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Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008

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  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    Epilogueb e c a u s e t h e r e i s m o r e t o k n o w

    Editor in Chief

    Zafar Choudhary

    Consulting Editor

    D. Suba Chandran

    Associate Editor

    Irm Amin Baig

    Photo Division

    JP Bandral

    Designs & Layout

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    Mailing Address

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    Administration:+91 94196 31610

    +91 94190 00123

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    Edited, Printed and Published by

    Zafar Choudhary for CMRD

    Publications and Communications

    Published from Ibadat, Madrasa

    Lane, Bhatindi Top, Jammu, J&K

    Printed at

    Dee Dee Reprographix, Jammu

    Disputes, if any, subject to jurisdiction

    of courts and competitive tribunals in

    Jammu only.

    Price : Rs 40


    Letters to the editor 2Prologue 3

    Peace Process




    PoliticsPDP-Congress 9


    Relations 11


    US Elections 33


    Fundamentalism 34North East 35


    Pakistan 37Tibet 39Bhutan 41


    Tareekh 43


    Books 45Movies 47


    Sports 49


    From the Consulting Editor 50

    Composite Dialogue

    Number Game

    Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2008


    Searching Identities

    Identity Formation : The J&K Story15

    Gujjar Identity In Multicultural21Mosaic Of J&K

    60 Years Of Unattended Gripes23

    Gurjardesh Charitable Trust25

    Dards Of Ladakh : A Neglected Fok31

    EpilogueMay 20081

    For more News, Views & AnalysisLog on to


  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    LettersMail your letters to [email protected]

    Epilogue2May 2008

    M A I L B O X


    M.S Swamitnathan has definitely put in The Vice President of India, made a

    right perspective (Towards A Food Secure statement during his visits to

    J&K, Ladakh : Epilogue April 208) the SKUAST-Kashmir that second Green

    agriculture and horticulture potential of Revolution will start from J&K.

    J&K State. But the concern still remain Although it seems a distant dream,

    that with two apparently vibrant given the pace of developments in

    agricultural universities in the state, the field of agriculture, but the

    with tall claims of great strides made in analysis done by M.S.Swaminanthan

    research, the effective transfer of and commitment expressed by the

    technology to the field is still lacking. Vice-Chancellor of Agricultural

    The extension education needs to be Universities (Epilogue : April 2006)

    strengthened at Panchayat level apart raises a ray of hope if efforts are

    from mobilizing Krishi Vigyan Kendras made in field to achieve this targets

    and Research & Development activities. in a multi-layered approach

    including the centrally sponsored

    scheme as well.

    VIKAS KHAJURIAProgressive Farmer,

    Kalakote, Rajouri, J&K MOHIT SHARMAIMTIYAZ AHMEDAgriculture StudentBrain, Nishat, Srinagar

    Solan, HP

    Epilogue (April 2008) has given a uniqueWith elections round the corner, 2008

    analysis of Agriculture in field. It wouldseems to be a year of biographies (Book

    have been more comprehensive with aReview : Epilogue April 2008) like last

    detailed presentation of livestockyear. Alongwith blaming former friends it

    scenario, potential and challenges.would have been great if our leaders

    J&K has a great potential of livestock

    admit their mistakes two. This will alsodevelopment but still majority of theserve the purpose to raise their

    demands from livestock sector are metstructure!!

    from the imports from other states.

    Livestock still remain a neglected lot in

    Agriculture. ARUL SINGHJammu University, Jammu

  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    Identities are essential to any State and and problems common. With a view to

    are uncompromising ingredients of its bring the identities and their issues under

    formation. It is often the issue of a larger debate for policy formulations, I

    identities national, regional, cultural am happy; our editorial board has

    which underlie major tensions in the decided to discuss them one by one. In

    States. The encouragement of a singular the remaining seven months of this year

    identity at the cost of others can and till middle of next year we have

    eventually prove as a disintegrating planned to bring out at least four issues

    factor for the States. This can be seen on identities. Our present issue discusses

    happening in Jammu and Kashmir. This the identities and problems of Gujjarstroubled State, never at rest with itself and Dards. It was a careful decision to

    and the Center, is a mosaic of pick up the marginal communities first as

    multicultural identities. Unfortunately, a lot has already been written on the

    beyond the boundaries of Jammu and dominant identities. The choice of

    Kashmir, in India and rest of world, the discussing Gujjar identity in the present

    identity or identities of this state are issue also makes sense as it coincides with

    misunderstood and misconstrued. The the annual migration of this nomadic

    best description of Jammu and Kashmir tribe from plains to the upper reaches.

    in rest of the world is Kashmiri identity We are thankful to Mohammad Tajuddin

    and Kashmiri nationalism. This is and Baljit S Mann of the Department of

    something which India has always sought Political Science at the University of

    eclipse under the national sovereignty. Jammu for allowing us to use excerpts

    Therefore, in a tussle of Kashmiri from their well researched and recently

    identity and Indian national sovereignty, published book Politics of Identities in

    at least for last 60 years, the multi- Jammu and Kashmir. An article by

    ethnic character of Jammu and Kashmir veteran journalist Balraj Puri, based on

    has been loosing its place in the his personal experiences gives an insight

    dominant political discourse. And this into the long drawn urge of Gujjars

    precisely is a larger trouble in making if towards identity formation. Similarly, a

    this is invisible to the policy makers at young Ladakhi researcher Tundup Palgias

    present. As we understand that identity brings to the fore identity and issues of a

    is sacrosanct to any individual, it little known tribe Dards. Present issue is

    becomes a more sensitive issue when an attempt towards generating an

    extended to a group of individuals. As the understanding of identities and not a

    State conveniently ignores all but one complete study into the subject. Ouridentity, there is an internal competition subsequent special issues on other

    leading to the clash of interests. Some of identities will also attempt to bring more

    the well defined identities in Jammu and facets of the tribes being discussed in this

    Kashmir are Kashmiri Muslims, Kashmiri issue.

    Pandits, Gujjars, Paharis, Dogras and

    Feedback :Ladakhi Buddhists. There are hardly [email protected] which have their aspirations

    Epilogueb e c a u s e t h e r e i s m o r e t o k n o w

    EPILOGUE aims at providing a

    platform where a meaningful

    exchange of ideas, opinion and

    thoughts can take place among the

    people and about the people of Jammu& Kashmir. The attempt is to research,

    investigate, communicate and

    disseminate information, ideas and

    alternatives for the resolution of

    common problems facing the state and

    society of Jammu & Kashmir and in

    the context of their significance to

    South Asia as a whole.

    We welcome contributions from

    academics, journalists, researches,

    economists and strategic thinkers. We

    would also like to encourage first-time

    writers with the only requirements

    being a concern for and the desire to

    understand the prevailing issues and

    themes of life in Jammu & Kashmir

    Contributions may be investigate,

    descriptive, analytical or theorectical.

    They may be in the form of original

    articles or in the form of a comment on

    current events. All contributions have

    to be neatly types in double space and

    may be sent to the address givenalongside or e-mailed to the editor.

    While the editor accepts responsibility

    for the selection of the material

    published, individual authors are

    responsible for the facts, figures and

    viess ithe tier articles.

    Identities Beyond Obvious

    Zafar Choudhary

    Epilogue3May 2008

    P R O L O G U E


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    Epilogue4May 2008

    H E A R A N D H E A R


    Kashmir issue and holding elections not We lost opportunity when Pakistan was in full

    interlinked. control of one man General Parvez Musharaf. He

    did not need to explain anything to anybody.Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, APHC (M)

    Today we are, if not starting from zero, we are

    almost rewriting it.

    Convert J&K Legislative Council into a RegionalOmar Abdullah, on resolution of Kashmir Issue

    Council with members from both the sides of


    Mehbooba Mufti, PDP When things were turbulent there, we were a

    little warried and therefore very vigilant on the

    borders.I will suggest Yasin Malik Sahib to launch election

    boycott campaign throughout the state on the lineArmy Chief Gen Deepak Kapoor on security situation in Pakistanof his Safar-e-Azadiviz-a-viz infiltration in J&K

    S. Ali Shah Geelani, APHC(G)

    My Visit to this place is not to assess Human RightsCentre, Pakistan responsible for turmoil in

    violations but to observe and recommend onJammu and Kashmir. Centre's discriminatory

    religious belief, communal harmony, conversion policies contributed to destabilize thelaws and minorities in this part of the world.

    communal harmony in the state.

