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EUROPEAN PARASITOIDS OF THE CHERRY BARK TORTRIX: ASSESSING THE ICHNEUMONID, CAMPOPLEX DUBITATOR, AS A POTENTIAL CLASSICAL BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AGENT FOR NORTH AMERICA Wade H. Jenner BSc, Augustana University College 1999 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE In the Department of Biological Sciences 0 Wade H. Jenner 2003 SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY November, 200 3 All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without permission of the author.

European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

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Page 1: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing



Wade H. Jenner BSc, Augustana University College 1999



In the Department

of Biological Sciences


November, 200 3

All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy

or other means, without permission of the author.

Page 2: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing




Wade Harley Jenner

Master of Science

Title of Thesis:

European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix: assessing the ichneumonid, Campoplex dubitator, as a potential classical biological control agent for North America.

Examining Committee:

Chair: Dr. R.C. Ydenberg

- Dr. B.D.Roitberg. Professor, Senior Supervisor Department of Biological Sciences, S.F.U.

Dr. U. Kuhlmann, ~ e a d , ~gric;ltural Pest Research CAB1 Bioscience Centre

DV! J.E. Cossentine, Research Scientist Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Department bf Biological ~kiences, S.F.U.


Dr. J] Myers, Professor Dep rtment of Zoology and Plant Science, U.B.C. P d ic Examiner

- /

/ ,{,iL" ,/, ( .; ,- 3 .? '-, i - L 1 a 4 ? s

Date Approved

Page 3: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing


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Title of ThesislProjectlExtended Essay

European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix: assessing the ichneumonid, Campoplex dubitator, as a potential classical biological control agent for North America.

Author: (signature)

Wade Harley Jenner (name>


Page 4: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing


The cherry bark tortrix (=CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopoli (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is

poorly known in its native Palaearctic range. However, since its recent introduction into North

America, this species poses a threat to the nursery and orchard industries in British Columbia,

Washington State, and Oregon State. As part of a classical biological control approach to

managing this bark-boring pest, the objective of this thesis research was to find European

parasitoids of the CBT for release in North America. In total, 13 parasitoid species were reared

from CBT larvae and pupae collected in Europe between 2000 and 2002. However, 12 of these

species were collected only very rarely, suggesting weak associations with the CBT, while the

larval parasitoid, Campoplex dubitator Horstmann (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), was

responsible for 99% of the larval parasitism and 85% of the larval and pupal parasitism

combined. Hence, despite a wide distribution of parasitism throughout the southern Rhine Valley,

Black Forest, and northern Jura Mountains, C. dubitator appeared to be the only parasitoid having

a substantial impact on CBT populations. Campoplex dubitator was therefore selected for a more

thorough evaluation of its role as a biological control agent. A method was developed for small-

scale rearing of C. dubitator using host larvae of all but the first instar, and information on the

parasitoid's reproductive biology was obtained. In olfactometers, females were shown to respond

to volatile cues emitted from cherry bark and host frass, but not from the host larvae themselves.

When the attractiveness of uninfested cherry bark and host frass was compared, parasitoids

demonstrated a strong preference for host frass. This observation supports the philosophy that

foragers should respond more strongly to stimuli that are more directly linked to their target hosts,

since those cues provide more reliable information regarding host availability and location. This

knowledge of C. dubitator's foraging strategy may also indicate the types of habitats or hosts this

species might be most likely to encounter, which could be valuable in the selection of non-target

species to use in future host-range testing, Finally, in a patch time allocation experiment, C.

dubitator females invested a greater search effort on patches of higher host density. The

observation from this experiment that C. dubitator could not accurately discriminate against

previously parasitised hosts, or effectively distinguish between empty and occupied frass tubes,

may be useful in explaining the inverse density dependence that was observed in the field.

Page 5: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing


First and foremost, I thank my advisory committee, which has been very valuable in helping me

get my project off the ground, securing project funding, and providing sound guidance each step

of the way. Our collaboration with the CABI Bioscience Centre in Switzerland was a key element

in conducting the European field studies. I was also able to prolong my data collection by

maintaining experimental insects in SFU's Global Forest Quarantine Facility, construction of

which was completed through financial support from Global Forest (GF-18-2000-SFU-2). We

depended heavily on the taxonomic assistance provided by Dr. Klaus Horstmann and Dr. Hannes

Baur, which was a crucial component of this programme. The speedy preparation of meridic diet

by Linda Jensen - whenever we needed it - was never taken for granted. I owe thanks to the SFU

Department of Biological Sciences for financial support and to John Mathies (Cannor Nurseries

Ltd.) whose donation made it possible for me to obtain a Graduate Engineering and Technology

Scholarship through the Science Council of British Columbia. I would like to give special thanks

to Manfred Grossrieder, Erik Osborn, and other colleagues on the Swiss CABI Bioscience team

who took part in field excursions, as well to those who were with me when I learned that, while

not glamorous, washing one million Petri dishes can actually be fun! I would like to acknowledge

Emma Hunt and the rest of the CABI clan (2000 to 2002) who also played a major role in helping

me to unwind at the end of a long day. If it were not for them, I may have never experienced all

the joys that Switzerland has to offer. Finally, I am grateful for the patience and relaxed manner

of the many farmers who caught us carving our signatures into the bark of their cherry trees. One

quickly learns to speak German or French when one must explain why one's chisel is sticking out

the side of an orchard cherry tree!

Page 6: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table of Contents . . Approval ..................................................................................................................................... 11 ... Abstract .................................................................................................................................. 111

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... iv ......................................................................................................................... Table of Contents v ... List of Figures .......................................................................................................................... VIII

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... x

.................................................................................................. CHAPTER 1 1 ............................................ General Introduction and Literature Review 1

........................................................................................................................................ Abstract 1 .................................................................. 1.2 Biology and Ecology of the Cherry Bark Tortrix 2

........................................................................................................ 1.3 Assessment of Pest Risk 5 1.4 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................... 7

1.4.1 Survey of Parasitoid Community .................................................................................... 7 ...................................................................................... 1.4.2 Evaluation of a Potential Agent 8

............................................................................................................................ 1.5 References 1 1

CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................ 14 Distribution. phenology. and field parasitism of the cherry bark tortrix ....................................................................................................................... 14

................................................................................................................................... Abstract 1 4 2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Materials and Methods ......................................................................................................... 16

........................................................................................ 2.2.1 CBT Parasitoid Associations 17 2.2.2 Spatial Distribution of the CBT and its Parasitoids ...................................................... 17

....................................................................................................... Regional Scale 18 ....................................................................................................... Orchard Scale 1 8 Tree Scale .............................................................................................................. 19 2.2.3 CBT Phenology ............................................................................................................ 20

.................................................................................. 2.2.4 Temporal Analysis of Parasitism 20 2.3 Results .................................................................................................................................. 21

........................................................................................ 2.3.1 CBT Parasitoid Associations 21 ...................................................... 2.3.2 Spatial Distribution of the CBT and its Parasitoids 22

....................................................................................................... Regional Scale 22 ........................................................................................................ Orchard Scale 22

.............................................................................................................. Tree Scale 23 2.3.3 CBT Phenology ............................................................................................................ 24

.................................................................................. 2.3.4 Temporal Analysis of Parasitism 25 ............................................................................................................................ 2.4 Discussion 26

........................................................................................ 2.4.1 CBT Parasitoid Associations 26 ...................................................... 2.4.2 Spatial Distribution of the CBT and its Parasitoids 29

2.4.3 CBT Phenology ............................................................................................................ 33 .................................................................................. 2.4.4 Temporal Analysis of Parasitism 34

........................................................................................................................... 2.5 Conclusion 35 ........................................................................................................................... 2.6 References -36

Page 7: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................ 62 Biology and Rearing of Campoplex dubitator ........................................ 62

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 62 3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 63 3.2 Methods ............................................................................................................................... 64

3.2.1 Host Rearing ................................................................................................................. 64 3.2.2 Biology and Rearing of Campoplex dubitator .............................................................. 65

3.3 Results and Discussion ........................................................................................................ 66 3.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 70

CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................ 81 Response of the parasitoid Campoplex dubitator to host- and habitat-related odours in an olfactometer ................................................ 81

Abstract ................................................................................................................................. 8 1 4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 82

......................................................................................................... 4.2 Materials and Methods 83 ........................................................................................................... 4.2.1 Study Organisms 83

4.2.2 Experiments 1-3: Parasitoid Response to Volatile Cues ............................................... 84 .................................................................................................... Materials Tested 84 Experiment 1 ......................................................................................................... 84 ......................................................................................................... Experiment 2 85 ......................................................................................................... Experiment 3 85

................................................................. Static Chamber Olfactometer Bioassay 85 4.2.3 Experiment 4: Parasitoid Preference for Volatile Cues ................................................ 87

.................................................................................................. Materials Tested 87 .............................................................................. Y-tube Olfactometer Bioassay 88

4.3 Results .................................................................................................................................. 89 ............................................... 4.3.1 Experiments 1-3 : Parasitoid Response to Volatile Cues 89 ................................................ 4.3.2 Experiment 4: Parasitoid Preference for Volatile Cues 90

............................................................................................................................ 4.4 Discussion 90 4.5 References ............................................................................................................................ 95

CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................. 108 Oviposition behaviour and patch time allocation of

.................................................................................. Campoplex dubitator 108 ................................................................................................................................. Abstract 1 0 8

........................................................................................................................ 5.1 Introduction 109 5.2 Materials and Methods ....................................................................................................... 112

5.2.1 Study Organisms ......................................................................................................... 1 12 5.2.2 Experiment I: Description of Oviposition Behaviour ................................................. 1 13

....................................................................... 5.2.3 Experiment 11: Patch Residence Time 1 15

....................................................................... The Proportional Hazards Model 1 17 ................................................................................................................................ 5.3 Results 1 18

................................................. 5.3.1 Experiment I: Description of Oviposition Behaviour 1 18 5.3.2 Experiment 11: Patch Residence Time ........................................................................ 119

5.4 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 121 5.4.1 Experiment I: Description of Oviposition Behaviour ................................................. 121 5.4.2 Experiment 11: Patch Residence Time ........................................................................ 122

Page 8: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

.......................................................................................................................... 5.5 References 128

CHAPTER 6 .............................................................................................. 144 .............................................................. Conclusions and Final Remarks 144

6.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 144 .......................................................................................................................... 6.2 References 148


Page 9: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

List of Figures

Figure 2- 1 Parasitoid community structure associated with the larval and pupal stages of Enarmonia formosana. Arrows connect host stages attacked and killed by each of the four parasitoid guilds: (1) larval, (2) larval - pupal, (3) late larval ecto, and (4) pupal. Arrow width indicates the relative abundance of each parasitoid species interacting with the host. Arrows drawn through the host stage bubble represent endoparasitism while those not

............................................................. passing through the bubble represent ectoparasitism 40

Figure 2- 2 Association between Enarmonia formosana density and tree trunk circumference. (a) Number of total CBT (healthy and parasitised) per 1000 cm2 at the tree base (r2 = 0.001; P = 0.449). (b) Number of only parasitised CBT per 10002 at the tree base (y = 0 .006~ + 0.444; r2 = 0.03, P = 0.013) .................................................................................................... 42

Figure 2- 3 Comparison of within-tree distributions of Enarmonia formosana frass tubes (hSE) on the trunks of cherry trees in central Europe and Canada. The European within-tree distribution of frass tubes differs significantly from that of Vancouver (chi-square test for heterogeneity: ~2 = 70.596; df = 5; P < 0.001). ..................................................................... 44

Figure 2- 4 Spatial distribution of healthy and parasitised Enarmonia formosana on the trunks of cherry trees in central Europe. Error bars indicate 1 standard error. Significantly more healthy (P < 0.001) and parasitised (P < 0.001) E. formosana specimens were collected from the bottom section than the middle and top sections of trees. ............................................... 46

Figure 2- 5 Parasitism response of Campoplex dubitator to host density per tree, based on the collection and rearing of all host (late instar) Enarmonia formosana from selected trees, between 19 April to 14 June (y = -1 5.8Ln(x) + 67.89; 3 = 0.57, P < 0.001). ....................... 48

Figure 2- 6 Change in the relative abundance of Enarmonia formosana pupae (columns) and the mean head capsule width (points) of field-collected E. formosana larvae (* SE) over the 2001 and 2002 field seasons. ................................................................................................. 50

Figure 2- 7 Frequency distribution of measurements of 2133 Enarmonia formosana larval head capsule widths collected during the summer of 2002 in central Europe. Columns with different fill patterns show the head capsule size ranges of seven instars. Horizontal lines above columns indicate the head capsule size ranges of the five instars described by Roediger (1956). .................................................................................................................... 52

Figure 3-1 Relationship between Enarmonia formosana host size at oviposition and hind right tibia length of eclosing adult Campoplex dubitator. (r2 = 0.004; P = 0.730) ......................... 73

Figure 4-1 Illustration of the static chamber olfactometer used in identifling sources of attractive odours in experiment 1. Gauze bags were suspended >5 cm away from all walls of the arena to reduce the chance of accidental discovery of treatment and control substrates by the

................................................................................................................................ parasitoid 98

Figure 4-2 Response of Campoplex dubitator females to odours presented in a static chamber olfactometer. These figures show the response of parasitoids to cherry bark (2 * 0.2 g) (experiment 1: ~2 = 6.025; P = 0.014 ), host frass (0.20 h 0.05 g) (experiment 2: x2 = 1.667; P = 0.197), and three naked Enarmonia formosana host larvae representing the third, fourth,

... V l l l

Page 10: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

and fifth instars (experiment 3: ~2 = 0.404; P = 0.525). A choice was determined based on a comparison of the total time spent on the treatment and control halves of the arena. ......... 100

Figure 4-3 Response of Campoplex dubitator females to odours released from host frass (2.5 g) versus uninfested cherry bark (2.5 g) in a Y-tube olfactometer (experiment 4). A "choice" was made when parasitoids walked to within 5 cm of the distal end of either arm. Parasitoids demonstrated a strong preference for frass-related volatiles ( ~ 2 = 5.580; P =

Figure 5- 1 Ethogram of Campoplex dubitator pre-oviposition and post-oviposition behaviour when attacking Enarmonia formosana hosts. Width of each solid line is associated with the transitional probability of the indicated behavioural event (n = 28). Following Check behaviour, the transitions between Rest, Probe, Search, Groom, and Walk become much less predictable. See Appendices 5-A and 5-B for actual values of transitional probabilities between behaviours. See text for definition of individual behaviours ................................. 13 1

Figure 5-2 Mean (+ SE) patch residence times of Campoplex dubitator on patches containing ............................................................. different densities of Enarmonia formosana hosts. 134

Figure 5-3 Proportion of Enarmonia formosana hosts parasitised by Campoplex dubitator versus host density. Percent parasitism is calculated based on the number of ovipositions observed during the patch visit (trials with zero ovipositions are kept in data set) ( r2 = 0.045; P =

0.222). .................................................................................................................................. 136

Page 11: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

List of Tables

Table 2- 1 List of identified parasitoid species emerging from pupal and larval Enarmonia formosana hosts collected in central Europe between 2000 and 2002. Regions of discovery

............................................................... and relative abundance are given for each species. 54

Table 2- 2 Comparison of overall percent parasitism of Enarmonia formosana by region during ....... 200 1 and 2002. Parasitism rates are further divided into larval and pupal host groups. 56

Table 2- 3 Association of host tree features with the probability and density of Enarmonia formosana infestations on cherry trees in central Europe (2001-2002). ................................ 58

Table 2- 4 Association of host tree features with the probability and density of parasitised ............................... Enarmonia formosana on cherry trees in central Europe (200 1-2002). .60

Table 3-1 Comparison of the results of parasitism on the five Enarmonia formosana instars and of the effect of single vs multiple and brief vs prolonged ovipositions. ................................ 75

Table 3-2 Comparison of female and male parasitoid development time within three age classes of Enarmonia formosana hosts .............................................................................................. 77

Table 3-3 Ovariole and mature egg counts from dissections of Campoplex dubitator ovaries. ... 79

Table 4-1 Summary of olfactory experiments investigating the response of Campoplex dubitator to volatiles associated with the host and host habitat. ......................................................... 104

Table 4-2 Effect of mating status on the response of foraging female Campoplex dubitator to ................................................................................................... stimuli in an olfactometer. 106

Table 5-1. Average transitional probabilities between behaviours displayed by foraging ................... Campoplex dubitator females from beginning of search to oviposition event. 138

Table 5-2. Average transitional probabilities between behaviours displayed by foraging .............................. Campoplex dubitator females from oviposition to departure from host 140

Table 5-3. (a) Estimated regression coefficients (P), standard errors (SE), and hazard ratio (exp(j3)) for only those covariates that had an effect on the patch leaving tendency of Campoplex dubitator females. (b) Estimated regression coefficient (P), standard error (SE), and hazard ratio (exp(P)) for the single covariate that had an effect on the giving up time of C. dubitator females. ........................................................................................................... 142

Page 12: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CHAPTER 1 General Introduction and Literature Review


The cherry bark tortrix (CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopoli (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), was

first discovered in North America in 1989, when specimens were collected in Richmond, British

Columbia. Since its appearance in the Pacific Northwest region, the CBT has spread as far east as

Armstrong, British Columbia and as far south as Portland, Oregon. This pest is known to attack

many rosaceous plants, but is most commonly associated with cherry trees. The larvae feed

solitarily on the phloem tissues beneath the outer bark and may ultimately reduce tree vigour,

with symptoms including foliage dieback or even tree death. In its native range of Europe,

temperate Asia, and North Africa, the CBT has only infrequently been considered a major

orchard pest. In contrast, infestation levels on ornamental cherry trees in North America are

substantially greater. Several active control measures have been applied against the CBT in

Europe and North America including the application of insecticides, creosote and tar oil, the

removal of vegetation from the bases of trees, and pheromone-based mating disruption. Classical

biological control was only recently considered as an IPM tool for dealing with this pest. The

initial work of this Masters thesis project included a survey of the parasitoid community of the

CBT in central Europe. Larval and pupal parasitoids were collected, reared, and identified, with

the aim of isolating potential biological control agents. Once one candidate species was selected,

further studies of its biology and ecology were conducted. These investigations included

development rates, host detection, host instar suitability, and response to host density.

Page 13: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

1.1 Introduction Cherry trees have been cultivated for both the fruit and wood for over 2000 years (Godwin,

1975). In western North America, ornamental and agricultural cherry trees are grown throughout

British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and California. Along the Pacific

coast, these trees and related rosaceous species are particularly valued for their ornamental use. In

the Vancouver area alone, thousands of flowering cherries have been planted along streets for

enhanced aesthetics. Unfortunately, these trees often suffer a variety of health problems. Declines

in cherry tree health have been associated with bacterial canker, nematode attack, malnutrition,

low soil pH, and winter injury (Melakeberhan et al., 1993). Cherry trees may also be stressed

through defoliation by insect herbivores like the cherry ermine moth, Yponomeutapadellus

(Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), and fruit production may be hindered by pests like the black

cherry aphid, Myzus cerasi (Fabricius) (Homoptera: Aphididae) (Alford, 1984). Recently, an

additional insect pest, which feeds in the bark of cherry trees, was accidentally introduced into

North America.

In 1989, specimens of a bark-boring insect were collected in Richmond, British Columbia,

and were identified as the cherry bark tortrix (hereafter referred to as CBT), Enarmonia

formosana (Scopoli) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) (Dang and Parker, 1990). This was the first report

of CBT in North America. In 1991, the Washington State Department of Agriculture reported a

collection of CBT larvae from an ornamental cherry tree in Blaine, Whatcom county, Washington

(Klaus, 1991). Continued monitoring of the spread of this insect suggests that its distribution now

extends as far east in Canada as Armstrong, British Columbia and as far south as Portland,

Oregon (Cossentine, pers. comm.).

1.2 Biology and Ecology of the Cherry Bark Tortrix

The CBT occurs throughout Europe, temperate Asia, and North Africa (Balachowsky, 1966).

Female specimens collected at the eastern edge of its distribution have smaller body dimensions

than European specimens, but there is currently no sufficient explanation for this trend

(Kuznetsov, 1988). A single species group encompasses all specimens collected to date. The CBT

belongs to the family Tortricidae, one of the most damaging groups of Lepidoptera (Klaus, 199 1).

However, it has not had a history as a widespread damaging pest as some of its relatives,

including the codling moth (Cydiapomonella), the fruit tree tortrix moth (Archips podana), and

the carnation tortrix moth (Cacoecimorphapronubana) have (Alford, 1984). The CBT has been

Page 14: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

described in scientific literature since at least 1776 (Roediger, 1956)' but since then has only

appeared in sporadic discussions resulting from short-term, local outbreaks. The published

material dealing specifically with the CBT in Eurasia has focused largely on the identification of

this tortricid pest and subsequent use of pesticides for controlling outbreaks (Shapovalov, 1959;

Winfield, 1964; Lyalyuts'ka, 1965; Savkovskii and Lyalyutskaya, 1967; Dickler, 1970; Minks et

al., 1976; Smol'yannikov, 1979; KoSlinska et al., 1980). Additional papers emerging from

Europe in the last 30 years have described the effectiveness of sex pheromone mixtures for

monitoring pest population levels (Minks et al., 1976; Kratancsik, 1982; Sziraki, 1984). For the

most part, the CBT has been considered a pest of only minor importance in its native range,

where outbreaks are normally rare (Massee, 1954). During the field surveys for this study, cherry

growers encountered between 2000 and 2002 in the southern Rhine Valley and Black Forest in

Germany were commonly unaware of the existence of the CBT on their trees (pers. obs.).

The CBT was first described as a pest of almond and stone-fruit trees in Europe in the early

1800's (Winfield, 1964). Its known host range in Europe and North America now includes

Prunus (cherry, plum, almond, apricot, nectarine, and peach), Malus (apple), Cydonia (quince),

Pyrus (pear), Pyracantha (firethorn), Crataegus (hawthorn) and Sorbus (moutain ash) (Dang and

Parker, 1990; Tanigoshi et al., 1998). On both continents, the preferred host plants of the CBT are

those comprising the genus Prunus (Roediger, 1965) and within some species, a strong variety

preference may exist (Tanigoshi et al., 1998). Older trees appear to be most susceptible to attack

by the CBT. Such mature trees are more likely to possess wounds from years of pruning and

weather damage; pest densities in Washington were greatest on trees with high numbers of

wounds or other opportunities for larval entry into the bark (Tanigoshi et al., 1998).

CBT adults typically fly from early-May until mid-September. Pheromone-based trapping of

males in both Europe and the United States has revealed a bimodal flight pattern, with the first

peak of activity occurring in May or June and the second in lateJuly or August, depending on

seasonal temperatures (Roediger, 1956; Winfield, 1964; Sermann and Zahn, 1986; Tanigoshi et

al., 1998). The phenomenon of two predictable peaks in adult activity has led previous

researchers to believe that the CBT is a bivoltine moth (Theobald, 1909; Samal, 1926). Only upon

closer inspection of flight data and comparison with larval development observations, have

scientists begun to suggest a single, staggered generation per year (Roediger, 1956; Savkovskii

and Lyalyutskaya, 1967; Sermann and Zahn, 1986).

Page 15: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CBT eggs are deposited singly or in small clusters on the trunk of host trees. The ovipositing

females apparently prefer sites where the bark has been damaged by previous feeding or pruning

(Roediger, 1956). Following hatching, first instar larvae immediately seek shelter, and if the site

is suitable, penetrate the bark to feed. Old tunnels often provide excellent locations for larvae to

establish new feeding galleries, as long as the surrounding nutritive bark tissues are not

completely excavated or desiccated. First instar larvae feed exclusively in the outer part of the

phloem, while later instars may colonise the entire space between the cork and cambium. The

cambium itself is rarely reached by the tunneling larvae and the central wood is never damaged

by feeding (Alford, 1984). Throughout the course of development, a larva may abandon its

original tunnel to create a new feeding gallery at a more profitable location on the tree. This

behaviour is common among early instars. The CBT overwinter in the larval stage. Sermann and

Zahn (1986) have found larval-feeding activity ceases completely once the temperature has

dropped below a threshold of approximately 7" C. Later instar larvae, with deeper tunnels, are

presumably better equipped to survive the winter season.

The larvae of the CBT live solitarily in complete concealment beneath the bark. Aggregation

of feeding tunnels around a site of bark damage is quite common however and aggressive

behaviour is typical during interactions between conspecific larvae. The larvae therefore maintain

their physical concealment by closing any opening in the tunnel with a web of silken threads.

This silk is also used in the construction of a capsule-like structure at the entrance to the feeding

tunnel. Larvae routinely deposit their faeces on the exterior of this shelter, thereby enlarging it

over time. This faecal pouch, or "frass tube", probably plays a very important role for natural

enemies and extension service staff, as it is the only visual cue revealing the presence of these


The proper description of the larval instars of the CBT has been even more perplexing than

the aforementioned discussion on the number of generations per year. Because CBT larvae

develop beneath bark, they cannot easily be subjected to daily monitoring. Using measurements

of larval head capsule widths from field-collected CBT, Roediger (1956) concluded that the

larvae pass through five instars before pupating. More than one decade later, Savkovskii and

Lyalyutskaya (1967) published their description of four CBT larval stages while Dickler (1972)

was unable to discern clear instar stages at all, based on head capsule measurements. This

inconsistency in reported developmental patterns may arise from variance in either the actual

number of instars or the head capsule sizes for each larval stage (Russell and Bouzouane, 1989;

Page 16: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Savopoulou-Soultani and Tzanakakis, 1990; Gold et al., 1999). Such reported variations in

developmental patterns or instar sizes can result from differences in rearing conditions, including

temperature and diet (Russell and Bouzouane, 1989; Savopoulou-Soultani and Tzanakakis, 1990;

Gold et al., 1999).

1.3 Assessment of Pest Risk

The magnitude of the threat that the CBT poses to the nursery and orchard industries is not

known. Its geographic spread in North America may be limited by a number of factors. For

example, the CBT is associated with relatively high humidity, which might reduce the risk of

contamination of cherry orchards more inland, such as the arid Okanagan growing region.

Additionally, the moths are suspected not to have a high dispersal rate since Roediger (1956)

suggested that females have a tendency to oviposit on the trees in which they had developed.

Tree loss has often been attributed to infestation by the CBT. However, it is still not yet

certain that the CBT is the sole factor causing the death of trees. In a pest risk assessment of CBT,

Orr (1991) suggests that the CBT can generate three types of damage: direct damage by larval

feeding, resulting in the dieback of shoots; indirect damage due to the attraction of secondary

pests such as scolytids and fungi; and indirect damage through increased vulnerability to frost and

other unfavourable weather conditions. Many of the infested trees in Whatcom county,

Washington State, USA and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, for instance, have also shown

symptoms of bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae (Klaus, 1992). This plant disease

is common in the coastal area, due to the favourably cool and wet weather, and flowering cherry

trees are perhaps its most vulnerable hosts (Orr, 1991). Pseudomonas syringae, however, is

considered to be a weak, opportunistic pathogen, which will invade a host that has first been

weakened by some predisposing condition (Moore, 1988), such as larval feeding beneath the

outer bark. Cankers created by bacterial infection, in turn, provide attractive oviposition sites for

the adult tortricids. It may be a relationship of this sort between these organisms, which

ultimately leads to tree mortality.

The presence of a small number of larvae will not noticeably lower the health of a tree.

However, tree survival may be threatened by sustained, high-density feeding over successive

generations (Roediger, 1956; Winfield, 1964; Balachowsky, 1966). If left unchecked, CBT tree

kills could jeopardise part of the multi-million dollar nursery industry in British Columbia,

Washington, and Oregon. Since its arrival in the Pacific Northwest, the CBT has thrived on

Page 17: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

various host plants with no apparent controls on its spreading population. Densities of larvae on

trees in North America seem to be much higher than levels reported in Europe. It is very possible

that an important regulating force, which exists in Europe, is not present in the North American

ecoregion colonised by the CBT. Whether this controlling factor is biotic, abiotic, or even exists

at all, remains to be ascertained.

