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Chapter 8 The applications of geomagnetism to the environment and human activities are ever more numerous. The first, basic reason is that the mankind’s impact on the environ- ment has dramatically increased; the second that magnetism is a fundamental prop- erty of matter and the versatility and high analytical ability of magnetic techniques enable every kind of material to be analyzed. Leaving aside the field of biomagnetism, fascinating from the scientific viewpoint and with many consequences in the medical field, we will limit ourselves to the environmental application of the topics we have seen in the previous chapters. 8.1 Environmental Prospecting Magnetic prospection is a classical surveying technique in archaeology. In its early days, it was mainly used to identify remains to be eventually excavated, as in the 1950s with the tombs of Etruscan necropolis in Tuscany (Italy). Then, it gradually changed to a cost-effective, rapid alternative to excavation. Nowadays, the outcome of a mag- netic survey is usually an image of the subsurface which depicts the site and suggests the optimum location of a few test trenches. The very high sensitivity of modern mag- netometers makes it possible to detect the small changes in magnetic properties of soils due to biological processes, and thus to construct land use maps which comple- ment the traditional archaeological information. Figure 8.1 shows the magnetic anomaly map in the archaeological site of Monte San Vincenzo, in southern Italy. The result appears the typical one of magnetic archaeological prospecting. A Neolithic village is identified: a large external double ditch encloses small circular ditches and structures probably related to huts. However, numberless point-like anomalies are readily apparent, arranged in a regular grid formed by two orthogonal alignments and superposed to the Neolithic structures. Although today all traces have been lost, the grid represents an olive grove dating back to the ancient Roman pratice of centuriatio 1 . Olive trees can live even several centuries, more than enough time for chemical and biological processes in the roots area to leave a mark in the surrounding soil. The search for intentionally buried artifacts is a typical environmental application of magnetic prospection. The most common case is the unauthorized burial, in sites Environmental Geomagnetism 1 Centuriatio was the distribution of conquered lands to the legionaries, with the dual aim of giving them an award and colonizing newly acquired territories.

Environmental Geomagnetism

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Page 1: Environmental Geomagnetism

Chapter 8

The applications of geomagnetism to the environment and human activities are evermore numerous. The first, basic reason is that the mankind’s impact on the environ-ment has dramatically increased; the second that magnetism is a fundamental prop-erty of matter and the versatility and high analytical ability of magnetic techniquesenable every kind of material to be analyzed. Leaving aside the field of biomagnetism,fascinating from the scientific viewpoint and with many consequences in the medicalfield, we will limit ourselves to the environmental application of the topics we haveseen in the previous chapters.

8.1Environmental Prospecting

Magnetic prospection is a classical surveying technique in archaeology. In its earlydays, it was mainly used to identify remains to be eventually excavated, as in the 1950swith the tombs of Etruscan necropolis in Tuscany (Italy). Then, it gradually changedto a cost-effective, rapid alternative to excavation. Nowadays, the outcome of a mag-netic survey is usually an image of the subsurface which depicts the site and suggeststhe optimum location of a few test trenches. The very high sensitivity of modern mag-netometers makes it possible to detect the small changes in magnetic properties ofsoils due to biological processes, and thus to construct land use maps which comple-ment the traditional archaeological information. Figure 8.1 shows the magneticanomaly map in the archaeological site of Monte San Vincenzo, in southern Italy. Theresult appears the typical one of magnetic archaeological prospecting. A Neolithicvillage is identified: a large external double ditch encloses small circular ditches andstructures probably related to huts. However, numberless point-like anomalies arereadily apparent, arranged in a regular grid formed by two orthogonal alignments andsuperposed to the Neolithic structures. Although today all traces have been lost, thegrid represents an olive grove dating back to the ancient Roman pratice of centuriatio1.Olive trees can live even several centuries, more than enough time for chemical andbiological processes in the roots area to leave a mark in the surrounding soil.

The search for intentionally buried artifacts is a typical environmental applicationof magnetic prospection. The most common case is the unauthorized burial, in sites

Environmental Geomagnetism

1 Centuriatio was the distribution of conquered lands to the legionaries, with the dual aim of givingthem an award and colonizing newly acquired territories.

