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Project 2: Mill a Standard Part | 61 P R O J E C T Mill a Standard Part ESPRIT has very strong capabilies in 2.5D milling, providing both ease-of-use and a high level of control over every aspect of a milling operaon. The intent of this project is to teach you the process for creang standard milling operaons using ESPRIT’s SolidMill Tradional machining technology. ESPRIT gives you several opons for accessing standard milling commands. Menus and Toolbars. Tradional milling commands are located on the SolidMill Tradional submenu on the Machining menu. You can also use the SolidMill toolbar. Process Manager. You can also select SolidMill commands from a single menu within the Process Manager. The Process Manager lets you apply several machining operaons to a single feature at one me. For this project, you will learn how to use the commands on the SolidMill Tradional toolbar to create standard milling operaons and how to create a machining process using the Process Manager. 2 Remove Excess Material ........... 62 Cut the Pockets and Slot ......... 70 Mill and Drill Holes....................... 77 Create a Shop Floor Report ... 82 The files for this project are available for download from ESPRITWeb » File Library » ESPRIT 2009 and from the ESPRIT CD. All dimensions in this tutorial are in millimeters. Make sure System Unit on the Tools menu is set to Metric. Before you start this lesson, you can review and simulate the cung operaons in the following file: Milling - Standard\standard_milling_complete.esp.

ESPRIT Milling Tutorial 01

Nov 28, 2014



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Project 2: Mill a Standard Part | 61



Mill a Standard Part

ESPRIT has very strong capabili�es in 2.5D milling, providing

both ease-of-use and a high level of control over every

aspect of a milling opera�on.

The intent of this project is to teach you the process for

crea�ng standard milling opera�ons using ESPRIT’s SolidMill

Tradi�onal machining technology.

ESPRIT gives you several op�ons for accessing standard

milling commands.

Menus and Toolbars. • Tradi�onal milling commands are

located on the SolidMill Tradi�onal submenu on the

Machining menu. You can also use the SolidMill toolbar.

Process Manager. • You can also select SolidMill commands

from a single menu within the Process Manager. The

Process Manager lets you apply several machining

opera�ons to a single feature at one �me.

For this project, you will learn how to use the commands on

the SolidMill Tradi�onal toolbar to create standard milling

opera�ons and how to create a machining process using the

Process Manager.


Remove Excess Material ........... 62

Cut the Pockets and Slot ......... 70

Mill and Drill Holes .......................77

Create a Shop Floor Report ... 82

The files for this project are available for download from

ESPRITWeb » File Library » ESPRIT 2009 and from the ESPRIT


All dimensions in this tutorial are in millimeters. Make sure

System Unit on the Tools menu is set to Metric.

Before you start this lesson, you can review and simulate the

cu"ng opera�ons in the following file:

Milling - Standard\standard_milling_complete.esp.

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Remove Excess MaterialAt the beginning of any milling job, it is cri�cal

to remove as much excess stock as possible

before you begin cu"ng the finish passes.

In this project, the part is cut from standard

rectangular stock. The first thing you need to

do is remove the excess material from the top

and around the sides of the part.

To do this, you will first create a facing

opera�on to quickly remove as much stock as

possible from the top of the part. Then you

will create a 3D contour around the island on

the top face. You will finish by roughing and

finishing the outer profile of the part.


The Facing command is ESPRIT has mul�ple

op�ons to make facing as fast and effec�ve as

possible. You have full control over depths of

cut, op�mized cu"ng angle, stock allowance on

floors and walls, and how far you want the tool

to travel when it reaches the edge of the stock.

The Facing opera�on also automa�cally creates

a final pass around any islands. This guarantees

a consistent amount of stock on floors and


Wire Frame Mill ing

The Wire Frame Milling command lets you

create a basic 3D milling opera�on from simple

2D geometry. The profile of the shape you want

to cut is called the drive curve. This profile is

driven along a path called the basic curve. Each

curve must be created on a separate plane

and the end point of the drive curve must

lie along the basic curve. When construc�ng

the tool path, the drive curve will be placed

perpendicular to the basic curve at the start

point of the basic curve.


The Contouring command creates cu"ng

passes that follow the shape of a selected

feature. You can center the tool on the feature

or offset it to the le% or the right. You can enter

an offset distance or use the radius of the tool.

The Contouring command lets you combine

rough and finish passes in a single opera�on

or you can create separate rough and finish

passes. When roughing and finishing passes

are combined in one Contouring opera�on,

the same tool is used for both phases of the

opera�on. To use different tools, you must

create separate contouring opera�ons.

It is recommended that you use separate

opera�ons for roughing and finishing.

