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Enhancing rigid frame porous layer absorption with three-dimensional periodic irregularities J.-P. Groby, a) B. Brouard, and O. Dazel Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Universit e du Maine, UMR6613 CNRS/Univ. du Maine, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France B. Nennig Laboratoire d’Ing enierie des Syst emes M ecaniques et des Mat eriaux, Supm eca, 3 Rue Fernand Hainaut, F-93407 St Ouen Cedex, France L. Kelders Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Thermische Fysica, KULeuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium (Received 10 April 2012; revised 27 November 2012; accepted 10 December 2012) This papers reports a three-dimensional (3D) extension of the model proposed by Groby et al. [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 2865–2874 (2010)]. The acoustic properties of a porous layer backed by a rigid plate with periodic rectangular irregularities are investigated. The Johnson– Champoux–Allard model is used to predict the complex bulk modulus and density of the equivalent fluid in the porous material. The method of variable separation is used together with the radiation conditions and Floquet theorem to derive the analytical expression for the acoustic reflection coeffi- cient from the porous layer with 3D inhomogeneities. Finite element method is also used to validate the proposed analytical solution. The theoretical and numerical predictions agree well with the experimental data obtained from an impedance tube experiment. It is shown that the measured acoustic absorption coefficient spectrum exhibits a quasi-total absorption peak at the predicted frequency of the mode trapped in the porous layer. When more than one irregularity per spatial period is considered, additional absorption peaks are observed. V C 2013 Acoustical Society of America. [] PACS number(s): 43.55.Ev, 43.20.El, 43.20.Ks, 43.20.Gp [KVH] Pages: 821–831 I. INTRODUCTION This work was initially motivated by a design problem connected to the determination of an optimal profile of a dis- continuous spatial distribution of porous materials and of the geometric properties for the absorption of sound. Acoustic porous materials (foam) suffer from a lack of absorption at low frequencies, when compared to the absorption values at higher frequencies. The usual way to solve this problem is by multi-layering, 1 while trying to keep the thickness of the treatment relatively small compared to the incident wavelength that has to be absorbed. The purpose of the pres- ent article is to investigate an alternative to multi-layering by considering periodic irregularities of the rigid plate on which a porous sheet is attached, thus creating a diffraction grating and therefore extending previous works 2 already conducted in two-dimensional configurations to three- dimensional ones. The influence of rigid backing irregularities on the absorption of a porous sheet was previously investigated by use of the multi-modal method in Ref. 2 by considering peri- odic rectangular air-filled irregularities of the rigid plate on which porous sheets are often attached in two-dimensional configurations. This leads, in the case of one irregularity per spatial period, to a total absorption peak associated with the excitation of the fundamental modified mode of the backed layer. This mode is excited due to the presence of the surface grating and traps the energy inside the porous sheet. Such configurations have been widely studied in room acoustics whereby irregularities are introduced to the walls in a space to enhance the diffusion and absorption effects, 3 but the con- sidered phenomenon is mostly related to the resonance of the irregularities. Other works related to surface irregular- ities were carried out, notably related to local resonances associated with fractal irregularities 4,5 or to porous material surface roughness. 6 One-dimensional surface gratings consisting of periodic rectangular irregularities of infinite length in one direction have been extensively studied in optics and electromagnet- ism, 79 in geophysics in relation to the city-site effect, 10,11 in urban acoustics to study wave propagation in streets. 12 Three-dimensional configurations for acoustic waves seem to have been studied only recently, mainly for urban acous- tics purposes. 13 The phenomena associated with surface irregularities of the rigid backing were also coupled with those associated with the embedment of a volumic heterogeneities in a porous layer in order to increase the absorption properties of the configuration. It was investigated by use of the multipole method or a mode matching technique, by embedding a peri- odic set of high-contrast inclusions, whose size is not small a) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected] J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 (2), February 2013 V C 2013 Acoustical Society of America 821 0001-4966/2013/133(2)/821/11/$30.00 Author's complimentary copy

Enhancing rigid frame porous layer absorption with three · Avenue Olivier Messiaen, F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

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  • Enhancing rigid frame porous layer absorption withthree-dimensional periodic irregularities

    J.-P. Groby,a) B. Brouard, and O. DazelLaboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Universit�e du Maine, UMR6613 CNRS/Univ. du Maine,Avenue Olivier Messiaen, F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

    B. NennigLaboratoire d’Ing�enierie des Syst�emes M�ecaniques et des Mat�eriaux, Supm�eca, 3 Rue Fernand Hainaut,F-93407 St Ouen Cedex, France

    L. KeldersLaboratorium voor Akoestiek en Thermische Fysica, KULeuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D,B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium

    (Received 10 April 2012; revised 27 November 2012; accepted 10 December 2012)

    This papers reports a three-dimensional (3D) extension of the model proposed by Groby et al.[J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 2865–2874 (2010)]. The acoustic properties of a porous layerbacked by a rigid plate with periodic rectangular irregularities are investigated. The Johnson–

    Champoux–Allard model is used to predict the complex bulk modulus and density of the equivalent

    fluid in the porous material. The method of variable separation is used together with the radiation

    conditions and Floquet theorem to derive the analytical expression for the acoustic reflection coeffi-

    cient from the porous layer with 3D inhomogeneities. Finite element method is also used to validate

    the proposed analytical solution. The theoretical and numerical predictions agree well with the

    experimental data obtained from an impedance tube experiment. It is shown that the measured

    acoustic absorption coefficient spectrum exhibits a quasi-total absorption peak at the predicted

    frequency of the mode trapped in the porous layer. When more than one irregularity per spatial

    period is considered, additional absorption peaks are observed.VC 2013 Acoustical Society of America. []

    PACS number(s): 43.55.Ev, 43.20.El, 43.20.Ks, 43.20.Gp [KVH] Pages: 821–831


    This work was initially motivated by a design problem

    connected to the determination of an optimal profile of a dis-

    continuous spatial distribution of porous materials and of the

    geometric properties for the absorption of sound. Acoustic

    porous materials (foam) suffer from a lack of absorption at

    low frequencies, when compared to the absorption values at

    higher frequencies. The usual way to solve this problem is

    by multi-layering,1 while trying to keep the thickness of

    the treatment relatively small compared to the incident

    wavelength that has to be absorbed. The purpose of the pres-

    ent article is to investigate an alternative to multi-layering

    by considering periodic irregularities of the rigid plate on

    which a porous sheet is attached, thus creating a diffraction

    grating and therefore extending previous works2 already

    conducted in two-dimensional configurations to three-

    dimensional ones.

