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European Integration and Income Inequality

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


    European Integration and Income InequalityAuthor(s): Jason BeckfieldSource: American Sociological Review, Vol. 71, No. 6 (Dec., 2006), pp. 964-985Published by: American Sociological AssociationStable URL:

    Accessed: 22/03/2014 07:41

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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


    European Integration and Income InequalityJason BeckfieldUniversity of Chicago

    Globalization has attained a prominent place on the sociological agenda, andstratification scholars have implicated globalization in the increased income inequalityobserved in many advanced capitalist countries. But sociologists have given much lessattention to a different yet increasingly prevalent form of internationalization: regionalintegration. Regional integration, or the construction of international economy and

    polity within negotiated regions, should matter for income inequality. Regional economicintegration should raise income inequality, as workers are exposed to internationalcompetition and labor unions are weakened. Regional political integration should alsoraise income inequality, but through a different mechanism: political integration shoulddrive welfare state retrenchment in market-oriented regional polities as states adoptliberal policies in a context of fiscal austerity. Evidence from random-effects and fixedeffects models of income inequality in Western Europe supports these arguments. Theresults show that regional integration explains nearly half of the increase in incomeinequality in the Western European countries analyzed in this article. The effects ofregional integration on income inequality are net of several controls, including twoestablished measures of globalization, suggesting that a sociological approach toregional integration adds to our understanding of rising income inequality in Western


    Theconstruction of a regional political econ

    omy in Western Europe through the creation, expansion, and institutionalization of theEuropean Union (EU) raises a critical sociological question: what role has European integration had in the recent widely noted increasein income inequality within Western Europeansocieties? Many political scientists and EUscholars have speculated on the implicationsof European integration for national incomeinequality. Many argue that European integration should exacerbate income gaps in EU countries (Boje, van Steenbergen, andWalby 1999;

    Direct correspondence to Jason Beckfield,Department of Sociology, University of Chicago,1126East 59th Street,Chicago, IL 60637 (jbeckfie? The author acknowledges and appreciates the mentorship of Art Alderson. For helpfulfeedback on this article, the author also thanks the

    ASR editor Jerry A. Jacobs and reviewers, ClemBrooks, Patricia McManus, Rob Robinson, DaveBrady, Lis Clemens, Josh Klugman, Matthew

    Mahutga, Reinhart Schneider, Brian Steensland,

    Kosonen 1995), but others suggest thatEuropean integration actually may insulate EUcountries against the polarizing effects of globalization (Moses 1995). Although sociologistsof stratification, especially U.S.-based sociologists, have not yet devoted sustained empiricalattention to European integration (Therborn1999), sociological approaches to incomeinequality readily extend to regional integration, and these approaches suggest that regional integration should affect income inequality.Given the centrality of economic inequality tothe discipline of sociology (Kenworthy forth

    Jenny Stuber, Jocelyn Viterna, and audiences atIndiana University, the University of Chicago, the

    University of Arizona, the University ofCalifornia-Berkeley, the University of Michigan, theOhio State University, the University of Utah, and the2005 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological

    Association in Philadelphia, PA. This research wassupported by a dissertation grant (SES-0424511)from the National Science Foundation and fellowships from Indiana University.

    American Sociological Review, 2006, Vol. 71 (December: 964-985)

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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


    REGIONALIZATIONAND INEQUALITY 965coming) and the historic significance of theEuropean integration project, sociologistsshould examine the consequences of Europeanintegration for income inequality.

    The formation of the 6-nation EuropeanEconomic Community (EEC) in 1957, itsexpansion and transformation into the 15-nationEU by 1995, and its further expansion to 25nations in 2004 constitute a dramatic and farreaching contemporary development in international political economy that encompassesmore than 375 million people and is restructuring society, culture, economy, and polity inthe advanced capitalist countries of WesternEurope. The EU has progressed further towardintegration than other regionalist efforts such astheNorth American Free Trade Agreement, theCommon Market of the Southern Cone, andthe Association of Southeast Asian Nations(Fligstein 2005; Mann 1997; Stone Sweet,Fligstein, and Sandholtz 2001).The original architects of European integration, particularly financier and diplomat Jean

    Monnet, French Foreign Minister RobertSchuman, and German Chancellor Konrad

    Adenauer, conceived of integration as a meanstomaintain peace and promote economic development inwar-ravaged Europe. The 1957TreatyEstablishing the European EconomicCommunity also included provisions aimed atreducing economic inequalities between subnational regions.1 Since 1957, the EU has introduced a common currency, eliminated manyinternal border controls, and established a supranational polity. This polity includes theEuropean Commission, which proposes legislation, sets the agenda for integration, and monitors compliance with European law; theEuropean Parliament, which debates legisla

    1 Inequality among individuals within membercountries drew less attention. Article 158 (originallyArticle 130) commits the European Community to"aim at reducing disparities between the levels ofdevelopment of the various regions and the backwardness of the least favoured regions or islands,including rural areas." To this end, Article 159 (originally Article 131) establishes the "structural funds,"which in 1992 consumed 28% of the EU budget(Bornschier et al. 2004). These funds are the

    European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund,the European Social Fund, and the European Regional

    Development Fund (European Communities 2002).

