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ESM - Supermarkets News Magazine

Apr 12, 2017



Rocio Palma
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EUROPEANSUPERMARKETMAGAZINE(ESM) is the leading pan-European magazine for the Supermarket, C-Store, Wholesale and Cash & Carry sectors.

ThepublicaEonisdistributedacrossall28EUmemberstatesaswellasSwitzerland. The publication is sent specifically, on a name and title basis, to the CEOs, COOs, Trading Directors, Supply Chain Directors, CIOs, Procurement Managers, Packaging Directors and Category Buyers working at a head oThce level in the European grocery retail sector. ESMis therefore an incredibly-targeted medium for companies looking to communicate with the executives that have purchasing and decision-making power within the industry.

Ourreaderspurchaseinexcessof€880 billionworthofproductsandservicesfortheirstoreseachyear.If you want to get your product listed in store, or if you want to supply your products or services to this market, then ESMis the media platform for you.

ESMcovers all the key areas of interest to senior management working in the grocery retail sector. In particular, the publication looks at the latest news, developments and trends taking place in the industry today. Areas of emphasis include A-brand innovation, private label, new concept stores, profiles on European grocery retail chains, industry mergers and acquisitions, supply chain and logistics, commodity price developments and executive profiles. ESMalso looks at the latest trends taking place in the areas of packaging & design, supply chain and retail technology.

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“I continue to be impressed by the quality of reporting in ESM. It’s so strong and you have a really good handle on what’s key in retail in Europe. It’s a definite must read for the retail executive!” DaltonPhilips,ChiefExecuAve,Morrisons(2010- 2015)

“ESM is a real piece of a reading for any professional in the FMCG business. It offers unique insights and reports on technology and trends. Always up-to-date, and simple to understand. It has become my free-time read and, to some extent, a reference guide to the businessthat requires oneto keep updated,ifyou want your business to prosper. Highly recommended!” MarianOlajec,ChiefExecuAve,KauflandSlovakia

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TARGETEDPLATFORM ESMenablesyourcompany tocommunicatewithseniorbuyers thathave responsibility forpurchasing theproducts thatare sold in theirstores. ESM also reaches the senior execu9ves and main boarddirectors with the procurement responsibility for the services andproductsthathelpthesechainssucceed.

NOWASTAGE When you look at most na9onal grocery publica9ons’ circula9on, asignificant percentage is distributed to store managers and also, incertaincases,throughnewsstandsales.OurclientsappreciatethefactthatESM is very targeted in its distribu9on, and as such they knowthat there is almost no wastage when it comes to their marke9ngspendwithus.

SCALE Historically, most companies would not have had the budgets toadver9se across all of Europe.Now,withESM, they can target all 28EUStatesandSwitzerlandinonemagazine.

HIGHRETURNS Due to the high demand for the products and services our clients areselling, sales generated as a result from exposure in ESM can run tomillions, especially considering that rela9onshipswith retail chains canlastformanyyears.

EXCLUSIVEENVIRONMENT Thebroadnatureof theclients thatworkwithESMmeans thatunlikewith some very specialist publica9ons, there is not a mul9tude ofcompe9torsvyingforourreaders’aJen9on.

PERSONALISEDSERVICE AtESM,wemakeapointofdeliveringtheverybestserviceavailabletoour clients. For that reason,weoffereach client adedicated accounthandlerwhose func9on is tomanageeveryaspectof your company’scampaign in away that delivers the best results.Wewant each newclienttofeelthatweareapowerfulextensiontotheir publicrela9onsdepartment.

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Austria273 Latvia 110

Belgium735 Lithuania 96

BosniaandHerzegovina12 Luxemburg 18

Bulgaria96 Malta 14

Croa9a245 Netherlands 3,192

Cyprus119 Norway 308

CzechRepublic602 Poland 616

Danemark931 Portugal 462

Estonia91 Romania 168

Finland238 Slovakia 133

France 2,478 Slovenia 42

Germany 3,710 Spain 1,750

Greece182 Sweden 833

Hungary273 Switzerland 693

Ireland672 UnitedKingdom 5,411

Italy 1,155 RestofWorld 1,497

We commissioned the Field Marketing Institute to survey retailers with purchasing authority. When asked if learning about a new product from a retail trade magazine such as ESMinfluenced them in their purchasing decision, 90% of respondents confirmed that it did influence their decision.

