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Enterprise Skills • Session 5 and 6 for November 2011 group

Enterprise Skills

Feb 24, 2016



tria maulana

Enterprise Skills. Session 5 and 6 for November 2011 group. Metaphors exercise. An exercise to get you thinking deeply about your own outlook/view/perspective on life or things right now. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Enterprise Skills

• Session 5 and 6 for November 2011 group

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Metaphors exercise

• An exercise to get you thinking deeply about your own outlook/view/perspective on life or things right now.

• A metaphor is the expression of an understanding of one concept in terms of another concept, where there is some similarity or correlation between the two.

• A metaphor is the understanding itself of one concept in terms of another.

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Example of a metaphor

• The following sentences illustrate how the metaphorical understanding of anger-as-fire is expressed:

• Your insincere apology just added fuel to the fire. • After the argument, Dave was smouldering for days. • That kindled my ire. • Boy, am I burned up! • Source

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Metaphors Exercise part 1• Part 1 making a statement• In pairs or trios each person makes a statement about

‘how they feel life is’. Right now at this moment in time; or alternatively how they feel life is generally.

• Your statement must be only one sentence. If you think it’s too difficult then just consider a metaphor for one aspect of your life-world view.

• Write it down.• For example you come up with statement “life is a bowl of

cherries” or “life is a bed of roses” or “life is full of exciting opportunities”.

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Metaphors exercise part 2

• Part 2 exploring content• The other person (or pair) then explore(s) the

content (aka the what) of the metaphor and what it represents

• Do this by asking questions and clarification. If in threes then the 3rd person observes and takes notes or can also ask questions (decide which in advance).

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exploring the what – typical questions

• how many cherries?• what type of bowl are they in?• how big is the bowl?• can you eat them?• what colour are they?• do they have the stalks on?• are the cherries attached to each other?• what type of bowl is it?• What colour of rose? How do they smell? Are they thorny and spiky or

soft?• Are they fresh or mouldy• Add in questions of your own....

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Metaphors Exercise part 3

• Part 3 exploring why• After they have explored the content explore the

why.• exploring the why – there is only 1 question • Why cherries? (Or why specifically cherries or that

specific type of rose – depending on how much info has been teased out so far?).

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Metaphors Exercise part 4

• Part 4 changing perceptions(?) • You now ask “How could you look at life

differently if you use a different metaphor?”

• How might your new metaphor make you a more enterprising person?

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Metaphors Exercise part 5 ?

• How may your metaphor may be changed?• “what would happen if you changed ‘cherries’

to ‘apples’ or ‘soup’?” • or “what would be the result if you changed

the red rose to a giant yellow-orange dahlia?”

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What metaphors might the most enterprising people have?

• What are the top entrepreneurs’ metaphors?• What is Richard Branson’s perhaps? • “Life is a fantastic wonderful exciting

opportunity and I am a lucky person” or “life is unfair and I am unlucky”?

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Metaphors part 6

• And finally another exercise • Construct a metaphor to describe yourself when you are

(working/acting) at your most enterprising/entrepreneurial.

• What would the symptoms be?

• Continue with this in your own time as part of the self study. Perhaps use wordle to help?

• Bring your metaphor with you next week!

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Self Study• After today review your reflective learning logs and your Skills

audits again in the context of the new information you have from today’s session, particularly from the metaphors exercise.

• Imagine you are someone else, who does not know you other than from reading these.

• Would they think you were likely to be an enterprising person (or not)?

• Key question – what are you going to do differently in the future now that you have this information? Learning Log

• And construct a metaphor describing you when you are working/acting at your most enterprising.

• Use wordle website to produce a new word cloud

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• Short break?

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How many frogs?

• There are five (5) frogs sitting on a log. • Four (4) decide to jump off. • How many frogs are left sitting on the log?

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How many frogs?

• The answer is five (5). Or; very occasionally 4.• There is a huge difference between deciding

to do something and actually doing it. • But statistics show that up to 95% of those

people who say that they’re going to do something won’t actually jump off the log. They’ll be full of good intentions, but they won’t actually do it.

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How many frogs

• As an example, consider a study of people who bought “Teach Yourself” language courses - the following statistics were reported per 100 courses sold:

• 40 were never taken out of the wrapper • 50 were listened to no further than track 1 of CD 1 • 8 listened no further than the first CD • Only 2 went on to complete the whole course• Based on material from

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• That’s a 2% success rate for all the people in the study who bought “Teach Yourself” language courses, and this success rate is very similar with most other “How to” or “Self Help” products - only 2% of people will actually take the step from reading or listening to actually doing something.

• But the simple fact is this: only you can choose to act - to jump off the log rather than merely “deciding” to. Only you can choose how far you are willing to go in pursuing your dream of a better life and a different future from the masses who remain firmly rooted to the log.

• Based on material from

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Worth – self perception

• You tube clip – How much are you worth?• How much value do you add?


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Empowering beliefs ?

