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Ethernet White Paper

Apr 10, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Ethernet White Paper


    The Field Engineers Challenge - rom LAN to Carrier Ethernet

    Carrier EthernetFrom its modest beginning in the early 1970s as a way to connect computers in a

    data center, Ethernet has evolved over the years into the dominant networking

    technology. Today it is used in a wide range o environments, rom home networks

    connecting a ew computers to large enterprise networks connecting tens o

    thousands o nodes. While it was originally designed as a local area networking

    technology, it is now increasingly used by telecommunications carriers as an

    alternative to traditional circuit switched networks over long distances. Carrier

    Ethernet reers to the extensions necessary in order to allow telecommunications

    carriers to deploy and provide Ethernet services to their customers.

    The ollowing are the main reasons behind the adoption o Ethernet in

    carrier networks:

    Ethernet is everywhere. Retail as well as corporate customers are already using

    Ethernet. By adopting Ethernet in the backbone, the same technology can be used

    rom end-to-end, thus eliminating the need or interace or rame conversion.

    Cost eectiveness. Due to economies o scale, Ethernet components are inexpensive,

    thus lowering both the capital and operational expenses.

    Increased fexibility. Unlike traditional point-to-point circuits that come in discretespeeds (T1/E1, T3/E3, OC-3/STM-1), Ethernet allows subscribers to add bandwidth

    more incrementally and more quickly. Typically, bandwidth upgrades only involve

    confguration changes and can take eect in days rather than weeks.

    To promote the use o carrier Ethernet and to increase interoperability between

    vendors, the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF), an industry consortium, produces technical

    specifcations or Ethernet services in metropolitan areas as well as in the wide area.

    In addition to extending Ethernet service to the customers, carriers and service

    providers are also building and converting their own core networks to Ethernet.

    For example, more and more mobile phone operators and DSL providers are

    using Ethernet as the back-haul technology instead o the traditional TDM orATM network[1].

    QoSOver the years, Ethernet has evolved rom its original best-eort, CSMA/CD based

    data communications technology to a QoS (Quality o Service) enabled service

    capable o supporting multi-media trafc in a converged network. As an example,

    MEF uses the concept o a bandwidth profle to describe the subscribers trafc.

    It specifes the average rate o committed and excess trafc that a subscriber can

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  • 8/8/2019 Ethernet White Paper



    The Field Engineers Challenge - rom LAN to Carrier Ethernet

    generate into the providers network, and the associated perormance objectives in terms

    o the delay, rame loss and availability. Thus each trafc profle consists o the ollowing






    Service rames up to the committed rate are considered in-profle and are delivered

    as per the perormance objectives. Those sent up to the excess rate are allowed into the

    providers network but are considered out-o-profle and are delivered without any service

    perormance objectives. Trafc sent above the excess rate is discarded. Thus subscribers

    who have dierent bandwidth profles will be accorded a dierent level o service. [2]

    Field Testing RequirementsIn an increasingly competitive environment, carriers and service providers must be able to

    provision circuits quickly and cost-eectively, while at the same time ensuring that the

    service meets or exceeds the Service Level Agreement (SLA). This requires engineers and

    technicians to be able to accurately and efciently test circuits in the feld. Field testing

    generally alls into a ew categories basic connectivity testing and service verifcation;

    perormance testing and QoS testing.

    To acilitate feld testing, portability o the test equipment becomes an important

    consideration. Thus instead o chassis based units, hands-held devices are commonly

    used. In recent years, these units have become widely available and aordable.

    The SunLite GigE rom Sunrise Telecom is one such example and will be used to illustrate

    the tests described in this white paper.

    Basic Connectivity Testing and Service Verifcation

    Whether it is a new customer or an existing customer ordering a new circuit, the feldtechnician must ensure that the circuit is operational beore it is turned-up. This type

    o testing usually consists o the ollowing:


    duplex setting




    These tests are also commonly used to troubleshoot an Ethernet network. (See sidebar on

    Ethernet Troubleshooting)AdditionaltestssuchasloadingawebpageusingHTTPor

    downloadingaleusingFTParealsooftenperformedinordertoverifythatInternetconnectivity is established.

    PerformanceTestingBasic connectivity testing is generally sufcient or best-eort service such as residential

    Internet access which has no implicit perormance guarantees. For corporate customers

    who require services with specifc perormance objectives, it is common to employ the

    RFC 2544 tests.