    tion; and the Council of the European Union,which enacts legislation. The EU also includesthe European Court of Justice, which has beenessential to the process of integrating regionallaw into national law through its judgments,and thereby institutionalizing the fundamentalrules of regional integration inEurope (Fligsteinand Stone Sweet 2001).The two essential dimensions of Europeanintegration are political integration, or the creation of the regional polity and the diffusion ofregional rules, and economic integration, or theintensification of regional economic exchangessuch as trade and investment (Fligstein andStone Sweet 2002). The relative progress ofeconomic and political integration in the EU isdebated, with some finding deeper economicintegration (Scharpf 1997), others seeing political integration as more advanced (Therborn1999), and still others finding that economic and

    political integration reinforce each other(Fligstein and Stone Sweet 2002). I argue thatboth political and economic integration affectincome inequality, but through different mechanisms. The sociological approaches to incomeinequality and regional integration developed inthe following discussion suggest that politicalintegration should increase income inequalitythrough its effects on the welfare state, whereas economic integration should increase incomeinequality by undermining the position of laborthrough the pressures of international wage andemployment competition.2

    This article extends sociological approachesto income inequality and develops hypothesesconcerning the impact of regional political andeconomic integration on income inequality.These hypotheses are tested with data onWestern European countries for the period1973-1997 and panel methods that account forunmeasured heterogeneity between countries.Using novel measures of regional political andeconomic integration, this analysis finds evi

    2Both of these arguments imply that the precisepattern of change in income inequality should beone of "polarization" (Morris, Bernhardt, and

    Handcock 1994). The observed pattern of change incore societies wherein income inequality has risen,including theWestern European societies scrutinizedin this analysis, is one of polarization (Alderson,

    Beckfield, and Nielsen 2005).

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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


    968 AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL EVIEWdecisions stabilize the national economy againstthe vicissitudes of international markets. Strongwelfare states insulate workers against economic vulnerability through generous unemployment benefits and training programs(Katzenstein 1985). These corporatist states(e.g., Belgium and theNetherlands) are deeplyembedded in the regional European economy(Fligstein andMerand 2002). This suggests thatthe effect of economic integration on incomeinequality may be dampened at the high levelsof economic integration exhibited by small,open corporatist states. Regional economic integration?the expansion ofmarkets to the regional level from the national level?should increaseincome inequality asworkers are exposed to the

    wage competition of a larger labor pool, butthis effect may be dampened or even reversedat very high levels of regional economic integration, because those economies are stabilizedby strong welfare states and corporatist institutions. In the following discussion, Iuse modelswith interaction terms to assess these argu


    Political Integration, the Welfare State,and Income InequalityThe sociological approach that ties incomeinequality to the welfare state also has impli

    cations for the relationship between regionalization and inequality. States profoundlystructure stratification: economic policy produces and reproduces social cleavages (e.g.,tight monetary policy restricts inflation andbenefits the privileged stratum, whereas fullemployment policy benefits the disadvantaged[Boix 1998; Hibbs 1987]). The welfare stateshapes stratification directly through incometransfers (Korpi and Palme 1998), and ampleresearch shows that the welfare state reducesinequality and poverty (Alderson and Nielsen2002; Brady 2005; Kenworthy 1999;Moller etal. 2003).If the welfare state dampens inequality, thenthe question becomes what effect Europeanintegration has on the welfare state. Many welfare state scholars implicate European integration in the retrenchment ofWestern Europeanwelfare states (Huber and Stephens 2001; Korpi2003; Scharpf 1996). Four arguments linkregional political integration to welfare stateretrenchment through political mechanisms.

    First, regional integration constrains welfarespending via policy feedbacks. Second, regional integration constrains welfare spendingthrough the diffusion and adoption of classical-liberal policy scripts. Third, regional integration facilitates retrenchment through thepolitics of blame avoidance. Fourth, regionalintegration limits national autonomy by tying theeconomic fortunes of the national economy tothe regional economy.4The first argument highlights the so-called"convergence criteria" in the 1992 Maastrichttreaty that set the path to the Economic and

    Monetary Union (EMU). The criteria requirethat state budget deficits be no greater than 3%of the gross domestic product (GDP), and thisrequirement initiated proposed welfare statecutbacks (Huber and Stephens 2001). This canbe understood as a policy feedback effect,

    whereby accession to the EMU pressures statesto reform social welfare policy (Pierson 1996;Pitruzzello 1997; Rhodes 1996; Schulz 2000).As Huber and Stephens (2001:234) write, "theconvergence criteria contained in theMaastrichtaccord pressed further austerity on all membergovernments." Likewise, although Pierson(2001) is skeptical of the argument that globalization is linked towelfare state retrenchment,he does argue that the EMU is one force thatpressures European countries toward austerity.The second argument, that the EU diffusesmarket-oriented policy scripts, ismore general.5 The EU is a market-led project inwhich"negative integration," or the removal of barriers to trade and market regulations, surpasses"positive integration," or regional regulationsthat correct market dysfunctions (Scharpf 1996).

    Very generally, the EU advances market-centered policies, such as deregulation, privatiza

    4Whereas this article focuses on income inequality as a dependent variable, analysis reported else

    where suggests that regional integration is alsoassociated with welfare-state retrenchment, net ofappropriate controls drawn from the extensive literature on the welfare state. This is consistent with theargument that identifies the welfare state as one

    mechanism through which regional integration hasan impact on income inequality (Beckfield 2005).5Gillingham applauds the classical-liberal character of European integration, writing that the EU hasproduced "an invisible hand that is no longer lamed"(Gillingham 2003 :xii).

