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EQUIVALENCE OF THE ERLANG SEIR EPIDEMIC MODEL AND 1 THE RENEWAL EQUATION * 2 DAVID CHAMPREDON , JONATHAN DUSHOFF , AND DAVID J.D. EARN § 3 Abstract. Most compartmental epidemic models can be represented using the Euler-Lotka 4 renewal equation (RE). The value of the RE is not widely appreciated in the epidemiological modelling 5 community, perhaps because its equivalence to standard models has not been presented rigorously 6 in non-trivial cases. Here, we provide analytical expressions for the intrinsic generation interval 7 distribution that must be used in the RE in order to yield epidemic dynamics that are identical 8 to those of the susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) compartmental model with Erlang- 9 distributed latent and infectious periods. This class of models includes the standard (exponentially- 10 distributed) SIR and SEIR models as special cases. 11 Key words. epidemic models, renewal equation, differential equations SEIR Erlang, generation 12 interval distribution 13 AMS subject classifications. 92D30, 34A30, 37N25, 97M60 14 1. Background. The renewal equation (RE) was introduced by Leonhard Euler 15 in 1767 [10] in his work on population dynamics and was “rediscovered” in a modern 16 continuous formulation by Lotka in 1907 [20]. Lotka’s formulation is usually expressed 17 as 18 (1.1) B(t)= Z 0 B(t - a) p(a) m(a)da 19 where B(t) is the number of births at time t, p(a) is the probability of survival to 20 age a, and m(a) is the fertility at age a. This equation was derived for demographic 21 studies and has been adapted to model epidemics (for example [9, 21, 22]) by changing 22 the interpretation of the variables: B(t) represents the number of new infectious 23 individuals at time t, p(a) the probability to be infectious a time units after acquiring 24 the disease, and m(a) the “transmission potential”, that is the average number of 25 secondary infections at “infection age” a. 26 The dynamics of epidemics are more commonly modelled with ordinary differen- 27 tial equations (ODEs), following the seminal work of Kermack and McKendrick in 28 1927 [17]. This family of models identifies epidemiological states (susceptible, infec- 29 tious, immune, etc.) and considers the flow rates between “compartments” containing 30 individuals in each disease state. A standard example is the “SEIR” model, which dis- 31 tinguishes between a latent state of infection, traditionally labelled E for “exposed”, 32 where the infected individual is not yet infectious, and then a state I where the in- 33 fected individual is infectious. When not infected, an individual is either susceptible 34 (S) or immune/recovered (R). A generalization of this model, which we will call the 35 “Erlang SEIR model”, divides the E and I stages into m and n substages, respectively. 36 * Submitted to the editors May 10, 2018 at 12:14:27. Funding: This work was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Department of Mathe- matics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada. ([email protected]) Department of Biology, M.G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada § Department of Mathematics and Statistics, M.G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Re- search, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada 1 This manuscript is for review purposes only. . CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license a certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not this version posted May 11, 2018. ; doi: bioRxiv preprint

Equivalence of the Erlang Seir Epidemic Model and the Renewal … · EQUIVALENCE RENEWAL EQUATION AND ERLANG SEIR 3 78 The basic reproduction number for the Erlang SEIR model (2.1)

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Page 1: Equivalence of the Erlang Seir Epidemic Model and the Renewal … · EQUIVALENCE RENEWAL EQUATION AND ERLANG SEIR 3 78 The basic reproduction number for the Erlang SEIR model (2.1)




Abstract. Most compartmental epidemic models can be represented using the Euler-Lotka4renewal equation (RE). The value of the RE is not widely appreciated in the epidemiological modelling5community, perhaps because its equivalence to standard models has not been presented rigorously6in non-trivial cases. Here, we provide analytical expressions for the intrinsic generation interval7distribution that must be used in the RE in order to yield epidemic dynamics that are identical8to those of the susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) compartmental model with Erlang-9distributed latent and infectious periods. This class of models includes the standard (exponentially-10distributed) SIR and SEIR models as special cases.11

Key words. epidemic models, renewal equation, differential equations SEIR Erlang, generation12interval distribution13

AMS subject classifications. 92D30, 34A30, 37N25, 97M6014

1. Background. The renewal equation (RE) was introduced by Leonhard Euler15

in 1767 [10] in his work on population dynamics and was “rediscovered” in a modern16

continuous formulation by Lotka in 1907 [20]. Lotka’s formulation is usually expressed17


