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Hello! Yes look, it‟s more of this again. And it‟s all orange! And Parasite is all grown up! So shall we see her returning home? Yes, let‟s.
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Page 1: ESWN 3.1

Hello! Yes look, it‟s more of this again.

And it‟s all orange! And Parasite is all grown up! So shall we see her returning

home? Yes, let‟s.

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“Muh? Whozzat?”


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“Oh my little Green Princess! You‟re home already! That seemed awfully fast.. But

no matter. You know what being home means, don‟t you?


“And I‟ve definitely missed them.”

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“And I‟ve missed giving them. I trust any suitor‟s of my Green Princess‟s hand were

a reasonable, if poor, substitution? No wait, not that I hope there were many

suitors! Er, not that I know what that‟s like you know, but er.. I do hope there‟s been

someone to give you a hug, Paris.”

“Oh Dad, you are silly.. But yes, I‟ve got a fiancé! He‟s such a dear. I can‟t wait for

you to meet him! I‟m sure you‟ll like him, because I do. Can he come over now?”

“And I‟ll be pleased to meet him! But not tonight Paris, Liz and I are just about to go

to bed and I er, I‟d feel a bit better, um, not hearing any unexpected noises from

your bedroom on you first night home.”

“DAD! Don’t say things like that..”

“Haha, sorry Princess. Now goodnight, and see you in the morning!”

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“Hi Liz! It‟s great to be back, you and Daddy are both looking so well!”

“And you, dear. But.. You‟re not going to listen to your father, are you?”

“Well, I would on any other occasion. But I‟m excited to be back! And I can‟t wait for

Dongy to be here too!”

The elderly lady smiled.

“It‟s nice to have you back, Paris.”

“It‟s nice to BE back! Now night night Liz.”

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As soon as she could hear her father and his wife‟s snores echoing from above,

Parasite did not hesitate to whip out her cell phone and speed-dial „1‟.


My Dear, Dear Dongy! Yes, I would like you to come over now please. Yes I know

it‟s late, but that doesn‟t really matter now, does it? So see you soon, k?”

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And who was Dongsool to refuse such an invitation?

“You made it! Not that SSU is particularly far, but you never know.” she said quickly,

and grabbed him for a big kiss.

“Now, you must come inside! I don‟t except those lovely tattoos of yours give you

much warmth, awesome as they are.”

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“So.. I‟m sure I should be doing this with a little more ceremony, but.. D‟ya want to

move in? Like, now?”

Dongsool pointed to himself with a hopeful smile on his face.

“Yes, of course you! I‟m hardly engaged to anyone else, am I?”

Her fiancé looked rather bashful, but hastily nodded his head in happy agreement

to her proposal.

“Great! It‟s really easy, all you have to do is spring up and twirl -

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“HERE! – I‟ll help!”

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Well, whether Parasite actually was any help or not is still open to debate, but to

his pleasant surprise Dongsool shortly found himself a mess of confetti and awful


He decided that this certainly wouldn‟t do.

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And so a few minutes later, after a quick rummage around the Nightmare

cupboards, he return to his bride-to-be with a little „ta dah!‟ stance.

“Oh wow, now that‟s much better. Aww, Dear Dong! You kept your big stompy

boots! That match my big stompy boots! That‟s so kind of you, thank you. And your

hair! Look at your hair! Aww, you look even awesomer with it down like that!”

Dongsool blushed. But he was pleased that she approved of his efforts.

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“Now that that‟s the formalities over with, care for a tour of the rest of the house?”

He nodded enthusiastically.

“Great! Let‟s start with the hot tub on the balcony.”

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Eventually, the couple ended up in what was to be their marital bedroom.


Um, this used to be my Grandmother‟s room. I‟ve never met her, well except

through ghost form, but from even that it seemed rather fitting for her. But.. Not

really for us. Do ya think?”

Looking around the room, Dongsool shuddered a little.

“Yeah, I know what you mean Dongy..”

And so Parasite‟s suggestion of a quick redecoration was met with a brisk „let‟s get

to work!‟ handclap.

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A while before dawn, and the two of them were back snuggled on the newly made-

up and newly-green bed.