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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


    REGIONAUZATIONAND INEQUALITY 969tion, tax competition, and "market compatibility requirements" (Pierson and Leibfried 1995;Rhodes 1995; Scharpf 1997). Huber andStephens cite "the move to financial deregulation that had begun in the early 1970s [that]wasessentially completed inWestern Europe by thebeginning of [the 1990s] due to the Europe1992 [single-market] project" as a force forretrenchment in the 1990s. Scharpf calls thisdynamic "regulatory competition," and hespecifically cites political integration throughthe European Commission and the EuropeanCourt of Justice as forces that bring EU member states into this competition. More broadly,the EU has established several mechanisms forthe generation, diffusion, and adoption of common policy objectives, including, most recently, the Open Method of Coordination(Hemerijck 2005; Zeitlin 2005).The third argument is that under the "politicsof retrenchment," whereby strategic politicalactors seek to avoid blame for rolling back popular welfare programs, politicians in EU member states can blame the EU for retrenchment(Pierson 1996). This suggests that retrenchment

    may go further inside the EU than outside itbecause non-EU member states may be unableto shift blame so easily. To anticipate the

    methodological details discussed later, both EUand non-EU states are included in the analysisreported in this article.The fourth argument that links regional integration to thewelfare state identifies a logic thatties policy options to economic forces. Regionaleconomic integration may constrain the welfare state by placing common economic pressure on all members of a regional economy. Forinstance, national welfare states may find itdifficult to maintain policies to promote fullemployment when intensified trade ties theireconomic fortunes to developments in othernational economies within the integrated regional economy (Korpi 2003:603).In summary, EU scholars have argued thatEuropean integration is related to variousinequalities through several different channels.The sociology of income inequality can bedeveloped in a way that incorporates bothregional and global integration, but the possible role of regional integration in increasingincome inequality inWestern Europe has notbeen assessed empirically. In the following dis

    cussion, Iexamine the evidence that this articlebrings to these claims.

    DATA AND METHODThe dependent variable is the Gini coefficient,a common measure of inequality that variesfrom 0 to 1,where 0 is perfect equality and 1 isperfect inequality (Firebaugh 1999). The datacome from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS;2003) "key figures" database. The LIS calculations of the Gini coefficient are based on posttax and posttransfer incomes. I use 48observations (from 12Western Europeannations) for which data also are available on thekey independent variables. Appendix A lists the48 country-years included in the analyses andshown in the tables. For ease of presentation inthe tables, the Gini coefficient ismultiplied by100.1 note that supplemental analysis shows thatthe results are substantively identical if the Ginicoefficient is replaced with the 90:10 or 90:50income ratio.

    Political integration ismeasured as the number of cases referred from national courts tothe European Court of Justice under Article177 of the 1957 Treaty Establishing theEuropean Economic Community. This measure improves on measures of integration usedinprevious work on other consequences of EUmembership.6 Under Article 177, if a case is relevant to EU law, the national court may, andsometimes must, forward the case to theEuropean Court of Justice, the judicial bodywith final and binding authority to interpretEU law. Under this so-called "preliminary reference" procedure, the European Court ofJustice issues rulings that are incorporated intonational law by the national courts (Stone Sweetand Brunell 1998a, 1998b). In the language ofintegration theory within political science, thenumber of cases forwarded from member statesof the EU in a given year is an indicator of"jurisdictional integration" (Nye 1968:867). Anincrease in the cases sent to the regional court

    6 For instance, in studies of regional integration andeconomic growth, integration has been measured

    with an indicator variable for "member of the EU"(Henrekson, Torstensson, and Torstensson 1997) ora count of the number of years a state has been a

    member of the EU (Bornschier et al. 2004).

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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


    97o AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL EVIEWindicates increasing integration of regional lawinto national law in that themeasure faithfullyreflects the role of the European Court of Justicein laying "the legal foundation for an integrated European economy and polity" (Burley andMattli 1993:42). The preliminary reference procedure forms "vertical networks" betweennational and supranational actors that "enablethe supranational institution to be maximallyeffective" (Slaughter 2004:13-14) and are"instrumental in promoting European integration" (Carrubba and Murrah 2005:399). TheEuropean Commission tracks the number ofArticle-177 cases as an indicator of the "application of Community law by the national courts"(Commission of the European Communities1989). Fligstein and Stone Sweet (2002) use thenumber of Article-177 cases, measured at theregional level of analysis and disaggregated bypolicy domain, as an indicator of the politicalinstitutionalization of the EU. Data are availablethrough 1997 and originate with Stone Sweetand Brunell (1999).I argue that thismeasure is a valid proxy forpolitical integration, but other measures, suchas contributions to the EU structural and cohesion funds, have utility, especially in research onbetween-country economic inequality(Bornschier, Herkenrath, and Ziltener, 2004).

    Depending on the relationship between economic growth and within-country incomeinequality experienced by the poorer membersof the EU, these transfer payments may reduceinequality within countries, just as they have fostered economic convergence between countries(for an analysis of economic convergence, orbetween-country economic inequality using thesame measures of integration used in this article, see Beckfield [2005]). Conceptually, thecontrasting effects of regional integration onincome inequality within versus between countries also are consistent with Herkenrath et al.(2005:364), who argue for convergence anddivergence as dual outcomes of globalizationand regionalization.

    Iassessed the validity of theArticle-177 casesmeasure of political integration by calculatingPearson correlation coefficients between it andeach of several alternative measures, most of

    which are available for fewer country-years.The number of Article-177 cases is significantly and positively correlated with the number of years a state has been amember of the

    EU (r = .70;p < .05), and also with the squareof the number of years (r = .69;p < .05). Theproportion of European Council directives integrated into national law also is significantlyand positively correlated with the cases measure (r= .80;/?

  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


    REGIONALIZATION ND INEQUALITY 971of European integration is the expansion of theEU, but I also use the EEC-6 measure as arobustness check, and I find that the results areconsistent. Data come from the International

    Monetary Fund's (IMF) Direction of Trade CDROM (IMF various years) and were kindly provided in dyadic format by Andrew Rose.8The analysis includes controls for year, realGDP per capita, social security transfers, andoutflow of foreign direct investment per worker.Year is included in themodels to control forthe linear increase in income inequality in thesecountries, and to guard against spurious associations among variables with common trends.