    The influence of rigid backing irregularities on the

    absorption of a porous sheet was previously investigated by

    use of the multi-modal method in Ref. 2 by considering peri-

    odic rectangular air-filled irregularities of the rigid plate on

    which porous sheets are often attached in two-dimensional

    configurations. This leads, in the case of one irregularity per

    spatial period, to a total absorption peak associated with the

    excitation of the fundamental modified mode of the backed

    layer. This mode is excited due to the presence of the surface

    grating and traps the energy inside the porous sheet. Such

    configurations have been widely studied in room acoustics

    whereby irregularities are introduced to the walls in a space

    to enhance the diffusion and absorption effects,3 but the con-

    sidered phenomenon is mostly related to the resonance of

    the irregularities. Other works related to surface irregular-

    ities were carried out, notably related to local resonances

    associated with fractal irregularities4,5 or to porous material

    surface roughness.6

    One-dimensional surface gratings consisting of periodic

    rectangular irregularities of infinite length in one direction

    have been extensively studied in optics and electromagnet-

    ism,7–9 in geophysics in relation to the city-site effect,10,11 in

    urban acoustics to study wave propagation in streets.12

    Three-dimensional configurations for acoustic waves seem

    to have been studied only recently, mainly for urban acous-

    tics purposes.13

    The phenomena associated with surface irregularities of

    the rigid backing were also coupled with those associated

    with the embedment of a volumic heterogeneities in a porous

    layer in order to increase the absorption properties of the

    configuration. It was investigated by use of the multipole

    method or a mode matching technique, by embedding a peri-

    odic set of high-contrast inclusions, whose size is not small

    a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:

    [email protected]

    J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 (2), February 2013 VC 2013 Acoustical Society of America 8210001-4966/2013/133(2)/821/11/$30.00







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    mailto:[email protected]

  • compared with the wavelength, in a macroscopically-

    homogeneous porous layer backed by a rigid flat backing in

    Refs. 14 and 15 or by a periodic irregular rigid backing in

    Ref. 16 leading to a structure whose thickness and weight are

    relatively small. It was found, that the structure possesses

    almost total absorption peaks, below the so-called quarter

    wavelength resonance of the layer, when the irregularities and

    heterogeneities are correctly designed. These peaks are asso-

    ciated with trapped modes that trap the energy between the

    heterogeneities and the rigid plate, and associated with the

    resonances of the irregularity that trap the energy inside it, to-

    gether with the modified mode of the backed layer excitation.

    In this paper, the effect of a three-dimensional periodic

    irregularity of the rigid backing on which a porous plate is

    attached is investigated theoretically, numerically, and



    Rather than to solve directly for the pressure �pðx; tÞ[with x ¼ ðx1; x2; x3Þ], we prefer to deal with pðx;xÞ, relatedto �pðx; tÞ by the Fourier transform �pðx; tÞ ¼

    Ð1�1 pðx;xÞ

    � e�ixtdx. Henceforth, we drop the x in pðx;xÞ so as todenote the latter by pðxÞ.

    A. Description of the configuration

    A unit cell of the 3D scattering problem is shown in

    Fig. 1. The layer is a rigid frame porous material saturated

    by air (e.g., a foam) which is modeled as a macroscopically

    homogeneous equivalent fluid M½1�. The upper and lowerflat and mutually parallel boundaries of the layer, whose x3coordinates are L and 0, are designated by CL and C0, respec-tively. The upper semi-infinite material M½0�, i.e., the ambient

    fluid that occupies X½0�, and M½1� are in a firm contact at theboundary CL, i.e., the pressure and normal velocity are con-tinuous across CL:½pðxÞ� ¼ 0 and ½q�1@npðxÞ� ¼ 0, wherein@n designates the normal derivative operator. The rigidbacking with period d ¼ ðd1; d2Þ, i.e., along the x1 and x2

    axis, respectively, contains parallelepipedic irregularities

    that create a diffraction grating. The Jth irregularity of the

    unit cell occupies the domain X½2ðJÞ� of height bðJÞ and widths

    wðJÞ1 , w

    ðJÞ2 along the x1 and x2 axis. The x1 and x2 coordinate

    of the center of the base segment of X½2ðJÞ� are d

    ðJÞ1 and d

    ðJÞ2 .

    This irregularity is occupied by a fluid M½2ðJÞ�. The boundary

    of X½2ðJÞ� is composed of the rigid portion CNðJÞ [Neumann

    type boundary conditions, @npðxÞ ¼ 0] and of CðJÞ throughwhich media M½2

    ðJÞ� and M½1� are in firm contact (continuityof the pressure and normal velocity). C0 is also composed ofa rigid portion CN (Neumann type boundary conditions), i.e.,C0 ¼ CN[J2JCNðJÞ .

    We denote the total pressure, wavenumber and wave

    speed by the generic symbols p, k, and c, respectively, withp ¼ p½0�; k ¼ k½0� ¼ x=c½0� in X½0�, p ¼ p½1�; k ¼ k½1� ¼ x=c½1�in X½1�, and p ¼ p½2ðJÞ�; k ¼ k½2ðJÞ� ¼ x=c½2ðJÞ� in X½2ðJÞ�.

    The azimuth wi of the incident wavevector ki ismeasured counterclockwise from the positive x1 axis, whileits elevation hi is measured counterclockwise from theðx1; x2Þ plane. The incident wave propagates in X½0� andis expressed by piðxÞ ¼ Aieiðki1x1þki2x2�k

    ½0�i3ðx3�LÞÞ, wherein ki1

    ¼ �k½0� cos hi cos wi, ki2¼�k½0� coshi sinwi, k½0�i3 ¼ k½0� sinh


    and Ai¼AiðxÞ is the signal spectrum.The plane wave nature of the incident wave and the

    periodic nature of [J2JX½2ðJÞ� imply the Floquet relation

    pðx1þnd1;x2þmd2;x3Þ¼pðx1;x2;x3Þeiki1nd1þiki2md2 ;

    8x2R3; 8ðn;mÞ2Z2: (1)

    Consequently, it suffices to examine the field in the unit cell

    of the plate which includes the parallelepipeds X½2ðJÞ�, J 2 J

    in order to obtain the fields, via the Floquet relation, in the

    other cells.

