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Equal Money - Future of Money - Volume 1

Sep 17, 2015




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  • The information within this book is a collaboration of Destonians written material including recordings done by Bernard Poolman and elaborated by Sunette Spies that have been com-piled and placed within a book compilation.

    The original recordings all available at the Eqafe StoreOther recordings that are supportive in relation to the material within this book can also be found at the Eqafe Store - join us for discussions on the material within this book visit:

    Equal Money Future of Money : An Introduction to a system that Supports all life. Copyright by Equal Life Foundation, South Africa, . All rights reserved.

    Book design and layout by: Leila Zamora MorenoEditor: Esteni de Wet Artwork displayed by Marlen Vargas Del RazoDestonian Art Selected by: Rozelle de Lange

    First Edition: October 2011

  • Content

    Introduction to Equal Money 8The People Who Wrote This Book.......................................................................................................8How To Read This Book...........................................................................................................................8

    What is Money in the World? 10What Money Has Become In The World Today.........................................................................11 The Agreement Between Man And Man, About How Money Functions............................18Those With Money, Resist Equal Money...................................................................................20 Equal Money Based On The Principles Of The Greatest Religions..........................................21Technology And Equal-Money...........................................................................................................22

    Why Equal Money? 24Part Of The Fabric Of Consciousness................................................................................................24Equal Money As Medicine For The Human Race..........................................................................25Equal Money A Gateway To Healing The Human Race..........................................................26Equal Money Through Politics.............................................................................................................27 Our Decisions Weve Made Based On Money................................................................................28Money Interwoven Into Consciousness..........................................................................................29Equal Money - The Path To Heal Humanity.....................................................................................31Those Preparing It Is A Slow Process.............................................................................................31

    The Fabric of Society 34Multi-Dimensional Layered Creation...............................................................................................34How Do We Fix This Obvious Miscreation?....................................................................................35Minorities Vs Majorities........................................................................................................................36Man On The Street...................................................................................................................................36The Middle-Class Westerner...............................................................................................................37So How Does One Fix This?..................................................................................................................39Design Of Infinity.....................................................................................................................................40Ego Is A Fabrication Of Oneself...........................................................................................................44

  • Creating Millionaires with Equal Money..........................................................................................44Creating 7 Billion Millionaires..............................................................................................................45

    Product Control, Distribution and Capitalism 46Gaining Control Over Products...........................................................................................................46Where Do You Place Your Future?.....................................................................................................50

    Equal Money is a Tool 52

    Practical Solutions within an Equal Money System 54HealthcareHealthcare As Part Of The Human Existence................................................................................54Medicine Created For Profit And Control....................................................................................54 So What Will Change With An Equal Money System?...................................................................57 Single Product For What Is Best For All...........................................................................57 Healthcare Will Become That Which Supports Life....................................................57Investigating Healthcare Alone Should Make One See The Common Sense In An Equal Money System.............................................................................................................................58

    EducationBest Possible Educational Means Made Available For All........................................................59Pregnancy Support.................................................................................................................................61Researching Behavioral Changes........................................................................................................62

    HousingRedundant Buildings Of The Old Capitalistic System Will Be Converted Into Redistribution Centers.........................................................................................................................................................63 The Transition To An Equal Money System Will Take Time......................................................63Many Hotels And Resorts Will Be Turned To Housing...............................................................66

    InfrastructureUtilising The Infrastructure That Is Already Here........................................................................67 Stopping Abuse Of The Planet By Changing The System And Becoming The Servants / Guardians Of The Earth.......................................................................................................................69 We Are Not The Masters.......................................................................................................................71

  • Best for All as Equality 72Find Equality Everywhere......................................................................................................................72Equal Money Can Be Anything You Want It To Be......................................................................73Even In Revolution There Is Equality..................................................................................................74Inequality And Free Choice...............................................................................................................76Our Fabricated Reality A Simple Solution.....................................................................................77Mental Disorders In An Equal Money System...............................................................................78 Give As The Creator................................................................................................................................81

    Free Energy 83The Reality Of Energy As The Human And The World-System...............................................83 The Manifestation Of Energy As Ego...............................................................................................84An Equal Money System Will Reduce The Energy Consumption In The World............85 Revolutions Are Not The Answer The System Itself Can Never Work.............................87 Products Within The Equal Money System....................................................................................89Religion Plays A Role In Deception Through Money...............................................................90 Seeking An Alternative Energy Source Is Not The Answer......................................................91 We Have To Step Beyond Our Consumerism Brainwashing................................................93 Why Are We Not Hearing The Obvious Simplistic Solution?.................................................95 Preprogrammed?......................................................................................................................95 God As The Pre-Programmer?...........................................................................................95 You As The Image And Likeness Of God?....................................................................96 You Are Responsible For The Choices Made To Create This Reality.....................................96Do The Math..............................................................................................................................................96What Will We Do With Our Time?.....................................................................................................97

    Equalated 98Composition..............................................................................................................................................98That Which Compose Us................................................................................................................103 It Is Impossible To Love Your Neighbor In The Current System.........................................105Equality System Giving As An Act Of Creation.......................................................................105 You Dont Need Possessions Be A Master Piece.....................................................................106

  • 8Introduction To Equal MoneyThe Equal Money Book, of which this is Episode One, as well as the Episodes to follow, are not here to convert you or convince you that an Equal Money System is the best for self and the world. These books are here to assist and support you to see the obvious, the common sense, the inevitability of a world in peril that must change. Money is the most practical way to bring all to stand-together; from where we can walk and re-educate ourselves so as to change the world in a way that is best for all.

    The People Who Wrote This BookWhen reading this, understand, it is not written by people that have studied how to present a new economic system at some university. It includes contributions from people like you and me - normal people that took it upon themselves to push their limitations, pre-programming and to expand themselves so as to bring about a vision, a view of reality, that has long been waiting and prayed for.This has been the secret hope of many, many people throughout aeons of time solution for themselves, for humanity, and for the world.

    How To Read This BookTo enable you to come to an overall conclusion about the Equal Money Sys-tem, this Equal Money Book will not follow a particular line; it will rather offer a holistic perspective and make individual presentations of some of the main and most obvious and significant parts and aspects of the current World-Sys-tem and how these can and will be changed, stopped or transformed through and within an Equal Money System. Thus, in reading this Equal Money Book, one will be able to form conclusions in relation to each individual presentation / each individual aspect of the cur-rent World-System as highlighted in this book and one will eventually, through bringing the various different points together, accumulate a holistic overview of the world, revealing a perspective that indicates and clarifies what requires changing and why.

  • 9It is therefore best to not expect a presentation that follows a particular line of thought or a certain discussion thread, but rather one that offers individual points for consideration.This is primarily the focus of this first Book as the Introduction to an Equal Money System: to Open ones eyes in taking into consideration and seeing the changes that can and will be made with the implementation of an Equal Money System. As the Books continue, and as we continue taking on the individual points of the current World-System and realizing the changes/transformations an Equal Money System will bring as we continue presenting and walking individual points/parts at a time and specifying, outlining and deepening the discussions one will be able to assimilate the information more effectively, because we will be dealing with one point at a time, one consideration at a time.

    Enjoy the read!

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    What is Money in the World? This is the alarming question well be answering through showing the extent to which the world (and humanity) has become overtaken by and through Money. From the physical to the psychological, money has become the silent evil that has possessed the globe internally and externally by/through the Money-Conscious-ness that has become the all-prevailing, all-encompassing entity that has taken over the lives of human-beings and the life of and within this world.

    It is now time for the alarms to go-off within the awareness of each human being to see, realize and understand the extent to which weve accepted and allowed money to influence and control what we have come to accept and allow as the living-definition of life within ourselves and others - from a personal inner-reality perspective, to a total-global perspective.