Active control measures applied to date against the CBT in Europe include the application of

insecticides, creosote and tar oil, mechanical removal of dead and peeling bark, thinning of tree

canopy, reduction of orchard density (Roediger, 1956), and removal of vegetation from the bases

of trees (Dickler and Zimmerman, 1972). Within North America, attempts have been made to

regulate CBT densities through pyrethroid or organophosphate application (Murray et al., 1998),

pheromone-based mating disruption (McNair et al., 1999), entomopathogenic nematode

application (McNair, pers. comm.), and biological control with the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma

cacoeciae Marchal (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) (Tanigoshi, 2002). Many of these

management approaches have caused a reduction in local pest densities. However, most are not

consistently reliable or feasible. Success may be a function of the host tree, the tree patch, or local

pest phenology. The extended flight season of the CBT, for instance, can make chemical control

very difficult or impractical (Klaus, 199 1).

In spite of the numerous studies on the biology and distribution of the CBT, little attention

has been given to the natural enemies of this pest. Only three reliable examples from the last 90

years have been found. In his thorough description of CBT biology and ecology, Roediger (1956)

listed four parasitoid species (2 ichneumonids, 1 braconid, and 1 tachinid) reared from field-

collected caterpillars. As no parasitism rates were provided, the importance of Roediger's four

parasitic species is not known. Schuetze and Roman (193 1) identified one ichneumonid parasitoid

that attacked the CBT. Boldyrev and Dobroserdov (1981) highlighted the common raphidiid,

AguIla xanthostigma (Schummel) (Neuroptera: Raphidiidae), as an important predator of the

young tortricid larvae. Consequently, during the early risk assessment of the CBT in North

America, the lack of literature on natural enemies of this pest in Europe was interpreted to mean

that biological control showed little promise. It was suspected that the pest's protective

environment was an obstacle that would hinder biocontrol attempts (Om, 1991).

In the late 199OYs, members of the Washington State Department of Agriculture, Oregon

Department of Agriculture, and Washington State University launched a survey of indigenous

Page 18: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

parasitoids attacking the immature stages of the CBT. This investigation, conducted in

northwestern Washington, found four species of larval parasitoids believed to be associated with

the CBT. These species, including one ichneumonid, one braconid, one eupelmid, and one

eurytomid, had a very low total combined parasitsm rate of 1.7% in 1997 and 2.7% in 1998

(Tanigoshi et al., 1998). This finding stimulated interest in an exploration of the parasitoid

community attacking the CBT in its native range in Europe. In 1998, in collaboration with Dr.

Ulrich Kuhlmann at the CABI Bioscience Switzerland Centre, Dr. Lynell Tanigoshi (Washington

State University) performed a search for parasitoid enemies of the CBT in northern Switzerland

and the Rhine Valley of Germany. They found evidence of higher levels of parasitism in Europe

than in North America, coinciding with overall lower CBT densities, which strengthened support

for the idea of a classical biological control approach in North America (Tanigoshi et al., 1998).

1.4 Research Objectives

1.4.1 Survey of Parasitoid Community

The first objective of my research was to conduct a formal survey of the parasitoid

community attacking the larvae and pupae of the CBT in central Europe. This work, carried out in

cooperation with Dr. Joan Cossentine (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Summerland) and Dr.

Ulrich Kuhlmann (CABI Bioscience Centre Switzerland), was a continuation of the earlier

assessment of potential candidates for classical biological control. The field study was important

for the correct identification of parasitoids associated with the CBT, as its natural enemy complex

had not previously been studied in any detail. Despite a long and scattered history of recurring

problems caused by the CBT, little effort had ever been made to understand the top-down control

imposed on it by predators, pathogens, or parasitoids.

Chapter 2 provides a discussion of biological and ecological aspects of both the pest and its

parasitoid complex, based on intensive field surveys between 2000-2002. Sampling from natural

populations of the CBT in the Rhine Valley, Black Forest, and Jura Mountains was a laborious,

but effective, way to examine the interaction between the CBT and its natural enemies. With

respect to the moth pest, one specific aim was to describe its phenology and distribution patterns

at multiple spatial scales. Phenological data were then used to verify the number of CBT

generations per year and the number of larval instars during development. The investigation of

the parasitoids included an analysis of field parasitism rates on host larvae and pupae, with a

comparison of species composition and overall parasitoid impact between the surveyed regions of

Europe. Monitored laboratory rearing of field-collected host specimens provided additional

Page 19: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

information on development times and sex ratios of the CBT and its parasitoid enemies. plus,

some insight into the guild structure of the parasitoid community could be ascertained based on

host stages attacked by the various parasitoid species.

1.4.2 Evaluation of a Potential Agent

By 200 1, a larval parasitoid species, Campoplex cf. dubitator Horstmann (Hymenoptera:

Ichneumonidae), was selected for an evaluation of its role as a regulator of CBT populations. The

decision to use C. dubitator was based on observations such as its contribution to host mortality,

a possible high host-specificity, and feasibility of rearing. In completion of part of the

comprehensive assessment, I studied the foraging behaviour and life history traits of this


To obtain sufficient numbers of C. dubitator for study, it was necessary to establish a

laboratory culture of the parasitoids. This was the first documented attempt at rearing this species.

I therefore recorded several aspects of the rearing process, which are potentially important for

future production of C. dubitator. Chapter 3 provides a description of this information, including

notes on the development rates of immature C. dubitator, adult nutrition and longevity, courtship,

egg load, CBT host instar suitability, and determination of progeny sex.

Once potential biological control agents are identified, they must undergo extensive testing to

ensure their efficacy, reliability, and safety (ie. host specificity) in a pest management program.

Many authors have attempted to define the characteristics that make natural enemies effective for

biological control. However, as Stiling (1993) points out, it may be difficult to attribute success to

just one biological feature. In contrast, it should be easier to link failure with a single trait.

Several factors have been found to cause the breakdown of some previous biological control

programmes. These include: (1) poor climate matching, (2) unpredictable, detrimental weather,

(3) lack of synchronisation between natural enemy and pest, (4) wrong species or strain of natural

enemy, (5) differences in habitat preferences, (6) host refuge, (7) competition with other natural

enemies, (8) predation or hyperparasitism of released natural enemies, (9) lack of alternative

hosts, (10) lack of adult food, (1 1) low rate of increase, and (12) too few natural enemies released

(Stiling, 1993). While a couple of the above problems could be avoided with more careful

planning of the release strategy, most of them result from an inadequate understanding of the

biological and ecological attributes of the natural enemies. This therefore highlights the need for a

thorough analysis of potential biological control candidates.

Page 20: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Another major objective of this project was to investigate the role and importance of odours

associated with the host and host habitat during foraging by C. dubitator females. Since CBT

larvae live and feed in complete concealment, with only their faeces visible on the outside of the

bark, it was suspected that specific volatile compounds play a large part in the host detection

process. Godfray (1994) states that chemical cues are very commonly used by parasitoids in their

hunt for hosts. Preliminary laboratory observations of interactions between C. dubitator and the

cherry bark pest were also suggestive of the use of odours by the searching parasitoids. Females

would typically move towards a host-related substrate while walking or flying, and often from a

considerable distance. In many cases when exposed host larvae were presented to parasitoids, the

wasps did not appear to recognise their hosts, even after direct antennation. Hence, no oviposition

behaviour was instigated. However, when these parasitoids came into contact with the frass of

their hosts, oviposition behaviour was almost always observed.

The observations described above indicated that foraging C, dubitator females might rely

heavily upon indirect cues (of which, chemical stimuli are the most likely candidates) for both

long- and short-range detection of their target hosts. Chapter 4 describes a test of the hypothesis

that these foraging parasitoids show a chemotactic response to certain host plant substrates but

not to host larvae themselves. This experiment was executed in 2001 using a static-air box

olfactometer, in which materials of interest were tested against inert control materials to eliminate

visual effects. Once substrates releasing attractive odours were identified, I predicted that the

more closely-related a particular material was to a host larva, the stronger its attractiveness would

be to C. dubitator. Parasitoid females should find some volatile compounds more attractive than

others if the former are a more reliable cue indicating the presence of hosts. For example,

foraging females were expected to be more strongly attracted to host frass (digested bark) than to

healthy bark. In 2002, a Y-tube olfactometer was employed to compare the relative attractiveness

of those substances found to release stimulating odours.

The final chief objective was to continue the evaluation of C. dubitator by assessing its

specific foraging behaviour. Information on host-finding and attack behaviour can have

considerable practical importance in biological control. It may help to explain observed patterns

of attack in field situations (Lauzibre et al., 2000). An understanding of the mechanisms by which

a parasitoid locates and accepts hosts might also enable pest management teams to enhance a

parasitoid's foraging efficiency through manipulation of host densities or numbers of parasitoids

Page 21: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

released (Howard et al., 1998; Loke et al., 1983). Finally, as explained by Nurindah et al. (1 ggg),

this type of information can be used to monitor oviposition performance in future laboratory-

reared wasps (eg. C. dubitator) to ensure that there is no change in behaviour due to in vitro

culture or the use of alternate hosts for rearing.

Presently, no literature exists that depicts the behavioural interaction between C. dubitator

and the CBT. The first goal of Chapter 5, therefore, was to describe the pattern of behaviours

displayed by female parasitoids leading up to, during, and immediately following an attack on a

CBT host larva. Based on direct observations of ovipositions, an ethogram was constructed to

illustrate probable transitions between behaviours. This analysis provided a comprehension of

certain aspects of the parasitoid's foraging strategy, including a description of behaviours

associated with successful parasitism and an estimate of host handling time during oviposition.

The second aim of this section was to investigate the foraging patterns of C. dubitator females

that encounter patches harbouring different numbers of aggregated hosts, as would occur in high

density infestations. This experiment was conducted to learn more about the parasitoid's response

to changes in host densities and its overall search efficiency. Previous work on patch foraging by

many parasitoid species has led to the identification of certain inherent "leaving rules" used to

optimise the time spent searching for hosts in a patch of a given quality. A simple description of

optimal patch leaving theory is as follows: A parasitoid enters a patch and estimates the quality

(host density) of the patch by some means, such as kairomone concentration (Waage, 1979). Over

time the responsiveness of the parasitoid to the kairomone "cocktail" decreases until it falls below

a critical value, at which time the female exits the patch. If a host is encountered, the

responsiveness can either increase ("incremental mechanism"; Waage, 1979) or decrease ("count

down mechanism"; Driessen et al., 1995). Both systems of patch leaving decisions have been

shown to occur among different parasitoid species (van Alphen et al., 2003).

The surveys and experiments described above were intended to contribute to our

understanding of the composition and importance of the European parasitoid community

attacking the CBT. This research fulfilled the exploratory phase of the classical biological control

programme against this pest and also included a partial assessment of a potential agent. The

investigation of the foraging behaviour and reproductive biology of C. dubitator was considered

to be important for the rearing of the parasitoid, but may also be valuable for its evaluation, which

highlights the utility of linking behavioural and basic biological studies with biological control.

Page 22: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

1.5 References

Alford, D.V. 1984. A Colour Atlas of Fruit Pests: their recognition, biology and control. Wolfe Publishing Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland 320 pp.

Balachowsky, A.S. 1966. Entomologie Applique'e a I'Agriculture. Tome I1 - Lepidopteres. Masson et Cie (Eds.), Paris, France. 1057 pp.

Boldyrev, M.I. and S.G. Dobroserdov. 198 1. [The raphidiid - an active predator of insects.] Zashchita Rastenii 9: 29

Dang, P.T. and D.J. Parker. 1990. First records of Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli) in North America (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 87: 3-6

Dickler, E. 1972. [Investigations on the biology and population dynamics of the bark Tortricid Enarmonia formosana Scop. (Leptd., Tortr.)] Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen fur Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, pp. 85-106

Dickler, E. 1970. [The injuriousness of the bark borer Enarmonia formosana Scop. (Lepid., Tortr.).] Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes 22: 170- 172

Dickler, E. and H. Zirnmerman. 1972. [Investigations on the control of the bark Tortricid Enarmonia formosana Scop. (Lepid., Tortr.)] Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen fur Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, 144: 143- 150

Driessen, G., C. Bernstein, J.J.M. van Alphen, and A. Kacelnik. 1995. A count-down mechanism for host search in the parasitoid Venturia canescens. Journal of Animal Ecology 64: 1 17-1 25

Godfray, H.C .J. 1994. Parasitoids: Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton 473 pp.

Godwin, H. 1975. The History of the British Flora: a factual basis forphytogeography. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 541 pp.

Gold, C.S., P.S. Nemeye, and R. Coe. 1999. Recognition and duration of the larval instars of banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Uganda. Affican Entomology 7: 49-62

Howard, R.W., M. Charlton, and R.E. Charlton. 1998. Host-finding, host-recognition, and host- acceptance behaviour of Cephalonomia tarsalis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae). Annals of the EntomoIogical Society of America 91: 879-889

Klaus, M.W. 1992. Cherry Bark Tortrix Survey Report. Washington State Department of Agriculture, Yakima, Washington

Klaus, M.W. 1991. Cherry Bark Tortrix in Washington State. Proceedings of the Washington State Horticultural Association, pg. 241-243

KoSlinska, M., B. Iwanek, H. Papynow, and Z. Szczepanik. 1980. [The control of the bark tortricid (Enarmonia formosana Scop., Lep.: Tortricidae) and the apple clearwing

Page 23: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

(Synanthedon myopformis Borkh., Lep.: Aegeriidae).] Prace Instytutu Sadewnietwa w Skierniewicach, A. 20: 229-240.

Kratancsik, L. 1982. [The forecasting of the cherry bark tortrix moth (Enarmonia formosana Scopoli) by the use of sex traps (in Hungary).] Novknyvkdelem 18: 507-509

Kuznetsov, V.I. 1988. Leaf-rollers (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) of the southern part of the Soviet Far East and their seasonal cycles. In: Lepidopterous Fauna ofthe USSR and Adjacent Countries (ed. O.L. Kryzhanovskii), Oxonian, New Dehli, pp.57-249.

Lauziere, I., G. Perez-Lachaud, and J. Brodeur. 2000. Behaviour and activity pattern of Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) attacking the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Journal of Insect Behaviour 13: 375-395

Loke, W.H., T.R. Ashley, and R.I. Sailer. 1983. Influence of fall armyworm, Spodoptera fiugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae and corn plant damage on host finding in Apanteles marginiventris (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Environmental Entomology 12: 91 1- 915.

Massee, A.M. 1954. The Pests of Fruits and Hops. Crosky Lockwood and Son Ltd., London, 325 PP.

McNair, C., G. Gries, and M. Sidney. 1999. Toward pheromone-based mating disruption of Enarmonia formosana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on ornamental cherry trees. The Canadian Entomologist 131: 97- 105

Melakeberhan, H., A.L. Jones, P. Sobiczewski, and G.W. Bird. 1993. Factors associated with the decline of sweet cherry trees in Michigan: nematodes, bacterial canker, nutrition, soil pH, and winter injury. Plant Disease 77: 266-27 1.

Minks, A.K., S. Voerman, and M. van de Vrie. 1976. A sex attractant for the cherry-bark tortrix moth, Enarmonia formosana. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 19: 30 1-3 02

Moore, L.D. 1988. Pseudomonas syringae: Disease and ice nucleation activity. Ornamentals Northwest Newsletter 12: 4- 16

Murray, T.A., L.K. Tanigoshi, B. Bai, and E. LaGasa. 1998. Cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli), bionomics, natural enemy survey and control research project, 1997-98. Washington State University Report

Nurindah, B.W. Cribb, and G. Gordh.1999. Effects of physiological condition and experience on oviposition behaviour of Trichogramma australicum Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on eggs of Helicoverpa armigera Huebner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Australian Journal of Entomology 38: 104- 1 14

Orr, R.L. 199 1. Pest Risk Assessment on Cherry Bark Tortrix. USDA, APHIS, PPD, PRAS. Hyattsville, Maryland.

Roediger, H. 19%. Untersuchungen iiber den Rindenwickler Enarmonia woeberiana Schiff. (Lepid. Tortr.) Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 38: 195-321

Page 24: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Russell, D.A. and R. Bouzouane. 1989. The effect of diet, temperature, and diapause on the number and identification of larval instars in the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesto Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Agronomic 9:9 19-926

Samal, J. 1926. Grapholitha woeberiana, Schiff. Bull. Czechost. Acad. Agric. 2: 98-100

Savkovskii, P.P. and E.I. Lyalyutskaya. 1976. [The bark-boring Tortricid and measures for its control.] Sadovodstvo, pt. 6, pp.23-34, Kiev

Savopoulou-Soultani, M. and M.E. Tzanakakis. 1990. Head-capsule width of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larvae reared on three different diets. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83: 555-558

Schuetze, K.T. and A. Roman. 193 1. Schlupfwespen. Isis Budissina 12

Serrnann, H. and H. Zahn. 1986. [Studies on the autecology of the cherry bark tortrix moth (E. form. Scopoli)] Nachrichtenblatt fur den Pflanzenschutz in der DDR 40: 128-132

Shapovalov, A.A. 1959. [Laspeyresia woeheriana Schiff. - a pest of cherry in the Kamennaya steppe.] 2001. Zh., pt. 38, 284-285.

Smol'yannikov, V.V. 1979. [Pests of wood, cambium, and bark.] Zashchita Rastenii No.2: 52-53

Stiling, P. 1993. Why do natural enemies fail in classical biological control programs? American Entomologist spring: 3 1-37

Sziraki, G. 1984. Dispersion and movement activity of some important moth pests living on stone fruits. Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 5 1-64

Tanigoshi, L.K. 2002. Conservation and classical biological control of the cherry bark tortrix in the pacific northwest. Final Project Report 2002, Department of Entomology, WSU Vancouver Research and Extension Unit, Vancouver, Washington

Tanigoshi, L.K., B.B. Bai, and T.A. Murray. 1998. Biology and Control of the Exotic Cherry Bark Tortrix, Enarmonia formosana. Oregon Department of Agriculture Interim Project Report, 1998

Theobald, F.V. 1909 Insect Pests of Fruit. E.W. Classey, London pp. 188-192

van Alphen, J.J.M., Bernstein, C., Driessen, G. 2003. Information acquisition and time allocation in insect parasitoids. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 8 1-87.

Waage, J.K. 1979. Foraging for patchily-distributed hosts by the parasitoid, Nemeritis canescens. Journal of Animal Ecology 48: 3 53-3 7 1

Winfield, A.L. 1964. The biology and control of the cherry-bark tortric moth. Plant Pathology 13: 115-1 20

Page 25: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CHAPTER 2 Distribution, phenology, and field parasitism of the

cherry bark tortrix


The aim of the current study was to investigate the previously unsurveyed parasitoid

community attacking the cherry bark tortrix (CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopoli (Lepidoptera:

Tortricidae) in central Europe. The CBT was found on cherry trees throughout the surveyed

regions of France, Germany, and Switzerland. Similarly, parasitism was recorded from each

region. However, only one of the 13 identified parasitoid species, Campoplex dubitator

Horstmann (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), was collected repeatedly from all regions and in each

year. The bark-boring CBT showed a skewed within-tree distribution, with most larvae

aggregated near the base of trees. Densities were highest on trees with moss growing on the bark,

which is believed to indicate something of the tortrix's preference for, or enhanced survival in,

humid environments. The presence or absence of moss was not associated with the degree of

parasitism. By calculating percent parasitism per tree, the dominant parasitoid, C. dubitator, was

shown to exhibit inverse density dependence. The CBT had a single generation per year, which

overwinters in the larval stage. A frequency distribution of larval head capsule sizes from field-

collected specimens shows seven possible larval instars. Although all of the 13 parasitoid species

emerge from late instar or pupal hosts, C. dubitator is known to attack all, except perhaps the

first, of the five larval instar stages. Due to the staggered nature of CBT phenology, various larval

instars are present in cherry trees throughout the summer. Accordingly, C. dubitator adults are

known to be active over the entire summer.

Page 26: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

2.1 Introduction

The cherry bark tortrix (hereafter referred to as CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopo1i

(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), has a history of minor to moderate importance as a pest in Europe. At

its worst, this bark-boring pest of cherry and other rosaceous trees has caused sporadic, local

outbreaks in European orchards (Massee, 1954; Smol'yannikov, 1979; Dobroserdov, 198 1).

There are few, if any, reports in recent literature of severe infestations of the CBT in Europe.

Since its recent accidental introduction into British Columbia, Canada (Dang and Parker, 1990),

however, the CBT has established itself as a key pest of ornamental cherries along the Pacific

coast (Klaus, 1992). The first instar larvae of the CBT feed exclusively in the outer part of the

phloem, while later instars may colonise the entire space between the cork and cambium. The

damaged areas of bark extend with each successive generation, sometimes resulting in the death

of large branches or even entire trees (Winfield, 1964).

Although the CBT is of European origin, it is attacked by natural enemies in North America.

However, field sampling in Washington State in 1997 and 1998 showed that the rate of

indigenous parasitism of the CBT was low, only 1.7% and 2. I%, respectively (Tanigoshi et al.,

1998). Similarly, field percent parasitism in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, in 2001 and

2002 was 2.1% (unpublished). Based on observations made by Roediger (1956), it was suspected

that Europe had parasitoid species that have evolved specialised interactions with the CBT. Such

specialist parasitoid species would most likely have the highest potential as effective and safe

biological control agents in Canada and the United States (Waage, 1990). A parasitoid survey was

therefore conducted in central Europe, in collaboration with the CAB1 Bioscience Centre in

DelCmont, Switzerland. The preliminary study in 1998 found evidence of moderate levels of

parasitism in central Europe, coinciding with overall lower CBT densities (Kuhlmann et al.,

1998). These combined observations strengthened support for the idea of a classical biological

control programme against the CBT in North America.

The objective of this study was to closely investigate the biological and ecological aspects of

both the CBT and its parasitoid community in their native habitat. With respect to the CBT,

specific goals were to describe its distribution patterns at three spatial scales (region, orchard, and

tree) determine the severity of infestations in central Europe, elucidate which host tree or habitat

features might be correlated with pest densities, and clarify the number of generations per year

and the number of lanai instars of this species. A concurrent investigation of the CBT parasitoid

community included an analysis of field parasitism rates on host larvae and pupae, with a

Page 27: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

comparison of species composition and overall parasitoid impact on CBT mortality between the

surveyed regions of Europe.

2.2 Materials and Methods

The study was conducted from 2000 to 2002. Field sampling was conducted in cherry

orchards of various management strategies throughout central Europe, including sites in the

Alsace of France, the southern Rhine Valley and Black Forest of Germany, and in the Jura and

other rural areas of north-central Switzerland. In all years, the majority of the sampling effort was

applied to the southern Rhine Valley and Black Forest because these regions contained the largest

and most numerous cherry orchards. Identification of field sites involved the selection of a

geographic region for study and then the use of large-scale maps and visitation to specific areas to

locate parcels of land bearing cherry trees. While it is known that the CBT infests several other

iosaceoiis species io va~yilig degrees (Ruedigel, i956j, ci~erry irtxs are ihe preferred host pimi.

During the current survey, only Prunus avium (L.) (ornamental and naturalised sweet cherry) was

sampled to avoid variability caused by different species of host tree.

The CBT is difficult for surveyors to detect. The frass tubes built at the entrance of the larval

feeding tunnels were the only visible signs that revealed the locations of larvae and pupae. This

indicator was often misleading because larvae of this species have a propensity to migrate to new

feeding sites in the tree bark before completing pupation inside the final feeding gallery. When a

fresh frass tube was discovered (colour was a rough determinant of faeces age), the bark

immediately adjacent to the tunnel entrance was lifted with a wood chisel and the exposed larva

or pupa was gently moved with a paintbrush into a Petri dish. In 2001 and 2002, search effort per

tree was standardised through the collection of all detectable immature CBT from each tree


All field-collected host larvae and pupae were taken to the CAB1 Bioscience laboratory and

reared in 5.5 cm Petri dishes to obtain parasitoids. Each host larva had its head capsule width

measured, was labelled, and was placed individually into a Petri dish with food for daily

monitoring of its development. Mid to late instar larvae were reared on a meridic diet modified

from the recipe of Shorey and Hale (1965). Major constituents of this diet included ground pinto

beans, brewer's yeast, and cellulose powder. The earliest instars were kept on small sections of

c h e w bark untii large enough to accept the meridic diet. Pupae brought into the laboratory were

similarly labelled and placed individually into empty plastic vials (7 x 1.5 cm) with perforated

Page 28: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

lids to allow gas exchange. These vials were then placed collectively into larger sealed containers

each with a small, wet cotton wick to maintain the humidity of the system. During 2000 and 2001

all immature CBT were kept at 20" C under a 16L:8D photoperiod. In 2002 the larvae and pupae

were reared at slightly warmer temperatures (23 * 2" C) to increase the developmental rate. The

sex of all eclosing CBT adults was determined and adults were allowed to mate for propagation

of a laboratory host culture.

2.2.1 CBT Parasitoid Associations

Parasitoid larvae emerging from the field-collected host larvae or pupae were allowed to form

cocoons and pupate, and were maintained in vials under the conditions described above for host

pupae. Eclosing parasitoid adults were pinned and sent for identification to Dr. Klaus Horstmann

(University of Wuerzburg, Germany - Ichneumonidae), Dr. Erich Diller (Zoologische

Staatssamml~~ng Miinchen, Germany - Ichnei~mnnidae), and Dr. Hannes Ram (Natural Histnry

Museum, Berne, Switzerland - Chalcidoidea). Parasitoid eclosion from field-collected host

specimens was used to calculate field parasitism rates. Percent parasitism was determined using

only those hosts that either survived to the adult moth stage or lived long enough for parasitism to

be recognised without dissection. The contribution of each parasitoid species to total parasitism

was assessed.

There are several ways in which a parasitoid species can exploit its host and these can be

characterised as parasitoid niches. All species that occupy a particular niche constitute a

parasitoid guild, which is defined by the host stage attacked, the mode of parasitism

(endoparasitic or ectoparasitic), and the form of parasitoid development (continuous or

protracted) (Mills, 1992). The developmental niches occupied by CBT parasitoids in this study

were described based on collection and eclosion data.

2.2.2 Spatial Distribution of the CBT and its Parasitoids

The distribution of the CBT and its parasitoid natural enemies in central Europe was studied

at three spatial scales: regional, orchard, and individual tree. Field sampling was conducted

between late April and mid September of each year of the study. A collection site was defined as

one continuous patch of cherry trees and one site was surveyed on each field trip. The motivation

behind this analysis was that, in order to identify productive collection sites and efficient

collection strategies for future parasitoid study and propagation, it was necessary to understand

the trends in and factors governing host and parasitoid distributions in the field.

Page 29: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing Regional Scale

The three geographic regions in which numerous sites were surveyed to determine the degree

of CBT infestation on cherry trees and to quantify the impact of larval and pupal parasitoids on

the pest populations included the southern Rhine Valley (France and Germany), the Black Forest

(Germany), and Baselland (northwestern Switzerland). The analysis of host distribution and

corresponding parasitism rates relies on field data collected from 103 collection trips made to 62

different sampling locations (33 trips to 24 sites in the southern Rhine Valley; 32 trips to 4 sites in

the Black Forest; 39 trips to 34 sites in Baselland) during the study period. Certain large patches

were visited more than once, although individual trees were never sampled twice in the same


To obtain sufficiently large sample sizes for the estimation of percent parasitism; it ~ B S

necessary to pool data from several collections. Low numbers of CBT hosts for each collection

resulted from 3 phenomena: (1) extraction of larvae and pupae from tree bark was time

consuming and daily collections rarely exceeded 70 healthy insects, (2) 28% of all insects were

fatally injured during the removal from the bark, and (3) approximately 24% of all CBT

specimens returned to the lab died for unknown reasons when reared on the meridic diet. Orchard Scale

Employing the same data set as that used for the regional survey, a comparison of pest

densities and parasitism rates was made between tree patches with different spatial organisations.

Three classes were identified that describe the patch structure of cherry trees sampled: cluster (a

group of trees planted in multiple rows, eg. 3-dimensional arrangement), row (a single row of

trees, eg. 2-dimensional arrangement), and wild (trees occurring at a forest edge and therefore

mixed with unrelated species). This analysis evaluated the effect of patch organisation on pest

and parasitoid distributions, but was not designed to identify specific biotic and abiotic features

that might cause the observed patterns.

