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pt« ^**^ GENERAL AGREEMENT O N TARIFFS AND TRADE ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE No. fj? SECRET/22/Add.3 16 February 1956 CONTRACTING PARTIES NEGOTIATIONS UNDER ARTICLE XXVIII Result of Negotiations There is herewith circulated the result of Cuba's negotiations under Article XXVIII with the United States» According to the communication of the Government of Cuba, dated 3 February, the modifications were to be made effective as of 15 February 1956. PARTIES CONTRACTANTES NEGOCIATIONS AU TITRE DE L'ARTICLE XXVIII Résultat de négociations L'on trouvera ci-joint le résultat des négociations de Cuba avec les Etats-Unis d'Amérique au titre de l'article XXVIII. Selon la communication de Cuba en date du 3 février 1956, les modifications ont été mises en appli- cation à compter du 15 février 1956.

ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

Sep 24, 2020



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Page 1: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

p t « ^ * * ^







No. fj? SECRET/22/Add.3 16 February 1956



Result of Negotiations

There is herewith circulated the result of Cuba's negotiations under

Article XXVIII with the United States» According to the communication of

the Government of Cuba, dated 3 February, the modifications were to be made

effective as of 15 February 1956.



Résultat de négociations

L'on trouvera ci-joint le résultat des négociations de Cuba avec les

Etats-Unis d'Amérique au titre de l'article XXVIII. Selon la communication

de Cuba en date du 3 février 1956, les modifications ont été mises en appli­

cation à compter du 15 février 1956.

Page 2: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white


Results of Negotiations under Article XXVIII for the Modification or Withdrawal of Concessions in the Schedule of Cuba I n i t i a l l y Negotiated with the United States of America






In Part I of Schedule. IX:

Tariff Item




Description of Products

Rates of Duty Rates of Duty Bound in Exist- to be ing Schedule, Bound (Specific duty i n Cuban

Free Sulphate of anmoniaj phosphates and superphosphates of limej n i t r a t e s of potash and of soda; sulphate of potash, muriate or chloride of"" . poïassiumj and mbrioammoniuiu priosphate.i/

Sulphate of aluminum.

In Part I I of Schedule IX:




2.00 per 100 Kgs.

Tariff Item





Description of Products

"Bolas" and other a r t i c l e s of glass and c rys ta l for Christmas t rimming s,=A

Manufactures of cement, with or without mixture of o ther mater ia ls , hollow or not:

In roofing t i l e , p la tes and shee ts .

Rates of tfuty Ratoes of Duty Sound' in ex- -̂ too-be

:3bctlnE; Schedule ^ Ifeoupd (Specific duty i n Cuban

peso's/ 12.00 per 100 2.40 per Kg, Kgs.

0.64 per 100 Kgs,

1.68 per 100 Kgs.

Page 3: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- 2 -

Tariff Item











Description of Products

Wrought vxm or s t e e l , ro l led :

In bars of a l l shapes, including rods, rims and hoops, except bars spec i f i ca l ly c l a s s i f i e d .

Bars of ro l led s t ee l for con­s t ruc t ion purposes, p la in or corrugated, i n any shape • 2 /

Bars of fine crucible s tee l or f ine s t e e l cast by other methods,

Rates of Duty Rates of Duty Bound in Exis t - t o be ing Schedule Bound. (Specific duty i n Cuban pesos)

0.30 per 100 Kgs.

0.30 per 100 Kgs.

1.20 per 100 Kgs.



Of one mill imeter or more i n d i a - 3.00 per 100 meter. Kgs.

Of l e s s than one mi l l i ne t e r in diameter.

4.20 per 100 Kgs.

Copper wire a nd cable, covered with any insulat ing mater ia l and sheathed with lead tub ing .

Copper wire and cable, covered with any insulat ing mate r ia l , with or without sheathing of any addi t ional mater ia l except lead tubing. i /

1.80 per 100 Kgs.

1.80 per 100 Kgs.

0.30 per 100 Kgs.

3.00 per 100 Kgs., bub not l e s s than 20$ ad valorem.