    Let us open our eyes and have a look at what money has become as ourselves and the world today; as the evolution of Money through Humanity that developed into a Money-Consciousness within which each individual human being, and human-ity as a whole, has become possessed. Weve found this possession to be of such nature that a practical solution for all, equal and one, as an Equal Money System for All is/has been discarded and disregarded, as humanity is enveloped with fear and survival by the embracing claws of Money itself. Walk with us, as we show you the reality of who we are individually and globally, as an individual human being and humanity as a whole; revealing what we have become as Money, and the consequence weve accepted and allowed as life, within what we currently now have existing as this World:

    (Note: For this Process it is to see for oneself what Money is in the World, along with the extent of the influence and control weve accepted and allowed Money to have over who we are, internally and externally, as-ourselves; it is to self-investigate the points discussed within self-honesty; to see directly into and as self, to drop the veil of posses-sion, of fear and survival, and see the reality of what is really here as what weve done and become from an individual and global perspective.)

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    What Money Has Become In The World TodayHere are some Points, with examples within those points, of what, and the extent to what, money has become in the world today:

    Moneyasitexistsnowisinfacttheconstitutionofman.It is the source that determines the who I am of each individual human be-ing; the I we live and exist-as, which money has permeated and infiltrated, and as such has come to constitute the total self that live in and as the physical. Meaning who we are, the I that exists, has come to live for and as Money. Ones total self-definition of and as who I am is because of and due to Money, as each human-being is who they are, how they live and what they experience because of due to Money.

    Itistheimageandlikenessofman.Money has become the externalization of our inner wants, needs and de-sires. Whether practical or fantastical, money is the creation of man and thus manifested in the image and likeness of man. With the context of im-age as the meaning of Money - meaning being the value we attribute to money, as man attribute value to themselves - and so, the value/worth man has/gives to themselves is externalized into and as the value/worth given to/as Money; with the context of likeness as the manifestation of Money, with likeness being the manifestation we create money into or of money as the preferences / idealizations we desire, want and/or need to create for/of ourselves. Money is the manifested externalization of our image as value and worth, and our likeness as wants, needs and desires seeking fulfilment.

    ItistheimageandlikenessofGod.- Money has the power of deciding a human beings fate in this

    world between life and death- Money is omnipresent and omnipotent- Money is worshipped - Money is obeyed - Money is feared- We go to Church in prayer for Money- We pray to Money silently in moments of desperation

  • - Money is life - Money is death- Money is heaven - Money is bliss- Money is unconditional, with conditions: When you have it, and

    lotsofit,ittakescareofyou;ifnot,youhavenothing.JustlikeGod:WhenyouhaveJesusinyourheartandlotsofhim,Godtakescareof you; if not, youve got nothing. Thus unconditional, with con-ditions: You must have before you get; if you dont have = then you dont get.

    - Money is love

    One can continue with the direct-correlation between the practical mani-festationofMoneyinrelationtothereligionofGod,asMoneyisthereligionofreality,ofmanthatisequaltoandonewiththecharacteristicsofGod,andsoMoneyisGodofManinandasthemanifestationoftheimageandlikenessofGodinrelationtomansdirect-relationshipwithandasMoney.

    Moneyisthewaypeoplejudgeeachother.We judgethroughMoney,andwithin judgmentthroughmoney,weuti-lize this trait to further our status/position in our world through money as weve developed, through and from the Money-Consciousness within and as ourselves, a Money-Personality as the primary I of and as who I am that functions and exists within our world/reality. This Money-Personality is the primary support-point for our other Person-alities with which we use to interact with others in our world, with these/such personalities being utilized as the forefront portrayals that ensure the validationof,and justificationfor,whoweareas theMoney-Personality.Herein,onewillfindhowwejudgeourselvesandothersthroughtheeyesof Money.

    Thewaypeopleenslaveeachother.This point exists within the broad-spectrum of the entire / total economic system globally and within individual countries, societies and also the ethos of groups and ethnicities - wherein money has become the grip a human being has on themselves and their life, and others have on them and their life - as human beings, through the money-system, are categorized within the contexts of outcast, slave or master; enslaved into and as a position in


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    relation to money, dependent on where they stand with and within money. Weve enslaved ourselves and each other with and through Money as ei-ther being an outcast with no money - enslaved into a position of poverty, being a slave to another for money and so enslaved into a position of debt, or being a master that is enslaved to money-itself- enslaving its slaves as labor-force/worker to maintain its position with and as money as master over and of others: All in the name of money.

    It ismanifested in segments or currencies; frequencies - so to speak, of various different currencies with different values compared to each other. This manifestation of and as Money - within the frequency-currents it exists and moves within the world, as the currencies of value it is manifested as; with currencies - equal to and one with currents, and value - equal to and one with frequency: As another example of the externalization of money as the image and likeness of man.

    Where a country that establishes an Identity with a particular currency, externally is equal to and one with a human being defining themselves, internally - according to their personified energy as emotions and feelings, with these energies moving within and as particular currents of frequency within and as themselves. Then, the value given to that money-currency is equal to and one with the frequency that we participate and live within our energetic-experienced currents of emotions and feelings, as the importance we give to how we experience ourselves internally. And so within that well connect our internal-importance of frequency-currents of self-experienced energy of personalities = to the external value of currency. And so, link-ourselves into the system of money moving with and within particular value-currencies in accordance to how we define and experience ourselves internally with energy and the Mind. This is how the Energy-Body of the Mind-System stands equal to and one with the Currency-Movement of the Money-System.

    ItestablishesthenowItistheenergywithinwhichthepresentmoment of the human functions.

    We live in Money. Money is all around-us, and were constantly visually stimulated with the reminder of Money as our eyes constantly reflect upon the manifested-surfaces that are the structures of Money as we go-about our daily-lives, from home to work, to shopping to leisure, to holidays

  • everything is Money, about Money and of Money. We live for Money. For us to live in and for Money, weve developed the internal relationship with and as the Money-Consciousness a consciousness that is existent within-ourselves, that is the source we reference, adhere to and obey when dealing-with, facing and/or working with Money in our external-reality. And, with Money being the all-prevailing force internally and externally, our present-Moment, the total existence of ourselves is tainted with and as Money, and so Money becomes the life-force, the external energy with which we function, exist and live as being able to maintain and upkeep the reality of who we are, internally and externally. Because, have a look take Moneyaway:EVERYTHINGCHANGES,internallyandexternally.And so, Money is the energy within which the present moment, the who we are of/as ourselves, at the moment - function/exist, and Money estab-lishes the now everything that we are and experience ourselves to be, internally within ourselves and externally as our world.

    Itistheenergywhichdetermineswhichdirectionthepresentmomentwill take.

    The present, which weve established as being the totality of who self is, the who I am in relation to Money and the position/status one stand-as in the money-system of the world-system in relation to family, occupation/job.And so money will be the force, the energy within and as ones exter-nal world/reality, that determine the total-direction of ones entire life as present-moment within and as the money-system of the world-system. In the world-system, youre directionless without Money, because you have nowhere to go as you have no access into the movement as currents of the money-system of the world-system; and if one do not move in the current with the current with and as money, youre spewed-out and left with noth-ing and nowhere to go. Thus, Money is Direction. Money is the force, the energy that will determine your direction of life as you decide who youre going to be and what youre going to do with Money. Money is your Decision. Money decides. Money is consulted first through, as and within ones Money-Consciousness when making decisions of the direction that the present moment as your life of who you are in this world, will take. Thus, again how Money determines the I, who I am and so, the totality of self, and thus showing/revealing the extent to which weve be-


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    come the slaves to, for, as and of Money, where Money decides the rest of our lives

    Itisenergywhichdetermineswhatchoiceswillbemade.Our Money-Consciousness is consulted before making a choice/decision within-ourselves in regards to our world/reality. Money determines the limited confines within and as which were able to pursue a physical-expe-rience that is available right here, before-us; so close yet so far; as Money will be the determining factor of ownership of that material-manifestation we stand-before/face. Everything is available, is here - everything that we require and need to have fulfilling, convenient lives. However, it is the ulti-matesadisticjokeofGodastheDevil,withheaveninarmsreachforthosewith no Money, walking on the streets starving in Hell with shops filled with food right next to them, dying on the streets with shops of food right next tothem;butjustbecausetheydonthaveMoney,theyrelefttodie.HeavenandHellisRight-HereinthisWorld,withGodandtheDevil,oneandthesame:MoneyhaveitandyourewithGodandHeaven,donthaveitandyoure with the Devil in Hell. Money will determine the choices we make and the experience of ourselves in the moment of that choice, as our choic-es in and of this reality are limited to the confines of Money.