If a small patch of trees was selected for the survey, usually all available trees in that patch

were checked for CBT. In larger stands of cherry trees, one tree (typically near the patch edge)

was randomly selected for sampling. Subsequent collecting was conducted on trees adjacent to

the initial one sampled, or running in a transect line with the first tree sampled as a starting point.

Page 30: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

In total between 2001 and 2002, we made 60 trips to 29 cluster sites, 12 trips to 12 row sites, and

five trips to five wild sites. Tree Scale

Field sampling in 2001 and 2002 involved an additional level of complexity in that collectors

recorded the approximate within-tree location for each larva sampled. The trunk of each surveyed

tree was divided into six sections, based on north and south positioning and height above ground

("bottom" = 0 to 40 cm above ground, = 40 cm to tree crown, and "top" = tree crown).

With this partitioning system, every collected specimen was allocated to one of the six specific

regions. The within-tree distributions of CBT in Europe and North America were quantitatively

assessed by counting the number of fresh frass tubes in each of the six sections described above.

For this survey, 50 trees in Europe (25 from the Black Forest and 25 from Baselland) and 50 trees

in V~ncnilver~ RC; Canada were arbitrarily selected and assessed.

Additional notes were kept regarding individual trees. The relative sizetage of each tree was

recorded by measuring the trunk circumference at 80 cm above the ground. The vegetation

covering the ground at the immediate base of the tree was graded from 1 to 3, where "1" = little

or no vegetation, "3" = dense vegetation standing at least 40 cm in height, and "2" = an

intermediate degree of base cover. Finally, the presence or absence of moss on the bark of trees

surveyed was recorded as an indicator of the relative humidity close to the tree trunk. Analyses of

tree size and surrounding vegetation were run to test for any correlation between these

microhabitat features and pest and parasitoid numbers.

Parasitism by the dominant larval parasitoid, Campoplex cf. dubitator Horstrnann

(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), relative to host density, was investigated by comparing

parasitism rates for individual trees with varying numbers of hosts. To reduce the possible effect

of parasitism variation among larval instars, only data collected between 19 April and 14 June in

2001 and 2002 were used. This ensures that only mid to late instars are considered, since only

these stages overwinter. Trees from only a single collection site (Feuerbach, Germany) were used

in this analysis to avoid the possible confounding effect of sampling from several locations with

different host and parasitoid populations. Each surveyed tree was included in this analysis of

density dependence if it met two criteria: (1) 50% or more of the CBT collected from the tree

survived to adalthood or a point at which parasitism could be identified in the laboratory and (2)

Page 31: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

at least one host from the tree was parasitised, indicating an event of visitation by parasitoids

prior to sampling. Arcsine transformation was used to normalise the percent parasitism data.

2.2.3 CBT Phenology

The development of immature CBT was monitored through the periodic sampling of field

specimens between late April and mid September. Collected CBT larvae were evaluated to aid in

the identification and clarification of larval instars and phenology of this species. Within 24 hours

of collection from the field, the head capsule widths of all CBT larvae were measured. Mean head

capsule widths were plotted over time to determine the developmental progression of each


As an additional approach to identifying the CBT larval instars, we closely observed several

lawae through~l-!t: their e ~ t i r e ?.eve!qmel.rt cfi merirlic ?.jet i_n_ !he ! ; ? ~ n ~ ~ t ~ q . Fc!!owing Kishi

(1971), we recorded the number of moults of each specimen and several hours after each moult,

the new head capsule width was measured. Moults were identified by the presence of a shed head

capsule, which was then removed from the rearing container.

2.2.4 Temporal Analysis of Parasitism

Repeated sampling (2 collections per week) throughout the summer provided a means to

study changes in parasitism pressure on the CBT over time. A major concern, however, was that

regional or even local differences in ambient conditions would cause an undesirable level of

variation in parasitoid abundance and activity, giving misleading results. To address this problem,

two reliable, large cherry orchard locations were selected for weekly collection visits in 2002.

The first site was a northwest-facing, continuous orchard harbouring over 450 mature trees near

Feuerbach in Germany's Black Forest region (N 47" 44' 28.3" E 07" 33' 12.7"). Sampling at this

location began on 19 April and finished on 12 September. The second survey area consisted of a

more fragmented expanse of cherry orchards stretching along the northwest-facing side of a

valley between Flueh and Aesch in the Baselland canton of Switzerland (N 47" 28' 22.5" E 07"

35' 6.1"). Despite the fragmentation of orchards in this valley, multiple rows of cherry trees were

very common landscape features. Only one discrete orchard was sampled per visit, and

collections were conducted between 7 May and 13 September.

Page 32: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

2.3 Results

2.3.1 CBT Parasitoid Associations

Over the three years of study, a total of 13 primary and secondary parasitoid species were

reared from CBT host larvae and pupae collected in central Europe. Table 2-1 presents a list of

these hymenopteran parasitoids, including information on the regions from which each species

was collected and the relative abundance of each. Of the 13 species, 8 were collected from the

southern Rhine Valley, 4 from the Black Forest, and 4 from Baselland. Only one parasitoid, C.

dubitator, was commonly collected from all four of the surveyed regions in every year of the

study. This wasp contributed to approximately 85% of all field parasitism, while no other single

species contributed to more than 5% during the survey period. Hence, most parasitoid species

reared from the CBT were relatively rare, several having only one record of association with its

bark-boring host.

Figure 2-1 illustrates the guild structure within the CBT parasitoid community. Despite the

existence of four guilds and 12 primary parasitoids, the three larval guilds each consist of only a

single species. Only C. dubitator, Isadelphus inimicus (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera:

Ichneumonidae), and Lissonota sp. (Hyrnenoptera: Ichneumonidae) have been reared from host

larvae collected in the field. The remaining primary parasitoids appear to attack CBT pupae. The

majority of these parasitic wasps have endoparasitic and solitary development, but the mode of

parasitisation for most is not known. One hyperparasitoid, Theroscopus hemipteron (Riche)

(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), was reared on four occasions in 2000 and 2001 from what are

suspected to be C. dubitator cocoons. Finally, three additional species, Liotryphon crassiseta

(Thomson) (Hyrnenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a second Liotryphon sp. (Hymenoptera:

Ichneumonidae), as well as a second Campoplex sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), were reared

from parasitoid cocoons collected from CBT feeding galleries. Despite having been collected on

12 occasions, L. crassiseta was not included in the assessment of the CBT parasitoid community

due to the uncertainty of its association with the bark-boring pest. The same judgement was given

to Liotryphon sp. and Campoplex sp., for each of which only one specimen was collected.

Most, if not all, of the larval instars of the CBT are vulnerable to attack in the field by one

parasitoid species or another. Using Roediger's (1956) five-instar description, the first instar was

the only stage from which a parasitoid was not reared, although it must be noted that relatively

few of the field-collected neonates were successtitlly reared in the laboratory. When parasitism is

studied for each of the five instars individually, there is an evident trend for older field-collected

Page 33: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CBT larvae to be more likely to yield parasitoids (first instar: 0%, n = 12; second instar: 1.0%, n

= 97; third instar: 5.8%, n = 224; fourth instar: 10.6%, n = 1 16 1 ; fifth instar: 15.0%, n = 547).

2.3.2 Spatial Distribution of the CBT and its Parasitoids Regional Scale

The CBT was found in all survey regions during the study. Despite the ubiquity of

infestations, densities of this pest were rarely high enough to threaten the health of mature cheny

trees. With all surveyed trees combined from 2001 and 2002, there were, on average, 7.6 * 0.4 SE

(range = 0 to 91) immature CBT per tree (n = 484).

A comparison of CBT density between regions indicates that there were 33% more larvae per

tree in the Black Forest (9.6 * 0.8 SE, n = 174) than in either the southern Rhine Valley (6.2 % 0.7

SE: n = 82) or the Baselland reugion (6 5 * 0 6 CF, n = 22X) This difference is st&lsticl!ly

significant (ANOVA: F = 7.16, df = 2, P < 0.001).

Due to high variation in parasitism levels between sample sites and from one year to the next,

the three field seasons were analysed separately for rates of parasitism and the three major

regions are discussed independently. Table 2-2 lists the overall percent parasitism for each region

in 2001 and 2002. When parasitism of CBT larvae is separated from that of the pupae, there is a

trend for parasitism to be slightly greater in the pupal stage. Orchard Scale

By dividing the sampled sites into three categories based on organisation and density, it can

be shown that the CBT is more likely to occur on trees in larger, 3-dimensional clusters than in

more sparse spatial arrangements. Within clusters, 74% of the cherry trees surveyed were

attacked by the CBT (n = 561), while in single rows and wild stands, 42% (n = 134) and 11% (n =

44), respectively, of the trees were infested. When the CBT was present, densities per tree did not

differ significantly between the three types of organisation (cluster = 7.7; row = 6.0; wild = 5.6)

(ANOVA: F = 1.206, df = 2, P = 0.300). Failure to detect any differences may have been due to

the low power of the analysis (P = 0.70), which resulted from the general absence of the CBT on

wild trees.

Based on parasitoid emergence from field-collected CBT, 41%, 32%, and 20% of infested

trees from clusters, rows, and wild stands, respectively, contained at least one parasitised host.

Page 34: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

There was no statistical difference between the overall parasitism rates for cluster (15%) and row

(17%) organisations, but again, the analytical power was very weak (ANOVA: F = 0.156, df = 2,

P = 0.856, P = 0.90). Because only two wild sites had evidence of parasitism, this category could

not be included in the analysis. Tree Scale

Variation in infestation by a pest can be considered in two ways: (1) the likelihood of attack

and (2) the degree of attack when it occurs. Some characteristics of cherry trees were associated

with the probability and level of attack by CBT and subsequently by parasitoids. The likelihood

of attack by the CBT was not related to the density of vegetation at the tree base. However,

attacks appeared to be more common on trees with moss growing on the trunk (Table 2-3).

When considering only trees that were attacked: CRT larvae were also fnund in higher

numbers per tree when moss was present. Trees with intermediate densities of surrounding

vegetation had significantly fewer pests per tree than trees with very sparse or very dense

vegetation (Table 2-3). Finally, tree size was not correlated with pest densities (ANOVA: F =

0.575, df = I, P = 0.449)(Figure 2-2 a).

The presence of moss or other surrounding vegetation was not correlated with the probability

that a tree harboured parasitised CBT hosts or with the number of parasitised hosts when at least

one was present (Table 2-4). In contrast, among the trees that held parasitised CBT hosts, larger

trees tended to have significantly more parasitised hosts per 1000 cm2 (ANOVA: F = 6.360, df =

1, P = 0.013)(Figure 2-2 b).

A comparison of the within-tree distribution of the CBT between Vancouver, British

Columbia and central Europe reveals a more even distribution oLer the trunks of cherry trees in

Vancouver (Figure 2-3). A chi-square test for heterogeneity shows that this difference in CBT

distributions is highly significant ( X 2 = 70.596, df = 5, P < 0.001).

The distribution of immature CBT, based on extraction of larvae and pupae, within a single

tree in central Europe was heavily skewed toward the lower section of the bole (ANOVA: F =

675.6, df = 5, P < 0.001) (Figure 2-4). Approximately 95% of all CBT larvae and pupae were

collected from the trunk within 40 cm of the ground. No difference was detected between the

middle and top sections. In general, there were proportionally more CBT on the north-facing side

Page 35: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

(0.52) than the south-facing side (0.45) of tree trunks. While this difference was not substantial, it

was statistically significant (Student's t-test: t = 2.307, df = 1 170, P = 0.02 1). The distribution of

parasitised hosts within a tree in central Europe followed a similar pattern to that of healthy hosts

(Figure 2-4). Significantly more parasitised CBT were retrieved from the bottom sections of the

trunk (ANOVA: F = 121.1, df = 5 , P < 0.001). It is worth noting, however, that the parasitism

rate, calculated by pooling the trees surveyed at each site, was actually higher in the middle

section (24.5%) than in either the top or bottom sections (12.4% and 14.7%, respectively)

(ANOVA: F = 4.148, df = 2, P = 0.0 17).

Parasitism by the dominant larval parasitoid, C. dubitator, appeared to be inversely density

dependent. Using a single tree as the spatial unit for assessing density dependence, there was a

strong tendency for the parasitism rate to decline as host abundance increased (ANOVA: F =

4 8 3 , df = 1, P < O.I_)C)!) (Figure 2-51,

2.3.3 CBT Phenology

Phenological data from 200 1 and 2002 consistently showed a single CBT generation per year

based on larval head capsule width measurements (Figure 2-6). Despite the general shift from

late-instar to early-instar larvae in June and July, healthy CBT pupae were collected from trees as

early as 10 May in 2001 and 25 April in 2002 and as late into the season as 24 August in 2001

and 22 August in 2002. The final field samples were taken in mid-September of both 2001 and

2002, when larval activity would have begun to decline, due to reduced temperatures

(approximately 14'C on average). By this point, most larvae collected were late-instar, with very

few specimens in the first and second instar. The same trend was observed during the early-

season collections. First, second, and third instar larvae were not collected until June and July, a

period following the peak in adult moth flight. This suggests that early instar larvae do not

overwinter. Larvae hatching late in the summer may be forced to feed later into the fall in an

attempt to reach a larger, hardier stage. Ultimately, any larvae that are still in the early instar

stages during the winter months will likely perish.

Once CBT larvae were taken to the CAB1 Bioscience laboratory, the duration of rearing was

dependent on the larval stage at the time of collection. The mean head capsule width of larvae

collected in 2001 (0.892 mm) was slightly, yet significantly, greater than that in 2002 (0.868 mm)

(Student's t-test: t = -2.088, df = 3457, P = 0.037). For 3001, the mean development time betwsen

collection and adult eclosion was 38.3 0.7 SE days. For 2002, this mean time was 36.0 It 0.4 SE

Page 36: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

days. This difference in overall rearing times between 2001 and 2002 was statistically significant

(Student's t-test: t = 3.197, df = 1297, P = 0.001). Hence, despite being, on average, at a later

stage of development, the CBT larvae developed more slowly in 200 1. This difference is most

likely attributable to the increased rearing temperature in 2002. There was no difference in the

development time of male and female moths for either year (Student's t:test: 2001: t = 0.923, df =

424, P = 0.357, /3 = 0.85; 2002: t = 0.3 15, df = 871, P = 0.753, P = 0.94). The mean development

time for pupae at 20" C was 14 days, with all adults emerging within 10-15 days. The

female:male sex ratio of field-collected CBT was 0.50 : 0.50 (n = 612) in 2001 and 0.53 : 0.47 (n

= 1262) in 2002.

Figure 2-7 depicts the frequency distribution of measurements of 2133 CBT larval head

capsule widths. These measurements were taken from freshly collected larvae during the summer

of 2002 in the central European survey sites. The ahsence of very distinct peak sl?.oV:ing i n t ~

size ranges indicates the variance within and overlap between instars. (This distinction is not

resolved when the sexes are graphed separately.) From the current field data, there appear to be

seven size categories of larvae. Table 2-5 provides a description of larval instars by Roediger

(1956) and a current explanation of instars based on the data shown in Figure 2-6.

Rearing CBT larvae from first to final instar on the meridic diet in the laboratory showed

larvae moulting up to 1 1 times before pupating (Table 2-5). Results from this trial imply that

there are many more than the five or six larval instars defined by head capsule measurements

from field-collected specimens.

2.3.4 Temporal Analysis of Parasitism

In an analysis of seasonal parasitoid activity, only the first three instars were used to estimate

parasitism rates for different periods of the summer. Since the development time of the first three

instars is relatively quick (less than four weeks, based on laboratory rearing), any parasitised first,

second, or third instar specimens taken from the field could only have been attacked within the

four weeks before the survey. In contrast, it is difficult to determine whether parasitised late

instars had been attacked shortly before the collection, much earlier in the season, or even during

the previous summer. Unfortunately, exclusion of the fourth and fifth instars greatly reduced the

available sample size and, as a result, no data on parasitism in April and May are available.

Nonetheless, one can make an informal comparison of early instar parasitism by combining the

months of June and July (peak adult flight time) with August and September (post-peak) of 2002.

Page 37: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

In June and July, percent parasitism on early instars was 3.8% (n = 133), while in August and

September it was 5.5% (n = 127). Campoplex dubitator was the parasitising agent in all of these

cases and there is no reason to believe that parasitoid preference for early or late instars should

change within these four months. Hence, the parasitism rate appears to remain fairly constant for

the univoltine CBT in the final two-thirds of the season. The frequent collection of viable

parasitoid cocoons of C. dubitator from late April through to mid-August suggests that parasitoid

activity continues steadily throughout the entire summer.

2.4 Discussion

2.4.1 CBT Parasitoid Associations

Only three publications, since 1913 and prior to this classical biological control programme,

discuss the natural enemies of the CBT in Eurasia. Schuetze and Roman (193 1) identified one

ichneumonid parasitoid, Lissonota versicoior ~o imgren , however, the host was most iikeiy

misidentified as the CBT (E. formosana) (Horstmann, pers. comm.). Later, in his thorough

description of CBT biology and ecology, Roediger (1956) listed four parasitoid species reared

from field-collected caterpillars. These were Campoplex mutabilis Holmgren (syn. C. difformis

(Gmelin)) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Hemiteles inimicus Gravenhorst (syn. Isadelphus

inimicus (Gravenhorst)) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Dolichogenidea laeviagata Ratzeburg

(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), and Leskia aurea Fallen (Diptera: Tachinidae). Finally,

Boldyrev and Dobroserdov (1 98 1) highlighted the common raphidiid, Agulla xanthostigma

(Schummel) (Neuroptera: Raphidiidae), as an important predator of young tortricid larvae. Since

no parasitism rate or predator impact information was provided regarding any of these natural

enemies, their importance in the suppression of CBT populations is not known.

Of the five parasitoids previously described to attack the CBT, only one species, I. inimicus,

also appears in Table 2-1. But even this host-parasitoid association is regarded with scepticism

since related Isadelphus species are known parasitoids of wood-breeding Aculeata, including

Apidae, Sphecidae, and Eumenidae (Horstmann, pers. comm.). It must also be noted that the C.

mutabilis description (Roediger, 1956) is believed to have been a misidentification of C.

dubitator since this species, a close relative of C. mutabilis, was only described in 1985.

Therefore, it was not possible to separate the two species at the time of Roediger's 1956

publication (Horstmann, pers. comm.).

Page 38: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Mills (1992) described 1 1 distinct parasitoid guilds of tortricoid hosts (Lepidoptera:

Tortricoidea). These include one egg parasitoid guild, eight larval parasitoid guilds (egg-larval,

early larval, larval, mid larval, larval-pupal, late larval ecto, late larval endo, and larval-cocoon)

and two pupal parasitoid guilds (cocoon and pupal). This study aimed to identify the member

species of each guild, minus the egg parasitoids, within the CBT parasitoid community.

Excluding the hyperparasitoid, Theroscopus hemipteron (Riche) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae),

the parasitoids listed in Table 2-1 fall into just four of the niches described by Mills (1992) (see

Figure 2-1).

Using data from the primary literature cited by Herting (1975), Mills (1994a) calculated that

Palaearctic stem-boring tortricid species are attacked by, on average, seven parasitoid species.

The current survey of CBT parasitoids uncovered a community of larval and pupal parasitoids

- -r 9 -- -:*- U-.*~--~PI. nn l x r r\np I-anrn l n~rscitnid r &hitator; and three ppa] CUIlSISLILIg Ul I L ap&lba. l r v v v v v v * , ~ ~ ~ f i ~ , -- r- .----- --, -. -. .. -

parasitoids, Tycherus vagus, Pimpla spuria, and Dibrachys afinis, were collected on more than

one occasion and thus represent 95% of all the parasitoids emerging from larval and pupal CBT

hosts. A conservative description of the parasitoid community would likely exclude the remaining

eight species, which are probably more commonly associated with other host species that may

occur elsewhere on cherry trees. Why does the CBT support a parasitoid community consisting of

only two guilds represented by four species, of which only one was collected with any reliability?

Two possible explanations for this phenomenon may be the endophytic lifestyle of the CBT or its

low abundance. According to Hawkins (1988), stem and wood-boring hosts benefit from both

low visibility and physical protection, resulting in species poor parasitoid complexes. The

galleries of CBT larvae clearly provide substantial protection. The sensitivity to vibration and the

high mobility of CBT larvae within their tunnels also enables them to retreat deeper into their

galleries, out of reach of the ovipositors of C. dubitator females. Mills (19943) also argued that

the predictability of host abundance could influence natural parasitoid communities. The low

densities of a host species, such as the CBT, could limit colonisation by parasitoids, resulting in a

very simple parasitoid community.

Of the 12 primary parasitoid species collected from the CBT, only two are deemed potential

candidates for classical biological control in North America. These are C. dubitator and Tycherus

vagus Bertoumieu (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). The method adopted from Mills (1994~) to

illustrate the structure of the CBT parasitoid community is an effec,tive tool for predicting the

type of interaction that occurs between these two parasitoid species. For instance, there is no

Page 39: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

overlap between the larval and pupal parasitoid guilds occupied by C. dubitator and T. v a w ,

respectively. These species would not experience any direct competition with one another,

suggesting that their combined effect might be additive. However, only the substantially more

common parasitoid, C. dubitator, was selected from these for further evaluation for biological

control since too few specimens of T. vagus were collected to establish a laboratory culture. The

decision to specifically investigate C. dubitator was based on observations such as its

contribution to host mortality, a possible high host-specificity, and feasibility of rearing. Further

study of this wasp's chemical ecology (Chapter 4) and foraging strategy (Chapter 5) was

conducted at the CAB1 Bioscience laboratory in 2001 and 2002.

In general, CBT larvae collected in the final instar stage were at least three times more likely

to yield parasitoids than larvae collected as second or third instars. The explanation for this is still

unkmm. It m y be a case of host instar preference by the dominant larval endnparasitnid (I

dubitator. Larger hosts are typically perceived as being of higher quality (Wang and Shi, 200 1 ;

Hebert and Cloutier, 1990) and may therefore be accepted for oviposition more often than smaller

individuals. In a laboratory environment-, C. dubitator is known to readily attack all CBT instars

presented to it (Chapter 3), but under natural conditions with a greater selection of hosts, it may

be that this parasitoid is more discriminating against small larvae. A second possible explanation

may be that late instars are more easily located, due to their larger size. The frass tubes of late

instars, for instance, can be many times larger than those of first and second instars. For a

parasitoid like C. dubitator, which uses these accumulations of faeces to pinpoint its hosts, a

larger beacon would conceivably be easier to find. It might also be possible that late instars suffer

higher parasitism due to temporal synchrony with their natural enemies. In the case of the CBT

and its parasitoid, C. dubitator, this is a less likely scenario since there is evidence that these

wasps are present in the field throughout the entire summer season. A fourth and very probable

potential reason for this trend in parasitism is that later instar larvae have simply had a longer

period of exposure to parasitoids prior to collection. The actual parasitism pressure exerted on the

different instars could not be determined from these field-collections, due to the koinobiotic

development of the dominant parasitoid, C. dubitator. To effectively analyse this, it would be

necessary to expose an assortment of known instars to parasitoids for brief periods under natural

conditions in the field.

Page 40: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

2.4.2 Spatial Distribution of the CBT and its Parasitoids

The collection of the CBT from nearly every site surveyed supports all previous work

describing a wide distribution of the pest across central Europe (Balachowsky, 1966). The

differences in pest densities among the southern Rhine Valley, Black Forest, and Baselland

regions, while statistically significant, were not of any agricultural importance. This lack of

biological significance was due to the very low densities of the CBT in Europe. If average pest

densities had been closer to an economic or biological threshold, as they tend to be in North

America, a 33% increase in the number of larvae per tree could have biologically important


The CBT parasitoids were much less reliably encountered in the field than their hosts. The

low rate of parasitism and high degree of patchiness in parasitoid distribution indicate that some

methnds nf surveying paraitclid activity, such as sentine! infested cherry !ng ~!acemer.ts, m2y be

ineffective due to the low encounter rate by the parasitoid species of interest. Also, to obtain high

numbers of parasitised hosts, it would be necessary to focus collection efforts on sites known to

have high parasitism rates.

Although the number of CBT larvae per tree did not differ between tree organisations of

varying density, the likelihood of a tree being infested was correlated with tree density. To

increase efficiency while collecting CBT specimens, surveyors should therefore focus their

searching efforts on larger stands of cherry trees (ie. continuous orchards). Since the rates of

parasitism do not vary substantially between tree patches of varying densities, it would again be

advisable for surveyors to concentrate their effort in larger patches because less time would be

wasted searching for infested trees. Previous studies have demonstrated that parasitoids may

locate their hosts by using cues from the host habitat (Vinson, 1976; Godfray, 1994). For

example, Elzen et al. (1983) showed the behavioural response of the ichneumonid Campoletis

sonorensis (Cameron) to cotton odours and Read et al. (1970) revealed the attraction of the

braconid wasp, Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh), to mustard oil volatiles. In such cases, denser

patches of the host plants should theoretically attract more natural enemies due to the greater

concentrations of cues. Whether parasitoids of the CBT are drawn to orchards based on habitat

features alone is uncertain, but the presence of slightly more CBT larvae parasitised by C.

dubitator on larger trees is suggestive of such a phenomenon.

Page 41: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

While CBT densities did not vary on trees with trunk circumferences in the range of 50-200

cm, preliminary observations made it evident that extremely young cherry trees (trunk

circumference 10-50 cm) rarely contained CBT larvae. For this reason, the field survey thus

included only the more mature trees with trunk diameters greater than 50 cm. The greater

probability of infestation on more mature trees may be due to the elevated attractiveness of those

trees resulting from bark damage over time (Winfield, 1964; Tanigoshi et al., 1998), a richer food

supply associated with the thicker bark layers, a more appropriate microclimate provided by a

larger shading canopy (Roediger, 1956), or simply a greater probability of encounter due to do a

larger surface area. A fifth argument, that larger trees can support more hosts, is not appropriate

since there was no evidence of overcrowding by larvae, which have been observed to co-exist at

high densities in bark in the laboratory.

Dickler and Zimmerman (1 972) proposed that remnving a l l the vegetation si-~rmnnding the

trunk base would reduce CBT infestations. The current study, however, does not give clear

support for this. Only the presence of moss on the bark was clearly associated with higher pest

numbers. In answering why moss is linked with larger infestations, one must consider the

developmental needs of a CBT larva. Roediger (1956) showed that eggs and early instars will not

survive temperatures above 32' C and the larval feeding galleries are susceptible to desiccation.

The presence of moss is an excellent indicator of cooler temperatures and elevated relative

humidity due to reduced sun exposure. These conditions are believed to be important for creating

an ideal microclimate for CBT development. Following the suggestion of Dickler and

Zimmerman (1972), other herbaceous plants would also contribute to shading the trunks of cherry

trees. This is likely only the case for isolated trees since the continuous foliar canopy of dense

orchards typically provides substantial shade. Thus, in large orchards, removing small plants and

grasses may negatively impact natural enemies more than the CBT due to the destruction of

potentially important refuges for parasitoids and predators (Denno et al., 2002; Finke and Denno,


The concentration of most feeding sites at the bases of tree trunks was a consistent feature

among virtually all the sites surveyed in France, Germany, and Switzerland. A highly skewed

spatial distribution within a tree is common for lepidopteran herbivores (Weakley et al., 1990;

Lewis, 1992; Mo et al., 1997). One suggested, and often supported, explanation for non-random

distributions of insects on a tree has been the response to sun-exposure (Mo et al., 1997), or more

specifically, temperature (Wellington, 1950; Carroll and Luck, 1984; Hedstroem, 1992) and

Page 42: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

microhabitat quality (Weakley et al, 1990). It was suspected that the CBT aggregates at the bases

of trees to escape excessive sun exposure since larvae require that their feeding galleries remain

moist. The relative humidity would be higher near the ground compared to areas further up on the

trunk, due to shading and reduced wind-speeds. The tunnels of CBT larvae are also often

observed to extend below ground level, which would further assist in preventing desiccation of

the exposed phloem tissues.

