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EU Road Transport Policy

Jun 04, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 EU Road Transport Policy


    Open roads across Europe




    for Energy and Transport

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    ContextRoad transport a vital component

    Reviewing needs

    A level playing-field

    Open markets, open highwaysResponsible operators sought

    Driver attestation

    For safety's sakeNew rules for driving licences

    Improving training standards

    Making trucks safer

    Transporting dangerous goods

    Time to belt-up

    Fair charging across the EUVehicle tax and fuel duties

    Taking their toll: Infrastructure charges

    International connectionsEasing the Alpine crossing

    From Russia with goods

    Interbus making passenger travel easier








    The European Commissions Directorate-General for Energy and Transport develops and carries out EUpolicy in these closely linked areas. The mid-term review of the 2001 White Paper, Keep Europe moving Sustainable mobility for our continent sets out a work programme designed to bring about significantfurther improvements in the quality and efficiency of transport in Europe by 2010. Improving theconditions in which road transport services can be operated throughout Europe is an essential conditionfor the smooth functioning of Europes economy, and a vital contribution to improving the health andquality of life of all Europeans.

    Published by: European Commission, Energy and Transport DG,B-1049 Brussels

    Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006.

    European Communities, 2006

    Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

    Manuscript completed on 15 November 2006.

    Photos courtesy of: DaimlerChrysler AG, European Community 2006, Hugh Jenkins, MAN Group, Renault

    Trucks,Scania CV AB, Seimans,Volvo

    ISBN 92-79-03148-1

    Printed in Belgium

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    hroughout history, the transport of passen-

    gers and freight has been an integral part of

    our daily lives, a motor of economic develop-

    ment and an important component of our own

    well-being. Not surprisingly, transport policy was

    enshrined as one of the first Community policies in the

    1957 Treaty of Rome the founding Act of todays

    European Union. Since completion of the internal mar-

    ket in 1992, road transport in Europe has substantially

    changed: rigid national concession regimes have been

    abolished, the intra-EU transport market has been

    opened up to free competition and even temporary

    services by hauliers in countries other than their ownhave become possible.

    Existing regulations in the road transport sector, as with

    European legislation in general,aim to provide a single,

    harmonised regulatory framework instead of 25 differ-

    ent and potentially conflicting ones. Road freight and

    passenger markets are opened up: any company any-

    where in the EU that meets EU professional require-

    ments may set up business in any Member State.

    Similarly,a single Community licencehas been created

    and accompanying documents have been harmonised

    to ensure that borders or national administrative prac-

    tices do not act as barriers to the growing prosperity

    generated by the road transport sector. This is a classic

    tale of how creating a single European market hasspurred competition and created one of the most

    dynamic and efficient sectors of the economy.

    This brochure provides details of the EU regulatory

    framework for the road transport sector. Each section

    outlines not only what has happened,but also the way

    ahead. Despite the gains to the sector thanks to

    European integration, more remains to be done to

    ensure we have a legal framework that is clear, easily

    enforceable and without unnecessary administrative

    burdens, so that road transport can continue to be an

    engine of economic growth in Europe.

    Jacques Barrot

    Vice-President of the European Commission,

    responsible for Transport





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    oad transport has a central role to play in the

    continued health and growth of Europes

    economy. Europeans expect goods to be

    delivered door-to-door to all corners of the

    continent, quickly and on time. Often road transport is

    the only answer to the demand for such high levels of

    mobility and flexibility a situation that will remain

    despite increasing investment in other modes. The

    transport of goods between Member States is set to

    increase by 50 % between 2000 and 2020. Road trans-

    port which already conveys 73 % of goods on land

    will undoubtedly take the lions share of that expansion.

    The road transport sector itself already contributes

    hugely to the European economy: it provides about

    4.5 million jobs and generates a turnover worth about

    1.6 % of EU gross domestic product. And without an

    efficient, vibrant road transport system, other modes

    cannot function properly as most freight and passen-

    ger journeys begin and end with a trip on the road.

    Road transport therefore also plays a vital role in the

    development of Europes integrated transport net-

    works and intermodal transport solutions.

    The European Union is committed to providing the

    best conditions for an open market for professional

    road transport services by which we mean journeysby lorries and coaches to ensure mobility of goods

    and people, and to enable job creation and economic

    growth. The challenge is to make all of this possible

    while helping the sector to become more efficient,

    safer and cost-effective.


