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TRANSLATION P. 020 / THE NOUN 1. Portavionul este o navã construitã pentru transportul aparatelor de zbor. Puntea este suficient de mare pentru ca fiecare aparat sã poatã decola si ateriza în sigurantã. 2. Cartea lui Charles Darwin “Originea speciilor” marcheazã un moment important în dezvoltarea stiintelor naturii. El a arãtat cã în naturã numai cei vigurosi supravietuiesc pentru buna perpetuare a speciei. 3. Hoinãrind prin pãdure am ajuns la un luminis unde o cãprioarã pãstea linistitã. Numai atunci mi-am dat seama ce frumoase si gingase sunt cãprioarele. 4. A petrecut minunat în tabãra internationalã a studentilor de la Costinesti unde erau chinezi, japonezi, portughezi, elvetieni si multi alti studenti. S-a împrietenit cu un chinez foarte inteligent si politicos. Chinezii toti sunt deosebit de politicosi. 5. Toate uzinele de gaz din acea tarã sunt foarte moderne sau în curs de modernizare. Aceastã uzinã de gaz, desi a fost construitã acum saptezeci de ani, este încã în stare bunã. KEY TO TRANSLATION P.020 / THE NOUN 1. The aircraft carrier is a ship built to transport aircraft. The deck is large enough for each aircraft (to be able) to take off and land safely . 2. Charles Darwin's book "The Origin of Species" marks an important moment in the develpoment of natural sciences. He proved that in nature only the strong survive for the good perpetuance of their species. 3. Wondering through the woods we got to a clearing where a deer was grazing quietly. Only then did I realize how beautiful and fragile deer are. 4. He had a wonderful time in the international students' camp at Costinesti, where there were also Chinese, Japanese, Portugese, Swiss and many other students. He made friends with a very intelligent and polite Chinese. The Chinese are all extremely polite. 5. All the gas-works in/ from that country are very modern or are being modernized. This gas-works, although it was built seventy years ago, is still in good condition. TRANSLATION P.033 / THE NOUN 1

engleza practica

Apr 24, 2015



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Page 1: engleza practica


1. Portavionul este o navã construitã pentru transportul aparatelor de zbor. Puntea este suficient de mare pentru ca fiecare aparat sã poatã decola si ateriza în sigurantã.2. Cartea lui Charles Darwin “Originea speciilor” marcheazã un moment important în dezvoltarea stiintelor naturii. El a arãtat cã în naturã numai cei vigurosi supravietuiesc pentru buna perpetuare a speciei.3. Hoinãrind prin pãdure am ajuns la un luminis unde o cãprioarã pãstea linistitã. Numai atunci mi-am dat seama ce frumoase si gingase sunt cãprioarele.

4. A petrecut minunat în tabãra internationalã a studentilor de la Costinesti unde erau chinezi, japonezi, portughezi, elvetieni si multi alti studenti. S-a împrietenit cu un chinez foarte inteligent si politicos. Chinezii toti sunt deosebit de politicosi.5. Toate uzinele de gaz din acea tarã sunt foarte moderne sau în curs de modernizare. Aceastã uzinã de gaz, desi a fost construitã acum saptezeci de ani, este încã în stare bunã.


1. The aircraft carrier is a ship built to transport aircraft. The deck is large enough for each aircraft (to be able) to take off and land safely .2. Charles Darwin's book "The Origin of Species" marks an important moment in the develpoment of natural sciences. He proved that in nature only the strong survive for the good perpetuance of their species.3. Wondering through the woods we got to a clearing where a deer was grazing quietly. Only then did I realize how beautiful and fragile deer are.

4. He had a wonderful time in the international students' camp at Costinesti, where there were also Chinese, Japanese, Portugese, Swiss and many other students. He made friends with a very intelligent and polite Chinese. The Chinese are all extremely polite.5. All the gas-works in/ from that country are very modern or are being modernized. This gas-works, although it was built seventy years ago, is still in good condition.


1. Aceasta este o mobilã prea mare ca sã intre pe usa aceasta.2. Am bãut deja douã cafele.3. Aveam trei sãpunuri ieri. Unde sunt? 4. Nu stiu cum reuseste Tom sã fluiere cu un fir de iarbã. 5. Un râs zgomotos ne-a fãcut sã ne întoarcem capul.6. Câte bucãti de zahãr vrei în ceai?7. Spune-i hamalului cã avem bagaje grele.8. L-am rugat sã-mi cumpere douã pâini, dar a uitat.9. Ne-a dat un sfat foarte bun.

10. Un fulger strãlucitor, urmat de un tunet puternic ne trimise pe toti imediat în casã.11. A fost un noroc neasteptat sã-i gãsim în multimea care iesea de la spectacol.12. Cine ne poate da vreo informaþie despre persoana dispãrutã. 13. Poti sa desfaci tabla de ciocolata de pe masa.14. E de ajuns ca un fir de nisip sã intre într-o scoicã pentru a se forma o perla.15. Vã dau un sfat: nu lãsati niciodata gazul aprins.


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16. A treia stire prezentatã la televizor a fost foarte interesantã.17. Cea mai frumoasã bijuterie a ei era o brosã din opt grame de aur si un diamant.18. Garnitura de mobilã se va potrivi foarte bine. 19. Sunt obositã. N-am închis un ochi noaptea trecutã. 20. E o ocazie deosebitã. Scoate tacâmurile din argint.21. Vrei grãtar de porc sau fripturã de miel?22. Nu te pot ajuta. Nu mai am nici un strop de energie

23. Pianistul cânta cu o pasiune iesitã din comun.24. E nevoie de 100 de grame de fainã; asta înseamnã cam patru linguri vârfuite de fãinã.


1. This is a piece of furniture too big to go through this door.2. I've already had two cups of coffee.3. We had three bars of soap yesterday/ I counted three bars of soap.... Where are they?4. I don't know how Tom succeeds in whistling with only a blade of grass. / can whistle with...5. A roar of laughter made us all turn our heads.6. How many lumps of sugar do you want in your tea? / How many lumps of sugar do you take with your tea?

7. Tell the bell-boy / porter we have some heavy luggage.8. I asked him to buy me two loaves of bread but he forgot.9. He gave us some good advice.10. A bright flash of lightning, followed by a roll of thunder sent us all into the house.11. It was a stoke of unexpected luck to find them in the crowd that were coming out from the show.12. Who can give us some/ any information about the missing person?13. You can open the bar of chocolate from / that is on the table.

14. It is enough for a grain of sand to get into an oyster for a pearl to form.15. I'll give you a piece of advice: never leave the gas burning.16. The third piece of news presented on TV was very interesting.17. Her most beautiful piece of jewellry was a diamond broach weighing 8 grams of gold.18. The set of furniture will fit very well.19. I'm tired . I haven't had a wink of sleep last night.20. It's a special occasion. Take out the silver cutlery.

21. Do you want pork steak or roast mutton?22. I can't help you/ I can't be of any help to you. I don't have even an ounce of energy left.23. The pianist performed with/ in a feat of passion.24. 100 grams of flour are needed. That is about four spoonfuls of flour.


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1. Numai timpul ne va arãta care din noi are dreptate.2. Nu este las cel ce are curajul convingerilor sale.3. A fãcut totul din bunãtate si nu din speranta unei rãsplate.4. Dl. Smith si directorul scolii s-au salutat ca doi regi. Apoi au schimbat cuvinte politicoase.5. Sticla se sparge usor.6. De un timp încoace nu mai pot citi fãrã ochelari.7. Am citit de câteva ori, dar tot n-am putut întelege.8. Lucrarea la biologie a fost deosebit de grea.

9. Cred cã ceea ce spui ai citit prin ziare.10. S-a semnat pacea între cele douã tãri.11. Dupã o pace scurtã, a izbucnit din nou rãzboiul.12. N-a avut curajul s-o refuze.13. O altã calitate a nylon-ului este rezistenta la apã.14. Nu e întelept sã dai prea mult credit zvonurilor.15. Operele poetului sunt foarte frumoase.16. În acest domeniu el are multã experientã .17. Întâmplãrile prin care a trecut îl fac un om cu experientã .

18. Cine îti va tine de urât?19. Câta dobândã primesti pe trei luni?20. Nu mi-a dat rest de la 100 de dolari.


1. Only time will tell which of us is right.2. He who has the courage of his own convictions is no coward.3. He did everything out of kindness not in the hope of a reward.4. Mr. Smith and the principal of the school greeted each other like kings and then exchanged politnesses.5. Glass breaks easily. 6. For some time now I haven't been able to read without my glasses.7. I read it several times, but I still couldn't understand it.

8. The biology paper was very difficult.9. I think that what you are saying you have read in the newspapers.10. Peace was signed between the two countries.11. After a brief peace, war broke out again.12. He didn't have the courage to turn her down.13. Another quality in nylon is its resistance to water.14. It's not wise to give too much credit to rumours.15. The works of the poet are very beautiful.

16. In this domain he has a lot of experience.17. The happenings he has been through make him a man with experience.18. Who will keep you company?19. How much interest do you get for three months?20. He didn't give me any change from a 100 dollar bill.TRANSLATION P.041 / THE NOUN


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1.Vaticanul anuntã reusita operatiei si cã Papa se simte acum bine.2. Compania va angaja încã sase persoane.3. Juriul încearcã sã cadã de acord.4. O familie care se ceartã întruna nu poate fi fericitã .5. Publicul vrea sã stie ce va urma.6. Sunt prea mulþi oameni rãi pe pãmânt.7. Toate guvernele încearcã sã facã ceva pentru a control actele criminale.8. Lãzile de bere sunt pe terasã.

9. Musuroiul de furnici este foarte mare.10. Turma de elefanti se îndreaptã cãtre râu.11. Teancul de hârtii se aflã pe masã .12. Se auzi urletul lupilor în depãrtare. Sigur erau mai multe haite.13. Catedra de profesori de englezã are cabinetele la etajul trei.14. Pentru a rezolva problema a fost convocat un grup de experti din toatã lumea.15. Multimea de rãzvrãtiti se nãpusti asupra castelului.


1. The Vatican announces the success of the opeartion and that the Pope is feeling fine now.2. The company will hire six more persons.3. The jury are trying to agree.4. A family that are always quarrelling can't be happy.5. The public wants to know what is next.6. There are too many bad people on the face of the Earth.7. All goverments try to do something to control criminal acts.

8. The crates of beer are on the terrace.9. The colony of ants is very big.10. The herd of elephants is heading towards the river.11. The heap of papers is on the table.12. The roar of the wolves could be heard in the distance. There were certainly more packs than one.13. The staff of English teachers have their offices on the third floor.14. A panel of experts from all over the world was summoned to solve the problem.

15. The mob of rioters rushed into the castle.


1. Apele lacului se scurgeau printr-o cascadã spectaculoasã.2. Amândoi au dat din cap a neîncredere.3. Toti am întâmpinat rãrsãritul soarelui cu inima usoarã. 4. A trebuit sã schimb trenul la Reading. 5. Nu puteam sã-i trimitem acolo împotriva vointei lor.6. Strigau cât îi tinea gura.7. Visa la apele albastre ale Mediteranei.


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8. Cãldurile unei veri înnãbusitoare nu pãreau sã aibã nici o influentã asupra sãnãtãtii lui.

9. De dragul lor era în stare sã mute si muntii din loc. 10. Ezita între sperantã si teamã.


1. The waters of the lake flowed in a spectaculous waterfall.2. They both shook their heads in disbelief.3. We all greeted the sunrise light-heartedly / with light hearts.4. I had to change trains in/at Reading.5. We couldn't send them their against their will/ wills .6. They screamed their lungs out. / They were shouting at the top of their voices.7. He dreamed of the blue waters of the Mediterranean.

8. The heats of the summer didn't seem to have any effect on him.9. For their sake he would move mountains.10. He hesitated between hope and fear.


Dupã o zi grea de muncã se duse sã cineze la mãtusile sale, domnisoarele Harrison. Dupã cinã, asezat confortabil într-un fotoliu lângã foc cu ziarul în mânã, revãzu în minte chipuri de oameni si îmtâmplãri din copilãrie. Ar fi dorit sã fie iarãsi copil si sã se joace cu roscovanul Pete, fiul lui Jackson, morarul, care locuia doar la o aruncãturã de bãt.

Uneori fãcea cale de cinci mile pânã la ferma bunicilor, dupã ouã proaspete, zarzavaturi si fel de fel de fructe. Ferma, cu orãtãnii nenumãrate, cu vite, turme de oi si roiuri de albine i-a oferit multe din bucuriile copilãriei. Cu cãtelusii si pisicutele se jucau cât pofteau, dar ori de câte ori voiau sã se apropie de bobocii de gâscã, gâscanul, pãrinte grijuliu, îi alunga. În drum spre casã, intrau la bãcãnie si cumpãrau bomboane de cinci peni, fiindcã bunica niciodatã nu uita sã-i dea ceva bani de buzunar.

