silk is harvested from the animals andwoven, using special bulletproof vest techniques,into a scaffold upon which are cultured human skincells. Two types of silk were used to manufactureskin samples: one from unmodified silkworms andone from the transgenic silk. Essaidi mounted theskins on gelatin blocks and, using a high-speedcamera, filmed bullets fired at the skins. A bulletfired at a reduced speed pierced the skin wovenwith an ordinary worm’s silk. When tested withskin manufactured from Lewis’ geneticallyengineered silk, the skin didn’t break by the bullet7.


The creation of transgenic life forms has provento be the most controversial type of bio-art. Atransgenic organism is one that has had foreignDNA (from another animal, bacteria, fungus orvirus) inserted into its genome. Therefore, thealterations of these interspecies ‘collages’ arepermanent and inheritable. In 2000, the Brazilian-American artist Eduardo Kac collaborated with theartist Louis Bee and two scientists, Louis-MarieHoudebine and Patrick Prunet to create a cross-species rabbit called Alba, as part of GFP Bunny(where GFP is green fluorescent protein). Byexperimenting with a rabbit, a typical family pet aswell as laboratory animal, Kac deliberately provokeddialogues about the use of animals in science andabout the selective breeding of domestic pets.Indeed, Kac is clear that the creation of Alba wasjust one part of the artwork, with another based onthe public debate raised by ‘her’ existence8.


Even though, the directive of bioart is not toeliminate fear, but possibly to offer a means by

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


which both visionary and objective ideas concerning

life, nature and design can be explored and

expressed. Projects like Disembodied Cuisine aim

to reduce the suffering of animals that industrialized

meat production causes.

Animal rights groups accused Kac and others of

using animals unfairly for their own personal gain.

However, many BIO-ART projects deal with the

manipulation of cells and not whole organisms,

such as Victimless Leather. These projects were

developed precisely to highlight and problematise

our relationship to non-human animals and the use

of animal products in scientific processes. Like

other sciences, BIO-ART also has its pros and

cones, but how we use it for the welfare of human

kind without deteriorating other life forms is an

important aspect to be thought upon. With the

practical issues and the reaction of critics and the

public, it’s unlikely that the Victimless Leather

jacket will appear in stores anytime soon (if ever).

However, the idea of using tissue engineering to

grow consumer goods, be it leather or anothermaterial, could be the next frontier of biotechcompanies sooner than we might think.


1. Amalia Kallergi, Bioart onDisplaychallenges and opportunities ofexhibiting bioart, Leiden University, TheNetherlands, May 2008.

2. Frances Stracey, Bio-art: the ethics behindthe Aesthetics, University College LondonHistory of Art, London UK, May 2009.


4. Cristian Fei, victimless-leather, the genteel,February 2013.

5. Allison Carruth, Parallax, 19, 88-100, 2013.

6. Robert Zwijnenberg, Mobius, 1, 1, 2012.


8. Eduardo Kac, Leonardo, 36, 97-102, 2003.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


T ea is the most consumed drink in the

world after water, well ahead of coffee,

beer, wine and carbonated soft drinks. An

accumulated number of population studies suggestthat consumption of green and black tea beveragesmay bring positive health effects. An ancient Chineseproverb goes thus – “Better to be deprived of foodfor three days than tea for one”. Of the three majorbeverages of the world – tea, coffee and cocoa – teais the most popular. Tea has a long and ancienthistory and has been associated with man sincetime immemorial. The use of green tea as a beveragedates back to 3000 BC. Green tea is tea madesolely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis thathave undergone minimal oxidation duringprocessing. Green tea originates from China andhas become associated with many cultures in Asiafrom Japan to the Middle East. Recently, it hasbecome more widespread in the West, where blacktea is traditionally consumed.

Green Tea is one of the elements that haveproved its versatility in terms of various uses to a

great extent. It is one of the oldest beverages

preferred by people round the globe and at all time

it has been considered as one of the most utilitarian

drink providing energy and removing traces of

stress to refresh and rejuvenate the mind and soul.

Green tea is believed to have several wide ranging

health benefits now supported by recent research.

The Chinese have known about the medicinal

benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to

treat everything from headaches to depression. It

has been used as a medicine in China for at least

4000 years. The difference between green tea and

other teas is that green tea is not fermented, thus

keeping the powerful antioxidants lost in the

fermenting process. Green tea is not oxidized at all;

the leaves are steamed, rolled and dried. Green tea

has a more delicate taste than black tea. Green tea

is the variety that keeps the original colour of the

tea leaves without fermentation. Green tea is

prepared from unfermented leaves, the leaves of

oolong tea are partially fermented, and black tea is

fully fermented. The more the leaves are fermented,

the lower the polyphenol content and the higher the

caffeine content. Green tea catechin and black tea


Rakesh Kumar1 and Binita Rani2

Green tea is one of the oldest beverages preferred by people round the globe and at all timeit has been considered as one of the most utilitarian drink providing energy and removingtraces of stress to refresh and rejuvenate the mind and soul. It contains no calories – so isuseful to those who want to lose weight. Today’s scientific research in both Asia and the Westis providing hard evidence for several wide ranging health benefits associated with drinkinggreen tea. So, we should go ahead to formulate a newer kind of green tea mixed anti-ageingdrink and enjoy the magical drink which would have myriad therapeutic and medicinalproperties.

1. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Lodipur Farm, Arwal, Bihar.2. KVK, Agwanpur Barh, Patna, Bihar.

E.mail : [email protected]

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


directly act on the influenza virus and inactivate it.

It appears that gargling with green or black tea is

very effective in preventing influenza1.


One of the major goodness of green tea happens tobe that, it act as a major anti oxidant, which in turnprovides the body protection from the free radicals.The free radicals are the natural components whichadd up momentum to the ageing process and giverise to illnesses of various forms. So, the mostprominent goodness of green tea lie in the fact thatit helps in delaying age and save you from gettingaffected by different diseases. The more a personwill be exposed to sunlight, pollution and smoking,more the free radicals will increase in the bloodstream. Including green tea in your lifestyle willhelp in preventing the harmful effects and keep youyoung for a longer period of time. Tea is also animportant source of flavonoids in the diet withlevels approaching 200 mg/cup for a typical brewof black tea. The flavonoids found in green andblack tea is very effective antioxidants in vitro andmay therefore be active as antioxidants in the body.Green tea contains polyphenols which are thoughtto improve health, particularly catechins, the mostabundant of which is epigallocatechin gallate. Invitro and animal studies as well as preliminaryobservational and clinical studies of humans suggestthat green tea can reduce the risk of cardiovasculardisease and cancer as well as beneficially impactbone density, cognitive function, dental cavities,and kidney stones. However, the human studies aresometimes mixed and inconsistent. Green tea alsocontains carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbic acid(vitamin C), minerals such as chromium, manganese,selenium or zinc, and certain phytochemicalcompounds. It is a more potent antioxidant thanblack tea although black tea has substances whichgreen tea does not such as theaflavin. In addition tothis there are four primary polyphenols in green teaand they are often collectively referred to as

catechins. Powerful antioxidants, catechins havebeen shown in recent studies to fight viruses, slowaging and have a beneficial effect on health. Theprincipal catechin is EGCG whose composition ingreen tea is believed to be 100 times more potentthan vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin Eas an antioxidant. The production of free radicals isthe body in the main cause of many ‘lifestyle’diseases like diabetes, cataract, atherosclerosis,Alzheimer’s disease and skin cancer. Theantioxidants in green tea fight these free radicalsand therefore these diseases2. The main green teabenefits include helping with cancer, infections,high cholesterols issues, impaired immune function,cardiovascular diseases and rheumatoid arthritis.The components that make drinking green tea bringall these benefits are called catechin polyphenols,and inside this group there is one particular anti-oxidant that stands out among the rest:epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. As an antioxidant,EGCG inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and alsokills these cells without making any damage tohealthy tissue. As it has been said, it lowerscholesterols and aids in preventing heart attacksand strokes thanks that it prevents the formation ofabnormal blood clots. This component also limitsthe negative effects of smoking and a diet with fat.Over the last few decades green tea has beensubjected to many scientific and medical studies todetermine the extent of its long-purported healthbenefits, with some evidence suggesting regulargreen tea drinkers may have lower chances of heartdisease and developing certain types of cancer.Green tea has also been claimed as useful for“weight loss management” possibly by inducingthermogenesis and stimulating fat oxidation.

