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Diplomatic Corps. Conditions in Europe have caused the diplomats stationed here to select theii summer homes and publicly announce the location much earlier in the season than usual. With the experience of the past two summers to guide them and the astuteness in abundance to be found in so diplomatic a diplomatic corps, the allies select one resort, while the central European powers take another. The lease is as good a? an exemption for other diplomats, and in fact serves as a "keep off," thus doing away with the embarrassing situations which beset society at the outbreak of the war. The North Shore and the vicinity of Boston again comes in for its share of patronage, and more than a half dozen of the most important powers will be located there. The French ambassador and Mme. Jusserand will follow their custom of remaining in Washington until late in the season, and if the grave features of war still obtain will make only short journeys out of Washington. There is never a question as to the location of the Brazilian summer embassy nowadays, for Mme. da Gama prefers her own beautiful place with its .. . SUnKen n'druciia. miiuui6 «..x. wonderful views, combined with the comforts of a real home, to selecting: a place at some more central resort. So she and the ambassador will again establish the embassy at Heron Hall, Bong Branch, X. J., where they will be near neighbors of the President and Mrs. Wilson when they take possession of their Jersey summer place. Truly the Brazilian flag never floated more proudly over a bit of American soil and claimed it for its own than over beautiful Heron Hall. The Russian ambassador and* Mme. Bakhmeteff have again taken Stone Villa, Newport, where they spent lasl summer, and will open the embassy there early in June. Mr. F. de Mohrenschlldt and Baron Renaud d'Ungern Sternberg, the two second secretaries of the embassy, have leased a cottage near the summer embassy. and will thus establish a delightful bachelor headquarters there in June. Mr. Constantine Onou. who succeeds Mr. Scherbatskoy. who was recently appointed Russian minister to BrazH. as counselor of the embassy.. will arrtve her# in time to enjoy at least part of the Newport season. Both Mr. $cherbatsHoy and Mr. Loris-Melikoff, who have been promoted to the rank of minister, will visit Russia befOr'e going " * hai r- pnanoctivp nnnts Rraiil and Siam. The British ambassador and Lady Spring-Rice have leased Rose cottage at Woods Hole, Mass., and Lady SpringRice and the children will go there next month to see the gardens blossom and enjoy the budding of spring, while the- ambassador will join them later on. Th^ Spanish ambassador and Mme. de Ttiarvo will again go to Newport for the summer, and have already made several trips to that resort to get the sra^cfens and residence in fit shape for theif residence there early in June. The Argentine ambassador and Mme. Naon have taken Windclyffe, the ^harming summer home of Mrs. Wil-' liam J. Boardman. at Manchester, and in that vicinity there will settle all the members of the embassy staff. The Italian ambassador and Countess Macchi di Cell^re have signed another lease on Pitch Pine Hall.. Beverly Farms. Mass.. which they occupied last s-asoii and another cottage or two has been leased for attaches. The Swedish minister and Mme. Ekensren will also join the North Shore colony of Washington diplomats' and society folk, having closed a lease on a roomy summer plaat Edgartown, Mass.. in and near which place they have a large number of relatives and a larger circle of friends. The Austro-Hungarian embassy will h* located at Pa<chogue, L. I., Baron £.wivain?K, xne counselor, naving leasee, neveral cottages there the past week. The minister of Siam and his family and legation staff will go to East Gloucester, where Siam floats her flag each summer over her own property. In fact. Siam is almost the only foreign government represented here which owns its summer home. The Japanese ambassador and Viscountess Chinda will probably takrouarters at Over-Look. Blue Ridge Summit. Pa., where they spent the last midsummer season. Most of the Latin American diplomats also take their summer homes along the Blue Ridge, and last year the Attorney General and Mrs. Gregory spent their summer vacation in the same vicinity. T1 * Chinese minister and Mrs. Wellington Koo will clos* their series of dinner parties this week, and after that Mrs. Koo will retire from society for th»» greater part of soveral months. Wedding Anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Steven* L. Cole, former!\ of this city, have sent out Invitations for the celebration of the tenth anniversary of their marriage, at their home, 3!20 Forest Hill avenue. Woodland Heights. Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Jones of Harvard street entertained Friday on the occasion of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. The rooms were decorated with palms and roses, and various colored ribbons. Refreshments were served, and during the evening a number of musical selections were enjoyed. The guests present, Included Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. % W. Stepp. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kress. Mr.-and Mrs. D. B. Graeff. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Gtovp, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Granger, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wissman. Mr. and Mrs. Woodyard, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Shambaugh, Mrs. Mary H. Longworth, Mrs. M. Carpenter, Mrs. E. T. Miller, Miss Marie E. Graeff, Mr. Herman Bredekamp. Mr. J. A. Lewis, Mr. "Robert Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. William Carlin. Miss Isabella Carlin and Mr. and Mrs. W-. Richter. Decimus Entertains. The Decimus gave an informal dance and supper Saturday, the 15th, at the Masonic Temple, Brookland. The chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace Nairn, and those present included Mr Morrisson Barr and Miss Eleanor Washington. Mr. Clay Holmes and Miss Dorothy Gooch, Mr. Joseph McPhaul and Miss Anna I/eesnitzer, Mr. C. Bennit Molster and Miss Jean Molster. Mr Geoffrey Nairn and Miss Helen Haas Mr. Wallace Nairn, Jr., and Miss Grace Atkinson, Mr. Harold O'Connell and Miss Mary Darling, Mica Francis Ward and Mi>s Helen Robinson, Mr. Herbert WllHams and 'VIM Deta Hawkins' and Mr. Ralph Wilson and Miss Molster. i Wyoming, has returned to Cornell University. Mrs. Philip Clancy of Niagara Falls was called here yesterday on account of the illness of her nephew, Theodore Tiller, jr. Mrs. Marshall, wife of the Vice Presi- dent, and Commander Victor Blue were among those entertained at luncheon at the Shoreham yesterday by Miss Turbey. Mrs. Key Pittman has joined Senator Pittman at the Willard for a short stay. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Cum ridings will spend Faster week in Philadelphia and Atlantic City, returning next Monday. In Philadelphia Dr. Cummings will at1 tend the mammoth dental exhibit at the Adelphia. Miss Elsa L. Raner has returned from Philadelphia, where she Went as the guest of Mrs. Arthur Hale to hear the Mahler Symphony. Miss Raner also played for the Wednesday Music Club of Philadelphia and was most enthuI siastically received. . Misn Ethel May Johnson is spending! the Easter holidays with Capr. and Mrs. A. Sidney J. Williams of Richmond, Va.. and Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of: Franklin. Va. «r.-.AD4 str«j)ur*erJ have none to Atlantic City, where they will remain for about ten days. A >ci^ FAVORITE IN G ||l W.. JjM ^hI Sp Bt' (, .A-jiiws MISS LAI'RI Ufluehtfr of Brig. Gen. and Notes of Interest. I Mrs. William J. Drury and daughter. ! Miss'Anna E. Drury. are spending the | Easter holidays at Tampa, Fla. The ladies of the Columbia Country Club will hold their semi-monthly card 1| party at the clubhouse. Chevy Chase, |Md., at '1 d'clock Monday, May 1. Ladies entitled to the ciuo privileges may invite guests. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Stephen G. Porter, wife of Representative Porter, accompanied by her daughter. Lucy Foster Porter, left Thursday night for their home in Pittsburgh, Pa., to spend the Easter vacation. Mrs. Clarence Camp of Oscala. Fla., and her daughter. Miss Stella Camp, who is attending school at Hollins College, Hollins, Va., are spending several days with Mrs. Camp's sister-inlaw, Mrs. John B. Harrell of Kilbqurne place. Mrs. James J. Sheehy and Miss Nannie Sheehy are among the Washingtonians at Atlantic City for the Easter holidays. Among the guests of Miss Marie Lipman at the Dixie Lodge are Dr. Frank Sanderson and Mrs Sanderson of Toronto, Mrs. Henry A. Harman and Mrs. Harman of Rutland, Vt.; Lieut. Dau- bin, I". S. N., and Dr. W. C. Earle and Mrs. Earle of Waukan, Iowa. Mr. Frederick E. Altemus of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania is spending the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Altemus. He has as his guest, Mr. Carl Hysen of Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gravener of the Highlands have left to spend Easter at Easton, Pa., and will be away about two weeks. Miss Madeline Reese of New York is visiting Mrs. E. Steinen of 1109 P street northwest. Mrs. Emmett Anderson, who has been visiting h«*r mother, Mrs. Anna V. Dykes, has returned to her home, in Austin. Tex. Mr. Charles E. Tribby has sent out invitations lor a reception ana aance at the New Willard Hotel. Saturday night, April 20. in honor of his niece, Miss Ethyle Gertrude Offut, whose marriage to Assistant Paymaster Benjamin (lantz, l\ S. X., will take place in May. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Bride and their children motored to Atlantic City for the Easter holidays. Mr. Joseph A. McCord. governor of the federal reserve bank of Atlanta, who has been in attendance on the conference of governors here during the past week, was the guest of his niece, Mrs. William R. Elliott, 3708 Oliver street. Chevy Chase. Miss Charlotte Hamilton of Oliver street left yesterday to spend her East- er vacation in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Nellie Claire Howard, who has! been visiting in New York for several weeks, has returned to this city. Mr. H. Irving Howard, who spent the Easter holidays with his narents at th« apital society. SPC. a k flfi iBfeilB y*r * B bu^ > StaB '*&&3$8!§§& KaK I^P9 fiilP IplHfV |^j^. |||? ^k9ehhhK|^^^hh^^^ Pl|i H ff|: H||| Ik k. smith, I Mm. Robert Gihwon Smith. Out-of-Town Weddings. The plans have been completed for the marriage of Miss Marie Guidet Duryee, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Sloan Auchincdoss, who formerly resided in this city, and Fal de Saint Phalle, son of the Count and Countess Pierre de Saint Phalle of Uievre, France. The ceremony is set for 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 9. in the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, New York city, and the reception will be held at the bride's home, 114 East 84th street. Miss Agnes Guidet Duryee is to be her sister's maid of honor, and the other attendants of the bride are to be Mrs. Xavier M. Audibert, Mrs. Guy Emerson, Mrs. Jerome Alexandre and Miss Carolyn Williams. Mr. de Saint Phalle will have his brother. Francois de Saint Phalle. as his best man. His two brothers. Bernard and Alexander de Saint Phalle: Xavier M. Audibert. Clarence 1*. Crimmins. John P. Crosby, Michael Gavin, J. Victor Onativia, jr., and Robert C. Winmill are to be the ushers. A wedding of interest will take place in Sewickley, Pa.. Tuesday, April 25, at the Sewickley Presbyterian Church, when Miss Theodora Feuillvert Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willian Brown, will become the bride of Duncan McArthur Anderson. The officiating clergymen will be Rev. Hugh Lennox Hodge, pastor of the church, and the pastor emeritus. Rev. Dr. William O. Campbell. A very large reception will be given at (he Edgewood Club after the marriage service by the parents of the bride. Miss Brown has chosen a large bridal party. Two sisters w ill be in the procession of ten young women. The two sisters. Misses Mary Agate and Alice Greenleaf Brown, will be the maids of honor. The bridemaids will be a sister of Mr. Anderson. Miss Ruth Anderson of this city; Miss Margaret Cree Presbrey of New York, Mrs. Thomas MeKee Graham. Miss Anna Dake McCague, Miss Isabel Lysle Wardrop, Miss Edith Anne Tener, Miss Elizabeth Ralston Brown and Miss Frances Louise Whitney of Sewickley. Mr. Anderson is the son of Brig. Gen.. Harry R. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson of this city and his attendants will be well known young eastern men. William G. Anderson of Trenton, N. J., will be his brother's best inan; the ushers will be Karl G. Roebling, Ferdinand W. Roebling of Trenton, Jacob Bart let t Brown and Charles William Brown, jr.. two brothers of the bride; Martin L. Moore and Charles D. Brady of Sewickley, George Burton Taylor, Thomas R. Palmer. William H. Foster and Frederick B. McBrair of Erie, Pa. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl G. Roebling and the goddaughter of Mrs. niiuci auu win uc iiower £ins. Invitations have been received here for the wedding in Wilmington, Del., April 29. of Miss Ellen Coleman du Pont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. ColeI man du Pont, and Mr. Hollyday Stone Meeds, jr., of Wilmington, formerly of ithis city. The ceremony will be celej brated In Trinity Church. Afterward there will be a large reception at the home of the bride's parents, 808 Broome street. Miss Henee du Pont, younger sister of the bride, will be the maid of honor and the other attendants will be Miss Katherine Clarke of Northampton. Mass., fiancee of the bride's brother, Francis Victor du Pont; Miss Greta du Pont, Miss Ethel A. Tallman, Miss Henrietta Stadleman, Miss Mary F. Terrell and Miss Elizabeth Molloy. Cuyler Orondorff Meeds, of Chevy Chase, Md., a brother of the bridegroom, will act as best man, taking the place of Mr. Kilbourn Gordon of New York, formerly of this city, who will he unable to be present owing to absence in the south. The ushers will be Francis Victor du Pont. G. Dan Hopkins, Allan Craig, William Talbot Penniman, Eouis de B. McCready, 1>. H .Stone Fair and William Hughlett Naylor. E. J. du Pont, brother of the bride, and Hallock du Pont, a cousin, will act as pages. Miss Julia Williamson Hall, daughter of Mrs. Carvel Hall of Annapolis, whose marriage to Ensign Roswell Hadfield Blair, I.'. S. N., will take place Saturday afternoon, April 29, at St. Anne's Protestant Episcopal Church. Baltimore, will have as her matron of honor her sister, Mrs. Alfred H. Tawresey. The bridesmaids will include Miss Christine Bowie Backall of Baltimore, Miss Edith MccormicK, miss Uladys Christy and Miss Katherine Ramsey of Annapolis, Miss Marie Wilson of Sewickley, Pa., and M'ss Mary Veeder of this city. Ensign F. G. Eibnow will he the best man and the ushers will be Ensign Alfred H. Tawresey, IT. S. N.; Ensign Ralph Kiely, TJ. S. N.; Ensign R. S. Tisdale, U. S. N.; Ensign M. C. Partello, U. S. N.. and Mr. Woodson Hancock of Philadelphia. Dinners at Chevy Chase Club. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Sturtevant entertained last evening at a dinner of fifteen covers at the Chevy Chase Club. Representative and Mrs. George Sutherland had a small p*.rty to dine with them at the Chevy Chase Club, and others entertaining at the club included Mrs. Thomas Liogan and Mrs. Walter Fisher. J 1V1IS3 Iw^Uld V_.IdI IV, lUlItll Benefit tea dance and ca pital at the New Willard. TUESDAY..Chinese minister anese ambassador and Visco Mrs. Lansing, tea for J tine of Watertown, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mrs. Charles Warren, h Mme. Roso, luncheon at Mrs. Walter R. Strness, Mrs. C. De Witt' Page, 1 Mrs. W. R. Rayner, lunc Mrs. Augustus C. Dowi Miss Elizabeth Fulton, Miss Ellen Fillebrown, ding party. Mrs. Carl Vrooman, tea Benefit card party for ( Hospital at the Cairo. Marriage of Miss Loui Mr. George A. Gormley at Catholic University. WEDNESDAY..Mrs. Atlee Thomas R. Marshall at Con Mrs. Lansing, luncheon. Marriage of Miss Doris at St. Thomas' Church at 4 Senator and Mrs. Saulsb Miss Dorothy Taylor, Tavlor. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. But Club. Mr. and Mrs. George Chase Club. The Misses Paine, tea. D. C. Division, United reception at Washington Cli THURSDAY..Vice President the Spanish ambassador and Hear Admiral and Mrs. 1 at the Country Club. Marriage of Miss Dorotl De L. Boteler at 7:45 p.m.,; Marriage of Miss Alma at "Homestead." Mrs. Harry A. William; Taylor. Mrs. Leonard Hoffman, wood Mackin at the Club of Mrs. Walter C. Clephani Interfraternity Prom of at the New Willard. FRIDAY..Vice President and Speaker and Mrs. Clark. Secretary and Mrs. Lan: Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ] Maj. and Mrs. William Mrs. Charles Nelson R Mrs. Holcombe. Mrs. Ralph Jenkins, luni Mrs. Thomas Armat, li Power. Dixie ball at the Raleigl SATURDAY..Representative at the Willard for Represent Miss Plena Calderon, te; Mrs. Joseph Colquitt, h Power and Miss Hanna Taj Benefit for Friendship H \ Vaudeville Tea. Miss E. Alice Theobald, chairman of the committee on arrangements for the vaudeville tea to be given bv the District of Columbia Division, United Daughters of the Confederasy. at the Raleigh Hotel the afternoon of Saturday, May 6, has announced a partial list of patronesses, among whom are Mrs. Josephus Daniels, Mrs. Thomas W. Gregory, Mrs. Albert S. Burleson, Mrs. Franklin K. Lane, Mrs. David Houston, Mrs. Claude N. Bennett. Mrs. Duncan U. Fletcher, Mrs. J. Willard Rag3dale. Mrs. Harrie Craig Ansley, Mrs. Champ Clark. Mrs. W. T. Baggett, Mrs. Claude Swanson, Miss Xannie Randolph Heth, Mrs. E. E. Meredith, Miss Virginia Miller, Mrs. Frank G. Odenheimer, Mrs. Samuel S. Spencer, Miss Kate K. Henry, Mrs. Ryan Devreautf. Mrs. * Marcus Wright, Mrs. George Theobald, Coun»<>< » lcmrnn/1 Mockfn Mrs .lfihn W Thompson and Mrs. Christian Hemmhk. The committee on arrangements includes Mrs. Maude Howell Smith. Mrs. Leonard Hoffman. Mrs. Taylor O. Timberlake. Miss Nell Hose Raggett, Mrs. Albert N. Ferguson. Mrs. Lawton Morgan. Mrs. A. H. Mitchell, Miss Helen Griffith, Mrs. Archibald Young. Mrs. Drury Conway Ludlow, Mrs. Belle C. Riley, Miss Hattle Bowie. Mrs. W.' K. Hutton, Mrs. William T. Baggett. Mrs George Theobald, Mr. VV. E. Brock man and Mr. Mahlon Janney. Refreshments will be dispensed in attractive booths throughout the afternoon. while an interesting vaudeville performance may be enjoyed from 3 until 4:30 o'clock, and dancing will follow from 5 until 7. Fortune telling will be another feature of the afternoon which will be quite an attraction. <j| UNTIL YOU HE^ H you can have no adequat fl bilities of the Player. A I BEH] \ PLAYER "Supreme in A you may play classical se will excite the admirati musician. To the lightei ing lends unsuspected ch Player Piano. uMl ARTHUR JORDAN, Ch SOCIETY'S CALEND; MONDAY..Army and Navy Chinese minister and A and Mrs. Lansing. Representative and Mrs Powhatan. Representative' and Mrs Mrs. Zachary Taylor C dance at Congressional Clul Marriage Of Miss Man M. CamDbell Oliohant at i Church, Bradley lane. Mrs. M. R. Blumenberg the Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. William V Maj. and Mrs. Hay, dim Hay-f)rain wedding party. - t i:. r*\.1. i...u U* FOR THE WEEK League ball at the navy yard. Irs. Koo, dinner for Secretary . John A. Peters, dinner at the >. Fred. Britten, dinner, arpenter, auction party and tea ). f Courtlandt Wallace and Mr. i p.m. at St. John's Episcopal , bridge party and tea dance at Vheatley, dinner. aer at Army and Navy Club for eon for Miss Doris Drain, rd party for Homeopathic Hosand Mrs. Koo, dinner for Japuntess Chinda. Mrs. Stebbins and Mrs. ValenDelano, dinner, incheon. Rauscher's. tea. uncheon. :heon. ling, luncheon, luncheon for Miss Drain. supper for Hay-Drain wedfor Miss Stevenson. jeorge Washington University se Katherine Zimmerman and 4 o'clock, in the chapel at .the Pomerene, luncheon for Mrs. gressional Club. Drain and Mr. Edward N. Hay :3°ury, dinner. bridge party' for Miss Hanna ler, dinner at the Chevy Chase 11*1 1 i i /. i \\ neeier, dinner at tne tnevy Daughters of the Confederacy, ub. and Mrs. Marshall, dinner for Mme. de Riano. Richardson Clover, dinner dance ty Sidney Rohrer and Mr. Basil it the bride's home. Kaufman and Mr. Le Roy King >, bridge party for Miss Hanna tea for the Countess Sppttis' Colonial Dames, e, card party. George Washington University Mrs. Marshall, dinner for the sing, dinner. Delano, dance at the Playhouse. T> ur , .1: I . VV UUIC1I, UII1IICI. iker, tea for Miss Power and cheon. incheon for Miss May d'Alton 1. Slemp and Miss Slemp, dinner ative and Mrs. James R. Mann, a for Miss Hatjna Taylor, jncheon for Miss May d'Alton dor. ouse at Gunston Hall. Celebrate Silver Wedding. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Varela celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage Saturday evening. April 22, at Fontanet courts with a gatnering of relatives and close friends. There were four generations of the family present. Auction bridge was played during the evening, and at the termination of the games refreshments were served. Miss Susanne Flanagan assisted the hostess. Among those present were Mrs. Catherine Varela, mother of Dr. Varela; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Varela, son and daughter-inlaw of the couple; baby John King Varela. the year-old grandson ; Mr. Edmund Varela, Maj. and Mrs. Thomas King, Mr. and Mrs. James Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lithgow, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Riley. Mr. Fletcher. Miss Fletcher, Mr. George Lamb, Miss Marie Saunders. Mr. John Witherow, Mrs. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Murray GifPord, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells. Miss Susanne Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Vail. Hostess at Dance. Miss Marian King entertained at a (lance last night at Beverly Courts for her house guests. Miss Matshak of NewYork and Mr. Michael of Buffalo. Palms and spring flowers formed the decoration and the young hostess was assisted in receiving by her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King. Miss King wore a white embroidered batiste over pink, and Miss Matshak wore flowered taffeta. There were about sixty guests. .R THE BEHNIKIG ^jj> :e conception of the possi- r Vifli the 1 SJING PIANO t fusual Results'* II ' lections in a manner that on of the accomplished r musical forms the Behnarm. It is the one perfect G Street At 13th wner, If] ~, V Bridge and Tea Dance. . t Thj annpal bridge and tea dance for the benefit bf the Homeopathic Hospital Easter Monday will this year be given * at the New Willard and la being antici- t pated with keen pleasure. The patron- t esses for this occasion are Mrs. -Robert t Lansing, Mrs. John W. Foster, Mrs. t Charles Hamlin, Mrs. George Suther- * land, Mrs. James McMillan. Mrs. Sam- J uel Spencer, Mrs. Thomas Thropp, Mrs. ] Julian Bishop, Mrs. A. Garrison McClin- I I IW.K, me musses seagiey, airs. i. i'e j Witt Talmage. Mrs. William Alden Smith. Mrs. H. H. Hawxhurst and Mrs. « Henry Krogstadt. A large committee of j young girls actively interested in the J preparations for the dance include j Misses Gladys Hinckley, Georgia Scho- j held, Manuela de Pena, Louise Delano, j r Catherine McClintock, Juliette Crosby, j Helena Elliott, Cora Barry, Beatrice;1 Clover, Lillian Hendrick, Virginia Le I Seurre, Katherine Birnie, Catherine Har- j. low. Callie Hoke Smith, Ruth Patterson, t Katherine Burdette, Lucy Burleson, Sidney Burleson, Jane Gregory, Maxwell Church, Margaret Howard, Dorothea Owen, Elizabeth