    Asma Jehangir,Farooq Abdullah, NCChairperson Pakistan Human Rights Commission

    Mujhe Garv Hai J&K KiMahilaayun Par.They have all along fought verycourageously during long turbulent periodagainst violence, militancy.Sonia Gandhi at her Public Rally in Jammu

  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    India-Pakistan will hold an important Islamabad. At that time, New Delhi was Minister and the idea is going to pick up

    foreign ministerial meeting in Islamabad pressing Islamabad to take effective pace in recent days.

    shortly. The meeting scheduled for May steps to curb cross-border terrorism and

    21 will review the progress made by both Islamabad was pressing New Delhi for the On terrorism front, both the sidesthe countries in the fourth round of the demilitarisation in Jammu and Kashmir. launched a Joint Anti-Terrorismcomposite dialogue and set the agenda Mechanism (JATM) in 2006. The firstfor the fifth round. Before the ministerial As expected, the fourth round so far has meeting of the JATM was held around themeeting, Pakistani foreign secretary Riaz not made any substantial progress on the same time that the fourth round wasMuhammad Khan will hold a review issue of Kashmir despite a number of launched in 2007. During that meeting,

    meeting on May 20 with his Indian CBMs that have been implemented. India had handed over the substantialcounterpart Shiv Shankar Menon. The Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan evidence regarding the involvement oftwo sides had concluded talks under the Singh has expressed his commitment to various Pakistan-based terrorist fronts infourth round in October last year itself. implement more CBMs in the Kashmir terrorist attacks in the country. TheHowever for a long time the domestic valley including faster travel permits, second meeting was held later in the yearsituation in Pakistan had stalled new bus routes and trade relations across in October. Much has happenedcompletion of this round. More the Line of Control. Recently, Pakistan domestically in Pakistan since then. Theimportantly, this will be the first-to-face People's Party leader Asif Ali Zardari had religious fundamentalists put up an openin te ract ion be tween the two spoken of putting the issue of Kashmir on defiance of the federal authority in theg o v e r n m e n t s a f t e r t h e n e w backburner so that other aspects of the heart of Islamabad in Red Mosque. Thedemocratically-elected government relationship can be focused upon. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto furthercame to power in Islamabad. The idea was considered path breaking in as added to the anti-terrorism momentum

    meeting between Pakistani foreign much as that it constituted break from in Islamabad. India is using the recentminister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and his the official Pakistani position for years spate of terrorist attacks in Pakistan inIndian counterpart Pranab Mukherjee is maintaining that without the forward harping the point that the terroristexpected to be a major landmark in the movement on the issue of Kashmir, no infrastructure remains intact in Pakistan.bilateral peace process. amount of CBMs will help to improve the

    relations between two countries. Recently, both the sides exchanged notesThe India-Pakistan composite dialogue Resolution of the core issue of Kashmir to strengthen cooperation againstbegan in 2004 and constitutes one of the will be in Islamabad's view the biggest terrorism as a part of the 7th SAARCsignificant attempts by the both sides to CBM for the peace process. Coming as it conference on cooperation in policeinstitutionalise the dialogue process was from one of the mainstream political matters. Both the countries have alsoafter breakdown in the dialogue parties, however the idea was quickly discussed the idea of establishing anumerous times in the 1990s. Eight shot down by majority of the ruling elite. regional police agency on the lines of

    subjects are covered under the dialogue However, people on both the sides of Interpol as a part of wider SAARC efforts.which were identified in the 1998 format Kashmir are keen to see more CBMs being This will also help in analysing andfor composite dialogue - including implemented. The People's Democratic monitoring narcotics trafficking and drugKashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek, security, the Party chief Mehbooba Mufti has already offences.Wullar Bar rage/Tulbu l Nav igation spoken of putting in place a tangible

    Project, trade and Confidence Building mechanism for implementation of In March 2006 Dr. Singh had offered aMeasures (CBMs). The fourth round of this various recommendations given by the treaty on peace, friendship anddialogue was launched in March 2007 in working groups set up by the Prime security to Pakistan in March 2006,

    Four Rounds Of Composite

    Dialogue And One Problem

    P E A C E P R O C E S S

    Epilogue5May 2008


    Sameer Suryakant Patil

  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    where resolution of issues like Siachen On the security CBM front, no major has not necessarily turned into a

    and Sir Creek was emphasised upon. Of CBM has been signed by both the nuclear flashpoint as expected by many

    these two, on Siachen, both the sides are countries since signing an accord in western analysts.

    stuck on their respective positions for a 2005 on the pre-notification of the

    long while Sir Creek issue appears closer missile tests and announcing a Much has been achieved by both the sidesto resolution. On Siachen, Pakistan has moratorium on nuclear testing. In in the fourth round of compositere jected I nd ia ' s cond i t i on o f October 2007, both the sides held fifth dialogue. The fifth round will be held inauthentication of troop positions in round of the expert level-talks on New Delhi and their schedule will beSiachen which has stalled any forward nuclear and missile relate CBMs. They decided following consultations.movement on the issue. On Sir Creek, However, much more can be done by waysince commencing the composite of CBMs. Release of prisoners particularlydialogue in 2004, both the sides launched the Prisoners of War (POWs) andthe joint survey of this disputed coastal fishermen by both the sides can create anstrip of Gujarat coast in 2005. After the enormous goodwill among the people ofcompletion of the joint survey, officials both the countries. Also earlyon both sides have noted that there has repatriation of the inadvertent borderbeen a convergence to a great degree crossers can be considered. A jointamong both the countries on the judicial committee on prisoners hasdelineation of the boundary. In fact, a already been set up by both the countriesmore pragmatic assessment tells that Sir to recommend steps for humaneCreek is the only issue in the composite treatment and expeditious release ofdialogue that can be considered as prisoners of the respective countries in'doable'. each other's jails. Similarly the bilateral

    visa regime can be made further flexible.

    Driving the resolution of the issue is also Current processes to obtain visa for the

    the obligation of both the countries nationals of both the countries are

    under the UN Convention on the Law of cumbersome and complex. In fact the

    the Sea (UNCLOS). The UNCLOS states current visa regime is one of the major

    that if the maritime boundary disputes reasons why people-to-people contact

    are not resolved by 2009 by all the between both the countries has not

    signatory countries, they may be reached the level that it has the

    declared as international waters. On potential.

    trade front too the state of affairs is not

    good. Recently, Indian commerce Hence liberalisation of that regime isminister Kamal Nath warned Pakistan to expected to be a major landmark in thereciprocate the concessions that India bilateral ties. Establishment of morehad extended to Pakistan under the intense rail, air and bus links will alsoSouth Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) bring people on both sides closer. Thefailing which India would be forced to new Pakistani government's view that a

    have also agreed to continue forwardwithdraw the concessions given. Similar delayed resolution of Kashmir will not bewith the four year-old ceasefireis the case with the Wullar Barrage/

    allowed to hold hostage the rest of theagreement. A major CBM on nuclearTulbul navigation project. Both the sides peace process offers glimpses of hopefront will indeed create a morehad held a meeting in June 2006 in that after sixty years of oftenconducive atmosphere for the bilateralIslamabad to discuss the issue but acrimonious and violent past, the tworelationship and will also help both thenothing substantial occurred. More neighbours may be prepared to walk thatcountries to prove to the internationalimportantly for both the sides is the extra mile to accommodate each otherscommunity that ten years after theBaglihar dam project in which they have concerns and lead an active co-nuclearisation of South Asia, the regionlocked their horns. existence.

