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ESOTERIC PSYCHOLOGY – 1 Alice A Bailey Part -1
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Alice A BaileyPart -1

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Meditation :

Group souls – field of light

Spiritual hierarchy of our planet.


Christ – Master M, Master KH and the Master DK

24 books

Group soul

Our soul and our chakras.

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Dada Gurudev, Gurudev

And Mastaru

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AB & Master DK

Alice Bailey – 3rd Degree Initiate – 20th century – Member of theosophical society. ( blue books )

Pure mental channel for this teaching.

Master D.K – Master of the wisdom – 5th degree initiate.

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"Matter is the Vehicle for the manifestation of Soul on this plane of existence, and Soul is the Vehicle on a higher plane for the manifestation of Spirit, and these three are a Trinity synthesized by Life, which pervades them all."

- The Secret Doctrine,  Vol. I., page 80. (Third Edition)

What I have to say will be a commentary upon an expansion of the words found in the proem of The Secret Doctrine, that "All Souls are one with the Oversoul."

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Three Souls, One Man

Three souls which make up one soul: first, to wit,A soul of each and all the bodily parts,Seated therein, which works, and is what Does,And has the use of earth, and ends the manDownward: but, tending upward for advice,Grows into, and again is grown intoBy the next soul, which, seated in the brain,Useth the first with its collected use,And feeleth, thinketh, willeth, - is what Knows:Which, duly tending upward in its turn,Grows into, and again is grown intoBy the last soul, that uses both the first,Subsisting whether they assist or no,And, constituting man's self, is what Is -And leans upon the former, makes it play,As that played off the first: and, tending up,Holds, is upheld by, God, and ends the manUpward in that dread point of intercourse,Nor needs a place, for it returns to Him.What Does, what Knows, what Is; three souls, one man.

- Death in the Desert by Robert Browning [xvii]

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Group co - operation :

Let me remind those I reach through these books that the main result I look for is one of group cooperation and understanding, and not that of individual benefit. By studying and reading with care, a group interplay is set up, the group becomes more closely integrated, the units in it more closely linked together and as a group more closely blended in the unfolding Plan of the Great Ones. We are building and planning for the future and for humanity, and not for the personal unfoldment of any particular aspirant. The individual growth is of no tremendous significance. The formation and development of a band of pledged aspirants, trained to work together and to respond in unison to a teaching, is of real moment [xviii] to those of us who are responsible for the training and for the preparation of the group of world disciples who will function with freedom and power in a later cycle. You see a tiny portion of the Plan.

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Group soul

We see the Plan as it unfolds for a series of lives ahead, and we are today seeking those who can be taught to work in group formation and who can constitute one of the active units in the vast happenings that lie ahead, connected with that two-thirds of humanity who will stand upon the Path at the close of the age, and with that one-third who will be held over for later unfoldment.

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Group soul

It is for the purpose of training aspirants so that group awareness may be developed that these books have been written. Recognize clearly that you personally do not count, but that the group most surely does. Teaching is not given only in order to train you or to provide you with opportunity. All life is opportunity, and individual reaction to opportunity is one of the factors which indicate soul growth. For this, the training school of the world itself suffices.

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In the books already published three basic lines of teaching can be traced:

First, a relatively new technique has been given as to the control of the body. [xix]

Second, teaching has been given anent the formation of the New Group of World Servers.

Third, the general lines of the magical work of creation have received attention.

The first line of teaching concerns the individual and his development; the second indicates the nature and ideals of the group into which he may find his way if he profits by the teaching and learns control; the third, could you but realize it, details in some measure the methods and modes of work during the coming new age.

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Ponder upon these

Three main approaches to truth, and think upon them with clarity of thought. Mental appreciation of their significance will produce understanding and will likewise increase the group apprehension of the teaching which I have sought to impart. Any student who thinks clearly and applies the teaching to his daily life is contributing most valuably to the group awareness

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Oft an aspirant says to himself:

Of what real use am I?

