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Eponymous Clinical Syndromes

Feb 23, 2018



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  • 7/24/2019 Eponymous Clinical Syndromes


    Addison's Disease

    AKA:Adrenocortical insufficiency

    Clinical:Weakness, fatigueability, weight loss, anorexia, hypotension

    Syndromes of multiple autoimmune disorders that include Addison's Disease fall into two subtypes:

    !2/3 of triad of Addison's, hypoparathyroidism and mucocutaneous candidiasis

    !Schmidt's Syndrome

    Adrenogenital Syndrome

    Clinical:Masculinization in women, feminization in men and precocious puberty in children

    Pathophysiology:Adrenal virilism realted to enzymatic defects in biosynthesis of cortical steroids leading tocortisol deficiency: at least 8 distinctive syndromes including 21-hydroxylase deficiency, 11-hydroxylase deficiency

    Micro:Adrenocortical hyperplasia


    Clinical:Onset later thanother leukodystrophies (Metachromaticand Krabbe's Disease). Males ages 10-20,Females 20-40.

    Presents with adrenal failure and segmental demyelinization and axonal degeneration of CNS.

    Transmission:X linked recesive

    Pathophysiology:Defect in fatty acyl-coenzyme A ligase (a peroxismal transporter enzyme) leads to accumulationof long-chain fatty esters of cholesterol.

    EM:Cytoplasmic inclusions of dense, long, thin leaflets enclosing an electron-lucent space in cerebralmacrophages, adrenocortical cells, testicular Leydig cells and Schwann cells

    Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

    AKA:Diffuse Alveolar Damage (DAD)

    Clinical:Severe respiratory deficiency, tachycardia, cyanosis, severe arterial hypoxemia

    Pathophysiology:Many etiologies: shock, sepsis,

    Micro:Diffuse alveolar capillary damage with hyaline membranes and type II pneumocyte regeneration

    Alagille's Syndrome

    AKA:Arterio-hepatic dysplasia

    Clinical:Broad facies, hypertelorism, short stature, butterfly vertebrae, mental retardation, hypogonadism,pulmonary artery stenosis

    Transmission:AD, association with Trisomy 21, 18, 17; 45XO

    Cytogenetics:Mutation in gene Jagged1 on chromosome 20p, encodes ligand for Notch1, which plays a role inepithelial-mesenchymal interactions

    Micro:Congenital absence of intrahepatic bile ducts, portal tract fibrosis, neonatal giant cell hepatitis

    Albers-Schnberg Disease

    AKA:Osteopetrosis, Marble-bone disease

    Clinical:Malignant AR form evident in utero or soon after birth: fractures, anemia, hydrocephaly, cranial nerveproblems (optic atrophy, deafness, facial paralysis), repeated infections, HSM (from extramedullary hematopoiesis).

    AD benign adult form usually detected in adolesence or adulthood on X-rays of repeated fractures. Milder cranial

    nerve deficits and anemia.

    Transmission:Malignant AR evident in utero or infancy; AD adult form has a benign course

    Pathophysiology:Carbonic anhydrase II deficiency required by osteoclasts and renal tubular cells to acidify theirenvironment; osteoclasts can't generate superoxide.

    Diagnosis:Radiographic features characteristic: diffusesclerosis and distal metaphyses misshapen

    Gross:Overgrowth and sclerosis of bone with marked thickening of cortex and narrowing/filling of medullarycavity. Ends of long bones are bulbous (Erlenmyer flask deformity) and misshapen. The neural formamina are small

    and compress existing nerves.

    Micro:Spongiosa persists and there is no room for hematopoetic marrow. Bone that forms is not remodeled,remains woven.

    Treatment:Some benefit from IFN-g, bone marrow transplant.

    Albright's Syndrome

    AKA:McCune-Albright Syndrome



    Alport's Syndrome


    Clinical:Nephrotic syndrome, Eye abnormalities (lens dislocation, posterior cataracts, corneal dystrophy), nerveDeafness, Hematuria. Males are affected more frequently and more likely to progress. Symptoms appear betweenages 5 and 20 usually with microscopic hematuria. Renal failure occurs by age 20-50 in med. Auditory defects may

    be subtle.

    Pathophysiology:Defective GBM synthesis due to mutations in a5 chain of collagen IV (COL4A5 gene), X linkedform associated with diffuse leiomyomatosis has additional mutations in a6 chain. AR transmission associated with

    mutations in a3 and a4 chains.

    Diagnosis:Skin biopsy also shows lack of a5 collagen staining

    Transmission:Most X-linked, Xq22, but AR and AD pedigrees exist
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    Micro:Early lesion: segmental proliferation or sclerosis with an increase in mesangial matrix and persistence offetal-like glomeruli. Later: tubular epithelial foam cells and increasing glomerulosclerosis.

    EM:GBM shows irregular thickening and thinning with splitting of lamina densa

    Stains:Antibodies to a3, a4, and a5 collagen fail to stain both glomerular and tubulat basement membranes

    Angelman Syndrome

    Clinical:"Happy puppets": mental retardation, ataxic gait, seizures, inappropriate laughter

    Cytogenetics:Maternal imprinting of chromosome 15; del(15)(q11q13)

    Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum Universalis

    AKA:Fabry's Disease

    Arnold-Chiari Malformation

    Mneumonic:CHASM(Cerebellum protrudes, Hydrocephalus, Spinal dysraphism, Medulla kinked)

    Pathophysiology:Disproportionate growth of posterior fossa

    Gross:Type I: benign cerebellar tonsillar herniation

    Type II: small posterior fossa with extreme cerebellar tonsillar herniation through foramen magnum, kinked cervical

    spinal cord, tegmental beaking, lumbosacral meningomyelocele, 80% hydrocephalus

    Asherman's Syndrome


    Clinical:infertility (Abortions), Adhesions, Amenorrhea, associated with excessive dilatation and curettage (D&C).

    Gross:endometrial synechiae

    Ataxia Telangiectasia


    Clinical:cerebellar ataxia, immunodeficiency, sensitivity to ionizing radiation, lymphoid malignanciesIncreased risk of NHL, leukemia, brain tumors, gastric cancer, breast cancer (11% chance by age 50 in


    Transmission:AR; 1% of population is a carrier

    Pathophysiology:AT protein (ATM gene) is a sensor of DNA damage; absence leads to defective DNA repair andaccelerated cell aging

    Micro:Gradual loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum

    Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

    AKA:Gorlin's Syndrome

    Banti Syndrome

    Clinical:recanalization of an ectatic portal vein and associated splenomegaly, anemia, splenic vein thrombosis;usually occurs years after an occlussive event (e.g. neonatal omphalitis or umbilical vein catheterization).

    Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome

    Pathophysiology:Lack of MHC Class I or both Class I & II HLA antigens resulting in varying immunodeficiency


    AKA:Carrion's DiseaseClinical:Acute febrile fever (oroya fever) associated with hemolytic anemia and hepatosplenomegaly followed bynodular, inflammatory lesions consisting of inflammatory cells

    Pathophysiology:Bartonella bacilliformis, carried by sandfly vector

    Bartter's Syndrome

    Clinical:Polyuria with K+ wasting and metabolic alkalosis

    Pathophysiology:Secondary hyperaldosteronism from renin overproduction

    Diagnosis:Hyperreninemia, Hyperaldosteronemia, Hypokalemia, Metabolic alkalosis, serum HCO3, urine Cl-

    Micro:Juxtaglomerular cell hyperplasia

    Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

    AKA:Gorlin's Syndrome

    Bechet's Disease

    Mneumonic:CAVE(CNS, Apthous ulcers/Autoimmune, Vasculitis/Venous thrombosis, Eye

    Clinical:young males with hypopyon, uveitis, iridocyclitis, oral/genital aphthous ulcers, arthritis, inflammatorybowel disease

    Pathophysiology:immune complex mediated, leukocytoclastic vasculitis


    Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome

    Clinical:macrosomia, macroglossia, exopthalmos, neonatal hypoglycemia, hemihypertrophy, renal medullary cysts,
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    adrenal cytomegaly; increased risk of Wilms' tumor, hepatoblastomas, adrenocorticoid tumors, rhabdomyosarcoma,

    pancreatic tumors. (see alsoDenys-Drash Syndromeand WAGR Syndromefor other Wilms' tumor associated


    Transmission:AR, gene WT-2 on 11p15.5; uniparental disomy in sporadic cases

    Berger's Disease

    AKA:IgA nephropathy

    Micro:Segmental, diffuse or crescentic glomerulonephritis

    IF:IgA deposits in mesangium

    Bernard-Soulier Syndrome

    Clinical:purpura, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, menorrhagia, hematuria, GI bleeding

    Pathophysiology:GPIb/V/IX deficiency on platelet surface; affected platelets can't bind vWF


    Diagnosis:Normal platelet aggregation with ADP, collagen, epinephrine but lack of aggregation with ristocetin

    Micro:Large platelets (2-5x normal), reduced numbers

    Binswanger's DiseaseAKA:subcortical leukoencephalopathy

    Clinical:Hypertensive patients with progressive dementia

    Micro:Diffuse loss of deep hemispheric white matter

    Bloom Syndrome

    Clinical:Leukemia, GI carcinoma


    Pathophysiology:spontaneous chromatid breakage

    Bourneville's Disease

    AKA:Tuberous Sclerosis

    Bouttonneuse Fever

    Clinical:Rickettsial disese in Mediterranean/India, promintn eschar and "tache noire"

    Pathophysiology:Rickettsia conorii

    Transmission:tick bite

    Breakbone FeverAKA:Dengue Fever

    Clinical:gnawing bone pain

    Brill-Zinsser Disease

    Clinical:Typhus group (no eschar) Rickettsial disease; similar to epidemic typhus but milder

    Pathophysiology:Rickettsia prowazekii, late reactivation

    Brittle Bone Disease

    AKA:Osteogenesis ImperfectaClinical:Bone fragility, fractures, blue sclera, bony abnormalities in middle and inner ear, abnormal teeth

    Pathophysiology:Hereditary disorders of collagen synthesis, mainly type I collagen (90% of bone matrix)

    Bruton's Agammaglobulinemia


    Pathophysiology:Defective B cell maturation

    Diagnosis:Near-total absence of immunoglobulins in serum

    Budd Chiari SyndromeMneumonic:HAT(Hepatomegaly, Ascites/Abdominal pain, Thrombus)

    AKA:Hepatic vein thrombosis

    Clinical:ascites, portal hypertension, varices

    Pathophysiology:Associated with polycythemia vera, pregnancy, postpartum, OCPs, paroxysmal nocturnalhemoglobinuria, intraabdominal CA (particularly hepatoma), infections, trauma, membranous webs.

    Buerger's Disease

    AKA:Thromboangiitis obliterans

    Clinical:Male smokers

    Micro:Thromboangiitis obliterans with segmenta; thrombosing acute and chronic inflammation of intermediate andsmall arteries and veins of the extremities.

    Byler Disease
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    Pathophysiology:impairment of bile acids and phosphotidylcholine secretion leading to progressive intrahepaticcholestasis


    Clinical:Pulmonary disorder caused by dust from cotton, flax or hemp. Takes form more like asthmatic bronchitis.

    Caisson Disease

    AKA:"The bends", decompression sickness

    Clinical:Scuba divers

    Pathophysiology:Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure cause nitrogen to come out of fluid and the resultingembolisms lead to multiple foci of ischemic necrosis

    Caplan's Syndrome

    Clinical:pulmonary rheumatoid arthritis with pneumoconiosis; distinctive nodular pulmonary lesions on CXR thatdevelop rapidly.

    Pathophysiology:Seen in silicosis, asbestosis, other dust-caused pneumoconioses

    Micro:pulmonary rheumatoid nodules with central necrosis surrounded by fibroblasts, macrophages, and collagen

    in a background of progressive massive fibrosis

    Carcinoid Syndrome

    Clinical:blushing, flushing, diarrhea, cutaneous angiomas, tricuspid valve and pulmonary valve stenosis, bronchialspasm

    Pathophysiology:serotonin, 5-HIAA release from carcinoid tumors that have metastasized to the liver

    Carney's Syndrome

    Clinical:cutaneous and soft tissue myxomas, cardiac myxomas, skin pigmentation, adrenal lesions

    Carney's Triad


    Pulmonay Chondromas

    Extra-Adrenal Paragangliomas

    Caroli's Disease

    Clinical:Congenital intrahepatic biliary dilatation; 25% associated with polycyctic kidney. Increased risk ofcholangiocarcinoma. Often complicated by intrahepatic cholelithiasis, cholangitis, hepatic abscesses and portal



    Micro:communicating cavernous biliary ectasia; may be seen in conjunction with congenital hepatic fibrosis

    Carrion's Disease


    Castleman's Disease

    Clinical:Lymphadenopathy, fever, multiorgan dysfunctionOften seen in patients with POEMS


    Chaga's Disease

    AKA:American trypanosomiasis

    Clinical:Myocarditis (America), Megaesophagus and megacolon (Brazil)

    Pathophysiology:T. cruzi

    Charcot-Buchard Aneurysm

    Clinical:microaneurysms that form at bifurcations of small intraparenchymal cerebral arteries (lenticulostriate

    arteries) due to hypertension which may rupture and cause spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages (basal ganglia,pons, cerebellum)

    Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

    AKA:peroneal muscular atrophy; hereditary sensory motor neuropathy Type I

    Clinical:Wasting and weakness of lower leg and foot giving characteristic inverted "champagne bottle limb."



    Micro:onion bulb nerves

    Chediak-Higashi Syndrome

    Mneumonic:CAMP(Chemotaxis, AR, Microtubules, Phagocytosis)

    Clinical:Neutropenia, albinism, HSM, lymphadenopathy, nerve defects, bleeding diathesis

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    Pathophysiology:Abnormal PMN peroxidase granules, impaired chemotaxis and phagocytosis from defect inmicrotubute polymerization. Reduced transfer or lysosomal enzymes to phagocytic vacuoles, melanocytes, nerves

    and platelets.

    Diagnosis:Neutrophils have giant granules on peripheral blood smear. Hct, Plt,

    Chiari-Frommel Syndrome

    Clinical:Post-partum patients in which continued secretion of prolactin from the pituitary inhibits reinstitution ofmenstrual cycle.

    Micro:Atrophic vaginal smear.

    Chronic Granulomatous Disease

    Clinical:Recurrent lymphadenopathy, HSM, rash, recurrent bacterial infections of lung

    Transmission:60% X linked (membrane component), 40% AR (cytoplasmic component)

    Pathophysiology:Defect in genes encoding NADPH oxidase!abnormality in H2O2generation.

    Diagnosis:Hct, WBC, IgG

    Micro:Bowel with LGV like findings

    Churg-Strauss Syndrome

    Mneumonic:VEGA(Vasculitis, Eosinophilia, Granulomas, Asthma)

    AKA:allergic granulomatous angiitis

    Clinical:asthma, fever, eosinophilia

    Micro:Eosinophil-rich and granulomatous inflammation involving the respiratory tract. Necrotizing vasculitisaffecting small to medium-sized vessels.

    Diagnosis:pANCA positive

    Cockayne Syndrome

    Clinical:Rare disease characterized by premature aging

    Pathophysiology:DGenetic instability in somatic cells

    Conn's Syndrome

    Mneumonic:HANK(Hypertension, Aldosterone/Adenoma, Neuromuscular weakness, K+ wasting) - this has beenon more than one exam

    AKA:Primary aldosteronism

    Clinical:edema, HTN65% caused by adenoma, 35% caused by adrenal hyperplasia,

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    AKA:familial non-hemolytic jaundice

    Clinical:two typesI. AR: severe, kernicterus, pale yellow stool, bile bilirubin glucouronide -, not phenobarb responsive

    II. AD: moderate and variable, normal stool, bile bilirubin glucouronide +, phenobarb responsive

    Pathophysiology:impaired conjugation of bilirubin by the liver due to absent (Type I) or deficient (Type II)glucoronyl transferase(AKA: uridine diphosphate glucoronyltransferase or UGT) leading to an unconjugated


    Treatment:Type II responds to phenobarbital

    Cronkhite-Canada SyndromeMneumonic:JAHN(Juvenile polyps, Alopecia, Hyperpigmentation, Nail atrophy)

    Clinical:hamartomatous GI polyps, diffuse alopecia, nail dystrophy, hyperpigmentation

    Crouzon's Syndrome

    AKA:Craniofacial dysostosis

    Cushing's Syndrome

    AKA:hypercortisolism; Cushing's Disease when caused by a pituitary adenoma.

    Clinical:central obesity, moon facies, acne, buffalo hump, hirsutism, amenorrhea, striae, hypertension, mentalstatus changes

    Pathophysiology: adrenocortical secretion of cortisol caused by ACTH levels caused by pituitary adenoma,

    neoplasms of the adrenal cortex or ectopic ACTH from a neuroendocrine tumor (bronchogenic CA, malignant

    thymoma, islet cell tumor), may be iatrogenic (steroid Rx).

    Dandy-Walker Malformation

    Pathophysiology:failure of formation of cerebellar vermis

    Gross:no room to 4th ventricle, hydrocephalus, polymicrogyria

    del Castillo SyndromeClinical:Galactorrhea following termination of birth control usage.

    Pathophysiology:Pituitary shut-down of FSH and LH production.

    Micro:Atrophic vaginal smear.

    Dense Deposit Disease

    AKA:Type II Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

    IF:C3 in mesangial rings but not in dense deposits

    EM:dense deposits in GBM

    Denys-Drash Syndrome

    Clinical:gonadal dysgenesis (male pseudohermaphroditism) and nephropathy leading to renal failure; increasedrisk of Wilms' tumor. (see also WAGR SyndromeandBeckwith-WiedemannSyndromefor other Wilms' tumor

    associated syndromes)


    Cytogenetics:11p13 (WT1)

    Pathophysiology:negative missense mutation

    Dercum's Disease

    AKA:adiposis dolorosa


    Clinical:autoimmune inflammatory myopathy, commonly associated with Scleroderma, SLE, Sjogren's. Increasedrisk of visceral malignancy. (lung, stomach, ovary)

    Devic's Disease

    Clinical:A variant of Multiple Sclerosis (neuromyelitis optica) in which the typical MS plaques coexist withnecrotic lesions in the spinal cord and demyelination in the optic nerve.

    Diamond-Blackfan Anemia

    AKA:congenital chronic pure red cell aplasia

    Clinical:presents at 2 weeks-1 year

    Pathophysiology:Defective erythroid-committed stem cells

    Di George Syndrome

    Mneumonic:CATCH 22(Cardiac abnormalities, Abnormal facies, Tcell deficit/tetany, Cleft palate,Hypocalcemia from parathyroid hypoplasia, chromosome 22q11)

    AKA:Thymic hypoplasia; 22q11 deletion syndrome (includes velocardiofacial syndrome)

    Clinical:Recurrent fungal and viral infections, tetany, risk of squamous cell ca or upper respiratory tract

    Patients with partial DiGeorge Syndrome have a small but histologically normal thymus and T cell function

    improves with age.

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    Pathophysiology: Failure of third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, loss of T cell mediated immunity

    Diagnosis:Low levels of circulating T cells. Deletion 22q11 (90%)

    Gross:Absence of thymus, parathyroids, clear cells of thyroid, heart and great vessels (ultimobrachial body)

    Di Gugliemo Syndrome

    AKA:erythremic myelosis, erythromeloblastic leukemia, AML M6

    Down Syndrome

    AKA:Trisomy 21

    Clinical:flat facial profile, oblique palpebral fissures and epicanthic folds, mental retardation (severe in 80%), 40%have congenital heart disease (endocardial cushion defects: ostium primum, ASD, AV valve malformations, VSD),

    atresias of esophaus and small intestine; risk of acute leukemia (10-20x) ALL & AML; age>40 yo develop

    neuropathic changes similar to Alzheimer's disease; abnormal immune responses (lung infections, thyroid


    Cytogenetics:95% have trisomy 21; most common cause is meiotic nondisjunction; 95% extra chromosome ismaternal origin;

    4% of cases from a robertsonian translocation (familial); 1% are mosaics as a result of mitotic nondisjunction of

    chrom 21.

    facial, neurologic and cardiovascular changes limited to 21q22.2 and 21q22.3

    Prognosis:80% survive to age 30 or beyond

    Dressler's Syndrome

    Clinical:Occurs 2-21 weeks s/p MI, cardiac trauma or cardiotomy: fever, pleuritis, pericarditis, pneumonitis,arthritis, leukocytosis

    Pathophysiology:autoimmune pericarditis

    Dubin Johnson Syndrome

    Mneumonic:BCP(Bilirubin, Conjugated, Pigmentation - liver)

    AKA:black liver disease


    Pathophysiology:absence of glucouronyl transferase leads to defects in bile canalicular transport

    Diagnosis:conjugated hyperbilirubinemia

    Gross:Dark-gray pigmented liver

    Eaton-Lambert Syndrome

    AKA:myasthenic syndrome

    Clinical:progressive proximal muscle weakness without cranial muscle weakness; associated with oat cellcarcinoma

    Diagnosis: action potential with repetitive stimulation


    Edward's Syndrome

    AKA:Trisomy 18

    Clinical:overlapping fingers, renal and cardiac anomalies

    Ehler's Danlos Syndrome

    Clinical:Clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders that result from some defect in collagen

    synthesis and structure. 10 clinical variants, most show cutis hyperelastica and hyperextendible joints.EDS Type I: +diaphragmatic hernia

    EDS Type IV: +rupture of colon and large arteries (rick in type III collagen)

    EDS Type VI: +corneal rupture and retinal detachment


    Type IV: mutation in type III collagen gene, proa1 (III) chains, secretion defect or structurally abnormalType VI: mutation in lysyl hydroxylase (enzyme for cross-linking collagens I and III)

    Type VII: mutation in conversion of type I procollagen to collagen

    Type IX: copper metabolism defect, high in cells, low in serum & ceruloplasmin; copper-dependent enzyme lysyl

    oxidase essential for cross-linking collagen

    Transmission:Type IV: AD

    Type VI: AR

    Type VII: AD (dominant negative: mutant chains interfere with the formation of normal collagen helices)

    Type IX: X linked recessive

    Eisenmenger's Syndrome

    Clinical:reversal of congenital left to right shunt (e.g. ASD, VSD, PDA), pulmonary hypertension, RVH, cyanosis

    Empty Sella Syndrome

    Clinical:pituitary insufficiency, panhypopituitarism

    Pathophysiology:Multiple origins: herniation of sunarachnoid into sella with compression atrophy of pituitary byCSF, Sheehan's Syndrome, infarction of adenoma followed by scarring, ablation of pituitary by radiation andscarring

    Micro:Ususally some residual viable tissue remains, but mostly gliotic scar.
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    Evans Syndrome

    Clinical:autoimmune thrombocytopenia along with autoimmune hemolytic anemia

    Fabry's Disease

    AKA:angiokeratoma corporis diffusum universalis

    Clinical:purple angiokeratomas on thighs, buttocks and genitalia, anhidrosis, parasthesias in lower extremities;CNS, cardiac and renal complications

    Transmission:X linked Recessive; Xq21-22

    Pathophysiology:No agalactosidase !

    sphingolipid (ceramide trihexoside) in histiocytes and vessel walls

    Diagnosis:zebra body glomerular deposits

    Fanconi Anemia

    Clinical:renal hypoplasia, absent or hypoplastic thumbs or radii, skin hyperpigmentation, microcephaly, risk of

    AML, squamous carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma


    Pathophysiology:Defective DNA repair mechanism

    Fanconi's SyndromeMneumonic:KAT(Kidney, Aplastic anemia, Thumbs - absent)

    Clinical:acute leukemia, squamous carcinomas & hepatomas, cystinosis, osteomalacia


    Pathophysiology:2 to myeloma or poisoning !defective renal tubular function

    Felty's Syndrome

    Mneumonic:SAUL(Splenomegaly, Arthritis, Ulcers (leg), Leukopenia)

    Clinical:Rheumatoid arthritis with leg ulcers, splenomegaly with leukopenia & granulocytopenia

    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

    Mneumonic:GAMMAS(Growth retardation, Alcohol, Microcephaly, Maxillary hypoplasia, ASD, Short palpebralfissures)

    Clinical:microcephaly, facial dysmorphology (short palpebral fissure, maxillary hypoplasia), malformations of thebrain, cardiovascular system (strial septal defect) and genitonurinary system

    Pathophysiology:acetaldehyde crosses placenta

    Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome

    Clinical:IUGR, mental retardation, dysmorphic facies, sleft lip, cardiac abnormalities, ambiguous genitalia


    Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome

    Clinical:stabbing RUQ abdominal pain

    Pathophysiology:perihepatitis caused by spread of untreated gonorrheal cervicitis

    Forbes-Albright Syndrome

    Clinical:Pituitary chromophobe adenomas or craniopharyngeomas associated with gonadotropins causingsecondary amenorrhea with galactorrhea.

    Micro:Atrophic vaginal smear.

    Fragile X

    Clinical:Mental retardation

    Transmission:X linked


    Freidrich's Ataxia

    Clinical:gait ataxia, hand clumsiness, dysarthria, -DTR, impaired joint position and vibratory sense. +Babinski,

    Transmission:AR with male preponderance


    Gross:Small spinal cord

    Micro:Loss of nerve fibers and gliosis of posterior columns, distal corticospinal tract, spinocerebellar tracts andloss of dorsal root ganglion cells.

    Gaisbock's Syndrome

    Clinical:Stress polycythemia of unknown etiology

    Gardner's SyndromeMneumonic:DO STOP (Desmoid/AD, Osteomas, Sebaceous cysts, Thyroid cancer/tooth abnormal,Osteochondromas, Polyps)

    Clinical:colonic polyposis with high malignant potential, skull osteomas, soft tissue tumors: calcifying epitheliomaof Malherbe, fibromatosis/desmoid, lipomas, sebaceous cysts, fibromas, fibrosarcomas; dental abnormalities

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    Transmission:AD; APC gene 5q21 variable expressivity

    Gaucher Disease

    Clinical:The most common lyssomal storage disorder.HSM, lymphadenopathy, bone destruction

    Type I (99%) non-neuronopathic. Splenic and skeletal involvement, lymphadenopath., European Jews. Reduced but

    detectible activity. Longevity mildly shortened.

    Type II (

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    AKA:Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Usual interstitial pneumonitis (UIP)

    Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease

    Clinical:pearly grey vesicles on fingers, toes, palms, soles, buccal mucosa and tongue


    Hand-Schller Christian Disease

    AKA:Multifocal Langerhans' Cell Histiocytosis

    Clinical:Triad of calvarial defects, diabetes insipidis and exopthalmos in patients with Langerhans Cell

    Histiocytosis (compare to Letterer-Siwe Disease).

    Histiocytic infiltrates in multiple tissues and involvement of pituitary stalk in 50% leads to diabetes insipidus.

    Seborrhea-like skin eruption typically present.

    EM:Rod shaped inclusions in Langerhans cells (Birbeck granules)

    Prognosis:Relatively benign course. Lesions spontaneously regress in 50% and in 50% cured by chemoRx.

    Hansen's Disease


    Clinical:Tuberculoid (TT) and Lepromatous (LL) forms.TT: Macular skin lesions with prominent nerve involvement (ulnar and peroneal) leading to skin anesthesia, muscle

    atrophy and eventually skin ulcers; skin contractures, paralysis, autoamputation of fingers and toes.

    LL: Nodular lesions (skin, peripheral nerves, anterior eye, upper airways to larynx, testes, hands, feet) may result in

    sensory imapirment and "Leonine facies."

    Transmission:TT form is not contagious.

    Pathophysiology:Mycobacteria leprae

    Diagnosis:Acid fast obligate intracellular bacteriaFew organsims in TT; Lots in LL.

    Micro:TT: Garnulomatous lesions with scant organisms

    LL: Abundant histiocytes and easily identified organisms

    Prognosis:LL more difficult to cure.

    Hartnup's Disease

    Clinical:Symptoms of pellagra

    Pathophysiology:Defective tryptophan transport system leads to decreased nicotinamide

    Haverhill Fever

    AKA:Rat bite fever

    Pathophysiology:Streptobacillus moniliformis

    Heerfordt's Syndrome

    Clinical:Sarcoidosis, bilateral parotid enlargement, facial nerve palsy, uveitis


    Clinical:Hemolysis, Elevated Liver function tests, Low Platelets

    Pathophysiology:Caused by severe toxemia of pregnancy

    Hemolytic Uremic SyndromeClinical:sudden onset hematemesis/melena after GI/flu-like prodrome; severe oliguria, hematuria,microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, neurological changes in children. Familial form - more benign course. In adults

    associated with postpartum complications (retained placenta), OCPs.

    Pathophysiology:infectious etiology include; Salmonella typhi,E. coli, Shigella, Clostridia

    Henoch-Schonlein Purpura

    Mneumonic:GAAACC(Glomerulonephritis, IgA, Arthralgias, Angiitis, Colic, C3)


    Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema

    Clinical:Episodic edema of skin, extremities, laryngeal and GI mucosa provoked by emotional stress or trauma


    Pathophysiology:C1 inhibitor deficiency

    Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer Syndrome


    Clinical:Early onset colon cancers at a young age

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    Diagnosis:Microsatellite instability can be detected in 15% of sporadic (non-HNPCC) colon cancers

    Treatment:Cancer screening

    Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome

    Clinical:oculocutaneous albinism, increased ceroid in mononuclear phagocytic system, dense granule deficiency inplatelets

    Hirschprung's Disease

    Clinical:Congenital megacolon

    Pathophysiology:Failure of development of Meissner's and Auerbach's plexuses.

    Micro:Ganglion cells are absent at anorectal junction. Nerves hypertrophied.

    Horner's Syndrome

    Clinical:ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis

    Pathophysiology:lesion in sympathetic chain

    Horton's Disease

    AKA:Temporal (giant cell) arteritis

    Hunter Syndrome

    AKA:Type II mucopolysaccharidosis

    Clinical:Appear normal at birth but develop HSM by 6-24 months. Growth retardation, coarse facial features,skeletal deformities. Compared to Hurler no corneal clouding and milder clinical course.

    Pathophysiology:Deficiency of L-iduronosulfate sulfatase leading to accumulation of heparan sulfate anddermatan sulfate.

    Transmission:X-linked recessive

    Hurler Syndrome

    AKA:Type I mucopolysaccharidosis

    Clinical:Appear normal at birth but develop HSM by 6-24 months. Growth retardation, corneal clouding, coarsefacial features, skeletal deformities. Death by 6-10 years from cardiovascular complications.

    Pathophysiology:Deficiency ofa-1-iduronidase leading to accumulation of heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate.


    Ivemark's Syndrome

    Clinical:splenic agenesis, cardiac malformations

    Jodbasedow Disease

    Clinical:excess iodine ingestion in patients with thyroid disorders causing thyroid toxicosis..


    Juvenile Polyposis Coli

    Clinical:Multiple hamartomatous polyps in stomach and colon.


    Kartagener's SyndromeMneumonic:SIBS(Situs inversus, Immotile cilia/infertile male, Bronchiectasis, Sinusitis)

    Clinical:complete situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis, spleen, infertility

    Pathophysiology:defect in protein dynein; congenital absence of cilia

    Kasabach-Marritt Syndrome

    Pathophysiology:giant cavernous hemangioma leading to consumptive thrombocytopenia

    Kawasaki's Disease

    AKA:Mucocutaneous LN Syndrome

    Clinical:conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, cervical lymphadenopathy, peri-vasculitis/vasculitis, finger and toedesquamation

    Kearns-Sayre Syndrome


    Clinical:Mitochondrial myopathy resulting in Opthalmoplegia, Heart block & Retinal pigmentary degeneration

    Kimmelstiel-Wilson Disease

    AKA:Diabetic nephropathyClinical:Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, nephrotic syndrome

    Klinefelter's Syndrome


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    Clinical:1/850 male live births: hypogonadism (atrophic testis, small penis), eunochoid body, lack of secondarysexual characteristics (deep voice, beard) increased risk of breast cancer.

    Diagnosis:Increased FSH

    Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome


    Clinical:possible increased risk of Wilms tumor

    Pathophysiology:angiomatosis !underlying bone abnormal, may !localized gigantism

    Koenig Syndrome

    AKA:Cecal tuberculosis

    Clinical:alternating constipation and diarrhea, colic, meteorism, gurgling in RLQ

    Krabbe's Disease

    AKA:Globoid cell leukodystrophy

    Clinical:Lysosomal storage disease (sphingolipidosis). Manifests in early childhood as a symmetrical, global

    disorder or myelinization which leads rapidly to death before age 2.Transmission:AR

    Pathophysiology:Galactocerebrosidase b-galactosidasedeficiency leading to accumulation of galactocerebrocide

    Micro:Demyelination and multinucleated histiocytic cells called globoid cells

    Lambert-Eaton Syndrome

    Mneumonic:MSeats lambs

    Clinical:Myasthenic syndrome associated with malignancy (usually Small cell carcinoma of the lung)

    Lawrence-Moon-Biedel SyndromeAKA:Lawrence-Moon Syndrome

    Clinical:retinitis pigmentosa, extra digits, pelvic girdle obsesity, no genital development at puberty, mentalretardation, spastic paraperesis


    Leigh's Syndrome

    AKA:Subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy

    Clinical:Bilateral, symmetrical regions of necrosis in thalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla and spinal cord resultingin ataxia, hypotonia, seizures, intellectual deterioration and death.


    Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome

    Clinical:hyperuricemia with uric acid stones, mental retardation, choreoarthetosis, spastic cerebral palsy, self-mutilation

    Transmission:X-linked recessive

    Pathophysiology:deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) of purine metabolism

    Leser-Trelat Syndrome

    Clinical:Multiple seborrheic keratoses and internal malignancy

    Letterer-Siwe Disease

    Mnemonic:Let's See HOPE(Letterer Siwe, HSM, Osteolytic bone lesions, Pumonary lesions, Enlarged LN)forthese poor kids

    AKA:Acute disseminated Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

    Clinical:< 2 years old and sometimes present at birth; cutaneous lesions (diffuse maculopapular, eczematous orpurpuric) on trunk and scalp, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, pulmonary lesions, destructive osteolytic bone


    EM:Rod shaped inclusions in Langerhans cells (Birbeck granules)

    Prognosis:poor (aggressive course), untreated disease is uniformly fatal. With chemoRx 5 year survival is 50%.

    Liddle Syndrome

    Clinical:Salt-sensitive hypertension

    Pathophysiology:Mutation in epithelial sodium channel protein lead to increased distal tubular sodium reabsoption

    Libman-Sacks Endocarditis

    Clinical:Noninfective verrucous endocarditis attributable to elevated levels of circulating immune complexesoccuring in patients with SLE.

    Li-Fraumeni Syndrome

    Clinical:Multiple sarcomas and carcinomas (breast carcinoma, adrenal cortex), leukemia and brain tumors; 25-foldgreater chance of developing a carcinoma by age 50 than general population. Develop in young age and develop

    multiple primaries.

    Cytogenetics:Germ line mutations of p53 (17p13.1) - cell cycle regulator, G1 arrest of DNA damaged cells

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    Leffler's Syndrome

    Clinical:eosinophilic pneumonia with granulomas; usually self-limited

    Lofgen's Syndrome

    Clinical:fever, erythema nodosum (lower extremities), possible sarcoid

    Lutembacher's SyndromeClinical:Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis and ASD leading to pulmonary HTN from increased left sided pressure.

    Maffucci's Syndrome

    AKA:dyschondroplasia with vascular hamartomas

    Clinical:multiple cavernous hemangiomas (skin) and enchondromas

    Mallory Weiss Syndrome

    AKA:Mallory Weiss Tear

    Clinical:Small tears in the esophagus as a result of prolonged vomiting.Gross:Linear, irregular tears at GE junction or proximal gastric mucosa.

    Marek's Disease

    Clinical:Herpes virus infection contracted from fowl causing neuro lymphomatosis

    Marie-Strumpell Disease

    AKA:Ankylosing spondylitis, Rheumatoid spondalitis

    Clinical:Arthritis of sacroiliac joints and vertebral columns in young men.

    Cytogenetics:Association with HLA B-27

    Marfan Syndrome

    Clinical:1 in 10,000-20,000; 70-85% familialarachnodactyly, dolichocephalic (long head), lax joints, bilateral ectopia lentis, aortic aneurysms/dissections/ valve

    incompetence, mitral valve prolapse/regurge, spinal deformities (kyphosis, scoliosis), skeletal abnormalities (pectus

    excavatum or pigeon-breast)

    Transmission:AD or sporadic

    Pathophysiology:Mutation in fibrillin 1(major component of extracellular matrix) leads to defect in connectivetissue integrity. In heterozygotes mutant fibrillin disrupts the assembly of normal microfibrils (dominant negative


    Diagnosis:Direct gene diagnosis is not feasible. Presymtomatic detection by RFLP analysis.

    Cytogenetics:FBN1 in 15q21.1; great interfamilial variability/expressivity

    Micro:Aortic cystic medial necrosis

    Prognosis:Aortic rupture is the cause of death in 30-45%, other deaths from cardiac failure.

    McArdle Disease

    AKA:Type V glycogenosis

    Clinical:Congenital myopathy with onset in adulthood (>20 yo) presents with muscle cramps after exercise andfailure of exercise-induced rise in blood lactate due to block in glycolysis. 50% myoglobinuria.

    Pathophysiology:Myophosphorylase deficiency

    Micro:Glycogen accumulations in skeletal muscle only in subsarcolemmal location

    McCune-Albright Syndrome

    AKA:Albright Syndrome


    Clinical:Cafe-au-lait spots with irregular serpiginous borders on neck, chest, back, shouder and pelvis, polyostoticFibrous dysplasia (femur>skull>tibia>jaw>humerus), Endocrine -- precocious puberty (females), endocrinedysfunction (hyperthyroidism, primary adrenal hyperplasia, GH secreting pituitary adenoma)

    Pathophysiology:Somatic (not hereditary mutation) involving a guanine nucleotide binding protein leading to

    excess cAMP

    Meig's Syndrome

    Clinical:ovarian fibroma with ipsilateral hydrothorax or ascites

    Menetrier's Disease

    Clinical:4th-6th decades. Hypertrophic gastropathy; protein-losing enteropathy; ZES


    Gross:Giant cerebriform enlargement of the rugal folds of the gastric mucosa

    Micro:Hyperplasia of surface mucus cells; gastric secretions have excessive mucus and little or no HCl

    Meniere's Disease

    Clinical:inner ear abnormalities, tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo, N/V, nystagmus

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    Menkes' Syndrome

    Clinical:short, sparse, kinky, hypopigmented hair; Mental retardation with CNS deterioration

    Transmission:X linked Recessive

    Pathophysiology:disorder of intestinal copper absorption, needed by lysyl-oxidase, resulting in changes in aorticcollagen and elastin

    Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

    Clinical:Presents in late infancy with progressive motor impairment with mental deterioration. Congenital, juvenileand adulr presentations occur.


    Pathophysiology:Deficiency in arylsulfatase A (cerebroside sulfatase)

    Diagnosis:Decreased urinary arylsulfatase A.

    Mikulicz's Disease

    AKA:Used to refer to Sjgren's Syndrome; now refers to any swelling of lacrimal and salivary gland.

    Pathophysiology:Lacrimal and salivary gland swelling secondary to lymphoid infiltrate, sarcoidosis, leukemia,

    lymphoma or tumors

    Milroy's Disease

    AKA:heredofamilial congenital lymphedema

    Milwaukee Shoulder Syndrome

    Clinical:Hydroxyapetite arthropathy affecting knees and shoulders

    Mitsuda Reaction

    Clinical:Skin reaction to lepromin occuring 3-4 weeks after injection

    Morquio's Syndrome

    AKA:type IV mucopolysaccharidosis

    Muir-Torre Syndrome

    Clinical:multiple sebaceous gland tumors; visceral malignancy

    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia I (MEN I)

    AKA:Wermer's Syndrome

    Clinical:pituitary adenoma

    parathyroid adenoma > hyperplasia

    pancreatic islet cell adenoma

    also: thyroid and adrenal cortical neoplasms, gastric hypersecretions and peptic ulcerations




    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia IIa (MEN IIa)

    AKA:Sipple's Syndrome

    Clinical:parathyroid C cell hyperplasia or adenoma

    medullary carcinoma, thyroid

    pheochromocytoma (bilateral 70%)


    Pathophysiology:Germ line mutation of RET proto-oncogene on chromosome 10


    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia IIb (MEN IIb)

    AKA:Mucosal Neuroma Syndrome

    Clinical:medullary carcinoma, thyroid

    pheochromocytoma (often bilateral)

    mucosal neuromas

    Marfanoid habitus




    Nelson's SyndromeClinical:hyperpigmentation, Cranial nerve III damage (opthalmoplegia), skin pigmentation

    Pathophysiology:post-adrenalectomy hyperplasia of the pituitary gland (corticotroph cells)

    Diagnosis: ACTH

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    Micro:adenomatous enlargement of the pituitary with a carcinomatous histologic picture

    Neurofibromatosis I (NF I)

    AKA:"Peripheral" NF, Von Recklinghausen's Disease

    Clinical:1 in 3000. Multiple neurofibromas, plexiform neurofibromas, caf au lait spots (90%: 6 or more spots >1.5cm in diameter), Lisch nodules (pigmented iris hamartomas: 94% over age 6, usu asymtomatic), meningiomas, optic

    gliomas, 50% skel abnl (erosive defects, scoliosis & bone cysts, tibial pseudoarthrosis)..

    Plexiform NF become maligfnant in 5%.

    risk (2-4x) of pheochromocytomas, Wilms tumor, AML, rhabdomyosarcoma, optic gliomas, meningiomas. Children

    at risk of CML

    Transmission:50% AD, remainder new mutations.

    Cytogenetics:17q11.2 (neurofibromin gene) - tumor suppressor gene, downregulates p21 ras. Penetrance 100% butexpressivity variable.

    Micro:Neurofibromas are loose proliferation of neurites, Schwann cells and fibroblasts in a myxoid stroma.

    Neurofibromatosis II (NF II)

    AKA:"central" NF, acoustic NF

    Clinical:1 in 40,000-50,000. Bilateral acoustic schwannomas, caf au lait spots, (NO Lisch nodules), meningiomas,cerebellar astrocytomas, ependymomas of spinal cord, schwannosis (benign nodular ingrowth of Schwann cells into

    spinal cord), meningioangiomatosis, glial hamartomas.Transmission:AD

    Cytogenetics:del 22q12. Tumor suppressor gene, product called merlin similar to cytoskeletal proteins.

    Nezelof's Syndrome

    Clinical:absent thymus and cell mediated immunity (like DiGeorge

    ) but with normal parathyroids

    Diagnosis:IgG is normal or increased but there is a selective deficiency of isotypes

    Niemann-Pick Disease

    Clinical:Clinically, biochemically and genetically heterogeneous. risk in Ashkenazi Jewish community.Type A is severe infantile form (no sphingomyelinase) with severe neurologic impairment and death within first 3

    years of life

    Type B: hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, marrow disease, late or no CNS involvement; survive into



    Pathophysiology:Lysosomal strorage disease (no sphingomyelinase leading to sphingomyelin accumulation)

    Diagnosis:Liver or bone marrow biopsy assays for sphingomyelinase activity.

    Gross:Massive splenomegaly; neuronal involvement is diffuse.

    Micro:Lipid-laden phagocytic foam cells in spleen, liver, lymph nodes, bone marrow, tonsils, GI tract, lungs.

    Stains:Vacuoles stain for fat with Sudan Black and Oil red O.

    EM:Lysosomes contain membranous cytoplasmic bodies resenbling concentric lamellated myelin figures, orparallel palisaded lamella called Zebra bodies

    Noonan's Syndrome

    AKA:Male Turner's Syndrome, Ullrich-Turner's Syndrome

    Clinical:Phenotype of Turner's Syndrome(webbed neck, ptosis, hypogonadism, congenital heart disease and shortstature) without gonadal dysgenesis.


    AKA:AlkaptonuriaClinical:Blue-black pigmentation in ears, nose and cheeks. Pigment in articular cartilages of the joints. Cartilagebrittle and fibrillated, especially in vertebral column, knees, shoulders and hips, leading to a degenerative



    Pathophysiology:Lack of homogentisic oxidase: defect in metabolism of phenylalanine-tyrosine with buildup ofhomogentisic acid. Homogentisic acid binds to collagen in connective tissue, tndons and cartilage.


    Diagnosis:Urine turns black due to oxidation

    Oculoglandular SyndromeAKA:Parinaud's Syndrome

    Ollier's Disease

    Clinical:Non-hereditary. Multiple unilateral enchondromas; often associated with ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors


    AKA:Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

    Clinical:Telangiectasias of face and oral mucosa, respiratory, GI, urinary tracts, CNS, liver, and spleen

    Transmission:ADPathophysiology:mutations in two TGF-b binding proteins, including the endothelial protein endoglinarterial blood is shunted into postcapillary venules

    Pancoast Syndrome
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    Clinical:pain in pinky (ulnar nerve distribution), miosis, ptosis, anhidrosis,

    Pathophysiology:upper lobe mass impinges on sympathetic chain or brachial plexus

    Parinaud's Syndrome

    AKA:Oculoglandular syndrome

    Clinical:swelling of the eye, jaw and high cervical lymph nodes caused by cat-scratch disease

    Pathophysiology:Bartonella henselae

    Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria


    Clinical:Recurrent bouts of intravascular hemolysis leading to complement-mediated lysis of RBC, leading to achronic hemolytic anemia

    Pathophysiology:Cells lack ability to express phosphatidylinositol-linked membrane proteins, including DAF(decay accelerating factor, a complement regulator)

    Patau Syndrome

    AKA:Trisomy 13

    Patterson-Kelly Syndrome

    AKA:Plummer-Vinson Syndrome

    Clinical:atrophic glossitis, microcytic hypochromic anemia (Fe deficiency), esophageal webs with dysphagia

    Peutz-Jegher's Syndrome

    Clinical:melanin spots on lips, buccal mucosa, genitalia and palmar surface of hands; multiple jejunalhamartomatous polyps with low malignant potential; risk SCTAT, adenoma malignum, mucinous ovarian tumors,

    large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor


    Peyronie's Disease

    AKA:Penile fibromatosis

    Pick's Disease

    AKA:Frontotemporal dementia

    Clinical:Cerebral dementia

    Gross:"Walnut brain"

    Pickwickian SyndromeAKA:Obesity hypoventilation syndrome

    Clinical:Hypersomnolence leading to apnea, polycythemia and right sided heart failure.

    Plummer-Vinson Syndrome

    AKA:Paterson-Kelly Syndrome

    Clinical:atrophic glossitis, microcytic hypochromic anemia, esophageal webs with dysphagia


    Clinical:Polyneuropathy, Organomegaly, Endocrinopathy, M-protein spike, Skin changes

    Pompe Disease

    AKA:Glycogenosis Type II

    Clinical:Cardiomegaly prominent; deposition in all organs with mild hepatomegaly, muscle hypotonia andcardioresperatory failure in 2 years. Milder adult form with only skeletal muscle chronic myopathy.

    Pathophysiology:Lysosomal storage disease: deficiency of a-1-4-glucosidase(acid maltase) resulting inaccumulation of glycogen in lysosomes

    Micro:glycogen accumulations lead to ballooning of lysosomes in hepatocytes: lacy cytoplasmic pattern. Glycogenmembrane-bound and sarcolemmal in heart & skel muscle.

    Porphyria Cutanea Tarda

    Clinical:vesicles on the back of the hand; association with ETOH, DM


    Diagnosis:urine turns orange/red under wood's light

    Pott's Disease

    AKA:Tuberculous spondylitis, Vertebral tuberculosis

    Prader-Willi Syndrome

    Clinical:mental retardation, short stature, hypotonia, obesity, small hands and feet, hypogonadism

    Cytogenetics:Paternal imprinting of chromosome 15; del(15)(q11q13)

    Mnemonic: father Willi is fat while mom's a happy Angel (maternal imprinting of chr 15 causes Angelman's

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    Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome

    Clinical:Facial paralysis

    Pathophysiology:VZV infection of geniculate nucleus

    Raynaud's Disease

    Clinical:Raynaud's phenomenon occuring in the absence of an anatomic lesion in the vessel walls

    Raynaud's Phenomenon

    Clinical:pain and pallor/cyanosis of distal extremities in response to cold


    Refsum's Disease

    Clinical:Hypertrophic neuropathy associated with increased levels of phytanic acid

    Reiter's SyndromeClinical:Triad of conjunctivitis, non-gonococcal urethritis, arthritis

    Cytogenetics:Associated with HLA B-27

    Reye's Syndrome

    Clinical:history of aspirin ingestion in children for a viral URI; presents with encephalopathy and liver failure.