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lacking any control, of metal drums containing toxic waste, whose release is destinedto pollute surface and ground waters over the years to come. Total field measurementsare taken along a closely spaced grid (0.5 to 1 m), often with a magnetometergradiometric configuration. The higher resolution of gradiometers allows a more pre-cise positioning location which reduces the risk of accidental breaking and waste leak-

Fig. 8.1. Monte San Vincenzo (Puglia, southern Italy). High-resolution magnetic mosaic displayed in256 gray tones (black = –18 nT, white = +18 nT). Traces of Roman olive-grove (regularly spaced dots) overlaya Neolithic settlement, bounded by a large, double ditch (courtesy M. Ciminale, [email protected])

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age during removal. Magnetic techniques are continuously improved in test sites, re-alized by private companies and scientific institutions with the aim of doing directexperiments of the various shallow geophysics techniques used to find buried arti-facts and monitor the evolution of contaminant plumes. The map in Fig. 8.2 refers toa test site located in fluvioglacial deposits consisting of conglomerate in a silty-sandyfine matrix (Central Apennines, Italy). Twelve drums were buried in a vertical posi-tion with their top at a depth of 4.5 m. The shaded relief total field anomaly map showsa typical dipolar anomaly, with a well defined maximum-minimum axis orientedN-S, parallel to the local direction of the Earth’s field. Airborne measurements are of-ten used when the area to be surveyed is large. To avoid the risk of exposure for theoperators, airborne surveying is the practice in the case of unexploded ordnance (theso-called UXO).

Another, far more devastating case, is that of land mines. A sure method to identifythem has not yet been devised and the ability of magnetic measurements has beenstrongly reduced, since metal parts have been almost completely eliminated frommines, to make them more difficult to detect. However, a substantial problem in mineclearing stems from false alarms, which prolong the operation time and increase thecosts. They can be reduced by the coexistence of clues obtained by means of differentmethodologies and the small magnetic signal caused by the firing pin contributes toa more accurate identification.

Fig. 8.2. Magnetic anomaly map of a test site for search of buried drums (from Marchetti et al. 1998)

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8.2Enviromagnetic Parameters and Techniques

The need to better understand the magnetic properties of rocks and minerals has overthe past thirty years led to a dramatic development in laboratory instrumentation, tech-niques and methodologies. The field of magnetic measurements has expanded to virtu-ally all materials, including those whose magnetism is so weak that they are hastily dubbednon magnetic. In the previous chapters we have seen that very few minerals are ferromag-netic and they always form a small or minimal fraction of a rock. Most of them origi-nate in magmatic and metamorphic rocks, then their grains enter the cycle of disinte-gration, alteration, transport and final sedimentation in lakes and seas (Fig. 8.3). Ferro-magnetic grains constitute a minimal part of the material involved in the processes thatlead from the parent rock to a sediment and in the course of this journey they act as trac-ers. Nowadays, we are able to identify the ferromagnetic grains and reconstruct the waythey are connected to the various environmental processes. Environmental magnetism alsostudies materials of extra-terrestrial origin, such as cosmic dust and micrometeorites,and those produced by human activities and connected with pollution.

An environmental magnetism laboratory is not very different from a paleomag-netic laboratory; the difference is in the way it is used. The materials to be measuredare as disparate as they can get: not just rocks, but above all soils, dusts, ice, biologicalmaterials, etc. Hence, laboratory procedures must be adapted to particular require-

Fig. 8.3. The environmental cycle of ferromagnetic minerals (from Thompson and Oldfield 1986)

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ments, case by case. But above all the investigative approach is different. Paleomag-netists are interested in the magnetic field of the past and try to extract its directionand intensity from the rocks’ remanence; environmental magnetists are interested inmagnetic minerals and try to put them at the right place and time in the environmen-tal cycle, determining their type, quantity and grain size.

Magnetic susceptibility continues to be a basic parameter, but it is expressed interms of mass, the best to reflect concentration: χ = κ / ρ, where κ is volume suscepti-bility and ρ is density. Since κ is dimensionless, the unit for χ is m3 kg–1. Mass suscep-tibility is often measured at two different frequencies. If the high-frequency value issmaller than the low-frequency one, the material contains grains in the SP state(Sect. 5.2), which may form in the course of various environmental processes. How-ever, when the concentration of ferromagnetics is extremely low, the measured χ maynot be significant. For example, the diamagnetic susceptibility of ice masks the signalof the very small quantity of ferromagnetic dust it contains. This quantity cannot beincreased by separation, because some hundreds of kilograms of ice would have to bemelted to obtain a measurable quantity of dust. Moreover, the measurement of sus-ceptibility does not discriminate the signals, and hence the content, of ferro- and an-tiferromagnetic minerals, whose environmental significance can be very different.These problems are overcome by measuring the remanent magnetization artificiallygiven to a sample, which can be either isothermal (IRM) or anhysteretic (ARM). Amixture of magnetite and hematite grains produces an IRM acquisition curve domi-nated by the magnetite signal (low coercivity), but that in fields of the order of 1 Tdoes not yet reach the saturation value (SIRM), due to the high coercivity of hematite(Fig. 8.4). Similar information is provided by the parameter called S-ratio, S = Jback / SIRM,

