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Essential Email Management Practices

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Essential Email Management Practices


    ESSENTIAL EMAIL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ...................................................................................................1Best Practice Methods...............................................................................................................................1Your Mailbox................................................................................................................................................2Creating Folders in your Inbox..................................................................................................................2Attachments.................................................................................................................................................3Email and Attachment File Sizes..............................................................................................................4

    Check the total size of your Mailbox........................................................................................................5Archiving.......................................................................................................................................................6Auto Archiving Folders...............................................................................................................................6Deleted Items Folder..................................................................................................................................7Recover Deleted Items..............................................................................................................................8Rules.............................................................................................................................................................8Create a Rule to move email from a person to the Overflow folder....................................................8Personal Folders.........................................................................................................................................9Creating a Personal Folder File in Outlook.............................................................................................9Compacting Personal Folders.................................................................................................................12Size of personal folders...........................................................................................................................13Exiting from Outlook.................................................................................................................................13Recommendation......................................................................................................................................13

    Essential Email Management Practices

    Email is a wonderful tool which can make communicating very easy. However, it generates anenormous number of emails and every email sent or received is stored on the MS Exchange server.This is why it is necessary for quotas to be applied to Mailboxes and for every email user to practicegood filing methods to manage the volume of email stored.

    The flow of email through a Mailbox

    Best Practice Methods

    Spring clean your Mailbox at least once a month and delete any non-essential emails. Ageneral rule is if you havent referred to the email for two months, delete or archive it.

    Create folders to help organise your email

    Save attachments to a network drive

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    Keep a check on the size of emails and of your Mailbox

    Archive to delete or refile emails

    Automatically Empty Deleted Items when you exit Outlook

    Use Rules to assist email management

    Set up Personal Folders

    Attend Outlook training if possible

    These best practice methods are explained in detail in the following pages.

    Your Mailbox

    Your Mailbox is on the Exchange server and has a quota of 50mb, which cannot be changed. Youshould delete unwanted messages and archive required messages regularly. When you getwarnings about the size of your Mailbox, do not ignore them. You need to manage your Mailbox oreventually you will not be able to send or receive e-mail.

    Creating Folders in your Inbox

    Folders are used to organise messages by topic in the same way that you would use files in a filingcabinet. Messages normally arrive in your Inbox. Before or after you read them you can file them infolders according to topic, sender, priority or other criteria that may suit your work processes. Tocreate a folder, turn on Folder List - View Folder List from the menu

    Right-click on the Inbox folder

    Select New Folder from the menu

    Type in a folder name, in this case we are calling it Overflow

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    Click OK

    To view folders in Folder List click on the + beside the Inbox

    To move messages to another folder, highlight the message and drag it to the folder or:

    Right click the message

    Select Move to Folder

    Highlight the folder

    Click Ok


    Attachments use the majority of space in most Mailboxes. Emails without attachments are usuallysmall. The best way to deal with attachments, to save space in your Mailbox, is to save them to yourO:\ drive (or another network drive) and then remove them from the message.

    To save attachments to your O:\ drive:

    Double-click on the message to open it.

    Choose File Save Attachments from the menu

    Save Attachment dialog box opens

    Select a folder on your O:\ drive (or other network drive) where you want to store theattachment

    Click OK

    To remove the attachment from a message:

    Double-click on the message to open it.

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    Click once on the attachment to select

    Press Delete on the keyboard or click the Delete button on the message toolbar

    Close the message

    A prompt appears confirming that you want to save changes

    Click Yes

    Email and Attachment File Sizes

    As a general rule, any message with an attachment or message over 1000 bytes (or B) in size shouldbe deleted or archived immediately you have read or actioned it. You can add a Sizefield to yourInbox to display the size of every email you receive.

    For example, this section of an Inbox (below) shows the Attachmentand Sizecolumns. The emailsthat should be archived are the two with an attachment 19 kb and 159 kb respectively. It would alsohelp to archive the 1010 bytes message as well.

    To add the Size Columnto your Inbox:

    Right-click on the Column Heading on the right-hand side of the Outlook window

    Shortcut menu opens

    Select Customise Current View from the menu

    Click on the Fields button

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    Click on Size, then click on the add button. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons toarrange the order of the fields. Click OK when complete

    This will show you the size of the email and attachment

    Check the total size of your Mailbox

    It is likely that your Inbox, Deleted Itemsand Sent Itemsfolders will contain the most messages.

    To check the size of your Mailbox:

    Right-click on Outlook Today Mailbox - [username]

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    Choose Properties for Mailbox - [username] from the menu

    At the bottom left-corner, click on Folder Size button.

    Folder Size dialog box opens showing each folder in your Mailbox and its size


    Archiving is the deleting of old emails or moving them from your Mailbox to a file on your O:\ drive. Itcan be done manually or automatically. To make the process automatic, set the Auto Archivingproperties for each folder and let Outlook handle the process for you. If you set Auto Archiving onyour Inbox it does not flow through to folders. Each folder has to be set up separately.