    The uniqueness of the solution of the forward-scattering

    problem is assured by the radiation conditions

    p½0�R ðxÞ ¼ p½0�ðxÞ � piðxÞ � outgoing waves;

    jxj ! 1; x3 > L: (2)

    B. Material modeling

    The rigid frame porous material M is modeled using theJohnson–Champoux–Allard model. The compressibility and

    density, linked to the sound speed through c ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1=ðKqÞ



    K¼ cP0

    / c� ðc� 1Þ 1þ i x0c

    Pr xGðPr xÞ

    � ��1 ! ;

    q ¼qf a1

    /1þ i xc


    � �; (3)

    wherein xc ¼ r/=qf a1 is the Biot frequency, x0c ¼ r0/=qf a1, c the specific heat ratio, P0 the atmospheric pressure,Pr the Prandtl number, qf the density of the fluid in the(interconnected) pores, / the porosity, a1 the tortuosity, rthe flow resistivity, and r0 the thermal resistivity. The

    FIG. 1. Example of a d-periodic fluid-like porous sheet backed by a rigidwall that contains periodically arranged macroscopic cubic irregularities

    excited by a plane incident wave: (a) in plane dimensions in case of a one

    irregularity unit cell and (b) out of plane dimensions in case of a two irregu-

    larity unit cell.

    822 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 2, February 2013 Groby et al.: Porous layer backed by rigid grating







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  • correction functions GðPr xÞ (Ref. 18) and FðxÞ (Ref. 17)are given by

    GðPr xÞ ¼

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1� igqf Pr x


    � �2s;

    FðxÞ ¼

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1� igqf x


    � �2s; (4)

    where g is the viscosity of the fluid, K0 the thermal character-istic length, and K the viscous characteristic length. Thethermal resistivity is related to the thermal characteristic

    length18 through r0 ¼ 8a1g=/K02.The configuration is more complex than the one already

    studied in Ref. 2 as the structured backing is composed of a

    three-dimensional grating consisting of a two-dimensional peri-

    odic set of parallelepipeds. The method of solution, which is

    quite similar to the one used in Ref. 2 is also briefly summarized.

    C. Field representations in X½0�, X½1�, and X½2ðJÞ �

    Separation of variables, radiation conditions, and Flo-

    quet theorem lead to the representations:

    p½0�ðxÞ ¼X



    ½0�3nmðx3�LÞd0nd0m þ Rnmeik



    � eik1nx1þik2mx2 ; 8x 2 X½0�;

    p½1�ðxÞ ¼X


    �f ½1��nm e

    �ik½1�3nmx3 þ f ½1�þnm eik


    � eik2nx1þik2mx2 ; 8x 2 X½1�; (5)

    wherein d0n is the Kronecker symbol, k1n ¼ ki1 þ 2np=d1,

    k2m ¼ ki2 þ 2mp=d2, and k½j�3nm ¼

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðk½j�Þ2 � ðk1nÞ2 � ðk2mÞ2


    with Reðk½j�3nmÞ � 0 and Imðk½j�3nmÞ � 0, j ¼ 0; 1. The reflection

    coefficient of the plane wave denoted by the subscripts n and

    m is Rnm, while f½1�6nm are the coefficients of the diffracted

    waves inside the slab associated with the plane wave also

    denoted by the subscripts n and m.According to Ref. 2 the pressure field p½2

    ðJÞ�, admits thepseudo-modal representation, that already accounts for the

    boundary conditions on CNðJÞ :


    XðN ;MÞ2N2




    �x1�dðJÞ1 þ w

    ðJÞ1 =2



    �x2�dðJÞ2 þ w

    ðJÞ2 =2




    ��; 8x2X½2ðJÞ�;8J2J ;


    wherein k½2ðJÞ�1N ¼ Np=w

    ðJÞ1 , k

    ½2ðJÞ�2M ¼Mp=w

    ðJÞ2 , k


    ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðk½2ðJÞ�Þ2 � ðk½2

    ðJÞ�1N Þ

    2 � ðk½2ðJÞ�

    2M Þ2

    q, with Reðk½2

    ðJÞ�3NMÞ � 0 and


    3NMÞ � 0, 8J 2 J and D½2ðJÞ�NM are the coefficients of the

    pseudo modal representation.


    A. Application of the continuity conditions across CLand C0

    We apply successively the following:

    •Ð d1=2�d1=2

    Ð d2=2�d2=2 e

    ik1lx1þik2gx2 dx1dx2 with ðl; gÞ 2 Z2, to the con-tinuity of (i) the pressure field and (ii) the normal compo-

    nent of the velocity across CL


    ðd2=2�d2=2½p½0�ðx3 ¼ LÞ � p½1�ðx3 ¼ LÞ�eik1lx1þik2gx2 dx1dx2 ¼ 0;







    � 1q½1�





    35eik1lx1þik2gx2 dx1dx2 ¼ 0; (7)

    and to the continuity of (iii) the normal component of the velocity across CN[J2NCðJÞ (this implicitly includes the Neumanntype boundary conditions along CN),















    35eik1lx1þik2gx2 dx1dx2 ¼ 0; (8)

    whereinQðx1;x2Þ2CðjÞ is 1 when ðx1;x2Þ2CðjÞ and 0 otherwise.