Fig. 8.4. IRM acquisition curvesof Greenland ice samples fromthree different climatic stagesand a sample of loess (BY55).All samples measured immedi-ately after immersion in liquidnitrogen. Samples fromBags 3547-48 show the highestcontent of high-coercivity min-erals (from Lanci et al. 2004)

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which is obtained by first saturating the sample in one direction (SIRM) and thenapplying in the opposite direction a backfield with a magnitude in the order of0.3–0.4 T, enough to saturate the soft magnetite grains but not the hard hematite grains.The remanence Jback measured after the backfield will have a value approaching theSIRM (and hence S ≈ 1) if it is mainly carried by soft minerals, lower (and hence S < 1)if the hard ones comprise a significant fraction. The intensities of IRM and SIRM areusually normalized in terms of mass, and hence expressed in A m2 kg–1, like that ofthe ARM.

The anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) is the magnetization acquired bya sample subjected simultaneously to an alternating magnetic field, whose initial in-tensity Hpeak is progressively reduced until it disappears, and a weak steady field, whoseintensity Hbias is similar to that of the Earth’s field (Fig. 8.5). The alternating field un-

Fig. 8.5. Acquisition of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM). Symbols: full line = alternatingfield; dotted line = steady field; dashed line = total field

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locks the domains with remanence coercivity below Hpeak, the steady field destroys thesymmetry of the alternating field and creates a preferential direction of magnetiza-tion. The magnetization JARM is parallel to the steady field and proportional to its mag-nitude. Applying the bias field over an interval of values of the alternating field H1 > H2

(Fig. 8.5), the ARM is acquired only by the grains whose remanence coercivity falls inthat interval, H1≥ Hcr≥ H2. ARM susceptibility, defined as χARM = JARM / Hbias and ex-pressed in m3 kg–1, does not depend on the value of the steady field and it is useful indiscriminating the dimensions of the grains. The ARM susceptibility of grains in theorder of 0.1 µm is several times larger than that of grains with dimensions of 1 µm(Fig. 8.6).

Another commonly used type of measurement to study grain size is the hysteresiscycle (Sect. 2.2.2), from which we obtain the values Js, Jrs (saturation magnetizationand saturation remanence) and Hc, Hcr (coercive force and coercivity of remanence).The values of their ratios are indicative of the state of the grains: for SD magnetiteJrs / Js = 0.5, Hcr / Hc = 2.0; for MD Jrs / Js = 0.02, Hcr / Hc = 5.0; for PSD values are inter-mediate. If the grain population is an SD + MD mixture, measured values fall withinthe range of the PSD grains. For the hysteresis cycle, as for other types of measure-ments, new techniques are therefore being perfected which enable one to separate thecontributions of the different types of grains and evaluate their percentage content.

8.3Magnetic Climatology

In Chap. 7, we mentioned the possible relationships between the geomagnetic and theastronomical clocks, derived through comparison of the changes in the magnetic fieldwith those of the Earth’s orbital parameters. These parameters also affect solar irra-diance and thus the climate. The quantity, type, and degree of alteration of ferromag-

Fig. 8.6. Relationship betweenARM susceptibility and mag-netic susceptibility for magnet-ite grains of different size(given in µm) (from Evans andHeller 2003)

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netic minerals in soils and sediments also depend on what occurs in the hydrosphereand in the atmosphere, and thus they have very close links with temperature, winds,sea currents, etc. The challenge, then, is to identify the correlations between climateand magnetic properties. Let us see some examples.