(1.1) B(t) =

∫ ∞0

B(t− a) p(a)m(a) da19

where B(t) is the number of births at time t, p(a) is the probability of survival to20

age a, and m(a) is the fertility at age a. This equation was derived for demographic21

studies and has been adapted to model epidemics (for example [9, 21, 22]) by changing22

the interpretation of the variables: B(t) represents the number of new infectious23

individuals at time t, p(a) the probability to be infectious a time units after acquiring24

the disease, and m(a) the “transmission potential”, that is the average number of25

secondary infections at “infection age” a.26

The dynamics of epidemics are more commonly modelled with ordinary differen-27

tial equations (ODEs), following the seminal work of Kermack and McKendrick in28

1927 [17]. This family of models identifies epidemiological states (susceptible, infec-29

tious, immune, etc.) and considers the flow rates between “compartments” containing30

individuals in each disease state. A standard example is the “SEIR” model, which dis-31

tinguishes between a latent state of infection, traditionally labelled E for “exposed”,32

where the infected individual is not yet infectious, and then a state I where the in-33

fected individual is infectious. When not infected, an individual is either susceptible34

(S) or immune/recovered (R). A generalization of this model, which we will call the35

“Erlang SEIR model”, divides the E and I stages into m and n substages, respectively.36

∗Submitted to the editors May 10, 2018 at 12:14:27.Funding: This work was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of

Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.†Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Department of Mathe-

matics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada. ([email protected])‡Department of Biology, M.G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research, McMaster

University, Hamilton, ON, Canada§Department of Mathematics and Statistics, M.G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Re-

search, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada


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Page 2: Equivalence of the Erlang Seir Epidemic Model and the Renewal … · EQUIVALENCE RENEWAL EQUATION AND ERLANG SEIR 3 78 The basic reproduction number for the Erlang SEIR model (2.1)


All m latent (respectively n infectious) substages are identical. This subdivision is37

usually viewed as a mathematical trick in order to make latent and infectious period38

distributions more realistic; the resulting latent and infectious periods have Erlang39

distributions (Gamma distributions with integer shape parameter) [1, 19, 26, 18].40

The renewal and ODE approaches are based on different conceptualizations of dy-41

namics. The renewal approach focuses on cohorts of infectious individuals, and how42

they spread infection through time, while the ODE approach focuses on counting indi-43

viduals in different states. The renewal equation is less common than compartmental44

models in epidemiological applications, probably because the goal when modelling45

epidemics is often to identify optimal intervention strategies, which is facilitated by46

clearly distinguishing the various epidemiological states (e.g., susceptible, infectious,47

immune, vaccinated, quarantined, etc.) to act on. However, the simplicity of the48

renewal equation makes it particularly well adapted to estimate the effective repro-49

ductive number from incidence time series [25] and to forecast epidemics [8]. As a50

notable example, it was used recently by the WHO Ebola Response Team to estimate51

the reproductive number the Ebola epidemic [27].52

Despite their very different formulations, these two models can simulate exactly53

the same epidemics when the generation-interval distribution g derived from the ODE54

system is used in the renewal equation [11, 28, 5]. However, apart from simple cases55

with exponential distributions, the generation-interval distribution g that links Erlang56

SEIR models to renewal-equation models has apparently never been explicitly derived.57

Here, we provide an analytical expression for the intrinsic generation-interval distribu-58

tion implied by an Erlang SEIR model and show that a renewal equation model using59

this distribution for g yields exactly the same epidemic dynamics as the corresponding60

compartmental model.61

2. Methods. In this section, we define the notations and equations for the re-62

newal and Erlang SEIR models. We consider a normalized population (i.e., the total63

population size is 1) and set the day as the time unit. The computer code for all64

numerical simulations is provided in Supplementary Material.65

2.1. The Erlang SEIR model. The Erlang SEIR model, with balanced vital66

dynamics, is described by a system of m+ n+ 1 ODEs,67


dt= µ− βSI − µS ,(2.1a)68


dt= βSI − (mσ + µ)E1 ,(2.1b)69


= mσEj−1 − (mσ + µ)Ej , j = 2, . . . ,m,(2.1c)70


= mσEm − (nγ + µ)I1 ,(2.1d)71


= nγIk−1 − (nγ + µ)Ik, k = 2, . . . , n.(2.1e)72

where I =∑nk=1 Ik. The parameter β is the transmission rate, 1/σ is the mean latent73

period (assuming an individual survives latency), 1/(γ + µ) is the mean duration74

of infectiousness, and µ represents the per capita rates of both birth1 and death.75

To reduce the notational burden, the dependence on time has been omitted (i.e.,76

S = S(t)). Initial conditions are discussed below in §2.4.77

1Or, more generally, susceptible recruitment.

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Page 3: Equivalence of the Erlang Seir Epidemic Model and the Renewal … · EQUIVALENCE RENEWAL EQUATION AND ERLANG SEIR 3 78 The basic reproduction number for the Erlang SEIR model (2.1)


The basic reproduction number for the Erlang SEIR model (2.1) is easily derived78

[24, 13, 18],79

(2.2) R0 =( mσ

mσ + µ

)m β

nγ + µ


( nγ

nγ + µ


Note that in the absense of vital dynamics (µ = 0), this expression reduces to R0 =81