Apoi îsi aminti cum, câtiva ani mai târziu, sãptãmâni la rând, a fost într-o situatie criticã din cauza acelui ticãlos care se dãdea drept prieten, dar care l-a folosit ca pe-o unealtã. Asa i-a trebuit! Singur se vârâse în gura lupului, fiindcã nu dãduse nici un ban pe sfaturile fratelui sãu mai mare. A scãpat ca prin minune, datoritã fratelui sãu, care aflând vestea proastã, a fãcut tot posibilul ca sã-l punã la adãpost de primejdii.

Tresãri auzind vocea mãtusii Jane: “John dragã, poftim ziarul de astãzi, acela e de alaltãieri. Cum poti fi atât de distrat? Citesti de mai bine de o orã, fãrã sã-ti dai seama ce citesti.”


After a hard day’s work he went to have dinner at his aunts’ , Misses Harrison/Miss Harrisons.


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After dinner seated comfortably in an armchair by the fireplace, newspaper in hand, he saw in his mind’s eye faces of people and events from his childhood.He wished he were a child again and played with the red-haired Peter, son of the miller Jackson/miller Jackson’s son, who lived at a stone’s throw.Sometimes he would walk five miles to his grandparents’ farm for fresh eggs, vegetables and all kinds of fruit.

The farm with countless poultry, with cattle, flocks of sheep and swarms of bees offered him many of his childhood’s happy memories.They played as much as they liked/to their heart’s content with the puppies and kittens but when they wanted to get near the little geese/ goslings the gander , a careful parent would chase them away.On their way home they would go into/ would stop at the grocer’s and buy 5 pennies’ worth of sweets because grandma never forgot to give them some pocket money.

Then he remembered how several years later weeks on end he found himself in a critical situation because of that scoundrel who had pretended to be his friend but had used him as a cat’s paw. It served him right! He alone had stirred up a hornet’s nest, because he hadn’t give a tinker's curse on his big brother’s advice.He had a narrow escape thanks to his brother who having heard/ on hearing the bad news did everything possible/ did his best to put him out of harm’s way.

He started when he heard his aunt Jane’s voice: "John dear, here is today’s paper, that one is the day-before-yesterday’s. How can you be so absent-minded. You have been reading for over an hour without realizing what you have been reading?".


1. Unde este lupoaica cu puii ei?2. Pãsãrile din curte mãnâncã grãunte.3. Rata este urmatã de cei cinci pui ai ei în sir indian.4. În turma aceasta sunt doar trei berbeci si zece miei. Dar e pãzitã de 15 câini. 5. În vizuinã e doar tigroaica cu cei doi pui ai ei.


1. Where is the she-wolf with her cubs?2. The poultry in the courtyard are pecking seeds.3. The duck is followed by her ducklings in Indian file.4. In this flock there are just 3 rams and 10 lambs but it is guarded by 15 dogs.5. In the den there is just the tigress with her two cubs.


Translate into English using ‘can’ or ‘be able’:


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1. Nu-ti poti nici mãcar aminti numele strãzii pe care locuieste?2. Puteam sta în cap când eram la scoalã, dar acum nu mai pot.3. Când se va ridica ceata, sper cã vom putea recunoaste locurile.4. Când eram copil nu-i puteam întelege pe adulti si acum cã sunt adult nu-i mai pot întelege pe copii.5. Nu încerca sã te uiti la toate tablourile din expozitie, când vei ajunge acasã nu vei putea sã-ti mai amintesti de nici unul.

6. Când m-am dus prima data în Anglia puteam citi englezeste, dar nu puteam vorbi.7. “Poti scrie la masinã?”Da, dar nu pot stenografia.”8. Sunt prea multe lucruri în valiza. Sunt sigur cã nu vei putea sã o duci. De când te-ai lovit la spate nu ai mai putut cãra atîtea lucruri fãrã sã ai dureri.9. Chiar dacã ne-am strãduit din rãsputeri nu am reusit sã ajungem.10. Se poate sã se ajungã la temperaturi de peste 40 de grade C.11. Nu pot sã nu mã gândesc ce s-ar fi întâmplat dacã nu am fi putut rezolva problema.

12. “Vreau sã renunt la slujba pe care o am si sã mã mut în Canada.” “Doar nu vorbesti serios?”13. Îti vine sã crezi ? În sfârsit am fost lãsati singuri.


1. Can’t you even remember the name of the street he lives in?2. I could stand on my head when I was in school, but I can’t any longer/I’m no longer able to do it /this.3. When the fog disperses / lifts , I hope we will be able to recognise the surroundings.4. When I was a little boy I couldn’t understand grown-ups/ I couldn’t put two and two together where grown-ups were concerned and now that I am a grown-up I can’t understand children.

5. Don’t try to look at all the paintings in the exhibition, when you get home you won’t be able to remember any.6. When I first went to England, I could read English, but I couldn’t speak it.7. “Can you type?” “Yes, but I cannot write in shorthand / I can’t do it in shorthand.”8. There are too many things in the suitcase. I’m sure that you won’t be able to carry it. Since you hurt your back you haven’t been able to carry so many things without feeling pain.

9. Though we tried hard/ We did our best but we couldn’t get there.10. It can get to temperatures over 100 F (one hundred degrees Fahrenheit/ 40 C (forty degrees centigrade).11. I can’t help wondering what would have happened if we han’t been able to sort out the problem.12. “I want to give up my present job and move to Canada.” “You can’t be serious.”13. Can you believe it? We’ve been finally left alone .


Translate into English using could for polite requests or conditionals:

1. “As putea vorbi cu D-l Thomson?”


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“Nu e în birou în acest moment. Ati putea suna mai târziu?”2. “Ai putea sã ajungi la raftul de sus dacã te sui pe umerii mei?” “Nu cred ca as putea.”3. Dacã soseste vreo scrisoare pentru mine, ai putea sã mi-o trimiteti la noua adresã?4. A fãcut gardul foarte înalt ca sã nu poatã copiii sã sarã peste el.

5. Ati putea sã-mi spuneti cât e ora?6. “Dacã ar trebui, ai putea rezista fãrã mâncare o sãptãmânã?” “Cred cã as putea, dacã as avea suficientã apã.”7. “Ai putea sã-mi împrumuti douã zeci de lire?” “Nu, n-as putea.”8. Dacã am fi avut o masinã, i-am fi putut salva viata.9. Îmi spune cã l-a vãzut înecându-se, dar nu l-a putut ajuta deoarece nu poate înota.10. Dacã as fi avut sculele necesare, as fi putut repara masina.


1. “Could I speak to Mr. Thomson?” “He’s not in his office at the moment / he’s out at present. Could you ring up later.”2. “Could you reach the top shelf if you got / stood on my shoulders?” “I don’t think I could.”3. If I get any letter, could you please forward it to my new address?4. He built a very high fence so that kids could not/ would not be able to jump over it.

5. Could you tell me the time?6. “If you should, could you resist without food for a week?” “I think I could if I had enough water.”7. “Could you lend me twenty pounds?” “No, I couldn’t.”8. Had we had a car, we could have saved his life.9. He told me that he saw the man drowning but couldn’t do anything/ he could do nothing about it as he couldn’t swim.10. Had I had the right tools, I could have fixed the car.


Translate into English using could or was/were able. Point out the cases where either forms can be used.

1. Când era tânãr era foarte rezistent; putea lucra toatã ziua si dansa toatã noaptea. 2. Autoturismul a cãzut în apã; soferul a putut sã iasã afarã, dar pasagerii s-au înnecat.3. Eram destul de departe de scenã. Puteam vedea bine, dar nu puteam auzi prea bine.4. “Luna trecutã am avut un accident la munte.”

“Ai putut sã mergi sau a trebuit sã te ducã cu targa?”5. N-aveam cheie, asa cã n-am putut închide usa.6. Stiam orasul bine asa cã am putut sã le explic cum sã ajungã la garã.7. Dupã ce ne-au reparat masina, am putut sã ne continuãm cãlãtoria.8. La cinci ani deja putea citi bine.9. Când am sosit acasã toatã lumea dormea si eu nu-mi gãseam cheia. Din fericire am putut s-o trezesc pe sora mea si ea mi-a deschis.10. Politia a fost suspicioasã la început, dar în cele din urmã am putut sã-i conving cã eram nevinovat.


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1. When he was young he had great stamina; he could/ was able to work all day and dance all night.2. The car fell into the water; the driver was able to get out/ free himself, but the passengers were drowned.3. I was at quite a distance from the stage; I could/ was able see well, but I couldn’t/ wasn’t able to hear too well.4. “Last month I had an accident in the mountains.” “ Were you able to walk or did they have to carry you on a stretcher?”

5. I didn’t have the key, so I couldn’t lock the door.6. I knew the town very well so I was able to tell them how to get to the station. / I knew my way around town/ I knew the town in and out so I was able to direct them towards the station. / to show thme the way to the station.7. After they fixed our car we could/ were able to continue our trip.8. When I was five I could already read well. / By the time I was 5 I ...9. When I got home everybody was asleep and I couldn’t find my key.Luckily I was able to wake up my sister and she opened the door for me.

10. At the beginning the police were suspicious, but eventually I was able to convince them that I was innocent.


Translate into English using must not or need not/do not have to to express prohibition or absence of obligation:

1. Nu trebuie sã conduci asa repede; avem destul timp.2. Nu-i voie sã conduci asa repede; este o limitare de vitezã aici.3. Nu-i nevoie sã suni. Am eu cheie.4. Nu-i voie sã bei asta; e otravã.5. Nu trebuie sã-i scrii; ne-a anuntat cã vine el mâine aici.6. Nu-i voie sã spui minciuni.

7. Nu trebuie sã faci tot exercitiul; zece propozitii este destul.8. Nu-i nevoie sã aprinzi lumina. Pot vedea destul de bine.9. Nu-i voie sã vorbesti cu alti candidati în timpul examenului.10. Nu trebuie sã mai faci senviciuri. Acum avem destule.11. Trebuie sã citesti textul încã odatã ca sã-l putem discuta.12. Trebuie sã iei medicamentele prescrise de doctor.13. Nu spune asa ceva despre el! Chiar dacã a gresit nu trebuie sã te rãzbuni pe el.


1. You don’t have to / needn’t drive so fast; we have plenty of time.2. You must not drive so fast; there’s a speed limit here.3. You don’t have to ring the bell. I have a key.4. You must not drink this; it’s poison.


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5. You don’t have to write to him; he’s just let me know that he’s coming / he will be here tomorrow.6. You must not tell lies.7. You don’t have to do the whole exercise; ten sentences will do.

8. You don’t have to switch on the light; I can see fairly well.9. You must not speak with other candidates during the exam.10. You don’t have to make any more sandwiches. We have enough now.11. You must read the text once again so that we can discuss it.12. You must take the medicine prescribed by the doctor.13. Don’t say something like that about them! Even though he made a mistake you don’t have to get back at him.


Translate into English using shall/should or will/would whenever necessary:

1. Dacã sunteti amabil sã asteptati o clipã îl chem pe director.2. Am deschis cutia si ce credeti cã vãd; un sarpe urias.3. Când si-a dat seama ce bolnav este fratele lui, a insistat sã se facã toate efoturile sã fie transportat la spital imediat.4. As vrea sã pleci sau sã te asezi sã citesti ceva. Cum ti-ar plãcea tie dacã eu m-as tot misca prin casã când încerci sã lucrezi.

5. E normal sã vrei sã stii adevãrul despre tatãl tãu si e mai bine sã-l auzi de la mine decât de la vreun strãin.6. Drumul era acoperit cu gheatã si lui îi era groazã sã nu alunece.7. Dacã cumva nici aceste mãsuri nu reusesc sã restabileascã ordinea, vom încerca mãsuri mai aspre.8. “Toti cred cã tu esti vinovat.” “Nu vãd de ce ar crede asta.”9. “Oare unde este el acum?” “O, ar trebui sã fie acolo de-acum. Zborul îi ia numai o orã.”

10. As prefera sã-l întrebi tu. Ultima datã cînd am vrut sã vorbesc cu el, n-a vrut nici mãcar sã mã asculte.11.Trebuie cã a ajuns deja; se vede luminã în dormitor. ce zici îi facem o vizitã?12. Eu am insistat, dar el nu avrut sã vinã cu mine la bazin nici azi, nici ieri.13.Dacã este cineva care stie rãspunsul, sigur el este acela.14. Mai degrabã nu mai vorbesc 10 ani decât sã trebuiascã sã vorbesc cu ea din nou.15. Dacã asta îti doresti vei avea parte de o petrecere de ziua ta.

16. Vreti sã vã însotesc?


1. If you would be so kind as to wait a second, I’ll call the manager.2. I opened the box and what should I see but an enormous snake.3. When he realized how seriously ill his brother was, he insisted/ urged that every effort should be made to take him to hospital immediately.


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4. I wish you would leave or sit down and read something. How would you like if I kept walking around when you were trying to work.