    Year is coded as follows: 1 (1950), 2 (1951),..., 48 (1997). Real GDP per capita is included to control for the strong relationship betweendevelopment and inequality demonstrated inprevious work (Nielsen and Alderson 1995).The GDP data come from the PennWorld Table(Heston, Summers, and Aten 2002), and realGDP per capita is coded in thousands of 1996dollars. The measure of social security transfersas a percentage of GDP is incorporated intothemodels because welfare state effort has beenshown to reduce inequality and poverty. Datacome from the OECD's Historical Statistics(2001; various years [a]) and Statistical

    Compendium (2003). Finally, outflow of foreigndirect investment (FDI) per worker (capitalflight) is included to control for the role of globalization in the increase in income inequalityobserved in OECD countries. The FDI datacome from the IMF's (various years)International Financial Statistics, and the laborforce data come from the OECD (1995, 1998,various years [b]). Consistent with previous

    work, this variable is logged. Because of theclear directionality of the hypotheses tested inthis analysis (positive for political integration,the linear economic integration term, year, GDP,and capital flight; negative for the economicintegration quadratic term and social securitytransfers), Iperform one-tailed hypothesis tests.

    8 Figures for Germany refer to West Germanythrough 1990. Export data are reported for the

    Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU)rather than separately for Belgium and Luxembourg.Thus, the data on economic integration for Belgiumrefer to the BLEU, and I do not use data on the othervariables for Luxembourg.

    The data form an unbalanced panel, withcountries contributing different numbers ofobservations depending on data availability(Appendix A). The data thus incorporate both

    between- and within-country variation. I poolthese sources of variation together because theargument for an effect of regional integration onincome inequality rests on both cross-nationalinstitutional differences and historical institutional change, because income inequality varies

    more between countries than within countries,and because combining the observations allowsfor conservative statistical tests that incorporatekey controls. Ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation often is inappropriate for use with suchdata because the errors are likely to be correlatedwithin panels, and the unmeasured heterogeneity that causes this correlation may biasparameter estimates (Greene 2000). Two common solutions to this problem are the generalized least squares (GLS) random-effects model(REM) and theOLS fixed-effects model (FEM).The REM adjusts for within-panel error correlation by including a normally distributedpanel-specific error term. Therefore, the REMoften is considered a better choice if the datareflect a random sample. The REM also preserves both between- and within-country variation, both of which are important to theanalysis. This is in contrast to the FEM, whichdifferences away all between-country variationin subtracting each observation from the within-country mean. The FEM often is considereda better choice where the analyst has data on theentire population of interest. It also should benoted that the REM estimator does not requirea large number of observations per country forconsistency, whereas the FEM does. Because thenumber of years in the data is small relative tothe number of countries, and because much ofthemeaningful variation in income inequalityis between-country rather than within-country,for this study the REM ismore appropriate thanthe FEM. However, as a robustness check, Ialso estimate the FEM. The FEM provides astringent test of the hypothesis that regionalintegration affects income inequality, given thatthe associations between the regional integrationcovariates and income inequality are estimatednet of all unmeasured between-country effects.The FEM is equivalent to amodel with indicator variables for each country. It simulates statistical "control" for other between-country

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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


    972 AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL EVIEWdifferences aswell, including stable differencesin natural resource endowments, populationsize, and other factors. Italso guards against thepossibility that enduring cross-national differences (in orientation toward liberal economicpolicy, for instance) lead to integration andincome inequality, causing a spurious association.

    The small size of the sample raises methodological challenges. One problem is that thereare insufficient degrees of freedom to estimatecoefficients for all the controls that could conceivably be drawn from the literature. The central objective of this study is to assess therelationship between regional integration andnational income inequality. However, becauseit is necessary to include a few key controls, Iuse the following strategy to deal with the smallsample problem. The baseline model has onlyfour covariates (political integration, the linearand squared terms for economic integration,and year). Each of the other three controls isadded sequentially, and a model then is estimated with a full complement of controls(because the intermediate models do not differsubstantively from the full models, I do notshow results for the intermediate models here).Outliers can be especially problematic insmall-sample studies. Examination of residualversus-predicted value plots suggests that outliers are not a problem in this analysis becauseno residual ismore than 2.6 standard deviations from the regression line.Results based on small samples can also beespecially sensitive to the specific compositionof the sample. Estimating FEMs helps to guardagainst this potential problem by, in essence,including an indicator variable for each country in the sample (and in thisway "controlling"for country).

    RESULTSFigure 1plots income inequality (measured asthe Gini coefficient) against year, and verifiesthe recent increase in income inequality within theWestern European countries in this sample. The observations are marked withcountry-year codes. For instance, FRA94 refersto France 1994. The line shown in the graph isthe regression line from the bivariate REM. Theupward trend is distinct and statistically significant at the .05 level. Net of the unmeasured het

    erogeneity captured by the country-specificerror term in the REM, each decade brought a1.33-unit increase in the Gini coefficient, whichcorresponds to an increase of about .23 standarddeviations.

    Figure 2 shows the relationship betweenincome inequality and political integration.Consistent with the argument that regional political integration increases income inequality,there is a positive bivariate relationship betweenthe Gini coefficient and the number of Article177 cases forwarded to the European Court ofJustice. The line in the graph is the fitted linefrom a bivariate random-effects regression ofinequality on political integration. Although theslope is positive and statistically significant atthe .05 level, there is a good deal of dispersionaround the regression line.9 For instance, amongthe countries with no Article-177 cases, the

    Gini coefficient (X100) varies from about 20 toabout 34. However, the size of the effect is substantial. The standardized coefficient shows thata standard deviation increase in political integration is associated with a .34 standard deviation increase in income inequality. Thissuggests that political integration may be related to income inequality in these WesternEuropean countries.