    •Ð dðJÞ





    Ð dðJÞ2þwðJÞ





    1P x1Þcosðk½2ðJÞ�2Q x2Þdx1dx2 with

    ðP;QÞ 2N2, to the continuity of the pressure fieldacross CðJÞ:









    hp½1�ðx3¼ 0Þ�p½2

    ðJÞ�ðx3¼ 0Þi


    k½2ðJÞ�1P x1


    k½2ðJÞ�2Q x2

    �dx1dx2¼ 0; 8J 2J :


    J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 2, February 2013 Groby et al.: Porous layer backed by rigid grating 823







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  • Introducing the appropriate field representation therein,

    Eqs. (5), and (6), and making use of the orthogonality rela-

    tionsÐ di=2�di=2 e

    iðkin�kilÞxi dxi ¼ didnl; 8ðl; nÞ 2 Z2, i ¼ 1; 2 andÐ wðJÞi0 cosðk

    ½2ðJÞ�iN xiÞcosðk

    ½2ðJÞ�iP xiÞdxi ¼w

    ðJÞi dNP=�N , wherein �0 ¼

    1 and �N ¼ 2;8N 2N?, gives rise to a linear set of equations.After some algebra and rearrangements, this reduces to a linear

    system of equations for the solution of D½2ðJÞ�NM which may be

    written in the matrix form, when the infinite vector of compo-

    nents D½2ðJÞ�NM is denoted by D:

    ðA� CÞD ¼ F; (10)

    where F is the column matrix of elements FðtÞNM and A and C

    are two square matrices of elements Aðn;tÞNM;NM, and C


    respectively. These elements are

    FðtÞNM ¼



    IþðtÞ1nN I


    ik1n ðdðtÞ1 �wðtÞ1=2Þþik2mðdðtÞ2 �w


    Aðn;tÞNM;NM ¼


    �N �Mcos�



    Cðn;tÞNM;NM ¼


    iwðnÞ1 w

    ðnÞ2 a


    �a½1�nm cosðk

    ½1�3nmLÞ� ia½0�nm sinðk





    k½2ðnÞ�3N Mb


    � I�ðnÞ1nM I�ðnÞ2mMI

    þðtÞ1nN I


    ik1n ððdðtÞ1 �dðnÞ1Þ�ðwðtÞ


    1Þ=2Þþik2mððdðtÞ2 �d




    Dnm¼ a½0�nmcosðk½1�3nmLÞ� ia½1�nm sinðk


    I6ðJÞinN ¼


    wðJÞi =2




    iN sinc

    �k½2ðJÞ�iN 6kin



    ½2ðJÞ ��



    iN sinc

    �k½2ðJÞ�iN 7kin


    !0@1A; i¼ 1;2; (11)

    where sincðvÞ ¼ sinðvÞ=v and a½j�nm ¼ k½j�3nm=q

    ½j�, j ¼ 0; 1; 2ðJÞ. The components FðtÞNM account for the excitation of the irregularity tby a wave that is previously diffracted by the layer, the components A

    ðn;tÞNM;NM account for the irregularity t while the components

    of Cðn;tÞNM;NM account for the coupling, between the irregularities t and n, due to the waves that are traveling inside the porous plate.

    B. Evaluation of the fields

    Once Eq. (10) is solved for D½2ðnÞ�NM, Rnm, f

    ½1�þnm , and f

    ½1��nm in terms of D

    ½2ðJÞ�NM can be evaluated and, in particular,

    Rnm ¼XJ2N

    XðN ;MÞ2N2

    iwðJÞ1 w

    ðJÞ2 a






    I�ðJÞ1nN I









    ½1�3mnLÞ þ ia½1�nmsinðk


    Dnm: (12)

    Introduced in the appropriate field expression, this gives

    p½0�R ðxÞ ¼



    iwðJÞ1 w

    ðJÞ2 e�ik1n ðdðJÞ1 �w

    ðJÞ1=2Þ�ik2mðdðJÞ2 �w




    ðN ;MÞ2N2D½2ðJÞ�NMa




    I�ðJÞ1nN I



    þAi a½0�icosðk½1�i3 LÞ þ ia½1�isinðk

    ½1�i3 LÞ


    i1x1þiki2x2þik½0�i3 ðx2�LÞ;

    p½1�ðxÞ ¼X



    iwðJÞ1 w

    ðJÞ2 e�ik1n ðdðJÞ1 �w

    ðJÞ1=2Þ�ik2mðdðJÞ2 �w




    ðN ;MÞ2N2D½2ðJÞ�NMa




    I�ðJÞ1nN I



    � a½1�nmcos�

    k½1�3nmðx3 � LÞ

    �þ ia½0�nmsin

    �k½1�3nmðx3 � LÞ

    �þAi 2a

    ½0�icosðk½1�i3 x3ÞDi

    eiki1x1þiki2x2 ; (13)

    824 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, No. 2, February 2013 Groby et al.: Porous layer backed by rigid grating







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  • wherein Di ¼ D00, a½j�i ¼ a½j�00, j ¼ 0; 1. These fields areexpressed as a sum of (i) the field due to the irregularities of

    the multi-component grating with (ii) the field in the absence

    of irregularity.

    C. Evaluation of the reflection and absorptioncoefficients

    In case of an incident plane wave with spectrum Ai, con-servation of energy leads to a hemispherical reflection Rexpressed by

    R ¼X



    kRnmk2kAik2 ; (14)

    wherein the expressions of Rnm are given by Eq. (12). Theabsorption coefficient A takes the form A ¼ AD þAS,wherein AD is the inner absorption of the domains X½1� andX½2

    ðJÞ�, 8J 2 J , and AS is the surface absorption induced byviscosity and related to the interfaces CL and CðJÞ, 8J 2 J .In our calculations, the irregularities are filled with air. Any

    absorption phenomenon is associated to air, and thus the

    inner absorption reduces to the one of domain X½1�, and thesurface absorption related to CðJÞ simplifies.

    Nevertheless, A will be simply calculated through theenergy conservation relation A ¼ 1�R.


    Similarly to the analysis which was performed for two-

    dimensional configurations,2,16 the modes of the present con-

    figuration consist of a complex combination between the

    trapped mode of the irregularities (TMI) related to the geo-

    metric and material properties of the irregularities, the so-

    called modified mode of the backed layer (MMBL), related

    to the geometric and material properties of the porous layer

    and to the lattice characteristics d1 and d2, and the mode ofthe grating (MG) when bounded by a semi-infinite homoge-

    neous half space, to some extent.

    The trapped mode associated with the Jth irregularity,which concentrates the energy inside the irregularity and

    which can be obtained11 by the use of an iterative scheme of

    resolution of Eq. (10), satisfies a relation close to


    3NMbðJÞÞ ¼ 0. The frequencies of excitation of these

    modes are also close to






    � �2þ 2N


    !2þ 2M


    !2vuut :(15)

    Of course, this trapped mode is coupled with the porous

    plate and is not excited at this exact frequency. Effectively,

    this trapped mode does not correspond to a Dirichlet condi-

    tion on CðJÞ, but rather to a continuity condition. The effec-tive height of the irregularity is also larger than the actual

    height of the irregularity itself, because of the pressure

    field radiation inside the layer. The main difference com-

    pared with the two-dimensional configuration is the three

    dimensions of the irregularity, which introduce a third pa-

    rameter useful in design of irregularity with specific reso-

    nance. The mode density can be higher than in the two-

    dimensional configuration and the �ðTMIÞðJÞNNM are not necessar-

    ily equally spaced in frequency.