    In October 2007, both the sides

    held fifth round of the expert

    level-talks on nuclear and missile

    relate CBMs. They have also

    agreed to continue forward with

    the four year-old ceasefire

    agreement. A major CBM on

    nuclear front will indeed create a

    more conducive atmosphere for the

    bilateral relationship and will

    also help both the countries to

    prove to the international

    community that ten years after thenuclearisation of South Asia, the

    region has not necessarily turned

    into a nuclear flashpoint as

    expected by many western


    P E A C E P R O C E S S


    Epilogue6May 2008

  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    Viewed purely in terms of fatalities, the civilian fatalities (164 in 2007 as against recovered in the State through 2007.

    conflict in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has 349 in 2006) and those of the militants

    now crossed the threshold from a high- (492 in 2007 as against 599 in 2006), Diminished violence, however, does notintensity to a low-intensity level. For the there was only a marginal decrease in indicate a necessary decline in thefirst time since 1990 (when they were Security Force (SF) personnel killed (121 capacity for terrorism, and there are1,177) fatalities in this terrorism- in 2007 as against 168 in 2006). clear indications that the infrastructurewracked State in 2007 at 777 fell below that supports and sustains the Kashmirthe 'high intensity conflict' mark of a According to the Union Ministry of Home jihad remains intact in Pakistan. Morethousand deaths. At their peak in 2001, Affairs, in 2007 (till November), the than 400 militants are reportedlyfatalities had risen to 4,507. Evidently,

    number of militancy-related incidents stationed in launching pads in PoK,2007 is a watershed year for J&K, was down by 33 per cent and that of ready to infiltrate through the Line ofbringing tremendous respite to its civilians killed by 59 per cent and SF Control (LoC) to step up violence in thepeople. personnel by 28 per cent over the State, defence sources said on April 13,

    corresponding period of the previous 2008. Official sources disclose that at

    Figures for 2007 reconfirm the y e a r. A c c o r d i n g t o t h e J & K least 52 terrorist training camps are still

    continuously declining trend of terrorist Government/J&K Police, there were operating, including 30 in Pakistan and

    violence in the State since the peak of 1,054 incidents (till November 30) as Gilgit-Baltistan, and the rest in PoK. At

    2001. According to data compiled by the against 1,667 in 2006. Over 4,000 illegal least one-third of these camps are

    Institute for Conflict Management, the weapons, inc luding AK-47 rif les, known to be "fully active" at any given

    fatality index in 2007 decreased by 30.38 pistols/revolvers, UMGs/LMGs, rocket point of time. In an attempt to counter

    percent in comparison to 2006. While launchers/boosters and huge quantities infiltration along the India-Pakistan

    there was a substantial decrease in of ammunition and explosives/IEDs were border in the summer, the Army has

    moved units from the counter-insurgency grid to areas along the LoC.

    "We have deployed additional troops

    along the border- line with Pakistan in

    order to stop cross-border infiltration

    into Jammu and Kashmir," General

    Officer Commander (16 Corps), Lt Gen R

    K Karwal, told reporters in Jammu on

    April 9, 2008. As the snow melts away

    during summer, the attempts of

    infiltration go up along the LoC, he said,

    adding in order to achieve zero-

    infiltration results, additional army units

    have been deployed along the borderfor the purpose. "Summers are always

    hot for infiltration and as of now the

    infiltration is near to zero level," he

    informed. Furthermore, security

    agencies believe that current militant

    activity is also considerably linked to

    the mainstream political scenario, with

    Comparative Fatalities in J&K, 2001-2008

    * Data till April 23, 2008Source: South Asia Terrorism Portal database

    Dr Kanchan Lakshman

    Cross Border Terrorism : What

    Do The Numbers Reveal ?

    Epilogue7May 2008

    S E C U R I T Y


  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    the forthcoming Legislative Assembly instance, radio messages and phone calls militant operations, to secure a stronger

    elections. across the LoC indicated that militants, position at the negotiating table and

    preparing for a winter stay in the Kashmir achieve what has not been possible on

    Valley, were a worried lot with the the ground through terrorism alone.The decrease in levels of violence in J&Kdeclaration of the Emergency in Even as the troops continue to engageis not due to any change in Pakistani

    Pakistan. Communication intercepts by the terrorists, Indian Army sources claimintent, but is rather the consequence ofIndian intelligence agencies brought out that, with the increasing turmoil in"changes in capacities and compulsions inthe "uncertainty and confusion" among Pakistan, 'sleeper' terrorist cells in J&KPakistan." The multiplicity of crises inmilitants who rely heavily on logistical have been progressively activated andPakistan has diluted Islamabad'ssupport from their handlers in Pakistan. there is a possibility of a gradual upsurgecapacities to sustain past levels ofTheir immediate anxiety, during that in violence over the coming months.terrorism in J&K "particularly since a

    Intelligence sources suggest that militantlarge proportion of troops had to begroups could raise the stakes in anpulled back from the Line of Controlelection year in J&K.(LoC) and the international border for

    deployment in increasingly violent

    theatres in Balochistan, NWFP [North The proximity of elections has also

    West Frontier Province] and the FATA brought enormous political pressure to

    [Federally Administered Tribal Areas] bear on the populist issue of a troop cut inPakistan's creeping implos ion has the State, but the Army insists that the

    unde rm in ed the es tabl is hment' s situation is far from conducive to such a

    capabilities to sustain the 'proxy war' measure. Indeed, the ratio of troops in

    against India at earlier levels." On a more J&K is far below the troops-civilian ratio

    general level, the secular decline in in violence-aff licted Waziristan in

    violence witnessed since September Pakistan or even in Chinese occupied

    2001 can be attributed to Pakistan's Tibet. The J&K Governor, Lt. Gen. (Retd)

    compulsions arising out of its domestic S K Sinha, noted, on January 25, 2008,

    difficulties, the ongoing peace process, the eve of Republic Day, that "The ratio of

    the American and international pressure deployment of troops, Army and

    on Islamabad and the successes of the paramilitary, to population in the region,

    counter-insurgency grid in J&K. excluding militancy-free Ladakh, is 1:40.

    This is less than 1:37 in Waziristan andparticular period, was whether the1:28 in Tibet."supply lines would continue. IntelligenceOfficial sources indicate that the ratio of

    officials disclosed, "The militants areSFs to terrorists killed has seen an

    currently in a state of confusion aboutupward trend from 1:3.6 in 2006 to 1:4.3 The gains of 2007 must not lead to

    the developments across the 2007. This is a clear indication that the complacency. Pakistan' s intentions

    Even their handlers are not clear howcounter-insurgency grid is working well remain unchanged; its terrorist reserves

    things will shape in the future."in J&K, and that any review of troop are intact; Islamist terrorist groups have

    deployment at this juncture a populist established some autonomous capacities

    issue in the State would fritter away the for operation, independent of PakistaniWithin J&K, Islamabad is also attemptinggains made by the SFs. state agencies; and the South Asia andto raise a united political voice in its

    wider Asian region teeters on the brink offavour. To this end, it is attempting tospiralling instability. Despite a significantengineer unity among various pro-The unstable domestic scenario inand continuous decline in terrorist

    Pakistan groups, including the twoPakistan has had an impact on the violence over the years, the centrestage,factions of the main secessionistKashmirjihad, though it has not led tohowever, is yet to be vacated by theformation, the All Parties Hurriyatany change in the intent or theshadow of militancy in J&K.Conference (APHC). The objectiveinfrastructure that orchestrates

    appears to be to gradually transform theviolence. There is, nonetheless, a

    predominantly militant movement into adefinite pause. The momentary waning

    more wide-based movement of politicalin intensity has led to some confusion

    extremism, backed by calibratedwithin the jihadi rank and file. For


    Research Fellow, Institute for Conflict


    Epilogue8May 2008

    S E C U R I T Y


    Diminished violence, however,

    does not indicate a necessary

    decline in the capacity for

    terrorism, and there are clear

    indications that the infrastructure

    that supports and sustains the

    Kashmir jihad remains intact in

    Pakistan. More than 400

    militants are reportedly stationed

    in launching pads in PoK

  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    Possible alliances the natural allies.