    Itisenergythatdetermineswhowillbeinpower.Herein stands the hierarchical structural-design of and as the manifestation of Money in the Money-System of the World-System, where ones access to a lucrative life of abundance with money - and thus the circles of equal-status/position/ownership of/as Money within and as which one exist/walk-with and move within the Money-System of the World-System - will all determine the extent of power within oneself and ones world and so also, the world as a whole, as Money leads the Leaders of the world into and as positions/stances of Power and Control. It is energy that determines who will live and die. This is the most simple equation within existence, for which one do not even require an education or concept of math, as this equation accounts for ones very existence in this reality and adds up the variables that is ones sustenance or deprivation, where: If you have Money you live, and if you donthaveMoneyyoudie.This isaGlobal-understandingthat isequalwithin each human being in this World, as Money is that which decides whether a human being lives or dies, as it is the thing that gives life or death

  • - through giving life, through transforming money into sustenance and ba-sic needs/requirements to live, and giving death - through bestowing dam-nation on those that cannot buy/purchase their life in the world-system, and so are left to die. The decision/choice of who lives and who dies is not in the hand of man, but in the hands of Money.

    MoneyisforallpracticalpurposestheGodofman Moneyisthetooltohappiness Moneyisthereasonforcorruption Moneyisthereasonforwar Moneyisthereasonforcrime

    The above-mentioned points speak for themselves and can be seen through what we have discussed before, as they are obvious-outflows of what man has and can become with and as Money, as how weve defined our relationship towards money, and the moralities of Money that guide us towards the actions we pursue in pursuit of the purpose that is Money. From happiness to crime, the moralities of money within-ourselves as good or bad, with our relationship towards money as having it or not having it = guide us towards the actions we pursue, which are either education or crime both in pursuit of the purpose that is Money - more Money for com-fortable and convenient lifestyles.

    TimeismeasuredwithMoneyTime as Money also determines ones worth in and as this world, where ones time, as ones worth is calculated with, as and by Money, as in, for ex-ample - a Doctor being given more money for his/her time than a Mechanic, as time is measured by/through money, with time as money being related to/as a persons worth. So, one literally pay for time and the amount one pay for such time is determined by the worth of a person and the extent of that worth is also determined by/through Money. Thus, time and worth is measured with Money as one will pay for a persons time measured with money according to the persons worth as determined by/through Money.

    Within the above-mentioned points, weve given some practical-points to consider within ones process of self-investigation into and as self as Money, as what Money is and has become in the world for and as self. However, do note that within each of the above points, there exists multi-dimensional contexts of examples as to how weve developed and separated parts of ourselves and our world into and as Mon-


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    ey, and we mentioned but one or two points of consideration to assist and support self through the process of demystifying the fog that has made us blind to the real-ity of Money and the extent to which it has possessed ourselves and our lives.

    And that is why money is the tool within which one can actually bring about a permanent change in the world, because money itself is the one unifying force in this world without which no-one can exist; the one source/origin that has human beings currently trapped within a position/place in this world - enslaved to the ex-perience of that position and place; where Money has become the force that is im-prisoning all within living-conditions, conditioned by/through Money-itself - the substance that defines the current internal and external reality and existence of each and all. Thus money will be/become the Unifying Force, the substance that will be the source/origin setting human beings free, to substantiate living to the utmost potential for all of humanity equal and one. And so we can bring about actual change as best for all, using the substance that in-tertwines us visibly and invisibly with a real, effective morality that serves all equally and the terms and conditions for all life change forevermore on earth.

    What do we require for this to transpire?

    Only willing and able humans that actually love their neighbors as themselves! See: within taking this point of Equal Money into consideration, in understanding the scope of care and love, actual real care and love that stand within considering such a momentous concept, as Equal Money will in fact mean the real actual practical change of this entire world, not only for self but for all, equally as one. And herein, one can thus see that, considering an Equal Money System and walking this with us, from concept to design, to creation and then implementation, is a real living act of loving ones neighbor as oneself, because what youd want for you, youd give to all, equally, to unify all as one into an equal experience as an equal opportunity to live ones life to its absolute.

    A gift that can be given to oneself, as all through an Equal Money System, where human beings will have an opportunity to in fact live, to in fact experience life.

    All that it required is the first step: Consideration in seeing the Concept, here, for self and for all materialize within self - as self walk through the points discussed within this Book and see for self that such a concept can in fact become a reality through selfs participation and dedication to change self, and the world of self with it.

  • The Agreement Between Man And Man, About How Money FunctionsEach one exists within a dimensional reality of money, which has been accepted by everyone. Therefore, we in fact created alternate-realities within reality through and with Money, where if you are in one country your money has a certain value, compared to when you are in another country, and according to that value of Mon-ey, everything and everyone else within that dimensional-reality/-realities of mon-ey differ. And yet money is not in fact the original resource of this world, yet it has become the resource for the creation of realities through, as and with Money, and now the alternate money-realities are lived-in as though they are real, but are in fact dimensional money-realities superimposed on the actual physical reality that is the material, physical and real resource of everything and everyone in this physical world. Were currently living in reverse with the reserves/resources of the physical being used and abused for the creation of reservoirs of and for Money within di-mensional money-realities, thus destroying the earth, as the earth devolves, while the machine, the system, profits through evolution of technology. With an Equal Money System, well return to what is real - the actual resource of and for physical-living that is this world, with nature and the animal-kingdom, as well be given the opportunity to live in the physical, this reality that is real, no more will we live for Money in survival as fear to feed the evolution of a System.

    Money is what has been agreed by man to be the unifying resource that is some-thing within which one can quantify labor, resource, product and produce in an acceptable universal language, which became the trade the economic system of the world. It has become the mARKet in which life is kept in an ARK, as if it needs protection from some invisible unknown force. Yet this ark as market acts like a veil of fear to keep men focused on evil as if that is the way to live. Evil, which is what were currently living with money, as what weve become with money on a individual and global level, due to the extent by which we act in Survival as fear to day-by-day ensure that stability is maintained for the continued protection of ourselveswithinthisArkofMoneyasLife.Alljustifytheirmeansofself-protectionin this Ark of Money as Life and resort to evils in all forms from white-lies, to crime, so as to ensure their continued survival. The force that moves this ark is fear, a fear we all deny but know so well; the fear that compel us to make decisions we call our best choices, to protect our rights and the rights of our dearest ones. These are the silent agreements we will discuss in this book, from many angles, to see if we can get to grips with our currency currently. Yes, our currency not reality - because our


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    realities, our actual real lives, have been swept away by the currents of money as our realities, and our lives now wholly depend on the holy spirit that has spirited away our souls to be contracted into agreement with and as the unifying force that ismoneyasGod;whereinwerehypnotizedwithfearandmesmerizedwithahopethat is in our imagination of a better lifethat keeps us locked into a belief of faith as we live in prayer towards money to release us from the burdens we walk-with every moment of every day: This, this is not living, not Life but enslavement to an ideal that has done nothing but destroy the people of this world, and the earth itself, as everything and everyone has been living and acting in the name of Mon-eythe source that is and has been the cause for what we experience as humanity, or most of humanity and the world as it exists today.We propose to set yourself free from the evil of fear, to transform hope into a sight of reality that can be made real, and to give self the opportunity to have a real life in this world, wherein living is the actual reality not only for self, but for all as self, as this entire world - with humanity, the animal-kingdom and nature; as the animal-kingdom and nature suffer equal-to and one with human being under the plight and might of the current money-system. Walk with us in this Book as we drop the veils as layers of fear weve hid-behind and so see the silent-agreements weve made within ourselves in relationships with money in all forms and ways, to under-stand how we create and manifest ourselves, our world and this world as a whole into and as what you see and experience today.