    Figure 3 suggests that economic integrationalso is related to income inequality. The line inthe graph is the regression line of a REM thatincludes only a second-order polynomial specification of themeasure of economic integration.10 The graph suggests a curvilinearrelationship between economic integration andincome inequality: as intraregional exportsapproach 60% of total exports, income inequality increases, but as intraregional exports sur

    pass about 65%, it decreases. Belgium, theNetherlands, and Norway have surpassed thislevel of economic integration. Although bothterms reach statistical significance (at even the.001 level), it is unclear whether this relation

    9 Readers might worry that the observation forItaly 1995 is an influential observation that biases theslope upward. Excluding this observation doesdecrease the slope somewhat (from .083 to .061), butthis difference is small (less than the standard error).10 Supplemental analysis shows that a quadraticspecification fits the data better than a linear specification.

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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality



    35 -jj GBR91 ,pLjL95

    | IRL96| ESP80


  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality



    |Fj,F|.|5 GBR91U na


    30 __-^FRA79 ^^-^^*-FRA81 FRA89 jtfW*^~AUT95 _^- ^'^

    iE r,RR74 GBR79 _^-^"'~ GER73?GBR74NK9T^ NLD91 ??,, GER78o-"^wfi7 NLD83 G?ES?40DNif97 NLD94 Rp|NQL7D87125EL97 GER8G4ER81 GER89? KS22t^K92ffiBSl BEL88WW BEL85 DninnNOR79 SWE95 BEL92M%

    20 | SWE81i_

    I I I. I00 400Number of Article-177 CasesFigure 2. Income Inequality and European Political IntegrationNote: n = 48. Income inequality ismeasured as the Gini coefficient; data from the Luxembourg Income Study. Linerepresents predicted values from random-effects regression of income inequality on the measure of political integration (b = .083; SE = .031). Data points marked with country-year codes: AUT = Austria, BEL = Belgium, DNK- Denmark, FRA = France, GER - Germany, IRL = Ireland, ITA = Italy, NLD = Netherlands, NOR = Norway, ESP= Spain, SWE - Sweden, GBR = United Kingdom.

    tion. The inflection point, at which the effectequals zero, is about 60%, indicating that regional economic integration raises income inequalitywhere exports to the EU constitute less thana distinct majority of total exports. For instance,an increase in economic integration from theminimum level found in these data (44%) to theinflection point is associated with an expectedincrease in the Gini from 24.89 to 28.69, orabout one standard deviation. This is similar tothe increase in income inequality in theUnited

    Kingdom over this period. Increasing economic integration from 53% to 60% (approximately Sweden's change) yields an expected increasein the Gini from 27.83 to 28.69, or about .22standard deviations.

    Including both political and economic integration in the model of income inequalityreduces the coefficient for the trend from .133to .071. This suggests that regional integrationexplains nearly half of the increase in incomeinequality that these 12Western European countries have experienced over the period

    1973-1997 examined in this analysis. Consistentwith the argument that political integration raises income inequality by constraining the welfare state, the association between theArticle-177 cases measure of political integration and theGini coefficient is positive and statistically significant. Consistent with theargument that economic integration raisesincome inequality by exposing labor to international markets, the export share measure ofeconomic integration is positively and significantly associated with theGini coefficient, andthis association does, as expected, decrease athigh levels of integration. But do these estimates of the effects of regional integration holdup to controls?Model 4 shows results from REMs that control for year, economic development (real GDPper capita), thewelfare state (spending on socialsecurity transfers as a percentage of GDP), andglobalization (capital flight, or outflow of foreign direct investment per worker). The coefficient for economic development is negative,

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  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality


  • 8/12/2019 European Integration and Income Inequality



    suggesting that increasing national wealthdecreases income inequality. This negative coefficient is surprising in light of theU-turn literature, but itmust be remembered that themodelalso controls for year, and thatyear and GDP percapita are highly correlated (r = .77). Becausethese covariates are in themodel as controls, andit is not the objective of this analysis to disentangle their effects, this collinearity isnot especially troublesome (I note that dropping yearfrom the model reverses the sign of the GDPcoefficient). The results also show that regional integration affects income inequality net ofthe welfare state, although it is surprising thatthe effect of welfare spending is not itself significant.11 The results for FDI outflow suggestthat regional integration affects income inequality net of globalization. It isnoteworthy that FDIoutflow itself does not significantly affectincome inequality, suggesting that globalization may not matter for income inequality, netof regionalization. To assess whether this nullresult is driven bymeasurement error, I replacedFDI outflow with another common measure ofglobalization, economic openness (imports plusexports as a percentage of GDP, with data fromthePenn World Table [Heston et al. 2002]), andthe results were substantively identical to thoseshown.

    Table 2 shows results from FEMs that control for all unmeasured country effects. Againthere are four models: a baseline model thatestimates the trend, amodel that adds politicalintegration, a model that adds economic integration, and amodel that includes the controls.The results are consistent with those shown inTable 1, except that the effect of political integration does not reach significance in the second model. InModel 3, which includes both

    11This nonsignificant result for the welfare stateeffect may be attributable to measurement error.

    Replacing the classic social security transfers measurewith totalpublic social expenditure (theOECD's"SOCX" measure) produces significant results forwelfare spending, as does replacing the transfers

    measure with Lyle Scruggs' decommodificationindex (Scruggs andAllan 2004). Inmodels that addthe welfare state measures to the Model 3 specification shown in Table 1, the effects of these alternative

    welfare state measures are significant and negative,and the results for the regional integration covariatesare substantively identical to those shown.

    political and economic integration, the politicalintegration coefficient is statistically significant and approximately the same size as in theREM (.063 vs .055). The economic integrationcoefficients also are slightly larger in the FEM(1.836 vs 1.639 for the linear term and -.015 vs-.013 for the squared term). It is especiallyinteresting that the coefficient for the year trendfails to reach significance inModel 3, suggesting that regional integration explains therise in income inequality within these WesternEuropean nations. InModel 4, the effects ofregional integration remain substantively identical to those shown inTable 1. In contrast, noneof the controls reaches significance, but in thiscontext it should be reiterated that this FEM canbe interpreted as amodel that includes an indicator variable for each of the 12 countries thatcontribute observations. As such, the FEM represents a conservative test.

