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fi- EVENING CAPITAL NEWS, TUESDAY, NOV. 6, 1917. FlNAt HEARINGS FOR HOLLISTER w LANDS DEC. 1 0 A PARTICLE iCASCARETSSEU DANDRUEE OR TWENTY MILLION A FALLING HAIR BOXES PER YEAR I Best, Safest Cathartic for Liver Its and Bowels, and PeoJJle Know It. The Little News of Boise EEZZ3: Attorney General Instructed to Report at Early Date on Controversy Before the Board. Alleged Fraudulent Use of Dummy Entrymen to Be Definitely Settled—Manu- facture of War Material Comes Up. * The »täte land board ha» decided to conduct a final hearing into the Hollister land controversy on Dec. 10, prior to which time It {lopes to havo a complete report regarding the lands Involved from Attorney Qeneral T. A. Walter«. Alleged fraudulent u»e of dummy entrymen to acquire acreage in the tract ia charged. This conclu- alon was reached after the board had been in session all da: 'londay. The | minute» of the board follow: Boise, Idaho, Nov. 5, 1917.—State ' board of land commissioners of the : state of Idaho met this day in regu- lar session. All members present. Whereupon the following proceedings •ere had, to-wlt: Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. MANUFACTURE WAR MATERIAL. Motion was made by Governor Alex- ander, which carried unanimously, that the request of Charles A. Attrldge, Ozone, Idaho, In regard to transferring his lease, be granted providing he sat- isfies the state land board that he Is engaged In the manufacture of war ma- terial to assist the government of the United States In war; otherwise, the request will not be granted. Application of John Lelschner for partial release of state mortgage No. 1633 was approved and the governor u* chairman and the register aa sec- retary of the hoard wore authorized to sign same, and the 334.74, proportion- ate share of principal heretofore or- dered paid by the board, was ordered waived. Application of R. J. Comstock, presi- dent First National bank, Rexburg, Idaho, to transfer leave No. 3528. was upon motion, denied by the board. Motion was then made by Governor Alexander, which carried, that the re- port of Mr. Madden In relation to the Hollister lands be taken up by the board Save Your Hair! Double Beauty in Just a Few Moments. “Danderine” Makes Your Hair Thick, Glossy, Wavy and Beautiful. They’re Fine ! Don’t Stay Bili- ous, Sick, Headachy or Constipated. Within ten minute« after an appli- cation of Danderine. you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling haif and your scalp will not Itch, hut what will you moat will be after a few weeks’ use, when you aee new hair, fine and downy at first—ye«— hut really new hair—growing all over the scalp. Danderine Is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhiiiarating, stimulating and life?-pro- ducing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair, No difference how dulll, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it tnrough your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amaz- ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of i abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any—that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment— that’s all—you surely can have beau- tiful hair and lots of it if you will Just try a little Danderine.—Adv. WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP LAUNCH BOOM TOR GEORGE E. W E E K S FOR CONGRESSMAN Democrats in Northern Idaho Meet at Coeur d’- Alene and Bring Forth Fellow Townsman. A boom for George F. Weeks Coeur d'Alene as a candidate for con- to Attorney General T. A. Walters for CTessman from the. First district of report at an early date, and the hoard i IrtnHo. was launched at ( oeur d Alene to take the matter up again on Dec. j b>' democrats during a banquet held 10 1917. ' *n honor of W. R. Jamieson, assistant George W. Rice, Twin Falls, appeared ItrPaHUr<?r of the national party organl- ____ and made application for water right ! nation. Weeks is well known In Boise. A discussion washad withAttorney for school land purchased by him last , vvas here last winter while the leg- Wllcox andMr.Rnrrett, where- j spring in the amount of 280 acres i »la t u re was in session and spoke at o’clock p. m. to consider the matter fu rther. Two o'clock, p. m. The board met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Same members present as at the morning session. SET FINAL HEARING. After bearing further from Attorney R. V. Wilcox, Wendell, representing the Barrett and Slmonton entries on the Hollister lands, Weslèy T. Stafford, Gooding, attorney for the Central Trust company, and Mayor Sam H. Hays, Boise, representing the Boise Title & Trust company, the matter was. upon motion of Governor Alexander, referred Enjoy life! Keep clean «inside with Cascarets. Take one or two at night and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Wake up feeling grand. Your head will be clear, your tongue clean, breath right, stomach sweet and your liver and thirty feet of bowels active. Get a box at any drug store and straighten up. Stop the. headaches, bilious spells, had colds and bad days—Brighten up, Cheer up, Clean up! Mothers should give a whole Cascaret to children when cross, bilious, feverish or if tongue Is coated—they are harmless—never gripe or sicken.—Adv. NAMED TENT INSPECTOR. George F. Salle of this city has been officially notified by Henry G. Sharpe, quartermaster general. IT. S. A., that he has been appointed by the secretary of war as inspector of tents at 11200 per annum for duty in the quarter- master’s corps,Philadelphia, Pa. He is directed to proceed to Philadelphia im- mediately. Mr. Salle will leave Boise to report on Thursday. He is well known here and Is junior member of the Boise Tent & Awning company. FIREMAN INJURED. Charles Spore. swingman at the Central station fell from a ladder this morning at 9 o'clock, breaking both bones in bis left leg just above the ankle. He was w ashing whitewash i from a wall when the ladder slipped from the bottom and he fell to the cement floor. He was at once taken to a hospital where the fracture was set. Mr. Spore resides on South Third street. CLASS FOR BUSINESS BOYS. The physical director of the Y. M. C. A. announces a class for business hoys between the ages of 14 and 17 years. The class opens tonight and (road. $2,879.58; library, $468.04; sprinkling, $1,937.08; cemetery, $511.20. Owing to the fact that conaiderable ; road work is being done at the cerne- j tery the bills on that fund were higher; than usual. Mayor Hays, wHb has been unable to. attend the council for; several meetings on account pt illness IJ was present this afternoon. The arrival of large shipments of New Coats gives added impetus to the Coat Selling Event of this store. Inc PERSONALS. A. J. Tucker and George Tucker are Boise visitors from Buhl. -»Mrs. J. F. Crawford and Blanche Crawford of Montour are visiting friends and shopping in the city. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Sweeley are spending a few’ days in Boise from Twin Falls. J. W. Webster of Rexburg is attend- ing to business matters in the city. I Fred W. Gooding, the well known Shoshone sheepman, is a Boise business , visitor. 4 H. P. Golding arrived here Monday Î night ^rom Pocatello. He is at the ' Bristol. M. J. Barrows came over from King ! Hill Monday evening to spend a day j or two in the city. O. H. Hazelton is in from Pearl, a ! W’ill meet Tuesday and Friday nights ’ guest at the Pacific. at 7 o’clock. It Is for boys who work! Merritt K. Snow'berger is spending during the day and school boys hav-ja few days in Boise. He came up from ing paper routes. The older boys' j Payette Monday night. class, which has been meeting Monday Karl F. Williams is transacting busl- I and Friday nights, will in the future; ness in the city, lie arrived Monday' meet Monday and Thursday nights. RANCHER SHIPS APPLES. E. H. Heller, whose ranch is just west of Pierce park, will this week ship a car of fine apples to the east- ern market. Tho ecle was made by an Ogden firm and tlve apples are be- ing packed on the Heller ranch. night from Silver City. P. G. Johnston of La Grande is a guest at the Idanha. E. W. Claiborn of Twin Falls is in the city for a few days. R. S. Coon rad and family and R. J. McDonald are down from Cascade. They are stopping at the Grand. ! W. D. Harvey of Smith’s Ferry is in the city to spend a day or two. Mr. and Mrs. Gus E. Kllloran are visitors in the city from Wallace. Charles Johnson is here from Amerl- jean Falla on a brief visit. New models designed by Lanoin, Chemit, Pa- quin, Jenny and Callot. Their products grip the appreciation of every woman. PLEADS NOT GUILTY. Frank Caviness entered a plea of not guilty In district court today to the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Following his plea a demurrer to tlie complaint was filed I Loren Clay and C. C. Larson of Pay- and also a motion to strike out the)0**« *P®nt Monday in Boise, names of other defendants from the, Mrs. Clara Gish Work has returned complaint and also the words, **Fugi- j from a visit at Rupert, tives from justice.” No action upon upon the board adjourned until 2 EVERYONE LIKES THIS COLD CURE ‘Pape’s Cold Compound” Ends a Cold or Grippe in a Few Hours. Upon motion the matter was referred to the attorney general for investlga- 1 tion and report to the board. The following farm loan appllca- the Jefferson banquet.. SUGGESTION TAKEN UP. The suggestion of Mr. Jamieson that Mr. Weeks be run as a candidate for tiens were «ranted by the board and ; representative from Idaho was taken the register Instructed to refund to ap- ub b>\ ,he leaders of hls h«’''»'1 who Your cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a dose of “Pape's Cold Compound” every two hours until three doses are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nos - trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, dullness, fev- erishness, sore Ihroat, sneering, sore- ness and stiffness. Don’t stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head—nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape’s Cold Compound,” which costs only a few cents at any drug store.. It acts with- out assistance, tastes nice, and cqpsea additional information, no inconvenience. Accept no substl- . tute.