    The agreement within which money exist is changing in every moment. From the world currency trade markets to where the farmer is making an agreement to sell the produce, or where the prostitute is making a deal to sell her body, or where a child labor slave is willing to accept money to feed the family; to where the execu-tive is able to sit around his table at home with his family in peace. Everywhere, at all times, the value of money is established and varies according to the acceptable nature and context within the existing agreements between man and man. And within that construct what plays the biggest roles now in the world is the Cor-poration, as the corporation acts as the body of the market forces, protecting the shareholders against the evils of the system that lurks around every corner.

    The Corporation being that which has unified resources into a production line and a supply line that is sufficient to supply all people in the world. Obviously that was motivated by an interesting thing Money. This money-motivation is showing to what extent money has become the absolute faith, the absolute belief of the cur-rent human specimen that is walking the earth. Where money is the point of con-

  • sideration,andnothuman-life,andsomoneyisgiventhePowerofGodtodecidebetween life and death. We are facing the manifested consequences weve created through giving money such power as we are now existing in a world-divided from extreme poverty to absolute riches. The extent by which human-lives suffer for a select-few to have, while most have to struggle-without, is extensive, and is due to the current design of the money-system weve all accepted and allowed ourselves to adhere to and obey because of this agreement, we are all in fact equally re-sponsible for the atrocities that has transpired in this world today.

    This has culminated in levels of atrocity that is incredible, as it is allowed purely be-causemoneywillsitFornootherreason.YoucanvirtuallysayitislikeGodwillsit.Man has made money the scapegoat of mans evil, calling money the root of all evil when it is actually man that is the root of all evil. With this in mind, with understanding the broader picture of the problems the world face - and no matter how you keep on moving the segments or the curren-cies or the values of the unions or the unities that are established or the corpora-tions in this world - It does not change the fact that there is a problem in the world that has reached a magnitude never seen before.Within this context, a new foundation is required. This will have to be based on a new understanding: Something that will inevitably come and will be affected by Equal Money and prevent revolution and bloodshed. In this, one rather use evolu-tion to bring about a change within the social fabric that allows and recognizes life as the basis of living on earth, and not money as the basis of living on earth - the consequences of which were currently seeing, experiencing and facing today within ourselves and our fellow-man, and in the way the world currently functions and exists. Yet Equal Money as a symbol will symbolize the equal-value that each life represents.

    Those With Money, Resist Equal MoneyWithin the context of Equal Money for dummies, one must understand that the simplicity of the solution is astounding yet those with money will try and rebuke it and protest Claiming that the only thing that makes men move is motivation through profit and money. That would be like saying that the only thing that moves men is greed, because that is what it implies. Yet - if you have a look at it: What moves men has been survival. Survival defined as the fear for and of life and death, which is/has become the driving force of man, with money simply being the exter-nal-manifested representation of, for and as the internal fear as life and death, as the manifestation of survival that is motivating man to be and do as we see man act


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    and live in this world.

    Fascinating, here: The proof of the extent of possession by, through and as Mon-ey, where those with Money will even refuse to consider an Equal Money System, where all are equal with an opportunity for a dignified life, because of the fear of giving up what theyve learned to fight for and strive for within the starting-point of survival - so much so,that they cannot even see the abundance that will be here for all equally, with an Equal Money System. Where even man has become the living-creed for, of and as Money-itself, placing money first before life-itself, before giving the opportunity for life to self and others = equally. Herein the proof of the extent of the consequence of giving money the power to decide between life and death - that wed bestow death on the rest of the world that doesnt have money/life to ensure we do have and continue to have money/life. We no more have to continue like this. Simply step out, for a moment, step out of the fear as survival and see a reality that is best for all, equally, a reality of which all will be a part in the experi-ence of having an opportunity for and of a life, without fear and survival and the manifested-consequences that go with it for self and others that share this world, together as one.

    Equal Money Based On The Principles Of The Greatest ReligionsThe inherent goodness of man: the goodwill of men has never really been tested in this world. That opportunity has never arisen where all men were equal where each man was given the opportunity to be the neighbor, or to be his neighbors best friend, or where each man loved his neighbor as equals; where each are giving to another as they would like to receive. The whole principle that forms the foun-dation of some of the greatest religions on earth has never been put into practi-cal application. Equal Money in fact is the practical application of the teachings of Jesus- a principle that forms a foundation-substance within most religions in the world Such as Islam, Christianity and all offshoots of Christianity and Spirituality. It also forms the foundation of Taoism as Loa Tzu presented in the Tao teChing.

    In terms of spiritual virtue: Equal Money walks hand in hand with the greatest and the most prolific that has ever walked the earth, and is therefore most certainly the answerthatisusingaphysicalobjecttounifyaworldthatislostinitsfearofeachother, themselves and their lives. Equal Money will bring about the obvious solu-tion that will bring peace, freedom and love - real, tangible, visible love - which is:

  • love thy neighbor as thy self. This is obviously the way to bring about a world of dignity, where life can be glorified, which is to give to another what you would like to receive - these are the base laws which are achieved in one way, in one swoop - with Equal Money.

    Technology and Equal MoneyWithin this understand that obviously we do not say that what has been before was without meaning, because the whole way that mankind developed up to now has made it possible that Equal Money can exist. We now have the technology within which we can actually establish such a system. We now have the technological-resources with which to ensure all will have and receive an equal position of and as the basic needs taken care of to exist and establish a life in this world, on this earth.

    Then, in terms of the current technology available as it exist in-manifestation: Ob-viously, there are a lot of moral issues around technology in the way it has been constructed/built that must be addressed. Moral issues in terms of the making of equipment in ways that it is not trustworthy, dependent and effective, because it was made within a money system that was forever at a loss and needed to create new money the whole time through the produce and the products; where every-thing had to break or expire as quick/fast as possible so that you could make more money. It was like a polarity system that was moving/going from break-to-make the whole time, with the quality of creations being deliberately made with and within the intention to break, or not to last, such that the cycles of money continue mov-ing as the population continue replacing, re-buying and re-selling; and within and through this constant-continuous cycling - man has to continue working to have the money to re-make, to re-sell and to re-buy, thus the money continues moving within the polarities of explode and implode as a combustion system that keeps on generating the energy that is money. It is a massive problem a monster created through the deliberate incorporation of premeditated redundancy within equipment in the world. Obviously these con-cepts will be redefined to be trustworthy within an Equal Money System, as tech-nology will not be produced/created under the auspices of Money, for Money, with-in manifesting creations of the earth, from evil into evil, thus, abusing the earth, and ones fellow-man for the fight and strife of ones survival in fear of death. This is all toensurelifeasmoney,asweproduceproductsasofferingstoGodasmoneyasaprayerforthereturnofabuyerthemomentitfalters/breaktoensurethatGodasmoney continue providing money. No production, the creation of products in all forms and manifestations, will be


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    made within consideration of life and another human being within actual, real practical support with the creations being a token of appreciation, care and love asareflectionofself,aself-creationinsupportofonesexpression,enjoymentandof anothers practical living in and as this world. Within how we currently function and exist in this world of and as money, no one could ever stop and actually appreciate life, because you had to make more mon-ey otherwise you run out of money there is not enough, never enough; having enoughalwaysseemingtobejust,just,justoutofreachyoucantpaythepeople you cant support the business you cant support the familythere are always compromises that have to be made for one or the other, which inevitably lead to massive losses with minor gains, equal to and one with how the money-system in the greater-world operate/function: Minor gains as the Elite Massive lossesas the rest of the world.