5. It’s natural that you should want to know the truth about your own father and it is better that you should hear it from me than from a stranger.6. The road was covered with ice and he was scared lest he should slip.7. Should these measures fail to restor the order, harsher measures will be imposed.8. “Everybody thinks that you are guilty.” “I don’t know why they should believe this / think that.”9. “Where will he be now?”

“Oh, he should be there by now; the flight only takes an hour.”10. I’d rather you would ask him. The last time I tried to talk to him, he didn’t even bother to listen / he wouldn’t listen.11. He should have got home / he should be home by now; the light in the bedroom is on. Shall we pay him a visit / What about if we paid him a visit / What do you say: should we pay him a visit?12. I insisted, still neither today nor yesterday would he come with me to the swimming pool.

13. If someone does know the answer, he would be the one / He would be the one to know the answer .14. I’d rather not speak at all for ten years than to have to speak to her again.15. If this is what you want, you shall have a party for your birthday. / You shall ahve your much-desired party!16. Shall I come with you?


Translate into English using modal verbs + perfect infinitives:

1. N-ar fi trebuit sã pleci ieri fãrã hainã. Nu-i de mirare cã ai rãcit.2. -Cineva a telefonat la ora 2 dar nu i-am retinut numele. -Trebuie sã fi fost fratele meu. El obisnuieste sã telefoneze atunci.3. Doctorul a fost un bãrbat svelt cu pãrul alb. Atunci nu se poate sã fi fost doctorul Smith pentru cã el e scund si gras. Trebuie sã fi fost doctorul

Thomson.4. Ar fi trebuit sã verifice frânele înainte de plecare.5. Am vãzut un tigru ieri în pãdure. Nu se poate sã fi vãzut un tigru. Nu sunt tigrii în tarã la noi. 6. M-ai auzit când am venit acasã seara trecutã? Nu, trebuie cã adormisem.7. I-am spus sã o ia la stânga si el a luat-o imediat la dreapta. Probabil cã nu te-a înteles.8. Tocmai am terminat de udat florile. Nu era nevoie sã le uzi. Uite cum plouã acum.

9. Usa era deschisã. Nu se poate sã fi fost deschisã. Am închis-o chiar eu la plecare.10. Am trimis dupã doctor. Nu trebuia sã trimiteti. Mã simt foarte bine.11. Sã-ti fi spus din timp care este situatia?


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12.Sigur au fost multe sticle de vin în pivnitã. Altfel de unde sã fi avut sã serveascã toti musafirii


1. You shouldn’t have left yesterday without your coat. It’s no wonder you’ve caught a cold.2. “Somebody phoned at about two o’clock but I couldn’t get his name.” “It must have been my brother. He usually phones at that time.”3. “The doctor was a thin man with white hair.” “Then it couldn’t have been Dr. Smith because he is short and fat. It must have been Dr. Thomson.”4. He should have checked the brakes before leaving.

5. “I saw a tiger in the woods yesterday.” “You couldn’t have seen a tiger. There are no tigers in our country.”6. “Did you hear me when I came home last night?” “No, I must have been asleep / have fallen asleep.”7. “I told him to turn left and he immediately turned right.” “He might not have understood you.”8. “I’ve just finished watering the flowers.” “You needn’t have watered them. Look, it’s raining now / how hard it’s raining now.”

9. “The door was open.” “It couldn’t have been open. I locked it myself when I left.”10. “We’ve sent for the doctor.” “You needn’t have sent for the doctor. I’m perfectly all right.”11. Should I have told you beforehand how the situation stood?12. There must have been many bottles of wine in the cellar. How else could he have served all his guests ?


1. Autobuzele sunt foarte aglomerate. Mã vãd obligat sã iau un taxi.2. M-am rãrtãcit si n-am avut încotro si am întrebat un politist cum se poate ajunge la garã.3. N-are nici un rost sã cari tu pachetele singur. Magazinul ti le va trimite.4. Vreau sã bati aceastã scrisoare la masinã dar nu trebuie s-o faci azi. Si mâine e bine.5. Îti pot împrumuta cartea dar trebuie sã mi-o aduci înapoi sãptãmâna viitoare.

6. Oare trebuie sã raportãm accidentul la politie?7. Stii destulã englezã ca sã poti sã ceri un bilet la garã? Nu trebuie sã spui nimic. Poti sã ti-l cumperi de la un automat. 8. N-a trebuit sã mergem pe jos. Ne-a dus el cu masina. 9. Am vãzut accidentul dar din fericire nu a trebuit sã depun mãrturie pentru cã au mai fost multi martori. 10. Avem destul timp; nu-i nevoie sã ne grãbim.11. Am întârziat ieri la operã.

A trebuit sã astepti pâna la terminarea primului act ca sã-ti gãsesti locul?12.Îti amintesti sã fi citit despre asta în ziare? Nu, trebuie cã eram încã în strãinãtate.13. Nu se poate sã fi mers pe jos de aici pânã la Londra în douã ore. Sunt mai mult de zece mile.14. Mi-a spus cã a udat florile în fiecare zi.


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Nu se poate sã le fi udat. Nu s-ar fi uscat dacã ar fi fãcut-o.15. I-am vorbit în englezã foarte rar.

Nu era nevoie sã-i vorbesti asa rar. El întelege engleza bine.16. Sã-mi scriu adresa pe spatele cererii?17. Ce sã mai spun? Faptul s-a consumat.18. Îmi pare rãu de acest incident. Nu se va mai întâmpla, te asigur.19. Nu vei întârzia, nu-i asa?20. E ciudat ca el sã gândeascã asta.21. As vrea sã stiu unde ai fost.22. Dacã cumva mã cautã cineva, spune-i cã mã întorc la sase.23. Ai vrea sã vii cu noi sau ai prefera sã stai aici?

24. Sunt prea multe accidente. Lumea ar trebui sã fie mai atentã.25. Sub nici o formã nu poate fi adevãrat ceea ce spui.26. As vrea sã nu mai pui atâtea întrebãri.27. L-am vãzut pe stradã, dar nu s-a oprit sã-mi vorbeascã. Probabil cã era foarte grãbit.28. Nu era nevoie sã-ti fi cerut scuze. Nu tu ai gresit.29. Stiu cã era acasã fiindcã am auzit radioul, dar nu mi-a deschis. Poate cã nu a auzit soneria.

30. Ar fi trebuit sã le multumesti. 31. Se prea poate sã se fi dus la teatru.32. Este imposibil ca sã nu fi lãsat nici un bilet dacã a plecat de acasã.33. El pleacã totdeauna linistit de acasã. Sustine cã usa de la casa lui nu poate fi distrusã decât cu toporul. Îmi pare rãu cã trebuie sã îti spun dar s-ar putea sã fi fost deja distrusã de huligani.34. Dacã îi dai ocazia nu mai inceteazã cu povestile din rãzboi.35. Acasã nu mãnânc niciodatã dimineata.

Se prea poate dar aici esti la noi acasã si vei mânca.


1. The buses are very crowded. I have to take a taxi.2. I got lost and I had to ask a policeman how I could get to the station.3. It’s no use carrying / You don’t have to carry all those parcels yourself. The shop will deliver them for you.4. You must type this letter but you don’t have to do it today. Tomorrow will be just fine./ Tomorrow will also do.5. I can lend you the book but you must bring it back next week.

6. Shall we report the accident at the police station / to the police?7. “Do you know enough English to ask for a ticket at the railway station?” “You don’t have to say anything. You can buy it from a ticket machine.”8. We didn’t have to walk. He gave us a lift.9. I saw the accident but luckily I didn’t have to give testimony because there were other witnesses, too.10. We still have plenty of time; we don’t have to hurry / there’s no need to rush.

11. “I was late for the opera yesterday.”


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“ Did you have to wait till the interval to find your seat.”12. “Do you remember reading about this in newspapers?” “No, I must have still been abroad.”13. He couldn’t have walked from here to London in two hours. It’s more than ten miles.14. “He told me that he had watered the flowers every day.” “He couldn’t have done it. They wouldn’t have died if he had watered them.”

15. “I spoke to him very slowly in English.” “You needn’t have spoken slowly. He understands English well.”16. Shall I write my address on the back of the application?17. What can I say? It’s a fait accompli.18. I’m sorry about this incident. I assure you it’ll never happen again / It shall never happen again..19. You won’t be late, will you?20. It’s strage that he should think that.21. I’d like to know where you’ve been.

22. Should anyone call for me, tell him I’ll be back at six.23. Would you like to come with us or would you rather stay here?24. There are too many accidents. People should be more careful.25. Under no circumstances could what you’ve just said be true / What you’ve just said can’t be true.26. I wish you didn’t/ wouldn’t ask so many questions.27. “I met him in the street but he didn’t stop to talk to me.” “ He might have been in a hurry.”

28. You needn’t have apologised. It was not your fault / You were not in the wrong.29. “I know he was at home as I heard the radio, but he didn’t answer the door.” “ He might not have heard the bell.”30. You should have thanked them.31. They might have gone to the theatre.32. It’s impossible that he should have left without leaving a note.33. “He always leaves the house with no worries. He says that his front door can only be destroyed with an ax.”

“I’m sorry I have to tell you but it might already have been destroyed by hooligans.”34. If you give him the chance, he will keep telling you war stories / he will talk for hours bout the war.35. “I never eat breakfast when I’m at home/ At home, I never eat breakfast..” “I daresay you don’t, but here you are in our house and you will have breakfast.”


1. Ardea de nerãbdre sã vadã ce s-a întîmplat.2. Se vede cã suferise foarte mult. Arãta jalnic: era prost îmbrãcat, slãbise, ochii îi erau intrati în orbite si avea obrajii trasi, nebãrbieriti.3. Si-a încruntat sprâncenele si nu a mai scos o vorbã.4. Când l-a vãzut intrând pe usã i s-a luminat fata de bucurie.5. Când mergeam în satul bunicilor mei, cea mai mare plãcere a mea era sã simt miros de fân proaspãt cosit.

6. I-au trebuit ani întregi ca sã treacã peste tristetea cauzatã de aceea tragedie. 7. Ca sã poatã termina la timp a trebuit sã-si mãreascã ritmul de lucru.


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8. Urma sã fie spânzurat în zorii zilei urmãtoare.9. Mi-a pierit pofta de mâncare când mi-a dat vestea proastã.10 Dupã o cãzãturã asa de tare mi s-a umflat piciorul cã nu mai îmi intra în papuc.


1. He was looking forward to seeing/ he was eager to see what had happened.2. It was obvious that he’d suffered a lot. He looked deplorable: he was badly dressed, had sunken eyes and cheeks and hadn’t shaved in a while.3. She knit her brows and didn’t say another word.4. When he saw him coming through the door, his face lit up.5. Whenever I would go to my grandparents’ village, my greatest pleasure was to smell freshly made hay.

6. It took him years to get over the sorrow caused by that tragedy/ that tragedy had caused.7. They speeded the work in order to finish in time.8. He was to be hanged the following day at dawn.9. I lost my appetite when you told me the bad news.10. After such a bad fall my leg was so swollen that it wouldn’t go in my slipper.


Translate using phrasal verbs when necessary:

1. Asta e! Nu mai pot face fatã situatiei. Mã scoti din minti. Hai sã vorbim deschis chiar acum, sau nu ai chef de discutii? Ascultã, chiar crezi cã am de gând sã mai tolerez asta?2. Pam a trebuit sã-l suplineascã pe un profesor care era bolnav.3. Adevãrul nu a iesit la iveala decât abia dupa moartea sa.4. Când s-a terminat interview-ul domnul X a trebuit sã completeze un formular.

5. Nu-l asculta, totdeauna inventeaza povesti.6. Ai vãzut-o pe femeia aceea care împãrtea brosuri?7. Mã voi rãzbuna pentu ce mi-ai fãcut.8. Poti sã mã primesti sã dorm la tine?9. Nu înteleg nici un cuvânt din ce spune.10. Fã-l sã tacã.


1. I’ve had it! I can’t put up with the situation any longer. You drive me crazy / up the walls! Let’s have it out right now, or you don’t feel like it? Listen, do you really think I intend to put up with any longer? 2. Pam had to fill in for a teacher that was ill.3. The truth about him didn’t come ou only after his death.4. When the interviw was over Mr. X had to fill in/ out an application / form.

5. Don’t listen to him, he is always making up stories.6. Did you see that woman that was handing out leaflets.7. I’ll get back at you for what you did to me. / I’ll make you pay..


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8. Can you take me in for the night?9. I can’t make out a word he’s saying.10. Make him shut up.