In a sediment, ferromagnetic minerals are mostly present as detrital grains, dis-persed from a source region by some transport process. Their content allows to evalu-ate transport efficiency simply, rapidly and economically by measuring magnetic sus-ceptibility. In the case of ocean sediments, susceptibility is strongly influenced by thecontribution of terrigenous material, which originates in continents and is distributedin the ocean by sea currents and winds. In North Atlantic sediments, layers with a sud-

Fig. 8.7. Whole-core magnetic susceptibility (in 10 µSI-units) and ice-rafted detritus (IRD) content (per-centage of lithic grains > 150 µm) in North Atlantic sediments. The maxima of the curves correlate withthe Heinrich events (from Robinson et al. 1995)

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den increase in coarse-grained (>150 µm) terrigenous content, and hence susceptibility,have been identified (Fig. 8.7). This coarse material is called ice-rafted detritus (IRD):it is enclosed in the ice that originates on a continent and reaches the ocean, where itis spread by the currents, melts and finally releases the detrital grains, which can thusbe deposited even a great distance away from the coasts. These IRD-rich layers haveled to the definition of the so-called Heinrich events, corresponding to the glacialmaxima that occurred over the last few tens of thousand years: larger volume of con-tinental ice → larger quantity of ice transported in the ocean → higher percentage ofIRD → higher magnetic susceptibility. The magnetic scanning obtained by passing acore inside a coil at the rate of a few cm/minute provides the susceptibility log, fromwhich the layers with greater IRD content are easily identified, leaving the core undis-turbed for all further analyses.

A completely different transport mechanism produces something similar in conti-nental aeolian sediments like loess. Normally, wind is not a very efficient means oftransport for ferromagnetic grains, with their high densities on the order of 5 000 kg m–3.In periglacial regions, wind circulation is reinforced and a stronger wind can lift andtransport farther a larger quantity of ferromagnetic grains. Colder climatic conditionsthus correspond to a susceptibility increase. In a section along the course of the riverBiya, a tributary of the Ob in southern Siberia, the timing of the susceptibility maximacorrelate well with the Heinrich events of the North Atlantic. On the other hand, asimple parameter like magnetic susceptibility is not very selective, so it is essential todetermine what its actual meaning is, and this can only be done considering the cli-matic processes of each region as a whole. The Chinese loess plateau is characterizedby alternating layers of loess and paleosols formed by pedogenetic alteration. The layersthat maintained the original loess characteristics correspond to cold glacial periods,the pedogenized ones to warmer interglacial periods. The correspondence betweensusceptibility and climate conditions is opposite to that of the Siberian loess: the χvalues are lower in cold periods, higher in the warmer ones (Fig. 8.8). In Chinese loess,hematite is the major ferromagnetic mineral, associated with very minor quantitiesof magnetite and maghemite. Susceptibility increase is linked to pedogenetic forma-tion of magnetite grains which considerably increase susceptibility, since theχ value of magnetite is two orders of magnitude higher than that of hematite. Othermeasurements (IRM, Curie temperature) confirm that the new mineral is magnetiteand χ variations as a function of frequency indicate the small size of the grains, at theboundary SP to SD.

Lake sediments are an excellent climate archive, often complemented by the chro-nological information provided by the PSV data, as in the case of the Lac du Bouchet(Sect. 7.3). In this case, magnetic susceptibility correlates well with the alternation ofglacial and interglacial periods. In glacial periods, the greater cryoclastic contribu-tion increases the terrigenous content of the sediment and the lower organic produc-tivity limits dissolution and alteration of the ferromagnetic grains. Susceptibility val-ues, therefore, are higher, whereas they are lower in sediments deposited in intergla-cial periods, characterized by a smaller content of terrigenous material and greaterorganic productivity. Also in this case the information provided by magnetic suscep-tibility must be substantiated by other measurements that take into account the com-

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Fig. 8.8. Lithology, mass susceptibility and magnetostratigraphy of the loess/paleosol sequence at Lingtai,central Chinese Loess Plateau. The lithology is well reflected by magnetic susceptibility, which showsenhanced values in paleosol horizons due to neo-formation of magnetic minerals during soil develop-ment. The susceptibility profile is based on some 6 000 samples, ensuring an almost continuousstratigraphic coverage (courtesy S. Spassov)

plexity of the situation: for example, a strongly reducing environment favors the dis-solution of the original detrital magnetite and the formation of greigite.

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The previous examples refer to the last glacial periods, but analysis of marine sedi-ments allows to extend the paleoclimatic record farther back in time, albeit with lessresolution. Investigation of sediments along the coasts of Antarctica (Fig. 8.9) providesvaluable indications on the formation and oscillation of its ice cap, whose extension isone of the main factors controlling the planetary climate of the Earth. Cold and dryclimate was not established in Antarctica until the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, withmajor ice-sheet growth occurring at the early/late Oligocene boundary. Earlier coldintervals indicate that climate had begun to deteriorate in the middle Eocene and lateEocene was a transitional period characterized by repeated alternation of relativelywarm/humid and cold/dry conditions.