“There we go Dear Dongy, MUCH better!”

A quick nuzzle to her neck told her that he also agreed.

“I‟m sure my Grandmother would approve! ..Maybe. Of something. Well, at least I

kept her rug.”

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“Aww, I‟m so glad you‟re here Dongy. I know I should have waited so that my Dad

could meet you properly, but.. I really missed you! Dad and Liz are awesome, but

they‟re not the same as having you around too.

And, um.. You know what else I‟ve missed? It‟s only been a day, but..”

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He didn‟t need hinting twice.

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When morning came, „Orrible had to admit that he actually wasn‟t all that surprised

to find his future son in law about the house before breakfast was even on the

table. Parasite was his daughter after all.. And „Orrible was never one not to give

into her being happy.

“Soo, good to actually meet you then! I‟m so pleased that Paris has found

someone she deems worthy to go against my wishes for. No, no! Don‟t look so

worried, that‟s a good thing! Now, I‟m assuming „Dongy‟ isn‟t your full name?”

Shaking his head and grinning, Dongsool lifted up the bottom of his shirt .

“Dongsool.” „Orrible read. “You tattooed your own name on your stomach?”

The young man shrugged.

“Well, I suppose it does save time on questions!”

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“Okay you two, out of the bedroom!” Parasite yelled as the men made their way


“I‟ve just finished ringing everyone, and they‟re already on their way now. Don‟t

look so shocked, the both of you!

Formal wear on – it‟s wedding time.”

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A rushed few minutes later, the whole of the Nightmare household found

themselves forced into their posh gear by Parasite‟s loud bellows.

“Oh my goodness, did you see Dad just now?!” she giggled, and she and Dongsool

waited for Liz and „Orrible to finished. “He just put his foot right through the arm of

his shirt, and then almost fell over sideways into the mirror! Hehe, I know I

shouldn‟t laugh, but just the look on Liz‟s face as he knocked her into the bath..

Aww, this is a good day for a wedding, Dongy!”

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“This is a GOOD day for a wedding, Ri!” Leech concurred. “The smell of grilled

cheese is in the air, Paris is looking both hawt and gorgeous, and love is all around

and everything.”

“Erm.. You sure about that?” said a certain less-convinced Simself, looking out

across the lawn.

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“Ruthie! Sweetheart!”

“Daddy! It‟s Ruthless, did you forget?”

“No, but I.. Actually, now would be a good time for full names actually – your sister

tells me that there‟s been a bit of less than stellar behaviour from you at university,


“Me? Bad behaviour? Oh Father, you jest..”

“Hmm, we‟ll see. Not that I‟m saying that there is, but if you were to, ahem, „get up

to something‟, but just tell me – where do you get your inspiration from?”

“Eh? Inspiration? What do I need any of that for? I‟m Ruthless! That‟ll all the

inspiration I‟ll ever need.”

“Well, at least that‟s something I suppose.. But no matter, it‟s good to see you


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“Oh, congratulations Paris! Your Dongy‟s always been lovely to you so I‟m so glad

you‟re going to marry him – you must be so excited!”

“Oh my gosh Lousey, so much yes! But never mind that, there‟s a whole day for

that, how are YOU? Are you doing better since.. Since you graduated.”

But her sister smiled.

“So much better, honey. Leechy and I are just loving our cottage. I‟ve started

gardening again, and she‟s been whipping up all sorts of grilled cheese with the

results! It‟s bliss, I feel more relaxed than I‟ve been for ages.”

“GOOD. Now you just keep doing that.”

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“So everything‟s going alright then „Orrible? No big WHIOA situations that I need to

deal with?”

“Hm? Who are you again? Oh yes – Mum‟s crazy friend! Hi, how are you?”

“Yes, speaking of – did you ever tell the girls about Evil Susan? She did kind of die

before most of them were even born after all.. And I was her friend. Sort of.

Anyway, trust me that this is the sort of thing I need to know.”

“Really? I can hardly see why.. And anyway no, not a lot. Liz and I decided to raise

them in the traditional Riverblossom way, so sadly a lot that Mum did.. Couldn‟t be

included. Rather less than eco-friendly. A couple of them met her ghost though I



“Aww, you‟re too kind.”