  • Why Equal Money? Part of the Fabric of ConsciousnessMoney has become part of the very fabric of consciousness. Consciousness as the substance that has become the directive-force of the mind, existing through the human physical body as the Human-Being-defined. Therefore, with the Human Being, as consciousness, developing an internal and external relationship with Money: has manifested the Money-Consciousness as money has infiltrated and permeated the very fabric/substance of/as our being/consciousness as weve ac-cepted and allowed the relationship with ourselves, internally and externally to be connected with, by and through Money as we see, experience and act through the eyes of Money.

    Money has become part of the very fabric of the human, and its interaction within all relationships social, economic, family, religion as the human beings entire life-network within and as it exists and functions throughout this world-system. With Money forming and becoming part of the fabric of consciousness as the hu-man being, it infiltrates and permeates all and everything that defines the exist-ence of and as the Human Being as consciousness, which is all and everything it connects with through participation, relationships and dependency in fields of, for example - social, economic, family, religion.Now, everything is gauged, directed and exist as it does, as the current manifested-fabric that is this manifested-world/reality of humanity: as the manifested-result of Money.

    The power of Money in relation to its infiltration and manifestation of and as con-trol in and as this physical-reality/world is equal-to and one with the infiltration of consciousness of the Mind into, through and as the Physical: as the consciousness of Mind infiltrated and permeated, and so took omnipotent position within the di-rection and creation of/as the physical; and so with Money, as money infiltrated and permeated the physical world it took omnipotent, omnipresent positioning within the direction and creation of and as the physical world.

    So Money-Consciousness within, through the Human Being - and the Money-System without, through the World: is creating and maintaining the current exist-ence of the individual and humanity as a whole within our internal and external experiences.


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    Money determines everythingand everyone - from how we live, what we live, where we live, who we are and how we are.

    Equal Money as Medicine for the Human RaceA lot of harm has been done in the name of Money.Therefore Equal Money in itself is a form of medicine it is a form of healing. For Hu-mans a form of healing, for example with Equal Money: Nature, the animal king-dom and the earth itself as how were accepting and allowing ourselves to exploit the natural, unconditional resources of this physical-reality purely in the name of Money for survival and greed, and how this relationship will in fact change with an Equal Money System is exponential especially when one start closely investigat-ing, internally and externally to what extent money has defined who we are, how we live and how we thus behave towards ourselves, others and the environment as nature, the animal kingdom and the earth as a whole. Equal Money will thus present human beings with and it will in fact be - a gift of forgiveness as healing from a past, into which many were deliberately forced into justtosurvive-tosoenablethemtoinfactestablishanactualreallifeforthem-selves with everyone else, including nature, the animal-kingdom and this world - equal and one. Then, from a world-system: Structures that were implemented to ensure survival outside the current Money-System to those who werent able to function within the current Money-System such as crime-syndicates, gangsterism, prostitution, sex-slavery etc. will become obsolete, as individuals have the opportu-nity to establish a life for themselves, whereby survival will be non-existent and the opportunity of actual real living of life will be born. From the individual, earth and the world-system perspective in how we function/exist as individuals, act towards the earth and within the world as a whole, Equal Money will bring forth definitive, actual, real Healing a Healing that is equal and one for/as all; a Healing that will stand eternal for all equal and one.

    As can be seen for oneself, there are so many things to be healed before we as a human race can actually consider what it is we are here to do, and why we havent taken our custodianship to an effective living way of expression, where we are sup-porting all those living things that do not have the abilities we have. A Healing that can and will be done through Equal Money and individual Responsibility-taking through changing the starting-point of our living to an expression of whats best for all, equal and one. We are, in essence, supposed to be the slaves of those that cannot look after themselves. Not because we know more, but because we know

  • less. In standing with/before the Earth, Nature and the Animal-Kingdom we in fact know less as there is much of this physical-reality that is unconditionally as-sisting/supporting the continuation of our existence in and as this physical-reali-ty/existence that we do not in fact comprehend, understand and/or realize. Thus, within this context in understanding who we are in relation to Earth, Nature and the Animal-Kingdom we are to be/become their slaves. Slaves not within the consciousness-relationship of exploiting the polarity of inferiority and superiority through the master-slave relationship, but within the context of unconditional, humbling support and assistance within the understanding that a part of self re-quires ones particular attention and care in order to continue its existence in full ex-pression with and as self. This unconditional humbling relationship of humility and respect especially regarding our stand with and as Nature and the Animal-Kingdom is required as we have in fact positioned ourselves as slaves to and for them due to having exploited their unconditional support and assistance through disembow-eling the equilibrium of the Earth, and in that have made Nature and the Animal Kingdom dependent on us. In this, it is therefore our, as each ones, responsibility to as we establish the New Earth take the position of slave to, towards and with Nature and the Animal Kingdom in servitude of that which has unconditionally al-ways been and still is here; assisting and supporting our continued existence within this world/reality. We are, after all, being taken care of by plants, animals, the Sun, and the Earth. We, as the human race, cannot replace that which is given to us by plants, animals, by our environment, the Earth, which makes our life possible. We cant and never will be able to replace it - even with money.

    Equal Money A Gateway To Healing The Human RaceEqual Money is purely, initially, a way, a substance, a gateway to healing the human race and the Earth; getting all the hidden agendas out, onto the surface to be faced, dealt-with and directed to change that is best for all, equal and one. It is not going to be a magical, beautiful path and it will take many years. We are already busy training people to work with the hidden psyche-behaviors, relationships that has caused so much of the harm that is existent in the world today.Therefore, the reality of what we face is most certainly known and understood the reality of what we face as human beings, humanity, the world-system, the money-


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    system and everything and all else looks us straight in the eye with every moment we continue to exist as it does. However, weve been cowering away from our own creation that is ourselves, humanity and this world as it exist in this here, now mo-ment. The first step towards taking responsibility is to look the problem straight in the eye and face it directly, stand before it as self, and establish who self is within the prob-lem, in order to be able to take a directive-principle/-action to direct the problem as self. Thus, this Book is the initial-process of assisting and supporting human-beings to look the problem in the eye to actually in fact start seeing, realizing and under-standing what it is that were in fact facing as ourselves, as Money-Consciousness and the manifested-consequence weve become as individuals, humanity and the world. To, within finally looking this point directly in the Eye, face self within it as this is in fact a process of facing ourselves, looking ourselves straight in the eye, the mirror, and finally coming to terms with realizing that this reality as the mirror of ourselves will not change or simply go away by cowering away through the excuse of abdicating responsibility, but that we can only in fact stop and change through facing it and taking responsibility becoming accountable for what is here. In that is the power to change the world, facing it as self, and changing it as self. We indeed have a road/path ahead of us that is extensive, but you are able to walk with us. Take the first step of self-responsibility. Look self in the eye as you walk through this Book and face self as the reality that has become of us.

    Equal Money through Politics Equal Money, obviously, is also linked to the other thing that everyone seems to not want to consider:


    All the powerful in the world currently have gained their authority through a demo-craticprocess,andthatisdonethroughPolitics:Wherethemajorityofthepeoplevoted for a policy, for a way of governing the world, for a way of life. Obviously, those that never had a proper answer for this world didnt go political, they went revolution. They would try and force their way into existence, into a sys-tem that is hardwired / cemented into this physical-world/reality within the man-ifested-structures of how this world/reality operate and function in and as the Minds of human beings and their functioning within the world-system as a whole. Therefore - You cannot do that. You cannot force yourself into a system through

  • means that do not stand equal-to and one with how the system is hardwired / ce-mented and manifested into and as an integral part of and as the mind of human beings and the existence of this world/reality. You have to do this in a way where every participant understands what it is that is to come, and that they agree that this will be whats best for all, and best for themselves. This is then done through utilizing the current-systems as Politics that is manifested as the world and human-beings. This practically implied to for a mo-ment stand with and as the current-system and utilize it to establish the agree-ment of/as an Equal Money System from where and through which well change the world/system and human-beings -by utilizing Politics, for a moment.

