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English Grammar1 New Edition Spanish Edition

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Page 1: English Grammar1 New Edition Spanish Edition
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byEdward R. Rosset

Page 3: English Grammar1 New Edition Spanish Edition

Written by / Escrito por:Edward R. RossetMember of the Bachelor of Arts Association of Euskadi.Miembro del Colegio de Licenciados de Filosofia y Letrasde Euskadi

Published by / Editado por:Editorial Stanley

Layout / Diseno y Maquetacion:Angela Gomez Martin

Front page design / Diseno portada:Diseno Irunes

© Editorial StanleyApdo. 207-20302IRUN-SPAINTelf. (943) 64 0412 - Fax. (943) 64 38 [email protected]

ISBN: 84-7873-282-9Dep. Leg.: Bl- 8804-03

First edition / Primera edicion 1992Second edition / Segunda edicion 1995Reprinted / Reimpresion 1998Reprinted / Reimpresion 2000Third edition /Tercera edicion 2003

Printers / Imprime:Imprenta Berekintza

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1 The present of BE 2

2 The present of HAVE 4

3 There is - there are 6

4 A/an -the 8

5 The, an, a - Omission of articles 10

6 School/the school - Hospital /thehospital 12

7 Some, any 14

8 To Have (Past tense) - To Be (Pasttense) 16

9 The plural of nouns 18

10 Personal pronouns as subjects andobjects 20

11 Possessives: possessive 's and s' _ 24

12 Adjectives: Attributes - predicatives 26

13 Interrogative and negativesentences in present 28

14 Prepositions of place: on, in, at 30

15 Prepositions of time: on, in, at 36

16 Prepositions of time: for, during,since, from 38

17 Prepositions of distance anddescriptions 40

18 The present continuous 42

19 The simple present tense 44

20 "Going to" form 46

21 The future simple 50

22 The imperative 52

23 Adverbs of frequency and degree _ 54

24 The past simple tense 58

25 Like - would you like? 62

26 When - clauses 64

27 Demonstratives: this/these,that/those 66

28 Both and all 68

29 Say and tell 72

30 What a/an - what - how 74

31 Can - could - to be able 76

32 Be with ages and measurements _ _ 78

33 Comparative and superlativeadjectives: comparison 80

34 Good at, look like, what is ... like? _ 82

35 Present perfect tense: for andsince 84

36 Verbs with two objects 86

37 Question words as subjects 88

38 Reported or Indirect Speech 90

39 So am I - So do I - Neither/nor am I 92

40 Some and something in offers andrequests 94

41 Infinitive of Purpose 96

42 Conditional Structures 98

43 Structures with get 102

44 Still, yet, already, since, for, during 104

45 Questions tags 106

46 Passive voice 108

47 Interrogative pronouns 110

48 Relative pronouns 112

Appendix 115

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byEdward R. Rosset

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The present of Be


I am/I'mYou are/you'reHe is/he'sShe is/she'sIt is/it'sWe are/we'reYou are/you'reThey are/they're



I am not/I'm notYou are not/you're not/you aren'tHe is not/he's not/he isn'tShe is not/she's not/she isn'tIt is not/it's not/it isn'tWe are not/we're not/we aren'tYou are not/you're not/you aren'tThey are not/they're not/they aren't


Am I?Are you?Is he?Is she?Is it?Are we?Are you?Are they?

Hello/Hallo HolaGood morning Buenos dfasGood afternoon Buenas tardesGood evening Buenas tardes (a partir de las seis)Good night Buenas noches (se usa para despedirse)Goodbye AdiosHow are you? ^Como estas? ^Como esta usted?Very well, thank you Muy bien, graciasHow do you do? Tanto gusto (solo para presentarse)


El pronombre "I" siempre se escribe con mayuscula.

Los objetos y los animates son, por regla general, neutros.

En ingles hay que poner siempre el sujeto en todas ias frases(pero solo un sujeto, no dos).


You se puede traducir por tu o usted (en singular).

You tambien signified vosotros, vosotras y ustedes (en plural).


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1. En este ejercicio hay que poner el verbo be en la forma correcta.Example: The house is very nice, It is a nice house.

The boys are tall. They are tall boys

1. This dog white. It a white dog.

2. The houses green. They green houses.

3. these books interesting? Yes, they interesting books.

4. Mr Brown tall. He a very tall man.

5. The tables not small. They very big tables.

6. the gardens nice? Yes, they very nice gardens.

7. The door big. It a very big door.

8. the house very big? No, it not very big.

9. What those people doing?

10. The dog eating the meat.

11. The dog and the cat in the garden.

12. " David and Jane in the sitting-room?" "No, they in thekitchen."

13. "Boys, where you?" "We in the garden."

2. Rellene las frases con el saludo apropiado.Example: How are you? Very well, thank you.

1. "This is Mr Jones." "How you do, Mr Jones?"

2. At breakfast: "Good boys."

3. , John. How are you?

4. Hello, Peter. I fine, and how are ?

5. It is 3 o'clock. Good

6. Good , Mr Johnson. It is 7pm.

7. I am going home, .

8. It is 11 p.m. "Are you going home, Mr Jones?" "Yes, "

3. Escriba estas frases con el verbo contraido.Example: You are a man. You're a man.

1. They are here. here.

2. They are not here. here. here.

3. She is not a girl. a girl. a girl.

4. You are not at home. at home at home.


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The present of Have


I have/I'veYou have/you'veHe has/he'sShe has/she'sIt has/it'sWe have/we'veYou have/you'veThey have/they've


I have not/haven't/don't haveYou have not/haven't/don't haveHe has not/hasn't/doesn't haveShe has not/hasn't/doesn't haveIt has not/hasn't/doesn't haveWe have not/haven't/ don't haveYou have not/haven't/don't haveThey have not/haven't/don't have


Have l?/Do I have?Have you?/Do you have?Has he?/Does he have?Has she?/Does she have?Has it?/Does it have?Have we?/Do we have?Have you?/Do you have?Have they?/Do they have?

• A veces se dice "I have got" o "I've got", etc.Es decir, se anade la palabra "got" sin que porello se altere el significado.

• El verbo TO HAVE puede ir seguido de un com-plemento para referirse a un gran numero deactividades diferentes. El significado dependede la expresion: en algunos cases have se pue-de reemplazar por eat o drink, en otros portake, receive, spend, etc:

I have tea at five o'clock.He has coffee for breakfast.She has a shower every day.The boys have a swim every day insummer.Have a look at this book!Jim, have a wash!

• Cuando el verbo have significa "tener" la in-terrogacion y negation se pueden hacer de dosformas:

Do you have many brothers? / Haveyou got many brothers?

- Does he have a car? / Has he got acar?

• Se suele ahadir got al verbo have en presen-te. Es completamente opcional, aunque muy co-mun. Sin embargo, no se anade en respuestascortas o en las "coletillas":

"Have you got an ice-cream?" 'Yes, Ihave."

• Sin embargo, cuando el verbo have se puedereemplazar por otro verbo: eat, drink, take, etc.entonces la forma negativa e interrogativa solose puede hacer de una manera:

"Do you have breakfast in the morning?""No, I don't usually have anything to eatin the morning.""Does she have a holiday?" "No, shedoesn't have a holiday."

• En estos cases no se puede usar haven't got.• Notese tambien que en la forma afirmativa nose anade "got".

I have breakfast / lunch / dinner.You have a bath / a shower / a nap.


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1. En este ejercicio tiene que poner las frases en la otra forma de interrogacion onegacion.

Example: Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog?

1. Does Mr Smith have a large house?

2. Has Jimmy got a cat?

3. We haven't got a new car

4. The dog hasn't got a little house in the garden.

5. Have you got a sister in New York?

6. She hasn't got a friend at school.

7. The children don't have time to play.

2. Ponga estas frases en forma negativa.Example: They have dinner at 7. They don't have dinner at seven.

1. We have coffee after lunch.

2. They have a house in the country.

3. She often has a glass of wine.

4. We have trouble understanding him.

5. She has a bath in the evening.

6. We have a good time on Saturday nights.

7. She has a good husband. .

8. We have a meal in a restaurant.

9. They have a day off very often.

10. I have an intelligent dog. .

11. We have a quarrel every day.

12. Have a rest! .

13. He has a glass of wine with his dinner.

14. I have a shower every day.

15. My father has a cup of coffee after lunch every day.

16. We have many difficulties. .

17. Have a look at this book! .

18. They have dinner early. .

19. We have a walk every evening.5


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There is - there are• En ingles, el presente del verbo impersonal"haber", es decir, "hay", tiene dos formas: thereis, cuando la frase es singular; there are cuan-do la frases es plural:

There is a man.There is a woman.There is a sandwich.

• There is se puede contraer a There's siem-pre que la frase continue:

There's a tall man in the sitting-room.There's a little dog in the garden.

• Pero no se puede contraer cuando la frasetermina ahf.

Is there a dog? Yes, there is.

• Por regla general, usamos esta estructuracuando nos referimos a algo que no conoce-mos todavfa:

• En forma interrogativa se cambia el orden.Is there?

• La negacion se pone en tercer lugar.There is not.


Ejemplos de frases ensingular

"Is there any tea in the teapot?" "Yes,there is!""Is there anybody in the house?" "No,there is not" (isn't)"Is there any water in the glass?" "Yes,there is!""Is there any time?" "No, there is not!"(isn't)

• Usamos there are cuando la frase es plural:There are many houses in this street.There are some children playing in thepark.

• En la forma interrogativa se cambia el orden:Are there many flowers in this park?Are there any glasses in the kitchen?

• En cuanto a la forma negativa, la negacion sepone en tercer lugar:

There are not many people at theconcert today.There are not many things to do in thisplace.

Ejemplos de frases en plural"Are there many trees in the park?""Yes, there are.""Are there any lamps on the wall?" "Yes,there are.""Are there many cats in the house?""No, there are not." (aren't)"Are there any glasses on the table?""No, there are not." (aren't)


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1. En este ejercicio tiene que poner there is o there are.Example: There is a man in the room. There are two women in the garden.

1. Robert, there much coffee in the coffee-pot? No, therevery much. I'm going to make some.

2. There a lot of grass in this garden, but there much in MrBrown's garden.

3. "Constable James, there much traffic today along Elm Avenue?" "Yes,there many cars using this road today."

4. In my school there many teachers. There also manyclassrooms. However, there few students.

5. There something I want to do today.

6. There a group of girls talking in the playground.

7. There many boys playing football.

8. " there many girls in your class?" "There only one girl."

9. there many people at the concert today?

10. "Do we have much time?" "No, there any time left, I'm afraid."

2. En este ejercicio hay que poner there's siempre que se pueda.Example: There's a lot of water in the jar

1. a lot of whisky in the bottle.

2. any tea in the tea-pot? Yes,

3. Let's go Peter, a lot of noise in this place. I don't like it.

4. " many chairs in the dining-room?" "Yes, ."

5. " time to play another game?" "Yes, plenty of time."

6. " any windows open?"" only one window, and it's closed."

7. " any free time left?" "Yes, ."

3. Ahora va a poner las frases siguientes en plural.Example: There is a man. There are two men.

1. There"s a tall woman.

2. There"s a big house.

3. Is there a telephone in this place?

4. There is not a good country road.

5. There is a hill over there.

6. Is there a good magazine?

7. There is not a good restaurant in this town.

8. Is there a window in this room?

9. There is a big tree in this street.


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A/an - the• Usamos a o an cuando es la primera vez quehablamos de un objeto:

He had an apple in his bag.She had a very nice dog.

• Sin embargo, si los oyentes saben a que nosreferimos usamos el articulo determinado:

I left the books on the table, and theapples in the fridge.

• Asumimos que los que nos escuchan saben aque libros y manzanas nos referimos:

• Otros ejemplos:There was a boy holding hands with agirl in the park. The boy had short darkhair, and the girl had long fair hair.I saw a play last night. The play wasabout a man who loved a woman but thewoman didn't love the man.There are a carpet and a lamp in thisroom. The carpet is new but the lamp isold.

2. Usamos the cuando esta clara la situationde la persona o cosa a que nos referimos:

The doctor came this morning to seeGrandpa, (su medico de cabecera)The light was on all night, (la luz de estahabitation)The bank opens at nine, (este banco enparticular)I took the train at the station, (este trenen particular en la estacion de estaciudad):

•Tambien con:the navythe army

- the policethe post office, etc.


3. Usamos a/an cuando nuestro interlocutor nosabe a que nos referimos:

I am looking for a book, (no nos dice quelibro)He bought a car. (no sabemos quecoche)Mary sat on a chair, (no sabemos cual)We stayed at a nice hotel in Benidorm.I had a meal in a restaurant.

4. Usamos el artfculo the con radio, cinema,theatre... tambien con sun, earth, moon,universe, etc:

I often listen to the radio.I never go to the theatre.A spaceship is going to the moon.The earth goes round the sun.

5. No solemos usar el artfculo the con las co-midas:

What time is dinner?What are you going to have forbreakfast?Are we going to have lunch?

•Tampoco usamos the con watch, television:She never watches television.We always watch the news on TV.

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1. Conteste estas preguntas segun el ejemplo.Example: "Was it a good restaurant?" "Yes, it was the best restaurant in town."

1. "Is it expensive picture?" "Yes, it is most expensive in the gallery."

2. "Was it long trip?" "Yes, it is longest trip I have ever made.

3. "Was it large house?" "Yes, it was largest house in the village."

4. "Is she beautiful girl?" "Yes, she is most beautiful girl in town."

5. "Was it good hotel?" "Yes, it was best hotel in London."

2. En este ejercicio hay que poner a/an o the. Si no hacen falta, ponga un guion.Examples: She always goes to the best restaurant in town.

He spends the afternoon watching — television.We had a nice meal in a good restaurant.

1. He lives in small village in country.

2. I don't like going to theatre, I prefer going to cinema.

3. After dinner they went for walk.

4. I don't like watching television in mornings.

5. Malta is island in the Mediterranean. capital is Valetta.

6. She wrote her name at top of page, on right.

7. It is nice day. sun is shining in sky.

8. Where did you see film, on television or at cinema?

9. "Have you got radio?" "No, I don't like listening to radio."

10. The U.S.A. was first country to send a man to moon.

11.1 had big breakfast and I'm not hungry now.

12. What is longest river in world?

13. Why don't you invite your boyfriend to dinner?

14. He is a seaman. He spends most of his life at sea.

15. When I was a boy I used to live near sea.

3. Estas son algunas de las cosas que hizo ayer. Escriba una frase para cada una de ellas.Morning: 8.30 breakfast 9.00-9.30 radio 10.00-12.00 walk/seaafternoon: 1.00 lunch 3.00-4.30 televisionevening: 7.00 dinner 8.00-10.30 cinemaExample: I had breakfast at half past eight.

1. From 9.00 until 9.30 I listened .

2. From 10.00 till 12.00 I was walking by .

3. At 1.00 I .

4. From 3.00-to 4.30 .

5. At 7.00 .

6. From


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The, an, a - Omission of articles1. Solemos omitir el uso de the antes de unsustantivo cuando nos referimos a alguien oalgo en general:

Children are nice.She is afraid of dogs.Crime doesn't pay.I love collecting stamps.

- She likes music.Life is very difficult nowadays.Doctors are very well paid.

• Tambien suprimimos el articulo con most:Most people like pop music.Most dogs are faithful to their owners.

2. Generalmente ponemos an en vez de a cuan-do la palabra siguiente empieza por vocal:

- an elephant- an idea

an airfield

• Sin embargo, depende de la pronunciation delas palabras que siguen a los artfculos:

a uniforma universityan houranMPan honest manan heira unique vase

• El articulo indefinido a/an se usa siempre consustantivos en singular, pero no con plurales:

- I have a catI have some cats /1 have cats

• No se debe omitir el articulo delante de profe-siones:

My daughter is studying to be a doctor.

• Usamos el articulo the con ciencia y tecnolo-gia:

I like the telephone.Galileo invented the telescope.The dolphin is a mammal.

- The whale is the biggest animal on earth.


•Tambien nos referimos a los instrumentos mu-sicales de esta manera:

I like playing the guitar.He will play the trumpet tonight.

• Usamos the con algunos adjetivos para refe-rirnos a clases de personas:

the richthe dyingthe blindthe English


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1. En este ejercicio tiene que elegir la forma correcta, con o sin the.Examples: I love animals /the animal

1. Women / The women are more sensitive than men.

2. Most / The most people hate violence / the violence.

3. Don't go to that restaurant. Meals / The meals are terrible.

4. All pictures / All the pictures on that wall belong to my father.

5. My sister is very interested in the art/ art.

6. The hunting / Hunting is very cruel sometimes.

7. Do you like the skiing / skiing?

8. They got married last year but the marriage / marriage wasn't successful.

9. Fruit / The fruit is good for you.

10. Look at the fruit / fruit on that stand. How nice it looks!

11. In this country the coffee / coffee is cheaper than the tea / tea.

12. The cheese/ cheese we had after the meal was delicious.

2. iComo se llama la gente que vive en los pai'ses que se mencionan a continuacion?Example: Britain The British.

I.England 8. Wales

2. Spain 9. Scotland

S.Germany 10. Portugal

4. France 11. Japan

S.Italy 12. U.S.A.

6. Switzerland 13. China

7. Ireland 14. Russia

3. Complete las frases usando the con estos adjetivos.dying - dead - injured - poor - needy - rich - blind - wounded

Example: This is a traffic control system for the blind.

1. They say that Dick Turpin robbed to give the money to .

2. After the plane crash, were buried and were taken to


3. This old house is going to be used as a shelter for .

4. After the battle, the cries of and filled the night air.


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School/the school - Hospital/the hospital1. Algunas palabras de uso frecuente suelen su-primir el artfculo cuando se usan para lo quehan sido disehadas.

• Estudiemos esta situation:- Mr Carter had an accident yesterday,

and he was taken to hospital.- At the moment he is still in hospital.- Mrs Carter went to the hospital to visit

him, and she is at the hospital now.

• En otras palabras, si ingresas en el hospitalcomo paciente: you go to hospital o are takento hospital.

• Si vas de visita: you go to the hospital o youare at the hospital visiting somebody.

2. church, court, school, prison, university,college, bed.

• Suprimimos el artfculo delante de todos estossustantivos cuando les damos un sentido deuso:

- I go to church on Sundays. / I am goingto bed, I'm tired.She takes her children to school everyday.He was sent to prison for robbery.I'll take you to court if you don't pay.

• De igual forma decimos:The injured are in hospital.My children are at school now.The whole family were in/at church.

- He is studying at Bristol University.He is in bed resting.

• Usamos todas estas palabras con el artfculothe cuando se visitan o se usan por otras razo-nes:

I went to the church to see the newaltar.He often goes to the prison to givelectures.Mr Kent went to the school to speak tothe maths teacher.

3. sea, home, work, town.

• Se dice: go to sea as sailors. To be at sea.They are joining the navy and soon willgo to sea.They've been at sea for a week / I wason my way to work.These people are hard at work.

• Se suele omitir el the con town cuando setrata de la ciudad del que habla:

We often go to town to do someshopping. We were in town lastWednesday.

• La palabra home no lleva preposition con ver-bos de movimiento:

Let's go home. They arrived home late.

• Con los verbos be, stay, etc. se usa at:The children are at home. Let's stay athome.


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1. Complete estas frases usando las palabras siguientes:hospital, prison, church, school, college, university, bed, home, work, sea.Example: Children, drink your milk and go to bed.

1. Jim has joined the Navy and within two months he will be

2. When my daughter leaves school, she wants to study medicine

3. Our neighbour had an accident and is still

4. There's a lot of traffic this morning. Everybody seems to be going at thesame time.

5. All these children go only in the morning.

6. My wife and I always go on Sundays.

7. All those students are still college.

8. Are you going out? No, I'm staying

9. That man robbed a bank, but was caught and sent

2. En este ejercicio hay que elegir la forma correcta con o sin the. Tache la que este mal.Example: The children are already in bed

1 . I'm going to church / to the church. I want to talk to the priest.

2. After work / the work. I always go home / to home.

3. My wife likes to read in bed / in the bed before going to sleep.

4. My husband never goes to church / to the church.

5. Little Jimmy doesn't like school / the school.

6. Old Mc Donald is still ill in hospital / in the hospital.

7. My son left university / the university without taking his final exams.

8. The lawyer had to go to prison / to the prison to see his client.

9. At the end of the course parents are invited to school / to the school to meet theteachers.

3. Responda con respuestas cortas a las siguientes preguntas.Example: If you wanted to see the priest about a wedding, where would you go?

To the church.

1. If your friend had an accident, where would you go to see him?

2. If your son's teacher wanted to see you, where would you go to speak to him?

3. If a thief was arrested and you wanted to speak to him, where would you go?


In the bed.

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Some, any• Los artfculos partitives some y any se tradu-cen por algo de, algun, un poco, unos, algu-nos, nada de, etc.

• En general some se usa para frases afirmati-vas mientras que any se usa para frases inte-rrogativas y negativas.

Frases afirmativasThere are some girls in the park.I've got some books to read.There is some beer in my glass.He's got some papers to read.I've got something to tell you.He's got some interesting ideas.My sister has got some coffee.There is something on your plate.

Prases interrogativasHave you got any wine?Has she got any champagne?Is there any tea in the tea-pot?Are there any books on the table?Have we got any coffee?Have you got anything to tell me?Have they got anything to do?


Frases negativasThey haven't got any children.She hasn't got any tea.There isn't any milk in the glass.He hasn't got any paper.You haven't got any good ideas.We haven't got any beer.I haven't got any books to read.My sister hasn't got any friends.There aren't any trees in this garden.

haven't got anything to do.


* A veces usamos some en preguntas cuando nosreferimos a algo rnuy concreto.

Do you want some wine?- Can I have some sugar?- Can you give me some water?

Can you cook some rice?

* Any a veces tiene el sentido de cualquiera.Any dictionary will give you the meaning of this.

