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滙豐強積金 20188月號 HSBC MPF August 2018 Edition 生活滙訊 Essence Life

EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category)...

Sep 23, 2020



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Page 1: EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category) 滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先

滙豐強積金 2018年8月號 HSBC MPF August 2018 Edition


Page 2: EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category) 滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先

重要事項• 滙豐強積金智選計劃及自選計劃為強制性公積金計劃。

• 在作出投資選擇前,你必須衡量個人可承受風險的程





• 在投資「預設投資策略」前,你必須衡量個人可承受風







• 你應注意「預設投資策略」的實施或對你的強積金投資



• 滙豐強積金智選計劃內之保證基金只投資於由滙豐人

壽保險(國際)有限公司提供以保單形式成立的核准 匯集投資基金,而有關保證亦由滙豐人壽保險(國際)


受滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司的信用風險所影響。 有關信用風險的詳情,請參閱滙豐強積金智選計劃

「主要推銷刊物」的第二部分 — 基金結構內「保證 基金」下的「忠告」。

• 保證基金所提供的保證只適用於指定的條件。有關保



刊物」的第二部分 — 基金結構內「保證基金」下的 「保證特點」。

• 在成員年滿65歲之日或者於其年滿60歲之日或之後提早退休時所應支付的強積金的權益和自願性供款的權





關「主要推銷刊物」的第一部分 — 產品資料內「權益支付」下的「支付強積金的權益及自願性供款的權益」。

• 你應該參閱有關「主要推銷刊物」,而不應只根據這文


• 投資涉及風險。往績不能作為未來表現的指標。金融




Important notes• The HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus and

ValueChoice are mandatory provident fund schemes.

• You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. When, in your selection of funds, you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek financial and/or professional advice and choose the fund(s) most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.

• You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before investing in the MPF Default Investment Strategy. You should note that the DIS constituent funds, namely, the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund, may not be suitable for you, and there may be a risk mismatch between the DIS constituent funds and your risk profile (the resulting portfolio risk may be greater than your risk preference). You should seek financial and/or professional advice if you are in doubt as to whether the DIS is suitable for you, and make the investment decision most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.

• You should note that the implementation of the DIS may have an impact on your MPF investments and benefits. We recommend that you consult with the Trustee if you have doubts on how you are being affected.

• The Guaranteed Fund under HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus invests solely in an approved pooled investment fund in the form of an insurance policy provided by HSBC Life (International) Limited. The guarantee is also given by HSBC Life (International) Limited. Your investments in the Guaranteed Fund, if any, are therefore subject to the credit risks of HSBC Life (International) Limited. Please refer to the ‘Warning’ section under ’Guaranteed Fund’ in Part II – Fund Structure of the ‘Principal Brochure’ of HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus for details of the credit risk.

• The guarantee in the Guaranteed Fund only applies under certain conditions. Please refer to the ‘Guarantee features’ section under Guaranteed Fund’ in Part II – Fund Structure of the ’Principal Brochure’ of HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus for full details of the guarantee features and Guarantee Conditions, including the guarantee features in the context of payment of benefits in instalments.

• MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits payable on a member’s 65th birthday or early retirement on or after his/her reaching age 60 can be paid in one lump sum or in instalments, at the member’s election (in such form and on such terms as the Trustee may, to the extent not prohibited by the ‘MPF Ordinance’ or General Regulation, prescribe). Please refer to the ‘Payment of MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits’ section under ‘Payment of benefits’ in Part I – Product Information of the relevant ‘Principal Brochure’ for full details.

• You should not invest based on this document alone and should read the relevant ‘Principal Brochure’.

• Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the relevant ‘Principal Brochure’.

