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EUDORA RX- Fluid Mechanic Optimization

Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 EUDORA RX- Fluid Mechanic Optimization


    The P

  • 7/27/2019 EUDORA RX- Fluid Mechanic Optimization


    EUDORA: (you-DOR-uh) is the Greek Goddess ofheavyrain . She is one of the Okeanides, the 3000 daughters of Tethys and Okeanos, Goddess and God ofthe owere responsible for fresh water sources, whether from the earth (such as springs and rivers) or from the sky (such as clouds and rain). Eudoras name

  • 7/27/2019 EUDORA RX- Fluid Mechanic Optimization



    mission statement

    the firm

    Hydro Fluid Mechanics



    Bio Cellular Chemistry

    Human Capital

    TORROD & ASSOCIATES, INC. , is an international consulting firm engaging in the

    business development, market integrations, resourcing, assets management and

    development for private, public and government industries to achievea final product or

    service that is effective, optimal and efficient. Our structure and backbone is sustain by

    our experience, multi- facet resourcing and seamless vertical integration. Our firm

    addresses and ensures internal and external gains within a system or production by

    articulating programs and thresholds that correspond to the state of technology within

    that industry life cycle and market. The result is a more efficient business approach

    with less cost and more profit.




    6619 S DIXIE HIGHWAY MIAMI FLORIDA 33143 t 800 .237 .6001 [email protected]

    TORROD & ASSOCIATES, INC., is dedi cat ed to the des ign and deve lop men t of

    efficient, sustainable and optimal economic systems that offer technology solutions

    whos attributes assist in the positive evolution of humans and the environmental

    preserva tion of the earth with the aim to make the world a better place to live for years

    to come.

    who weare[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 EUDORA RX- Fluid Mechanic Optimization


    Business Analysis

    Comprised of a collective thinking tank researching to

    identify business needs and determining effective

    solutions to business problems. Our Solutions include a

    systems development component consisting of process

    improvement, organizational change, strategic planning

    and policy development.

    Technology Positioning

    An empirical methodology comprised of data sampling

    and exponential growth modeling using probability

    amplitudes explicit to a specific industry its risk,

    competition and life span.

    I-O Analysis

    A n e m p i r i c a


    within an indu

    complex variab

    derive input and





    Internal - External Performance Measurements


    co operation





    profitable growthfocus on core areas

    strategic partnershipstime to market

    leading position within technology relevanceleveraging assets flexibility

    profitable growth

    focus on core areas

    strategic partnerships

    time to market

    leading position within technology relevance

    leveraging assets flexibility


    6619 S DIXIE HIGHWAY MIAMI FLORIDA 33143 t 800.237.6001 [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 EUDORA RX- Fluid Mechanic Optimization


    imagine an irrigation systemwith the ability to significantlycurtail operational inputswhile still reaching maximum

    operational efficiency andyield . . . . . . ?

  • 7/27/2019 EUDORA RX- Fluid Mechanic Optimization


    Surface Tension

    Surface tension is a contrac tive tendency of the surface of a

    liquid that allows it to resist an external force. It is revealed,

    for example, in the floating of some objects on the surface

    of water, even though they are denser than water, and in the

    ability of some insects to run on the water surface. This

    property is caused by cohesion of similar molecules

    attracting each other due to ionic or cationic polarities.

    Surface tension is measured by dimension of force per unit

    length or of energy per unit area (surface energy). The

    cohesive forces among liquid molecules are responsible for

    the phenomenon of surface tension. In the bulk of the

    liquid, each molecule is pulled equally in every directi on by

    neighboring liquid molecules, resulting in a net force of

    zero. The molecules at the surface do not have other

    molecule s on all sides of them and therefore are pulled

    inwards. This creates some internal pressure and forces

    liquid surfaces to contract to the minimal area. Surface

    tension is responsible for the shape of liquid droplets.

    6619 S DIXIE HIGHWAY MIAMI FLORIDA 33143 t 800 .237 .6001 [email protected]

    Surface Tension

    a natural phenomena

    1. Where surface meet, the contact angle is uniquel y

    determined by the energies of the interfaces. Hence the contact

    angle will determine the surface energy need to main molecules

    pulling to maintain net force of zero.