- Anybody can tetl you that.

Despues de if/whether signified alguna, alguien.If there is any doubt let me know.

+1 don't know whether anybody will come or not.


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1. Complete estas frases con: some/any/something/anything.Example: I have bought some new books.

He didn't want to tell me anything.

1. I haven't seen of these pictures, but she has seenof them.

2. Please, give me information about this place.

3. You can cash this cheque at bank.

4. Have you got more coffee? No, sorry, I don't havemore.

5. Have the Browns got children? Yes, they have four.

6. Have you got money on you? Sorry, I haven't got

7. Would you like to eat? No, thanks, I don't want

8. There is hardly tea left.

9. Have you got animals in the farm? Yes, there are

10. Have they got aspirins in the bar? No, they haven't got

1 1 . 1 can give you help if you want.

12. There is on the table. What is it?

2. Complete estas frases usando: somebody/nobody/anybody/anyone/someone.1. Can go with you to the party? No, can come with me.

2. Peter, came to see you this morning.

3. Is interested in buying that piano? No, is interested.

4. Has any questions to ask? I'll be pleased to answer them.

5. can see that that is wrong!

6. You left the car door unlocked. could have taken the car.

7. Darling, wants to see you. He's at the door.

3. Complete estas frases con: something/anything.1. We are not going to do this afternoon.

2. I've got in my eye.

3. She didn't say when she came home.

4. I've got to tell you. It's important.

5. Is there I can do for you?

6. There's in the river. Can you see it?

7. I can't see in the water. Where's it?

8. You can take you want from here. lt"s all yours.15


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The past of Have and Be

Past tense of Have (tener)AffirmativeI hadYou hadHe hadShe hadIt hadWe hadYou hadThey had

NegativeI hadn't/I did not haveYou hadn't/You did not haveHe hadn't/He did not haveShe hadn't/She did not haveIt hadn't/It did not haveWe hadn't/We did not haveYou hadn't/You did not haveThey hadn't/They did not have


InterrogativeHad l?/Did I have?Had you?/Did you have?Had he?/Did he have?Had she?/Did she have?Had it?/Did it have?Had we?/Did we have?Had you?/Did you have?Had they?/Did they have?


El past tense ingles equivale al imperfecto y tambien al indefinido, asf pues:lhad=Yotenia/tuve.

We had a house in the country many years ago.I had a dog when I was a child.Did you have to do that yesterday?

La forma interrogativa y negativa del have tambien se puede formar con la particula did."Did you have a storm last night?" "No, we didn't have a storm."

TO BE (past tense) SER o ESTAR

AffirmativeI wasYou wereHe wasShe wasIt wasWe wereYou wereThey were

NegativeI was not (wasn't)You were not (weren't)He was not (wasn't)She was not (wasn't)It was not (wasn't)We were not (weren't)You were not (weren't)They were not (weren't)

InterrogativeWas I?Were you?Was he?Was she?Was it?Were we?Were you?Were they?

• El past tense equivale al imperfecto y tambien al indefinido, asi pues:I was = yo era / estaba / fui / estuve.

I was in London yesterday.Little Jim was very good last week."Were you at the concert last night?" "No, I wasn't.""Where were you yesterday afternoon?" "I was at the cinema."


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1. Rellene los huecos con: have, had, did, didn't.1. " the students have any time to play?" "No, they have


2. "Did you anything to do last night?" "No, I didn't."

3. "Did they have anything to eat?" "No, they anything to eat!"

4. They didn't much time, did they?

5. What did you in your pocket last night?

6. James have time to do it last Sunday?

7. "Did you any coffee after lunch?" "Yes, I a cup ofcoffee."

8. "Did the runners anything to drink during the marathon?" "No, theynothing to drink."

2. Complete las frases con was o were.1. "Where the children yesterday?" "They at the cinema."

2. " you at the concert last night?" "Yes, I ."

3. " it very cold last winter?" "No, it not a very cold winter."

4. "Where Mrs. Evans last Wednesday?" "She at home allday."

5. " the tea hot enough?" "Yes, it quite hot, thank you."

6. What the students doing when the teacher arrived?

7. What time you going to do it?

8. How many women working at the factory?

9. The children doing their homework when I arrived.

10. We waiting for you all night.

11. Why she so angry with me?

12. She shopping all morning.

13." it raining when you left?" "No, it raining."

14. "What you reading?" "I reading a very interesting book."

3. Elija la forma correcta.Example: Where was /were Peter's mother all day yesterday?

1. Sandra and Jill was/were in bed until ten o'clock.

2. Why was/were Mrs Smith's daughters out so late?

3. When was/were the school master going to give us the diplomas?

4. Why was/were the police asking for our papers?


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The plural of nouns1. Generalmente se forma el plural de lossustantivos ahadiendo una s al singular:

day, days cat, cats house, houses

2. Los nombres que terminen en o, ch, sh, ss,o x forman el plural ahadiendo es:

potato potatoes kiss kissesbrush brushes pouch - pouchesbox boxes

• Sin embargo, las palabras de origen extranje-ro que terminan en o solamente ahaden una s:



3. Los sustantivos que terminan en y siguiendoa una consonante forman el plural cambiandola y por ies:

lady ladiescity cities country countries

• Sin embargo, los sustantivos que terminan eny despues de una vocal forman el plural ana-diendo una s:

toy toysboy - boysmonkey - monkeys

4. Hay doce sustantivos que terminan en f o fe,cuyo plural cambia en ves. Estos sustantivosson:

wolf shelf loaf knifewife sheaf life halfthief self leaf calf

shelf - shelvescalf calveswife wives


• Las demas palabras que terminan en f o feahaden una s:

safe safes chief chiefscliff cliffs

5. Algunos sustantivos forman el plural deforma distinta al singular:

man men woman womenchild children ox oxen

foot - feet tooth teethgoose geese mouse mice

6. Algunos animales no cambian en plural:sheep deer troutcod squid mackarelsalmon carp plaiceduck partridge.

• El plural de fish puede ser fishes, cuando setrata de peces vivos, pero no es muy corriente.

There are a lot of fish in the sea.

7. Algunas otras palabras tampoco cambian:quid aircraftcounsel hundredweight

o stone (con significado de peso).

8. Los nombres colectivos, police, crew, family,team, etc., pueden llevar el verbo en singular oen plural, segun el sentido que le demos a lafrase:

Our police is very efficient.Our team is the best.The police are looking for the thief.

«> Our team are wearing the new shorts.


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1. Rellene con la palabra apropiada en plural:dynamo, tomato, fly, loaf, donkey, handkerchief, mouse, squid, quid, goose,louse, tooth, sheep, deer.

1. My mother bought two of bread for dinner.

2. The hunter could see several in the distance.

3. The shepherd's dog was rounding up all the for the night.

4. The hospital had two for emergencies.

5. She cut up three large for the salad.

6. Jimmy, you must clean your three times a day, after meals.

7. The little girl was dirty and her hair was full of .

8. The goose-boy was looking after the by the river.

9. He gave me a couple of for the job.

10. Several attacked the frogman squirting their black ink on him.

11. I'm sure there are in the attic. I can hear them squeaking.

12. I have a very bad cold so I've taken a couple of .

13. It was hot and there were a lot of buzzing around.

14. Two men approached us riding on two incredibly old .

2. Estos sustantivos colectivos pueden llevar el verbo en singular o en plural segun elsentido que les demos. Tache el verbo que crea que esta mal, o subraye el que este bien.

Example: The average family (which only consists of four member nowadays) is / area great deal smaller than in the old days.

1. The police is/are looking for the two fugitives.

2. The team is/are at the bottom of the second division.

3. Our team has/have played one of their best games this season.

4. My family is/are wonderful. They are all helping me.

3. Todos estos sustantivos terminan en f o fe. Algunos cambian en plural por ves,otros no:

brief, leaf, cliff, loaf, safe, life, grief, knife, wolf.Example: The Pope has published two new briefs.

The leaves are falling from the trees. It's autumn.

1. There are many in the mountains this winter.

2. The hooligans were brandishing as they approached him.

3. It's very easy to be compassionate with other people's

4. The two soldiers dropped their rifles and ran for their

5. He needed a safe to keep money and documents in. In the shop they had two models ofand he chose the bigger one.

6. She bought three of bread for tea.

7. The white of Dover are famous all over the world.


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Personal pronouns as subjects aFORMA


1a persona

2a persona

3a persona


1a persona

2a persona

3a persona


















and objects

• It y you tienen la misma forma como sujetosque como complementos:

"Did you see the bird?" "Yes, I saw it.""Did it see you?" "Yes, it saw me."

• Los pronombres personales I, he, she, we,they son siempre sujetos de oracion:

I went to London. He knows Mary. Theylive in Bristol.

• Excepto I que puede ser complemento del ver-bo to be:

"Who is it?" "It is I."

• Aunque es mas corriente usar el com-plemento:

"Who is it?" "It's me.""Where's Jim?" 'That's him over there."

• Si el pronombre va seguido de una oracion,usamos el sujeto he:

Who, John? But it was he who told methat!

• Me, him, her, us, them, pueden ser comple-mentos directos de un verbo:

I saw her.Henry likes them.

• 0 complementos indirectos:Jim gave me a book.John found her a job.

• Pueden ser complementos circunstanciales:with herfor himwithout usto them


• El complemento indirecto se pone delante deldirecto:

I sent her/Mary the letters.She made him/John a cake.

• Sin embargo, si el complemento directo esun pronombre personal es mas usual colo-carlo directamente detras del verbo seguidode to o for:

I sent them to her.She made it for him.

• Esta regla no es aplicable a one, some, any,none, etc.:

He brought one for Mary/He broughtMary one.

• Con las expresiones it was me/I hay dos po-sibilidades: objeto directo + that (muy informal):

It was me that posted the letter.


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1. Rellene los espacios en bianco con los pronombres personales que creaconveniente.

Example: That's Mary's baby. It is very small.

1. "Where did you leave the book?"" left on the table in thehall."

2. "Did Jane come with you two?" "Yes, came with _."

3. "She likes sugar, not you." "Exactly, it's that likes sugar, not

4. I think you're prettier than these girls. Yes, are prettier than

5. Let's go for a walk. Just you and .

6. Help (to) carry , the poor girl has fainted.

7. Nobody could do it except , and I didn't want to.

8. We are much better than at football.

9. They knew all about my friend and .

10. "Did you come with SUsan?" "Yes, I came with Jeff and ."

11. "Did he give you a sweet?" "Yes, he gave Peter and a sweet each.

12. An old man asked my friend and what time it was.

2. Reemplace las palabras subrayadas por pronombres personales.Example: Go with John and Mary to visit Frank and Mark, (her/them)

1. It was very kind of you to give Peter and me a hand.

2. Bill found Peter a job.

3. Mary went with Henry to the theatre.

4. "Did Janet tell Bob and Jim about the accident?" "Yes, Mary told Bob and Jim."

5. It was Peter who lent John and me the money.

6. It never occurred to Fred that perhaps Tony was lying.

7. It struck both men that everyone was unusually silent.

8. Did the boys give you something for Sandra?


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UNIT 10(cont.)

• Sujeto + who (muy formal).It was I who posted the letter.

• Se puede evitar el uso de cualquiera de estasdos formas cambiando la estructura:

- I was the one (or the person) whoposted the letter.

• Cuando as y than van seguidos de pronom-bres personales, se pueden usar tanto la formade sujeto como la de complemento:

He is not as clever as I/me.She understands the question betterthan I/me.

• En ingles coloquial se usan mucho mas loscomplementos (me, him, etc.).

• Sin embargo, si despues del pronombre po-nemos un verbo, entonces el pronombre debeser sujeto, por supuesto:

She's not as good as I am.I'm not as bad as he is.


Usos de IT

• It se usa generalmente para cosas, o un ani-mal cuyo sexo no conocemos, tambien parabebes:

Where's my book? I left It on the chair.Look at that snake. It frightens me.This is my baby. It is only two days old.

• Al telefono se dice asi:"Who is that/it?" "It is me, Robert / Thisis Robert."

* "Is that Jerry?" "No, It's Frank."

• It puede introducir frases:It was Jim who came to see you.It is today that she's coming, nottomorrow.


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1. Elija entre el pronombre personal en nominative (sujeto) y el acusativo (objeto).Example: Jim, can you ring / me tonight?

1. "Who's that speaking?" "It's I/me, Pauline. How are you, Janet?"

2. The books? Oh, I/me sent they/them to he/him by post last week.

3. This letter is for she/her and these are for we/us.

4. Silly Bill! It was he/him who chose the wallpaper.

5. I/Me haven't seen he/him for three years.

6. It's two months since I/me last saw he/him.

7. I made it for she/her. She/Her sent it to he/him.

8. "Where's Tim?" "That's he/him, over there."

9. She/Her gave it to he/him.

10. He/Him bought it for us/we.

11. They/Them sent the letter to him /he.

12. "Who is speaking" "Oh, this is Robert. lt"s me/I, Robert!"

2. Estas frases se pueden poner con dos complementos cambiados como en elejemplo.

Example: She is not as pretty as I am. She is not as pretty as me.

1. I am not as bad as he is.

2. She is not as clever as I am.

3. I am not as fast as they are.

4. We aren't as tall as they are.

5. He is not as good as she is.

6. She eats as much as I do.

7. Peter is not as stupid as we are.

8. We are not as clever as they are.

9. Pauline is not as pretty as I am.


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Possessives: possessive ('s) and (')• Cuando un ser viviente (persona o animal)posee algo, se usa lo que se llama el genitivesajon o caso posesivo:

La manzana de Pedro (the apple ofPeter) se convierte en: Peter's apple.

A) Primero se traduce el poseedor: Peter,B) despues la preposicion de bajo el

aspecto de's,C) por ultimo la cosa posefda sin artfculo:

apple.The house of Mary.

se convierte en - Mary's house.- The legs of the convierte en - The dog's legs.- The kitchen of my convierte en - My mother's kitchen.

This is Mary's house and that one isJane's, (la de Jane)The dog's legs are black, and the cat'sare white, (las del gato)

I Recuerde* Si el poseedor es plural y termina en s,se aftade solamente el apostrofo:

The apples of the convierte en * The girls' apples.

The house of the convierte en The boys' house.

The legs of the convierte en • The cats' legs.

The hobby of those convierte en - Those families' hobby.

• Sin embargo, en caso de nombres propios oapellidos que terminen es s hay dos opciones:

I live in St. James's Square;St James' Square.

The Jones's dog is very noisy;- The Jones' dog.That is the Evans's house, on thecorner;

the Evans' house.

• Si son extranjeros o clasicos, solo se anade elapostrofo:

Cervantes' works are interesting.This is Pythagoras' Theorem.

• Con nombres compuestos o largos el apos-trofo se pone al final:

My brother-in-law's guitar.The Prince of Wales's country house.

• Tambien se puede poner 's despues de inicia-les:

The MP's secretary.The VIP's bodyguard.

• Con expresiones de tiempo tambien es admi-sible el uso del genitive sajon:

today's papera month's holidaytomorrow's weathertwenty minutes' break o two hours'delay o in two months' time

• Es muy corriente usar el genitivo sajon contiendas (la palabra shop se sobreentiende):

My wife is at the hairdresser's.Is there a butcher's near here?

• Tambien hospitales, iglesias, catedrales y fir-mas comerciales se escriben con's:

Barclays' (bank)St. John's (College)St. Paul's (Cathedral)

• Cuando hablamos con algun conocido a ve-ces omitimos la palabra house:

We are going to Peter's.She's staying at the Brown's.



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1. En este ejercicio hay que unir dos sustantivos. A veces hay que usar el apostrofo,con o sin s, otras veces la preposition of.

Examples: The window / the room / The window of the roomThe mother / Peter / Peter's mother

1. The house / Tom

2. The eyes / the dog

3. The door/ the room

4. The name / this town

5. The name / my husband

6. The toys / the children

7. The newspaper / today

8. The daughter / Bernard

9. The country house / my uncle and aunt

10. The birthday / my father

2. Lea la frase y escriba otra usando el genitivo sajon.Example: The room of the children is upstairs.

The children's room is upstairs.

1. The house of Mr and Mrs Carter is new.

2. The tail of our cat is black and white.

3. The husband of my friend is very tall

4.1 received the letter of Uncle George last night

5. The mother of my cousin is my aunt.

6. The head of that bird is black.

7. The friends of my sister are very pretty.

8.1 didn't see the wife of your brother last night.

3. Ahora vamos a usar el genitivo sajon con expresiones de tiempo, medida, distancia,peso; con tiendas, etc.

Example: The weather / yesterday / was very goodYesterday's weather was very good.

1. The coference / last year / was terrible

2. The house is / two hours / walk / from here

3. How heavy is it? About two pounds / weight

4. This river is / 20 miles / long

5. They went to the Hospital of St. Peter.

6. We went to visit the Cathedral of St. Paul.

7. We went to the shop of Woolworth to do some shopping.


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Adjectives: Attributes - predicatives• Los adjetivos que se colocan delante de lossustantivos se llaman atributos:

a beautiful song- a tired expression

a typical meal

• Con ciertos verbos, tales como: be, seem,appear, look, sound, taste, feel, smell, amenudo ponemos un adjetivo detras. Estos ver-bos se llaman verbos copulatives, y los adjeti-vos en esta posicion se llaman predicatives:

she is nice- you look beautiful

he feels strong

• Los verbos look, taste, feel, and smell pue-den ir seguidos de un adjetivo predicative o deun adverbio:

She looks angry, (adj.)She is looking at you angrily, (adv.)You must be careful, (adj.)The doctor felt my leg carefully, (adv.)She looked calm, (adj.)She looked calmly at the two men.(adv.)

• Algunos verbos como sit, lie, stand, puedenir seguidos de adjetivos predicativos.

• Algunos verbos se usan para mostrar como elsujeto de la frase cambia:

People go pale, red, white with anger;blue with cold; green with envy.

• Turn se puede usar tambien con todas estasexpresiones:

She turned purple with rage.

• Go tambien se usa con adjetivos en muchoscasos cuando las personas o las cosas cam-bian a peor:

& People go crazy, mad, deaf, bald, blind.(Sin embargo go no se suele usar conill, tired y old).

- Meat goes bad, milk goes off, horses golame, bread goes stale, machines gowrong, iron goes rusty.The leaves of the book go yellow withage.

• El verbo come se suele usar con expresionesque tienen un final feliz:

All my dreams have come true.Everything will come out all right in theend.

• Los adjetivos principal, sheer, chief, mainson atributos que se ponen delante de lossustantivos a los que califican:

The main road of the town is closed tothe traffic.

• Sin embargo, afraid, upset, alive, alone,asleep van siempre siguiendo al verbo, por loque son predicados:

She is still alive.

• El significado de late y early depende de suposicion.

We caught an early train.The train arrived/was early.

• Cuando poor significa "sin dinero" puede seratributo o predicado:

- He is a poor man.This man is poor.

• Cuando poor significa "desgraciado" debe seratributo:

The poor child had an accident.


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1. En las frases que vienen a continuacion tiene que ahadir, bien un adjetivopredicative, o un adverbio.

Example: The food tasted horrible, (horrible/horribly)

1. He tasted the soup . (suspicious/suspiciously)

2. This exercise looks to me. (terrible/terribly)

3. She looked . She didn't seem to be . (calm/calmly)(nervous/nervously)

4. She looked at the angry mob. (calm/calmly)

5. He turned on the man behind him. (angry/angrily)

6. That music sounds I can't stand it! (terrible/terribly)

7. Mary grew as time passed, (impatient/impatiently)

8. Something smells in the kitchen, (good/well)

9. He made her . (happy/happily)

10. She sings . (beautiful/beautifully)

2. En este ejercicio tiene unas parejas de frases, en una frase usamos el adjetivocomo atributo, en la otra como predicado. Una de las dos frases no tiene sentido.Tachela.

Example: He is the chief engineer.

1. This is the main street. / This street is the main.

2. This is an alive man. / This man is alive.

3. This client is our principal. / This is our principal client.

4. This is an afraid girl. /This girl is afraid.

5. That is my upset mother. / My mother is upset.

6. That is an alone man. / That man is alone.

7. She is an ashamed girl. / She is ashamed of it.

8. These are alike girls. / These girls are alike.

3. tAdjetivos o adyerbios? Algunas palabras pueden ser las dos cosas. Inclusoalgunos adverbios se pueden escribir de dos formas diferentes.

This is a slow train (adj.) Go slow! (adv.) She was driving slowly, (adv.)Example: Please, be careful and drive slowlyl (slow)

1. A road goes from one place to another, (straight)

2. Please, cut all the explanations. We'll be there . (short)

3. She is a singer. She sings very . (well/good)

4. This train is a train. It goes very . (fast)

5. Go to the station and take the train that goes toLondon, (direct/directly)

6. I haven't been to the theatre very much . (late/lately)

7. I hate arriving . (late/lately)

8. You can eat in my restaurant if you want, (free/freely)

9. He can jump very . (high/highly)27



This engineer is the chief.

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Interrogative and negative sentences in the present


I play golfYou play golfHe/she/it plays golfWe play golfYou play golfThey play golf


I do not play golfYou do not play golfHe/she/it does not play golfWe do not play golfYou do not play golfThey do not play golf


Do I play golf?Do you play golf?Does he/she/it play golf?Do we play golf?Do you play golf?Do they play golf?

I Recuerde

que para interrogar y negar, es decir, para formar frases interrogativas y negativas enpresente de indicative con la mayoria de los verbos (exceptuando to be y los defectivescan, could, may, might, must, ought to, should) se usan las particulas do y does,que tambien se llaman auxiliary verbs.

• Estas particulas no se traducen. Solo se usanpara indicar que la frase esta, o bien en formainterrogativa o bien en forma negativa.

• En forma negativa el do not se suele con-traer en don't, y el does not en doesn't.• Does, o doesn't, solo se utiliza para la terce-ra persona singular.