2.2. Intrinsic generation interval distribution via cohort equations. In83

addition to the ODE system (2.1) describing the number of individuals in different84

clinical states, we can naturally define another ODE system for the probabilities to85

be in these different clinical states at a given time after infection. Let Lj(τ) be the86

probability that an individual is alive and in the jth latent stage (Ej) at time τ after87

being infected. Similarly, let Fk(τ) be the probability that one individual is alive and88

in the kth infectious stage (Ik) at time τ after being infected. In other words, we89

model the proportion in each stage of each infectious cohort.90

We have L1(0) = 1, Lj(0) = 0 for j = 2, . . . ,m and Fk(0) = 0 for k = 1, . . . , n.91

We construct equations for the Lj and Fk exactly in parallel with the equations for92

Ej and Ik:93


dτ= −(mσ + µ)L1 ,(2.3a)94


= mσLj−1 − (mσ + µ)Lj , j = 2, . . . ,m(2.3b)95


dτ= mσLm − (nγ + µ)F1 ,(2.3c)96


= nγFk−1 − (nγ + µ)Fk , k = 2, . . . , n.(2.3d)97

The probability to be infectious at time τ after acquiring infection is simply the sum98 ∑nk=1 Fk(τ) (an individual can only be in one single infectious state at any given99

time). The intrinsic generation-interval distribution [7] for the Erlang SEIR model,100

denoted g, can then be expressed as101

(2.4) g(τ) =

∑nk=1 Fk(τ)∫∞


∑nk=1 Fk(x) dx


2.3. The renewal equation with susceptible depletion. For typical trans-103

missible infections, individuals acquire immunity after recovering and cannot be rein-104

fected (at least for some time). Consequently, the total number of susceptible individ-105

uals decreases during an epidemic. In addition, individuals who successfully transmit106

their infection to others must survive at least until the moment of transmission. Fi-107

nally, new susceptible individuals are recruited through births, and all individuals108

have a finite lifespan. To account for these processes of “susceptible depletion”, “sur-109

vival to transmission” and “vital dynamics” (which are present in the Erlang SEIR110

model), Lotka’s equation (1.1) must be revised.111

As in the ODE model (2.1), we denote by S(t) the proportion of the population112

that is susceptible at time t. However, unlike the ODE model, our renewal equation113

will be expressed in terms of incidence i(t) rather than prevalence I(t). Incidence is114

the rate at which new infections occur in the population, and corresponds to the flow115

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rate βSI from S to E1 in Equation 2.1a. Our renewal equation is116


dt= µ− i(t)− µS(t) ,(2.5a)117

i(t) = R0 S(t)

∫ ∞0

i(t− s) g(s) ds ,(2.5b)118

where R0 is the basic reproduction number and g is the intrinsic generation-interval119

distribution [7]. The function g(τ) is the probability that an individual survives and120

transmits the disease τ days after acquiring it. Note that bothR0 and the distribution121

g implicitly account for deaths of exposed and infectious individuals. This contrasts122

Equation 2.2, in which R0 is expressed explicitly (and actually derived) in terms of123

rate parameters, including the mortality rate µ.124

2.4. Initial conditions. To complete the formulation of the RE model (2.5),125

we must specify initial conditions. Doing so is not as straightforward as for the126

ODE model (2.1), for which the initial state is simply an (m + n + 1)-dimensional127

vector containing the proportions of the population in each compartment. Instead, in128

addition to the initial proportion susceptible, S(0), for the RE we must specify the129

incidence at all times before t = 0, i.e., i(t) for all t ∈ (−∞, 0]. Here, we use the130

Dirac Delta distribution, δ(t), to “jump-start” the epidemic at time 0, and write:131

S(0) = S0(2.6a)

i(t) = I0 δ(t) , t ≤ 0.(2.6b)

This is equivalent to starting at time 0 with a proportion I0 in the first infected state132

(state I1 if m = 0, state E1 otherwise), and no other infected individuals. The RE133

(2.5) with these initial conditions (2.6) can be solved numerically in a straightforward134

manner. Appendix C outlines the algorithm that we have used in our numerical135

simulations. This approach allows us to simulate efficiently, and to start with any136

number of susceptible and infected individuals, thus effectively spanning the phase137


We note that, with more complicated simulations, it would be possible to match139

not only the number susceptible and the total number infected (as above) but also140

how the initial prevalence is spread among the m + n infected classes in the ODE141

model (2.1), by using an alternative formulation [3] for (2.5b):142

(2.7) i(t) = S(t)

(βF0(t) +R0

∫ t


i(t− s) g(s) ds


Here, the integral over the generation interval looks back only to time 0 (not time144

−∞) and the force of infection from individuals already infected at time 0 is instead145

captured in the new term βF0(t), where146

(2.8) F0(t) =


Fj(t) .

