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Environmental Technologies for the Nonferrous Metals Mining Industry A Sourcebook of U.S. Suppliers of Pollution Prevention and Control Technologies for the Mining Industry August 1999 Sponsored by U.S. Agency for International Development

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Page 1: Environmental Technologies for the Nonferrous Metals · Environmental Technologies for the Nonferrous Metals ... Manejo/Control de Materiales

Environmental Technologiesfor the Nonferrous MetalsMining Industry

A Sourcebook of U.S. Suppliers ofPollution Prevention and Control Technologiesfor the Mining Industry

August 1999

Sponsored by U.S. Agency for International Development

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Una guía tecnológica complementaria a Las Mejores Prácticas Gerenciales en Minería y Procesamiento de Metales No Ferrosos


The Kenan Institute en WashingtonThe Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise

Kenan-Flagler Business SchoolUniversity of North Carolina en Chapel Hill

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWNorth Tower, Suite 370

Washington, DC 20004, USATeléfono: (202) 289-6282Facsímil: (202) 331-4119

Agosto de 1999

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A companion technology guide toBest Management Practices in Nonferrous Metals Mining and Processing


The Kenan Institute in WashingtonThe Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise

Kenan-Flagler Business SchoolUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWNorth Tower, Suite 370

Washington, DC 20004, USATel: (202) 289-6282Fax: (202) 331-4119

August 1999

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Este libro de referencia fue auspiciado por el United States Agency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID) (Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional) y elEnvironmental Export Council (EEC), a través de La Iniciativa para Latino América paraTecnologías Ambientales.

The Kenan Institute Washington agradece al Dr. Gilbert Jackson, al Sr. Robert MacLeod, y a laDra. Regina Ostergaard-Klem de USAID por sus valiosos comentarios y apoyo, a la Srta. KarenKaplan de EEC por su ayuda global, al Sr. Jack Mozingo de Science Application Internationalpor el material de fondo, la Srta. Pamela Stella y el Sr. Mark Hardin de Golder Associates, Inc.por su revisión final de este libro de referencia, y la Srta. Rita Feinberg y el Sr. Rafael RamirezTuesta por su opoyo en la preparación del libro de referencia.

Para mayor información, por favor pornerse en contacto con:

Barbara McMurray, Directora – Programas LatinoamericanosMargaret Griffin, Asociada – Programas Latinoamericanos

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWNorth Tower, Suite 370Washington, DC 20004

Teléfono: (202) 289-6282Facsímil: (202) 331-4119

Dirección Electrónica: [email protected]

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This sourcebook was sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development(USAID) and the Environmental Export Council (EEC), through the Latin American Initiativefor Environmental Technologies.

The Kenan Institute Washington thanks Dr. Gilbert Jackson, Mr. Robert MacLeod, and Dr.Regina Ostergaard-Klem of USAID for their valuable comments and support, Ms. Karen Kaplanof EEC for her overall assistance, Mr. Jack Mozingo of Science Application International forbackground material, Ms. Pamela Stella and Mr. Mark Hardin of Golder Associates, Inc. fortheir final review of this sourcebook, and Ms. Rita Feinberg and Mr. Rafael Ramirez Tuesta fortheir assistance in sourcebook preparation.

For more information, please contact:

Barbara McMurray, Director – Latin American ProgramsMargaret Griffin, Associate – Latin American Programs

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWNorth Tower, Suite 370Washington, DC 20004

Tel: (202) 289-6282Fax: (202) 331-4119

E-mail: [email protected]

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Introducción ............................................................................................... 1

I. Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (Drenage de Minas Acidas – AMD)...... 5

II. Manejo de Agua y Aguas Residuales.......................................................... 13

III. Control de la Erosion y la Sedimentación................................................... 19

IV. Estabilización Fisica .................................................................................. 23

V. Control de Contaminación del Aire............................................................ 24

A. Control de Descarga de Monteras ................................................... 27B. Control de Escapes de Polvo........................................................... 30

VI. Remediación.............................................................................................. 32

A. Suelos............................................................................................. 33B. Cultivo de la Tierra ......................................................................... 34

VII. Manejo/Control de Materiales Peligrosos y Desperdicios........................... 35

VIII. Monitoreo de Aire, Agua Residual y Corriente Efluente ............................ 38

IX. Manejo de Relaves..................................................................................... 40

X. Cierre ........................................................................................................ 44

XI. Reclamación/Revegetación ........................................................................ 45

XII. Consultoría ................................................................................................ 48

Índice por Nombre de Compañias e Información de Contactos .............................. 57

Referencias ............................................................................................................ 75

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Introduction................................................................................................ 1

I. Wastewater Treatment (Acid Mine Drainage)............................................. 5

II. Water and Wastewater Management........................................................... 13

III. Erosion and Sedimentation Control ............................................................ 19

IV. Physical Stabilization ................................................................................. 23

V. Air Pollution Controls ................................................................................ 24

A. Stack Discharge Controls...................................................................... 27B. Fugitive Dust Controls.......................................................................... 31

VI. Remediation ............................................................................................... 32

A. Soils ..................................................................................................... 33B. Land Farming ....................................................................................... 34

VII. Hazardous Materials and Waste Management/Controls .............................. 35

VIII. Monitoring Air, Wastewater and Effluents ................................................. 38

IX. Tailings Management ................................................................................. 40

X. Closure....................................................................................................... 44

XI. Reclamation/Revegetation.......................................................................... 45

XII. Consulting.................................................................................................. 48

Index of Company Names and Contact Information ............................................... 57

References ............................................................................................................. 79

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USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project 1

Introducción Introduction

En Latinoamérica y a través del mundo,los minerales continuan siendo crucialespara las economías de varios países.Directa e indirectamente, la actividadminera sostiene miles de trabajos ycontribuye significativamente a lasexportaciones anuales. Inmersos enterrenos de cada tipo que se puedaconcebir, los minerales presentan retos decompetencia – cómo ser hallados,extraidos y refinados, y cómo evitargrandes peligros ambientales durante elproceso.

Latinoamerica ha visto un “boom” en elsector de la minería durante los añosrecientes. Desde 1994, la región ha sido ellíder mundial de inversión en minerales.La inversión para hacer actividades deexploración en Latinoamerica creció 130por ciento en los últimos cinco años. Laminería representa una parte dominante delas economías de muchos países enLatinoamerica y el Caríbe. Por ejemplo,57% de la renta que Chile ganó porexportación en 1990 fue por la minería.También, $2.2 billiones de maquinariaminera fue exportado de los EstadosUnidos a Latino America en 1996.

Conforme se establecen patronesambientales y se ajustan las regulacionesexistentes, las compañías mineras se venobligadas a contemplar las implicacionesambientales del manejo y operación de susinstalaciones. Una atención más cercanadebe prestarse a los aspectos ambientales alo largo de la vida de una mina desde elplaneamiento hasta el cierre del lugar. Porlo tanto, es crucial que las compañíasconsideren los factores ambientalescuando seleccionan nuevos equipos oactualizan las instalaciones mineras y

In Latin America and throughout theworld, minerals continue to be crucial tothe economies of many countries. Directlyand indirectly, the mining industrysupports thousands of jobs and contributessignificantly to annual exports. Imbeddedin terrain of every conceivable type,minerals present competing challenges –how to find, extract and refine them, andhow to protect against majorenvironmental threats in the process.

There has been a boom in the miningsector in recent years. Since 1994 LatinAmerica has been the world leader interms of mineral investment. Explorationinvestment in the region has increased 130percent in the last five years. Miningrepresents a dominant share of theeconomies of many LAC countries withChile deriving 57% of its export revenuefrom the sector in 1990. In addition $2.2Billion worth of mining machinery wasexported from the US in 1996 to theregion.

As new environmental standards are beingestablished and existing regulationstightened, mining companies arecompelled to consider the environmentalimplications of the management andoperation of their facilities. Closerattention must be paid to environmentalaspects throughout the life of a mine, fromplanning to closure of the site. It istherefore crucial that companies considerenvironmental factors when selecting newequipment or upgrading existing miningand processing facilities.

Pollution is of particular concern in themining industry. Acid drainage, soilerosion, air emissions, and chemical

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? Introduction

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project2

procesadoras existentes.

La Contaminación es una preocupaciónespecial en la industria minera. El drenagede ácidos, erosión del suelo, emisión degases, y desperdicios químicos, entreotros, imponen serios problemas decontaminación ambientales y usualmenterequieren soluciones complejas yinnovadoras. Conforme los gobiernos vanajustando los patrones ambientales ydemandan mayor cumplimiento, lasempresas mineras deben buscar metodoseffectivos, en términos de costo, paraafrontrar el tema de la contaminaciónmientras que al mismo tiempoincrementan la calidad, la productividad ylas utilidades. Dos enfoques alternativosestán disponibles:

• Tratamiento “End-of pipe”:incorporación de equipo y empleo deprocesos para recolectar o neutralizardesperdicios luego de haber sidogenerados (enfoque correctivo); o

• Producción más Limpia (o Prevenciónde La Contaminación): Un enfoquecomprensivo para prevenir losimpactos negativos al medio ambientede un proceso de producción. Intentareducir or eliminar la creación decontaminantes por buenas prácticas delimpieza en las plantas de producción,por procesos más eficaces, por laconservación de recursos, por elreciclaje y la reutilización, y portecnología más limpia.

La segunda estrategia, prevención de lacontaminación, ofrece importantesventajas ambientales y empresariales.Mediante el empleo de prácticasambientalmente probadas y el uso deprocesos que incorporan tecnologías deprevención de la contaminación, lasoperaciones mineras pueden reducir

wastes, among others pose seriousenvironmental pollution problems andoften require complex and innovativesolutions. As governments tightenenvironmental standards and demandstricter compliance, mining enterprisesmust seek cost-effective methods toaddress pollution issues while at the sametime increase quality, productivity andprofits. Two alternative approaches areavailable:

• “End-of pipe” treatment: addition ofequipment and employment ofprocesses to collect or neutralizewastes after they have been generated(corrective approach); or

• Cleaner Production (or PollutionPrevention): a comprehensiveapproach to preventing the negativeenvironmental impacts of a productionprocess. It seeks to reduce or eliminatethe creation of pollutants through goodhousekeeping, increased processefficiency, resource conservation,recycling and reuse, and cleanertechnology.

The second strategy, pollution prevention,offers important environmental andbusiness advantages. By employingproven environmental practices and usingprocesses that incorporate pollutionprevention technologies, miningoperations can significantly reduce theamount of pollution created – reducing“end-of-pipe” treatment. At the sametime, additional cost savings can berealized from reduced water usage, loweruse of expensive chemicals, and improvedprocessing efficiencies.

U.S. companies are world leaders inadvanced environmental technologies andpollution prevention. Over the past 25

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USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project 3

significativamente el volumen de lacontaminación creada – reduccción deltratamiento “end-of-pipe”. Al mismotiempo, ahorros adicionales puedenproducirse al reducir el uso del agua,reducir el uso de químicos costosos ymejoras en la eficiencia de procesos.

Las compañías Estadounidenses sonlíderes mundiales en tecnologíasambientales avanzadas y de prevención decontaminación. A lo largo de los últimos25 años –guiados por estrictas leyes yregulaciones ambientales- las compañíasNorteamericanas han desarrolladotecnologías eficientes en terminos decosto, y de prevencion y control decontaminación para cada faceta de laindustria minera.

Este libro de referencia identificaproveedores norteamericanos de equipos,materiales, productos y servicios queofrecen “tecnologías limpias” para laindustria minera y, así complementa lasPrácticas Optimas de Manejo en laExplotación Minera y el Proceso deMetales No Ferrosos del Proyecto de LaPrevención de La ContaminationMedioambiental (PPCM), auspiciado porla Agencia para el Desarrollo Internationalde los EE.UU., el cual proporciona unadescripción más amplia de la industriaminera.

El propósito de este libro de referencia espromover la adopción de nuevas y mejoresprácticas de gerencia ambiental y facilitarla inversión en tecnologías y procesos máslimpios a través del uso de tecnologíapráctica, generalmente económica yavanzada. El estudio reconoce quesoluciones económicas pueden dejar deresolver todos los problemas ambientalesde una mina.El libro de consulta está organizado en

years – driven by strict environmental lawsand regulations – U.S. companies havedeveloped cost-effective, pollutionprevention and control technologies forevery facet of the mining industry.

This sourcebook identifies U.S. suppliersof equipment, materials, products andservices that offer “clean technologies” forthe mining industry and thus complementsthe USAID sponsored, EnvironmentalPolution Prevention Project’s (EPPP) BestManagement Practices in NonferrousMetals Mining and Processing, whichprovides a broader description of themining industry.

The purpose of this sourcebook is topromote the adoption of new andimproved environmental managementpractices and to facilitate investment incleaner processes through the use ofpractical, generally inexpensive, andadvanced technology. The studyacknowledges that inexpensive solutionsmay not always solve all environmentalproblems at a mine.

The sourcebook is organized aroundtechnologies that address the mainenvironmental pollution sources in themining industry, focusing on miningoperations rather than ore processing andrefining, because the field study conductedidentified mining as the phase requiringthe most urgent attention.

This publication has been prepared withthe small and midsize mining operation inmind. While the authors understand thatcompliance to environmental standards isrequired for all mines regardless of theirsize, where possible, this resource isintentionally focused on practical solutionsto pollution prevention and control overthose that require intensive, large scale

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? Introduction

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project4

torno a tecnologías que abordan lasfuentes de contaminación más importantesen la industria minera, centrándose enoperaciones extractivas en lugar deprocesamiento y refinamiento deminerales, debido a que el trabajo decampo identificó a la etapa extractivacomo la fase que requiere la atención másurgente.

Esta publicación ha sido preparadateniendo enconsideración operacionesmineras pequeñas y medianas. Los autoresentienden que el cumplimiento de patronesambientales es exigido a todas las minas,independientemente de su tamaño, dondees posible, este recurso se centraintencionalmente en soluciones prácticaspara la prevención y control de lacontaminación, sobre aquellas querequieren inversiones intensivas en capitaly de gran escala.

Cada sección contiene una brevedescripción de las tecnologías aplicables eincluye los nombres y contactos deempresas norteamericanas que puedenabastecer los productos y servicios. Para laconveniencia del lector, cuando unacompañía aparece en más de unencabezado, toda la información de lacompañía es presentada bajo cadaencabezado correspondiente. El índice alfinal del directorio proporciona una listaalfabética de las compañías.

La descripción de las compañías y susproductos están basadas en la informaciónproporcionada por cada compañía. Lascompañías también seleccionaron lascategorias bajo las cuáles prefirieron serlistadas.

capital investments.

Each section contains a brief description ofthe applicable technologies and includesthe names and contact information for U.S.companies that can supply the products orservices. For the convenience of thereader, when a company appears in morethan one heading, all company informationis presented under each correspondingheading. The index at the end of thesourcebook provides an alphabeticallisting of the companies.

Company and product descriptions arebased on information provided by eachcompany. The companies also selected thecategories under which they preferred tobe listed.

The Kenan Institute has not independentlyverified the performance, characteristics orother features described by manufacturersand therefore does not assume anyresponsibility for the claims made by thefirms listed here.

El Kenan Institute no ha verificado demanera independiente las característicasdel desempeño y otros rasgos descritospor los fabricantes y por lo tanto no asumeninguna responsabilidad por lasafirmaciones realizadas por las compañíasaquí listadas.

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Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (AMD)? I Wastewater Treatment? I

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project 5

I. Tratamiento de AguasResiduales (Drenage deMinas Acidas – AMD)

I. Wastewater Treatment(Acid Mine Drainage -AMD)

El más grande contribuyente de drenagede minas ácidas es de lejos la operaciónminería en sí, debido a los enormesvolúmenes de desperdicio sulfúricoproducido en algunas minas. Elprocesamiento de material que contienemineral produce no sólo metales útiles yvaliosos sino materiales de desecho –relaves, roca de desecho y frecuentementelíquidos efluentes. Con el tiempo laexposición de rocas y relaves quecontienen sulfuro al oxígeno y agua,pueden generar líquidos en los cuales losmetales pesados son disueltos osuspendidos, dando como resultado elAMD. Bajo estas condiciones y con lapresencia de bacterias, se genera ácidosulfúrico. El proceso libera hierro férrico,que nuevamente actúa como un agenteoxidante para oxidar aún más el sulfuro.

Los aspectos técnicos de las soluciones alproblema del AMD puede ser separado endistintas áreas técnicas. El objetivo esdesarrolar técnicas eficientes en términosde costos para controlar la generación deAMD y ser capaz de predecir los efectosde estas tecnologías en el largo plazo. Si sepuede prevenir que el exígeno,el agua oambos reaccionen con el material desulfuro, la producción de AMD puede serdetenida. Barreras húmedas o secaspueden logarr esto. Aún cuando losprincipios básicos para el control y laprevención del AMD son comunes a todaslas minas, las diferencias en ubicación,topografía, características del subsuelo,cantidad de agua en el área, clima y rudezade los materiales de desperdicio, requierensoluciones especificas. Por ejemplo,relaves chancados finamente imponen un

The largest contributor to acid minedrainage (AMD) by far is the miningoperation itself, because of the enormousvolume of sulfide wastes produced at somemines. The processing of mineral bearingore produces not only the useful andvaluable metals but also waste materials –tailings, waste rock and frequently liquideffluents-. Over time the exposure ofsulfide bearing waste rock and tailings tooxygen and water can generate liquid inwhich heavy metals are dissolved orsuspended, resulting in AMD. Underthese conditions and in the presence ofbacteria, sulfuric acid is generated. Theprocess releases ferric iron, which againacts as an oxidizing agent to oxidize yetmore sulfites.