Wiley, Mary Garland, Margaret Read. Grace Overman, Margaret Douglas, Francis Efflnger, Dorothy Wveth, Louise Clark, Katherine Theiss, Laura Graves, Mary Graham, Dorothy Mason, Helen MeCumber, Helen Blodgett, Baroness von Winckler, Mrs. Foraker, Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Brinckley and Miss Sims. To comply with numerous requests, tea tables are being reserved in addition to the boxes in the large ballroom by the committee having this in charge, of which Mrs. T. L. Macdonald is chairman. Weddings This Week. An interesting wedding will take place tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at St. John's Episcopal Church. Berkeley lane, when Miss Mary Courtlandt Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Wallace of Drummond, Md., will becon\e the bride of Mr. M. Campbell Oliphant. also of Drummond. Rev. James Kirkpatrick will perform the ceremony. The maid of honor will be Miss Katherine Kohwr and the bride's sister. Miss BrenTa Wallace, will be the bridesmaid. Miss Margaret Fleming and Miss Alma Johnson will be the (lower girls. Mr. Ralph O. Wilson of Drummond, Md., will act as best man. The couple will leave immediately after the ceremony for their wedding trip and on their return will reside at Drummond, Md. The marriage of Miss Doris Drain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Drain, and Mr. Edward X. Hay will take place Wednesday, April 26, at 4:30 o'clock, at St. Thomas' Church. The ceremony will be performed by the rector. Rev. Dr. C. Ernest Smith. Miss Katherine Drain will attend her sister as maid of honor, and Mrs. Thomas Hay of Pittsburgh, Pa., will be the matron of honor. Miss Marie Peary, Miss Lydia Clark, Miss Emily Chase, Miss Erhily FilleIjfown and the bride's two little sisters. Misses Gertrude and Marion Drain, will be the bridesmaids. Mr. Thomas Hay will act as best man and the ushers will include Mr. Edward Stafford. Mr. Harry Semmes, Mr. Alfred Harding, jr.; Lieut. John C. Gotwals, U. S. A., and Capt. Monroe C. Kerth, U. S. A. A reception will fpllow at the Wyoming. Miss Dorothy Sidney Rohrer and Mr. Basil de Lashmutt Boteler will be married Thursday evening at 7:45 o'clock at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. William H. Rohrer. on 31st street. Miss Margaret Rohrer will be her sister's only attendant, and Mr. Erskine Gordon will serve as best man. A reception will follow at 8:30. Miss Louise Katherine Zimmerman and Mr. George A. Gormley of West Chevy Chase, Md.. will be married Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the chapel at the Catholic University. The bride's aunt. Miss Elizabeth Brooke, will be her only attendant and her brother. Mr. Edward Zimmerman, will act as best man. A dinner will follow for the bridal party and relatives. The bride-elect has been entertained extensively during the past month. Miss Elizabeth Brooke gave a lunch-, eon of twenty-five covers, followed by a, miscellaneous shower, recently. A card " party and shower was given at the hotne of Mrs. N. E. Brooke and a kitchen shower by her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Haney. One of the most delightful affairs was a' patchwork _ shower and luncheon given by Miss Zimmerman's Sunday school pupils at the home of Mrs. Herbert Arnold. The Misses Alberta and Helen Potter gave a miscellaneous shower at their home Friday evening. The marriage of Miss Alma Kaufman, daughte.r of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kaufman, and Mr. Le Roy* King, son of Mr. Meyer King of this city, will take place Wednesday at noon at the home of the bride's parents. Homestead, near Cleveland Park. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Dr. Louis Stern and Rev. Dr. Abram Simon of the Eighth Street ^ Temple, and will be witnessed by the k near relatives of the young couple. A wedding breakfast will follow. The >ride will be attended by her sister. Miss Marguerite Kaufman, as maid of honor and the bridegroom will have his "! \fr UlUnn Tvincr r\f thi« ritv a o ..v until. !«« " . best man. Returns to Suburbs. Maj. P. B. Moore and family, who have been in the city for the winter, have returned to their home in^the suburbs. r": !| A Most V | ^ Red il ^jt.<Sy orlVf'^VEL | ^ .. tenals and si 3, Reduced fro | Nsy $ 18-50 I . 1 ^ 200 of the Latest Mo< | Trimmed h ^ Copies of importations a ^ American Here on Special Mission. Mr. Antonio Burgos, minister of Panbtta to Spain, is at Stoneleigh Court as he official guest of the Panaman legaion. Mr. .Burgos has been sent by his rovernmerit on the _special mission of hanking the United States for its paricipation at the exposition which has aken place recently at Panama City in :omfnerhoratlon of the discovery of the Pacific ocean. He is accompanied by Vlme. Burgos and by his son. Spencer.Smith Mr. and Mrs. Orlando H. Smith anlounoe the engagement of their daugh- er. Miss I^anette Hines Smith, ana Mr. >aingerfleld Bland Spencer of Wllliams»urgr. Va. No date has been set for he wedding:. Weddin Chafing Dishes A big stock of High-grade Nickel-plated Chafing Dishes. $3.50 up to $20 Solid Polish Cop- (/t up per Chafing Dishes.. j-ilectric Chafing Dishes, $10 Up Chafing Dish Accessories ('banner Dish Trays Priced at $ to $».uu ( hafinjr Dinh Spoona and Forka, 75c to $2.50 Chafing- Diah Flagon*. $1.75 to $3.50 Refrigc .We carry standard qu; kind you can depend on a The Bohn .with its Syphon system of cii food preserver and ice-saver on 1 are shown with the new One-pit .a wonderful improvement. All sizes and styles are here The White Mount. .one of the most popular and market."The Chest with the ( at S11.50 to Sioo. BARBER & Shoes of Today Mmost Tomorrow. Matchless Style.Perfect Comf And "Dollar-Silk," the woi Hose of Today. Arthur Burt ( "Cantilever" Arch Suppoi pp The House of Fashion. 1106 G Street Wonderful Afte luction St 150 Suits _.i , i t ^ x i uurace tne very uesr materials p riean woolen mills.also taffeta, ge combinations, and many differ^ .OUR CHECKS," mixtures, mann port suits. All sizes and all colors. m our regular prices of J *24*" *29 Vo Charge for Alterations 'ositively none sent on approval. ieis in Extra i lats M nd original kind Dress* * E An excepti< J O occasions. Tea For Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. W. S. Stamper of I>rummond< Md., save a beautifully appointed tea last Thursday afternoon in compliment to her house guest. Mrs George Edward Campbell of Elizahethton, Tenn. Other special guests were Mrs. A. C. Brant, state regent of Ohio. P. A. R.; Miss Eleanor Garde. Mrs. Terrett and Miss Marguerite ^errctt of St. Raul, Minn. Mrs. Casnnave Willson. Mrs. W. F. Woolard. Miss Pansie Willson. Miss Terrett. Miss Helena Griflln. Miss I^timer and Mrs. Mabel Kipp-Lewis assisted Mrs. Woolard and Mrs. Willson poured tea and Mrs. Raymond Heiskell served ices. The decorations were in yellow and the same color scheme was carried out in the ices, cakes and bonbons. ig Gifts .In our Housefurn i s h i n g Department you will find hundreds of useful and beautiful, things that would make ideal wedding gifts. Coffee Machines A Copper or Nickel- tfJ/C plated Coffee Machine.. Community Silver Showing; the new pattern* In the Famous Community Silver. The moat beautiful and the moat durable of all plated waren. i / J M * e teaspoons, V2 ooz *z.i3 Dessert Spoons, % doz $4-00 Tablespoons, Vz doz. .. $430 Dessert Forks, Vt doz. $4.00 Table Forks, % doz... $4.30 Percolators Nickel-plated Percolators, $2.25 Up Electric Coffee Percolators, $5 to $15 orators ality Refrigerators.the bsolutelv. i Syphon the most efficient :he market. This year's models :ce Seamless Porcelain Linings at $40 to $100. ain Refrigerators reliable Refrigerators on the rhill". in all styles and sizes, ROSS W (/ I **> iS ort. iderful, beautiful, durable 1 1343 F. *t Shoes for tired feet. ^ | I I :r=Easter 110 ^ " ish ma- { i ^ ^ $25 to $55 | i-50 $34-50 1 | 1 special Values | londay | is & Coats | 3nal display.styles for all jj| V

Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1916-04 ... · Mr. de Saint Phalle will have his brother. Francois de Saint Phalle. as his best man. His two brothers. Bernard and

Feb 26, 2019



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Page 1: Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1916-04 ... · Mr. de Saint Phalle will have his brother. Francois de Saint Phalle. as his best man. His two brothers. Bernard and

Diplomatic Corps.Conditions in Europe have caused the

diplomats stationed here to select theiisummer homes and publicly announce

the location much earlier in the seasonthan usual. With the experienceof the past two summers to guide themand the astuteness in abundance to be

found in so diplomatic a diplomaticcorps, the allies select one resort,while the central European powerstake another. The lease is as good a?

an exemption for other diplomats, and

in fact serves as a "keep off," thus doingaway with the embarrassing situationswhich beset society at the outbreakof the war.

The North Shore and the vicinity ofBoston again comes in for its share of

patronage, and more than a half dozenof the most important powers will belocated there.

The French ambassador and Mme.Jusserand will follow their custom of

remaining in Washington until late inthe season, and if the grave featuresof war still obtain will make only shortjourneys out of Washington.

There is never a question as to thelocation of the Brazilian summer embassynowadays, for Mme. da Gama prefersher own beautiful place with its

.. .« .

SUnKen n'druciia. miiuui6 «..x.

wonderful views, combined with thecomforts of a real home, to selecting: a

place at some more central resort. Soshe and the ambassador will againestablish the embassy at Heron Hall,Bong Branch, X. J., where they will be

near neighbors of the President andMrs. Wilson when they take possessionof their Jersey summer place. Trulythe Brazilian flag never floated more

proudly over a bit of American soiland claimed it for its own than over

beautiful Heron Hall.

The Russian ambassador and* Mme.Bakhmeteff have again taken StoneVilla, Newport, where they spent laslsummer, and will open the embassythere early in June.Mr. F. de Mohrenschlldt and Baron Renaudd'Ungern Sternberg, the two secondsecretaries of the embassy, have

leased a cottage near the summer embassy.and will thus establish a delightfulbachelor headquarters there inJune.

Mr. Constantine Onou. who succeedsMr. Scherbatskoy. who was recently appointedRussian minister to BrazH. ascounselor of the embassy.. will arrtveher# in time to enjoy at least part ofthe Newport season. Both Mr. $cherbatsHoyand Mr. Loris-Melikoff, whohave been promoted to the rank ofminister, will visit Russia befOr'e going" * hai r- pnanoctivp nnnts Rraiil andSiam.

The British ambassador and LadySpring-Rice have leased Rose cottageat Woods Hole, Mass., and Lady SpringRiceand the children will go therenext month to see the gardens blossomand enjoy the budding of spring, whilethe- ambassador will join them lateron.

Th^ Spanish ambassador and Mme. deTtiarvo will again go to Newport forthe summer, and have already madeseveral trips to that resort to get thesra^cfens and residence in fit shape fortheif residence there early in June.

The Argentine ambassador and Mme.Naon have taken Windclyffe, the^harming summer home of Mrs. Wil-'liam J. Boardman. at Manchester, andin that vicinity there will settle all themembers of the embassy staff.

The Italian ambassador and CountessMacchi di Cell^re have signed anotherlease on Pitch Pine Hall.. BeverlyFarms. Mass.. which they occupied lasts-asoii and another cottage or two hasbeen leased for attaches.

The Swedish minister and Mme. Ekensrenwill also join the North Shorecolony of Washington diplomats' andsociety folk, having closed a lease ona roomy summer plaat Edgartown,Mass.. in and near which place theyhave a large number of relatives and alarger circle of friends.

The Austro-Hungarian embassy willh* located at Pa<chogue, L. I., Baron£.wivain?K, xne counselor, naving leasee,neveral cottages there the past week.

The minister of Siam and his familyand legation staff will go to EastGloucester, where Siam floats her flageach summer over her own property.In fact. Siam is almost the only foreigngovernment represented here whichowns its summer home.

The Japanese ambassador and ViscountessChinda will probably takrouartersat Over-Look. Blue RidgeSummit. Pa., where they spent the lastmidsummer season. Most of the LatinAmerican diplomats also take theirsummer homes along the Blue Ridge,and last year the Attorney General andMrs. Gregory spent their summer vacationin the same vicinity.T1 * Chinese minister and Mrs. WellingtonKoo will clos* their series of

dinner parties this week, and after thatMrs. Koo will retire from society forth»» greater part of soveral months.

Wedding Anniversaries.Mr. and Mrs. Steven* L. Cole, former!\of this city, have sent out Invitationsfor the celebration of the tenth

anniversary of their marriage, at theirhome, 3!20 Forest Hill avenue. WoodlandHeights. Richmond, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Jones of Harvardstreet entertained Friday on the occasionof their fifteenth wedding anniversary.The rooms were decoratedwith palms and roses, and variouscolored ribbons. Refreshments wereserved, and during the evening a numberof musical selections were enjoyed.The guests present, Included Mr. andMrs. C. A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. % W. Stepp. Mr.and Mrs. A. Kress. Mr.-and Mrs. D. B.Graeff. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Gtovp, Mr.and Mrs. M. B. Granger, Mr. and Mrs.G. M. Wissman. Mr. and Mrs. Woodyard,Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Shambaugh,Mrs. Mary H. Longworth, Mrs. M. Carpenter,Mrs. E. T. Miller, Miss MarieE. Graeff, Mr. Herman Bredekamp. Mr.J. A. Lewis, Mr. "Robert Cohen. Mr. andMrs. William Carlin. Miss Isabella Carlinand Mr. and Mrs. W-. Richter.

Decimus Entertains.The Decimus gave an informal dance

and supper Saturday, the 15th, at theMasonic Temple, Brookland. The chaperonswere Mr. and Mrs. W. WallaceNairn, and those present included MrMorrisson Barr and Miss Eleanor Washington.Mr. Clay Holmes and Miss DorothyGooch, Mr. Joseph McPhaul andMiss Anna I/eesnitzer, Mr. C. BennitMolster and Miss Jean Molster. MrGeoffrey Nairn and Miss Helen HaasMr. Wallace Nairn, Jr., and Miss GraceAtkinson, Mr. Harold O'Connell andMiss Mary Darling, Mica Francis Wardand Mi>s Helen Robinson, Mr. HerbertWllHams and 'VIM Deta Hawkins' andMr. Ralph Wilson and Miss Molster.


Wyoming, has returned to Cornell University.Mrs. Philip Clancy of Niagara Falls

was called here yesterday on accountof the illness of her nephew, TheodoreTiller, jr.Mrs. Marshall, wife of the Vice Presi-

dent, and Commander Victor Blue wereamong those entertained at luncheonat the Shoreham yesterday by MissTurbey.Mrs. Key Pittman has joined Senator

Pittman at the Willard for a shortstay.

Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Cum ridings willspend Faster week in Philadelphia andAtlantic City, returning next Monday.In Philadelphia Dr. Cummings will at1tend the mammoth dental exhibit at theAdelphia.Miss Elsa L. Raner has returned from

Philadelphia, where she Went as theguest of Mrs. Arthur Hale to hear theMahler Symphony. Miss Raner alsoplayed for the Wednesday Music Clubof Philadelphia and was most enthuIsiastically received. .

Misn Ethel May Johnson is spending!the Easter holidays with Capr. and Mrs.A. Sidney J. Williams of Richmond, Va..and Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of:Franklin. Va.

«r.-.AD4 str«j)ur*erJhave none to Atlantic City, where theywill remain for about ten days.A


||l W.. JjM^hI Sp

Bt' (, .A-jiiws

MISS LAI'RIUfluehtfr of Brig. Gen. and

Notes of Interest.I Mrs. William J. Drury and daughter.! Miss'Anna E. Drury. are spending the

| Easter holidays at Tampa, Fla.

The ladies of the Columbia CountryClub will hold their semi-monthly card

1| party at the clubhouse. Chevy Chase,

|Md., at '1 d'clock Monday, May 1.

Ladies entitled to the ciuo privileges

may invite guests. Luncheon will beserved at 1 o'clock.

Mrs. Stephen G. Porter, wife of RepresentativePorter, accompanied by herdaughter. Lucy Foster Porter, leftThursday night for their home inPittsburgh, Pa., to spend the Eastervacation.

Mrs. Clarence Camp of Oscala. Fla.,and her daughter. Miss Stella Camp,who is attending school at HollinsCollege, Hollins, Va., are spending severaldays with Mrs. Camp's sister-inlaw,Mrs. John B. Harrell of Kilbqurneplace.

Mrs. James J. Sheehy and Miss NannieSheehy are among the Washingtoniansat Atlantic City for the Easterholidays.

Among the guests of Miss Marie Lipmanat the Dixie Lodge are Dr. FrankSanderson and Mrs Sanderson of Toronto,Mrs. Henry A. Harman and Mrs.Harman of Rutland, Vt.; Lieut. Dau-bin, I". S. N., and Dr. W. C. Earle andMrs. Earle of Waukan, Iowa.

Mr. Frederick E. Altemus of the Uni-versity of Pennsylvania is spendingthe Easter vacation with his parents,Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Altemus. Hehas as his guest, Mr. Carl Hysen ofMilwaukee, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gravener of theHighlands have left to spend Easterat Easton, Pa., and will be away abouttwo weeks.