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    1In addition to these our, RFC 2544 also defnes the system recovery test and the reset test which measure thespeed at which a DUT recovers rom an overload condition and a device reset. These are not used as much mainlybecause these metrics are typically not part o the carrier SLA. Furthermore, these two tests are also harder toimplement in an automated test.

    RFC 2544 [3], published in 1999 by the IETF, defnes the Benchmarking Methodology or

    Network Interconnect Devices. It was originally designed to allow the standardized testing

    and benchmarking o a single interconnect device such as a router or a switch (known as

    the DUT or Device Under Test). This methodology has become the de acto standard

    perormed routinely in QA labs and verifcation labs in order to quantiy the perormance

    o network devices. The ollowing diagram shows the classical test setup.

    In this setup, a test system is responsible or injecting trafc into the DUT and then

    analyzing the rames coming out. By correlating the input and output, the test system can

    measure the transmission characteristics o the DUT.

    The RFC 2544 benchmarking methodology defnes a series o perormance measurements.The terminology and metrics used in the test suite is defned in [4]. The ollowing are the

    our benchmark tests that are most commonly implemented in an automated test suite1 :

    Throughput This test measures the highest data rate at which none o the rames are

    dropped by the DUT. The ollowing rame sizes in bytes should be used during the test 64,

    128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280 and 1518.

    Latency Once the throughput has been determined, this test measures the one-way delay

    through the DUT at the throughput rate.

    Frame loss This test measures the rame loss rate throughout the entire range o input

    data rates and rame sizes.

    Back-to-back This test measures the longest rames burst (rames transmitted with

    Figure 1 - Standard RFC 2544 Setup or Device Testing

    Frame Loss =(InputCount-OutputCount) 100%



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    The Field Engineers Challenge - rom LAN to Carrier Ethernet

    the minimum inter-rame gaps in between) that the DUT can handle without the loss o

    any rames.

    In recent years, the RFC 2544 test suite has been adapted to measure the perormance o

    systems and networks. Thus instead o measuring the ability o a switch or router to pass

    rames, we can now use the same methodology to quantiy the transmission characteristics

    o a virtual circuit or a network. The ollowing shows two examples. The frst one shows an

    example o what MEF defnes as the Ethernet Line (E-Line) service, which is essentially anemulation o a virtual circuit. The second example is an Ethernet LAN (E-LAN) service, which

    emulates a multipoint network.


    Figure 2 - Testing an Ethernet Virtual Connection


    Figure 3 - Testing an Emulated LAN Service

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    Adapting RFC 2544 rom testing a DUT in the lab to a production network in the feld

    requires a ew changes:


    to each other. Typically, the same test system transmits trafc rom one

    set o ports and receives trafc rom another set o ports. In a network,

    the two measurement points are geographically separated. Thus two or

    more test units are used to measure the input and the output. In otherwords, one unit generates the trafc and the other unit receives the trafc.


    portable and can be deployed quickly in various locations.


    network where two or more test units are required to perorm the test,

    round-trip delays are measured. Measuring one-way delay would require the

    test units to be time-synchronized.

    The ollowing are some sample results o a RFC2544 throughput test o a Gigabit switch:


    The automated test stepped through all the prescribed rame sizes testing each at the line rate.

    In this test, the switch was able to pass through wire rate trafc or all rame sizes.






    TX RATE(INIT) : 60%

    TX RATE(FINAL) : 100%

    TX RATE(DELTA) : 10%

    TXPACKETS:1000064 BYTES :

    MAX RATE : 100%

    FRAME LOSS : 0


    128 BYTES :

    MAX RATE : 100%

    FRAME LOSS : 0


    256 BYTES :

    MAX RATE : 100%

    FRAME LOSS : 0


    512 BYTES :

    MAX RATE : 100%

    FRAME LOSS : 0


    768 BYTES :

    MAX RATE : 100%

    FRAME LOSS : 0


    1024 BYTES :MAX RATE : 100%

    FRAME LOSS : 0


    1280 BYTES :

    MAX RATE : 100%

    FRAME LOSS : 0


    1518 BYTES :

    MAX RATE : 100%

    FRAME LOSS : 0


    ------- END -------

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    The Field Engineers Challenge - rom LAN to Carrier Ethernet



    The ollowing shows the two test conigurations or measuring the downstream and

    upstream perormance.

    Figure 4 - Testing a DSL Access Network

    Figure 5 - Measuring Asymmetric Throughput

    Asymmetric TestingIn feld testing, another common test scenario is the broadband access network with

    asymmetric bandwidth. In ADSL, or example, it is important to test the two directions

    (upstream and downstream) separately. This is illustrated in the ollowing diagram.