    I have suggested that the positive effect ofeconomic integration on income inequality maybe attenuated at high levels of integrationbecause themost deeply integrated economieshave developed institutions that insulate laborfrom the pressures of international competition. However, the analysis so far has demonstrated only that the effect of economicintegration does in fact decrease at high levels,not why itdoes so. Empirical assessment of the

    argument that the impact of economic integration varies according to the strength of the welfare state and the level of corporatism isstraightforward, and can be accomplished byintroducing interaction terms. Ifmy argumentis correct, we would expect negative interactionsbetween economic integration and both welfare effort and corporatism.Table 3 shows results from models that introduce these interaction terms. Model 1 includesan integration-by-corporatism interaction, inwhich the measure of corporatism is

    Kenworthy's 11-item scale made available in theComparative Welfare States Data Set (Huberet al. 2004; Kenworthy 2003). Because of missing data on this key measure, this model uses

    only 36 observations. The results are consistentwith the argument that the effect of economicintegration is attenuated in corporatist countries: where corporatist bargaining insulateslabor against some of the pressure of international competition, the effect of economic integration is reduced. In other words, exposing

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    REGIONALIZATION ND INEQUALITY 977Table 2. Fixed-effects Regressions of Income Inequality on Regional Integration and Other Covariates, 12Western European Countries, 1973-1997

    Variableodel 1 Model 2 Model 3odelPolitical

    Integration .054 .063*068* (.035) (.031) (.033)Economic Integration 1.836* 1.602* (.558) (.624)Economic Integration2 -.015* -.013* (.005) (.005)

    Year132* .102* .063 .018(.040).043) (.043).181)GDP Per Capita .303

    (.481)Social Security Transfers .026

    (.203)FDI Outflow -.453

    (.412)Constant1.638* 21.969* -30.582* -25.666(1.569) (1.552) (16.569) (18.612)

    R2^_238_.289_.477_.499Notes: n = 48. Unstandardized coefficients; standard errors in parentheses. GDP = gross domestic product; FDI =foreign direct investment.*p < .05 (one-tailed tests).

    labor to a regional market fails to have theexpected effect of raising income inequalitywhere corporatism protects labor. Model 2

    includes a regional integration-by-social security transfers interaction. These results are inconsistent with those from Model 1: the economic

    Table 3. Random-effects Regressions of Income Inequality on Regional Integration and Other Covariates, 12Western European Countries, 1973-1997Variableodel 1 Model 2 Model3

    Economic Integration .220* .212516* (.100) (.187) (.260)Neo-corporatism 10.640

    (9.873)Neo-corporatism X Economic Integration -.338* (.153)Social Security Transfers 1.073

    (.803)Social Security Transfers X Economic Integration -.017 (.011)Decommodification .777

    (.567)Decommodification X Economic Integration -.018*

    (.009)Year004 .129*161*(.049) (.061) (.046)Constant 18.365* 9.167 -.757

    (5.910) (11.768) (15.819)R2324 .316284

    Observations (n) 36 48 46Notes: Unstandardized coefficients; standard errors in parentheses.*p < .05 (one-tailed tests).

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    integration effect is not significant, and neitheris the interaction term (nor are the coefficientsjointly significant by anF test). Model 3 teststhis hypothesis using an alternative, program

    matic measure rather than a spending-basedmeasure of the welfare state, Lyle Scruggs'decommodification index (Scruggs and Allan2004; 46 observations are available). The resultsshow that economic integration raises incomeinequality, but this effect is significantly weaker in highly decommodifying welfare states.Results from FEMs (not shown) that includethese interaction terms are generally consistentwith those shown inTable 3, except for Model2. In the random-effects estimation of Model 2,themain effect of economic integration and itsinteraction with social security transfers arenonsignificant, but in the fixed-effects estimation, these effects are statistically significant. Inall three models, the association between economic integration and the Gini coefficient ispositive and statistically significant, and theinteraction term for economic integration andthe welfare state is significant and negative.This suggests that the effect of economic integration on income inequality is buffered bystrong welfare states and corporatist politicaleconomies.

    Additional ControlsIalso estimated models controlling for other factors that may explain the increase in incomeinequality: unemployment, female labor forceparticipation, union density, and deindustrialization (Alderson and Nielsen 2002).Unemployment can be expected to raise incomeinequality by shifting wage earners toward thebottom of the income distribution. Rising unem

    ployment inWestern Europe (Korpi 2003) is aprominent alternative explanation for risingincome inequality, but REMs and FEMs suggestthat regional integration affects income inequality, net of a control for the standardized unem

    ployment rate (data come from the OECD'sQuarterly Labor Force Statistics [1999] andMain Economic Indicators [2002]).Interestingly, while the regional integration coefficients remain statistically significant in these

    models, they also stay similar in size, except inthe REM, in which the economic integrationcoefficients shrink. This suggests that the effectof economic integration may be partly explained

    by cross-national differences inunemployment,which is consistent with the "employment competition" argument outlined earlier. In contrast,the stability of the political integration coefficient implies that political integration has animpact on income inequality through a different mechanism.

