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Ethics, Economics and Environment

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 Ethics, Economics and Environment


    25 May 2010 Economic.ppt 1

    Ethics, Economic Systems & the


  • 8/12/2019 Ethics, Economics and Environment



    Branch of philosophy;

    study of good and bad, right and wrong;

    principles by which a person or society judges

    right and wrong;

    elucidates criteria, standards, or rules for judging

    right and wrong.

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    Study of how people divide or allocate

    valuable goods and services

    Use of resources

    Manufacture goods

    Exchange of resources, goods, & services

    Setting of value in markets

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    Ethics & Economics

    Questions of valueWhat is valuable?

    Money, my car, my house, my computer, my clothes, my cell

    phone? My boat! ?

    Family, friends, neighborhood?

    Birds, mammals, insects, flowers, trees, fish?

    Water, air, soil, ecosystem functions, ecosystem services?

    What is right?

    Keeping my stuff?

    Treating other people fairly?

    Preserving living things?

    Preserving clean water, air, soil, etc?

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    Anthropocentric Values money, car, house, computer, clothes, cell phone;

    Family, friends, neighborhood;

    Treating other people fairly;

    Denies or ignores rights of non-human entities.

    Biocentric Values birds, mammals, insects, flowers, trees, fish;

    Living things have a right to be

    Ecocentric Values clean water, air, soil, ecosystem functions and services;

    Ecosystems must be left alone.

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    Environmental Ethics & Ethicists

    Henry David Thoreau, R.W. Emerson

    Nature as manifestation of divine

    John Muir

    Preservation ethic; natural environment should be kept inpristine condition

    Gifford Pinchot

    Conservation ethic; use natural resources wisely,


    Aldo Leopold

    Land ethic; humans part of land-community

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    Economy: system of production,

    distribution, consumption of goods and


    Kinds of economies

    Subsistence economy

    Centrally planned economy

    Capitalist market economy

    Mixed economy

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    Three schools of economics

    Classical economics

    Resources (soil, minerals, water, food, etc.)

    limited, valuable.

    Neoclassical economics

    Labor, human resources have value.

    Ecological economics

    Ecosystem services have value.

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    Economic Decisions:

    Kinds of economies

    Subsistence economy

    Centrally planned

    economy Capitalist market


    Mixed economy

    Who makes economic


    What to produce?

    & How much? How to produce them?

    How to distribute?

    How to set a price?

    Which goods & servicesto consume (purchase

    and use)?

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    Economic Decisions:

    Who makes economic decisions??

    Individuals in the marketplace

    = Pure Capitalism, Free-market system

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    Pure Capitalism

    Adam Smith, 1776,

    Inquiry into the Nature

    and Causes of theWealth of Nations.

    invisible hand,

    laissez faire.
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    Pure Capitalism

    Works in small economies where information

    freely available.

    No seller or buyer can control or manipulate.

    In large economies, not everyone has information.

    Possible to cheat,

    manipulate supply or demand,

    degrade resources, pollute.

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    Economic Decisions:

    Who makes economic decisions??


    Centrally planned economy.

    = pure command economic system,

    Former USSR,

    China 1947-present.

    Germany under Nazi Party (19331945)

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    Pure Command System

    Does pure command ever work??

    too many tractors,

    not enough toilet paper!!Laborers work for State, not for themselves;

    Lowers motivation

    Reduces innovation

    Leaders care little for welfare of people.

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    Economic Decisions:

    Who makes economic decisions??


    = Corporate capitalist economic system.

    Real system in USA?

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    Corporate Capitalist System

    Corporations attempt to control markets

    (market share) Maximize profits for shareholders !!

    Produce at low cost. cheap foreign labor

    resist labor unions

    Sell at high price (what the market will bear).

    Withhold/conceal information. Degrade resources, pollute

    avoidcosts of conservation, clean-up

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    Mixed economy

    Corporations & small businesses regulated

    by government

    Encourage entrepreneurism

    Prevent monopolies (anti-trust laws)

    Modify economic (boom-and-bust) cycles


    Regulate business practices

    Worker safety, product safety & effectiveness

    Banking system, insurance, taxation, trade

    Pollution may be regulated

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    Mixed economy

    Corporations & small businesses regulated

    by government Provide services not available, or affordable, in market

    National security


    Health care (esp. for poor, elderly)

    Economic safety net

    Social Security, unemployment insurance

    Law enforcement