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ENVISAGE 2016 Abhivyakti

Envisage 2016

Feb 20, 2017



Anmol Agarwal
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1. Develop a plan to check the

consumption of drugs, alcohol and

other addictive elements among the society and

also suggest methods for

prevention of drug abuse

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Demotivated young brains and idleness gives birth to non constructive ideas.Therefore there is a need of providing employment and enough work so as to keep the males busy the whole day along.At the end of the their tiring day they wont get anything better than a sound sleep.

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2)ATTACKING THE SOURCE- The most disturbing fact is that unfortunately there are no strict laws prevailing that could curb the growing menance of drug consumption.Illegal supply of morphine,charas,ganja,bhang,etc, is very common.All such small shops selling these items should be shut down.Cops dressed as civilians should investigate and raid such centres.Places where these crops are grown for medicinal purposes should be kept under strict survillance.

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3)PROVIDING INCENTIVES-Those male members who have given up alcohol and are not addicted to anything should be given a D.C. battery.Each day the male member will be tested for alcohol,if found clean he will be given a one day charging of the battery for free.Next day again that person will be tested and this process goes on.

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In most cases males are the victims of addiction and not the females.So all the male members must be encouraged to handover

their complete salary to their wives.Also the females must take care of using this money sensibly

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Propose plans for

rehabilitation and creation

of employment training &

opportunities for the

affected people

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1)DO IT FOR YOURSELF- Most slum dwellers lack self esteem and remain in deep gloominess in dust,darkness and despair.They feel dejected and stand alone.Also the government is already so overloaded with obligations that they usually neglect their grievances.So government should give some money to the slum dwellers and in return these people will clean their surroundings.They will clean the choked drains,repair the drainage system,make their houses,plant trees etc.In this way two problems will be solved.One of unemployment and second of the filthy habitat in which these people live.

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2) REVIVAL- For those who are already victimized by addiction,an organization should be set up which provides them jobs and teaches them some skills like carpentary,whitewashing,plumbery etc.I firmly believe that this world moves on give and take system so,in return these people can give a part of their salaries to this organization for some initial months.

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steps towards empowerment of women in these locales and improvement of conditions for the development of women.

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1)Fe MALE=IRON MALERight from childhood ,girls are taught to remain subordinate and submissive to men.So we fail at the grassroot level,a special course should be introduced in the curriculum of all the students which teaches the equality of gender.Also organisations of the type GULAABI GANG should be formed which teaches man to be man.

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2)SELF RELIANCE-Most women depend completely on their spouses for their survival.And because money is the key factor,man rises to a position of supremacy.Therefore jobs must be provided to the women.A very effective method is the business of pickels,potato chips and other dry snacks.These delicacies can be prepared by women easily and also have a huge business.Also their husbands can serve as deliverymen.Slowly these slums will grow into a small scale industry of snacks.And because women are the makers men have to accept their authority.

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ENDURING DISRESPECT IS A SIN- Often woman bear the brutality of their husbands.Violence after drinking alcohol is commom in these localities.The reason is fear which dwells in every woman’s heart.Fear of getting insulted in public,fear of challenging their husbands.There is also a lack of concern,lack of unity.Whenever a male beats his wife every woman of the basti should come out of their houses and protest in one voice.

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Considering a situation if

your friend is being forced by people around

to get into drugs and

other abuses. How would you help him/her


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2)COMPANY EFFECT- Company plays a major role in shaping your character.You are often judged by your company.I will make sure that my friend stays away from people who promote addiction

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STAYING CLOSE- One of the best methods of rehabilation is staying close to the victim.Whenever my friend will feel a deep craving for drugs I will help him in controlling his fantasies.Keeping him in 24*7 survillance so that he is not further involved in such activities.Also informing his family and helping them to fight with this situation will be a part of my responsibility.

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness,only light can do that.Hate cannot drive out hate,only love can do that.-Martin luther King

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Thank You!!