    Modal split of freight transport in the EU-25

    (2005 figures, based on tonne-kilometres performed)

    Modal split of passenger transport in the EU-25

    (2004 figures, based on passenger-kilometres performed)








    Source: Eurostat,ECMT and national figures


    8.0%Tram and metro



    Bus and coach8.2%


    Passenger cars73.6%

    Source: Eurostat,ECMT, UIC, European Commission and national figures

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    2 000

    1 500

    1 000














    Reviewing needsThe mid-term review of the European Commissions

    2001 Transport White Paper Keep Europe moving -

    Sustainable mobility for our continent(1), sets out ways

    to provide Europeans with effective transport sys-

    tems that ensure the free movement of people and

    goods as a means of guaranteeing social and eco-

    nomic cohesion. This will require further develop-

    ment of the internal market for road transport serv-

    ices. The Commission is therefore developing strate-

    gies on market access that are simple, clear and easy

    to enforce.The EU is also committed to reducing con-

    gestion on roads over the coming years, particularly

    on trans-European networks again the aim is to

    improve the flow of goods and people.

    The review also underlines the need to protect trans-port users and improve their safety and security, as

    well as the working conditions of all Europes profes-

    sional drivers. The Commission is also keen to pro-

    mote innovation to ensure the sustainable competi-

    tiveness of all transport modes this will include

    using technology to improve logistical efficiency

    relating to Europes huge fleet of trucks and lorries.

    Figures show that even in the flexible world of road

    haulage, 25 % of journeys are still running empty.

    A level playing-field

    The Unions internal market for road transport has like

    other aspects of European life undergone a massivechange in the past few years.Member States are bene-

    fiting greatly from the worlds largest free market, and

    road transport is helping to promote the economic

    cohesion of the EU. The EU is committed to high com-

    mon standards in social rules for road haulage, which

    include revised regulations for driver working time,

    driving hours and rest periods and increased checks on

    lorries (for specific details see pp. 68). This new legis-

    lation, adopted in 2006, should prevent unfair compe-

    tition in the road transport industry, and reinforce

    safety standards throughout Europe.


    (1) Keep Europe moving Sustainable mobility for our continent,

    COM(2006) 314, adopted 22 June 2006.


    Growth in road freight transport in the EU-25

    (billion tonne-kilometres)

    Source: Eurostat,ECMT and national figures

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    he Commission is committed to nurturing an

    open market in road transport, as a means of

    bolstering the EUs internal market for all

    goods and services. And as the EU focuses ever

    more strongly on the economy and job creation as

    laid down in the Lisbon strategy it is ever more vital

    that road transport oils the wheels of growth.

    Of course, ensuring that the market functions effi-

    ciently in a non-discriminatory way requires huge

    effort on behalf of the Union and Member States, in

    terms of harmonising rules and regulations on a range

    of issues that relate to road transport, in particular

    ensuring that road transport operators receive fair andequitable access to the worlds largest single market.

    Responsible operatorssought

    The EU liberalised the transport market for both

    goods and passenger carriage in 1998. In reality, that

    means freight or passenger transport operators

    based in the Union can supply international transport

    services between any Member State provided that

    they are a recognised operator and hold a

    Community licence.

    To be recognised as a bona fide operator, three key cri-

    teria must be met:

    Good repute professional operators are expected

    to comply with rules and regulations,those who do

    not must be weeded out.

    Sound financial standing hauliers and passenger

    transport operators must be able to guarantee the

    viability of their businesses.


    50 000

    100 000

    150 000

    200 000

    250 000

    300 000

    350 000








    FR IE IT


    LV L







    PT S

    ISK F





    Employment in freight and passenger transport on roads in the EU-25

    (2004 or latest figures)

    Source: Eurostat

    Road freight transport sector

    Road passenger transport sector


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    Professional competence to ensure that cus-

    tomers receive safe, reliable transport services,

    operators have to show a level of competence in

    the way they run their businesses and check theirvehicles. In practice,this has led to the harmonising

    of professional competence certification through-

    out the EU. Now operators must hold a Community

    certificate of professional competence.

    The next step for EU transport operators is to obtain a

    Community licence from their home Member State.

    The licence allows them to carry out international

    transport operations throughout the Union,and must

    be renewed every five years. Operators must carry a

    certified copy of this document in each of their vehi-

    cles. It shows that they comply with the national traf-

    fic requirements of their country in accordance withthe relevant EU regulations.