• Cuando se usa la particula does, el verbo sepone en infinitive, es decir, sin s.• No se debe confundir el verbo to do (hacer)con la particula do.

Ejemplos:Do you come here every day? No, Idon't come every day.Does he drink wine? No, he doesn'tdrink wine.What do you do on Sundays? I don't doanything.Does your brother work very hard? No,my brother doesn't work very much. Yes,he works quite a lot.Do your children read many books? No,they don't read books. Yes, they read alot of books.

Respuestas cortas• Es muy corriente en ingles usar respuestascortas usando las particulas do y does:

Do you go to the cinema very often?Yes, I do. No, I don't.Does Peter go swimming every day?Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.Do the children go to school by bus?Yes, they do. No, they don't.


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1. Rellene los huecos con las particulas do, does, don't o doesn't.Example: Do you go to the beach every day? Yes, I do.

1. What you friend do in the mornings?

2. They come here very often.

3. Fred's friend do his homework every day.

4. Mr Smith's wife do the shopping in this supermarket?

5. These people go to many concerts, do they?

6. your friend's mother cook well?

7. When you do your homework?

8. these people go to the beach every day in summer?

9. That old woman, Mrs Brent, hear very well, does she?

10. My teacher, old Mr Rock, speak to us.

2. Responda estas preguntas usando respuestas cortas.Example: Do you go to school every day? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

1. Does your brother's friend like swimming?

2. Do you go to see the doctor when you have a cold?

3. Does Peter's uncle come to see him often?

4. Do the children drink water with their meals?

5. Do they cut the grass very often?

6. Does Mr Smith like playing golf?

7. Do you listen to the news on the radio?

8. Does Mrs Evans go shopping every morning?

3. Aqui tienes unas respuestas. Tu tienes que hacer las preguntas.Example: No, I don't go every day. Do you go every day?

1. Yes, Mr Smith goes to work by bus.

2. No, they don't do their homework.

3. Yes, my friends like dancing.

4. No, I don't speak French.

5. Yes, my friends like running.

6. No, my father doesn't smoke.

7. Yes, my friend's mother cooks very well.

8. No, we don't play tennis very often.

9. The headmaster? Yes, he teaches very well.



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Prepositions of place: on, in, atAt• Cuando consideramos un sitio como un punto(sin tamano real), usamos at:

I live in Linster. (es importante para mf)The trains don't stop at Linster. (es soloun punto en el viaje)At the two-mile mark, he was leadingthe other runners.We stopped for an hour at Orly airport.

• A menudo usamos at con el nombre de unlugar cuando estamos interesados en la activi-dad que se desarrolla alii, no en la forma exac-ta o dimensiones del lugar. Nos encontramoscon alguien at the station, no estamos intere-sados en el hecho de que sea fuera o dentro,sino que consideramos a la estacion como unsitio de encuentro. A menudo usamos at cuan-do hablamos de cafes, restaurantes, o sitiosdonde se estudia o trabaja:

I'll be at the club at 8.We'll eat at MacDonald's, in High Street.He had a beer at that little pub round thecorner.I was at the theatre last night.I was at school from 1960 to 1971, andat university from 1971 to 1974; afterthat I worked at Barnard's Enterprises.

• Tambien usamos at con nombres de activida-des de grupo:

at a meeting/at the theatre/at a concert/at a lecture/at a match/at the cinema

• Fi'jese en la diferencia entre in Oxford(en la ciudad) y at Oxford (en la universi-dad); y entre in the corner (rincon) y at/on the corner (esquina).



On (lines)• Usamos on para decir que algo esta tocandoo cercano a una Ifnea, o algo parecido a unali'nea. (no, frontera, carretera):

We have a house on the river.Tijuana is on the frontier betweenMexico and the U.S.A.Bath is on the road to Bristol.

On (surfaces)• Usamos on cuando algo esta tocando unasuperficie:

The book is on the table.They spend the morning in a boat on thelake.Put the picture on the other wall.There's something on the sole of myshoe.There's a stain on the ceiling.

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I. Complete estas frases usando in, on, or at con una de las frases dadas a continuation:the second floor London the east coastthe Pyrenees the window the back of the envelopemy way to work the right the back of the classthe traffic lights the shelf the back of the cinemaExample: The main office of the company is in London.

1. On the continent people drive

2. She was looking at the passers-by.

3. Jimmy was sitting

4. Write your name and address

5. It's a little fishing village

6. I stopped there

7. We have a little house

8. She lives above us,

9. The car was stopped

10. The book was

II. The young couple was watching the film sitting

2. Complete estas frases con in, on, at.Examples: The policeman was standing on the corner of the street.

1. There was no name the door, so we knocked.

2. The man had a scar his left cheek.

3. They lived a small island off the coast of Florida.

4. Don't use the front entrance. There's another entrance the back.

5. My office is the ground floor. The second door the right.

6. Shakespeare was born Stratford Avon.

7. They got married Boston twenty years ago.

8. The sports results are the back page of the newspaper.

9. I have a friend who lives a small village the coast.

10. There were many cars parked this street.

11. I'll meet her the corner of the street.

12. I was stuck in a traffic jam my way here.

13. There was an accident the crossroads last night.

14. There is a herd of sheep that field.

15. I can't see you this photograph.

16. There is a path the end of this street.

17. I don't like spending the day sitting a desk.31


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UNIT 14(Cont.)

In• Se usa cuando los alrededores son tridimen-sionales:

The table is in the room/in the shop/inthe kitchen.The boys are in the garden/in the park/in the building.The money is in your bag/in your purse/in your drawer.She's swimming in the water/in the sea/in the river.She's in a field/in the car park, (pero onthe beach)

• Con grandes superficies (pafses, regiones,islas grandes) decimos in:

She lives in Yorkshire/ in the Sahara/inthe British Isles, (pero on a desertisland)

Parts of the body• Generalmente decimos on cuando se trata dela superficie del cuerpo:

He had blood on his forehead/hischeeks.

• Usamos in en las cavidades:He hit me in the eye/mouth/ribs/stomach.

• Hablando de heridas decimos in:He was wounded in the shoulder/in hishead.


Means of transport• Usamos on con transportes publicos, caba-llos, motos y bicicletas:

I saw her on the plane/on the train/onthe bus.

• Usamos in con coches, taxis, avionetas, etc.:I saw him in a new Mercedes.


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1. Complete estas frases. Utilice in, at, on con una de las palabras de esta lista.sea hospital theatre bed

the station the cinema church prison

the airport school a farm work

Example: My plane lands at 3.00. Please, meet me at the airport.

1. Our train was delayed. We had to wait for half an hour.

2. It was a long voyage. They were for two months.

3. She hasn't gone to university yet. She's still

4. Has Jim got up yet? No, he is still

5. There is a nice play tonight.

6. They always go to the Sunday Service, they are still

7. I was brought up in the country,

8. He was jailed for ten years. He's still

9. I'll be until 6 in my office.

10. He had a bad accident last month and he's still

11. Where were you last night? I was watching a film.

2. Complete estas frases con in y at.Example: There were a lot of young people at the concert.

1. We had a party Frank's house last night.

2. Don't come to see me tomorrow. I won't be home.

I'll be John's.

3. Mary and Jean are students Harvard University.

4. I haven't seen Jane for a long time. I last saw her Mike's wedding.

5. There's a concert the Albert Festival Hall tonight.

6. Freddy's parents live Manchester.

7. He speaks good Spanish. He studied Madrid for a year.

8. It was a slow train. It stopped every little station.

9. You weren't the party, were you?

10. My secretary wasn't work today. She was

home ill bed.33


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At church, in hospital, etc.• Hay algunas expresiones que no usan artfcu-lo, algunas con in, otras con at:

in bedin hospitalin courtin church/at churchin prisonin American Englishin schoolin collegein universityat schoolat universityat workat college

Addresses• At se usa con el numero de la calle:

She lives at number 27,pero... She lives in Boston Road.

• Si usamos el numero y el nombre de la calledecimos at:

She lives at 27 London Avenue.

• Con los pisos siempre decimos on:I live on the third floor/on the groundfloor.


Decimos arrive in con pai'ses y ciudades:When did you arrive in England/in London?

• Decimos arrived at con iugares comunes:He arrived late at workat the hotelat the park

• No usamos preposicidn con verbos de movimiento y home:He arrived home.


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1. Complete estas frases con una preposicion cuando sea necesario.Example: At what time did you arrive at the airport?

1. My husband always arrives home very early.

2. I had a strange feeling when I first arrived this country.

3. When the two boys arrived the cinema they joined the queue.

4. They arrived London early in the morning.

5. What time do you usually arrive the office in the morning?

6. What time do the boys arrive home from school?

7. What time are we expected to arrive the hotel?

8. This train arrives platform 8.

9. When did she arrive New York?

10. He arrived work early for once.

11. They arrived late the meeting.

12. The plane arrived the airport 2 hours late.

13. We arrive Majorca 7 hours late.

14. Darling, I'll be arriving home late today.

2. Use estas palabras con una preposicion (cuando sea necesario) para completar las frases:prison, church, hospital, school, bed, work, university

Example: The convict is in prison.

1. The children are already asleep.

2. My son is studying medicine .

3. Mr Brown had an accident. He is .

4. It's late. Take the children in your car.

5. We are getting married and we have to go to speak to the vicar.

6. My mother is coming to speak to the headmaster.

7. Let's go . I want to go to the Sunday Service.

8. The lawyer went to speak to the convict.

9. Mr Smith is in his office. He is .

10. My father has gone to his office. He is on his way .


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Prepositions of time: on, in, atAt• Usamos at con:

• Expresiones de tiempo:at sixat presentat Christmas at about/around

at the weekendat the age ofat lunch time

• Tambien empleamos at con las siguientesexpresiones:

at the beginningat first

On• Usamos on con:Dfas de la semana:

Partes del dfa:



at the endat last

on Mondayon Sundayson Monday morningon Saturday nightson Christmas Dayon New Year's Dayon his birthdayon her wedding day

Ocasiones especiales:

Dfa + fecha:Fechas:

on that dayon that eveningon Tuesday, June 2nd

on June 16th, on 21st


• On + gerundio (on arriving, on hearing,etc.) se traduce por al llegar, al oi'r, etc.

On hearing that, she was suddenlyafraid.


Usamos in para:Partes del dfa:



in the morningin the afternoonin the eveningin Aprilin Octoberin 1992, in 1912, in 1885

Estaciones: in (the) springin (the) winter)

Siglos: in the 17th centuryin the 19th century

Perfodos de tiempo:in that era, in the Middle Ages

In• Usamos in en expresiones como:

I'll be there in ten minutes.The book will be ready in ten days' time.I can run a mile in five minutes.

• No usamos ninguna preposition delante delast y next:

- I went to Spain last year.- I'll see you next Sunday.

On time, in time• Usamos on time cuando nos referimos a lapuntualidad, a menudo con horarios de trenes:

In this country trains always arrive ontime.

• Decimos in time o in time for cuando se lle-ga con un margen razonable de tiempo:

All passengers arrived in time for thetrain.


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1. En este ejercicio tienes que completar las frases. Usa at, on, o in con cada una delas frases siguientes.

1492 - the 20's - the moment - the same time - 12th April 1912 - night - Sundays -about ten minutes - the 19th century - the age of 18Example: Many things were invented in the 19th century.

1. She got married

2. I'll be there

3. I can't sleep

4. We usually go for a walk

5. The Titanic sank

6. America was discovered

7. The "Charleston" was a very popular dance

8. It's impossible for me to go

9. If everybody speaks nobody will understand.

2. Pon la preposicion correcta: at, on, in.Example: The match begins at 4.30.

1. My father is 59. He'll probably retire a few years" time.

2. I always take my wife out our wedding anniversary.

3. Both horses arrived the same time.

4. It was a short story and I wrote it a couple of hours.

5. I work hard during the week, and relax weekends.

6. Little Jimmy started school 5, a couple of years ago.

7. Wait for me, I'll be there ten minutes.

8. They are going to get married 10th June.

9. He always comes home Christmas, and sometimes summer.

10. Would you like to come to the cinema Saturday night?

11.1 like going for a walk night, under the moonlight.

12. We always have a party New Year's day.

13. Sunday mornings I usually cut the grass in the garden.

14. Petrol is going up January.

15. There's very little work in the area the moment.

16. The old man died 1990, the age of 91.

17. I'll probably be busy the morning. Can you come theafternoon?

18. I'll come to see you Monday morning, 11 o'clock.

19. Come on! The train is leaving two minutes.

20. This course begins 8th March and ends 30th June.

21. She went to bed midnight and got up 5.30 the nextmorning.

22. Shakespeare was born Stratford 1564.


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Prepositions of time: for, during, since, fromDuring + sustantivo• Usamos esta formula para decir cuando su-cede algo:

It must have rained during the night.The ground is wet.We came out for a drink during theinterval.We met many people during our stay inParis.He didn't feel well during theexamination.Production stopped during the strike.

• (Generalmente during va seguido del artfcu-lo the o algun adjetivo posesivo.)

For• Tambien puede significar durante cuando vaseguido de un periodo de tiempo:

We have already been in Miami for aweek.I haven't been home for a year.He has worked here for six months.We watched television for two hours.

From• Puede ser preposicion de lugar:

Where do you come from?

• Pero tambien puede ser preposicion detiempo:

Many people work from nine to five.Opening hours are from 9 to 1 and from3 to 7.The course goes on from June toSeptember.Mother will be away from Monday toFriday.He studied the piano from the age offive.

Since• Se usa siempre como preposicion de tiempo,nunca como preposicion de lugar:

She has been here since Monday.I haven't seen her since we quarrelled.It has been raining since two o'clock.

- I haven't been feeling well since lastSaturday.We've lived in four different places sincelast year.


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1. En este ejercicio tiene que poner for o during.Example: It has been raining for three days. But it didn't rain during the night.

1. We never go out the week. We only go out at weekends.

2. My brother has been out of work six months.

3. My wife hasn't spoken to me a week.

4. She waited for you half an hour in the rain.

5. He lived in South America many years.

6. The production of the factory stopped the strike.

7. When I was ill I couldn't eat anything several days.

8. I fell asleep the film.

9. I have been waiting ages. Where have you been?

2. Complete con for o since.Example: I was studying for two hours. It has been raining since four o'clock.

1. We watched television two hours last night.

2. We have been watching television 5 o'clock.

3. I haven't eaten anything breakfast.

4. We haven't seen each other a long time.

5. That house has been empty six years.

6. That house has been empty 1980.

7. I've known her a long time.

8. I haven't seen her Christmas.

9. We are going away a week. We'll be back on 8th September.

3. Complete con from o since.Example: I was there from three to four but nobody came.

I've been here since three o'clock but nobody's come.

1. What have you been doing nine o'clock this morning?

2. My lunch time is one to three.

3. I've been waiting seven o'clock.

4. I like watching TV nine to ten.

5. I haven't seen you we met in Paris a year ago.

6. Most people work nine to five.

7. It is two years I last saw Jim.

8. I haven't seen Jim June 1990.

9. I waited two to four but she didn't come.39



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Prepositions of direction and mannerFrom• Indica procedencia:

The train is coming from Paris.When are they coming back from SouthAmerica?They are coming all the way fromChicago.It's 200 miles from London to Bristol.

To• Indica direction a o estado en:

I've been to Paris five times.She's never been to a football match.We are going to fly to New York.Let's go to a concert tonight.

Into• Usamos into en vez de to cuando entramosdentro de algun sitio:

They went into the room.The dog ran into the house.The old man walked into the shop.A bird flew into the room.

By• Usamos by para decir como viajamos:

by train by road by planeby car by sea by airby rail by underground by shipby bus by bicycle by land

I always go to Paris by plane.He sometimes goes to work by bicycle.We never go by air. We prefer to go bytrain.

• Si usamos by no podemos decir my car / thebus / a taxi, etc. Decimos in my car, on thetrain.

On• Usamos on para ir a pie y en transposespublicos:

on the bus - on the 5.30 train - on aplane - on footGet on the bus, quick! Let's get on thetrain.

• Usamos in para coches y taxis:- in my car - in a car - in a taxi


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1. Complete con from, to, o into.Example: The plane has arrived from Paris.

1. They have cycled Paris Rome.

2. He got the car and drove off.

3. Your mother is coming back the shops.

4. That man is going to be sent prison.

5. He travels every day New York Washington.

6. I can run here the church in five minutes.

7. He ran away home at 15.

8. She walked quietly the room and sat down.

9. Is that the train coming Seville?

2. Complete con by, on, o in.Example: They are coming by train. On the 6 o'clock train.

1. Quick! Get the train. It's leaving.

2. I'll take you to the station my car.

3. We'll go to the station a taxi.

4. I've come to work taxi this morning.

5. He often goes to work bicycle in summer.

6. Get the bus, hurry up!

7. He got his motorcycle and rode off.

8. They're arriving the 7.30 train from Manchester.

9. The passengers were already seated the plane.

10. I don't like travelling underground.

11. "Are you going air?" "No, sea.

12. "We'll probably go on holiday your father's car."

3. Haga preguntas como en el ejemplo.Example: No, I have never been to Africa. Have you been to Africa?

1. No, I have never been to the United States.

2. No, my daughter has never been to Rome.

3. No, they have never been to Swede.

4. No, they have never been to Australia.

5. No, I've never been to Portugal.




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The present continuous


• El presente continue se forma con el presentedel verbo auxiliar to be + el gerundio:


I am workingYou are workingHe is workingWe are workingYou are workingThey are working


I am not workingYou are not workingHe is not workingWe are not workingYou are not workingThey are not working


Am I working?Are you working?Is he working?Are we working?Are you working?Are they working?

Usos del presente continuo

1. Para una accion que esta sucediendo actual-mente:

It is raining.We are sitting at the table for dinner.What are you doing? I'm watching TV.

2. Para una accion actual pero que no necesa-riamente esta sucediendo en el momento enque se habla:

I'm reading a very interesting book.He's learning French.The Smiths are building their ownhouse.

3. Una forma corriente de expresar las ideasde future planeado:

He is taking me to the cinema tonight.I'm meeting John at seven this evening."Are you doing anything tomorrowmorning?" "I'm playing tennis withJanet."I'm having dinner with your sister onSaturday.He's going to the doctor on Monday.

4. A menudo usamos el presente continuo cuan-do hablamos acerca de un perfodo presente,por ejemplo: today, this season, this term,etc.:

She is working very hard these days.We are not studying maths this term.Robert is not playing tennis this season.

5. Tambien usamos el presente continuo parahablar sobre situaciones cambiantes:

The standard of living is rising in thiscountry.Your French is definitely getting better.


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1. Ponga el verbo en la forma correcta.Example: Keep quiet, / am listening to the radio, (listen)

Let's go to play football. It is not raining now. (not rain)

1. I have to drive after the party. I anything tonight, (drink)

2. We this month. We are on holiday, (not work)

3. Why your raincoat? It is not raining, (wear)

4. Look at those boys! They stones at people again, (throw)

5. the play, darling? It was written by Shakespeare, (enjoy)

6. Don't make a noise. I to concentrate, (try)

7. Look! It again, (rain)

8. Excuse me, I for the station. Can you tell me the way? (look)

9. Children, you a lot of noise. Go to play in the garden, (make)

10. What language ? I can't understand a word, (speak)

2. Complete estas frases usando uno de estos verbos.change / wear / rise / fall / get / lose / workExample: Things are changing very fast in this country.

1. The standard of living fast in some European countries.

2. Why you a coat? It's very hot today.

3. The level of the water since the rain stopped three days ago.

4. Things very expensive. Life is impossible!

5. We a lot of money in this business!

6. They very hard these days.

3. Complete las frases con "presente continue con proyeccion al future".Example: I am driving after the party so I'm not drinking, (drive/drink).

1. I the baby at seven o'clock.(bathe)

2. We tennis on Sunday morning, (play)

3. They their anniversary dinner on Friday, (have)

4. What time you tomorrow? (come)

5. They after lunch, I think, (arrive)

6. "Are you coming tomorrow?" "No, , sorry." (work)

7. Your friend married next month, isn't she? (get)

8. Where your boyfriend? (meet)

9. "What you this evening?" "Nothing, I athome." (do/stay)


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The present simple• La forma afirmativa del presente de indicative tiene la misma forma queel infinitive, excepto que normalmente la tercera persona ahade una s.


I workyou workhe/she/it workswe workyou workthey work

I playyou playhe/she/it playswe playyou playthey play

I watchyou watchhe/she/it watcheswe watchyou watchthey watch

Los verbos que terminan en ss, sh, ch, x, oahaden es en la tercera persona del singular:

I kiss, he kissesI watch, he watchesI rush, he rushesI box, he boxesI go, he goesI do, he doesI fish, he fishes

• Cuando un verbo termina en y detras deuna consonante, cambiamos la y en i, yahadimos es:

I copy, he copiesI try, he tries

• Sin embargo, los verbos que terminan en ydetras de una vocal siguen la regla general:

I play, he playsI obey, he obeysI say, he says

• El present simple se usa para expresar unaaccion habitual. For regla general se suele usarcon adverbios o f rases adverbiales tales como:always, never, often, occasionally, every day,usually, on Sundays, in winter.

& I always go to Miami in summer.She never tells me what to do.We play football every day.I often speak to her on the phone.On Sunday afternoons we stay at home.

• Con algunos verbos siempre se usa la formahabitual, pues no admiten la continua:

I love you.She likes me.I believe you.She feels very well.I hear noises at night.He hates you.I want a little more.She adores him.He admires her.

• Con verbos de actividad mental se suele usartambien la forma habitual:



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1. Complete las frases con el verbo en la forma correcta.Example: Children often go to school by bus.

1. Jonathan never to work late, (go)

2. My father sometimes television in the mornings, (watch)

3. It occasionally in summer, but not very often.(rain)

4. We always English in the English class, (speak)

5. My parents out to dinner on Saturdays, (go)

6. Mrs Green usually her children good night, (kiss)

7. This soldier never orders, (obey)

8. Mr Brown to New York about two or three times a year, (go)

9. These people to this place every week, (come)

2. Complete las frases usando uno de los verbos que damos a continuacion:feel, look, smell, hate, love, like, want, agree, remember, see.Example: I see Mr Evans every morning on his way to work.