    Furthermore, by inserting the test units at various points o the upstream network, we candetermine the throughput o the regional as well as access networks.

    Field Testing o QoS Enabled NetworkTodays multi-service networks must support a variety o trafc such as data, voice

    and video. Corporate clients also have SLAs with stringent perormance requirements.

    For example, some carriers oer a gold, silver and bronze service, each with a dierent

    set o service objectives. Thus increasingly, the network inrastructure must be able

    to dierentiate and prioritize trafc. This is usually done using one or more o the

    ollowing mechanisms.

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    2The 802.1p header is an 802.1Q header with the VLAN ID set to 0.

    PhysicalPort. Trafc can be given dierent priorities simply based on the originating port.

    In a private network, the physical port may correspond to, say, the voice VLAN where all the


    dierent SLA.

    802.1p. Within a switched network, Ethernet rames can be tagged with an additional

    802.1p header.2 This provides QoS at the MAC level. There are three priority bits (reerred

    toasPriorityCodePointorPCP)whichindicatethepriorityoftheframe.Thisissometimesreerred to the Class o Service (CoS).


    Service) or Diserv (Dierentiated Services). Unlike the 802.1p bits which are usually set by

    the end system, the TOS and Diserv bits are usually assigned by the router based on either


    VLAN. In an aggregation network, all the subscribers within the same service class can be

    assigned to a unique VLAN. For example, in a DSL network, a DSLAM can assign all the Gold

    service subscribers to the same VLAN. The backbone network can then prioritize trafc based

    on the VLAN ID. This VLAN tag is usually reerred to as the S-VID or the provider VLAN. In

    order to preserve the customers own VLAN designation (C-VID), Q-in-Q is oten used.

    TestingPrioritizationRegardless o the prioritization scheme, one must then be able to confrm that indeed the

    network is prioritizing trafc in accordance with the service level objectives. Testing QoS

    requires the ability to inject streams o trafc that will be accorded dierent treatment by

    the network and then measure their respective perormance. The ollowing diagrams

    illustrate a ew scenarios.


    Figure 6 - Prioritization Based on Physical Port

    In this scenario, prioritization is done based on the physical port. For example, all trafc

    originating rom port 1 o the ingress switch might be given a higher priority (Gold

    service). On the receiving side, by monitoring the two trafc streams, we can confrm that

    when there is congestion (e.g., when both streams are transmitting at over 50% o the line

    rate), more packets rom stream 2 will be dropped compared to stream 1.

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    The Field Engineers Challenge - rom LAN to Carrier Ethernet

    3These ew diagrams show a separate port and a separate test unit used to generate the background trafc. Thisis only necessary i the ingress and egress ports have the same speed and thus additional trafc is needed toartifcially create a congestion condition.

    In this test setup, 3 streams o trafc are injected into the network each with a dierent


    monitors each stream to look or impairments such as packet loss. In order to veriy that

    trafc is being prioritized, there must be congestion on the output port, thus orcing the

    network to decide which packets to drop. This congestion can be simulated i necessary by

    injecting some additional background trafc rom another port.3


    Figure 7 - Prioritization Based on 802.1p


    prioritization based on VLAN.


    Figure 8 - Prioritization Based on TOS or DiServ

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    Figure 9 - Prioritization Based on VLAN

    The last example shows an example o Q-in-Q. Each test packet has two 802.1Q tags, the

    outer tag is the provider tag and the inner tag is the customer tag. In this example, aprovider tag o 100 might indicate a Gold service and 101 might indicate a Silver service.

    Thus the test will determine i each provider tag indeed accords each class with a dierent

    service level.

    Using the SunLite GigE, one can construct multiple simultaneous packet streams and

    perorm a BERT Throughput test. In the example below, our streams are enabled that

    correspond to our dierent bandwidth profles. Each packet is confgured with 2 VLAN tags

    (Q-in-Q). The outer tag (S-VID) has a VLAN ID o 100 whereas the inner tag (C-VID) has a

    VLAN ID o 200.

    Troubleshooting EthernetWhat to do when the network does

    not work? Here is where trouble-

    shooting tools come in. In Ethernet,

    there are a number o common

    problems that can be identifed

    quickly with the right tools. These

    include the ollowing:

    Cablingerror.TheLANcableisconnected to the wrong port.

    Cablefault.Thereisaproblemwiththe connector resulting in an open

    or short circuit.

    Speedorduplexmismatch.TheNIC isconguredforaspeed/duplex

    setting that is incompatible with

    that o the switch port.