The Fj ’s are calculated by integrating the cohort equations (2.3) starting from the147

desired initial conditions, which can be done in advance (either analytically or nu-148

merically) or simultaneous with numerically solving the alternative form of the RE149

(Equations 2.5a and 2.7).150

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3. Results.151

3.1. The intrinsic generation-interval distribution of the Erlang SEIR152

model. Here, we solve the ODE system (2.3) in order to obtain an analytical ex-153

pression for the generation-interval distribution g for an Erlang SEIR model, using154

Equation 2.4.155

Because Equation 2.3 is a linear ODE, it can be solved exactly. Solving for the156

probabilities to be in the jth latent stage Lj is straightforward. Equation (2.3a)157

gives L1(t) = e−(mσ+µ)t. Multiplying equation (2.3b) by e(mσ+µ)t for k = 2 gives158

(e(mσ+µ)tL2)′ = mσ, hence L2(t) = mσte−(mσ+µ)t (recall that L2(0) = 0). It is then159

easy to prove by induction that160

(3.1) Lj(t) =(mσt)j−1

(j − 1)!e−(mσ+µ)t , j = 1, . . . ,m.161

Solving for the probabilities to be in the kth infectious stage Fk is more tedious.162

We present the two special cases when m = 0 and mσ = nγ first because both the163

calculations and expressions are much simpler, then we give the expression for the164

general case.165

3.1.1. Case m = 0. If m = 0 (which is also equivalent to σ →∞), then the Fk166

satisfy the same ODE as the Lk in the case where m > 1. Hence, we have:167

(3.2) Fk(t) =(nγt)k−1

(k − 1)!e−(nγ+µ)t.168

The integration is straightforward:169


∫ ∞0

Fk(t) dt =(nγ)k−1

(nγ + µ)k170

Using Equation 2.4, the intrinsic generation-interval distribution is171

(3.4) g(t) =


1−(1− µnγ+µ )

n e−(nγ+µ)t∑n−1k=0


k! for µ > 0,

γ e−nγt∑n−1k=0


k! for µ = 0.


In the special case n = 1 this reduces to173

(3.5) g(t) = (γ + µ) e−(γ+µ)t ,174

recovering the well-known result that the standard SIR model has an exponential175

intrinsic generation-interval distribution [4].176

3.1.2. Case m > 0 but mσ = nγ. If mσ = nγ, the analytical expression for Fk177

is obtained in a similar way as Lk:178

(3.6) Fk(t) =(nγt)m−1+k

(m− 1 + k)!e−(nγ+µ)t


The integration is again straightforward and we have180


∫ ∞0

Fk(t) dt =(nγ)m+k−1

(nγ + µ)m+k.181

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Hence, using Equation 2.4 the intrinsic generation-interval distribution is182

(3.8) g(t) =


1−(1− µnγ+µ )

n e−(nγ+µ)t∑n−1k=0


(m+k)! for µ > 0,



(m+k)! for µ = 0.


In the special case of the standard SEIR model (m = n = 1), for any µ ≥ 0, we obtain184

(3.9) g(t) = (γ + µ)2 t e−(γ+µ)t .185

3.1.3. General case m > 0 and mσ 6= nγ. In this case, we set µ = 0 as it186

simplifies both the calculations and expressions considerably. For typical epidemics187

of infectious disease, the demographic rate µ is usually negligible compared to the188

epidemiological rates (i.e., µ� mσ and µ� nγ), so the effect of µ on the generation189

interval distribution g(τ) will also be negligible in most applications. Calculations190

described in Appendix A yield191

(3.10) Fk(t) =




)m G(m, at) e−nγt , k = 1,(mσa


[Ak(t) +Bk(t) + Ck(t)

]e−nγt , k = 2, . . . , n,



a = mσ − nγ ,(3.11a)194

Ak(t) = (−1)ka1−k (−1 + at+ e−at)(k +m− 3

k − 2


Bk(t) =k−3∑i=0



(m+ i− 1



(k − 1− i)!,(3.11c)196

Ck(t) = (−1)k+1ψk−1(t)


ψk(t) =1



(m− `+ k − 2

k − 1


`!G(`+ 1, at)(3.11e)198

G(k, x) =

∫ x


tk−1e−t dt(3.11f)199

The function G is the lower incomplete gamma function [23, §8.2.1]. We obtain the200

intrinsic generation-interval distribution for the Erlang SEIR by combining equations201

(2.4) and (3.10). In this generic case we obtain202

(3.12) g(t) =

nγ G(m,at)


(1 + nγ


)mn = 1,



1nγ (1+nγ

a )−m


e−nγt n ≥ 2 ,


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Ak :=

∫ ∞0

e−nγtAk(t) dt(3.13a)205

= (−1)ka1−k(− 1





)(k +m− 3

k − 2


Bk :=

∫ ∞0

e−nγtBk(t) dt(3.13c)207





)i(m+ i− 1



Ck :=

∫ ∞0

e−nγtCk(t) dt(3.13e)209






(m− i+ k − 3

k − 2

)(1 +




In the special case m = n = 1, i.e., the standard SEIR model, all the complexities211

collapse and we obtain212

(3.14) g(t) =σγ

σ − γ(e−γt − e−σt


3.1.4. Discrete time SIR. While our focus has been on continuous-time mod-214

els, it is worth mentioning that the SIR model in discrete time is equivalent to the215

renewal equation with a geometric generation-interval distribution, with probability216

parameter γ∆t, where ∆t is the time discretization step (which must be chosen such217

that γ∆t < 1). This result, which we derive in Appendix B, is consistent with the218

fact that the exponential distribution is the continuous analog of the geometric dis-219