    These good operator requirements exist to prevent

    unscrupulous companies gaining custom by taking

    short-cuts on safety. And by helping to harmonise

    financial standards and levels of competence, they

    also improve the professional status of the road trans-

    port industry.

    Driver attestation

    Every driver from a non-EU country who drives an EU

    operators vehicle while carrying out cross-borderhaulage activities within the Union must carry the

    correct driver attestation.This certifies that the driver

    is legally employed by the operator who owns the

    vehicle, and that she/he meets all the professional

    conditions required by that operators Member State.

    Cabotage a free

    market essential

    Essentially, cabotage means the transportation of

    goods within one country by a haulier from

    another country. In the EU, cabotage is allowed on

    a temporary basis. This means, for example, that a

    French transport company discharging a cargo

    from Paris in Seville can instead of driving empty

    to Barcelona to pick up a load to be carried back to

    France transport goods between Seville and

    Barcelona. At the moment, cabotage makes up

    about 1.2 % of the road transport market, but opti-

    mising the use of capacity is important for reduc-

    ing environmental damage.

    The new Member States will, after a transitionalperiod, enjoy the right to carry out cabotage serv-

    ices. There were worries in the sector about the

    possible adverse effects of running cabotage serv-

    ices. These centred on potentially unfair competi-

    tion from lower-wage countries which could

    undercut operators who have to bear the greater

    costs of working in a more tightly regulated envi-

    ronment. However, cabotage does not appear to

    have undermined national markets or operators of

    good repute. What is more, the recent legislation

    relating to driver times, rest periods and checks

    will help bring the application of social conditions

    into line in all Member States, and will further

    reduce the chances of transport companies being

    unfairly undercut.


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    n 2005, nearly 41 000 people lost their lives

    in road accidents across the EU, and many

    thousands more were injured. Making

    Europes highways as safe as possible is

    therefore a key Union priority.

    New legislation, agreed in 2006 by the European

    Parliament and Council, will improve driving condi-

    tions for hard-pressed lorry and bus drivers, and

    increase the number of checks on European trucks

    and coaches.

    In relation to driver working conditions, the key

    points of the new package include:

    an obligatory minimum daily rest of nine hours for

    drivers, up from the previous eight hours, and

    obligatory breaks during driving time;

    a rest period of at least 45 consecutive hours every

    two weeks;

    measures to prevent professional drivers from

    driving more than 56 hours a week.

    Crucially, in terms of liability, the drivers employers

    are now responsible for obeying the new rules. This

    legislation complements the EUs special working

    time directive for professional drivers.

    Member States are required by EU law to enforce

    social legislation and safety requirements related to

    road transport. This includes carrying out regular

    checks, both at the roadside and at company prem-

    ises. The new legislation will triple the number of

    checks and improve the way information on viola-

    tions is exchanged between Member States.



    Security and openness

    finding the balance

    Terrorist attacks in Madrid and London have shown

    how vulnerable public transport infrastructure is to

    attack. And the Commission is also looking at ways

    to tighten the security of intermodal and goods

    transport. This could include developing a single

    security certification system for the logistics chain

    across Europe.

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    New rules for

    driving licencesThe EU agreed new rules for driving licences in March

    2006, which will impact on professional drivers as well

    as regular motorists. The changes will harmonise

    licence validity periods for all drivers and medical

    rules for professional drivers, and reduce fraud by

    ensuring all drivers have a licence based on a single

    model. This will replace the 110 different types of

    licence currently valid across the different Member

    States. Mandatory, regular renewal periods will be

    introduced truck and bus drivers will now have to

    renew their licences every five years. Furthermore,

    professional drivers will have to undergo medical

    checks each time their licences are renewed.The changes will also strengthen rules concerning

    progressive driver access to more and more powerful

    lorries.New categories relating to the technical make-

    up of smaller trucks and buses are being introduced.

    Also, licences for buses will be amended to refer to

    the number of passengers a driver can carry, rather

    than to the number of seats in their vehicle.

    Improvingtraining standards

    In 2003, the EU adopted a new directive to improve

    professional driver training standards. Previously

    there was no obligation for most drivers to undergovocational training essentially experience gained

    on the job could see a driver move on to larger and

    larger vehicles.

    The Commission recognised this was an inadequate

    way to ensure that drivers had the requisite up-to-

    date skills and knowledge. The 2003 legislation offers

    drivers the choice of carrying out a compulsory mini-

    mum level of training, or a more extensive full basic

    training package.

