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Establishing True Islamic Sisterhood

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Establishing True Islamic Sisterhood



    Compiled by Ummu Yusuf Iman Bintu Jo

    hing True IslaSisterhood

    e as-Salafiyyah


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    In todays sitting, we have chosen thisour Religion, which sadly, most of usmake an effort to strengthen it. Pinili natina siya namang nakalulungkot dahil marami sa ati

    lang na mapatatatag pa ito.

    O you who have believed, fear Allah as

    And hold firmly to


    I s


    and yo

    Shall I direct you t

    Spread peace

    ishing True Islamic Sisterhood

    topic (Sisterhood in al-Islaam) due to its lofty anail to understand its true value hence we fail to

    ang paksang ito, dahil sa mataas nitong katayuan at kahalagaha

    ang hindi ito lubusang nauunawaan, dahilan upang hindi nila it

    e should be feared and do not die except as Muslims[in

    the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided

    e believers are nothing else than brothers.(Soorah al Hujaraat: 10)

    ! ear by Him, in whose Hands is my soul, ill not enter Paradise until you have faith, will not have faith until you love each other.

    ?o something which if you fulfill you will love one another

    among yourselves. (It was reported by Muslim).

    d important status inppreciate it, let alonen sa ating pananampalataya,

    pahalagahan o sikapin man

    ubmission to Him].

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    To begin with, let us know what

    Brotherhood/Sisterhood, accor

    relation between a male offs this term has also been adop

    relationship between membepeople. e.g Fraternity and So

    As for the Technical meanbrotherhood/sisterhood is tupon what Allaah command

    Imaam Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Na

    So this is a knot (buhol) which Allawhenever a person is found possessing ethe last Day whether in the easternbecomes the brother of the Believers.that which they love for themselves, and

    In other words we have theautomatically belongs the mome

    And unlike any other brotherhorites in order to belong.


    It is the bond of faith in Alta'ala) established between all

    ( The Believers

    Brotherhood is a COMMANDus has to fulfill, as membersstrongest of bonds between hear

    And to be able to carry out threquired of us.

    he terms / ing to the dictionary meaning is a:

    ring and the siblings.ted by organizations such as fraternities trs as more like family rather than just frierority Clubs, Gangster Brotherhood, etc.

    ng in Islaam, according to Shaykh Muhe relationship (ugnayan) that is establishedd and what He forbade.

    sir as-Sadee - rahimahullaah said:

    ah has bound (sama-samang itinali) the Believers togmaan (faith) in Allaah, His Angels, His Books,silangan o kanluran) or western part of the worlhis brotherhood obligates that the Believers shoulhate for that person that which they hate for them

    bond of Sisterhood in Islaam in whit he/she utters the Shahaadah.

    d, you dont need to do undergo hazin

    lah (subhannallah wa ta'ala) which Allahbelievers when He said:

    are but a single brotherhood . . .) (Qur'an 49:1

    from Allaah, and a RESPONSIBILITf the Muslim Ummah. The brotherhos and minds.

    s great obligation, we first need to un


    better define thends or a group of

    ammad al-Maliki,(itinatag sa pamamgitan)

    ether with, such thatHis Messengers and

    then such a persond love for that personselves.

    ch every Muslim

    or any initiation

    (subhannallah wa


    that each one ofd of faith is the

    derstand what is

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    1) It is required of us to love one

    None of you believe

    Dr. Saalih Al-Fawzaan (may Alla

    prophetic narration:

    Therefore whoever doesnt love for his

    High, is deficient. What is meant by

    Muslim, because the believers are broth

    This love for the sake of Allabeing and another, whether

    established between all b

    It is important to have love foto be established easily.

