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Review of Information EOCT Practice Test

EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Dec 17, 2015



Bruce Cummings
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Page 1: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Review of Information

EOCT Practice Test

Page 2: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Early Woman ActivistsAlice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977

Elizabeth Cady Stanton – 19th century activist for women’s rights and suffrage; helped to organize the Seneca Falls Convention

Carrie A. Nation – famous leader of the temperance movement; carried a hatchet into saloons and frequently destroyed them; was a national speaker

Page 3: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Bakke v. California Board of Regents – the Supreme Court ruled that a university's use of racial "quotas" in its admissions process was unconstitutional, but a school's use of "affirmative action" to accept more minority applicants was constitutional in some circumstances

Adair v. U.S. – upheld ‘yellow dog’ contracts forbidding workers from joining labor unions (1908); a yellow dog contract is an agreement between an employer and an employee in which the employee agrees, as a condition of employment, not to join a union during the course of his employment

Schenck v. U.S. - limits may be place on speech in a time of war

Court Cases

Page 4: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization – nations agreed to help each other out if attacked by a communist country – led by U.S.

Warsaw Pact – led by U.S.S.R. – agreed to help out each other of democratic nations became aggressive towards any of them

Iron Curtain countries – countries that became communist after WWII – phrase coined by Winston Churchill

Cold War Groups

Page 5: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

38th parallel was the diving point agreed upon by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. for Korea after World War II – it is still the dividing line today, even after the Korean War (1950-1953)

17th parallel was the dividing point between North and South Vietnam – today, it is united and is a communist country

Brinksmanship characterized the types of conflicts during the Cold War – either the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. would make a move, pushing the other to the brink of war, and then back down

Cold War Issues . . .

Page 6: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Younger brother of John F. Kennedy Had run JFK’s campaign for presidency Took lead in attacking unions, particularly the

Teamster’s union and Jimmy Hoffa Served as Attorney General under JFK Supported Civil Rights movement in the South Served as a Senator from New York after JFK’s

assassination Ran for President in 1968, but was assassinated in

June after having won the California primary Both he and MLK, Jr. were assassinated in 1968

(June and April, respectively)

Robert Kennedy

Page 7: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.
Page 8: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Civil Rights Oranizations SCLC – Southern Christian Leadership

Conference – founded by pastors including Martin Luther King, Jr.

Page 9: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Main Players in Watergate

President Richard Nixon

G. Gordon Liddy

Orchestrated the Watergate break-in and served 4 ½ years in prison

President forced to resign in order to avoid being impeached

E. Howard


Helped to orchestrate the Watergate break-in and served 33 months in prison

H.R. Haldeman

Played a lead role in the Watergate cover-up;spent 18 months in prison

John Ehrlichman

Ordered break-ins and some of the cover-ups; served 18 months in prison

John Dean

Participated in the cover-up and spent 4 months in prison

Page 10: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Watergate, continuedLeading member of dirty tricks in Nixon administration and spent 4 months in prison; became a Christian in prison and founded Prison Fellowship MinistriesChuck Colson

John Mitchell

Nixon’s Attorney General and Chair of his Re-election Committee;established a secret fund to pay for burglaries; spent 18 months in prison;first Attorney General to be convicted of crime

First Special Prosecutor in Watergate investigation; fired by Nixon

Archibald Cox

Sam Ervin

Chair of the Senate’s Watergate committee

Leon Jaworski

Watergate Special Prosecutor;won Supreme Court case forcing Nixonto turn over the tapes containingincriminating evidence

Woodward & Bernstein

Washington Post reporters who broke theWatergate story; earned Pulitzer Prizes for it

Page 11: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Has become a synonym for abuse of power Richard Nixon had created a group of advisors

known as ‘plumbers’ to plug leaks coming from the White House and/or Federal Government agencies regarding Vietnam (ex. Pentagon Papers)

They committed or sanctioned various break- ins including one funded by the Committee for the Reelection of the President (CREEP) where burglars broke into Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate Building to place bugs in there.

Watergate – What was it?

Page 12: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Still unclear whether or not Nixon knew about it beforehand, but he did know about it immediately afterward played a lead role in covering up any connection to the White House

Would have been impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice

Nixon’s Role

Page 13: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Theodore Roosevelt – Square Deal (progressive) conservation issues – set up national parks; busted trusts –

anti-monopoly; FDR - New Deal (Depression)

alphabet agencies; TVA provided electricity for rural South; Wagner Act – allowed unions to form and provided for collective bargaining

Harry Truman – Fair Deal - Integration of military and Korean War – promise to help people fighting against communism anywhere in the world (Truman Doctrine); advocated Marshall Plan which helped rebuild Europe

JFK – New Frontier - Space Race with Soviets and Civil Rights Movement; Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis

Lyndon B. Johnson – Great Society - establishment of government programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and welfare – war on poverty; responsible for escalating Vietnam involvement

Presidents, their policies and accomplishments . . .

Page 14: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Richard Nixon – New Federalism - return many federal programs to state control – less big government; resigned as part of Watergate scandal

Gerald Ford – W.I.N. – (Whip Inflation Now); only person never elected to any higher office than representative; gave full pardon to Nixon

Jimmy Carter – won because he promised Americans he wouldn’t lie to them; couldn’t deal effectively with inflation; U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim radicals – hostages were held for over a year; failed rescue attempt was highly criticized

Modern Presidents, continued . . .

Page 15: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Ronald Reagan – hostages were freed a few minutes after he was inaugurated; de-regulated many industries; raised taxes on average person – lowered them on rich – spurred economic growth; Iran-Contra Scandal was blemish on his presidency; believed to have had Alzheimer’s before his term ended

George H.W. Bush – Reagan’s VP; promised ‘no new taxes’ but wound up backing down on it; Desert Storm and Desert Shield were conducted during his presidency; only one term president since Carterd

Modern Presidents, continued . . .

Page 16: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Bill Clinton – plagued by rumors of scandal during whole presidency; was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice – was acquitted; presided over a major financial upswing; sent troops into Kosovo

George W. Bush – won one of the closest elections in history; was president during 9/11; got U.S. involved in Iraqi and Afghan Wars; author of No Child Left Behind legislation; ran up a huge government deficit

Barack Obama – first African-American president in U.S. history; voters were voting against Bush and his policies; proposed ‘Obamacare’ to make sure all Americans are insured – extremely expensive – has been ruled unconstitutional; continuing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan; continues to increase deficit

Modern Presidents, continued . . .

Page 17: EOCT Practice Test. Alice Paul – Quaker who worked for the passage of the 19 th Amendment; then worked for passage of the ERA until her death in 1977.

Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader of the Soviet Union during the time that communism was overturned in Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R. He helped start this by instituting two policies – perestroika and glasnost –

Glasnost came first because it was an openness of the press –

Perestroika was allowing some capitalistic ideas to be used in the U.S.S.R. to get its economy moving

Fall of Communism