    Now, the interesting thing about Equal Money is that it is not only best for all, it is also best for every individual. So you are covering both sides of the decision making process. The reason is that - you are covering all the fears that are causing many to form groups within which they are trying to protect themselves from other groups. You are, in fact, ending the very fabric, the very fuel, the very foundation from which war comes in this world that of profit, that of fear, that of control, that of corrup-tion, and deception. We end the wars within our own minds - the wars between each-other, the wars between societies, the wars between countries as there will no more exist groups defined within the purpose of survival for/as money because all will have Equal Money and well be united within one group, on one-earth.

    Our Decisions Weve Made Based On MoneyThe healing process will bring about, eventually, a new human. A human that, at this stage, we can barely begin to imagine. Our imagination has been tainted with money in every way possible, because we have formed relationships within the mind with all types of pictures of self-value that are inevitably, intrinsically, de-pendent on money. Therefore, many decisions weve made to try and make our imaginary worlds reality have been based on the money connection that entered our consciousness and world.

    For example, many beautiful women have simply made decisions to marry because of money no matter how they say that is not true, if they go self-honestly through their process of thought, they will get to the point where they see theyve actually made that decision. Where they have used the process of elimination to establish what will be the best way to accumulate their life, the greatest security; the best way to prepare their world for making most of their dreams come true - and within


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    that context they will make certain compromises. Many people have done that even employees, people that are part of political agendas. It is all about money. Money determines what people stand for.

    The leaders in the world have been created by money to protect certain vested in-terests, and these vested interests make sure that their investment gets protected politically. They are not interested in whats best for the people - theyre interested in their money - money as decisions are always based on Money and not what is best for the people. Therefore,fromtheindividual,tothepreference/choiceinjob,tothegovernments/leaders on all levels in the world-structure - money determines and defines all decisions. Within this point, one can in this moment investigate with self-honest introspec-tion the extent to which Money has determined ones decisions, and so oneself, throughout ones life; where Money in fact has made the decision and so shaped self, ones life and ones world. Therefore, self has in fact had no directive-principle/control in decision-making of oneself, ones life and ones world. Thus, one can in fact see how who you are internally and externally - is in fact so because of money.

    Money Interwoven Into ConsciousnessCurrently, the human does not have awareness. Awareness is an attribute of an emerging expression from a being, the actual, real self and, at the moment, no ac-tual real self/being exists: The Mind exists. Within and through the Mind, the human is possessed by consciousness, and consciousness is the knowing-reality; the mind-reality of knowledge and information that is superimposed on the actual-physical reality - through and as which human-beings function/exist. This knowing-reality of and as Consciousness is what you KNOW about your reality. If Awareness existed, our relationship with reality would not be about what or how we KNOW of reality, but what we LIVE as and with Reality. Thus, this knowing-reality of/as Conscious-ness is your knowing about how things work as programmed/hardwired into and as you psyche as ones mind consciousness system through the knowledge and information that was passed-on and so copied and duplicated by/as self and ac-cepted by/as self as the only relationship that exist between self and ones exter-nal world/reality a relationship of superimposed knowledge and information as KNOWING,insteadofequalandoneLIVING.Interspersed, interwovenwithinthisknowing, this consciousness of how this reality works lies Money, everywhere,

  • everystepof theway.Without itNOTHINGofconsciousnesswillmove,becauseeverything of Consciousness the human being, and the creation of consciousness as the world-system - is fuelled with and as money, human-beings and the world system are in constant, continuous motion through, with and because-of money.Fascinating furthermore, that those that are trapped in consciousness refused to consider what the building block of consciousness is. It is not love. It is love of money.

    What is the building block of Consciousness?Love?Everybody stops at the word love, even if it is in every window waiting for you to be bought through all the various ways that products are presented to the consumer. You are consuming it because you love it. But - it would never land in your hands; it would never become a part of your possessions, your possessed nature, Without Money.

    Possessions?So all possessions, as they exist, exist as money. Equal Money will assist to a mas-sive proportion in and with the healing of and the letting go of the obsession, the fear of survival, obsession to possess, the obsession to be better, the obsession to compete,theobsessiontojustbeobsessed.

    God?The obsession to believe that somehow you had no choice, therefore you are right-eous because you have some deity somewhere that has approved of this mess to exist, and that actually must have printed the money. Believing that everything that exist as it does for some higher purpose/meaning/reason one attempt to val-idate the existence of this reality as created from and of money: That is the extent that this manifest into and as the obsession of human beings with the money that landinoneshand,therearethosethatbelievethatGodgaveittothem,anditisobvious obsession and delusion of a serious nature because it cause much harm in the world. Human-beings become trapped within their own delusional obses-sionsofanalternatemind-dimensionalGod/herothatmiraculouslyputthemoneyin their hands; completely void of reality, this physical-manifested reality and how it infactfunctionthroughthemoney-consciousnessashumanbeingsandnotGod/aGod.Theharm,obviouslycausedwithin,byandthroughsuchdelusionalobses-sions, is that of compromise for the individual and the world as a whole, as human beings wait for change / the better life without realizing that; were in fact waiting


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    for ourselves, and that nothing will change until we as individuals and the world as a whole change. Love of money drives people to become who, what, how, where and when they are so, equally does fear of money; fear of what happens when one doesnt have money drives one into an acceptance and adherence of the world-system itself. There is no greater fear in the world than lack of money. No one fears that as much as they would admit. Yet everyone always waits, without any significant change that would in fact im-pact the world as a whole into and as an eternal change that is in fact best for all, equal and one. Weve been returning to the same existence only compounded with consequence; each cycle we return to a next life. This can clearly be seen within the history of the world as weve in fact evolved in consequence and not birthed as life.

    Equal Money - The Path to Heal HumanityIf you go and do the equality equation, if you do your basic mathematics, you will see it is impossible to get out of all of this, unless we stop and start a new system that is best for all - and unless you heal, and use the tools that is here to heal with. (For definition and expansion of Equality Equation refer to Equalated-section be-low where the Equality-Equation is practically explained.)

    Therefore we say Equal Money.

    It is the quickest way for the human race to heal. It is the quickest way for all the de-lusions to come out, and for the obsessions to show their face, so we can deal with them. It is not going to be a pretty face for a little while, but once we have done this, once we have walked through the forgiveness, and we have walked through the understanding of Self-Honesty in terms of what is best for all: Well be astounded at how simple it really was.

    Those Preparing It Is A Slow ProcessAt this stage though understand: those that are in the process of preparing the way, and preparing themselves to lead the way - this will take time. It is a slow pro-cess, and we have to do the transition through political means bringing about the new world through the money that is part of the old system. You have to make sure that you are actually able to support yourself, and support those that will walk on your behalf, to bring about the changes in this world.

  • Make a commitment, because it is not much that is required from each one in this world to bring about the change - but yet, one must realize that in spite of not much being required, there is such a delusion within the human race that no one can believe that anyone can stand and change for whats best for all.

    Yet, everybody wish this - wish this best for all. Somewhere you are going to have to make a decision to actually bring about whats best for all, and to support whats best for all, and yes you cant want the control of the outcome, you have to use common sense, and the accumulation effect of many working together as one to bring about a result that is equal to what is best for all.