    Drivers can expect to learn about safety rules,compli-

    ance with legislation, and related issues such as

    health and safety, servicing and logistics. Full basic

    training lasts 280 hours, carried out over eight weeksof 35 hours each; while compulsory minimum train-

    ing is 140 hours. Drivers must also undertake a brief

    refresher course at five-year intervals.

    Secure parking areas

    Lorry drivers need to stop when making inter-

    national trips to comply with EU rules on drivingtimes and rest periods. However, throughout

    Europe there are complaints about a lack of secure

    parking facilities which means that drivers, vehicles

    and cargo are vulnerable to thieves and worse.

    In February 2006, the Commission launched a study

    to explore the feasibility of secure parking areas.

    Its review assessed current levels of security and

    found out what is needed to make parking areas

    safer for drivers.The Commission also provided sup-

    port to the construction of model parking areas.


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    Making trucks safer

    Any heavy goods vehicle driver will tell you that largelorries have a blind spot when they turn right (or left if

    the vehicle is right-hand drive). The Commission esti-

    mates the problem causes about 500 fatalities a year

    on Europes roads, and is a particular risk to cyclists.

    In 2003, the EU agreed a directive that requires rear-

    view mirrors to be upgraded to reduce this blind spot.

    Accordingly, new lorries weighing more than

    3.5 tonnes have to be equipped with blind-spot mir-

    rors from 2007. The debate on the practicalities of

    retrofitting these mirrors to Europes existing five mil-

    lion heavy goods vehicles has shown that there is a

    strong case in favour, and the Commission has there-

    fore come forward with a new proposal to that effect.

    Transportingdangerous goods

    Moving dangerous goods, such as chemicals and

    petrol, is governed by EU law which applies the rules

    laid down in the ADR convention to all transport in

    the EU. EU law provides rules on the transport of dan-

    gerous goods, including the movement of trans-

    portable pressure equipment; and uniform proce-dures for checking the transport of dangerous goods.

    Laws also cover the appointment and training of

    safety advisers, and ensure that vehicles meet certain

    technical requirements to transport dangerous

    goods in as safe a way as possible.

    The move to digital


    Every lorry, bus and coach on EU roads must be fit-

    ted with a tachograph to record information on

    their journeys. Tachographs used to be analogue,

    and data concerning driving times, rest periods,

    loading times and mechanical work was printed

    out on paper disks. However, recent technological

    advances have seen the introduction of digital

    tachographs, which are capable of recording more

    data including speed, distance covered and driveridentification with much greater accuracy. They

    are also much more secure against tampering than

    their analogue predecessors.

    The EU has reacted to this technological advance

    by making digital tachographs compulsory in new

    heavy goods vehicles and buses from 1 May 2006.

    Interoperability certification will ensure that tacho-

    graph equipment will always work with products

    made by different manufacturers.

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    Time to belt-upSince 9 May 2006, it has been compulsory throughout

    the EU for coach and bus passengers aged three and

    over to wear seat belts where they are fitted. The

    operator must tell their passengers about these new

    requirements,and seat belts must be worn whenever

    people are seated and the vehicle is moving. This EU

    law complements earlier legislation that requires

    coaches, larger mini-buses and non-urban buses to be

    fitted with seat belts. All such vehicles registered after

    1 October 2001 must have restraints fitted.


    The Road Safety Char ter

    Europes transport associations and companies are

    signing up to the European road safety charter. The

    aim is to encourage stakeholders to take whatever

    steps are necessary to help improve road safety in

    Europe in particular to achieve the goal of halving

    the number of traffic fatalities by 2010. The Charter

    also acts as a platform for the exchange of ideas

    and best practice.

    For more information see:


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    he EU is committed to developing a compre-

    hensive approach to road transport taxes

    and charges. This is still a challenge because

    rates for use of infrastructure, annual road tax

    and fuel duties vary across the Union. Differences in

    these costs distort competition in Europes road

    haulage sector, which runs counter to the Unions aim

    of creating an open market that is fair and transparent.

    Vehicle tax and fuel duties

    The EU has developed common rules on annual taxes

    for heavy goods vehicles over 12 tonnes. They pro-

    vide for a minimum rate for this type of tax, which

    goes some way to reducing the differences that exist

    between Member States.