3.2. Numerical simulations. We verified the correctness of our analytical ex-221

pressions for the stage duration distributions, equations (3.1) and (3.10), by com-222

paring them with direct numerical integration of the linear ODE system for these223

probabilities (2.3). Figure A1 shows a visually perfect match between the analytical224

formulae and the numerical solutions for Lk(τ) and Fk(τ). Inserting Equation 3.10225

into Equation 2.4 we obtained the associated intrinsic generation-interval distribu-226

tion g(τ), which is plotted in Figure A2 together with the approximate distribution227

obtained by integrating the linear ODEs (2.3) numerically.228

We then checked that solutions of the renewal equation (2.5) agree with those of229

the Erlang SEIR ODE system (2.1). As an example, Figure 1 shows a visually perfect230

match between the two models for a particular parameter set.231

We also checked our finding that the discrete time SIR model (§3.1.4 and Ap-232

pendix B) is equivalent to a renewal equation model with a geometric generation233

interval distribution (Figure B1). Moreover, Figure 2 shows an illustrative example of234

the equivalence of the renewal equation (2.5) and the Erlang ODE system (2.1) in the235

presence of vital dynamics and periodic forcing of the transmission rate. In this exam-236

ple we used again the RE model with a geometric generation interval distribution, and237

applied a sinusoidally forced basic reproduction number R(t) = R0(1 +α sin(2πt/T ))238

with R0 = 1.3, forcing amplitude α = 0.6, forcing period T = 365 days, and birth239

and death rates µ = 0.03 yr−1.240

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4. Discussion. Appreciation of the the fact that many epidemic models can241

be expressed either with ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or with a renewal242

equation (RE) can be traced back to the original landmark paper of Kermack and243

McKendrick [17, 5]. Provided one wishes to track only the dynamics of the total244

susceptible population and incidence rate, there is no difference in the output of the245

two formulations. This result is well known in the broader field of delayed integro-246

differential equations [11, 28] (and sometimes described as the “linear chain trick”247

[5]). While references to this connection have certainly been made in epidemiological248

contexts (see for example [12, 15, 5]), the epidemic modelling community has not taken249

full advantage of this result. Here, by providing exact analytical expressions for the250

intrinsic generation-interval distribution of any Erlang SEIR model, we hope to draw251

attention to the renewal equation and its potential uses in studying infectious disease252

dynamics. Table 1 summarizes our main results. We note that the methodology we253

have used to derive the intrinsic generation interval distribution g(τ) required in the254

renewal equation (2.5) can be applied to any staged-progression epidemic model [16].255

Epidemic models described by ODEs—with state variables corresponding to com-256

partments that represent various epidemiological states—are invaluable tools for eval-257

uating public health strategies [2]. For example, when the goal of a modelling study258

is to assess a particular intervention (e.g., vaccination of a particular group) in a large259

population, a compartmental ODE is convenient because it is easy to keep track of the260

numbers of individuals in each disease state. The Erlang SEIR model is often a good261

choice, at least as a starting point, because it can represent realistic distributions of262

latent and infectious periods [26]. However, if one is interested only in the dynamics263

of the susceptible and/or infectious populations (e.g., when forecasting incidence in264

real time during an outbreak), the renewal equation framework can be beneficial as265

it can simplify the modelling [8] and potentially speed up the computation times.266

The analytical formulae for the intrinsic generation interval of the SEIR Erlang ODE267

model (equations (3.4), (3.8), (3.12), or Table 1) are relatively easy to implement in a268

computer program. Our experience has been that the renewal equation yields faster269

numerical simulations than the corresponding ODE models. Of course, computing270

times depend on the numerical methods and software implementation; more work is271

needed to ascertain how computing times vary between approaches given identical272

problems and equivalent error bounds.273

The generation interval is rarely observed, but through contact tracing it is pos-274

sible to directly observe the serial interval (i.e., the interval of time between onset275

of symptoms for the infector and her/his infectee). Although different in theory, the276

serial interval distribution may be a good approximation to the generation interval277

distribution, especially for diseases for which the latent and incubation periods are278

similar (Appendix D and [14]). On the other hand, the latent and infectious periods—279

which are used to parametrize compartmental ODE models—can be observed only in280

clinical studies, which are more rare. Consequently, the generation-interval distribu-281

tion can be easier to obtain than the distributions of latent and infectious periods, in282

which case a renewal equation might be easier to parameterize than an Erlang SEIR283

ODE model.284

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Table 1Compartmental models and their equivalent intrinsic generation interval distribution for the

renewal equation. The mean duration of the latent (resp. infectious) period is 1/σ (resp. 1/γ). Thevariable t is the time since infection and ∆t (which must be less than 1/γ) is the size of the timestep when time is discrete. If µ > 0 then one just replaces σ and γ with σ+µ and γ+µ in g(τ) forSIR and SEIR.