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“My colleagues and I in Carrefour Belgium find ESM very informative. It is a publication that keeps us easily and quickly up to date and allows us to see what our competitors are doing in Europe through experts and senior leaders’ insights.” NicolasBonnetot,FreshFoodDirector,CarrefourBelgium

“Just received my copy of the latest issue. I love it! Excellent information, and light years ahead of the competition. Congratulations on such a great start-up.” RandyHo^auer,SeniorEditor,RetailLeaderMagazine

“We are very grateful for your support and the partnership with our press stand. I confirm that ESM was the most popular magazine and that all the copies went during the first day! This is not unsurprising, considering the quality of the content and the information that it contains.” Gilles Ferrod, InternaAonal Sales Manager, GL EventsExhibiAons(OrganisersofMDDExpo) “

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“ESM is among the leading Europeanmagazines and as such a source ofinspira9on for our Trade teams andSourcingIntelligencedepartment.”Bert Swartsenburg, Managing Director, AMSSourcingB.V.

“ESMisincrediblyhelpful-ithasagreatnewssec9onthatisalwaysupwith keyevents and provides detailed andinforma9vear9cleson important issues.ESM is an essen9al read for keeping upwithEuropeannews.”DavidMcCarthy,RetailAnalyst,HSBC

“Since its launch, ESM has become agreat source of informa9on and insight.Itisnowavaluablesourceofknowledgefo r Euromoni tor In terna9ona l ’ sEuropeananalystteam.”Jon Wright, Europe, Middle East & Africa RegionManager,EuromonitorInternaJonal

“IenjoyreadingESM, Ifind it interes9ngand s9mula9ngandwegettoseewhata lot ofourcompe9torsaredoing.Thebuying team find it informa9ve,especially on the subject of privatelabel.”MicheleRaK,ChiefExecuJve,BennetSpA(Italy)

our private label products from acrossEurope, which demonstrates you haveyourdistribu9onspoton.”Rosaleen O’Hara, Export Manager, Valeo FoodsGroup

“ESMisavaluablesourceofallthelatestnews and stories in the field of own-brands. I’m already looking forward toreceivingthenextedi9on.”ThomasRudelt,OfferManagementDirector,MetroCash&CarryTurkey

“ESMmagazinegivesitsreadersthebestof retail informa9on, delivering a greatopportunitytolearn,studyandseewhatis goingon around the con9nent. I amalways looking forward to seeing thenewissue.”MilanKalafut,RegionalDirectorofSales,KauflandSlovakia“ESM is a very valuable read for TheConsumer Goods Forum, as it providesinsigheul, interes9ng news from thesector.”PeterFreedman,ManagingDirector,TheConsumerGoodsForum

“No magazine delivers such a clearoverview on trends, developments,innova9onsandinsightsintheEuropeanRetail business and beyond asESM. Forme and my team, ESM delivers greatvalueineveryissue.”PhillippeGruyters,ManagingDirector,EMDAG

“ESMisanexcellentread.Itisalsoaveryvaluable tool for manufacturers lookingto grow their business in the Europeangroceryretailsector.”James Thorpe, Vice President, Global StrategicSourcing&SupplyChain,AccoBrands

“ItrulybelievethatESM isthewaytoreachavery diverse popula9on of countrybuyers.” ClareMounWort,DirectorofMarkeJng,Six|Half|Dozen

“It’s great to see the emergence of amagazine likeESM, so that those in theretailbusinesscanfindoutwhatisgoingon right across the European retailsector.” Liesbeth Dekker-Weijzen, UnitManager,PlusRetail(Netherlands)“WeatShoreCapitalfindESMmagazineto be a highly useful, accessible andinforma9veresourceondevelopmentsintheEuropeanconsumergoodsandretail

scene. Indeed, we find its geographicscope to be especially helpful andconvenientforuswithgoodinsightsandwellpresentedandconnectedviews.”Dr Clive Black, Head of Research, Shore CapitalStockbrokers

“Wearedelightedbytheresponsetoouradver9sement in ESM. It has surpassedourexpecta9ons.Wearereceiving twotothreecallsadayinquiringabout

““ESM is a landmark publica9onfor large retailers. It is rich ininforma9on and its ar9cles arecomprehensive and informa9ve.It’s a magazine tokeep on thedesk, so we can be updated onwhat is happening in themarketand what our compe9tors aredoing.”






“AstheEuropeanmarketisofsuchimportancetous,wefindESMtheperfectplaeorm from which to communicate our private label offerings andsolu9ons to buyers within the supermarket industry. Indeed, we haveadver9sedvery



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