There is currently no explanation for the fact that the within-tree distribution of CBT is more

even, if not reversed, on ornamental cheny trees in Vancouver. No formal study has been made to

compare attributes of the Vancouver trees with the orchard cherry trees in central Europe. Local

arborists in Vancouver, however, have made independent observations that the heaviest CBT

infestations occur at graft sites in the crowns of the trees. These calloused areas on the trunk may

provide easier access to the food layers for neonate larvae or may re!ease greater concentrtiom

of volatiles from lesions in the bark, thereby attracting more ovipositing adult moths. The

observed difference may also result from the fact that the trees sampled in Europe were of the

species P. avium whereas sampling was conducted on ornamental cheny trees, including P.

serrulata and P. yadoensis, in Vancouver. It is conceivable that slight morphological or

physiological differences between these related tree species could alter the oviposition behaviour

of CBT adults or the survival of larvae.

Whether the difference in within-tree distributions between Europe and North America is of

any importance to a classical biological control program depends upon the parasitoid agents and

their search capabilities. If, for instance, a European parasitoid species has evolved a fixed spatial

foraging pattern that restricts it to the lower recesses of a tree, it would be heavily constrained

when foraging for hosts that exist in the upper strata of a tree. Gradients in parasitism rates within

a tree have been demonstrated for other parasitoids in the past (Carroll and Luck, 1984;

McAuslane et al., 1993). Parasitism by C. dubitator was shown to occur in all sections of the

trunk, with the highest rates of attack in the middle portion of the trunk. This parasitoid should

therefore have little difficulty in exploiting CBT hosts that tend to aggregate at the tree crown, as

is the case in North America.

The functional response of a parasitoid, often regarded as a critical component in the

selection of optimal biological control agents (Fernandez-Arhex and Corky, 2003), depends upon

various characteristics of the host-parasitoid interaction (Hassell et al., 1985; Lessells, 1985).

Page 43: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Direct density dependence occurs when parasitoids remain longer and parasitise proportionally

more hosts in patches with higher host densities. Early models hinted that optimally foraging

parasitoids would show this form of density dependence (Charnov, 1976; Cook and Hubbard,

1977; Comins and Hassell, 1979; Murdoch and Briggs, 1996). Direct density dependence was

traditionally considered to be the most desirable response from a biological control agent because

it enabled natural enemy populations to increase in synchrony with pest populations while

maintaining appropriate population stability (Hassell 1982). However, as shown by Murdoch and

Stewart-Oaten (1989), the modelling framework applied to this theory may provide opposing

conclusions. Also, as evidenced by Murdoch et al. (1984), effective control of high pest densities

may not always be explained by any sort of response to host density, even when examined at

multiple scales. Ensuing studies have also shown that parasitoid species responding with direct

density dependence may not be as common as once expected (Stiling, 1987; Fernandez-Arhex

and Ccr!ey, 2003) since inverse density dependent parasitism may hetter wit parasitoids in some

host environments (Hassell et al., 1985; Lessells, 1985). Figure 2-5 shows an inverse density

dependent response to host density by C. dubitator in the field. This study was conservative in

that the density response was estimated from only a single site, however it does suggest that

parasitoid impact may generally be greatest at low host densities. Similar inverse patterns of

density dependence were found in approximately half of the cases reviewed by Walde and

Murdoch (1988). Caution must be taken when analysing density dependence from field

parasitism data because the final calculation of parasitism may not accurately reflect parasitoid

effort and impact (Chesson, 1982). Although parasitism may not always result in a healthy

parasitoid progeny, hosts that are attacked may suffer reduced fitness or even early death due to

the parasitism. The current survey did not have the capacity to measure these additional parasitoid

mortality effects.

The mechanism behind the inverse density dependent response of C. dubitator is currently

unknown, although Morrison and Strong (1981) provided a number of hypotheses why such a

pattern might occur. They suggested, for instance, that parasitism rates might decline with

increasing host abundance due to energy and time constraints, egg depletion, or restrictively

lengthy host handling times. Lessells (1985) suggested that imperfect information on patch

quality, a potentially common feature among parasitoids of the CBT, could also lead to this type

of density response. Laboratory-based studies are necessary to fully understand what drives the

inverse density dependence of C. dubitator observed in the field. Chapter 5 includes an

Page 44: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

experiment to investigate the behavioural response of this wasp to increasing host densities in the


2.4.3 CBT Phenology

Pheromone-baited traps for monitoring adult CBT flight have been used to determine whether

this pest is univoltine or bivoltine (Winfield, 1964; Tanigoshi et al., 1998). Due to the frequent

occurrence of two peaks in flight activity through the summer, there was suspicion that the CBT

had two generations per year. As witnessed from continuous field surveys over a number of

years, there is a high degree of variation in developmental stages of the CBT between locations,

between trees, or, quite often, within a single tree. Nonetheless, with a large sample size, it was

possible to measure the development of CBT larvae over the duration of the summer. The sudden

decline in head capsule sizes, which occurs between late June and late July (Figure 2-6), closely

rohcides with the ~ e a k In adult flight observed in Europe (Winfield, 1964) and North America

(Tanigoshi et al., 1998). This single major shift in head capsule widths implies there is only one

generation per season, with a major phase of egg-laying occurring between early June and mid-


Determining the number of instars a CBT larva passes through before pupating proved to be

difficult and the results presented here, depending on their interpretation, do not necessarily

support those from previous studies on CBT biology (Roediger, 1956; Savkovskii and

Lyalyutskaya, 1967; Dickler, 1972). Roediger's (1 956) description of CBT larval instars using a

frequency distribution of head capsule widths is astonishingly straightforward considering his

limited sample size and the degree of variance that was noted during the current study. Larval

head capsule measurements taken from over 2100 specimens in 2002 do not clearly indicate the

larval instar stages of the CBT. The way one interprets Figure 2-7 influences whether these

results agree or disagree with those given by Roediger (1 956). The problem arises from the

presence of two peaks in the frequency distribution at 0.91-0.95 mm and 1.01-1 .O5 mm. If each of

these peaks in the graph is interpreted as a separate instar, then the current study finds two more

larval instars than Roediger (1956). If, however, those peaks are simply added to the fourth instar

group, then the current data fit very closely with those of Roediger (1 956).

Although commonly used, the frequency distribution of head capsule to describe larval stages

may be inaccurate due to size variation within each instar (Kishi, 1971). Mizell and Nebeker

(1979) showed temporal variance in head capsule sizes and McNeil(1978) described gender-

Page 45: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

related differences in those measurements. The use of this approach was questionable in the

current study as well. Undoubtedly, the most reliable method for determining the number of

larval stages is to count the moulted skins left by a developing larva prior to pupation Kishi

(1971). Unfortunately, this method is not feasible for field study of the CBT because each shed

exuvia is removed from the feeding gallery by the larva and larvae often migrate to new feeding

sites. But under laboratory conditions with meridic diet it was possible to count the moults of

individual larvae. These developing larvae, however, were shown to provide up to seven more

moults than was expected, based on previous literature (Roediger, 1956; Savkovskii and

Lyalyutskaya, 1967). It may be that the meridic diet is the cause of this abnormal development.

The currently used diet has been linked with poor survival of early instars and larvae reared

exclusively on diet do not seem to attain the maximum head capsule widths observed from field-

collected specimens. The phenomenon of environmental factors (including diet) affecting the

number of moults before pupation has previously been dncurnented in other tortricids (Ruse!!

and Bouzouane, 1989; Savopoulou-Soultani and Tzanakakis, 1990; Gold et al., 1999).

2.4.4 Temporal Analysis of Parasitism

There is a trend for the calculated total percent parasitism of the CBT (all host instars

combined) to increase over the summer. But one should expect this pattern to arise even if

parasitism is equal across all host stages. This is due to the accumulation of parasitised late instars

just prior to the peak flight period, resulting from a lengthy exposure to parasitoids (Weseloh and

Adreadis, 1982) and the delayed development of immature parasitoids. Since the larvae

parasitised by C. dubitator are not killed and fully consumed until they have become pre-pupae,

percent parasitism in late June, for example, may reflect the cumulative parasitism from April,

May, and June. Therefore, total parasitism based on field-collected hosts is not the most accurate

method for calculating parasitoid activity for a specific time interval. A major portion of the field

data was excluded (all fourth and fifth instars) to ensure that trends in parasitism were not

confounded by the koinobiotic development of the dominant larval endoparasitoid, C. dubitator.

This reduction of the data set may have created a poor representation of the natural CBT

population, resulting in the failure to detect temporal differences in the parasitism rate. Only

approximately 3% of field-collected early instar CBT yielded parasitoids. It is difficult to

determine whether this represents a significant fraction of total parasitoid effort (and is therefore a

good measure of activity). Additionally, the use of only early instar larvae inevitably excludes the

impact of pupal parasitoids, which, although not extremely abundant, form the most diverse

Page 46: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

parasitoid guild. More controlled field or laboratory experiments (ie. sentinel log placement) are

required to properly address the question of temporal patterns in parasitism of the CBT.

2.5 Conclusion

CBT larvae and pupae are parasitised by several hymenopteran species. The importance of

most of these species in the regulation of CBT populations is questionable. Only the larval

endoparasitoid, C. dubitator, was consistently recovered from field-collected hosts. An early

field-based assessment of this wasp indicates only a modest contribution to host mortality, with

an inversely density-dependent response to host density. Nonetheless, C. dubitator appears not to

be seasonally limited, as the adults are active year-round and can successfully parasitise all but

the first instar of the CBT. There may also be additional parasitoid-induced mortality, not

detectable through the collection of living host specimens (van Driesche, 1983). For instance,

whiie CBT first instars are known to be unsuitabie hosts for C. dub~tator, the parasitoids stiii

attack these neonates, which normally die from the trauma of parasitoid oviposition (Chapter 3).

Further studies of C. dubitator biology were carried out at the Switzerland CAB1 Bioscience

Centre in 2001 and 2002 (Chapters 3 ,4 , and 5). An assessment of this parasitoid's host range will

commence in 2003.

For future collections of the CBT and its parasitoids, sampling at specific times in the

summer and in recognised reliable sites will lead to a more efficient use of resources. Preferred

survey sites in central Europe should be large, shaded orchards with mature trees and moss

present on the trunk bases. From this study, we know that C. dubitator collections will be most

productive from early May until late June when CBT larvae are in the final instars. The window

of opportunity for efficient collection of pupal parasitoids is much more brief since most CBT

will pupate between mid June and late July. As the maintenance of high numbers of CBT larvae

on cherry bark is unrealistic, it is necessary to use a meridic diet. Work is currently underway to

identify a diet formula that supports the rapid development of the CBT.

Page 47: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

2.6 References

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Morrison, G. and D.R. Strong, Jr. 198 1. Spatial variations in egg density and the intensity of parasitism in a neotropical chrysomelid (Cephaloleia consanguinea). Ecological Entomology 6: 55-61

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Weseloh, R.M. and T.G. Andreadis. 1982. Possible mechanism for synergism between Bacillus thuringiensis and the gypsy moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) parasitoid, Apanteles melanoscelus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 75: 435-438

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Page 51: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 2- 1 Parasitoid community structure associated with the larval and pupal stages of Enarmonia formosana. Arrows connect host stages attacked and killed by each of the four parasitoid guilds: (1) larval, (2) larval - pupal, (3) late larval ecto, and (4) pupal. Arrow width indicates the relative abundance of each parasitoid species interacting with the host. Arrows drawn through the host stage bubble represent endoparasitism while those not passing through the bubble represent ectoparasitism.

Page 52: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Guild Member S ~ e c i e s

@ larval - pre-pupal Campoplex dubitator Horstmann (Ichneumonidae) endoparasitoid

larval - pupal Lissonofa sp. (Ichneumonidae) @ endoparasitoid

@ late larval Isadelphzrs inimicus (Gravenhorst) (Ichneumonidae) ectoparasitoid

@ pupal Tycherus vagus Bertoumieu; Pimpla spuria Gravenhorst; Pimpla contemplator endoparasitoid Miiller; Pimpla turionellae Linnaeus; Cyclogastrella simplex Walker; Gelis

longicauda (Thornson); Mastrus sp.; Phygadeuontini (all Ichneumonidae); and Dibrachys afinis Masi (Pteromalidae

Page 53: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 2- 2 Association between Enarmonia formosana density and tree trunk circumference. (a) Number of total CBT (healthy and parasitised) per 1000 cm2 at the tree base (r2 = 0.001; P = 0.449). (b) Number of only parasitised CBT per 1000~ at the tree base (y = 0 . 0 0 6 ~ + 0.444; r2 =

0.03, P = 0.013).

Page 54: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Trunk circumference (cm)

Trunk circumference (cm)

Page 55: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 2- 3 Comparison of within-tree distributions of Enarmoniaformosana frass tubes (*SE) on the trunks of cherry trees in central Europe and Canada. The European within-tree distribution of frass tubes differs significantly from that of Vancouver (chi-square test for heterogeneity: ~2 = 70.596; df = 5; P < 0.001).

Page 56: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

North North North South South South Bottom Middle TOP Bottom Middle TOP

Trunk Section

Central Europe 0 Vancouver, Canada

Page 57: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 2- 4 Spatial distribution of healthy and parasitised Enarmonia formosana on the trunks of cherry trees in central Europe. Error bars indicate 1 standard error. Significantly more healthy (P < 0.001) and parasitised (P < 0.001) E. formosana specimens were collected from the bottom section than the middle and top sections of trees.

Page 58: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

North North North South South South Bottom Middle TOP Bottom Middle TOP

Tree section

Healthy CBT 0 Parasitised CBT

Page 59: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 2- 5 Parasitism response of Campoplex dubitator to host density per tree, based on the collection and rearing of all host (late instar) Enarmonia formosana from selected trees, between 19 April to 14 June (y = -15.8Ln(x) + 67.89; r2 = 0.57, P < 0.001).

Page 60: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

# hosts per tree

Page 61: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 2- 6 Change in the relative abundance of Enarmonia formosana pupae (columns) and the mean head capsule width (points) of field-collected E. formosana larvae (* S E ) over the 2001 and 2002 field seasons.

Page 62: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing


Page 63: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 2- 7 Frequency distribution of measurements of 2 133 Enarmonia formosana larval head capsule widths collected during the summer of 2002 in central Europe. Columns with different fill patterns show the head capsule size ranges of seven instars. Horizontal lines above columns indicate the head capsule size ranges of the five instars described by Roediger (1956).

Page 64: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing






9Z' 1-12'1


SO' 1- LO' 1


Page 65: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 2- 1 List of identified parasitoid species eclosing from pupal and larval Enarmonia formosana hosts collected in central Europe between 2000 and 2002. Regions of discovery and relative abundance are given for each species.

Page 66: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Collection Sites * # Specimens Parasitoid Community Parasitoid Species B BF SRV Collected Composition (%)


Campoplex dubitator Horstmam

Tycherus vagus Bertoumieu

Pimpla spuria Gravenhorst

Theroscopus hemipteron (iiiche j * *

Isadelphus inimicus (Gravenhorst)

Pimpla contemplator Miiller

Pimpla turionellae Linnaeus

Cyclogastrella simplex Walker

Gelis longicauda (Thomson)

Lissonota sp.

Mastrus sp.



Dibrachys afinis Masi

294 100 * B = Baselland (Switzerland); BF = Black Forest (Germany);

SRV = southern Rhine Valley (France and Germany)

* * hyperparasitoid

Page 67: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 2- 2 Comparison of overall percent parasitism of Enarmonia formosana by region during 2001 and 2002. Parasitism rates are further divided into larval and pupal host groups.

Page 68: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Percent Parasitism . -. --... . ~

Region Surveyed 2001 2002

Black Forest larvae + pupae 16.6 12.2 (Germany) larvae 12.9 9.7

Pupae 20.0 i 5.4

Baselland larvae + pupae 15.7 11.8 (Switzerland) larvae 14.5 10.9

Pupae 41.7 18.2

Southern Rhine Valley larvae + pupae 16.2 --- (Germany) larvae 16.3 ---

pupae 20.0 ---

Alsace (France)

larvae + pupae 17.4 --- larvae 17.4 --- pupae 0 ---

Missing data = no larvae or pupae collected in that year

Page 69: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 2- 3 Association of host tree features with the probability and density of Enarmonia formosana infestations on cherry trees in central Europe (2001-2002).

Page 70: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing
Page 71: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 2- 4 Association of host tree features with the probability and density of parasitised Enarmonia formosana on cherry trees in central Europe (2001-2002).

Page 72: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing


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Page 73: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CHAPTER 3 Biology and Rearing of Campoplex dubitator


The successful implementation of classical biological control against the cherry bark tortrix

(CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopoli (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in North America requires the

development of an efficient rearing method for the host and its European parasitoid, Campoplex

dubitator Horstmann (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Because this parasitoid has not been

investigated previously, a detailed study of its reproductive biology is a prerequisite to designing

a rearing system. The CBT larval hosts were reared on a pinto-bean diet prior to, and following,

parasitism by C. dubitator. Parasitoid females were provided with hosts of all instars and readily

attacked each instar on the condition that fresh host frass was present to serve as a tactile stimulus

for oviposition. First instar CBT larvae appeared to be unsuitable hosts because every specimen

died shortly after the parasitism event. While the development time of immature C. dubitator was

suspected to depend on the host stage attacked, no difference was detected between the instars

from which parasitoids successfully emerged. The male-biased sex ratio of C. dubitator did not

differ from that observed in natural communities. Females lived, on average, 26 days at 20' C

with honey and water while males survived only 20 days. This species is synovigenic. Based on

dissections, the number of mature eggs that females held in the lateral oviducts was observed to

increase over the first 48 hours after emergence. The ovariole number varied substantially

between individuals and this was correlated with variation in the number of mature eggs present.

Finally, no correlations were found between female adult body size and host instar at the time of


Page 74: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

3.1 Introduction

Classical biological control requires the successful establishment of natural enemies in the

area of release. Proper establishment alone does not guarantee adequate pest suppression, but

without it, pest reduction can be short-lived (unstable) or may not occur at all. Natural enemy

release is one of the final major challenges of any classical biological control programme and

mistakes made during this phase have been blamed for the failure of certain past projects (Stiling,

1993). Some of the factors affecting establishment success rates are climate, host abundance,

alternative food sources, availability of overwintering sites, natural enemy genetic variation, and

the number of natural enemy species released at a given site (van Driesche and Hoddle, 2000).

Unfortunately, the exact impact of such factors can only rarely, if ever, be predicted prior to field


Beirne (1975 j and Stiiing (i993 j suggest that natural enemy estabiishment for ciassicai

biological control is often dependent, in part, on the number of agents released into a new area.

Low number introductions, for example, may lead to genetic constraints on the population

(Hopper et al, 1993) or reduced mating frequencies (Stiling, 1993). To avoid these problems, it is

suggested that biological control practitioners release higher numbers of individuals and conduct

repeated releases over several years (Beirne, 1975). However, mass-rearing systems to obtain

sufficient parasitoid numbers for establishment may not always be economically or logistically

feasible. Rearing programmes commonly face problems including high cost of required materials

(Brinton et al., 1969), low availability of host specimens (Rojas et al., 1995), long generation

time of the host or parasitoid (Rappaport and Page, 1985), or male-biased sex ratios (Shon and

Shea, 1975). Overcoming such obstacles is an important step in the successfid implementation of

any biological control initiative.

An extensive assessment of potential biological control agents is also important before final

decisions can be made regarding their release. Studies of attack rates and parasitoid behaviour can

provide valuable information, which may be critical for successful rearing and release

programmes. For instance, knowing which host stage is the most vulnerable to parasitoid attack is

elemental in determining the most effective release period. Similarly, understanding the

generation time and intrinsic rate of increase of a parasitoid species may be important for

establishing the release schedule.

Page 75: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

The cherry bark tortrix (hereafter referred to as CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopoli

(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a bark pest on ornamental cherries and other rosaceous trees in

British Columbia, Washington State, and Oregon State. It is naturally suppressed in its native

range of Europe and Eurasia, and parasitoids are believed to play a key role in this. Campoplex cf.

dubitator Horstmann (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) has been found to be a dominant mortality

factor within the central European parasitoid community that attacks the immature stages of the

CBT (Chapter 2). This koinobiotic larval endoparasitoid was reared from field-collected CBT

larvae and was subsequently maintained on the same host species in 2001 and 2002 for further

study of its biology and foraging behaviour. There is currently some confusion regarding the

identification of this species. Dr. Klaus Horstmann (University of Wuerzburg, Germany)

currently identifies it as Campoplex cf, dubitator Horstmann, but plans to closely review

specimens with the same identification reared from other host species.

In this chapter I describe the laboratory rearing of C. dubitator on its univoltine CBT host.

First, there is a discussion of the methods used to rear the host colony (see Chapter 2 for

additional information on CBT biology). Then an explanation is given for the approach used to

maintain the parasitoid culture. I report on features of C. dubitator that are of potential

importance for rearing. These include mating and parasitism behaviour (see also Chapter 5), egg

load, larval development time and adult longevity, host instar suitability, laboratory sex ratio, and

the test of whether adult body size varies as a function of development time and host instar at the

time of parasitism.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Host Rearing

To initiate a culture of parasitoid hosts, live specimens of the CBT were collected from the

bark of cherry trees in central Europe and reared at the CAB1 Bioscience Centre in DelCmont,

Switzerland. Upon eclosion, adults were transferred directly into clean 5 cm diameter, tight-

sealing Petri dishes containing a small piece of wet cotton. In most cases, each Petri dish held two

males and two females to increase the chances of at least one pair mating. Mating pairs were kept

at 23 A 2' C under a 16L:8D photoperiod. Most adults mated readily with subsequent oviposition

occurring at least three days following eclosion. Adults were kept in the Petri dish until the last

female had died. Eggs were laid on all surfaces of the Petri dish interior. Once the dead adults

were removed, moth scales and other debris were gently washed from the Petri dish to prevent

contamination of the eggs. Washed Petri dishes were left for several minutes to air-dry. CBT eggs


Page 76: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

were kept at 23 * 2" C under a 16L:SD photoperiod with a small piece of wet cotton placed into

the Petri dish to prevent desiccation. Shortly before neonate hatching, identified by a darkening of

the sclerotised head capsule now visible inside the egg, a freshly cut piece of cherry bark (4 cm x

4 cm) was placed into the Petri dish. Following emergence, the larvae immediately began feeding

on the bark provided.

CBT larvae were allowed to feed on bark until they reached the second or third instars (using

the instar description given by Roediger, 1956; see Chapter 2), by which point they were more

likely to accept, and survive on, a meridic pinto bean-based diet, modified from Shorey and Hale

(1965). Before the larvae in a Petri dish were large enough to be transferred to diet, the bark

typically had to be changed at least once due to contamination by moulds or desiccation of the

sap tissues. When larvae reached the third or fourth instar they were transferred to individual 5

cm diameter P e t i dishes with meridic diet. Each CRT pupa and parasitoid cocoon was placed

individually into an empty plastic vial (7 cm height x 1.5 cm diameter) until adult emergence. All

hosts (larvae and pupae) were monitored daily for the calculation of developmental rates.

3.2.2 Biology and Rearing of Campoplex dubitator

Adult C. dubitator eclosing from cocoons were placed into plastic cylindrical cages (10 cm

height x 10 cm diameter) with solid honey and water in a cotton wick and kept at 23 & 2" C under

a 16L:SD photoperiod. Females were always kept individually while males, depending on

eclosion dates, were kept either singly or in groups of 2 to 5 wasps. Within three days of

emergence, each female was placed with a single male for 5-10 minutes to achieve mating. If,

after 10 minutes, no courtship behaviour was observed, the female was transferred to another

arena with a new male. To increase the males' ability to locate and follow females, mating trials

were run in small 5 cm Petri dishes. Males used in mating trials ranged in age from one to 21

days, although male wasps under four days of age were rarely responsive to the pesence of


Parasitism of hosts was accomplished by placing a single female wasp into an arena with

hosts. Generally, the parasitoid was presented with only a single host each time. To ensure a

parasitoid would recognise its host, a fresh frass tube, constructed of faecal pellets and silk

produced by host larvae feeding on cherry bark, was placed on or near the larva. Frass tubes built

by meridic diet-feeding hosts were net recognised by C. dubitator. Following an oviposition

event, the host was removed and returned to its labelled Petri dish for the remainder of its (and

Page 77: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

the parasitoid's) development. The time between oviposition and adult emergence was recorded

for each parasitoid to determine whether development time varied for wasps in different host

instars. Only those parasitoids that developed fully before the host went into diapause were

included in this comparative analysis.

As with development time, the general body size of female C. dubitator can vary notably

between individuals. In previous studies of correlations between body size and fecundity, body

size has typically been described by the relative width or length of the head, thorax, or hind tibia

(Jervis and Copland, 1996). The right hind tibia of each adult C. dubitator parasitoid was

measured and these lengths were then graphed as a function of host head capsule width. The

relationship between tibia length and development time was also examined to test for an effect of

the number of days between parasitism and adult emergence.

All statistical analyses were run using JMP 5.0.

3.3 Results and Discussion

The longevity of adults kept individually in cages was measured, showing that females lived,

on average, for 26.5 * 3.5 SE days (n = 20) following emergence while males lived only 20.3 * 1.5 SE days (n = 6 1). This difference was statistically significant (t-test: t = 1.986, df = 8 1, P =


Most attempts to establish mating pairs under laboratory conditions failed. Fewer than 50%

of males selected gave the appropriate wing-fanning response apparently necessary to initiate

courtship. It is not known if this was due to lack of recognition of the female or whether the males

were physiologically impaired or unprepared. Even when male wasps did respond to the females,

they were often rejected. Rejected males eventually ceased their wing-fanning display after a few

minutes of continued rejection and trials were subsequently terminated. Each pair was separated

after several minutes and returned to their respective cages whether copulation had occurred or

not. Placing more than one male with a single female did not increase the chances of success

since more insects within a small space typically caused the female to become more distressed.

We therefore adopted a more time-consuming approach of transferring females from one mating

arena to the next until either mating occurred or all males had been rejected. All male-female

interactions were observed so that the mating status of each female could be recorded.

Page 78: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

When mating was successful, a male mounted a female after a wing-fanning display that

lasted anywhere from 30 seconds to 20 minutes. The mean duration of copulation was 260 i 10.3

SE seconds (n = 33). Males sometimes attempted to force copulation. When a male was

successful in mounting a female, the female tried to dislodge the male with her hind legs. The

mean duration of forced copulations was 83 h 22.3 SE seconds (n = 5). It is not known if C.

dubitator females mate multiple times in the wild. For reasons of efficiency, laboratory wasps

were mated only once in their lifetime. Males, on the other hand, were given several opportunities

to inseminate females. On two separate occasions a single male fertilised two females within 15

minutes. In each case the second copulation lasted approximately 4 times longer than average.

Nonetheless, each of the second inseminated females produced female progeny, indicating that

mating was successful in those cases.

Under laboratory conditions, C. dubitator attacked CBT hosts of all larval instars Females

used their ovipositors to probe frass tubes built by any instar of host, so long as the faecal matter

was relatively fresh. Faeces was considered to be fresh if it had been deposited no more than

approximately 3 days earlier, although older females were typically less likely to reject older,

dryer frass (pers. obs.). The parasitoids took longer to locate younger and smaller larvae with

their ovipositors and in many cases these hosts escaped parasitism altogether. None of the first

instars stung during parasitism trials survived long enough to determine whether parasitism had

been successful. Much of this early mortality resulted from the trauma of the oviposition. In

general, parasitisation of the CBT in the laboratory was very successful, with 88% (n = 389) of all

host attacks resulting in the development of parasitoid offspring. This success was consistent

regardless of whether C. dubitator attacked second, third, fourth, or fifth instar hosts (Table 3-1).

Since a host represents a fixed resource for a developing parasitoid, parasitoid adult body size

or weight is often positively correlated with host size (Godfray, 1994) and this has been shown

for other ichneumonids like Pimpla turionellae, Coccygomimus turionellae, and Venturia

canescens (Arthur and Wylie, 1959; Sandlan, 1979; Harvey et al., 1994, respectively). For C.

dubitator, there was no effect of host instar on female parasitoid size, based on right hind tibia

measurements (Figure 3-1) (ANOVA: F = 0.122, r2 = 0.004, P = 0.730). It was also not possible

to detect any significant differences in parasitoid development rates for different host instars

parasitised (Table 3-2). Overall, parasitoid development from oviposition to adult emergence took

from 14 to 133 days (excluding any specimens that were overwintered prior to emergence).

