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18 th Sunday After Pentecost (Evening Prayer) Sept. 25, 2021

Evening Prayer) Sept. 25, 2021

Jan 16, 2022



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Page 1: Evening Prayer) Sept. 25, 2021

18th Sunday After Pentecost (Evening Prayer) Sept. 25, 2021

Page 2: Evening Prayer) Sept. 25, 2021



OPENING HYMN “Jesus, Your Boundless Love to Me” | CW 479

1 Jesus, your boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare.

Dwell in my heart eternally, And reign without a rival there.

To you alone, dear Lord, I live; Myself to you, dear Lord, I give.

2 Oh, grant that nothing in my soul May dwell but your pure love alone;

Oh, may your love possess me whole, My joy, my treasure, and my crown!

All coldness from my heart remove; My ev’ry act, word, thought be love.

3 This love unwearied I pursue And dauntlessly to you aspire.

Oh, may your love my hope renew, Burn in my soul like heav’nly fire!

And day and night be all my care To guard this sacred treasure there.

4 In suff’ring be your love my peace; In weakness be your love my pow’r;

And when the storms of life shall cease, O Jesus, in that final hour

Be then my rod and staff and guide And draw me safely to your side.

Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607–76, abr.; tr. John B. Wesley, 1703–91, alt.


M: O Lord, open my lips.

M: Hasten to save me, O God.

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M: Lord God, you have brought us safely to this hour of evening prayer. We thank you

for providing all that we need for body and life. Bless us who have gathered in your

name. Forgive our sins. Speak to our hearts. Dispel our sorrows with the comfort of

your Word, and receive our hymns of thanks and praise, through Jesus Christ, our

living Savior, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen.

M: Let our prayers be acceptable in your sight. Come and help us in time of need that

we may sing your praise in holy joy now and forever, through Jesus Christ, our


C: Amen.


Let my prayer rise before you as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening


O Lord, I call to you; come to me quickly; hear my voice when I cry to you.

Let my prayer rise before you as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening


M: The Lord be with you.

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PSALM 31 | CW Pg. 77


Surely, it is God who saves me;

I will trust in him and not be afraid.

For the Lord is my stronghold and my sure defense,

and he will be my Savior.

In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge;*

deliver me in your righteousness.

Be my rock of refuge,*

a strong fortress to save me.

Into your hands I commit my spirit;*

redeem me, O LORD, the God of truth.


My times are in your hands;*

save me in your unfailing love.

How great is your goodness,*

which you have stored up for those who fear you.

You heard my cry for mercy*

when I called to you for help.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son*

and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,*

Is now, and will be forever. Amen.


Refrain Tune: Jack Noble White. © 1976 Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp. (admin. Alfred Publishing Co.). All rights

reserved. Used by permission.

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Give thanks to the Lord; call on his name; make known among the nations what he has


M: God, our Rock and Fortress, protect your people, who confess your name, and

strengthen the hearts of those who trust your mercy that they may proclaim your

goodness and praise your unfailing love; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

C: Amen.

LESSON Mark 9:30-37

They left that place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know

where they were, because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of

Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three

days he will rise.” But they did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask

him about it.

They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, he asked them, “What were

you arguing about on the road?” But they kept quiet because on the way they had

argued about who was the greatest.

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must

be the very last, and the servant of all.”

He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he

said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes

me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

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HYMN “Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us” | CW 486

1 Lord of glory, you have bought us With your lifeblood as the price,

Never grudging for the lost ones That tremendous sacrifice,

And with that have freely given Blessings countless as the sand

To th’ unthankful and the evil With your own unsparing hand.

2 Grant us hearts, dear Lord, to give you Gladly, freely, of your own.

With the sunshine of your goodness Melt our thankless hearts of stone

Till our cold and selfish natures, Warmed by you, at length believe

That more happy and more blessed ’Tis to give than to receive.

3 Wondrous honor you have given To our humblest charity

In your own mysterious sentence, “You have done it unto me.”

Can it be, O gracious Master, That you need what we can do,

Saying by your poor and needy, “Give as I have giv’n to you”?

4 Yes, the sorrow and the suff’rings Which on ev’ry hand we view

Channels are for gifts and off’rings Due by solemn right to you,

Right of which we may not rob you, Debt we may not choose but pay

Lest that face of love and pity Turn from us another day.

5 Lord of glory, you have bought us With your lifeblood as the price,

Never grudging for the lost ones That tremendous sacrifice.

Give us faith to trust you boldly, Hope, to stay our souls on you;

But, oh, best of all your graces, With your love our love renew.

Text: Eliza S. Alderson, 1818–89, alt.