1. She has good memory. She everything.

2. I with you about that. You are right.

3. My daughter to study at Oxford next year.

4. She getting up early on Monday mornings.

5. I very lonely when I am alone.

6. A mother her children very much.

7. That young girl very beautiful.

8. This cake very good.

9. I going for a walk in the country in spring.

3. Elija entre la forma habitual y la forma continua.Example: Peter and David are playing tennis at five.

Peter and David play tennis every Saturday.

1. My father early every day. (get up)

2. We lunch early today, (have)

3. We Shakespeare at school, (read)

4. We one of Shakespeare's plays at school every day. (read)

5. She never what to do. (know)

6. My grandparents in Manchester, (live)

7. I don't understand these people. you them?(understand)

8. The water I'll make the tea. (boil)

9. The moon round the earth, and the earth round the sun.(go)


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Going to• La forma going to se usa:

1. Cuando se tiene intention de hacer algo, y

2. Para predecir algo.

1. El going to expresa la intention del sujetopara llevar a cabo una accion en el future. Estaintention es siempre premeditada e indica unacierta preparation. Una posibilidad de que selleve a cabo la accion aunque no de una formatan definitiva como el presente continue:

- I'm meeting Janet at the airport at five.

I'm going to meet Janet at the airport at


• I'm meeting Janet signified que ya ha hecholos arreglos necesarios y ha quedado con ella.Mientras que I'm going to meet significa queno ha hecho ningun arreglo. Quiza Janet se lle-ve una sorpresa.

• Going to se puede usar con expresiones detiempo:

I'm going to be a doctor when Igrow up.When are you going to get married?I'm going to think about your proposal.

I'm sure she is going to like it.


2. El going to para prediction.

• Podemos expresar un sentimiento de seguri-dad del que habla.

• El tiempo generalmente no se menciona, perola accion se espera que suceda en el future in-mediato:

I think it is going to rain tonight.We are going to have a nice trip.I am afraid she is going to faint.Be careful! You're going to fall into that



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I. En este ejercicio debe decir cuando vas a hacer algo.Example: Have you read the letter? No, I'm going to read it now.

1. "Have you washed your hands?" "No, I

2. "Has she made the tea?" "No, she

3. "Have you done your homework?" "No, I

4. "Has Sue washed the dishes?" "No, she

5. "Have you bought the book?" "No, I

6. "Has Tony posted the letter?" "No, he

7. "Have you typed the letters?" "No,

8. "Have the boys washed the car?" "No,

9. "Have the Browns painted the house?" "No,

10. "Has little Jimmy gone to school?" "No,

11. "Have you done the ironing?" "No,

12. "Has she spoken to the teacher?" "No,

13. "Have you cooked the meat?" "No,

14. "Have you bought the drinks?" "No,

15. "Have you had breakfast?" "No,

2. En este ejercicio tiene que hacer preguntas con going to.Example: "She's won the football pools." "What is she going to do with the money?

1. "I have bought a pullover." "When?" (wear)

2. "We have bought a little table." "Where

: ?"(put)

3. "I have painted a new picture." "Where


4. "I have been invited to a party tonight." "Who?" (go)

5. "I have written a letter." "When?" (post)

6. "He has written a book." "When?" (publish)

7. "They have sold the house." "Where?" (live)

8. "She has divorced Frank." "Who?" (marry)



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UNIT 20 (Cont.)

I Recuerde

* Comparemos ei going to (prediction) con willusado para probable futuro.

• Will es una manera comun de expresar lo quepiensa, cree, espera, etc. ei que habla:

it will probably be hot tomorrow.Cereals will be expensive this year.


• Will y going to son muy parecidos en estetipo de frases y cualquiera de los dos se puedeusar:

It will take us a long time to get there.- It is going to take us a long time to get


Diferencias• 1. Going to implica que hay sehales que su-cedera algo. Will implica que el que habla creeque sucedera.

• 2. Going to se usa con un futuro relativamen-te inmediato; will no implica ningun tiempo enparticular y podrfa referirse a un futuro remoto.

* This old car is going to break down,• significa que hace ruidos raros y que nos vaa dejar tirades en el camino.

This old car will break down,• significa que sucedera en algun tiempo enel futuro (quiza tarde mucho en averiarse.)

De forma parecida:• My father is going to get better• significa que esta dando senates de mejo-rar.

My father will get better.• indica confianza y quiza una eventual recu-peration, pero no da idea de que vaya a me-jorar en el proximo futuro.


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1. Ahora tiene que decir lo que piensa que va a suceder en estas situaciones.Example: A man reading the paper is walking near a hole, (fall)

He is going to fall into the hole.

1. Jim is taking his exams. He is very clever and works hard, (pass)


2. The sky is full of dark clouds, (rain)


3. Frank is running in a race. He is very good. He trains a lot. (win)


4. The car is making strange noises, (break down)


5. Mary is still in bed. It is nine o'clock, (late for work)


6. Little Jim is playing with the fire, (burn)

He his hand.

7. The little girl is playing with the scissors.

She her finger.

8. We are working very hard to succeed.


2. Tiene que elegir entre going to y will.Example: "I haven't got my calculating machine, and I'm going to take an exam in

five minutes." "Don't worry, I'll lend you mine."

1. "I haven't got any more paint. I can't finish painting the room." "Don't worry,

I get you some."

2. "What colo(u)r paint the kitchen?" "I don't know, I think

I paint it blue."

3. "Dad, my bike is broken." "Is it? All right. I have a look at it this evening."

4. "Dad, the TV doesn't work." "Yes, I know. I repair it in a minute."

5. "I don't know her address!" "Okay, I down for you!"

6. "How to London?" "I don't know, I think I by train."

7. "When to write that story?" "I don't know. I think I next



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The future simple


I shall/will playYou will playHe will playWe shall/will playYou will playThey will play


I shall/will not playYou will not playHe will not playWe shall/will not playYou will not playThey will not play


Shall/will I play?Will you play?Will he play?Shall we play?Will you play?Will they play?


• El shall tiene poco uso en practica. Solo seusa para ofrecerse a hacer algo, o sugerir algu-na cosa:

Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?(sugerencia)Shall I open the window? (oferta)

<* Shall I carry that case for you, madam?(oferta)Shall we go to the disco, boys?(sugerencia)

• Shall not se abrevia a shan't y will not seabrevia a won't.

• En forma afirmativa se suele decir colo-quialmente:

I'll you'll he'll she'llit'll we'll they'll

Usos del futuro1. Para expresar opiniones, especulacionesacerca del futuro. Se puede usar con verbostales como: think, know, suppose, wonder,believe, be sure.

I am sure he'll pass his driving test.I suppose they'll sell it. It's such an oldcar!I think they'll wait for us there.

2. El futuro se usa tambien para acciones habi-tuales que suponemos tendran lugar:

Summer will come eventually.Nations will get together in the end andsave humanity.Others will come after these.

3. El futuro tambien se usa en frases que ten-gan idea de condition:

If you come early, we'll go to the cinema.If you give me the letter, I'll post it.I'll drink the milk if it is warm.We'll go out if it doesn't rain.


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1. Complete las frases siguientes como en el ejemplo.Example: we will probably know the result next week.

1. Jim pass his examination. He hasn't done any work.

2. When she comes home she notice many changes.

3. We probably go to South America next year.

4. I expect they go by train.

5. Don't worry about the injection. I hurt you.

6. I am sure he get the job. He's got experience.

7. If you don't come here I go there.

8. We go out if it rains.

9. If it gets warmer, we go to the beach.

2. En cada frase tiene una situacion. Ofrezcase para hacer algo, o sugiera alguna cosa.Example: The window is open. It's very cold. Shall I close the window?

1. You're going on holiday. You can go by car or by plane, (car)

2. You're going out tonight. You would like to go to the theatre.

3. You have a common friend in hospital. You want to visit him. His name is Jerry.

4. You would like to ask Carol to go to the cinema with you, but you'reundecided.

5. You and your friends are talking about going to the disco tonight?

3. Complete con will o going toExample: "Are you going to the cinema tonight?" "I don't know. /'// probably go."

1. "Is it going to rain tonight?" "Yes, it probably soon."

2. "Do you think we get there in time?" "Of course you !"

3. "What are you going to eat? Make a decision!" "Okay, then. I have asteak."

4. "Are you going out?" "Yes, we to the theatre."

5. "What would you like to drink, wine or beer?" "I have wine, please."

6. "There has been an accident on the road!" "Oh, no! I call an ambulance."

7. "I've got a headache. Can you get me something?" "All right. I an aspirinfor you."


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The imperative• El imperative suele tener el sentido de unaorden, aunque tambien podemos usar el impe-rative como sugerencia o consejo.

• En ingles se conjugan todas las personas, in-cluyendo la primera, cosa que en espanol noexiste. Cuando traducimos let me come recu-rrimos a dejame venir.


ven tuque venga elque venga ellaque venga (ello)vengamosvenid

let me comecomelet him comelet her comelet it come (animal)let us (let's) comecome

que vengan ellos/ellas let them come

Jesus said: "Let the children come tome!".Come on boys! Let's play a game offootball.Sit down here and eat this!

> "Nelly is coming." "Okay, let her come."

• El imperative negative se forma poniendo donot (don't) delante de todas las personas:

& Don't let me play.Don't let us play, (let us not play)Don't play.Don't play.Don't let him/her/it play.Don't let them play.Don't let Peter go with you.Don't make so much noise, the childrenare sleeping.Don't let them play with you.Don't let me see you do that again.


que en la primera persona del plural se admiten dos formasde negacion:

Don't let us go too early. / Let us not go too early.Don't let's speak about that again / Let's not speakabout that again.

• Fijese tambien, que da lo mismo decir let us que let's.

• En el imperativo, no existe la forma interrogativa.

• Normalmente, en el imperativo no se usa la palabra you.Aunque cuando estudiemos las formas enfaticas veremos quepodemos hacerlo si queremos dar entasis a la frase.


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1. Complete las siguientes frases en imperativo.Example: Mary, finish your soup.

1. "I want to go to the cinema." "Okay, darling, two tickets at the Odeon."(buy)

2. Here is the camera. a picture of me with the baby, (take)

3. "The children are coming."" come."

4. I don't want to see you do that again. see you do that again!

5. Esther, Charles that I want to see him. (to tell)

6. You must not leave anything on the plate. Please, anything on the plate.

7. "We don't need to hurry." "O.K., hurry. We have plenty of time."

8. "He is waiting for you." "All right, wait."

2. Estudie la situacion y forme una frase en imperativo para cada una de ellas.Example: Nelly is waiting for you, but you don't want to see her.

Your friend: "Nelly is waiting for you."You: "Let her wait!"

1. You want to see your children, so you say to your wife: .

2. You don't want to give charity to lazy people. They can work.So you say: work!

3. They inform you that Diana is going to post the letters. You agree to that. So you say:Okay, them.

4. They tell you that Charles is going away. You don't mind. So you say:All right, go if he wants to.

5. You like the hotel. You want to stay there. So you say to your wife: stayat this hotel.

3. A continuation tiene unas frases en imperativo. Pongalas en forma negativa.Example: Let Peter come with us. Don't let Peter come with us.

1. Let's go to the cinema tonight.

2. Let the children come with us

3. Let us speak to the Jones."

4. Have a look at this.

5. Eat vegetables, children.

6. Mary, let's take a taxi.

7. Margaret, try on these jeans.

8. Mary, let me see you do that.


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Adverbs of frequency and degreeAdverbios de frecuencia

• Los adverbios de frecuencia son lossiguientes:





neverhardlyrarelyseldomeverhardly ever

• Los adverbios de los dos grupos se colocannormalmente:

1. Despues del verbo ser o de un verbodefective:

- She is always late for work.I can never understand these people.My father is often wrong.We must never criticize other people.

2. Entre el sujeto y el verbo, en los tiempos sim-ples:

They never come to see us.- We sometimes go to see them.

I always arrive on time for work.

3. Con los tiempos compuestos, el adverbio sepone entre el auxiliar y el participio:

I have always done my duty.You had never spoken like that before.


• A veces encontramos la palabra often alfinal de una frase junto con very o quite:

He comes to see us very often.I have seen them in the park quiteoften.

• Tambien al final de una frase encontramos:once, twice, frequently, repeatedly.

I've been there once.They go to Italy very frequently.


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1. Tiene que poner las f rases en el orden apropiado usando un adverbio de frecuencia.Example: never/we talk/ about that/ at home

We never talk about that at home.

1. always/she/is/telling/us/what/to/do.

2. very often/we/come/here.

3. I /often/have/told/you/not/to/do/that.

4. never/we/can/be/sure/of/his/reaction.

5. sometimes/they/work/all/night.

6. seldom/we/go/dancing/on Saturdays.

7. rarely/they/come/to Spain/on holiday.

8. occasionally/have/l/been/to Madrid.

9. once/only/have/l/been/there.

10. frequently/very/we have/travel/to Canada.

11. Very occasionally/meet/you/people/like that.

2. Responda como en el ejemplo:Example: Do you go to Spain very often?

Yes, I often go to Spain

1. Have you ever met anybody like that? Well, youpeople like that, (seldom)

2. Have you ever been to New York? No, Ito New York, (never)

3. Have you ever been to South America? Yes, I. (twice)

4. Have you ever done things like that? Yes, I. (continually)



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UNIT 23 (Cont.)

Much - how + adjetivo o adverbio


Adverbs of degree


- almost extremelyonly far

- nearly fairly- absolutely hardly

barely - muchcompletely justenough quiteentirely rather


- really- scarcely


1. Un adverbio de grado modifica a un adjetivoo a otro adverbio. Generalmente se coloca de-lante:

You are quite right.- We are almost ready.

• Sin embargo, enough va a continuation:This house is not big enough for us.She doesn't walk fast enough.

2. Los siguientes adverbios de grado puedenmodificar a los verbos: almost, quite, rather,really, scarcely, enough, just, hardly, a little,much, nearly.

• Todos, excepto much, se colocan entre el su-jeto y el verbo:

I nearly fell into the river.I really enjoyed the film.

• Con el verbo ser y con los verbos defectivesse colocan detras:

- I am just going.- She can hardly speak.

• Con los tiempos compuestos se coloca entreel auxiliar y el participio:

We have just arrived.They have nearly finished.


• En frases afirmativas much tiene un uso limi-tado. Se prefiere usar a lot o lots:

Have you got much money? No, Ihaven't got much. Yes, I have got a lotof money / lots of money.

"How" para preguntar

• How much se usa para cosas incontables (fra-ses en singular).

• How many se usa para cosas contables (fra-ses en plural):

How much sugar do you want?How many trees are there?

How + adjetivo o adverbio

• How combina con gran variedad de adjetivosy adverbios tales como: deep, big, far, long,old, wide, etc.:

How far is it to the station?How big is this town?How often do you come here?How wide is this road?How long is this river?How well can you swim?

How long?: time

• La expresion how long se puede usar parapreguntar cuanto tiempo:

How long do you take to do this?How long ago did he live?


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1. Ponga las frases en el orden apropiado usando un adverbio de grado.almost - is - ready - dinnerExample: Dinner is almost ready.

1. fell/the old man/ nearly/as/he crossed/the road.

2. I have/enjoyed/really/the film.

3. could/she/hardly/speak/when/she/came/out/of/the/water.

4. hardly/we/spoke/to/each/other/during/the/meal.

5. quite/l/liked/the/old man's speech.

6. that/car/enough/is/for/us/not/big.

7. The Evans/arrived/have/just/home.

8. she/hardly/can/speak/the accident/after.

2. A continuacion tiene una serie de adverbios y adjetivos para que los combine con how.deep, big, far, long, quickly, well, often, much, many, wideExample: How much does this cost?

1. How is the sea in this place?

2. How is the Mississipi river?

3. How is the Post Office?

4. How are you going to take, darling? It's late.

5. How people were there at the concert?

6. How did you pay for it?

7. How does the bus pass this way?

8. Let's see how you can swim.

9. Let's see how you can do this addition.

10. "How is the corridor?" "About 20 metres!"

11. How is the station? I'm in a hurry.

12. How do you come to this place?

13. How was the river you swam across?

14. How have you been working in this company?



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The past simple tense• En ingles el past tense comprende el imper-fecto y el indefinido, por lo tanto hay que tradu-cir segun el sentido de la frase.

Verbos regulares

• Para formar el pasado de un verbo regular seahade ed:

I workedyou workedhe workedwe workedyou workedthey worked

• Si el verbo ya termina en e solo se ahade la d:I lived.

• Los verbos monosflabos, y los bisilabos queterminan en consonante, con acento en la ulti-ma silaba, duplican la consonante final:

stop • stoppedadmit - admittedprefer preferredconfer conferred

• Los verbos que terminan en y detras de unaconsonante cambian la y por i al anadir la ed:




- carried- studied


Irregular verbs

• Los verbos irregulares forman el pasado deforma distinta. Por ejemplo el verbo go:

1 wentyou wenthe wentwe wentyou wentthey went

• Como se vera, la tercera persona del singularno anade una s.

Recuerde• Que ios verbos regulares que terminan ent o en d, como count, visit, add, collect,want, pretend, accept, etc., al anadir la edse pronuncian como en castellano:


• Los demas verbos regulares que terminanen otras letras, no pronuncian la e que seanade:

seem seemed [seemd]walk walked [walkd]play played [playd]live lived [livd]wash washed [washd]


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1. Responda a estas preguntas, primero en forma afirmativa y despues en negativa.Example: Did you drink the milk?

Yes, / drank it. No, / didn't drink it.

1. Did he eat the potatoes? Yes, .

No, .

2. Did you finish your drink? Yes, .

No, .

3. Did you speak to her? Yes,

No, .

4. Did she buy the book? Yes,

No, .

5. Did the little girl cry? Yes, she .

No, .

6. Did the boys run in the race? Yes,

No, .

7. Did Jane win the match? Yes, .

No, .

8. Did you work hard? Yes,

No, .

2. Ponga estas frases en pasado. Todos los verbos son regulares.Example: I stop on my way to work.

/ stopped on my way to work.

1.1 try to do that every day

2. He collects all the exam papers

3. These babies cry a lot

4. The children play in the park

5. I admit it's my fault

6.1 prefer to travel alone

7.1 always travel alone

8. We always hurry to get home

9. I always study in the evenings


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Use of the past tense

• Se usa para acciones que se completaron enel pasado.

I met Peter yesterday.We went to Paris last year.I last saw him two years ago.She phoned me last Sunday.

Formation de la interrogation y negacion:


I wentYou wentHe wentWe wentYou wentThey went


Did I go?Did you go?Did he go?Did we go?Did you go?Did they go?


I did not (didn't) goYou did not (didn't) goHe did not (didn't) goWe did not (didn't) goYou did not (didn't) goThey did not (didn't) go

• Cuando usamos una partfcula de interroga-tion o negacion (did, do, does), el verbo sepone en infinitive:

"Did you phone Tony?" "No, I didn't.""Did you invite Mary to the party?" "No, Ididn't invite her.""Did you like the film?" "No, I didn't likeit.""Did you see him?" "No, I didn't.""Did you speak to my teacher?" "No, Ididn't."

• Ei verbo have para interrogar y negar en pa-sado usa la partfcula auxiliar did:

"Did you have a dog when you were achild?""No, I didn't have a dog. I had a cat.""Did the children have schoolyesterday?""No, they didn't have school." "They hadthe day off.""Did you have breakfast this morning?""No, I didn't have breakfast today." "I hadbreakfast yesterday."

Para la formation del verbo to be enpasado vease UNIT 7


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1. Las frases que tiene a continuation debe ponerlas en forma interrogativa y negativa.Example: I went to London on Monday.

Did you go to London on Monday?

I didn't go to London on Monday.

1. The train left at seven ?

2. It rained last night. ?

3.I saw your friend in the station. ?

4. We played tennis yesterday. ?

5. The car stopped at the traffic lights. ?

6. She wrote a book. ?

7. She opened the shop at 9. ?

8. He broke a plate. ?

2. Ponga estas frases en interrogativa y negativa.Example: She had a baby yesterday.

Did she have a baby? She didn't have a baby.

1. We had a shower in the evening.


2. They had a villa Mexico.


3. We had something in common.



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Like - would you like?• En ingles el verbo like es exactamente igualque los demas verbos en cuanto a la conjuga-tion. Hay que olvidarse de la forma reflexiva ami me gusta, a ti te gusta, etc.:

"Do you like Marian?" "Yes, I like hervery much.""Does she like fish?" "No, she doesn'tlike it.""Does Mark like running?" "Yes, he likesit quite a lot.""Does your mother like cooking?" "No,she doesn't like it very much."

Verbs + gerund

• El verbo like, junto con hate, enjoy, mind,love, dislike, prefer, etc., va a menudo segui-do del gerundio:

1 hate flying.- She enjoys reading at night.

I don't like people smoking here.She dislikes working with him.I don't mind obeying orders.

- I prefer working alone.

• De todas formas, tambien se acepta el infinitivecon like, love, prefer, hate:

I love walking in the country.I love to walk in the country.I prefer coming here.I prefer to come here.


• Aunque normalmente aceptamos tanto elgerundio como el infinitive detras del verbo like,hay, sin embargo, una ligera diferencia entre losdos usos.

• Generalmente decimos: I like running cuan-do disfruto haciendolo:

Do you like cooking?(iDisfrutas cocinando?)I don't like driving.(No disfruto conduciendo.)


• Pero si usamos el verbo like, no en el sentidode disfrutar, sino de preferir, entonces usa-mos el infinitive detras:

I like to wash the car on Saturdays.(No necesariamente disfruto lavando elcoche.)She likes to do the housework first thingin the morning.