RE intrinsic generation-interval distribution g(t)

SIR discrete time Geometric(γ∆t): γ∆t(1− γ∆t)t


SIR Exponential(γ): γ e−γt


{γ2 t e−γt σ = γσγσ−γ (e−γt − e−σt) σ 6= γ

SEmInR (“Erlang”)

Equation 3.4 m = 0

Equation 3.8 mσ = nγ, m > 0

Equation 3.12 mσ 6= nγ, m > 0

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0 100 200 300








Values for m and n

m = 1; n = 1

m = 3; n = 5

m = 9; n = 2

Fig. 1. Numerical check of equivalence in continuous time. Daily incidence time series ofthe Erlang SEIR for different values of m and n is obtained by solving numerically the ODE system(2.1) (and retrieve βSI as the incidence). The daily incidence time series of the renewal equation(RE) was calculated using equation (2.5) and C.1 with the intrinsic generation interval g definedwith formula (3.12) and a time step of 0.1 day. The superimposed curves (solid line for ODE anddash for RE) show the equivalence of both models when the generation-interval distribution of therenewal equation is appropriately chosen. Mean duration of latency (respectively infectiousness) is2 (respectively 3) days, and R0 = 1.3.

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0 1 2 3 4

time (years)












0 1 2 3 4

time (years)





Fig. 2. Time series for a SIR model with vital dynamics and seasonal forcing. Toppanel: susceptible proportion; bottom panel: daily incidence. The thin black curve represents thetime series obtained by solving numerically the ODE system (2.1). The thick grey time series wascalculated using the renewal equation model (2.5) with an exponential intrinsic generation-intervaldistribution and implemented with an integration time step of 0.05 day. The birth and death rate isµ = 0.02/year, the mean infectious period is 1/γ = 3 days. The reproduction number was periodicallyforced R(t) = R0(1 + α sin(2πt/T )) with R0 = 1.3, α = 0.6 and T = 365 days.

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Appendix A. Proof of formula (3.10).352

A.1. Preliminaries.353

Lower incomplete gamma function. The lower incomplete gamma function354

G(k, x) is defined for k > 0 and x ≥ 0 via [23, §8.2.1]355

(A.1) G(k, x) =

∫ x


tk−1e−t dt .

We use the notation G rather than the standard γ for this function because, in this356

paper, we reserve the symbol γ for the disease recovery rate. The integral of G can357

be written358


∫ t


G(k, x) dx = tke−t + (t− k)G(k, t) ,

which is straightforward to verify by noting that both sides vanish for t = 0 and that359

they have identical derivatives. Because it is an expression that occurs often in our360

calculations, we note that361


∫ x


tke−at dt = G(k + 1, ax)/ak+1362

Nested sums. In the course of our computations, certain types of nested sums363

occur repeatedly, so it is helpful to note that, for any function f ,364




· · ·i2∑i1=0

f(i1) =


(m− 1− `+ k − 1

k − 1

)f(`) .

In the special case f(0) = 0 and f(`) = 1 for all ` ≥ 1, we have [6]365




· · ·i2∑i1=1

1 =m−1∑`=1

(m− 1− `+ k − 1

k − 1


(m− 2 + k



We define for any integers m > 0, k > 0 and real a,366

(A.6) ψk(t) :=1




· · ·ik−1∑ik=0

G(ik + 1, at)


Using Equation A.4, we can re-write ψ as a single sum,367

(A.7) ψk(t) =1



(m− 1− `+ k − 1

k − 1


`!G(`+ 1, at) .

It can then be proved by induction that the integral of ψk is368


∫ t


ψk(x) dx =1

a2(−1 + at+ e−at)

(m− 2 + k


)− 1

aψk+1(t) .

We note, in particular, that ψ0 = 0 and ψ1 = 1a


G(p+1,at)p! .369

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A.2. Calculations for F1. We first consider F1. From the system of ODEs370

Equation 2.3 (in the main text) we have:371

F ′1 = mσLm − nγF1372

F ′1 =(mσt)m−1

(m− 1)!e−mσt − nγF1373

(enγtF1)′ =(mσt)m−1

(m− 1)!e−(mσ−nγ)t



(A.9) F1(t) =(mσa )m

(m− 1)!G(m, at)e−nγt376

A.3. Calculations for Fk for k ≥ 2. Again from Equation 2.3 we have F ′2 =nγ(F1 − F2). Multiplying both sides by enγt gives

F2 = nγe−nγt(mσ)m

(m− 1)!