Technology Files

Machining technology se"ngs can be easily

saved as a separate file and used over and

over for the machining of similar parts. For this

project, you will load pre-exis�ng technology

files that are located in the following folder:

Ge"ng Started\Milling - Standard\Technology

A%er loading the technology for an opera�on,

you can click on the various tabs to review

the individual se"ngs. For more detailed

informa�on, click the Help bu&on located at

the lower right corner of the technology page.

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Open the Part File

Make sure 1. HI mode is enabled.

Locate and open the following file: Milling - Standard\2. standard_milling.esp

On the 3. Smart toolbar, click SolidMill Tradi�onal - SolidMill Produc�on to display the toolbar.

If you completed Project 1: Create Features, these milled features should look familiar to you.

Create a Facing Operation

For this facing opera�on, there is an island on the face that must be avoided. The Facing

command lets you select and avoid islands and pocketed areas when the Include Islands op�on

is set to Yes.This opera�on will start slightly below the selected feature and cut at incremental

depths of 8mm in a simple back and forth tool mo�on. A stock allowance of 0.5mm will remain

on the walls of the island a%er the opera�on is complete. No stock allowance will remain on the


Typically, you would select the feature first and then define the opera�on technology. Because

there is an island on the face, you must first define the facing technology and select the Include

Islands op�on. ESPRIT will then prompt you to select features for the boundary, any islands and

any pockets you want to avoid. You will select the stock profile feature and the island profille.

You want to face across the tops of the pockets on this part, so you will simply answer No when

ESPRIT prompts you to select pockets to avoid.

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Step 1

Click Facing

Step 2

Right-click inside the

technology page and click


Step 4

Click OK

Step 3

Open the file:

Milling - Standard\Technology\1-Facing.prc

Step 5

In the work area, select the

Stock Profile feature

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Step 6

Select the Facing Island


Step 8

When prompted to select non-cross

pockets, right-click to answer No.

A non-cross pocket designates an open

area where the tool cannot rapid across.

Step 7

This is the only island to

avoid, so right-click to

con�nue to the next step

Step 9

When prompted to select cross pockets,

right-click to answer No.

A cross pocket designates an open area

where the tool can rapid across.

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Create a Wire Frame Mill ing Operation

For this opera�on, you will use two exis�ng features. The Wireframe Drive Curve defines the

curved profile for the walls around the island on the face. The Wireframe Basic Curve feature is

located on the top face of the island and defines the path the profile will follow.

For Wire Frame Milling, you first define the machining technology and then select the features.

The Machine Along op�on controls which curve is used to control the direc�on of the cu"ng

passes. In this case, the tool will follow the direc�on of the basic curve.

Step 1

Click Wire Frame


Step 2

Open the file:

2-Wire Frame Milling.prc

Step 3

Click OK

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Step 4

In the work area, select the Wireframe

Basic Curve feature located on the top

of the island

Step 5

Select the Wireframe Drive Curve

feature located on the island wall

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Create Rough and Finish Contouring Operations

To cut the external profile of the part, you will first rough the profile with a 30mm end mill that

will leave 0.5mm stock on the walls and then finish with a 20mm end mill. Because the roughing

and finishing opera�ons use very different se"ngs, you will create two separate Contouring


Step 1

Select the External

Profile feature

Step 3

Open the file:

3-Contouring Rough.prc

Step 4

Click OK

Step 2

Click Contouring

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Step 5

With the feature s�ll

selected, click Contouring

Step 6

Open the file:

4-Contouring Finish.prc

Step 7

Click OK

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Cut the Pockets and SlotThe part in this project contains two pockets

and a slot. ESPRIT offers two types of pocke�ng

opera�ons that you will use to cut each pocket.

Trochoidal Pocketing

The Trochoidal Pocke�ng command is used

to quickly rough parts at a constant material

removal rate. Trochoidal Pocke�ng provides

mul�ple levels of control over tool mo�on

pa&ern, feedrates, and cu&er load.

Trochoid tool mo�on is well suited for high-

speed machining (HSM) because it uses the

biggest possible curve based on the shape of

the pocket, allowing for the fastest possible

feedrates. Although developed for high-

speed machining, Trochoidal Pocke�ng brings

benefits to any type of machine by providing a

more constant tool load and a be&er surface


The Trochoid tool mo�on pa&ern creates

a spiral in the largest area of the pocket to

maintain a constant level of tool loading. When

the trochoid pa&ern reaches the maximum

radius that will fit, the rest of the tool path

uses an adjustable curve that adapts to the

shape of the pocket.


The Pocke�ng command removes material

within a closed boundary. Within a single

pocke�ng opera�on, you have the op�on

to create separately definable phases for

roughing, wall finishing, and floor finishing

passes that each let you use a different tool.