The technical aspects of solutions to theproblem of AMD can be separated intodistinct technical areas. The objective is todevelop cost-effective technologies tocontrol AMD generation and to be able topredict the effects of these technologiesover the long term. If oxygen, water orboth can be prevented from reacting withthe sulfide material, the production ofAMD can be stopped. Dry and wetbarriers can achieve this. Even though thebasic principles of controlling andpreventing AMD are common to all mines,the differences in location, topography,sub-surface characteristics, amount ofwater in the area, climate and thecoarseness of the waste materials allrequire specific solutions. For example,finely crushed tailings pose a different setof problems than wastes made up of largepieces of rock. Exposed wall surfaces poseyet another problem. These variables

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I ? Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (AMD) ? Wastewater Treatment

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project6

conjunto distinto de problemas quedesperdicios compuestos de grandespiezas de roca. Estas variables combinadascon los resultados de pruebas enlaboratorio, forman la base para lapredicción del grado de AMD. Toda laidea detrás de la predicción es usar lainformación que uno puede juntar para queayuden a predecir la probabilidad deAMD.

Algunas de las aplicaciones incluyenpantanos naturales o artificiales, a pesarque la efectividad es limitada en algunasocasiones debido a la extensión yseveridad del invierno y la rapidez de laprimavera; desagües de piedra caliza;canales abiertos de piedra caliza; pozos dediversificación; entre otros.

El tratamiento para el drenage ácido deminas incluye los siguientes métodos:

• Recolección: el drenage ácido esrecolectado y combinado con mezclasde cal u otro catalizador, lo queincrementa la alcalinidad. Bajo estascondiciones, los metales pesados ycontaminantes disueltos en el aguaácida son removidos, con lodo comoun subproducto. Luego el lodo debeser curado.

• Cubiertas Secas: cubiertas de tierra debaja permeabilidad y cubiertasvegetativas representan una capacobertora situada sobre losdesperdicios mineros que puedeprevenir el rápido ingreso del oxigenohacia el desperdicio. Estas cubiertasdetienen o reducen la producción deácido.

• Cubiertas Consumidoras de Oxígeno:varios materiales, incluyendodesperdicios de otras industrias yciudades, proveen un excelentepotencial a bajo costo para generar

combined with results of laboratory testingform the basis for prediction of AMDdegree. The whole idea behind predictionis to use the information one can gather tohelp predict the probability of AMD.

Some of the applications include naturaland engineered wetlands, although theeffectiveness of this approach is limited insome locations due to length and severityof winter and rapid spring run off; anoxiclimestone drains; open limestone channels;and diversion wells, among others.

Treatment for acid mine drainage includesthe following methods:

• Collection: acid drainage is collectedand combined with lime slurry or othercatalysts, which increases thealkalinity. Under these conditions, theheavy metals and contaminantsdissolved in the acid water areremoved, with sludge as a by-product.Then the sludge must be healed.

• Dry Covers: low permeability soil andvegetative cover represent a coverlayer sitting on top of the mine wastethat can prevent the rapid ingress ofwater and oxygen into the waste.These covers stop or slow down theproduction of acid.

• Oxygen Consuming Covers: severalmaterials, including waste materialsfrom other industries and cities,provide excellent potential at lowercost for generating oxygen-reducingcover on mine tailings, for short termpurposes.

• Wet Covers and Underwater Disposal:water prevents the oxidation of sulfidewaste by creating an oxygen barrierbetween the mine waste and the openair. This method is being confirmed asthe best prevention technology forunoxidized sulphide-containing wastes,

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Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (AMD)? I Wastewater Treatment? I

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project 7

cubiertas que reducen el oxigeno enlos relaves mineros, para propósitos decorto plazo.

• Cubiertas Húmedas y EliminaciónSubmarina: el agua evita la oxidaciónde desperdicio sulfúrico mediante lacreación de una barrera de oxígenoentre el desperdicio minero y el aireabierto. Este método está siendoconfirmado como la mejor tecnologíade prevención para desperdicios quecontienen sulfuro sin oxidar, siempreque los relaves puedan permanecersumergidos a traves de todas lasestaciones.

• Minería selectiva de yacimientos conel menor potencial de problemas deresiduo ácido.

• Ubicación de minerales con potencialpara le gneración de ácido en minas detajo abierto o como relleno en minassubterráneas.

• La medida preventiva ideal es reduciro remover los componentes sulfúricosantes que los relaves sean descargados.

provided the tailings can remainsubmerged through all seasons.

• Selective Mining of ore bodies withthe least potential for acid run offproblems.

• Placement of potential acid generatingmaterials in open pits or as backfill inunderground mines.

• The ideal preventative measure is toreduce or remove the sulfidecomponents before discharging thetailings.

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc3300 Riverside DriveColumbus, Ohio 43221 - USATel: 614-457-3051Fax: 614-538-5825Web Page: John AdamsE-mail: [email protected]: Polyethylene Drainage Pipe, Fittings, Couplings, Geotextiles, Geogrids, Silt Fence,

Erosion Control Mats, Filter Fabric Wraps.Company Statement of Capabilities: Incorporated in 1966, Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. is

the world's largest manufacturer of high-density polyethylene drainage pipe.Producing pipe in 3" (80mm) to 60" (1500mm) diameters, plus a complete line offittings and couplings, ADS offers a total system for effective and cost-efficientdrainage. Specific products include standard corrugated pipe, smooth interior stormsewer pipe, a superior panel-shaped drainage pipe, catch basins and geotextiles. Withthe Company's rapid growth has come a corresponding organizational commitment tocustomers and material specifiers.

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I ? Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (AMD) ? Wastewater Treatment

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project8

(Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc., cont’d)ADS operates 20 regional manufacturing plants and maintains product inventory andsales assistance at 33 Distribution centers across the U.S. The Company also deliversproducts through its relationship with over 4,000 independent distributors. A staff of18 regional engineers, complimenting a field of over 150 sales professionals, provideslocal technical installation assistance to government agencies, private consultants, andcontractors. As the world continues the enormous task of rebuilding yesterday'sinfrastructure, ADS helps streamline the process with an engineered, totally plasticdrainage system that offers superior hydraulic performance, lower installation andmaintenance costs, and significantly longer service life.

Amoco Fabrics & Fiber Company260 The BluffsAustell, Georgia 30168 - USATel: 770-944-4569Fax: 770-944-4584Web Page: [email protected]: Jose Roberto MontalvoE-mail: [email protected]: Woven and Nonwoven GeotextilesCompany Statement of Capabilities: Amoco Fabrics & Fibers Company is a part of the

BPAmoco group. Amoco Fabrics & Fibers is a major producer of Woven andNonwoven geotextiles as well as the largest producer of carpet backing. We havemanufacturing facilities in the USA (Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina), Europe(Germany), Brasil (Curitiba), and Mexico (Matehuala). Amoco Woven and Nonwovengeotextiles are used in many applications such as: New and Old RoadwayConstruction, Drainage Applications, Erosion Control, Retaining Walls, Municipaland Hazardous Waste Facilities, Mining, Dams, Tunnels, and Others CivilEngineering Applications.

Applied Surface Technologies AST Coatings Applied1423 West Ormsby AvenueLouisville, Kentucky 40210 - USATel: 502-634-9458Fax: 502-634-1130Web Page: www.astl.comContact: Dave McEwanE-mail: [email protected]: Surface Coatings - ElectroFin, Bio Technology for cleaning.Company Statement of Capabilities: AST applies high performance coatings to prevent

corrosion of fin and tube heat exchangers. AST also sells cleaning systems forbacterial films (green slime) often present on heat exchangers or other surfaces.

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Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (AMD)? I Wastewater Treatment? I

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project 9

Baker Process, division of Baker Hughes Inc.669 West 200 South Street P.O. Box 300Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 - USATel: 801-526-2909Fax: 801-526-2923Contact: Frank BaczekE-mail: [email protected]: Clarifiers, Thickeners, Filters, Flotation Cells, Column Flotation Cells.Company Statement of Capabilities: Baker Process offers a wide range of equipment for solid-

liquid applications proven over decades of dependable service. This range ofequipment originates both from internal research and development and from externallicenses of major worldwide process equipment designers. Baker Process is a divisionof Baker Hughes Inc. and is organized to effectively and efficiently serve a trulyworldwide industry from four geographic operating regions. Baker Process maintainsa comprehensive range of technology, design, engineering and manufacturingcapabilities. A single piece of equipment or a complete process plant designed,supplied, erected and commissioned on a turn-key basis can be provided.

CertainTeed Products Group750 Swedesford Road, P.O. Box 860Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 19482 - USATel: 610-341-7000Fax: 610-341-6837Contact: Ken McHughProducts: Pipe & Plastics: Plastic, Abrasian resistantCompany Statement of Capabilities: CertainTeed Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of

Saint Gobain which is headquartered in Paris, France. Saint Gobain is a leadingproducer of flat glass, glass containers, reinforcements, building, materials, abrasives,industrial ceramics and pipe. The company employs more that 100,000 peopleworldwide in over 580 consolidated companies. CertainTeed Corporation isheadquartered in Valley Forge, PA. CertainTeed produces and exports worldwidespecialty piping systems for the industrial mining, irrigation and water well marketsfrom four strategically located extrusion plants. CertainTeed also maintains its ownISO 9002 PVC resin manufacturing plant in Sulfur, LA.

Chester EngineersCherrington Corporate Center, 600 Clubhouse DriveMoon Township, Pennsylvania 15108 - USATel: 800-337-0777, 412-269-5700Fax: 412-269-5749Web Page: www.chester-engineers.comContact: Robert Zick (Peru Team), Lori BonhamE-mail: [email protected]: Engineering: water, wastewater, air quality, geoscience and environmentalmanagement (i.e. assessment and remediation), environmental and information systems.

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I ? Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales (AMD) ? Wastewater Treatment

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(Chester Engineers cont’d)Company Statement of Capabilities: Chester Engineers, one of the nation's leading engineering

firms in water, wastewater, air quality, geoscience and environmental management,has been providing both industries and municipalities with exceptional solutions fortheir water and wastewater problems since 1910. Our engineering services range fromcomprehensive turnkey solutions to targeted, client-specific services. The flexibilityof our capabilities and our product diversity allow Chester the ability to provide clientswith single-source solutions for any problem, small or large. Chester Engineers is partof United States Filter Corporation, the leading global provider of industrial, municipaland residential water and wastewater treatment systems, products and services.

Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation505 Front Avenue, P.O. Box 1Coeur D'Alene, Idaho 83816-0316 - USATel: 208-667-3511Fax: 208-667-2213Web Page: www.coeur.comContact: Luke RussellE-mail: [email protected]: CyanisorbTM technology recovers cyanide directly from gold mill tailings for recycle

back to leaching circuit; removes cyanide prior to disposal of tailing, average recoveryis 80-90 percent, with plant operting costs offset by the value of the recovered.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Coeur d' Alene Mines Corp. is North America's leadinglow-cost primary silver producer and a significant gold producer with interests inNevada, Idaho, Alaska, Chile, Australia and Bolivia. Recognized as a leader inenvironmental stewardship, Coeur has received 19 environmental awards forleadership and commitment to environmental protection over the last decade.

Fluid Systems (FSI)1245 Corporate Blvd. Suite 300Aurora, Illinois 60504 - USATel: 800-346-9107, 630-898-1161Fax: 630-898-1179Web Page: www.fluidsystems.comContact: Linda EnglanderE-mail: [email protected]: Geotextiles, TEX-NET® Geocomposites, TEX-NET® Ultra high flow

geocomposites, BENTOFIX® Thermal Lock geosynthetic clay liners,SANI-COVER® daily cover, GoeLok™ cellular confinement system, Strata Gridgeogrids, HYDROTEX fabric formed concrete.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Fluid Systems is a leading supplier of a wide range ofgeosynthetics for the waste containment industry, including POLY-NET® drainagenets, TEX-NET® and TEX-NET® ULTRA geocomposites, Bentofix® Thermal LockGCLs, geotextiles, geogrids, SANI-COVER® daily covers, Hydrotex™ fabric formedconcrete and Geolok™ Cellular Confinement System.

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Great Western Chemical Company808 S.W. 15th AvenuePortland, Oregon 97205 - USATel: 503-228-2600, 800-547-1400Fax: 503-221-5752Web Page: www.gwchem.comContact: Taras WarvarivE-mail: [email protected]: Powder-emulsion and liquid flocculants, Coagulants-scale and corrosion inhibitors,

Viscosity modifiers and equipment packages.Company Statement of Capabilities: Great Western Chemical Company is a United States

company with annual sales in excess of $260MM. We are the 8th largest distributor inNorth America with an asset base of over $50MM and have been in business for over60 years. We have 36 offices/stocking locations throughout USA, Canada, Mexico,China, Russia and presently South America through local partnership-representation.We are a full line chemicals program provider. Our focus is on service, sales, logisticalsupport and complete technical programs for our customers. Our highly trained forceincludes both mining and metallurgical-environmental engineers supported by ourfully staffed technical center. We are well positioned to meet your expectations.

Smith Fiberglass Products Company2700 W. 65th StreetLittle Rock, Arkansas 72209 - USATel: 501-568-4010Fax: 501-568-4465Web Page: www.smithfiberglass.comContact: Susan B. JonesE-mail: [email protected]: Pipe plastic, fiberglass or epoxy, abrasion resistant, pipe fittings, corrosion resistant,

secondary containment piping.Company Statement of Capabilities: Smith Fiber Glass Products supplies millions of feet of

pipe to various industries worldwide, including oil and gas companies, pulp and papermills, industrial plants, the mining industry, chlorine-caustic plants, power plants, steelmills, the chemical process industry, gasoline service stations, food processing plants,refineries, air conditioning, and water and wastewater plants. Nine standard pipingsystems are available in size from 1-inch through 48-inch diameters and temperaturesto 250 F. Smith Fiber Glass offers a choice of joining methods such as bell and spigotor socket joins. The company also manufactures a complete line of fittings andaccessories such as tapering tools.

The Gorman-Rupp Company305 Bowman Street, P.O. Box 1217Mansfield, Ohio 44901-1217 - USATel: 419-755-1011, 419-755-1350, 419-755-1352Fax: 419-755-1266Web Page:

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(The Gorman-Rupp Company cont’d)Contact: Taffy DeNaviaE-mail: [email protected]: Pumps & Packaged Pumping Systems with ControlsCompany Statement of Capabilities: The Gorman-Rupp Company is a leading manufacturer of

self priming, submersible and rotary gear pumps and complete fluid handling systemswith a 66 year reputation for innovative technology, excellent production quality and awell trained distribution network serving the needs of global end users. Groman-Rupppumps are key elements of fluid systems in the water/wastewater, construction,mining, industrial, agricultural and petroleum market segments. In Latin AmericaGorman-Rupp has developed an understanding of the needs of the mining sector andhas been pleased to service the equipment requirements of mining end users in nearlyall countries. In addition to the traditional gold, silver, copper and coal Gorman-Rupphas also been quite active in non-ferrous mining such as nitrates and industrial salts.

Tramfloc, Inc.P.O. Box 350Tempe, Arizona 85280-0350 - USATel: 800-613-6803, 480-491-6895Fax: 480-456-1664Web Page: www.tramfloc.comContact: James FranklinE-mail: [email protected]: Equipment & Chemicals: Flocculants, polymers, mining chemicals, chlorinators, all

organic wetting and release agents.Company Statement of Capabilities: Tramfloc Inc. provides water treatment equipment and

chemicals for water and wastewater plants. The company sells and services systemsfor sludge dewatering such as belt filter presses and thickeners, ion exchange forcontaminant removal, reverse osmosis, chemical feeding and control, filter gravel andanthracite, tablet chlorination and dechlorination chemicals and systems, filters forpotable, pool, waste and process water. The firm handles instrumentation, such asscales, monitors, detectors and alarms. Tramfloc carries flocculants for miningtailings, thickeners and concentrates for precious and base metal mines. The companyhas an international division which serves its off-shore customers from the Phoenixheadquarters.

Warman International, Inc.2701 South Stoughton Road, P.O. Box 7610Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7610 - USATel: 608-221-2261Fax: 609-221-5810Web Page: www.warmanintl.comContact: Julie CapadonaE-mail: [email protected]: Pumps: Centrifugal and Turbine, Corrosive Liquids, Dredge and Gravel, Sand and

Slime, Sump, Blasthole Dewatering.

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Warman International Chile SAAvda. Américo Vespucio # 2512Conchalí, Santiago, ChileTel: 2-624-1820Fax: 2-624-1812Web Page: www.warmanintl.comE-mail: [email protected]: Pumps: Centrifugal and Turbine, Corrosive Liquids, Dredge and Gravel, Sand and

Slime, Sump, Blasthole Dewatering.

II. Manejo de Agua y AguasResiduales

II. Water and WastewaterManagement

El agua está involucrada en casi todos losaspectos de la actividad minera. Encontrartécnicas óptimas para tratar el aguaresidual y regresarla al medio ambiente esuno de los temas más importantes que unaoperación minera maneja rutinariamente.El agua residual puede contener lossiguientes elementos contaminantes:dióxido de sulfuro, plomo, mercurio,metales pesados, soluciones de pH alto obajo, y otros desperdicios líquidos osólidos. La falta de un sistema adecuadopara tratar el agua residual puede resultaren un impacto importante en el medioambiente.

Reducir la cantidad de agua en contactocon elementos contaminantes es unenfoque básico empleado para reducir eluso de costosos métodos para tratar aguacontaminada. Además, dado el intenso usodel agua, se pueden lograr una reducciónde costos incrementando la cantidad deagua que es reusada. Las siguientescompañías proveen tecnología que puedenayudar a las operaciones mineras aencontrar soluciones apropiadas para elmanejo del gua y del agua residual.

Water is involved in almost every aspectof mining activities. Finding optimumtechniques to treat wastewater and return itto the environment is one of the mainissues that mine operations deal withroutinely. Wastewater may include thefollowing polluting agents: sulfur dioxide,lead, mercury, heavy metals, low or highpH solutions, and other liquid or solidwastes. The lack of an adequate system totreat wastewater may result in animportant impact on the environment.

Reducing the amount of water in contactwith pollutant elements is a basic approachtaken to reduce the use of expensivemethods to treat contaminated water. Inaddition, given the intense use of water,cost reductions can be achieved byincreasing the amount of water that isreused. The following companies providetechnology that can help mine operationsto find appropriate solutions to managewater and wastewater.