Page 3: EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category) 滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先

強積金獎項 MPF Awards


HSBC MPF is delighted to receive various awards in second quarter of 2018 in recognition for the outstanding performance of investment funds, management and services provide to our customers, the awards includes:

理柏基金香港年獎2018(強積金組別) — 最佳強積金 — 五年期環球債券Lipper Fund Awards 2018 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 5 years – Bond Global• 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 環球債券基金

HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Global Bond Fund

• 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 環球債券基金HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – Global Bond Fund

理柏基金香港年獎2018(強積金組別) — 最佳強積金 — 三年期環球債券Lipper Fund Awards 2018 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 3 years – Bond Global• 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 環球債券基金

HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Global Bond Fund

• 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 環球債券基金HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – Global Bond Fund

湯森路透理柏基金Thomson Reuters Lipper Fund

滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先生(左二), 與管理層出席了湯森透理柏基金的頒獎典禮。

Mr Alfred Yip (second left), Head of Pensions, HSBC, Hong Kong attended the Thomson Reuters Lipper Fund award presentation ceremony with management team.

理柏基金香港年獎2018(強積金組別) — 三年期最佳混合型強積金團體大獎Lipper Fund Awards 2018 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Group in Mixed Asset over 3 years

理柏基金香港年獎2018(強積金組別) — 最佳強積金 — 五年期中國股票Lipper Fund Awards 2018 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 5 years – Equity China• 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 中國股票基金

HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund

理柏基金香港年獎2018(強積金組別) — 最佳強積金 — 三年期中國股票Lipper Fund Awards 2018 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 3 years – Equity China• 滙豐強積金智選計劃 — 中國股票基金

HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus – Chinese Equity Fund

理柏基金香港年獎2018(強積金組別) — 最佳強積金 — 五年期美國股票Lipper Fund Awards 2018 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 5 years – Equity US• 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 自選美國股票基金

HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – ValueChoice US Equity Fund

理柏基金香港年獎2018(強積金組別) — 最佳強積金 — 三年期美國股票Lipper Fund Awards 2018 (Hong Kong Pension Funds) – Best Fund over 3 years – Equity US• 滙豐強積金自選計劃 — 自選美國股票基金

HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice – ValueChoice US Equity Fund

Page 4: EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category) 滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先

《讀者文摘》信譽品牌金獎2018(強積金類別)Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands 2018 – Gold Award of Provident Fund Category

《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別)Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category)




Mr Alfred Yip (left), Head of Pensions, HSBC, Hong Kong is happy to receive the award from Capital Weekly.

Mr Roderick Koliloedjoer(右)代表滙豐強積金接受由讀者文摘頒發的獎項。

Mr Roderick Koliloedjoer (right), Head of Commercial Business Development & Management, Pensions, HSBC, Hong Kong represented HSBC MPF to receive the award from Reader’s Digest.

創造優勢,邁向美好未來Empowering you for a bright future

滙豐強積金推出了兩段全新短片展示滙豐強積金的優勢以及宣揚我們品牌訊息「滙豐強積金:創造優勢,邁向美好未來」。 短片帶出滙豐強積金的優勝之處並讓僱主和僱員了解我們的長處和價值,歡迎瀏覽滙豐強積金網頁上的積金教室以觀看這兩段短片。

HSBC MPF has released two new videos to showcase the robustness of HSBC MPF and spread our message ‘HSBC MPF: Empowering you for a bright future’. By highlighting our strengths relevant to both employer and employee, they could easily understand the benefits and values that HSBC MPF offers. Simply visit the HSBC MPF Academy on HSBC MPF website to watch the videos!

積金教室專頁 MPF Academy:

Page 5: EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category) 滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先


For more information on consolidating MPF accounts, please visit:



管理強積金。相信你在各個平台上已經看過我們 宣傳整合強積金賬戶的廣告,整合強積金賬戶不但 可以讓你以同一個平台輕鬆管理你的強積金,同時 滙豐強積金的結餘會計算於「全面理財總值」內, 讓你獲享更尊貴的理財服務。請鼓勵你的員工整合


In order to facilitate hassle-free MPF management for our customer, HSBC MPF has been devoted to provide professional MPF service and offering a variety of electronic services. You will have seen our advertisements in various places to encourage people to consolidate their MPF accounts. Having all of your MPF accounts together will make it easier to manage your MPF under one single platform. Furthermore, HSBC MPF balance is counted towards your ‘Total Relationship Balance’ in HSBC, making it easier for you to enjoy more privileged banking service. Please encourage your employees to consolidate their MPF to start enjoying the benefit.