Magnetic climatology and chronology have become an essential part of the inter-disciplinary approach to the study of the late Pliocene to Pleistocene paleoclimate. Theclimate signature is present in virtually all sediments of this age, since it has not yetbeen smoothed or erased by later processes such as diagenesis and metamorphism.

Fig. 8.9. Correlation between magnetite content and climate conditions in Eocene to Miocene sedimentsfrom the CIROS-1 core from Ross Sea, eastern Antarctica (courtesy L. Sagnotti)

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8.4Magnetism and Pollution

Some of the many contaminants produced by human activities are ferromagnetic andcan serve as useful tracers to monitor environmental pollution. The main sources offerromagnetic contaminants are industrial works for the production of base materi-als, steel and cement, as well as for chemical processing. Contaminants are injecteddirectly into the atmosphere by combustion, or in waste water. Once they have enteredthe cycle, they pollute the air, surface and ground waters, soils, sediments in rivers,lakes and marginal sea basins. Particle transport and deposition mechanisms alsodepend on density, which in the case of ferromagnetic minerals is comparable to thatof heavy metals (lead, zinc, copper, nickel, etc.), among the most harmful contaminantsfor human health. This association has been tested experimentally several times(Fig. 8.10), comparing the susceptibility values with the heavy metal content deter-mined chemically. In the case of soils, volume susceptibility can be measured directlyin the field, with a coil set down on the surface or with a probe that penetrates a fewcentimeters. It is thereby possible to determine the most polluted areas, from whichsamples can be taken for subsequent direct analysis to identify the heavy metal typeand quantity.

An example of coastal water pollution relates to a small gulf in the eastern Medi-terranean, facing an industrial area near Athens (Greece). Close to the steel works(Fig. 8.11) susceptibility of surface sediments has a very high value; moving progres-sively farther away, it decreases, first rapidly and then more gradually. This investiga-tion also includes measurements on the particles collected directly from the water,using paper filters. The samples were magnetized to saturation and the intensity ofthe acquired SIRM exhibits excellent linear correlation with the concentration of to-

Fig. 8.10. Mass susceptibility,lead and zinc content in a soilnear Jaworzno power station(Poland) (from Heller et al.1998)

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tal iron particulates (Fig. 8.12). In this case, too, a simple magnetic measurement pro-vides a first indication of the level of pollution.

The study of atmospheric pollution is particularly important both because the at-mosphere is the medium through which many contaminants reach soils and waters,but also because contaminant particles are breathed, reach the lungs directly and canconstitute severe health hazards. The highest risk occurs near coal-burning power-plants and in large urban concentrations, above all because of vehicular traffic. Theparticulate to be analyzed is collected with filters or rubbing surfaces that are directlyexposed to air. The first method requires costly installations, the second one does notassure good efficiency. Therefore, the practice of collecting the leaves of trees exposedto pollution is becoming increasingly widespread, as it allows cost-effective, system-atic sampling on large areas. Leaves, moreover, provide a measure of long-term pollu-tion, more useful to evaluate human health hazard than the few-days reading from airfilters. The leaves of Quercus ilex, an evergreen tree very common in Mediterraneanregions, have a lifespan up to three years and the content of pollutants they accumu-late has been shown to be a function of time. Even more common in urban areas isPlatanus sp., a deciduous species whose leaves have a lifespan of a few months. A case-history from Rome is shown in Fig. 8.13. The leaves’ magnetic susceptibility varies asa function of the distance of the tree from the main roads and railways: in suburban

Fig. 8.11. Marine particulate pollution in the Elefsis Gulf (Greece). Contour lines = mass suceptibilityof surface sediment in 10–8 m3 kg–1 (from Thompson and Oldfield 1986)

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parks, its values are about 2 × 10–8 m3 kg–1 for both species, where vehicle traffic is mostintense they increase up to 10 × 10–8 m3 kg–1 for Platanus sp. and 50 × 10–8 m3 kg–1 forQuercus ilex.