    Congress, though, has no problems in PDP and Congress as natural ally may

    making alliances with either National sound ludicrous to all those who have

    Conference or the Peoples Democratic seen both parties competing againstParty as far as its contested turfs and other in government and washing theirideological linkages are concerned but dirty linen in the public over past three tohaving a power partnership with the four years. At least at half a dozenformer may revive Congress' old bad occasions these years the stateidentity in Kashmir the killer of government appeared falling anytimedemocracy. In such a scenario both owing to the deepening differences

    parties run the risk of getting trounced between the Congress and the Peoplesfor their shady partnership of the past. Democratic Party. Their internal troublesHistory is witness to the fact that was the

    reached a point of no return in March lastinfamous Congress-National Conference

    year when Ministers from the Peoplesalliance of 1986-87 popularly known as

    Democratic Party refused to attendRajiv-Farooq accord which denied

    meetings of the state cabinet demandingpeople the genuine democratic space in

    that the demilitarization issue should be1987 assembly elections and set into the

    listed first for discussion. This was notmotion a process of deeper dissent which

    acceptable to the Congress. Primelater took shape of armed rebellion.

    Minister Dr Manmohan Singh intervenedThe National Conference and Congressto resolve the crisis by announcing anmay even visit Ka'aba with remorse orexpert panel to examine the issue. PDPwash their sins at Ganga but Kashmir

    celebrated its victory in Kashmir sayingValley will continue to doubt theirthat the demand of demilitarizationintentions if they join hands again, saysclose to the heart of Kashmiris has beena political observer. In a scenario, whenacceded to. At the same time, thethink tanks of the parties are convincedCongress convinced its constituency inthat none of them is in a position to formJ a m m u n o t i n t e r e s t e d i nthe next government at their own, thedemilitarization politics that it resistedpresent ruling partners the PDP and the

    the demanded and therefore it was notCongress are considering themselves as

    Zafar Choudhary

    Intelligent Coalition

    PDP-Congress WrestleStrengthening Their Muscles

    P O L I T I C S

    Epilogue9May 2008


    This is election year in Jammu and Kashmir and parties are coining innovations to secure their footholds. As the coalition

    culture promises to stay here for a longer while, no party appears headed for a clear majority in the forthcoming elections.

    Therefore, the choices of an arrangement for forming next government have to be between two of three major political parties

    the Congress, the Peoples Democratic Party and the National Conference. For their history, genesis and competition for

    survival on the same turf, the possibility of having an alliance between the Peoples Democratic Party and the National

    Conference is like having the one between Bhartiya Janta Party and the Congress at Center. Hence, no possibility at all even

    though nothing can be ruled in or out in politics. With no scope of a power partnership, none of these parties PDP and NC are in

    a position to form the government at their own. The third major player, the Congress, therefore, could have been seen with a

    flexibility of choosing partners with wider scope of negotiations but its past limits its actions for the future.

  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    accepted out-rightly. It was a win-win (women) convention of the party. The during her visit to Pakistan, suggested a

    situation for both. This is how the occasion marked the formal launch of the joint senate and thus a more or less joint

    political intelligence in the Congress and election campaign. She asked her control of India and Pakistan on Jammu

    the PDP is working to strengthen their audience, including those not present at and Kashmir. Such emotional slogansrespective constituencies. the venue, to vote for the Congress based have always worked well in Kashmir and

    on its performance on two fronts there is no surprise that the Mufti's

    Jammu v/s Kashmir development and security. The word catchphrase is picking up well in the

    'coalition' was conspicuously missing Valley. On the contrary, except for few

    from Sonia's 14 minute long speech. This districts, in majority of Jammu regionThe political discourse in Jammu

    was the first time ever since November almost every day is marked with protestsprovince and Kashmir province of the

    2002 when PDP and Congress formed the and demonstration against the PDPstate has always behaved differently.

    ruling alliance that the Congress high leaders and burning of effigies of itsPick up an issue and treat it contrarily, it

    command spoke of only 'Congress'. Even leaders for proposing dual currency. Thiswill help in both region. Same treatment

    though the partners in J&K continued to perhaps what the PDP campaignto one issue in both regions may help in

    fight with each other but the central strategists had wanted. Such protests inone and backfire in other. Over the years

    leadership would always talk about the Jammu are paying the party well inthese political differences have only

    coalition and not the parties. Sonia's Valley. And when Congress takessharpened. To placate his Jammumessage obvious: her party has nothing exception to these proposals , itconstituency, Farooq Abdullah of

    to do with the PDP in next elections. appropriates its role in the 'nationalist'National Conference would often call for

    Sonia is back to Delhi but the Congress bastion of Jammu which has always beenbombing militant bases in Pakistan

    leaders her e instead of se ll ing sought to be conquered by the BJP.administered Kashmir and putting

    development to the people are engagedseparatists behind jails. He had to pay a

    in a single point campaign againstheavy price in the Valley as even his son No one knows that happens to the

    Peoples Democratic Party and the Muftisand party president Omar Abdullah had currency after November this year, when

    father daughter loose his seat at the family's pocket- the assembly elections are over and new

    borough Ganderbal in 2002 assembly government is in place, but the wrestle

    elections. Note this! between PDP and the Congress is giving

    When differences are so sharp, it will befool enough to believe that the Peoples

    Democratic Party and Congress contest

    the forthcoming assembly elections

    together. In Kashmir Valley, the Congress

    is seen as the unwelcome arm of New

    Delhi and Jammu, the PDP is perceived as

    yet another separatist party or more

    precisely as Pakistan Peoples Party's

    Kashmir unit. Therefore, if they are

    serious about forming the next

    government together, they will have to

    contest the next elections separately and both parties much desired foothold in theThe Peoples Democratic Party is a stepstrongly against each other. This target constituencies.farther. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed stirredprecisely is what the intelligent allies are a hornet's nest earlier this monthpreparing to do. proposing the use of Pakistani currency in After elections, it would not be surprising

    Kashmir and the Indian currency on other when both parties declare themselves as

    The Congress president Sonia Gandhi was side. His proposal comes shortly after natural allies, pool their seats and stake

    in Jammu on April 12 to address a Mahila daughter and party president Mehbooba, claim for governmental formation.


    Epilogue10May 2008

    P O L I T I C S

  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    One of the most astounding things that

    shock any young lawyer who joins the bar

    is the burgeoning number of the

    matrimonial disputes that are being

    fought in the local courts of Jammu and

    its surrounding periphery. The situation is

    so rotten that it takes a while to come to

    terms with it, in the sense that these

    cases fought bitterly are happening to

    the persons you know from your own

    neighborhood or otherwise and neverknew what they are going through.

    The condition has deteriorated to such an

    extent that a special court has been set

    up that deals only with cases involving

    spousal disputes. The Matrimonial Court

    in Jammu hears almost 50 to 60 cases

    every day and the total number of cases

    per year is anybody's guess. However, the even a fresh pass out from any law school in the public and making fun of each

    story also does not end here and almost can make out what the clichd cavil other is not only futile but also

    same numbers of cases of the spousal complaints will be. The divorce petitions uncivilized and disparaging decency.

    nature get transferred to other judges, or those for maintenance, restitution ofas the load is too much for a single court conjugal rights, and the most dreaded The course that a man or a woman takesto handle. section of IPC the 498A are some of the in the court is both expected as well as

    most common litigations haunting the dull. Whenever a women separates, sheadverse parties. The irony in these casesAny body that sees so many young girls at the first instance files for maintenanceis the fact that these complaints are notand guys coming out the matrimonial and the husband when he is sure that sheonly mechanically written but the evencourt is stunned because it is hard to will not come back files for restitution ofthe sordid contents of the differentbelieve that this is happening in Jammu conjugal rights, which is only to avoidparties resemble each other.and that too to Dogras who have a giving her the claimed maintenance. If

    pristine glory of a compelling superior the husband later files for divorce hist r a d i t i o n a l b a c k g r o u n d . T h e It takes only a while to stand in the court wife then files a complaint under theindiscriminate disease of divorce has and listening to the allegations and section 498A.spread across the hierarchy of socio- counter allegations between the parties

    economic status. You will see a woman to realize how blood thirsty the people The general tendency then is to involveProfessor of Jammu and a wife of fourth- become in these litigations. Many of the all the relatives of the husband whom sheclass peon sitting next to each other and times, the parties physically fight, swear can think of, in the case of dowryleveling the same accusations against abuses, and call names in the open court harassment. It is a very common scene intheir estranged husbands. and that too before the Judge. The the courts when almost 15 to 20 relatives

    emotional theatrics and temper is of the husband are arrayed as accusedssometimes higher than even the casesThe anatomy of these cases without and brought before the Judge. The poorinvolving murder. Washing dirty laundryprejudice to anybody is the same and relatives then have to seek bail and

    Unhappy Ending!