    In the European Union, all fuels are subjected to a

    minimum rate of excise duty.In terms of diesel by far

    the most widely used fuel in the road haulage sector

    that works out at a minimum rate of EUR 302 per

    1 000 litres of fuel.

    The aim is to reduce the differences that exist inMember States excise duty charges, though rates do

    still differ greatly across the Union.

    Taking their toll:Infrastructure charges

    Another cost factor facing commercial road transport

    operators is the cost of using infrastructure such as

    motorways and bridges, levied in the form of tolls and

    user charges. The Eurovignette directive, adopted in

    1999 and subsequently modified in 2006, establishes

    common rules relating to distance-based tolls andtime-based user charges for goods vehicles over 3.5

    tonnes. The aim of the legislation is to improve the

    way the internal market operates by reducing differ-

    ences in tolls and charges across the EU.

    Key points of the directive include the following:

    Tolls should only correspond to distance travelled

    and type of vehicle; and user charges should relate

    to the time spent using the infrastructure.

    Tolls and user charges may vary according to con-

    gestion and vehicle emission class.

    Tolls and charges can be levied for the use of roads

    that are part of the trans-European network (TEN)or under certain circumstances parallel roads.

    As a general rule, distance-based tolls and time-

    related charges shall not be applied on the same

    stretch of road.

    National tolls and charges should be non-discrimi-

    natory, and should be easy for the motorist to

    understand, so as to avoid unnecessary hold-ups

    and problems at toll booths. Mandatory checks at

    the EUs internal borders should also be avoided.



    An electronic toll system

    no more fumbling for change

    One major irritation for all drivers is having to

    queue at toll booths to pay charges. The problem ismade worse on international routes as drivers of

    different nationalities figure out what they have to

    pay, sometimes in a currency they do not know

    well. Such conditions hold up journeys and cause

    congestion on busy routes, especially at peak

    times. To solve this problem,the EU has introduced

    legislation that paves the way for a fully interoper-

    able electronic toll payment system. By harnessing

    recent advances in satellite tracking technology,

    mobile positioning and electronic payment sys-

    tems, it is now possible to equip vehicles with sys-

    tems that record journeys through toll booths. The

    driver therefore does not have to stop and can

    receive a single bill at the end of their journey.

    The EU has laid down rules for the introduction of

    electronic toll systems that must use interoperable

    technologies from 1 January 2007. In time,this will

    build into a network of interoperable toll booths,

    which, when paired with the on-board recording

    units, will make it much easier to travel via Europes

    fee-charging motorways, bridges and tunnels.

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    oad transport between the EU and non-EU

    countries (third countries) is still largely

    based on bilateral arrangements between

    EU Member States and the third countries.

    Nevertheless, the EU has reached agreements with a

    number of non-Member States on road transport

    issues that take precedence over those bilateral

    arrangements. For example, the agreement on the

    European Economic Area (EEA) provides that Iceland,

    Norway and Liechtenstein apply the Unions road

    transport rules in the same fashion as the Member

    States. Similarly, on the basis of the agreement

    between the EU and Switzerland on transport of

    goods and passengers by road and rail, Switzerland

    applies equivalent rules as the EU and the EEA coun-

    tries in the field of land transport.

    Easing the Alpine crossing

    Some of the EUs most important international road

    transport flows go over the Alps, not only through EU

    members France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Slovenia

    but also through Switzerland. The limited numbers of

    transit routes through the Alps (roads, tunnels and

    mountain passes) carry large amounts of freight traffic

    in both directions, as the map below highlights. This

    puts a strain on both the infrastructure and the fragile

    Alpine ecosystem.

    All the countries which make up the Alpine region,

    together with the European Community, are party to

    the Alpine Convention, which aims to safeguard the

    Alpine ecosystem and promote sustainable develop-

    ment within the region.In particular, the transport pro-

    tocol to the Convention encourages the parties to

    invest in new, more environmentally friendly transport

    infrastructure, notably new tunnels. In this way,

    transalpine freight traffic can be transferred to rail and

    even short-sea shipping, reducing the environmentalburden on the fragile, high-altitude ecosystem.

    Furthermore, the EU has introduced and is further

    developing a harmonised charging system for road

    freight journeys, following the polluter paysprinciple,

    whereby journeys are charged according to the envi-

    ronmental damage they cause. Under the EU/

    Switzerland land transport agreement,similar rules are

    applied for truck journeys across the whole Alpine

    range. This ensures that traffic is spread more evenly

    over all the crossings on the mountain range, reducing

    congestion and mitigating environmental damage.


