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SERMON TEXT James 3:13-18

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by

deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and

selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom”

does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you

have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving,

considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

LORD, HAVE MERCY | CW Pg. 59 Kyrie M: In the closing hours of this day, hear us as we pray, O Lord:

M: For the well-being of people everywhere, for the growth of your church in all the

world, and for the strengthening of all who serve and worship here, we pray, O



I praise you, Father giver of all good gifts, that you have so graciously blessed me that

I am able to contribute to the ministry of your saving word. Bless my gifts to your

glory. Amen.

You may place your offering in the basket by the door following the service.

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M: For one another, young and old, for your blessings that come with every stage of

life, and for joy in doing your will, we pray, O Lord:

M: For our public servants who work day and night to bring protection, justice,

learning, and health to this and every place, we pray to you, O Lord:

M: For favorable weather and bountiful harvests, for clothing and food, for health of

body, mind, and spirit, and for deliverance from all sin and every form of evil, we

pray to you, O Lord:

M: For the faithful who have gone before us, who have shared with us your good

news, whose souls are now at rest in your heavenly kingdom, we give you thanks,

O Lord:

M: In thanksgiving for your many and varied gifts to us, we now commend ourselves

to your care. Be our shield and strength, O Lord.

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M: The grace of our Lord (+) Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of

the Holy Spirit be with you all.

C: Amen.

LORD’S PRAYER | New Translation

C: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will

be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our

sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but

deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now

and forever. Amen.

SONG OF SIMEON (Sung) | CW Pg. 61

In peace, Lord, you let your servant now depart according to your word. For my

eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for ev’ry people, a light to

lighten the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.


M: Lord God, all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works come from you.

Give to us, your servants, that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts

may be set to obey your commandments. Defend us also from the fear of our

enemies that we may live in peace and quietness, through the merits of Jesus

Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,

now and forever.

C: Amen.

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CLOSING HYMN “May the Mind of Christ My Savior” | CW 467

1 May the mind of Christ my Savior Live in me from day to day,

By his love and pow’r inspiring All I do or say.

2 May the Word of God dwell richly In my heart from hour to hour,

So that all may see I triumph Only through his pow’r.

3 May the peace of God my Father Rule my life in ev’rything,

That I may be calm to comfort Sick and sorrowing.

4 May the love of Jesus fill me As the waters fill the sea,

Him exalting, self abasing—This is victory!

5 May I run the race before me, Strong and brave to face the foe,

Looking only unto Jesus As I onward go.

6 May his spirit live within me As I seek the lost to win,

And may they forget the channel, Seeing only him.

Text: Kate B. Wilkinson, 1859–1928, alt.

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Pastor Kurt Loescher


Kris Karnopp


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®

Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®

Evening Prayer

© 1993 Northwestern Publishing House.

The flowers on the altar are given God’s glory by Dennis & Kathy Guhl

in thanksgiving for their 49th wedding anniversary.

Beckwith Family

Victoria’s father, Brian Beckwith, is hospitalized.

Loescher Family

Pastor Loescher’s father is hospitalized.

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JAM! (Jesus & Me) Update - Jam! Is postponed until further notice.

HOPE NEW LIFE SUPPORT GROUP - Domestic or dating violence can happen to anyone; it’s

a sin that has no boundaries. If you are affected by either current or past abuse, Hope New

Life Support Group wants to help you. A safe and confidential support group will be

starting in October. To get more information, contact us at [email protected]

and leave your contact information with a safe time for us to call. We will respond within

48 hours.

ALTAR FLOWERS - The beautiful flowers you see on the altar every week are purchased

and donated by the members of our congregation. We need your help to beautify the

altar on October 10 and November 28. To signup, please visit https:// If you have any questions,

please call Lynet Steele at 414.510.8623 or email [email protected].

HARVEST HOME FESTIVAL will be celebrated at David’s Star on October 9th & 10th with

services, and with a luncheon on that Sunday after the 10:15 service. In the services that

weekend we will praise God for his goodness to us in preserving the gospel among us from

the time of our ancestors to this day. Those attending the luncheon in the gym are asked

to bring a casserole, salad, fruit, or dessert. Your fully baked dish can be placed in the food

warmer in the concessions’ area. Everyone is invited! We have invited the David’s Star

Confirmation Classes of l951, l961, and l971 to join us. (We do not have an address for Coy

Brandenberg. If you know the address, please call Doris Koeller at 262-677-3457.)