Biochemical significance of Green tea : Greentea antioxidants are vitamin C, E, minerals, andparticularly polyphenols which are the powerfulantioxidants found in green tea. Polyphenols arenaturally occurring compounds in green tea thataccounts for its unique flavor and antioxidant

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potential. Its color is due in part to chlorophyll andin part to the polyphenols in green tea. Polyphenols,main green tea antioxidant, were found to be twohundred times the antioxidant punch of vitamin E( Green tea’s antioxidantpolyphenols have four types. They are epicatechin,epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin, andepigallocatechin gallate. These four polyphenolsare often called catechins as a group. Among thepolyphenols found in green tea, epigallocatechingallate or EGCG stands out. According to research,the strong antioxidant properties of green tea aremainly due to the higher concentration of EGCG.EGCG extends it protective action over the fattyacids and lipids in the brain. These fatty acids andlipids, unfortunately, are very susceptible to theeffects of free radicals resulting to rapid aging ofthe brain. By keeping these parts of the brain fresh,EGCG helps to keep us young and alert.

Green tea can be found in the form of “teabags”, capsules and even powder.


Cardiovascular Diseases

Green tea represents a promising tool for theprevention of cardiovascular disorders. Theantioxidants in green tea decrease the risk of bloodclots, blood pressure, blood sugar and badcholesterol and so provide protection againstcardiovascular diseases. A series of animal andhuman studies have highlighted the heart-friendlyactivity of green tea. Green tea is also believed toimprove the LDL-HDL cholesterol ratio,triglycerides and fibrinogen – all blood indicatorsof heart disease. Green tea helps to reducecholesterol levels. Japanese studied and confirmedthat regular green tea consumption providesprotection against coronary artery disease3. Themore green tea people consume the less likely theyare to have coronary artery disease. Underlyingmechanisms for the heart beneficial effects of tea

include vasculoprotective, antioxidative,antithrombogenic, anti-inflammatory, andcholesterol-lowering properties of tea flavonoids.

Cholesterol-Lowering Effect

Green tea lowers total cholesterol and LDLcholesterol levels and improves the ratio of HDLcholesterol to LDL cholesterol. Studies4 have shownthat people who drink green tea as a daily part oftheir diet have lower cholesterol levels than thosewho do not drink any green tea. It was observedthat, on average, the more green tea that peopledrink the lower their total and LDL cholesterollevels were observed. In one human study, as littleas 2 cups per day lowered LDL cholesterol levelsby as much as 13 mg. Green tea may also helpkeep cholesterol levels down even when the diet ishigh in fat. Studies of animals fed a diet rich in lardand cholesterol found that those receiving green teacatechins had lower cholesterol levels and otherindicators of heart disease risk than those thatdidn’t receive the catechins. Researchers believethat one of the underlying mechanisms by whichgreen tea lowers blood cholesterol levels is byreducing lipids absorption in the digestive tract andpromoting their excretion from the body.

Good for Teeth

Green tea is effective and proven remedy toprevent tooth decay. It kills the bacteria that causedental plaques and halitosis (bad breath) andincreases the acid resistance of tooth enamel5. Greentea also contains fluoride which is good for teeth.It can kill the bacteria that cause dental plaque. Itchecks dental decay by inhibiting the growth oforal bacteria and so fights cavities. When used as amouth rinse, this herbal drink reduces plaqueformation. It also counters bad breath3.

Cancer Fighting Properties

A new study published in the Clinical CancerResearch reveals how green tea works to curb thedevelopment of bladder cancer. Green tea extractinhibits the growth and proliferation of cancerous

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cells, the study claims. Researchers at the Universityof California Los Angeles (UCLA) have found thatgreen tea was able to target cancer cells whileleaving healthy cells alone.

Liver Protection

Green tea appears to support healthy liver.Population-based study has shown that men whodrink more than 10 cups of green tea per day areless likely to develop disorders of the liver. Animalstudies demonstrated that green tea helps to protectliver from the damaging effects of toxic substancessuch as alcohol.

Stress Buster

Catechin, present in green tea removes sleepinessand works as a stress buster. If you are in need ofan extra boost, then green tea with the caffeinecontent is a good stimulant for short time energy.The drink has got a diuretic effect and preventsrashes, indigestion and disease called beriberi. Greentea chemicals destroy harmful microbes only.

Helps in Losing Weight

There is strong evidence that green tea has fat-burning properties and promotes weight loss,especially when combined with increased physicalactivity and a healthy diet. Green tea polyphenolsare known to promote weight loss by increasing themetabolism of fats by the liver (thermogenic effect),inhibiting lipase (fat absorption enzyme) in thedigestive tract, and providing a feeling of satietyand fullness6. Recent high-quality studydemonstrated that green tea can reduce body weightin obese persons by increasing energy expenditureand fat oxidation. The results of a Japanese studyalso confirm fat-burning properties of green tea.Dulloo et al. showed the effects of green tea extracton energy “burning” in humans6. It was concludedthat the men who took daily doses of a green teaextract containing EGCg plus caffeine, in an amountequivalent to that found in about 3 cups of greentea, burned about 80 more calories per day thanthose who didn’t take the extract.

New evidence is emerging that green tea can

even help dieters. It contains no calories – so is

useful to those who want to lose weight. Researchers

have found that men who were given a combination

of caffeine and green tea extract burned more

calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.

Green tea is less processed than black tea and

contains rich sources of antioxidants which protect

the body’s cells from damage.

Antimicrobial Activity

Green tea catechins have anti-bacterial, anti-

viral and anti-fungal activity7. These include some

types of salmonella, influenza virus and herpes

simplex. Its bacteria-destroying abilities can help

prevent food poisoning. A US study suggests a

component of green tea may be useful in treating

severe sepsis, an abnormal immune system response

to a bacterial infection.


Lee et al. showed the amazing effects of tea

catechins was their ability to destroy disease-causing

bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus

aureus and Clostridium, especially when they reside

in the digestive tract8. Catechins also inhibited the

growth of the disease-causing bacteria, especially

Clostridium perfringens (a common cause of food

poisoning), Clostridium difficile (which is linked to

colitis), and Bacteroides (which can cause abscesses

if the bacteria escape from the intestines). But the

gut’s “friendly” bacteria, including Bifidobacterium

and Lactobacillus, were relatively unaffected by

the tea catechins8.

Retarding the Development of Arthritis,Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

Green tea has the power to subdue the enzyme

that ruins cartilage and thus helps you in keeping

away from contracting arthritis. Alzheimer’s is

mainly caused due to reduction in the level of

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acetylcholine in the brain. Green tea defends againstthe reduction of acetylcholine and aids in slowingdown the process of Alzheimer’s contraction. Greentea protects the destruction of brain cells therebymaking the probability of contracting Parkinson’sto minimal levels within our body. Parkinson’s is achronic, progressive movement disorder that causessymptoms such as tremor, slowness of movements,limb stiffness, and difficulties with balance andcoordination. Researchers at Singapore’s Yong LooLin School of Medicine and National NeuroscienceInstitute have recently found that drinking just 6oz. of black tea per day may lower the risk ofdeveloping Parkinson’s by over 70 percent. Theyspeculated that the flavonoids, with their anti-inflammatory effects on the cardiovascular system,may help ward off Parkinson’s by increasingcirculation to the brain.

Anticlotting Effect

Green tea also appears to prevent the formationof blood clots (thrombosis). Green tea catechinsproduce potent antithrombotic effect by inhibitionof platelet aggregation (blood clot formation).

Increased Exercise Endurance

Animal studies indicate that green tea increasesexercise endurance. Green tea catechins increasemetabolic capacity and utilization of fatty acid as asource of energy in skeletal muscle during exercise.

As a Beauty Aid

Many skin preparations contain green tea extracts– from deodorants to creams. Recent researchsuggests that green tea may protect the skin againstthe damage caused by ultraviolet rays.


Green tea helps to reduce the severity ofrheumatoid arthritis, cataract, diabetes and impairedimmune infection. It fights viruses and can helpprotect your joints and stave off arthritis in two

ways – by reducing inflammation and by protecting

against cartilage breakdown. It can even help

improve joint mobility. It is believed to help boost

immunity with its stimulating effect on the immune

system. It acts as a herbalist for aiding in the

circulation of the blood, a detoxifier for the blood

and an aid in curing liver ailments. Green tea is

also good for women experiencing menopause,

being a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Fights Against HIV

Being an anti bacterial agent, green tea is said to

prevent the HIV from getting bound to the healthy

cells of your body with ease.

Improved Memory and Learning Ability

One of the important health benefits of regular

green tea drinking is improved memory and learning

ability. Population-based study in Japan revealed

that high green tea drinking maintains cognitive

function. Also, according to the results from animal

studies9, 10, green tea consumption may enhance

learning and memory ability. The main components

of green tea that are thought to work on improving

brain function are polyphenols, epigalochatechin-

3-gallate (EGCG), a very strong antioxidant. The

high use of oxygen during the metabolic processes

leads to the generation of a large number of free

radicals (a highly reactive molecule). EGCG can

penetrate the brain’s blood barrier and is able to

enact its antioxidative affects on the free radicals

that cause damage in the brain9, 10.