    The increasing participation of women in thepaid labor force also may affect income inequality.As women enter the paid labor force, incomeinequality may increase given women's loweraverage earnings (Thurow 1987), or itmaydecrease given that women's increased wageearning may result in more middle-incomehouseholds (Cancian, Danzinger, andGottschalk 1993). Using data on women as apercentage of the total paid labor force (UnitedNations 2002), Iadded this control to theModel3 specification from Tables 1 and 2, and theresults for regional integration in these modelsare substantively identical to those shown.Interestingly, whereas the female paid laborforce participation covariate isnot significant inthe FEM, suggesting thatwomen's presence inthe paid labor force does not explain risingincome inequality within societies, its negativeand highly significant coefficient in the REMsuggests important cross-national differencesbetween societies.

    The decline of unions in advanced capitalistcountries (Western 1997) is another prominentexplanation for the rise in income inequality,and, as I argue earlier, it is one factor thatmayconnect regional integration to rising incomeinequality.Alternatively, variation in the strength

    of labor unions may create a spurious association between regional integration and incomeinequality if union weakness promotes bothincome inequality (as the existing literaturesuggests) and the entry of states into the EU. Toevaluate these alternatives, I added a measureof union density to the Model 3 specificationfrom Tables 1 and 2 (data on total reportedunion members as a percentage of the laborforce come from Ebbinghaus andVisser [2000],

    OECD [1995, 1998], and Visser [1996]).Consistent with previous work, union densityhas a strong negative effect on income inequality, and this is true for both the REM and theFEM. More interesting is the change in theregional integration coefficients: the politicalintegration effect increases slightly, suggestingthat political integration works through other

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    REGIONALIZATION ND INEQUALITY 979mechanisms, whereas the economic integrationcoefficients decrease substantially, but remainstatistically significant. Specifically, in the FEM,the economic integration effects decrease from1.836 to 1.104 in the linear term, and from-.015 to -.010 in the quadratic term. This pattern of results lends some support to the argument that economic integration increasesincome inequality (at least in part) by weakening unions through the expansion of marketcompetition.

    Finally, I also estimated additional REMsand FEMs that include the proportion of thelabor force employed in the industrial sector asa control. Again using the Model 3 specification (Tables 1 and 2), the results for both thepolitical and economic integration coefficientsare substantively identical, in both REMs andFEMs.

    DISCUSSIONAlthough the process of European integrationcan be identified as one potential explanation forrising income inequality inWestern Europeannations, empirical evidence on this importantquestion is scarce. This analysis is the first toassess the impact of regional political and economic integration on national income inequality inWestern Europe. I use data on incomeinequality for 12 countries over the period1973-1997, novel measures of political andeconomic integration, and panel methods thataccount for unmeasured heterogeneity between

    countries to test hypotheses drawn from extensions of sociological approaches to incomeinequality. The results show that regional inte

    gration affects income inequality: economicintegration has a positive effect that is attenuated at high levels of integration, whereas political integration has a linear, positive effect.

    Regional integration explains nearly half of therise in income inequality within theseWesternEuropean countries over the period 1973-1997examined in this analysis.

    The central implication of this study is thatregional integration is a significant part of thepolitical and economic context that should betaken into account in studies investigatingincome inequality. National and global processes have been highlighted inwork on economicinequality, and the results of this study show thatregional processes also matter. Moreover, they

    matter net of national economic development,the national welfare state, globalization, andother factors. Whereas globalization accountsfor some of the recent increase in incomeinequality in advanced capitalist countries(Alderson andNielsen 2002), regional integration also accounts for some of this increase.

    Taking this a step further, the nonsignificanteffects of direct investment outflow, a commonmeasure of globalization, imply that regionalintegration ismore powerful than globalizationin explaining recent trends in income inequality inWestern European countries. This findingmakes the relationship between globalizationand regional integration of paramount importance. The presence of a significant association between regional integration and incomeinequality net of globalization provocativelyimplies that regionalization does not mediate

    globalization, but several more complex scenarios are still possible. For instance, doesregional integration counteract globalization? Orreinforce globalization? Or lead globalization?The results also hold important implicationsfor world polity theory (Boli and Thomas 1999;

    Meyer et al. 1997). Ingeneral, world polity theory highlights the institutional mechanisms forthe policy effects of political integration. Thus,an implication that can be drawn from this studyis that the regional polity should be better incorporated into the theory. The findings of thisstudy are consistent with the claim that the "policy scripts" diffused by the EU include (classical) liberal scripts that foster welfare stateretrenchment (Beckfield 2005). This is in contrast toworld polity research that shows largely progressive effects of embeddedness in theworld polity on a range of civil rights policies.Itcould be that regional scripts andworld scriptsare contradictory, and if this is the case, thenunder what circumstances do regional scripts

    prevail over world scripts? If regional and worldscripts are instead reinforcing, and if becomingintegrated into the European regional polityincreases income inequality, at least inpart, bycontracting the welfare state, then this lendssome support to the argument that the worldpolity diffuses a package of scripts consistingof liberal economic policies and progressivecivil rights policies (Beckfield 2003). This lineof reasoning also suggests that world polityresearch should attend to the impact of global

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    political institutionalization on global economic inequality.The issue of global economic inequality hasreceived increased attention (Firebaugh 2000;Goesling 2001; Herkenrath et al. 2005), andthe finding that European integration increases income inequality is an important one inlight of this work. Some argue that since

    between-country inequality has stabilized ordecreased in recent decades after a long-termdivergence (Firebaugh 2000; Goesling 2001),total world income inequality is increasinglydriven by within-country inequality as the ratioof within-country inequality to between-country inequality has increased since 1980(Goesling 2001:753). As within-country incomeinequality inWestern Europe has increased, andis at least partly explained by regional integration, regional integration may be a force forincreased world income inequality. Of course,this depends on income inequality trends within other countries, although there is compellingevidence that income inequality inmany countries has risen in recent years.