Complete each sentence below with the phrasal verbs:

hold up, run out, keep up, pull over, make up for, drop out, run down, fall out

1. Tina’s problems started when she became a drug addict. Not only did she ... of college, but also society. (withdraw)2. Jack was driving so fast along the lane that he... a deer. (kill)3. He decided that the only way to ... his rude behaviour was to buy her flowers. (compensate)

4. The policeman signalled to the speeding motorist to...(park by the side of the road)5. The reason the traffic was... on the M1 this morning was because of an accident.(delay) 6. It was just his bad luck to get stopped by the police the day after his licence had ... (expire)


Complete each sentence below with the phrasal verbs:hold up, run out, keep up, pull over, make up for, drop out, run down, fall out

1. Tina’s problems started when she became a drug addict. Not only did she dropped out of college, but also society. (withdraw)2. Jack was driving so fast along the lane that he ran down a deer. (kill)3. He decided that the only way to make up for his rude behaviour was to buy her flowers. (compensate)

4. The policeman signalled to the speeding motorist to pull over (park by the side of the road)5. The reason the traffic was held up on the M1 this morning was because of an accident.(delay) 6. It was just his bad luck to get stopped by the police the day after his licence had run out (expire)


Complete each sentence with a suitable verb and translate:

break, bring, make, carry, set, put, be

1. We’re thinking of... up a small car hire firm.2. Typhoid has ... out in this region.3. The doctor says Arthur will ... up and about in a couple of days.4. Isn’t it inhumane when scientists... out experiments on animals?5. I could... out his features but I couldn’t remember his name.

6. Tom... up the subject of school violence at the teacher’s meeting.


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Complete each sentence with a suitable verb and translate:break, bring, make, carry, set, put, be

1. We’re thinking of setting up a small car hire firm.2. Typhoid has broken out in this region.3. The doctor says Arthur will be up and about in a couple of days.4. Isn’t it inhumane when scientists carry out experiments on animals?5. I could make out his features but I couldn’t remember his name.

6. Tom brought up the subject of school violence at the teacher’s meeting.


1. Ce stiri sunt astãzi în ziare?2. Nu te-ai hotãrât încã când vei pleca în concediu? N-ai mai fost plecatã la munte de foarte mult timp si e pãcat.3. Mobila din sufragerie este modernã si de foarte bun gust.4. Fizica este predatã de un profesor nou la aceastã scoalã.5. Nici Dreiser, nici London nu au un stil usor.6. Nici unul din autorii dramatici nu se poate compara cu Shakespeare.

7. A venit pictorul si decoratorul expozitiei.8. Reparatia nu mai poate fi amânatã. Fie el, fie tu o veti face.9. Trei sferturi din populatia tãrii sunt agricultori.10. Familia ei este la mare.11. Atât fratele tãu cât si prietenul lui au plecat acum o orã.12. Foarfeca nu este destul de ascutitã.13. Majoritatea studentilor vor sã învete limbi strãine.14. Varietatea tablourilor de pe peretii locuintei lui mã surprinde.

15. Acustica acestei sãli este excelentã.16. Aceastã veste a fost o surprizã pentru el.17. Pojarul este o boala foarte contagioasã.18. Sase si cu sase fac doisprezece, nu-i asa?19. La scolile economice se predã statistica.20. Politia este pe urmele hotului21. “Cãlãtoriile lui Gulliver” sunt pline de satirã la adresa societãtii engleze contemporane cu Swift. 22. Nu mi-am fãcut încã temele pentru marti. Tu le-ai fãcut? Le-am fãcut duminicã dimineatã ca sã fiu liber dupã amiazã.

23. Ce-ai cumpãrat? Am cumpãrat tot ce m-ai rugat, în afarã de unele articole ce nu se vindeau în magazinele în care am fost.24. Multi dintre copii vor sã-l vadã pe Mickey Mouse.25. Atletismul este un sport practicat în lumea întreagã.26. Forma este slabã, dar continutul este bun.


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27. Sfatul meu este sã te duci sã-i spui totul asa cum s-a întâmplat.28. Stirile au sosit acum o orã si informatiile pe care le contin sunt îmbucurãtoare.

29. Acest mijloc de cercetare a luat amploare în ultimul timp.30. Banii sunt la bancã. 34. 300 de dolari, cât cere el pentru acestã marfã este foarte mult. 33. Nu mã priveste cum rezolvi problema tot ce îti cer este sã o faci.35. Toatã lumea , adicã mai mult de 25 de persoane, este de acord.

KEY TO TRANSLATION P.305 / THE VERB 1.What news items are there in the newspapers today?2. Haven’t you made up your mind as to when you will go on holiday? It’s a pity you have’t been in the mountains for a long time.3. The furniture in the dining room is modern and in very good taste / stylish.4. Psysics is taught by a teacher new to this school.5. Neither Dreiser nor London has an easy style.6. None of the playwrights can be compared with Shakespeare.

7. The painter and decorator of the exhibition has come/the painter and the decorator of the exhibition have come.8. The repairs must be carried out without any further delay/the repairs cannot be put off any longer. Either he or you will have to do them/either he will have to do them or you will.9. Three quarters of the population are farmers.11. Her family is very large.12. Both your brother and his friend left an hour ago.13. The majority of students want to study foreign languages.

14. The variety of paintings on the walls of his house surprises me. 15. The acoustics of this room are excellent.16. This piece of news was a big surprise to him.17. Measels is/are a very contagious disease18. Six and six make twelve, doesn’t it?19. Statistics is taught in the schools of economics.20. The police are on the heels of the burglar.21. “Gulliver’s Travels” is packed with satire on the English society contemporary with Swift.

22.”I haven’t done my homework for Tuesday, yet. Have you done it?” “Yes, I did it on Sunday morning so that I could be free in the afternoon.”23. “What have you bought?” “I’ve bought everything you asked me for, except some articles that were on on sale in the shops I visited / went to.”24. Many children want to see Mickey Mouse.25. Athletics/ Field and track are practiced all over the world.26. The form is no good, but the contents is good.

27. My advice is to go and tell him everything that’s happened / is that you go and tell ....28. The news arrived an hour ago and the information it contains are encouraging.29. This means of research has extended its use lately.


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30. The money is in the bank.31. Three hundred dollars, the sum he asks for the goods is too much.32. It’s not my business how you solve the problem; all I’m asking you is to do it.33. Everybody, that is more than 25 persons, agrees.


Say also which uses of the simple present have been exemplified:

1. El trece pe la biroul meu în fiecare luni dimineaþa.2. De obicei îsi ia vacanta iarna pentru cã îi place sã schieze.3. Pâinea cu unt întotdeauna cade cu partea cu unt în jos.4. Dunãrea curge prin mai multe tãri.5. Aceastã sticlã contine alcool.6. Rabelais spune: “Pofta vine mâncând.”7. Lumina cãlãtoreste mult mai rapid ca sunetul.

8. Celor mai multi oameni le displace sã li se dea sfaturi. 9. Nu mã misc de aici pânã când nu te vei întoarce.10. Faptele vorbesc mult mai tare decât cuvintele.11. Ai grijã de copil cât voi fi eu plecat.12. Îl vãd pe George pe stradã. Spune-i sã intre.13. Deseori îi aud pe vecini certându-se.14. Dacã îl voi întâlni îi voi spune exact ce gândesc despre el.15. Plecãm din Londra martea aceasta la 10 si sosim la Paris la 12.


1. He comes by my office every Monday morning.2. He usually goes on holiday in winter-time because he likes skiing. 3. When toast falls on the floor it is always on the buttered side / it always falls with the buttered side down.4. The Danube flows through several countries.5. This bottle contains alchohol.6. Rabelais says: “The appetite grows by eating.”7. Light travels faster than sound.

8. Most people dislike getting advice.9. I’ll stay put until you come back. / I won’t move an inch.../ a muscle..10. Facts speak louder than words. 11. Look after the baby while I am out.12. “I see George in the street.” “Tell him to come in.”13. I can often hear my neighbours quarrelling. 14. If I meet him I’ll tell him exactly what I think of him.15. We leave London this Tuesday at 10 and arrive in Paris at 12.


1. Am luat prânzul cu Jerry ieri.


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2. Albert Einstein a murit în 18 aprilie 1955.3. Câti ani a durat ca sã construiascã podul?4. Am auzit pe fratele meu cu prietenii lui lucrând toatã ziua ieri. 5. I-am recunoscut fata, dar nu mi-am amintiti numele lui.6. Când am avut un câine, întotdeauna îl duceam la plimbare seara.7. Ieri sora mea a lucrat douã ore peste programul ei obisnuit.

8. Îmi pare rãu cã am ajuns prea târziu, dar când sã vin la tine mi-am dat seama ca nu-ti stiu adresa. Încercam sã gãsesc casa ta când m-am întâlnit cu John care venea si el la tine si m-a condus.10. Cât am fost la Londra am lucrat în fiecare zi patru-cinci ore, iar dupã amiaza m-am plimbat prin parcurile londoneze.11. Azi am terminat cursul si am început sã lucrez singur la proiect.12. Acum câteva zile a fost ziua lui Paul. A dat o petrecere reusitã.


1. We had lunch with Jerry yesterday.2. Albert Einstein died on 18 April 1955.3. How many years did it take to build the bridge?4. I heard my brother and his friends working all day yesterday.5. I could make out his face but I couldn’t remember his name.6. When we had a dog, we always used to take/ would take him out for a walk in the evening. 7. Yesterday my sister worked two hours overtime.

8. I’m sorry that I got here late, but when I wanted to come I realised that I didn’t know your address.9. I was trying to find your house when I met John, who was also coming to your place, and he showed me the way.10. When I was in London I would work four or five hours every day, and in the afternoon I would walk through the London parks.11. I finished the course of lectures today and I began work on the project by myself.12. Several days ago it was Paul’s birthday. He gave a good party.


Mergeam spre Piccadily când mi-am dat seama cã un bãrbat cu barbã roscatã, pe care-l vãzusem deja de trei ori în dupã amiaza aceea, mã urmãrea. Ca sã fiu sigur, am grãbit pasul, am luat-o la dreapta si apoi la stânga si m-am oprit brusc în fata unei vitrine. Câteva minute mai târziu bãrbatul cu barbã apãru si se opri la altã vitrinã. Am plecat mai departe. Oridecâte ori mã opream, se oprea si el si oridecâte ori îmi întorceam capul, el era acolo. Arãta un timp respectabil, purta haine obisnuite si eu mã întrebam dacã este politist sau detectiv particular.

M-am hotãrât sã încerc sã scap de el. Un autobuz 74 era oprit în statie chiar lângã mine. Conductorul a coborât si a sunat plecarea; chiar când s-a urnit din loc autobuzul, am sarit în el. Evident, bãrbatul cu barbã a pierdut autobuzul, dar s-a suit în alt 74 care venise imediat în statie. Amândouã autobuzele se târau încet pe strada aglomeratã. De câte ori autobuzele se opreau într-o statie, urmãritorul meu se uita alert sã vadã dacã nu cumva cobor. În cele din urmã, la un stop, a schimbat autobuzele si s-a urcat în cel în care eram si eu.


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La statia de metrou de pe strada Gloucester, am coborât si mi-am luat bilet de la un automat. Pe când asteptam pe peronul pentru trenul spre East End, l-am observat pe urmãritorul meu coborând scãrile. Avea un ziar si, dupã ce ne-am suit în acelasi vagon, s-a asezat într-un colt si a început sã-l citeascã. Eu citeam reclamele de pe peretii vagonului. La fiecare statie se uita pe deasupra ziarului sã vadã dacã nu cobor.

A început sã mã irite faptul de a fi urmãrit asa. M-am sculat de la locul meu si m-am dus si m-am asezat lângã el. L-am întrebat de ce mã urmãreste. La început a negat cã m-ar urmãri, dar apoi, când l-am amenintat cã-l lovesc, a admis cã mã urmãrea. Mi-a spus cã e scriitor de romane politiste si încerca sã vadã cât este de dificil sã urmãresti pe cineva fãrã sã te observe. I-am spus cã nu fusese discret de loc deoarece l-am vãzut deja în Piccadily si l-am sfãtuit sã-si radã barba rosie dacã nu dorea ca victima sã-l observe.


I was walking towards Piccadily when I realized that a man with a ginger beard, whom I had already seen three times that afternoon, was following me. To make quite sure, I walked on quickly/ I quickened my step, turned right, then left and stopped suddenly at a shop window. In a few minutes/ A few minutes later the man with the beard appeared and stopped at another shop window. I went on. Whenever I stopped he stopped, and whenever I looked round he was still there. He looked a very respectable type/ looked respectable and wore very conventional clothes and I was wondering if he was a policeman or a private detective/ eye.

I decided to try and shake him off. A 74 bus was standing at the bus stop just beside me. Then the conductor came downstairs and rang the bell; just as the bus was moving off, I jumped on it. Obviously, the man with the beard missed the bus, got onto another 74, which was following the first. Both buses were crawling very slowly along the crowded street. Every time the buses pulled up/ would pull up at a stop, the man looked / would look out anxiously to see if I was getting off. Finally, at some traffic lights, he changed buses and got into mine.

At Gloucester Road underground, I left the bus and bought a ticket at a ticket machine. As I was standing on the platform waiting for an East End train, I saw my pursuer coming down the stairs. He was carrying a newspaper and when we got into the same compartment, he sat in one corner reading it. I was reading the advertisments on the wall of the car. He would look at every station over the top of the newspaper to see if I was getting out / off.