    DHCPerror.Stationsareunable toobtainanIPaddressfromthe DHCPserver.

    DuplicateIPaddress.Multiple devicesareconguredstatically withthesameIPaddress.

    Routingproblem.Stationsareunable to reach destinations

    outsidethelocalVLANeitherbecause the deault gateway is

    down or misconfgured.

    To diagnose these problems quickly, the feld personnel needs a number o troubleshooting tools that are now packaged in hand-held test units.

    The ollowing are some o these common tools:

    CabletesterThisfunctionchecksforanycablefaultssuchasopenandshortcircuits.UsingTDR(TimeDomainReectometry),thetestercanalsodetermine the length o the connected cable.







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    The Field Engineers Challenge - rom LAN to Carrier Ethernet

    Figure 10 - Enable our packet streams. Figure 11 - Each packet has a MAC, VLAN and IP header.

    This stream will transmit at 10% line rate.

    Figure 13 - Every transmitted rame was echoed back by the

    responder at the other end - thereore no rame loss.

    Figure 14 - This test also measures the

    rame delay statistics.

    Figure 12 - There is an outer tag and inner tag.

    Ater confguring the streams, trafc was turned on. The ollowing screens show the test results:

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    delay but also whether the amount o delay is relatively constant or varying. This measure

    is reerred to as the packet jitter or packet delay variation4. To complicate matters, there are

    many ways o calculating delay variations and they can yield dierent results. The ollowing

    are a ew commonly used defnitions:


    between the delays experienced by two consecutive packets rom the

    same stream.5



    and the minimum rame delay within a group o samples.7



    packet transer delay.8

    TriplePlayFor real-time applications such as voice and video, network transmission attributes such

    as packet delay, jitter and packet loss can adversely aect the quality o the reception. For


    maintain acceptable voice quality:


    quality voice).



    For triple play, one must be able to generate multiple data streams and veriy that voice

    and video trafc is transmitted with the required perormance. In this test, the dierent



    using 802.1p. Thus in designing a test, one must take into consideration the confguration

    o the network inrastructure in order to eectively simulate the trafc mix. The ollowing

    diagram illustrates a typical setup.

    4Packetjitterordelayvariationmeasuresthechangeinpacketdelay.Thisisnottobeconfusedwithvideojitterwhich happens when the picture jumps. Video jitter can be the result o packet loss and excessive packet jitter.


    Figure 15 - Testing Triple Play

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    The Field Engineers Challenge - rom LAN to Carrier Ethernet

    Future Requirements - Ethernet Service OAMAs carrier Ethernet becomes more widely deployed, an area which is evolving rapidly is

    Ethernet Service OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintenance). The objective is to

    provide carriers with a comprehensive set o tools to monitor the availability and

    perormance o Ethernet services. There are a number o related eorts in progress:


    the First Mile)




    It is expected that as these standards mature, the prescribed tests (such as connectivity

    check, loopback, link trace and so on) will be implemented in the feld test sets.

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    ConclusionsEthernet has become the ubiquitous networking technology. Carriers and service

    providers are under competitive pressure to provision service quickly and cost-eectively.

    One o the challenges o the feld technician is to veriy the integrity o the service which


    traceroute to veriy connectivity. Increasingly, Ethernet service must also be measured

    against the service level. RFC 2544 is the test suite that can be used to determine the

    throughput, latency, rame loss and back-to-back. In a QoS enabled network, trafc may

    be prioritized depending on the physical port, 802.1p, TOS or DiServ, or VLAN tag. To veriy

    proper QoS handling, the feld engineer must be able to generate multiple packet streams

    with dierent characteristics and measure the perormance o each stream separately.

    For example, in a network that uses Q-in-Q, the packets must be confgured with at leasttwo VLAN headers to allow the aggregation switches to prioritize trafc using the outer tag.

    Finally, to ensure that the network can handle real-time trafc properly, the packet delay

    variation (which is not part o the RFC 2544 test) must also be included.

  • 8/8/2019 Ethernet White Paper



    The Field Engineers Challenge - rom LAN to Carrier Ethernet

    Reerences1 TR-101, Migration to Ethernet Based DSL Aggregation, Broadband Forum, April 2006.


    3 Bradner, S. and McQuaid, J., RFC 2544 Benchmarking Methodology or Network Inter-

    connect Devices, IETF, March 1999.

    4 Bradner, S., RFC 1242 Benchmarking Terminology or Network Interconnection Devices,

    IETF, July 1991.



    marking Network-layer Trafc Control Mechanisms, IETF, October 2006.




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