—Adv. plicants balance of 1 per cent fee paid after deducting expense of appraise- ment: Carl Glörfeld. Rockland, $2650; refund, $29.35; Henry Eliason. Rock- land, $1500, refund $12.85; Bert Mo- Womack. Rockland. $1000, refund $2.85; William D. Ryder, Parma, $1200 ; Stuart Mutch, Caldwell, $2500, refund, $ 11. DENY APPLICATIONS. The following loan applications w’ere denied by the board, and the register instructed to refund to applicants the ’difference between one per cent and cost of appraisement: Edward L. Stevens, Mountain Home, $1500; Will- iam Butzien, Whlteljird, $800; John F. Kosanke, American Falls, $1500. Application of David H. Hillhouse and Frank B. Hillhouse, Bockland, Idaho, for a renewal and increase loan of $2500 and $5000* respectively, were denied by the board, and application of Truman F. Raught! St. Maries, for renewal and increase in the sum of $1000*was referred to the appraiser for Relnlquishment of Elwood C. Perisho under the Snake River Irrigation com- pany was accepted by the board and WOMEN STEADY WORKERS. entry was ordered cancelled, and ap- It used to be said that women could j plication of Thèron L. Ragsdale to not bo depended upon like men to!en*er same land, described as fol- w’o r k steadily, and, consequently, (lows: SK^4 N E 1 ,4, section 19; SW ^4 ought not to expect so much pay as'^W V*, section 20, and SWH, soc- men employed at similar work. ’lion 20, township 5 west, range 4 east, While it would be foolish for any B. M. was approved. young woman to stay at work when physically unfit, it Is believed that most women now ^ontlnue at their w’o r k as constantly as men. Any woman who is unable to do so, should take Lydia E. PtnkWam's Vegetable Compound, the old, reliable medicine for woma% and get the aid i\he needs to enafe her to keep at work.—Adv. A RAW, SORE THROAT Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole. And Musterole won’t blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it on with your fingers. It pene- trates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain. Musterole ia ■ dean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for «uick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsUitia croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu- •slgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of he back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, iruisea chilblaina frosted feet, colds on Bpoke in favor of the Idea. Mr. Weeks stated that he would run if he was wanted as a candidate. Mr. Weeks has been chairman of the Democratic party in Kootenai county during the past two campaigns. He lias not been a candidate for office at any time, although his name has al- ready been mentioned as a guberna- torial possibility for next year. He is chairman of the county food administration, and has been active in the liberty loan. Red Cross and other patriotic enterprises. ELDER 18 TOASTMASTER. The banquet was presided over by Robert H. Klder, Democratic national committeeman from Idaho. Mr. Weeks, J. V. Hawkins and H. C. Shaver were called upon for short talks, as was Mr«. Teresa M. Graham, chairman of the women’s liberty loan committee for Idaho. Mrs. Bass, who was chairmsn for the twelfth reserve district of the women's loan campaign, declared that there had been some misapprehension of the women’s activity in th« last drive. The women, she said, received their authority direct from the treas- ury department, and they wore there- fore as much a part of the campaign as were the men’s committees. A few’ of the county towns outside of Coeur d'Alene were represented by leaders of the Democratic faith, and oQier North Idaho towns also had many In attendance. the demurrer or motion was taken. TAKING TESTIMONY. The state began presenting testi- mony today in the grand larceny case in which Frank M. Brassfield and Frank R. Beatty are defendants. Two witnesses had testified up to a late hour today, Christ Jensen and Harry W\ Morrison. PRISONER RECUPERATES. Newell Wallace, who wnn operated on for appendicitis at St. Alphonsus hos- pital a week ago Jast Saturday, was returned to the state prison today and placed in the hospital there. Wallace is serving a term for forgery and was sent up from Canyon county, H. E. DALTON RESIGNS. H. E. Dalton, receiver of the Boise Railroad company and also its mun- ager, has resigned his position, having completed the receivership duties. Mr. Dalton Is now’ looking after his own interests, but w’ill continue to make bis office headquarters in the railroad company rooms with W. E. Pierce & Co. CITY COUNCIL MEETING The city council held a short session this afternoon at which bills for Oc- tober were Allowed on the different funds as follows: General. I8.275.9S: H. B. Illingsworth left Monday night for Moscow to spend the winter with hls family. His children are attending the state university. A. A. McPherson, for years among the leading horticulturists of Idaho and a former state horticultural in- spector, Is in the city from California. Hon. James Webster is here from Rexburg. Bi-nesia For Indigestion Gives Instant Relief in Many Cases After All Else Fails. Coats at $37.50, $40.00 and $42.50. Genuine Crystal Cloth, Silvertones, Pompom, Broadcloth and Seal Plush, full silk lineâ, with Fur, Plush or self trimmings. We secured these Coats for less than their worth and at $37.50, $40.00 and $42.50 they are full one-third under price. Coats at $45.00, $50.00, $65.00 and $75.00. Every Coat in this lot is a prize value—unprece- dented and unrivalled. These Coats have large Fur Collars and Cuffs, Australian O’possum. Natural rac- coon. Rrook Mink, Baffin Seal and Kimmi Mole. Every Coat is worth ten to twenty-five dollars more. One Baffin Seal Coat with large Natural Rac- coon Collar and Cuffs and six-inch hand of Fur ’around the bottom, three-inch belt, fancy silk lined throughout, for $100. The Basement Store offers a big line of Coat3 for $10.00 and $12.50. A Five Dollar Saving over other store’s prices. New Blouses in High Neck Models for $5.50, $6.95 and $7.50. Heavy Crepe de Chine Georgettes and Satin Com- binations—Blouses that will cost a dollar more later in the season. New Wash Silk Blouses for $2.50 to $3.95. Three hundred dollars' worth just received. Blouse1» that are worth fifty cents to one dollar more. New Plaid Skirts for $7.95, $10.00 and $12.50. Ned Black Satin Skirts for $5.00 to $22.50. A B C CO., Inc. THE DAYLIGHT GARMENT STORE. : ez 3 Upon motion of the governor, the board accepted check in the sum of $256.34 in payment of one year’s in- terest on loan of W. T. Booth, and the attorney gcmAl was requested to withhold foreclosure proceedings until after January 1, 1918. It was moved by the attorney gen- eral and carried, that the governor as chairman of the board and the regis- ter as secretary be and are hereby au- thorized to release the United States Fidelity and Guaranty company from the bond of Albert O. Rennlson. The register was instructed to draw voucher in favor of the county treas- urer for $114.65, taxes due on loan No. 830, Joel A. Harrington, and for $45.06, taxes due on loan No. 891, Roy C. McKinney, and file same with tho board of examiners for payment. Whereupon the board adjourned. CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY. Don’t miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5e snd mail it to Foley A Co., 2*35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. III., writing your name and address clear- U- rhemt ....... ly- Tou will receive in return a trial SfeOfaTSilH containing. Foley's Honsy and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, t*r pain In sides snd hack, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Fo- ley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con- stipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels,—W. 8. Whitehead Drug »tors.