    Auto Archiving Folders

    As well as archiving your Inbox, you should archive your Sent Items folder as it keeps a copy of everyemail you send. If you use the Calendar and Tasks, then they should also be archived. When you

    archive, your existing folder structure is maintained in your new archive file.

    To set Auto Archiving properties on folders:

    Right-click on the folder

    Select Properties from the shortcut menu displayed

    Property dialog box is displayed

    Select the Auto Archive tab and set the options available here, for example emails older than3 months will be deleted.

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    Deleted Items Folder

    The Deleted Items folder stores everything deleted from other folders within Outlook. As a result itcan become very large. However, you can set folder properties to automatically empty the DeletedItems folder when you exit Outlook.

    Tip - If you find yourself referring to the Deleted Itemsfolder then you should keep those emails inanother folder, until you no longer need them. The Deleted Itemsfolder should only be usedfor items that you definitelyno longer require.

    To automatically Empty the Deleted Items folder:

    Choose Tools Options from the menu

    Options dialog box opens

    Click on Other tab at top of dialog box

    Click in the checkbox Empty the Deleted Items folder upon exiting

    Click OK to close the Options dialog box

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    Recover Deleted Items

    Items deleted within the last ten days may be recovered. The item must have been deleted (ie.moved to the Deleted Items folder) and then permanentlydeleted (by emptying Deleted Items) to beconsidered recoverable using the following method.

    To recover a Permanently Deleted Item:

    Click on the Deleted Items folder (This step is critical, as the folder must be selected for thefollowing steps to work.)

    Select Tools from the menu

    Select Recover Deleted Items

    The Recover Deleted Items window is displayed

    Scroll through the list and highlight the email/s you need to recover. (Hold down the Controlkey and click on each email to select non-adjacent emails)

    Click on the Recover Selected Items Toolbar button to put the message into your Deleted



    The Rules Wizard can automatically organise your messages, both received and sent, into folders foreither filing or reading purposes. Outlook Rules can automate processes such as:

    Move messages to a particular folder based on who sent them.

    Flag messages from a particular person such as your manager

    Assign categories to your sent messages based on their contents.

    For example, if you regularly receive email from a number of sources, but do not wish to read themessages immediately, you can set up a folder/rule system to file these messages for you.

    Create a new folder in your Inbox

    Create a rule to move the message from your Inbox to this folder

    Create a Rule to move email from a person to the Overflow folder

    Next time you get a message from the person you want to setup a rule for, highlight the message, andthen click on the Organizebutton on the Toolbar.

    Select the Using Foldersoption, Create a rule to move new messages From into Overflow(newfolder)

    Click Createbutton

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    New messages from the specific source address will now go directly to the Overflow folder rather thanyou Inbox.

    Personal Folders

    If you absolutely cannot maintain your Mailbox within the quota through the management methods

    discussed above, you can create a Personal Folder, in O:\Outlook. Personal Folders have a .pstextension. They are not recommended unless absolutely necessary as they can become corrupt. Thesame email management techniques need to be applied to Personal Folders as to Mailboxes in orderto minimise their size.

    Creating a Personal Folder File in Outlook

    The purpose of a personal folder file is to allow you to store Outlook mail items in a directorypreferably on a network drive, or your hard drive. . If you do create a personal folder on your harddrive it will not be backed up and if anything happens to the file we will not be able to recover it foryou.

    On the Outlook menu click Tools/Services.

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    In the new window select the Add , Personal Folders, and click OK.

    In the next window type the location of the .pst file to be created. Type O:\Outlook\username ie if yourQpost username is brownj, type O:\Outlook\brownj and click Open.

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    In the next dialogue window, click OK.

    Tip: Do not give the Personal Folders a password as if you forget your password we cannot recover itfor you.

    Now you are returned to the Services window, click OK.

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    Now, the new folder just created shows up in your folder list. This one was named My personal mail,so that is the name of the folder. You may now drag and drop any item from your mailbox

    Compacting Personal Folders

    After you have deleted unwanted emails from your personal folders they won't actually reduce in sizeuntil you compact them.

    Choose Tools Services from the menu

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    Choose the Personal Folder service from the list

    Click on the Properties button

    Click on the Compact Now button

    Depending on how big your Personal Folder file is this process could take 15 minutes or more tocomplete.

    Size of personal folders

    To check the size of your Personal Folders:

    If you do not have your folders list open, choose View Folders List from the menu

    Right-click on Personal Folders in the Folders list

    Shortcut menu opens

    Choose Properties of your Personal Folders from the shortcut menu

    Personal Folders properties dialog box opens

    At the bottom left-corner, click on the Folder Size button.

    Folder size dialog box opens displaying each folder in your Personal Folders area and its size

    Exiting from Outlook

    How you exit from Outlook can cause some problems for you, particularly if you are using Rover.Most people just click the X in the top right hand corner of the Outlook window - this is not therecommended way to close outlook. We recommend that you, choose File Exit & Log Off fromthe menu


    We understand that everyone is busy but we strongly recommend you consider attending Outlooktraining as it will help you to save time by using the many features Outlook has.

    If you need assistance with any of the features of Outlook please contact the Helpdesk on 132 131.