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“Sweet gig Paris, tying one guy down to woohoo for all eternity – pretty good job I

must say. He‟s not my type, but he‟ll do for you.”



“This is my wedding day, right? And I‟ve invited everyone I love, and also Dad and

Grandma‟s crazy friend, but otherwise EVERYONE. And that includes Louse. So

can you please please please try to get along with her and Leech for just one

morning? For me?”

“You drive a hard bargain. I would say „I promise‟ but that would be what you call a

lie! So I‟ll get along with her, unless I don‟t want to. And that is best you shall get,

favourite sister or no. But anyway -

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I‟d forgotten how FUN this thing is!

Kind of on par with poking people in the eye, actually. I‟m sure it‟ll keep my

amused. For a while.”

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“Okay, I think that‟s everyone just about settled down. You ready to do this, Dad?”

“Parasite – my only Green Princess is about to get married. I will never be ready!

But yes, yes I suppose I am. As much as I‟ll ever be.”

“Good! Because I want to get on with it.”

And she did so, by letting out several loud shouts that brought her guests running.

Or, tottering in their heels.

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And so it was that the guests for the Generation Two heir‟s wedding started taking

their seats.

And as they were, I suddenly noticed something extraordinary. Miraculous, if you


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They all.



*tear* I knew Parasite was special, I just knew it..

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“Oh Dongy..” the alien bride sighed happily, as her groom came to join her under

the arch.

But her father was less relaxed.

“Oh my, I don‟t think I can do this!” „Orrible choked. “My little girl.. My little Princess

is about to become a married Queen.. Oh not, yet, I want more Daddy hug time!”

But it was kind of a bit late for him to worry about it now.

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“Yeah, I feel just he same way! You face really does says it all. We‟ve always been

able to communicate so well! From that, and the moment I saw you took your

footwear as sensibly as I did, I knew you were the one for me.

From your witty remarks to sweet evening chatter – I love you. I love everything

about you and I cannot wait for you to be my husband.”

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Is this over yet?



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“And I know that you feel the same way about me. You don‟t need to say it,

because by marrying me you are doing just that today.

And so have a ring! Oh, and here‟s one for me too..”

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“Welcome to my family, my lovely dear dear wedded Dongy!”

-- - -

Parasite Nightmare

Gemini 7 10 10 3 5


LTW: Become The Law

Hobby: Fitness

Dongsool Benson Nightmare

Pisces – 5 3 7 3 7


LTW: Become Media Magnate

Hobby: Tinkering

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“..You can all clap now.” the new Mrs. Nightmare prompted.

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“Oh well done Princess, that was lovely!

What was I worried about? She‟s fine.. Just as well as she knows what‟s best for


Louse, Riot and Leech just joined in with a general chorus and cheering and

„wooo!‟ing, they knew Parasite just wanted to be able to hear that they were all

here and pleased for her.

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“Hurray! Thanks everyone.

Now – it‟s PARTY TIME!”

And she promptly demonstrated by leaping gleefully into her new (and rather

thrilled by it) husband‟s arms.

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It‟s our sister‟s wedding, and out first visit home since we left for college. So what

do we do? Head straight for the tv.” Louse said.

“Well, I‟m tired from all this standing up and clapping!” defended her twin.

“And Ruthless won‟t let me watch television.” added Riot.

“..Oh, I‟m not complaining. It is.. Rather hypnotic after all.”

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“Congratulations Parasite! On being heir, and finding a lovely man and having a

good wedding and all that!”

“Hey, thanks Gin!”

“Er, you actually know who I am?”

“Of course! We‟ve been friends since Dad‟s birthday party.. I invited you! You


“No! Just usually.. Well, you grandmother selectively chose I forget I existed I think,

and it keeps slipping your Dad‟s mind so er, I just assumed.. But this is good

though! So, I can actually drop by for cheese again?”

“Um.. If you must. But maybe, rethink that dress mmk?”

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Oh dear.

“‟Assests‟? I‟ll give YOU assets!”