1.20 per 100 Kgs.

23.00 per 100 Kgs., but not l e ss than 25% ad valorem*

25.00 per 100 Kgs., but not l e s s than 25% ad valorem •

0.18 per Kg.

0.25 per Kg., but not l e s s than 30$ ad valorem.

Page 4: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- 3 -

Tariff Rates of Duty Rates of Duty-Item Bound i n e x i s t - t o be

Number Description of Products ing Schedule Bound (Specific duty i n Cuban pesos)

64-0 Submarine cables of a l l k inds, 1.50 per 100 1.50 per 100 not elsewhere specif ied . Kgs. Kgs.

95-0 Salts of amnonia (except sulphate); 0.25 per 100 0.25 per 100 s i l i c a t e of potash; sulphates of Kgs. Kgs. i ron , magnesium and barium (bary tes) ; s a l t s of copper; oxide and carbonate of magnesia; hyposulphites and borax» 2/

95-H Chloride of calcium, 0.25 per 100 0.94 per 100 Kgs. Kgs.

95-1 Sulphate of soda, and alum« 0.25 per 100 1.50 per 100 Kgs. Kgs.

95-K S i l i ca te of soda or sodium. 0.25 per 100 2.50 per Kgs. 100 Kgs.

120 Napped fabr ics i n blankets :

120-B White, dyed a single co lor , or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. pr inted on white or unbleached mater ia l , including napped cotton fabr ics which contain not mare than 5% of other f i b e r s .

137 Knit fabr ics of rayon, nylon and other similar synthet ic yarns:

137-D In the piece, of rayon or other 0.75 per Kg. 0.75 per Kg. synthet ic yarns s imilar i n compositi on •

137-E In worsted j acke t s , sweaters, 2.10 per Kg. 2.10 per Kg. pu l l -overs , drawers and under­s h i r t s of rayon or other synthet ic yarns similar in composition.

137-F In s tockings, socks, gloves, and 3.30 per Kg. 3.30 per Kg. other small a r t i c l e s of rayon or other synthetic yarns similar i n composition.

Page 5: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- 4 -

Tariff Item












0.75 per Kg.

2.10 per Kg.

20/o ad valorem but not l e s s than 2.00 per dozen.

Description of Products

In the p iece , of nylon, orlon, dacron or other synthetic, yams s imilar i n composition.^/

In worsted j a cke t s , sweaters, pul l -overs , drawers and under­sh i r t s of nylon, orlon, dacron or other synthetic yarns similar i n composition.6/

In stockings of nylon, orlon, dacron or other synthetic yams similar i n composition, for women.!/

In stockings, except those c l a s s ­i f i e d under Sub-item I , socks, gloves and other small a r t i c l e s of nylon, orlon, dacron or other synthetic, yarn s similar i n compo-s i t i o n . £ /

Tulles of rayon, nylon or other similar synthetic yarns:

P la in , of rayon or other synthetic 0.78 per Kg. yarns s imilar in composition.

Figured, of rayon o r other synthe- 0.90 per Kg. t i c yarns similar i n composition.

Embroidered a f te r weaving, of rayon 1.20 per Kg. or other synthetic yarns s imilar in composition.

Rates of Duty Rates of Duty Bound i n e x i s t - t o be ing Schedule Bound (Specific duty i n Cuban pesos)

1.75 per Kg., but not l e s s than 20$ ad valorem.

3.00 per Kg., but not l e s s than 25% ad valorem.

20% ad valorem, but not l e s s than 2.00 per dozen»

3.30 per Kg. 3.90 per Kg,

0.78 per Kg.

0.90 per Kg.

1.20 per Kg.

P la in , of nylon, orlon, dacron or other synthetic yarns s imilar i n composition . 2 /

Figured, of nylon, orlon, dacron or other synthetic yarns s imi lar i n composition.§/

0.78 per Kg. 1.68 per Kg.

0.90 per Kg. 1.94 per Kg.