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Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc3300 Riverside DriveColumbus, Ohio 43221 - USATel: 614-457-3051Fax: 614-538-5825Web Page: John AdamsE-mail: [email protected]: Polyethylene Drainage Pipe, Fittings, Couplings, Geotextiles, Geogrids, Silt Fence,

Erosion Control Mats, Filter Fabric Wraps.Company Statement of Capabilities: Incorporated in 1966, Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. is

the world's largest manufacturer of high-density polyethylene drainage pipe.Producing pipe in 3" (80mm) to 60" (1500mm) diameters, plus a complete line offittings and couplings, ADS offers a total system for effective and cost-efficientdrainage. Specific products include standard corrugated pipe, smooth interior stormsewer pipe, a superior panel-shaped drainage pipe, catch basins and geotextiles. Withthe Company's rapid growth has come a corresponding organizational commitment tocustomers and material specifiers. ADS operates 20 regional manufacturing plants andmaintains product inventory and sales assistance at 33 Distribution centers across theU.S. The Company also delivers products through its relationship with over 4,000independent distributors. A staff of 18 regional engineers, complimenting a field ofover 150 sales professionals, provides local technical installation assistance togovernment agencies, private consultants, and contractors. As the world continues theenormous task of rebuilding yesterday's infrastructure, ADS helps streamline theprocess with an engineered, totally plastic drainage system that offers superiorhydraulic performance, lower installation and maintenance costs, and significantlylonger service life.

Amoco Fabrics & Fiber Company260 The BluffsAustell, Georgia 30168 - USATel: 770-944-4569Fax: 770-944-4584Web Page: [email protected]: Jose Roberto MontalvoE-mail: [email protected]: Woven and Nonwoven GeotextilesCompany Statement of Capabilities: Amoco Fabrics & Fibers Company is a part of the

BPAmoco group. Amoco Fabrics & Fibers is a major producer of Woven andNonwoven geotextiles as well as the largest producer of carpet backing. We havemanufacturing facilities in the USA (Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina), Europe(Germany), Brasil (Curitiba), and Mexico (Matehuala). Amoco Woven and Nonwovengeotextiles are used in many applications such as: New and Old RoadwayConstruction, Drainage Applications, Erosion Control, Retaining Walls, Municipaland Hazardous Waste Facilities, Mining, Dams, Tunnels, and Others CivilEngineering Applications.

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Applied Surface Technologies AST Coatings Applied1423 West Ormsby AvenueLouisville, Kentucky 40210 - USATel: 502-634-9458Fax: 502-634-1130Web Page: www.astl.comContact: Dave McEwanE-mail: [email protected]: Surface Coatings - ElectroFin, Bio Technology for cleaning.Company Statement of Capabilities: AST applies high performance coatings to prevent

corrosion of fin and tube heat exchangers. AST also sells cleaning systems forbacterial films (green slime) often present on heat exchangers or other surfaces.

Baker Process, division of Baker Hughes Inc.669 West 200 South Street P.O. Box 300Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 - USATel: 801-526-2909Fax: 801-526-2923Contact: Frank BaczekE-mail: [email protected]:Clarifiers, Thickeners, Filters, Flotation Cells, Column Flotation Cells.(Baker Process, division of Baker Hughes Inc. cont’d)Company Statement of Capabilities: Baker Process offers a wide range of equipment for solid-

liquid applications proven over decades of dependable service. This range ofequipment originates both from internal research and development and from externallicenses of major worldwide process equipment designers. Baker Process is a divisionof Baker Hughes Inc. and is organized to effectively and efficiently serve a trulyworldwide industry from four geographic operating regions. Baker Process maintainsa comprehensive range of technology, design, engineering and manufacturingcapabilities. A single piece of equipment or a complete process plant designed,supplied, erected and commissioned on a turn-key basis can be provided.

CertainTeed Products Group750 Swedesford Road, P.O. Box 860Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 19482 - USATel: 610-341-7000Fax: 610-341-6837Contact: Ken McHughProducts: Pipe & Plastics: Plastic, Abrasian resistantCompany Statement of Capabilities: CertainTeed Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of

Saint Gobain which is headquartered in Paris, France. Saint Gobain is a leadingproducer of flat glass, glass containers, reinforcements, building, materials, abrasives,industrial ceramics and pipe. The company employs more that 100,000 peopleworldwide in over 580 consolidated companies. CertainTeed Corporation isheadquartered in Valley Forge, PA. CertainTeed produces and exports worldwide

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(CertainTeed Products Group cont’d)specialty piping systems for the industrial mining, irrigation and water well marketsfrom four strategically located extrusion plants. CertainTeed also maintains its ownISO 9002 PVC resin manufacturing plant in Sulfur, LA.

Chester EngineersCherrington Corporate Center, 600 Clubhouse DriveMoon Township, Pennsylvania 15108 - USATel: 800-337-0777, 412-269-5700Fax: 412-269-5749Web Page: www.chester-engineers.comContact: Robert Zick (Peru Team), Lori BonhamE-mail: [email protected]: Engineering: water, wastewater, air quality, geoscience and environmental

management (i.e. assessment and remediation), environmental and informationsystems.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Chester Engineers, one of the nation's leading engineeringfirms in water, wastewater, air quality, geoscience and environmental management,has been providing both industries and municipalities with exceptional solutions fortheir water and wastewater problems since 1910. Our engineering services range fromcomprehensive turnkey solutions to targeted, client-specific services. The flexibilityof our capabilities and our product diversity allow Chester the ability to provide clientswith single-source solutions for any problem, small or large. Chester Engineers is partof United States Filter Corporation, the leading global provider of industrial, municipaland residential water and wastewater treatment systems, products and services.

Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation505 Front Avenue, P.O. Box 1Coeur D'Alene, Idaho 83816-0316 - USATel: 208-667-3511Fax: 208-667-2213Web Page: www.coeur.comContact: Luke RussellE-mail: [email protected]: CyanisorbTM technology recovers cyanide directly from gold mill tailings for recycle

back to leaching circuit; removes cyanide prior to disposal of tailing, average recoveryis 80-90 percent, with plant operting costs offset by the value of the recovered.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Coeur d' Alene Mines Corp. is North America's leadinglow-cost primary silver producer and a significant gold producer with interests inNevada, Idaho, Alaska, Chile, Australia and Bolivia. Recognized as a leader inenvironmental stewardship, Coeur has received 19 environmental awards forleadership and commitment to environmental protection over the last decade.

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Fluid Systems (FSI)1245 Corporate Blvd. Suite 300Aurora, Illinois 60504 - USATel: 800-346-9107, 630-898-1161Fax: 630-898-1179Web Page: www.fluidsystems.comContact: Linda EnglanderE-mail: [email protected]: Geotextiles, TEX-NET® Geocomposites, TEX-NET® Ultra high flow

geocomposites, BENTOFIX® Thermal Lock geosynthetic clay liners, SANI-COVER® daily cover, GoeLok™ cellular confinement system, Strata Grid geogrids,HYDROTEX fabric formed concrete.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Fluid Systems is a leading supplier of a wide range ofgeosynthetics for the waste containment industry, including POLY-NET® drainagenets, TEX-NET® and TEX-NET® ULTRA geocomposites, Bentofix® Thermal LockGCLs, geotextiles, geogrids, SANI-COVER® daily covers, Hydrotex™ fabric formedconcrete and Geolok™ Cellular Confinement System.

Great Western Chemical Company808 S.W. 15th AvenuePortland, Oregon 97205 - USATel: 503-228-2600, 800-547-1400Fax: 503-221-5752Web Page: www.gwchem.comContact: Taras WarvarivE-mail: [email protected]: Powder-emulsion and liquid flocculants, Coagulants-scale and corrosion inhibitors,

Viscosity modifiers and equipment packages.Company Statement of Capabilities: Great Western Chemical Company is a United States

company with annual sales in excess of $260MM. We are the 8th largest distributor inNorth America with an asset base of over $50MM and have been in business for over60 years. We have 36 offices/stocking locations throughout USA, Canada, Mexico,China, Russia and presently South America through local partnership-representation.We are a full line chemicals program provider. Our focus is on service, sales, logisticalsupport and complete technical programs for our customers. Our highly trained forceincludes both mining and metallurgical-environmental engineers supported by ourfully staffed technical center. We are well positioned to meet your expectations.

Smith Fiberglass Products Company2700 W. 65th StreetLittle Rock, Arkansas 72209 - USATel: 501-568-4010Fax: 501-568-4465Web Page: www.smithfiberglass.comContact: Susan B. JonesE-mail: [email protected]

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II ? Manejo de Agua y Aguas Residuales ? Water and Wastewater Management

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(Smith Fiberglass Products Company cont’d)Products: Pipe plastic, fiberglass or epoxy, abrasion resistant, pipe fittings, corrosion resistant,

secondary containment piping.Company Statement of Capabilities: Smith Fiber Glass Products supplies millions of feet of

pipe to various industries worldwide, including oil and gas companies, pulp and papermills, industrial plants, the mining industry, chlorine-caustic plants, power plants, steelmills, the chemical process industry, gasoline service stations, food processing plants,refineries, air conditioning, and water and wastewater plants. Nine standard pipingsystems are available in size from 1-inch through 48-inch diameters and temperaturesto 250 F. Smith Fiber Glass offers a choice of joining methods such as bell and spigotor socket joins. The company also manufactures a complete line of fittings andaccessories such as tapering tools.

The Gorman-Rupp Company305 Bowman Street, P.O. Box 1217Mansfield, Ohio 44901-1217 - USATel: 419-755-1011, 419-755-1350, 419-755-1352Fax: 419-755-1266Web Page: www.gormanrupp.comContact: Taffy DeNaviaE-mail: [email protected]: Pumps & Packaged Pumping Systems with ControlsCompany Statement of Capabilities: The Gorman-Rupp Company is a leading manufacturer of

self priming, submersible and rotary gear pumps and complete fluid handling systemswith a 66 year reputation for innovative technology, excellent production quality and awell trained distribution network serving the needs of global end users. Groman-Rupppumps are key elements of fluid systems in the water/wastewater, construction,mining, industrial, agricultural and petroleum market segments. In Latin AmericaGorman-Rupp has developed an understanding of the needs of the mining sector andhas been pleased to service the equipment requirements of mining end users in nearlyall countries. In addition to the traditional gold, silver, copper and coal Gorman-Rupphas also been quite active in non-ferrous mining such as nitrates and industrial salts.

Tramfloc, Inc.P.O. Box 350Tempe, Arizona 85280-0350 - USATel: 800-613-6803, 480-491-6895Fax: 480-456-1664Web Page: www.tramfloc.comContact: James FranklinE-mail: [email protected]: Equipment & Chemicals: Flocculants, polymers, mining chemicals, chlorinators, all

organic wetting and release agents.Company Statement of Capabilities: Tramfloc Inc. provides water treatment equipment and

chemicals for water and wastewater plants. The company sells and services systemsfor sludge dewatering such as belt filter presses and thickeners, ion exchange for

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Control de la Erosión y la Sedimentación? IIIErosion and Sedimentation Control ? I

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(Tramfloc, Inc. cont’d)contaminant removal, reverse osmosis, chemical feeding and control, filter gravel andanthracite, tablet chlorination and dechlorination chemicals and systems, filters forpotable, pool, waste and process water. The firm handles instrumentation, such asscales, monitors, detectors and alarms. Tramfloc carries flocculants for miningtailings, thickeners and concentrates for precious and base metal mines. The companyhas an international division which serves its off-shore customers from the Phoenixheadquarters.

Warman International, Inc.2701 South Stoughton Road, P.O. Box 7610Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7610 - USATel: 608-221-2261Fax: 609-221-5810Web Page: www.warmanintl.comContact: Julie CapadonaE-mail: [email protected]: Pumps: Centrifugal and Turbine, Corrosive Liquids, Dredge and Gravel, Sand and

Slime, Sump, Blasthole Dewatering.

Warman International Chile SAAvda. Américo Vespucio # 2512Conchalí, Santiago, ChileTel: 2-624-1820Fax: 2-624-1812Web Page: www.warmanintl.comContact:E-mail: [email protected]: Pumps: Centrifugal and Turbine, Corrosive Liquids, Dredge and Gravel, Sand and Slime, Sump, Blasthole Dewatering.

III. Control de la Erosión y laSedimentación

III. Erosion and SedimentationControl

Las perturbaciones mineras exponen elsuelo a erosión potencial. Unaplanificación e impementación cuidadosaspueden mitigar la erosión del suelo ysubsecuente sedimentación en arroyos yríos. Se requiere de medidas y métodosapropiados a cada mina para interceptar,desviar, o de lo contrario reducir eldiscurso de precipitaciones pluvialesproveniente de terrenos de superficie

Mining disturbance exposes soil surfacesto potential erosion. Careful planning andimplementation can mitigate soil erosionand subsequent sedimentation in streamsand rivers. Measures or methodsappropriate to each mining situation arerequired to intercept, divert, or otherwisereduce the stormwater runoff fromexposed soil surfaces, tailings facilities,and waste rock dumps. Both vegetative

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III ? Control de la Erosión y la Sedimentación ? Erosion and Sedimentation Control

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project20

expuesta, instalaciones de relaves, ydepósito para desperdicio de rocas. Lasmedidas de estabilización vegetativa y novegetativa son componentes para uncontro efectivo de la erosión del suelo. Lasestructuras de control de la sedimentación(por ejemplo, fuentes dedetención/retención) pueden proveersepara interceptar y tratar la pérdida desuperficie antes de la descarga. Lasinstalaciones de control de la erosión ycontención de sedimentos, usualmenterequieren de mantenimiento apropiadodurante la vida del proyecto.

and non-vegetative soil stabilizationmeasures are integral to effective erosioncontrol. Sediment control structures (forexample, detention/retention basins) canbe provided to intercept and treat surfacerunoff prior to discharge. Erosion controland sediment containment facilitiesgenerally require proper maintenancethroughout the project life.

American Excelsior Company850 Avenue H East, P.O. Box 5067Arlington, Texas 76005-5067 - USATel: 800-777-7645Fax: 817-633-3624Web Page: www.amerexcel.comContact: Steve Walker, Howard WagnerE-mail: [email protected]: Erosion Control Blankets - Curlex, Hydraulic Mulch - Fiber Cel, Sediment Log, Turf

Reinforcement Mat (TRM), Articulated Erosion Control System - Tri-Lock.Company Statement of Capabilities: The Earth Science Division of American Excelsior

Company is the most experienced producer of erosion control and water managementsystems in the United States with over 35 years of manufacturing and productapplications history. The company established an industry with the introduction ofCurlex biodegradable erosion control blanket in 1963. This product has been usedsuccessfully in all 50 states and many international locations including Central andSouth America.

Armortec2853 Meadow Hill Drive, NorthClearwater, Florida 33761 - USATel: 727-726-5790Fax: 727-724-1955Web Page: www.armortec.comContact: Robert MohlerE-mail: [email protected]: Armorflex, Armorloc, A-Jacks.Company Statement of Capabilities: Armortec provides a variety of products designed to solve

a wide range of erosion problems. Products provide protection and stability to slopes

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(Armortec cont’d)prone to damage from water runoff. Engineering and site support is available onrequest. Most questions can be answered in the text of the website.

Fluid Systems (FSI)1245 Corporate Blvd. Suite 300Aurora, Illinois 60504 - USATel: 800-346-9107, 630-898-1161Fax: 630-898-1179Web Page: Systems (FSI) cont’d)Contact: Linda EnglanderE-mail: [email protected]: Geotextiles, TEX-NET® Geocomposites, TEX-NET® Ultra high flow

geocomposites, BENTOFIX® Thermal Lock geosynthetic clay liners, SANI-COVER® daily cover, GoeLok™ cellular confinement system, Strata Grid geogrids,HYDROTEX fabric formed concrete.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Fluid Systems is a leading supplier of a wide range ofgeosynthetics for the waste containment industry, including POLY-NET® drainagenets, TEX-NET® and TEX-NET® ULTRA geocomposites, Bentofix® Thermal LockGCLs, geotextiles, geogrids, SANI-COVER® daily covers, Hydrotex™ fabric formedconcrete and Geolok™ Cellular Confinement System.

Great Western Chemical Company808 S.W. 15th AvenuePortland, Oregon 97205 - USATel: 503-228-2600, 800-547-1400Fax: 503-221-5752Web Page: www.gwchem.comContact: Taras WarvarivE-mail: [email protected]: Powder-emulsion and liquid flocculants, Coagulants-scale and corrosion inhibitors,

Viscosity modifiers and equipment packages.Company Statement of Capabilities: Great Western Chemical Company is a United States

company with annual sales in excess of $260MM. We are the 8th largest distributor inNorth America with an asset base of over $50MM and have been in business for over60 years. We have 36 offices/stocking locations throughout USA, Canada, Mexico,China, Russia and presently South America through local partnership-representation.We are a full line chemicals program provider. Our focus is on service, sales, logisticalsupport and complete technical programs for our customers. Our highly trained forceincludes both mining and metallurgical-environmental engineers supported by ourfully staffed technical center. We are well positioned to meet your expectations.

Hercules Sealcoat MFG., Inc.6596 New Peachtree RoadAtlanta, Georgia 30340 - USA

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III ? Control de la Erosión y la Sedimentación ? Erosion and Sedimentation Control

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(Hercules Sealcoat MFG., Inc., cont’d)Tel: 800-815-7668, 770-455-6551Fax: 770-455-6531Contact: Robin HotleE-mail: [email protected]: Dust & Erosion Control Agent: Hercules Soiloc MQ.Company Statement of Capabilities: HERCULES SEALCOAT MFG, INC. manufactures dust

suppressants at the plant in Doraville, GA, USA. The dust suppressants are used inseveral different industries including mining, coal, construction, military & equestrian.The product most commonly used in the mining industry is HERCULESSOILOC_MQ. It is a polymer, liquid, concentrate which is mixed with water beforeuse. It is typically sprayed on loose soil, stockpiles or haul roads or anywhere fugitivedust is a problem.