Today’s scientific research in both Asia and the

West is providing hard evidence for the health

benefits long associated with drinking green tea.

So, we should go ahead to formulate a newer kind

of anti-ageing formulated drink and enjoy the

magical drink which would have myriad therapeutic

and medicinal properties.


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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



1. www.

2. A. Maitra, Green Tea - The New HealthDrink cited from (, 2008.

3. J. Sano, S. Inami, K. Seimiya, T. Ohba,S. Sakai, T. Takano and K. Mizuno, Circ J,68 : 665-70, 2004.

4. D. Erba, P. Riso,; A. Bordoni, P. Foti, PL.Biagi, and G. Testolin, J Nutr Biochem.,16 : 144-149, 2005.

5. A Rasheed and M. Haider, Arch Pharm Res,21 : 348-52, 1998.

6. A. G. Dulloo, C. Duret, D. Rohrer,L. Girardier, N. Mensi, M. Fathi, P. Chantre,and J. Vandermander, Am J Clin Nutr, 70 :1040-1045, 1999.

7. H. Gradisar, P. Pristovsek, A. Plaper, andR. Jerala, J Med Chem., 50 : 264-71, 2007.

8. H. C. Lee, A. M. Jenner, C. S. Low and Y. Y.K. Lee, Research in Microbiology, 157 :876-84, 2006.

9. T. Kaur, C. M. Pathak, P. Pandhi, and K. L.Khanduja, Brain Cogn. Dec 8, 2007.

10. A. M. Haque, M. Hashimoto, M. Katakura,Y. Tanabe, Y. Hara, O. Shido, J Nutr., 136 :1043-1047, 2006.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


H ome for most people is part of theirself-definition. This is why we decorate

our houses, tend to our garden spaces, landscapethe surrounding areas and make the entranceattractive. Apart from giving vent to the aestheticand creative mind, these efforts are part of a publicface people put on, displaying their home as anextension of themselves.

Architectural psychology focuses on the aspectof how we can design buildings better for occupants.By understanding more about how occupantsexperience built form, an architect should take ona more occupant-centered approach. It is this typeof approach that will lead to more truly innovativearchitectural designs, that absorbed the ideas of theclient into his own aesthetic theory and correlate itto the nature and needs of the occupant.

Peter Sear1 observed that, ‘Psychologistsregularly employ architectural metaphors. They talkof structures, levels, depths, building blocks andwindows to the soul. This shared language hints atan intimate relationship.’ Architecture has beenfound to affect human behavior. Architecture canbe perceived as purely functional, although some,but certainly not all can be the aesthetically pleasing,similar to the affect of any art form. It can also bean expression of cultural pride, societal passion, or

national esteem2. Research supports the idea thatarchitectural design and the structure of space, thenumber and spacing of windows, and lighting affectpeople. Furthermore, “architectural design has strongbut modifiable effects on social behavior and users’mood and productivity and, to some extent, designfeatures also affect health and wellbeing”2.According to Joye3, “our surroundings influencenot only the way we think but our intellectualdevelopment”

Gestalt psychology says that humans perceiveobjects as a whole that is the overall effect getsimprint in the brain, small missing out the Gestaltpsychology suggests humans experience theinfluence of architecture as their brains have aproclivity to infer rhythm and patterns of space andstructure, which influences behavior3.

Carl Jung4 described a building as ‘a structuraldiagram of the human psyche.’ Like art, architectureoffers a vehicle for conveying our deepest thoughts.Jung rarely wrote explicitly about architecture, butdemonstrated how important surroundings were tohim by carefully building his own tower atBollingen, and subsequently dedicating a wholechapter of his book, Memories Dreams andReflections, to it.4 The tower was ‘an expression ofJung’s inner world.’ Jung confessed that itrepresented a ‘psychic wholeness.’The tower becamea place where Jung felt at home, a space in whichhe could thrive. The building climbed up from the


Debjani Mukherjee* and Devaditya Mukherjee**

Architecture has been found to control the human behavior. Home, is part of our self-definition. People display their home as an extension of themselves. Architectural psychologyfocuses on the aspect of how we can design buildings better for occupants. Architect shouldturn on his instinctive, emotional brain and comprehend the need of the occupant and designa space that facilitates mental health positively.

* Dept. of Psychology, St Thomas College, Bhilai.** Architectural Designer, Perkins Eastman, Mumbai.

Email :

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


depths of his unconscious to become a shelterprecise for him and his work.

Architecture has been found to control the humanbehavior. “The structural design or arrangement ofspace imposes restrictions on behavior. Doorwaysdetermine our access to a room and roomdimensions restrict the kinds of behaviors that cantake place inside a room”2. A building’s interiormust create the appearance of space, regardless ofits actual size because space makes inhabitantsbelieve they have the choice between interactionand isolation. Individuals report a more positivesense of control when their environment allowsthem to choose interaction or isolation rather thanexperiencing both randomly thrust upon them. Thepsychological effects of crowding have beenassociated with arousal and stress.

When individuals perceive ample space, theyreport feeling a stronger sense of control over theirenvironment and are less prone to anxiety overminor annoyances, stress, and aggression.Furthermore, ample space has a pervasive effect onsubjective well-being and health5. In a study ofdormitories6, overwhelming evidence determinedthe design and layout of internal space affects thestress of psychological crowding and demonstratesarchitectural design has a mediating effect on socialbehavior. Whereas crowding has been linked toaggression, social withdrawal, increased criminalacts, and inappropriate interaction, privacy isstrongly correlated to less social withdrawal, asense of control, positive mental health and taskperformance, and a decreased tendency to reactnegatively to minor annoyances5. Küller, Ballal,Laike, Mikellides, and Tonello7 found the effects oflight and color in the workplace had a significantinfluence on the mood of individuals working inthe space. When individuals perceived the lightingas inadequate or too bright, their moods declined,but when the lighting was adjusted and perceivedas right, their moods reached the highest levels.

As Jung said, ‘I had to achieve a kind ofrepresentation in stone of my inner most thoughts

and of the knowledge I had acquired. Or to put itanother way, I had to make a confession of faith instone.’4

Peter Sear7 wrote, ‘Le Corbusier talked aboutmore successful projects than the ones he left uswith. He spoke of ‘alchemical symbolism,’ the‘masculine and feminine,’ and ‘psycho-physiologicalreactions in man.’8 Yet his buildings are widelyconsidered to be cold, silent and lacking soul.’

These criticisms were corroborated by theTechnological historian and architecture critic LewisMumford9 who wrote in Yesterday’s City ofTomorrow that, ‘the extravagant heights of LeCorbusier’s skyscrapers had no reason for existenceapart from the fact that they had becometechnological possibilities. The open spaces in hiscentral areas had no reason for existence either.Since on the scale he imagined there was no motiveduring the business day for pedestrian circulationin the office quarter. By “mating utilitarian andfinancial image of the skyscraper city to the romanticimage of the organic environment, Le Corbusierhad, in fact, produced a sterile hybrid.’

Criticizing the master designer is easier saidthan done. The end user of that space is the bestcritique and if he feels that there has been anintegrative approach of his mental leanings withthat of the architect, all controversies has to vanish.

The present study on ‘Human Psyche and ArtisticWellbeing behind Personal Spaces: Housing’ wascarried out in various cities across India, whererandomly 50 people who got their houses designedand built by an architect and a civil contractor,were interviewed. Most of the respondents stressedupon the fact that they took the pains of going fora custom made house, so that their dreams of livingin a comfort zone were realized. This space beingtheir baby, was an idea in their mind initially, andtook shape just as they wanted and later residingthere, is like giving birth to a baby and nurturingand raising it. But that does not mean that peoplewho go for readymade homes, don’t let their creativegenes wonder out to their living areas.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


It cannot be negated that the interiors also saymuch about the person. The house, its architecture,outside maintenance, interiors and orderliness speaka lot of the inhabitants of that space. Money,though has an important hand in all these, is asecondary factor where aesthetics and creative genreis concerned. Almost all the respondents initiallymade the architect aware of their personal need andlikings before he embarked on the actual designingof the house. 36 people reported that they weretotally satisfied and happy with the design they gotfrom the architect. They felt that the designer wasable to comprehend their need and was able toconvert their vision into a spatial design. They feelpositive energy and happy when at home andrelaxation is maximum in that domain. Rest 10were not too satisfied with the end result and feltthe architect didn’t have the vision to read theirmental makeup and convert it into a home that theydesired. These respondents feel mentally traumatizedabout not getting what they had visualized and feelhelpless that they cannot do much about it withoutspending more money. 4 respondents primarilyblamed themselves for certain mistakes that theyhad demanded in the design of their house and laterfound it not very appropriate. This creates immenseagony in them even after years of residing in thathouse. They somehow felt the designer should haveadvised them forcefully and not executed such aplan.It is the architect, who after all is the trainedperson!

