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Chief Executive and Director of Environment: John Wood SPATIAL AND LAND USE PLANNING UNIT CHN216 , County Hall Hertford, Herts SG13 8DN Ms Jenka Kaslik Technical Director RPS 2420 The Quadrant Aztec West Almondsbury Bristol Telephone: 01992556 BS324AQ Minicom : 01992 556 Contact : E-Mail: [email protected] My ref: SLUP/7/0843-12 Date: 23 rd July 2013 Dear Ms Kaslik SCOPING OPINION TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) (ENGLAND AND WALES) REGULATIONS 2011 REGULATION 13 SCOPING OPINION PROPOSED REVISIONS TO APPROVED ANAEROBIC DIGESTION FACILITY AT RATTY'S LANE, HODDESDON This letter is the scoping opinion of Hertfordshire County Council in relation to the proposed revised proposals at Ratty's Lane. This information is based on the information provided to Hertfordshire County council by the RPS Group and the comments and opinions resulting from consultations with appropriate bodies. The scoping opinion is based upon the revisions contained in the Scoping Opinion Request document dated zs" April 2013. The topics of interest which were assessed in the original scoping opinion (2010) were as follows; Traffic and Transportation; Air quality and Climate; Landscape and Visual impact; Ecology and Nature Conservation; Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions; Hydrology and Flood Risk; Noise and Vibration; Archaeology; and Waste Management and Need assessment.

Environment: John Wood - Hertfordshire · dear ms kaslik . scoping opinion town and country planning (environmental impact assessment) (england and wales) regulations 2011 regulation

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Page 1: Environment: John Wood - Hertfordshire · dear ms kaslik . scoping opinion town and country planning (environmental impact assessment) (england and wales) regulations 2011 regulation

Chief Executive and Director of Environment: John Wood

SPATIAL AND LAND USE PLANNING UNIT CHN216 , County Hall Hertford, Herts SG13 8DN

Ms Jenka Kaslik Technical Director RPS 2420 The Quadrant Aztec West Almondsbury Bristol Telephone: 01992556 BS324AQ Minicom : 01992 556

Contact : E-Mail: [email protected] My ref: SLUP/7/0843-12

Date: 23rd July 2013

Dear Ms Kaslik


This letter is the scoping opinion of Hertfordshire County Council in relation to the proposed revised proposals at Ratty's Lane.

This information is based on the information provided to Hertfordshire County council by the RPS Group and the comments and opinions resulting from consultations with appropriate bodies. The scoping opinion is based upon the revisions contained in the Scoping Opinion Request document dated zs" April 2013.

The topics of interest which were assessed in the original scoping opinion (2010) were as follows;

Traffic and Transportation; Air quality and Climate; Landscape and Visual impact; Ecology and Nature Conservation; Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions; Hydrology and Flood Risk; Noise and Vibration; Archaeology; and Waste Management and Need assessment.

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The Addendum to the ES proposes the following topics only to be assessed; Air Quality; Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions; Hydrology and Flood risk; Landscape and Visual Impact; and Noise and Vibration as RPS consider that there would be no environmental implications from the design changes and therefore the findings in the 2010 ES would remain unchanged.

Comments on these topics are as follows:

Air Quality and Climate; Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions; Hydrology and Flood Risk: The Environment Agency is satisfied that all areas of concern have been recognised in the report and look forward to seeing the revised Environmental Statement in due course.

Air Quality: Natural England advises that the proposed revisions to the layout of the facility will not result in any significant changes in the air quality impacts of the scheme compared to those which have previously been assessed at the original application stage. Natural England is therefore of the opinion that there is no requirement for the air quality section of the Environmental Statement to be modified as a result of the proposed revisions .

Landscape and Visual Impact: Natural England advises that the proposed revisions to the layout of the facility will not result in any significant changes in the landscape impacts of the scheme compared to those which have previously been assessed at the original application stage. Natural England is therefore of the opinion that there is no requirement for the landscape section of the Environmental Statement to be modified as a result of the proposed revisions. HCC's Landscape Officer advises that details of the updated landscape and visual impact assessment should be provided with particular reference to any changes to impacts to the River Lea Navigation.

Noise and Vibration: The Canal & River Trust would like to see information regarding any possible changes to noise levels and odour emitting from the site but understand that visual impact and landscaping are likely to remain unchanged.

In addition, further comments have been received from consultees on the following topics as follows :

Ecology and Nature Conservation: Natural England advises that the proposed revisions to the layout of the facility will not result in any significant changes in the biodiversity and geology impacts of the scheme compared to those which have previously been assessed at the original application stage . Natural England is therefore of the opinion that there is no requirement for the biodiversity and geology section of the Environmental Statement to be modified as a result of the proposed revisions .

The Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust has commented that the redesign will not alter the land take, extent of the eco zone, or the volume of waste and general operational activities within the site. It is not anticipated that the proposed modifications would have any additional or altered impact on ecological interests within or near to the site beyond that assessed in the original ES. The numbers and types of structure will be more or less the same, so impacts associated with the

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construction process would similarly not be expected to differ from the original scheme. I therefore consider it reasonable that Ecology and Nature conservation impacts be scoped out of the EIA for the proposed revisions. As the impact of the revised scheme is likely to be similar to the original permitted scheme, ecological mitigation and compensation under any newly approved plans should remain as before.

Archaeology: Advice remains the same as before, namely that archaeological conditions should be attached to rthe permission and the results of an archaeological evaluation should be submitted prior to development commencing. When these results have been considered, HCC Archeaology will advise if further archaeological investigations/mitigation are required either prior to, or during construction.

The ES addendum should draw together the results of the topic specific assessments and identify the likely significant effects, together with any further mitigation measures required. I would also confirm that the Environmental Statement to accompany the new planning application should consist of the original Environmental Statement together with the addendum as discussed in this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Owen Team Leader , Development Management

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