Parasitoids never emerged from hosts parasitised in the second and third instars in fewer than 27

Page 79: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

days. Those developing in hosts parasitised in the ultimate instar were occasionally able to

develop completely in fewer than 16 days, while others took up to 125 days. The reason for this

variance is not known. The failure to detect significant differences may have been due to an

insufficient sample size (j3 > 0.45).

Contrary to these findings, Harvey et al. (1994) showed a strong effect of host instar at

oviposition on development time and adult body size (also measured by hind tibia length) for the

koinobiotic ichneumonid V. canescens. They found the development of this parasitoid to be

delayed in the early host stages, with accelerated growth occurring in the final host instars. In

contrast, other parasitoids are known to develop at a constant rate regardless of the host instar

attacked (Shu-Sheng, 1985; Sequeira and Mackauer, 1992) with the benefit of avoiding

developmental delays but at the expense of having smaller adults emerging from smaller hosts.

The strategy used hy V canporeno is helieved to he adaptive because it ensures a large adult 47e

(Gauld, 1988; Harvey et al., 1994). In order for this reasoning to be complete, variation in body

size must, in turn, be positively correlated with fitness. This has indeed been shown for certain

fitness measurements such as ovariole number, egg load, lifetime fecundity, longevity, and

mating success in several parasitoid and predator species (Jervis and Copland, 1996; Ellers et al.,

1998; Sagarra et al., 200 1). More specifically, Harvey et a1 (1994) were able to demonstrate that

the egg load and longevity of V. canescens adults increases with increased adult body size.

Hence, these parasitoids may maximise their fitness by selecting larger hosts for oviposition.

In several instances, a host was stung at least twice within a minute by the same parasitoid. A

z-test reveals that multiple host probes with the ovipositor occurred more often in fourth and fifth

instar hosts than first to third instars (z = 2.580, df = 5 16, P = 0.010). It is not known why hosts

may be re-attacked so suddenly by the same wasp. Oviposition occurred rapidly (normally < 1 s)

and parasitised larvae were not dissected to determine whether a parasitoid oviposits during the

first penetration (see Chapter 5 for a further discussion on discrimination against self-parasitised

hosts). In 15% of the attacks on hosts, oviposition lasted > 1 s and was characterised by a

noticeable delay before the ovipositor was withdrawn from the host. These longer ovipositions

lasted from 2 to 15 s and were significantly more likely to occur with first, second, and third

instar hosts (ANOVA: F = 15.8 13, df = 4, P < 0.000 1). Table 3-1 gives the percent success and

sex ratios resulting from single or multiple, and rapid or delayed ovipositions. There is no evident

change in the likelihood of success or in the sex ratio associated with either of these behaviours

during parasitism. Thus, no explanation is currently available for either.

6 8

Page 80: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

In the field, the fema1e:male sex ratio for C. dubitator is approximately 0.39 : 0.61 (n = 205)

(Chapter 2). In the laboratory, based on parasitism from mated females only, the equivalent ratio

was 0.38 : 0.62 (n = 170). Hence, laboratory rearing does not appear to be restricted by

unnaturally low female abundance. There were no seasonal differences in this sex ratio in the

laboratory. Although the mean head capsule width of host larvae selected for male progeny

(0.904 mm) was slightly larger than that of hosts selected for females (0.804 mm), this difference

was not statistically significant (t-test: t = 1.292, df = 42, P = 0.203). This indicates that foraging

parasitoids probably do not determine offspring sex based on the developmental stage or size of

the host. The sex ratio of F, parasitoids was very consistent when estimated separately for hosts

parasitised in each instar (Table 3-1). Although the sex ratio appears to be 0.50 : 0.50 for second

instar hosts, it must be noted that this was calculated from only six eclosing wasps. Finally, there

:;r~s 29 cl_iffer~nce h~+.veer! the ma!e srm! fema!e dew!opment rates from esrrh host instar

parasitised (Table 3-2).

Campoplex dubitator lies more toward the synovigenic end of the "continuum of ovigeny"

(Jervis et al., 2001). Based on ovary dissections from 28 unmated, naive females, C. dubitator

produces small (length = 0.3 1 mm) hydropic eggs. Each ovary consists of several ovarioles,

ranging in number from 11 to 28 (mean = 18). The ovariole number is rarely identical between

the two ovaries of an individual parasitoid, but is usually very similar (Table 3-3). On the day of

eclosion there is one nearly mature egg per ovariole, but no eggs are found in the lateral oviducts.

At 24 hours after eclosion, a female has, on average, 10.0 * 2.2 SE mature eggs (n = 8) in the

lateral oviducts. Females dissected after three days have approximately 40.0 * 8.6 SE mature

eggs (n = 6) held in the lateral oviducts (Table 3-3). Because the dissected wasps were given only

water, they appear to be capable of maturing eggs without further consumption of a nitrogen food

source. In support of this, females used for parasitising hosts have never been observed to host


In the field, most C. dubitator larvae developing after mid July diapause in their

overwintering larval hosts (Chapter 2). However, this parasitoid species was also able to complete

development without a diapause phase. Two complete parasitoid generations were reared in the

CAB1 Bioscience laboratory within a single summer, between May and September. As observed

in 200 1 and 2002, , by mid-September the majority of healthy and parasitised CBT larvae showed

signs of reduced feeding and development, suggesting the onset of diapause. The exceptions to


Page 81: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

this were the early instars, which fed actively until reaching a later instar stage. A short phase (5

weeks in 2001 and 7 weeks in 2002) of cool temperatures (5-6' C) was adequate to overwinter the

colony. Nearly all of the CBT and C. dubitator adults had emerged within two months following

the diapause period in both years.

3.4 Conclusion

A colony of C. dubitator can be maintained in the laboratory. Modifications of the techniques

adopted in this study are required for an increased production of wasps, since current methods are

costly for time and material resources. One of the greatest impediments to rearing C. dubitator

has been low host availability. Collecting large numbers of the CBT from the field is an arduous

task (see Chapter 2). Subsequent rearing of the CBT exclusively on its proper food source (cherry

bark) in the laboratory is possible but costly. While the meridic diet is relatively cheap and can be

used efiicientiy, there is a high mortaiity of iarvae, particuiariy eariy instars, deveioping on it.

This mortality may be due to contamination of the food source or starvation resulting from

rejection of the diet.

The pinto bean-based diet seems suitable for the development of parasitoids and has not

caused any detectable abnormalities in the eclosing adults. For instance, the ability of C.

dubitator to recognise the frass of its hosts appears to be inherent and is not affected by rearing on

diet. Unfortunately, the CBT hosts must consume bark tissues in order for their faeces to serve as

tactile stimuli for parasitoid oviposition. Parasitoids will typically not recognise, much less attack,

hosts burrowed into the diet substrate. This means that preparing hosts for parasitism requires

either the laboratory-production or field-collection of the necessary frass material.

It had been assumed from early observations that the timing of parasitoid emergence was

constrained by the host's development rate. Therefore, parasitoids were given mainly late instar

hosts to accelerate development. However, according to the development times shown in Table 3-

2, host age may not be a significant factor (further testing is required to clarify this). Two

alternative ways in which the development rate of parasitoids might be accelerated in the future

include increasing rearing temperatures above 22' C and providing hosts with a more suitable diet

to stimulate immediate feeding. There is currently no known way to increase the fema1e:male sex

ratio, since host instar or size does not seem to affect the outcome. Nonetheless, a greater

proportion of females would benefit this programme in providing more specimens for further

assessment of this parasitoid as a potential classical biological control agent of the CBT.


Page 82: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

3.5 References

Arthur, A.P. and H.G. Wylie. 1959. Effects of host size on sex ratio, development time and size of Pimpla turionellae. Entomophaga 4: 297-301

Beirne, B.P. 1975. Biological control attempts by introductions against pest insects in the field in Canada. The Canadian Entomologist 107: 225-236

Brinton, F.E., M.D. Proverbs, and B.E. Carty. 1969. Artificial diet for mass rearing production of the codling moth, Carpocapsapomonella (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae). The Canadian Entomologist 101: 577-584

Ellers, J., J.J.M. van Alphen, and J.G. Sevenster. 1998. A field study of size-fitness relationships in the parasitoid Asobara tabida. Journal ofAnima1 Ecology 67: 3 18-324

Gauld, I.D. 1998. Evolutionary patterns of host utilization by ichneumonid parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae and Braconidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 35: 35 1-377

Godfray, H.C.J. 1994. Parasitoids: Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton 473 pp.

Harvey, J.A., I.F. Harvey, and D.J. Thompson. 1994. Flexible larval growth allows use of a range of host sizes by a parasitoid wasp. Ecology 75: 1420-1428

Hopper, K.P., R.T. Roush, and W. Powell. 1993. Management of genetics on biological control introductions. Annual Review of Entomology 38: 27-5 1

Jervis, M.A. and M.J.W. Copland. 1996. The life cycle. Pp. 63-160. In: Jervis, M.A. and N. Kidd (Eds.) Insect natural enemies: practical approaches to their study and evaluation. Chapman and Hall, London

Jervis, M.A., G.E. Heimpel, P.N. Ferns, J.A. Harvey, and N.A.C. Kidd. 2001. Life-history strategies in parasitoid wasps: a comparative analysis of 'ovigeny'. Journal of Animal Ecology 70: 442-458

Shu-Sheng, L. 1985. Development, adult size and fecundity of Aphidius sonchi reared in two instars of its aphid host, Hyperomyzus lactuacae. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 37: 41-48

Rappaport, N. and M. Page. 1985. Rearing Glypta fumrferanae (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) on a multivoltine laboratory colony of the western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis) (Lep.: Tortricidae). Entomophaga 30: 347-352

Rojas, M.G., S.B. Vinson, and H.J. Williams. 1995. Supplemental feeding increases the utilization of a factitious host for rearing Bracon thurberiphagae Muesebeck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) a parasitoid of Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Biological Control 5: 591-597

Roediger, H. 1956. Untersuchungen iiber den Rindenwickler Enarmonia woeberiana Schiff. (Lepid. Tortr.) Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 38: 195-321

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Sagarra, L.A., C. Vincent, and R.K. Stewart. 2001. Body size as an indicator of parasitoid quality in male and female Anagyrus kamali (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 91: 363-367

Sandlan, K.P. 1979. Sex ratio regulation in Coccygomimus turionellae L. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and its ecoiogical implications. Ecological Entomology 4: 365-378

Sequeira, R. and M. Mackauer. 1992. Nutritional ecology of an insect host-parasitoid association: the pea aphid-Aphidius ervi system. Ecology 73: 183-1 89

Shon, F.L. and P.J. Shea. 1975. Increased rearing efficiency of two hymenopterous parasites using a non-diapausing host species, Choristoneura occidentalis. Environmental Entomology 5: 277-278

Shorey, H.H. and R.L. Hale. 1965. Mass-rearing of the larvae of nine noctuid species on a simple artificial medium. Journal of Economic Entomology 58:522-524.

Stiling, P 1991, Why do natural enemies fail in classical biological control programs? American Entomologist spring: 3 1-3 7

van Driesche, R.G. and M S . Hoddle. 2000. Classical arthropod biological control: measuring success, step by step. Pp. 39-75. In: Gurr, G. and S. Wratten (Eds.) Biological Control: Measures of Success. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands

Page 84: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 3-1 Relationship between Enarmonia formosana host size at oviposition and hind right tibia length of eclosing adult Campoplex dubitator. (r2 = 0.004; P = 0.730)

Page 85: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

0.8 1 1.2

Head capsule width (mm)

Page 86: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 3-1 Comparison of the results of parasitism on the five Enarmonia formosana instars and of the effect of single vs multiple and brief vs prolonged ovipositions.

Page 87: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Successful Female : Male Categories Compared N Parasitism (%) Sex Ratio

Host instar attacked I st instar --- --- --- 2nd instar 6 83.3 0.50 : 0.50 3rd instar 45 82.2 0.37 : 0.63 4th instar 246 88.2 0.37 : 0.63 5th instar 92 90.2 0.37 : 0.63

Number of ovipositor insertions into host

1 434 86.4 0.38 : 0.62 2 73 95.0 0.32 : 0.68

>2 11 85.7 ---

Oviposition duration < 1 second 439 86.9 0.39 : 0.61 > I second 79 88.5 0.27 : 0.73

No data are available for the first instar since none of these hosts survived long enough to determine whether parasitism was successful.

Page 88: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 3-2 Comparison of female and male parasitoid development time within three age classes of Enarmonia formosana hosts.

Page 89: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Mean Development Host lnstar Attacked Time (days) n S E F df P

I st instar 2nd instar 3rd instar 4th instar 5th instar

Sexes sep2:stecl: 2nd instar

female parasitoids male parasitoids

3rd instar female parasitoids

male parasitoids

4th instar female parasitoids

male parasitoids

5th instar female parasitoids

male parasitoids

No data are available for the first instar since none of these hosts survived long enough to determine whether parasitism was successful.

Page 90: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 3-3 Ovariole and mature egg counts from dissections of Campoplex dubitator ovaries.

Page 91: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

has i to id Parasitoid Age at Ovariole k m b e r Number of Mature Specimen Dissection (days) Ovary 1 Ovary 2 Eggs in Oviducts

Page 92: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Parasitoid Parasitoid Age at Ovariole Number Number of Mature Specimen Dissection (days) Ovary 1 Ovary 2 Eggs in Oviducts

Page 93: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CHAPTER 4 Response of the parasitoid Campoplex dubitator

to host- and habitat-related odours in an olfactometer


The ichneumonid parasitoid Campoplex dubitator attacks the bark-boring larvae of the cheny

bark tortrix (CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopoli (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Because the larvae

feed in complete concealment beneath the bark, parasitoids must use indirect cues to locate and

make preliminary assessments of their hosts. The frass of a CBT larva accumulates at the

entrance of the feeding tunnel and was known to be a strong tactile stimulus for oviposition. In

this study, the frass was shown to release volatiles, which attracted C. dubitator females over

short distances. Similarly, uninfested cherry bark emitted chemical cues that directed parasitoid

movement inside the olfactometer. Bare larvae, however, could not be shown to attract C.

dubitator through volatile emission alone. In a subsequent comparison of the attractiveness of

uninfested cherry bark and host frass (digested bark), the parasitoids moved toward the frass

stimulus significantly more often than the bark.

Page 94: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

4.1 Introduction

Insect parasitoids use an array of mechanisms to detect their host targets. Since the fitness of

parasitoids is directly linked with the discovery and parasitism of hosts, there is strong selection

pressure for parasitic wasps to be efficient foragers. A variety of host detection tactics exist

among parasitoids today, many of which are highly specialised for specific parasitoid-host

interactions. These different modes of search may result in a partial reduction of niche overlap,

which could facilitate coexistence of natural enemies foraging for the same host species (van

Dijken and van Alphen, 1998).

Parasitoids may either actively seek herbivore hosts or rely on more passive means to

successfully parasitise their hosts (Godfray, 1994). Passive strategies are less common among

parasitoids. Examples include phoresy, in which parasitoids hitch rides on reproductive adults of

the host species and wait untii those aduits oviposit or return to a nest (Ciausen, i976), and the

ingestion of parasitoid eggs by the herbivore hosts (Hagen, 1964). The more ubiquitous approach

to host finding by parasitoids is an involved search, whereby parasitoids, often relying on

extremely subtle cues, must travel to their hosts (Godfray, 1994). While these can include the use

of visual (Monteith, 1956; Rice, 1968), chemical (Mitchell and Mau, 1971; Harris and Todd,

1980), tactile (Ryan and Rudinsky, 1962; Glas and Vet, 1983), andlor auditory (Cade, 1975)

signals, chemical cues are perhaps the most universal and best understood. Stimuli involved in

parasitoid foraging may arise from the host habitat or food plant, the host itself ("direct"), or from

some interaction between the host and its food source ("indirect") (Mackauer et al., 1996). It is

argued that interactions between the first and second trophic levels, or between the second and

third trophic levels, cannot be understood fully without the inclusion of all three levels

simultaneously (Price et al., 1980; Vet and Dicke, 1992). This is reflected in the common usage

of, and dependency on, cues from both plants and hosts by foraging parasitoids.

The foraging process for parasitoids is generally divided into three (Hassell and Southwood,

1978; Waage, 1979) or four or five (Vinson, 1976) phases. The parasitoid first locates the host's

habitat and then searches within it to find the host itself. Following some sort of assessment, the

host is either accepted for oviposition or rejected. Additional steps sometimes added to the

process that results in successful oviposition include host suitability and host regulation (Vinson,

1976). These latter two phases, however, are not a part of the initial host selection process.

Page 95: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

In some systems, this hierarchical search may be quite simple, while in others it might

incorporate the use of a number of different forms of stimuli (Fischer et al., 2001). When

herbivores exist in a structural refuge, parasitoids may be required to adapt by developing new

sensory "equipment" to deal with finding their hosts. The physical concealment of hosts within

plant tissues will likely affect the relative usefulness of various stimuli, compared to more

exposed hosts (Vet et al., 1991). For instance, if relying on vision, parasitoids would be forced to

use less reliable indirect cues from the host (perhaps signs of feeding) to locate their quarry.

The system described in this paper exemplifies a relationship in which the parasitoid depends

upon indirect cues in finding its bark-boring hosts. The larvae of the cherry bark tortrix (hereafter

referred to as CBT), Enarmonia formosana Scopoli, (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), live and feed

between the cork and cambium of the bark of a variety of rosaceous plants, most notably cherry

trees (Roediger; 1956). These larvae remain within their mined tunnels until they emerge as

adults. Throughout their development, they deposit their faecal matter at the entrance of their

feeding galleries, forming a silk-lined, tube-like structure. While this faecal accumulation, or frass

tube, was known to serve as a tactile stimulus for oviposition behaviour by Campoplex cf.

dubitator Horstmann (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), it was not clear by which mechanisms this

parasitoid was able to locate CBT larvae from distances greater than a few centimetres.

This paper describes an examination of materials associated with the herbivore and its

habitat, which are potentially important to C. dubitator in its search for hosts. The research

objectives were to: (1) determine whether semiochemicals play a role in host location by this

larval parasitoid (see Nordlund, 1981 for a review of infochemical use by parasitoids), (2)

identify the source(s) of such volatile cues, and (3) compare the attractiveness of kairomones

and/or synomones intercepted by C. dubitator.

4.2 Materials and Methods

4.2.1 Study Organisms

CBT specimens were obtained from field collections in central Europe throughout the

summer seasons (May - September) during which experiments were run. The larvae were reared

on a meridic pinto bean-based diet, modified from Shorey and Hale (1965), at the CAB1

Bioscience Centre in Delkmont, Switzerland. Larvae and pupae were kept solitary in labelled

plastic vials and monitored for parasitoid emergence. During 2001 all immature CBT were kept at

Page 96: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

20" C under a 16L:8D photoperiod. In 2002 the larvae and pupae were reared at slightly warmer

temperatures (23 * 2" C) to increase the developmental rate.

All C. dubitator parasitoid adults eclosing from CBT hosts were placed into plastic

cylindrical cages (I 0 cm height x 10 cm diameter) with solid, unpasturised honey and water in

cotton wicks on the day of eclosion. Females were kept individually whereas males, depending on

eclosion dates, were kept either singly or in groups of two to five wasps. Within three days of

eclosion, females were placed with males for short periods to achieve mating. Following the

monitored mating trials, C. dubitator females were given host larvae for oviposition experience.

As with the mating trials, all oviposition events were observed and the oviposition history was

recorded. All females were provided with hosts for oviposition one day prior to the olfactometer

tests. This egg-laying opportunity was provided because experienced females are generally more

responsive to host-related c ~ s .

Only females reared from CBT hosts parasitised in the field were used in the static chamber

olfactometer assay in 2001. In contrast, the Y-tube olfactometer experiments conducted in 2002

used C. dubitator parasitoids reared from both field-parasitised and lab-parasitised host larvae.

4.2.2 Experiments 1-3: Parasitoid Response to Volatile Cues Materials Tested

Three materials were tested as possible sources of volatiles used by parasitoids for orientation

during foraging. These include uninfested cherry bark, host larval frass, and host larvae (Table 4-

1). Cherry bark was selected for bioassay as it has been shown that some parasitoids will orient

and move toward the food sources of their hosts (Vinson, 1981). The frass of the CBT was known

to be a strong tactile stimulus, eliciting probing behaviour in C. dubitator (pers. obs.), however, it

was not clear if this faecal material produced volatiles that could be detected at greater distances

by the wasps. Finally, the CBT larvae themselves were tested to determine whether the foraging

process involved the response of C. dubitator to kairomones from its host. Experiment I

Small sections (2 * 0.2 g) of cherty bark were collected from trees (Prunus avium) just prior

to olfactometer assays. The fragment of bark used in each experiment was composed of

approximately 50% outer rough tissue and 50% phloem tissue. While the bark selected was free

of insect feeding damage, it was inevitably physically damaged during removal from the tree.


Page 97: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Slices of cork (not a host of the CBT), washed with acetone, rinsed with distilled water, and

dried, were used as a control. Experiment 2

Fresh host frass was collected directly from infested trees prior to experiments. Frass

consisted of larval faecal pellets, silk, and small quantities of chewed but undigested bark. Old-

appearing, and likely evacuated, frass tubes were avoided. A mass of 0.20 * 0.05 g of frass was

used in each replicate. This consisted of the fecal pellets (digested bark tissues) and mandibular

silk of several host larvae of variable instars. Frass tubes from late instar hosts, however, made up

more than 90% of the total mass of the fecal matter collected. As a control, fine-grained pebbles,

similar in size to the fecal pellets, were used. These pebbles were also washed with acetone,

rinsed with distilled water, and dried prior to running the bioassay. Experiment 3

Host larvae were prepared for the experiment immediately before the trials began. In each

replicate, three healthy (not parasitised) larvae were used as test subjects, each larva representing

one of three instar stages (third, fourth, and fifth instars). Approximately two hours before the

bioassays, the larvae were removed from their feeding galleries and placed into large clean Petri

dishes (2 cm height x 10 cm diameter). Hosts were separated from their food source in this way to

avoid having parasitoid responsiveness (or repulsion) confounded by possible plant-related

volatiles carried by the larvae. During this non-feeding pre-trial period, the gut of each larva was

also emptied through forced defecation, which was achieved by pressing each larva between a

small section of soft plastic film and dental cotton and gently pressing the abdomen with a fine

paintbrush. This effectively prevented the larvae from excreting faeces during the experiment.

Small sections of clean filter paper, rolled and secured with copper wire, were used as the inert

control material. These filter paper rolls were prepared to match the sizes of the larvae selected

for the experiment. Static Chamber Olfactometer Bioassay

Potential kairomone sources were tested for attractiveness to C. dubitator in a sealed

olfactometer box design without the flow of air through the system. The olfactometer consisted of

a plastic box (25 cm height x 24 cm length x 12 cm width) with two holes cut into the ceiling at

opposite ends through which test materials were inserted. A single hole was cut into the side to

serve as the entrance for parasitoids (see Figure 4-1). This design was selected to permit flight by

8 5

Page 98: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

the parasitoids (as opposed to a Y-tube design), as it was suspected that flight was a typical, and

perhaps essential, behaviour in the mid-range search phase of foraging. Each olfactometer was

washed with Sparkleen (Fisherbrand, Pittsburgh), rinsed with distilled water, and dried bemeen

uses. In every trial, the treatment odour source was randomly assigned to either end of the test

arena, while the control material was placed at the opposite end. The treatment and control

substrates were hung from the ceiling of the static chamber by a length of thread attached to foam

plugs, which were inserted into the holes. To reduce the effect of visual or tactile cues on

parasitoid responsiveness, the test materials were placed into double-layer, white gauze bags (6

cm x 4 cm). These gauze sacs were sufficiently porous to allow the emission of odours, yet

effectively concealed the materials from view and prevented the parasitoids from contacting the

treatment and control substrates. External visual cues were standardised by enclosing the

olfactometer on three sides with white screening. Diffuse light was provided by a single 60 W

incandescent light bu!b (3 10 LUX), p ! a d 30 err, behind the h!!y tr~csparect test srena.

Trials were conducted from 11 July to 26 September in 2001 and from 9 May to 12 June in

2002, always between 1l:OO and 19:00, at a temperature of 22 h 2" C with ambient relative

humidity. Two minutes before each trial began, the treatment and control materials were inserted

into the box through the assigned holes at each end of the chamber. To start the trial, a single

female parasitoid was introduced to the arena through the entrance hole at the centre line of the

test area. For seven minutes (420 s), the behaviour and location (with respect to the centre line) of

the parasitoid were logged using event-recording software (Observer), with 0.1 s time resolution.

Of primary interest was the total time the parasitoid spent on the treatment and control halves of

the olfactometer.

Every parasitoid female (n = 20 in 200 1 ; n = 7 in 2002 ') was tested on four occasions, with

an average of 12 days between sessions, following eclosion. In each session of experiments, a

female was tested with each of the three suspected kairomone

sources. All females were ultimately used in 12 trials (3 trials per day, 4 days). The order

of testing of the three materials was randomised for each female in each session so

there would be no confounding effect of treatment order (ie. learning or experience).

By preventing the females from initiating oviposition behaviour (ie. blocking tactile cues),

experience effects were further minimised. In this way, the parasitoids did not experience either

Page 99: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

good hosts or bad hosts, or hosts present versus hosts absent in association with the odours

presented to them.

The number of parasitoids responding to volatile stimuli was analysed with the X2 goodness-

of-fit test (a = 0.05) to determine whether the observed frequency deviated significantly from

expected frequencies, under the null hypothesis that C. dubitator did not show any preference for

either treatment or control odours. Each parasitoid was classified as having chosen the treatment

or control material based on the amount of time the wasp spent with each substrate. This time

value was a pooled total from each of the four experimental sessions (4 x 420 s = 1680 s per

tested odour source).

To check for any mating effect on response to semiochemicals, a z-test (Sigmastat 2.03) was

employed to test for differences in the time spent or! the treatmefit and co~tro! !m!ves ~f the arena

by mated and unmated female wasps. This analysis was run separately for the three substrates.

4.2.3 Experiment 4: Parasitoid Preference for Volatile Cues Materials Tested

Based on the results of the preceding three experiments (see Results section), uninfested

cherry bark and host frass were used for further testing of parasitoid response to olfactory stimuli.

In this scenario, however, the two substrates were tested against one another to determine whether

C. dubitator is more attracted to the odours of either bark or frass.

The bark treatment was prepared by cutting 2.5 g of cherry bark from trees (Prunus avium)

immediately before the trials were run. This bark, as before, consisted of approximately 50%

coarse outer bark and 50% phloem. The bark was subsequently cut

into tiny fragments (5 x 3 mm) to increase the surface area of the material. Host faecal matter for

the frass treatment was gathered from sites of natural infestation on cherry trees (Prunus avium)

prior to the bioassay trials. A mass of 1.25 g of fresh frass was mixed with 1.25 g of cherry bark

(taken from the same sample used in preparing the bark treatment), also cut into small fragments.

Hence, a comparison was made between 2.5 g of uninfested cherry bark and a 2.5 g mixture of

uninfested cherry bark and host frass (digested cherry bark).

- - - -- --

I The seven mated females fiom 2002 were used only in trials testing the parasitoids' response to cherry

8 7

Page 100: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing Y-tube Olfactometer Bioassay

A vertical glass Y-tube olfactometer (stem: 24 cm; side arms: 20 cm; diameter: 2.5 cm) was

used in this study. All replicates were conducted between 10:30 and 18:30 (1 1 June to 20

September, 2002) at 22 l o C with ambient relative humidity. The olfactometer was centered

beneath the only light source in the room: 3 tubes providing fluorescent "Cool White"

illumination (Osram L 36W/20,2200 LUX). Visual cues were standardised by having identical

structures associated with the treatment materials to the left and right of the apparatus and a white

wall opposite the observer. Air was pulled through the olfactometer at a rate of 2 Llmin (1 Llmin

for each arm) by a KNF Neuberger Miniport electric pump, connected to the base of the Y-tube.