Page 6: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- 5 -

Tariff Item




Description of Products

Embroidered a f te r weaving, of nylon, or Ion, dacron or other synthetic yarns s imi lar in composition , s /

"Brochas" (paint brushes) and a r t i s t s ' brushes.

Rates of Duty Rates of Duty Bound in e x i s t - t o be ing Schedule Bound (Specific duty in Cuban pesos)

1.20 per Kg. 2.59 per Kg.

27% ad valorem 35$ ad valoran.

4.20 per 100 Kgs.

4.30 per 100 Kgs.

155 Manufactures of paper:

155-A In sacks, bags, pouches or other s imilar a r t i c l e s made up of paper of the kinds covered by Sub-items A, B, C and D of Item 152, not printed, ornamented or stamped other than with the s ize number or manufacturers' trademark,

155-F Paper on r e e l s , of any of the classes dut iable under Sub-items À, B, C and D of Item 152, for wrapping, covering or packing, gummed on one s ide, regardless of i t s width, commonly used for fastening boxes or packages, not pr inted, ornamented or stamped other than with t h e s ize nuniber or manufacturers' trademark.

155-M Toilet t i s s u e , paper towels, hand- 4.90 per kerchiefs and napkins. 100 Kgs.

156 Chemical papers:

156-B Impregnated, or coated x^ith 3*60 per grease, o i l , wax, paraff in, 100 Kgs. s t éa r ine , rubber, glue, e t c . , commonly known as waterproof paper; and t a r red paper, reinforced or not with open-weave fabric of t e x t i l e f i be r s , commonly used for baling»

6.40 per 100 Kgs.

6.40 per 100 Kgs.

7.20 per 100 Kgs.

5.60 per 100 Kgs.

Page 7: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- 6 -

Tariff Item











Description of Products

Rates of Duty Bound i n Ssrist-

Those i n c l u d e d ! n Sub-item B of t h i s Ite^ïï^Rtinted by the process known as an i l ine r e ­production.^/

Those included i n Sub-item B of t h i s i tem, when pr inted by l i thography, rotogravure, or any other pro ces s.iy

Carbon paper .

Sensit ized paper for photographic use or for reproductions.

Gilded, s i lvered , nickeled, coated with quick-s i lver , e t c . , i n sheets or s t r i p s , including paper or cardboard coated with aluminum, whether p l a i n , fancy, colored or embos sed.

Transparent sheeting of cel lulose or of any ce l lu lose d r iva t i ve , p la in or of the or ig ina l color of manufacture, cut t o s ize or in r o l l s .

Those included i n Sub-item H of t h i s Item, when pr inted by the process known as ani l ine repro­duction.

Those included i n Sub-item H of t h i s Item, when printed by l i t h o ­

graphy, rotogravure, or any other process .

Capsules and bands for bo t t l e s and tubes , including synthet ic sausage casings of a l l kinds, made of cel lulose or of any ce l lu lose der iva t ive , p l a in or colored, pr inted or not .

Rates of Duty to be

ing Schedule Bound (Specific Duty in Cuban Pesos)

3.60 per 100 0.18 per Kg. Kgs.

3.6O per 100 Kgs.

3.60 per 100 Kgs.

4.50 per 100 Kgs.

0.35 per Kg.

0.25 per Kg.

5.60 per 100 Kgs.

4.50 per 100 Kgs.

0.07 per Kg. 0.07 per Kg.

0.05 per Kg. 0.05 per Kg.

0.25 per Kg. 0.25 per Kg.

0.35 per Kg.

0.091 per Kg. 0.091 per Kg.

Page 8: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- 7 -

Tariff Item








Description of Products

Other chemical papers, not spe­c i f i c a l l y c lass i f i ed .

Engravings, photographs, l i t h o ­graphs, chromolithographs, oleographs, and any other class of reproduction not speci f ica l ly c l a s s i f i ed :

From one to three p r in t ings , including a r t i c l e s pr in ted with bronze powder (counting the pr in t ing i n bronze as th ree pr int ings and uncolored embossing or r e l i e f work as one p r in t i ng ) , excluding p r in t ing in whole or i n par t i n metal leaf.