LOVE & LOGIC - You are invited at attend a two-part seminar on Love and Logic. Mr. Aaron

Bauer will help us learn positive parenting techniques to build healthy relationships with

our children. The “Love” in Love and Logic means that we love our kids so much that we

are willing to set and enforce limits. This “Love” also means that we do so with sincere

compassion and empathy. The “Logic” in Love and Logic happens when we allow children

to make decisions, affordable mistakes and experience the natural or logical

consequences. When we balance this with sincere empathy, they develop the following

logic: Our children learn that the quality of their lives depends on the quality of their

choices. Dates: Sunday, October 24, 2021 and Sunday, November 14 Lunch is served at

11:30 am with the speaker to follow. Free childcare is provided. Please RSVP to Mrs. Bintz

at [email protected]

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LUTHERAN BOY PIONEERS - Calling all Boys from 1st through 5th grade! Lutheran Boy pioneers is starting back up at David’s Star. This is a great opportunity for boys and father figures to learn and explore the world together through a wide variety of activities. Our next meeting is Sunday October 24th when we will be touring the Jackson Fire Department. For more information please email Tyler Rehlinger at [email protected]


Planning Committee is working to create a long-term strategic ministry plan for our

congregation. Our goal in creating this plan is to strengthen our focus on how we use the

time, talents and treasures God has given to our congregation now and into the future.

The committee is requesting input from membership to help develop the plan. The input

requested will focus on four major areas that impact our ministry: Member Engagement,

Education, History & Traditions, and Property. ALL confirmed members of David’s Star are

encouraged to attend and provide their input. There are 3 different opportunities to attend

a 1 hour session: Sat Oct 16 Following worship service, Sun Oct 17 Following 2nd worship

service (free child care will be available), or Thurs Oct 21 @ 7:00pm. The meetings will be

held in the church. We hope that you are able to attend and help shape the future of

David's Star!

"VALUE THE GIFT" CLR’s NATIONAL CONVENTION –Join Christian Life Resources (CLR) on

Saturday, October 16 from 9:30am-3:00pm at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School, 3399

Division Road, Jackson, WI for our annual National Convention. It will be an exciting,

informative, and inspiring day of learning—on how to VALUE THE GIFT of life from

beginning to end, today and tomorrow. We will be providing the event in person, AND

there will be a live-streaming option too. Our expert speakers will provide their subjects in

a concise, prepared “TED Talk” format. Topics: the future of life issues; embryo adoption;

the impact of suicide on the bereaved; stem cell research; and, Christian love and the New

Beginnings home-for-mothers ministry. Onsite $45 cost includes presentations, all

materials, continental breakfast, boxed lunch, and snacks. $35 livestreaming virtual option

to watch on your computer. More at:

national-convention/ or call 800-729-9535 to register.

JR. CHARGER GIRLS BASKETBALL TRYOUTS - Tryouts for the 2021-2022 Jr. Charger girls

basketball season will take place on Sunday, October 10; Sunday, October 17; and Sunday,

October 24, 2021. tryout times are as follows: Grades 4, 5, 6: 12:30 - 2:00 PM; Grades 7, 8:

2:00-4:00 PM. Please contact Mr. Jason Walz ([email protected]) with any questions.

For the tryout registration form and more information on Jr. Charger girls basketball, visit

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KML TRIVIA NIGHT - Are you ready for an exciting night of trivia fun?!? The 4th Annual

Charger Club Trivia Night will be happening at KML on Saturday, October 9, at 6:30

PM (NEW TIME!). Get together a group of 5-10 friends/family/co-workers, come up with a

team name, get registered, and start planning your night of fun! Event participation is only

$15 per person, and all proceeds go to support KML. REGISTER TODAY at

kmltrivia! Registration deadline: October 7. Sponsorship and donation opportunities are

available and GREATLY appreciated. More info at We look

forward to seeing you at Trivia Night!


• To participate you must fill out and hand in the attached sign-up sheet. (Return

the sheet to your child’s teacher or the school office)

• Trunk setup begins at 5:30pm in the South parking lot.

• Nut-free candy handout starts at 6:00pm and promptly ends at 6:30pm.

• If it rains, Trunk-or-Treat will be cancelled for the evening.


• Head to the gym from 6:30p.m.-7:30p.m. for carnival games of all ages

• Check out the free lawn games that will be set up outside


• Come hungry and eat dinner with your friends

• Food and drink will be available to purchase at 5:30pm

Any questions? Contact Amanda Clausing (262) 483-1222 or Katie Ferch (262)


Fall Festival October 22nd


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Trunk-or-Treat Registration Form

Sign up and participate in this year’s Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat event!

Jump on Pinterest and search for a creative trunk idea, because this year the best trunk will be awarded a prize!

Family Name _________________________________________ Phone Number ________________________________________ Trunk Theme _________________________________________


Parents’ Group aims to follow David’s Star school conduct and dress code

policies to keep things safe, enjoyable, and appropriate. Please refrain from costumes or props that are demon, scary, risqué, or death-related or you may be asked to put it away or change. Thanks for sticking with our family-friendly theme!

Return this sheet to your child’s teacher or the school office by Monday, 10/18. Trunk setup begins at 5:30p.m. in the South parking lot. Nut-free candy handout starts at 6:00pm. and ends at 6:30pm. If it rains, Trunk-or-Treat will be cancelled for the evening. Any questions? Call Amanda Clausing @ 262-483-1222.