KPA International - Enviro Green International15912 73rd Avenue, S.E.Snohomish, Washington 98296 - USATel: 425-485-6091; 360-668-7344Fax: 425-485-7999Web Page: www.kpa-envirogreen.comContact: Frank PorembskiE-mail: [email protected]: Hydroseeding, sprigging and mulching equipment, Seed Machine - Hydro-mulcher,

Crimp-Disk, Wood and Paper Fiber Mulch Products, Hydro-Blanket.Company Statement of Capabilities: KPA Enviro Green Int. is the first and largest international

distributor of hydroseeding, sprigging and mulching equipment and products. KPArepresents the world's largest manufacturer of quality hydromulching equipment,Bowie Manufacturing and the world's largest supplier of high quality wood fibermulch. KPA was established to assist companies worldwide in becoming effectivehydromulchers whether experienced or just beginning. Through KPA Enviro GreenInt. companies can obtain materials, equipment, supplies, training, and estimating tosucceed in this profession. We are the worldwide distributor of a superior wood fibermulch, produced by the world's largest and technologically advanced manufacturer ofsuperior fiber mulch. We believe, as do others with extensive experience inhydromulching, that our wood fiber mulch is the most effective planting fiberavailable in the market today.

Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.P.O. Box 8431Canton, Ohio 44711 - USATel: 800-321-0699, 330-456-3121Fax: 330-456-3247Web Page: www.midwestind.comContact: William Melis(Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc., cont’d)E-mail: [email protected]

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Estabilización Fisica? IVPhysical Stabilization? I

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(Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.cont’d)Products: Dust & Erosion Control Agent: Polymer - Soil-Sement, MoFoam, etc. for Dust

Control & Erosion Control Service, Equipment.

North American Green, Inc14649 Highway 41 NorthEvansville, Indiana 47711 - USATel: 812-867-6632, 800-772-2040Fax: 812-867-0247Web Page: www.nagreen.comContact: Greg DeeganE-mail: [email protected]: Erosion Control Blankets.Company Statement of Capabilities: North American Green is the world leader in erosion

control, soil and tailings stabilization, and revegetation - reinforcement technology.Design software and CD are available at no charge to design and engineeringprofessionals in English and Spanish.

IV. Estabilización Física IV. Physical Stabilization

Generalmente las operaciones minerasrequieren la remoción de grandescantidades de terreno y la construcción deinstalaciones sobre una amplia diversidadtopográfica, lo que impone un retoimportante en el campo de laestabilización física. Algunas de lasvariables que influyen en el grado decomplejidad requerido para laestabilización física incluye el métodominero empleado, sea una minasubterránea o de tajo abierto; característicay dureza de las rocas; condiciones del aguasubterránea; y condiciones pluviales; entreotros.

Caminos, diques, represas, canalesacuáticos y pavimentos son algunas de lasaplicaciones de los productos deestabilización física. Tecnología ambientalpara la estabilización y pavimentado hasido desarrollada an años recientes,minimizando el impacto ambiental yalcanzando métodos eficiencientes entérminos de costos, al mismo tiempo.

Mine operations generally require theremoval of huge amounts of soil and theconstruction of facilities over broadlydiversified topographies, thus imposing animportant challenge in the field of physicalstabilization. Some of the variablesinfluencing the degree of complexityrequired for physical stabilization includethe mining method used, whether it is anunderground or an open pit mine; rockcharacteristic and strength; groundwaterconditions; and rainfall features; amongothers.

Roads, dikes, dams, water channels andpavements are some applications forphysical stabilization products.Environmentally friendly stabilization andpavement technology have been developedin recent years, minimizing the impact onthe environment and achieving cost-effective methods at the same time.

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V ? Control de Contaminación del Aire ? Air Pollution Controls

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Georgia Duck & Cordage Mill21 Laredo DriveScottdale, Georgia 30079 - USATel: 404-294-5272Fax: 404-296-5165Web Page: www.gaduck.comContact: Jim HinsonE-mail: [email protected]:Conveyors, Belts, Components.Company Statement of Capabilities: The Georgia Duck & Cordage Mill has been in business

since the turn of the century concentrating in heavy duty industrial textile products.For over 40 years, Georgia Duck has been a leading independent supplier of beltingcarcass and hose cord. Our customers traditionally have been the major producers ofconveyor belts and hose. Today, the majority of the output is absorbed by our ownbelting operations. Georgia Duck has pioneered many of the developments whichmake possible the high quality constructions found in today's conveyor belting.

North American Green, Inc14649 Highway 41 NorthEvansville, Indiana 47711 - USATel: 812-867-6632, 800-772-2040Fax: 812-867-0247Web Page: www.nagreen.comContact: Greg DeeganE-mail: [email protected]: Erosion Control Blankets.Company Statement of Capabilities: North American Green is the world leader in erosion control, soil and tailings stabilization, and revegetation – reinforcement technology. Design software and CD are available at no charge to design and engineering professionals in English and Spanish.

V. Control de Contaminaciondel Aire

V. Air Pollution Controls

Como una consecuencia de la naturalezade la actividad minera, el escape de polvoes un resultado inherente de virtualmentetoda operación minera. Dependiendo delcontenido minero, plomo, arsénico,cadmio y otros minerales pueden seraerotransportado. Estos mineralesrepresentan un peligro importante para lasalud humana, animales y la vegetacióncuando están presentes en altos niveles de

As a consequence of the nature of themining activity, fugitive dust is an inherentoutcome of virtually every miningoperation. Depending on the mineralcontent lead, arsenic, cadmium, and otherminerals may become airborne. Theseminerals represent an important threat tohuman health, animals and vegetationwhen present in high levels ofconcentration. Dried tailings surfaces,

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concentración. Superficies secas derelaves, trituradores, puntos detransferencia, caminos y superficies noreclamadas expuestas, son las fuentesprimarias para la emisión de polvo.

Otra fuente de contaminación del aire sonlas emisiones de los tubos de escape delequipo minero. Esto tiene un importanciacrítica en el caso de operacionessubterráneas porque el monóxido decarbono y el gas de óxido de nitrógeno seconcentran y potencialmente puedeperjudicar la salud de los trabajadores, almenos que se ventile apropiadamente.

crushers, transfer points, roads andexposed non-reclaimed surface are theprimary sources of dust emission.

Another source for air pollution is exhaustemissions from mine equipment. This is ofcritical importance for undergroundoperations because carbon monoxide andnitrogen oxide gas will concentrate andpotentially harm workers’ health unlessproperty ventilated.

Ceilcote Air Pollution Control14955 Sprague Rd., Ste 250Strongsville, Ohio 44136-1758 - USATel: 440-243-0700Fax: 440-243-9854Web Page: www.ceilcoteapc.comContact: Barbara CicigoiE-mail: [email protected]:Equipment and Systems for Air Pollution Control, FRP Fans, Tellerette packing,

Scrubbers, Mist Eliminators, Ionizing Wet Scrubbers, Interel Packaged Scrubbers,DeNOx.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Full-service supplier of equipment and systems for airpollution control in corrosive environments. Products include high-efficiency wetscrubbers, ionizing wet scrubbers, industrial low temperature DeNOx, Interel packagescrubber systems, centrifugal and axial FRP fans, tower packing and internals, misteliminators.

D.R. Technology, Inc.73 South StreetFreehold, New Jersey 07728 - USATel: 732-780-4664Fax: 732-780-1545Contact: Richard SchwartzE-mail: [email protected]:Wet Scrubbers.

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V ? Control de Contaminación del Aire ? Air Pollution Controls

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(D.R. Technology, Inc.)Company Statement of Capabilities: D.R. TECHNOLOGY designs and manufacures equipment

used to capture vapors, mists or particles from industrial and municipal vaporemissions. Called "Wet Scrubbers and Absorbers," the units collide contaminatedvapors with high volumes of liquid to transfer the contaminants and let the vaporemission exit safely. These designs can remove and neutralize acid vapors such ashydrogen chloride, oxides of sulfur or nitrogen, cyanide gas or ammonia. Fineparticles and mists can be captured and occasionally be reused as product. Industrieswhere this technology is in use are mining, smelting, chemical, pulp and paper andwastewater treatment.

Dust Solutions IncorporatedPMB # 434, 11919 N. Jantzen Ave.Portland, Oregon 97217 - USATel: 360-546-0072Fax: 360-546-0073Web Page: www.nodust.comContact: David GilroyE-mail: [email protected]:Air Pollution Control Services and System, Dust & Fume Control, Fugitive Dust

Control, Dust Suppression Systems, Wind Fence Systems.Company Statement of Capabilities: Manufactures, Designs and Engineers, Dust Suppression

Systems for guaranteed compliance with Government Regulations. Featuring DryFogging type Agglomerative Dust Suppression Systems using ultrasonic, low waterflow nozzles to agglomerate airborne dust. No significant product wetting, chemicalsand or freezing to -40 F. Specialist in Mining, Aggregate, Material HandlingIndustries. Applications include conveyor transfer points, truck and rail dumps,crushers, screens, ship loading and unloading. Also, Wind Fence Systems featuring theDustTamer™ Fabric systems for dump pockets, stock piles and buildings. FreeComprehensive Evaluations. Offices located in USA, Canada, Peru, Chile andArgentina.

Hercules Sealcoat MFG., Inc.6596 New Peachtree RoadAtlanta, Georgia 30340 - USATel: 800-815-7668, 770-455-6551Fax: 770-455-6531Contact: Robin HotleE-mail: [email protected]: Dust & Erosion Control Agent: Hercules Soiloc MQ.Company Statement of Capabilities: HERCULES SEALCOAT MFG, INC. manufactures dust

suppressants at the plant in Doraville, GA, USA. The dust suppressants are used inseveral different industries including mining, coal, construction, military & equestrian.The product most commonly used in the mining industry is HERCULESSOILOC_MQ. It is a polymer, liquid, concentrate which is mixed with water before

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(Hercules Sealcoat MFG., Inc. cont’d) use. It is typically sprayed on loose soil, stockpiles or haul roads or anywhere fugitive

dust is a problem.

Wheelabrator Air Pollution Control Inc.441 Smithfield StreetPittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-2292 - USATel: 412-562-7300Fax: 412-562-7617Web Page: www.wapc.comContact: Michael KozyE-mail: [email protected]: Air Pollution Control Equipment: Dust Collectors, Fabric Filters, Electrostatic

Precipitators, Wet or Dry Scrubbers, FGD Systems, NOx Control, Flue GasConditioning.

Company Statement of Capabilities: For more than 80 years, Wheelabrator has been a globalleader in providing pre-engineered and custom-engineered air pollution controlsystems and services for a wide variety of industrial and utility applications. A fullrange of state-of-the-art technologies includes fabric filters, electrostatic precipitatorsand flue gas conditioning systems for particulate control, wet or dry scrubbers for SO2and other acid gas control, systems for NOx emission control, and comprehensiveAftermarket Services. Wheelabrator Air Pollution Inc. is a Wheelabrator Technologiescompany. Wheelabrator technologies Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of WasteManagement, Inc.

A. Control de Descarga de Monteras A. Stack Discharge Controls

Emisiones aerotransportadas de particulasde materia (PM) puden ser minimizadasmediante medidas de control y prevenciónde la contaminación. Prevenir isfrecuentemente mas eficiente en términosde costo que controlar. Una variedad detecnologías para ermosión de partículasestán disponibles con distintascaracterísticas físicas y económicas.

Separadores inerciales o de percisión seapoyan en las propiedades inerciales de laspartículas para separarlas del flujo del gasconductor. Los separadores inerciales sonusados principalmente para recolectarpartículas duras y de tamaño mediano.Incluyen cámaras de reposo y ciclonescentrífugos (directo, o el usado con más

Airborne particulate matter (PM)emissions can be minimized by pollutionprevention and emission control measures.Prevention is frequently more costeffective than control. A variety ofparticulate removal technologies areavailable with different physical andeconomic characteristics.

Inertial or impingement separators rely onthe inertial properties of the particles toseparate them from the carrier gas stream.Inertial separators are primarily used forthe collection of medium-sized and coarseparticles. They include settling chambersand centrifugal cyclones (straight-through,or the more frequently used reverse-flowcyclones). Cyclones are low-cost, low

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frecuencia, ciclone de flujo invertido). Losciclones son colectores sentrífugos de bajocosto y bajo mantenimiento, quetípicamente son usados para removerpartículas con un rango de tamaño de 10-100 micrones. La eficiencia de los ciclonesen la remoción de polvo fino se ubicatípicamente por debajo de 70 por cientocomparado con precipitadoreselectrostáticos (ESPs) y los filtros enforma de bolsa que pueden tener unaeficiencia de 99 por ciento o más. Por lotanto, los ciclones son a menudo usadoscomo un paso inicial hacia otromecanismo de remoción de PM.

Los precipitadores electroestáticos (ESPs)remueven partículas mediante el uso de uncampo electroestático para atraer laspartículas hacia los electródos. Laseficiencias de recolección para sistemasbien diseñados, operados y mantenidos seubican típicamente en el orden de 99.9 porciento o más de la carga de polvoingresada. Son especialmente eficientesrecolectando partículas finas y tambiénpueden capturar vestigios de emisión dealgunos metales tóxicos con una eficienciade 99 por ciento. Los ESPs son menossensibles a temperaturas máximas quefiltros de tela y operan con caidas de bajapresión. El consumo de electricidad essimilar a aquéllos que usan filtros de tela.El funcionamiento de los ESPs es afectadopor la carga de ceniza, la resistencia de lacarga de ceniza, y el contenido de sulfurodel combustible. Bajas concentraciones desulfuro en el combustible puden llevar aun decremento en la eficiencia derecollección. Los ESPs han sidoempleados para la recuperación demateriales procesados así como para elcontrol de la contaminación.

Los filtros y los recolectores de polvo(baghouses) recolectan el polvo pasando

maintenance centrifugal collectors, whichare typically used to remove particulates inthe size range of 10-100 microns. The finedust-removal efficiency of cyclones istypically below 70 percent compared toelectrostatic precipitators (ESPs) andbaghouses that can have removalefficiencies of 99.9 percent or more.Therefore, cyclones are often used as aprimary stage to other PM removalmechanisms.

Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) removeparticulates by using an electrostatic fieldto attract the particles onto the electrodes.Collection efficiencies for well-designed,well-operated, and well-maintainedsystems are typically in the order of 99.9percent or more of the inlet dust loading.They are especially efficient in collectingfine particles and can also capture traceemissions of some toxic metals with anefficiency of 99 percent. ESPs are lesssensitive to maximum temperatures thanfabric filters, and operate with very low-pressure drop. Their consumption ofelectricity is similar to those of fabricfilters. ESP performance is affected byfly-ash loading, the resistance of fly-ashloading, and the sulfur content of the fuel.Lower sulfur concentrations in the flue gascan lead to a decrease in the collectionefficiency. ESPs have been used for therecovery of process materials as well as forpollution control.

Filters and dust collectors (baghouses)collect dust by passing flue gases througha fabric filter. The most commonly used isthe bag filter or baghouse. The varioustypes of filter media include woven fabric,needled felt, plastic, ceramic and metal.The baghouse operating temperatureinfluences the choice of fabric.Accumulated particles are removed bymechanical shaking, reversal of the gas

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los gases de los ductos a través de un filtrode tela. El filtro en forma de bolsa obaghouse es el de mayor uso. Losdiversos tipos de materiales usados enfiltros, incluyen tela de lana, fieltro deagujas, plástico, cerámica y metal. Latemperatura de operación de losbaghouses influencia la selección de latela. Las partículas acumuladas sonremovidas con sacudidas mecánicas,invirtiendo el flujo del gas o una corrientede aire a alta presión. Los filtros de telason eficientes (99 por ciento de remoción)tanto para baja como alta concentración departículas, pero son adecuados sólo parapartículas sueltas y secas. La eficiencia enla remoción de metales tóxicos comoarsénico, cadmio, cromo, plomo y niqueles mayor a 99 por ciento. También tienenel potencial de mejorar la captura dedióxido de sulfuro en instalacionesposteriores a la inyección (sorbent) y lossistemas de depuración en seco.

Los depuradores húmedos se valen de unrociador de líquidos para remover laspartículas de polvo del flujo de gas. Elloscon usados principalmente para removeremisiones gaseosas, siendo el control departiculas una función secundaria. Lostipos principales de depuradores venturi,depuradores a chorro (humo) y torres derociadores o cámaras. Los depuradoresventuri consumen grandes cantidades delíquido depurador (como el agua) yenergía eléctrica e incurren en caidas dealta presión. Secadores a chorro o dehumo, se apoyan en la energía kinética delfujo líquido. La típica eficiencia deremoción de un depurador a chorro o dehumo (para partículas de 10 micrones omenos) es menor al de los depuradoresventuri. Las torres de rociar puedenmanejar flujos de gas con caidas depersión mínima; por lo tanto ellos son amenudo usados como enfriadores previos.

flow, or a stream of high-pressure air.Fabric filters are efficient (99.9 percentremoval) for both high and lowconcentrations of particles, but are suitableonly for dry and free-flowing particles.Their efficiency to remove toxic metalssuch as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, leadand nickel is greater that 99 percent. Theyalso have the potential to enhance thecapture of sulfur dioxide in installationsdownstream of sorbent injection and dryscrubbing systems.

Wet scrubbers rely on a liquid spray toremove dust particles from a gas stream.They are primarily used to remove gaseousemissions, with particulate control as asecondary function. The major types areventuri scrubbers, jet (fume) scrubbers,and spray towers or chambers. Venturiscrubbers consume large quantities ofscrubbing liquid (such as water) andelectric power, and incur high-pressuredrops. Jet or fume scrubbers rely on thekinetic energy of the liquid stream. Thetypical removal efficiency of a jet or fumescrubber (for particles 10 microns or less)is lower than that of a venturi scrubber.Spray towers can handle larger gas flowswith minimal pressure drop; therefore theyare often used as pre-coolers. Wetscrubbers may contribute to corrosion;therefore, removal of water from theeffluent gas of the scrubbers may benecessary. Also, scrubbing results in aliquid effluent. Wet scrubbing technologyis used where: (i) the contaminant cannotbe removed easily in a dry form; (ii)soluble gases are present; (iii) wettableparticles are present; and (iv) thecontaminant will undergo somesubsequent wet process (such as recovery,wet separation or settling, orneutralization).