Miss Madeline Reese of New York isvisiting Mrs. E. Steinen of 1109 P streetnorthwest.

Mrs. Emmett Anderson, who has beenvisiting h«*r mother, Mrs. Anna V.Dykes, has returned to her home, inAustin. Tex.

Mr. Charles E. Tribby has sent outinvitations lor a reception ana aanceat the New Willard Hotel. Saturdaynight, April 20. in honor of his niece,Miss Ethyle Gertrude Offut, whosemarriage to Assistant Paymaster Benjamin(lantz, l\ S. X., will take placein May.

Mr. and Mrs. William W. Bride andtheir children motored to Atlantic Cityfor the Easter holidays.Mr. Joseph A. McCord. governor of

the federal reserve bank of Atlanta,who has been in attendance on theconference of governors here duringthe past week, was the guest of hisniece, Mrs. William R. Elliott, 3708Oliver street. Chevy Chase.

Miss Charlotte Hamilton of Oliverstreet left yesterday to spend her East-er vacation in Philadelphia and AtlanticCity.

Miss Nellie Claire Howard, who has!been visiting in New York for severalweeks, has returned to this city.

Mr. H. Irving Howard, who spent theEaster holidays with his narents at th«

apital society.

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Ik k. smith,I Mm. Robert Gihwon Smith.

Out-of-Town Weddings.The plans have been completed for

the marriage of Miss Marie GuidetDuryee, daughter of Mrs. Samuel SloanAuchincdoss, who formerly resided inthis city, and Fal de Saint Phalle, son

of the Count and Countess Pierre deSaint Phalle of Uievre, France. The ceremonyis set for 4 o'clock on the afternoonof Tuesday, May 9. in the Churchof St. Ignatius Loyola, New York city,and the reception will be held at thebride's home, 114 East 84th street. MissAgnes Guidet Duryee is to be her sister'smaid of honor, and the other attendantsof the bride are to be Mrs.Xavier M. Audibert, Mrs. Guy Emerson,Mrs. Jerome Alexandre and MissCarolyn Williams.

Mr. de Saint Phalle will have hisbrother. Francois de Saint Phalle. ashis best man. His two brothers. Bernardand Alexander de Saint Phalle:Xavier M. Audibert. Clarence 1*. Crimmins.John P. Crosby, Michael Gavin, J.Victor Onativia, jr., and Robert C. Winmillare to be the ushers.

A wedding of interest will take placein Sewickley, Pa.. Tuesday, April 25,at the Sewickley Presbyterian Church,when Miss Theodora Feuillvert Brown,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles WillianBrown, will become the bride ofDuncan McArthur Anderson. The officiatingclergymen will be Rev. HughLennox Hodge, pastor of the church,and the pastor emeritus. Rev. Dr. WilliamO. Campbell. A very large receptionwill be given at (he EdgewoodClub after the marriage service by theparents of the bride.Miss Brown has chosen a large bridal

party. Two sisters w ill be in the processionof ten young women. The twosisters. Misses Mary Agate and AliceGreenleaf Brown, will be the maids ofhonor. The bridemaids will be a sisterof Mr. Anderson. Miss Ruth Andersonof this city; Miss Margaret CreePresbrey of New York, Mrs. ThomasMeKee Graham. Miss Anna Dake McCague,Miss Isabel Lysle Wardrop, MissEdith Anne Tener, Miss Elizabeth RalstonBrown and Miss Frances LouiseWhitney of Sewickley.Mr. Anderson is the son of Brig. Gen..

Harry R. Anderson and Mrs. Andersonof this city and his attendants will bewell known young eastern men. WilliamG. Anderson of Trenton, N. J.,will be his brother's best inan; theushers will be Karl G. Roebling, FerdinandW. Roebling of Trenton, JacobBart let t Brown and Charles WilliamBrown, jr.. two brothers of the bride;Martin L. Moore and Charles D. Bradyof Sewickley, George Burton Taylor,Thomas R. Palmer. William H. Fosterand Frederick B. McBrair of Erie, Pa.The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl G.Roebling and the goddaughter of Mrs.niiuci auu win uc iiower £ins.

Invitations have been received herefor the wedding in Wilmington, Del.,April 29. of Miss Ellen Coleman duPont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. ColeIman du Pont, and Mr. Hollyday StoneMeeds, jr., of Wilmington, formerly ofithis city. The ceremony will be celejbrated In Trinity Church. Afterwardthere will be a large reception at thehome of the bride's parents, 808 Broomestreet. Miss Henee du Pont, youngersister of the bride, will be the maid ofhonor and the other attendants will beMiss Katherine Clarke of Northampton.Mass., fiancee of the bride's brother,Francis Victor du Pont; Miss Greta duPont, Miss Ethel A. Tallman, Miss HenriettaStadleman, Miss Mary F. Terrelland Miss Elizabeth Molloy. CuylerOrondorff Meeds, of Chevy Chase, Md., abrother of the bridegroom, will act asbest man, taking the place of Mr. KilbournGordon of New York, formerlyof this city, who will he unable to bepresent owing to absence in the south.The ushers will be Francis Victor duPont. G. Dan Hopkins, Allan Craig,William Talbot Penniman, Eouis de B.McCready, 1>. H .Stone Fair and WilliamHughlett Naylor. E. J. du Pont,brother of the bride, and Hallock duPont, a cousin, will act as pages.Miss Julia Williamson Hall, daughterof Mrs. Carvel Hall of Annapolis, whose

marriage to Ensign Roswell HadfieldBlair, I.'. S. N., will take place Saturdayafternoon, April 29, at St. Anne'sProtestant Episcopal Church. Baltimore,will have as her matron of honor hersister, Mrs. Alfred H. Tawresey. Thebridesmaids will include Miss ChristineBowie Backall of Baltimore, Miss EdithMccormicK, miss Uladys Christy andMiss Katherine Ramsey of Annapolis,Miss Marie Wilson of Sewickley, Pa.,and M'ss Mary Veeder of this city.Ensign F. G. Eibnow will he the bestman and the ushers will be Ensign AlfredH. Tawresey, IT. S. N.; EnsignRalph Kiely, TJ. S. N.; Ensign R. S.Tisdale, U. S. N.; Ensign M. C. Partello,U. S. N.. and Mr. Woodson Hancock ofPhiladelphia.

Dinners at Chevy Chase Club.Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Sturtevant

entertained last evening at a dinner offifteen covers at the Chevy Chase Club.Representative and Mrs. George Sutherlandhad a small p*.rty to dine with

them at the Chevy Chase Club, andothers entertaining at the club includedMrs. Thomas Liogan and Mrs. WalterFisher.


1V1IS3 Iw^Uld V_.IdI IV, lUlItll

Benefit tea dance and ca

pital at the New Willard.TUESDAY..Chinese minister

anese ambassador and ViscoMrs. Lansing, tea for J

tine of Watertown, N. Y.Mr. and Mrs. FrederickMrs. Charles Warren, hMme. Roso, luncheon atMrs. Walter R. Strness,Mrs. C. De Witt' Page, 1Mrs. W. R. Rayner, luncMrs. Augustus C. DowiMiss Elizabeth Fulton,Miss Ellen Fillebrown,

ding party.Mrs. Carl Vrooman, teaBenefit card party for (

Hospital at the Cairo.Marriage of Miss Loui

Mr. George A. Gormley atCatholic University.

WEDNESDAY..Mrs. AtleeThomas R. Marshall at Con

Mrs. Lansing, luncheon.Marriage of Miss Doris

at St. Thomas' Church at 4Senator and Mrs. SaulsbMiss Dorothy Taylor,


Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ButClub.

Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeChase Club.

The Misses Paine, tea.D. C. Division, United

reception at Washington CliTHURSDAY..Vice President

the Spanish ambassador andHear Admiral and Mrs. 1

at the Country Club.Marriage of Miss Dorotl

De L. Boteler at 7:45 p.m.,;Marriage of Miss Alma

at "Homestead."Mrs. Harry A. William;

Taylor.Mrs. Leonard Hoffman,

wood Mackin at the Club ofMrs. Walter C. ClephaniInterfraternity Prom of

at the New Willard.

FRIDAY..Vice President andSpeaker and Mrs. Clark.

