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Ethical Approach For Whole-Hearted Public Kitchen

Dec 16, 2014


Health & Medicine

This PowerPoint is mainly organized by Carole Zhou. However, my other teammates have participated in correction or revising. Please contact me when concerning the copyright issue.
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  • 1. Jour 510. MidtermEthical approach for Whole-Hearted PublicKitchen Presented By: Maria Fernanda LopezPalaciosYanxin ZhouBrandon MastersAkanksha Garg

2. Group SpiritGround rules:ValuesRespond the email within a ExcellencedayPunctualityGoogle docsRespect each others opinionPowerPoint Try everybodys bestTexting is fineShowing the sense of responsibility 3. SUGGESTED COURSE OF ACTION Option TwoLay off 2 of WHPKs 10 employees andeliminate the Meals on Wheels (MoW)program, which delivers 1 meal to 200homebound residents, 5 days a week. 4. RATIONALE OF OUR DECISION Creates the least number of victims. Consistent with WHPKs mission business statement. Consistent with the Governments advocacy for healthier nutrition among kids and elders. 5. POTTER BOXFacts:Values:25 years Non-Profit Org.Healthy Food At-need PeopleFinancial CrisisSurvivalLimited Choices Honesty + Transparency10 Paid Staff + VolunteersLeast Negative ImpactsCritical RenovationsLoyalties:First allegiance is toPrinciple:the customers, thepublic that is need ofMills Principle offood: local at-need Utility: Best for Mostadults and children. 6. FACTS WHPK has been a non-profitorg. for 25 years; The General Budget has beensuffering a significant decrease; Projected donations for this yearare inadequate; A paid staff of 10 people+Volunteers; Must save $365,000 in operatingcost to avoid bankruptcy; A must-made decision with 3choices; Renovations were criticized bythe Media. 7. Values PublicPROrganization Kitchen Campaign Best efforts Survival Be honestto providefrom the andhealthy foodfinancialtransparentto the widest the targetrange of at- Leastaudiences.need people.damaging Effectively Least decisions to managenegativetheDonorimpacts onreputation.relations.thecommunity. 8. Principle Mills Principle of Utility Best for Most:We mustseek the greatest happinessfor the greatest number ofpeople.----John StuartMill 9. Loyalty Local at-need children and adults. Donors. 10. Impact of our decision 11. Impacts on Community 1 Meal/Day;5 Days/Week $$315,00 ContiguouslyServing 50,0000Healthy Food Affected People: Option #1:250Option #2: 200+ 2 Option #3: 700 12. Impacts on Community Community would beprotesting WHPK. Clarify that #2 will freeup the funds neededto continue servingthe majority ofcommunity. 13. Impacts on CommunityTheCall-to-ActionCommunitys TakingResponsibility Our hopes are that theMake the community MoW program will bepartly responsible for sustainable throughhelping those in need. volunteer efforts and thatThus, theyll be less the 200 homeboundinclined to blame residents will also beWHPK. served. 14. Impacts on Reputation The fired two employees might Createnegative comments/Advocateprotesting against WHPK/; Public would argue to lower directorssalary; Media would bring up the renovationissues. 15. Why the other two options are less desirable 16. Option #1 Option #3 Affects more people It is not consistent with than #2 does.the organizationsbusiness purpose; Jeopardizes theaudiences health; Could bring unwantedattention fromgovernment and theMedia. 17. Addressing the Boards Top 3Concerns 18. Donor Relations Risk: Adjustment of MoW issecuring the survival ofthe organization; Laying off employeesdemonstrates that WHPKconsiders its at-needaudience as a priority. 19. Charges of Mishandling Finances Renovations were necessary so that the organization could meet the consumers necessities and the challenges of the community. Highlighting how we sacrificed the internal audience to ensure serving our primary audiences. 20. Demonstrations of Community Protest WHPK should allow WHPK is seeking all the dissent, possible volunteer encourage interactivesupport to recover communication andMoW. hold positive attitude for improvements. WHPK would neversacrifice the quality The employees who and healthy nutrition lost their job would beof the food. asked to show their support. 21. Seeking Support Ensure Open FoodsAttitude Quality GrabbingInitiative in Facing Protest 22. Suggested Statement:Our organization was faced with the toughdecision to discontinue the Meals of Wheelsprogram, which resulted in the elimination of twointernal positions. We have the full support of ouremployees in this decision and we will preserveour loyalty to the community we serve, providingthem with nutritious meals. We humbly ask thosewho support our cause to rise up to thechallenge, volunteer and help us recover MoW. 23. Thank YouQuestions/Comments