    Shaykh Muhammad al-MaalikiBrotherhood/Sisterhood in al-Ibrotherhood.

    or Sincerity. i.e. being siin the Saheehayn says:

    ) ( "Actions are but by intentions anand Muslim)

    This is the noblest and purest funtainted by any worldly interest

    women find the sweetness of fa"There are three things that whoever ata'ala) and His Messenger are dearer

    another for the sake of Allaah

    . ntil he loves for his brother what he loves for hi

    protect him) mentioned in a brief expla

    brother what he loves for himself, then his belie

    is brother isnt his brother from family relations,


    is the highest bond that may exist ban or woman. It is the bond of faith in


    your brother/sisters in Islam in order

    7afidhahullaah mentioned some of tslaam. And these Principles, if establis

    cere with your brothers (or sisters) as the

    d every man shall have only that which h

    rm of love between human beings. Thisor ulterior motive. It is the love in whichth:

    ttains them will find the sweetness of faith: if Alto him than anyone or anything else; if he loves


    ation of this great

    in Allah, The Most

    but rather it is every

    tween one humanllah which Allah

    for brotherhood

    e Principles ofhed, will aid the

    authentic hadeeth

    intended. (Bukhari

    is a love which isMuslim men and

    ah (subhannallah waperson solely for the

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    sake of Allah (subhannallah wa ta'alta'ala) has rescued him from it, as muSee Sharh al-Sunnah, 1/49, Kitab al-i

    The status of two who love on

    It is sufficient honour (sapat ng(subhannallah wa ta'ala), men ancare of them on the Day of Juanother for My glory (Kaluwalhawhen there is no shade butfadl al-hubb fi Allah.

    Love for the sake of Allah (subhlife, is very difficult, and none

    whom this world and all its pl

    of Allah. It is not surprising tcommensurate with their positiosee proof of this in the hadith of

    "Allahsaid: `Those who loand the Prophets and martyr4/24, Bab ma ja'a fi al-hubb fi-Allah; h

    Allah bestows upon thosegreater than this status and blattain. This is proven by the had(sallallahu alaihi wa salam) said:

    "A man went to visit a brother of hiwait for him on the road. When the m`I am going to visit a brother of mine

    favour (for which you are now seekin(subhannallahu wa ta'ala).' The a

    (subhannallah wa ta'ala), senfor His sake.'"Sahih Muslim, 16/

    We all claim to love Allaah, but

    Hasan as-Sumalee stated in his k

    ); and if he would hate to return to kufr after Alch as he would hate to be thrown into the Fire."an, bab halawat al-iman.

    another for the sake of Allah (subhan

    arangalan) for those who love one anothed women alike, to know that their almiggement and will say: "Where are thos

    ian)? Today I will shade them in My sine." Sahih Muslim, 16/123, Kitab al-birr wa'

    annallah wa ta'ala), and not for the sakecan attain it except the one who isasures are as nothing in comparison

    hat Allah should give them a status ann in this world, above whose concerns thMu`adh, who said that the Prophet sa

    ve one another for My glory will havewill wish that they had the same."R

    e said, it is a sahih hasan hadith.

    ho love one another for His sake a giessing: that is His precious love whichth of Abu Hurayrah (radiallahu anhu) in

    in another village. Allah (subhannallah wa tan came along, the angel asked him, `Where arewho lives in this village.' The angel asked, `Hrepayment)?' He said, `No, I just love him f

    ngel told him, `I am a messenger to

    to tell you that He loves you as you24, Kitab al-birr wa'l-silah wa'l-adab, bab fadl al-

    hat matters most is IF Allaah loves us

    utbah: The love of Allaah ()!

    ah (subhannallah waBukhari and Muslim.

    allah wa ta'ala)

    r for the sake ofty Lord will takewho loved one

    hade on the Dayl-silah wa'l-adab, bab

    f anything else inure of heart, forith the pleasure

    blessing which isey have risen. Weid:

    minbars of light,eported by Tirmidhi,

    ft which is evenis very difficult tohich the Prophet

    ala) sent an angel toou headed?' He said,ve you done him anyr the sake of Allah

    you from Allah

    ove your brotherubb fi-Allah.