8.5Seismo- and Volcanomagnetism

In seismic and volcanic regions the Earth’s internal energy is released as elastic andthermal energy conveyed by the rocks. Both kinds of energy interfere with the rocks’remanence, since they cause piezo (PRM) and thermal (TRM) remanent magnetiza-tions. Changes in the regional stress or thermal field will therefore change the rema-nence of large rocks’ volume, which in turn will produce a small magnetic change ofthe Earth’s field. Continuous magnetic monitoring can thus contribute to the surveil-lance and possibly help in prediction.

Fig. 8.12. Saturation isothermalremanent magnetization(SIRM) versus total particulateiron concentration. Filter sam-ples from the water column(Elefsis Gulf, Greece) (fromThompson and Oldfield 1986)

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2498.5 · Seismo- and Volcanomagnetism

A number of early works of the 19th century interpreted magnetic time variationsin seismic regions as a consequence of earthquakes. Milne, one of the fathers of mod-ern seismology, showed that in many cases this attractive connection was spurious andonly due to inertial effects on suspended magnets. Only after the 1960s, with the in-troduction of absolute magnetometers, proton precession and optical pumping inparticular, and noise reduction techniques, the magnetic data recorded during a seis-mic event could be considered trustworthy and small changes recorded in themagnetograms related to seismic activity. These changes were associated to stressvariations in the rocks and Nagata, one of the founders of rock magnetism, introducedthe general term ‘tectonomagnetism’. The term ‘seismomagnetism’ is used in case themagnetic effects are directly associated to seismic events. The actual situation is morecomplex, because both slow- and long-term variations occur. Slow variations of themagnetic field, on the time scale of weeks or months, are referred to local changes ofthe stress field, which cause piezomagnetic effects (Sect. 4.1.6). Even if very small, theysum up over a large rock volume and their total effect can be detected. Electrokineticphenomena, due to build-up of electric currents in the presence of an electric doublelayer in the crust, are proposed as the cause of more rapid variations, on time scalesof seconds to days. The amplitude of the field change ∆F due to the seismomagneticeffects depends on many factors and in general ranges in the order of 0.1 nT or evenless. Measurements require a network of magnetometers synchronously operating atdifferent sites, and connected to a central station or magnetic observatory, for examplevia mobile phone. Here, the differences between pairs of stations are computed, oftenafter having averaged data on an hourly or a daily basis in order to smooth very shorttime variations. In fact besides tectonomagnetic or seismomagnetic effects, small varia-tions can arise also from other sources related to the planetary magnetic field(Sect. 1.3), mainly: the external part of the Earth’s field, non-uniform secular varia-tion and the electromagnetic field induced in the crust and upper mantle.

Fig. 8.13. Magnetic susceptibility of leaves of Platanus sp. in an urban area in Rome; a city map. Sym-bols: dot = sampling site; full line = main road; dashed line = railway; b mass susceptibility map. Con-tour interval 2× 10–8 m3 kg–1 (from Moreno et al. 2003)

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Seismomagnetic effects are currently investigated both for their own scientific in-terest and as possible precursors. In the latter case, the main problem to be faced istheir small amplitude with respect to diurnal variations. They can only be identifiedby using sophisticated, time-consuming signal-processing techniques and doing theanalysis over a sufficiently long time span. Their use as precursors, if any, is thereforelimited to long-term prediction. On the contrary, istantaneous coseismic effects areeasier to identify a posteriori, because the time of the event is known. Simple piezo-magnetic dislocation models based on fault parameters determined from seismic andgeodetic data usually match the observed signal, provided care has been taken to en-sure sensors are not affected by seismic vibrations and located in regions of low mag-netic field gradient. Figure 8.14 shows, in the upper part, the difference between tworecording sites for the period of 1 day before and after the Landers earthquake (Cali-fornia, USA – June 28, 1992, magnitude M = 7.3); similar magnetic field differencesshowing the occurrence times of the July 1986 M = 6 North Palm Springs and Landersearthquakes are reported in the two lower panels for the long-term data for the previ-ous 7 years.

