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IRT Teams | Sept 08 | 1 Title of the presentation | Date |1 EU R&D Funding for SMEs / Networks Dr Robert Bunn

EU Research and Development Funding for SMEs / Networks, Dr Robert Bunn, Invest NI

Aug 20, 2015



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Page 1: EU Research and Development Funding for SMEs / Networks, Dr Robert Bunn, Invest NI

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EU R&D Funding for SMEs / Networks

Dr Robert Bunn

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Knowledge Transfer


Collaborative Networks

Enterprise Europe Network

Collaborative R&D Support

Innovation Vouchers

Competence Centres

Invest Northern Ireland – Encourages Collaboration

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• €70.20 (?) billion research and innovation funding programme

• New framework programme bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives (FP, EIT, CIP)

• Continuation of investment in frontier research

• More support for innovation activities – focus on business opportunities

• Simplification (e.g. reduction of average time to grant by 100 days)

HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)

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• Single set of rules for participation, coherent with other new EU Programmes

• One project – one funding rate

- Eligible costs: direct + indirect (flat rate, O/H @ 25% of direct costs)

- 100% rate for research projects;

- 70% rate for activities closer to market;

• Simple evaluation criteria: Excellence, Implementation, Impact (weighting ?)

• New funding schemes: - pre-commercial procurement, prizes, loan and equity instruments

HORIZON 2020 – What’s new?

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1. Excellent Science

2. Competitive Industries

3. Better Society

Horizon 2020: Three priorities

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European Research Council (ERC)Supporting world leading scientist in blue sky research


Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation


Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)Opportunities for training and career development


Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure)Ensuring access to world-class facilities


Horizon 2020: Excellent Science (€Bn)

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1. Excellent Science

2. Competitive Industries

3. Better Society

Horizon 2020: Three priorities

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Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEIT) ICT (45 %), nanotechnologies (22 %), biotechnology (3 %), space, etc.


Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation


Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs

0.6 complemented byc. 20% of societal

challenges and industrial leadership

‘access to risk finance’ with strong SME focus

Horizon 2020: Competitive Industries (€Bn)

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1. Excellent Science

2. Competitive Industries

3. Better Society

Horizon 2020: Three priorities

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Health, demographic change & wellbeing 6.81

Food security, sustainable agriculture & the bio-economy 3.51

Secure, clean and efficient energy 5.40

Smart, green & integrated transport 5.78

Climate action, resource efficiency & raw materials 2.81

Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative & reflective societies


Secure societies – protecting freedom & security of Europe and its citizen


Horizon 2020: Better Society (€Bn)

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SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Innovation

at the core of

EU2020 strategy

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• Increase their R&D and innovation capability by tapping into

the best knowledge in the union

• Get access to international networks

• Get access to new markets and customers

• Have access to qualified staff

• Increase their reputation and visibility on an EU level

SMEs that participate in EU Projects:

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Transnational Cooperation

Horizon 2020SME instrumentTarget: Business

innovation motivated SMEs

EurostarsTarget: R&D

intensive SME

Horizon 2020Collaborative

ResearchTarget: R&D


National & regional programs

Strategic Positioning of SME Programmes

Cooperation at regional or national level

R&D driven projects

Market opportunity

driven projects

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Lump sum: 50.000 €

~ 6 months

Input: Idea/Concept: "Business Plan 1"

(~ 10 pages) 10% budget

Activities:Feasibility of concept

Risk assessmentIP regime

Partner searchDesign study

Pilot applicationetc.

Output: elaborated "Business plan 2"

Phase 1: Concept and feasibility


Phase 2: R&D, demonstration, market


Input: "Business plan 2" plus description of activities under

Phase 2 (~ 30 pages)90% budget

Activities:Development, prototyping,

testing, piloting, miniaturisation, scaling-up,

market replication, research

Output: "investor-ready Business plan 3"

1-3 (5) M € EC funding

~ 12 to 24 months

Promote instrument as quality label for successful


Facilitate access to private finance

Support via networking , training, information,

addressing i.a. IP management, knowledge sharing, dissemination

SME window in the EU financial facilities (debt

facility and equity facility)

Possible connection to PPC (and PPI?)

Phase 3: Commercialisation

No direct funding

SME Instrument

10-15% success 40-50% success

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NI Horizon 2020 Contact Points

• H2020 Manager & Contact Points: Health (QUB and UU) Engineering (QUB) ICT (QUB x2) SSH (QUB) Energy (UU) Food/Agriculture (AFBI) SMEs (Invest NI)

• Close links with UK and Irish NCPs• NI network includes: InterTradeIreland & Brussels-based NI team

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UK/Ireland Funding Programmes EU R&D Funding Programmes

Invest NI Collaborative R&D Support Service

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Eurostars 2

• International collaborative research and innovation project lead by a research performing SME

• Development of an innovative new product, process or service

• Two application deadlines per year (Next deadline 13th March 2014)

• Evaluation by Independent Experts• Maximum Grant of €300,000 at 60% of eligible

project costs (UK’s TSB rules).