    In order to point out and to get a grip on the modified

    mode of the plate, it is useful to consider a unit cell composed

    of only one irregularity, excited at low frequencies, i.e.,

    below the fundamental TMI resonance which only depends

    on the irregularity height and occurs at �TMI000 ¼ c½2�=4b. Inthis case, the dispersion relation, i.e., detðA� CÞ ¼ 0, whosevariables are horizontal wavenumbers-frequency, reduces to




    a½2�tanðk½2�bÞsinc2 k1nw12

    � �sinc2 k2m


    � �a½1�nmDnm

    a½1�nmcosðk½1�3nmLÞ� ia½0�nmsinðk½1�3nmLÞ


    wherein a½2� ¼ a½2�00. By referring to the notion of the Cutlermode8 and extending it to three-dimensional configurations,

    this relation is satisfied (in the non-dissipative case) when

    the denominator of Eq. (16) is purely imaginary and van-

    ishes. It is also useful to introduce the wavenumber

    kqnm ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffik21n þ k22m

    p. These conditions are achieved when

    jkqnmj 2 ½k½0�;Reðk½1�Þ� and when either Dnm ¼ 0 or a½1�nm ¼ 0(i.e., k

    ½1�3nm ¼ 0), which correspond to MMBL and MG,

    respectively. MMBLs depend on the characteristics of the

    surrounding material and of the porous layer, on the thickness

    of the latter and on the spatial periodicity, while MGs only

    depend on the characteristics of the porous layer and the spa-

    tial periodicity. Both of them are determined by the intersec-

    tion of cnm ¼ x=kqnm, respectively, with Reðc?ðpÞðxÞÞ,wherein c?ðpÞðxÞ is the pth root of the dispersion relation of aporous layer backed by a rigid plate Di ¼ 0, and withReðc½1�Þ. The MMBL are shown by the dots in Fig. 2 for theporous material S1 (see Table I), when the spatial periodicity

    is d1 � d2 ¼ 12 cm� 8 cm. Similarly to the TMI, the fre-quencies of the modified modes of the plate are controlled in

    three-dimensions by two geometric parameters that define the

    lattice periodicity. The mode density can also be higher than

    FIG. 2. Real and imaginary parts of the dispersion relation roots in the ab-

    sence of irregularities c?ð1Þ. Real part of the modified modes of the layer c?nm,

    for d1 � d2 ¼ 12 cm� 8 cm are shown by dots.

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  • in the two-dimensional configuration and the �MMBLpnm are notnecessarily equally spaced in frequency.

    The associated attenuation of each mode can then be

    determined by the values of Imðc?ðnÞÞ and Imðc½1�Þ at themode excitation frequencies. The attenuation associated with

    MG is also higher than the one associated with MMBL for

    all frequencies. Moreover, MG corresponds to the highest

    boundary of jk1qj for Eq. (16) to be true. This implies thatMG could be difficult to excite. The latter type of mode can

    only be poorly excited by a plane incident wave, particularly

    at low frequencies. Because rigorously MG corresponds to a

    configuration with a semi-infinite domain directly above the

    grating, this phenomenon can be understood as follows. On

    one hand, when the thickness of the layer is smaller than or

    of the same order as the wavelength in the layer, MG can

    hardly be excited because waves associated with it can

    hardly stand at the lower bound of the layer, and so modes of

    the configuration are close to MMBL. On the other hand,

    when the thickness of the layer is larger than the wavelength

    in the layer, MG can be excited (if the waves could travel

    through the layer towards the grating), and so modes of the

    configuration are close to MG. This latter case corresponds

    to the asymptotic high-frequency regime of MMBL.


    The infinite sumP

    n2Z over the indices of the kjn,j ¼ 1; 2 is found to depend on the frequency and on theperiod of the grating. An empirical rule is employed,

    inspired by Ref. 2 and determined by performing a large

    number of numerical experiments. This sum is truncatedPNþjn¼�N�j

    such that N7j ¼ intðdj=2pð3Reðk½1�Þ6kijÞÞ þ 10,j ¼ 1; 2. In these equations, intðaÞ represents the integerpart of a. In a similar way, the infinite sum

    PN2N over

    the indices of k½2ðJÞ�jN is truncated

    PNþjN¼0, such that

    Nþj ¼ intð3wðJÞj Reðk½2

    ðJÞ�Þ=pÞ þ 10.Numerical calculations have been performed for various

    geometrical parameters [ðd1; d2Þ, wðJÞ1 � wðJÞ2 � bðJÞ, and

    ðdðJÞ1 ; dðJÞ2 Þ] and within the frequency range of audible sound,

    particularly at low frequencies. One of the main constraints

    in designing acoustically absorbing materials is the size and

    weight of the configuration. In this sense, the low frequency

    improvement implies good absorption for wavelength larger

    than the thickness of the structure. A 1 cm thick low resistiv-

    ity foam (Fireflex) sheet S1 and a 2 cm thick low resistivityfoam sheet S2 were used. The parameters of these twoporous materials are reported in Table I. These parameters

    have been evaluated using the traditional methods

    (Flowmeter for the resistivity and ultrasonic methods for the

    four other parameters, together with a cross-validation by

    impedance tube measurement) described in Ref. 20.

    The irregularities are occupied by air, i.e., M½0�, M½2ðJÞ� and

    porous saturating fluid is air (q½0� ¼q½2ðJÞ� ¼ qf ¼ 1:213kgm�3,c½0� ¼ c½2ðJÞ� ¼


    q, with P0¼ 1:01325 �105 Pa, c¼ 1:4,

    Pr¼ 0:71, and g¼ 1:839 �10�5 kgm�1 s�1).The geometrical parameters of the configurations stud-

    ied therein are reported in Table II. All configurations have

    parallelepipedic irregularities with non-equal dimensions in

    order to deal with non-symmetric configurations.

    A. One irregularity per spatial period

    Two cases can be discussed depending whether the

    frequency of the fundamental TMI is lower or higher than

    the frequency of the first MMBL. In the first case, the

    MMBL would be largely excited, while in the second one,

    the TMI would be largely excited as already noticed in

    Ref. 2.