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    If Allaah loves you, who can h

    If Allaah loves you, who can p

    If Allaah loves you, then who c

    Imagine a community of people who

    Allaah. They would be unstoppable,Islam throughout the Earth and being

    If we do not love one another for the sAnd if a person is deprived of the love

    Anas said that a man was wiman said, "O Messenger of Allah (s

    (sallallahu alaihi wa salam) asked h(sallallahu alaihi wa salam) said, "Tesake of Allah (subhannallah wa ta'alwho loves me for His sake."Reportedal-rajul bi mahabbatihi ilayh.

    The Prophet taught us a way

    Exchange gifts, as the Prophet (

    And because of this love for

    such that if one is in pain, the

    "The believers, in their mutual friends

    the rest of the body will also stay awak

    birr wa'l-silah, bab ta'awun al-mu'mini

    (2) - Tolerance /Softness'Aaisha: "Verily rifq (gentleness, so

    and it is not removed from anythin

    The Muslim woman who is trulyand does not bear grudges again

    rm you?

    ot against you?

    an prevent you from making progress?

    Allaahloves, because they love one an

    s the companionswere unstoppable, spreadan example for the whole of mankind.

    ake of Allaahthen we will be deprived of Allaah, then we all know how he will end up.

    th the Prophet , when another man pllallahu alaihi wa salam), indeed I truly love thi

    im, "Have you let him know that?" He said,l him." He caught up with him and told him, ")," and the man said, "May Allah (subhannallwith a sahih isnad by Abu Dawud, 4/452, Kita

    in which if we do, love will develop amon

    alallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, and you will l

    ne another, its effect is manifested in

    est of the community feels the pain.

    ip, mercy and affection, are like one body: if any

    e in pain."Bukhari and Muslim. See Sharh al-Sun

    wa tarahumuhum.

    i.e. being soft and gentle with your brother. In

    tness) does not enter into anything except

    except that it defaces it."guided by Islam is tolerant towards her

    st them. If she becomes angry with one

    other for the sake of

    ng the message of al-

    this love of Allaah.

    ssed by. The firsts man." The Prophet

    "No." The Prophetruly I love you for theh wa ta'ala) love youal-adab, bab akhbar

    gst us. He said:

    ve one another.

    the community,

    part of it complains,

    nah, 13/47, Kitab al-

    hadeeth narrated by

    hat it beautifies it,

    riends and sisters,of her sisters, she

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    restrains her anger and freely foany shame in doing so. In fact,


    ( . . . [those] who restrain angood.)(Qur'an 3:134)

    If a person suppresses his or hforgive, that anger will turn intanger.When a person forgives

    his or her soul is cleansed of theearns Allah's (subhannallah wa ta'

    ( . . . for All

    Something that may help theknowledge that forgiving one's

    will raise her in status and hon

    "Allah (subhannallah wa ta'ala) wilhumbles himself for the sake of Allaraise his status."Sahih Muslim, 16/14

    (3) or Advising each otherOne of the virtues of the true M

    His Prophet, and to the lead


    gives the one who has committed an errshe sees this as a good deed which will

    er and pardon (all) men - for Allah lo

    r seething anger (nagpupuyos na kaloobresentment and malice, which are mo

    and forgets, the flames of anger are e

    effects of anger and hatred. This is the leala) love for those who attain it:

    h loves those who do good.) (Qur'an 3:134)

    uslim woman to reach this difficult levsister is not a source of humiliation o

    our in the sight of Allah as the Prop

    not increase His servant when he forgives exce(subhannallah wa ta'ala) but Allah (subhann

    , Kitab al-birr wa'l-silah wa'l-adab, bab istihbab a

    slim woman is that she is completely sinc

    ers and the masses of the Muslims, as is

    or, without seeingring her closer to

    es those who do

    an), and does note dangerous thanxtinguished, and

    el of ihsan which

    el of ihsan is theshame, rather it

    et described:

    t in honour. No-oneallah wa ta'ala) willl-'afuw wa'l-tawadu'.

    ere, towards Allah

    tated in the sahih

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    Tamim ad-Dari ( ) narrated that th

    sincerity. Religion is sincerity. Th

    Allah, His Book, His Messenger,

    said, The leaders of the Muslims a

    This attitude makes the Muslithem, mislead them, or conceatowards them it is not merely fobehaves in this way because sincbelievers used to pledge to obs(sallallahu alaihi wa salam), as Jar

    "I gave allegiance to the Prophet (sallzakat, and to be sincere towards everyiman, bab al-bay'ah 'ala'l-Islam.

