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Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions about the future

Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Jan 13, 2016



Dustin McKenzie
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Page 1: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Europe Faces a Post-Western WorldHamish McRae

• Five great medium-term global shifts and …

• … their implications for the world of finance

• Three big questions about the future

Page 2: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Three big stories: globalisation …

It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.

Kofi Annan

Page 3: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

… the West’s burden of debt …

I found this national debt, doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office.

Barack Obama

Page 4: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

… and the pressure on Europe

Europe today accounts for just over 7 per cent of the world’s population, produces around 25 per cent of global GDP, and has to finance 50 per cent of global social spending ….

Angela Merkel

Page 5: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

The presentation's structure

• First, a long historical perspective

• The structural forces changing the world …

• … and the shorter-term cyclical outlook

• A look further forward to 2030 and beyond

• Some implications for the future of Europe

Page 6: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

This moment in world history

• The reversal of the Industrial Revolution

• The G20 is gradually replacing the G7

• Asia is the principal source of global savings …

• … and of additional global demand

• China is now the second largest economy …

• … India the second largest investor in the UK

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Page 8: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 9: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Four huge structural forces

• Demography – an ageing developed world

• The environment – concern continues and grows

• Technology – towards the level playing field

• Government – under great pressure in the West

Page 10: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Ageing societies are different

• Most of Europe is ageing fast

• Much of the emerging world remains young

• So there will inevitably be a shift of power …

• … and we can see it particularly in the UK

• Attitudes in the developed world will shift …

• … and be influenced by the emerging world

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Page 12: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 13: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 14: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 15: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 16: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

What does this mean for Europe?

• There are different patterns within Europe …

• … but Europe as a whole faces a challenge

• North America still has a positive outlook

• China benefits now; India's “sweet spot” is later

• Obviously: power shifts to Asia, though China will slow

• Less obviously: prizes go to those that adapt best

Page 17: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

It’s good to be green

• The end of the oil era is a long way off, but …

• … uncertain energy supplies, coupled with …

• … huge demand from the US and China

• For Europe – the problem of Russia

• But “fracking” will buy us some time

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Page 19: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 20: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 21: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

What does this mean for Europe?

• One quick win: the value of a “green” reputation

• Some rebalancing of wealth and power to producers …

• … including the US and Canada

• Europe has to diversify its sources of energy

• Obvious beneficiaries: reliable raw material producers

• Less obvious: countries that are best at adapting

Page 22: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

The revolution in technology

• It is (nearly) a global level playing field

• Communications technologies are universal …

• … and Europe has no technological advantage

• But technology gives Europe global reach …

• … as well as fostering global competition

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Page 25: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 26: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

What does this mean for Europe?

• Communications technology is universally available

• It is not quite a level playing field but a flatter one …

• … for there are new peaks of excellence …

• … including peaks in Europe

• Obvious issue: how does the “old” world compete?

• Less obvious: what do we learn from the “new” world?

Page 27: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Debt in the 21st century

• There are some things only governments can do …

• … such as fight wars or rescue banks

• But huge pressures as debts and demands rise …

• … debt in the emerging world remains mostly low …

• … notwithstanding some concerns about China

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Page 29: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 30: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

What does this mean for Europe?

• The debt legacy for the G7 is massive …

• … and there is a particular problem for Europe

• All Western governments have to more effective …

• … using smarter regulation, not “tax 'n' spend”

• The emerging world carries a much lower burden …

• … as well as having faster growth

Page 31: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

What happens next in the cycle?

• The recovery will remain a two-speed one …

• … despite some slowing in the emerging world

• Europe has to press forward on reform …

• … and will inevitably grow quite slowly

• Maybe the deep dip means a long growth run …

• … giving Europe time to make those reforms

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Page 33: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

IMF growth forecasts for 2015• US – 3.0 per cent

• UK – 2.5 per cent

• Canada – 2.4 per cent

• Germany – 1.6 per cent

• France – 1.1 per cent

• Japan – 1.0 per cent

• China – 7.3 per cent

• India – 6.4 per cent

Page 34: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

A look forward to 2030 and beyond

• The BRICs model …

• … predicts China passing the US in 2027 …

• … and India around 2050

• Shanghai/Hong Kong pass Wall Street

• But is this realistic and what might go wrong?

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Page 36: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
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Page 38: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.
Page 39: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Outlook for Europe’s economy

• The North/South tensions will continue

• Eastern and central Europe will prosper …

• … once legacy issues are resolved

• Europe’s skill base is wonderful …

• … but its political base is weak …

• … and tensions over the euro are unresolved

Page 40: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Some key conclusions …

• The shift of power to Asia is inevitable …

• … and we in Europe must learn from it

• The West’s short-term outlook is troubling …

• … and it will be a two-speed global expansion

• But a rebalancing is both inevitable …

• … and you might say just

Page 41: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

… and some key questions

• Is this analysis all too linear?

• Can China cope with its demographic barrier …

• … and its social and other challenges?

• Can India cope as the most populous nation?

• Can we preserve a freely-trading global economy?

• What are the pressures on the environment?

• How will the West deal with loss of leadership?

Page 42: Europe Faces a Post-Western World Hamish McRae Five great medium-term global shifts and … … their implications for the world of finance Three big questions.

Europe Faces a Post-Western WorldHamish McRae

• Five great medium-term global shifts and …

• … their implications for the world of finance

• Three big questions about the future