This proves that architecture is directly attachedwith human psychology from conscious tosubconscious level. Some of the areas of architecturethat the respondents found to be affecting them are:

● Building design

● Positive and negative spaces

● Colors

● Open spaces

● Openings

● Lighting- natural and artificial

● Acoustics

● Landscapes


We can say that an architect should turn on hisinstinctive, emotional brain, keep aside his ownpersonal and design ego and pretend he is a 70-year old and a 10-year old. He should ask himselfhow the design makes him feel and behave. Doesthe building or landscape reduce or induce stress?Does this place make people healthier and happier?Stress is directly linked to most of the diseases, soall buildings and landscapes must work to reducethis,leading to everybody’s well-being and a healthysociety.


1. P. Sears, Searhtto:// –intemate-relaionship/2011.

2. S. Ayers, Cambridge handbook of psychology,health and medicine. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2007.

3. Y. Joye, Review of General Psychology, 11,4, 305-328.doi : 10.1037/1089-2680.11.4.305,2007.

4. C. G Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections.New York : Pantheon Books, 1963.

5. R. O Straub, Health psychology 2nd ed.,New York, NY : Worth, 2007.

6. A. Baum & S. Valins, Architecture and socialbehavior: psychological studies of socialdensity. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence ErlbaumAssociates, 1977.

7. R. Küller, S. Ballal, T. Laike, B. Mikellides,&G. Tonello, Ergonomics, 49, 14, 1496-1507.doi: 10.1080/00140130600858142,2006.

8. F. Samual, and S, Menin, Nature andSpace : Aalto and le Corbusier, ISBN-10 :0415281253 | ISBN-13 : 9780415281256,2002.

9. L. Mumford,.“Yesterday’s City of Tomorrow.”In The Lewis Mumford reader. New York:Pantheon Books, 1986.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



I n our everyday life all the creatures of theenvironment are continuously exposed to

various metal pollution from several sources. Theconcept that heavy metal toxicity in experimentalanimals and human beings may be greatly modifiedand indeed modulated by the nutritional status ofthe animal or person is firmly rooted in a greatnumber of reports. Toxicity of heavy metals cannotbe assessed without definitive control of dietaryintake and nutritional status of either theexperimental animals or human subject.Extrapolation of results of animal experiment tohuman problems of heavy metal toxicity may bemuch more reliable and more satisfactory. Theconcept of nutritional modulation of chemicaltoxicity is an important subject for our study.

Toxicology is the study of the adverse andharmful effects of chemical agent on any biologicsystem. Toxicology embraces other scientificdisciplines such as chemistry, biology, physiology,nutrition, pharmacology, pathology, immunologyand medicine. It comprises many areas of serviceand research. Metals occur naturally in the earth’scrust, and their contents in the environment canvary between different regions resulting is spatial


Abhijit Panigrahi

Several hazardous effects of heavy metals depicting different physiological and biochemical problems

have been already reported. Various heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, zinc, mercury, copper,

arsenic, gold, nickel, palladium etc. are dispersed in our dwelling environment comprising plants,animals, humans, air, water, soil etc. Heavy metals causing adverse effects are the most toxic substances

to human and animals.

* Department of Physiology, Basirhat College, North 24Parganas–743412, W.B. E-mail : [email protected]

variations of background concentrations. Thedistribution of metals in the environment is governedby the properties of the metal and influences ofenvironmental factors.

The progress of evolution is a response to theever-changing environment. Animal requirementsfor certain metal are a direct outgrowth of thisassociation. The actual and potential problems ofmetal toxicity are often examined with too – limitedknowledge by environmentalists. Experimentsreadily show that any compound is harmful if givenin excess.

Most environmental changes of the earth areslow enough to permit living forms to adapt to thechanges. In the past two decades, science, industrymedicine, and agriculture have exposed man andhis world to ever-increasing number of exoticchemicals represented by metal dusts and neworganic chemicals. Not only the metal pollutantsbut non-degradable and bio-degradable pollutantsalso interfere with the bio-environmental processesand thereby posing a threat to the life on thisplanet.

Knowledge of the relationship between foodand harmful material has developed scientificallyin separate compartments as (i) Essential metals,(ii) Toxic metals (iii) Radioactive metals(iv) Stimulatory compounds and (v) nonreactive or

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


nontoxic metals. Now the discussion will be abouttoxic metal. We know the various toxic metals innature are Cu, Ag, Au, Hg, Cd, Pb, Sn, As Sb, Pdetc. Metal and their compounds are majorcomponents of pollution and they have got animportant role in carcinogenicity and teratogenicity,but all metals are not as harmful as the onlymentioned above. In limited concentration manymetals are even essential for the sustenance ofliving forms.

The contamination chain of heavy metals almostalways follows a cyclic order: industry, atmosphere,soil, water, foods and human (Fig-1). Aquaticanimals are sensitive to heavy metal pollution. Ofthem, fish is a great biomarker of metal pollution in

water. Different metals are deposited in their variousorgans. Fish scales exhibit the highest concentrationof Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn etc. (0.888 μg/g, 0.95 μg/g,0.30 μg/g, 0.25μg/g, and 0.63 μg/g respectively).Although toxicity and the resulting threat to humanhealth of any contaminant are, of course, a functionof concentration, it is well known that chronicexposure to heavy metals and metalloids at relativelylow levels can cause adverse effects.

Metals for which there are no nutritionalrequirement may react with biological system tocause adverse effects. Excessive doses ofnutritionally essential metals can also causeadverse effects. Excessive absorption and/or renal

insufficiency or biliary obstruction lead to thebreakdown of homeostatic mechanisms and to theaccumulation of metals in tissue levels to causetoxic effects.

The toxicity of a metal depends on the inherentcapacity of a material to affect adversely anybiologic activity. Depending on the characteristicsand dose, a metal may be innocuous, essential as anutrient, stimulatory, therapeutic, harmful, or lethal.The response varies according to the environment,diet and condition of the animal, as well as theform, dosage and mode of administration of themetal or its salt. Many metals act as short termpoisons or toxicants in high doses and as long termsystemic poisons in low doses.

Effects of a metal can be categorized as dosesthat cause: (i) no symptoms or detectable effects(ii) stimulatory effects (iii) therapeutic effects(iv) toxic to harmful effects and (v) death.

The environmental quantities of all mineralsand their salts must be maintained at levelcompatible with continued optimum health andexistence.

The availability of many metals in mineralsdepends on the same properties, such as solubilityand reactivity, that make them useful in livingsystems. Certain environments develop unusuallyhigh concentrations of specific elements. Alkalinesalts make some streams undrinkable. The oceansare so hypertonic that they are harmful to nonadapted mammals.

Continuous exposure to small quantities of metalsproduces cumulative effects that may result inchronic poisoning with metabolic, nutritional, andneurologic symptoms. In larger does, these saltsbecome acutely toxic. The toxicity depends on thephysicochemical properties of the salt.


The inherent toxicity of a metal in biologicsystem depends on its electrochemical character

















Fig. 1 : Dispersion of Metals in Environment(Water System and Land or Soil)

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


and oxidation state, its absorption and transport inbody tissues, the stability and solubility of itscompounds in body fluids, its case of excretion andreaction with functioning tissues and organellesand with essential metabolites. Some species offish can accumulate high concentration of Zn ingills, Pb in liver, Cd in liver, Cu in kidney, As inkidney. It has also been reported that the acceptablelimit for consumption for the metals are asfollows : Pb–0.29 ppm, Zn–5 ppm, As-0.01 ppm,Cu-0.5 ppm and Cd-0.05 ppm. Toxic metals(including excessive levels of essential metals) tendto change biologic structures and systems intoirreversible and inflexible conformations leading todeformity or death. For example, acute Hg toxicosisfrom oral ingestion of Hg Cl2 causes severe courseof nausea, vomiting and diarrhea resulting deathdue to circulatory failure. Chronic Hg toxicosiscauses progressive renal failure with circulatoryand neuromuscular abnormalities. The basicreactions are possible between metals and otherbiochemical constituents. This leads to a betterunderstanding of co-ordination, chelaton ligandformation and metal interaction with proteins nucleicacids, carbohydrates and lipoprotein of cellmembranes and organelles. At the cellular level,derangement of cell membrane permeability andantimetabolite activity are the effects of metaltoxicity. Metal can interact wth protein leading toan allosteric effect, or with DNA or RNA to stopnormal metabolism or with unknown compoundsleading to a change in physiologic process and achange in behaviour and change in ecologicalsystem. More than one system is affected by eachtoxicant. Lead, zinc, copper, nickel, silver etc. causepollution hazards to the marine ecosystem.

