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11/11/2014 1 Everett McKay Principal UXDesignEdge Who is this guy? I’m Principal of UX Design Edge (in Vermont) I offer UI design training and consulting services, primarily to software teams that don’t have sufficient design talent Previously was a Windows PM at Microsoft, where I wrote the Windows UX Guidelines Didn’t work on Windows 8 Before that, was a developer of Windows and Mac Uis Recently wrote UI is Communication, which is targeted at non-designers Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge So, yes, I am a programmer!! Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge What I will cover today “The Revelation”—a personal story What I mean by “designing like a programmer” Three solutions Scenario-based design Communication-based design Inductive UI for intuitive task flows Improving your design culture Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge My top goal for today To fundamentally change how you think about UI design Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Everett McKay: Dont design like a programmer

Jul 13, 2015



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Everett McKay Principal UXDesignEdge

Who is this guy?

• I’m Principal of UX Design Edge (in Vermont)

• I offer UI design training and consulting services,

primarily to software teams that don’t have

sufficient design talent

• Previously was a Windows PM at Microsoft, where

I wrote the Windows UX Guidelines

• Didn’t work on Windows 8

• Before that, was a developer of Windows and Mac


• Recently wrote UI is Communication, which is

targeted at non-designers

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

So, yes, I am a programmer!!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

What I will cover today

• “The Revelation”—a personal story

• What I mean by “designing like a


• Three solutions

• Scenario-based design

• Communication-based design

• Inductive UI for intuitive task flows

• Improving your design culture

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

My top goal for today

• To fundamentally change how you think

about UI design

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

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“I don’t

want to

copy over all

that crap!”

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The revelation

We were focused on the mechanics!

The user was focused on his goals!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

The revelation, part 2

For true user-centered design,

designers and users must be

focused on the same thing!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

The revelation, part 3

There is a significant difference

between thinking about users and

thinking like users

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

“We need a

wizard to

copy files &

settings to a

new PC.”

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“What am I

supposed to

do here?”

“What does

this page


“What am I

supposed to

do here?

“Am I even

in the right


“What does

this label


“Is this

going to

meet my

needs? Do I

trust it?”

“Is this

really going

to do what I


“Why is this

button red?

Did I do



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Users aren’t stupid

• …so we don’t need “dumbed down” UI

• Rather, they are busy, focused on their work

• Unlike us, they have fundamental questions

and challenges that we take for granted

• Unlike us, they don’t know how our UIs work

• And don’t really want to know

• They do know how to click on stuff!!

None of the previous UI changes addressed

any of the fundamental questions! Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

The biggest mistake I see:

• Assuming that sophisticated software for

sophisticated tasks should require training

and documentation

• Not just anybody can do Finite Element


• True, but your users should be able to figure

out what the Done button does without

training or reading a manual

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Users won’t proceed in a task

until they are confident!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

The classic programmer design mistakes

• Designing for yourself (works for me!)

• Focusing on technology and features, not users and

their goals

• Thinking that solving problem mechanically is good

enough (problem, solution, done!)

• Exposing raw data structures instead of something

meaningful to users

• Having unintuitive, non-standard interaction, icons

• Having unnecessary complexity, overwhelming UIs

• Not making self-explanatory UIs (RTFM!)

• Designing by copy (or committee)

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Don’t play UI Tetris

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Why do we do this?

• It’s easier to develop

• We aren’t aware that there are better


• We don’t notice the usability problems

As programmers, we don’t create bad

designs intentionally…we just don’t know


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What can we do about it?

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge. All rights reserved.

The most useful tools here

• Scenario-based design

• Effective human communication

• Intuitive task flows

• Improving our design culture

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Scenario-based design

Scenarios help you make design

decisions from the target user’s

point of view

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A scenario

A specific target user trying to

achieve a specific goal or task

in a specific environment Scenario = user + goal/task + environment

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Don’t be random!

Random people doing random

things for random reasons in

random contexts This leads to random design decisions!

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Feature-based design

We need a file and settings

transfer wizard

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Task-based design

Transfer files and settings from

old PC to new PC

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

User story-based design

As a user, I need to transfer

files and settings from my old

PC to my new PC

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Scenario-based design?

Joe just bought a new PC. He

discovered the FAST wizard, which

enables him to copy files and settings

from his old PC to his new one. Joe is


Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

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Scenario-based design, Part 1

Joe just bought a new PC. While he was

thrilled with his old PC when he first

bought it, its performance has degraded

over time. He isn’t entirely sure why—

perhaps it just has too much junk

installed, or perhaps it has viruses and

malware. Regardless, Joe has decided to


Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Scenario-based design, Part 2

Joe would like to copy the files and

settings from his old PC that he still uses

and leave all the other stuff behind. He

knows the programs and documents that

he uses frequently from memory, he can

recognize files he uses occasionally, but

isn’t too sure about the rest. He doesn’t

know the specific file names and locations.

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

What does this scenario tell you?

• Joe doesn’t want to transfer

everything—just what he still uses and

cares about

• He doesn’t want files or settings—he

wants both

• He doesn’t know specifically what to


• His PC might have malware!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Context is essential to good scenarios!

• The old PC’s files and settings

aren’t all wanted!

• The old PC might be infected!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

New requirements

• Tool must assist users in

selecting files and settings to


• Tool must scan everything

transferred for security and


• Tool must not infect new PC! Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Without scenarios, we are

doomed to thinking about

features and technology, and

solving problems mechanically!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

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Some insights

• User-centered design isn’t happy

talk—this is real!