    2. A curved liquid surface has a higher pressure on the

    concave side. A surface tries to minimize area and inside liquid

    is under pressure.

    application water drop: the surface tries to minimize are & inside

    liquid is under pressure.

    Materials are classified as hydrophobic or hydrophilic based on

    their affinity for water. If contact angle is less than 90 degrees it

    will wet the surface (hydrophilic), if contact angle is more than

    90 degrees it will not wet the surface (hydrophobic).

    surfaces exert forces



    Pi r Pdrop9( (= Press inside (Pi

    surface tension2 r( ( =

    = (Pi) - (Po) = 2 / r

    r Pdrop( (

    r radius of drop

    Pressure is inversely proportional torad iu s, the smaller the rad iu s thehigher the pressure[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 EUDORA RX- Fluid Mechanic Optimization


    the issue

    6619 S DIXIE HIGHWAY MIAMI FLORIDA 33143 t 800 .237 .6001 [email protected]

    Surface Tension

    the issue

    Materials are classified as hydrophobic or hydrophilic

    based on their affinity for water. The pressure relationsh ip

    between the radius of water drop and angle are indicato rs

    whether water dew or droplets have an affinity with other

    surfaces such as soil, grass, turf and leaves, also known as

    horticultural surfaces. If the contact angle is less than 90

    degrees it will wet the surface (hydrophilic), if contact

    angle is more than 90 degrees it will not wet the surface

    (hydrophobic). In most cases the contact angle for soil,

    grass, turf and leaves is more than 90 degrees hence there

    is a hydrophobic relationship creating repelling surface

    tension and no wetting. This relationship results in several

    economic input and out ratios where ultimately more water

    and energy is needed in order to sufficiently reach and wet

    these horticultural surfaces evenly and effectively.

    Due to the behavioral characteristics of surface tensions

    and the functional use of that surface material, as found in

    water, water purveying and irrigati on for horticult ural and

    turf applications endure large consumptions and

    ineffective use. Optimal irrigation is defined as an efficient and

    effective supply of water to the soil in order to provide moister

    and nutrient properties to a horticultural specimen. Capillary

    action occurs when the forces binding a liquid together (cohesion

    and surface tension) and the forcesattracting that bound liquid to

    another surface (adhesion) are greater than the force of gravity.

    Cohesion is the attractive force that pulls similar substances

    together. If the soil is dry, the surface tension of the edge of the

    water pool prevents the water spreading outwards quickly. The

    effect of gravity pulls the water down, into the root zone, and if

    there is morewater than the roots can take straight away, it keeps

    going down, into the subsoil and much of it wasted.


    water beading

    inhibits water penetration into soil

    inhibits water spreading evenly

    surface runoff and evaporation

    excessive water consumption

    excessive energy consumption

    inhibits growth

    long term nutritional deficiencies

    observations[email protected]:[email protected]
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    the solution

    6619 S DIXIE HIGHWAY MIAMI FLORIDA 33143 t 800 .237 .6001 [email protected]

    The solution to a more efficient and effective approach

    lies in the ability to reduce surface tension found in water.

    The intrinsic understanding of fluid mechanics, water

    and molecular relationships lead the path to solving our

    problem . Throug h the polariz ation of certai n molecu lar

    structures to achieve hydrophilic affinity with water we

    proffer the al lowance for an optimal contact angle

    between both surfaces where the radius area for the

    surface tension of water equals the radial momentum flux

    of the surface, hence reducing surface tension while

    allowing penetration and wetting.

    Eudora is an hydro-chemical agent designed for a fluid

    mechanic process that inhibits and reduces water surface

    tension significantly . Eudora is non toxic, 100 %

    biodegradable and safe. Eudora was designed to assist in

    the operational performance of irrigation and hydration

    systems allowing for the efficient and effective use of

    water. The following are the benefits Eudora offers;

    * water penetration

    * water even spreading

    * reduction of water consumption up to 40%

    * enriches landscaping

    * enriches crop nutrients

    * reduction of energy cost

    * maximizes irrigation effectiveness

    * promotes growth

    * decreases soil compaction

    * prevents evaporation

    * reduces irrigation operational inputs

    * Promote crop growth up to 20%

    * 100% Bio Degradable

    * safe


    EUDORA-RX[email protected]:[email protected]
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    6619 S DIXIE HIGHWAY MIAMI FLORIDA 33143 t 800.237.6001 [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]