  • Its a Process - Equal Money System Marlen Vargas Del Razo 2011

  • The Fabric Of SocietyMulti-Dimensional Layered CreationLet us investigate the fabric of society. You will notice that the fabric of society can be likened to a Multi-Dimensional layered creation that stretches over generations / time. The fabric of society is the very substance that is here as, with and within the physical in and as which we exist, as the substance through and as which we with time built, constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed (and still con-tinue to do so) ourselves, together, internally and externally with the dynamics of personal-interests/personalities; creating and manifesting a society, a social order/acceptance/agreement of interaction some adhere to and others disobey. However - the interactions within the group-dynamics are that which ensures movement for alterations in the progress of evolution within and of the fabric of society, as the very fabric of who we are moves, alternates and changes through friction. Thus, the social-fabric of society, which constitute the interactions of all involved, was ini-tially established through the individual within the bases of their interactions that manifested the platform base-design of human-relationships and who each one is within those/such relationships that created a/the network, unified fields within the greater unified field of the total-humanity, and so creating/manifesting defined societies.

    And, vested in it, the very fabric of society - is not only the genes as the physical-living of individual human beings as who they are that constructed/built or par-ticipated in the making of this fabric of our system/our society, but also money - money in many different ways, where the Fabric of society as the design-substance has been fabricated by money, through and as the human-being. Therefore society, as the very fabric of society, as the design-substance, has been infiltrated, perme-ated and combined with and as the consciousness of and as money through the human being, wherein the social - and money-body of society has become one entity, as money has become the defining, designing and driving force and source for the very origin of a human being, a society, a country and the world. Money has become the origin that define who self is within interactions, relationships, and social-networks as unified fields within the greater unified field as world-system as money has in fact become the human being, society and the world. Money, through the human being, determines life and reality, a reality that has not in fact become the evolution of humanity, but the evolution of money and that which represents money within and of this world, to which the human being has in fact


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    devolved to be/become the slave of.

    Within these relationships with money and self-definitions through Money, creat-ing the fabric of society as Money, and through society of and as human-beings, creating the world-system of Money - Some got rich out of it, some got poor, some lived well, some died, some suffered and some had happiness.

    How Do We Fix This Obvious Miscreation?So how do we fix this obvious miscreation? There are so many vested interests, as everyone owns a part of this society and has got their teeth into it and are not will-ing to let go, because it is theirs, they own it. People know how to get through that part or section of this world/reality they claim as theirs including everything and everyone else that is interconnected/dependent on/within that part; as they are protecting their children, they are protecting their families, they are protect-ing their countries it all depends on what type of cultural system exists, that will define the reason for why people invest themselves, their life and death and that of their families, within and as the part or section of this world/reality they have claimed as theirs and own and refuse to change/alter. See Everyone owns a piece of this society by their own participation within the system. One attributing factor that supports the difficulty of giving it up, as in con-sidering a change/alteration from what is known, exists within the acceptance and belief that this is the only way that the system, the world, can work the system can function, as this is and has been the only way everyone and all has always known. Weve come to trust the knowledge of ourselves about reality, passed on through generations investing ourselves within a world that is accepted by all and made-believe to be the only way, because its how its always been; not for a moment considering to stand in anothers shoes within this world who has nothing; who stand and live outside the accepted belief and make-belief of how the world works as money, who directly see and experience the necessity of change/alteration of the current world as and of Money. Money has become the obsession and possession of all and when a consideration for a Equal Money System is proposed, the reac-tion is that of fear of loss, as human beings have defined the totality of their internal and external reality to, as and with money which has become their livelihood, their familys livelihood, their reputations, beliefs, image all which would be at stake with a change/alteration within their positioning within/through an Equal Money System. What is fascinating to be seen with the consideration of an Equal Money System, is that there exists an inherent reaction to such a proposal, as people in fact fear losing Money (as everything of and as ourselves has become money), instead

  • of actually realizing the gift of life that will be given to billions through and as an Equal Money system. This simply proves the extent of possession and obsession as individualself-interestweexist-as,withMoneyOurGod,butreallytheDevil;asitgives life to those that have, and death to those that dont. So how will we practically get to a point in the world where everyone will partici-pate,orthemajoritywillparticipateanddowhatsbestforall?

    Minorities vs MajoritiesRemember there is another little sneaky thing out there, which is what minori-tiesuseagainstmajorities,and that is thatmajoritiesmaynotdominateminori-ties, which is another aspect / attributing-factor within the accepted-belief of the knowledge of how the world works/functions. Now who is the minority in this equation? Within the world? It is the Wealthy and the Elite. They are the ones who are protected by this Minority Idea - the idea that the mi-nority should be protected. Butindemocracy-realDemocracy:themajorityrulesandtheminorityliveinfear.So it is going to be a fascinating thing when the tables finally turn and the people realize what they have accepted and allowed through living in fear of money; creat-ingaworldofdivisionandseparationwiththemajoritysufferingandtheminorityliving as elites through the current participation and existence within the current money-system; as slowly but surely the motivation for equality for all is birthed to have a world that is equalized through one money-system as Equal Money for all.

    Man On The StreetAs we now move into the next stages, and the resonant anger as the culmination of the anxieties, stresses, strains, fears, frustrations a concoction of emotions we un-consciously interact-with within our relationship with and as money - grows within each human being, and the realization is slowly but surely coming through to the man on the street: That unless everyone benefits, there is not going to be a happy medium/equilibrium for all, equally as one; there is not going to be a society that is going to work/function within the dynamics that is best for all where each benefit equally; there is not going to be a world where everyone is taken care of at all times, unconditionally. And no one has really actually even started looking at how to solve this problem were facing in this world as the manifested-consequence we experience due to Money. We know well that this problem, as the outflow physical-reality conse-


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    quence of Money is compounding, because have a look: There is no more leaders inthisworldintherevolutions,itisnowjustpeople.Thereisaformofequalitythathas started in Egypt and Tunisia, and that has been moving into and as a realization of equality amongst people all across the world. Obviously, those are the people least affected by consumerism; they are the ones that has been the poorest of the poor, where theyve lived close-to this physical-reality and established relation-ships of interdependence within the understanding of the benefit of themselves and for all equally through/within working-together, wherein the interdependence transforms into a togetherness of equality. The danger exists that they can easily be appeased with very little, like most of the western world. It is a Beast to have to live with very little, you can virtually say at thebrinkofextinction,havingeitheragovernmentgrantora jobthatpays justenough,soyoudonthavetotakeresponsibilityforanything.Youjustdoyourjoband there you go, on with your life; you have your friends, you have your parties, youhaveyourworldwithyouinittakencareofandthatisgivingyoujustwhatyou need or what is needed to remain within the living-acceptance of how the world works/functions as money, and, as long as your life, your world is saturated with the satisfaction of money and you remain moderately content with yourself and your world: this experience is superimposed on the rest of the world, making everything else acceptable and alright; when in fact it is not acceptable; it is in reality far from acceptable and alright.

    The Middle-Class Westerner Now Let us look at the interesting westerner and consider the following self-de-fining aspects within the relationship between self and money:

    -You do not want to have anything to do with decision making. You do not want to have anything to do with seeing/realizing where the money

    comes from.

    You dont care, as you dont want that responsibility of decision making and the reality of where money comes-from.

    Why is that?

    Not wanting to have anything to do with decision making or seeing where mon-ey comes from is obvious within the living-acceptance of how we go-about our

  • dailylives, day-in and day-out, living within secure patterned-habits of ordinari-ness and moving within safe-circles of social-networks; keeping our world as small, convenient and effective as possible in keeping-up with the fast-paced motions of the world-system. In this, we construct a fortress of our world/reality, wherein we ensure everything is taken care of FOR-us in making our lives as easy, smooth and comfortable as possible, putting much of our functional-control of our world in the hands of others, so that all we require focusing on is participating in this world weve constructed for ourselves, and provide ourselves with the money to ensure that the world continues surviving.