I became rather tired of being shadowed like this, so finally I went and sat beside the man and asked him why he was following me. At first he said he was not following me at all but when I threatened to knock him down, he admitted he was. Then he told me he was a writer of detective stories and was trying to see if it was difficult to follow someone unseen/ without being spotted. I told him he hadn’t been unseen / discrete at all because I had noticed him in Piccadily and advised him to shave off his ginger beard if he didn’t want his victim to know he/ she was being followed.


1. La iarnã Tom si prietenii lui se vor duce la munte. 2. Probabil vor schia zilnic dacã nu vor fi plecati din localitate3. Mã tem cã nu va avea suficient timp sã se pregãteascã.4. Ei se vor întoarce cu certitudine mâine dimineatã.5. Sper cã si voi veti veni cu noi la concert.6. Probabil cã vom tine sedinta vinerea viitoare.7. Cred cã vor trebui sa mai scrie o datã lucrarea.


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8. Mã tem cã nu voi putea sã te ajut sâmbatã la lucru.9. Ei îsi vor cumpãra probabil o masinã luna viitoare.10. “Ai pus scrisoarea la postã?” “Nu, am uitat, dar o voi pune dupã amiazã.”


1. Tom and his friends will go in the mountains in the winter.2. They will probably ski daily if they stay in town / don’t leave town.3. I’m afraid she won’t have enough time to get ready.4. They will certainly come back tomorrow morning.5. I hope that you will also come with us to the concert. 6. We will probably have our meeting next Friday.7. I think they will have to write the paper again.

8. I”m afraid I can’t/ won’t be able to help you with your work on Saturday. 9. They will probably buy a new car next month.10. “Did you mail my letter?” “No, I forgot, but I’ll mail it this afternoon.”


1. Când se va întuneca va trebui sã încetez lucrul Nu pot lucra pe întuneric.2. Vom astepta pânã când se va mai încãlzi înainte de a ne duce sã înotãm.3. Mergi înainte pânã vei ajunge la o piatã cu o statuie în mijloc, apoi ia-o la stânga si dupã doua sute de metri vei vedea teatrul la dreapta ta.4. Stiu cã haina nu este la modã acum, dar nu o voi arunca. Voi astepta pânã când va fi din nou la modã.

5. Te rog sã-mi împrumuþi si mie revista aceea dupã ce o vei termina de citit.6. Când se terminã piesa, fugi sã prinzi un taxi. Dupã ce vei lua taxiul, cere- i soferului sã vinã la usa teatrului.7. Terry s-a gândit cã Jennifer va fi încântatã când va vedea ce cadou i-a adus.8. Bãtrânul pescar a spus cã va începe ploaia cãnd se va opri vântul.9. Vom discuta despre afaceri dupã ce vom fi servit cina, dar nu în timpul cinei. Eu niciodatã nu discut despre afaceri în timpul mesei.

10. Dupã ce voi lucra aici treizeci de ani, voi avea dreptul la pensie.11. Dupã ce voi vedea tot ce este de vãzut, îmi voi cumpãra o cãsutã într-un sat si mã voi stabili acolo.12. Copiii rezolvau încet exercitiul pentru cã stiau cã îndatã ce îl vor termina, profesorul le va cere sã-l rezolve si pe urmãtorul.13. Dupã ce vei spãla vasele, vom juca ping-pong.14. Iau lucrarea cu mine. O voi citi în timp ce voi astepta autobuzul.15. Dupã ce voi vopsi usile, voi vopsi si ferestrele din camera ta.


1. When it gets dark I’ll have to stop work. I can’t work in the dark.2. We’ll wait till it gets warmer before we go swimming.


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3. Walk straight on till you get to a square with a statue in the middle, then turn left and after two hundred meters you’ll see the theatre on/ to your right.4. I know that this coat is out of fashion/ vogue now, but I won’t throw it away. I’ll wait till it is/comes in fashion/ vogue again / comes back in fashion.

5. Please lend me that magazine when you have finished reading it.6. When the play is over, run to catch a taxi. After you’ve hired the taxi, ask the driver to drive right up to the theatre door.7. Terry thought that Jennifer would be pleased to see /when she saw the present he’d brought for her. 8. The old fisherman said that the rain would start when the wind stopped.9. We’ll discuss/ talk business when we have finished dinner, but not during dinner. I never discuss business during dinner/at table/ at meals.

10. When I have worked here for thirty years I’ll be entitled to a pension. 11. After I have seen everything that is to be seen, I’ll buy a little house in a village and I’ll settle down there.12. The children were solving the exercise slowly because they knew that as soon as they finished it the teacher would ask them to solve the next one, too.13. When you have washed up the dishes/ when you have done the washing up, we’ll play a game of ping-pong.

14. I’ll take the paper with me. I’ll read it while I’m waiting for the bus.15. When I have finished painting the doors I’ll paint the window-frames of your room, as well.


1. Bunica si-a pierdut ochelarii. I-am cãutat toatã dupã-amiaza, dar încã nu i-am gãsit.2. Sunt moartã de obosealã; am alergat prin magazine toatã ziua.3. Prînzul nu-i încã gata desi gãtesc de azi dimineatã.4. Tocmai mi-am amintit cã nu am plãtit încã chiria. Sunt surprins cã proprietarul încã nu mi-a telefonat sã-mi reaminteascã asta. E prima datã în cinci ani cã am întârziat cu plata chiriei.

5. M-am uitat prin albumul de fotografii. E plin de fotografii de oameni cãrora le-am uitat complet numele. Mã întreb ce s-o fi ales de ei.6. “- Ce-ai fãcut cu foarfeca? E îndoitã.” “- Am folosit-o sã fac gãuri în cutia asta de tablã.”7. “- Deseori m-am întrebat de ce a plecat Bill pe neasteptate de la petrecere.” “- De fapt, eu tocmai am aflat asa cã îti pot spune secretul.”8. Tom se uitã la televizor de când a venit de la scoalã. Cred cã ar trebui sã-i spui sã înceteze cu asta deoarece n-a învãtat nimic luna aceasta.

9. Mary locuieste în acest oras de mai multi ani. A venit aici sã studieze la Universitate si a rãmas aici dupã ce si-a terminat studiile.10. Sunt foarte supãratã pe ei. Au sosit de o sãtãmânã din strainãtate si încã nu ne-au telefonat.11. Ce i-ai fãcut surorii tale de ai fãcut-o sã plângã.12. Cineva a fumat în camera aceasta. Este scrum pe podea.


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1. Grandmother has lost her glasses. We’ve been looking for them the whole evening, but we haven’t found them yet.2. I’m beat/ dead tired; I’ve been visiting/running in and out of shops all day.3. Lunch is not ready yet though I’ve been cooking since early morning.4. I’ve just remembered that I haven’t paid the rent. I’m surprised that the landowner hasn’t phoned me yet to remind me of this. It’s the first time in five years that I am late with the rent./ paying the rent.

5. I’ve been looking through the photo album. It’s full of photographs of people whose names I’ve completely forgotten. I wonder what has become of them.6. “What have you done with the scissors? They are bent back.” “I used them to make holes in this tin box.”7. “I’ve often asked myself/wondered why Bill left the party so suddenly.” “Actually, I’ve just found out so I can tell you the secret.”8. Tom has been watching T.V. since he came home from school. I think you should tell him to stop it as he hasn’t studied anything this month.

9. Mary has been living in this city for several years. She came here to study at the University and she stayed on after graduation.10. I’m very angry/ cross with them. They returned from abroad a week ago and they haven’t phoned us yet.11. What have you done to your sister to make her cry.12. Somebody has been smoking/has smoked in this room. There is ash on the floor/I can see ashes on the floor.


- Am fost seara trecutã la cinema si am vãzut un film vechi “Kind Hearts and Coronets”. L-ai vãzut?- Nu, am tot vrut sã ne ducem sã-l vedem, dar n-am prea avut ocazia. Copiii au tot fost rãciti în

primãvara aceasta si nu am putut sã ne ducem la cinema.Apoi Geoffrey studiazã din greu pentru examenul pe care îl are în iunie, iar Catherine si-a vopsit si aranjat camera. De fapt, toatã familia a fost foarte ocupatã în ultimul timp. Dar spune-mi despre asearã. Le-a plãcut filmul lui John si Sarah?

- O, da. Amândoi au râs pânã le-au dat lacrimile. Le-a placut îndeosebi sã-l vadã pe Alec Guinness în rolul bãtrânei doamne. John a si vrut sã stea sã-l mai vadã încã o datã numai pentru asta. Nu cred cã s-au mai distrat vreo datã asa bine la film.



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“We went to the cinema last night and saw an old film ‘Kind Hearts and Coronets’ Have you seen it?”

“No, We’ve always wanted to see it/ we have been wanting to go and see it for some time, but we have just not had the chance. several times, but I’ve never had the opportunity / chance. The children have had several colds this spring/ the children have been falling ill one after the other, and we couldn’t go to the cinema very much. Then Geoffrey is working hard for his exam, which is in June, and Catherine is re-decorating her room; in fact, the whole family have been very busy recently. But do tell me about yesterday evening. Did John and Sarah enjoy the film?”

“Oh, yes! They both laughed till they cried. They particularly liked seeing Alec Guiness as the old lady, and John wanted to stay and see it all over again just for that. I don’t think they had ever enjoyed a film so much before.”


1. M-am uitat pe fereastrã înainte de a mã duce la culcare si am vãzut un bãrbat ce stãtea pe trotuarul celãlalt privind casa. Când m-am trezit în dimineata urmãtoare, el încã era acolo si m-am întrebat dacã stãtuse acolo toatã noaptea.2. Se uita tintã la ea de câteva minute, întrebându-se unde o mai vãzuse înainte.3. Era ora sase dupã amiazã si Jack era obosit pentru cã lucrase toatã ziua. Era de asemenea flãmând pentru cã nu mâncase nimic de la micul dejun. De obicei sotia îi aducea mâncare la prânz, dar azi, nu stia din ce motiv, nu venise.

4. Si-a parcat masina sub un semn de “Oprirea interzisã” si a intrat în magazin. Când a iesit dupã zece minute masina nu mai era acolo. Se întreba dacã i-o furase cineva sau i-a dus-o politia. 5. Stia doar despre un tigru tinut ca mascotã si acest animal, în sapte sau opt ani, nu arãtase niciodatã nici o urmã de ferocitate.6. Prietenul meu era extrem de furios si a spus cã mâncase douã muste cu salata de fructe. Ospãtarul l-a întrebat de ce le-a mâncat. El a rãspuns cã este miop si le înghitise deja când cineva i-a spus ce mânca.

7. El mi-a dat înapoi cartea, mi-a multunmit cã i-am împrumutat-o si mi-a spus cã i-a plãcut foarte mult. Dar eu stiu cã nu a citit-o pentru cã majoritatea paginilor erau lipite între ele.8. Am pus o banknotã de douãzeci de lire într-o carte si a doua zi mi-au trebuit câteva ore pânã sã o gãsesc pentru cã uitasem în care carte am pus-o. 9. Am crezut cã trenul pleacã la 4.33 si am fost foarte dezamãgit când am sosit la 4.30 si am aflat cã tocmai plecase. Am aflat mai târziu cã folosisem un “Mers al trenurilor” de anul trecut.

10. Am auzit cã un incendiu izbucnise in casa de alaturi.


1. I looked out the window before going to bed and I saw a man standing on the pavement on the other side of the street looking at/ watching my house. When I got up the next morning, he was still standing there and I wondered if he had been standing there all night long. 2. He had been staring at her for several minutes, wondering where he had seen her before. 3. It was six o’clock and Jack was tired as he had been working all day long. He was also hungry because he hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast. His wife usually brought him lunch, but today, for some reason, she hadn’t come.


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4. He parked his car under a “No Parking” sign and entered the shop. When he came out after ten minutes/ tenminutes later his car was no longer there. He wonder whether someone had stolen it or the police had towed it away.5. He only knew about a tiger kept as a pet, and in seven or eight years this animal had shown no sign of ferocity.6. My friend was extremely angry and told me that he had eaten two flies with his fruit salad. The waiter asked him why he had eaten them. He told him that he was short sighted and he had already swallowed them when somebody told him what he was eating.

7. He gave me the book back, thanked me for lending it to him and told me that he had liked it very much. But I know that he hasn’t read it because the pages hadn’t been cut.8. I put a twenty pound banknote into a book and the next day it took me several hours to find it because I had forgotten where I had put it/ which book I had put it into. 9. I thought that the train left at 4.33 and I was very disappointed when I arrived at 4.30 and found out that the train had just left. I found out later that I had used the time table of the previous year.

10. I heard that a strong fire broke/ had broken out in the house next to ours/in the neighbours’ house.


1. Vechiul teatru este dãrâmat pentru a face loc unei clãdiri noi.2. Dupã spectacol se vor servi gustãri si bãuturi rãcoritoare. Acestea au fost pregãtite (use ‘cater for’) de cãtre un restaurant vestit.3. Se va ocupa de aceastã problemã de îndatã ce se întoarece din concediu. Dar se pare cã acum nu mai poate fi nimic fãcut pentru a rectifica situatia. Ne pare rãu dar sã stiti cã vina este toatã de parte D-voastrã pentru cã nu ati reclamat mai devreme.