- Adv. T-Th-8. 'Jothin« luce Musterole for croupy chil siren. Keep it handy for instant use. 30c and Sfc jars; hospital sise «L5Û. DEATHS. M'GRATH—Mrs. Louisa McGrath died Monday night of a complication of diseases at the home of her son near Ragle. She is survived by her husband. Thomas McGrath, and the following children: John H., C. B.. and A. O. McGrath of Star; George L. and Ralph McGrath of Eagle, Mrs. Sarah K. Hoillngshead of Qulmby, Ia., Mrs. Ella Johnson of South Boise and Mrs. Flora Breshears and Mrs. Lizzie Snell of Eagle. The bod- is at the Schrei - ber ft Sidenfaden morgue and funeral arrangements will not be made until the arrival of Mrs. Hoillngshead from the east. Siamese capital, employing Danish engineers and machinery, has built a large cement plant near Bangkok. AN OLD MAN'S STOMACH. As we grow older and leas activa, less and less food Is required to meet the demands of our bodies. If too much Is habitually taken, the stomach will rebel. When a man reaches the ad- vanced age of 86 or 90, you will find that he Is a light eater. Be as care- ful as you will, however, you will oc- casionally eat more than you should and will feel the need of Chamber- lain’s Tablets to correct the disorder. These tablets do not contain pepsin, but strsngthen the stomach snd en- able It to perform its functions natu- rally. Thay also cause a gentle move- ment of the bowels.—Adv. T-Th-8. FEW FOLKS HAVE . -GRAY HAIR NOW Druggist 'ays Ladies Are Using Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur In the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Rage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so at- tractive, use only this old-time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix- ture ImpriASed by the addition of other ingredients by asking at any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," which dark- ens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. Tou Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; but what delights the Utiles with Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound is that, be- sides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications. It also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives It an appearance o' abundance. Wyeth’s Sags snd Sulphur Com- pound la a delightful toilet requisite to Impart color and a youthful ap- pearance to the hair. It Is not In- tended for the cure, mitigation or pre- vention of disease.—Adv. Goed Reports Please Boise There hae never been anything with tfie QUICK result* of pure Lavoptik eye wash. One man’s eyas were eo badly strained he could not read with- out $ialn. TWO application# of Lavop- tik relieved him. A lady had tried three different gleseea for weak. In- flamed eyes. ONE lav<g>tlk wash sur- prised her. We guarantee a email bot- tle to benefit EVERT CASE weak, strained or Inflamed eyea. Whitehead Drug-««tor*.—Adv- How to get rid of stomach trouble Is a problem that confronts thousands of people, many of whom have suffered untold agonies for years without being able to obtain relief. Recently men- tion hae been made In these columns of a wonderfully effective remedy, which Is being widely prescribed hv physicians: and those who still suffer and have given up hope or getting real lasting relief will be interested to learn that many users of this product* report almost Instant relief after years of suffering and after all other means had failed. The remarkable popular- ity' of thla remedy for indigestion, dys- pepsia. gastritis, sour stomach, etc., which 1» known among druggists and by phyalclana as Bl-neaia, is said to ne due to the fact that a teaspoonful of Bl-nesla taken In a little hot water im- ! mediately after eating or whenever pain Is felt. Instantly neutralizes the acid, atopa fermentation and enables the etomach to proceed with painlesa normal digestion. No matter how long they have suffered or how many reme- dlea they may have tried, dyapeptlca and stomach sufferers will be well ad- vised to get a package of Bl-nesla from their druggists and try this simple and | Inexpensive preparation at once. IMPORTANT — The Bl-nexia mentioned j •hove i* a hartnleaa but wonderfully effective remedy which you can make at home or any druggnt can prepare for you by mixing 1Jo ounces bisoma earbonate with 1 ounce magnesia carbonate. If, however, you wiah a guarantee of aatisfartiçn or money hack, be sure to ask for an original package of Bi-nesia. —.Adv.1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BIG AUCTION SALE will be held Monday. Nov. 12, at the place known as Hedrick ranch. 4H miles north- west of Meridian, near Victory school: 60 beef nnd dairy cattle, 14 good work horses, 40 tons alfalfa, farm machinery; 80 acres pasture and straw with running water all winter. Henry Matlock. N10 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE $2500 will buy an 8-room house on a fine corner lot, three blocks from the capitol, with lire proof garage; all for $2600. $1600 will buy a five-acre country home with family orchard; good building*; close to car Hue; lt’e well worth th* money. $6000 buys a complete little farm on the Interurban with 6-room cottage; cloae to school; Ideal location. $1000 will buy a 4-room home witli fine shady lot; close in; this is a neat little home and a good bargain for someone. 9*6000 for an excellent 40-acre farm mostly In alfalfa; One shade; paid-up water; fair building*; deep well and cloae to echooL Here I* a farm that Is a good bay— 1(0 aaree of good land mostly In al- falfa with paid-up water right at $90 per acre; possession at ones and easy terms. We have th* bargains. W. B. PIERCE ft CO. The Old Reliable Real Estate Dealers. tf Start Your Parisian Ivory Set Today Real Parisian Ivory Combs ^ Brushes and Mirrors= BEAUTIFUL, SERVICEABLE AND NOT EXPENSIVE— The popularity of Parisian Ivory is growing every day. One reason is its cleanliness and the readiness with which it can be kept clean. Another is that it can be handsomely engraved at a very slight cost. Then its color, texture and finish lend themselves to an ideal arrangement for the dressing table and chiffonier with a minimum of trouble and at a trifling cost. Begin now to buy real Parisian Ivory for your dressing table. A Few Most Popular Buy a Parisian Ivory Hair Brush. Th«» bristles are sturdy and white, the backs smooth or concave, and at low prices—$2.50 up. —And a— Parisian Ivory Dressing Comb. Various lengths and sorts of teeth, all coarse, medium nnd heavy, also fine and coarse combined; the prices—40c up. Tewel Boxes. , are almost as necessary to a wom- an's dressing: table as a mirror or brush and comb. Add one to your set; the prices—$2.50 up. Parisian Ivory. Picture Frames are quite appro- priate to add to a Parisian Ivory set or with which to please a girl's fancy, because ahe can't have too many. They add gTeatly to the ap- pearance of a dresser. In either oval, oblong or square shapes; the price*—75o up. Parisian Ivory articles can always be matched, for Parisian Ivory doesn’t grow yellow or shoddy with age. Best of all. It can be hand- somely engraved. Parisian Ivory Items Hand Mirrors. are as necessary to a woman as a tooth brush. Nothing: please« quite so well a* a Parisian Ivory mirror (any of several style«) with her Initials engraved on tho back. Makes a very pleaatnff ffift; the prices—$1.25 up. —Hat Brushes .... , ................. *2.00 up —Hair Receivers ......................*2DO up —Puff Boxes ............................. *1j00up —Dressing Trays (various shapes and sizes), prices.. .76* up —Military Brushes *4.00 ft *5.00 —Nail Polishers ........................ *1.00 up —Cloth Brushes .................... *2.25 up —Nall Scissors ......................... *1.26 —Nall Files ............................ 50c —Pin Boxes ........... *2.75 A *8.00 —Manicure Files ......... 35c ft *1j00 —Perfume Bottles .................... *3.50 —Tooth Brush Cases ......... Mo —Cuticle Kntvee .......... 50o A 66e —Rouge J a r s ................................. 60* —Nall Polish Jars .................... 25* —Napkin Rings ........................ 35c —Manicuring Seta. *4.50 ft 540 —Finger Rest* (for man lour- ing the nail*) ............................. 25* "Th* Best In Drug Store Good*.” *SUnte Drug Store Bervlce." "Satisfaction In Every Transaction." BOISE AND IDAHO FALLS. HOUSE cleaning and rug work neatly done. Frank Scott. Phone 1047-J. N7c TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED—To buy light farm wagon, not toe heavy for big horse. Phone 3461-M. N ile WANTED—To buy 1 dozen 6-months- old pullets. Phone 2R2. N6c TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR BALE—500 tons alfHlfa, $16 per ton. Charles Tobias, Route 4. Oald- W*1L N ile ON BUTTKRLESS day* ua* prune butter. Still a few French prunes In good condition, la per lb. J.- G. Petrie, Vi mile west Franklin school. Phone ft-J-&. Tueo-Thur* N | \