∫ t



∫ x


um−1e−au du) dx,

which can be expressed explicitly using the lower incomplete gamma function,377

(A.10) F2(t) = nγe−nγt(mσa


a+ t+


a− 1



G(p+ 1, at)



Similarly, starting from F ′3 = nγ(F2 − F3) and multiplying both sides by enγt we379

have, after some algebra,380

(A.11) F3(t) = (nγ)2e−nγt(mσa

)m((1− at− e−at)m



2t2 +




Using the results from subsection A.1, we can prove by induction (using F3 as the382

initial step) that383

Fk(t) = (nγ)k−1e−nγt(mσa

)m( (−1)k

ak−1(−1 + at+ e−at)

(k +m− 3

k − 2





(m+ p− 1



(k − 1− p)!385




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0 5 10 15 20 25







check for L_1

time since infection


0 5 10 15 20 25





check for L_2

time since infection


0 5 10 15 20 25




check for L_3

time since infection


0 5 10 15 20 25




check for L_4

time since infection


0 5 10 15 20 25




check for F_1

time since infection


0 5 10 15 20 25






check for F_2

time since infection


0 5 10 15 20 25





check for F_3

time since infection


0 5 10 15 20 25





check for F_4

time since infection


0 5 10 15 20 25





check for F_5

time since infection


Fig. A1. Formula checks for probabilities Lk and Fk. Analytical formulas (3.1) and (3.10) arecompared to the numerical integration of the ODE system (2.3). For this figure, m = 4 and n = 5.

Appendix B. Renewal equation and SIR model in discrete time.387

This section has the pedagogical purpose to show how, in the case of a discrete388

time SIR model, the generation interval distribution can be calculated using simple389

mathematical manipulations.390

B.1. Discrete time. The discrete time formulation of the renewal equation,391

without vital dynamics, is:392

it = R0St−1



St = St−1 − it(B.1b)394

The SIR model has been extensively covered. We consider a standard, discretized395

version of an SIR model without vital dynamics, where the incidence it is introduced396

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0 5 10 15 20 25






Check Intrinsic GI for Erlang SEIR (m=3;n=4)

time since infection




Fig. A2. Formula check for the intrinsic generation-interval distribution. Analytical formulas(2.4) and (3.10) are compared to the numerical integration of the ODE system (2.3) when m = 3and n = 4.


it = βSt−1It−1(B.2a)398

St = St−1 − it(B.2b)399

It = It−1 + it − γIt−1(B.2c)400

When studying disease invasion, we take initial conditions I0 = 1 − S0 � 1. We401

note that equation (B.2c) can be rewritten as It = (1 − γ)It−1 + it. Substituting402

It−1 = (1 − γ)It−2 + it−1 gives: It = (1 − γ)2It−2 + (1 − γ)it−1 + it. Iterating this403

substitution t times, we have:404

(B.3) It =t∑


(1− γ)mit−m405

Next, we use equation (B.2a) to substitute the left hand side by It = it+1/βSt, operate406

a shift of one time unit t→ t− 1:407

(B.4) it = βSt−1


(1− γ)kit−k408

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If we note R0 = β/γ, set h(k) = (1 − γ)k and the normalized function h(k) =409

h(k)/∑∞k=1 h(k) we have:410

(B.5) it = R0St−1



Hence, we have expressed the SIR model in the same form as the renewal equation.412

The function h can then be identified as the intrinsic generation-interval distribution413

in the renewal equation framework. We have h(k) = γ(1−γ)k−1, which is the density414

of the geometric distribution with probability parameter γ. Hence, a discretized SIR415

model is exactly the same as a renewal equation model with a geometric generation-416

interval distribution.417

B.2. Limit of continuous time. We will also need an expression of the renewal418

equation when using a time step that is smaller than the time unit (i.e., day). The419

renewal equation models how transmission occurs from all previous cohorts (infected420

at times 0, 1, . . . , t − 1) to the current time (t). The way the generation-interval421

distribution g is defined depends on the unit of the time discretization. Writing the422

renewal equation (B.1a) necessitates changing the definition of incidence from daily423

incidence to incidence during the new time step period. Moreover, if we want to424

keep the same parameterization for the generation-interval distribution, then γ must425

be rescaled. Let’s consider a time step δ < 1 that partitions time in N segments426

of the same size (δ = 1/N). Rewriting the renewal equation (B.1a) with that new427

subpartition gives, for any m > 0:428

(B.6) im = R0Sm−1


im−k g(N, γ, k)429

Despite using the same notations, the implicit meaning for i and S in Equation (B.6)430

has changed and now refers to the incidence and susceptible proportion during the431

time step ∆t (not 1 day). The index k now refers to new kth period of length ∆t.432