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€5.6 billion budget

Main objective - to ensure optimum development and

dynamic use of Europe’s intellectual capital in order to

generate new skills and innovation

Marie S-Curie Actions = excellent researchers’ training,

mobility and career development

Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions in Horizon 2020

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Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions in Horizon 2020“Innovative TrainingNetworks” - ITN

Research networks supportingtraining of Masters’ and PhDstudents

“Individual Fellowships” Support for experiencedresearchers undertaking mobility

“R&I Staff Exchange” - RISE

International and inter-sector cooperation through the exchange of research and innovation staff

“COFUND” Co-funding of regional, national andinternational programmes covering actions 1, 2 and 3

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Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions in Horizon 2020

• Promoting inter-sectoral & international collaboration in research training

• Academic <-> Non-Academic• Non-academic = private sector, public sector, “third sector” (NGOs, charities, etc.)

• Proposing three types of network1. European Training Networks (minimum 3 partners, 3 countries)2. European Joint Doctorates (minimum 3 partners, 3 countries)3. European Industrial Doctorates (minimum 2 partners; one academic, one non-academic)

Innovative Training Networks - ITN

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Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions in Horizon 2020

Research & Innovation Staff Exchange - RISE

Promoting transfer of knowledge between countries and sectors

• Two types of RISE award:

• International “staff” exchanges between Europe and non-European countries• Inter-sectoral “staff” exchanges between different sectors in Europe (no intra-national exchanges)

Funds exchange visits from 1 month to 1 year and networking activities(workshops, meetings, conferences, etc.)

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Research Clusters in Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 = excellence at EU level

European Structural & Investment Funds (ESIF)= capacity-building in situ

4 thematic objectives:• R & I• business support• low carbon economy• ICT

?? Contextual strategies:

• Regional Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3)• Possibility of Synergistic Funding (NOT double funding)

• Approach ? Networks at EU level ? ERRIN ??

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• Identify the most appropriate funding scheme for your project idea and

research needs

• Provide advice on UK and EU funding rules, regulations and eligibility


• Assist you to find the right partners through the Enterprise Europe Network


• Signpost you to further specialist events and advice (NICP, NCP)

• Invest NI financial support for proposal preparation

Invest NI can help

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Invest NI: Horizon 2020 Innovation Voucher

• Opening December 2013 – NOW LIVE !

• Helping SMEs to work with a knowledge provider in their field

to engage in Horizon 2020

• SME applies directly to Invest NI

• £4000 (€5000) voucher to support SMEs to:

• Understand structures

• Build consortia

• Prepare their contribution to proposals

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Eligible Costs

• Labour

• Consultancy Fees

• Legal Advice Project Definition

• Travel and Subsistence Costs

Invest NI Financial Support for Preparing Collaborative R&D applications – For Companies & Academics

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• EU Funding and Policy Information services Early Intelligence on EU calls (EU Funding Briefs)

EU R&D and Innovation Policy Monitoring (Brussels Bulletin)

• Project Development Support Partner searches

Organisation of meetings with the EC, potential partners

• EU Networking activities & profiling the Region Relations with EC officials

Build strategic links with other regions, networks

Organise Events to showcase Northern Ireland expertise

Invest NI EU R&D Liaison Service in Brussels

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Team Contact Details – NICP’s for SMEs

Team Leader – Horizon 2020 UK NCP SMEsJoanne Coyle

Email: [email protected] Tel. 028 9069 8807

R&D Collaboration and EEN Executives – Northern IrelandLisa O’Reilly

Email: [email protected] Tel. 028 9069 8594

Robert BunnEmail: [email protected] Tel. 028 9069 8602

R&D Liaison Executive – BrusselsFarha Brahmi

Email: [email protected] Tel. 00 32 2 290 1345

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Partner identification and matching- Research Connections Web Tool- SSH Guide- Advisory Service & EU Notice Board

Partnership development- Cross -Border Collaboration Voucher- EU Travel Scheme

Information & Dissemination- Thematic events- Dedicated website & newsletter- Case Studies- Horizon 2020 appIn









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Or contact:

Carrie Small, Project Manager – EU ProgrammesTel: 028 3083 4172Email: [email protected]

For further information:


Catherine Halbert, ITI Horizon 2020 FacilitatorEmail: [email protected]

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• Talk to us about your research needs – we are free!

• Think strategically, look medium to long term

• Successful participation is often the culmination of a process, so be

prepared - join networks, be open to collaboration, come to

information sessions

• Register as an evaluator - learn the process from the inside.

• Start early

What Next?

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