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Los depuradores húmedos pudencontribuir a la corrosión; por lo tanto, laremoción del agua del gas efluente puedeser necesaria. La depuración tambiénresulta en un efluente líquido. Latecnología de depuradores húmedos se usacuando: (i) el contaminante no pude serremovido fácilmente en forma seca, (ii)gases solubles están presentes; (iii)Partículas mojables están presentes; y (iv)el contaminante pasará por algún procesohúmedo posteriormente (tal comorecuperación, separación húmeda oreposo, o neutralización).

B. Control de Escapes de PolvoLa erosión eólea es un factor que puedecrear escapes de polvo provinientes de lassuperficies de los relaves secos. Enmuchas instancias, este polvo puede sermolesto o peligroso para el medioambiente o la salud humana y necesita sercontrolado.

Una amplia gama de metodologías decontrol están disponibles incluyendo eldesarrollo de buenas cubiertas vegetales,la colocación de material granularresistente al viento y rociadores deelementos adherentes para formar unacorteza resistente a la erosión. Lapracticidad de uso depende del acceso quese requiere a los relaves para ubicar losproductos para el control del polvo. Lanaturaleza blanda de los relaves de lodo amenudo evita el ingreso de vehículospesados. Esto limita los agentes que pudenser usados frente a los que pueden seraplicados con equipo muy liviano o porrociadores de mano.

Dado que la escorrentía de los relaves vaidealmente hacia el estanque de agua derelave, el cual puede ser descargado, esimportante que los agentes sean insolubles

B. Fugitive Dust ControlsWind erosion is a factor that can createfugitive dust from dry tailings surfaces. Inmany instances this dust can be anannoyance or hazardous to theenvironment or human health and needs tobe controlled.

A wide range of control methodologies areavailable including the development ofgood vegetative cover, the placement ofgranular wind resistant materials and thespraying of bonding agents to form anerosion resistant crust. The practicality ofuse is dependent on the access that isrequired onto the tailings in order to placethe dust control measures. The soft natureof the tailings slimes often precludesaccess by heavy vehicles. This limits theagents that can be used to those that can beapplied using very light equipment or byhand held sprayers.

Since run-off from the tailings is ideallyinto tailings pond water, which may bedischarged, it is important that sprayagents be insoluble or that they contain noharmful substances that could contaminatethe pond water.

Fugitive dust must also be controlled at:crushers, conveyors, transfer points, rotarydumpers, loading and unloading sites, andon unpaved roads.

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o que no contengan elementos dañinos quepuden contaminar el agua del estanque.

Los escapes de polvo deben también sercontrolados en: trituradores,transportadores, puntos de transferencia,depósitos rotatorios, sitios de carga ydescarga y caminos sin pavimentar.

Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.P.O. Box 8431Canton, Ohio 44711 - USATel: 800-321-0699, 330-456-3121Fax: 330-456-3247Web Page: www.midwestind.comContact: William MelisE-mail: [email protected]:Dust & Erosion Control Agent: Polymer - Soil-Sement, MoFoam, etc. for Dust

Control & Erosion Control Service, Equipment.

National Filter Media Corporation8895 Deerfield DriveOlive Branch, Mississippi 38654 - USATel: 800-826-6250, 601-895-4660Fax: 601-895-4968Contact: J.A. AnglinProducts:Air Filtration: Pulse jet bags, Bags for shaker and reverse air filters, Envelope type

bags, Cartridge filters, glass bags; Liquid filtration; Hardware: Cages, clamps &venturis, Gasketing materials, pressure filter leaves, wire cloth, duplex filter plates.

Company Statement of Capabilities: National Filter Media manufactures filter bags forbaghouse dust collectors and liquid filter media for vacuum and present filters. Thefabrics we supply include cotton, polyester, polypropylene, Nomex Aramid, RytonPPS, P84, PTFE. We also manufacture a complete line of monofilament andmultifilament, woven fabric for press filters, disc sector bags, vacuum filter belts,drum filter covers and pressure leaf filters. We are the oldest and largest suppliers offilter media to the mining industry in North America. Our clients include coppermines, iron ore mines, gold mines and many other mining companies.

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VI ? Remediación ? Remediation

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VI. Remediación VI. Remediation

La remediación incluye la limpieza y otrosmétodos usados para remover o contenerderrames tóxicos o materiales peligrososde un sitio minero. Las actividades deremediación usualmente comienzan conuna evaluación de la naturaleza yextensión de la contaminación en un sitioespecífico. Basado en los resultados de laevaluación, se planea el diseño de laremediación, describiendo detallesingenieriles y especificaciones para lalimpieza.

Remediation includes cleanup or othermethods used to remove or contain toxicspills or hazardous materials from a minesite. Remediation activities usually startwith an assesment of the nature and extentof contamination at a particular site. Basedon the results of the assesment a remedialdesing is planned, describing engineeringdetails and specifications for cleanup.

Georgia Duck & Cordage Mill21 Laredo DriveScottdale, Georgia 30079 - USATel: 404-294-5272Fax: 404-296-5165Web Page: www.gaduck.comContact: Jim HinsonE-mail: [email protected]:Conveyors, Belts, Components.Company Statement of Capabilities: The Georgia Duck & Cordage Mill has been in business

since the turn of the century concentrating in heavy duty industrial textile products.For over 40 years, Georgia Duck has been a leading independent supplier of beltingcarcass and hose cord. Our customers traditionally have been the major producers ofconveyor belts and hose. Today, the majority of the output is absorbed by our ownbelting operations. Georgia Duck has pioneered many of the developments whichmake possible the high quality constructions found in today's conveyor belting.

North American Green, Inc.14649 Highway 41 NorthEvansville, Indiana 47711 - USATel: 812-867-6632, 800-772-2040Fax: 812-867-0247Web Page: www.nagreen.comContact: Greg DeeganE-mail: [email protected]:Erosion Control Blankets.Company Statement of Capabilities: North American Green is the world leader in erosion

control, soil and tailings stabilization, and revegetation - reinforcement technology.Design software and CD are available at no charge to design and engineeringprofessionals in English and Spanish.

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Remediación? VI Remediation? V

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A. Suelos A. SoilsLa bioremediación es una tecnologíamigable al medio ambiente (natural) yefectiva en términos de costo, que destruyelos contaminantes orgánicos y elimina losefectos sobre la salud y la ecología, asícomo obligaciones futuras. Lastecnologías de tratamiento biológicos estánencontrando amplio apoyo del público yde las agencias reguladoras pararemediación de lugares. Labioremediación del suelo pude ser llevadaacabo mediante la adición de nutrientes,utilizando bacterias del lugar, o mediantela adición de otros nutrientes y bacterias.

Bioremediation is an environmentallyfriendly (natural) cost effective technologythat destroys organic pollutants andeliminates health and ecological effects aswell as future liabilities. Biologicaltreatment technologies are findingwidespread public and regulatory agencysupport for site remediation.Bioremediation of soils can beaccomplished by the addition of nutrientsutilizing existing indigenous bacteria, orby the addition of other nutrients andbacteria.

Applied Surface Technologies AST Coatings Applied1423 West Ormsby AvenueLouisville, Kentucky 40210 - USATel: 502-634-9458Fax: 502-634-1130Web Page: www.astl.comContact: Dave McEwanE-mail: [email protected]:Surface Coatings - ElectroFin, Bio Technology for cleaning.Company Statement of Capabilities: AST applies high performance coatings to prevent

corrosion of fin and tube heat exchangers. AST also sells cleaning systems forbacterial films (green slime) often present on heat exchangers or other surfaces.

Klean Earth Environmental Company (KEECO)19023 36th Avenue West, Suite ELynnwood, Washington 98036 - USATel: 425-778-7165Fax: 425-778-7564Web Page: www.keeco.comContact: Jim RybockE-mail: [email protected]:Silica Micro Encapsulation (SME) Technology, KB-1, KB-SEA and META-LOCK.Company Statement of Capabilities: KEECO developed the Silica Micro Encapsulation (SME)

technology for the treatment and pollution prevention of heavy metals andradionuclides in waters, soils, and sludges. Using a silica-based chemical formulationthat entails chemisorption and micro-encapsulation of contaminants in a permanentsilica matrix, encapsulated particles settle quickly and are effectively isolated from the

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VI ? Remediación ? Remediation

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(Klean Earth Environmental Company (KEECO) cont’d)surrounding environment, producing a stable, non-hazardous sludge. In a number ofindependently-verified bench and field-scale applications at major mining operations,KEECO’s SME has proven more efficient and cost-effective than conventionaltechnologies (e.g. lime) in treatment of acid mine drainage. The SME technologyprovides complete control of heavy metals.

North American Green, Inc14649 Highway 41 NorthEvansville, Indiana 47711 - USATel: 812-867-6632, 800-772-2040Fax: 812-867-0247Web Page: www.nagreen.comContact: Greg DeeganE-mail: [email protected]:Erosion Control Blankets.Company Statement of Capabilities: North American Green is the world leader in erosion

control, soil and tailings stabilization, and revegetation - reinforcement technology.Design software and CD are available at no charge to design and engineeringprofessionals in English and Spanish.

B. Cultivo de la TierraEl cultivo de la tierra es una técnica debioremediación utilizada para sueloscontaminados cuando hay suficienteespacio disponible en el lugar, o puede serejecutado un una ubicación fuera del sitio.El suelo es escabado y extendido hasta unaprofundidad de 1 0 2 pies. Las bacterias,nutrientes y condicionantes del suelo sonagregadas, dependiendo de las condicionesiniciales del suelo. La extensa área de lasuperficie y el labrado del suelo facilitan elflujo del oxígeno hacia losmicroorganismos, ppromoviendo ladegradación rápida y eficiente delcontaminante.

B. Land farmingLand farming is a bioremediationtechnique used for contaminated soilswhen there is sufficient space available onsite, or it can be performed at an off-sitelocation. The soil is excavated and spreadto a depth of 1 to 2 feet. Bacteria,nutrients and soil conditioners are added,depending on the initial soil conditions.The large surface area and tilling of thesoil facilitate oxygen flow to themicroorganisms, promoting rapid andefficient contaminant degradation.

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Manejo/Control de Materiales Peligrosos y Despercicios? VII Hazardous Materials and Waste Management/Controls? V

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VII. Manejo/Control deMateriales Peligrosos y Desperdicios

VII. Hazardous Materials andWaste Management/Controls

Otras fuentes importantes decontaminación son las aguas residuales ylos químicos que quedan luego de lalimpieza y el mantenimiento del equipo ylas instalaciones. Dos grupos pueden seridentificados: aguas residuales osoluciones a base de agua y materialespeligrosos. El primero se refiere a lassoluciones contenidas en el agua usadapara limpiar el equipo, los camiones y lasinstalaciones. El segundo se refiere a lassoluciones que no están basadas en agua,tales como aceites, grasas, solventes,fluidos de maquinaria y pinturas, todo loscuales son usados para proporcionarmantenimiento al equipo o limpiar partes.En general, la meta es reducir la cantidadde agua usada para actividades delimpieza, reciclar el agua usada, separarmateriales peligrosos y tratarlos antes desu eliminación o reciclaje.

Another important source of pollution isthe wastewater and chemicals remainingafter cleaning and maintaining equipmentand facilities. Two groups can beidentified: wastewater or water-basedsolutions and hazardous materials. Thefirst one refers to the solutions imbeddedin the water used to clean equipment,trucks and facilities. The second one refersto solutions that are not water-based suchas oil, grease, solvents, machinery fluidsand paints all of which are used to providemaintenance to the equipment or to cleanparts. In general, the goal is to reduce theamount of water used for cleaningactivities, recycle the water used, separatehazardous materials and treat them beforedisposal or recycle them.

Athey Products Corporation1839 South Main StreetWake Forest, North Carolina 27587 - USATel: 919-556-5171Fax: 919-556-0122Web Page: www.athey.comContact: N. Anthony WakimE-mail: [email protected](Athey Products Corporation cont’d)Products:Conveyors: Belt, Dewatering, Loading boom and stacker, Movable, shaking and

vibrating.Company Statement of Capabilities: Athey Products Corporation is the leading U.S.

manufacturer of a complete line of mechanical and generative air Mobil Sweepers formunicipal and airport applications. Athey also manufactures belt loading equipment.Athey Products Corporation (World Headquarters located in Wake Forest, NorthCarolina, USA) has been in business for 77 years.

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VII ? Manejo/Control de Materiales Peligrosos y Despercicios ? Hazardous Materials and Waste Management/Controls

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project36

Belt Maintenance Group240 Seneca StreetBuffalo, New York 14204 - USATel: 716-852-0832Fax: 716-852-4198Web Page: www.beltmaintenance.comContact: Ron Fernandes, David MillerE-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]:Conveyor Belts, Belt Repair and Splicing Services, Conveyor System Inspection,

Idlers, Pulleys, Skirting, Chute Linings, Belt Cleaners and Repair Products.Company Statement of Capabilities: The Belt Maintenance Group is an industry leader in

conveyor belt installation and repair. BMG offers a full range of conveyor systemproducts in addition to its conveyor related services. Full system analysis, inspections,and consultation services are provided to improve conveyor productivity and tominimize spillage and pollution. With nine US-based branches, BMG offers directservice and products to conveyor system users throughout the world. BMG specializesin servicing fabric carcass belt, steel cord belt, corrugated sidewall belt, HAC, filterbelt and other belt systems. The Belt Maintenance Group services are approved by allmajor belt manufacturers.

Continental Conveyor & Equipment CompanyP.O. Box 400Winfield, Alabama 35594 - USATel: 205-487-6492Fax: 205-487-4233Web Page: www.continentalcoveyor.comContact: Greg ChaffinE-mail: [email protected]:Bulk Materials Handling Equipment, Conveyors, Components.

Creative Engineering Company3513 Century DriveBakersfield, California 93306-1238 - USATel: 661-872-4763Fax: 661-871-1798Web Page: Engineering Company cont’d)Contact: Don SuverkropProducts:Belts, Conveyors, Components, Suverhoist, Engineering Design Consulting.Company Statement of Capabilities: Creative Engineering works to advance the application of

belt conveyors in general but with a special interest in applications involving open pitmining operations. Belt conveyors move material very efficiently using electric power.Pollution is either non-existant or can be more readily controlled using presenttechnology at a central power station.

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Manejo/Control de Materiales Peligrosos y Despercicios? VII Hazardous Materials and Waste Management/Controls? V

USAID/Environmental Pollution Prevention Project 37

Inland Technology Incorporated401 East 27th StreetTacoma, Washington 98421 - USATel: 800-552-3100, 253-383-1177Fax: 253-593-8749Web Page: www.inlandtech.comContact: Eric LetheE-mail: [email protected]:Parts Washer System and Solvents.Company Statement of Capabilities: Inland Technology Incorporated has designed substitutes

for 1,1,1, Trichloroethane, Freon 113, and Methyl Ethyl Ketone for clients as diverseas The Boeing Co., Hewlett-Packard, Rockwell International, and Westinghouse. Ourscientists and engineers enjoy a national and international reputation for expertise inthe areas of Solvent Substitution and Source Reduction.

Klean Earth Environmental Company (KEECO)19023 36th Avenue West, Suite ELynnwood, Washington 98036 - USATel: 425-778-7165Fax: 425-778-7564Web Page: www.keeco.comContact: Jim RybockE-mail: [email protected]:Silica Micro Encapsulation (SME) Technology, KB-1, KB-SEA and META-LOCK.Company Statement of Capabilities: KEECO developed the Silica Micro Encapsulation (SME)

technology for the treatment and pollution prevention of heavy metals andradionuclides in waters, soils, and sludges. Using a silica-based chemical formulationthat entails chemisorption and micro-encapsulation of contaminants in a permanentsilica matrix, encapsulated particles settle quickly and are effectively isolated from thesurrounding environment, producing a stable, non-hazardous sludge. In a number ofindependently-verified bench and field-scale applications at major mining operations,KEECO’s SME has proven more efficient and cost-effective than conventionaltechnologies (e.g. lime) in treatment of acid mine drainage. The SME technologyprovides complete control of heavy metals.

Rocky Mountain Remediation Service, L.L.C.1819 Denver West Drive, Building 26, Suite 100Golden, Colorado 80401 - USATel: 303-215-6620Fax: 303-215-6720Web Page: Jim BarthelE-mail: [email protected]:Envirobond ARD for Acid Rock Drainage, Envirobond for contamination in soils,

Envirobond CD for cadmiun, Enviro Waste Capping System(Rocky Mountain Remediation Service, L.L.C. cont’d)

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VIII ? Monitoreo de Aire, Agua Residual y Corrient Efluente ? Monitoring Air, Wastewater, and Effluents

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Company Statement of Capabilities: Rocky Mountain Remediation Services’ Envirobond™technology employs a proprietary family of chemicals that converts heavy metals tostable, metal compounds and stops acid rock drainage (ARD). Envirobond™ ARD –Treats Acid Rock Drainage: A treatment for acid rock drainage that stops thegeneration of acid and transport of metals. Envirobond™ - Treats MetalsContamination In Soil: Envirobond™ eliminates the leachability of metals in soils.Envirobond™ CD - Sludge Treatment: Envirobond™ CD is a chemical treatmentsystem for hazardous metallic sludges. Envirobond™ Waste Capping System: TheEnvirobond™ Waste Capping System creates an inexpensive, low permeability, lowporosity, erosion resistant cap.

Sioux Rubber Applicators, Inc.2620 Hawkeye DriveSioux City, Iowa 51105 - USATel: 800-443-9469, 712-252-3257Fax: 712-252-3258Web Page:,_Inc.htmlContact: Jon WrenE-mail: [email protected]:Abrasion Resistant Surfaces, Conveyors, Belts, Components.