From four t o seven pr int ings (counting the pr in t ing i n bronze as three pr in t ings and uncolored embossing or r e l i e f work as one p r in t i ng ) , excluding pr int ing i n whole or i n pa r t in metal leaf .

From eight to ten print ings (counting the pr int ing i n bronze as three pr int ings and uncolored embossing or r e l i e f work as one p r in t ing) , excluding pr int ing i n vihole or i n par t i n metal l ea f .

Of more than t en print ings (count­ing the pr in t ing i n bronze as three pr in t ings and uncolored embossing or r e l i e f work as one p r i n t i n g ) , including a l l a r t i c l e s p r in ted i n whole or in part i n metal leaf, or on cigar-bands, regardless of the number of p r in t ings .

Rates of Duty Rates of Duty Bound in Exis t - to be ing Schedule Bound (Specific Duty i n Cuban Pesos)

0.07 per Kg. 0.07 pear Kg.

0.21 per Kg. 0.30 per Kg.

0.35 per Kg. 0.49 per Kg.

0.50 per Kg. 0.70 per Kg.

1.05 per Kg. 1.47 per Kg..

Page 9: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- 8 -

Tariff Item






Description of Products

Patent l ea the r , i n whole hides or s h e e t s .

Rates of Duty Rates of Duty Bound i n Ex i s t - t o be ing Schedule Bound (Specific Duty i n Cuban Pesos)

0.30 per Kg. 1.00 per Kg., but not l e s s than 20$ ad valorem.

Phonograph records.

Horn, whalebone, bone and ivory nub; and g a l a l i t h , ce l lu lo id , cel lulose acetate and other p las t ic compounds made from ce l lu lose , synthet ic r e s i n s , including formaldehydes of phenol and of urea, polystyrene, poly­ethylene, and other p l a s t i c s manufactured from synthetic res ins , and the other materials and a r t i c l e s imitating those included i n t h i s Item and in Item 301, with or without f i l l e r s :

0.07 per uni t 20/4 ad valorem.

"Brochas" (paint brushes) and a r t ­i s t s 1 brushes, manufactured with b r i s t l e s of nylon or of any synthetic , mater ia l c l a s s i f i ed under t h i s Item.2/

0.90 per Kg. 35$ ad valorem

302-K Other manufactures made from the mater ia ls described i n t h i s Item, i n a sol id s t a t e , not spec i f i ca l ly c l a s s i f i ed .

314 Tires of rubber or synthetic rubber, or of these mater ials contained with fabr ics , including metal threads , for a l l kinds of vehicles , and inner tubes : | fV

0.90 per Kg. 0.90 per Kg.

Page 10: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white


Tariff Item Number Description of Products

Rates of Duty Bound in Exist­ing Schedule

Rates of Duty to be Bound

(Specific Duty in Cuban Pesos) 3H.-B Hollow tires which do not require

inner tubes, known as "special" or "tubeless", weighing from 6 to 70 kilograms each. Yy/

314-C The same articles included in the preceding letter B when weighing less than 6 kilograms or more than 70 kilograms each.J^/

314--D Hollow tires which require inner tubes, known as "conventional" or "regular", weighing from 6 to 70 kilograms

314.-E The same articles included in the preceding letter D when weighing less than 6 kilograms or more than 70 kilograms each.12/

0.35 per kg.

0.25 per kg.

0.35 per kg,

0.25 per kg.

3H-F Bicycle tires.

314-G Inner tubes.

0.35 per kg.

0.35 per kg.

0.55 per kg., but not less than 30$ ad valorem.

0.25 per kg., but not less than 15$ ad valorem.

0.50 per kg., but not less than 30$ ad valorem.

0.25 per kg., but not less than 15% ad valorem.

0.35 per kg., but not less than 20% ad valorem.

0.50 per kg., but not less than ad valorem.

Note I. - The articles described in Item 314 will have the benefit of a 5 percent tare allowance, except that those included in Sub-item G will have an allowance of 10 percent. The tare allowance of 20 percent specified in Provision III, Rule 5 of the Cuban Customs Tariff will not apply to the articles of this Item.