Changes in rates of the catalytic decompositionof essential metabolites, enzyme inhibition andirreversible conformational changes inmacromolecular structure are some of the effects ofmetal toxicity at the molecular level. Complex and

highly integrated activity of mitochondria shouldbe profoundly affected by many of these metals invitro. The heavy metals that presently are consideredtoxicological hazards in the environment includePb, Hg and Cd. and some other metals also. Toxicheavy metals like lead, arsenic, silver, copper, zinc,chromium, mercury, cadmium etc. have beendetected about the permissible levels in some riverslakes and coastal waters of Bombay, India andother countries also because of the vast release ofindustrial effluents from the nearby processingindustries. Surveys at the coastal waters of Bombayhave revealed high content of mercury in the fish atthe level of 80 – 120 μg/gm, fishes from Thane andMumba Creek have the mercury level about 500mg/gm due to effluents containing mercury fromthe nearby chlor-alkali plants and paper pulpindustries. Water from Kalu river, a potential sourceof water supply of Bombay have shown a highcontent of lead, copper, mercury and cadmium. Ithas also reported that soil samples chosen fromdifferent sites of a cable factory of Rupnarayanpur(West Bengal) about 100 km away from the planthave shown significant amount of lead (517-2000ppm), copper (850-1770 ppm), cadmium (16-44ppm) and nickel (upto 241 ppm). Studies carriedout indicate extensive damage to the ground waterquality from effluents of electroplating wastes. Highconcentrations of cyanide (2 mg/L), hexagonalchromium (12.8 mg/L) have been observed inground water of Ludhiana, Punjab; chromium of2mg/L in ground water of Varanasi, 21 mg/L inKanpur, U.P. have also been observed to be present.It is also reported that 80 μg of arsenic and 40 μgof lead per 100 ml of blood cause poisoning inadult and children (brain damage) respectively,small increase in mercury level can damage toaquatic life, i.e., plants (algae), and animals (fish)of which mucous secretions of gills are precipitatedresulting the arrest of interlamellar spaces and themovement of gill filaments thereby preventingrespiration and also metabolic upset in some organs.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



Lead as a toxicologically relevant element hasbeen brought into the environment by man inextreme amount, despite its low geochemicalmobility and has been distributed worldwide. Leadamounts in deep ocean water is about 0.01-0.02μg/L, but in surface ocean water is about 0.3 μg/L.Lead still has a number of important uses in thepresent day; from sheets for roofing to screens forX-rays and radioactive emissions. Like many othercontaminants, lead is ubiquitous and can be foundoccurring as metallic lead, inorganic ions and salts.It is principally derived from coal and oil.

Food is one of the major sources of leadexposure; the others are air (mainly lead dustoriginating from petrol) and drinking water. Plantfood may be contaminated with lead through itsuptake from ambient air and soil; animals may theningest the lead contaminated vegetation. In humans,lead ingestion may arise from eating leadcontaminated vegetation or animal foods. Anothersource of ingestion is through the use of lead-containing vessels or lead-based pottery glazes.The WHO provisional guideline of 0.01 mg/L hasbeen adopted as the standard for drinking water(WHO, 2004 a).

The toxicity of lead and its compounds are wellknown and extremely documented. Exposure ofman and animals to lead toxicity from theenvironment, food, water and inhalation of cigarettesmoking is increasing. Lead is a cumulative poisonthat causes both chronic & acute intoxication.Chronic exposure to Pb cause its deposition andimmobilization in the bone, from where lead canbe mobilized following metabolic disturbances.

The G.I. absorption of Pb is increased by lowdietary Ca and high dietary vitamin D. Theabsorption of inhaled Pb salts is rapid and complete.Pb permeates the placental barrier; Pb toxicity isrelated to the levels of diffusible Pb and its contentof soft tissues, not to the content of Pb.

Acute Pb toxicity symptoms in man are lassitude,vomiting, headache, loss of appetite, loss of memory,uncoordinated body movements, encephalopathy,convulsion, stupor and coma. The other symptomstake a long time to appear as chronic toxicity. Theyare renal malfunction, anemia, brain and liverdamage, joint pain, cancer, hyperactivity and generalpsychologic impairment. Lead toxicity inexperimental animals includes reduced growth andlongevity, impaired renal and reproductive function,splenomegaly, damage to hemo-poietic, central andperipheral nervous system, premature loss of teethand reduced immune capacity. The detrimentaleffects in hemopoietic system are abnormal andfragile RBC, impairment in hemoglobin formationby the inhibition of the enzyme delta-ALAD inRBC by lead toxicity. Acute symptom occurs at theblood level of 100–200 µg/dl in adults and80 –100 µg/dl in children. Chronic symptoms occurat blood level of 50–80 µg/dl.

Signs of chronic lead toxicity appears in adultsare tiredness, sleeplessness, irritability, headache,gastrointestinal symptoms etc. The only clinicallywell-defined symptom associated with the inhibitionof haem biosynthesis is anaemia which occurs onlyat blood lead levels in excess of 40 μg/dl inchildren and 50 mg/dl in adults. The activity ofd-ALAD is a good predictor of exposure at bothenvironmental and industrial levels and inhibitionof its activity in children has been noted at a bloodlead level as low as 5μg/dl, however, no adversehealth effects are associated with its inhibition atthis level. Gonadal dysfunction in man, includingdepressed sperm count has been associated withblood lead levels of 40-50 μg/dl. Reproductivedamage may also occurs in female occupationallyexposed to lead. A study on 700 smelter workers(mean blood level 79.7 μg/L) and battery factoryworkers (mean blood level 62.7 μg/L) indicated anexcess of death from cancer of the digestive andrespiratory systems.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



Cadmium is naturally present in the environment:in air, soils, sediments and even in unpolluted seawater. Cadmium is emitted to air by mines, metalsmelters and industries using cadmium compoundsfor alloys, batteries, pigments and in plastics. Thismetal toxicity causes reproductive and hepaticdamage, pulmonary disorder, hypertension, anemiaand even prostrate cancer. This toxic heavy metalcauses hazards to marine ecosystem.


This toxicity occurs from metal welder, zinccontaining pesticides etc. Acute and chronic dosesof zinc salt can also cause hematological disorderlike reduction in RBC and WBC number, Hb contentand it can also diminish protein and nucleic acidcontent of liver, kidney and spleen in experimentalanimal after accumulation of that metal. Zincpollution happens kidney problems, pain in leg,fever, vomiting and renal dysfunction, diarrhoea,pancreatitis and pulmonary fibrosis.


Copper is an another toxic heavy metal whichalso affects blood parameters and tissue proteinsand nucleic acids. Copper pollution causes mentaldisease, coma, anemia, pathological changes inbrain tissues, liver and kidney damage, stomachirritation in human being. Copper toxicity can bedispersed from copper pickling and plating, cablefactory etc. Acute and chronic treatment withacetate salt of copper (5, 10 and 20 × 10–9 mol/g)cause significant deduction in RBC number, Hbcontent and PCV. But plasma protein is only reducedwith low concentration (5 × 10–9 mol/g) and highconcentration of copper (20 × 10–9 mol/g) in ateleost, magur fish. Low, medium and highconcentration of copper also diminish protein, RNAand DNA of liver, kidney and spleen of magur fish.Copper exposure suppresses specific antibodyresponses and increases evidence of the fish disease.It has been studied with different concentrations ofcopper as CuSO4 (0.5 and 2.0 ppm). Low dose of

copper (0.5 ppm) induce mild oxidative stress withconcomitant elevation of GSH (glutathione) andASA (ascorbic acid) content as antioxidants muscle,kidney, liver, gills of widely consumed freshwaterRohu fish. High concentration of copper (2 ppm)leads to severe oxidative stress manifested in theform of LPX and morphoanatomical alteration.


Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metalsin the environment. Man released mercury into theenvironment by the actions of the agricultureindustry, by pharmaceuticals, as pulp and paperpreservatives, catalysts in organic syntheses, inthermometers and batteries, in amalgams and inchlorine and caustic soda production. Exposure tohigh levels of metallic, inorganic, or organic mercurycan permanently damage the brain, kidneys, anddeveloping fetus. Low and high concentration ofmercuric chloride (2 mg/kg body weight and 4 mg/kg body weight respectively) alter the testicularenzyme activity by decreasing several ATPase andby increasing acid and alkali phosphatase in adultalbino rats. A single injection of all the concentrationof mercuric acetate (5, 10 and 20 × 10–9 mole/g)cause reduction in red blood cell number,hemoglobin content, protein and nucleic acid contentof liver, kidney and spleen of magur fish (Clariasbatrachus L).

A glaring and fatal example of marine pollutionthrough heavy metals was recorded among theresidence on the shores of Minamata Bay in 1953and Niigata Islands in 1965 both in Japan. Bothhuman beings and mammals of this region wereserious affected. Methylmercury chloride wasidentified as the causal toxin, as a byproduct of themanufacture of polyvinyl chloride resin, octanoland dioctol thalate with acetaldehyde as the initialmaterial. Both mercury and methylmercuryaccumulation occurred in marine organism.