For each arm, the air passed first through an acrylic air flow meter (Key Instruments) to gauge the

rate of air movement. It then traveled through a 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask housing the treatment

material to pick up volatiles, and finally entered the arm via a 30 cm section of 0.7 cm

polyethylene tubing.

The set-up was allowed to run for 2 minutes before a single, oviposition experienced, female

was introduced into the base of the stem of the Y-tube. Each parasitoid was given up to 10

minutes to adjust to the new environment and wind speed. The trial began once the parasitoid

crossed a start line drawn 10 cm from the base of the Y-tube stem. If the parasitoid did not climb

the stem far enough to cross this line within 10 minutes, the replicate was terminated. Once past

the start line, the parasitoid was given 10 additional minutes to reach the finish line, a line drawn

5 cm from the top of each arm. The experiment was terminated either when the parasitoid made a

choice by reaching the end of one arm or when the 10 minute time limit expired (no choice). All

non-responding parasitoids were excluded from statistical analyses.

A chi-square goodness-of-fit test (a = 0.05) was used on the response data to determine

whether the parasitoid females were discriminating between the odours provided for them. The

null hypothesis states that the frequency of parasitoids moving toward cherry bark will equal that

of parasitoids moving toward the frass-bark mixture.

A clean Y-tube (Sparkleen-washed and rinsed with distilled water) was employed for each

replicate and the test stimuli were randomly assigned to the side arms. Fifty-three females were

tested for a preference of either bark or frass odours and each female was used only once. Eleven

bark odours. No further testing of the fiass or host larvae treatments was conducted in 2002.


Page 101: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

additional C. dubitator females were used in a control experiment (clean air flowing through both

arms) to test if the parasitoids were simply displaying either a negative geotactic or positive

phototactic response by moving upward in the apparatus. The proportion of parasitoids making a

choice in the control experiment was compared with that of parasitoids making a choice in the

treatment experiment, using a z-test (Sigmastat 2.03). 'bNon-choosers" were those individuals

remaining at the bottom of the Y-tube apparatus, while "Choosers" were those successfully

crossing one of the end lines in either arm of the olfactometer.

4.3 Results

4.3.1 Experiments 1-3: Parasitoid Response to Volatile Cues

The static chamber olfactometer design proved to be effective in testing the attraction or

arrestment response of C. dubitator to three odour sources (bark, frass, and larvae) related to its

hosts. The parasitoids often demonstrated ciear signs of orientation towards certain treatment

substrates, both while walking and during flight. This directional movement was observed at the

start and near the finish of trials, suggesting that a concentration gradient existed throughout the

course of the 420 s experiment.

Figure 4-2 displays the results from experiments 1-3. Foraging parasitoids displayed a strong

response to the bark treatment, with 8 1% of individuals spending more time on the treatment side

of the arena (x2 = 6.025; n = 27; df = 1; P = 0.014). From the trials using host frass material, 70%

of the test subjects chose the treatment over control, however, with a = 0.05, this was insufficient

to obtain a statistically significant difference (x2 = 1.667; n = 20; df = 1; P = 0.197). These results

must be interpreted with caution, due to small sample size. In experiment 3, the host larvae

treatment apparently did not elicit a directed response from the parasitoid females (X2 = 0.404; n =

20; df = 1; P = 0.525). Again, there is low power in this analysis due to a small sample group.

However, during trials with bare host larvae as the treatment materials, C. dubitator demonstrated

a much stronger phototaxic response, suggesting an attempt to disperse rather than search the

immediate environment. This behaviour was characterised by less time spent walking around the

entire chamber and more time spent on the back wall, which faced the sole light source.

Of the 20 parasitoids tested in 2001, only 9 had been successfully mated. Table 4-2 depicts

the output from the z-test comparing the responses of mated and unmated females. These results

show no difference in the responses to the tested odour sources, however caution must be taken

with the interpretation of this output, since the power of these tests was low.


Page 102: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

4.3.2 Experiment 4: Parasitoid Preference for Volatile Cues

Experiment 4, a direct comparison of the attractiveness of uninfested cheny bark and CBT

host frass, provides compelling evidence for the attraction of C. dubitator to the frass of its hosts.

The results of this Y-tube bioassay (Figure 4-3) show a strong tendency for parasitoids to orient

towards odours associated with digested cherry bark and mandibular secretions (X2 = 5.580; n =

46; df = 1; P = 0.018). Seven of the 53 tested females were excluded from the analysis because

they did not make a choice before the 10-minute period expired. In the control experiment, only

36% of the tested parasitoids (compared to 87% in the treatment experiment) climbed upward

into the stem of the Y-tube (z = 3.705; P < 0.001). This low activity in the absence of any host-

related odours indicates that there was not a strong positive phototactic or negative geotactic

response in this experimental design. Movement in the olfactometer was, therefore, in response to

the cdours n r e c ~ n t ~ r l F a -V-A..--.

The parasitoids used were collected from CBT hosts parasitised under natural field conditions

and hosts parasitised in the laboratory. To ensure that the responsiveness to odours presented did

not differ between wasps of the two origins, the pooled response of parasitoids arising from field-

parasitised hosts (n = 18) was compared to that of the parasitoids reared from laboratory-

parasitised hosts (n = 28) using a z-test (Sigmastat 2.03). This analysis indicates no difference in

the choices (cherry bark versus host frass) made by the two sets of parasitoids (z = 1.209; P =


4.4 Discussion

Volatile stimuli have been found to be an important part of the foraging process for a vast

number of predatory organisms. Parasitoids, certainly, are no exception. The use of odours by

insects to find food has been documented for decades and there is a wealth of such literature for

parasitoids. Reports of parasitoid attraction to volatile compounds produced by host plants, host

frass, and host individuals have appeared frequently over the last several years (Nordlund, 198 1;

Vet and Dicke, 1992; Godfray, 1994; Mackauer et al., 1996). Of the three materials tested on C.

dubitator in experiments 1-3, uninfested cherry bark and host frass were found to release alluring

scents while the host larvae apparently did not.

The results from this study indicate that females of C. dubitator can recognise and orient

toward certain materials associated with their host larvae, based on olfaction alone. These


Page 103: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

chemical stimuli may play a vital role in the long- and short-range detection of hosts. The

conclusions described from this study do not rule out the possible use of other forms of stimuli,

such as visual, tactile, or auditory cues. They simply illustrate the olfactory capabilities of C.

dubitator. However, since the larvae and pupae of the CBT are so well concealed beneath the

bark of their host trees, it is conceivable that vision, for example, might not be as reliable a

mechanism as olfaction for host detection.

In much the same way that adult CBT perceive volatiles from their host trees (McNair et al.,

2000), C. dubitator parasitoids appear to be able to respond to the bark of cherry trees regardless

of the presence of host larvae. The attraction of parasitoids to the microhabitat or host plant in the

absence of prey is not uncommon and was first demonstrated over 60 years ago (Godfray, 1994).

It might be argued that such a stimulus could be disastrously misleading, for instance, in a

sitt~atinr! where mnst cherry trees were free nf CET ir.fest&inn. If 2 f ~ r ~ g e r C O E ~ ~ R U O ~ ~ S ! ~ ~ J *PS~OT,C!S & - r

to deceptive cues, it will inevitably lose search time and suffer a reduced fitness. Selection should

favour responsiveness to a cue only if that stimulus is consistently reliable. In other words,

responding to stimuli from the host's habitat could evolve in this CBT system if the probability of

finding hosts on an encountered tree is sufficiently high. Indeed, from a survey of mature cherry

trees in France, Germany, and Switzerland between 2001-2002, 72% of the trees investigated (n =

768) contained at least one immature CBT. While these infestations are normally not severe (low

host densities) in central Europe, having a directional response to the microhabitat of the host

might be an effective foraging strategy for these parasitoids.

The results from experiment 2, which failed to show an attraction of females to host frass,

were interpreted with skepticism for reasons discussed here. The chi-square calculations were

based on binomial data relating to choices of treatment versus control. If, however, one looks at

the actual time spent by parasitoids on the treatment side of the arena (on average, 60% with

treatment, 40% with control), the tendency for C. dubitator to move toward frass is more

apparent. In fact, the wasps spent the same proportion of time with the frass substrate as they did

with the bark treatment. Nonetheless, due to a smaller sample size in the frass experiment, no

difference was detected. A similar argument might be raised for the observed lack of response to

host larvae in experiment 3, however, in these trials, the parasitoids' movements were more

obviously phototactic. In contrast, in response to host frass and cherry bark, the wasps often

displayed unquesticnable signs of searching, including obvious antenna1 activity and walking in

Page 104: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

tight circles when directly beneath the treatment bags. Hence, faecal material was used again in

experiment 4.

Theoretically, a parasitoid will be more efficient if it can quickly evaluate the quality of a

host plant as a foraging site upon arrival. The foraging pattern of parasitoids is generally

described as a step-by-step procedure in which the forager closes in on its host, using different

stimuli at each stage of the hunt (Hassell and Southwood, 1978; Waage, 1979). In this widely

accepted conceptualisation of the foraging process, parasitoids are thought to first find the

herbivore habitat, then to find the herbivore patch, and finally to locate the herbivore hosts within

that terminal patch. For C. dubitator, volatile cues emanating from the host faeces (digested

cherry bark) may be an example of a cue used by parasitoids to decide whether to remain at a

newly discovered tree or to move on to the next. In their description of chemical information in

tritmphic interactions, Vet and Dicke (1992) suggest that natnra! enemies h ~ ! d respond most

strongly to volatile cues that reliably indicate herbivore presence. In general, stimuli derived from

the herbivore itself are the most reliable information sources, while volatiles produced by the first

trophic level (food plant) are less likely to convey accurate information. Experiment 4 supports

this generalisation since parasitoids showed a stronger response to the host frass and bark mixture

than to bark alone. It must be stated, however, that the concentrations of volatiles emanating from

cherry bark and host frass in experiment 4 were not necessarily equal. Despite the use of equal

masses of the two substrates and fragmentation of the cherry bark, the frass may still have had a

greater surface area, thereby releasing higher concentrations of semiochemicals.

It has yet to be resolved whether C. dubitator actually relies on cherry tree odours when

foraging. If this is true, it may be that frass volatiles are not detectable beyond a certain distance

from the tree due to the miniscule size of the faecal deposits. The use of stimuli derived from the

second trophic level is commonly limited by low detectability, particularly at long distances.

Plants, on the other hand, which have a relatively larger biomass, usually release volatiles at more

easily detectable levels (Vet and Dicke, 1992). Hence, the ability to track odour plumes from the

microhabitat (cherry bark) may be useful for movement between patches of host plants,

particularly when the distance to travel is great and when any kairomones produced by the host

larvae occur in relatively low concentrations.

The fact that the parasitoids did not respond to host larvae in experiment 3 suggests that these

ichneumonids depend wholly on indirect cues to locate their hosts. This finding is supported by

Page 105: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

the observation that C. dubitator wasps do not have an inherent ability to recognise their hosts

when they come into contact with the larvae. This is expected, however, considering the nature of

this host-parasitoid relationship. Only under rare circumstances are the CBT larvae actually

outside of their feeding tunnel. Under normal conditions, C. dubitator would never see or

antennate its hosts. The only contact between the parasitoid and host is with the very tip of the

parasitoid's ovipositor, which it uses to probe the host's feeding cavity. From an evolutionary

standpoint, there would be little or no selection for the ability to recognise exposed hosts.

Although no cue is more reliable than the host itself (Vet et al. 1991), the presence of frass is

likely a dependable indicator of hosts since the accumulation of faecal matter results directly from

larval feeding. Based on properties of the accumulation of frass, a parasitoid could potentially

acquire information on the availability, identity, density, and suitability of the host. Recently

deposited frass has been observed to be a stronger stimulus for oviposition behaviour than old

frass (pers. obs.). This implies that C. dubitator can also gauge the relative reliability of different

faecal tubes. For parasitoids of the CBT, this phenomenon must be a critical element for search

efficiency. In the field, there are often as many abandoned as there are occupied feeding galleries.

One key difference between old and new larval tunnels is that the frass tubes of the new larval

sites are less desiccated and likely releases more volatiles. More work must be done to determine

the limits of C. dubitator's ability to discriminate between new and old frass, or in other words,

occupied versus empty feeding tunnels. The lack of, or weakened, response of C. dubitator to

host larvae may be common among natural enemies of concealed hosts. The larval parasitoid

Olesicampe monticola Hedwig (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), which attacks hidden sawfly

larvae, is known to show a stronger response to its hosts' faeces than to the hosts themselves.

Like C. dubitator, this wasp also exhibits an ability to distinguish between fresh and aged frass

(Longhurst and Baker, 198 1).

Host- and habitat-related odours likely play a critical role in C. dubitator's detection of hosts,

as they do for so many other parasitic wasps (Vinson, 198 1 ; Vet and Dicke, 1992; Godfray,

1994). Since C. dubitator is a potential candidate for classical biological control against the CBT

in North America, the identification of these foraging cues has at least four potential applications.

First, these known cues can be incorporated into experimental designs for studying host finding

and oviposition to ensure that parasitoids encounter natural stimuli and thus behave as they would

under field conditions. Second, recognising search cues may help in explaining patterns of

distribution of parasitism within a tree or an orchard. For instance, parasitoid activity might be

greatest on trees with severe structural damage, since cracked areas of the bark likely release

Page 106: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

overwhelming concentrations volatiles. Third, information on foraging stimuli may be valuable

for the host range testing of this potential biological control agent. Ideally, one would test every

non-target arthropod species that would co-exist with such an agent in its new range. However,

the maintenance of a large culture of each non-target species would make this technically

impossible (Kuhlmann et al., 1998). Thus, it is necessary to select a sub-sample of representative

species. There are essentially two approaches to this selection process. The centrifugal

(phylogentic) approach, originally developed for weed biological control (Wapshere, 1974),

involves testing primarily closely related species, under the assumption that a particular agent has

evolved in a relatively strict association with the target host and is less prone to attack species that

may be unsuitable as food sources or for progeny development. This method has been deemed

equally appropriate for weed and arthropod biological control programmes (Sands, 1997; but see

Kuhlmann et al., 1998). The optional approach emphasises the importance of spatial overlap

hn+rlraan thn nvnt;r, n ;tn;rl o n r l nnn_tornnt cm~c;nc oqrl ;cr Q on onno* UuCvvuCIIL + ~ : ~ ~ I L v . u uIIu Cu16UL .,yVVIU., U1 ,., LL!aV wwua;dered tc be a suitabk

methodology for entomophagous biological control (Kuhlmann and Mason, in press). It

presupposes that species sharing the same niche or habitat as the target species are likely to be

encountered, even if accidentally, by the biological control agent (van Driesche and Hoddle,

1997). These non-target species should therefore be included in host range testing. If the latter

approach, or some combination of the two, is applied to the investigation of C. dubitator's host

range, knowing precisely which habitat and host features serve as foraging cues may assist in the

selection of non-target species for testing. For instance, as it is known that CBT frass is the

contact stimulus for oviposition behaviour, it may be of interest to select primarily non-target

species that similarly accumulate faecal matter at their feeding sites. Finally, this understanding

of parasitoid foraging may eventually enable practitioners of biological control to manipulate the

search efficiency of these parasitoids (Vet and Dicke, 1992). Modifying how these natural

enemies perceive their environment could lead to a desired level of pest control that might not

otherwise be attainable.

Page 107: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

4.5 References

Cade, W. 1975. Acoustically orienting parasitoids: fly phonotaxis to cricket song. Science 190: 13 12-13 13

Clausen, C.P. 1976. Phoresy among entomophagous insects. Annual Review of Entomology 21: 343-368

Fischer, S., J. Samietz, F.L. Wackers, and S. Dorn. 2001. Interaction of vibrational and visual cues in parasitoid host location. Journal of Comparative Physiology: (A) Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 187: 785-79 1

Glas, P.C.G. and L.E.M. Vet. 1983. Host-habitat location and host location by Diachasma aIloeumMuesebeck (Hym.: Braconidae), a parasitoid of Rhagoletispomonella Walsh (Dipt.: Tephritidae). Netherlands Journal of Zoology 33: 41-54

Godfray, H.C.J. 1994. Parasitoids: Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton 473 pp.

Hagen, K.S. 1964. Developmental stages of parasites. In: P. DeBach (Ed.) Biological Control of Insect Pests and Weeds. Reinhold, New York, Pp. 168-246

Harris, V.E. and J.W. Todd. 1980. Male-mediated aggregation of male, female, and instar tar southern green stink bugs and concomitant attraction of a tachinid parasite, Trichopodo pennipes. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 27: 1 17- 129

Hassell, M.P. and T.R.E. Southwood. 1978. Foraging strategies of insects. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 9: 75-98

Kuhlmann, U. and P.G. Mason. In press. Use of field host range surveys for selecting candidate non-target species for physiological host specificity testing of entomophagous biological control agents. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods USDA Forest Service, Honolulu, Hawaii

Kuhlmann, U., P.G. Mason, and D. Greathead. 1998. Assessment of potential risks for introducing European Peristenus species as biological control agents of Lygus species in North America: a co-operative approach. Biocontrol News and Information 19: 83N-90N

Longhurst, C. and R. Baker. 1981. Host location in Olesicampe monticola, a parasite of larvae of larch sawfly, Cephalcia Iariciphila. Journal of Chemical Ecology 7: 203-208

Mackauer, M., J.P. Michaud, and W. Volkl. 1996. Host choice by aphidiid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae): host recognition, host quality, and host value. The Canadian Entomologist 128: 959-980.

McNair, C., G. Gries, and R. Gries. 2000. Cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana: olfactory recognition of and behavioural deterrence by nonhost angio- and gymnosperm volatiles. Journal of Chemical Ecology 26: 809-821

Page 108: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Mitchell, W.C. and R.F.L. Mau. 1971. Response of the female southern green stinkbug and its parasite, Trichopodapennipes, to male stink bug pheromones. Journal of Economic Entomology 64: 856-859

Monteith, L.G. 1956. Influence of host movement on selection of hosts by Drino bohemica Mesn. as determined in an olfactometer. Canadian Entomologist 88: 583-586

Nordlund, D.A. (Ed.) 198 1. Semiochernicals: their role in pest control. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 306 pp.

Rice, R.E. 1968. Observations on host selection by Tomicobia tibialis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Contribution of the Boyce Thompson Institute 24: 53-56

Roediger, H. 1956. Untersuchungen iiber den Rindenwickler Enarmonia woeberiana Schiff. (Lepid. Tortr.) ZeitschrifttJitr Angewandte Entomologie 38: 195-32 1

Roitberg, B.D., J. Sircom, C.A. Roitberg, J.H.M. van Alphen, and M. Mangel. 1993. Life expectancy and reproduction. Nature 364: 108

Ryan, R.B. and J.A. Rudinsky. 1962. Biology and habits of the Douglas fir beetle parasite, Coeloides brunneri Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Western Oregon. Canadian Entomologist 94: 748-763

Sands, D.P.A. 1997. The "safety" of biological control agents: assessing their impact on beneficial and other non-target hosts. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 56: 6 1 1-6 15.

Shorey, H.H. and R.L. Hale. 1965. Mass-rearing of the larvae of nine noctuid species on a simple artificial medium. Journal of Economic Entomology 58: 522-524.

Tanigoshi, L.K., B.B. Bai, and T.A. Murray. 1998. Biology and control of the exotic cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana. Oregon Department of Agriculture Interim Project Report, 1998

van Dijken, M.J. and J.J.M. van Alphen. 1998. The ecological significance of differences in host detection behaviour in coexisting parasitoid species. Ecological Entomology 23: 265-270

van Driesche, R.G. and M. Hoddle. 1997. Should arthropod parasitoids and predators be subject to host range testing when used as biological control agents? Agriculture and Human Values 14: 21 1-226

Vet, L.E.M. and M. Dicke. 1992. Ecology of infochemical use by natural enemies in a tritrophic context. Annual Review of Entomology 37: 14 1- 172

Vet, L.E.M., F.L. Wackers, and M. Dicke. 1991. How to hunt for hiding hosts: the reliability- detectability problem in foraging parasitoids. Netherlands Journal of Zoology 41: 202-2 13

Vinson, S.B. 1981. Habitat location. Pg. 5 1-77. In: Nordlund, D.A. (Ed.), Semiochemicals: their role in pest control. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.

Page 109: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Vinson, S.B. 1976. Host selection by insect parasitoids. Annual Review of Entomology 21:109- 133

Waage, J.K. 1979. Foraging for patchily-distributed hosts by the parasitoid, Nemeritis canescens. Journal of Animal Ecology 48: 3 53-37 1

Wapshere, A.J. 1974. A strategy for evaluating the safety of organisms for biological weed control. Annals of Applied Biology 77: 20 1-2 1 1

Page 110: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 4-1 Illustration of the static chamber olfactometer used in identifying sources of attractive odours in experiment 1. Gauze bags were suspended >5 cm away from all walls of the arena to reduce the chance of accidental discovery of treatment and control substrates by the parasitoid.

Page 111: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Suspended gauze bags holding treatment/control materials

(randomly assigned)

Entrance hole for parasitoid

Mid-point dividing line

Page 112: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 4-2 Response of Campoplex dubitator females to odours presented in a static chamber olfactometer. These figures show the response of parasitoids to cherry bark (2 * 0.2 g) (experiment 1: ~2 = 6.025; P = 0.014 ), host frass (0.20 h 0.05 g) (experiment 2: ~2 = 1.667; P = 0.197), and three naked Enarmonia formosana host larvae representing the third, fourth, and fifth instars (experiment 3: ~2 = 0.404; P = 0.525). A choice was determined based on a comparison of the total time spent on the treatment and control halves of the arena.

Page 113: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing


U) 20

B 0 .+1 15 U) m L x 10 y. 0

# 5

0 Bark Treatment Control

Odour source

Frass Treatment Control

Odour source

Larvae Control Treatment

Odour source

Page 114: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 4-3 Response of Campoplex dubitator females to odours released from host frass (2.5 g) versus uninfested cherry bark (2.5 g) in a Y-tube olfactometer (experiment 4). A "choice" was made when parasitoids walked to within 5 cm of the distal end of either arm. Parasitoids demonstrated a strong preference for frass-related volatiles ( ~ 2 = 5.580; P = 0.01 8).

Page 115: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Frass Cherry Bark

Odour source

Page 116: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 4- 1 Summary of olfactory experiments investigating the response of Campoplex dubitator to volatiles associated with the host and host habitat.

Page 117: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Experiment Materials tested n Olfactometer Used

1 uninfested cherry bark (2.0 g) vs. 27 static chamber


host frass (0.02 g) vs. 20 static chamber


3 host larvae vs.


20 static chamber *

4 uninfested cherry bark (2.5 g) vs. 46 Y-tube **

cherry bark and host frass mixture (2.5 g)

Static chamber olfactometers involve a simple box design without airflow.

** Y-tube olfactometers use airflow to ensure that the parasitoids are exposed to odours

from the test materials.

Page 118: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 4-2 Effect of mating status on the response of foraging female Campoplex dubitator to stimuli in an olfactometer.

Page 119: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Mating Proportion

Treatment status n choosing treatment z P

Uninfested cherry bark mated 16 81.3

(2.0 g) unmated 11 82.0 0.0461 0.963

Host frass (0.2 g) mated 9 0.89

(digested cherry bark) unmated 11 0.55 1.655 0.098

E. formosana larvae mated 9 0.78

(third, fourth & fifth instar) unmated 11 0.55 1.087 0.277

Page 120: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CHAPTER 5 Oviposition behaviour and patch time allocation

of Campoplex dubitator


Behavioural ecologists have described a number of patch leaving rules that parasitoids may

employ to determine the optimal residence time for a given patch. The current experiments

illustrate the flexibility of foraging behaviour of the ichneumonid wasp, Campoplex dubitator

Horstrnann. I tested the hypothesis that this parasitoid regulates the time it allocates to exploiting

a patch based on an initial assessment of host density and ovipositions into hosts. An ethogram

was constructed to portray C. dubitator behaviour prior to and immediately following oviposition.

The pre-oviposition behavioural sequence was highly structured. In contrast, behavioural

transitions became less predictable after oviposition, providing the parasitoids with an option to

abandon the patch or resume searching for new hosts. On average, C. dubitator females spent

more time on patches with higher host densities. Host encounters caused a significant reduction in

the leaving tendency. This effect was stronger when the encounters led to successful ovipositions.

The giving up time was only slightly affected by host encounters. Campoplex dubitator appears

to have only a marginal ability to distinguish between occupied and empty host tunnels, since

37% of all host frass tubes that were probed contained no larvae. Similarly, C. dubitator may not

effectively discriminate against already-parasitised hosts. Overall, 35% of all successful attacks

on hosts were cases of superparasitism.

Page 121: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

5.1 Introduction

The hosts of most parasitoids occur in aggregations composed of variable numbers of

individuals (Godfray, 1994). A parasitoid, having encountered a host patch, must effectively

estimate the relative quality of that patch in order to maximise exploitation efficiency. The

parasitoid's perception of patch quality may be critical for determining how much time to spend

searching for hosts before leaving. Behavioural ecologists have proposed theoretical models to

predict the optimal residence time a parasitoid should allocate to a patch it encounters. The most

well known of these, for example, is the marginal value theorem (Charnov, 1976), which states

that a forager should abandon a patch when the rate of fitness gain in the patch falls below a

marginal value. This threshold should be equal to the mean rate of fitness gain in all the available

patches in the environment. A parasitic wasp should adjust its tendency to exit based on

information it collects while on the patch. But how does a single forager know when the quality

o f a patch has been reduced to a point where it is adaptive to seek new patches? The eariiest

models assumed parasitoids knew the distribution of all hosts and host patches (van Alphen et al.,

2003). Since this was unlikely, it was hypothesised that they must follow certain rules that will

provide the flexibility needed for optimal patch residence times in a heterogeneous environment.

More recently, studies have shown some of the specific mechanisms that allow parasitoids to

determine optimum patch-leaving strategies (van Alphen et al., 2003). A wasp's experiences

during foraging, such as encounters with healthy or already-parasitised hosts (Nelson and

Roitberg, 1995; Wajnberg et al., 2000), have been postulated to provide the information

necessary to evaluate patch quality.

Two distinct behavioural mechanisms that have been demonstrated by parasitoid species

include the incremental and decremental effects of an experience such as oviposition in or on a

healthy host. A mechanism is called incremental when the oviposition leads to an increase in

patch time (decrease in the leaving tendency). This phenomenon has been demonstrated in a

number of parasitic wasp species (Waage, 1979; van Alphen and Galis, 1983; Hemerik et al.,

1993; Nelson and Roitberg, 1995; Wajnberg et al., 2000). In contrast, ovipositions into healthy

hosts may also cause a decrease in patch time (increase in the leaving tendency) (Driessen et a[.,

1995; Wajnberg et al., 1999; Tenhumberg et al., 2001). This is a decremental mechanism.

The existence of opposite responses to the same experience (incremental versus decrernental

effects) suggests that features of a particular parasitoid-host interaction may govern which types

of decision rules are most appropriate. For instance, Iwasa et al. (198 1) proposed that patch


Page 122: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

departure mechanisms should be determined by the distribution of hosts in the environment.

Parasitoids searching for hosts in an aggregated distribution should decrease the leaving tendency

with each oviposition while those foraging for evenly distributed hosts should be more likely to

leave a patch following each oviposition.

In theory, an incremental mechanism would be used in situations where the forager has only a

poor estimate of patch quality (Driessen and Bernstein, 1999). In this way, as long as the prey

encounter rate is high, a rich patch will not be left prematurely. This same mechanism will also

prevent the foraging animal from allocating too much time to a low quality patch. In contrast,

when the forager is well informed of patch value, prey captures indicate a loss in the future

quality of the patch, and a decremental mechanism would allegedly be most suitable (Driessen

and Bemstein, 1999). Some species may even switch from one decision rule to another within a

patch (O~.!treman et al. 2901~) or hetween patch visitsj based on bnst distribution patterns (see

Driessen et al., 1995).