• It requires us to understand

users and their goals

• Offering a pile of features based

on arbitrary requirements isn’t a

good substitute

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Scenarios vs. use cases and user stories

• User stories capture a user’s goal or task as part of

his or her role in using a product, using this


• As a <user role>, I want to <do something

supported by the program> so that I <can

achieve something of value>

• Use cases

• A detailed analysis of a solution-specific


• Both better for development more than design

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Good scenarios are:

• Raw (rather than analyzed, like user stories)

• Complete (rather than partial, like user stories)

• User centered (rather than solution centered, like

use cases)

• Solution independent (rather than solution

specific, like use cases)

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Wait a minute—you’ve gone

and changed the product!

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A UI isn’t a thin veneer

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

“Design is not

just what it looks

like and feels

like. Design is

how it works.”

Steve Jobs

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge. All rights reserved.

The user experience needs to drive

It’s UX features, technology

Not features, technology UX

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

“I need a

tool to securely

transfer the

settings for the

programs I use

and the files I

care about.”

“I need a

wizard to infect

my brand new

PC with viruses,

malware, and


Scenarios summary

• Help us see the design problem

from the user’s point of view

• Focused on user goals—which

isn’t to do the task mechanically

• Challenge the design to make it


• (It’s not just happy talk!) Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

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Short break (15 minutes)

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge. All rights reserved.

My expectations

• Their initial UI design won’t be

very good

• Their explanation to us will be


• What is surprising: that the two

are so different!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Why does this happen?

• When we communicate in person, we’re

totally focused on the user’s goals:

What does the user care about now?

• When we communicate through UI, we

are focused on the technology and

details: What does the program need


Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Effective human communication

• A UI is ultimately about

communicating tasks to users

• Intuitive, user-centered UIs

communicate well

• A good UI feels like a natural,

friendly conversation

• We should have the same approach

and standards! Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

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Imagine a conversation between friends

• Suppose you are looking over a user’s shoulder

and he or she asks, “What do I do here?” Think

about the explanation you would give—the steps,

their order, the language you’d use, and the way

you explain things. Also think about what you

wouldn’t say

• This is a high-level guide to design and evaluate

task flows

• Look for discrepancies—they reveal problems

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Bottom line

• We think UX design is difficult

because it is a subjective,

personal art

• Communication-based design

makes it an objective, principled

form of human communication!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Inductive UI

• An inductive UI is designed to be

self-explanatory to lead users

through the task steps

• Goal: To eliminate thought,

experimentation, documentation,

training at the task level

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

A clear sign your UI isn’t intuitive

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

An intuitive UI shouldn’t need a manual or training

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A “deductive” UI example An “inductive” UI example

Elements of inductivity

• A clear main instruction that

explains the purpose of a


• Page content that is related

to the main instruction

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

To be clear

• The main instruction is a

design tool

• We don’t have to have the

instruction on the page

unless we need it

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

The goals of inductivity

• To eliminate thought, experimentation,

documentation and training

• Not to have a lot of text!

• To answer the first question everyone

has: what am I supposed to do here?

• To give pages integrity

• And avoid playing UI Tetris

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

What are you supposed to do here?

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Can you see the data structures?

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

This is designing like a programmer!

What are you supposed to do here?

What are you supposed to do here? What are you supposed to do here?

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would use the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I knew the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.”

Albert Einstein

My new book!

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Good UX to Great UX

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Bottom line for business

• Great design sells!

• Bad design costs!

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Mobile apps are setting the UX bar

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge. All rights reserved.

• Radical claim: Mobile apps are setting the UX quality bar and raising customer expectations

If I can get a $2 mobile app with a great UX, why doesn’t my $20K business app have a great UX?

RTFM doesn’t work anymore

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Users actually expect to figure out your UI

Some shocking facts

Many software development teams just

don’t care!

They are completely focused on

shipping features—on time

This “artsy” fussing over user details is

just an annoyance

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

This is a team culture


Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Every artifact an


creates is an

embodiment of its


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If you want a better user experience…

You need to make sure your team

culture will support it!

Why? Because you ship your culture!

Homework: Does your team’s design

culture match its aspirations?

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Don’t design like a programmer

• Don’t design for yourself

• Don’t let features and technology drive the

user experience

• It’s not enough to enable a task mechanically

• Don’t expose the raw internal data structures

• Don’t expose everything all at once

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Some solutions

• Scenario-based design is a great way to view

a task from the user’s point of view

• Intuitive, user centered designs communicate

well on a human level

• The inductive UI helps us design better, more

intuitive task flows

• You ship your culture! If you want to improve,

your team needs to value having a great UX

Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Everett’s Law of UI Design:

If a UI merely exposes the raw

technology to enable a task, it’s

probably not usable!

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Great products solve users’ goals

in a way that reflects how the

product is actually going to be


Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

If you remember only one thing:

Want to learn more?

Check my website

Contact me at [email protected]

Let’s connect on LinkedIn and Twitter


Subscribe to my blog Read the Don’t Design Like a Programmer


Copyright 2014 UX Design Edge

Have UX Design Essentials Workshop

at your company! Train your entire team, learn by doing with

customized to use your product in the


Canadian customers include ANSYS and


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Want to learn more?

“I hear and I forget.

I see and I remember.

I do a UX Design

Essentials Workshop

and I totally get it!”


Take UX Design Essentials! Will be holding a public class in Montreal

June 1 – 3, 2015

Check if you are interested!

Canadian customers include CAE, CGI, BMC,

HealthlinkBC, Spafax, Osram Sylvania, Quest


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Want to learn more?

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Questions? Swag Time!!

Thank you!