State-FD Wash., D.C.

Page 11: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white


In Part I of Schedule IX:

Tariff Item Number Description of Products

Rates of duty Bound in Exist-ing Schedule.

Rates of Duty to be Bound.

(Specific duty in Cuban pesos)

95-D Sulphate of ammonia; phos­phates and superphosphates of lime; nitrates of potash and of soda; sulphate of potash, muriate or chloride of potassium, and monoammonium phosphate. 13/

Free, or Free 0.25 per 100 Kgs.13/

In Part II of Schedule DC:

Tariff Item Number Description of Products

Rates of duty Bound in Exist­ing Schedule.

Rates of Duty to be Bound






(Specific duty in Cuban pesos)

Tools and implements not constituting apparatus.

Fine, for arts, crafts and professions, made of fine crucible steel or fine steel cast by other methods.

Other tools and implements.

Steel blades for safety razors, in finished state.

Steel blades for safety razors, in unfinished state.

3i00 per 100 Kgs.

1.80 per 100 Kgs.



0.25 per 100 blades. 0.25 per 100 blades.

0.25 per 100 blades. 0.15 per 100 blades.


Page 12: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

11 -

Tariff Item Nuniber Description of Products

Rates of Duty Bound in Ex i s t ­ing Schedule.

Rates of Duty to be Bound,











(Specific duty i n Cuban pesos)


Oxides and Oxhydrates:

Of ammonia, soda, potash and other caustic and ba r i l l a alka­l i s , Kith the exception of caustic soda and soda ash .

Anhydrous ammonia.2/

0.035 per 100 Kgs.

0.175 per 100 • Kgs.


Caustic soda and soda ash.

Perfumery and essences:

Synthetic or a r t i f i c i a l .

0.175 per 100' Kgs.

0.50 per 100 Kgs.

0.175 per 100 Kgs.


0.50 per 100 Kgs.

0.18 per Kg. 0.15 per Kg. plus 5% ad -valorem, plus 3% ad


Cinemat ographic p ro j e c t i on apparatus for both pictures and sound, and pa r t s and accessorie s therefor , including project ion arc lamps, motion p ic ture sound discs and apparatus of any kind for the reproduction of sound adaptable t o cinematographic project ion, except tubes . 16£ ad valorem.

Recorded tapes for use i n making phonograph re cords. 1 4 / 0.07 per u n i t .

Machinery, portable or f ixed, apparatus or instruments for industry i n general and for the transformation of products used in nanufactures, including those used in aqueducts, not spec i f i -

12$ ad valorem


ca l ly provided for . 7.98/0 ad valorem. 7.98* ad valorem •


Page 13: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

Tariff Item

Number Description of Products

- 12 -

Rates of Duty Bound in Exist­ing Schedule.

Rates of Duty to be Bound.

(Specific-' duty in Cuban pesos)

216-C Loose parts and accessories for the machinery and apparatus described under Sub-item B of this item, not specifically classified. 2/

216-D Instruments and apparatus for measuring to be used in con­nection with agricultural and industrial machinery and appara­tus, such as thermometers, mano­meters, pyrometers, pressure gauges, carbon dioxide gauges and vacuum gauges, etc.

217 Motors of all kinds, fixed or not, including windmills, and the loose parts and accessories for the same, not specifically classified.

218-A Pumps of all kinds.

219-B Parts and accessories of iron and steel, for boilers for gene­rating steam, including "fluses" and tubes..whether or not cut to measure afflfirwfïhout threads.

219-C "Fluses" and completely finished loose parts and acces­sories for boilers, of copper or its alloys, not specifically classified.

225-C Steam or air-jacketed kettles, of aluminum or its alloys, with a capacity of not less than 25 liters, including valves, taps, and other essential parts of any metal.

7.98$ ad valorem. 5$ ad valorem.

10.5$ ad valorem. 10.5$ ad valorem.

7.98$ ad valorem.

7.98$ ad valorem.

5% ad valorem.

5$ ad valorem.

10$ ad valorem. 8$ ad valorem.