Secretary and Mrs. Lan:Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ]Maj. and Mrs. WilliamMrs. Charles Nelson R

Mrs. Holcombe.Mrs. Ralph Jenkins, luniMrs. Thomas Armat, li

Power.Dixie ball at the Raleigl

SATURDAY..Representativeat the Willard for Represent

Miss Plena Calderon, te;Mrs. Joseph Colquitt, h

Power and Miss Hanna TajBenefit for Friendship H


Vaudeville Tea.Miss E. Alice Theobald, chairman of

the committee on arrangements for thevaudeville tea to be given bv the Districtof Columbia Division, UnitedDaughters of the Confederasy. at theRaleigh Hotel the afternoon of Saturday,May 6, has announced a partiallist of patronesses, among whom are

Mrs. Josephus Daniels, Mrs. Thomas W.Gregory, Mrs. Albert S. Burleson, Mrs.Franklin K. Lane, Mrs. David Houston,Mrs. Claude N. Bennett. Mrs. DuncanU. Fletcher, Mrs. J. Willard Rag3dale.Mrs. Harrie Craig Ansley, Mrs. ChampClark. Mrs. W. T. Baggett, Mrs. ClaudeSwanson, Miss Xannie Randolph Heth,Mrs. E. E. Meredith, Miss VirginiaMiller, Mrs. Frank G. Odenheimer, Mrs.Samuel S. Spencer, Miss Kate K. Henry,Mrs. Ryan Devreautf. Mrs. * MarcusWright, Mrs. George Theobald, Coun»<>< »lcmrnn/1 Mockfn Mrs .lfihn W

Thompson and Mrs. Christian Hemmhk.The committee on arrangements includesMrs. Maude Howell Smith. Mrs.Leonard Hoffman. Mrs. Taylor O. Timberlake.Miss Nell Hose Raggett, Mrs.Albert N. Ferguson. Mrs. Lawton Morgan.Mrs. A. H. Mitchell, Miss HelenGriffith, Mrs. Archibald Young. Mrs.Drury Conway Ludlow, Mrs. Belle C.Riley, Miss Hattle Bowie. Mrs. W.' K.Hutton, Mrs. William T. Baggett. MrsGeorge Theobald, Mr. VV. E. Brockmanand Mr. Mahlon Janney.

Refreshments will be dispensed in attractivebooths throughout the afternoon.while an interesting vaudevilleperformance may be enjoyed from 3until 4:30 o'clock, and dancing willfollow from 5 until 7. Fortune tellingwill be another feature of the afternoonwhich will be quite an attraction.

<j| UNTIL YOU HE^H you can have no adequatfl bilities of the Player. A


"Supreme in A

you may play classical se

will excite the admiratimusician. To the lighteiing lends unsuspected chPlayer Piano.



MONDAY..Army and NavyChinese minister and A

and Mrs. Lansing.Representative and Mrs

Powhatan.Representative' and MrsMrs. Zachary Taylor C

dance at Congressional ClulMarriage Of Miss Man

M. CamDbell Oliohant at iChurch, Bradley lane.

Mrs. M. R. Blumenbergthe Highlands.

Mr. and Mrs. William VMaj. and Mrs. Hay, dim

Hay-f)rain wedding party.- t i:. r*\.1. i...u


League ball at the navy yard.Irs. Koo, dinner for Secretary. John A. Peters, dinner at the

>. Fred. Britten, dinner,arpenter, auction party and tea).

f Courtlandt Wallace and Mr.i p.m. at St. John's Episcopal, bridge party and tea dance at

Vheatley, dinner.aer at Army and Navy Club for

eon for Miss Doris Drain,rd party for Homeopathic Hosand

Mrs. Koo, dinner for JapuntessChinda.Mrs. Stebbins and Mrs. ValenDelano,


tea.uncheon.:heon.ling, luncheon,luncheon for Miss Drain.supper for Hay-Drain wedfor

Miss Stevenson.jeorge Washington Universityse Katherine Zimmerman and4 o'clock, in the chapel at .the

Pomerene, luncheon for Mrs.gressional Club.

Drain and Mr. Edward N. Hay:3°ury, dinner.bridge party' for Miss Hanna

ler, dinner at the Chevy Chase11*1 1 i i /. i\\ neeier, dinner at tne tnevy

Daughters of the Confederacy,ub.and Mrs. Marshall, dinner forMme. de Riano.

Richardson Clover, dinner dance

ty Sidney Rohrer and Mr. Basilit the bride's home.Kaufman and Mr. Le Roy King>, bridge party for Miss Hanna

tea for the Countess Sppttis'Colonial Dames,e, card party.George Washington University

Mrs. Marshall, dinner for the

sing, dinner.Delano, dance at the Playhouse.T> ur , .1:I . VV UUIC1I, UII1IICI.

iker, tea for Miss Power and

cheon.incheon for Miss May d'Alton


Slemp and Miss Slemp, dinnerative and Mrs. James R. Mann,a for Miss Hatjna Taylor,jncheon for Miss May d'Altondor.ouse at Gunston Hall.

Celebrate Silver Wedding.Dr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Varela celebratedthe twenty-fifth anniversary of

their marriage Saturday evening. April22, at Fontanet courts with a gatneringof relatives and close friends. There werefour generations of the family present.Auction bridge was played during the

evening, and at the termination of thegames refreshments were served. MissSusanne Flanagan assisted the hostess.Among those present were Mrs. CatherineVarela, mother of Dr. Varela; Mr. andMrs. Elmer Varela, son and daughter-inlawof the couple; baby John King Varela.the year-old grandson ; Mr. EdmundVarela, Maj. and Mrs. Thomas King, Mr.and Mrs. James Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. ArthurLithgow, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Riley.Mr. Fletcher. Miss Fletcher, Mr. GeorgeLamb, Miss Marie Saunders. Mr. JohnWitherow, Mrs. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. MurrayGifPord, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells.Miss Susanne Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. AlbertSkinner. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Lewisand Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Vail.

Hostess at Dance.Miss Marian King entertained at a

(lance last night at Beverly Courts forher house guests. Miss Matshak of NewYorkand Mr. Michael of Buffalo.Palms and spring flowers formed the

decoration and the young hostess wasassisted in receiving by her, parents,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King. Miss Kingwore a white embroidered batiste overpink, and Miss Matshak wore floweredtaffeta. There were about sixty guests.

.R THE BEHNIKIG ^jj>:e conception of the possi- r

Vifli the 1SJINGPIANO t

fusual Results'* II '

lections in a manner thaton of the accomplishedr musical forms the Behnarm.It is the one perfect

G StreetAt 13th

wner, If]

~, V

Bridge and Tea Dance.. t

Thj annpal bridge and tea dance forthe benefit bf the Homeopathic HospitalEaster Monday will this year be given *

at the New Willard and la being antici- t

pated with keen pleasure. The patron- tesses for this occasion are Mrs. -Robert tLansing, Mrs. John W. Foster, Mrs. t

Charles Hamlin, Mrs. George Suther- *

land, Mrs. James McMillan. Mrs. Sam- Juel Spencer, Mrs. Thomas Thropp, Mrs. ]Julian Bishop, Mrs. A. Garrison McClin- I

I IW.K, me musses seagiey, airs. i. i'e jWitt Talmage. Mrs. William AldenSmith. Mrs. H. H. Hawxhurst and Mrs. «

Henry Krogstadt. A large committee of jyoung girls actively interested in the Jpreparations for the dance include jMisses Gladys Hinckley, Georgia Scho- jheld, Manuela de Pena, Louise Delano, j rCatherine McClintock, Juliette Crosby, jHelena Elliott, Cora Barry, Beatrice;1Clover, Lillian Hendrick, Virginia Le ISeurre, Katherine Birnie, Catherine Har- j.low. Callie Hoke Smith, Ruth Patterson, tKatherine Burdette, Lucy Burleson, SidneyBurleson, Jane Gregory, Maxwell

Church,Margaret Howard, DorotheaOwen, Elizabeth Wiley, Mary Garland,Margaret Read. Grace Overman, MargaretDouglas, Francis Efflnger, DorothyWveth, Louise Clark, Katherine Theiss,Laura Graves, Mary Graham, DorothyMason, Helen MeCumber, Helen Blodgett,Baroness von Winckler, Mrs. Foraker,Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Brinckley and MissSims. To comply with numerous requests,tea tables are being reserved in additionto the boxes in the large ballroom by thecommittee having this in charge, of whichMrs. T. L. Macdonald is chairman.

