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English Culture Session 1

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 English Culture Session 1


    English Culture 1

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  • 7/29/2019 English Culture Session 1


  • 7/29/2019 English Culture Session 1


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  • 7/29/2019 English Culture Session 1


  • 7/29/2019 English Culture Session 1


  • 7/29/2019 English Culture Session 1


  • 7/29/2019 English Culture Session 1


  • 7/29/2019 English Culture Session 1


    American (The People)

    White, American Indian and Alaska Native,

    Asian, Black or African American, Native

    Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, and

    people of two or more races; a race called"Some other race" is also used in the census

    and other surveys. (

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    White Americans (non-Hispanic/Latino and

    Hispanic/Latino) are the racial majority, with

    an 72% share of the U.S. population, per 2010

    US Census.[6] Hispanic and Latino Americanscompose 15% of the population, making up

    the largest ethnic minority.

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    Black Americans are the largest racial minority,

    composing nearly 13% of the population. The

    White, non-Hispanic or Latino population

    comprises 66% of the nation's total.(

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    The US has often been called a nation of

    immigrants because:

    a. the country was settled, built, and developed by

    generations of immigrants and their childrenb. America still take in more immigrants than any

    other country in the world.

    Thus, the US is considered the most heterogenoussocieties in the world.

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    The Average American

    Most Americans may be White, but Americans

    are not normally White. Most Americans are

    Christians, but American cant be called a

    Christian country.

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    Australian (The People)

    Australia is a country of immigrants.

    Scientists believe that the ancestors of

    Australians are the Aborigins.

    Two indigenous peoples: the mainland and

    Tasmanian Aboriginals and the Torres Strait

    Islanders who come from the small islands

    between Australia and Papua New Guinea.

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    In 1788, the British arrived to set up a convict colony onthe east coast. Among the arrivals, there was a black manfrom Madagascar, but most people were English, Irish, orScottish.

    The gold rushes of the 1850s brought people from allover the world, including Australias first Chinesemigrants.

    Australia was mainly British in character.

    From 1901 the countrys White Australia Policy meantAsian, African, and Middle Eastern Immigrants were notwelcome.

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    The big move towards a more diverse Australian

    began after WW 2 when immigrants from Europe,

    especially Italians, Greeks, and Northern Europeans

    arrived. The easing of the White Australia Policy in the late

    1960s meant the start of migration from Asia and the

    Middle East. Many immigrants came from Vietnam

    and the Philippines, and more recently, from HongKong and China.

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    The Australian Families

    Mum, dad, two children,and a dog.

    The Asutralian family is small nuclear family

    No tradition of extended families. However, the wider Australian family

    including grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins,

    and other relatives gathers to celebrate

    important events.

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    When children grow up, they leave the family

    home to start another household.

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    The Family Pet

    Australians are pet owners. Nearly half of the

    households own at least one dog and nearly a third

    of households have at least one cat. These pets are

    member of the family. The Australian practice of allowing dogs inside the

    house disgusts people who think dogs are unclean.

    If you dont want family pets to come near you, tell

    the owner you are not used to animals or that you

    are allergic to them.

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    The American Families

    It is a nuclear family husband, wife, chidlren

    who live in their own house or apartment.

    Grandparents rarely live in the same home

    with their married sons and daughters, and

    uncles and aunts almost never do.

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    If Americans are asked to name the members of their

    families, family structure becomes clear. Married

    American adults will name their husband or wife and

    their children, if they have any, as their immediatefamily. If they mention their father, mother, sisters,

    or brothers, they will define them as separate units,

    usually living in separate households.

    Aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents are

    considered extended family.