    1. Absorption coefficient

    Figure 3(a) depicts the absorption coefficient of the po-

    rous layer with characteristics S1 (see Table I) when backedby a flat rigid backing and when backed by a rigid grating of

    geometry C1 (see Table II). As shown in Fig. 2, the modifiedmodes of the plate have frequencies �MMBL110 � 2775 Hz,�MMBL101 � 4100 Hz, �MMBL111 � 6500 Hz; etc:; while the modeof the irregularity are �TMI000 � 2800 Hz, �TMI010 � 4000 Hz,�TMI001 � 5100 Hz; etc: Several remarks should be made onthe solid curve of Fig. 3(a). First, �TMI000 appears at a lower fre-quency than the one calculated as �TMI000 ¼ c½2�=4b and isexcited around 1900 Hz. This phenomenon, already encoun-

    tered in Ref. 14, is related to the boundary condition at Cð1Þ,which is not a Dirichlet condition but rather a continuity

    condition, leading to a larger effective height of the irregu-

    larity. The thinner the porous layer, the closer is the funda-

    mental TMI to 2800 Hz. The fundamental TMI being lower

    than the first MMBL, the energy is advected by this mode

    and the associated absorption coefficient is close to unity at

    this frequency. Additional sharper peaks of absorption are

    noticed at higher frequencies and are associated with the ex-

    citation of MMBL, around 2800 Hz, 4100 Hz; etc:Figure 3(b) depicts the absorption coefficient of the po-

    rous sheet with characteristics S1 (see Table I) when backedby a flat rigid backing and when backed by a rigid grating of

    geometry C2. The modified modes the plate stand are�MMBL110 � 1700 Hz, �MMBL120 � 3300 Hz, �MMBL101 � 4100 Hz,

    TABLE I. Acoustical parameters of the porous material constituting the

    sheet of thickness L.

    / a1 K (lm) K0 (lm) r (N s m�4)

    S1 0.95 1.42 180 360 8900

    S2 0.99 1 70 210 7900

    TABLE II. Geometry of the configuration. All dimensions are in cm.

    d1 � d2 L dðnÞ1 � dðnÞ2 w

    ðnÞ1 � w

    ðnÞ2 b


    C1 12� 8 1 6� 4 6� 4 3C2 20� 8 1 10� 4 12� 6 2C3 60� 60 2 30� 30 30� 45 10C4 20� 8 1 fð6� 3Þ; ð16� 4Þg fð12� 6Þ; ð4� 4Þg f2; 8g

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  • �MMBL111 � 5000 Hz; etc:; while the fundamental TMI is4275 Hz. In practice, this trapped mode appears around

    3000 Hz. The first MMBL being lower than the fundamental

    TMI, the energy is advected by this mode and the associated

    absorption coefficient is close to unity at this frequency. An

    additional sharper peak of absorption is noticed around

    3100 Hz and is associated to the excitation of the second

    MMBL. The excitation of the fundamental TMI leads to a

    smooth peak leading to an increase of the absorption between

    1500 and 5000 Hz.

    Finite element method (FEM) computations were also

    performed to validate the present calculations (see the Ap-

    pendix for details). As illustrated in Fig. 3, both methods are

    in a very good agreement which validates the proposed

    approach. The relative error is less than one percent.

    Although the FEM offers almost unlimited flexibility, it was

    found that for such configurations and dimensions, the pres-

    ent semi-analytical method is faster than FEM in terms of

    model preparation and computation time, especially when

    the frequency or the periodic cell dimension increase.

    In both Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), the absorption coefficient

    calculated with MAINE3A (Ref. 21) is represented in case of a

    Lþ bð1Þ thick porous sheet of characteristic S1 and in case ofa L ¼ 1 cm porous sheet of characteristic S1 with a bð1Þ thick

    air layer between the porous sheet and the flat rigid backing.

    Any of these two configurations exhibit a quasi-total, i.e.,

    close to unity, absorption peak and the geometry C2 enablesabsorption at a lower frequency than in these two cases,

    proving the usefulness of a three-dimensional grating back-

    ing. Moreover, irregular gratings allow using a smaller

    amount of porous material and occupy less space. A particu-

    lar feature is that the frequency of the fundamental TMI can

    be correctly evaluated through the simplified problem con-

    sisting of an air layer of the same thickness as the height of

    the irregularity between the porous layer and a rigid flat

    backing, when excited at normal incidence. The amplitude

    of the absorption peaks associated with the fundamental

    TMI and MMBL excitation are nevertheless higher in case

    of the irregular grating.

    2. Field analysis

    A different type of waves corresponds to each kind of

    mode related to the grating (MG and MMBL): evanescent

    waves in X½1� (and also in X½0�) for the MG, and evanescentwaves in X½0� and propagative ones in X½1� for the MMBL. Inorder to determine the type of modes excited by the plane

    incident wave, the transfer function calculated as TF

    ¼ pðx;xÞ=p½0�iðx;xÞ on Cð0Þ at ðx1; x2Þ ¼ ðd1=2; d2=2Þ forthe porous layer of characteristics S1 when backed by a rigidbacking of geometry C1 and C2, excited at normal incidence

    FIG. 4. Configuration C1 and C2—Transfer function on C0 atðx1; x2Þ ¼ ðd1=2; d2=2Þ, and its different contributions, when the configura-tions are excited at normal incidence: TFð�Þ (solid line), TF1ð�Þ (dashedline), TF2ð�Þ (dash dotted line), and TF3ð�Þ (dotted line).

    FIG. 3. Absorption coefficient of a porous layer of characteristic S1 backedby a flat rigid backing (dashed line), of the same porous material but of

    thickness Lþ bð1Þ backed by a flat rigid backing (dash dotted line), of char-acteristic S1 backed by a rigid flat backing with an air layer of thickness bð1Þ

    in between (dotted line), (a) backed by an irregular rigid backing of geome-

    try C1 (solid line) and (b) backed by an irregular rigid backing of geometryC2 (solid line) at normal incidence. Finite-element results are also plottedand pointed out by squares.