    Montgenvre (36)






    Ljubjana Lyon



    0 1000 20001500500









    Number of trucks on main Alpine crossing points in 2005

    pass / tunnel

    Number of trucks in 2005 (x1 000)

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    From Russia with goodsThe EUs borders have spread east in recent years

    thanks to the enlargement process, and trade with

    Russia has grown greatly since the fall of the Soviet

    Union. It should also be noted that 50 % of EU exports

    to Russia now travel by road, and trade by land trans-

    port, both road and rail, between the parties is set to

    grow by 11 % a year.

    The EU and Russia established a transport dialogue in

    October 2005, with the aim of discussing improve-

    ments of transport and infrastructure links and to

    promote a better understanding of current and future


    Interbus makingpassenger travel easier

    The Interbus agreement between the EU and a num-

    ber of its eastern and south-eastern European neigh-

    bours has helped to liberalise access to the market for

    certain services supplied by bus and coach operators.

    It originally came into force in 2001, so many of the

    original signatories are now EU Member States. The

    EUs current co-signatories are Albania, Bosnia and

    Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of

    Macedonia, Moldova and Turkey. Interbus encom-

    passes a number of social, financial and technical

    measures that have helped to harmonise and simplify

    rules under which coach and bus operators work.

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    Main legal references

    Basic principlesAdmission to the occupation

    Directive 96/26/EC (OJ L 124,23.5.1996, pp. 110), as amended by Directive 98/76/EC (OJ L 277,

    14.10.1998, pp. 1725)

    Road haulage

    Community authorisation: Regulation (EEC) No 881/92 (OJ L 95, 9.4.1992,pp. 17)

    Cabotage:Regulation (EEC) No 3118/93 (OJ L 279, 12.11.1993, pp. 116)

    Driver attestation: Regulation (EC) 484/2002 amending Regulations (EEC) No 881/92 and

    (EEC) No 3118/93 (OJ L 76, 19.3.2002, pp. 16)

    Hired vehicles:Directive 2006/1/EC (OJ L 33, 4.2.2006, pp. 8285)

    Passenger transport Community authorisation: Regulation (EEC) No 684/92 (OJ L 74, 20.3.1992, pp. 19), as amended by

    Regulation (EC) No 11/98 (OJ L 4, 8.1.1998, pp. 19)

    Cabotage:Regulation (EC) No 12/98 (OJ L 4,8.1.1998, pp.1014)

    Safety and social aspectsDriving time, working hours and rest periods

    Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 (OJ L 102, 11.4.2006, pp. 114),

    Directive 2002/15/EC (OJ L 80, 23.3.2002, pp. 3539)

    Standards and checks

    Tachograph: Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 (OJ L 370, 31.12.1985, pp. 821), modified by Regulation (EC)No 2135/98 (OJ L 274, 9.10.1998, pp. 121) and Regulation (EC) No 1360/2002 (OJ L 207, 5.8.2002,

    pp. 1252), and at the latest by Regulation (EC) No 561/2006

    Directive 2006/22/EC (OJ L102, 11.4.2006, pp. 3544)

    Driver training: Directive 2003/59/EC (OJ L 226, 10.9.2003, pp.417)

    Taxes and chargesExcise duty

    Excise duty on fuel: Directive 2003/96/EC (OJ L 283,31.10.2003,pp. 5170)

    Eurovignette and tolls

    Directive 99/62/EC as amended by Directive 2006/38/EC (OJ L 157,9.6.2006, pp. 823)

    Interoperability of electronic tolls:2004/52/EC (OJ L166, 30.4.2004, pp. 124143)

    Agreements with non-member countriesEC/Swiss Confederation agreement

    Agreement on the carriage of goods and passengers by rail and road (OJ L114, 30.4.2002, pp. 91131)

    Interbus agreement

    Council Decision 2002/917/EC (OJ L 321, 26.11.2002, pp.1112)

    To access these legal texts, see

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  • 8/13/2019 EU Road Transport Policy


    Road transport is critical for Europe, for our economy, for our jobs and for our well-being. Regardless of how

    much other modes of transport develop, including those perceived as more environmentally friendly, there will

    always be a requirement for high-quality road freight and passenger transport services, whether stand-alone

    or as part of a multimodal transport chain. The EU aims to create the conditions in which Europes road

    transport market operates efficiently and safely, and the policies it is implementing are set out in this brochure.


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