For example, you can use a standard end mill

on the floors to provide the required finish and

use a ball or taper end mill on the walls. If you

do not want all of these phases combined in

a single opera�on, you can create each phase

independently. You can choose to create only

roughing passes, only wall finishing or floor

finishing passes, or a combina�on of your

choice. This gives you the flexibility to create

pocke�ng opera�ons with full control over the


Rest Machining

The Rest Machining command is used to

remove material in areas and corners that

previous opera�ons le% behind. You can create

rest machining opera�ons for several parent

opera�ons at one �me or you can create

rest machining opera�ons for all opera�ons

associated with a single feature. The previous

opera�on becomes the “parent” opera�on

and the rest machining opera�on applied to

it becomes the “child” opera�on. The child

opera�on inherits many of the se"ngs from

the parent opera�on, such as total depth,

stock allowance, clearance se"ngs, and so

on. If a parent opera�on is modified, the

rest machining opera�on is automa�cally

recalculated and updated.

Machining Processes

A machining process is a convenient way to

create and apply several opera�ons at once.

The Process Manager lets you create any

number and type of machining opera�ons and

apply them to any number of features.

Important: To use the Process Manager,

your security key must be a&ached to your

computer and you must have a valid license. If

you are running ESPRIT in demo mode, use the

commands on the SolidMill Tradi�onal toolbar

to cut the pockets.

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Set Up the KnowledgeBase

On the 1. Smart toolbar, click Common Machining and then click KnowledgeBase Document


Set 2. Part Type to Milled Part Std - Metric.

Set 3. Default Technology to Default Technology - Inch / Metric.

Click 4. OK.

Click 5. KnowlegeBase Se!ngs.

Make sure ‘6. Apply selected process to all features’ is checked and click OK.

Step 1

Select the Medium Pocket

feature and then click

Process Manager

Step 2

A process already exists in the

KnowledgeBase. Click New Process

to create your own process.

Step 3

Select SolidMill Tradi�onal -

Trochoidal Pocke�ng

Create a Process to Mil l the Medium Pocket

To mill the medium pocket, you will first remove as much material as possible as quickly as

possible with a Trochoidal Pocke�ng opera�on. A stock allowance of 0.5mm will remain on the

walls and floors of the pocket. A tradi�onal Pocke�ng opera�on will then be applied to first

finish the walls and then the floors. To remove any material remaining in the corners, you will

then apply a Rest Machining opera�on. You will create a machining process to perform all three


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Step 5

Select SolidMill Tradi�onal -

Tradi�onal Pocke�ng

Step 4

Open the file:

5-Pocket1 Trochoidal Pocke�ng.prc

and click OK

Step 6

Open the file:

6-Pocket1 Finish Pocke�ng.prc

and click OK

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Step 7

Select SolidMill Tradi�onal -

Rest Machining

Step 8

Open the file:

7-Pocket1 Rest Machining.prc

and click OK

Step 9

Click Apply

Do not click Exit yet

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Create a Process to Mil l the Small Pocket

The process to machine the small pocket is similar to the medium pocket, except that a Rest

Machining opera�on is not required.

Step 1

Select the Small

Pocket feature

Step 2

Click New


Step 3

Select SolidMill Tradi�onal -

Trochoidal Pocke�ng

Step 4

Open the file:

8-Pocket2 Trochoidal Pocke�ng.prc

and click OK

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Step 5

Select SolidMill Tradi�onal -

Tradi�onal Pocke�ng

Step 7

Click Apply

Step 8

Click Exit

Step 6

Open the file:

9-Pocket2 Finish Pocke�ng.prc

and click OK

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Cut the Slot

To cut the slot, you will use a tradi�onal Pocke�ng opera�on using a tool with a diameter the

same width as the slot. The tool will enter the material using a long ramping move and then cut

the slot with a single pass.

Step 1

Select the Slot


Step 3

Click Pocke�ng

Step 4

Open the file:

10-Slot with Ramping.prc

and click OK

Step 2

Click SolidMill


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Mill and Drill HolesThis part has different types of holes, including a milled hole. For this project, you will create

drilling and spiraling opera�ons depending on the type and size of the hole.

Drill ing

The Drilling command is applied to hole features or point-to-point (PTOP) features. The drilling

order is defined by the path of the PTOP feature. SolidMill Drilling supports several types of

drilling, including drill, tap, peck, and bore. The opera�on drills to a specified depth and you have

the op�on to include the length of the tool �p in the total depth value. You can also use SolidMill

Drilling to spot drill holes to the correct depth based on the diameter of the tool and the chamfer



The Spiraling command creates spiral or helical cu"ng passes based on the selec�on of a circle

or a feature in the shape of a circle. A spiraling opera�on is typically used when you want to mill a

hole that is too large to drill.