    Divorce Cases On Rise In Jammu

    Epilogue11May 2008

    S O C I E T Y


    Anmol Sharma

  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    appear before the judge at every date. made such an agreement with a famous King.

    Until the recent past, Indians and more particularly Jammuites Another important thing white people do when they sense their

    used to censure westerners for their fickle marriages and marriage is on the rocks is to undergo long counseling sessions. In

    breakups but it is undisputable fact that we have now degraded India, the Matrimonial Judge tries to reconcile the litigating

    ourselves more as far as public etiquettes and decency is parties and sits as a counselor, but the fact is that he is one of the

    concerned. By dragging into the court some 80-year-old distant most overburdened persons around and cannot possibly take time

    Uncle of her husband who might not have even attended the out for each party coming to the court and moreover he is also not

    marriage ceremony of his nephew or claiming in the open court a professionally trained one.

    in front of 20 people that his wife is leading an adulterous life is

    diabolical and disappointing. Therefore, the only hope is that one day few bright people will

    try to mend the system and start a discourse to analyze the

    The husband's lawyer is also sometimes seen to ask the wife so situation from the real perspective. The real responsibility

    tough and reckless questions that the woman weeps bitterly in ultimately rests with the man and the woman. It must be

    front of the Judge. The situation is ugly and must be addressed realized by them that mere mud slinging will achieve nothing

    soon. There are a few young girls also in their late 20's who have for them as Helen Rowlandthe famous American writer said,

    filed so many cases against their in-laws that they almost come When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn't a sign that

    daily to the court and are all day over there. For them it has they don't understand one another, but a sign that they have,become a sort of sole purpose in life to see punishment at last begun to.

    delivered to their husbands.

    The biggest disadvantage, however, in these cases according to

    some of the senior lawyers is the long recourse that it takes to

    redress the problem. When asked about the prospect of these

    cases they remark that it is only in the beginning that the

    parties are peevishly impatient and spill venom and after

    realizing the futility because of the unnecessary delays in the

    judicial decision ultimately come to the table and settle their

    disputes. This fact is corroborated by facts as the number of

    cases, which see the day of conclusion by the court is


    The attitude of the police in these tribulations has also

    compounded the problems than solved them. Khaki clad Police

    with colonial hangover creates havoc in this delicate and

    personal problem. Women cell, which is one of the dirtiest

    police stations in the town with broken chairs and tattered

    walls, is also alleged to be a den of corruption. Police is ill

    trained to handle Matrimonial disputes with no special training

    or expertise. The death by torture of one person by the Police

    walas a few days back has also exposed the style of

    investigation that they do.

    The light at the end of the tunnel is therefore is the way

    westerners have adopted. It is routine for them to sign a pre-

    nuptial agreement, which is clothed with legal sanctity. Our

    law however does not recognize a pre-nup agreement, which is

    a big handicap. However, it is necessary to mention that pre-

    nuptial agreement comes in the most scared scripture of

    Hindus, Srimad Bhagavatam, where Heavenly damsel Urvashi

    Epilogue12May 2008

    S O C I E T Y


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  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    Despite the fact that identity of state Although the state was having Muslim

    started taking shape during colonial majority followed by a substantive

    period in Jammu & Kashmir a Muslim Hindu minority and other minor

    majority state, ruled by the Hindu Dogra minorities like Buddhists and Sikhs. It

    Hari Singh, the religion could not had proved more conducive for the

    become the password of its identity. construction of secular. plural and

    Rather the oppressive rule of the king shared identity of the state, however

    created a conducive environment for today the position is reverse. Third, the

    blurring the boundaries among the farsighted political leadership of the

    different religious, linguistic and ethnic state also contributed in this regard.

    communities in the state and thereby

    constructed the secular and plural However, the protest against the

    identity of the state. Neither religion oppressive rule of the Hindu Dogra rulernor ethnicity was given much space in of the state, was articulated by thethe politics of Jammu & Kashmir, Muslim Conference under the leadershipdespite this fact that there was of Sheikh Abdullah, but thereafter hepotential for communal and ethnic realized that the movement in itsconflict. The identity of state at that present form will convey the wrongtime was neither communal nor ethnic, message and it will also shrink its base, ifrather it was secular, shared and be pursued in its present form. Since theinclusive. It was multiple, multi- agenda of the Muslim Conference waslayered, plural, open and flexible. neither communal nor sectarian,

    therefore, it changed its name from

    There were three factors responsible for Muslim Conference to All Jammu &

    the construction of secular and plural Kashmir National Conference. That was

    identity of the state. First, the a significant transformation in theoppressive rule of the king, the Muslim Conference from within, which

    hereditary ruler of the state promoted played very crucial role to construct the

    the landlord aristocratic class and secular, plural, inclusive and

    marginalized the peasant class. Second, multilayered identity of the state. On

    the multi-cultural universe of the state October 5, 1947, addressing a mammoth

    had also contributed for the gathering of one lath people in Iqbal Park

    construction of secular identity. in Srinagar, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah

    Jammu and Kashmir a state with clear-cut Muslim majority refused to join Pakistan when the Indian sub-continent was

    portioned on the communal lines. Not only the maharaja Hari Singh, the ruler of princely state took this decision but also the

    leader of the popular movement against the imperial rule of the Maharaja led by the National Conference under the leadership

    of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah refused to subscribe to the ideology of Mohammad Ali Jinnah and endorsed the decision of the

    king. Initially its decision neither to join Hindu majority secular India nor Muslim majority Pakistan, implied its quest for

    independent National identity. Of course later on circumstances forced it to joint Indian Union through instrument of accession

    on October 22, 1947. Even thereafter, its desire for separate national identity did not exhaust. The contemporary scenario

    indicates that the secular and plural identity of Jammu and Kashmir has transformed from within. Today the construction of

    identities on the communal, ethnic and regional basis has become the dominant political discourse in the state.

    Baljit S. Mann

    Identity Formation :

    The J&K Story


    Epilogue15May 2008

    I N F O C U S


  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    declared that: In Kashmir, we want a Kashmir Valley. This development The transfer of power from a Hindu Dogra

    peoples' government, which will give brought a qualitative shift in the power King from Jammu to a Kashmiri Muslim

    equal rights and equal opportunities to structure of the state on three counts: leader, Sheikh Abdullah from Valley

    all, irrespective of caste and creed. It shifted the locale of power from Jammu conveyed a wrong message to the Dogra

    will be joint government of the Hindus, region to Kashmir Valley; changed the H indus o f Jammu. F rom th i s

    the Sikhs and the Muslims. That is what I power equation between the two major development, it was inferred that theyam fighting for. religious and ethnic communities; are the part of Hindu majority secular

    shifted the balance of power in favour of India but within their own state being aKashmiri ethnic community, whereas, minority, are ruled by the Muslims whoQuest for identityearlier it was in favour of Dogra ethnic happened to be in majority in Jammu &community. Above all it shifted the Kashmir but minority in India. The mainIn the post colonial period, thoughpower from the hands of minority to that factor, they identified for this situationJammu and Kashmir it joined Indianof majority. was the special status of the state.Union under unavoidable circumstances