Weddings This Week.An interesting wedding will take

place tomorrow evening at 8 o'clockat St. John's Episcopal Church. Berkeleylane, when Miss Mary CourtlandtWallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Francis C. Wallace of Drummond, Md.,will becon\e the bride of Mr. M. CampbellOliphant. also of Drummond.

Rev. James Kirkpatrick will performthe ceremony.The maid of honor will be Miss KatherineKohwr and the bride's sister.

Miss BrenTa Wallace, will be thebridesmaid. Miss Margaret Flemingand Miss Alma Johnson will be the(lower girls. Mr. Ralph O. Wilson ofDrummond, Md., will act as best man.The couple will leave immediately

after the ceremony for their weddingtrip and on their return will reside atDrummond, Md.

The marriage of Miss Doris Drain,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A.Drain, and Mr. Edward X. Hay willtake place Wednesday, April 26, at 4:30o'clock, at St. Thomas' Church.The ceremony will be performed by

the rector. Rev. Dr. C. Ernest Smith.Miss Katherine Drain will attend her

sister as maid of honor, and Mrs.Thomas Hay of Pittsburgh, Pa., willbe the matron of honor.Miss Marie Peary, Miss Lydia Clark,

Miss Emily Chase, Miss Erhily FilleIjfownand the bride's two little sisters.Misses Gertrude and MarionDrain, will be the bridesmaids.

Mr. Thomas Hay will act as bestman and the ushers will include Mr.Edward Stafford. Mr. Harry Semmes,Mr. Alfred Harding, jr.; Lieut. John C.Gotwals, U. S. A., and Capt. Monroe C.Kerth, U. S. A.A reception will fpllow at the

Wyoming.Miss Dorothy Sidney Rohrer and Mr.

Basil de Lashmutt Boteler will be marriedThursday evening at 7:45 o'clockat the residence of the bride's mother,Mrs. William H. Rohrer. on 31st street.

Miss Margaret Rohrer will be hersister's only attendant, and Mr. ErskineGordon will serve as best man.A reception will follow at 8:30.

Miss Louise Katherine Zimmermanand Mr. George A. Gormley of WestChevy Chase, Md.. will be marriedTuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in thechapel at the Catholic University.The bride's aunt. Miss Elizabeth

Brooke, will be her only attendantand her brother. Mr. Edward Zimmerman,will act as best man.A dinner will follow for the bridal

party and relatives.The bride-elect has been entertained

extensively during the past month.Miss Elizabeth Brooke gave a lunch-,eon of twenty-five covers, followed by a,miscellaneous shower, recently. A card "

party and shower was given at thehotne of Mrs. N. E. Brooke and akitchen shower by her aunt, Mrs.Thomas Haney. One of the most delightfulaffairs was a' patchwork _

shower and luncheon given by MissZimmerman'sSunday school pupils at

the home of Mrs. Herbert Arnold. TheMisses Alberta and Helen Potter gavea miscellaneous shower at their homeFriday evening.The marriage of Miss Alma Kaufman,daughte.r of Mr. and Mrs. D. J.

Kaufman, and Mr. Le Roy* King, son ofMr. Meyer King of this city, will takeplace Wednesday at noon at the homeof the bride's parents. Homestead, nearCleveland Park.The ceremony will be performed by

Rev. Dr. Louis Stern and Rev. Dr.Abram Simon of the Eighth Street ^Temple, and will be witnessed by the k

near relatives of the young couple. Awedding breakfast will follow. The

>ridewill be attended by her sister.Miss Marguerite Kaufman, as maid ofhonor and the bridegroom will have his "!

\fr UlUnn Tvincr r\f thi« ritv a o..v until. !«« " .

best man.

Returns to Suburbs.Maj. P. B. Moore and family, who have

been in the city for the winter, havereturned to their home in^the suburbs.

r":!| A Most V

| ^ Red

il ^jt.<Sy orlVf'^VEL| ^.. tenals and si

3, Reduced fro

| Nsy $ 18-50I .1̂ 200 of the Latest Mo<

| Trimmed h^ Copies of importations a

^ American

Here on Special Mission.

Mr. Antonio Burgos, minister of Panbttato Spain, is at Stoneleigh Court as

he official guest of the Panaman legaion.Mr. .Burgos has been sent by hisrovernmerit on the _special mission ofhanking the United States for its paricipationat the exposition which hasaken place recently at Panama City in:omfnerhoratlon of the discovery of thePacific ocean. He is accompanied byVlme. Burgos and by his son.

Spencer.SmithMr. and Mrs. Orlando H. Smith anlounoethe engagement of their daugh-

er. Miss I^anette Hines Smith, ana Mr.

>aingerfleld Bland Spencer of Wllliams»urgr.Va. No date has been set forhe wedding:.


Chafing DishesA big stock of High-grade

Nickel-plated Chafing Dishes.$3.50 up to $20

Solid Polish Cop- (/t upper Chafing Dishes..j-ilectric Chafing Dishes,

$10 UpChafing DishAccessories

('banner Dish Trays Priced at

$ to $».uu( hafinjr Dinh Spoona and Forka,

75c to $2.50Chafing- Diah Flagon*.

$1.75 to $3.50

Refrigc.We carry standard qu;kind you can depend on a

The Bohn.with its Syphon system of ciifood preserver and ice-saver on 1are shown with the new One-pit.a wonderful improvement.

All sizes and styles are here

The White of the most popular andmarket."The Chest with the (at S11.50 to Sioo.


Shoes of TodayMmost Tomorrow.

Matchless Style.Perfect ComfAnd "Dollar-Silk," the woiHose of Today.

Arthur Burt ("Cantilever" Arch Suppoi

pp The House of Fashion.

1106 G Street

Wonderful Afte

luction St150 Suits_.i , i t ^ x iuurace tne very uesr materials priean woolen mills.also taffeta,ge combinations, and many differ^.OUR CHECKS," mixtures, mann

port suits. All sizes and all colors.

m our regular prices of J

*24*" *29Vo Charge for Alterations'ositively none sent on approval.

ieis in Extra ilats Mnd originalkind Dress*

* E An excepti<J O occasions.

Tea For Mrs. Campbell.Mrs. W. S. Stamper of I>rummond<

Md., save a beautifully appointed tea

last Thursday afternoon in complimentto her house guest. Mrs George EdwardCampbell of Elizahethton, Tenn.Other special guests were Mrs. A. C.Brant, state regent of Ohio. P. A. R.;Miss Eleanor Garde. Mrs. Terrett andMiss Marguerite ^errctt of St. Raul,Minn.Mrs. Casnnave Willson. Mrs. W. F.

Woolard. Miss Pansie Willson. MissTerrett. Miss Helena Griflln. Miss I^timerand Mrs. Mabel Kipp-Lewis assisted.Mrs. Woolard and Mrs. Willsonpoured tea and Mrs. Raymond Heiskellserved ices. The decorations were

in yellow and the same color schemewas carried out in the ices, cakes andbonbons.

ig Gifts.In our Housefurni s h i n g Departmentyou will find hundredsof useful and beautiful,things that wouldmake ideal weddinggifts.

Coffee MachinesA Copper or Nickel- tfJ/C

plated Coffee Machine..

Community SilverShowing; the new pattern* In

the Famous Community Silver.The moat beautiful and the moatdurable of all plated waren.

i / J M * eteaspoons, V2 ooz *z.i3Dessert Spoons, % doz $4-00Tablespoons, Vz doz. .. $430Dessert Forks, Vt doz. $4.00Table Forks, % doz... $4.30

PercolatorsNickel-plated Percolators,

$2.25 UpElectric Coffee Percolators,

$5 to $15

oratorsality Refrigerators.thebsolutelv.i the most efficient:he market. This year's models:ce Seamless Porcelain Liningsat $40 to $100.ain Refrigeratorsreliable Refrigerators on the

rhill".in all styles and sizes,


(/ I **>


iderful, beautiful, durable 1

1343 F.*t Shoes for tired feet.

^ |II:r=Easter110^ "ish ma- { i ^ ^$25 to $55 |i-50 $34-50 1|1special Values |londay |is & Coats |3nal display.styles for all jj|