整合你的強積金賬戶Consolidate your MPF accounts

Page 6: EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category) 滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先

Various changes are being made to HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus and HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice (collectively, the ‘HSBC Master Trusts’).

Change in administrator With effect from 1 November 2018, HSBC Life (International) Limited will cease to be the Administrator of the HSBC Master Trusts and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, will be the Administrator of the HSBC Master Trusts.

Notwithstanding the changes described above, there will not be any changes or suspension to the current services (e.g. HSBC MPF Employer / Member Hotline, Business Internet Banking / Personal Internal Banking and Interactive Voice Response System) or offerings that are being provided to you and there will not be any action required from you to continue enjoying the services.

More transparency in fee structureIn July 2018, the 'Principal Brochure' of each of the HSBC Master Trusts has been updated to (i) disclose the breakdown of the management fee of each Constituent Fund and corresponding underlying approved pooled investment fund(s) and/or ITCIS(s) and (ii) simplify the investment policies of the index tracking funds per their existing actual investment arrangements.

The disclosure of the breakdown of the management fee aims to provide you with more information, so that, you can better manage your MPF portfolio. Please rest assured, the management fee level in respect of each Constituent Fund will remain unchanged.

For further details to the changes, you may refer to the latest version of ‘Principal Brochures’, the Notice to Scheme Participants and the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the change on our website.

有關滙豐強積金智選計劃及滙豐強積金自選計劃之變更Changes to HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus and HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice






儘管作出上述的變更,滙豐強積金現時為你提供的服 務(例如:滙豐強積金僱主╱成員熱線、商務「網上理


受影響,而所有安排亦將保持不變,你無需採取任何 行動仍可繼續享受現有服務。

披露基金管理費分布自2018年7月起,各滙豐集成信託計劃的「主要推銷刊物」已作出更新,(i) 披露各成分基金及其相關核准匯集投資基金及╱或緊貼指數集體投資計劃的基金管理費分

布;及 (ii) 根據現有的實際投資安排,簡化各項指數追蹤基金的投資政策。







Trustee of HSBC MPF (ie HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited) joined with 13 MPF trustees committed to uphold the Governance Charter of MPF Trustees (‘Charter’) at the pledging ceremony held by Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority in May 2018.

The Charter aims to promote a high standard of governance among all MPF trustees to operate MPF schemes efficiently and effectively to act in the interests of members.

強積金受託人誓師儀式Trustee charter pledging ceremony

滙豐強積金受託人(即HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited)聯同另外13個受託人出席由強制性公積金計劃管理局於2018年5月舉行的《強積金受託 人管治約章》(《約章》)誓師儀式,一同承諾維護《約章》。




《約章》有六大核心價值 The Charter has six core values, including:

• 成員利益為先 Act in the best interests of members

• 提升管治水平 Lift governance standards

• 切合成員所需 Understand and respond to members’ needs

• 促進良好溝通 Engage members through transparency and communication

• 服務至真至誠 Serve with honesty and integrity

• 計劃物有所值 Value-for-money MPF schemes and services

Page 7: EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category) 滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先


讓計劃成員從多角度瞭解 基金的特性。

The MPFA has launched the Fund Performance Platform to help scheme members understand MPF fund features from different perspectives.

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) has been increasing the fund transparency of the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) to enhance scheme members’ understanding of the MPF System and funds.

In February, the MPFA launched the Fund Performance Platform to help scheme members compare fund sizes, launch dates, the latest Fund Expense Ratios, fund risk indicators, annualized returns covering different periods, and cumulative returns of all MPF schemes. This allows users to understand MPF fund features from different perspectives and review whether the funds they invest in will meet their retirement needs.

There are three interactive sections in the Platform – ‘My Selection’, ‘Performance Chart’ and ‘Fund Information Table’ – to let scheme members compare the performance and fees of the funds they have currently invested in, as well as those they are interested in. They can pick up to 10 funds to make an in-depth comparison in one go.