    However, this diagnose was neitherbut its desire for separate identitySheikh Abdullah wanted the entire state correct nor appropriate. The moreremained intact. In order to fulfill itsto have a separate identity and to be convincing factor could be the electoralthrust for identity, it had also been ableruled by the Valley, wherein the majority politics because in the electoral politicsto strike a deal with the Indian state. It

    population resided. Jammu was opposed the majority tends to rule. Consequently,did not join India like other princely to both and Abdullah could not live there was a demand for full integrationstates but as a special category state.without Jammu. Initially in continuation of Jammu & Kashmir with the IndianThe special status granted to the stateto past tradition, the nationalism and Union, which was raised by the Hinduunder Article 370 of the Indiansecularism were the defining criterion of nationalists from the Jammu region andConstitution became the password of itsidentity- although the state was having joined by the Hindu nationalists from thespec political identity. The separateclear cut Muslim majority and ruled by other parts of India.political identity of the state wasthe Kashmiri Muslim leader Sheikhinstituted through separate constitutionAbdullah. The ruling elite could not haveand flag besides many other icons of Their logic was being full- fledged part ofafforded to construct the identity ofidentity. At that time, its desire for Hindu majority but secular India, theystate either on the basis of religion oridentity was neither re1igiou ethnic but will not be ruled by the Muslims, andethnicity. Reason being it was notof course, it was more pragmatic, rather, they will be the part of rulingpossible for it to keep three ethnicallypolitical and secular. While addressing majority. It can be argued that the Dogradistinct parts of the state alongwith.the United Nations Security Council on Hindu of Jammu could not reconcile withJammu and Kashmir has three ethnicallyFebruary 6, 1948, Sheikh Abdullah stated the end of the Dogra rule in the state.separable but geographically contiguousthat: I and my organization never Consequently, a popular movementregions- a Dogra Hindu majority Jammu;believed in the formula that Muslims and against Sheikh Abdullah, the ruler ofa Kashmiri Muslim majority Valley and aHindus form separate nations. We did not state was led by a Hindu Regional Party,Tibetan Buddhist majority Ladakh. If thebelieve in the two-nation theory, not in the Praja Parishad from Jammu, whichstate nationalism is to be based oncommunalism or communalism itself... was also joined by the Jan Sangh, theKashmiri ethnicity then it was notwe believed that religion had no place in leading Hindu Nationalists Party in Delhipossible to keep Hindu Dogras frompolitics. in 1 952. This is how the process ofJammu and Buddhists from Ladakh

    construction of regional, communal andwithin the state. Therefore an attemptThe pressure of popular movement led by ethnic identities was set in motion.was made to construct the identity ofthe All Jammu and Kashmir National

    state on the basis of secularism and the

    Conference had not only forced the king How should the state of Jammu andUrdu language. Although this attempt ofto hand over power to the leadership of

    Kashmir define its identity after thethe state could not yield desired fruit.this movement but also shifted the

    articulation of Hindu nationalism fromThe change of locale as well as powercenter of political power from Jammu to

    Jammu alongwith the support of Hinduequation in the state provided anKashmir Valley. The Maharaja belonged

    outfits operating at national level, was aopportunity to the regional, communalto Jammu province, whereas, the leader

    huge question to deal with. However, theand ethnic forces to construct theof the popular movement to whom he

    state under the leadership of Sheikhidentities on the basis of ascriptivehanded over power hailed from the

    affiliations. Abdullah tried to construct the national

    Epilogue16May 2008

    I N F O C U S


  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    identity of the state on the basis of sharpening the ascriptive identities. The the Kashmiri Muslims that India does not

    secularism and the Urdu language but process of shaping the Hindu identity in want to protect the separate political

    within the framework of pluralism, which Jammu as well as the articulation of identity of the state, which was very dear

    believes in peaceful co-existence but is Hindu nationalism at the national level to the survival and progress of the

    also hierarchical in nature. This scenario had not only worried the Sheikh Abdullah Kashmiri Muslim identity in the secular

    has resulted into the sharpening of but also the Indian secularists about the but Hindu majority India. It was a breachcommunal, ethnic and regional identities future of Indian secularism. of trust between the Kashmiri Muslims

    in the state when the Dogra Hindu and the Indian state. The articulation of

    identity was constructed not only on the Hindu nationalism from Jammu and theThe politics set in motion created abasis of Hindu nationalism but it also response of Hindu nationalists thereof atcritical mass that had led to the collapsebecame very angular to the Kashmiri the national level put a big question markof secular, shared, and the plural identityMuslim identity. The articulation of the on the longevity of Indian secularism andof the state, which Sheikh Mohammadformer against the latter created a the future of Indian secular identity asAbdullah constructed during the colonialcontext of mutual acrimony, distrust and well. It was an issue of major concern forperiod and tried to retain andsuspicion within the state. them because the secular credential ofconsolidate it in the post-colonial period

    Indian national identity was compatibleas well under the special status grantedwith the secular identity of the state,At that time, Indian state was also very to the state through Article 370 of thewhich Sheikh Abdullah tried to construct.

    fascinated with its project of nation Indian Constitution. Sheikh Abdullah the This development had opened thebuilding and national integration in order icon of national identity of state arguedpandora's box regarding the politics ofto construct the national identity There that the special status is pre-requisite foridentities in the state besideswas convergence of agenda of the Indian the identity of state, whereas, the Hindutransforming the dialogical relationsstate and the Dogra Hindu identity from nationalists from Jammu thought that itbetween India's national identity and theJammu, which resulted into the politics was detrimental to their identity. To beKashmiri Muslim identity.of identities within the state on the one more precise the Kashmiri Muslims were

    hand and created the distrust between convinced that special status is required

    the Indian state and the Kashmiri Muslim for the security of their identity. Indian Maneuver and Seikh Abdullahs

    identity on the other and thereby also response

    sharpened the Kashmiri Muslim identity. Both the identities Kashmiri Muslim and

    Dogra Hindu having ethnic and regional Since Indian state started intriguing with

    The process of socio-economic change connotation have been indulging into the special status of the state by

    initiated by Sheikh Abdullah in the form binary politics on the issue of special responding to the demand of Hindu

    of Land Reforms further aggravated the status. The bonds of the Hindu identity nationalists from Jammu, Sheikh

    situation and sharpened the identity from Jammu are very strong with the Abdullah started hobnobbing with the

    politics in the state because the majority larger Hindu majority identity of India. international community for the purpose

    of the big landlords in Kashmir were That is why, the Hindu nationalists from of establishing the independent national

    Hindus and the majority of peasants were Jammu are asking for the full integration identity of the state. Although Indian

    Muslims. The economic power of the of Jammu and Kashmir into the Indian state had been able to constant aDogra (Hindu) landlards had been Union. This move was indirectly constituency within the Nationalseriously undermined in 1951 by the Big supported by the Indian state, when it Conference, which was advocating theLanded Estates Abolition Act, which had started the process of eroding the special full integration of the state with Indianprovided for the confiscation of large status of the state. The process was set in Union- but thereby the bad politics waslandholdings without compensation and motion with the dissolution of popular set in motion to fulfill the vested

    for the transfer of land to the tillers. The government, formation of puppet interest, which has proved counterHindu nationalists interpreted it as an government in the state and the arrest of productive in the long run. For theattempt to marginalize the Hindu the Sheikh Abdullah, the most popular majority of Kashmiri Muslims, Kashmiriidentity not only in the politics but also in leader amongst the Kashmiri Muslims and identity and the special status of thethe economy of the state. The changing also the champion of nationalism and the state were inseparable, whereas for thedynamism of political and socio- shared identity apart from advocating Hindu nationalists from Jammu, theeconomic power in the state further the special status for the state. This special status was detrimental to theiraggravated/accelerated the process of development conveyed the message to identity. The kind of politics pursued in

    Epilogue17May 2008

    I N F O C U S


  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    the post Sheikh Abdullah period further secularism. Communalism has become fight with each other on the one hand and

    accelerated the politics of identities not the main mode of defining, constructing also used to have matrimonial alliances

    only between the Indian state and and sharpening the identities within the between the Shia and Ladakhi ruling

    Jammu & Kashmir but also within the valley. The angularity between the houses.

    state and further within every region of Kashmir Muslim and Kashmir Pandit

    the state. identities became so sharp that it Since the last one and half decade, theresulted into the exodus of the latter peace is at stake and its shared culturalfrom the valley. The exodus of KashmiriWithin the Jammu region, the process to identity is on the collision course. A briefPandits from the valley has furtherconstruct the Gujjar Muslim identity was survey of the contemporary scenario oftransformed the Kashmiri identity fromset in motion, which resulted into the Ladakh has presented the reverse storywithin- from a shared, multi-layered,construction of the third largest identity of the past. Like the other regions of thesecular and plural identity to a sharp,of the state after the Kashmiri Muslims state, Ladakh has been suffering fromangular and communal. The moderateand the Dogra Hindu identity. It was the polarization on ethnic and communalcenter of the Kashmiri identityprimaril y const ructed to counter lines. The recent communal violence hascollapsed- and the extremist center ofKashmiri Muslim identity by articulating further accelerated this process. Thethe same became pro-active. Therebythat the Kashmiri Muslims are not the communal harmony and shared culturethe shared Kashmiri identity becamesole representatives of the entire Muslim has become the main casualty of the

    binary from within and inter-communalcommunity from the state. The Gujjar same. The whole Ladakhi identity hasdialogue was replaced by the inter-Muslims do not approve the secessionist transformed from within- from a multi-communal deadlock. However, thedemand, which has been raised by some layered to a binary identity. This scenarioKashmiri Muslim identity is small in sizeKashmiri Muslims from the Kashmir valley leads to a basic question that why thebut still there are diverse layers within itsince 1990s. They argued that they are shared culture of Ladakh has becomelike moderate and extremist.happy with the Indian State. The Gujjars more angular and sharp?