Would like

• El condicional del verbo like va siempre se-guido de infinitive:

I would like to be very tall.I would like to be a champion.

• Lo mismo ocurre con los verbos love, prefer,hate:

- I'd love to accompany you on yourtravels.

• Tambien podemos usar would you like +noun + gerund:

I would like these people to stopsmoking in my office.

• El would like se puede usar seguido delinfinitive compuesto:

I would have liked to have been herewhen that happened.


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1. Responda estas preguntas usando los verbos que se le dan a continuacion.Example: Why do you go to the beach every day? (love/swim)

Because I love swimming.

1. Why don't you wash your hair in the evenings? (like/do/mornings)

2. Why do you go to the country every Sunday? (enjoy/walk)

3. Why do you get up late on Sundays? (like/stay/bed/late)

4. Why do you watch TV so often? (enjoy/watch)

5. Why don't you take a shower? (like/have/bath)

2. Ponga el verbo en gerundio o infinitivo.Example: I enjoy playing tennis. Would you like to speak English, please?

1. I don't mind to school every day. (walk)

2. My sister likes (walk) but hates (run)

3. I love people, (meet)

4. I wouldn't like on the 20th floor, (live)

5. Would you like with us to the cinema? (come)

6. I like the washing-up in the mornings, (do)

7. Do you enjoy in the country? (live)

8. l"d hate Christmas alone, (spend)

9. He prefers to cycling, (walk)

10. I like to the dentist twice a year, (go)

3. Las frases que vienen a continuacion se pueden escribir de dos formas. Cambielascomo en el ejemplo.

Example: / would have liked to go to the party. I would like to have gone to the party.

1. I would have liked to win the match.

2. I wouldn't have liked to spend Christmas there.

3. I would have liked to see that new play.

4. I would have liked to be lying on the beach all day.

5. I would have liked to go on that trip.



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When - clauses1. A menudo se usa en castellano la conjun-cion cuando para introducir oraciones de sub-juntivo. Cuando vaya a Madrid...

• En ingles este tipo de frases se pone en indi-cative. When I go to Madrid... ya que el sub-juntivo ingles esta en desuso.

• A menudo se usa este tipo de frases subordi-nadas de subjuntivo con una oracion de future:

- I will call you when I arrive.- We will let you know when she comes.- I'll send you a postcard when I am in


• Por supuesto no podemos usar when en futu-ro: no podemos decir when I will arrive.

2. Se puede usar when en preterite perfectodel subjuntivo espahol, que equivale al preteri-to perfecto del indicative ingles:

- I will give it to you when I have finishedit.

• En este tipo de frases indicamos que la ac-cion estara acabada antes de que tenga lugarla segunda parte, es decir la oracion subordi-nada de subjuntivo:

You can post the letter when I havewritten it.You can phone your friend when wehave finished dinner.

• Lo mismo sucede con while, after, before,until, as soon as:

You can have it as soon as I finish withit/have finished with it.Before you leave you must come tohave dinner with us.You will feel better after you havesomething to drink.

"When" y "as"

• Se usa when cuando una accion ocurre almismo tiempo que otra o en el mismo perfodode tiempo que la otra:

When it rains the buses are crowded.

• Tambien se usa cuando una accion sigue aotra:

When he pressed the brake the carstopped.

• As se usa cuando la segunda accion ocurreantes de que se haya acabado la primera:

As I left the house I remembered thewindows were open.

• Esto significa que me acorde de las ventanasantes de salir de la casa; probablemente esta-ba todavia en el umbral. Si decimos when I leftdan'a la impresion que el hecho de salir se ha-bia ya completado y que la puerta estaba ce-rrada detras de mi.

• Tambien usamos as para acciones paralelas:He sang as he walked.

• Para un desarrollo paralelo:As the sun rose the clouds dispersed.


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1. En las frases siguientes debe poner el verbo en el tiempo correspondiente.Example: When it stops raining I'll go out to play.

1. When I last (see) him he was still living in London.

2. When you (see) Mary again, you her. (recognize)

3. I you (phone) when I home from work, (get)

4. When I (be) on holiday next month, I you a postcard.(send)

5. I (get) the book when I to the library, (go)

6. When I (finish) reading it you have it. (can)

7. I (need) any help when I up. (grow)

8. You (recognize) him, when you him again, (see)

9. When the police (come), they asked a lot of questions.

2. Ahora tiene que formar una frase de las dos que se le dan.Example: You are leaving soon. You must visit us before that.

You must visit us before you leave.

1. You will be in Spain next month. You must come and see us then.

when .

2. We'll find a flat in Bristol. Then we'll give you our address.

when .

3. I'm going to finish reading the paper. Then I'll get the tea ready.

when .

4. I will make my decision. Then I will let you know.

as soon as .

5. I will finish. Then I will come.

as soon as .

6. You will read the book. Then you will see it clearly.

when .

3. En este ejercicio tiene que poner when o as.Example: He was panting as he climbed the stairs.

1. He had just won the lottery I first met him.

2. I'll buy that for you I go shopping.

3. He was very well known a teacher.

4. The fog dispersed the sun rose.

5. How can you expect the children to be truthful you tell lies yourself?

6. Just he left the house he remembered the key.

7. We will talk about it he comes to see us.



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Demonstratives: this/these, that/those• Pueden ser adjetivos demostrativos y pronom-bres demostrativos.

• Cuando se usan como adjetivos, concuerdancon su sustantivo en numero. Son los unicosadjetivos que hacen esto. Todos los demas ad-jetivos son invariables.

this manthese menthat womanthose women

AdjetivosTHIS• Se traduce por este, esta, esto.

THAT• Se traduce por ese, esa, eso, aquel, aquella.

THESE• Se traduce por estos, estas.

THOSE• Se traduce por esos, esas, aquellos,aquellas.

This man here is very tall.That woman there has a little dog.There's a tree in this garden.There's a table in that room there.These boys here are very tall.Those girls there have nice dresses.These glasses here have beer in.Those glasses there have water in.

PronombresTHIS• Se traduce por este, esta, esto.

THAT• Se traduce por ese, esa, eso, aquel, aque-lla, aquello

THESE• Se traduce por estos, estas.

THOSE• Se traduce por esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas:

This is water, and that is milk.This is bread, and that is butter.These children are very clever, butthose are stupid.

• A menudo usamos one despues de this, othat:

The picture I'm talking about is this onehere, not that one.

• Pero no despues de these o those:The photos I want are those.


• Que los demostrativos que se usan comopronombres normalmente, se refieren a co-sas, no a gente:

I found this inside the wallet,(pronombre)

I know this boy (adjetivo).Estan'a mal

I know this,refiriendose a una persona.

• Los pronombres demostrativos despues dewhat se refieren a cosas:

What is that?What are those?

• Los pronombres demostrativos this y thatdespues de who se refieren a personas:

Who is this?Who's that?


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1. A las frases que tiene a continuacion les falta un adjetivo demostrativo. Pongaselo.Example: This man is very tall. These men are very short.

1. woman here is very beautiful.

2. Go and tell him now, instant!

3. people there, are listening to man over there.

4. Look, trees here, are the biggest in the park.

5. classrooms here are very old.

6. school children over there are playing football.

7. "Who's man over there?" "Oh, man is Tom Smith".

8. Do you see birds at the top of the tree?

9. Can you see pigeon on the roof?

2. A continuacion vamos a usar los pronombres demostrativos.Example: These are the easy ones. Those are the most difficult.

1. This is my umbrella, one is yours.

2. here are the new boys. over there are the veterans.

3. who were wounded were taken to hospital.

4. "What's in your hand?"" is a tropical fruit."

5. "Look at the photos!" "Which photos?"" over there."

6. Do you see that man? Well, is the man I want you to meet.

7. Look at these children here! are the children I want you to lookafter.

8. who wish to go now, stand up.

9. Look at the top of the hill. are the men and women who are waiting foryou.

3. Ahora vamos a usar los demostrativos junto con one/ones, siempre que sea factible.Example: This one here is the best in the shop.

1. Do you like this coat? No, I prefer over there.

2. That chair is too low. I'll sit on here.

3. "Which socks do you like best, the green socks or the blue socks?" "I prefer the blueones here. I don't like ."

4. These pullovers are very nice, but I prefer over there.

5. Those houses on the hill are beautiful, but what about here?

6. The picture I am referring to is here.

7. Do you see the two girls by the window? Well, are the mostintelligent inthe class.


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Both and all1. All (pronombre) puede ir seguido de of +the / this / these / that / those / posesivos ysustantivos.

BOTH (pronombre) + of:

• Se puede usar de la misma manera, pero so-lamente con formas en plural. El of aquf se omitea menudo, especialmente con all + un sustanti-vo o pronombre en singular.

all the villageall (of) Peter's friendsall her lifeboth (of) the villagesall (of) theseboth (of) his parents

2. Con all/both + of + pronombre personal,el of no se puede omitir:

all of itboth of them


I Recuerde

• que hay una construccion alternativa:pronombre personal + all/both:

all of itse reemplaza por it allall of us- we all (sujeto)

us all (objeto)all of youse reemplaza por you allall of them

they all (sujeto)them all (objeto)

• De la misma forma:both of us

we both- us bothboth of them- they both- them bothAll of them were there.

They were all there.All/Both of us came.

We all/both came.They drank all/both the bottles.They drank all/both of them.They drank them all/both.Do you see those boys? Well, all ofthem speak French.This is my friend Jeff. We are bothvolunteers.All of us knew the answer to thequestion.


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1. A continuacion tiene dos frases. Unalas usando both o all.Example: Jim was late. Jack was late too. Both Jim and Jack were late.

1. He closed the door. He closed the window too.

2. She plays the piano. She sings too.

3. James went. Jennifer went to the party too.

4. She speaks French. She can also speak Italian.

5. He has written a play. He has also written a novel.

6. The boy has broken a plate. He has broken a saucer too.

7. He has telephoned. He has written too.

8. He has won the 100 m. race. He has won the long jump too.

2. En este ejercicio tiene que cambiar la frase tal como se hace en el ejemplo.Example: Both the children were too young. The children were both too young.

1. Both of the cats were sitting on the carpet.

2. Both of the women were talking for hours over a cup of tea.

3. Both cars are very fast.

4. Both the pianos need tuning up. They sound terrible.

5. Both girls are very intelligent.

6. Both the houses need painting.

7. Both pairs of trousers are very dirty.

8. Both planets are very similar.


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UNIT 28 (Cont.)

"Both" y "both of"

• Both se puede usar de dos maneras en lamisma frase:

- Both of the children have been toParis.

- The children have both been toParis.

• Both con una frase sustantivada:Both (of) the bikes broke down soonafter the start.Both (of) my sons are very tall.I bought both (of) these vases inGreece.

• Both puede usarse como adjetivo:She had burns on both hands.

• Si both se refiere al sujeto de la frase, sepuede poner en la misma position que losadverbios de tiempo, es decir, entre el suje-to y el verbo:

We both like beer.The girls both looked English.

• o detras del verbo ser:You are both too young.The girls were both very pretty.

• En preterite perfecto se pone entre el auxi-liar y el participio:

We have both been to the sameschool.My parents have both been invited tothe party.


• Hay varias construcciones posibles con both:Both dogs were asleep.Both the dogs were asleep.Both of the dogs were asleep.The dogs were both asleep.

"Both" como pronombreWe'll buy both, please.Both looked the same to me.Give me both.Both are very similar.


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1. Reemplace la frase que se le da con otra que signifique lo mismo. Use all.Example: All of them enjoyed the party. They all enjoyed the party.

1. All of us are very tired.

2. They are all here.

3. I drank all of it

4. We sent them all

5. All of you are wrong

6. I bought them all.

7. She broke all of it

8. We ate all of it.

9. They all came late to work.

10. All of them are very interesting.

11. We are all very intelligent.

12. They are all very thirsty

13. All of us were tired.

2. Cambie el sustantivo por un pronombre personal.Example: All my friends like riding. All of them like riding / They all like riding.

1. All those children are adorable.

2. All cakes have sugar.

3. All whisky is expensive.

4. All these people are right.

5. All these girls are beautiful.

6. All Shakespeare's plays are good.

7. All the oranges are bad.


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Say and tellTell

• Significa "decir", igual que say; la diferenciaradica en el uso. El verbo tell se usa general-mente cuando detras hay un complemento in-directo, es decir, una persona que recibe la ac-cion del verbo:

Tell me something about that.Don't tell her anything yet.She didn't tell her mother what she hadseen.

John told his father that he was goingto do it.I will tell you the truth tomorrowmorning.Did the girls tell you what they intend todo?They never told us the whole truth.What did he tell the children?



• que en algunos casos tell equivaiea say to.

They told him that it was verydifficult.They said to him that it was verydifficult.She told us that she was coming.She said to us that she wascoming.


• Se usa generalmente cuando no hay un com-plemento indirecto detras del verbo, es decir,no hay nadie que reciba la accion del verbo:

What did you say? I didn't say anything.What did Peter say last night?He said that it is going to rain today.Mary said that she is going to getmarried.Did she say that, really?Say what you want, nobody is listeningto you.Don't say that! It is terrible!

• En algunos casos tell signified contar, rela-tar, narrar un cuento. En estos casos el verbotell puede no llevar complemento indirecto:

He told a story. He told me a story.Mum, tell a story, please. Mum, tell us a

story, please.

• Lo mismo ocurre con las palabras truth y lie:He told a lie. He told me a lie.He told the truth. He told me the truth.


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1. Ponga el verbo tell o say.Example: She didn't say anything. He didn't tell me anything.

1. What did your cousin you last night?

2. He me that he hasn't got any money.

3. She she is going to read for a while.

4. the children to get up early.

5. Mum, Mary that she is going to have a shower.

6. Did stie you when she expects to finish?

7. You didn't next week was Diana's birthday.

8. She she was on a diet. She was too fat.

9. Who did you came with you last night?

10. I'm afraid she didn't want to me anything.

11. She that the chicken was delicious.

12. He me to go there by underground.

13. Did Mr Brown he was going to do it today?

2. En algunas circunstancias se puede usar el verbo tell sin complemento detras.Example: She told the truth at the trial.

1. That girl is always lies.

2. My father likes stories.

3. My son, you must always the truth.

4. I'm afraid she a lie.

5. My grandmother used to beautiful stories.

3. El verbo tell a veces se puede sustituir por say to.Example: What did you tell him? What did you say to him?

1. He didn't tell me that, you know!

2. She is not going to tell us anything.

3. "I'm leaving at once," James told me.

4. "Come here," he told the girl.

5. He told her that he had just heard the news.


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Exclamations: What a/an - what - how


What a/an

• Se usa con sustantivos en singular:«> What a girl!

What a beautiful girl!What a boy!What a silly boy!What a house!What a strange house!What a book!What an interesting book!What a face he has!What an attractive face he has!

• En la columna de mano derecha hemos ana-dido un adjetivo calificativo. Como sabemos, unadjetivo calificativo es un adorno que se le ana-de al sustantivo para que sepa el oyente comoes el sustantivo. Esto, por lo tanto, no altera laformation de la oration: what a/an + sustanti-vo (con o sin adjetivo).


• Se usa con sustantivos en plural y con cosasincontables:

What houses!What strange houses!What coffee!What terrible coffee!What weather!What awful weather!What girls!What beautiful girls!What nonsense!What silly nonsense!What men!What horrible men!


• Se usa con adjetivos y adverbios:How big!How big this house is!How dark!How dark that tunnel is!How wonderful!How wonderful she is!How stupid!How stupid I was to lose my ticket!How difficult!How difficult that is!How wide!How wide this river is!

No confundas:What a long road this is!jQue carretera tan larga es esta!

con:How long this road is!!Que larga es esta carretera!

• Observa que decimos:What a long road this is y no is this,puesto que no es una pregunta.

I Recuerde

• que how long signified que largo/cuantomide de largo, pero tambien signified cuan-to tiempo.

How long are you going to stay here?


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1. Rellene las frases con what, what a, o what an.Example: What a meal! It's terrible!

1. house! It's awful!

2. idiot that man is!

3. untidy room that is!

4. awful weather we are having!

5. beer this is!

6. attractive proposition!

7. scruffy clothes he always wears!

8. a lot of money she's got!

9. horrible men!

2. Rellene los huecos con how, what, o what a/an.Example: How difficult this problem is!

1. wonderful! We can go to Spain in July!

2. heavy those suitcases are!

3. haircut you've got, James!

4. fantastic bargain I found yesterday!

5. long queues there are for the buses!

6. waste of time!

7. lucky you were to win the prize!

8. clever you were to answer the question!

9. stupid fool you are!

10. pity, we didn't arrive in time!

3. Ahora va a cambiar la frase tal como en el ejemplo.Example: What terrible coffee this is. How terrible this coffee is!

1. What a large house this is!

2. What a curious story this is!

3. What scruffy boys those are!

4. What a terrible meal this is!

5. What clever people those are!

6. What a silly story this is!



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Can - could - be able• Can es un verbo defective. La conjugationcompleta de este verbo se da en la pagina 126.

1. El infinitive del verbo poder es to be able:They long to be able to live in freedom.

2. Can solamente se usa para el presente deindicative:

She can do it alone.I can go tonight.

3. No anade una s en la tercera persona delsingular:

He can come with you.She can do it tomorrow.

4. No admite la partfcula to ni delante ni detras:We can go tonight.They can come at any time.

5. No admite la particula do ni para interrogarni para negar:

Can you come?Can they do it?They cannot do it alone.You cannot go there tonight.

6. La forma negativa se puede contraer:I can't, you can't, he can't, we can't, theycan't.I couldn't, you couldn't, he couldn't, wecouldn't, they couldn't.

7. Could se usa para el pasado y el conditio-nal:

I could do it alone, but I didn't want to.(podia)I could do it for you, I suppose, (podria)

• Para todos los demas tiempos se usa la locu-tion be able (ser capaz, vease pag. 126).

FutureI'll be able to go tonight.Will he be able to come in time?

Preterite perfectoI have been able to finish it in time.


* Can-Could se pueden traducir a veces por saber cuando expre-samos una habilidad de hacer algo:

I can swim very well.She could speak four languages.

* La forma impersonal se puede generalmente se traduce por youcan aunque tambien se puede usar la voz pasiva:

You can't do that here/That can't be done here.Eso no se puede hacer aqui.


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1. Tiene unas frases en forma afirmativa. Oebe ponerlas en interrogativa y negativa.Example: You can speak four languages. Can you speak four languages?

You can't speak four languages.

1. That little girl can type very well. ?

2. I could go shopping with you this afternoon. ?

3. We can go on holiday to Salou. ?

4. We could go to that supermarket. ?

5. Mum, you can speak to the teacher. ?

2. Rellene los espacios con un tiempo apropiado.Example: "Can you come with me?" "I don't know if / will be able to."

1. I buy the car because it was very expensive.

2. We to do it yet. We'll do it tomorrow.

3. Emilio, you speak English when you were a child?

4. I probably to have a shower tomorrow.

5. you come to the races this afternoon?

6. If you pass your exams, you go away.

7. Sorry, sir. I do my homework last night.

8. I type very well, I'm afraid.

9. I to come tomorrow, I'm afraid.

10. We to use it yet.

3. Ahora vamos a cambiar el tiempo de las frases de presente a futuro, y de pasado apreterite perfecto.

Examples: I can do it now. - / will be able to do it tomorrow.I could do it yesterday. - / have been able to do it this morning.

1. You can type this letter.

2. Could they go shopping yesterday?

3. Can you do that for me?

4. They couldn't tell me what happened.

5. You can have this film developed at the chemist's.

6. They couldn't do it properly. ,

7. She can speak several languages. ,

8. I could fill in the form. .

9. I'm afraid I can't come today.77



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Be - with ages and measurements• Para preguntar la edad se usa la formula howold are you?, es decir, se usa el verbo to be, yse responde I am fifteen years old.

• Opcionalmente se pueden suprimir las pala-bras years old, asi se puede decir, I am twenty,she is eighteen.

• Tambien se puede usar years of age, o atthe age of:

How old are you? I am fifteen years old.How old is she? She is twenty-two.How old was David? He was twenty-one.How old is your mother? She is forty.How old was she when she died? Shewas ninety-one.She died at the age of ninety-one.

• Para traducir cumplir ahos tambien se usael verbo to be:

Little Jimmy is five today.Alice was ten yesterday.How old will you be tomorrow?Tomorrow I will be fourteen.


• Tambien se usa el verbo to be para medidas.Asi se dice:

How tall?How big?How long?How wide?How small?How high?How deep is the ...?

• Para responder tambien se usa el verbo ser,asi: I am very tall, it is very long, etc.

How tall are you? I am six feet tall.How big is the town? It is quite big.


How wide is the river? It is 200 yardswide.How small is an atom? It is very small.How high is Everest? It is 8,848 metreshigh.

Tambien se puede decir:What is the height?What is the colour of...?What colour are his eyes?She is the same age as me.I am the same weight as you.What shoe size are you?What is the length of...?What is the width of...?"What's the colour of her eyes?" "Hereyes are blue.""What's the height of the building?""What size is it?" "It is size 8."What is the length of the river?It is about 1,000 kms long.What's the width of this cloth?It is two yards wide.

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1. Le dan unas respuestas. Usted tiene que poner la pregunta.Example: She is twenty years old. How old is she?