VIII. Monitoreo de Aire, AguaResidual y CorrienteEfluente

VIII. Monitoring Air, Wastewaterand Effluents

La vigilancia o prueba periódica ocontinua para determinar el nivel de loscontaminantes is uno de los aspectos másimportantes de las operaciones mineras. Elmonitoreo del aire es una de lasactividades diarias que puede ayudar aeliminar or reducir substancialmentefuturas obligaciones debido a elevadosniveles de contaminantes que puedanafectar a humanos, plantas y animales.

El contenido así como la calidad del aguaresidual necesita ser monitoreada paradeterminar su composición física, químicao biológica. Así, datos sobre la cantidad,tipos y distribución de contaminantesdeterminarán las técnicas más adecuadasque necesitan ser aplicadas paraneutralizar los companentes activos y/oaislar partículas potencialmente peligrosas

The periodic or continuous surveillance ortesting to determine the level of pollutantsis one of the most important aspects inmining operations. Air monitoring is partof the day-to-day activities that may helpeliminate or substantially reduce futureliabilities due to high levels of pollutantsthat may affect humans, plants, andanimals.

The content as well as the quality ofwastewater needs to be monitored in orderto determine its physical, chemical, orbiological composition. Thus, data aboutthe amounts, types, and distribution ofcontaminants will determine the mostsuitable techniques that need to be appliedin order to neutralize active componentsand/or isolate all potentially dangerousparticles and materials from wastewater.

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Monitoreo de Aire, Agua Residual y Corrient Efluente? VIII Monitoring Air, Wastewater, and Effluents? V

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y materiales provenientes del aguaresidual.

Una de la expresiones más comunes de lacontaminación son las corrientes efluentes,las que pueden incluir escorrentería o aguaresidual que son descargadas en aguassuperficiales. Si las corrientes efluentes noson manejadas apropiadamente, seriasobligaciones pueden aparecer,consumiendo valiosos recursos de lasempresas mineras.

One of the most common expressions ofpollution are effluents, which may includewater runoff or wastewater that aredischarged into surface waters. If effluentsare not managed properly, seriousliabilities may arise, consuming valuableresources of mining companies.

Entek IRD International Corporation1700 Edison DriveMilford, Ohio 45150 - USATel: 513-576-6151 (US) / 51-1-222-0064 (Peru)Fax: 513-5766104 (US) / 51-1-421-0302 (Peru)Web Page: www.entekird.comContact: Rick W. Carlisle (US) / Augusto de la Piedra (Peru)E-mail: [email protected] (US) / [email protected] (Peru)Products:Conditioning monitoring vibration and analytical software, vibration data collectors,

vibration and process parameters monitors, balancing machines, balancinginstruments, on-site oil analysis software and data collectors and sampling devices forparticle counts, ferrous particle count, and viscosity.

Geosonics Inc./Vibra-TechP.O. Box 779Warendale, Pennsylvania 15095 - USATel: 724-934-2900Fax: 724-934-2999Web Page: www.geosonics.comContact: Phil BergerE-mail: [email protected]:Blasting Seismographs, Vibration Monitors, Blasting Consulting, Vibration Prediction

and Control StudiesCompany Statement of Capabilities: GeoSonics and its sister company, Vibra-Tech, comprise

the largest vibration consulting company and seismograph manufacturing company inthe United States. Their various vibration and acoustic services reduce the likelihoodof structural damage, physical harm, and public annoyance resulting from man-madesources of vibrations and noise. These sources include blasting, pile driving, tunneling,heavy construction, traffic, and industrial equipment. In addition, the different portableseismographs that are manufactured by GeoSonics are utilized by operators to verifycompliance with applicable vibration and/or noise regulations and to allay the safety

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IX ? Manejo de Relaves ? Tailings Management

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(Geosonics Inc./Vibra-Tech cont’d)concerns of the public. GeoSonics' clients include quarries, mining companies,construction companies, engineering/consulting companies, regulatory agencies, anduniversities.

Tytronics, A Metrisa Company25 Wiggins AvenueBedford, Massachusetts 01730-2323 - USATel: 800-370-2345, 781-275-9660(ext. 258)Fax: 781-275-9665Web Page: www.tytronics.comContact: Dr. Eric F. MooneyE-mail: [email protected], [email protected]:Process titrators, colorimeters, ISE analyzers and transmission photometers for the UV

and visible regions.Company Statement of Capabilities: Tytronics, A Metrisa Company, is one of the leading

companies with the capability of measuring a whole range of metallic and non-metallic components in wastewater, as well as making process measurements for theprocess control and optimization of the mining operation.

Western Environmental Services & Testing, Inc.913 Foster RoadCasper, Wyoming 82601 - USATel: 800-545-5711, 307-234-5511Fax: 307-234-8324Web Page: www.hawksindustries.comContact: James E. Meador, Jr.E-mail: [email protected]:Air Monitoring Services.

IX. Manejo de Relaves IX. Tailings Management

Dependiendo de la técnica mineraempleada, las compañías mineras pudentener que afrontar relaves como parte desus operaciones. Los relaves consiten endesperdicios, material granuladofinamente y agua separada el proceso deextracción del mineral. El reto impuesto ala administración y los recurso que serequieren para un manejo adecuado de losrelaves, depende principalmente de lacomposición minera del relave. Los temasambientales relacionados con el manejo

Depending on the mining technique usedmining companies may deal with tailingsas part of their operations. Tailings consistof waste, fine grained material and waterseparated out during the processing ofextracting mineral ores. The challengeimposed on management and the resourcesrequired to manage tailings adequatelydepend mainly on the mineral compositionof the tailings. The environmental issuesregarding improperly managed tailings arerelated to acid mine drainage, visual

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Manejo de Relaves? IX Tailings Management? V

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inapropiado de los relaves, estánrelacionados con el drenage ácido deminas, impacto visual, estabilidad,contaminación del aire, contaminación delagua, etc.

impact, stability, air pollution, waterpollution, etc.

Baker Process, division of Baker Hughes Inc.669 West 200 South Street P.O. Box 300Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 - USATel: 801-526-2909Fax: 801-526-2923Contact: Frank BaczekE-mail: [email protected]:Clarifiers, Thickeners, Filters, Flotation Cells, Column Flotation Cells.Company Statement of Capabilities: Baker Process offers a wide range of equipment for solid-

liquid applications proven over decades of dependable service. This range ofequipment originates both from internal research and development and from externallicenses of major worldwide process equipment designers. Baker Process is a divisionof Baker Hughes Inc. and is organized to effectively and efficiently serve a trulyworldwide industry from four geographic operating regions. Baker Process maintainsa comprehensive range of technology, design, engineering and manufacturingcapabilities. A single piece of equipment or a complete process plant designed,supplied, erected and commissioned on a turn-key basis can be provided.

Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation505 Front Avenue, P.O. Box 1Coeur D'Alene, Idaho 83816-0316 - USATel: 208-667-3511Fax: 208-667-2213Web Page: www.coeur.comContact: Luke RussellE-mail: [email protected]:CyanisorbTM technology recovers cyanide directly from gold mill tailings for recycle

back to leaching circuit; removes cyanide prior to disposal of tailing, average recoveryis 80-90 percent, with plant operting costs offset by the value of the recovered.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Coeur d' Alene Mines Corp. is North America's leadinglow-cost primary silver producer and a significant gold producer with interests inNevada, Idaho, Alaska, Chile, Australia and Bolivia. Recognized as a leader inenvironmental stewardship, Coeur has received 19 environmental awards forleadership and commitment to environmental protection over the last decade.

GeoTDR, Inc.297 Pinewood DriveApple Valley, Minnesota 55124 - USATel: 612-431-3415

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IX ? Manejo de Relaves ? Tailings Management

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(GeoTDR, Inc. cont’d)Fax: 612-892-0241Web Page: www.geotdr.comContact: Kevin O'ConnorE-mail: [email protected]:Monitoring EquipmentCompany Statement of Capabilities: GeoTDR, Inc. is dedicated to achieving high levels of

customer satisfaction and financial performance by transforming innovative TDRtechnology into reliable cost-effective solutions to customer problems. GeoTDRpersonnel have been involved with TDR technology since 1982 with particularemphasis on geotechnical, mining and environmental applications. These applicationshave included: 1) monitoring subsidence over active and abandoned mines, 2)monitoring highwall, landslide and embankment slope movement, 3) monitoringground water levels and contaminants, and 4) monitoring consolidation of minetailings. A comprehensive summary of applications is provided in the book,"GeoMeasurements by Pulsing TDR Cables and Probes." (CRC Press, ISBN 0-8493-0586-1).

Great Western Chemical Company808 S.W. 15th AvenuePortland, Oregon 97205 - USATel: 503-228-2600, 800-547-1400Fax: 503-221-5752Web Page: www.gwchem.comContact: Taras WarvarivE-mail: [email protected]:Powder-emulsion and liquid flocculants, Coagulants-scale and corrosion inhibitors,

Viscosity modifiers and equipment packages.Company Statement of Capabilities: Great Western Chemical Company is a United States

company with annual sales in excess of $260MM. We are the 8th largest distributor inNorth America with an asset base of over $50MM and have been in business for over60 years. We have 36 offices/stocking locations throughout USA, Canada, Mexico,China, Russia and presently South America through local partnership-representation.We are a full line chemicals program provider. Our focus is on service, sales, logisticalsupport and complete technical programs for our customers. Our highly trained forceincludes both mining and metallurgical-environmental engineers supported by ourfully staffed technical center. We are well positioned to meet your expectations.

HY - TRAN, INC.P.O. Box 279Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589-0279 - USATel: 608-877-9201Fax: 608-877-9204Contact: Ross JahnE-mail: [email protected]

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(HY - TRAN, INC. cont’d)Products:Pump Flotation Systems - Pump Floats, Dirty Water/Slurry Transfer, Dewatering,

Floating PipelinesCompany Statement of Capabilities: Hy-Tran, Inc. is a supplier of custom designed floating

pumping systems as well as portable, land based clean water, dirty water or slurrypumping systems. We can float any style or brand of pump/motor combination, new orused. Underground, open cast and pond dewatering is a specialty using centrifugalslurry pumps. Hydraulic mining eductors and monitors are also designed and supplied.All fabrications are designed for shipping container transport to jobsites.

The Gorman-Rupp Company305 Bowman Street, P.O. Box 1217Mansfield, Ohio 44901-1217 - USATel: 419-755-1011, 419-755-1350, 419-755-1352Fax: 419-755-1266Web Page: www.gormanrupp.comContact: Taffy DeNaviaE-mail: [email protected]:Pumps & Packaged Pumping Systems with ControlsCompany Statement of Capabilities: The Gorman-Rupp Company is a leading manufacturer of

self priming, submersible and rotary gear pumps and complete fluid handling systemswith a 66 year reputation for innovative technology, excellent production quality and awell trained distribution network serving the needs of global end users. Groman-Rupppumps are key elements of fluid systems in the water/wastewater, construction,mining, industrial, agricultural and petroleum market segments. In Latin AmericaGorman-Rupp has developed an understanding of the needs of the mining sector andhas been pleased to service the equipment requirements of mining end users in nearlyall countries. In addition to the traditional gold, silver, copper and coal Gorman-Rupphas also been quite active in non-ferrous mining such as nitrates and industrial salts.

Tytronics, A Metrisa Company25 Wiggins AvenueBedford, Massachusetts 01730-2323 - USATel: 800-370-2345, 781-275-9660(ext. 258)Fax: 781-275-9665Web Page: www.tytronics.comContact: Dr. Eric F. MooneyE-mail: [email protected], [email protected]:Process titrators, colorimeters, ISE analyzers and transmission photometers for the UV

and visible regions.Company Statement of Capabilities: Tytronics, A Metrisa Company, is one of the leading

companies with the capability of measuring a whole range of metallic and non-metallic components in wastewater. As well as making process measurements for theprocess control and optimization of the mining operation.

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X ? Cierre ? Closure

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X. Cierre X. Closure

Antes del cierre de un sitio minero, variosaspectos necesitan ser abordados paraasegurar que mínimas alteraciones alambiente están quedando luego del cierreo que se producirán en el largo plazo. Lacomposición química de las pilas dedesperdicios o relaves tiene que seranalizada para determinar el potencial paradrenage ácido y planes tienen quedesarrollarse para prevenir el AMD en ellargo plazo.

Los caminos de acceso tienen que serbloqueados y sujetos a reclamación. Lostajos abiertos pueden requerir el manejodel agua de AMD y de las pendientes.Pozas subterráneas requieren bloqueo. Laspilas de roca de desecho, instalaciones derelaves, pozos de lixiviación y caminosdeben ser reclamados.

Before closing a mine site, several aspectsneed to be addressed to ensure thatminimal alteration to the environment willbe left after closure or will be produced inthe long run. Chemical composition ofwaste stockpiles or tailings has to beanalyzed in order to determine thepotential for acid drainage and plansdeveloped in order to prevent long termAMD.

Access roads need to be blocked andreclaimed. Open pits may require handlingAMD waters and slope. Undergroundshafts will require blocking. Waste rockpiles, tailings facilities, heap leach, androads should be reclaimed.

American Excelsior Company850 Avenue H East, P.O. Box 5067Arlington, Texas 76005-5067 - USATel: 800-777-7645Fax: 817-633-3624Web Page: www.amerexcel.comContact: Steve Walker, Howard WagnerE-mail: [email protected]:Erosion Control Blankets - Curlex, Hydraulic Mulch - Fiber Cel, Sediment Log, Turf

Reinforcement Mat (TRM), Articulated Erosion Control System - Tri-Lock.Company Statement of Capabilities: The Earth Science Division of American Excelsior

Company is the most experienced producer of erosion control and water managementsystems in the United States with over 35 years of manufacturing and productapplications history. The company established an industry with the introduction ofCurlex biodegradable erosion control blanket in 1963. This product has been usedsuccessfully in all 50 states and many international locations including Central andSouth America.

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Reclamación/ Revegetación? XIReclamation/ Revegetation? V

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HY - TRAN, INC.P.O. Box 279Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589-0279 - USATel: 608-877-9201Fax: 608-877-9204Contact: Ross JahnE-mail: [email protected]:Pump Flotation Systems - Pump Floats, Dirty Water/Slurry Transfer, Dewatering,

Floating PipelinesCompany Statement of Capabilities: Hy-Tran, Inc. is a supplier of custom designed floating

pumping systems as well as portable, land based clean water, dirty water or slurrypumping systems. We can float any style or brand of pump/motor combination, new orused. Underground, open cast and pond dewatering is a specialty using centrifugalslurry pumps. Hydraulic mining eductors and monitors are also designed and supplied.All fabrications are designed for shipping container transport to jobsites.

XI. Reclamación/Revegetación XI. Reclamation/Revegetation

El objetivo de la reclamación y larevegetación es restablecer la tierra haciaun uso posterior a la explotación minera yque que fue establecido previamente. Lascompañías mineras pueden enfocar larelcmación en, al menos, tres diferentesesquemas, dependiendo de la ocasión en laque se efectúa. Así, las actividades dereclamación pueden ser aplicadascontinuamente conforme se va explotandola mina o por segmentos conformesectores específicos de la mina sonagotados o al final de las operacionesmineras.

Como parte de las tareas de reclamación,la revegetación brinda una excelenteoportunidad para que la tierra searestaurada y al mismo tiempo se ayude aprevenir futuros problemas con lasescorrenterías, la estabilización de la tierrao la contaminación por polvo.

The objective of reclamation andrevegetation activities is to restore the landto a pre-established post-mining land use.Mining companies can approachreclamation in at least three differentschemes, depending on the timing inwhich it is performed. Thus, reclamationactivities can be applied on an ongoingbasis as the mine is exploited or bysegments as specific mine sectors aredepleted or at the end of mine operations.As part of reclamation tasks, revegetationprovides an excellent opportunity for landto be restored and at the same time helpsprevent future water runoff issues, landstabilization, or dust pollution.

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American Excelsior Company850 Avenue H East, P.O. Box 5067Arlington, Texas 76005-5067 - USATel: 800-777-7645Fax: 817-633-3624Web Page: www.amerexcel.comContact: Steve Walker, Howard WagnerE-mail: [email protected]:Erosion Control Blankets - Curlex, Hydraulic Mulch - Fiber Cel, Sediment Log, Turf

Reinforcement Mat (TRM), Articulated Erosion Control System - Tri-Lock.Company Statement of Capabilities: The Earth Science Division of American Excelsior

Company is the most experienced producer of erosion control and water managementsystems in the United States with over 35 years of manufacturing and productapplications history. The company established an industry with the introduction ofCurlex biodegradable erosion control blanket in 1963. This product has been usedsuccessfully in all 50 states and many international locations including Central andSouth America.

Georgia Duck & Cordage Mill21 Laredo DriveScottdale, Georgia 30079 - USATel: 404-294-5272Fax: 404-296-5165Web Page: www.gaduck.comContact: Jim HinsonE-mail: [email protected]:Conveyors, Belts, Components.Company Statement of Capabilities: The Georgia Duck & Cordage Mill has been in business

since the turn of the century concentrating in heavy duty industrial textile products.For over 40 years, Georgia Duck has been a leading independent supplier of beltingcarcass and hose cord. Our customers traditionally have been the major producers ofconveyor belts and hose. Today, the majority of the output is absorbed by our ownbelting operations. Georgia Duck has pioneered many of the developments whichmake possible the high quality constructions found in today's conveyor belting.

Reinco Inc.P.O. Box 512 / 520 North AvenuePlainfield, New Jersey 07061-0512 - USATel: 908-755-0921, 800-526-7687Fax: 908-755-6379Web Page: www.reinco.comContact: Goerge F. Braun IIIE-mail: [email protected]

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(Reinco Inc. cont’d)Products:Reclamation Equipment: Hydrograssers, Power Mulchers, Mulch Disc and RMB

Tackifier products.Company Statement of Capabilities: For nearly forty years Reinco has supplied the landscape

construction industry with high quality equipment. Early machines were used tomanage the recovery of long stretches of highway and utility construction projects.These methods have been applied to offer residential and commercial landscapers,nurseries, golf and athletic field programs, municipal, state and national parks, forestryand mine reclamation, schools and institutions, cemeteries, military installations andothers, with a cost-effective and labor-saving alternative to other installation andmaintenance practices. With available options and accessories, the equipment can betailored to your specific application.