Bottom Up Spiraling

Spiraling passes can be created from the top down or from the bo&om up. Bo&om up spiraling

can be used to avoid having to rotate your part using index milling. Bo&om up toolpath will be

automa�cally generated when the incremental depth is set to a nega�ve value.

When using bo&om up technology, the tool origin is very important. By default, all ESPRIT tools

have the origin set on the bo&om. The bo&om up technology does not shi% the tool origin, so you

have to be aware of the tool thickness when crea�ng your tool path. However, you can create a

custom tool where the tool origin is set on the top of the cu"ng tool edge.

Pre-Dril l and Mill the Milled Hole

The milled hole has an upper diameter of 42mm and a lower diameter of 50mm. You will cut this

hole in three steps. First, you will pre-drill the hole with a 30mm drill. Then, you will create a

Spiraling opera�on to mill the upper diameter to a depth of 30mm. You will then create a bo&om

up Spiraling opera�on using a custom tool to mill the lower hole.

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Step 1

Select the Spiral

Rough feature

Step 2

Click Drilling

Step 3

Open the file:

11-Milled Hole Drilling.prc

and click OK

Step 4

Select the Milled

Hole Upper feature

Step 5

Click Spiraling

Step 6

Open the file:

12-Milled Hole Spiraling.prc

and click OK

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Step 7

Select the Milled Hole

Lower feature

Step 8

Click Spiraling

Step 9

Open the file:

13-Milled Hole Bo&om Up Spiraling.prc

and click OK

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Apply Exist ing Processes to Dril l the Holes

The ESPRIT KnowledgeBase provides several standard machining processes. Based on the type

of feature you select, the ESPRIT KnowledgeBase will search for the most appropriate machining


You will select the two hole features and use standard processes in the KnowledgeBase to drill

them. The KnowledgeBase will find one process for the countersink holes and another process

for the counterbore holes. The order in which you select the features controls the order of the

opera�ons in the opera�ons list.

To make sure the correct drilling process is created for each feature, you must use KnowledgeBase

Op�ons to specify that you do not want the same process applied to all features. Otherwise, the

first process found will be applied to all the selected features.

On the 1. Common Machining toolbar, click KnowledgeBase Se!ngs.

Uncheck ‘2. Apply selected process to all features’.

Click 3. OK.

Step 4

Hold down the Ctrl key and select

the Countersink and Counterbore


Step 5

Click Process


Step 6

Click Apply

Step 7

Click Exit

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Step 1

On the Smart toolbar, click


Step 2

Click Run to start the


Step 3

Click Stop to exit

the simula�on

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Create a Shop Floor ReportThe Report Generator creates HTML and PDF reports that detail the tools and opera�ons for any of

your part files. The preforma&ed reports are an important NC post processing tool and invaluable

shop floor resource. They provide the machining details required to correctly set up a machine and

perform the required machining opera�ons.

Reports contain informa�on about the machine, the tools, the part, opera�ons, and the NC

program. In addi�on, each page in the report displays a full-color image showing how the part

should look at each stage of the machining process.

Two types of standard reports are available: Summary and Detailed.

Summary Report

Basic informa�on about the machining process is provided on a single summary page. The

summary report contains a header with general informa�on about the program and an opera�on

list with one row per opera�on. Each row displays the main informa�on about the opera�on like

the opera�on name, the tool name, the tool ID, feeds and speed, and so on.

Detailed Report

This report provides the same summary page along with detailed pages for each opera�on and a

complete tool list. Click on an opera�on hyperlink in the summary page to access the opera�on

details. Click on a tool hyperlink to access the tool details. Opera�on report pages provide detailed

opera�on-specific informa�on such as the tool details and available cu"ng parameters.

Default Folders for Report Files

By default, report files are saved to your user folder under the ESPRIT\Data\ReportGenerator\

Reports directory, but you can change it to any other loca�on by clicking the Op�ons bu&on on the

Report Generator dialog.

Generated reports are saved to a subfolder in the distribu�on loca�on. The subfolder is always

named the same as your part file. If you regenerate any report, all files in the subfolder, including

any output from a previous report, are deleted. If you intend to save any previous version of a

report, copy it from the distribu�on folder before you regenerate the report.

Important: To use the Report Generator, your security key must be a&ached to your computer

and you must have a valid license. If you are running ESPRIT in demo mode, the Create Reports...

command is not available on the File menu.

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Step 1

On the File menu, click

Create Reports...

Step 2

Select Milling-Detailed, then click

Create Reports

Step 3

Right-click on OpSummary.htm

and click Open

It will take several moments to generate a detailed report of all the opera�ons and tools used in

this part file. A%er the report is generated, Windows Explorer will launch and open to the folder

where the report files were generated.

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Step 4

Click on a hyperlink to view the

opera�on or tool details