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Name: Ms. Fittz English 2 28 January 2015 English 2 Agenda Wednesday, January 28 Homework #4 Due Friday Progress Report Grades Due Next Friday Bell-Ringer. 1. Good Morning! Define allusion in your own words. ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Boo Radley. Describe the scariest character you have ever come across (whether in a book, T.V. show, or movie). What about that character’s characterization made him or her so frightening? (remember S.T.E.A.L.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. School. Nothing is perfect, and school is one example of this. If you could change one thing about school, what would it be and why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. Speed Dating: TKAM Artifacts III. Finish Chapter 1 of TKAM (pp. 6-19) a. Boo Radley i. Outhouse ii. Scissors b. Pop Quiz: Chapter 1 IV. TKAM Chapter 2 (pp. 20-29) a. Scout’s first day of school i. Miss Caroline ii. Walter Cunningham b. Unreliable Narrator V. Exit Ticket Learning Objectives *We will… ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *We will… ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Announcements: Soccer on Fridays @ 2:30. Grass field behind auditorium. Do YOU have what it takes to beat your English teacher? Tutoring Thursday ONLY 2-4. Soccer Friday [email protected] * text/call 615.543.6260 *

English 2 Agenda - · Why might this mean that Scout is an unreliable narrator? (can we take everything

Mar 24, 2020



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Page 1: English 2 Agenda - · Why might this mean that Scout is an unreliable narrator? (can we take everything

Name: Ms. Fittz English 2 28 January 2015  

English 2 Agenda Wednesday, January 28  


Homework #4 Due Friday Progress Report Grades Due

Next Friday  


1. Good Morning! Define allusion in your own words. ___________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Boo Radley. Describe the scariest character you have ever come across (whether in a book, T.V. show, or movie). What about that character’s characterization made him or her so frightening? (remember S.T.E.A.L.)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. School. Nothing is perfect, and school is one example of this. If you could change one thing about school, what would it be and why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. Speed Dating: TKAM Artifacts III. Finish Chapter 1 of TKAM (pp. 6-19)

a. Boo Radley i. Outhouse ii. Scissors

b. Pop Quiz: Chapter 1 IV. TKAM Chapter 2 (pp. 20-29)

a. Scout’s first day of school i. Miss Caroline ii. Walter Cunningham

b. Unreliable Narrator V. Exit Ticket

Learning Objectives *We will… ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*We will… ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Announcements: Soccer on Fridays @ 2:30. Grass field behind auditorium. Do YOU have what it takes to beat your English teacher? ☺

Tutoring Thursday ONLY 2-4. Soccer Friday ☺ [email protected] * text/call 615.543.6260 *

Page 2: English 2 Agenda - · Why might this mean that Scout is an unreliable narrator? (can we take everything


{End of} Chapter 1: Boo Radley TKAM pp. 6-19

Objective: Who is Boo Radley? Questions to consider:

1. How do people in Maycomb treat the Radley house? (pp. 6-11)

2. On pages 12-13, Scout explains, “according to neighborhood legend” that Boo Radley had a notorious past. Explain what Boo is credited to have done with the Old Sarum gang.

3. On page 13, we hear that Miss Stephanie Crawford has more information regarding Boo.

a. What information does Miss Stephanie Crawford divulge on page 13? b. Make a prediction. What is Miss Stephanie’s role in the community?

4. How does Jem describe Boo? (page 16)

* _______________: ______________________________________________________

* _______________: _____________________________________________________

* _______________: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

* _______________: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

5. Why does Jem decide to ding dong ditch the Radley’s? Describe the reaction inside (p. 19). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

" take one minute to review the characters we know so far {}.

Chapter 2: Scout’s First Day of School TKAM pp. 20-29

1. According to page 20 of To Kill A Mockingbird, Dill leaves Maycomb in September to return to ________________, Mississippi.