The study of patch foraging by parasitoids and predators has been hindered by conceptual

hurdles from the outset. A universal problem has arisen in the process of identifying and

describing the patch itself (Addicott et al, 1987). Hassell and Southwood (1978) recognised three

fundamental hierarchical levels within a forager's environment: habitat, food patch, and food

item. These three scales of foraging may pertain to any predator seeking prey, or, as in the case

here, any parasitoid searching for hosts. While the boundaries of both the largest scale (habitat)

and finest scale (host) of this hierarchy can typically be identified without excessive argument,

those of the food/host patch are more obscure. Between the habitat and the hosts, there may be

one or more intermediate levels over which a parasitoid searches for its host targets. The

existence and shape of these transitional patches is determined by the forager's perception of its

surroundings (Hassell and Southwood, 1978), and not necessarily by the physical distribution of

host entities or the arbitrary lines drawn by the observer. The ability to detect aggregative

responses by parasitoids may be influenced by the scale at which interactions are observed

(Heads and Lawton, 1983; Ayal, 1987; Tenhumberg et al., 2001). To generate an adaptive

explanation for patch exploitation by a parasitoid, it is necessary to conduct the investigation of

foraging behaviour at the appropriate level.

Previously, considerable effort had been made to give a general definition to the appropriate

patch level, with each attempt contributing something new to the description (Wiens, 1976;


Page 123: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Hassell and Southwood, 1978; Waage, 1978; Waage, 1979; Ayal, 1987; Addicott et al, 1987). A

definition combining the suggestions of these authors was adopted for the current study. The

patch of interest was considered to be a basic unit of the environment containing a stimulus that

elicits characteristic arrestment behaviour in the searching parasitoids and within which a species

must demonstrate a patterned search programme shaped by natural selection. Finally, there are no

constraints on patch size or internal homogeneity. Tenhumberg et al. (2001) also highlight the

importance of properly identifying patch-leaving behaviour.

The aim of the current study was to examine patch use by the koinobiotic endoparasitoid

Campoplex cf. dubitator Horstmann (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), using one proposed patch

definition. This parasitoid attacks the larvae of the cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana

Scopoli (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). As the name suggests, the cherry bark tortrix (hereafter

referred to as CBT) larvae feed on the phloem tissues of cherry and other rosaceous t r e e

(Roediger, 1956), and are thus concealed beneath the protective outer bark. The CBT has a

relatively uniform distribution throughout a European orchard (treating each tree as a cell), but

within a tree, it tends to be highly aggregated within the bottom 40 cm of the trunk. By treating

the trunk base as a host patch (therefore, one patch per cell), we revealed that percent parasitism

by C. dubitator in the field can decrease with increasing host density (Chapter 2). This pattern of

inverse density dependence could result from a decremental mechanism or even a weak

incremental mechanism, each of which might lead to patch departure before the parasitoid has

thoroughly exploited the patch.

Elucidation of the causal mechanisms that determine patch time could therefore be useful in

understanding the inverse density dependent response observed under field conditions. The

experiments described in this paper also provide insight into the ability of C. dubitator to

distinguish between host galleries and frass tubes that contain a host and those that have been

abandoned by CBT larvae. In the field, at any one time, a high proportion of CBT frass tubes are,

in fact, empty. Parasitoids are expected to reject these because time spent investigating an empty

gallery is time wasted, which means a substantial decrease in foraging efficiency. Campoplex

dubitator's ability to discriminate against parasitised hosts and the implications this has on patch

foraging strategies is also discussed.

Before investigating foraging behaviour at the patch level, however, it was necessary to

identi@ parasitoid behaviours associated with parasitism of CBT hosts. Prior to this study of C.

11 1

Page 124: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

dubitator foraging behaviour, nothing was known about this species' host acceptance or rejection

behaviour. Also, determining when an oviposition had taken place was complicated. Most

ovipositor insertions into hosts are extremely rapid and typically happen only once per host. This

is in contrast to the oviposition behaviour described for many other parastic wasps (Godfray,

1994), which often have lengthy host handling times and may repeatedly probe their hosts with

their ovipositors. An ethological approach was taken to describe the behavioural sequence

displayed by C. dubitator females during an oviposition event. The behaviour of C. dubitator

immediately before, during, and immediately after oviposition is described here. A catalogue of

behavioural categories was developed to depict typical successions of behaviours associated with

oviposition. An ethogram also was created to illustrate the sequence of behaviours during this

final phase of host search. The intent of indexing oviposition behaviour was to identify

behaviours that are linked with either successful or failed ovipositions, to assist in recognising

nvip~sitions i n the patch fnraging experiment;

5.2 Materials and Methods

5.2.1 Study Organisms

CBT specimens were obtained from field collections in the German Black Forest and

northwest Switzerland throughout the summer in 2002 while experiments were run. The larvae

were reared on a meridic pinto bean-based diet, modified from Shorey and Hale (1965), at the

CAB1 Bioscience Centre in Delemont, Switzerland. Larvae and pupae were labelled and kept

solitarily and monitored for parasitoid emergence. ,411 immature CBT were kept a: 23*2" C under

a 16L:SD photoperiod. Every larva used in these experiments was taken from the laboratory

culture to ensure that the hosts were not parasitised previous to the trials.

All C. dubitator parasitoid adults eclosing from the CBT hosts were placed into plastic

cylindrical cages (10 cm height x 10 cm diameter) with honey and water on the day of

emergence. Females were kept individually while males, depending on emergence dates, were

kept either singly or in groups of two to five. Within three days of eclosion, females were placed

with males for short periods to facilitate mating. Females that were not mated under observation

were placed into adult parasitoid cages with 2 or 3 males until needed for the experiment. Hence,

all female parasitoids were assumed to have mated before use in the experiment. Following

mating trials, C. dubitator females were given host larvae for oviposition experience. AS with the

mating trials, all oviposition events were observed and the oviporition history of each parasitoid

was recorded. All females were provided with hosts for oviposition one day prior to the


Page 125: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

oviposition tests. This egg-laying opportunity was provided because experienced females were

known to be more responsive to hosts.

5.2.2 Experiment I: Description of Oviposition Behaviour

Host larvae were prepared by placing them into 5.5 cm Petri dishes with freshly cut sections

of cherry bark 2 to 3 days before the experiment. Each Petri dish held one fourth or fifth instar

larva on a single segment of bark (3 cm x 4 cm). During this pre-experimental period, the larvae

were permitted to feed on the bark. This length of time was sufficient for the larvae to produce

large frass tubes, yet was short enough to ensure that the larvae did not burrow too deeply into the

bark for parasitoids to reach.

A bark segment containing a single feeding host with an established frass tube was placed

into the centre of a 10 cm Petri dish with the host'< frasq tube and feeding gallery facing upward.

Fine sand was poured and packed firmly into the arena around the bark so that only the upper

surface of the cherry bark was exposed to the parasitoid. This reduced the surface area and was

assumed to increase the likelihood of successful parasitism. For each trial, a single experienced

parasitoid was placed into the arena on the underside of the lid of the Petri dish. The parasitoid

was then allowed to discover the bark and host larvae through its own search behaviour. Formal

observations began with the initiation of search by the parasitoid and ended when the wasp

attempted to fly away from the test area. Trials were always conducted between 11:OO and 19:00

(6 August to 16 September) at 22 * 2' C with ambient relative humidity.

Eight discrete behavioural categories were used to describe the foraging behaviour of C.

dubitator females leading up to, during, and following oviposition. A description of these

behaviours is given below.

1 . Walking: A rapid, primarily phototactic movement without orientation toward the host

target. Parasitoid exhibits a low turning frequency with antennae straight and held at a 25-45'

angle to the substrate.

2. Searching: Walking with frequent turning in response to volatile or tactile cues. This

typically occurs when the parasitoid first encounters cherry bark or is close to a host frass tube.

Antennae are often waved in circular motions presumably to sample the air, interrupted by brief

contacts with the substrate, which the parasitoid paipates with its antenna1 tips.

Page 126: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

3. Probing: In association with continuous antenna1 palpation of host frass and strong

klinokinesis, the parasitoid arches its abdomen and rapidly probes the interior of the frass tube

with its unsheathed ovipositor. While probing, the parasitoid walks along the surface of the frass

tube. Once reaching the end of the frass substrate, the parasitoid typically turns 180" and

continues to probe the same frass tube.

4. Oviposition: Is always preceded by probing activity. Oviposition occurs extremely rapidly

and is not easily identified by observers. Under normal conditions where hosts are fully

concealed, they are neither paralysed nor handled by the wasp during parasitism.

5. Checking: A tactile investigation of the host's frass tube and surrounding area. The

parasitoid repeatedly contacts the frass and surrounding bark substrate with its mouthparts and

antennae. This behaviour presumably facilitates recognition of the frass tube to avoid self-

superparasirism in case o f a future encounter witin rhe same faecai pouch.

6. Grooming: Self-preening by the wasp. This behaviour includes cleaning of the antennae,

abdomen, wings, and legs.

7 . Resting: A sedentary phase, during which the parasitoid remains motionless. Antennae

tend to be held together, directly in front of the parasitoid's body, with no waving or trembling.

Slight abdominal movements are sometimes noticeable, suggesting the parasitoid may be

preparing itself physiologically for an oviposition.

8. Leaving: Rapid walking, running, or flying, often a phototactic response or otherwise

random movement. Antennae are straight and held at a 25-45' angle to the substrate. Parasitoid

may travel several centimetres before turning. This behaviour signals the termination of the

oviposition series; it suggests a loss of interest in the host and host frass by the parasitoid.

The interaction of the parasitoid and its host in the test arena was observed through a

binocular microscope and was recorded using event-recording software (The Observer 2.0) with

0.1 s time resolution. Neither intense nor natural light is required to motivate oviposition

behaviour (pers. obs.); therefore, a light level suitable for observation was used (650 LUX;

Philips projection lamp type 13 186, 14.5 V, 90 W, GX5.3). For each individual parasitoid, the

sequence and duration of behaviours was recorded from two consecutive parasitism events. The

stung host from the first trial was always replaced with a healthy larva on new bark prior to

commencing the second run. A total of 28 C. dubitator females were used to generate an


Page 127: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

ethogam of oviposition behaviour. The frequency of transitions from one behaviour to any other

was averaged from the two observed ovipositicns with each female. The averages taken from

each parasitoid were then pooled and the frequencies associated with transitions from one

behaviour to another were organised into two contingency tables to create 1''- order transition

probability matrices as described by Fagen and Young (1978). The first matrix included

behaviours demonstrated only up until the moment of oviposition, while the second consisted of

transitions occurring after the egg laying event. To provide equal weighting to the individual

behaviours in each matrix, the modification of Charlton and Card6 (1990) was applied. Self-

transitions and impossible transitions were left as blanks. Also, transitions displayed by only a

single individual were excluded from the matrix. These probabilities were ultimately used to

construct an ethograrn of the interaction between C. dubitator and the CBT. A X2 analysis was

applied to determine whether the probability of certain behavioural transitions differed from

random, both before and after ovipositinn.

5.2.3 Experiment 11: Patch Residence Time

For C. dubitator, the elementary unit of foraging was considered to be the area of bark over

which a parasitoid would search for hosts while walking. This description was based on early

observations of foraging C. dubitator females. In the field, these parasitoids were observed to

hover around the bases of trunks, within 5-10 cm of the bark surface. Upon detection of host

frass, the parasitoids landed (arrestment) at the site of host infestation and resorted to a walking

search, which incorporated tactile cues. If a wasp walked approximately 10-1 5 cm away from the

last host without encountering more (patch boundary), it usually turned sharply and returned to

the previously discovered hosts before walking in a new direction. If no more hosts were

encountered with this search pattern, the parasitoid was likely to fly off the bark. Thus, the actual

size of a patch was determined by the distribution of larval hosts. If five CBT larvae were tightly

aggregated around a bark wound, the patch size would be considerably smaller than if those same

larvae were strung out in a line at 10 cm intervals. This idea of a patch was likened to the base of

a tree trunk, while the entire tree would be considered as a "super-patch". The surface area of the

patches used in experiment 2 was equivalent to, or greater than, the area typically covered by

these parasitoids during a patch visit (defined as the time spent on the bark between arrestment

and migration from the patch by flying).

Host patches containing mid to late instar larvae of the CBT were prepared using cherry logs

which were cut from either the bole or the lower limb of a wild-growing cherry tree (Prunus


Page 128: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

miurn). All sections of the tree selected for use in this experiment were free of CBT damage prior

to manual infestation. To reduce desiccation of the wood, the sawed ends of each log were

painted with a tree-pruning paint (MioPlant, Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, Zurich) known not

to deter either CBT larvae or foraging parasitoids (pers. obs.). The logs were also set upright on

one end in a shallow container holding approximately 2 cm of water. Predetermined numbers of

larvae were then transferred to the cherry logs. The upper cut surface was covered with a gauze

cap, secured with an elastic band, to block larval access to the saw wounds. The host larvae were,

therefore, allowed to distribute themselves over the log in a natural fashion. This resulted in a

tendency for the larvae to enter the bark through small lesions or around the nodes of stems.

While there appeared to be some clustering of feeding larvae (>1 frass tube within a 1-3 cm

radius), many larvae established feeding galleries more than 5 cm away from the nearest

neighbour. Larvae were left to develop in the cherry logs for several days before the logs were

fi~pd in plrasitoid feraging trials.

Four density categories were used to classify the number of CBT larvae on a given log. These

were: 0 larvae, 1-5 larvae, 6-10 larvae, and 11-15 larvae. At the start of each test, all the host

larvae were concealed within their feeding galleries. The actual larval density on the log was not

known until dissection of the cherry bark following the trial. Nor did the observer know the

occupancy status of the various frass tubes on the log before the larvae were extracted from the

feeding tunnels after the trial. Immediately following every foraging trial, the log used in the

experiment was dissected to collect all larvae from the bark and determine their exact

distribution. These hosts were subsequently reared out under laboratory conditions (see

description of rearing) to verify whether parasitism had occurred and to record the sex of the

resulting parasitoid progeny.

Immediately prior to testing, each C dubitator female was placed into a 5.5 cm Petri dish

with a small amount of frass. This was to test the responsiveness of the parasitoids to host-related

stimuli and to ensure that they were physically capable of detecting and parasitising their hosts

(Nelson and Roitberg, 1995). This process also served to standardise the parasitoids before they

entered the trial in that they were, in a sense, "activated" by the host-related cues in the frass.

Before entering the arena, the parasitoids had already done most of the grooming and cocking

actions necessary to prepare eggs for oviposition, which in some cases may take several minutes.

Parasitoids that did nct probe the frass tube during this preliminary test were not used in the



Page 129: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Trials were run between 8:30 and 20:OO (29 May to 20 September) at 22 * 2" C with ambient

relative humidity. The test arena was centered beneath the only light source in the room: 3 tubes

providing fluorescent "Cool White" illumination (Osram L 36W120, 2200 LUX). For each

replicate in this experiment, a single prepared cherry log was placed into the centre of a

transparent plexi-glass arena (70 x 70 x 70 cm). Five minutes later, a C. dubitator female was

transported to the corner of the arena in a plastic vial (7 cm height x 1.5 cm diameter). Each

experimental parasitoid and cherry log was used only once. The experiment began once the

parasitoid landed on the log, at which point it began to walk over the surface of the cherry bark in

search of hosts. Every trial was continuously observed until the parasitoid flew away from the

log. The following parameters were measured while the parasitoid remained in the host patch:

- total time spent foraging on patch

- time between patch encounter (or last ovipo~itionj and departure from patch

(giving up time: GUT)

- frequency and duration of probing events at individual frass tubes

- number of successful and failed oviposition attempts

- initial and final rates of host encounters

- initial and final rates of oviposition

Successful ovipositions were identified by the behavioural pattern associated with oviposition, as

described in the results section for the preceding experiment. The collection of these data allowed

the calculation of search efficiency and density response, as well as an investigation of the

tendency to self-superparasitise hosts. The Proportional Hazards Model

The patch leaving mechanisms employed by C. dubitator females were analysed using Cox's

proportional hazards model. The model is constructed in terms of the hazard rate, which is the

probability per unit time that a certain event (failure) occurs, given that it has not already

happened. For this experiment, the hazard rate refers to a parasitoid's tendency to leave a

foraging patch. Therefore, leaving the patch is defined as a failure.

The likelihood that a wasp will depart from a patch is assumed to be modified by certain

characteristics of the patch as well as by experiences the wasp has while on the patch. The effect

of these pre-defined factors (covariates) can be explained by the following equation:

Page 130: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing


where h(t) is the observed hazard rate, h,(t) is the baseline hazard (assumed to depend only on

time, and therefore corresponds to the scenario in which all covariates are equal to zero), t is the

time elapsed since the female entered the patch, and PI, ... P, are the regression coefficients giving

the relative contributions of the covariates. The strength of the effect of each covariate can be

determined by the exponential term (exp(P)), known as the hazard ratio. A hazard ratio greater

than one will indicate an increasing effect on the females' patch leaving tendencies, while a

hazard ratio lower than one would suggest parasitoids become less likely to leave. A more

thorough description of this model can be found in the literature dealing with survival analysis

(Kalbfleisch and Prentice, 1980).

Seven covariates were included in the proportional hazards model: host density, number of

frass tube encounters without oviposition, number of frass tube encounters with oviposition,

initial rate of encounter, final rate of encounter, initial rate of oviposition, and final rate of

oviposition. The significant effects of the covariates were tested with a likelihood ratio test. The

regression modelling was performed with SPSS 1 1.5 (Novell).

5.3 Results

5.3.1 Experiment I: Description of Oviposition Behaviour

Of the 28 females used in this experiment, all but three were successful in locating and

stinging their hosts. When parasitism was successful, the oviposition event lasted, on average, 0.8

seconds (0.3-2.3). The delivery of a parasitoid egg into the host must therefore happen nearly

instantaneously after the ovipositor pierces the larva's integument. At no point after ovipositor

insertion does the host larva suffer paralysis.

In the initial search phase leading up to oviposition into the host, the behavioural sequence of

C. dubitator appeared fixed, with a high predictability of the behavioural transitions. The most

typical behavioural sequence involved walking up to the infested bark substrate, locating the

host's frass tube, and probing for the host through the faecal material, which ultimately led to

oviposition. While the steps of this sequence did vary in some cases, such as the inclusion of

short resting periods between bouts of searching and probing, this variance was not substantial (as

indicated by the thickness of the arrows in Figure 5-1).


Page 131: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Following stinging of the host, the parasitoid action pattern lost its structure and

predictability. For this phase of the foraging process, it is not possible to define the most common

sequence of actions. Parasitoids almost always checked the substrate immediately after

oviposition, but following that, there was an approximately equal likelihood that they would

groom (29%), rest (27%), or resume probing the same frass tube (25%). This higher variability in

transitions is illustrated by the increased number and reduced thickness of the arrows in the post-

oviposition phase of Figure 5-1. Further probing of the host's frass tube following oviposition

occurred in 47% of the trials, but of these, only 23% resulted in a second successf~d oviposition

into the same host. On average, the females left the host site 74 seconds (5-289) following

oviposition (after the second oviposition, in instances with superparasitism).

. . The mean probabilities ~.rsed to generate the ethogram m F~gure - 1 are fm!nd in Tah!~ - 1

(pre-oviposition) and Table 5-2 (post-oviposition). The foraging process was divided into the pre-

and post-oviposition segments to illustrate the variation in transition probabilities before and after

parasitism of the host. Tables 5-1 and 5-2 also provide the chi-square statistics associated with the

pre- and post-oviposition behaviours, respectively.

5.3.2 Experiment 11: Patch Residence Time

As can be seen in Figure 5-2, C. dubitator females spent more time on patches with higher

numbers of hosts (ANOVA: F = 17.232, df = 3, P < 0.00 1). However, percent parasitism

remained constant at around 35% despite changing host densities (Figure 5-3) (r2 = 0.045, P =

0.222, n = 34). When hosts were present, the parasitoids always examined and probed at least one

of the frass tubes. On average, the parasitoid examined 57% * 4% SE of all the available frass

tubes on a patch. This proportion of frass tubes discovered was independent of the total number

of tubes in the patch (r2 = 0.02, P = 0.4661, n = 34). Parasitoids often re-encountered and re-

probed frass tubes that had been probed earlier in the foraging period; 5 1 % of all frass tube

encounters resulting in probing were with frass tubes that had already been probed at least once.

Correspondingly, of the total time allocated to probing, 46% was spent probing re-encountered

frass tubes. The frequency of re-probing events was significantly greater for trials with the

highest host densities (ANOVA: F = 5.634, df = 2, P = 0.009).

Ovipositions were observed in 26 of the 3 1 patch trials where at least one CBT larva was

present on the log. Parasitoids stung significantly more hosts when 5-10 or 11-15 larvae were


Page 132: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

present than when only 1-5 were available in the patch (ANOVA: F = 8.9 109, df = 2, p = 0.0 10).

Of the five trials in which no ovipositions occurred, four were with host density class 2 (1-5

larvae) and the fifth was with host density class 3 (6-10 larvae). Although the number of hosts

parasitised per trial increased with host density, there is no evidence that the rate of parasitism

was dependent on host density (Figure 5-3). This result was consistent regardless of whether

parasitism was calculated based on oviposition events noted during the experiment (F = 1 S73, df

= 1, P = 0.222) or based on F, parasitoid emergence (as was done for field-collected specimens,

see Chapter 2) (F = 1.73 1, df = 1, P = 0.21 1). All parasitism rate data were normalised with

arcsine transformation.

Campoplex dubitator females may have a marginal ability to distinguish between occupied

versus abandoned frass tubes. Based on trials in which there was at least one empty and one

occ,ipied f ras tube ( n = M), 63% of the f r a s t u h e a wasp encountered contrined host ! z~ :2e ,

while on average, only 52% of all the frass tubes available actually held hosts. This difference,

however, is not statistically significant (z-test: z = 0.862, P = 0.389). From the 18 replicates in

which more than one oviposition occurred, 11 had cases of self-superparasitism, of which nine

were from trials with the highest host density. Overall, 35% of all successful host attacks were

instances of superparasitism during the same patch visit.

A proportional hazards model was fitted to the patch foraging data to determine the patch

leaving mechanisms used by these parasitoids. Table 5-3(a) gives the estimated effect of all the

covariates that had a significant impact on the time spent on the patch by each parasitoid. The

following terms were automatically removed from the model when found not to have an effect on

patch time: initial frass tube encounter rate, final frass tube encounter rate, initial oviposition rate,

and final oviposition rate. The number of encounters with frass tubes and number of ovipositions

significantly influenced the duration of patch visits while host density had a marginal impact.

Each of the covariates remaining in the model reduced the leaving tendency of the parasitoid

(negative p-value), therefore increasing total patch time.

Using 0 host density as the reference level (baseline hazard), the leaving tendency was 86%,

94%, and 99% less in trials with 1-5, 6-1 0, and 1 1-1 5 hosts per patch, respectively. Encounters

with frass tubes without subsequent oviposition reduced the parasitoids' tendency to leave by a

factor of 0.96, while frass tube encounters leading to successful oviposition resulted in a further

Page 133: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

reduction of the leaving tendency by a factor of 0.8 1. This indicates that C. dubitator wasps use

an incremental mechanism in determining their patch residence time.

The Cox regression model was applied to the behavioural data a second time to assess the

effect of the same seven covariates on the GUT of the female wasps. Table 5-3(b) shows that only

a single covariate, the number of frass tube encounters without oviposition, affected the amount

of time between patch encounter (or last oviposition) and departure from the patch. The more

frass tubes that were discovered, the less likely a wasp was to leave the log in the final stage of its

patch visit, however, the effect was not strong (leaving tendency only 2% smaller after frass tube


5.4 Discussion

5.4.1. Experiment I: Description of C)viposition Behaviour

The pre-oviposition and post-oviposition ethograms for C. dubitator behaviour clearly show a

higher predictability of transitions between actions before a host has been parasitised. In the pre-

oviposition sequence, certain actions were not expressed, including grooming, checking, and

leaving behaviour. It must be noted, however, that Figure 5-1 is based only on sequences in

which parasitoids were successful in parasitising their hosts. In situations where parasitoids

attempt, but fail, to sting their hosts, they may groom while resting, and at some point after giving

up, will inevitably leave. Such cases with attempted, but unsuccessful attacks on hosts were

observed repeatedly in experiment 2 and are likely quite common in the field where a large

proportion of CBT tunnels are abandoned or larvae are too deep inside the bark to be reached.

One parasitoid action that did have a relatively fixed position in the behavioural sequence

following oviposition was the host assessment (checking) behaviour. This unique behaviour never

occurred unless the wasp had struck the host with its ovipositor. It is not clear why parasitoids

perform the oral dabbing activity, called "checking". It may result in the application of a chemical

marker to the frass tube and surrounding bark, as is shown with other parasitoids attacking

concealed hosts (Potting et al., 1997; Hoffmeister, 2000; Hoffmeister and Roitberg 2002).

However, C. dubitator is not known to effectively discriminate between healthy and parasitised

hosts (see results for experiment 2). A second plausible explanation relates to the associative

learning process, in which a parasitoid correlates certain stimuli with ovipositions (Godfray,

1994). Touching antennae and mouthparts to a host's faecal tube may function in allowing

females to "memorise" particular cues. Regardless of the reason for it, the checking behaviour is


Page 134: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

perhaps the only reliable indicator of successful parasitism. It is difficult to identify oviposition

events since no substantial host handling occurs and all other behaviours may be demonstrated

with or without oviposition.

The behavioural plasticity following oviposition may be an essential characteristic to achieve

optimal foraging since it is at this point that a parasitoid must decide what to do so that its fitness

is maximised. For instance, if the parasitoid is on a rich patch, it will benefit from remaining on

the patch rather than leaving directly after a successful attack. In contrast, if the parasitoid has

acquired sufficient patch information to know that the probability of finding another host is low,

its best option will be to abandon the patch without further search. As it is known that CBT patch

densities vary dramatically in the field (Chapter 2), the flexible post-oviposition behaviour

demonstrated by C. dubitator may be adaptive in allowing the parasitoids to respond optimally to

the cunent natrh n ~ i a l i t w . r-*-- -I-----J

5.4.2 Experiment 11: Patch Residence Time

Following Charnov's (1976) marginal value theorem, it is generally expected that a forager

will spend more time in patches that contain relatively more abundant resources. This study

examined the influence of host density and several intra-patch experiences on the patch leaving

behaviour of C. dubitator. These parasitoids remained longer in patches with greater host

densities. This was due to both the parasitoids' assessment of patch quality based on cues such as

levels of host-related kairomones (Waage, 1979) and experiences involving frass tube encounters

and ovipositions into hosts.

For C. dubitator, encounters with hosts and host frass tubes led to an increase in the patch

time (decrease in the leaving tendency). If C. dubitator females cannot effectively judge the

quality of a patch without actually sampling the hosts present, this sort of incremental mechanism

may serve them better in maximising their fitness within a patch. The timing of each successive

oviposition provides patch quality information and ultimately allows parasitoids to decide

whether they should remain on the patch (van Alphen et al., 2003). On cherry trees in central

Europe, the number of CBT larvae present on a tree may vary substantially. Approximately 30%

of those trees contain no larvae while 20% hold only one or two hosts and 16% have more than

10 hosts on the trunk (Chapter 2). When a wasp lands on a tree with no hosts, it will leave after a

fixed search time. This innate tendency to abandon a patch (baseline hazard) should be great

enough to ensure that no effort is wasted searching an empty patch, while allowing sufficient time


Page 135: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

for the parasitoid to actually encounter a host when there is one present. It is therefore a delicate

balance between time squandered and attempting to parasitise every available host.

It has been suggested that "searching time" is a more appropriate variable to measure than

"total patch residence time" if trying to relate parasitoid behaviour to natural patterns of

parasitism (Waage, 1983; Morrison, 1986; Roermund et al., 1994; Nelson and Roitberg, 1995). In

the host-parasitoid system presented here, however, the non-search behaviours (resting,

grooming, and oviposition) were considered to have an insignificant impact on total time. That is,

"searching time", including olfactory, tactile, and visual search, did not differ greatly from "total

foraging time". Parasitoids spent nearly the entire patch time either probing discovered frass tubes

or searching the bark for new hosts. Whether this was an artifact of the experimental design is

unclear. But as the oviposition process is extremely rapid, host-handling time was virtually non-

existect. Simi!ar!y, bzuts cf restizg 2zd grzzmizg were very brief when they did sccur. 12

conclusion, "total foraging time" was selected as an accurate currency of foraging effort.