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EV E N IN G C A PITA L N EW S, T U E SD A Y , NOV. 6, 1917.



IBest, Safest Cathartic for Liver

Its and Bowels, and PeoJJle Know It.

The Little N ew s o f B oiseEEZZ3:

Attorney General Instructed to Report at Early Date on Controversy Before the Board.

Alleged Fraudulent U se of Dummy Entrymen to Be Definitely Settled—Manu­facture of W ar M aterial Comes Up. *

T he » tä te land board ha» decided to conduct a final h e a rin g in to the H o llis te r land co n tro v e rsy on Dec. 10, p r io r to w hich tim e It {lopes to havo a com plete rep o r t reg a rd in g th e lands Involved from A tto rn ey Q eneral T. A. W alter«. A lleged frau d u len t u»e of dum m y en try m en to acq u ire acreage in th e tra c t ia charged . T h is conclu- alon was reach ed a f te r th e board had been in session a ll da: 'lo n d a y . The |m inute» of th e b o ard follow:

Boise, Idaho, Nov. 5, 1917.—S ta te ■ ' board of land com m issioners of th e :

s ta te of Idaho m et th is d ay in r e g u ­la r session. All m em bers p resen t.

W hereupon th e follow ing proceedings • e r e had, to -w lt:

M inutes of th e p rev ious m eeting read and approved.M A N U F A CTU RE WAR MATERIAL.

M otion w as m ade by G overnor A lex ­ander, w hich ca rried unanim ously , th a t th e req u est of C harles A. A ttrldge , Ozone, Idaho, In reg a rd to tra n s fe rr in g h is lease, be g ran te d prov id ing he s a t ­isfies th e s ta te land board th a t he Is engaged In th e m an u fa c tu re of w ar m a ­te ria l to a s s is t th e g o v ern m en t of th e U nited S ta te s In w ar; o therw ise , th e req u est w ill n o t be g ran ted .

A pplication of Jo h n L elschner for p a rtia l release of s ta te m ortgage No. 1633 w as approved an d the governor u* ch a irm an and th e re g is te r aa se c ­re ta ry of th e hoard w ore a u th o rize d to sign same, and th e 334.74, p ro p o rtio n ­a te sh a re of p rin c ip al h ere to fo re o r ­dered paid by th e board , w as o rdered waived.

A pplication of R. J . Com stock, p re s i ­dent F irs t N ationa l bank, R exburg, Idaho, to tra n s fe r leave No. 3528. was upon m otion, denied by th e board.

M otion w as then m ade by G overnor Alexander, w hich carried , th a t th e r e ­port of Mr. M adden In re la tio n to the H ollister lan d s be tak e n up by the board

Save Your Hair! Double Beauty in Just a Few


“Danderine” Makes Your Hair Thick, Glossy, Wavy and


They’re Fine ! Don’t Stay Bili­ous, Sick, Headachy or


W ith in ten m inu te« a f te r an a p p li ­cation of Danderine. you can n o t find a single tra c e of d a n d ru f f o r fa lling h a if and y o u r scalp w ill not Itch, hu t w hat w ill you m oat w ill be a fte r a few w eeks’ use, w hen you aee new hair, fine and dow ny a t f ir s t— ye«— h u t rea lly new h a ir—g row ing all over the scalp.

D anderine Is to th e h a ir w h a t fresh show ers of ra in and su n sh in e a re to vegetation . It goes r ig h t to th e roots, in v igora tes an d s tre n g th e n s them . Its ex h iiiara tin g , s tim u la t in g an d life?-pro­ducing p ro p ertie s cau se th e h a ir to grow long, s tro n g an d beau tifu l.

A lit tle D an d erin e im m ediately doubles th e b e a u ty of y o u r h a ir, No d iffe rence how dulll, faded, b r ittle and scraggy, ju s t m oisten a clo th w ith D anderine an d ca re fu lly d raw it tn ro u g h yo u r hair, ta k in g one sm all s tra n d a t a tim e. T he effec t is a m a z ­in g —your h a ir w ill be ligh t, flu ffy and wavy, and have an a p p ea ran ce of

i ab u n d an ce ; an in co m p arab le lu stre , so ftn ess and luxuriance .

Get a sm all b o ttle of K now lton 's D anderine from an y d ru g s to re or to ile t c o u n te r fo r a few cen ts and prove th a t your h a ir is a s p re tty and soft as a n y —th a t it h a s been neglected or in ju red by ca re le ss t re a tm e n t— th a t ’s a ll—you su re ly can have b e a u ­tifu l h a ir an d lo ts of it if you will Just try a lit tle D an d erin e .—Adv.



Idaho M eet at Coeur d ’­Alene and Bring Forth Fellow Townsman.

A boom fo r G eorge F . W eeks C oeur d 'A lene as a c a n d id a te fo r con-

to A tto rn ey G eneral T. A. W a lte rs fo r CTessman from th e . F irs t d is tr ic t of rep o r t a t an early date , and th e h o ard i IrtnHo. w as launched a t ( oeur d A leneto tak e th e m a tte r up aga in on Dec. j b >' d e m o c ra ts d u rin g a b a n q u e t held10 1917. ' *n h o nor of W. R. Jam ieso n , a s s is ta n t

G eorge W. Rice, Tw in Falls, ap p ea red I trPaHUr<?r of th e n a tio n a l p a rty o rg an l-____ and m ade ap p lica tio n for w a te r r ig h t ! nation. W eeks is well know n In Boise.A d iscussion w as had w ith A tto rn ey fo r school land p u rch a se d by him la s t , vvas here la s t w in te r w hile th e leg-

W llcox and Mr. R n rrett, w here- j sp rin g in th e a m o u n t of 280 a c re s i »la t u re w as in session an d spoke a t

o’clock p. m. to co n sid er th e m a tte r fu r th e r.