2. Scout recalls that she was “miserable without him” until it occurred [her] that [she] would be starting school in less than a week” (p. 20). How does Scout feel about going to school and why does she feel this way? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 3: English 2 Agenda - · Why might this mean that Scout is an unreliable narrator? (can we take everything

The Narrator of TKAM

1. Who is the narrator of TKAM? ___________________; also known as ________________

2. At what age is Jean Louise Finch writing this story? ___________________________ à Put it together. Describe from what perspective TKAM is being told: _____________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ à Why might this mean that Scout is an unreliable narrator? (can we take everything she says for granted? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. a) What motivates Jem to take scout to school? b) What instructions does Jem give Scout regarding her conduct at school? Why is school “different” (21)? a) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe Miss Caroline, Scout’s teacher (p. 21). Why is it significant that she’s from North Alabama? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why is Miss Caroline initially frustrated with Scout? (pp. 22 – 24) _____________________________ 6. a) How did Scout learn to read? B) how did Scout learn to write? a) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What happens with Walter and his lunch? Why doesn’t Walter take the money?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Why does Miss Caroline finally give Scout a “whipping” and make her stand in the corner?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Who do you feel most sorry for in this situation: Miss Caroline, Walter, or Scout? Why?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

" take one minute to add information to your character chart for the Cunninghams and Miss Caroline

Entailment: Real  definition:  legal  restriction  of  ownership  or  real  estate  property    

 What  Jem  thinks  it  means:  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________    What  does  it  mean  to  be  “a  Cunningham?”  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

 This is key to understanding TKAM!

Page 4: English 2 Agenda - · Why might this mean that Scout is an unreliable narrator? (can we take everything

To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 2 Vocabulary

1. Condescend

a. “Jem condescended to take me to school the first day” b. definition: to behave as others are socially or intellectually inferior

2. Apprehensively

a. “The class murmured apprehensively” b. definition: fearfully, anxiously

3. Peculiarities

a. “the peculiarities” indigenous to the region b. definition: unusual or individual characteristics; oddities

4. Indigenous

a. the peculiarities” indigenous to the region b. definition: natural, inborn, originating and living naturally in a region or country

5. Wallow

a. “somehow I had been wallowing illicitly in the daily papers” b. definition: to lie down and roll around in something

6. Illicitly

a. “somehow I had been wallowing illicitly in the daily papers” b. definition: done illegally or unacceptable by social customs

7. Compel

a. “now that I was compelled to think about it” b. definition: to force, to coerce, to require

8. Sentimentality

a. “in Calpurnia’s teaching, there was no sentimentality” b. definition: the tendency to be overly emotional or nostalgic

9. Entailment

a. “after a dreary conversation about his entailment” b. definition: legal restriction of ownership or real estate or property

10. Vexations

a. “entailment was only part of Mr. Cunningham’s vexations” b. definition: aggravation, difficulty, problem

11. Sojourn

a. “my sojourn in the corner was a short one” b. definition: a brief stay, a short trip

Page 5: English 2 Agenda - · Why might this mean that Scout is an unreliable narrator? (can we take everything

You  will  be  able  to  use  your  chart  on  all  quizzes  for  TKAM.    

Name:  ___________________________  

To Kill A Mockingbird: The Characters Appearance Personality Actions Scout (Jean Lousie Finch)



Dill aka “_________ ________ ______”


Ms. Henry Lafayette Dubose

Miss Rachel Haverford

Boo Radley

Miss Stephanie

The Cunninghams Miss Caroline

Page 6: English 2 Agenda - · Why might this mean that Scout is an unreliable narrator? (can we take everything

Name:  ____________________________    Literature  Grade  of  _______/10      Due:  ____________________________  

Homework To Kill A Mockingbird Chapters 1-2.

Boo Radley & Scout’s First Day of School

1. Describe Boo Radley’s character: ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

2. Describe two conflicts (misunderstandings) that Scout and Miss Caroline have on the first day of school:

The first conflict Scout and Miss Caroline have is because _________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The second conflict Scout and Miss Caroline have is because: _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________

3. Describe a similar experience where you have had a misunderstanding with a teacher and you feel that you were judged unfairly. Please create a pseudonym (alternate name) for the teacher.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

4. *Essential question * Why might we consider Scout an “unreliable narrator?” Does this mean that she is telling lies? Explain your answer in at least three sentences.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

5. Please choose two of the vocabulary terms from chapter 2 and create your own complete sentences using those words. (please underline your chosen vocabulary word in the sentence) You may use the back of this sheet if you need.

a) ______________________________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________________________