1. He was twenty-one. ?

2. My sister is ten. ?

3. She is six today. ?

4. He will be twenty tomorrow. ?

5. He started school at the age of five. ?

6. She died at the age of eighty. ?

7. He was twenty when he went there. ?

8. My father will be forty on his birthday. ?

9. I'll be fifteen next week. ?

2. Ahora vamos a hacer lo mismo con medidas.Example: This man is six feet tall. - How tall is this man?

1. This river is twenty yards wide. ?

2. The sea is 400 feet deep here. ?

3. This street is 2 km. long. ?

4. The corridor is 2 yards wide. ?

5. Big Ben is 98 m. high. ?

6. I don't know, but it's very small. ?

7. I don't know exactly, but the room is very large.


8. She is five feet six inches tall. ?

9. The river is 300 kms. long. ?

3. Ponga el verbo en el tiempo que corresponda.Example: What size is that?

1. What colo(u)r her eyes?

2. He just the right height to be a policeman.

3. He a fat man of medium height.

4. What shoe size you?

5. She the same age as you.

6. What the width of the river?

7. The two roads about 2 km. in length each.

8. What the depth of this river?

9. What the size of that cloth?


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Comparative and superlative adjectives; comparisonAdjetivos cortos

• Para formar el grade comparative de los adje-tivos y adverbios cortos (monosilabos ybisflabos), se afiade er, y para el superlative seanade est:

tall - taller - tallestsmall - smaller smallest

• El que de comparacion se escribe con n(than).

ComparativosPeter is taller than Andrew.Our house is bigger than yours.

Superlatives- She is the tallest girl in her class.- This is the smallest diamond.

Adjetivos largos

• Para la formation del grado comparativo deun adjetivo largo se antepone el adverbio more,igual que en castellano. Para formar el superla-tive se antepone the most:

difficult - more difficult- the most difficult

ComparativoThis lesson is more difficult than thatone.

Superlative- This is the most comfortable chair that

I have ever seen.

• Para adverbios que terminan en ly usamosmore:

You must drive more slowly.

Adjetivos irregularesgood - better - bestbad worse worstfar farther farthest

further further- old - older oldest

elder - eldest

• Con comparativos se puede poner much o abit.

This is much bigger than that,(mucho mas grande)

- This is a bit smaller than that,(un poco mas pequeno)

Comparativos de igualdad

as as (tan come)He is as rich as his brother.My watch is as good as yours.

• Para frases negativas se puede usar so o asen la primera parte de la comparacion:

• not so/as as (no tan como)This car is not as/so fast as mine.


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1. En este ejercicio tiene que poner el adjetivo en el grado que corresponda. Todosson adjetivos cortos.

Examples: Our house is bigger than yours. This house is the biggest.

1. Diana is girl in her class, (pretty)

2. Peter is much than John, (tall)

3. Our fridge is than yours, (noisy)

4. My home town is in Spain, (nice)

5. This girl is a bit than that one. (thin)

6. It's a bit today than it was yesterday, (warm)

7. June 21st. is day of the year, (long)

8. Everest is mountain in the world, (high)

9. Summer is much than spring, (hot)

10. This exercise is much than that one. (good)

11. That exercise is of all. (bad)

2. Ahora va a hacer los mismo pero con adjetivos largos.Example: She is the most beautiful girl in this town.

This book is more difficult than that one.

1. This boy is in this class, (intelligent)

2. That problem is much than this one. (difficult)

3. She has the eyes that I have ever seen.(beautiful)

4. This book is in the library, (interesting)

5. This room is than ever, (untidy)

6. My father is man in the world, (understanding)

3. Tiene ahora dos frases. Va a formar una frase en grado comparativo de igualdad.Example: Peter is tall. Mary is also tall. Mary is as tall as Peter.

1. This mountain is high. That mountain is not very high.

2. My car is fast. Your car is also fast.

3. This problem is difficult. That problem is also difficult.

4. Diana is pretty. Janet is not very pretty.

5. My book is interesting. Your book is also interesting.



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Good at / look like / what is ... like?


Good at

• La expresion good at puede ir seguida de unsustantivo, o de un gerundio:

Peter is very good at maths.Those boys are very good at playinggames.

Look like

• Esta expresion se puede traducir por pare-cer, tener el aspecto de. Puede ir seguida deun sustantivo o una frase sustantivada:

He looks like a boy of spirit.It looks like rain.That looks like cheese to me.The picture doesn't look like him.He looks like his brother.She looks like her mother.

• Tambien puede ir seguido de gerundio:The festival looks like being lively.He looked like biting.It looks like being wet all day.He looked like beating the champion.

Look + adjetivo

• Generalmente usamos esta expresion cuan-do queremos decir que alguien o algo tiene unaspecto triste, cansado, alegre, etc:

«> You look very tired today.A sad-looking little boy stood in front ofhim.The countryside looked beautiful in thesunshine.Pauline looks very excited today.

• Con el mismo sentido se puede usar el pre-sente progresivo:

You are looking very unhappy today.What's the matter?She is looking very happy today.

What is like?

• Esta expresion se usa para preguntar comoes fulano, no como esta de salud.

"What is the new teacher like?" "I thinkhe's very strict.""What is your boyfriend like?" "Oh, he isvery nice.""What are the new boys like?" "Well,they look very fit.""What are the recruits like?" 'They don'tlook very clever to me."

• Nota bien la diferencia entre: What is he like?y How is he?

What is he like?iComo es?"How is he?" "Very well, thank you.""I Que tal esta?" "Muy bien gracias."


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1. A continuation encontrara varias frases. Cambielas usando good at o bad at.Example: Emily plays tennis very well. Emily is good at tennis.

1. My son understands all the maths problems.

2. My daughter spends the whole winter skiing.

3. That boy can't hold the racket properly. He can't play tennis.

4. The tall boy runs very well. He can run long distances.

2. Gamble ahora estas frases usando look like.Example: There are a lot of clouds, it looks like rain.

1. The weather is good. It's going to be sunny this weekend.

It looks .

2. It is butter. I am sure it's butter.

Well, it doesn't to me.

3. Is that tea or coffee?

Well, it tea to me.

4. The apparatus seemed to be complicated.

It complicated.

3. Ahora tiene unas frases explicando que aspecto tiene algo. Usted tiene que cambiarlas frases usando look + adjetivo.

Example: The girl was excited. The little girl looked excited.

1. She wore a new dress. The dress was beautiful.

2. The teacher had an angry expression that morning.

3. The grass was very green. It was beautiful.

4. She had a sad expression on her face.

5. It had a terrible appearance.

4. Tiene ahora unas respuestas. Usted tiene que poner las preguntas.Example: My boyfriend is very nice. - What's your boyfriend like?

1. Our teacher is very strict. ?

2. My new secretary is beautiful and clever. ?

3. My little dog is very sweet. ?

4. He is tall and intelligent. ?83


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Present perfect tense: "for" and "since"• El preterite perfecto de indicative se forma igual que en espahol:


I have playedYou have playedHe has playedWe have playedYou have playedThey have played


Have I played?Have you played?Has he played?Have we played?Have you played?Have they played?


I have not playedYou have not playedHe has not playedWe have not playedYou have not playedThey have not played

• A menudo usamos el preterito perfecto parahablar de situaciones o acciones que continuanhasta el momento en que hablamos (o pocoantes):

I have lived in this country for manyyears.I have always liked English people.

• El preterito perfecto se usa a menudo consince y for.

Since (desde)• Se usa para decir cuando empezo algo:

She has worked there since 1990.I have been reading since five o'clock.I have studied the piano since I wasfive.It has been raining since Monday.

For (durante)• Se usa para decir durante cuanto tiempo seha estado haciendo algo; va seguido de unareferencia de tiempo (por ejemplo, twomonths):

She has worked here for twenty years,o I've been waiting for hours.

• Este tipo de frases se puede traducir al caste-llano de dos formas: Ha estado trabajandoaqui durante 20 anos (literal). Lleva 20 ahostrabajando aqui (libre).

How long + for• Esto se emplea para preguntar durante cuan-to tiempo:

How long have you been waiting for?

• En este tipo de preguntas a menudo suprimi-mos el for:

How long have you been living in LosAngeles (for)?

How long + since• Se emplea para preguntar cuanto tiempo hacedesde que ocurrio algo:

- How long is it since you came to livehere?How long is it since you last saw her?


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1. En este ejercicio tiene que poner since o for.Example: I have been doing that lor two years.

She has lived in this town since 1990.1. This is a very old bicycle. I've had it years.

2. My father hasn't had a holiday ages.3. I haven't had a holiday 1980.4. It's been raining early this morning.5. We've been learning English a very long time.6. She's been learning French October last year.7. Old Bronson has been a sergeant twenty years.8. My parents have been married 25 years.9. Old Mr and Mrs Johnson have been married 1950.

2. Ahora tiene que formar una nueva frase tal como en los ejemplos.Examples: It started raining at three o'clock. It has been raining since three o'clock.

I met him two years ago. / have known him for two years.

1. He bought his car in January.He has had his car .

2. He went on holiday three weeks ago.He has been .

3. We got married ten years ago.We have .

4. She went shopping at ten o'clock.She has .

5. We last met when they arrived from Spain.We haven't .

6. The last time they came to see us was around Christmas.They haven't .

3. Ahora tiene unas respuestas. Listed tiene que poner las preguntas.Example: I've been living in New York for ten years.

How long have you been living in New York (for)?

1. I've been doing that job for twenty years.?

2. She's been studying English for two years.?

3. We've been celebrating all night.?

4. Ahora usa la estructura How long is it since ...?Example: It's two years since I last had a holiday. How long is it since you last had a holiday?

1. It's six months since I last had a good meal.

2. It's three months since I last saw her.

3. It's ages since we last met.


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Verbs with two objects• Complemento directo se refiere a una per-sona o cosa que recibe la accion del verbo:

They ate the cake.

Don't annoy me.

He threw the ball.

- She dropped the paper.

• El complemento indirecto se refiere gene-ralmente a la persona que se beneficia de laaccion expresada por el verbo:

Throw me the ball.

Buy your sister a present.

• Se llama verbo transitive el que lleva com-plemento directo. La mejor forma de averiguarsi un verbo es transitive es hacerse la preguntai,a quien? o ^que? Si se puede responder, elverbo es transitive.

I met Peter this morning.

,A quien encontraste? - Peter

I am reading the paper.

i,Que estas leyendo? - the paper

• Los verbos transitivos se pueden poner en vozpasiva:

The dog eats the meat.

The meat is eaten by the dog.

• Se llama verbo intransitivo el que no llevacomplemento directo y no se puede poneren voz pasiva:

- The plane landed in New York.

The girl runs very fast.

Posicion de los complementos

• El complemento indirecto a menudo se refie-re a una persona y se suele poner delante deldirecto:

I gave Peter the book, o detras con toI gave the book to Peter.

I sent Jane the letter.I sent the letter to Jane.

He gave me the knife.He gave the knife to me.

Give me it.Give it to me.

I showed Fred the letter.I showed the letter to Fred.

• De la misma forma I'll find a job for Tompodria expresarse I'll findTom a job. Esta cons-truction es posible con los verbos: build, buy,cook, book, find, get, keep, leave, make, order,reserve, etc:

- I'll get you a drink.I'll get a drink for you.

I bought him a book.I bought a book for him.

I'll cook you something.I'll cook something for you.

• La construction sin preposition se prefierecuando el objeto directo es una oration:

Tell me the whole story.Show me what you've got in yourpocket.


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1. Con muchos verbos se pueden poner los complementos de dos formas. Acontinuacion se le da una, usted tiene que poner la otra.

Example: Give the book to John. Give John the book.

1. Show me the photos. .

2. Lend me the newspaper. .

3. Can you pass the sugar to your sister? ?

4. Show the map to your father. .

5. I'll offer him more money. .

6. Hand me your exams. .

7. Bring the bill to me. .

8. Please, give it to me. .

9. Send him the letter. .

2. Ahora vamos a hacur lo mismo usando for.Example: I'll get you a drink. /'// get a drink for you.

1. I bought a book for Mary. .

2. He'll find a job for me. .

3. I'll fetch you the plate. .

4. She bought Jane a present. .

5. They'll build a house for us. .

6. I'll prepare something for you. .

7. She made her daughter a dress. .

8. I'll cook you a meal. .

9. I'll find the money for you. .

10. She got the change for me. .

3. A continuacion encontrara unas frases con un complemento directo largo. Cambiela frase que hace de complemento directo por un pronombre y pongalo en las dosformas que sabe.

Example: Show me what you've got in your hand. Show it to me. Show me it.

1. She showed me a wonderful photo.

2. He gave me a very nice present.

3. She bought him the book he wanted to read.

4. He offered her the best job in the office.

5. I'll lend you the best book in the library.



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Question words as subjects• Who puede hacer el of icio de sujeto y de com-plemento del verbo.

• Cuando hace el oficio de sujeto el verbo sepone en forma afirmativa, es decir, sin partfcu-las de interrogation:

Who came yesterday? (sujeto)o Who spoke at the meeting? (sujeto)Who pays the bills? (sujeto)

• Who, whom como complementos del verbo:Ingles coloquial:

Who did you see? Who did she talk to?

Ingles gramatical:Whom did you see? Whom did she talkto?

• Whose como sujeto:Whose car broke down?Whose horse arrived first?Whose ship sank?

• Whose como complemento de un verbo:Whose book did you borrow?Whose pen did you use?Whose umbrella did you lose?

• Which como sujeto:Which finger hurts you?Which car won the race?Which horse broke its leg?

• Which como complemento:Which hand do you use?o Which of these books do you prefer?Which horse do you think will win?


• What como sujeto:What caused the fire?What happened last night?

• What como complemento:What paper do you read?What did he say?What do you want?

• How many + sustantivo puede ser sujeto deoracion y por lo tanto ir sin partfculas de inte-rrogacion:

How many dogs ran in the race?How many cars crashed on the bridge?How many people went to Madrid?

• How many como complemento:How many things did you buy?How many people did you see?How many children did they have?


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1. A continuacion tiene unas respuestas, usted tiene que hacer las preguntas. A vecesel who es sujeto y a veces complemento.

Example: I didn't see anybody. - Who/Whom did you see?Peter came with me. - Who came with you?

1. Your friend spoke at the meeting. ?

2. She didn't speak to anybody. ?

3. My mother bought the book. ?

4. Robert saw it. ?

5. My father paid the bill. ?

6. My brother ran in the marathon. ?

7.I didn't tell anybody. ?

8. She didn't give it to anybody. ?

9. He didn't see anyone. ?

2. What y which a veces son sujetos de oracion y a veces complementos. Formepreguntas para las siguientes respuestas con what y which.

Example: Nothing happened yesterday. What happened yesterday?

1. The explosion was caused by gas. ?

2. They ate fish and chips. ?

3. This horse arrived first. ?

4. He reads the "Daily Mail". ?

5.1 don't know what caused the rebellion. ?

6. She didn't see anything. ?

7. This motor makes the noise. ?

8.1 didn't say anything. ?

3. Ahora vamos a hacer lo mismo con how many.Example: About twenty people went to Madrid. How many people went to Madrid?

I bought ten books. How many books did you buy?

1. The Evans had six children. ?

2. About ten girls came to the party. ?

3.1 had seven students in my class yesterday. ?

4. Only six dogs run in each race. ?

5. I posted ten letters. ?

6. Two union leaders spoke at the meeting. ?


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Reported or Indirect Speech• Hay dos formas de relatar lo que dice una per-sona: la forma directa e indirecta.

• En la forma directa repetimos las palabrasexactas del que habla:

He said, "I went to London last week".

• En forma indirecta se da el sentido exacto delo que se dice pero sin necesidad de usar laspalabras exactas del que habla:

He said (that) he had gone to Londonthe previous week.

• Cuando convertimos el estilo directo en indi-recto tenemos que hacer algunos cambios. Latabla que va a continuation indica estos cam-bios.

Direct speech Indirect speech

Presente"I never go there", he said.

Pasado"I went there yesterday", he said.

Future"I will go tomorrow", he said.

Condicional"I would like to go", he said.

Preterite perfecto"I have done if, he said.

PasadoHe said (that) he never went there.

PluscuamperfectoHe said (that) he had gone there the day before.

CondicionalHe said (that) he would go the next day.

CondicionalHe said (that) he would like to go.

PluscuamperfectoHe said (that) he had done it.

• Hay que tener en cuenta que al pasar a estilo indirecto algunas expresionesde tiempo cambian:

Directtodayyesterdaythe day before yesterdaytomorrowthe day after tomorrownext week/month/yearlast week/month/yeara week ago

Indirectthat daythe day beforetwo days beforethe next/following dayin two days' timethe following week/month/yearthe previous week/month/yearthe week before/the previous week


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1. Gamble de estilo directo a indirecto.Example: "I never eat bread," he said. He said that he never ate bread.

1. "I always get up early," he said.

2. "I spoke to him yesterday," she said.

3. "I like to stay at home," he explained.

4. "I will go to Mexico on Sunday," he said.

5. "I have eaten too much," he said.

6. "I would like to go to New York," he said.

7. "We have found a flat," she said.

8. "I have spoken to him," Jim said.

2. Ahora vamos a hacer lo contrario. Las frases de estilo indirecto paselas a directo.Example: He said that he never ate bread."/ never eat bread," he said.

1. He said that he always spoke English in class.

2. He said that he had found the book he wanted.

3. He said that he was writing a letter.

4. She said that she had spoken to him.

5. Peter said that he had done it in the morning.

6. She said that she would like to go with him.

7. They said they were going to Paris on business.

8. Jim said he would speak to her.


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So am I - So do I - Neither/nor am• Cuando queremos anadir una adicion afirma-tiva, yo tambien etc., en ingles hay varias po-sibilidades.

• En caso de que haya un verbo auxiliar en lafrase, este verbo se repite:

"I am a man." "So am I!""We are going to school." "So are we!""I have a dog." "So have I!""She has a nice house." "So have I!"

• Si el que usamos es un verbo defectivo, tam-bien se repite este verbo:

"I can speak French." "So can I!""I could drive a car when I was 14.""So could I!""My mother can cook very well.""So can mine!"

• En los demas casos usamos las particulasdo, does, did, will, would:

"I come every day." "So do I!""She speaks French." "So does he!""I will go tomorrow." "So will I!""I would like to go." "So would I!"'They went to England last summer.""So did we!"

• En caso que la frase sea negativa y quera-mos anadir, yo tampoco, usamos neither onor:

"I am not a man." "Neither/Nor am I!""She is not a woman." "Neither/Nor am I!"'They are not very tall.""Neither/Nor are we!""I haven't got a dog.""Neither/Nor have I!"

• Lo mismo ocurre con los verbos defectives:"I can't speak French." "Neither/Nor can I!""He couldn't come in time.""Neither/nor could we!"


Con los demas verbos usamos las particulasdo, does, did, will, would:

"I don't speak French." "Neither/Nor do I!""I don't want any more, thanks.""Neither/Nor do we!""He didn't buy the book.""Neither/Nor did she!""She didn't come in time.""Neither/Nor did I!""She won't speak to us.""Neither/Nor will he!"'They won't do it tomorrow.""Neither/Nor will I!""I wouldn't like to go.""Neither/Nor would I!""She wouldn't tell me anything.""Neither/Nor would he!"


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1. Anada una observacion afirmativa a las siguientes frases:Example: "She is very intelligent." "So am I!"

1. "They are very tall" " we!"

2. "That girl is very pretty." " I!"

3. "He speaks good English." " she!"

4. "I can run very fast." " I!"

5. "You could find a better job."" you!"

6. "I will go to Paris next summer." " I!"

7. "He buys the paper every day." " she!"

8. "I would like to speak many languages." " I!"

9. "I would go there tomorrow." " we!"

10. "She can dance well." " her sister!"

11. "I was very tired." " the others!"

12. "We came as soon as we could."" we!"

13. "They speak perfect French." " we!"

14. "I will buy it tomorrow."" I!"

15. "I would like to have another drink."" I!'

2. Ahora vamos a hacer lo mismo con frases negativas.Example: I am not a tall man.- Neither/Nor am I!

1. "She is not very pretty." " I!"

2. "They haven't got a big house."" we!"

3. "They haven't done anything yet."" we!"

4. "You didn't come in time."" you!"

5. "They didn't speak French."" we!"

6. "We won't go on holiday this year."" we!"

7. "I wouldn't buy that."" I!"

8. "I didn't see him."" I!"

9. "They won't stop in this village."" we!"

10. "We didn't get paid."" we!"

11. "I can't speak Italian."" we!"

12. "We couldn't pay so much."" we!"

13. "He wasn't injured."" I!"

14. "She never goes to concerts."" he!"

15. "I didn't think about it."" I!"


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Some and something in offers and requests• Normalmente some se usa con verbos afir-mativos:

They bought some cakes.

• Pero tambien se suele usar some en frasesinterrogativas cuando la frase indica una ofer-ta, sugerencia, o peticion, y se espera que larespuesta sea afirmativa:

^ Would you like some wine?Could you do something for me?Can I have some of those sweets?Have you got some glasses you canlend me?Why don't you give her some flowers?Didn't you borrow some books from thelibrary?Would you like some more milk?Why don't you give him something todrink?

Linking words both ... andEither ... orNeither... nor ...

• Las tres estructuras sirven de union. Both....and... se traduce por tanto... como...:

Both Jim and Jane were late.I like both John and Peter.They were both hungry and thirsty.He loved both Susan and Sandra.

• La estructura either... or... se traduce por o...o...:

* You can have either biscuits or cakes.She is either French or Italian.We'll go there either on Saturday or onSunday.We can go either by plane or by train.

• La estructura neither... nor... se traduce porni... ni...:

She can speak neither French norSpanish.The room was neither large nor bright.The girl was neither pretty norintelligent.The woman on the phone was neitherRose nor her mother.

• Las frases negativas como Ese hombre noera ni Pedro ni Juan se pueden traducir dedos formas:

The man on the phone wasn't eitherPeter or John.The man on the phone was neitherPeter nor John.


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1. Complete estas frases con some/something.Example: Can you give me some sugar, please?

1. Could you give me information about this town?

2. Why don't you send him money?

3. Would you like to eat?

4. Can I have to drink, please?

5. Why don't they give them to eat?

6. What are you looking for? Have you lost ?

7. Can I have more milk in my coffee, please?

8. Would you like to take of these biscuits?

9. Why don't you give her chocolates?

10. Why doesn't she put up to cover that hole in the wall?

2. Esta vez tiene que hacer frases con: both ... and ..., neither... nor..., either... orExample: Bob was late. Jill was late too. Both Bob and Jill were late.