The most noted mercury poisoning was theoutbreak of “Minamata Disease” in Japanese personsdue to consumption of fish as food from thecontaminated water. This metal causes headache,

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diarrhea, blood malfunctioning, defective visions,mental retardation etc.

Permissible limits of certain heavy metals inhuman beings are: Ni -0.2ppm, Pb-01 ppm, As-0.1ppm, Cd-0.003 ppm, Cr-0.05 ppm, Cu-2.0 ppm,Zn-<5.00 ppm, Hg-0.001 ppm.


Heavy metals have been proved to be toxic toboth human and environment health. Owing totheir toxicity and their possible bioaccumulation,these compounds should be subject to mandatorymonitoring. Several suitable separation and detectionmethods are available for laboratories engaged dailyin routine analysis of a large number of biologicalor environmental samples. Governments shouldpromote harmonized data collection, research,legislation and regulations, and consider the use ofindicators.

Some recommendations of the sectionalcommittee of the section of Environmental Sciencesemanating from the 98th Indian Science Congressorganized by ISCA held in January, 2012 hadalready been taken in respect of control ofenvironmental pollution and also sustenance of theenvironmental management.

It may be concluded that a holistic approach isessential for the abatement of environmentalpollution. So, it is very necessary to control andreduce this pollution as much as possible so that allthe living beings would become healthy in harmlessenvironment by which our human society would bebenefited much with their safe life and good health.


1. T.D. Lucky and B.S. Venugopal, Metaltoxicity in Mammals Vol 1, 1977, 1 – 149,Plenum Press, New York and London.

2. A. Singh, Every. Sc. XLVII No.5, 285-288,December, 2012 - January 2013.

3. S. Morais, F. G. Costa, M. L. Pereira,Environment Health-Emerging Issues andPractice, 2012, 227-240, In Tech, Europe.

4. R. D. Gupta, Environmental Pollution:Hazards and control, 2006, 107-109,Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

5. P.K. Ray, Symposium on Metals,Environment and Safety, 71st Ind. Sc. Cons.1-12, 1984.

6. V Ramalingam and R Arunadevy, Poll. Res.18, 4, 441-444, 1999.

7. A Panigrahi, A. K. Dasmahapatra, A.K.Medda, XVI th Ann. Conf. PSI, W.B., 2004.

8. J. Ahmad and R.K. Gautam, Proceedings of93rd Ind. Sc. Cong., Part –III, Sec II, 9,2006.

9. M.A.A. Metwally and I.M. Fouad, Glob.Veterin. 2, 637-639, 2008.

10. A. Panigrahi, Environmental Pollution: InAquatic Life: Problem and Prevention, 2012,15-17, 22, 34-38, 225-228, 251, EkushSatak, Calcutta.

11. R. D. Gupta, Environment and People, 7,4, 10-12, 2000.

12. A. Panigrahi, A. K. Desmahapatra and A.K. Medda, SOT, 43rd Annual Meeting,Baltimore, USA, 100, 2004.

13. WHO, Sixty-first meeting, Rome, 10-19June, 2003, Joint FAO/WHO ExpertCommittee on food Additives, 2004 a.

14. E. O. Farombi, O.A. Adelowo and Y. R.Ajimoko, Int. J. Env. Res. Public Health, 4,2, 158-165, 2007.

15. D. K. Singha and A. D. Mukherjee, Fund.Env. Studies, Visva – Bharati Pub., 12,2000.

16. S. A. Abbasi and N. Abbasi, Water andWater Pollution, Enviro Media, Karad,Maharashtra 8-30, 1996.

17. I. J. Alinor and I. A. Obiji, Pak. J. Nutr., 9,81-84, 2010.

18. A. K. Sharma, Every. S.C. XLVIII No.2,93, June’ 13 – July 2013.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14



No Award


Dr. RajendraVice-Chancellor, Division of Molecular Biology,Department of Zoology, Sri Venkateswara UniversityTirupati, A.P.


No Award


(i) Prof. Upendra Nath DwivediDean, Faculty of Science & Professor ofBiochemistry, Lucknow University, Lucknow.

(ii) Dr. Arun NigavekarFormer Vice-Chancellor,University of Pune, Pune.


No Award


Dr. R. Laxman KarandikarDirector, Chennai Mathematics Institute,H1 Sipcot IT Park, Siruseri, Tamilnadu.


Prof. S. M. Paul KhuranaDirector, AIB, Amity University, Noida.


No Award


Dr. G. Satheesh ReddyDirector, Research Center Imarat,Vignyanakancha P. O., Hyderabad.


Prof. P. C. TrivediFormer Vice Chancellor, Deen Dayal UpadhyayaGorakhpur University, Gorakhpur (U.P.)


No Award


Dr. Sukumar Das AdhikariTata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.


Prof. Avijit BanerjiRetired Professor of ChemistryUniversity of Calcutta, Kolkata.


(i) Prof. S. P. SinghProfessor Emeritus,Dept. of Chemistry, Kurukshetra University.Kurukshetra.

(ii) Prof. Asim Kumar PalNational Fishereis University, Under. I.C.A.R.Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India,New Delhi.


No Award


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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14





Prof. Tanya DasDivision of Molecular Medicine,Bose Institute, Kolkata.


Dr. Mrutyunjay SuarDepartment of Biotechnology,KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.


No Award


Prof. Prabir Kumar GhoshDirector, Indian Grassland and FodderResearch Institute, Jhansi.


Dr. Satish Chandra Verma5452/1, CAT-2, M.H.C. Manimajra,Chandigarh.


Dr. Paramvir Singh AhujaDirector, CSIR—Institute of HimalayanBio resource Technology, Post Box-6, PalampurH.P.


Dr. Subodh Kumar JainDepartment of Zoology,

Dr. H. S. Gaur University, Sagar.


No Award


No Award


Dr. Vikas Kumar DubeyAssociate Professor,Department of Biotechnology,Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Assam.


Dr. Soumen HajraDepartment of Chemistry, IIT, Kharagpur.


Dr. Narottam SahooSenior Scientist, Gujarat Council of Science City,Science City Road, Ahmedabad.


Prof. G. S. RoonwalInter University Accelerator Center,Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi.


Dr. Mahua Gupta ChoudhuryDBT Bio-CARE Women Scientist,Biochemical Adaptation Laboratory,Department of Zoology.North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.


Dr. Soumen GhoshAssistant Professor,Department of ChemistryJadavpur University, Kolkata.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


1. Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Kutubuddin Ali MollaPlant Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyLaboratory, Department of Botany,University of Calcutta, 35,Ballygunge Circular RoadKolkata - 700019

2. Animal, Veterinary & Fishery Sciences No Award

3. Anthropological and Behavioural Sciences Prerna Bhasin(including Archaeology, Psychology, Obesity Research Unit, PhysiologicalEducation and Military Sciences) Anthropology Laboratory,

Department of Anthropology,University of Delhi,Delhi - 110007

4. Chemical Sciences No Award

5. Earth System Sciences Rimjhim Bhatnagar SinghSpace Applications Centre, ISROAhmedabad – 15

6. Engineering Sciences No Award

7. Environmental Sciences Divya PandeyDepartment of Botany,Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi – 221005

8. Information and Communication Science & Malay BhattacharyyaTechnology (including Computer Sciences) Department of C.S.E.,

University of Kalyani,Nadia - 741235

9. Materials Science Rohit R. ShahiDepartment of Physics,Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi – 221005

10. Mathematical Sciences R. Vishnu Vardhan(including Statistics) Department of Statistics,

Pondicherry University,R. V. Nagar, Kalapet,Puducherry - 605014

Sl. Name of Section Name of AwardeesNo


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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


11. Medical Sciences (including Physiology) Binapani MahalingDepartment of BSBE,IIT Kanpur, Kanpur

12. New Biology (including Biochemistry, Vishal Acharya,Biophysics & Molecular Biology and CSIR–IHBT,Biotechnology) Palampur–176061, H.P.