Another feature of the Platform is to let users know how funds in a particular scheme perform against other funds of the same type.

Employers can make use of the Platform to compare fund fees and performance among schemes to choose a suitable MPF scheme provider for their employees.

積金局推出基金表現平台一站式盡覽基金資訊MPFA launches one-stop Fund Performance Platform

















熱線 Hotline:2918 0102 網頁 Website:


The above information is provided by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority.

此外,積金局更在Facebook專頁「全積特攻」 ( )




The MPFA also launched a Messenger Bot earlier, called Workplace Incredibles, on its Facebook page (

), which simulates conversations to provide useful MPF investment and retirement planning information. Users input questions about MPF management and retirement planning, and the chat robot automatically provides relevant information immediately (The Messenger Bot supports enquiries and conversations only in Chinese).

基金表現平台網址 Fund Performance Platform website:

Page 8: EssenceLife - HSBC€¦ · Gold Award of Provident Fund Category 《資本壹週》服務大獎2018(強積金組別) Capital Weekly Service Awards 2018 (MPF Category) 滙豐香港退休金主管葉士奇先

有關的強積金服務,包括但不限於網上服務、自動櫃員機、綜合銀行結單、分行網絡及部分熱線服務乃透過香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司提供。The MPF associated services, including but not limited to the internet service, ATM, consolidated bank statement, branch network and part of the hotline service, are provided through The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.

本刊物所載資料僅供參考,詳情以強制性公積金計劃條例、其他生效的法例╱規例及強制性公積金計劃管理局發出的指引或公布為準。如對本刊物內容的涵義或效力有任何疑問,請徵詢獨立專業人士 的意見。The information contained in this publication is for reference only and the provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, other applicable legislation/regulations and guidelines or announcements published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority shall prevail. If you are in doubt about the meaning or the effect of the contents of this publication, you should seek independent professional advice.

投資涉及風險。往績不能作為未來表現的指標。金融工具(尤其是股票及股份)之價值及任何來自此類金融工具之收入均可跌可升。有關詳情,包括產品特點及所涉及的風險,請參閱有關「主要推銷 刊物」。Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the relevant ‘Principal Brochure’.

客戶有權要求不得使用其個人資料作直接促銷用途。如有需要,可致函九龍中央郵政信箱73770號(c/o 滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司),向HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited資料保護主任提出。Customers have a right to request that personal data about them not be used for direct marketing purposes. Requests can be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer, HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited, c/o HSBC Life (International) Limited, PO Box 73770 Kowloon Central Post Office.

由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司刊發Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited L-







資料來源: 強制性公積金計劃管理局 (「積金局」)網頁 積金局會於每月第二個工作日在《南華早報》及《信報》刊登訂明儲蓄利率。

Source: The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority’s (‘MPFA’) website at The MPFA publishes the prescribed savings rate in the South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Economic Journal on the second working day of each month.

日期 Date 年率 Annual rate

1-31/5/2018 0.007%

1-30/6/2018 0.007%

1-31/7/2018 0.007%

強積金保守基金的訂明儲蓄利率Prescribed savings rates for MPF Conservative Fund

僱主如透過商務網上理財遞交付款結算書,在「確 認指示」頁上會顯示成功遞交供款資料的訊息以及 「備註號碼」(例子如下),如此兩項資料未有顯示則 代表未能成功遞交供款。如你發現「確認指示」頁上


2583 8033尋求協助,以免因未能成功遞交供款而 可能需繳交附加費。

行政小錦囊:經商務網上理財遞交供款Handy administrative tips: Contribution submission through Business Internet Banking (BIB)

When employer submits remittance statement through BIB, a message indicating successful submission and a ‘Reference No.’ will be shown on the ‘Acknowledgement’ page (example below). If any of these two items is missing, the contribution submission is deemed unsuccessful. If you do not find these two items on the ‘Acknowledgement’ page, please contact HSBC MPF Employer Hotline at 2583 8033 for assistance to avoid potential contribution surcharge due to unsuccessful contribution submission.


The message indicating successful submission and a ‘Reference No.’ will be shown in the middle of the page.