4. Cred cã e timpul sã i se spunã sã înceteze sã se comporte ca un copil. Se vorbeste despre el într-un mod nu foarte frumos-ceea ce de fapt este de înteles-de cãtre cei care sunt priviti fix de cãtre el si cãrora li se adreseazã cu cuvinte urâte. Atitudinea lui este pusã sub semnul întrebãrii si de cãtre cei care cred în el. De cãtre acestia se sperã un viitor strãlucit pentru el.5. Dupã ce au fost puse în discutie (use ‘talk of’) multe variante de cãtre colegi, li s-a arãtat cel mai usor fel de a rezolva problema.

6. Impuscãtura fu urmatã de o liniste de mormânt. Nu am avut de ce sã ne temem pentru cã stiam cã pistolul fusese descãrcat cu o searã înainte tocmai de frica unui accident. Când am ajuns la locul faptei victima, care nu fusese accidentatã de loc, era totusi chestionatã de cãtre politisti. 7. Se va rãspunde la toate scrisorile de afaceri în cel mai scurt timp.8. Picturile lui vor fi expuse pentru prima data la o galeria din Londra.9. Nava avariatã era remorcatã spre port când s-a rupt cablul.

10. Originea universului nu va putea fi explicatã niciodatã11. Când el a intrat în salã, ei tocmai i se lua un interviu. Se putea bãnui cã se descurca destul de bine având în veder felul cum zâmbea. Întrebarea la care urma sã rãspundã era despre o caracteristicã a englezei vorbite. 12. A fost nevoie (use ‘to call for’) de interventia promtã a pompierilor. In cele din urmã focul a fost adus sub control, dar nu înainte de a provoca pagube uriase. Se fac speculatii cu privire la cauza declansãrii focului; cea mai plauzibilã pare a fi o scurgere din conducta de gaz. Se crede cã a existat o teavã care


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necesita reparatii de mult si lumea a ignorat acest lucru. Acum va trebui sã se rezolve (use ‘to deal with’) aceastã problemã.

13. Ni se reaminteste mereu de cât de micã e lumea atunci când evenimente care se petrec la mii de kilometri depãrtare ne apar în fata ochilor pe micul ecran.14. Dacã se întâmplã sã fii implicat într-un accident de masinã în care sunt doar pagube materiale fãrã ca cineva sã fie rãnit atunci poti pãrãsi locul accidentului.15. Articolul trebuie sã fie scris pânã la data mai sus amimtitã si poate fi predat la secretariat.16. Se credea cã în muntii aceea poate fi gãsit mult aur. Ca urmare multi cãutãtori de aur s-au dus acolo, dar spre dezamãgirea lor nici dupã multi ani de cãutãri nu a fost gãsit nimic.

17. Toti sunt de acord cã Beethoven a fost un geniu. Ca mãrturie stã muzica extraordinar de frumoasã compusã de el.(use the passive)18. Se asteaptã ca preturile sã creascã din nou luna aceasta. De acest lucru le este groazã la toti. Se stie cã existã tot mai putini oameni care fac fatã acestor scumpiri.19. S-ar fi putut lua decizia ca John sã fie cel care sã reprezinte firma dar nu au fost voturi sufuciente pentru cã multi erau de pãrere cã existã ( folositi constructie cu ‘there’) si altii care ar putea sã facã aceasta.

20. Ar trebui sã termine mâncarea pânã la venirea invitatilor, dar se bãnuieste cã nu va termina. (use constructions with ‘supposed’)


1. The old theatre is being pulled down to make room for a new building.2. After the show snacks and refreshments will be served. They were catered for by a famous restaurant.3. This problem will be dealt with as soon as he comes back from his trip. Still it seems that nothing can be done now to repair the wrong. We are sorry but you should know that the fault is all yours as you should have made/ filed a complaint earlier.

4. I think it’s time he should be told to stop acting childish. He is spoken of in a not too flattering way - which is undertandable - by those who are stared at and abused by him. His attitude is questioned even by those who still believe in him. These are looking forward to his having a bright future.5. After several variants had been talked of by his colleagues, they were shown the best way to sort out the problem.6. The shot was followed by a long moment of silence. We didn’t have to worry because we knew that the gun had been unloaded the night before lest there should be an accident. When we got at the scene of the shooting the victim , who hadn’t been hurt at all, was nevertheless being questioned by the police.

7. All business letters will have to be answered in the shortest time possible / as soon as possible.8. His paintings will be exhibited for the first time in a gallery in London.9. The damaged ship was being towed towards the harbour when the cable broke.10. The origin of the univers will never be properly explained.11. When he came into the room, she was being interviewed. One could have guessed that she was doing well on account of her smile. The question she was about to answer referred to a characteristic feature of spoken English.

12. The prompt intervention of the firemen was called for. Eventually the fire was brought under control, but not before extensive damage had been done. Speculations are now being made as to the cause of the fire;


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the most plausible however is a leak in the gas pipe. A gas pipe requiring long-overdue repairs is thought to have existed, but this had been ignored./ There is thought to have been a gas-pipe......., which had been ignored. Now this problem will have to be dealt with.

13. We are constantly reminded how small our world is when events that take place thousands of kilometers away are brought before us on the TV-screen.14. If you happen to be involved in a car accident in which there are only material damages without anyone being hurt you can leave the place of the accident. 15. The article must be written before/ til the date mentioned above and it can be handed in at the secretary’s office. 16. There was thought to be a lot of gold / Lots of gold was thought to exist in those mountains; as a result many gold-diggers went that way but to teir disappointment nothing was found even after years of digging.

17. It is agreed that Beethoven was a genius. The extraordinarily beautiful music composed by him stands as proof. 18. Prices are expected to rise again. Everybody is scared of this. It is well known/ common knowledge that there exists an ever-growing number of people that can no longer cope with this rise in prices.19. John could have been chosen to represent the firm but firm but there weren’t enough votes in his favour as it was said to be others who could do this.

20. She is supposed to finish cooking before the arrival of her guests, but she is not likely to do it./ but it is supposed that she will not.


1. Am considerat cã este firesc sã-i informez de îndatã ce am aflat vestile.2. Este necesar sã se ia imediat mãsurile potrivite pentru a se evita repetarea incidentului.3. E esential ca ei sã înteleagã necesitatea unui efort sporit.4. Ar fi pãcat sã ne oprim la jumãtatea drumului.5. E imposibil ca el sã fi spus asa ceva. Îl cunosc prea bine.6. E putin probabil ca ceea ce a spus el sã fie adevãrat.

7. E important ca noi toti sã ne formãm deprinderi corecte de lucru cât suntem încã tineri. 8. E normal ca oamenii sã vrea sã trãiascã în pace. 9. E de dorit ca toatã lumea sã fie aici pânã la ora cinci.10. Este posibil ca el sã fi stiut asa putin de toatã povestea?


1. I considered it was natural that I (should) inform them as soon as I heard the news.2. It is necessary that the right measures (should) be taken in order to avoid a repetition of the accident/another occurrence of the accident.3. It is essential that they (should) understand the need for a bigger effort.


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4. It would be regrettable that we (should) stop half-way/ it would be a pity to stop half-way/ if we stopped ....

5. It’s impossible that he should have said anything like this. I know him too well.6. It is very unlikely that what he said (should) be true.7. It is important that we all (should) develop correct habits while we are still young.8. It is natural that people (should) want to live in peace.9. It is desirable that everybody (should) be here before five o’clock.10. Is it possible that he might have known/ knew so little about the whole story?


1. Te uiti la mine de parcã n-ai sti ce vreau sã spun.2. As dori ca ei sã vinã cu mine, dar mi-e teamã cã obligatiile din ultima vreme nu le vor permite sã lipseascã prea mult din Londra.3. Mi-amintesc toatã povestea de parcã s-ar fi întâmplat doar ieri.4. As dori sã te pot ajuta, dar cunostintele mele în acest domeniu sunt foarte limitate.5. Se poartã de parcã am fi strãini, când de fapt ne cunoastem din copilãrie.

6. Uitã-te la el. Vorbeste de parcã n-ar sti cã nu putem nicidecum sã lipsim de la întâlnirea aceea.7. As dori sã nu mai intervinã nici o schimbare în planurile tale. Este a treia oarã cã ti le schimbi si noi nu mai stim ce sã facem.8. Numai de n-am fi plecat de acasã asa devreme. Acum va trebui sã asteptãm o jumãtate de orã pâna va începe spectacolul. 9. Sunt emotionat, dar as vrea sã fiu convingãtor. Numai de-as putea gãsi cele mai potrivite cuvinte.

10. Iarãsi avem probleme cu motorul. Numai de nu s-ar opri chiar pe pantã.11. Asa nu se mai poate. Ar cam fi timpul sã avem o discutie deschisã.12. Mi-e asa de somn. Cred cã ar fi timpul sã ne ducem la culcare.13. Deodatã se ridicã din fotoliu de parcã ar fi vrut sã o ia la goanã.


1. You’re looking at me as if you didn’t know what I wanted to say.2. I wish they could come/ would come with me but I’m afraid that their recent obligations will not permit them to leave London for a longer period of time.3. I remember the whole story as if it had happened yesterday.4. I wish I could help you but my knowledge in this field is very limited.5. He behaves as if we were two stangers, when in fact we have known each other since childhood/ since we were little kids.

6. Look at him! He is speaking as if he didn’t know that on no account can we miss that meeting.7. I wish no change occurred in your plans again / I wish your plans didn’t cahnge again. It’s the third time you’ve changed them and we no longer know what to do.8. If only we hand’t left home so early. Now we’ll have to wait for half an hour till the show begins / for the show to begin.9. I’m very excited, but I wish I could be very convincing. If only I could find the right words.

10. We are having problems with the engine again. If only it didn’t /wouldn’t stop on the slope.


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11. I won’t take it any longer. It’s about time we had a heart to heart talk.12. I’m so sleepy. I think it’s about time we went to bed. 13. Suddenly he jumped out of the armchair as if he had wanted to dash out of the room/to dash off.


1. Nu conduce prea aproape de masina din fatã, îmi spuse instructorul de la scoala de soferi.2. Dupã ce v-ati ales cartea, aduceti-o la mine si eu o voi înregistra, spuse bibliotecara.3. Ai grijã de bagaje cã locul acesta e plin de hoti, m-a sfãtuit prietenul meu.4. Dupã ce ati citi aceste intructiuni, dati-le urmãtorului de pe listã, a spus functionarul.5. Luati loc si spuneti-mi ce vã supãrã, a spus doctorul.

6. Dacã va trebui sã beti apã din râu, mai întâi fierbeti-o. Sã nu beti niciodatã apa de râu nefiartã, ne spuse ghidul la plecare.7. Tom îi spune la telefon prietenei sale: Am luat bilete. Asteaptã-mã la aeroport la ora 6.30.8. Nu uitati sã vã scrieti numele pe partea de sus a foii de examen!9. Prezentati permisul de îmbarcare la poarta 15!10. Chiar dacã ti-e foame, nu mânca nimic între mese!11. Terminã odatã cu prostiile! Hai sã nu mai pierdem timpul.

12. Ai grijã de tine, te rog! Nu te mai lãsa pradã bolii.13. Încearcã sã ajungi la timp la întâlnire, bine?14. FII drãgut si pune scrisoarea aceasta la postã.15. Lasã-mã sã vãd anuntul: Nu înotati prea departe. Sunt rechini.16. Ascultã ce îti spun. Povestea aceasta nu se va termina cu bine.18. Virati la stânga la sensul giratoriu, treceti podul si apoi mergeti drept pâna la urmãtoarea intersectie, unde trebuie sã iesiti de pe autostradã.

19. Sã te gãseasc vopsind gardul, când mã întorc acasã.20. Sã nu îndrãznesti sã ridici vocea la mine cã nu stiu ce îti fac.21. Dacã nu te grãbesti , vei întârzia. (use the imperative)22. Te uiti un pic si la valiza mea? Dacã va trebui sã pleci las-o acolo si du-te. Oricum îti doresc o vacantã plãcutã si sã te distrezi din plin. Lasã-te dus de exotismul acestui loc!24.Nimeni sã nu spunã un cuvânt. Toti sã fiti atenti la ce spune el. Lãsati-l sã termine si apoi veti scrie cu totii un referat pe acesastã temã.

25. Atentie! Vine trenul! Lasã-l sã treacã si abia apoi traverseazã linia feratã.26. Dacã mã rogi frumos te voi ajuta. (use the imperative)27. Nu te mai prostii, mã auzi? Haide sã plecãm odatã.28. Dacã ti-ai cere scuze te-ar ierta. (use the imperative)


1. “Don’t drive too close to the car in front of you”, told me the driving instructor.2. “After you’ve chosen the book, bring it to me and I’ll register it”, said the librarian.3. “Keep an eye on your luggage as this place is swarming with thieves”, my friend advised me.4. “After you’ve read these instructions, give them to the next person on the list”, said the clerk.5. “Have/ Take a seat and tell me what’s bothering/ what’s been bothering you”, said the doctor.