    Micro:Liver shows microvesicular fatty change without coagulative necrosis or inflammation; brain shows globaledema and ischemic changes but no inflammation.

    EM:mitochondrial swelling, irregularity and loss of cristae

    Riedel's Disease

    AKA:Riedel's Thyroiditis

    Clinical:Inflammatory fibrosing process of the neck that happens to involve the thyroid.

    Pathophysiology:Probably autoimmune,llight chains > k, increased IgA plasma cells

    Micro:Keloid-like fibrosis with associated lymphs and plasma cells.

    Riley Day Syndrome

    AKA:familial dysautonomia

    Rotor Syndrome

    Clinical:Asymptomatic conjugated hyperbilirubinemia but the liver is not pigmented (in contrast to Dubin JohnsonSyndrome


    Pathophysiology:Secretion of bile into bile canaliculus is impaired.

    Sandhoff Disease

    Pathophysiology:Lysosomal storage disease, sphingolipidosis; deficiency of hexosaminadase A & B resulting inaccumulation of GM2 ganglioside and globoside

    Sanfilippo's SyndromeAKA:type III mucopolysaccharidosis

    Clinical:Types A, B, C, D

    Pathophysiology:Deficiency of heparin N-sulfatase leading to accumulation of heparan sulfate.


    Scalded Skin Syndrome

    AKA:Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)

    Clinical:Rapid subepidermal blebbing and sloughing of skin with scant inflammatory changes occuring in childrenand occasionally adults


    Schmidt's Syndrome

    AKA:type II autoimmune Addison's disease

    Clinical:Addison's disease, autoimmune thyroid disease and/or IDDM (without hypoparathyroidism or candidiasis)

    Sezary Syndrome

    AKA:T cell lymphoma/Mycosis fungoides

    Clinical:Generalized exfoliative erythroderma but rarely proceeds to tumefacation.

    Micro:Leukemia with Sezary (cerebriform T) cellsStains:CD4+, CD2+, CD7-

    Sheehan's Syndrome

    Clinical:post-partum pituitary necrosis and infarction; may also occur ouside the setting of pregnancy or in males.
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    Clinically presents with gonadal deficiency, hypothyroidism or adrenocortical insufficiency.

    Pathophysiology:Due to shock but may be secondary to DIC, sickle cell anemia, cavernous sinus thrombosis,temporal arteritis or trauma

    Shy-Drager's Syndrome

    Clinical:progressive encephalo-myelopathy, autonomic dysfunction, low BP, impotence, incontinence, anhidrosis,

    external opthalmoparesis, muscle tremor and wasting (Parkinsonian)


    Sicca Syndrome

    Clinical:Sjgren's syndrome occuring without another autoimmune disorder (like rheumatoid arthritis)

    Sipple's Syndrome


    Sjgren's Syndrome

    Clinical:dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca), dry mouth (xerostomia) !caries, bilateral lacrimal and parotid

    enlargement, rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud'sphenomena, facial telangectasias, increased risk of lymphoid

    malignancy (40 x)

    Pathophysiology:autoimmune destruction of lacrimal and salivary glandsPrimary Sjgren's associated with HLA-DR3 and has organ involvement:

    e.g. lung - recurrent infections, interstitial fibrosis, GI - angular cheilitis, beefy red tongue, hepatomegaly and PBC;

    kidney - RTA, interstitial nephritis;

    Secondary Sjgren's associated with HLA-DR4 and is limited to lacrimal/salivary glands

    Diagnosis:Antibodies to SS-A (Ro) and SS-B (La); Schirmer's test - absorptive paper to eyes

    Micro:Renal involvement is tubulointerstitial nephritis (not glomerular as in SLE or Scleroderma)

    Stein-Leventhal Syndrome

    AKA:Polycystic ovaries

    Clinical:hirsutism, obesity, amenorrhea, infertility, risk for endometrial carcinoma

    Diagnosis:excess LHRH !LH! estrogens, androgens

    Gross:large ovaries with thickened tunica albuginea and evenly distributed cysts

    Micro:Vaginal smears show intermediate to superficial cell maturation.

    Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

    Clinical:severe form of erythema multiformemore common in children with mucosal involvement (hemorrhagiccrusts involving lips and mucosa, conjunctiva, urethra, genital or perianal areas), high fever

    Stewart-Treves Syndrome

    Clinical:post-mastectomy lymphedema of the arm !angiosarcoma

    Still's Disease

    AKA:Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

    Sturge-Weber Syndrome

    AKA:Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis

    Clinical:Port wine stain (nevus flamus) in the area of the trigeminal nerve, venous angiomas of leptomeninges,retina and cortex, associated mental retardation, seizures, hemiplegia and radiopacities of the skull (intracranial

    calcifications); choroid angioma glaucoma (any 2 fulfill criteria), pheochromocytomas

    Pathophysiology:faulty development of mesodermal and ectodermal elements

    Syndromic Large Cell Calcifying Sertoli Cell Tumor

    Clinical:< 20 years old, LCCSCT, frequently bilateral; pituitary tumor; pigmented nodular adrenal hyperplasia,cardiac myxomas, Peutz Jegher's polyps

    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    Mnemonic:SOAPBRAIN M.D.(see Clinical)AKA:SLE

    Clinical:15-50/100,000 8xF>M, 3x Black females>white females; 50% concordance in identical twins

    6% associated with complement C2 deficiency

    Serositis: pleuritis/pericarditisOral ulcersArthritis/synovitis (usually peripheral polyarthritis)PhotosensitivityBlood Dyscrasias: hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopeniaRenal: proteinuria, casts, hematuria, azotemiaANA+

    Immune abnormalities: LE cells, anti-dsDNA, anti-Smith, VDRL/RPR+, decreased C3Neurological Disease: seizures, psychosis in the absence of drugs or known metabolic derangementsMalar rashDiscoid rashWith pregnancy there is an increased incidence of pre-eclampsia, uterine infection, SAb, prematurity, IUGR,

    congenital heart bloack and endomyocardial fibrosis. There is also exacerbation of disease with decreased renal
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    function, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia. Avoid oral BCP because they worsen SLE symptoms. IUDs are

    associated with recurrent pelvic infections.

    Pathophysiology:Drug-induced (anti-histone Ab positive): hydralazine, procainamide, penicillamine, INH,phenytoin

    Diagnosis:ANA, anti-ds DNA, anti-histone, anti-Sm, SS-A (Ro)

    Micro:Hematoxylin bodies - LE cell; fibrinoid necrosis, onionskin lesions

    IF:Skin: immunoglobin deposition in dermo-epidermal junction of normal-appearing as well as clinically involvedskin

    Cytogenetics:Associations with HLA-DR2 and HLA-DR3 (deletion of C4a gene)

    Tangier Disease

    Clinical:large orange tonsils, hypolipedemia, corneal opacities, neuropathy, splenomegaly

    Pathophysiology:HLA deficiency


    TaR Syndrome

    Clinical:thrombocytopenia, absent radius, congenital heart or renal abnormalities


    Tay-Sachs Disease

    AKA:GM2Gangliosidosis, Hemoaminidase a-Subunit Deficiency

    Clinical:Easter European (Ashkenazi) Jews. Carrier rate 1 in 30. Present at age 6 months: motor incoordination,mental obtundation leading to muscular flaccidity, blindness and dementia. Death by age 2-3 years.


    Pathophysiology:Deficiency of hexoaminidase A causes inability to catabolize GM2Gangliosides

    Diagnosis:Retina cherry-red spot.

    Micro:Neurins in CNS and autonomic nervous system.

    Stains:Oil red O, Sudan Black positive.

    EM:Cytoplasmic inclusions: whorled configurations within lysosomes (onio-skin)

    Cytogenetics:Chromosome 15, mutations in asubunit locus

    Torre's Syndrome

    Clinical:multiple sebaceous neoplasms and internal malignancy

    Toxic Shock Syndrome

    Clinical:Volume-resistant shock, diffuse macular rash, conjunctivitis, sore throat, GI upset.