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This is our last weekend to focus on the very beginning elements

of worship. Note how the beginnings of Evening Prayer and

Morning Praise differ from the Services of Word (and

Sacrament). The opening responses (shorter than the Service of

Word and Sacrament and often sung) focus on God's daily

provision at specific times of day and praise him for that continuing

love and care.

In the 7:45 service, 5K demonstrate more variety for the beginning of the service by

singing a "Call to Worship," a short choral song inviting worshippers to praise our amazing

Lord and Savior. Some Christian churches include this choral song on a more regular


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how to join a group or begin a group of your own, contact Pastor

Loescher at [email protected] or 262.305.4289 (call or text).


TEEN & ADULT BIBLE STUDY between services at 9:10 am in the church We are

continuing our study, “The Ideal Congregation”.

CHILDREN’S BIBLE STUDY Children’s Bible Study (Sunday School) from 9:10 to 10:00.

We will study Set 4 of Christ Light, with ten lessons on Paul’s Mission Work.


BIBLE INFORMATION CLASS weekly from 7:00 - 8:00 pm in the multipurpose room.

(MPR) This is for members wanting to brush up on the basic teaching of the Bible or

nonmembers wanting to study what we teach and are considering joining our



MEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6:15 am in

the multipurpose room.


‘JAM’ (Jesus and Me) - postponed until further notice.

BIBLE STUDY - This ongoing study meets at 10:00 am in the multipurpose room (MPR).

We are currently studying the Gospel of Matthew.

LET’S GO - Evangelism training will be held from Oct. 6 - Nov. 17 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in

the multipurpose room (MPR). These are 7 interactive training sessions designed to

equip us to better share Jesus in our personal lives.


LADIES MORNING BIBLE STUDY - 1st & 3rd Thursday’s at 10:00 am in the multipurpose

room. Our first study for the season is September 23rd. Please bring your Bible, hymnal,

and a notebook. Hope to see you there!

EVENING BIBLE STUDY meets three times per month at 6:30 pm in the multipurpose

room. (MPR) We are reading through the book of Exodus.


DROP-OFF BIBLE STUDY meets at 8:30 am on Fridays in the multipurpose room (MPR)

when school is in session. We take a half-hour to discuss the Holy Scriptures and

encourage one another. Parents with small children are welcome!

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Saturday (9/25) 5:00 pm Worship Service

Sunday (9/26) 7:45 am Worship Service

9:10 am Children’s & Adult Bible Study

10:15 am Worship Service

Monday (9/27) 6:30 pm Children’s Bible Study Teacher’s Mtg (8th Grade


7:00 pm Bible Information Class (MPR)

Tuesday (9/28) 6:15 am Men’s Bible Study (MPR)

6:30 pm Adult Handbell Rehearsal (Church)

7:35 pm Adult Mixed Choir Rehearsal (Church)

Wednesday (9/29) 10:00 am Bible Study (MPR)

Thursday (9/30) 6:30 pm Evening Bible Study (MPR)

Friday (10/1) 8:30 am Drop-off Bible Study (MPR)

Saturday (10/2) 5:00 pm Worship Service w/ Holy Communion

Sunday (10/3) 7:45 am Worship Service w/ Holy Communion

9:10 am Children’s & Adult Bible Study

10:15 am Worship Service w/ Holy Communion

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David’s Star Operating: $12,039.50

David’s Star Debt Retire: $1,606.00

KMLHS Operating: $686.50

WELS Missions: $1,199.00

ATTENDANCE (9/18-19, 2021)

Worship via Livestream: 83

In-Person Worship: 379


Sat. (9/25) 5:00 pm Steve Bintz Team 9

Sun. (9/26) 7:45 am Kevin Behm Team 7 - Al Guhl, Capt.

10:15 am Ray Liesener Team 8 - Guy Maciejewski, Capt.

Sat. (10/2) 5:00 pm Bill & Cody Bublitz Team 2 - Glenn Rusch, Capt.

Sun. (10/3) 7:45 am Gerry Lahti Team 3 - John Wolfgram, Capt.

10:15 am Karl Lickteig Team 1 - Myron Philipps, Capt.

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David’s Star congregation has existed since 1843 to serve people with a

message more important than any other: Jesus Christ, crucified and risen for

the salvation of all. To our friends who know us, we renew our welcome; to

the first time visitor, we extend our sincere greeting; to those who seek a

church home, we offer fellowship with the living Savior.

David’s Star Evangelical Lutheran Church

2740 David’s Star Drive, Jackson, WI 53037 / Ph. 262.677.2412 /




Pastoral Staff


Associate Pastor


[email protected]


Associate Pastor


[email protected]

Church Secretary


[email protected]

Congregational Assistant


[email protected]




[email protected]

School Secretary


[email protected]