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  • is plotted in Fig. 4. The transfer function is separated by the

    different intervals corresponding to the different types of

    waves that are involved in the total pressure calculation:

    TFð�Þ is the total transfer function, TF1ð�Þ is the contribu-tion of the propagative waves in both X½0� and X½1�, TF2ð�Þ isthe contribution of the evanescent waves in X½0� and propa-gative ones in X½1� and TF3ð�Þ is the contribution of theevanescent waves in both X½0� and X½1�.

    At the location of the MMBL peaks, the transfer func-

    tions also possess large peaks. These peaks are mainly asso-

    ciated with the evanescent waves in X½0� and propagativewaves in X½1�. This also proves that MMBL are the mostexcited modes related to the grating, at least at low frequen-

    cies. These peaks result from a continuous drop between

    evanescent waves in both material to evanescent waves in

    the air medium. This also means that these peaks are neither

    a MMBL nor a MG, but result from a complex combination

    of these two types of modes, with a structure closer to the

    one of the MMBLs. Because of this structure, the energy is

    trapped in the layer, leading to an increase in the absorption

    of the configuration.

    At the location of the TMI associated peaks, the transfer

    functions are mainly composed of propagative waves in both

    domains. This proves that these peaks are associated with in-

    terference phenomena and with a trapped mode. Of particu-

    lar interest is the fact that the transfer functions possess

    minima at the location of the TMI. This phenomenon is also

    completely different from the one associated with the

    MMBL for which the transfer functions possess maxima: the

    first relates to MMBL that trap the energy inside the porous

    layer leading to maxima in the transfer functions, while the

    other relate to TMI that trap the energy in the cavity leading

    to minima in the transfer functions calculated in the layer. In

    particular, at the location of the TMI, the pressure field at

    x3 ¼ 0 cm at the location of the cavity possess a minimaclearly noticeable from the field representation, because


    3NMðx3 þ bðJÞÞÞ is close to zero.

    3. Angular dependence of the absorption peaks

    While the excitation frequency of the MMBL depends

    on the angle of incidence, the frequency of excitation of the

    TMI is almost independent on it. The frequency of excitation

    of the MMBL becomes smaller when close to grazing inci-

    dence. Figure 5(a) depicts the absorption coefficient of the

    porous layer of characteristics S1 when backed by a rigidbacking of geometry C1, when excited at hi ¼ p=2(�MMBL110 � 2775Hz), hi¼p=3 (�MMBL110 � 1900Hz), hi¼ p=4(�MMBL110 � 1700Hz), and hi¼ p=6 (�MMBL110 � 1500Hz), forwi¼ 0. The frequency of excitation of the MMBL becomeslower than the frequency of excitation of the fundamental

    TMI. The absorption coefficient possesses a non-symmetric

    peak which is characteristic for the excitation of a mode of

    the configuration, i.e., the excitation of the MMBL. The TMI

    being excited at higher frequency than the MMBL, the am-

    plitude of the associated peak falls down. Here, we focus on

    the variation of hi for wi¼ 0, because this leads to variationsof ki1, i.e., the projection of the incident wave numberalong the larger dimension of periodicity. Similar trends

    are also observed for �MMBL101 , when wi¼/=2, i.e., variation

    of ki2. In practice, the MMBL cannot be excited belowminð�MMBL110 ;�MMBL101 Þ calculated at a grazing incidence. In thepresent case, i.e., porous layer of characteristics S1 backedby a grating of geometry C1, the MMBL cannot be excitedbelow 1420Hz, Fig. 5(b).

    4. Discussion

    These results lead to several conclusions. First, below

    the so-called quarter wavelength resonance, the structured

    backing leads to a large modification and to an increase of

    the absorption coefficient. The absorption coefficient is

    always larger with a structured backing than with a flat rigid

    backing. The design of the rigid backing should be subjected

    to the dimension of the application. When the fundamental

    TMI is lower than the first MMBL, the thickness and width

    of the required irregularity should be larger in order to be

    correctly excited, than when the first MMBL is lower than

    the fundamental TMI.

    Moreover, this design rule should be adapted depending

    on the material use, and in particular on its flow-resistivity

    value. For medium resistivity as considered in the current ar-

    ticle, or even lower resistivity material, use of the lateral pe-

    riodicity, i.e., the fundamental MMBL constitute a good

    solution, because the latter can be efficiently excited. The

    fundamental TMI can also be used for such material.

    FIG. 5. (a) Absorption coefficient of a porous layer of characteristic S1backed by an irregular rigid backing of geometry C1 when the configura-tions are excited at hi ¼ p=2 (solid line), hi ¼ p=3 (dashed line), hi ¼ p=4(dash dotted line), and hi ¼ p=6 (dotted line) for wi ¼ 0 and (b) evolution of�MMBL110 as a function of h

    i for wi ¼ 0.

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  • Materials with higher resistivity value can hardly support the

    waves associated to the fundamental MMBL can hardly

    stand, because they propagate transversally inside the mate-

    rial layer. In this case, assuming that the layer thickness is

    less than lateral periodicity, it is preferable to use the TMI


    B. Experimental validation

    Remarkable absorption is obtained in case of a periodic

    irregular rigid backing, while the response of the structure

    without irregularities is quite well known or at least much

    more common. The experimental validation also focused on

    the periodic structure, its effect having been emphasized in

    the previous numerical section by comparison with the flat

    rigid backing.

    Usually, experiments related to 1D, 2D, or 3D gratings

    are carried out in a free field (anechoic room) and/or at

    higher frequencies for a finite size sample.15,22

    Here, we follow the idea already exploited in Ref. 2,

    where the experimental validation has been carried out using

    an impedance tube with a square cross section. The square

    cross-section impedance tube available in LAUM,

    30 cm� 30 cm, with cut-off frequency around 570 Hz, wasused in the present study. This cut-off frequency corresponds

    to a wavelength of 60 cm.

    The phenomenon related to the MMBL occurs when the

    wavelength is of the order of the spatial period of the grating.

    We also make use of the boundary conditions of the imped-

    ance tube, which are perfect mirrors below the cut-off fre-

    quency, in order to design the sample. Because of the

    impedance tube dimensions, the spatial periodicity along

    both x1 and x2 axis should be a multiple of 30 cm. If theprofile of the unit cell is symmetric with regards to the axis

    x1 ¼ d1=2 and x2 ¼ d2=2, the modeled spatial period isðd1 � d2Þ ¼ ð60 cm� 60 cmÞ, as depicted in Fig. 6(a).