    are predominantly nomadic Muslim Tribe

    who form the third largest community in Assertion of Ladakh In order to find the answer of this andthe state. However, the construction of related questions, there is need toGujjar identity has resulted into shaping Although, insignificant in the politics of examine the political process, which wasthe Pahari identity from the Poonch and Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh constitutes pursued in the post- colonial period. TheRajouri districts of the Jammu region. the two-third of its total landmass and political process unfolded in the state as

    three per cent of its population. It has well as in the region has led to a situationThe forced displacement of the Kashmiri always been known for peace and in which the religions and cultural

    Pandit community presents a classic case composite cultural identity. However, identities have become sharp. The

    of ethnic-religious cleansing, which not the consciousness of adhering to politicization of religious and cultural

    only sharpened the existing communal different religious systems remained differences marginalized the shared and

    and ethnic identities within the state and strong, but the Buddhists and Muslims in multi-layered nature of Ladakhi identity

    region but also constructed some new. Ladakh shared a common cultural Due to their numerical strength, the

    For instance, the construct ion of identity. Both speak the Ladakhi Muslims established their hold on the

    Kashmiri Pandit identity and its language and wore the same dress with politics, administration and the economy

    angularity with the Kashmiri Muslim minor variations. The composite culture of the state. In Ladakh, the Buddhists

    identity had become sharper. This has not used to blur the religious boundaries and have been in majority and the Muslims

    only marginalized the shared, secular thereby created more space for shared are a substantive minority Although, the

    part of the Kashmiriat but it has also and plural identity of the region. At the former is a micro-scophic majority,

    jeopardized the plural, multiple and peoples' level, it is common to find whereas, the latter is micro-scophicmulti-layered part of Kashmiri culture. numerous families in Leh, which is a minority but macro-scophic majority in

    The shared culture used to be the Buddhist majority district with Buddhist the overall politics of the state. Being

    password of Kashmiri identity has and Muslims members. Of course, there micro-scophic minority in Ladakh and

    become the major casualty; Now the used to be love hate relationship macro-scophic majority in the state,

    password of Kashmiri identities both between the Ladakhi Buddhist Kings and Muslims have always enjoyed the

    Muslim and Hindu is neither the Sh ia Mu sl im ru le rs of va ri ou s privileged position in the politics,

    Kashmiriat nor shared culture or principalities in Baltisan. They used to administration and economy of the

    Epilogue18May 2008

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    Ladakh. Despite this fact that the plural identity to a binary identity. The Leh, which means that in few decades

    Buddhists are majority in the region, but ruling elite exploited the religious the Buddhists would come in minority in

    differences to deal with political Ladakh the militancy in the valley and itsstill the balance of power is tilted in

    problems, which marginalized the inter- impact on the overall political scenariofavour of the Muslims. The formers were

    religion dialogue and also made the of the state. The above-mentioneddiscriminated against and the region was

    composite culture of Ladakh angular account created the environment ofneglected while allocating funds andfrom within. suspic ion, distrust and acrimonyprojects by the state government.

    between the two religious communities

    of Ladakh. The marginalization ofThe binary identity politics emerged as aThe Buddhists did not only protestcommunal harmony resulted into thedominant discourse in the politics ofagainst the discrimination meted out todeadlock between the two communitiesthem by the rulers from the Kashmirwhen the complete economic and socialvalley but they also started articulatingboycott of Muslims by the Buddhists wastheir cause vis--vis the Kashmiri Muslimimposed in 1989. However, initially therulers. The politics set in motion in theboycott was directed at the Kashmiristate as well as in Ladakh has generated aMuslims, who controlled the localcritical mass, which is responsible for theadministration as well as Ladakhi Sunnipolitics of identities. Being a BuddhistMuslims, who dominated the economy of

    majority area, Ladakh did not reconcile Leh town and who were seen as Kashmiriwith the Kashmiri dominance in its poweragents opposing to the Buddhist demandstructure and raised the demand of Unionfor autonomy. The Balti Shias were laterTerritory status for Ladakh in order toalso included after they made commonprotect its identity. Although, thecause with the Sunnis. This deadlock wasKashmiri Muslims have always beenresolved in 1992 when the government ofasking for more autonomy from the UnionIndia convinced the Ladakh Buddhistof India but they were not ready to giveAssociation that it would not consider itsautonomy to the Ladakh region, which isdemand if it carried on with the boycottgeographically and physically the part ofWith the intervention of Indian state, thethe state but culturally a poll apart.Leh Autonomous Hill Council was set-up

    providing the Leh district withInstead of responding to the demand of

    considerable internal autonomy. It wasthe Ladakhi Buddhists honestly, the short of Ladakhi Buddhists demand of UTrulers from the valley started playing the status Ladakh- because the Ladakhipolitics of identity Sheikh Abdullah Muslims opposed the demand for fear ofapplied the principle of divide and rule to being dominated by the more advancedthe Ladakhi situation. The demographic Buddhists. Ladakhi Muslims do not wishstructure of Ladakh provided the

    to separate Ladakh from the Muslimconducive environment for the same. majority state of Jammu and Kashmir.The numerical difference between the

    Buddhist majority and Muslim minority isThe Ladakhi Muslim identity is unique innot very vast. Two subregions of Ladakhitself. It is primarily concentrated in theLadakh in which the others' of LadakhiLeh and Kargil are having theKargil district of Ladakh and havingBuddhist identity used to enjoy the stateconcentration of the Buddhists and thedifferent shades and layers. Althoughpatronage: This situation of Ladakh has

    Muslims respectively. Exploiting that small in its size but it is plural infurthered increased the insecurity of thedemographic profile of the region, thecomposition and complexion. It is havingBuddhist Ladakhi identity, which hasKargil Muslim identity was constructed totwo sects: Shias and Sunnis within itsalways been remained under thecounter the Buddhists demand for thefold, however, the majority is Shias. The

    constant threat to its survival andUnion Territory for the Ladakh. ByShia Muslims have strong cultural

    progress on three counts: Kashmir'sconstructing the immediate other of theboundswith the Ladakhi Buddhists than

    demand for independence and mergerLadakhi Buddhist identity, the state hasthe Kashmiri Muslims. They do not

    with Pakistan; population growth in thetransformed the Ladakhi shared identitysupport the secessionist demand of the

    Kargil is considerably higher than in thefrom within - from a multi-layered and

    Epilogue19May 2008

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    In every region of the state, there

    is the politics of one dominant

    identity vis--vis the other

    dominated identities. Therefore,

    every region of the state ischaracterized by the politics of

    dominant and dominated

    identities. The dominant identity

    has always tried to maintain and

    strengthen its hold on the politics,

    economics and administration,

    whereas, the dominated identities

    have always been in search of an

    opportunity to challenge andcontest the domination of the

    former. The dominant-dominated

    identity politics is based on the

    unequal rather than the equal


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    latter and are pro-India and anti-Pakistan Ladakhi Buddhist identities. Of course,

    but they wish to be the part of Jammu & they have always been enjoying the

    Kashmir. It can be argued that the patronage of Indian state, though they

    identity politics between India and the blame the latter for its appeasement

    state of Jammu and Kashmir has resulted policy towards Kashmiris. There is deep

    into intra-state identity politics, which and intense trust between the Indianhas further sharpened the intra-region state and the Dogra and Ladakhi

    identity politics. Since under the pulls of identities, whereas, there is trust deficit

    the forces of national integration and between the Indian national identity and

    nation-building, the Indian state tried to the Kashmir Muslim identity.

    assimilate Jammu & Kashmir like other

    states into the mainstream of the country The dominant and the dominatedby eroding its special status granted

    under Article 370 of the IndianIn every region of the state, there is the

    Constitution, which has already provedpolitics of one dominant identity vis--vis

    counter productive. Consequently, thethe other dominated identities.dialogical relations between theTherefore, every region of the state isKashmiri Muslim identity and the Indian

    characterized by the politics of dominantnational identity have becomeand dominated identities. The dominantcompetitive and conflictual. Within theidentity has always tried to maintain andstate neither Hindu nationalists fromstrengthen its hold on the politics,Jammu region nor Buddhists from Ladakheconomics and administration, whereas,has trust in the Kashmiri identity and itsthe dominated identities have alwayssupremacy in the politics of the state.been in search of an opportunity toThey have failed to reconcile with thechallenge and contest the domination ofsupremacy of Kashmiri identity in thethe former. The dominant-dominatedpolitics, administration and the economyidentity politics is based on the unequalof the state, which was set in motion inrather than the equal relations.the post- accession phase. Both haveAlthough, the dominated identities arebeen feeling insecure in the powerdemanding equal space in the publicequation emerged in the state after the

    domain but the dominant identities aretransfer of power from Dogra Hindu Kingnot prepared for that. The electoralto Sheikh Abdullah a leader of popularpolitics has further sharpened thismovement from Kashmir valley.syndrome in the politics of three

    different regions apart from the inter-Why are they feeling insecure, is a huge

    regional politics of the state. Thequestion to deal with. The kind of

    unhealthy identity politics has played itspolitical discourses emerged in the

    role to erode the common space andpolitics of state substantiated their

    shared culture between the dominant andthesis that Kashmiri Muslims will ask for

    dominated identities. It has made theirindependence from the Indian state. This

    relations more acrimonious, bitter andfear was further accentuated when

    conflict ridden. Instead of blurring thepolitical violence was set in motion in the

    angularities of diverse identities withinValley in the late 1980s. Both the Hindu

    the region and state, the politics hasDogras and Ladakhi Buddhists believefurther sharpened the differences and

    that their respective identities will be ineroded the common, shared and

    danger in such kind of scenario. Theyoverlapping space The sub-identities

    have more proximity with the Indianfrom the three religiously and culturally

    identity than with the Kashmiri identity.diverse regions of the state have

    There has always been a feeling ofbecome more angular, sharp anddistrust and suspicion between thehostile, towards each other.Kashmiri identity and the Dogra Hindu &

    Epilogue20May 2008

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  • 8/7/2019 Epilogue Magazizne, May 2008


    It has by now been universally recognized Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation phone and asked him to discuss with me

    that diversity promotes creativity and respectively. details of a cultural policy for the Gujjars

    growth while uniformity leads to of the state. As our discussion was taking

    stagnation and decline. As Jammu and place in parliament House, she calledDiscussing the importance of theKashmir state is the richest state of the Ram Chander Vikal, MP and a prominentcommunity in the contemporary contextcountry in terms of diversities, it should Gujjar leader of the UP, to implement myI once expressed my disagreement withhave set highest standard of creativity suggestion regarding closer interactionIndira Gandhi over the Kashmir as aand growth. But failure to reconcile and between Gujjars of the state and those insymbol of Indian secularism. It oftenharmonize the aspirations and interests the rest of the country. According, Itraced the history of secularism in the

    of its diversities had created host of cal led the first All India Gujjarcountry from Emperor Akbar toproblems from which its people Conference in Jammu where nationalFakharuddin Ahmad, the then presidentcontinued to suffer. Gujjar leaders, Like Ram Chander Vikalof India. Firstly

    and Shafqat Jung, and from neighbouring

    states shared the stage with GujjarI have contributed my mite in getting Kashmiris consider Akbar as the firstLeaders of the state. This conference re-recognition for all diversities and aggressor on Kashmir who enslaved it. Itestablished the secular character of thereconcile their aspirations and interests. the government of India claimed tocommunity. Many demands were made atIn this endeavour, I discovered almost in inherit the tradition of Akbar, it wouldthe conference, some of which werethe beginning of my public life in early mean Kashmir's slavery continued.addressed to the state government whileforties the unique role of Gujjar Secondly this approach did not take intoothers to the central government. Somecommunity in the multicultural mosaic of account diversities among Muslims andof them were conceded in due course ofthe state. For it have a very ancient Hindus of the state.

    time. Similar conference were held inantiquity which has retained its distinctplaces like Rajouri.character and can be adjusted with In this context I argued that the state of

    different cultures. As it is spread to Jammu and Kashmir was a miniaturealmost all regions of the state-some of its At a later stage indira Gandhi acceptedIndia where people of so many races,caravans go upto Kargil-it could make my proposal to grant schedule tribecultures and ethnic groups contribution to the unity of the status to the community. But before sheFor instance, I added, that Gujjars andstate. could implement her commitment, sheDogras outnumber Kashmiris. When

    felt victim to the bullets of two of herasked what should be done, I said that, aSikh body guards, who were outraged byI was fortunate to come in close contact process of Gujarisation should bethe attack on the golden Temple, in 1984.with enjoyed the affection of started. What do you mean by that,

    personalities like Hazarat Nizamuddin Indira Gandhi asked. I explained, that at

    and brigadier Khuda Baksh. Several of my a cultural level, efforts should be made After some changes in the government,

    good colleagues like Sarvari Kasana, Haji to revive their rich cultural heritage and Chander Shekhar became the primeBuland Khan, Gulzar Ahmad, Ram Prasad at a political level, the community in the minister for a short time. Once I was

    Khatana and Nooruddin Kataria are no state should be brought in touch with staying at J&K House in New Delhi, Lal

    their co-brethren in the rest of themore. By now many good institutions and Mohammad Sabar came to my room and

    country.scholars have done fresh research or used my telephone to call Ram Chander

    highlighted historical accounts of this Vikal. When Sabar told him at he was

    ancient community. Notable among them speaking form my room, Vikal asked himShe called Inder Gujral, the then ministerare Gurjardesh Charitable Trust and to hand over the phone to me and wantedof information and broadcasting, on

    Balraj Puri

    Gujjar Identity In Multicultural

    Mosaic Of J&K

    Epilogue21May 2008

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    to know if he could come to see me asked me, since when you became a take such decision. I told him that due to

    immediately. I told him he was welcome. Gujjar leader. I replied since they turmoil(in nineteens) the election in the

    accepted me as such.Vikal said, you have already indebted state had been postponed and the code

    Gujjar community so much that it can did not apply to it. He was convinced and

    never repay. Please do another favour. Then I explained the purpose of our visit. soon after the decision to grant ST StatusSomehow Indira Gandhi could not honour Inspite of commitment of indira Gandhi, to Gujjars of the state was announced.her commitment to grant scheduled tribe bureacrats put hurdles in implementing Earlier, Sheikh Abdullah, after returningstatus to the community. Since the it, I said Chander Shekhar commented if to power in 1975, announced formationpresent prime Minister Chander Shekhar I am convinced bureaucratic hurdles do of a Gujjar Welfare Board headed by your friend. Kindly take up the matter

    not matter. After a brief discussion, he I declined the post and suggested that itwith him. I told him, let us take a

    said, it will be done. legitimately belonged to a Gujjar.chance to see him right now and see what

    he can do Vikal agree and three of us,Later Subodh Kant Sahay, who was Home Ever since I have been associated withincluding Sabar visited Chander Shekhar'sMinister at that time, visited Jammu. He various conference and activities of theresidence and sent our chit. Hecalled me form Raj Bhawan to see hin. I Gujjars of the state. Though I haveimmediately came out. After saying helloasked hi why the decision on ST Status to served the interest of other communitiesto me he greeted Vikal-whom he knew as

    Gujjars was being delayed. He explained also, the affection and respect I havea very senior leader of the UP-with

    it was due to announcement of election received from Gujjars are unmatchedParnam and asked him what could he

    and code of conduct which was enforceddo for him. Vikal said, please speak to and more then compensate whatever I

    our leader Balraj Puri. Chander Shekhar by that time, the government could not could d