• There is always a way• I can make this happen• I can be whatever I want to be• There always opportunities everywhere• I love the challenge of doing new things• I believe I can make a contribution to the world• No matter what the problem I can turn it around and

get something positive from it• There is no failure, only feedback• Based on material in ‘The streetwise guide to being enterprising’ by David A Gibson 2009

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Empowering beliefs ?

• Money and opportunity are attracted to me• I am lucky, very lucky• I can do it• I am a winner• I believe and succeed• I can make a difference• I always have more resources than I think I have• Based on material in ‘The streetwise guide to being enterprising’ by David A

Gibson 2009

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The opposite of empowering beliefs

Are Idea Killers:– Other people’s negativity– Your own negativityUseful to have a list of people’s negative reactions to

enterprising activity so that:1. You can be aware when others are killing

enterprising activity and perhaps have a plan.2. You can be aware of when you yourself are,

perhaps subconsciously, killing enterprising activity.

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Idea KilIers – the opposite of empowering beliefs

• Sometimes whole organisations or sections or department of an organisation can regularly use idea killers.

• Sometimes known as ‘excuses’ or “the way we do things are around here” or “that’s the way its always been done”.

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Idea KilIers – the opposite of empowering beliefs

• We tried it last year and it didn’t work • It would take too long• It’s not my job to…• You may be right, but...• Our organisation is too big• Our organisation is too small• We don’t do it that way• We have always done it this way

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Idea KilIers – the opposite of empowering beliefs

• It sounds ok I theory, but.... In practice• It would cost too much• Something that cheap obviously won’t work• That company down the road tried it and they

wasted a lot of time and money and scrapped it in the end

• It’s impossible• It’s too simple• It’s too complex

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Idea KilIers – the opposite of empowering beliefs

• It’s obviously not going to work• We need more time to research the implications• We need more time…• Why should I bother• My staff are too busy• We are all suffering from stress• Our budget has been cut• Our team has its own way of working• Maybe next year we’ll consider it• We don’t have time

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Idea KilIers – the opposite of empowering beliefs

• We need more ………. before we can implement it• It seems like a good idea; but…..• I need more information before I can make a

decision• I need others to make a decision before I can make

a decision• We need head office to make a decision• I can appreciate that there is a problem, but…• I can’t; because….

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The idea killers can be turned around

• For example:• We don’t have time – turned around.– We don’t have the time not to do this. – Or We don’t have the time to ignore it. – Or When exactly will we have the time?– Or What do we need to stop doing so that we

have the time to do this?– Or Let’s make some time by doing something


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The idea killers can be turned around

• Another example:• Why should I bother & My staff are too busy & We

are all suffering from stress – turned around.– Because other organisations ARE bothering and if we

don’t they will overtake us.– Because we will have plenty of time when we are out

of work if the company goes bankrupt– A small amount of stress is healthy, this new initiative

will involve short term stress but long term benefit and stress reduction

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Exercise – turning the idea killers around

Step 1, individually• Identify and list idea killers that apply to you/your

organisation, then categorise them as:– Applying regularly– Applying occasionally

Step 2, In groupsChoose 3 regular ones and 1 occasional one, think of

specific situations where/when they apply. Think of strategies to turn them around.

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Exercise – turning the idea killers around

• You may want to consider repeating the previous exercise in your own time for your own personal idea killers as part of a personal enterprising self development plan?

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Toyota organisation

• “Work is a place where we learn and grow”

• Staff formally encouraged to be innovative and enterprising and generate new ideas.

• Creativity training is provided for almost all staff and at all levels in the organisation

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The difference between what we say and what we do

• Research by C. Arygris and N. Schon identified that theories of practice may be:

• ‘espoused’ i.e. what we say we do, or• ‘in-use’ i.e. the way we actually act.

• There is usually a gap between what we say we do and what we actually do.

• How can we turn this around positively?

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The difference between what we say and what we do – identification and positive turnaround

• Self reflection – what do you think are the 5 or 6 most obvious gaps between what you say and what you do? Be honest with yourself.

• Remember the 5 frogs on a log...• What plans can you make to turn this around

and minimise the gap or even reverse it completely?

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The difference between what we say and what we do – identification and positive turnaround

• After today ask your husband/wife/partner/good friend/work colleague the same question.

• What do they think are your 5 or 6 most obvious gaps between what you say and what you do?

• Likely different people will have different answers for you?

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The difference between what we say and what we do – identification and positive turnaround

• Then compare the lists• Differences are likely

• What areas do you need to work on in order to change? • Make a SMART action plan?• Are you happy with the proposed plan? If not then you will not

do it. Don’t ‘decide’ but then do nothing.• Commit to your plan, sign and date it, tell others?• Make a decision not to stay on the log? If you really, definitely,

want to, If not don’t. No need to change unless you want to and are prepared to make effort.

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Metaphors exercise

• Think back to the metaphors exercise we did earlier.

• Are there any people you know who use idea killers as their main, or one of their main, metaphors whilst at work?

• Perhaps you (inadvertently?) use one?