How can I, in my small sphere, be of service to the world?“

Let me reply to these questions by pointing out that by thinking this book into the minds of the public, by expressing before your fellow men the teaching it imparts, and by a life lived in conformity with its teaching, your service is very real.

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Group Work :

. Could all who read this book see the results of such a united effort, there would emerge a group activity, intelligently undertaken, which would achieve great things. So many people run hither and thither after this individual or that, or this piece of work or that, and, working with lack of intelligent coordination, achieve nothing and no group results. But united group effort would eventuate in an inspired reorganization of the entire world, and the elimination of hindrances; there would be the making of real sacrifices and the giving up of personal wishes and desires in order that group purposes may be served.

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Root races :

We are in 5th round 5 Root Race and in 5th sub race.

In that period of evolution there will be a great war in heaven and that will culminate in a separation between those members of human family who are continuing their incarnation process on other planet probably on Mars and only those who reach the third initiation and beyond will remind here on this planet. Help new incarnation souls.

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Group soul

We will become sensitive to group souls. We will be aware of our groups souls and will work with them.

The center of our Evolution is – SHAMBHALA.

Shambhala is the center of Earth.

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Books :

The first book issued was Initiation, Human and Solar. This book was intended for the average aspirant, to lead him on from where he was to a vision of an organized band of teachers who were seeking to aid humanity (and incidentally himself), and to give some idea of their technique of work and modes of procedure.

Letters on Occult Meditation indicated how these teachers could be reached and the discipline of life that the treading of the Path involved. These two are especially for aspirants. [xxi]

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Books :

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire is in an entirely different category. In the last analysis, it is for the guidance of the initiates of the world, and will lift the aspirant's eyes away from himself and his own growth to a vaster conception and a universal ideal. The mark of the initiate is his lack of interest in himself, in his own unfoldment and his own personal fate, and all aspirants who become accepted disciples have to master the technique of disinterestedness. Their eyes have also to be lifted away from the group of workers and from the hierarchy which they constitute and to be fixed on wider horizons and vaster realms of activity. The great creative Plan, its laws and technique of unfoldment, and the work of the Builders of the Universe was dealt with; emerging out of the mass of imparted facts, and underlying all the teaching, was the idea of a great Life with Its own psychology and ideas. It was an attempt to give a synthetic picture of the unfolding Mind of God as It works out Its plans through the lesser Sons of Mind. In symbolism and archaic phrases it veiled the truths and principles which lie at the root of the creative process, and in its entirety is beyond the grasp of the advanced student. At the same time, it is a most valuable compendium of information, and will serve to convey truth and to develop the intuition.

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Esoteric Psychology : Microcosm

The last book, A Treatise on White Magic, is a parallel volume to A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Just as the first dealt with the psychology of Deity, the work of the Macrocosm, and the laws whereby the Solar Logos works, so this book constitutes a treatise on the psychology of a Son of God and the work of the Microcosm. It intimately concerns His place in the larger whole and is of practical application to daily life in that whole.

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New age – 2117 Aquarius ( in her private letter) – Venus conjunction with Sun. Esoterically – development of the higher mind. Theme of love from Sun and higher mind from Venus.

6 to 7 billion people stepped on the path - 2012 consciousness shift

Solar angels descended 21 million years ago on to our planet. They are the builders of this humanity on earth.

The soul builds with mental matter.

5th ray is related to souls . We are in the 5th kingdom of the souls.

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Seven Rays :

The Secret Doctrine, that they are the building Forces and the sum total of all that is in the manifested universe.

What I have to say will be a commentary upon an expansion of the words found in the proem of The Secret Doctrine, that "All Souls are one with the Oversoul."

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Occult science talks about the connectivity of Cosmos to the individual

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We are connected with Sanatkumara

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Gurupaduka Stavam – Antaryagam – 7th root rave man

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Will be continued…..

Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi