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Version 1.1 Episode XXXVII – Brass Knobs On It’s time to play ‘Star Wars – Risk’ with some extra interesting rules added on…

Episode XXXVII – Brass Knobs On

May 27, 2022



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Page 1: Episode XXXVII – Brass Knobs On

Version 1.1

Episode XXXVII – Brass Knobs On

It’s time to play ‘Star Wars – Risk’ with

some extra interesting rules

added on…

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1.1. SET-UPS

1.1.1. There are three set-ups that can be played…

a) The Clone Wars

b) The Rebellion

c) The Resistance

1.1.2. Prepare the board.

a) In ‘The Resistance’ mark Alderaan with asteroid markers as the planet is

destroyed, but still counts as a ‘space’ to move through.

b) Add to the board the area of ‘Lawless Space’. This contains the following

additional planets on cards:- Ahch-To, Geonosis, Hosnian Prime, Jakku,

Kamino, Mustapfar, Scarif, Minor Planets #1, Minor Planets #2, Minor Planets

#3. These have a value for generating troops and ships, but their cards can be

occupied and the resources belonging to them thereby purloined (see 3.2.).

‘Lawless Space’ counts as one area to move around, but two areas to move to

or from (see1.3.5.d.). Unless stated elsewhere (see 2.1.) these systems cannot

be occupied at the start of play.


As many cooperating players as wished my play each faction.

a) In ‘The Clone Wars’ the three factions are:-

The Galactic Republic. ‘Lightside ’. They win if all Separatists are eliminated.

The Separatists. ‘Dark side’. They win if the Galactic Republic collapses and it is

turned into ‘The Empire’.

Neutrals. If played they win if they control ten planets when one of the other

two factions achieve their victory conditions.

b) In ‘The Rebellion’ the three faction are:-

The Galactic Empire. ‘Dark side’. They win if all Rebel Alliance forces are


The Rebel Alliance. ‘Light side’. They win if The Emperor himself is eliminated.

Neutrals. If played they win if they control ten planets when one of the other

two factions achieve their victory conditions.

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c) In ‘The Resistance’ the three factions are:-

The First Order. ‘Dark side’. They win if all the Resistance forces are eliminated.

The Resistance. ‘Light side’. They win if they control twenty planets to re-

establish a viable Republic.

New Republic / Neutrals. If played they win if they control ten planets when

one of the other two factions achieve their victory conditions.


1.3.1. The map is not the entire Star Wars universe, just the main systems. It

consists of 42 planets in 6 regions plus ‘Lawless Space’ (see 1.1.2.b) Generally

speaking, pieces can move from one planet to another as long as they are

adjacent, i.e. sharing a border or connected by a hyperspace lane. See also

1.1.2.b. Control of a region gives additional pieces as below

Pieces will need to be used for each

faction. Each participating player also

needs an ‘area card’ for ‘special projects’

(see 4.2.).

1.3.2. Troop pieces and ship tokens are:-

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In the above, for ‘Imperial’ read also ‘Separatist’ and ‘First Order – for ‘Hutts’

read ‘Neutral’ and ‘New Republic’, for ‘Rebels’ read ‘Republic’ and ‘Resistance’.

Ships cannot conquer planets, only transport troops and fight in space. Unlike

ground troops, ship classes are not interchangeable ‘multiples’. N.B. Imperial

and First Order Fighters are short range and must be accompanied by a Capital

Ship to move between planets. ‘Leader’ tokens will be explained later. Only the

number of ship tokens provided for each faction can be used – any number of

troop pieces

1.3.3. ‘Faction cards’ are used to gain extra troops and ships (as described

below, see 3.3.). Colours used are:-

Neutrals – Green

‘Dark’ (Separatists / Empire / First Order) - Grey

‘Light’ (Republic / Rebel Alliance / The Resistance) – Red

Pieces might need to be of any colour.

1.3.4. D6 dice are generally used, but sometimes D8 are used.

1.3.5. Other board features are:-

a) An 11 space ‘track marker’, with a Darth Sidious counter on, is needed in

‘The Clone Wars’ to determine if and when ‘Order 66’ will be invoked (see


b) In ‘The Rebellion’ and ‘The Resistance’ a ‘secret base’ area will also be

needed. All pieces here will always defend with the 8-sided dice. If all are

destroyed so is the base. As the location is ‘secret’ it is only ever declared to be

in a system – of the Rebel / Resistance choice - when they are reduced to two

or less systems. The base area is then removed from play (see 3.5.1.f.). If the

Rebels / Resistance expand again they may establish a new ‘secret base’.

c) The ‘Force Meter’ will show which side is in the ascendant and currently

favoured; ‘Light’ of ‘Dark’. Neutrals are not affected by the Force. The Force

Meter is moved by playing faction cards (see 3.3.). It also moves one point

towards the light side when a Death Star is destroyed; one point to the dark

side when a planet is destroyed. If a new Death Star is built it also moves one

space to dark side. At the start of ‘The Rebellion’ it moves one point to the

‘Light’ side ‘after recent Rebel victories’.

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d) The Death Star. This is used in ‘The Rebellion’. In ‘The Resistance’ its

analogue is ‘Starkiller Base’ (for convenience we shall refer to both as ‘the

Death Star’ – there is no analogue in ‘The Clone Wars’). There may never be

more than one active in play. Place any that are building in the ‘special

projects’ box (see 4.2.)

i) It is moved by using faction cards up to a D6 number of systems (see 3.7.).

ii) Rebels/Resistance add the current number of ‘Force Meter’ points (see c),

above) to their dice score when attacking a Death Star.

iii) The Empire / First Order places this at any controlled system at the start of


iv) In defence, its planet cannot be attacked until the Death Star itself is

destroyed. In attack it can destroy a planet system once moved to it by playing

the appropriate card. It defends with an 8 sided dice.

v) It’s fire destroys all hostile troops (but not ships) in a planet system as well

as the planet enemy ships in the system may flee to any friendly system when

the Death Star arrives, or when the planet is destroyed.

e) The ‘Resource Planet Counter’. This marks the current number of neutral

controlled worlds, and is adjusted accordingly. It starts at number ‘3’.

i) If the neutrals are not being actively played – this is the number of

reinforcements (see 3.3.) each neutral system should gain each turn.

ii) If the neutrals are being actively played – each time a planet is lost or

captured by them move the counter accordingly and take extra cards

according to this movement (everyone wants to trade through middlemen).

f) Imperial / First Order Base Tokens. At the start of play place these on any

controlled planet. They convert any one defensive D6 dice to a D8. In ‘The

Rebellion’ one will have the Emperor’s secret location. If wished, the Imperial

player can remove his Emperor Palpatine ‘leader’ token (see 1.3.6.) and

instead remain ‘hidden’ at one base, using this token. This is a one off election,

and the leader token for the Emperor cannot again enter play or be moved.

g) Asteroid Fields. When a planet’s system is destroyed by a Death Star the

system becomes vacant space that cannot be reinforced or garrisoned, or

counted as a planet towards income, but counts as an area to move through.

Mark with asteroid fields.

h) ‘Lawless Space’ transit box. This is used to mark the transit of ships to and

from ‘Lawless Space’. No combat may take part in it, and it is adjacent to every

planet on the board. That said, players must move to ‘Lawless Space’ or back –

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as the transit box cannot be moved to directly short-cut movement across the

board. Move from ‘Lawless Space to the transit box, then to the board, and

vive versa.

i) ‘Special Projects’ box. See 4.2.

1.3.6. Each Faction has ‘leader tokens’ that represent ‘heroes’ and their

associated personnel and minions. These (generally) can be placed at any

controlled planet at the start of play (see below 2.0.).


2.1. Set out the board and separate the ‘Faction Cards’ in three piles, one for

each faction, and shuffle. Always take a card from the top and place a used

card in a ‘discard’ pile. Once all cards have been drawn shuffle the discard pile

and re-use. Each player (including neutrals) starts with the below pieces and

‘leaders’ to place. Note some planets and locations are assigned to players at

the start of play, and some leaders can be activated by more than one faction:-


a) The Galactic Republic. 20 value troop pieces, 5 fighters, 5 bombers, 4 capital

ships; leaders Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Senator Padme Amidala,

Master Yoda & Jedi Council, Master Windu & Jedi Council, Chancellor


MUST place at least 2 troops and 2 capital ships and Chancellor Palpatine in

Corsucant and 1 trop on Naboo.

b) The Separatists. 20 value troop pieces, 5 fighters, 5 bombers, 5 capital ships;

leaders Count Dooku, General Grievous, Darth Maul.

MUST occupy no more than six planets.

c) The Hutts / Neutrals. 15 value troop pieces, 5 fighters, 5 bombers, 1 capital

ship; leaders Jabba the Hutt, Nute Gunray.

MUST place at least 2 troops and Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, Nute Gunray (if

neutrals not represented by a player) on controlled their planet nearest to

Naboo and occupy no more than eight planets.


a) The Galactic Empire. 20 value troop pieces, 5 fighters, 5 bombers, 6 capital

ships, 1 Death Star; leaders Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine (if active – see

1.2.5.f), Grand Moff Tarkin, Boba Fett.

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MUST place at least 2 troops and 3 capital ships and Emperor Palpatine (if

active) on Corsucant, and Grand Moff Tarkin with the Death Star, and Boba

Fett on Tatooine (until activated).

b) The Rebel Alliance. 10 value troop pieces, 5 fighters, 5 bombers, 3 capital

ships; leaders Mon Mothma, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo &

Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

MUST place at least 2 troops, 5 fighters, 1 bomber, 1 capital ship and Mon

Mothma in ‘secret base’, 1 troop on Alderaan, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo &

Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi place all on Tatooine (until activated). Can occupy

no more than 1XD8+1 planets.

c) The Hutts / Neutrals. 15 value troop pieces, 3 fighters, 2 bombers, 2 capital


MUST place at least 2 troops and Jabba The Hutt and Boba Fett and Han Solo &

Chewbacca (until activated) on Tatooine and occupy no more than six planets.


a) The First Order. 20 value troop pieces, 5 fighters, 5 bombers, 6 capital ships,

1 Death Star; leaders Supreme Leader Snoke, Kylo Ren, General Hux.

MUST place 2 troops and 1 capital ship on Jakku.

b) The Resistance. 10 value troop pieces, 5 fighters, 5 bombers, 2 capital ships;

leaders General Organa, Rey, Finn & Poe Dameron, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo &


MUST place at least 2 troops, 5 fighters, 1 bomber, 1 capital ship and General

Organa in ‘secret base’, Rey (until activated) and Finn & Poe Dameron on Jakku

and Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To (until activated) and can occupy no more than

two planets.

c) The New Republic / Neutrals. 15 value troop pieces, 5 fighter, 5 bombers, 5

capital ships.

MUST place at least 2 troops on Tatooine, and 2 troops, 2 fighters, 2 bombers,

2 capital ships on Hosian Prime and occupy no more than six planets.

2.2. Place all compulsory forces first, as above To allocate non-compulsory

forces at the start of play each player rolls a D6 – the highest starts, then each

player in turn, moving clockwise, places a unit of troops, until all planets are

claimed or there are none left. Players cannot place onto an already claimed

planet. Next, allocate to excess planets until all are ‘claimed’ (allocate

‘neutrals’ by player rotation if there is not a neutral player). N.B. No troops are

ever voluntarily placed in ‘Lawless Space’ and each planet must have at least

one troop piece. After troops are allocated do the same with ships, then with


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2.2.1. The more troop pieces that are on each planet the more difficult it is to

attack. There is no limit to the number of troop pieces or ships that can be

placed upon a planet.

2.2.2. The Rebel/Resistance ‘secret base’ can only ever contain a maximum of

5 troops pieces and/or 10 fighters/bombers and 5 capital ships.


3.1. TURN SEQUENCE. Roll a dice for first turn, then proceed clockwise. Each

player/team’s turn consists of the following ‘steps’:-


a) Count the number of non ‘Lawless Space’ planets held and divide by three.