REVEX Revegetation Exchange, Inc.8941 Woodland RoadLongmont, Colorado 80503 - USATel: 303-772-4335Fax: 303-772-4349Web Page: www.revex.comContact: Chuck AustinE-mail: [email protected]:Reclamation Equipment: Hydroseeders, Straw Mulchers, Krimpers, Seeders, Used

Equipment, Erosion Control Products: Tackifiers, Hydralic Mulch, Soil Amendments,Bonded Fiber Matrix, Organic Blankets, Synthetic Blankets.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Revex, Revegetation Exchange, Inc. is a distributor oferosion control materials and revegetation equipment throughout the world. We alsoact as consultants on erosion control needs for firms throughout the world. ChuckAustin, have worked on such projects as the Southern California FirestormReclamation in 1993, The Bellingham, Washington Fire reclamation in 1999 andmany other revegetation and erosion control projects throughout Asia, Europe andSouth America. We have the capabilities of assisting in developing erosion controlplans for all types and sizes of projects and then providing both the expertise andassistance in purchasing the necessary equipment and materials to complete theproject.

S&S Seeds Inc.P.O. Box 1275Carpinteria, California 93014-1275 - USATel: 805-684-0436Fax: 805-684-2798Web Page: Victor W. SchaffE-mail: [email protected]:Seeds of wildflowers, trees, shrubs, grasses and native plants.

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XII. Consultoría XII. Consulting

American Geological Services, Inc.3222 S. Vance St., Suite 100Lakewood, Colorado 80227 - USATel: 888-748-7488, 303-988-1845Fax: 303-986-2898Web Page: www.amer-geo.comContact: Mark A. ArnoldE-mail: [email protected]:Full Service Environmental, Geological, Natural Resource Consulting Firm, AMD

ProMac Distributor.Company Statement of Capabilities: American Geological Services, Inc., (AGS) is a full-service

environmental, geological, and natural resource consulting firm which provides qualityservice for the environmental industry. AGS and its professionals have been activelyinvolved in mining environmental and acid mine drainage (AMD) studies,characterizations, mitigation, reclamation and facilities closure. Our experience is bothdomestic and international. AGS personnel have direct experience in working with thepermitting, operation, monitoring, reclamation and remediation of mining operations.Our experience includes energy, mineral (coal and nuclear), metallic, and industrialmineral mines and processing centers.

Applied Ecological Services17921 Smith RoadBroadhead, Wisconsin 53520 - USATel: 608-897-8641Fax: 608-897-8486Web Page: www.appliedeco.comContact: Jack Broughton, Ron WadeE-mail: [email protected]:Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Reclamation/Revegetation, Wetlands

Creation/Restoration, Ecological Consulting.Company Statement of Capabilities: Applied Ecological Services is a full-service ecological

consulting and restoration firm with special expertise in mine reclamation,revegetation of disturbed sites, and stabilization of slopes which benefit from nativespecies revegetation for erosion prevention. Projects benefit from AES’s expertise inalternative, ecological-based approaches that often provide greater performance andlong-term sustainability. This ecological systems approach requires a strong scientificunderpinning to properly recognize and analyze multiple factors that play important,dynamic roles in environmental sites such as mines.

Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc.1767 Benbow CourtApopka, Florida 32703 - USATel: 407-886-3939Fax: 407-886-6787

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(Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc. cont’d)Web Page: www.aquaticeco.comContact: Ricardo AriasE-mail: [email protected]:Water Treatment.

Beak International Incorporated140 Rotech DriveLancaster, New York 14086-9755 - USATel: 716-759-11200Fax: 716-759-1489Contact: Pierre SteckoE-mail: [email protected]:Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Mine Waste Mangement, Reclamation

and Restoration, Process and Environmental Chemistry, Planning and Assessment,Water Management; Technologies: Oxygen Consumption Methods for determiningreal-time oxidation rates.

Company Statement of Capabilities: BEAK International Incorporated offers a full range ofimpact assessment services for the mining industry. Since 1955, BEAK has providedscientific and technological services for mine development, operation and closureprojects world-wide. BEAK’s expertise includes: integrated environmentalassessment, aquatic ecology and fisheries, aquatic and terrestrial toxicology,hydrology, water quality assessment and modelling, mine drainage,hydrogeochemistry and source term modelling, tailings and waste rock management,hydrogeology, air quality assessment and modelling, environmental risk assessment,risk management and litigation support. Recently, BEAK has provided consultingservices to Latin American clients including Minera Antamina S.A. in Peru andMinera Alumbrera Ltda. in Argentina.

Chester EngineersCherrington Corporate Center, 600 Clubhouse DriveMoon Township, Pennsylvania 15108 - USATel: 800-337-0777, 412-269-5700Fax: 412-269-5749Web Page: www.chester-engineers.comContact: Robert Zick (Peru Team), Lori BonhamE-mail: [email protected]:Engineering: water, wastewater, air quality, geoscience and environmental

management (i.e. assessment and remediation), environmental and informationsystems.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Chester Engineers, one of the nation's leading engineeringfirms in water, wastewater, air quality, geoscience and environmental management,has been providing both industries and municipalities with exceptional solutions fortheir water and wastewater problems since 1910. Our engineering services range fromcomprehensive turnkey solutions to targeted, client-specific services. The flexibilityof our capabilities and our product diversity allow Chester the ability to provide clients

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(Chester Engineers cont’d)with single-source solutions for any problem, small or large. Chester Engineers is partof United States Filter Corporation, the leading global provider of industrial, municipaland residential water and wastewater treatment systems, products and services.

Clean Gas Systems, Inc.160-2 Remington BoulevardRonkonkoma, New York 11779 - USATel: 631-467-1600Fax: 631-467-1688Web Page: www.cgscgs.thomasregister.comContact: Anil M. ShahE-mail: [email protected]:Consulting in Air Pollution Control Systems.Company Statement of Capabilities: Design, engineer, manufacture and service air pollution

control systems and equipment. Product line includes: single, twin and quad cyclones;centrifugal, dynamic, multi-venturi and conventional scrubbers; gas absorbers forSO2, C12, HC1, H2S, HF, NH3 and odor control; oil mist, fume, smoke and mistcollectors; wet electrostatic precipitators; rotary gates; trickle valves and dump gates;complete systems. Decades of total systems experience. Licensee’s and representativesthroughout the U.S.A., Canada and major countries, worldwide.

Engineering and Mining Experiment Station, South Dakota School of Mines andTechnologyMineral Industries Building, Room 234, 501 East Saint Joseph StreetRapid City, South Dakota 57701-3995 - USATel: 605-394-2496Fax: 605-394-5360Web Page: Edward F. DukeE-mail: [email protected]:Analytical and Technical Services.Company Statement of Capabilities: The Engineering and Mining Experiment Station (EMES)

maintains modern geoanalytical laboratories at the South Dakota School of Mines andTechnology. Laboratory services are open to government and commercial users aswell as to the school's students and faculty. The EMES offers special expertise in thefollowing analytical areas: (1) quantitative X-ray diffraction of rocks, soils, ores, andmetals; (2) scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis of rocks and ores; (3)metal fire assay and general elemental analysis; (4) fluid inclusion microthermometry;(5) laboratory and field visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy; and (6)remote sensing analysis and image processing.

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Golder Associates Brazil, Ltda.Rue Goncalves Dias 3172, 3 AndarSanto Agostinho, Belo Horizonte, BrazilTel: 55-31-275-2417Fax: 55-31-291-9649Contact: Roy F. LopesProducts:Full service consulting, permitting and regulatory support, strategic planning and

mining risk management, environmental audits and risk assessment, environmentalassessments (property transfer and compliance), community relations and publicinvolvement, AMD, Engineering, environmental, geotecnical, hydrology.

Golder Associates Peru S.A.Calle 22 Nº 215, Urb. CorpacSan Borja, Lima 41, PeruTel: 51-1-224-9362Fax: 51-1-475-2150Contact: Siegfried Arce H.Products:Full service consulting, permitting and regulatory support, strategic planning and

mining risk management, environmental audits and risk assessment, environmentalassessments (property transfer and compliance), community relations and publicinvolvement, AMD, Engineering, environmental, geotecnical, hydrology.

Golder Associates S.A.Fidel Oteiza 1921, Of. 906Providencia, Santiago, ChileTel: 56-2-366-9375Fax: 56-2-366-9372Contact: Chris BeggsProducts:Full service consulting, permitting and regulatory support, strategic planning and

mining risk management, environmental audits and risk assessment, environmentalassessments (property transfer and compliance), community relations and publicinvolvement, AMD, Engineering, environmental, geotecnical, hydrology.

Golder Associates, Inc.200 Union BoulevardLakewook, Colorado 80228 - USATel: 303-980-0540Fax: 303-985-2080Web Page: www.golder.comContact: Pamela StellaE-mail: [email protected]:Full service consulting, permitting and regulatory support, strategic planning and

mining risk management, environmental audits and risk assessment, environmentalassessments (property transfer and compliance), community relations and publicinvolvement, AMD, Engineering, environmental, geotecnical, hydrology.

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(Golder Associates, Inc. cont’d)Company Statement of Capabilities: Golder Associates Corporation (Golder) is an international

group of employee-owned consulting engineering and environmental companiesspecializing in the application of earth sciences and engineering to environmental,natural resources and civil works projects. Operating since 1960, the company isstaffed by more than 1,900 personnel and maintains a network of more than 80 officesworldwide (United States, Canada, Australia, Asia, Europe). Our Latin Americaoffices are located in Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, and Colombia. Golderhas project experience in more than 130 countries. Our engineers and scientistsprovide a wide variety of expertise including geotechnical and civil engineeringdesign; environmental management and planning; water resources management andhydrology; construction management and quality control, and risk assessment andmanagement.

Hydrometrics, Inc.2727 Airport RoadHelena, Montana 59601 - USATel: 406-443-4150Fax: 406-443-4155Web Page: www.hydrometrics.comContact: Steve W. AckerlundE-mail: [email protected]:Scientists, engineers and eontractors: runoff control, water and wastewater treatment,

remediation, solid waste handling, water suppy and distribution, facility closure andcompliance.

Company Statement of Capabilities: Hydrometrics' mission is to provide cost-effective andpractical scientific, engineering and construction services for industrial, commercialand municipal sectors in the United States and select foreign markets (principallyMexico and Peru). Major service areas include: mine permitting and closure,environmental work at smelters and refineries, water treatment design, constructionmanagement, and remedial construction. Hydrometrics has developed several watertreatment technologies with specific application to mining. The Anoxic BiotreatmentCell (ABC) has proven cost-effective at removing nitrates, selenium and sulfates atmines. The Cost-Effective Sulfate Removal (CESR) process work in conjuction withlime precipitation to treat sulfate to below standards.

Knight Piesold Consultores S.A.Los Tucanes 136-142, San isidroLima-27, PeruTel: 51-1-422-0844Fax: 51-1-422-0331Contact: Mario VillavisencioE-mail: [email protected]:Full service consulting company: AMD, engineering, environmental, geotechnical,

geographic information systems, hydrological.

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(Knight Piesold Consultores S.A. cont’d)Company Statement of Capabilities: Established in 1921, Knight Piesold is a consultancy group

committed to the provision of engineering, environmental and economics services ofthe highest caliber to an extensive world-wide client base. Knight Piesold provides acomprehensive range of services for all aspects of project development from inceptionthrough implementation to the post-commissioning stage. Expertise is provided to abroad range of sectors, with particular emphasis on: mining, environment, waterresources and supply, hydropower, thermal power and heavy structures, roads andtransportation.

Knight Piesold Consultores S.A.1050 Seventeenth Street, Suite 500Denver, Colorado 80265 - USATel: 303-629-8788Contact: Barbara FilasE-mail: [email protected]:Full service consulting company: AMD, engineering, environmental, geotechnical,

geographic information systems, hydrological.Company Statement of Capabilities: Established in 1921, Knight Piesold is a consultancy group

committed to the provision of engineering, environmental and economics services ofthe highest caliber to an extensive world-wide client base. Knight Piesold provides acomprehensive range of services for all aspects of project development from inceptionthrough implementation to the post-commissioning stage. Expertise is provided to abroad range of sectors, with particular emphasis on: mining, environment, waterresources and supply, hydropower, thermal power and heavy structures, roads andtransportation.

McVehil-Monnett Associates, Inc.44 Inverness Drive East, Bldg. CEnglewood, Colorado 80112 - USATel: 303-790-1332Fax: 303-790-7820Web Page: www.mcvehil-monnett.comContact: William MonnettE-mail: [email protected]:Consultants, air quality permitting, modeling, monitoring and impact assessment.Company Statement of Capabilities: Founded in 1984, McVehil-Monnett Associates, Inc.

(MMA) is a specialized consulting firm of atmospheric scientist and air qualityengineers providing permitting, compliance, modeling, monitoring and impactassessment services to a broad range of mining clients worldwide. MMA's LatinAmerica mining experience includes work in Peru, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, ElSalvador and Panama. Our professional staff averages over 16 years of experience,with two-thirds having advanced degrees and/or professional certifications. With thishigh level of knowledge and experience MMA offers a proven ability to solve airquality problems and expedite permitting and monitoring processes.

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Mine Engineers, Inc.P.O. Box 3026Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003 - USATel: 307-638-8833Fax: 307-638-0578Web Page: www.mine-engineers.comContact: Eldon StridE-mail: [email protected]:Satellite imagery and engineering services.Company Statement of Capabilities: Environmental and mining engineering services for the

mining industry. Distributors of satellite imagery.

Mines Group, The1325 Airmotive Way, Suite 175UReno, Nevada 89502 - USATel: 775-322-7622Fax: 775-322-2660Contact: Anthony E.W. Crews, PE or Kenneth Myers, PEE-mail: [email protected]:Mining, geotechnical, civil and environmental.Company Statement of Capabilities: The MINES Group, Inc. is a professional organization

dedicated to the technical advancement of the mining industry and providingresponsive consulting services to meet the needs of individual clients. The MINESGroup, Inc. was formed with the intent of providing a high level of principalinvolvement in projects and providing professional staff with hands on experiencewithin the particular field of expertise required to complete the project in a cost-effective manner and within the project schedules. The professional staff have upwardsof 12 years experience, with the principals having in excess of 25 years of mining-related experience.

Pipeline Systems Incorporated (PSI)460 North Wiget LaneWalnut Creek, California 94598-2408 - USATel: 925-974-7272Fax: 925-937-8875Web Page: www.pipesys.comContact: Steve YoungE-mail: [email protected]:Pipeline engineering: design of pipeline systems to transport mineral concentrates,

coal, water and tailings.Company Statement of Capabilities: Pipeline Systems Incorporated (PSI) is a medium-sized,

multi-disciplinary engineering firm servicing the international mining industry fromWalnut Creek, California. Formed in 1979, PSI is recognized as the world leaderspecializing in the design of long distance pipeline systems for the transport of mineralconcentrates, coal, industrial minerals, water and tailings. Personnel from PSI have

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participated in the engineering of the majority of all slurry transportation systemsinstalled in the past three decades. PSI specializes in services for pipelinetransportation system development from testing in PSI’s laboratory, due diligencestudies, feasibility studies, basic engineering, detailed engineering, constructionsupport, system start-up, commissioning and operator training.

SEMSI (Swanson Environmental Management Systems, Inc.)9085 South Bear Mountain DriveHighlands Ranch, Colorado 80126 - USATel: 303-471-8665Fax: 303-471-0445Web Page: In constructionContact: David Swanson, Alicia WilliamsonE-mail: [email protected]:Environmental Management System (EMS) services, pollution prevention/cleaner

production technical assistance, ISO 14001 services, enviromental technologies.Company Statement of Capabilities: SEMSI is an international, environmental consulting firm

specializing in providing customized Environmental Management System (EMS)services that incorporate pollution prevention practices and clean technology solutionsto industry, government, and non-government organizations. SEMSI utilizes its“hands-on” pollution prevention/clean technology expertise and know-how to searchand find the best, innovative, proven environmental technology(ies) to meet a client’senvironmental need. David W. Swanson, president and founder of SEMSI, has workedwith over 300 businesses and manufacturers, both domestically and internationally, todevelop and incorporate cleaner production oriented EMS programs. Often hisproactive EMS programs had a payback period of less than two years.

Shepherd Miller, Inc.3801 Automation Way, Suite 100Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 - USATel: 970-223-9600Fax: 970-223-7171Web Page: www.shepmill.comContact: Thomas A. Shepherd; John ChermakE-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]:Environmental and EngineeringCompany Statement of Capabilities: Shepherd Miller, Inc. specializes in providing

environmental engineering and science services to the mining industry. ShepherdMiller has been in business since 1990 solving environmental problems at mine sitesin North America, South America, and Asia. Our areas of expertise include thefollowing: design of acid mine drainage mitigation alternatives; geotechnical design ofmine facilities; design of cover systems; remedial investigations and feasibilitystudies; prediction and analysis of surface and groundwater impacts; revegetationplans; regulatory and permitting support; site characterization and baseline studies; siteclosure planning; environmental audits; and human and ecological risk assessment.

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The John T. Boyd CompanyFour Gateway Center, Suite 1900, 444 Liberty AvenuePittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-1212 - USATel: 412-562-1770Fax: 412-562-1953Web Page: www.jtboyd.comContact: George Stepanovich Jr.E-mail: [email protected]:Mining and geological consulting.Company Statement of Capabilities: The John T. Boyd Company has the technical capability

and experience to provide economic solutions to maintain compliance and avoidexposure to environmental risks relating to the mining industry. Our environmentalservices include: Mine closure and reclamation liability studies, due diligenceassessments, mine reclamation plans, mine drainage studies, hydrologic investigations,water resource inventories, refuse disposal and waste management planning,subsidence and control.