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Uncle Pedro’s llamas Exercise

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Uncle Pedro’s llamas Exercise Being creative for £ $ generation

• Whilst doing this exercise be aware of any idea killers people use.• Exercise is about being creative – coming up with ideas under pressure, could use

with SCAMPER or brainstorm it?• The scenario is this – that a distant relative Mexican Uncle Pedro has died and left

you 12 llamas in his will. The llamas are being shipped over to you and will arrive in six weeks time. Uncle Pedro’s will stated you should use the 12 llamas wisely.

• Unfortunately the message has arrived six weeks late and the llamas will arrive tomorrow morning.

• What ideas can you come up with in a group for using the llamas to generate income?

• Remember - SCAMPER, Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify. Put to other uses, Eliminate, Rearrange

DIFA, Demand, Innovation, Feasibility, Attraction

• NAF New, Appealing, Feasible

• You could then pitch the idea? An elevator pitch?

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Another exercise? – Speed Networking

• This is about initiative, communication, thinking on your feet, being flexible, working under pressure, being proactive.

• You have to network and make as many contacts as possible with other people in the room, you have to do a pitch of your business to the other people. You have only 6 minutes to do this

• Then review see how many different contacts people managed to network with. Show of hands – who got the most names?

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Speed Networking – Part 2 the £100K pitch

• Now you have to form a group with 2, 3, or 4 with the aim of setting up a new venture company.

• You have 6 minutes for this!• Then be ready for 1 of you to make pitch (elevator pitch) on behalf of

your group for 90 seconds to a venture capitalist (me!) for a cheque for £100k. one person has to do the pitch or two of them for a cheque for £100K pitch an idea.

• This means that you have to meet with people you have already met and/or meet with new people and come up with some I’m kind of idea for a company very, very quickly.

• You must look at possible synergies, opportunities connections between your business and the other ones.


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Speed Networking – Part 3 the recession

• The recession lands with a heavy clunk, the venture capitalist needs his cash back soon, you need to lose 1 member of your company.

• How do you decide?

• Networking is a valuable skill, in USA particularly formal networking skills are taught to entrepreneurs.

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Your own individual networking exercise after today?

• Alternative networking exercise

• Review where your existing networks came from: friends, family, school, university, business, sports, a hobby, etc where and how you got them.

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Your own individual networking exercise after today?

• Another alternative networking exercise• Imagine that you are a website and that other people are

websites: Which other websites are you linked to by one click? Which other websites are you linked to by 2 clicks?

• Which other websites would you like to be linked to or do you need to linked to?

• Six degrees of separation - concept by Frigyes Karinthy or Stanley Milgram or John Guare – that any 2 individuals can be connected by at most 5 (or 6) other individuals.

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Where do we (you) go from here?

• So where do you go from here?• What are you going to do differently?• Or are you just going to have the new

knowledge and ‘skills in your head’ but not do anything with it or change?

• It is up to you..........

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AssessmentThe Learning outcomes for the course:• 1. Knowledge and Understanding:• 1i. Of the key specified values, attributes and characteristics of an

enterprising person & aspects of successful enterprise activity. (You specify what these are, based on NGCE list)

• 2. Intellectual / Thinking Skills:• 2i. Reflect on own skills, knowledge base, attitudes and values and

set achievable goals for enhancing and developing these. (Skills & Knowledge audits plus learning logs)

• 3. Practical / Professional Skills:• 3i Develop specific skills for enterprise, as appropriate to the

individual learner. (Skills & Knowledge audits plus learning logs).

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What you need to produce.• A reflective learning journal summary of key points

learnt and areas for development Including your: skills, knowledge and attitudes, values and characteristics – you have 1,500 words for this! Include your Skills Audits, Knowledge audits and a plan for you future learning and development. Make reference to the learning outcomes!

• 500 word summary of your learning journal with brief summary of planned future learning and development

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Assessment - alternative

If you find it easier to think of it as an essay (which it isn’t) then the question would be something like:

• For an identified case study review and evaluate the learning undertaken in terms of the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes developed whilst participating in the enterprise skills course.

• Prepare a learning development action plan for them for the next 3-6 months.

• Total 2000 words

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Assessment - alternative

At its simplest:• Write about the learning and development you

have undertaken whilst on this course, making reference to your initial skills and knowledge, any changes in your knowledge, values, attitudes & behaviours towards being enterprising and produce a personal action plan for your future enterprising activity.

• Total 2000 words

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Assessed work for credit • Hand in date ?• Where to send it: Either email it me or post to CLL, 49 Salmon

Grove, Hull, HU6 7SZ• Remember to include your name and address so I can return it to

you after marking it• Please also complete a course evaluation questionnaire available

from the wiki site. This is for University quality assurance purposes. Don’t worry – your feedback , positive or negative will not affect whether or not you pass the course.

• Please also complete an evaluation report – this is for my own research and possibly for University statistics. Will be on the wiki site soon and I will email it to you.

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Website with resources

• My email [email protected]

• The wiki website for the course• http://enterpriseskillsuniversityofhull.wikispac