    In this the more responsibility is abdicated, so also is decision-making that per-tains to the well-being of the rest of ones society, country, and so also the world, as weve deliberately diminished ourselves and our worlds to the extent where we claim inferiority and powerlessness to and as the world-system. This is what the entirety of the world as all of humanity has done, accepted and allowed secluded themselves into minute-worlds, giving up the responsibility of decision-making for the life of self and all to the world-system of money. Because you know, inside theres this anger, and youhave just givenup.Whereyouve said: I cant face this anger. This anger I dont see only in me, I see this in everyone.Itseverywhere.LetmejustignorewhatIreallyseeandexperienceandget on with my life until its done.

    It is virtually living a life of defeat; it is a form of defeatism. You cant even engage with such a person living in such a condition and suggest that they consider what is best for all, because they are already defeated. Many of them work as middle-class citizens all around the globe. Within the structuring of the world-system in relation to money, the middle-class is the class that holds the equilibrium / stability from which the scales can be tipped to balance out the money-system when required to ensure the elite remain stable and the poor are kept out of the system. And therefore, it is of utmost importance to the world-system of money to ensure that the middle-class remain within the fortresses of their world abdicating re-sponsibility as decision-making to the world-system while remaining secluded and ignorant of where money comes from and how money works; to keep the middle-class within a class of their own, while money delegates, directs and moves the rest of the world, as they simply continue living-out their lives as mediocre middle-class participations maintaining the balance of/as the entire world-system of/as money.

    Thus, weve in fact created our own current reality through abdication of responsi-


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    bilityintodejectedpowerlessnessasourlives;andthedecisionsthatgowithitthataffect ourselves and our reality and everything and everyone else now stand in the hands of Money.

    Money decides.

    We obey and follow.

    So How Does One Fix This? Ifwehavea lookat it:What is thekeysolutiontogethumanityasamajoritytomove and actually try to find a way in working together towards a solution thats best for all?

    What we already can see very clearly, through those who are already walking this road/process, is that you cant very easily do that. You also dont get anywhere with arguing, you dont get anywhere with reporting, nor do you get anywhere with speaking about it. Yes, you can share; you can do whatever you want, but unless you get to the person at a dimension where their life has taken them through all the layers, proving that there is a problem, they cant hear you.

    The layers, meaning the layers of internal dimensional-realities that have been created through and as the money-consciousness weve utilized as the design-sub-stance through and as which weve constructed, designed and built our internal and external realities. Unless the being has actually experienced, realized the actual reality of what is manifested as the physical within the current-conditions, without being possessed within their fabricated-reality/world as created and experienced by and through the money-consciousness, and unless theyve actually peeled-off the layers of what has been dimensionally-constructed and superimposed onto and within the actual physical-reality: all they will see and hear is Money, and so will not even consider, regard or see the absolute necessity and importance of chang-ing this world/reality in a way that will benefit all, equal as one; because within their world/reality everything is fine and in order, and unless the fabricated mon-ey-consciousness reality of themselves and their world entirely collapses for them toexperiencewhatthisphysical-realityinfacthasbecomewiththemajorityofhu-manity they will deliberately not see or hear. Now there are those that have reached the physical-reality dimension of their

  • world, where their experiences in this world-system have taken them through all the layers of the fabricated money-consciousness reality and proven that there is a problem in this world, which would normally mean that your life in essence has turned out in a ball of shit. Its gone nowhere - there has been nothing significant. Many of your dreams and hopes have evaporated, or are destroyed, and in spite of all your effort youve gotten nowhere and youve experienced being lost within the pit of darkness, falling so deep that there seems to no way out or up.

    Those/such people are the ones that will hear what we have to share more easily, as they have physically-experienced the actual-reality of this world as what it is and what it means to be without money, to the extent where they can in fact for them-selves see and experience that the only solution to ensure the eternal stopping of such realities for self and for all within this physical-world: is a better world for self as for all and that that world cannot come into being/fruition unless the world as a whole, in relation to Money, changes. Thus, for the world as a whole to change, in relation to Money: Money has to change.

    So if that is the way people must be before they can hear, before they can see - then obviously something must happen in this world that will push people over the edge, through all the layers, for them to realize that there is a need, a requirement, for humanity to bring about a world that is best for all. Because remember: we do not live in a multi-fabric society We live in a multi-fab-ricated society. It is all fabricated it is not real; it exists within the mind as a fabrica-tion It is made up through generations within, through and as the acceptances weve adhered to within our relationship with the mind, each other and money.

    WitheachindividualcreatingtheirownideaofGod,theirownideaofprayer,theirown idea of religion, their own idea of morality, their own idea of life, their own idea of reality: All of it is a multi-fabricated society system that is functioning while each individual lives in their definition of what they believe reality to be, and what they believe life to be. Only once the total fabric of it collapse does someone start to question, start to realize the need, the requirement, for humanity to bring about a world that is best for all, as mentioned above.

    Design of InfinityThe other problem within the current system design is that it took on the design of infinity. That means it looks like it will go on forever. This can be seen within and as the world itself: With the world continuing to exist within constant, continu-


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    ous cycles with nothing in the world in fact changing, but that which is already here only worsening, compounding and/or accumulating as all and everything is trapped and lost within cycles of infinity, recycling with and as what is here and always has been here.

    Theres no actual, real creation within this existence; only cycles cycling infinitely within the same patterns, designs and systems, from the world to humans, to na-ture and the animal-kingdom. With many believing in a relationship between this world and the hereafter that is interconnected with the birth and death, rebirth and death cycles that creates the illusion of continuation, of infinity; creating the belief of an afterlife/lives and reincarnation. All you have to do is participate and do your best, because eventually in one of your future lives you are going to win and its all going to work out this, one of the motivating beliefs of hope many hold-onto that substantiates their fight for sur-vival within the current-acceptance of/as this world/reality, as the hope that drives them to strive for a different life, world and/or experience somewhere out there far from this world/reality.

    Many do not believe in future lives but they have the hope that it exists - that there is a continuation of themselves after their current-life. Within this belief or hope thereissomehigherforce,God,being,life,sourceorsomething,anything,thatisgoing to make sure that one eventually win: All you have to do is try. Win, mean-ing that youre going to transcend, be better than, ascend, rebirth, or rise-up fromthecurrent-life that isexperienced -asyouprojectyourself intoasuperiorlife/existence/world/experience than what is currently faced in this life, here in this world as this reality. Andtheninthatprojection,thegroupsthatfollowthishereaftersolution,strivingfor a life that is imagined to be different, better, or superior, are unwilling to hear about anything in terms of changing the world, this world that is here, because to them the world, this world, this physical-manifested reality, is an illusion; and their projectedimaginationofadifferent,better,superiorlifeinthehereafterissuppos-edly the reality. They believe that everything that happens, this physical-pain that is physically known and physically experienced, is all an illusion, because the belief is that it all goes away when you die. And - because the belief exist that when you die you dont experience pain, the delusion is formed that this reality is an illusion.

    When if you really look at it, it has actually all, always been in reverse. This physical-

  • manifestedworld/realityiswhatisreal,andthehereafter,theprojected,imagina-tive realities created in the dimensions of mind through hope and belief are delib-erately distractions and preoccupations keeping us from facing the real reality that is here as this world we live in/exist in. This reality is currently compounding, accumulating and worsening due to no-one wanting to face and take responsibility for what weve done here, for what weve become here; instead everybody seek a easy way out through creating delusions of grandeur of different, better, superior lives/experiences in the hereafter or after-life that serve only personal interests as an escape from what is real - here as this world as self. Obviously they have no certainty about what happens after death, but that is rather irrelevant within their fabricated reality that theyve constructed in their minds as themselves, as well as with and through those that interact with them that together manifest an entire fabricated reality through all that participate in the same hopes and beliefs and generate their mind-dimensions of future-lives through faith; delib-erately ignoring the real reality we face here with and as each breath, as individuals and as humanity as a whole together with nature and the animal-kingdom, as they become completely possessed within thei