15$ ad valorem. 12$ ad valorem.

0.375 per Kg. 0.25 per Kg.


Page 14: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white


Tariff Item

Number Description of Products

Rates of Duty Bound in Exist­ing Schedule

Rates of Duty to be Bound

(Specific Duty in Cuban pesos)

227-1 Truck chassis with or without cabs for chauffeur, in which metal predominates, but with­out bodies, and bus and trailer chassis without bodies.









Velocipedes and bicycles.

Loose parts and accessories for the same, not specifically classified.

5% ad valorem.

10.5$ ad valorem.

3% ad valorem.

8% ad valorem.

Corn flakes.

Belting for power transmission:


Natural or synthetic rubber.

Cotton canvas.


In Part II of Schedule K :

8$ ad valorem, 6% ad valorem.

3.64 per 100 kgs. 1.30 per 100 kgs,

10c ad valorem.

16$ ad valorem.

L4$ ad valorem.

Bfo ad valorem.

8$ ad valorem.

8$ ad valorem.

Tariff Item

Number Description of Products

Rate of Duty a t Present

in Force

Rate of Duty to be Bound

308 Belting for power transmission:

3084) Of other t e x t i l e ma te r i a l s . 11$ ad valorem. 8$ ad valorem.


Part I - The enumeration of tariff items which are excepted from payment of the 20 percent surtax of duty referred to in the first paragraph of General Note IV is amended by inserting "95-^ after n72-E".

Part II

Page 15: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- 14 -

Part I I - The enumeration of t a r i f f items which are excepted from the exemption from payment of the 20 percent sur tax of duty re fe r red to in General Note IV i s amended as follows ;

After 11-C in se r t 11-G; change 36-C to read 36-D; and a f t e r 260-B in se r t 308-D.

The enumeration of t a r i f f items in the l a s t sentence of the f i r s t paragraph of General Note V i s amended by i n s e r t i n g "225-C" a f t e r "211-D".


l / This item has been modified by the c rea t ion of a new Sub-item (95-J) for sulphate of aluminum; and by e l iminat ing the words "not above 97$ pure" a f t e r potassium.

2/ These products formerly c l a s s i f i e d under Sub-item 11-Cè

3 / These products formerly c l a s s i f i e d under the preceding item*

4/ Most of the products included under t h i s new Sub-item were formerly c l a s s i f i e d under the preceding i tem; a few were c l a s s i f i e d as "All other" (under the former Sub-item 64-C a t 4J6.50 per 100 Kgs.) which c l a s s i f i c a t i o n has been dropped.

5/ This item has been modified by the crea t ion of 3 new Sub-items (see below) and by rec lass i fy ing chloride of potassium and sulphate of potash (both i f above 97 percent pure) to Sub-item 95-D, making them duty- f ree . (See page 10.)

6/ These products formerly c l a s s i f i e d under the preceding Sub-Items specifying the same a r t i c l e s made of rayon or s imi la r synthe t ic yarns•

7 / This item has been modified to include stockings of or lon , dacron, e t c .

8/ These products formerly included under Sub-Item 156-B»

9/ These products formerly c l a s s i f i e d under the following Sub-item»

10/ The words "including metal threads" were not included in the former desc r ip t ion .

1 1 / Former

Page 16: ET LE COMMERCE SECRET/22/Add.3 CONTRACTING PARTIES · 2012. 11. 28. · 120 Napped fabrics in blankets: 120-B White, dyed a single color, or 0.28 per Kg. 0.35 per Kg. printed on white

- l o ­

ll/ Former wording included tires weighing from 8 to 62 kilograms each. There was formerly no distinction between tubeless and regular tires»

12/ Former wording included tires weighing less than 8 kilograms each or more than 62 kilograms each»

13/ The concession granted is as follows: to include in this item, free of duty, sulphate of potash and muriate or chloride of potassium, if above 97$ pure, which were formerly dutiable under Sub-item 95-C at 0*25 per 100 Kgs»

14/ These products formerly classified under Sub-item 207-D»

State—FD, Wash», D.C.