Two o'clock, p. m.T he board m et p u rsu a n t to a d jo u rn ­

m ent.Sam e m em bers p re se n t as a t the

m orn in g session.S E T FI NA L HEARING.

A fter b ea rin g fu r th e r from A tto rney R. V. W ilcox, W endell, rep re se n tin g the B a r re t t an d S lm onton e n tr ie s on th e H o llis ter lands, W eslèy T. S ta ffo rd , Gooding, a tto rn ey fo r th e C en tra l T ru s t com pany, and M ayor Sam H. H ay s, Boise, rep re se n tin g th e Boise T itle & T ru s t com pany, th e m a tte r was. upon m otion of G overnor A lexander, re fe rred

E njoy life! K eep clean «inside w ith C asca re ts . T ak e one or tw o a t n igh t and enjoy th e n icest, g e n tle s t l iv e r and bowel c lean sin g you ev e r experienced . W ake up feeling g rand . Y our head will be clear, y o u r tongue clean, b rea th right, s tom ach sw eet an d your liv er and th ir ty feet of bow els ac tive . Get a box a t an y d ru g s to re and s tra ig h te n up. S top the. headaches, bilious spells, had colds and bad d a y s—B rig h ten up, C heer up, C lean up! M others should give a whole C asca re t to ch ild ren w hen cross, bilious, feverish or if ton g u e Is co a ted —th ey a re h a rm less—n ev erg ripe or sicken .—Adv.

NA M ED T E N T INS P E CTO R.G eorge F. S alle of th is c ity h as been

o ffic ia lly n o tified by H e n ry G. S harpe, q u a r te rm a s te r gen era l. IT. S. A., th a t he h as been a p p o in ted by th e se c re ta ry of w a r a s in sp ec to r of te n ts a t 11200 p er a n n u m fo r d u ty in th e q u a r te r ­m as te r’s co rp s ,P h ilad e lp h ia , Pa. H e is d irec ted to proceed to P h ilad e lp h ia im ­m ed ia te ly . Mr. S alle will leave Boise to rep o r t on T h u rsd ay . H e is well know n h ere an d Is ju n io r m em b er of th e Boise T e n t & A w ning com pany.

FIREM AN IN JU R ED .C h arle s Spore. sw ingm an a t the

C e n tra l s ta tio n fell from a lad d e r th is m o rn in g at 9 o 'clock, b rea k in g both bones in bis le ft leg ju s t above th e ankle . H e w as w a sh in g w h itew ash i from a w all w hen th e lad d e r slipped from th e bo ttom and he fell to the cem ent floor. H e w as a t once tak en to a ho sp ita l w here th e f ra c tu re w as set. Mr. Spore resides on S ou th T hird s tree t.

CLASS FOR B U S I N E S S BOYS.T he physical d ire c to r of th e Y. M.

C. A. a n n o u n ces a c lass fo r b u siness h o y s betw een th e ages of 14 and 17 years. T he c la ss opens to n ig h t and

(ro a d . $2,879.58; lib ra ry , $468.04; sp rink ling , $1,937.08; cem etery , $511.20. Ow ing to th e fac t th a t cona iderab le ; road w ork is being done a t th e cerne- j te ry th e bills on th a t fund w ere h ig h er; th an usual. M ayor H ays, wHb has been unable to. a tte n d th e council for; several m eetin g s on a cco u n t p t illness IJ w as p resen t th is a fte rn o o n .

The arrival of large shipments of New Coats gives added impetus to the Coat Selling Event of this store.

In c

PERSONALS.A. J. T u ck e r an d G eorge T u c k e r a re

Boise v isito rs from Buhl.-»Mrs. J . F. C raw ford an d B lanche

C raw ford of M ontour a r e v isitin g frien d s and sh opp ing in th e city .

Mr. an d M rs. M. J . Sw eeley are sp end ing a few’ day s in Boise from T w in Falls.

J. W. W ebste r of R exburg is a t t e n d ­ing to busin ess m a tte rs in th e city . I

F red W. Gooding, th e well known Shoshone sheepm an , is a Boise business , v isitor. 4

H. P. G olding a rriv ed h e re M onday Î n igh t ^rom Pocatello . H e is a t th e ' B ristol.

M. J. B arro w s cam e over from K ing ! H ill M onday even ing to spend a day j or tw o in th e city .

O. H. H azelton is in from P earl, a !W’ill m eet T u esd ay and F rid a y n ig h ts ’ g u e s t a t th e Pacific.a t 7 o’clock. It Is for boys w ho w o rk ! M e rr itt K. Snow 'berger is spend ingd u rin g th e day and school boys h a v - j a few day s in Boise. He cam e up froming p a p e r rou tes. T h e o lder boys' j P a y e tte M onday n ig h t.class, w hich h as been m ee tin g M onday K arl F. W illiam s is tra n s a c tin g busl- Ian d F r id a y n ig h ts , will in th e fu tu re ; ness in th e city , l ie a rr iv e d M on d ay 'm eet M onday and T h u rsd ay n igh ts.

R A N C H E R S H IP S A P P L E S .E. H. H eller, w hose ran c h is ju s t

w est of P ie rce park , w ill th is week sh ip a c a r of fine ap p les to th e e a s t ­e rn m ark e t. T ho ecle w as m ade by an Ogden firm an d tlve app les a re b e ­ing packed on th e H elle r ranch .

n ig h t from S ilver City.P. G. Jo h n s to n of La G rande is a

g u est a t the Idanha.E. W. C laiborn of Tw in F a lls is in

the c ity for a few days.R. S. Coon rad and fam ily and R. J.

M cDonald a re down from Cascade. They a re sto p p in g a t th e G rand. !

W . D. H arv ey of S m ith ’s F e rry is in the c ity to spend a day or two.

Mr. and M rs. G us E. K lllo ran a re v isito rs in th e city from W allace.

C h arles Johnson is here from A m erl- jea n F alla on a b rie f v isit.

New models designed by Lanoin, Chemit, Pa- quin, Jenny and Callot. Their products grip the appreciation of every woman.

P L E A D S NOT GUILTY.F ran k C av iness en te red a plea of

not g u ilty In d is t r ic t c o u rt today to th e ch arg e of o b ta in in g m oney un d er false p retenses. F o llow ing h is plea a d e m u rre r to tlie com pla in t w as filed I Loren C lay and C. C. L arso n of P ay - and also a m otion to s tr ik e o u t t h e ) 0**« *P®nt M onday in Boise, nam es of o th e r d e fe n d a n ts from th e , M rs. C lara Gish W ork h as re tu rn ed c o m p la in t and a lso th e w ords, **Fugi- j from a v isit a t R upert, tiv es from ju s tic e .” No ac tion upon

upon the board ad journed un til 2


‘Pape’s Cold Compound” Ends a Cold or Grippe in a

Few Hours.

Upon m otion th e m a t te r w as re fe rred to th e a tto rn ey gen e ra l fo r in v es tlg a - 1 tion and rep o r t to th e board.

T he follow ing farm loan ap p llca -

th e Je ffe rso n banquet..SU GGESTION T A K E N UP.

