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English Vocabulary Animals 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary Animals and insects tiger fish crocodile elephant frog giraffe monkey mouse parrot snake bat cat bird hamster turtle kitten rabbit lizard fish puppy monkey crabs sharks octopuses starfish turtles eels seahorses dolphins whales seals polar bears baboon buffalo deer eagle flamingo hippo panther rhino snow leopard wild boar bee ant beetle Parts of animals paw thorn beak claws feathers fur scales shell tail teeth whiskers wings tails straw stripes

English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

May 11, 2018



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Page 1: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary



and insects

tiger fish crocodile elephant frog giraffe monkey mouse parrot snake bat cat

bird hamster turtle kitten rabbit lizard fish puppy

monkey crabs sharks octopuses starfish turtles eels seahorses dolphins whales seals polar bears

baboon buffalo deer eagle flamingo hippo panther rhino snow leopard wild boar

bee ant beetle

Parts of anim


paw thorn

beak claws feathers fur scales shell tail teeth whiskers wings


straw stripes

Page 2: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighttenn nineteen twenty

twenty- one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seve twenty-eight twenty-nine

twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred

a hundred two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred nine hundred and one nine hundred and ten nine hundred and twenty nine hundred and thirty nine hundred and forty nine hundred and fifty nine hundred and sixty nine hundred and seventy nine hundred and eighty nine hundred and ninety nine hundred and ninety-nine

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelveth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh twenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirtiteh thirtieth-first

hundred thousand

Page 3: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Daily routine

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

brush your teeth get up go home go to bed go to school have a shower have breakfast have dinner have lunch put on your pyjamas

get up have breakfast go to school have lunch go home have dinner brush my teeth go to bed wake up get dressed have a shower

Page 4: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Class vocabulary

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary



Where's the teacher? Has everyone got....? I this your....? Where is...? There!

Page 5: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

colour draw play sing talk bark fly see smell taste touch climb jump run swim walk

do sports go on excursions help people listen to music make things paint pictures play games take photos use a computer watch films collecting shells fishing lying in the shade making a sandcastle playing Frisbee putting on sun cream swimming in the sea

watching TV listening to music drinking washing up tidying up talking on the phone playing frisbee playing board games playing golf taking photos doing exercises playing cards talking to friends

to help to listen to to look after to talk to use to visit to walk to watch to work hard to share things

cut the grass water the flowers plant seeds pick strawberries feed the birds make a window box eat a carrot dig a hole cut the grass feed the fish

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English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary


s of




toilet bedroom bathroom hall living room dining room kitchen garage

Kitchen living room chair table bedroom garden



s chair cupboard table

bed fridge clock cooker shower sofa

box watch torch book TV pictures ball bin map skateboarding rollerblading camera

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English Vocabulary

Sports and games

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary




football basketball

dive do judo do karate ice skate play table tennis ride a bike ride a horse rollerblade row skateboard playing volleyball playing with a bat and ball

playing golf swimming running

badminton bowling cricket cycling kayaking rugby sailing scuba diving snowboarding surfing

rugby hiphop table tennis badminton go running play basketball go swimming go skateboarding



bike boardgame car computer game doll kite scooter skateboard toy basket

board game hide and seek cards tag hopscotch computer game Rock, paper, scissor

Page 8: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Feelings and emotions

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary


happy sad angry hungry

dangerous cold

Page 9: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Measuring time

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

Dayss of the


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Months of the year

January February March April May June July August September October Novermber December


...o’clock half past...

half past quarter to quarter past

Page 10: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Seasons and nature

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary


Spring Summer Autumm Winter


What's the weather like today? Today is... Sun - Sunny Cloud - cloudy Snow - Snowy Rain - Rainy Hot Cold

Fog - Foggy Storm - Stormy Wind - Windy

Freezing Warm Clear sky Ice - icy

Lighting Thunder Rainbow

Tornado Sleet - sleeting Partly cloudy With sunny/cloudy periods

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English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary


flower tree

seed leaves germinate grow alive temperature oxygen water light plant cold hot insect firebird feeder nuts maize pollen habitat insecticide bird box

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English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

Page 13: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary




basketball player builder chef film star inventor journalist musician politician scientist TV presenter carpenter president professional baker miner

security guard cleaner postman shop assistant doctor taxi driver musician nurse teacher fire fighter police officer dancer

Page 14: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Countries and nationalities

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary


Australia England India Scotland South Africa the USA


Places in town

Page 15: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

park station hospital school bridge bank restaurant shop swimming pool

Page 16: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

shorts shirt coat jumper trousers T-shirt skirt shoes socks

cap cropped trousers dress fleece jacket jeans sandals short-sleeved shirt top trainers fancy dress

Page 17: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

auntie uncle cousin

Page 18: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Human body

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

Parts of your body

Our five senses

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English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary



classroom gym corridor library canteen playground






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English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

illness or pain

Toothache headache cough cut earache cold tummy ache sore throat


Page 21: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

chicken chocolate crisps fruit juice ice cream salad sandwiches strawberries water yoghurt cracker

turkey roast potatoes Christmas pudding biscuits

aubergine avocado cauliflower cherries grapes pineapple plums raspberries red pepper spinach dessert smoked salmon

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English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

illness or pain


Page 23: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Adjetives & Adverbs

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary


tall short strong thin old young dangerous

beautiful colourful useful hard noisier angriest strongest dangerous small


every day friendly

never sometimes often usually always

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English Vocabulary


1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary

calculator charger headphones MP3 player pen drive satnav stopwatch tablet video games console webcam

laptop digital camera calculator mobile phone DVD player memory stick headphones charger

Page 25: English Vocabulary - · English Vocabulary ... doing exercises ... Countries and nationalities 1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary

English Vocabulary

Questions & Structures

1st Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary 5th Primary 6th Primary


How are you? How many...? Where's.....? Is he/she (nex to).....? Can I have a....., please? What has she/he got? Has she/he got.....? What do ..... eat? Do you want to.....? What's the matter? Have you got....? Is there a.....?



Le's be friends. It's... Let's look..... I want to..... You can/can't..... There's a.....