She didn't telephone. She didn't write.She neither telephoned nor wrote.

1. The windows need painting. The doors need painting, too.

2. I don't drink. And I don't smoke.

3. He emigrated because he needed a change. He needed more money, too.

4. You can leave now or you can leave this afternoon.

5. We haven't got any money to go to Disneyworld. And we haven't got time.

6. Is that girl's name Jane? Or is it Julia? It's one of the two.

7. The play was very boring. It was very long, too.

8. The restaurant wasn't good. And it wasn't very cheap.

9. She can't write. She can't read.



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Infinitive of Purpose• La idea de proposito generalmente se expre-sa con el infinitive. Es decir, usamos to +infinitive para hablar acerca del proposito dehacer algo (para + infinitive):

She went to Paris to learn French.He shouted to warn us of the danger.Mary telephoned to invite us to herwedding.The secretary went out to post theletters.

• Tambien usamos to + infinitivo cuando nosreferimos acerca del proposito de alguna cosa,o el porque alguien necesita o quiere algo:

I need something to open this tin.The rich Arab had six bodyguards toprotect him.This fence is to keep people out of myproperty.This generator is here to produceelectricity.

• Tambien podemos usar in order to/so as +to + infinitivo con un infinitivo negativo:

He pulled out his knife in order/so as tofrighten them.

- She walked on tiptoe in order/so as notto wake her children.

• Con to be y to have:She gave up her job in order/so as tohave more time for her family.She got up early in order/so as to havea big breakfast.She left work at four in order/so as tobe home early.

• Con can y could se usa el so that... (parapoder):

She is learning French so that she canstudy in Paris.He moved to Boston so that he couldsee his girlfriend more often.

• Para que el pueda...:Give him my phone number so that hecan phone me.He wears glasses so that nobody canrecognize him.

• Infinitivo + sustantivo + preposicion:He wants a case to keep his tapes andrecords in.I need a tin opener to open this tin ofasparagus with.

• Esto es cuando hablamos de algo en particu-lar, pero si nos referimos a algo con un sentidoen general usamos for + gerundio:

This is a box for keeping old books in.- This is a tool for cutting wood.


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1. Use las palabras en parentesis para responder a estas preguntas.Example: Why are you going out? (buy/some/milk)

I'm going out to buy some milk.

1. Why did you go to Jim's school? (speak/Jim's teacher)

2. Why are you wearing boots? (keep/feet/warm)

3. Why is she going into hospital? (have/operation)

4. Why are they saving money? (get/married)

5. Why did you shout? (warn/you/danger)

6. Why are you going to the bank? (change/money)

2. Ahora va a completar estas frases usando el verbo apropiado.keep, hang, solve, buy, wear, climb, read, celebrate, sit

Example: There was no furniture, not even chairs to sit on.

1. We haven't got enough money a new house.

2. I'm going to buy a picture in the hall.

3. Get me a box these old books in.

4. We must get together and try the problem.

5. He was too afraid the mountain.

6. I need a new dress at the wedding.

7. I have no time books.

8. They are having a party the end of the course.

3. En este ejercicio tiene que escribir frases con so that.Example: I'll give you her address. I want you to write to her.

I'll give you her address so that you can write to her.

1. He locked his door. He didn't want to be disturbed.

2. I spoke loud. I wanted everybody to hear.

3. She arrived early. She wanted to get a good seat.



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Conditional Structures• El condicional se forma igual que el future,anteponiendo al infinitive las particulas wouldo should.



I should/would go

you would go

he would go

we should/would go

you would go

they would go


should/would I go?

would you go?

would he go?

should/would we go?

would you go?

would they go?


I should/would not go

you would not go

he would not go

we should/would go

you would not go

they would not go

• La particula should solo se usa en ingles muyformal:

I thought they would give me a diploma.They expected that the plane wouldarrive on time.She hoped they would come to theparty.

• El condicional se suele abreviar, sobre todoen conversacion: I'd, you'd, he'd, she'd, it'd,we'd, you'd, they'd.

I'd go if I could.I'd go to Paris if I spoke French.She'd buy the house if she had money.I'd speak louder if I had to.

• El condicional negative tambien se puedeabreviar: I wouldn't, you wouldn't, hewouldn't, etc.

I wouldn't go if I were you.

Condicional compuesto

• AffirmativeI would have gone.You would have gone.He would have gone.We would have gone.You would have gone.They would have gone.

• InterrogativeWould I have gone?Would you have gone?Would he have gone?

• NegativeI wouldn't have gone.You wouldn't have gone, etc.


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1. Haga preguntas.Example: Perhaps one day you will meet a nice girl.

What would you do if you met a nice girl?

1. "Perhaps one day somebody will ask you to go out with him".

What would you do if ?

2. Perhaps one day somebody will hit you.?

3. Perhaps one day a pretty girl will say she loves you.?

4. Perhaps one day hooligans will rob you.?

5. Perhaps one day someone will insult you.?

6. Perhaps one day you will lose your money in Mexico.?

7. Perhaps one day you will meet your favourite film star.


8. Perhaps one day someone will ask you to marry him/her.

2. Ahora responds como en el ejemplo.Example: Are you going to leave at 5? (we/arrive/too/early)

If we left at five, we would arrive too early.

1. Is John going to invite Martha? (he have to/invite Marian/too). No, if he invited Martha,he

2. Are you going to see this horror film? (not sleep). No, if I saw this horror film,I

3. Is your brother going to apply for the post? (not/get it). No, if he applied for the post,he

4. Is Mary going to change clothes? (be late). No, if she changed clothes,she

5. Are you going to leave the car unlocked (be stolen). No, if I left the car unlocked,it

6. Are you going to take Mary's necklace? (be angry). No, if I took her necklace,she

7. Are you going to sell your car? (have to walk/to work). No, if I sold my car,


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Types of conditional sentences

• Las frases condicionales en ingles modernose suelen dividir en tres tipos:

Type 1:

• What will you do if it rains?if + present + futureIf it rains, we will stay at home.

Type 2:

• What would you do if it rained?if + past + simple conditionalIf it rained, we would stay at home.

Type 3:

• What would you have done if it had rained?if + past perfect + perfect conditionalIf it had rained, we would stayed at home.

• Con las frases condicionales del tipo 1, elverbo principal se pone en futuro simple, yla frase subordinada en presente. No impor-ta el orden:

If you run, you will catch the train.They will go without you if you don'thurry.

- If the weather is good, we will go for apicnic.The boys will play football if the teacherlets them.

• Con las frases del tipo 2, el verbo principal sepone en condicional simple, y la frase subor-dinada en pasado:

If you ran, you would catch the train.- They would go without you if you didn't

hurry.If the weather was good, we would gofor a picnic.The boys would play football if theteacher let them.


• Con las frases del tipo 3, el verbo principal sepone en condicional compuesto, y la frasesubordinada en pluscuamperfecto.

If you had run, you would have caughtthe train.They would have gone without you ifyou hadn't hurried.If the weather had been good, wewould have gone for a picnic.The boys would have played football ifthe teacher had let them.

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1. En este ejercicio tiene que poner el verbo en la forma correcta. Tipo 1.Example: If I am hungry, I will eat (eat) something.

1. If you are clever, you (solve) the problem.

2. What will you do if you (win) the lottery?

3. I will catch the train if it (arrive) on time.

4. If it is hot, I (open) the window.

5. The boys will play football if it (rain).

6. If you don't write better, I (understand) a word.

7. I will ring you up if I (have) time.

2. Pon el verbo en la forma correcta. Tipo 2.Example: If you sold the house, you would get a lot of money.

1. I would go to the party if you (invite) me.

2. If you spoke good English, you (earn) more.

3. Little Jim would lose the money if you (give) it to him.

4. If I found money in the street, I (keep) it.

5. You would feel better if you (stop) smoking.

6. If she found the key, she (give) it to you.

7. They would telephone if they (can).

3. Pon el verbo en la forma correcta. Tipo 3.Example: If he had been taller, he would have been a policeman.

1. If you had come by car, you (save)time.

2. We would have stayed at home if it . (rain)

3. If I had known she was ill, I (send)her some flowers.

4. We would have arrived earlier if we (catch)the 9 o'clock train.

5. If I had known you were coming, I(go) to the airport to meet you.

6. You would have been accepted if you (fill) inthe form.

7. If you had asked me, I (go)gone with you.



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Structures with Get• Get es, quiza, el verbo que mas se usa en ellenguaje coloquial ingles. Se usa, sin embargo,mucho menos en el lenguaje escrito, y algunosprofesores opinan que el usar get en el lengua-je escrito es "mat ingles". Get tiene cuatro sig-nificados.

1. Cuando se usa con un complemento directo,significa algo asf como recibir, obtener, con-seguir, coger. El significado exacto dependede la frase:

Did you get the parcel?Can you get the tickets for tonight'sconcert?Can you get a pound of sugar and asack of potatoes in the supermarket?I'll come and get you at the airporttomorrow.

He got a punch on his nose.

2. Cuando se usa con cualquier otra cosa (ad-jetivo, infinitive, participio, preposicion, adver-bio), get generalmente sugiere algun cambio omovimiento. De nuevo, el sentido exacto depen-de del resto de la frase.

• Cuando lo que sigue a get es cualquier cosamenos un simple complemento directo, casisiempre se refiere a un cambio de estado: lascosas o las personas que se hacen diferentes,se mueven de sitio, comienzan otras activida-des, etc. El significado exacto depende de laclase de palabra que vaya detras del get, y delresto de la frase. Con un adjetivo, get tiene unsignificado parecido a become:

- That woman is getting old.

He got a punch on his nose.


• Cuando el get va seguido de un participio, amenudo tiene el mismo sentido que to be:

The goods got damaged in transit,(were damaged)The thief got caught by the police, (wascaught)He gets invited to all parties, (is invited)

3. Cuando detras del get hay un complementodirecto seguido de un adjetivo, infinitive, partici-pio, preposicion o adverbio, el significado es"causar un cambio":

Get him to stop doing that.You can get your hands warm in frontof the fire.I can't get Peter to arrive on time.

4. El participio got se usa con algunas formashabladas con el verbo have, cuando se refierea posesion, relaciones u obligation:

I've got a friend who lives in Paris.What have you got in your hand?We haven't got any news yet.

• Hay que observar, no obstante, que esto so-lamente ocurre en presente de indicative.

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1. Cambie el verbo get por otro verbo con el mismo significado.Example: She got the tickets at the Odeon Cinema.

She bought the tickets at the Odeon Cinema.

1. Did you get my letter?

2. Can you get some apples at the shop, please?

3. I'll get you home in my car.

4. I'll get a glass of beer for you.

5. Have you got any news from your boyfriend?

6. I'll get some information about this company.


2. Ahora vamos a hacer lo mismo con el tipo 2.Example: When people get old they forget things.

When people become old they forget things.

1. When you get to New York send me a post card.

2. My friend got hit by a golf ball.

3. The poor woman got very ill.

4. The picture got damaged on the way here.

3. Haga lo mismo con el tipo 3.Example: She wants to get her feet warm. She wants to warm her feet.

1.I want to get the car going.

2. Try to get her to stay with us for dinner.

3.I am going to get my hair cut.

4. The prisoner is trying to get his hands free.

4. En algunas de las siguientes frases se puede afiadir el got, en otras no. Anada elgot, siempre que se pueda.

Example: Have you got a dog? - Yes, I've got a nice little dog.

1. The Evans had a house in the country.

2. Robert has very good marks at school.

3. The boys will have many things to do next Sunday.

4. Jill and Jane have had a lot of work this year.

5. They have to come early every day, not only on Mondays.


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Still, yet, already, since, for, duringAlways - never

• Los adverbios always y never se pueden usaren los comienzos de frase con oraciones de im-perative:

Always pay the money you owe.- Never say that again.- Always tell me the truth.- Never throw stones at people.

Always ask for advice.Never go jogging alone.

Still (todavia)

• Se usa para frases afirmativas e interrogati-vas. Su posicion es la misma que los adverbiosde frecuencia:

Mr Evans is still in bed.Are you still waiting for an answer?Jimmy still works for that company.

Yet (todavi'a)

• Se usa para frases con sentido negative, amenudo en preterite perfecto. Generalmente losolemos poner al final de la frase:

I haven't finished the job yet.She hasn't written the letter yet.Have you finished washing the car yet?

Already (ya)

• Su posicion es la misma que los adverbios defrecuencia, aunque tambien puede ir al final:

This machine is already too old.I've already read the newspaper.He already knows the truth. He knows italready.

Since (desde)

• A menudo se usa para expresiones de tiempocon preterito perfecto o pluscuamperfecto:

I haven't seen him.I met her last week. I hadn't seen hersince 1990.

Ago (hace)

• Se pone al final de la frase. Se refiere a algoque sucedio algun tiempo atras sin idea de con-tinuidad. Normalmente se usa un verbo en pa-sado (past tense):

I went to London six months ago.I studied Latin years ago.

For (durante)

• Se usa para marcar la duration de un periodode tiempo. Suele ir seguido del artfculo indeter-minado a, o de un numeral. A menudo se usacon preterites perfectos o pluscuamperfectos:

I haven't seen her for six months, oShe has been on the phone for an hour.

During (durante)

• Suele ir seguido del artfculo determinado the,o un adjetivo posesivo:

- It was very cold during the winter, oI spoke to him during the interval.I learned a lot during my stay with you.


• Con la expresion the last se usa for:I haven't seen him for the last twoweeks.We haven't done anything for the lastthree hours.


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1. Use still o yet, segun convenga a la frase.Example: Mum hasn't finished doing the washing up yet.

Are you still reading that book?

1. I can run faster than you.

2. She is in hospital. She hasn't come out .

3. He hasn't finished studying German . He's studying it.

4. The children haven't gone to bed . They're doing theirhomework.

5. We've got many things to do. We haven't finished .

6. He hasn't decided what to do . He's thinking about it.

7. "Have you finished washing the car ?" "No, I haven'tfinished

2. Ahora tiene que poner bien since o bien ago, en las frases que vienen acontinuacion.

Example: I haven't seen him since January. We met two years ago.

1. I started working at Lloyds six months .

2. She's been doing the same thing 1990.

3. They emigrated to Australia years .

4. Jews have been emigrating to Israel 1947.

5. News has been arriving five o'clock this morning.

6. I last heard of him ten years .

7. I've just spoken to him on the phone a few minutes .

3. A continuacion tiene que diferenciar entre for y during.Example: We haven't seen each other for years.

We met during the rehearsal of the last play.

1. She's been waiting three months.

2. The weather was terrible the race.

3. We haven't had any news from him a couple of years.

4. It was very hot the summer.

5. We were very happy our stay with you.

6. The Wilsons lived here five or six years.

7. The Browns have been living in Spain the last twenty years.


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Question Tags• Las coletillas o question tags son preguntasque se ponen al final de una frase afirmativa:,verdad?


1 . Las frases con verbos auxiliares o defectivesforman la coletilla con el mismo verbo. Si la fra-se es afirmativa la coletilla ira en forma interro-gativa/negativa. Si la frase es negativa, la cole-tilla ira en forma interrogativa solamente:

You are a man, aren't you?She is a woman, isn't she?He isn't a boy, is he?

» She isn't a girl, is she?He has a dog, hasn't he?We have a son, haven't we?He hasn't got a dog, has he?We haven't got a son, have we?You can speak French, can't you?She couldn't run fast, could she?She could cook, couldn't she?He can't speak Italian, can he?

2. Con los demas verbos se usan las particulasdo, does, en presente:

You come every day, don't you?She plays tennis very well, doesn'tshe?You don't speak Chinese, do you?She doesn't cook very well, does she?

3. En pasado se usa did:You went to Madrid, didn't you?She spoke at the meeting, didn't she?

4. En futuro se usa la parti'cula will. Recuerdaque will not = won't:

You will go tomorrow, won't you?They won't come tomorrow, will they?

5. En condicional se usa would:They would come if they could, wouldn'tthey?She wouldn't tell you, would she?

Con el verbo impersonal there is/there are:There is a lot of money, isn't there?There are many people, aren't there?There isn't much time, is there?There aren't many trees, are there?There wasn't anny coffee, was there?


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1. Complete las frases poniendo la coletilla con los verbos auxiliares o defectives.Example: Her birthday is on the 23rd, isn't it?

1. He has been an engineer for 20 years, ?

2. They weren't in New York yesterday, ?

3. That girl is not coming with you, ?

4. You've got a German car, ?

5. Your friend can't speak French, ?

6. Mr Brown wasn't at work yesterday, ?

7. You haven't given the fish to the cat, ?

8. You aren't going to leave me here, ?

9. They must take him to hospital, ?

10. You are very clever, ?

11. You can help us with this, ?

12. He is going by car, ?

13. The hotel was very expensive, ?

14. You can't drive a car without a licence, ?

15. He has borrowed money from you, ?

2. Ahora va a hacer lo mismo pero usando las particulas do, does, did, will, would etc.Example: You went to Mexico, didn't you?

1. She speaks English very well, ?

2. You learned a lot, ?

3. They didn't buy the video, ?

4. You will come with us, ?

5. She won't pass her driving test, ?

6. You would like to do that, ?

7. She wouldn't like that to happen, ?

8. There are many things to do, ?

9. There weren't many people at the concert, ?

10. There is a lot of time, ?

11. That TV set doesn't give a good picture, ?

12. You won't go swimming tomorrow, ?

13. We will get our pay tomorrow, ?

14. It will rain tonight, ?


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Passive Voice• La voz pasiva inglesa, igual que en castellano, seforma con el auxiliar to be, y el participio del verboque se conjuga.

• La preposicion espanola por se traduce por by.


Activa PasivaPresente The dog eats the bread.

These boys study thisbook.

The bread is eaten by the dog.This book is studied by theseboys.

Pasado The cat drank the milk.The player threw the ball.

The milk was drunk by the cat.The ball was thrown by theplayer.

Future Susan will read the book.Alice will wash the dishes.

The book will be read by Susan.The dishes will be washed byAlice.

Condicionai My mother would doit better.They would eat the cake.

It would be done better by mymother.The cake would be eaten bythem.

Preterite perfecto I have broken the jar.He has written two booksthis year.

The jar has been broken by me.Two books have been writtenby him this year.

Pluscuamperfecto She had made a deliciouscake.This artist had paintedthe picture.

A delicious cake had beenmade by her.The picture had been paintedby this artist.

Future perfecto They will have stolenthe money.She will have takenthe medicine.

The money will have beenstolen by them.The medicine will have beentaken by her.

Condicionai compuesto would have broken that. That would have been brokenby me.


• La voz pasiva en ingles se usa mucho mas que en castellano. Se usa amenudo para traducir formas impersonales: se dice, se piensa...

It is said...It is thought...


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1. Ponga las siguientes frases en voz pasiva.Example: My father built this house. -This house was built by my father.

1. The children will do this exercise.

2. This horse won the race.

3. This man wrote this book.

4. The centre forward scored a goal.

5. My brother has repaired the TV set.

6. My wife washed the dishes.

7. They would buy many things.

8. The government bought that company.

9. The cook has prepared a good meal.

10. Jim will write the letter.

11. He has said many things.

12. My mother will open the window.

13. My colleague will do the job.

2. Ahora va a hacer todo lo contrario. Ponga estas frases en voz activa.Example: The milk was drunk by the cat. - The cat drank the milk.

1. This sweater will be worn by Peter tomorrow.

2. The money was stolen by the thieves.

3. Jean was taken out by Jeff.

4. A goal was scored by the centre forward.

5. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

6. Many writers were influenced by Cervantes.

7. The dishes were washed by my wife.

8. The work has been done by the children.

9. Many things are broken by children playing at home.

10. That film is going to be seen by all the children.


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Interrogative PronounsWho (quien)

• El pronombre interrogative who es sujeto deoracion:

Who was that woman?Who is going to do it?

Whom (a quien)

• Es complemento indirecto o circunstancial, ya menudo va acompahado por una preposicion:

Whom did you see last night?A quien viste ayer noche?

Whom did you speak to?,A quien hablaste?Whom did they go with?iCon quien/quienes fueron?Whom are you talking about?iDe quien estais hablando? (acerca de)Whom did he tell?iA quien se lo dijo?

• Ffjese que colocamos la preposicion al finalde la frase. Antiguamente se colocaba al princi-pio - With whom are you going? pero eso hacaido en desuso.

• En ingles coloquial a veces se suprime la mde whom:

Who are you going with?Who were you talking to?

Whose (de quien)

• Es un complemento determinative. Indica po-sesion:

Whose is this car/Whose car is this?quien es este coche?

What (que)

• Se usa para cosas:What did you say last night?iQue dijiste ayer noche?

Which (cual)

• Se usa para cosas y personas y es mas se-lectivo que what:

Which is the cheapest?Which is the best?We have two Susans here. Which onedo you want to see?

Why (por que?)"Why was he late?" "Because he missedthe train."

When (cuando)"When do you come here?" "I come hereevery day."

Where (donde)"Where do you live?" "I live in New York."

How (como)"How did you come?" "I came by train."

I Recuerde

que cuando los pronombres who y what sonsujetos de oracion no se usan particulas deinterrogacion:

Who came yesterday?Who told you that?Who ate all the bread?Who spoke at the meeting?What happened last night?What caused the fire?


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1. Ponga el pronombre interrogative apropiado.Example: Whom did you see this morning?

1." is that dog?" "It's ours."

2." were you talking to?" "I was talking to Tom."

3." are you going to run with?"

4." happened in your school last week?"

5." one do you like?" "I like the one on the left."

6." came with you last night?"

7." are you going to make the cake with?"

8." was she with?" "She was with her friend."

9." were you talking about?" "I was talking about Jim."