Western States Mining Consultants, P.C.770 W. Collins, Suite 200Casper, Wyoming 82601 - USATel: 307-266-9117Fax: 307-265-7086Web Page: www.westernstatesmining.comContact: David H. Scriven, P.E.E-mail: [email protected]:Mining, environmental, geological and geotechnical engineering.Company Statement of Capabilities: Engineering company with diversified experience in all

phases of permitting, mining and reclamation. Specialize in permitting, rock mechanicsand geotechnical engineering, solid waste disposal (tailings), economic evaluations anddue diligence reporting.

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Index of Company Names and Contact Information

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc3300 Riverside DriveColumbus, Ohio 43221 - USATel: 614-457-3051Fax: 614-538-5825Web Page: John AdamsE-mail: [email protected]

American Excelsior Company850 Avenue H East, P.O. Box 5067Arlington, Texas 76005-5067 - USATel: 800-777-7645Fax: 817-633-3624Web Page: www.amerexcel.comContact: Steve Walker, Howard WagnerE-mail: [email protected]

American Geological Services, Inc.3222 S. Vance St., Suite 100Lakewood, Colorado 80227 - USATel: 888-748-7488, 303-988-1845Fax: 303-986-2898Web Page: www.amer-geo.comContact: Mark A. ArnoldE-mail: [email protected]

Amoco Fabrics & Fiber Company260 The BluffsAustell, Georgia 30168 - USATel: 770-944-4569Fax: 770-944-4584Web Page: [email protected]: Jose Roberto MontalvoE-mail: [email protected]

Applied Ecological Services17921 Smith RoadBroadhead, Wisconsin 53520 - USATel: 608-897-8641Fax: 608-897-8486Web Page: www.appliedeco.comContact: Jack Broughton, Ron WadeE-mail: [email protected]

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Applied Surface Technologies AST Coatings Applied1423 West Ormsby AvenueLouisville, Kentucky 40210 - USATel: 502-634-9458Fax: 502-634-1130Web Page: www.astl.comContact: Dave McEwanE-mail: [email protected]

Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc.1767 Benbow CourtApopka, Florida 32703 - USATel: 407-886-3939Fax: 407-886-6787Web Page: www.aquaticeco.comContact: Ricardo AriasE-mail: [email protected]

Arizona Instrument Corp.4114 E. Wood StreetPhoenix, Arizona 85040 - USATel: 800-528-7411, 602-470-1414Fax: 602-470-1888Web Page: www.azic.comContact: Terri ThomasE-mail: [email protected]

Armortec2853 Meadow Hill Drive, NorthClearwater, Florida 33761 - USATel: 727-726-5790Fax: 727-724-1955Web Page: www.armortec.comContact: Robert MohlerE-mail: [email protected]

Athey Products Corporation1839 South Main StreetWake Forest, North Carolina 27587 - USATel: 919-556-5171Fax: 919-556-0122Web Page: www.athey.comContact: N. Anthony WakimE-mail: [email protected]

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Baker Process, division of Baker Hughes Inc.669 West 200 South Street P.O. Box 300Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 - USATel: 801-526-2909Fax: 801-526-2923Contact: Frank BaczekE-mail: [email protected]

Beak International Incorporated140 Rotech DriveLancaster, New York 14086-9755 - USATel: 716-759-11200Fax: 716-759-1489Contact: Pierre SteckoE-mail: [email protected]

Belt Maintenance Group240 Seneca StreetBuffalo, New York 14204 - USATel: 716-852-0832Fax: 716-852-4198Web Page: www.beltmaintenance.comContact: Ron Fernandes, David MillerE-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Ceilcote Air Pollution Control14955 Sprague Rd., Ste 250Strongsville, Ohio 44136-1758 - USATel: 440-243-0700Fax: 440-243-9854Web Page: www.ceilcoteapc.comContact: Barbara CicigoiE-mail: [email protected]

CertainTeed Products Group750 Swedesford Road, P.O. Box 860Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 19482 - USATel: 610-341-7000Fax: 610-341-6837Contact: Ken McHugh

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Chester EngineersCherrington Corporate Center, 600 Clubhouse DriveMoon Township, Pennsylvania 15108 - USATel: 800-337-0777, 412-269-5700Fax: 412-269-5749Web Page: www.chester-engineers.comContact: Robert Zick (Peru Team), Lori BonhamE-mail: [email protected]

Clean Gas Systems, Inc.160-2 Remington BoulevardRonkonkoma, New York 11779 - USATel: 631-467-1600Fax: 631-467-1688Web Page: www.cgscgs.thomasregister.comContact: Anil M. ShahE-mail: [email protected]

Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation505 Front Avenue, P.O. Box 1Coeur D'Alene, Idaho 83816-0316 - USATel: 208-667-3511Fax: 208-667-2213Web Page: www.coeur.comContact: Luke RussellE-mail: [email protected]

Continental Conveyor & Equipment CompanyP.O. Box 400Winfield, Alabama 35594 - USATel: 205-487-6492Fax: 205-487-4233Web Page: www.continentalcoveyor.comContact: Greg ChaffinE-mail: [email protected]

Creative Engineering Company3513 Century DriveBakersfield, California 93306-1238 - USATel: 661-872-4763Fax: 661-871-1798Web Page: www.suverkrop.comContact: Don Suverkrop

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D.R. Technology, Inc.73 South StreetFreehold, New Jersey 07728 - USATel: 732-780-4664Fax: 732-780-1545Contact: Richard SchwartzE-mail: [email protected]

Dust Solutions IncorporatedPMB # 434, 11919 N. Jantzen Ave.Portland, Oregon 97217 - USATel: 360-546-0072Fax: 360-546-0073Web Page: www.nodust.comContact: David GilroyE-mail: [email protected]

Engineering and Mining Experiment Station, South Dakota School of Mines andTechnologyMineral Industries Building, Room 234, 501 East Saint Joseph StreetRapid City, South Dakota 57701-3995 - USATel: 605-394-2496Fax: 605-394-5360Web Page: Edward F. DukeE-mail: [email protected]

Entek IRD International Corporation1700 Edison DriveMilford, Ohio 45150 - USATel: 513-576-6151 (US) / 51-1-222-0064 (Peru)Fax: 513-5766104 (US) / 51-1-421-0302 (Peru)Web Page: www.entekird.comContact: Rick W. Carlisle (US) / Augusto de la Piedra (Peru)E-mail: [email protected] (US) / [email protected] (Peru)

Environmental Chemistries, Inc.753 West 1760 SouthSalt Lake City, Utah 84104 - USATel: 800-974-0459, 801-974-5080Fax: 801-974-0459Web Page:,_Inc.htmlContact: M.S. Burrow

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Fluid Systems (FSI)1245 Corporate Blvd. Suite 300Aurora, Illinois 60504 - USATel: 800-346-9107, 630-898-1161Fax: 630-898-1179Web Page: www.fluidsystems.comContact: Linda EnglanderE-mail: [email protected]

Georgia Duck & Cordage Mill21 Laredo DriveScottdale, Georgia 30079 - USATel: 404-294-5272Fax: 404-296-5165Web Page: www.gaduck.comContact: Jim HinsonE-mail: [email protected]

Geosonics Inc./Vibra-TechP.O. Box 779Warendale, Pennsylvania 15095 - USATel: 724-934-2900Fax: 724-934-2999Web Page: www.geosonics.comContact: Phil BergerE-mail: [email protected]

GeoTDR, Inc.297 Pinewood DriveApple Valley, Minnesota 55124 - USATel: 612-431-3415Fax: 612-892-0241Web Page: www.geotdr.comContact: Kevin O'ConnorE-mail: [email protected]

Golder Associates Brazil, Ltda.Rue Goncalves Dias 3172, 3 AndarSanto Agostinho, Belo Horizonte, BrazilTel: 55-31-275-2417Fax: 55-31-291-9649Contact: Roy F. Lopes

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Golder Associates Peru S.A.Calle 22 Nº 215, Urb. CorpacSan Borja, Lima 41, PeruTel: 51-1-224-9362Fax: 51-1-475-2150Contact: Siegfried Arce H.

Golder Associates S.A.Fidel Oteiza 1921, Of. 906Providencia, Santiago, ChileTel: 56-2-366-9375Fax: 56-2-366-9372Contact: Chris Beggs

Golder Associates, Inc.200 Union BoulevardLakewook, Colorado 80228 - USATel: 303-980-0540Fax: 303-985-2080Web Page: www.golder.comContact: Pamela StellaE-mail: [email protected]

Great Western Chemical Company808 S.W. 15th AvenuePortland, Oregon 97205 - USATel: 503-228-2600, 800-547-1400Fax: 503-221-5752Web Page: www.gwchem.comContact: Taras WarvarivE-mail: [email protected]

GSE Lining Technology, Inc.19103 Gundle RoadHouston, Texas 77073 - USATel: 800-435-2008, 281-443-8564Fax: 281-875-6010Web Page: www.gseworld.comContact: Mike Mathieson, Mark HarrisE-mail: [email protected]

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Hercules Sealcoat MFG., Inc.6596 New Peachtree RoadAtlanta, Georgia 30340 - USATel: 800-815-7668, 770-455-6551Fax: 770-455-6531Contact: Robin HotleE-mail: [email protected]

HY - TRAN, INC.P.O. Box 279Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589-0279 - USATel: 608-877-9201Fax: 608-877-9204Contact: Ross JahnE-mail: [email protected]

Hydrometrics, Inc.2727 Airport RoadHelena, Montana 59601 - USATel: 406-443-4150Fax: 406-443-4155Web Page: www.hydrometrics.comContact: Steve W. AckerlundE-mail: [email protected]

Inland Technology Incorporated401 East 27th StreetTacoma, Washington 98421 - USATel: 800-552-3100, 253-383-1177Fax: 253-593-8749Web Page: www.inlandtech.comContact: Eric LetheE-mail: [email protected]

Klean Earth Environmental Company (KEECO)19023 36th Avenue West, Suite ELynnwood, Washington 98036 - USATel: 425-778-7165Fax: 425-778-7564Web Page: www.keeco.comContact: Jim RybockE-mail: [email protected]

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Knight Piesold Consultores S.A.Los Tucanes 136-142, San isidroLima-27, PeruTel: 51-1-422-0844Fax: 51-1-422-0331Contact: Mario VillavisencioE-mail: [email protected]

Knight Piesold Consultores S.A.1050 Seventeenth Street, Suite 500Denver, Colorado 80265 - USATel: 303-629-8788Fax:Contact: Barbara FilasE-mail: [email protected]

KPA International - Enviro Green International15912 73rd Avenue, S.E.Snohomish, Washington 98296 - USATel: 425-485-6091; 360-668-7344Fax: 425-485-7999Web Page: www.kpa-envirogreen.comContact: Frank PorembskiE-mail: [email protected]

McVehil-Monnett Associates, Inc.44 Inverness Drive East, Bldg. CEnglewood, Colorado 80112 - USATel: 303-790-1332Fax: 303-790-7820Web Page: www.mcvehil-monnett.comContact: William MonnettE-mail: [email protected]

Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.P.O. Box 8431Canton, Ohio 44711 - USATel: 800-321-0699, 330-456-3121Fax: 330-456-3247Web Page: www.midwestind.comContact: William MelisE-mail: [email protected]

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Mine Engineers, Inc.P.O. Box 3026Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003 - USATel: 307-638-8833Fax: 307-638-0578Web Page: www.mine-engineers.comContact: Eldon StridE-mail: [email protected]

Mines Group, The1325 Airmotive Way, Suite 175UReno, Nevada 89502 - USATel: 775-322-7622Fax: 775-322-2660Contact: Anthony E.W. Crews, PE or Kenneth Myers, PEE-mail: [email protected]

National Filter Media Corporation8895 Deerfield DriveOlive Branch, Mississippi 38654 - USATel: 800-826-6250, 601-895-4660Fax: 601-895-4968Contact: J.A. Anglin

North American Green, Inc14649 Highway 41 NorthEvansville, Indiana 47711 - USATel: 812-867-6632, 800-772-2040Fax: 812-867-0247Web Page: www.nagreen.comContact: Greg DeeganE-mail: [email protected]

Pintail Systems. Inc11801 East 33rd Avenue, Suite CAurora, Colorado 80010 - USATel: 303-367-8443Fax: 303-364-2120Contact: Leslie C. Thompson; Dawn V. HarimonE-mail: [email protected]

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Pipeline Systems Incorporated (PSI)460 North Wiget LaneWalnut Creek, California 94598-2408 - USATel: 925-974-7272Fax: 925-937-8875Web Page: www.pipesys.comContact: Steve YoungE-mail: [email protected]

Quinn Process Equipment Co.3400 Brighton BoulevardDenver, Colorado 80216 - USATel: 303-295-2872Fax: 303-295-2706Web Page: www.quinnprocess.comContact: Richard QuinnE-mail: [email protected]

Reinco Inc.P.O. Box 512 / 520 North AvenuePlainfield, New Jersey 07061-0512 - USATel: 908-755-0921, 800-526-7687Fax: 908-755-6379Web Page: www.reinco.comContact: Goerge F. Braun IIIE-mail: [email protected]

REVEX Revegetation Exchange, Inc.8941 Woodland RoadLongmont, Colorado 80503 - USATel: 303-772-4335Fax: 303-772-4349Web Page: www.revex.comContact: Chuck AustinE-mail: [email protected]

Rocky Mountain Remediation Service, L.L.C.1819 Denver West Drive, Building 26, Suite 100Golden, Colorado 80401 - USATel: 303-215-6620Fax: 303-215-6720Web Page: Jim BarthelE-mail: [email protected]

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S&S Seeds Inc.P.O. Box 1275Carpinteria, California 93014-1275 - USATel: 805-684-0436Fax: 805-684-2798Web Page: Victor W. SchaffE-mail: [email protected]

SEMSI (Swanson Environmental Management Systems, Inc.)9085 South Bear Mountain DriveHighlands Ranch, Colorado 80126 - USATel: 303-471-8665Fax: 303-471-0445Web Page: In constructionContact: David Swanson, Alicia WilliamsonE-mail: [email protected]

Shepherd Miller, Inc.3801 Automation Way, Suite 100Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 - USATel: 970-223-9600Fax: 970-223-7171Web Page: www.shepmill.comContact: Thomas A. Shepherd; John ChermakE-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Sioux Rubber Applicators, Inc.2620 Hawkeye DriveSioux City, Iowa 51105 - USATel: 800-443-9469, 712-252-3257Fax: 712-252-3258Web Page:,_Inc.htmlContact: Jon WrenE-mail: [email protected]

Smith Fiberglass Products Company2700 W. 65th StreetLittle Rock, Arkansas 72209 - USATel: 501-568-4010Fax: 501-568-4465Web Page: www.smithfiberglass.comContact: Susan B. JonesE-mail: [email protected]

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The Gorman-Rupp Company305 Bowman Street, P.O. Box 1217Mansfield, Ohio 44901-1217 - USATel: 419-755-1011, 419-755-1350, 419-755-1352Fax: 419-755-1266Web Page: www.gormanrupp.comContact: Taffy DeNaviaE-mail: [email protected]

The John T. Boyd CompanyFour Gateway Center, Suite 1900, 444 Liberty AvenuePittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-1212 - USATel: 412-562-1770Fax: 412-562-1953Web Page: www.jtboyd.comContact: George Stepanovich Jr.E-mail: [email protected]

Tramfloc, Inc.P.O. Box 350Tempe, Arizona 85280-0350 - USATel: 800-613-6803, 480-491-6895Fax: 480-456-1664Web Page: www.tramfloc.comContact: James FranklinE-mail: [email protected]

Tytronics, A Metrisa Company25 Wiggins AvenueBedford, Massachusetts 01730-2323 - USATel: 800-370-2345, 781-275-9660(ext. 258)Fax: 781-275-9665Web Page: www.tytronics.comContact: Dr. Eric F. MooneyE-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Warman International Chile SAAvda. Américo Vespucio # 2512Conchalí, Santiago, ChileTel: 2-624-1820Fax: 2-624-1812Web Page: www.warmanintl.comContact:E-mail: [email protected]

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Warman International, Inc.2701 South Stoughton Road, P.O. Box 7610Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7610 - USATel: 608-221-2261Fax: 609-221-5810Web Page: www.warmanintl.comContact: Julie CapadonaE-mail: [email protected]

Western Environmental Services & Testing, Inc.913 Foster RoadCasper, Wyoming 82601 - USATel: 800-545-5711, 307-234-5511Fax: 307-234-8324Web Page: www.hawksindustries.comContact: James E. Meador, Jr.E-mail: [email protected]

Western States Mining Consultants, P.C.770 W. Collins, Suite 200Casper, Wyoming 82601 - USATel: 307-266-9117Fax: 307-265-7086Web Page: www.westernstatesmining.comContact: David H. Scriven, P.E.E-mail: [email protected]

Wheelabrator Air Pollution Control Inc.441 Smithfield StreetPittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-2292 - USATel: 412-562-7300Fax: 412-562-7617Web Page: www.wapc.comContact: Michael KozyE-mail: [email protected]

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Hagler Bailly, Inc., Environmental Pollution Prevention Project (EP3). Best ManagementPractices in Nonferrous Metals Mining and Processing. September l998.

International Directory of Mining. Engineering and Mining Journal. Interec PublishingCompany, Chicago, IL, l996.

National Mine Land Reclamation Center. Acid Drainage Technology Initiative. White Paper,March l998.

Randol Buyer’s Guide, 1995. Published by Randol International LTD., Golden, CO, l995.

Rastogi, V. Water Quality and Reclamation Management in Mining Using Bactericides. MiningEngineering, April l996.

Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration Inc. (SME). SME Resource Guide, l998.Littleton, CO, 1998.

Tailings and Mine Waste ’98, Proceedings of the Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste ’98,Published by A.A. Balkema.

Terms of Environment page. United States Environmental Protection Agency. June-July 1999.<>.

Thomas Register of American ManufacturersSM. 1999. <>