13. Physical Sciences Mohit Kumar SharmaSchool of Studies in Physics,Jiwaji University,Gwalior - 474011

13. Plant Sciences No Award

Sl. Name of Section Name of AwardeesNo


1. Manya Sharma : Sainik School, Rewa–486001

2. Pranshu Nigam : Seth Anand Ram Jaipuria School, Kanpur

3. Parul Uppal : Presentation Convent Sr. Secondary School,Gandhinagar, Jammu

4. Harshita Agarwal : Seth Anand Ram Jaipuria School, Kanpur

5. Bhavya Padha : Delhi Public School, Jammu

6. V. Manaswini : Montessori High School MahabubabadWarangal, A.P.

7. Farheena Naaz : Riverian Public School, Brahamanwal Majra,Dehradun

8. Neetu : Riverian Public School, Brahamanwala Majra,


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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


1. Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Rajendra LakpaleIndira Gandhi Krishi VishwavidyalayaRaipur

2. Animal, Veterinary & Fishery Sciences No Award

3. Anthropological and Behavioural Sciences 1. Vijeta Choudhary(including Archaeology, Psychology & University of Delhi, DelhiEducation and Military Sciences)

2. Gaurav K. RaiBanaras Hindu University, Varanasi

4. Chemical Sciences 1. Dibakar Chandra DekaGauhati University, Guwahati

2. Shah Raj AliKumaun University, Nainital

5. Earth System Sciences No Award

6. Engineering Sciences No Award

7. Environmental Sciences No Award

8. Informtion and Communication Science & 1. Boopathy D.Technology & (including Computer Bharathiar University, CoimbatoreSciences)

9. Materials Science No Award

10. Mathematical Sciences 1. Rakesh K. Tripathi(including Statistics) Govt. Holkar Science College, Indore

2. Reena KumariIndian School of Mines, Dhanbad

11. Medical Sciences (including Physiology) 1. Susmita SilUniversity of Calcutta, Kolkata

12. New Biology (including Biochemistry, No AwardBiophysics & Molecular Biology andBiotechnology)

13. Physical Sciences 1. Anand Kumar SrivastavaBirla Institute of Technology, MesraJaipur Campus, Jaipur

14. Plant Sciences 1. Geeta SharmaUniversity of Jammu, Jammu

2. Anuja KoulSri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra

Sl. Name of Section Name of AwardeesNo


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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14




The Centre for Soft Matter Research renamedas “Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences”with effect from 1 April 2014 is an autonomousinstitution under the administrative control of theDepartment of Science and Technology (DST),Ministry of Science and Technology. DST has beenproviding core support to the Centre in the form ofa grant-in-aid for conducting basic and appliedresearch in liquid crystals and related areas. TheCentre is governed by a Council constituted by theDepartment of Science and Technology (DST),Ministry of Science and Technology. Governmentof India.

Over the years, liquid crystal research hastransformed into a truly interdisciplinary area.Traditionally the emphasis in the subject was onthermotropic liquid crystals in which physics,chemistry and engineering each played a majorrole. In recent times, the trend is towards lyotropicliquid crystals many of which mimic some biological

systems. In coming years the Centre plans to givea major thrust to these inter disciplinary areas(including biology) under the umbrella of SoftMatter.


Centre of Liquid Crystal Research (CLCR) wasestablished in 1991 by Prof. S. Chandrasekhar,FRS after his retirement from the Raman ResearchInstitute, Bangalore in the year 1990. CLCR wasregistered as a scientific society in Karnataka withthe objectives :

● To build a centre of excellence which willhave a focus on basic science, and wouldalso develop a bias towards technology,keeping in line with the international trendson liquid crystals materials and devices. Inaddition to basic research on the physicalproperties of the liquid crystals, the Centrewill undertake projects on the application ofliquid crystals.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


● To undertake, carry on, develop and/orpromote in every possible and conceivablemanner advanced research in the field ofliquid crystals and to contribute to theadvancement of scientific knowledge in thesesubjects.

● To undertake and develop techniques forinventing or discovering new products,processes in the field of liquid crystals forthe benefit of mankind in general and Indiain particular.

In the beginning, it was funded by an ad-hocgrant from the Department of Science andTechnology, Govenment of India and from thefunds made available by the Raman ResearchInstitute Trust. The Centre was taken over in 1995by the Govt. of India, and converted to anautonomous institution under the Department ofInformation Technology. In the year 2003, theCentre came under the administrative control of theDepartment of Science and Technology, Ministryof Science and Technology, Govenment of India.

Today, the centre is equipped with state-of-the-art equipments and facilities which are on par withthe best of such facilities in this area, anywhere inthe world and has carried out research on a varietyof topics including synthesis and characterizationof a host of liquid crystal materials. It has beenactive in both the basic and applied aspects ofresearch on liquid crystals, a prominent softcondensed matter. The Centre has actively providedR&D support to BEL in its LCD manufacturingactivity. BEL has been its industrial partner in amajor initiative by the Council of Scientific andIndustrial Research (CSIR) for new and fast LCDs.Recently CLCR has signed an MoU with M/s.Vision Multimedia Technology Ltd. (VMTL), Japanin connection with transfer of technology of adevice invented in its laboratory.



Physics of Liquid Crystals and other SoftCondensed Matter

Photo-induced phase transitionsX-ray diffraction studiesHigh Pressure studiesDielectric studiesViscoelastic propertiesElectric and Magnetic field effectsThin filmsSurfaces sciencesInterfacial phenomena


Synthetic Organic Chemistry of Liquid CrystalmaterialsCalamitiesDiscoticsBent-coreDimersOligomersPolymers


Polarizing and laser scanning confocalmicroscopesX-ray diffractometers with image-plate and solidstate detectorsGoniometer-based display measuring systemFTIR and UV/VIS spectrometersCD polarimeterFluorimeterImpedance and high-resolution gain phaseanalysersSaphire-cell high pressure apparatusHigh-field electromagnetDifferential Scanning CalorimeterMass spectrometerSQUID magnetometerElemental analyzerRheometer

Contact :The DirectorCentre for Nano and Soft Matter SciencesP.B.No. 1329, Jalahalli, Bangalore-560 013,Ph : 91-80-2308 4200, Fax : 91-80-28382044E-mail : [email protected], Website :

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


Conferences / Meetings / Symposia / Seminars

Tropical Ecology Congress-2014, 10th to 12th December 2014, New Delhi, India

Topics :

● Tropics and Climate change : impacts, mitigation and adaptations

● Tropical Biodiversity and ecosystem services

● Hill and mountain ecosystems in tropics

● Forest and Grassland Ecosystems

● Limnology

● Coastal and marine ecosystems

● Biotic interactions and biological Invasion

● Traditional socio-ecological systems, indigenous knowledge and adaptive management

● Socio-ecological issues in north-eastern region of India

● Tropical soils, agricultural systems and forest-agriculture linkages

● Food security and bio-prospecting

● Hydrology in terrestrial ecosystem and climate change

● Biogeochemistry

● Landscape approach to ecosystem management

● Management of degraded ecosystems

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 30th August 2014

Contact : Dr. SC Garkoti, Congress Convener, TEC 2014, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal

Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India. Phone no : +91 11 26704015, Email : [email protected]

Website :

3rd International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and InformationTechnology (C3IT-2015), 7th to 8th February 2015, Academy of Technology, Hooghly,West Bengal, India

Topics :

● Computer : Artificial Intelligence, Soft computing, Computer Graphics, Data Warehousing & Mining,

Distributed Computing, System Security, Virtual Reality, Cloud Computing, Service Oriented

Architecture, VLSI and embedded Systems, Cryptography.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


● Communication : Information Theory, Coding Theory, Mobile, Wireless and Broadband

Communications, Optical Communications, RF and Microwave Communications, Antennas and

Propagation, Satellite Communications, Green Communications.

● Control : Linear & Nonlinear Control, Process Control & Instrumentation, Drives & Controls,

Intelligent Control, Industrial Automation, Controls in Aerospace, Robotics, Sliding Mode Control and

related topics.

● Information Technology : Next Generation Networks, Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, Multimedia,

Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Vehicular Networks, Information Security, Networks and

Services Management, Performance Analysis, Image, Video and Signal Processing, Knowledge

management, Game and Software Engineering.

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 31st August 2014.

Contact : Convener– Academy of Technology– Aedconagar, Hooghly - 712121 West Bengal, India.

+91 9432926197, Mob : + 919143229105, Mob : +91 9830312660, E-mail : [email protected]

Website :

Page 45: Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — …. R. L. Bharadwaj (Agra) Prof. Rajneesh Dutt Kaushik (Haridwar) Prof. Amarendra Kumar Sinha (Jaipur) Dr. Mohan Khedkar (Amravati)

Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14




Scientists have taken a key step toward usingfusion, the process that powers the Sun, to produceenergy, according to a report Feb. 13 in theresearch journal Nature.

Fusion energy is envisioned as a way toproduce virtually unlimited power to supply theEarth’s needs, but no one has succeeded indevising a fusion process that gives out moreenergy than it takes in.

Physicists at Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory in California said they succeeded in atleast releasing more energy through a fusionreaction than is absorbed by the fuel that triggersthe reaction.

But that energy is still only about a hundredthof the total energy needed to set up the process inthe first place, they said, most of which goes intocompressing a fuel pellet where fusion takes place.

“The next necessary step would be to achieve atotal gain, where energy entering the whole systemis exceeded by the energy produced,” theresearchers said in a statement. Nonetheless, “weare closer than anyone has ever gotten” toobtaining fusion as a viable energy source, saidOmar Hurricane, a researcher at the laboratory andone of the authors of the report.