2. Estas son las respuestas. Usted tiene que hacer las preguntas.Example: Peter came with her. Who came with her?

1. I didn't say anything. ?

2. The dog? It's ours. ?

3. I was talking to Jim. ?

4. Steve told me that. ?

5. I went with my friend. ?

6. We saw that woman. ?

7. We are going to the cinema with Fred. ?

8. A short circuit caused the fire. ?

3. A continuation se le dan unas frases de relative con la preposicion al principio.Usted tiene que poner la preposicion al final.

Example: To whom were you talking?Who were you talking to?

1. About whom are you talking, boys?

2. With whom did you have dinner on Sunday?

3. With whom was she when you met her?

4. To whom are you going to get married?

5. With whom are you going to run the marathon, Fred?


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Relative PronounsWho (quien, que, el cual)

• Es el sujeto de la frase subordinada de relati-ve. Se usa para personas:

This is the man who came.Those are the boys who said that.


• Puede ser sujeto de una frase de relative de-tras de all, everyone, everybody, no one,nobody and those:

& Everybody who/that knew her liked her.Nobody who/that saw the accident willforget it.

Whom (a quien)

• Es complemento indirect© o circunstancial, seusa para personas:

This is the man whom I saw.This is the girl with whom he fell in love.

• La forma whom se considera muy formal. Eningles coloquial generalmente usamos who othat, y todavia es mas corriente omitir el pro-nombre:

The girl whom I asked, told me to comeback today.The girl who I asked, told me to comeback today.The girl that I asked, told me to comeback today.The girl I asked, told me to come backtoday.

• En las oraciones que proporcionamos una in-formacion extra se puede usar la preposicionantes de whom (para personas) y which (paracosas). Asf que se puede decir to whom, withwhom, about whom, for which, etc.:

Mr Jones, to whom I spoke on thephone last night, is interested in yourplan.



• Sin embargo, en ingles coloquial, a menudoponemos la preposicion detras del verbo en laoracion de relative. Cuando hacemos esto ge-neralmente usamos who en vez de whom:

This is Mr Carter, who I was telling youabout.

Whose (cuyo)This is the man whose son is so tall.

Which or that (el cual)

• Generalmente se usa para cosas, pero a ve-ces tambien para personas:

The car (which/that) I bought last week,broke down yesterday.

• Which no se suele usar detras de all,everything, little, much, none, no, o despuesde superlatives. Solemos usar that o lo omiti-mos:

Everything (that) you say will be takendown.This is the best hotel (that) I know.

What (lo que)And this is what he said.Is that what you wanted?

• Cuando el sujeto es una mezcla de personasy cosas usamos that:

Those are the men and the carts thatwe saw on the way.

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1.Tiene que unir estas dos frases en una usando un pronombre relativo.Example: The police have caught the man. He stole my car.

The police have caught the man who/that stole my car.

1. A dictionary is a book. It is used to look up words.

2. A vegetarian is a person. He/She doesn't eat meat.

3. The woman answered the phone. She told me you were away.

4. What was the name of the boy? He won the race.

2. En este ejercicio tiene que escribir estas frases de nuevo uniendolas con unaoracion de relativo.

Examples: Jim's father goes running every day. (Jim's father is 80)Jim's father, who is 80, goes running every day.

1. The Boston train was late this morning. (It is always on time.)

2. That woman is an artist. (She always wears a red dress.)

3. Mr Smith is retiring now. (He has worked for the company all his life.)

4. My friend speaks French and English fluently. (His mother is French.)

3. Complete estas frases, cuando sea necesario, con that, who, o what. En los casos enlos que se pueda escribir that u omitirlo, escribe (that).

Example: Did you hear what she said? Everything (that) I say is true.

1. Tell me you want and I'll see what I can do.

2. My mother is the only person understands me.

3. She gives her daughter everything she wants.

4. I can't give you any money. All I've got is a few coins.

5. I can't agree with you've just said.

6. Don't tell anyone happened last night.

7. Don't blame me for everything goes wrong.

8. My sister always disagrees with everything I say.

9. I don't know, but this is people say.113



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to beto begin

bo blow

to break

to bring

to build

to buyto catch

to come

to cost

to cutto doto draw

to drink

to eatto fall

to feel

to findto getto give

to goto grow

to have

to hear

to keepto know

to lead

to leave

to let

lar verlPast























Past participle

been -ser, ester

begun -empezar

blown -soplar

broken -romper

brought -traer

built -construir

bought -comprar

caught -coger,atrapar

come -venir

cost -coster

cut -cortar

done -hacerdrawn -dibujar

drunk -beber

eaten -comer

fallen -caer

felt -sentir

found -encontrar

got -conseguir

given -dar

gone -irgrown -crecer

had -tener,tomar

heard -oir

kept -guardarknown, -saber,


led -conducir

left -salir, dejar

let -dejar,permitir


to lie

to make

to meet

to pay

to put

to read

to ring

to run

to say

to see

to sell

to send

to shine

to show

to shut

to sit

to sleep

to speak

to spend

to stand

to swim

to take

to tell

to think

to understand

to wake

to wear

to win

to write
























Past participle

lain -yacer

made -hacer

met -encontrarse

paid -pagar

put -poner

read -leer

rung -llamar(al timbre)

run -correr

said -decir

seen -ver

sold -vender

sent -enviar

shone -brillar

shown -mostrar

shut -cerrar

sat -sentarse

slept -dormir

spoken -hablar

spent -gastar, pasar

stood -ester de pie

swum -nadar

taken -coger, tomar

told -decir, contar

thought -pensar,creer

understood -entender

woken -despertarse

worn -llevar puesto

won -ganar

written -escribir


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The days of the weekSunday domingo

- Monday lunesTuesday martesWednesday miercolesThursday jueves

Friday viernesSaturday sabado

Possessive itsyour ourhis yourher their

Possessive Pron.mine itsyours ourshis yourshers theirs

Personal pronouns (object forms)me him it youyou her us them

Months of the yearJanuary enero - July JulioFebruary febrero August agostoMarch marzo September septiembreApril abril October octubreMay mayo November noviembreJune junio December diciembre


who? when?whom? where?whose? how?which? why?what?





6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine

10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty

21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three30 thirty40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety

100 a hundred101 a hundred and one200 two hundred500 five hundred

1.000 a thousand

Ordinals1st first

2nd second3rd third4th fourth5th fifth6th sixth7th seventh8th eighth9th ninth

10th tenth11th eleventh12th twelfth13th thirteenth14th fourteenth15th fifteenth16th sixteenth17th seventeenth

18th eighteenth19th nineteenth20th twentieth21st twenty-first22nd twenty-second23rd twenty-third30th thirtieth40th fortieth50th fiftieth60th sixtieth70th seventieth80th eightieth90th ninetieth

100th a hundredth101st a hundred and first200th two hundredth500th five hundredth

1,000th a thousandth2,000th two thousandth

1,000,000th a millionth


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Verbo ser-estarIndicativoPresenteYo soy/estoytu eres/estasel es/estanos. somos/estamosvos. sois/estaisellos son/estan

Imperfectoyo era/estabatu eras/estabasel era/estabanos. eramos/estabamosvos. erais/estabaisellos eran/estaban

Indefinidoyo fui/estuvetu fuiste/estuvisteel fue/estuvonos. fuimos/estuvimosvos. fuisteis/estuvisteisellos fueron/estuvieron

Futuroyo sere/estaretu seras/estarasel sera/estaranos. seremos/estaremosvos. sereis/estareisellos seran/estaran

P. Perfectoyo he sido/estadotu has sido/estadoel ha sido/estadonos. hemos sido/estadovos. habeis sido/estadoellos nan sido/estado

Pluscuamperfectoyo habi'a sido/estadotu habias sido/estadoel habia sido/estadonos. habiamos sido/estadovos. habiais sido/estadoellos habian sido/estado

Anterioryo hube sido/estadotu hubiste sido/estadoel hubo sido/estadonos. hubimos sido/estadovos. hubisteis sido/estadoellos hubieron sido/estado

Futuro Perfectoyo habre sido/estadotu habras sido/estadoel habra sido/estadonos. habremos sido/estadovos. habreis sido/estadoellos habran sido/estado

SubjuntivoPresenteyo sea/estetu seas/estesel sea/estenos. seamos/estemosvos. seais/esteisellos sean/esten

Imperfecto (ser)yo fuera o fuesetu fueras o fuesesel fuera o fuesenos. fueramos o fuesemosvos. fuerais o fueseisellos fueran o fuesen

Imperfecto (estar)yo estuviera o estuviesetu estuvieras o estuviesesel estuviera o estuviesenos. estuvieramos o estuviesemosvos. estuvierais o estuvieseisellos estuvieran o estuviesen

Preterite perfectoyo haya sido/estadotu hayas sido/estadoel haya sido/estadonos. hayamos sido/estadovos. hayais sido/estadoellos hayan sido/estado

Pluscuamperfectoyo hubiera o hubiese sidotu hubieras o hubieses sidoel hubiera o hubiese sidonos. hubieramos o hubiesemos sidovos. hubierais o hubieseis sidoello hubieran o hubiesen sido

Pluscuamperfectoyo hubiera o hubiese estadotu hubieras o hubieses estadoel hubiera o hubiese estadonos. hubieramos o hubiesemos estadovos. hubierais o hubieseis estadoellos hubieran o hubiesen estado

CondicionalPresenteyo serfa/estariatu serias/estariasel seria/estarianos. serfamos/estariamosvos. serfais/estarfamosellos serian/estarfan

Compuestoyo habri'a sido/estadotu habrias sido/estadoel habri'a sido/estadonos. habrfamos sido/estadovos. habrfais sido/estadoellos habrian sido/estado

Imperativojse tu!jsea el!jseamos nosotros!jsed vosotros!isean ellos!jesta tu!jeste el!jestemos nosotros!jestad vosotros!jesten ellos!

Infinitivo Gerundio Participio Participio pasadoser siendo sido haber sidoestar estando estado estado


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Verbo to beIndicativePresent Present perfect tense1 am 1 have beenyou are you have beenhe is he has beenwe are weyou are you

have beenhave been

they are they have been

Past tense Past perfect tense1 was 1 had beenyou were you had beenhe was he had beenwe were we had beenyou were you had beenthey were they had been

Future Future perfect tense1 shall/will be 1 shall/will have beenyou will be you will have beenhe will be he will have beenwe shall/will be we shall/will have beenyou will be you will have beenthey will be they will have been

ConditionalPresentI should/would beyou would behe would bewe should/would beyou would bethey would be

Past conditionalI should/would have beenyou would have beenhe would have beenWe should/would have beenyou would have beenthey would have been

Imperativelet me be!be!let him be!let us (let's) be!be!let them be!

Infinitive Gerundto be being

SubjuntivePast tenseif I wereif you wereif he wereif we wereif you wereif they were

Nota:El imperfecto de subjuntivo del verboSER (TO BE) es el unico que se usa enla practica.Ej: "si yo fuera rico" -If I were rich.

Participle Past participlebeen have been


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Verbo haber-tenerIndicative SubjuntivoPresenteyo he/tengotu has/tienesel ha/tienenos. hemos/tenemosvos. habeis/teneisellos han/tienen

Imperfectoyo habia/teniatu habias/teniasel habia/tenianos. habiamos/tem'amosvos. habiais/teniaisellos habian/tenian

Indefinidoyo hube/tuvetu hubiste/tuvisteel hubo/tuvonos. hubimos/tuvimosvos. hubisteis/tuvimosellos hubieron/tuvieron

Futureyo habre/tendretu habras/tendrasel habra/tendranos. habremos/tendremosvos. habreis/tendreisellos habran/tendran

P. Perfectoyo he habido/tenidotu has habido/tenidoel ha habido/tenidonos. hemos habido/tenidovos. habeis habido/tenidoellos han habido/tenido

Pluscuamperfectoyo habi'a habido/tenidotu habfas habido/tenidoel habia habido/tenidonos. habfamos habido/tenidovos. habiais habido/tenidoellos nab fan habido/tenido

Anterioryo hube habido/tenidotu hubiste habido/tenidoel hubo habido/tenidonos. hubimos habido/tenidovos. hubisteis habido/tenidoellos hubieron habido/tenido

Future Perfectoyo habre habido/tenidotu habras habido/tenidoel habra habido/tenidonos. habremos habido/tenidovos. habreis habido/tenidoellos habran habido/tenido

CondicionalPresenteyo habrfa/tendriatu habrias/tendrias61 habria/tendrianos. habrfamos/tendriamosvos. habriais/tendriaisellos habrian/tendrian

Compuestoyo habria habido/tenidotu habn'as habido/tenidoel habria habido/tenidonos. habrfamos habido/tenidovos. habriais habido/tenidoellos habrfan habido/tenido

Imperativoihe tu!jhaya el!jhayamos nosotros!jhabed vosotros!jhayan ellos!jten tu!jtenga el!itengamos nosotros!jtened vosotros!jtengan ellos!

Presenteyo haya/tengatu hayas/tengasel haya/tenganos. hayamos/tengamosvos. hayais/tengaisellos hayan/tengan

Imperfecto (haber)yo hubiera o hubiesetu hubieras o hubiesesel hubiera o hubiesenos. hubieramos o hubiesemosvos. hubierais o hubieseisellos hubieran o hubiesenImperfecto (tener)yo tuviera o tuviesetu tuvieras o tuviesesel tuviera o tuviesenos. tuvieramos o tuviesemosvos. tuvierais o tuvieseisellos tuvieran o tuviesenPreterite perfectoyo haya habido/tenidotu hayas habido/tenidoel haya habido/tenidonos. hayamos habido/tenidovos. hayais habido/tenidoellos hayan habido/tenidoPluscuamperfectoyo hubiera o hubiese habidotu hubieras o hubieses habidoel hubiera o hubiese habidonos. hubieramos o hubiesemos habidovos. hubierais o hubieseis habidoello hubieran o hubiesen habidoPluscuamperfectoyo hubiera o hubiese tenidotu hubieras o hubieses tenidoel hubiera o hubiese tenidonos. hubieramos o hubiesemos tenidovos. hubierais o hubieseis tenidoellos hubieran o hubiesen tenido






Participio pasadohaber habidotenido


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Verb to have


IndicativePresentI haveyou havehe haswe haveyou havethey have

Past tenseI hadyou hadhe hadwe hadyou hadthey had

FutureI shall/will haveyou will havehe will havewe shall/will haveyou will havethey will have

Present perfect tenseI have hadyou have hadhe has hadwe have hadyou have hadthey have had

Past perfect tenseI had hadyou had hadhe had hadwe had hadyou had hadthey had had

Future perfect tenseI shall/will have hadyou will have hadhe will have hadwe shall/will have hadyou will have hadthey will have had

ConditionalPresentI should/would haveyou would havehe would havewe should/would haveyou would havethey would have

Past conditionalI should/would have hadyou would have hadhe would have hadwe should/would have hadyou would have hadthey would have had

Imperativelet me have!have!let him have!let us (let's) have!have!let them have!

InfinitiveTo have

Gerund Participle Past participle

Having Had Have had


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Verbo amar

IndicativePresente P. Perfectoyo amo yo he amadotu amas tu has amadoel ama el ha amadonos. amamos nos. hemos amadovos. amais vos. habeis amadoellos aman ellos nan amado

Imperfecto Pluscuamperfectoyo amaba yo habi'a amadotu amabas tu habfas amadoel amaba el habi'a amadonos. amabamos nos. habfamos amadovos. amabais vos. habfais amadoellos amaban ellos habfan amado

Indefinido Anterioryo ame yo hube amadotu amaste tu hubiste amadoel amo el hubo amadonos. amamos nos. hubimos amadovos. amasteis vos. hubisteis amadoellos amaron ellos hubieron amado

Futuro Futuro Perfectoyo amare yo habre amadotu amaras tu habras amadoel amara el habra amadonos. amaremos nos. habremos amadovos. amareis vos. habreis amadoellos amaran ellos habran amado

Condicional ImperativoPresente iama tuiyo amarfa iame el!tu amarias jamemos nosotros!el amarfa nos. amarfamos vos. amarfaisellos amarfan

Compuestoyo habrfa amadotu habrias amado

el habrfa amado InfinitJVO

vos. habrfais amado Amarellos habrfan amado

SubjuntivoPresenteyo ame

tu ames

el ame

nos. amemos

vos. ameis

ellos amen

Imperfectoyo amara o amase

tu amaras o amases

el amara o amase

nos. amaramos o amasemos

vos. amarais o amaseis

allos amaran o amasen

Preterite perfectoyo haya amado

tu hayas amado

el haya amado

nos. hayamos amado

vos. hayais amado

ellos hayan amado

Pluscuamperfectoyo hubiera o hubiese amado

tu hubieras o hubieses amado

el hubiera o hubiese amado

nos. hubieramos o hubiesemos amado

vos. hubierais o hubieseis amado

ellos hubieran o hubiesen amado

Gerundio Participio Participio pasadoAmando Amado Haber amado


Iamad vosotros!Iamen ellos!

nos. habriamos amado

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Verb to love

IndicativePresentI loveyou lovehe loveswe loveyou lovethey love

Past tenseI lovedyou lovedhe lovedwe lovedyou lovedthey loved

FutureI shall/will loveyou will lovehe will lovewe shall/will loveyou will lovethey will love

Present perfect tenseI have lovedyou have lovedhe has lovedwe have lovedyou have lovedthey have loved

Past perfect tenseI had lovedyou had lovedhe had lovedwe had lovedyou had lovedthey had loved

Future perfect tenseI shall/will have lovedyou will have lovedhe will have lovedwe shall/will have lovedyou will have lovedthey will have loved

ConditionalPresent1 should/would loveyou would lovehe would lovewe should/would loveyou would lovethey would love

Past conditionalI should/would have lovedyou would have lovedhe would have lovedwe should/would have lovedyou would have lovedthey would have loved

Imperativelet me love!love!let him love!let us (let's) love!love!let them love!

InfinitiveTo love

Gerund Participle Past participle

Loving Loved Have loved


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Verb to love


IndicativePresentInterrogativedo 1 love?do you love?does he love?do we love?do you love?do they love?

NegativeI do not loveyou do not lovehe does not lovewe do not loveyou do not lovethey do not love

Past tenseinterrogativedid I love?did you love?did he love?did we love?did you love?did they love?

NegativeI did not loveyou did not lovehe did not lovewe did not loveyou did not lovethey did not love

FutureInterrogativeshall/will I love?will you love?will he love?shall we love?will you love?will they love?

NegativeI shall/will not loveyou will not lovehe will not lovewe shall/will not loveyou will not lovethey will not love

Present perfect tenseInterrogativehave I loved?have you loved?has he loved?have we loved?have you loved?have they loved?

NegativeI have not lovedyou have not lovedhe has not lovedwe have not lovedyou have not lovedthey have not loved

Past perfect tenseInterrogativehad I loved?had you loved?had he loved?had we loved?had you loved?had they loved?

NegativeI had not lovedyou had not lovedhe had not lovedwe had not lovedyou had not lovedthey had not loved

Future perfect tenseInterrogativeshall/will I have loved?will you have loved?will he have loved?shall we have loved?will you have loved?will they have loved?

NegativeI shall/will not have lovedyou will not have lovedhe will not have lovedwe shall/will not have lovedyou will not have lovedthey will not have loved

SubjuntiveNota.- Salvo muy raras excepciones, elmodo subjuntivo no se usa en ingles.For regla general se usa el mismotiempo que en indicative. Ej.: "Cuandoyo vaya"-When I go.

ConditionalPresentInterrogativeshould/would I love?would you love?would he love?should/would we love?would you love?would they love?

NegativeI should/would not loveyou would not lovehe would not lovewe should/would not loveyou would not lovethey would not love

Past conditionalInterrogativeshould/would I have loved?would you have loved?would he have loved?should/would we have loved?would you have loved?would they have loved?

NegativeI should/would not have lovedyou would not have lovedhe would not have lovedwe should/would not have lovedyou would not have lovedthey would not have loved

ImperativeNegativedo not let me love!do not love!do not let him love!do not let us love! (let's not love!)do not lovedo not let them love!


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Verbo "there to be" - haber (impersonal)

IndicativePresentthere isthere are


Past tensethere wasthere were


Futurethere will be


Present perfect tensethere has beenthere have been

ha habido

Past perfect tensethere had been

habia/hubo habido

Future perfect tensethere will have been

habra habido

ConditionalPresentThere would be


Past conditionalThere would have been

Habria habido

ImperativeLet there be!


InfinitiveThere to be


GerundThere being


Participle Past participle


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Verbo "to be able" - poder



1 can/I am ableyou can/you are ablehe can/he is ablewe can/we are ableyou can/you are ablethey can/they are able


I could/l was ableyou could/you were ablehe could/he was ablewe could/we were ableyou could/you were ablethey could/they were able


I shall/will be ableyou will be ablehe will be ablewe shall/will be ableyou will be ablethey will be able

yo puedotu puedesel puedenos. podemosvos. podeisellos pueden

podia, pudepodias, pudistepodia, pudopodiamos, pudimospodiais, pudisteispodian, pudieron


Preterite perfecto

I have been ableyou have been ablehe has been ablewe have been ableyou have been ablethey have been able


I had been ableyou had been ablehe had been ablewe had been ableyou had been ablethey had been able

Futuro perfecto

I shall/will have been ableyou will have been ablehe will have been ablewe shall/will have been ableyou will have been ablethey will have been able

he podidohas podidoha podidohemos podidohabeis podidohan podido

habfa podidohabias podidohabia podidohabiamos podidohabiais podidohabian podido

habre podidohabras podidohabra podidohabremos podidohabreis podidohabran podido


I could/would be ableyou could/would be ablehe could/would be ablewe could/would be ableyou could/would be ablethey could/would be able


Condicional compuesto

I should/would have been able habria podidoyou would have been able habrias podidohe would have been able habria podidowe should/would have been able habriamos podidoyou would have been able habriais podidothey would have been able habrian podido


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•NIVELES 1,2, 3, 4Y5



• NIVELES 1, 2 Y 3





• NIVELES 1-A, 1-BY1-C



























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