Who wants to bet this started over „appropriate dresses to wear to you sister‟s


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*slap slap slap*

“And don‟t you DARE try to help me out with my finances again!”

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“Okay Ruthie, that‟s enough wedding for you I think.”

“I would say sorry Parasite, but I‟m not – it really just was far too boring otherwise.”

“I know. Thanks for coming though, it‟s been lovely to have to here.”

“Whatever, I‟ve got stuff to do back at campus anyway. More important stuff.”

“Sure you do, Ruthie.”

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“You okay, Lousey? Sorry, I knew this was a risk but I couldn‟t bear the thought of

only inviting one of you.”

“I know, and you shouldn‟t have to either. I‟m glad you did! It‟s funny, it‟s much

easier to take now I know I can just go home with Leechy and chill out with some

nice food out on the lawn. She really had it right all along!”

“I‟m glad. Now, if you‟ll excuse me – I‟ve got a bit of an important appointment to


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“Sorry I‟m late, I had a bit of urgent sister business to attend to.

But no matter! I‟m here now, and that‟s what counts!”

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“Anyway, I asked you to meet me here because I‟ve thinking. I grew up have my

Dad and Liz and then all my sisters around me too and well, I think it‟s time I

started having my own little ones so they could grow up around all of us! Well, us

and them and any future siblings, because of course they‟ll need lots of those and

anyway – what better day to start making them than our first day married-


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“See? I KNEW you‟d agree with me!”

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“Oooh, does everyone have to go?”

“‟Fraid so. But from the state of your dress it looks like it‟s been a jolly fine party


“I guess.. But it was nice having them all here. I wish they could stay with us.”

“Yeah, well, they can‟t. Maybe I‟ll explain one day, but for now I‟ll just remind you

that if they did then there would be no room for your new baby friends! Which I take

it will be appearing soon, yes? Anyway, got to go feed the fish. Cheers for the get



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But it wasn‟t long before a pair of stompy boots sticking through the little bathroom

doorway was a common sight in the Nightmare household, and Parasite decided

that yes – making room for babies was certainly a good thing.

But grilled cheese repeating on her was not.

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But her dear Dongy was always on hand to help her feel better afterwards.

..Even if it was the one time he didn‟t seem quite as keen as usual to kiss his wife.

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Just as well she had him, because apparently I‟m useless!

I still don‟t know why, but about ten seconds after I‟d last selected her, somehow

Parasite‟s entire comfort bar had drained totally (from sitting on the couch! Must be

an evil couch..) and I still don‟t know how or why.

Luckily, I‟m allowed energisers. Because otherwise she‟d be cross and sad, and

that just would not do.

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“Um, woohoo?”

Oh – you have something to tell me?

Really? My my, whatever could it be!

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“..Being pregnant doesn‟t show up in my outfit! Thought you ought to know.”

Ah right, better find you another then.

“With stompy boots?”

I‟m afraid I don‟t think stompy boots and pregnancy go together very well.

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So even though she had to settle for a sundress and sandals (settle? It‟s not settle!

Jenn made them. I think.), it quickly didn‟t matter what she had on as she and

Dongy were just thrilled about the little sprog inside her.

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Very very happy indeed

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So happy, that even though preggers, Parasite decided to continue her tradition of

buying cell phones for everyone as the Nightmare chief communicator.

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And then also some jewellery for herself, because hey – one deserves a little

reward for creating life.

“Oh wow, the store really is smelling lovely today – what‟s happened?”

“Oh, we finally removed the dead ferrets from under the floorboards. It‟s an old

Riverblossomian tradition for warding off evil crop pests, but we found that it was

making the pumpkins go a little moudly.”

“Mmm, these things happen sadly.”

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And then she managed to leave twice as large as when she came!


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Dongsool was a little bemused by the turn of events and expressed his confusion

when his wife arrived home.

“Oh shh, Dongy! These things happen! Just because I didn‟t pop doesn‟t mean it

doesn‟t count. Clearly it‟s just a sign that it‟s a clever little baby and knows not to

disturb Mummy when she‟s shopping.”

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“Anyway, I went out because I needed to get you a gift!

Yes, of course for you silly. You‟ve been so great at looking after me that you really

deserve one.”

Opening it, Dongsool looked a little puzzled at the phone that lay within.

“Well we‟ve always been able to talk on the phone fine! I thought you should have

your own one too, you do love to chat after all.”

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“Liz.. Did our daughter just give her husband who I‟ve yet to hear utter a single

word a cell phone?”

“Yes dear.”

“Okay. I just wanted to check. And Liz?”

“Yes dear?”

“Should there be roaches inside a house?”

“No dear.”


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“Because they kind of are!

Oh dear, I‟m going to have to use the spray aren‟t I.. But I don‟t want to! They were

my friends when I was little! And they still kind of are! Oh, but I don‟t want Paris or

her little baby to get sick, that would be just awful!

Oh, oh.. My friends or my daughter! Oh Liz, whatever am I to do?”

Liz sighed.

“You know what I have to do. This IS Riverblossom, after all.”

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“‟ORRIBLE!” she shrieked.


“What are you DOING? Did you hear what I just said!”

“I‟m looking after my Princess.. Just like you said, do what I have to do!”



“..Well in this case I think that‟s kind of unfair.” „Orrible growled, and with a defiant

look, carried on protecting his princess.

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Parasite really does have everyone looking out for her these days.

In preparation for employment becoming available with the arrival of their firstborn

he had been eagerly working on his skills like any good Knowledge Sim, but his

love for his alien always comes first, and he was always taking many many many

mini breaks to check that she was okay, and listen to everything she‟d been up to

in the last 30 minutes.

Usually it was quite a lot.

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And after putting the roach debacle behind him, „Orrible just became more and

more excited about the prospect of being a Grandfather.

“Hellloo-o in there!

I can still remember when your Mummy was inside me, it was a very odd feeling,

so I hope you‟re making it nice and comfy for her.”


“It‟s okay princess, I just want you both to be as happy as possible. Because I just

can‟t wait to meet you, you little you inside! Because you know why?”

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They‟re new and exclusive and I‟ve been saving them all this time, yes oh yes I


So hurry up and come out so I can give them to you please.”

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But „Orrible needn‟t have worried, Parasite was very comfortable throughout the

remainder of her pregnancy, thanks to her lovely lovely attentive husband.

And his rather skilled hands.

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And so on early evening, it was rather fitting that Parasite actually found herself in

the nursery when the time came for Generation Three to show it‟s face.

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And sadly, her father and husband were far less help during the birth than they had

been during the run up.

“DAD how did you DO this?!?”

“Eek, um, I can‟t remember!”


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But as always is the case, Paris was quite fine on her own and brought her son into

the world quite capably on her own.

“Aww, hello you! Wow, you certainly have been worth the wait..

Hello little guy, hello there!”

“Oo! Oo! What are you going to call him?” „Orrible squeaked excitedly.

“Hmm, I‟m not sure yet..”

But Dongsool quickly tugged on her arm.

“What‟s that dear Dongy? Oh, yeah! But really?”

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“Oh THERE you are Dongy! I just had the weirdest encounter with the toaster..”

Her husband cocked his head.

“No really! You know how sometimes we toast the bread before grilling it?”

He nodded.

“Well, when it popped the bread just now – it SPOKE to me! No no, honest I‟m not

pregnancy crazy, it really did! It actually spat the toast way higher than usual, one

slice actually hit the ceiling it was so vicious and as it did, this weird electronic-y

toast voice shouted out at me;

‘The end is coming for us all here! That waste of womb

resources inside you IS oblivion.’

..Weird huh?”

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Paris was about to ask Dongsool if he really thought that it was worth it - but her

husband‟s solemnly nodding face was enough for her.

“Alright then, I guess we‟re listening to kitchen appliances now! His name is


“Hurray! Woo, welcome to the family Oblivion!” „Orrible cheered happily. Who cares

where his name comes from? All that matters is that he‟s here!

-- - -

So there we go, Generation Three is upon us! Oblivion have blonde hair, S2 and

Paris‟s weirdo eyes. What a lovely combination! I‟m already a little in love.

Oh, and one more thing;

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Meanwhile, at SSU..


This SO not going to do it for me..”

See ya later, dears