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6. If you have to drink river water, boil it first. Don’t ever drink river water without boiling it first”, the guide told us before setting off. 7. Tom told his girl-friend on the phone: “I’ve got tickets. Meet me at the airport at six-thirty.”8. Don’t forget to write your name in the top right corner of the examination paper.9. Show your boarding card at gate 15!10. Even if you are hungry, don’t eat anything between the main meals/ inbetween meals.

11. Stop that nonsense! Let’s not waste any more time.12. Please take good care of yourself. Don’t let yourself be overcome by illness, again. 13. Try to be in time for your appointment, will you?14. Be a good boy and post this letter for me, will you?15. Let me see the notice: Don’t swim too far off / No swimming. Sharks!16. Mark my words. This story will not have a happy-end.17. Turn left at the roundabout, cross the bridge and then drive straight on to the next cross-roads where you have to get off the motorway.

18. When I get back home I want to see you painting the fence.19. Don’t you dare to raise your voice at me or I don’t know what I can do to you.20.Hurry up or you’ll be late.21. Will you keep an eye on my suitcase. If you have to go, leave it there and go. Have a nice vacation and enjoy yourself! Let you be carried away by the splendor / exotic nature of that place. 22. Not a word now! Listen carefully to what he is saying./ Let’s all listen carefully... Let him finish and then write a report on that subject / then you’ll all write a report .

23. Look out! The train is coming. Let it pass and onlt then cross the railroad-tracks.24. Ask me nicely and I’ll help you. 25. Don’t make a fool of yourself! / Stop fooling around, will you? Let’s go.26. Apologize and he’ll forgive you.


1. “Cine vine cu mine la film?” “Astãzi nu mergem pentru cã avem cursuri si dupã amiazã.”2. Este numai ora opt dar el deja studiazã pentru examenul de literaturã englezã.3. Întotdeauna dupã amiaza ne plimbãm prin parc o orã.4. Decanul este foarte ocupat acum. Discutã cu un grup de profesori de la Universitatea din Nantes.5. În mod obisnuit ne petrecem sfârsitul de sãptãmâna la munte, dar acum rãmânem acasã pentru cã asteptãm niste prieteni.din Anglia.

6. Întotdeauna face la fel. Când vede cã nu reuseste sã câstige, încearcã sã însele.7. Fratele meu e în camera lui. Lucreazã la calculator.8. Întotdeauna luãm cina împreunã, dar acum tata e plecat din tarã si noi mâncãm numai cu mama.9. De câte ori vine la voi, fratele tãu reparã ceva la masinã. 10. E prima datã cã conduc o astfel de masinã. Este o plãcere.


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1. “Who’s coming with me to the movies?” “We are not going today as we have classes in the afternoon.”2. It’s only eight o’clock and he is already studying for the exam in English literature.3. In the afternoon we always have a walk in the park for an hour.4. The Dean is very busy now. He is talking to a group of professors from the University of Nantes.5. We usually spend our week-ends in the mountains, but now we are staying home as we are expecting some friends from England.

6. He is always doing this. When he sees that he cannot win he tries to cheat.7. My brother is in his room. He is working on the computer.8. We always have dinner together, but now Father is abroad and we are having dinner only with Mother.9. Whenever I come to your place, your brother is fixing something at his car. 10. It’s the first time that I’m driving such a car. It’s a pleasure.


to have breakfast/lunch/dinner to have a laughto have a good/bad weather have to (= must), to have a visitor/friend to dinner having someone as a guest to have a visitor/friend to stay to have a chat/drive/rideto have a good/wonderful time have (= own), to have a house painted/ a watch repaired

Translate into English using some of the expressions above:

1. Vremea este perfectã. Ne distrãm de minune.2. Prietenii nostri au o vreme mizerabilã în vacantã.3. Anul acesta vom avea vacanta în iulie.4. De ce trebuie sã renunte la cãlãtoria aceasta?5. Nu putem sã primim oaspeti acum pentru cã ne vopsim casa.6. D-na Green discutã de o orã cu d-na Smith peste gard. 7. Mary va avea al doilea copil în iunie.8. Iti speli toate ferestrele acum?9. Traducerea trebuie terminatã pânã mâine.

10. Familia mea nu serveste întotdeauna un mic dejun continental. Acum, de exemplu servesc un mic dejun englezesc.


1. The weather is perfect. We are having a great time.2. Our friends are having a spell of horrible weather on their holiday.3. This year we will have our holiday in July.4. Why does he have to give up this trip.5. We cannot have visitors now as we are having the house painted. 6. Mrs. Green has been having a chat with Mrs Smith over the fence for more than an hour.7. Mary will have another baby in June.


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8. Are you having your windows washed now?9. You will have to have the translation finished by tomorrow.10. My family do not always have a continental breakfast. Now, for instance, they are having an English breakfast.


1. Întotdeauna îti bagi nasul în treburile altora.2. Imi place întotdeauna sã mã plimb prin parc dupã amiazã.3. Femeia aceea îl sâcâie într-una pe sotul ei.4. Masina aceea nu se opreste niciodatã; functioneazã într-una.5. Ei întotdeauna îmi fac o vizitã când sunt în oras.6. Întotdeauna vin pe la mine în cele mai nepotrivite momente.7. Întotdeauna face promisiuni si întotdeauna le calcã.

8. Vrea într-una sã fie lãudat.9. Intotdeauna pun zahãr în ceai.10. Se plânge într-una de dureri


1. You are always poking your nose into other people’s business.2. I always like to have a walk in the park in the afternoon.3. That woman is continuosly nagging/ picking on her husband.4. This machine never stops; it works non-stop.5. They always pay me a visit when they are in town.6. They are always dropping by at the most inconvenient of moments.7. He is forever making promises and forever breaking them.

8. He is constantly fishing for compliments.9. I always put sugar in my tea.10. She is continually complaining of pain.


1. Primul lucru pe care trebuie sã-l faci este sã-ti exprimi o optiune.2. Rãmâne ca Tom sã hotãrascã.3. Cred cã nu este cel mai bun lucru pe care poti sã-l faci acum.4. Acestea sunt intructiunile de care trebuie sã tineti voi seama.5. Era normal ca Tom sã gândeascã cã vom veni cu avionul.6. Eu v-am spus cum trebuie fãcut, acum rãmâne ca voi sã puneti în aplicare sfatul meu.7. Ultimul lucru ce vã rãmâne de fãcut este sã-l întrebati pe Tom.

8. Cel mai bun lucru pe care-l poti face acum este sã te odihnesti.


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1. The first thing for you to do is to express an option.2. It is for Tom to decide.3. I don’t think it is the best thing for you to do now.4. These are the instructions for you to keep in mind.5. It was natural for Tom to think that we would fly/come by plane.6. I’ve told you how to do it, now it remains for you to put it into practice.7. The last thing for you to do is to ask Tom.

8. The best thing for you to do now is to take a rest.


Translate using an adjective + infinitive construction:

1. I-a pãrut rãu sã audã de plecarea prietenilor.2. Am fost fericit sã ajung la timp.3. A fost încântatã când a auzit de succesul lor.4. Am fost surprins când am aflat cã echipa lor a câstigat meciul.5. A fost încântat când a aflat cã vreau sã lucrez pentru firma lui.6. Mi-a pãrut rãu cã am pierdut începutul piesei.

7. Eram nerãbdãtor sã-i întâlnesc.8. Au fost fericiti sã mai primeascã o sansã.


1. He was sorry to hear about the departure of his friends.2. I was happy to arrive in time.3. She was delighted to hear about their success.4. I was surprised to hear that their team had won the game. 5. He was delighted to hear that I wanted to work for his firm.6. I was disappointed to miss the beginning of the play.7. I was eager to meet him.8. They were happy to be given another chance.


Translate into English using an infinitival construction:

1. Stiam cã este ocupat.2. Se stie cã este o artistã foarte bunã. 3. Ne asteptãm ca ei sã rãspundã foarte bine.4. Consider cã el este cel mai bun student din aceastã grupã.5. L-am observat cum se dã jos din masinã si intrã în clãdire.


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6. Nu ti-am cerut sã termini lucrarea pânã mâine.7. În cele din urmã l-am fãcut sã ne spunã adevãrul.

8. Am fost uimit sã aflu cã a emigrat în Australia.9. Nu pot sã mã duc la seratã. Nu-am nimic cu ce sã mã îmbrac.10. E putin probabil sã se mai însenineze.


1. I knew him to be a busy man.2. She is known to be a good artist.3. We expect them to answer very well.4. I consider him to be the best student in this class.5. I noticed him get out of his car and enter the building. 6. I didn’t ask you to finish the paper until tomorrow.7. Eventually I made him tell the truth.8. I was surprised to find out that he had emigrated to Australia.

9. I can’t go to the evening party. I have nothing to wear.10. It is not likely for the sky to clear up anymore.


1. Mi-e teamã cã Tom se va rãtãci.2. Te rog nu spune încã nimic de plecare pânã când vezi albumul meu de fotografii. 3. Sunt îndemânatici la reparat tot felul de lucruri.4. Mã intereseazã sã-mi îmbunãtãtesc cunostintele de englezã.5. E mândru de a avea o colectie atât de bogatã de fluturi.6. Suntem surprinsi de faptul cã ti-ai schimbat pãrerea.7. E nemultumitã de nereusita ta.

8. Eram obosit de citit si m-am dus la culcare imediat.9. Este interesat sã afle cât mai multe despre computere.10. Sunt surprins de refuzul lui de a ne ajuta.


1. I am afraid of Tom’s catching (a) cold.2. Please don’t even mention your leaving before seeing my photo album.3. They are good at fixing all kinds of things.4. I am interested in improving my English knowledge.5. He is proud to have such a vast collection of butterflies.6. We are surprised at your having changed your mind.7. She is disappointed of your failure/unhappy about your failure/ misdoing.


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8. We were tired of reading and went to bed.9. He is interested in finding out as much about computers as possible.10. I’m surprised at his refusing to help us.


Translate into English using the following verbs:

mind, risk, imagine, enjoy, insist, stop, fancy, prevent, avoid

1. Ai ceva împotrivã sã vorbesti tu cu John si sã-l rogi sã ne ajute.2. Ne-a fãcut plãcere sã vã întâlnim si sã auzim toate noutãtile despre prietenii nostri.3. Doctorul a insistat sã mã duc din nou sãptãmâna viitoare la un consult.4. Ce v-a împiedicat sã veniti ieri?

5. Evitã sã mai bei atâta apã când mãnânci.6. Nu mai tipa asa. Trebuie sã evitãm sã-i deranjãm pe vecini.7. Înceteazã sã te mai prostesti tot repetând aceeasi întrebare.8. Nu trebuie sã riscãm sã întârziem la concert.9. Dacã-ti pui banii în afacerea aceea risti sã-i pierzi pâna la ultimul leu.10. Închipuie-ti sã trebuiascã sã trãiesti cu cineva care nu se mai opreste din vorbit.11. Sã nu cumva sã te gãsesc dormind când mã întorc acasã.

12. Toti au încercat sã previnã plecarea ei de la catredra de englezã.


1. Do you mind talking to John and asking him to help us.2. We enjoyed meeting you and hearing all the news about our common friends.3. The doctor insisted on my going again for a consultation next week.4. What prevented you from coming yesterday/stopped you from coming.5. Avoid drinking so much water when you eat/with your meals.6. Stop yelling like this. We must avoid disturbing our neighbours.

7. Stop making a fool of yourself asking the same question over and over again.8. We must not risk getting in late for the concert/ arriving late at...9. If you put your money into that business you risk losing it to the last penny.10. Imagine having to live with someone who never stops talking11. I’d better not find you sleeping when I get back home.12. Everybody tried to stop her from leaving the English Department.


Translate into English using the following expressions:

to get/be used to, to look forward to, to take to, can’t stand, can’t help, it’s no use, it’s useless, it’s worth


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1. E dificil sã te obisnuiesti sã mãnânci cu betigase.2. Asteptãm cu nerãbdare sã citim cartea ta cea nouã.3. E ceva aici ce meritã sã fie cumpãrat?4. Dacã un lucru meritã sã fie fãcut, meritã sã fie fãcut bine.

5. N-are rost sã mai asteptati. A telefonat cã va întârzia douã ore.6. Nu mã pot opri din strãnutat. Am rãcit ieri stând în curent.7. N-are rost sã încerci sã-l opresti. Trebuie sã astepti sã se opreascã singur din vorbit.8. N-are rost sã-ti faci griji. Se pare cã e doar o indispozitie usoarã.9. N-am putut sã nu râd de el. Avea o fatã atât de caraghioasã.10. A fost mai întâi marinar. Apoi s-a apucat de scris si acum e celebru.