This is the number of reinforcement points received (in all cases there is a

minimum of three). Each region also shows the number of extra points you

receive if you control that entire region (see 1.3.1.)

b) Play any cards held to receive additional reinforcements. Hand in ‘sets’ to

get more points as follows

c) Possession of the ‘Lawless Space’ planets conveys the following benefits

immediately upon each capture:-

Ahch-To – Jedi Temple – immediately move The Force one point towards

preferred side.

Geonosis – Minor Resources – upon capture gain two extra troops or 1 fighter

to immediately place at any controlled planet.

Hosnian Prime – Major Resources – upon capture gain four extra troops or 1

capital ship to immediately place at any controlled planet.

Jakku – Minor Resources – upon capture gain two extra troops or 1 fighter to

immediately place at any controlled planet.

Kamino – Cloners – upon capture gain five extra troops to immediately place at

any controlled planet.

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Mustapfar – Minor Resources – upon capture gain two extra troops or 1 fighter

to immediately place at any controlled planet.

Scarif – Major Resources – upon capture gain four extra troops or 1 capital ship

to immediately place at any controlled planet.

Minor Planets #1, Minor Planets #2, Minor Planets #3 – Minor Resources –

upon capture gain two extra troops or 1 fighter to immediately place at any

controlled planet.


a) Use the reinforcement points to ‘buy’ troops and ships. Costs are:-

Troops 1 point

Fighters 2 points (Imperial / First Order fighters 1.5 points each – see 3.5.1.d –

buy only in pairs)

Bombers 2 points

Capital Ships 6 points

N.B. Ships cannot conquer planets themselves, just assist troops to do so.


a) These can be placed at any location held – bearing in mind the capacity of

the Rebel / Resistance base (see 2.2.2.). All must be placed, or the

reinforcement points are ‘lost’ (except under 4.2. ‘Special projects’). they can

be given to ‘allies’ (e.g. buying pieces for a neutral).



a) You can chose how many times you attack in an attempt to take a player’s

planet from them, and the order of your attacks. You can also choose not to

attack and to go to Step 5.

b) Attacks last until the planet is taken over, of until the attacker withdraws.

c) Each battle is one roll of the dice and invasions may require several battles.

You can invade from any one planet adjacent to an enemy planet, or from

moving from the ‘Lawless Space’ transit box.

d) The use of transports for troops is implicit – but at least one capital ship

must be present in order to transport Imperial / First Order fighters (see 3.3.b).

e) Planets with defending ships present cannot be bypassed by invading forces.

f) The Rebel Base can attack to any planet on the main map, as it is hidden. It is

not – and may not be – in ‘Lawless Space’ (see 1.3.5.h.)

g) For the movement of Death Stars see 1.3.3.d.

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h) There must be at least two troops on a planet in order to launch an attack as

one must remain to garrison. Each troop point up to a maximum of three gains

a dice for each battle. For the defender each troop point up to two gains a dice

for each battle. Compare each pair of dice scores, highest to lowest to decide

the winners. If there is a tie the defender always wins. If there are no dice to

compare ignore it’s score. Troops are lost accordingly by who wins the


i) Invasions can be called off at any point – and different planets attacked

instead from the same location.

j) You cannot battle with forces from different planets at the same time, but

converging forces can take turns in an attack.

k) Each leader token present adds a dice to their sides roll to compare. This

may mean more than two dice a turn can be compared.

l) Each capital ship present allows a player to replace one D6 dice with a D8

m) Each fighter present negates a ‘1’ rolled on a dice and enables a re-roll

n) Each bomber presents add ‘1’ to the highest dice roll; 2 bombers to the two

highest, and so forth.

N.B. Players cannot add more than one piece or token per dice. Ships

committed to battle are destroyed along with the piece the support. Ships may

instead flee to any friendly planet.


a) You win an invasion by defeating the last enemy troops on that planet.

b) ‘Destroyed’ Leader tokens can escape from an attacked planet to any

friendly planet by rolling a 1-4 on a D6, otherwise they are eliminated and


c) After winning a combat a player can then move additional troops from the

winning planet (not an assisting planet) onto that planet

d) Move on to the next invasion.


If a player is eliminated you gain his cards. Trade in any surplus cards above 5

for an instant reinforcement of ‘defectors’.


a) After you’ve finished with combat you get one ‘free move’ of troops to an

adjacent controlled planet.

b) You may also move any ships to an adjacent planet.

c) Leaders can be freely moved to any friendly controlled planet or base or

Death Star. If they roll a 6, however, they are captured and placed by the

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enemy player on your right, and are held in custody with any of their leaders.

They may not then be moved. If the planet or base where they are located is

captured they are freed.


a) Draw a card if having taken control of a new planet (one card no matter how

many planets are captured).

b) Play a special card here – e.g. activate a Death Star

c) Check The Force meter – if it is neutral nothing happens – if it is with the

Dark side they draw two extra cards – if with the Light side they draw two

extra cards. These are then played next turn in addition to those received by


d) Activate any unactivated leaders to your side by rolling a D6. A 5 or 6

activates. N.B. some Leaders can align with more than one side. One attempt

at activation is allowed only per leader, per player.


4.1. Executing ‘Order 66’

a) If playing ‘The Clone Wars’, when all players have taken their turn, move the

‘Darth Sidious’ token on one track and roll to see if ‘Order 66’ is to be invoked.

It can only be rolled to be invoked once per game – if it fails it may not be

attempted again.

b) To invoke roll a D6 and add the track number – a score of 12 is required.

Rolling before turn 6 will be pointless, by turn 11 inevitable.

c) If ‘Order 66’ is invoked remove all Republic ‘Leader’ counters except Anakin

Skywalker, which is replaced as Darth Vader counter, who changes sides from

the Republic to the Separatists. If held by the Republic, Corsucant also

becomes Separatist. The Chancellor Palpatine leader token is taken is replaced

by the Emperor Palpatine token and the Separatists now become ‘The Empire’

d) On the turn after ‘Order 66’ is executed Palpatine/Sidious is considered

vulnerable – so cannot modify any dice against Republican forces – if the

Republic captures him that turn they win the game as they have successful

arrested the Dark side.

4.2. ‘Special Projects’

4.2.1. Reinforcement points can also be put towards ‘special projects’ like

Death Stars, Starkiller Base, espionage etc. Place troop tokens in the relevant


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a) For espionage, at an opponent’s Step 3.4. each piece used as espionage may

be expended to prevent the movement of one of an opponent’s pieces (ship or


b) For building a new Death Star (Empire and First Order only) the player can

expend twenty pieces to place a new Death Star in the box; ready to be

deployed – or deployed immediately if one is not currently active.

c) Up to five points in ‘Special Projects’ can also be cashed-in’ for troops and

ships at Step 3.4. – representing a secret build-up.

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Ahch-To – Jedi Temple –

immediately move The

Force one point towards

preferred side.

Geonosis – Minor

Resources – upon capture

gain two extra troops or 1

fighter to immediately

place at any controlled


Hosnian Prime – Major

Resources – upon capture

gain four extra troops or 1

capital ship to

immediately place at any

controlled planet.

Jakku – Minor Resources

– upon capture gain two

extra troops or 1 fighter

to immediately place at

any controlled planet.

Kamino – Cloners – upon

capture gain five extra

troops to immediately

place at any controlled


Mustapfar – Minor

Resources – upon capture

gain two extra troops or 1

fighter to immediately

place at any controlled


Scarif – Major Resources

– upon capture gain four

extra troops or 1 capital

ship to immediately place

at any controlled planet.

Minor Planets #1 – Minor

Resources – upon capture

gain two extra troops or 1

fighter to immediately

place at any controlled


Minor Planets #2 – Minor

Resources – upon capture

gain two extra troops or 1

fighter to immediately

place at any controlled


Minor Planets #3 – Minor

Resources – upon capture

gain two extra troops or 1

fighter to immediately

place at any controlled


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‘ORDER 66’























Yoda & Jedi



Windu &









Darth Maul

Jabba The








Grand Moff


Boba Fett







Han Solo &





Finn & Poe





Kylo Ren













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