Monitoring the volcanic activity and prediction of eruptions is another geomag-netic application of environmental interest. Volcanomagnetic effects have amplitudesup to 20 nT, higher than that of seismomagnetic ones, but they are felt over shorterdistances, not more than 15–20 km from the volcanic edifice. Their possible sourcesare numerous and can broadly be grouped according to their characteristic duration.Long-term effects are mainly interpreted as due to thermomagnetic processes. Therocks surrounding a magma chamber are heated and lose a fraction of their rema-nence; on the contrary, cooling of dikes or intrusions at depth produces new magne-tized rocks. Tentative correlations have also been suggested between volcanomagne-tism and slow changes in the groundwater circulation within a volcanic edifice, whichcan produce electrokinetic currents. Piezomagnetism is the principal mechanism ofshort-term volcanomagnetic effects, as a result of stress redistribution due to dikeintrusion and opening and propagation of eruptive fissures. The time resolution ofvolcanomagnetic signals is very high, as magnetic monitoring is continuous and ac-quisition of PRM is practically istantaneous. It is thus possible to follow the evolutionof the volcanic activity in great detail. In the course of the October 2002 eruption atMount Etna, two stages of geomagnetic intensity changes have been observed, oneassociated with the October 26 seismic swarm (Plate 4), the other to the opening oferuptive fissures on October 27. In this last case, the rate of growth of the magneticanomalies allowed one to estimate that the magmatic intrusion traveled northwardsat approximately 14 m min–1.

Nowadays tectonomagnetism is considered as a part of a wider scientific field, whichincludes tectonoelectric observations as well as the extension of magnetic observa-tions to the various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, from sub-microhertz toradio frequencies. This discipline is called EMSEV, from Electromagnetic Studies ofEarthquakes and Volcanoes. Some high-frequency effects have been observed asanomalous electromagnetic emissions associated to, and also before of, moderate tostrong earthquakes. A famous case history regards the Chilean earthquake of May 16,1960 (magnitude M = 9.5). In this case a radio emission at 18 MHz was recorded at

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Fig. 8.14. Seismomagnetic signals shown by the magnetic field differences between the recording stationsOCHM and LSBM (California, USA) for the Landers and Palm Springs earthquakes (from Johnston 1997)

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widely separated, distant receivers. The physical interpretation of these anomalousemissions is still under debate. The theoretical mechanism for waves generation canbe demonstrated in the laboratory, yet it is not easy to make it consistent with crustaldeformations in the epicentral region.

Electromagnetic disturbances in the ionosphere associated to seismic and volca-nic activity are frequently recorded, and able to propagate to great distances. They aregenerated by trapped atmospheric pressure waves (also named gravity waves, acous-tic waves, traveling ionospheric disturbances or TIDs) directly excited by earthquakesand volcanic explosions.

Suggested Readings and Sources of Figures


Evans ME, Heller F (2003) Environmental magnetism. Principles and applications of enviromagnetics.Academic Press, Elsevier Science, 299 pp

Hayakawa, Fujinawa (1994) Electromagnetic phaenomena related to earthquake prediction. Terra Sci-entific Publishing Company, Tokyo, 677 pp

Thompson R, Oldfield F (1986) Environmental magnetism. Allen and Unwin, London, 227 pp


Del Negro C, Currenti G, Napoli R, Vicari A (2004) Volcanomagnetic changes accompanying the onsetof the 2002–2003 eruption of Mt. Etna (Italy). Earth Planet Sc Lett 229:1–14

Heller F, Strzyszcs Z, Magiera T (1998) Magnetic record of industrial pollution in forest soils of UpperSilesia. J Geophys Res 103:17767–17774

Johnston M (1997) Review of electric and magnetic fields accompanying seismic and volcanic activity.Surv Geophys 18:441–475

Lanci L, Kent DV, Biscaye PE, Steffensen JP (2004) Magnetization of Greenland ice and its relationshipwith dust content. J Geophys Res 109 (D09104, DOI: 1029/2003JD004433)

Marchetti M, Chiappini M, Meloni A (1998) A test site for the magnetic detection of buried steel drums.Ann Geofis 41(3):491–498

Moreno E, Sagnotti L, Dinerès-Turell J, Winkler A, Cascella A (2003) Biomonitoring of traffic air pollu-tion in Rome using magnetic properties of tree leaves. Atmos Environ 37:2967–2977

Robinson SG, Maslin MA, McCave IM (1995) Magnetic susceptibility variations in Upper Pleistocenedeep-sea sediments of NE Atlantic. Implications for ice rafting and paleocirculation at the last gla-cial maximum. Paleoceanography 10:221–250

Sagnotti L, Florindo F, Verosub KL, Wilson GS, Roberts AP (1998) Environmental magnetic record ofAntarctic paleoclimate from Eocene/Oligocene glaciomarine sediments, Victoria Land Basin.Geophys J Int 134:653–662