T h e su g g estio n of Mr. Jam ieso n th a t Mr. W eeks be ru n a s a c a n d id a te fo r

tie n s w ere « ran te d by th e board an d ; rep re se n ta tiv e from Idaho w as tak en th e reg is te r In stru c ted to refund to a p - ub b >\ ,h e lead ers of h ls h«’''» '1 w ho

Y our cold w ill b reak and all grippe m ise ry end a f te r tak in g a dose of “ P ap e 's Cold Com pound” every two h o u rs un til th re e doses a re taken .

I t p rom ptly opens c logged-up n o s ­t r i ls and a ir p assag es in th e head, s to p s n a s ty d isch arg e o r nose running , re liev es s ick headache, dullness, fev ­e rish n ess , sore Ih roa t, sneering , so re ­n ess and stiffn ess .

D on’t s ta y s tu ffed -u p ! Quit blowing an d snuffling ! E ase your th robb ing h e a d —n o th in g else in th e world gives such p ro m p t relief a s "P ap e’s Cold Com pound,” w hich co sts only a few c en ts a t a n y d ru g s to r e .. It a c ts w ith ­o u t a ssis tan ce , ta s te s nice, and cqpsea a d d itio n a l in fo rm ation , no inconvenience. A ccept no su b stl-

. tu te .—Adv.

p lic a n ts b alance of 1 p e r c en t fee paid a f te r d e d u c tin g expense of a p p ra is e ­m en t: Carl G lörfeld. R ockland, $2650;refu n d , $29.35; H enry E liason. R o ck ­land, $1500, refu n d $12.85; B ert Mo- W om ack. R ockland. $1000, refu n d $2.85; W illiam D. R yder, P a rm a , $1200 ; S tu a r t M utch, C aldw ell, $2500, refund, $ 11 .

DENY AP PLICAT IO NS.T he fo llow ing loan a p p lic a tio n s w’ere

den ied by th e board , and th e reg is te r in s tru c te d to re fu n d to a p p lic a n ts the ’d iffe rence betw een one p e r c en t and cost of a p p ra ise m e n t: E dw ard L.S tevens, M ountain H om e, $1500; W ill ­iam B utzien, W hlte ljird , $800; John F. K osanke, A m erican F a lls , $1500.

A pplication o f D avid H . H illhouse and F rank B. H illhouse, B ockland, Idaho, fo r a renew al an d in crease loan of $2500 an d $5000* resp ec tiv e ly , w ere denied by th e board , and ap p lica tio n of T ru m an F . R augh t! S t. M aries, for renew al an d in crease in th e sum of $1000*was re fe rre d to th e a p p ra ise r for

R eln lq u ish m en t of E lw ood C. P erisho u n d e r th e S nake R iver I rr ig a t io n co m ­p any w as accep ted by th e board and

WOM EN S TEADY W ORKERS. e n try w as ordered cancelled , and ap - I t used to be sa id t h a t wom en could j p lica tio n of T h èron L. R ag sd a le to

n o t bo depended upon like men t o ! e n *e r sam e land, d escrib ed a s fol- w’ork stead ily , and , consequently , ( low s: SK^4 N E 1,4, section 19; SW 4̂o u g h t not to ex p ec t so m uch pay a s '^ W V * , section 20, and S W H , soc­m en em ployed a t s im ila r w ork. ’ lion 20, to w n sh ip 5 w est, ran g e 4 east,

W hile i t w ould be foolish for any B. M. w as approved.y o ung w om an to s ta y a t work when p h ysica lly u n fit, i t Is believed th a t m ost w om en now ^o n tln u e a t th e ir w’ork as c o n s ta n tly a s men. Any w om an who is un ab le to do so, should tak e L yd ia E. PtnkW am 's Vegetable Com pound, th e old, reliab le m edicine fo r w om a% an d g e t th e a id i\he needs to e n a f e h e r to keep a t work.—Adv.

A RAW, SORE THROATEases Quickly When You Apply

a Little Musterole.And Musterole won’t blister like the

old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just spread it on with your fingers. It pene­trates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain.

Musterole ia ■ dean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It is fine for «uick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsUitia croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu- •slgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of he back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, iruisea chilblaina frosted feet, colds on

Bpoke in fav o r of the Idea. Mr. W eeks s ta te d th a t he would ru n if h e w as w an ted as a can d id a te .

Mr. W eeks h as been ch a irm an of the D em ocra tic p a r ty in K ootenai co u n ty d u rin g th e p a s t tw o cam paigns. H e lias not been a c an d id a te fo r office a t any tim e, a lth o u g h h is nam e h as a l ­ready been m en tioned as a g u b e rn a ­to ria l p o ssib ility for nex t year.

He is c h a irm a n of th e co u n ty food ad m in is tra tio n , an d has been a c tiv e in th e lib e rty loan. Red Cross and o th er p a tr io tic en te rp rise s .

EL D E R 18 TO A S TM A S TER .T he b a n q u e t w as p res id ed o v e r by

R o b ert H. K lder, D em ocratic n a tio n a l com m itteem an from Idaho. Mr. W eeks, J . V. H aw k in s and H. C. S h a v e r w ere called upon for sh o rt ta lk s , a s w as Mr«. T e re sa M. G rah am , ch a irm a n of th e w om en’s lib erty loan co m m ittee for Idaho.

M rs. B ass, w ho w as c h a irm sn fo r th e tw e lfth reserv e d is tr ic t of th e w om en 's loan cam paign , dec la red th a t th ere had been som e m isap p reh en sio n of th e w om en’s a c tiv ity in th« la s t drive. T h e wom en, she said , received th e ir a u th o r i ty d irec t from th e t r e a s ­u ry d e p a rtm e n t, and th ey w ore th e re ­fore a s m uch a p a r t of th e cam p aig n a s w ere th e m en’s com m ittees.

A few’ of th e co u n ty tow ns o u tside of C oeur d 'A lene w ere rep resen ted by lead ers of th e D em ocra tic fa ith , an d oQier N o rth Idaho tow ns also h ad m any In a tte n d a n c e .

th e d e m u rre r or m otion w as taken .

T A KING T ES TIM O NY.T he s ta te began p rese n tin g te s t i ­

m ony to d ay in th e g ran d la rcen y case in w hich F ra n k M. B rassfie ld and F ra n k R. B e a tty a re d e fen d an ts . Tw o w itn esses h ad tes tif ied up to a la te h o u r today , C h rist Je n se n and H arry W\ M orrison.

P R IS O N E R R E C U P E R A T E S .New ell W allace, w ho wnn op e ra ted on for a p p en d ic itis a t St. A lphonsus h o s ­p ita l a week ago J a s t S a tu rd a y , w as re tu rn e d to th e s ta te prison to d ay and placed in th e h o sp ita l th ere . W allace is se rv in g a te rm fo r fo rg e ry an d w as sen t up from C anyon county ,

H. E. DALTON RESIG NS.H. E. D alton , rece iv e r of th e Boise

R ailro ad com pany an d also its m un- ager, h a s resigned h is position , h av in g com pleted th e rece iv e rsh ip du ties . Mr. D alton Is now’ looking a f te r h is own in te re s ts , bu t w’ill co n tin u e to m ake b is office h e a d q u a rte rs in th e ra ilro ad com pany room s w ith W. E. P ie rce & Co.