The whole process took place in a space lesswide than a human hair and in only the tiniestfraction of a second—150 picoseconds, to beexact.

Their process used inertial confinement fusion,which initiates nuclear fusion reactions by heatingfuel pellets until they implode, compressing thefuel. The fuel consists of deuterium and tritium—isotopes, or variant forms, of hydrogen. When

squeezed together, they merge creating a heliumnucleus, and releasing energy along with aneutron, or subatomic particle.

The confinement squeezes the atoms of fuel “toget them running toward each other at highvelocity, which overcomes their mutual electricalrepulsion,” said Hurricane.

The scientists said they used 192 lasers to heatand compress a small pellet of fuel to the pointwhere the fusion reactions take place.

What made the process successful was that thescientists managed to initiate a process called“bootstrapping,” a sort of vicious cycle, Hurricanesaid. In this, “the alpha particles [helium nuclei]that come out of that reaction start leaving energybehind and causing the temperature to go up”within the tiny chamber. “When the temperaturegoes up, the reaction rate goes up, and when thereaction rate goes up, you make more alphaparticles.”


NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has recordedthe never-before-seen break-up of an asteroid intoas many as 10 smaller pieces, astronomers report.

Fragile comets, comprised of ice and dust, havebeen seen falling apart as they near the sun, butnothing like this has ever before been observed inthe asteroid belt.

“This is a rock, and seeing it fall apart beforeour eyes is pretty amazing,” said David Jewitt ofthe University of California at Los Angeles, wholed the astronomical forensics investigation.

The crumbling asteroid, designated P/2013 R3,was first noticed as an unusual, fuzzy-lookingobject by the Catalina and Pan STARRS skysurveys on Sept. 15.

A follow-up observation on October 1 with theW. M. Keck Observatory on the summit of Mauna

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


Kea, a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii,revealed three bodies moving together in anenvelope of dust nearly the diameter of Earth.

“The Keck Observatory showed us this thingwas worth looking at with Hubble,” Jewitt said.“With its superior resolution, space telescopeobservations soon showed there were really 10embedded objects, each with comet-like dust tails.The four largest rocky fragments are up to 400yards in diameter, about four times the length of afootball field.”

Hubble data showed the fragments driftingaway from each other at a leisurely one mile perhour, like a slowly walking person. The asteroidbegan coming apart early last year, but new piecescontinue to reveal themselves, as the newestimages show.

It’s unlikely the asteroid is disintegratingbecause of a collision with another asteroid, whichwould have been instantaneous and violent,researchers said. Nor is the asteroid comingunglued due to the pressure of interior iceswarming and vaporizing.

This leaves a scenario, astronomers said, inwhich it is disintegrating due to a subtle effect ofsunlight, which causes the asteroid’s spin rate togradually increase so that its pieces gently pullapart. The possibility of disruption in this mannerhas been discussed by scientists for several years,but never reliably observed.

For this scenario to occur, the asteroid musthave a weak, fractured interior—probably as theresult of previous collisions, the scientists added.Most small asteroids are thought to have beendamaged in this way.

With the previous discovery of an activeasteroid spouting six tails, named P/2013 P5,astronomers are finding more evidence thepressure of sunlight may be the primary forcecausing the disintegration of small asteroids—lessthan a mile across—in our solar system.

The asteroid’s remnant debris, weighing about200,000 tons, will in the future provide a richsource of meteoroids. Most will eventually plungeinto the sun, but a small fraction of the debris mayone day blaze across our skies as meteors, theresearchers said.


Europeans have evolved lighter skin, eyes andhair in past 5,000 years, a new study finds.

The skin changes may be a result of the body’sneed to produce more Vitamin D in lower-sunlightareas, although the other changes are harder toexplain, scientists said.

Anthropologists at Johannes GutenbergUniversity Mainz in Germany and geneticists atUniversity College London, working witharchaeologists from Berlin and Kiev, reached theconclusions based on analysis of ancient DNAfrom skeletons.

The findings, published this week in the journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,suggest the changes weren’t random, but were theresult of natural selection—natural pressures thatdrive evolution, possibly including matingpreferences.

The scientists compared the old DNA data withthat of contemporary Europeans using computersimulations. Where the genetic changes could notbe explained by the randomness of inheritance, theresearchers inferred that selection played a role.

While investigating many genetic “markers” inarchaeological and living individuals, SandraWilde of Mainz University said she noticedstriking differences in genes associated with hair,skin, and eye pigmentation.

“All our early ancestors were more darklypigmented,” Wilde said. “The darker phenotype[appearance] seems to have been preferred by

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


evolution over hundreds of thousands of years,”she added, but things must have changed in thelast 50,000 years as humans began to migratenorthward.

“In Europe we find a particularly wide range ofgenetic variation in terms of pigmentation,” addedco-author Karola Kirsanow, also at MainzUniversity. “However, we did not expect to findthat natural selection had been favoring lighterpigmentation over the past few thousand years.”

The signals of selection the scientists identifiedare, they said, among the most pronounced thathave been discovered to date in the humangenome.

“Perhaps the most obvious [explanation] is thatthis is the result of adaptation to the reduced levelof sunlight in northern latitudes,” said co-researcher Mark Thomas of University CollegeLondon. “Most people of the world make most oftheir vitamin D in their skin as a result UVexposure. But at northern latitudes and with darkskin, this would have been less efficient. If peopleweren’t getting much vitamin D in their diet, thenhaving lighter skin may have been the best option.”

“But this vitamin D explanation seems lessconvincing when it comes to hair and eye color,”Wilde continued. “Instead, it may be that lighterhair and eye color functioned as a signal indicatinggroup affiliation, which in turn played a role in theselection of a partner.” Sexual selection of thiskind is common in animals and may also havebeen one of the driving forces behind humanevolution over the past few millennia.

“We were expecting to find that changes in thehuman genome were the result of populationdynamics, such as migration. In general we expectgenetic changes due to natural selection to be theexception rather than the rule. At the same time, itcannot be denied that lactase persistence, i.e., theability to digest the main sugar in milk as an adult,and pigmentation genes have been favored by

natural selection to a surprising degree over thelast 10,000 years or so,” added Joachim Burger atMainz, senior author of the study.

“But it should be kept in mind that our findingsdo not necessarily mean that everything selectedfor in the past is still beneficial today. Thecharacteristics handed down as a result of sexualselection can be more often explained as the resultof preference on the part of individuals or groupsrather than adaptation to the environment.”


Normally when you drop a glass on the floor itshatters. But in the future, thanks to a newtechnique, when the same thing happens the glassmight just bend and become slightly deformed.

Researcher François Barthelat and colleaguesat McGill University in Canada took inspirationfrom natural structures like seashells in order toboost the toughness of glass.

“Mollusk shells are made up of about 95 percent chalk, which is very brittle in its pure form,”said Barthelat. “But nacre, or mother-of-pearl,which coats the inner shells, is made up ofmicroscopic tablets that are a bit like miniatureLego building blocks,” he added. It’s “known to beextremely strong and tough, which is why peoplehave been studying its structure for the past 20years.”

Previous attempts to create nacre-like structureshave run into difficulties, Barthelat said. “Imaginetrying to build a Lego wall with microscopicbuilding blocks. It’s not the easiest thing in theworld.”

Instead, he and his team studied internal ‘weak’boundaries or edges found in materials like nacre,then used lasers to engrave networks of micro-cracks in glass slides to create similar weakboundaries. Perhaps surprisingly, these toughen theglass by absorbing energy from an impact.

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


The scientists said they were able to increasethe toughness of glass slides (the kind of glassrectangles that get put under microscopes) by 200times. By engraving networks of micro-cracks inconfigurations of wavy lines in shapes similar tothe wavy edges of pieces in a jigsaw puzzle in thesurface of the glass, they were able to stop thecracks from propagating and becoming larger.

They then filled these micro-cracks withpolyurethane, although according to Barthelat, thissecond process is not essential since the patternsof micro-cracks in themselves are sufficient to stopthe glass from shattering.

The researchers worked with glass slidessimply because they were accessible, but Barthelat

believes that the process will be very easy to scaleup to any size of glass sheet, since people arealready engraving logos and patterns on glasspanels.

“What we know now is that we can toughenglass, or other materials, by using patterns ofmicro-cracks to guide larger cracks, and in theprocess absorb the energy from an impact,” saidBarthelat. “We chose to work with glass becausewe wanted to work with the archetypal brittlematerial. But we plan to go on to work withceramics and polymers in future.”

The findings were published Jan. 28 in thejournal Nature Communications.

(Courtesy of World Science)

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Everyman’s Science Vol. XLVIII No. 6, Feb ’14 — Mar ’14


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