    The infinitely rigid portion of the sample, where Neu-

    mann type boundary conditions are applied, was made of

    four 1 cm thick aluminum plates, which were screwed (the

    head of the screw was then filled with hard plastic silicone

    for the surface to be perfectly flat) in order to create a step

    with 10 cm height and 15 cm width along the x1-axis and22:5 cm width along the x2-axis, Fig. 6(b). This configurationresults in the grating of the geometry C3. A L ¼ 2 cm thick

    porous foam layer S2, with the characteristics reported inTable I, was glued to the upper part of the step. In order to

    keep the porous layer flat along the step area, a screw of

    small diameter (3 mm) was added at the edge of the lower

    part of the step and two nylon wires were tightened between

    this screw and the upper part of the step, such that the free

    part of the foam layer rests on it.

    A comparison between the measured absorption coeffi-

    cient experimentally and the one calculated with the present

    method is presented in Fig. 7. The so-called measured

    absorption coefficient is the averaged value of the absorption

    coefficient measured when the step of the sample lays on the

    bottom edge of the impedance tube, Fig. 6(c), and when

    rotated by p=2. A rotation of the sample by p and 3p=2 isimpossible in practice because the sample does not lay on

    the step and hence not stable in the tube.

    The two curves match well and therefore validate exper-

    imentally the present method.

    C. More complicated unit cell

    As pointed out in Sec. IV, the determination of the

    modes of the global configuration is even more difficult to

    carry out in case of multiple irregularities per spatial period.

    An infinite number of geometries and combinations are

    possible. For instance a multi-component irregularities in a

    FIG. 6. (Color online) Cross-sectional view of the experimental set-up and sample design (a), picture of the sample (b), and sample layer in the impedance

    tube (c).

    FIG. 7. Comparison between the absorption coefficient of a porous layer of

    characteristic S2, backed by a flat rigid backing (dotted line), and backed byan irregular rigid backing of geometry C3 as calculated with the presentmethod (solid line), and measured experimentally (�)

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  • unit cell can be used to create a “doubly” periodic or better a

    “fourthly” periodic structure, i.e., a unit cell composed of a

    periodic arrangement of different size irregularities leading

    to a period d ¼ ðd1; d2Þ and a subperiod d0 ¼ ðd01; d02Þ whichcombines the possibility to excite MMBL associated with

    both periodicity: An irregularity with fundamental TMI at

    either higher frequency or lower frequency than the previ-

    ously used one can also be considered. Here, we will focus

    in this last example by adding a wð2Þ1 � w

    ð2Þ2 � bð2Þ

    ¼ 4 cm� 4 cm� 8 cm to the geometry C2. The TMI of thisadditional irregularity is around 1000 Hz. Figure 8, depicts

    the absorption coefficient of this configuration, namely, ge-

    ometry C4, together with the absorption coefficient of thegeometry C2. The frequencies of excitation of the new TMIsare �TMI000 � 1000 Hz, �TMI010 � 3200 Hz. Two additional peaksof absorption can be noticed around 850 Hz and around

    2750 Hz. The first is attributed to the excitation of the funda-

    mental TMI. The second peak is attributed to a coupled

    mode between the second TMI of the second irregularity and

    the fundamental TMI of the first irregularity.

    Comparison between the absorption coefficient of the

    geometry C4 calculated with the present method and withthe finite element method also validates the present method

    of calculation for a multiple irregularities unit-cell.


    We studied, theoretically, numerically and experimen-

    tally, the acoustic properties of a low resistivity porous layer

    backed by a rigid plate with periodic irregularities in the

    form of a three-dimensional grating. This work demonstrates

    the possibility to design a three-dimensional porous material

    based system with resonances lower than the usual quarter-

    wavelength resonance of the backed layer.

    It has been shown that the grating leads to excitation of

    modes, whose frequencies depend on both the characteristics

    of the surrounding medium and of the porous layer and on

    the spatial period of the configuration d1 � d2. These modes,whose structures are close to the one of the modes of the

    layer, can lead to a total absorption peak. This absorption

    peak occurs at the frequency of the fundamental modified

    mode of the layer and seems to be always a quasi-total

    absorption peak. The trapped mode of the irregularity also

    leads to quasi-total absorption peaks when excited below the

    modified mode of the backed layer. These results are first

    validated by comparison with the finite element calculations.

    Experiments were performed in a square cross-section

    impedance tube. The boundary conditions of this tube are

    perfect mirrors and allow us, thanks to the image theory, to

    model diffraction of a plane wave at normal incidence at fre-

    quencies below the cut off of the tube. Experimental results

    are in agreement with the theory and particularly exhibit a

    total absorption peak at the frequency of the fundamental

    modified mode of the layer.

    Adding more irregularities per spatial period leads to a

    modification of the modes of the configuration, which

    become coupled and so are associated with a larger entrap-

    ment of the energy than the one encountered in the case of

    only one irregularity. When the fundamental frequency of

    the irregularity is lower than the fundamental frequency

    of the modified mode of the layer, i.e., large high irregular-

    ity, a total absorption peak is obtained at the fundamental

    frequency of the irregularity. An infinite number of combina-

    tions are possible, but this type of configuration offers good

    opportunities in the design of three-dimensional structured

    acoustic panels.


    The authors would like to thank R. Pommier for provid-

    ing Solidworks pictures.


    The FEM computations are carried out using Lagrange

    quadratic tetrahedral finite elements. The radiation condition

    of the scattered field in the upper air domain X½0�, is imple-mented with a Dirichlet to Neuman (DtN) map based on the

    Floquet decomposition given in Eq. (5). This approach was

    favored here as the use of the PML technique is not efficient

    for “low-frequency” applications, i.e., when the wavelength

    is large compared to the size of the computational domain.

    However, DtN leads to prohibitive computation time when a

    significant Floquet mode is cut-on. The highest Floquet

    mode index taken into account in each direction is chosen as

    the number of cut-on Floquet modeþ 2.To easily apply the Floquet relation recalled in Eq. (1),

    coincident meshes on each opposite lateral boundary of the

    periodic cell are used.23,24 Unstructured meshes are

    employed in the remainder of the computational domain.

    The characteristic element length is fixed in all cases to

    ensure two elements in the thickness L of the porous materialdomain X½1�. This yields approximately to 100 000 degreesof freedom FEM models.

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