CITY COUNCIL M EETINGT he c ity council held a sh o rt session

th is a fte rn o o n a t w hich bills fo r Oc­to b er w ere A llow ed on th e d iffe ren t fu n d s a s follow s: G eneral. I8.275.9S:

H. B. Illin g sw o rth left M onday n ig h t fo r M oscow to spend th e w in te r w ith h ls fam ily . H is ch ild ren a re a tte n d in g th e s ta te un iv ers ity .

A. A. M cPherson , fo r y e a rs am ong th e lead ing h o r tic u ltu ris ts of Idaho an d a fo rm er s ta te h o r tic u ltu ra l in ­specto r, Is in th e c ity from C aliforn ia .

Hon. Ja m e s W eb ste r is h e re from R exburg.

Bi-nesia For IndigestionGives Instant Relief in Many

Cases After All Else Fails.

Coats at $37.50, $40.00 and $42.50.Genuine Crystal Cloth, Silvertones, Pompom,

Broadcloth and Seal Plush, full silk lineâ, with Fur, Plush or self trimmings.

We secured these Coats for less than their worth and at $37.50, $40.00 and $42.50 they are full one-third under price.

Coats at $45.00, $50.00, $65.00 and $75.00.Every Coat in this lot is a prize value—unprece­

dented and unrivalled. These Coats have large Fur Collars and Cuffs, Australian O’possum. Natural rac­coon. Rrook Mink, Baffin Seal and Kimmi Mole. Every Coat is worth ten to twenty-five dollars more.

One Baffin Seal Coat with large Natural Rac­coon Collar and Cuffs and six-inch hand of Fur ’around the bottom, three-inch belt, fancy silk lined throughout, for $100.

The Basement Store offers a big line of Coat3 for $10.00 and $12.50. A Five Dollar Saving over other store’s prices.

New Blouses in High Neck Models for $5.50, $6.95 and $7.50.

Heavy Crepe de Chine Georgettes and Satin Com­binations—Blouses that will cost a dollar more later in the season.

New Wash Silk Blouses for $2.50 to $3.95.Three hundred dollars' worth just received. Blouse1»

that are worth fifty cents to one dollar more.New Plaid Skirts for $7.95, $10.00 and $12.50.

Ned Black Satin Skirts for $5.00 to $22.50.


:e z 3

Upon m otion of th e governor, the board accep ted check in th e sum of $256.34 in p ay m en t of one y e a r ’s i n ­te re s t on loan of W . T. Booth, an d th e a tto rn ey g c m A l w as req u ested to w ithho ld fo rec losure p roceed ings u n til a f te r J a n u a ry 1, 1918.

I t w as m oved by th e a tto rn e y g e n ­era l an d ca rried , th a t th e g o v e rn o r a s c h a irm a n of th e board an d th e re g is ­te r a s s e c re ta ry be and a re h ereb y a u ­tho rized to re lease th e U n ited S ta te s F idelity an d G u a ra n ty com pany from the bond of A lb e rt O. R ennlson .

T he re g is te r w as in s tru c te d to d raw voucher in fav o r of th e coun ty t r e a s ­u re r fo r $114.65, ta x e s d ue on loan No. 830, Joe l A. H a rr in g to n , and for $45.06, tax e s due on loan No. 891, Roy C. M cK inney, a n d file sam e w ith tho board of ex am in e rs fo r pay m en t.

W hereupon th e b o ard a d jo u rn ed .


D on’t m iss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5e sn d m ail it to Foley A Co., 2*35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. III., writing your nam e and address clear-

U- rhemt ....... ly- Tou w ill receive in return a trialSfeOfaTSilH con tain in g. Foley's H onsy and

Tar Compound, for coughs, colds, and croup; F oley K idney Pills, t*r pain In sid es sn d hack, rheum atism , backache, kidney and bladder ailm ents; and Fo­ley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesom e and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for c o n ­stipation, b iliousness, headache and sluggish bowels,— W. 8 . W hitehead Drug » to r s .- Adv. T -T h -8 .

'Jothin« luce Musterole for croupy chil siren. Keep it handy for instant use.

30c and Sfc jars; hospital sise «L5Û.

DEATH S.M 'G R A TH —M rs. L ouisa M cG rath

died M onday n ig h t o f a com plication of d iseases a t th e hom e o f h e r son n e a r Ragle. S he is su rv iv ed by h e r husb an d . T h o m as M cG rath , and th e follow ing c h ild ren : Jo h n H., C. B.. an dA. O. M cG ra th of S ta r; G eorge L. and R alph M cG rath o f Eagle, M rs. S a rah K. H oillngshead of Qulm by, Ia., M rs. E lla Jo h n so n of S ou th Boise an d M rs. F lo ra B re sh ea rs a n d M rs. L izzie S nell o f E ag le. T he b o d - is a t th e S c h re i ­b e r f t S id en fad en m orgue an d fu n e ra l a rra n g e m e n ts w ill n o t be m ade u n til th e a rr iv a l of M rs. H o illn g sh ead from th e east.

Siam ese capital, em ploying Danish engineers and m achinery, has built a large cem ent plant near Bangkok.

AN OLD MAN'S STOMACH.As w e grow older and leas activa,

less and less food Is required to m eet the dem ands o f our bodies. If too m uch Is habitually taken, the stom ach will rebel. W hen a man reaches the a d ­vanced a ge of 86 or 90, you w ill find that he Is a ligh t eater. B e a s care­ful a s you w ill, how ever, you w ill o c ­casionally eat m ore than you should and w ill feel the need o f Chamber­la in’s Tablets to correct the disorder. T hese tab lets do not contain pepsin, but strsngthen the stom ach sn d e n ­able It to perform its functions n atu ­rally. Thay a lso cause a gen tle m ove­m ent of the bow els.—Adv. T -T h -8 .


Druggist 'ays Ladies Are Using Recipe of Sage Tea

and Sulphur.

H a ir th a t loses its co lor and lu stre , o r w hen it fades, tu rn s g ray , dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of su lp h u r In th e hair. O ur g ran d m o th e r m ade up a m ix tu re of Rage T e a and S u lp h u r to keep h e r locks d a rk and beau tifu l, an d th o u san d s of w om en and m en who va lue th a t even color, th a t beau tifu l d a rk shade of h a ir w h ich is so a t ­tra c tiv e , use only th is o ld -tim e recipe.

N ow adays we g e t th is fam ous m ix ­tu re ImpriASed by th e ad d itio n of o th er in g red ien ts by a sk in g a t an y d ru g s to re fo r a b o ttle of "W yeth 's Sage an d S u lp h u r C om pound," w hich d a rk ­ens th e h a ir so n a tu ra lly , so evenly, th a t nobody can possib ly tell it has been app lied . T ou Ju s t dam pen a sponge o r so ft b ru sh w ith it an d d raw th is th ro u g h yo u r h a ir, ta k in g one sm all s tra n d a t a tim e. By m orn ing th e g ray h a ir d isa p p e a rs ; b u t w h a t d e lig h ts th e U tiles w ith W y e th ’s Sage a n d S u lp h u r C om pound is th a t , b e ­s ides beau tifu lly d a rk e n in g th e h a ir a f te r a few a p p lica tio n s . It a lso b rin g s back th e gloss an d lu s tre a n d g iv es It an ap p e a ra n c e o ' ab u n d an ce.

W yeth’s S ags sn d Sulphur Com ­pound la a delightful to ilet requisite to Impart color and a youthfu l ap ­pearance to the hair. It Is not In­tended for the cure, m itigation or pre­vention of d isease.—Adv.