    Another important issue in this context isnot only the relationship between Europeanintegration and inequality, but also regionalintegration more generally and inequality. Thequestion of what impact regional integration inother parts of the world has on inequality isone that future research should address. Forinstance, the case of North American integration through the North American Free Trade

    Agreement would provide a fruitful comparison,given that political integration is not as welldeveloped inNorth America as it is in the EU.More broadly, attention to how the effect ofregional integration on income inequality mayvary across regions would be informed by theemerging "varieties of regional integration" literature (Duina 2005, 2006).

    Finally, the finding that regional integration,but not globalization, is associated with the risein income inequality inWestern Europe mayhelp to account for the weak effects of globalization on the welfare state that have beenobserved in previous work (Brady, Beckfield,and Seeleib-Kaiser 2005). Itmay be regionalintegration, not globalization, that structuresthewelfare state in the advanced capitalist countries of Western Europe. The results of thisstudy suggest a central role for the welfare stateinmediating the effects of regional integration

    on income inequality, because welfare effortdampens the effects of both political integrationand economic integration. There also is evidence that regional political integration mayincrease inequality through its negative effectson thewelfare state, but it seems that these negative effects may be transmitted through somewelfare state domain other than social securitytransfers. The crucial question, then, is what

    precisely is the impact of regional integration onthe welfare state? The results shown in thisanalysis are consistent with the argument thatstronger welfare states aremore resistant to thepressure of regional integration (also seeBeckfield [2005]).Although this study has a number of implications and suggests a variety of directions forfuturework, it also is important to note the limitations of the analysis. Perhaps the key limitation is the one that plagues many studies ofnational income inequality: the small sampleproblem. The best data on national incomeinequality inWestern Europe come from the

    Luxembourg Income Study, and this datasetprovides only 48 country-years forwhich information on the key independent variables also isavailable. The consequence of the small sampleproblem for this study is that there simply arenot enough observations to incorporate all thecontrols suggested by the literature. The REMsand FEMs used in this analysis help by statistically accounting for all those unmeasuredtime-invariant factors that might be includedin synthetic models of income inequality, butthese models do not solve the problem.Another limitation of this study concerns themeasurement of political integration. The concept of national polities joining together to forma regional polity with common, region-widepolicies is difficult to operationalize in a waythat captures cross-national and longitudinalvariation in the process. The measure used here,a count of the number of cases forwarded fromthe national court to the European Court ofJustice under Article-177 of the Rome Treaty(itself amodification of the measure used byFligstein and Stone Sweet [2002]), is appealingbecause it has face validity (in thatmore casesforwarded suggests that the national polity isceding more judicial authority to the regionalpolity), and because it is relatively sensitive (inthat it allows both international and longitudinal variation). The obvious alternatives seem

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    REGIONALIZATION ND INEQUALITY 981worse. One alternative is an indicator variablefor membership in the EU, whereas another isa count of the number of years a country hasbeen amember of the EU. These alternatives

    would introduce serious measurement error.Although future work should pursue improvedmeasurement of regional political integration,Inote that the classical econometric errors-invariables approach shows that theOLS estimator suffers from attenuation bias and inflatedstandard errors in the presence of measurementerror (Wooldridge 2003:306). This implies thatthe statistically significant political integrationcoefficients in the models shown earlier, ifaffected by this kind of measurement error, arelikely to be conservative estimates.A final limitation of this study is that, bydesign, it addresses only the political and economic dimensions of regional integration.Although I argue that the political and economic dimensions are essential in the context ofEuropean integration, future work should consider the role of cultural and social integration.That is, if it can be argued thatEuropean nationsare becoming more oriented toward "Europe"culturally (possibly through increasing consumption of EU cultural goods or increasingproduction of EU-wide understandings and

    meaning structures), then what are the consequences of this process for economic inequal

    ity?Moreover, if social interaction and migration patterns are becoming more regional asthey are structured by the EU, this social integration also may have consequences for inequality.These questions fall outside the scope of thisstudy, but a full understanding of the conse

    quences of European integration is impossiblewithout appreciation of all its dimensions.Acknowledging these limitations, this articleshows that the recent rise in income inequalitywithin Western European societies is partly

    explained by regional integration. As WesternEuropean states have grown more deeply integrated into the regional polity of the EU, and asnational markets have opened tomore intenseregional competition, income inequality hasrisen. This relationship between regional integration and income inequality appears net of statistical controls for other factors offered asexplanations for the "Great U-Turn" on inequality (Harrison and Bluestone 1988), includingeconomic development, welfare retrenchment,union decline, unemployment, corporatism, andtwo measures of globalization. Both the political and economic dimensions of regional integration are associated with income inequality,supporting the argument that both the expansionof economic competition and the deepening ofpolitical institutionalization matter for inequality.

    APPENDIXTable Al. Countries and Years Included in the Analysis

    Country Observations (n) YearsAustria 2 1987, 1995Belgium1985, 1988, 1992, 1997Denmark 1987, 1992, 1995, 1997France 1979,1981,1989,1994Germany 1973, 1978, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1994Ireland 1994, 1995, 1996

    Italy 1986,1991,1995Netherlands 1983, 1987, 1991, 1994Norway 1979, 1986, 1991, 1995Spain 1980, 1990Sweden 1975, 1981, 1987, 1992, 1995

    UnitedKingdom_6_1974, 1979, 1986, 1991, 1994, 1995Note: n = 48.

    Jason Beckfield isAssistant Professor of Sociologyat the University of Chicago, and Visiting AssistantProfessor at Harvard University. His dissertation,The Consequences of Regional Political and

    Economic Integration for Inequality and theWelfareState inWestern Europe, was completed at IndianaUniversity, and recently received the ASA DissertationAward. His other research, including recent articles

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