Moreover, the generation-interval distribution g now takes into account the time scale433

change, while keeping the same parameterization with γ. In Equation (B.1a), taking434

a geometric distribution for the generation interval, g(k) = γ(1 − γ)k, so the mean435

generation interval is 1/γ in the original time unit (e.g., days). If we were to write436

g(m) = p(1−p)m in Equation (B.6), the mean generation interval would be 1/p in the437

new time unit (e.g., hours). Hence we must have 1/p = N×1/γ, that is p = γ/N . So,438

we have g(N, γ, k) = γN (1 − γ

N )k. To summarize, the renewal equation written for a439

time step ∆t = 1/N of the original (natural) time, assuming a geometric distribution440

with mean 1/γ original time unit for the generation interval is441

(B.7) im = R0Sm−1




(1− γ



Now we consider an arbitrary small subpartition of the (natural) discrete time443

and will take the limit when the time step tends to 0 in order to have results in444

continuous time.445

Starting again with the SIR model for time step of ∆t = 1/N , we can rewrite446

Equation (B.2c) as (Ik − Ik−1)/(1/N) = ik − γIk−1 that is Ik = ik − (1− γ/N)Ik−1,447

where Ik and ik now refer to the prevalence and incidence of the kth period of length448

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∆t. Using the same algebraic manipulations as in the previous section with the449

original time unit, gives the following expression for the incidence during the mth450

period of an SIR model:451

(B.8) im = R0Sm−1




(1− γ



which is exactly the same as the renewal equation (B.7). Hence, the result obtained453

for the original (natural) time discretization—i.e., the discretized renewal equation454

with a geometric generation interval is the same as the discretized SIR model—still455

holds for any subpartitioned time discretization, as long as the probability parameter456

of the geometric distribution is rescaled accordingly (i.e., γ → γN ).457

For both the SIR model and the renewal equation, the continuous time formula-458

tion is obtained when taking the limit N → +∞ (that is, ∆t → 0). But the limit of459

the geometric distribution in equation (B.7) is the exponential distribution. Hence,460

the continuous time formulation of the SIR model is equivalent to the continuous time461

formulation of the renewal equation with an exponential distribution for its generation462


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0 10 20 30








modelRE time step: 0.03RE time step: 0.06RE time step: 0.12RE time step: 0.25RE time step: 0.5RE time step: 1

Fig. B1. Numerical check of equivalence in discrete time. The thick lines show the timeseries of the susceptible proportion of the population for the SIR model in discrete time (time step= 1, grey curve) and in continuous time (time step = 0.01, red). The thin blue lines represent thesusceptible proportion from the discrete renewal equation (RE) implemented with different time stepvalues ∆t = 1/N with N = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. The RE model has a generation interval geometricallydistributed, with the time-rescaled probability parameter γ∆t (Equation B.7). When N = 1 the REis simulated at the same times as the discrete SIR, and the two curves match. As N increases,time discretization becomes closer to continuous time and the RE curves approach the SIR modelsimulated in continuous time. The y-axis has a log scale to better visualize the difference betweenthe curves. Parameters used: R0 = 4.0, mean duration of infection γ = 1 day−1, initial proportionof infectious individuals I0 = 10−5.

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Appendix C. Numerical solution of the renewal equation.464

The Rewewal Equation 2.5 with invasion initial conditions (2.6) can be solved,465

for an integration time step ∆t, using the “left Riemann sum” approach detailed in466


Algorithm C.1 Numerical simulation of the renewal equation

Input: Positive real number R0, µ, and tmax; initial prevalence I0; density functiong; integration time step ∆t

## initialization

inc[0]← I0/∆tS[0]← 1− I0nsteps← tmax/∆t

## Loop calculating incidence at each time step

integ ← 0for (u=1, 2, . . . , nsteps) do

integ← integ + g(s) ∗ inc[u− s] ∗ exp(−µ ∗∆t ∗ s)inc[u]← inc[u− 1] +R0 ∗ S[u− 1] ∗ integ ∗∆tS[u]← S[u− 1] + (µ ∗ (1− S[u− 1])− inc[u]) ∗∆t

end for

return Proportion of susceptible (vector S) and incidence (vector inc).

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Appendix D. Generation and serial intervals distributions.468

Fig. D1. Illustration of the epidemiological periods and parameters.

As highlighted in [14], there are three fundamental time periods that determine469

transmission from one individual to another for directly-transmitted infectious dis-470

eases: the latent, incubation and infectiousness periods. Let `1 be the latent period471

of an infector and `2 the latent period of her/his infectee. Let w the interval of472

time between the end of the infector’s latent period and the time of disease trans-473

mission to an infectee. We note n1 and n2 the incubation period of the infector and474

infectee, respectively. The difference between the latent and incubation periods is475

noted di = `i − ni for i = 1, 2. The generation interval is g = `1 + w and the serial476

interval is s = (`1 + w − n1) + n2 (Figure D1). Hence we can write477

(D.1) s = (`2 + w) + (d1 − d2)478

If we assume that `1 and `2 are identically distributed, and also d1 and d2 are identi-479

cally distributed with distribution D, then the generation interval distribution G and480

serial interval distribution S have the same mean:481

(D.2) E(S) = E(G)482

If furthermore we assume that d1 and d2 are independent from one another, and also483

from ` and w, we can write:484

(D.3) var(S) = var(G) + 2 var(D)485

So when the variance of the difference between the latent and incubation periods is486

small, the variance of the serial and generation intervals are similar.487

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