Goed ReportsPlease Boise

There hae never been anything with tfie QUICK result* of pure Lavoptik eye wash. One m an’s eyas were eo badly strained he could not read w ith ­out $ialn. TWO application# of Lavop- tik relieved him. A lady had tried three different gleseea for weak. In­flam ed eyes. ONE lav<g>tlk wash su r­prised her. W e guarantee a email b ot­tle to benefit EV ER T C A SE weak, strained or Inflam ed eyea. W hitehead Drug-««tor*.—Adv-

H ow to g e t rid of s to m ach tro u b le Is a p roblem th a t co n fro n ts th o u sa n d s of people, m any of whom h ave su ffe red un to ld agon ies fo r y ea rs w ith o u t being ab le to ob tain relief. R ecen tly m en ­tion hae been m ade In th ese colum ns of a w o n derfu lly e ffec tive rem edy, w hich Is being w idely p rescrib ed hv phy sic ian s: and th o se who s till su ffe r an d h ave given up hope or g e ttin g rea l las tin g re lief will be in te re s te d to lea rn th a t m any u se rs of th is product* rep o r t a lm ost In s ta n t re lie f a f te r y ears o f su ffe rin g and a f te r all o th e r m eans had failed. The rem a rk ab le p o p u la r ­ity' o f th la rem edy for ind igestion , d y s ­pepsia. g a s tr it is , so u r stom ach , etc., w hich 1» know n am o n g d ru g g is ts and by phyalclana as B l-neaia , is sa id to ne due to th e fac t th a t a teasp o o n fu l of B l-n esla tak en In a lit tle hot w a te r im - ! m ed ia te ly a fte r e a tin g o r w henever pa in Is felt. In s ta n tly n e u tra liz e s the acid, atopa fe rm e n ta tio n and enables th e etom ach to proceed w ith pain lesa norm al d igestion . No m a t te r how long th ey have su ffe red or how m an y rem e- dlea th ey m ay h ave tried , dyapeptlca and s tom ach su ffe re rs will be well a d ­v ised to get a package of B l-n esla from th e ir d ru g g is ts and try th is sim ple and | Inexpensive p rep a ra tio n a t once.

IM P O R T A N T — T h e B l-nexia m entioned j •hove i* a hartnleaa b u t w on d erfu lly effective rem edy w hich you can m ake a t hom e o r any d ru g g n t can p repare fo r you by m ix ing 1 Jo ounces bisom a earbona te w ith 1 ounce m agnesia carbonate . I f , how ever, you wiah a g u aran tee of aa tis fa r tiç n or m oney hack, be su re to ask fo r an o rig inal package of Bi-nesia.



M onday. Nov. 12, a t th e p lace know n as H ed rick ran ch . 4H m iles n o r th ­w est of M erid ian , n e a r V icto ry school: 60 beef nnd d a iry c a ttle , 14 good w ork horses, 40 to n s a lfa lfa , fa rm m ach in e ry ; 80 a c re s p a s tu re an d s tra w w ith ru n n in g w a te r all w in ter. H en ry M atlock. N10


$2500 w ill buy an 8-room house on a fine corner lot, three blocks from the capitol, with lire proof garage; all for $2600.

$1600 will buy a five-acre country hom e with fam ily orchard; good building*; close to car Hue; lt’e well worth th* money. •

$6000 buys a com plete little farm on the Interurban with 6-room cottage; cloae to school; Ideal location.

$1000 w ill buy a 4-room hom e witli fine shady lot; c lose in; th is is a neat little home and a good bargain for someone.

9*6000 for an excellent 40-acre farm m ostly In alfa lfa; One shade; paid-up w ater; fair building*; deep well and cloae to echooL

H ere I* a farm that Is a good b ay— 1(0 aaree of good land m ostly In a l ­fa lfa with paid-up water right a t $90 per acre; possession at ones and easy terms.

We have th* bargains.W. B. PIERCE ft CO.

The Old Reliable Real E state

Start Your Parisian Ivory Set Today Real Parisian Ivory C om bs


The popularity of Parisian Ivory is growing every day. One reason is its cleanliness and the readiness with which it can be kept clean. Another is that it can be handsomely engraved at a very slight cost.Then its color, texture and finish lend themselves to an ideal arrangement for the dressing table and chiffonier with a minimum of trouble and at a trifling cost.Begin now to buy real Parisian Ivory for your dressing table.

A Few M ost PopularBuy a Parisian Ivory Hair

Brush.Th«» b r is tle s a re s tu rd y and w hite, th e backs sm ooth or concave, and a t low p r ic e s—$2.50 up.

— And a —

Parisian Ivory Dressing Comb.

V arious len g th s and so rts of tee th , all coarse, m edium nnd heavy, also fine an d coarse com bined; the p rices—40c up.

Tewel Boxes. ,a re a lm o st as n ecessa ry to a w om ­a n 's dressing: tab le as a m irro r or b ru sh and comb. Add one to your se t; th e p rices—$2.50 up.

Parisian Ivory.P ic tu re F ra m e s a re q u ite a p p ro ­p r ia te to add to a P a r is ia n Ivory se t o r w ith which to p lease a g irl 's fancy , because ahe c a n 't have too m any. T hey add g T e a tly to th e a p ­p ea ran ce of a d resser. In e ith e r oval, oblong o r sq u a re sh ap es; the price*—75o up.P a ris ian Ivory a rtic le s can alw ays be m atched , fo r P a r is ian Ivory doesn’t g row yellow or shoddy w ith age. B est of all. It can be hand­som ely engraved.

Parisian Ivory Item sHand Mirrors.

a re a s n ecessary to a w om an a s a too th brush . Nothing: please« q u ite so well a * a P a r is ia n Ivory m irro r (any of severa l sty le«) w ith h er In itia ls en g rav ed on th o back. M akes a very pleaatnff ffift; th e p rices—$1.25 up.

—H at B ru sh es . . . . , .................*2.00 up— H air R e c e iv e r s ......................*2DO up— P u ff Boxes .............................*1j00up—D ressin g T ra y s (v a r io u s

sh ap es and s izes), p r ic e s . . .76* up — M ilita ry B ru sh es *4.00 f t *5.00—N ail P o l is h e r s ........................ *1.00 up—Cloth B ru sh es .................... *2.25 up— Nall S c isso rs .........................*1.26— N all F iles ............................ 50c—P in Boxes ...........*2.75 A *8.00—M anicure F ile s .........35c f t *1j00— P erfu m e B o t t l e s .................... *3.50—T ooth B rush C a se s ......... Mo—C uticle K n tv e e .......... 50o A 66e—R ouge J a r s ................................. 60*— Nall Po lish J a r s .................... 25*—N apkin R i n g s ........................ 35c—M an icu rin g Seta. *4.50 f t 540 —F in g e r R est* (for man lour­

ing th e n a il* ) .............................25*

"Th* B est InDrug Store Good*.”

*SUnteDrug Store


"Satisfaction In Every Transaction."BOISE AND IDAHO FALLS.

H O U SE cleaning and rug work neatly done. Frank Scott. Phone 1047-J.



W AN TED—To buy light farm wagon, not toe heavy for big horse. Phone 3461-M. N i le

W A N T E D —To buy 1 dozen 6 -m o n th s- old pulle ts. Phone 2R2. N6c


FOR BALE—500 tons alfHlfa, $16 per ton. Charles Tobias, Route 4. Oald- W*1L N i le

ON BUTTKRLESS day* ua* prune butter. Still a few French prunes In good condition, la per lb. J.- G.Petrie, Vi m ile w est Franklin school. Phone ft-J-& . Tueo-Thur* N |