In contrast to some previous patch foraging behaviour studies relying on arbitrary definitions

of patch departure (Waage, 1979; van Alphen and Galis, 1983; Haccou et al., 199 1 ), determining

when the C. dubitator forager actually leaves the patch was simple. Abandonment of the patch,

due to habituation of the arrestment stimulus (Waage, 1979), was consistently associated with

obvious migratory flight behaviour. This patch-leaving flight differed greatly from the much

more brief (1-3 second) flights between points within the patch. The migratory (patch-leaving)

behaviour appeared to consist of an overriding phototactic response and drew the parasitoid to the

extreme edges of the test arena, well away from the infested log.

The number of frass tubes present on each experimental log was typically greater than the

number of CBT larvae. This was because, prior to the trials, the larval hosts occasionally

abandoned their initial feeding galleries, supposedly to find more profitable sites. This is

consistent with patterns observed in the field and results in an over-representative number of frass

tubes for the number of larvae present in the system. Nonetheless, the number of frass tubes per

log was linearly correlated with the actual host density per log (ANOVA: y = 4.1080 + 1.3999x,

r2 = 0.61, P < 0.001). This phenomenon was therefore not considered to be a problem while

assessing patch residence times.

Page 136: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

A fundamental assumption underlying the marginal value theorem is that as a parasitic wasp

oviposits into the available hosts over time, the patch's productivity decreases (Charnov, 1976).

While declining patch quality is evident to predators through a reduced prey encounter rate,

parasitoids must deal with problems associated with re-encountering already parasitised hosts

because those hosts remain in the system. For instance, valuable time may be lost inspecting and

rejecting already parasitised hosts, or for species that cannot discriminate against such hosts, both

time and eggs may be wasted through superparasitism. Hence, the marginal value theorem

suggests that parasitoids should typically exit a patch before all hosts have been exploited.

Campoplex dubitator does not handle its hosts to assess them, but instead appears to rely on

recognition of the frass tubes of hosts it has already parasitised. This means that no time is lost in

handling hosts and additional time can be saved by not probing frass tubes containing already-

parasitised host. When host discrimination by C. dubitator does occur, it happens prior to probing

with the o v i p i t n r . A fe'~ma!e wil! &ten parasitise m!y cnce in a gix:: frzss +;be h~!ding o host.

If the parasitised larva is transferred to a new frass tube, it will likely be re-attacked. In contrast, a

healthy host may be rejected if it is placed into a frass tube that the wasp has already oviposited

into (pers. obs.). Superparasitism events were not included as a covariate in the proportional

hazards model since any attempts by a wasp to oviposit are interpreted to mean that the parasitoid

does not recognise that a host has already been parasitised. Based on the frequency of re-attacks

on already-parasitised hosts in this experiment, C. dubitator females appear to have a poor ability

to distinguish between frass tubes of healthy hosts and those of parasitised hosts. These

parasitoids thus risk wasting eggs through superparasitism. It is argued that parasitoids with an

imperfect ability to discriminate between healthy and already-attacked hosts may favour early

patch leaving to avoid self-superparasitism (Rosenheim and Mangel, 1994; Outreman et al.,

2001). Such behaviour could, in turn, create a pattern of inverse density dependence as was

observed from the earlier field surveys (Chapter 2).

The individual foraging strategy demonstrated in experiment 2 (Figure 5-3) cannot be scaled

up to explain the strong pattern of inverse density dependence in field parasitism by C. dubitator.

This might suggest that there are additional external factors that influence the final outcome of

parasitism in the field. There are at least four possible explanations for the inconsistency between

field and laboratory findings. First, the cherry logs prepared for experiment 2 had fundamental

differences from living cherry trees, which may have caused females to use a modified foraging

strategy. For instance, the patch surface area of the experimental logs was substantially smaller

than the actual tree bases surveyed in the field. A greater patch size may result in fewer host re-


Page 137: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

encounters, thus changing the dynamics of the foraging process significantly. Perhaps more

importantly, a large cherry tree in the field might consist of a few separate aggregations of CBT

larvae, which a wasp would perceive as several smaller elementary units of foraging. Because the

density dependent response calculated from field data used the entire basal section of cherry trees,

several "patches" may have been considered at once. This approach may not give an accurate

indication of parasitoid effort (Heads and Lawton, 1983; Ayal, 1987), particularly if a wasp left a

tree before exploiting all the host patches present.

Second, it must also be noted that percent parasitism in experiment 2 was calculated from the

action of a single foraging parasitoid, which visited the host patch only once. In contrast, it cannot

be known from the available field data whether the parasitism on a particular tree was inflicted by

one or more females and during one or several patch visits. Therefore, despite having possibly

dmng patch !paving ru!q a d d i t i ~ n ~ ! er?virnnrt?enta! fzctors not tested experimect 2 =axr have --- --- J

contributed to the inverse density dependent pattern observed in the field.

Third, the method for calculating percent parasitism might have been a source of variation

when studying density dependence (Driesche, 1983). The inverse density dependent relationship

between parasitism rate and host density shown in Chapter 2 was calculated using data from field

collections. This approach is believed to underestimate the actual impact of parasitoids on the

host population since any early host death resulting from parasitism goes undetected. Also, this

procedure does not clearly indicate the foraging effort made by parasitoids that have visited host

patches on cherry trees. That is, a parasitoid may successfully attack half the hosts on a patch

before leaving, but due to factors such as failed parasitoid development, perhaps only a fraction

of these will lead to the development of parasitoid progeny. Conversely, the calculation of

parasitism rate using the observed number of ovipositions will often overestimate parasitoid

impact, since not all parasitised hosts will yield parasitoid offspring (Chapter 3). In experiment 2,

both of these approaches of computing percent parasitism were used to examine their accuracy.

Ultimately, there was no evidence of any difference between the two. Each method failed to

detect any form of density dependence by C. dubitator.

A final possible explanation for the discrepancy in determining density dependence between

field and laboratory studies is the relatively small sample size from experiment 2. A more

detectable pzttern in the density response of C. dubitator may emerge if a much larger set of

replicates is run.

Page 138: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Past studies have shown that information gained from previous patch visits may affect a

forager's leaving tendency in subsequent patch encounters. For instance, Tenhumberg et a/.

(2001), Outreman et al. (200 l), and Wajnberg et al. (1 999) demonstrated that patch leaving

tendency increases with successive patch visits. Rhagoletispomonella Walsh (Diptera:

Tephritidae), although not an entomophagous insect, forages for oviposition sites much like a

parasitoid. The fruit hosts of this parasite are analogous to the sedentary larval hosts of a wasp

like C. dubitator. During the exploitation of a host patch, R. pomonella also risks wasting time in

re-encountering already infested hosts and must decide on the optimum moment to leave the

patch. Roitberg and Prokopy (1982) showed that R. pomonella flies remained in patches longer

when neighbouring trees (patches) were farther away. These observations of inter-patch effects

suggest that studies of patch residence time should consider the possible effects of factors such as

previous patch quality or inter-patch d i t a ~ c ~ . The experiment~! desisq eof the current stcdl~ J l l c d ....-..

only a single patch and the pre-experimental oviposition experiences of the test subjects were

standardised. It is conceivable that incorporating additional patches into the system would have

changed the wasps' leaving tendencies and may have even altered the overall effects of the

covariates in the Cox regression model. Most patch time tests to date have not included inter-

patch effects in the experimental structure. It is perhaps assumed that a parasitoid's baseline

hazard is an adaptation for the interaction with a particular host species, whose distribution

remains relatively constant over multiple generations. Wajnberg et al. (2000) used naive female

Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to demonstrate that

these parasitoids have innate patch leaving rules, which are, presumably, suited to the average

quality of patches they will encounter. Information gained from subsequent patch visits would

then allow the wasps to adjust their leaving tendencies accordingly.

Parasitoids must acquire information during patch visits to forage effectively in a

heterogeneous environment. To make adaptive decisions, they must compare current alternatives

with experiences they have had, and to be able to make such decisions, they must have flexibility

in their response to changing stimuli. This ability to modify search behaviour in response to

experiences within or even between patches should increase the overall efficiency of the

parasitoid species studied here. Campoplex dubitator is attracted to volatiles produced by even

uninfested cherry trees (Chapter 4) and may therefore search trees that are void of any suitable

hosts. The presence of host-rel~ted cues and host encounters, however, should ensure that females

spend more time on trees that do contain CBT larvae. It is now known that parasitoids obtain


Page 139: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

information from a vast array of sources (van Alphen et al., 2003). For C. dubitator, as with other

species, foraging decisions may also be based on environmental conditions (Roitberg et al.,

1993), competition with other parasitoids (Bernstein and Driessen, 1996), or inter-patch

experiences (Tenhumberg et al., 200 1).

In conclusion, the patch definition applied to experiment 2 was adequate for identifying some

of the patch leaving rules used by C. dubitator. A higher number of hosts per patch led to a

greater search effort, particularly as a result of host encounters. However, under this model, it was

not possible to ascertain how host density affects percent parasitism. While the results show a

density independent response, it is not certain that this is the true response or whether the analysis

was too weak to detect either direct or inverse density dependence. One likely improvement to the

current patch concept would be the incorporation of information from previous patch visits. As

&scnssed elr!ier, it i f i ~ ~ e ~ ~ a p t ~ ) rnnrliirt the inj~pstioatiofi of fcranirln h~bawingr the J --"---- --' D b" b "- '-"" appropriate spatial level in order to formulate an adaptive explanation for a parasitoid's patch

exploitation strategy.

Page 140: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

5.5 References

Addicott, J.F., J.M. Aho, MF. Antolin, D.K. Padilla, J.S. Richardson, and D.A. S&k. 1987. Ecological neighborhoods: scaling environmental patterns. Oikos 49: 340-346

Ayal, Y. 1987. The foraging strategy of Diaetetiella rapae: I. The concept of the elementary unit of foraging. Journal of Animal Ecology 56: 1057- 1068

Bernstein, C. and G. Driessen. 1996. Patch marking and optimal search patterns in the parasitoid Venturia canescens. Journal of Animal Ecology 65: 2 1 1-2 19

Charlton, R.E. and R.T. Carde. 1990. Behavioral Interactions in the courtship of Lymantria &spar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83: 89-96

Charnov, E.L. 1976. Optimal foraging: the marginal value theorem. Theoretical Population Biology 9: 129-136

Driessen, G. and C. Bernstein. 1999. Patch departure mechanisms and optimal host exploitation in an insect ~arasi toid .Joumnl of4nimnl Ecology 68. 445-459

Driessen, G., C. Bernstein, J.J.M. van Alphen, and A. Kacelnik. 1995. A count-down mechanism for host search in the parasitoid Venturia canescens. Journal of Animal Ecology 64: 1 17-125

Fagen, R.M. and D.Y. Young. 1978. Temporal patterns of behaviour: durations, intervals, latencies, and sequences. pg.79-114 In: Colgan, P.W. (Ed.) Quantitative Ethology. John Wiley & Sons, New York

Godfray, H.C.J. 1994. Parasitoids: Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton 473 pp.

Haccou, P., S.J. de Vlas, J.J.M. van Alphen, and M.E. Visser. 1991. Information processing by foragers: effects of intra-patch experience on the leaving tendency of Leptopilina heterotoma. Journal of Animal Ecology 60: 93-1 06

Hassell, M.P. and T.R.E. Southwood. 1978. Foraging strategies of insects. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 9: 75-98

Heads, P.A. and J.H. Lawton. 1983. Studies on the natural enemy complex of the holly leaf- miner: the effects of scale on the detection of aggregative responses and the implications for biological control. Oikos 40: 267-276

Hemerik, L., G. Driessen, and P. Haccou. 1993. Effects of intra-patch experiences on patch time, search time and searching efficiency of the parasitoid Leptopilina clavipes. Journal ofAnimal Ecology 62: 33-44

Hoffmeister, T.S. 2000. Marking decisions and host discrimination in a ~arasitoid adacking concealed hosts. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 1494-1499

Hoffmeister, T. and B. Roitberg. 2002. Evol~1tionar-y ecology of oviposition marking pheromones. Pg. 3 19-347 In: Hilker, M. and T. Meiner (Eds.) Chemoecology of Insect Eggs andEgg Deposition. Blackwell Press


Page 141: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Iwasa, Y., M. Higashi, and N. Yamamura. 198 1. Prey distribution as a factor determining the choice of optimal foraging strategy. The American Naturalist 117: 7 10-723

Kalbfleisch, J.D. and R.L. Prentice. 1980. The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data. Wiley, New York

Morrison, G. 1986. Stochastic aggregative responses and spatial patterns of parasitism in patchy host-parasitoid interactions. Oecologia 70: 402-4 10

Nelson, J.M. and B.D. Roitberg. 1995. Flexible patch time allocation by the leafminer parasitoid, Opius dimidiatus. Ecological Entomology 20: 245-2 52

Outreman, Y. A. Le Ralec, E. Wajnberg, J.S. Pierre. 2001. Can imperfect host discrimination explain partial patch exploitation in parasitoids? Ecological Entomology 26: 27 1-280

Potting, R.P.J, H.M. Snellen, and L.E.M. Vet. 1997. Fitness consequences of superparasitism and mechanism of host discrimination in the stemborer parasitoid Cotesia flavipes. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 82: 342-348

Roediger, H. 1956. Untersuchungen iiber den Rindenwickler Enarmonia woeberiana Schiff. (Lepid. Tortr.) Zeitschrlftfir Angewandte Entomologie 38 : 1 95-3 2 1

Roermund, H.J.W., L. Hemerik, and J.C. van Lenteren. 1994. Influence of intrapatch experiences and temperature on the time allocation of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Journal of Insect Behaviour 7: 483-501

Roitberg, B.D. and R.J. Prokopy. 1982. Influence of intertree distance on foraging behaviour of Rhagoletis pomonella in the field. Ecological Entomology 7: 437-442

Roitberg, B.D., M. Mangel, R.G. Lalonde, C.A. Roitberg, J.J.M. van Alphen, and L. Vet. 1993. Seasonal dynamic shifts in patch exploitation by parasitic wasps. Behavioural Ecology 3: 156-165

Rosenheim, J.A. and M. Mangel. 1994. Patch-leaving rules for parasitoids with imperfect host discrimination. Ecological Entomology 19: 374-380

Shorey, H.H. and R.L. Hale. 1965. Mass-rearing of the larvae of nine noctuid species on a simple artificial medium. Journal of Economic Entomology 58: 522-524.

Tenhumberg, B., M.A. Keller, H.P. Possingham, and A.J. Tyre. 2001. Optimal patch-leaving behaviour: a case study using the parasitoid Cotesia rubecula. Journal of Animal Ecology 70: 683-691

van Alphen, J.J.M., C. Bernstein, and G. Driessen. 2003. Infomation acquisition and patch time allocation in insect parasitoids. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 8 1-87

van Alphen, J.J.M., and F. Galis. 1983. Patch time allocation and parasitization efficiency of Asohara tabida, a larval parasitoid of Drosophila, Journal of -4nimal Ecology 52: 937-952

Page 142: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

van Driesche, R.G. 1983. Meaning of "percent parasitism" in studies of insect parasitoids. Environmental Entomology 12: 16 1 1-1 622

Waage, J.K. 1983. Aggregation in field parasitoid populations: foraging time allocation by a population of Diadegma (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Ecological Entomology 8: 447-453

Waage, J.K. 1979. Foraging for patchily-disrtibuted hosts by the parasitoid, Nemeritis canescens. Journal of Animal Ecology 48: 353-371

Waage, J.K. 1978. Arrestment responses of the parasitoid, Nemeritis canescens, to a contact chemical produced by its host, Plodia interpunctella. Physiological Entomology 3: 135- 146

Wajnberg, E., X. Fauvergue, and 0. Pons. 2000. Patch leaving decision rules and the marginal value theorem: an experimental analysis and a simulation model. Behavioural Ecology 11: 577-586

Wajnberg, E., M.C. Rosi, and S. Colazza. 1999. Genetic variation in patch time allocation in a parasitic wasp. Journal of Animal Ecology 68: 12 1-133

Wiens, J.A. 1976. Population responses to patchy environments. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 7: 8 1 - 120

Page 143: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 5-1 Ethogram of Carnpoplex dubitator pre-oviposition and post-oviposition behaviour when attacking Enarmonia formosana hosts. Width of each solid line is associated with the transitional probability of the indicated behavioural event (n = 28). Following Check behaviour, the transitions between Rest, Probe, Search, Groom, and Walk become much less predictable. See Appendices 5-A and 5-B for actual values of transitional probabilities between behaviours. See text for definition of individual behaviours.

Page 144: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing
Page 145: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 5-2 Mean (A SE) patch residence times of Campoplex dubitator on patches containing different densities of Enarmonia formosana hosts.

Page 146: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

% 4000 V

3500 .- + $ 3000

2500 E 3 2000 L

5 1500 CI

8. 1000 - a

500 I-

0 0 1-5 6-10 11-15

Number of hosts

Page 147: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Figure 5-3 Proportion of Enarmonia formosana hosts parasitised by Campoplex dubitator versus host density. Percent parasitism is calculated based on the number of ovipositions observed during the patch visit (trials with zero ovipositions are kept in data set) ( r2 = 0.045; P = 0.222).

Page 148: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Number of hosts

Page 149: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 5-1. Average transitional probabilities between behaviours displayed by foraging Carnpoplex dubitator females from beginning of search to oviposition event.

Page 150: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing






























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Page 151: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

- 1 abie 5-2. Average transitional probabilities between behaviours displayed by foraging Campoplex dubitator females from oviposition to departure from host.

Page 152: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

* Fai


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Page 153: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Table 5-3. (a) Estimated regression coefficients (P), standard errors (SE), and hazard ratio (exp(j3)) for only those covariates that had an effect on the patch leaving tendency of Campoplex dubitator females. (b) Estimated regression coefficient (P), standard error (SE), and hazard ratio (exp(j3)) for the single covariate that had an effect on the giving up time of C. dubitator females.

Page 154: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

Covariate I3 SE exp(P) d f P 2

Patches with 0 hosts 0.00 --- 1 .OO Patches with 1-5 hosts -1.98 0.55 0.14 Patches with 6-1 0 hosts -2.88 0.62 0.06 Patches with 1 1-1 5 hosts -4.40 0.71 0.01 5.747 3 0.057

Frass tube encounters with -0.21 0.09 0.81 6.214 1 0.013 successful oviposition

Frass tube encounters without -0.04 0.01 0.96 9.721 1 0.002 successful oviposition

Covariate I3 SE exp(P) d f P 2

Frass tube encounters without -0.02 0.01 0.98 6.960 1 0.008 successful oviposition

Page 155: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

CHAPTER 6 Conclusions and Final Remarks

6.1 Conclusion

The CBT, a recent invasive species in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon, is

recognised as a serious potential threat to cherry and other rosaceous ornamental trees. As it

continues to slowly spread east and south across the Pacific coast, researchers in Canada and the

United States are taking action to reduce the number and severity of infestations. Traditional

approaches to combating the CBT in Europe and Asia have included the reduction of vegetation

from the bases of trees (Dickler and Zimmerman, 1972), mechanical removal of dead and peeling

bark, thinning of tree canopy, reduction of orchard density, and, most commonly, the application

of insecticides, creosote and tar oil (Roediger, 1956). In North America, apart from preliminary

studies of pyrethroid or organophosphate efficacy (Murray et al., 1998), insecticides were given

less attention due to an interest in an IPM approach. Other investigated methods of pest

management have included pheromone-based mating disruption (McNair et al., 1999),

entomopathogenic nematode application (McNair, pers. comm.), and biological control with the

indigenous egg parasitoid, Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal (Hymenoptera:

Trichogrammatidae) (Tanigoshi, 2002).

Following repeated observations of lower levels of CBT infestations and a more robust

natural enemy community in Europe (Tanigoshi et al., 1998), the decision was made to

investigate the feasibility of a classical biological control programme against the CBT in North

America. The studies presented in Chapters 2 through 5 were conducted as part of the early phase

of this programme. With monitoring of the CBT distribution in North America ongoing, I studied

several aspects of the pest and its parasitoids in central Europe.

A large suite of hymenopteran parasitoids attacks the larvae and pupae of the CBT in Europe.

The majority of these species parasitise the host pupae, but none of the pupal parasitoids were

collected with any consistency. The most abundant of the sixteen species identified was the larval

endoparasitoid, Campoplex dubitator Horstmann. This species was recovered from CBT hosts

collected in all regions of the survey area, suggesting a strong host-parasitoid relationship with no

noticeable geographic or climactic restrictions.

Page 156: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

The CBT occurs naturally on ornamental and orchard cherry trees in the Alsace of France, the

southern Rhine Valley and Black Forest of Germany, and the Jura Mountains of Switzerland.

While its distribution between trees and between habitats is patchy, its within-tree distribution is

almost always skewed toward the base of the tree. It is suspected that the microclimate near the

ground is more favourable for egg and larval development (Roediger, 1956), although it was not

possible to find supporting evidence for this assumption. It is interesting to note as well that the

CBT is more evenly distributed, if not showing the reverse within-tree distribution, on ornamental

cherry trees sampled in Vancouver, British Columbia. Reasons for this difference and its potential

significance can only be speculated.

The CBT has only a single generation per year, overwintering in the feeding gallery as a mid

to late larval instar. Although the stages of the CBT's life history are not strictly synchronised,

measurements of larval head capsules show a clear peak in adult flight tha t occurs hetween mid

June and early July. While this information is useful for pesticide application or parasitoid release

programmes, it is necessary to consider the proportion of the population that emerges either

earlier or later. In terms of biological control with a parasitoid agent, it may be necessary to

perform releases following a strict schedule, depending upon the oviposition needs of the

parasitoid species. Consider the egg parasitoid, I: cacoeciae, for example. Since neonate host

larvae can emerge within only 8 days following oviposition (Roediger, 1956), the window of

opportunity for successful parasitism is brief, Despite the relatively prolonged flight season of the

CBT, an inundative release of these wasps would be successful only when there were sufficient

numbers of host eggs available, and this would only occur during the peak in CBT flight. In

contrast, the larval parasitoid C. dubitator can parasitise any CBT instar but the first. Since this

species actively parasitised hosts throughout the entire summer in Europe and larvae are present

at all times, releases into North America could likely be made either early or later in the summer

with little change in the likelihood of establishment.

Following initial surveys of field parasitism, C. dubitator was selected as candidate classical

biological control agent, based on the following observations: (1) it made a significant

contribution to host mortality (approximately 85% of combined larval and pupal parasitism), (2)

it potentially had a high degree of host specificity, and (3) because it could be collected in

moderate numbers from CBT hosts, it was by far the most feasible to rear in culture for biological

studies. Despite rigorous field sampling, the remaining parasitoid species were collected in

Page 157: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

insufficient numbers for the establishment of laboratory colonies and therefore could not be


Based on field data, the response of C. dubitator to host density per tree appeared to be

inversely density dependent. Over the last quarter-century, there have been many attempts to

identify foraging responses of parasitoids to host density that lead to population stability with low

host equilibrium (Hassell, 1982; Hassell et al., 1985; Lessells, 1985), features of paramount

importance for biological control. The conclusion generally agreed upon is that the density

dependence of a host-parasitoid relationship depends upon various characteristics of the system

(Hassell et al., 1985; Lessells, 1985). Nonetheless, with a basic understanding of a parasitoid's

density response under varying conditions and the critical parameters of a target host population,

one might predict the outcome of the host-parasitoid interaction. In Chapter 5, an experiment was

designed to further assess the response of C. dubitator to different CBT densities. This test found

that, although females spent more time on patches with higher host densities, particularly when

hosts were encountered, the rate of parasitism was not dependent on host density. The failure to

detect density dependence in these trials, in contrast from the field survey, may have stemmed

from either an inadequate sample size or the use of different scales in making the comparison

(Walde and Murdoch, 1988). While unable to explain the inverse density dependence observed in

the field, this experiment illustrated the flexible patch foraging behaviour and specific responses

of C. dubitator to contacts with and ovipositions into hosts.

Due to difficulties with rearing the CBT larvae on a meridic diet, much attention was given to

the maintenance of host and parasitoid cultures. I amassed information on the development rates

of hosts and parasitoids, the suitable instars for C. dubitator development, and the effect of the

host instar attacked on parasitoid size. In addition, the oviposition behaviour of C. dubitator was

studied in detail, providing insight into this wasp's ability to locate and subdue host larvae and to

discriminate against previously parasitised hosts to avoid wasteful superparasitism. An evaluation

of the response of C. dubitator to odours from the host and host habitat showed that foraging

females rely heavily on indirect cues associated with the host. The next major step in this

classical biological control programme is to conduct host range tests for C. dubitator. The

knowledge of this parasitoid's foraging process will be especially valuable for the selection of

non-target species for such host range testing. If volatiles emitted from trees attacked by the CBT

are an important cue for foraging C. dubitator, then it may be possible to assume that the risk to

Page 158: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

non-target species closely related to the CBT, but in different habitats, will be minimal (van

Driesche and Hoddle, 1997; Kuhlmann and Mason, in press).

The work presented in this thesis, while broad in scope, contributed significantly to the

assessment of the feasibility of a classical biological control programme against the CBT.

Research on the CBT, from these and other studies, has formed an extensive source of

information that will valuable for future work with this species. Also, these first studies of the

biology and behaviour of C. dubitator have contributed to the general investigation of parasitoid

natural history, chemical ecology, behavioural ecology, and biological control. Ironically, the

labour-intensive rearing of these two species remains to be one of the largest hurdles yet to

overcome. To mass-rear the CBT or C. dubitator in the future, it will be necessary to develop a

rearing technique that will reduce the effort required to sustain laboratory cultures. A significant

improvement could be made by producing a meridic diet that is suitable for the establishment of

neonate larvae. Further studies of the parasitoid would also benefit from reduced development

times and a method of increasing the fema1e:male sex ratio.

Page 159: European parasitoids of the cherry bark tortrix : assessing

6.2 References

Dickler, E, and H. Zimmerman. 1972. [Investigations on the control of the bark Tortricid Enarmonia formosana Scop. (Lepid., Tortr.)] Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen fur Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, 144: 143- 150

Hassell, M.P. 1982. Patterns of parasitism by insect parasitoids in patchy environments. Ecological Entomology 7: 3 65-3 77

Hassell, M.P., C.M Lessells, and G.C. McGavin. 1985. Inverse density dependent parasitism in a patchy environment: a laboratory system. Ecological Entomology 10: 393-402

Kuhlmann, U. and P.G. Mason. In press. Use of field host range surveys for selecting candidate non-target species for physiological host specificity testing of entomophagous biological control agents. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods USDA Forest Service, Honolulu, Hawaii

Lessells, C.M. 1985. Parasitoid foraging: should parasitism be density dependent? Journal of Animal Ecology 54: 27-4 1

McNair, C., G. Gries, and M. Sidney. 1999. Toward pheromone-based mating disruption of Enarmonia formosana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on ornamental cherry trees. The Canadian Entomologist 131: 97-1 05

Murray, T.A., L.K. Tanigoshi, B. Bai, and E. LaGasa. 1998. Cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli), bionomics, natural enemy survey and control research project, 1997-98. Washington State University Report

Roediger, H. 1956. Untersuchungen iiber den Rindenwickler Enarmonia woeberiana Schiff. (Lepid. Tortr.) Zeitschrijit fur Angewandte Entomologie 38: 195-32 1

Tanigoshi, L.K. 2002. Conservation and classical biological control of the cherry bark tortrix in the pacific northwest. Final Project Report 2002, Department of Entomology, WSU Vancouver Research and Extension Unit, Vancouver, Washington

Tanigoshi, L.K., B.B. Bai, and T.A. Murray. 1998. Biology and Control of the Exotic Cherry Bark Tortrix, Enarmonia formosana. Oregon Department of Agriculture Interim Project Report, 1998

van Driesche, R.G. and M. Hoddle. 1997. Should arthropod parasitoids and predators be subject to host range testing when used as biological control agents? Agriculture and Human Values 14: 21 1-226

Walde, S.J. and W.W. Murdoch. 1988. Spatial density dependence in parasitoids. Annual Review of E n t o m o l o ~ ~ 33: 44 1-466