    Pathophysiology:Staphylococcus infection (via tampons or wounds)

    Trousseau's Syndrome

    Clinical:migratory thrombophlebitis seen in patients with a malignancy (pancreatic carcinoma)

    Tuberous Sclerosis

    Mneumonic:THAT'S TS(Tubers, Hamartomas, Angiomyolipomas/Angiofibromas/Adenoma Sebaceum, reTinaltumors, Shagreen skin, hearTrhabdomyoma, Subungal/Seizures)

    AKA:Bourneville's Disease

    Clinical:cortical hamartomas/tubers (mental retardation, seizures, epilepsy), cutaneous hamartomas(angiofibromas, sebaceous adenomas), retinal phakomas (fibromas), shagreen skin, ash-leaf hypopigmented

    macules, subungal hamartomas, visceral/pancreatic cysts, renal angiomyolipomas (80%; multiple or bilateral),

    rhabdomyoma of the heart, increased risk of retinal glial hamartomas and gemistocytic astrocytomas

    Transmission:AD with variable expression

    Turcot's Syndrome

    Clinical:colon adenomatous polyps with high malignant potential & brain tumors (medulloblastoma and fibrillaryastrocytoma)


    Turner Syndrome

    Clinical:shield chest, webbed neck, short stature, cystic hygroma, valgus deformity of elbows, low hair line,pigmented nevi, risk of atypical polypoid adenomyoma of uterus, aortic coarctation

    Cytogenetics:XO, due to nondisjunction of X chromosome, occasionally mosaic

    Gross:Ovarian agenesis

    Micro:no follicles in ovary (menopause before menarche). Atrophic vaginal smear with maturation index 100/0/0

    Usher's Syndrome

    Clinical:congenital nerve deafness, retinitis pigmentosa

    Vagabond's Disease

    AKA:Infection with body louse

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    Vanishing bile duct syndrome

    Micro:irreversible loss of of bile ducts in >50% of portal tracts following liver transplantation

    von Gierke Disease

    AKA:Type I glycogenosis

    Clinical:Hepatomegaly, renomegaly, hypoglycemia (convulsions), hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, gout, skinxanthomas, platelet dysfunction, hepatic adeomas

    Pathophysiology:Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase

    Prognosis:With treatment most survve and develop late complications (hepatic adenomas)

    von Hippel-Lindau

    Clinical:hemangioblastomasof the cerbellum, retina or brainstem, hemangiomas and cysts of the pancreas, liver,kidneys, epididymis and increased risk of renal cell carcinoma (60%), pheochromocytomas and testicular


    Transmission:AD, gene on 3p25-26 encodes pVHL a tumor suppressor gene

    Pathophysiology:pVHL protein inhibits the elongation step of RNA synthesis by interacting with elongin B andelongin C

    Diagnosis:Polycythemia associated with the hemangioblastoma in 10% of cases (EPO production by tumor)

    Treatment:nephrectomy for RCC, laser therapy for retinal hemangioblastomas

    Von Recklinghausen's Disease

    AKA:Neurofibromatosis I

    Waardenburg Syndrome

    Clinical:white forelock, lacrimal punctae, width of root of nose, synophrus (eyebrows grow together), cochlear


    Transmission:AD: PAX 3

    WAGR Syndrome

    Clinical:Wilms' tumor, Aniridia, Genital anomalies, mental Retardation35% chance of developing Wilms' tumor (see alsoDenys-Drash SyndromeandBeckwith-WiedemannSyndromefor

    other Wilms' tumor associated syndromes)

    Transmission:AD, gene WT-1 on 11p13

    Pathophysiology:nonsense or frameshift mutation

    Waterhouse-Friderichsen's Syndrome

    Clinical:Acute adrenocortical insufficiency from sudden hemorrhagic destruction of the adrenals, usually

    secondary to meningococcemiaPrognosis:vasomotor collapse and shock !death.

    Weber-Christian Disease

    AKA:Relapsing febrile nodular (lobular) panniculitis

    Clinical:Nonvasculitic panniculitis with crops of erythematous plaques or nodules on lower extremities of kids andadults.

    Weil's Disease

    Clinical:Severe leptospirosis with jaundice, bleeding and renal failure

    Werdnig-Hoffman Disease

    AKA:Infantile progressive spinal muscular atrophy

    Clinical:congenital hypotonia ("floppy infant"). Death from respiratory failure or aspiration


    Micro:absence/loss of lower motor neurons from anterior horns of spinal cord and neurogenic muscular atrophy

    Wermer Syndrome


    Werner's Syndrome

    Clinical:Rare disease characterized by premature aging, risk of sarcoma

    Pathophysiology:Defective DNA helicase (involved in DNA replication & repair)

    Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

    AKA:Wernicke's encephalopathy and Korsakoff's psychosis



    Pathophysiology:Thiamine (vitamin B12) deficiency


    Gross:Hemorrhagic lesions in mammillary bodies

  • 7/24/2019 Eponymous Clinical Syndromes


    Whipple's Disease

    Clinical:A systemic disease affecting white males in 30's-40's (M:F is 10:1) involving small intestine, skin, CNS,joints, heart, blood vessels, kidney, lungs, serosal memebranes, lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Presents with

    malabsorption, diarrhea and polyarterthritis, obscure CNS complaints, lymphadenopathy and hyperpigmentation of

    the skin.

    Pathophysiology:Tropheryma whippelii, gram-positive actinomycete

    Micro:Small intestinal mucosa laden with distended macrophages in the lamina propria. Villi expansion, mucosaledema, enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. Bacilli-laden macrophages can also be found in synovium, brain, heart

    valves, etc. but other inflammation is essentially absent.

    Stains:Macrophages are PAS positive

    EM:Rod-shaped bacilli

    Treatment:Antibiotic therapy

    Williams Syndrome

    Clinical:Idiopathic hypercalcemia of infancy leading to metastatic calcifications

    Pathophysiology:Abnormal sensitivity to vitamin D

    Wilson's DiseaseAKA:Hepatolenticular degeneration

    Clinical:Presentation in childhood, rarely before age 6 with acute or chronic liver disease, neuropsychiatric sx(behavioral changes, psychosis, Parkinson-like). Kayser-Fleisher rings (green-brown deposits in Descemet

    membrane between limbus and cornea). Copper deposition occurs in liver, brain, cornea, kidneys, bones, joints and



    Pathophysiology:Accumulation of toxic levels of copper due to defect in ATP7B gene on chromosome 13,encoding a transmembrane copper-transporting ATPase. Majority of patients are compound heterozygotes.

    Diagnosis:Decreased serum ceruloplasmin, increased hepatic copper (>250 ug/gm dry weight) and urinary copperexcretion.

    Micro:Liver can show fatty change, acute or chronic hepatitis leading to cirrhosis; rare massive liver necrosis.Brainhas toxic injury to basal ganglia and putamen with atrophy and cavitation.

    Stains:Rhodamine or orecin stain copper (can't be seen on H&E).

    Treatment:D-penicillamine chelation therapy

    Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome

    AKA:Immunodeficiency with thrombocytopenia and eczema

    Clinical:Thrombocytopenia, eczema, recurrent infections; risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas

    Transmission:X linked recessive

    Diagnosis: IgM, Nomal IgG, IgA and IgE; Maps to Xp11.23

    Gross: Thymus is morphologically normal

    Micro: Depletion of T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood and paracortical lymph nodes

    Wolman's Disease

    Pathophysiology:Deficiency of acid lipase (lysosomal storage disease) resulting in accumulation of cholesterolesters and triglycerides

    Woolsorter's Disease

    Clinical:Anthrax in which a diffuse pneumonia occurs which is characterized by extensive serofibrinous exudationthat may produce total lobar consolidation with paucity of pmns, hemorrhagic necrosis of alveolar septa, and

    overwhelming abundance of gram-positive bacteria within the exudate.

    Pathophysiology:Bacillus anthracis

    Xeroderma Pigmentosum

    Clinical:extreme photosensitivity, 2000-fold increased risk of skin cancer in sun-exposed skin, neurologicabnormalities


    Pathophysiology:inability to repair UV induced DNA damage

    Zellweger's Syndrome

    AKA:cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome

    Clinical:hypotonia, incomplete myelinization, craniofacial malformations, hepatomegaly with cirrhosis, glomerularcysts


    Zieve's Syndrome

    Clinical:alcoholic fatty liver, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia with hemolysis, upper abdominal painand fever.

    Micro:stomatocytosis on peripheral smear

    Zollinger Ellison Syndrome