    (4) or humility- i.e. being hu

    The Messenger of Allah () said, another, so that no one wrongs anoNumber 4895]

    (5) or Supporting each otherauthentic hadeeth: "Help your br

    And the Companions asked h

    Prophet basically

    (6) or maintaining an

    Messenger of Allah () said, Religion is s

    ey said, To whom, Oh Messenger of Allah?

    the leaders of the believers, and the com

    d their common people. [Sunan Abu Dawud,

    woman sincere towards her sisters. Sl anything good from them. When shethe sake of courtesy or to show off her srity is one of the fundamental bases of Islrve in their oath of allegiance (bay`ah)ir ibn `Abdullah stated:

    llahu alaihi wa salam) and pledged to observeMuslim."Bukhari and Muslim. See Sharh al-Su

    ble towards each other and not displaying arrog

    llah has revealed to me that you must be huher or arrogantly boasts to another.[Sunan A

    i.e. you help your brother in his time of need etc.,

    ther if he is an oppressor or the one

    w they should help him if he is an o

    aid that they should prevent him from do

    d keeping a connection and good relat

    ncerity. Religion is

    He ( ) said,To

    on people, or he

    e does not cheatis always sincerecial manners; she

    am which the firsto of the Prophet

    egular prayer, to paynah, 1/63, Kitab al-


    ble towards oneu Dawud, Book 40,

    as there comes in an

    being oppressed."

    pressor, and the

    ing so.

    ions between the

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    brothers (or sisters i.e. among sis

    when they are ill or just simply vi

    "and do not desert (cut your relatio

    wa'l-adab, bab tahrim al-zann wa'l-tajas

    "No two people who love one anotheIslam, will let the first minor offence ofMufrad, 1/493, Bab hijrah al-Muslim.

    Anger may strike a woman inwhich could provoke harsh feelinot forget that Islam does notemotions.

    For this reason, Islam has defin

    time is considered to be threeconflicting parties to refuse to se

    "It is not permissible for athree days, both of them turnof them is the one who is firs13/100, Kitab al-birr wa'l-silah, bab al-

    "Whoever forsakes his brother for a yeal-Mufrad, 1/497, Bab man hajara akh

    A slave will not cease to pAnd there is not a person

    will raise that individual.


    Hence we can see that the Munot persist in ignoring her sibring about reconciliation and gthem is the one who is the first t

    ters). This includes smiling with your brot

    iting them etc, the hadeeth says:

    n with) one another" Sahih Muslim, 16/120,

    sus wa'l-tanafus. for the sake of Allah (subhannallah wa ta'aleither of them come between them."Reported by

    moments of human weakness, and shegs and conflicts. In such cases, the Musl

    ignore human nature and its vulnerab

    d the length of time during which anger

    ays. After this time has passed, it is forbk reconciliation. The Prophet said:

    uslim to be estranged from his brothng away from one another when theyto greet the other."Bukhari and Muslim.

    nahy 'an hijran al-ikhwan.

    ar, it is as if he had shed his blood."Reported bhu sanah.

    rdon his brother except that Allaah will hhat humbles himself of the sake of Allaah

    nd not equal are the good deed and Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is betted thereupon the one whom between you and him i

    as though he was a devoted friend. (41:34)slim woman whose soul has been shapter, no matter what the reason. Rather,reet her with salam, because she knowsgreet the other.

    hers, visiting them

    itab al-birr wa'l-silah

    ), or for the sake ofukhari in al-Adab al-

    ay hurt her sister,im woman shouldility to changing

    may subside. This

    idden for the two

    er for more thanmeet. The betterSee Sharh al-Sunnah,

    y Bukhari in al-Adab

    nor him.except that Allaah

    the bad.

    enmity [will become]

    d by Islam doesshe will hasten tothat the better of

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    (8) .or Co-operation i.eand taqwaa but not upon sin and

    Help you one another in

    but do not hel

    (9) or making supplicatio

    sometimes that is the only thing

    In a Khutbah by Brother Hassan

    [Here is an authentic hadeeth of the

    how the hadith was narrated.

    Sufwaan ibn 'Abdullaah Sufwaan sa

    her house. Abu Darda was absent. So

    Sufwaan responded, 'Naa'am (yes)

    So Umm Darda said, 'Supplicate

    [Khateeb's Interjection: Listening to t

    Darda help him make hajj?]

    Umma Darda explained [Khateeb's

    the Sunnah, because they understood t

    that they directly could bring about.]

    She said, the Prophet (salallaahu 'a

    uslim brother in his absenc

    taa'ala).' And "Everytime a bro

    by his head says, "Ameen wal

    coming together and working together u

    transgression. Allaah said:

    al Birr and at Taqwa (virtue, righteousness a

    one another in sin and transgression.

    (Soorah al Ma'idah: 2).

    for the rectification and guidance of

    ne is able to do.

    as-Sumaali, he mentioned the following:

    rophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) but first]

    d, "I travelled to Shaam. When I got there I fo

    Umm Darda said, "Do you want to make

    I want to make hajj.'

    o Allaah that He grants us good.'

    at, you may think, how will this individual ma

    nterjection: Again, look at the sahaaba. Look

    at brotherhood was from Allaah. It was a bless

    aihi wa sallam) said, 'When a brother su

    , then his du'aa is answered by Allaa

    ther supplicates for his brother in his

    ka bimithl (Ameen, and may you have

    on righteousness

    nd piety);

    your brother, for

    'll mention a story of

    und Umm Darda in

    hajj this year?So

    ing du'aa for Umm

    ow they implemented

    ng, and not anything

    p plicates for his

    (subhanahu wa

    bsence, an angel

    the same).'"

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    10) Defending the honor of a M

    or Muslimah. [This is] something

    The Prophet said, "If someothey defend the believer; All

    hereafter for that act. And if

    aid their brother, Allaah will re

    And the list is long.

    Yaa Akhawaat, may Allaah blesbrotherhood in al-Islam, and a gimplemented.

    I leave you with this. If we trulyis our da'wah, we want to suppoanything in our life.

    That is what we want. We wacommunity. We want to assistobviously there is a problem.(rahimahullaah)quote:

    " The Sunnah is connected

    splitting. So we say: Ahlusconcerning people of bid'ah]

    Why, because - as Shaikh ul-Islaare from the fundamentals ofsubsidiary branch issue.

    Anything I wrote that is correct is fro

    References:QuranHadeethImaam Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Naasir as-SaDr. Salih al-Fawzaans statementShaykh al-Malikis lecture on brotherhoodHassan as-Sumaalis Khutbah

    The Ideal Muslimah

    slim. Yes, ya Amatallaah, defending the h

    that is very rare in our time.

    e is in a gathering,and the believer i

    ah will reward them with good in

    believer is backbiten, and those in a

    pay them with evil in this life and the h

    s you. This was a glimpse (sulyap) at tlimpse of some of the measures (panukal

    have this mentality, and each and everyonrt it wherever it is and we want to see it

    nt to assist the Deen of Allaah. Weour brothers and sisters. If we don't fnd I'll leave you with a statement o

    to the Jama'ah, like Bid'ah is to

    Sunnah wal Jama'ah, and [we sayhlul-Bid'ah wal Firqa."

    am mentions - unity and brotherhoodthis religion. A fundamental that has p

    Allaah, and anything wrong is from me. U

    dees statement

    in a lecture in the Masjid in St.Thomas Village.

    onor of a Muslim,

    backbitten. And

    his life and the

    athering do not


    he importance ofa) that need to be

    e one of feels thisspread more than

    ant to assist ourel this way, thenIbn Taymiyyaah

    nd togethernessiority over a [fiq]

    mu Yusuf Iman

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