1. It’s difficult to get used to eating with chopsticks.2. We are looking forward to reading your latest book.3. Is there anything worth buying?4. If a thing is worth doing at all it is worth doing well.5. It’s no use waiting. He phoned to say that he would be two hours late.6. I can’t help sneezing. I caught a cold yesterday sitting in a terrible draught.7. It’s no use trying to stop him. You must wait until he himself stops talking/ he stops himself from talking.

8. It’s no use worrying. It seems to be only a slight indisposition.9. I couldn’t help laughing at him. He had such a funny face.10. First he was a sailor. Then he took to writing and he is famous now.


1. Si-a cerut scuze cã a împrumutat masina de scris fãrã sã cearã permisiune si a promis cã nu va mai face asa ceva niciodatã.2.Politia l-a acuzat cã a dat foc clãdirii dar el a negat cã ar fi fost în zona aceea în noaptea incendiului.3. Când vopsitorul a simtit ca scara începe sã alunece, s-a agãtat de streasinã ca sã nu cadã.4. Aceastã carte îti explicã cum sã câstigi jocul fãrã sã trisezi.5. Pot auzi soneria sunând, dar nimeni nu pare sã vinã sã deschidã.

6.- Nu sunt obisnuit sã conduc pe stânga. -Când vei vedea pe toatã lumea cã face asta, îti va fi usor sã o faci si tu.7. Când în cele din urmã am reusit sã-l conving cã voiam sã ajung acasã repede, a pus piciorul pe accelerator si am simtit masina sãrind înainte.8. Nu-mi place sã primesc note de platã, dar când le primesc îmi place sã le plãtesc prompt.9. Este foarte neplãcut sã te trezesti si sã auzi ploaia bãtând în geamuri.

10. Sunt oameni care nu pot sã nu râdã când vãd pe cineva cã alunecã pe o coajã de bananã.11. Pe aici nu avem voie nu vezi semnul: ‘Nu intrati! Proprietate privatã!’



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1. He apologised for borrowing your typewriter without asking for permission and promissed he would never do that again. 2. The police accused him of having set the building on fire but he strongly denied having been in that area that night.3. When the painter felt the ladder slipping from under him he caught at the eaves lest he should fall/so that he wouldn’t fall.4. This book explains how to win the game/ how the game can be won without cheating.

5. I can hear the bell ringing but nobody is coming to open the door/ at the door/ but there is no answer.6. “I’m not used to driving on the left.” “When you see everybody doing this, it’ll be easy for you to do it, too.”7. When finally I succeeded in convincing him that I wanted to get home quickly he stepped on the accelerator and I felt the car jumping forward.8. I don’t like receiving bills but when I get them I like paying them promptly.

9. It’s very unpleasant to wake up hearing the rain pelting in the windows.10. There are people who can’t help laughing when they see someone slipping on a banana skin.11. We aren’t allowed to drive this way, can’t you see the notice: Private property. No trespassing!


Translate using ‘adjevtive+-ing’ constructions:

1. Silvia este disperatã cu pregãtirile pentru nuntã. 2. M-am sãturat sã tot astept un rãspuns de la ea.3.’Ce face John’? E ocupat¸îsi reparã masina.4. John se plictiseste uitându-se la televizor to timpul.5. M-am înfuriat vãzând cât de încet se îmbracã.6. Sunt foarte ocupatã. Fac de mâncare.


1. Sylvia is desperate getting ready for the wedding.2. I’m fed up waiting for an answer from her.3. “What’s John doing?” “He’s busy repairing the car.”4. John is bored watching TV all the time.5. I got angry seeing how slowly she was putting on her dress.6. I’m very busy cooking.


1. Neprimind telegrama la timp, nu stiam de sosirea lor.2. Fiind plecat mai mult timp, nu mai auzisem nimic despre ea. 3. Auzind pasi, se întoarse brusc, dar nu vãzu pe nimeni.4. Trecând strada printr-un loc nepermis, el fu amendat.5. Nefiind semnat, cecul nu avea nici o valoare.6. Fiind mare amator de teatru, evint cã acum nu este acasã deoarece Royal Shakespeare Company este în oras.


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7. Fiind epuizat de lucrul în grãdinã, se asezã pe o bancã si în curând adormi.8. Primind o educatie frumoasã, nu e de mirare ca acum are atâta succes în societate.9. Gâtuit de emotie, el o întrebã dacã vrea sã-i devinã sotie.10. Lucrând de doi ani la Politie, era obisnuit sã fie chemat la lucru si la miezul noptii.11. Gãsindu-l abãtut, am încercat sã-l înveselesc cu povestile mele. 12. Crezând cã ne-am rãtãcit, s-a oferit sã ne arate drumul.

13. Vãzând fotografii ale locului, stiam cã este foarte dificil sã ajumgi pânã la râu.14. Fiind înfuriat de prea multe întreruperi, profesorul a refuzat sã mai continue prelegerea.


1. Not getting the telegramme in time, I didn’t know anything about their arrival.2. Having been away for a long time, I hadn’t heard anything about her.3. Hearing some steps, he turned round quickly, bu couldn’t see anyone.4. He was fined for crossing the street in a forbidden place.5. Being unsigned/ Unsigned as it was , the check had no value.6. Being a theatre fan, its obvious he is not at home as Royal Shakespeare company is in town.

7. Exhausted by the work in the garden, he sat down on a bench and soon fell asleep.8. Having got such a good education/ Being highly educated, it’s no wonder that now he enjoys such a success in society.9. Choked with emotion, he proposed to her/ he asked her to marry him/asked her in marriage.10. Having now worked for two years in a police department, he was used to being asked to come to work even at midnight.11. Finding him depressed, I tried to cheer him up with my stories.

12. Thinking that we’ve lost our way, he offered to show us the way.13. Having seen pictures of the place, I knew it was very difficult to get to the river.14. Being infuriated by too many interruptions, the professor refused to continue his lecture.


Translate into English using some of the following expressions:

generally speaking, by the way, speaking of..., judging by, strictly speaking, considering the position as a whole, taking into consideration

1. Judecând dupã cele spuse de el, cred cã stie mai multe despre crimã decât recunoaste.2. În general vorbind, Tom este un student constiincios.3. Luând în considerare întreaga situatie, cred cã putem linistiti sã continuãm cum am început.

4. Judecând dupã reactia sa, nu cred cã putem sã ne bazãm pe el.5. A propos, vorbind de lupi, crezi cã Tom se va mai întoarce? 6. Vorbind în sesul strict al cuvântului, nu cred cã asta doreste el.7. In general vorbind, nu-mi plac câinii, dar Jetty al tãu este adorabil.8. Luând totul în considerare, el a realizat ceea ce si-a dorit.9. Judecând dupã timpul petrecut în spital, trebuie sã fi fost foarte bolnav.


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10. Ce a reusit, nu-i de loc rãu, tinând cont de circumstante.


1. Judging by what he said, I think that he knows more about the murder than he is letting on.2. Generally speaking, Tom is a hard-working student. 3. Taking into consideration the situation as a whole, I think we can carry on as we started.4. Judging by his reaction, I don’t think we can count on him.5. By the way, speaking of wolves, do you think that Tom will come back?6. Strictly speaking, I don’t think that this is what he wants.

7. Generally speaking, I don’t like dogs, buy your Jetty is lovely.8. Taking everything into consideration, he’s achieved what he wanted.9. Judging by the time he spent in hospital, he must have been very ill.10. Considering the position / situation as a whole, what he’s achieved is not bad at all.


1. Îmi face mare plãcere sã-i vãd bucurându-se de prezenta lui.2. Am gãsit casa pãrãsitã.3. Am deschis fereastra si l-am vãzut plimbându-se prin grãdinã4. La gândul despãrtirii simti cã lacrimi îi inundã ochii.5. L-a urmãrit cum îsi face bagajul, îl ia si îl duce la masinã, plecând apoi fãrã sã se uite înapoi.6. Vreau ca acest proiect sã fie terminat pânã mâine. 7. N-am înteles prea bine ultimele cuvinte pronuntate de el.

8. Toti îi priveam pe copii jucându-se pe peluza din fata casei. 9. A fost adesea vãzut intrând în casa lor.10. L-ai vãzut vreodatã boxând?11. Am auzit o masinã venind din spate. A oprit si atunci l-am vãzut pe Tom dându-se jos si intrând la bancã.


1. It gives me great pleasure to see them enjoying his presence.2. I found the house deserted.3. I opened the window and I saw him walking in the garden.4. Thinking of her departure, he felt tears flooding his eyes.5. She watched him packing his luggage, carrying it to his car and leaving without looking back.6. I want this project finished by tomorrow.7. I didn’t quite make out the words he uttered last.

8. We were all wathing the children playing on the lawn in front of the house.9. He was often seen going into their house. 10. Have you ever seen him boxing?11. I heard a car coming behind me. I stopped and then I saw Tom getting out of his car and entering the bank.


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1. Toatã lumea fiind pregãtitã de plecare, am adus masina în fata casei si am plecat imediat.2. Întrucât ploaia nu încetase, nu am mai putut pleca în ziua aceea.3. Dacã vremea permite, grupul va pleca mâine în zori.4. Toti fiind în încurcãturã, a trebuit sã gãsesc ceva sã-i distrag. 5. Problema fiind rezolvatã favorabil, nu ne-a rãmas altceva de fãcut decât sã-i multumim.6. Lucrarea fiind terminatã, am început sã o bat la masinã.

7. Vremea fiind frumoasã, am fost de acord sã organizãm un picnic.8. Ploaia stricându-mi costumul, nu m-am mai dus la seratã si m-am întors trist acasã.9. Fereastra fiind deschisã, puteam auzi clar ce vorbeau cei doi în fata casei. 10. Toatã lumea sosind la timp, ne-am asezat la masã.


1. Everybody being ready to leave, I brought the car round to the front of the house and we left immediately.2. The rain not having stopped, we couldn’t leave that day / As the rain hadn’t stopped.....3. The weather permitting, the group will leave at dawn tomorrow.4. Everybody being embarrassed/confused, I had to find something to distract their attention.5. The problem having been solved favourably, we had nothing else to do but to thank him/there was nothing else left (to do) but to thank him.

6. The paper being ready, I started to type it. 7. The weather being fine, we agreed to organize a picnic.8. The rain having ruined my suit, I didn’t go to the party any more and returned home.9. The window being open, I could hear clearly what the two persons in front of the house were saying.10. Everybody arriving on time, we sat at table.


Translate using infinitive or gerund constructions:

1. Începusem sã cred cã eu eram cel care gresise.2. Intentionãm sã ne ducem la concert.3. Orchestra a început sã cânte de îndatã ce dirijorul a ridicat bagheta.4. Ne-am oprit ca sã cumpãrãm o ladã de bere.5. Nu voi putea niciodatã mãcar sã încep sã înteleg motivele pentru care a fãcut asa o prostie.6. Prefer sã-l astept afarã.

7. Nu uita sã închizi usa când pleci de acasã.8. Nu voi uita niciodatã cum m-a primit în casa lui si s-a îngrijit de mine.9. Sã trecem mai departe la a vã arãta cum se udã aceste plante.10. Îmi place mai mult sã înot decât sã ma dau cu barca.


1. I began thinking that I was in the wrong.


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2. We intend to go to the concert.3. The orchestra started playing as soon as the conductor raised the baton.4. We stopped to buy a crate of beer.5. I will never even begin to understand the motives that pushed him into doing such a stupid thing.6. I prefer waiting for him outside.7. Don’t forget to lock the door when you go out.

8. I will never forget how he took me in and took care of me.9. Let’s go on to show you how these plants must be watered.10. I like swimming better than rowing.


Translate using a ‘have+object’construction.

1. L-am pus pe John sã-mi telefonezue înainte de a pleca de acasã.2. El este un profesor de înot foarte bun. Dupã câteva lectii cu el vei înota foarte bine. 3. Dupã o orã în care nu a fãcut altceva decât sã mintã, a reusit sã o facã sã creadã cã el a vãzut toatã lumea.4. Mi-am dat ceasul la reparat.5. Dacã accepti sã vorbesti cu el înainte ca el sã-si cearã scuze te vei trezi cã tu îi ceri iertare.


1. I had John phone me before going out.2. He is a very good swimming teacher. He’ll have you swimming well after only a few lessons.3. After an hour in which he did nothing but lie he had her believing that he had seen the whole world. 4. I had my watch repaired.5. If you accept to speak to him before he apologizes he’ll have you apologizing in no time.


1. “- Ce sã-ti cânt?” “Cântã-mi acel cântec care-i place Mariei.”2. Tradu-le articolul pe care l-ai citit.3. Vorbeste-le acum, nu amâna.4. Nu vrei sã ne descrii cãlãtoria pe care ai fãcut-o?5. Cine ti-a sugerat aceastã metodã?6. Vrei sã-i faci cunostintã cu fata cu care vorbeai ieri când ne-am întâlnit?7. Nu stiu dacã l-am convins când i-am sugerat un nou stil în pictura sa.

8. Doctorul mi-a prescris mult somn si plimbare.9. Nu-mi explica ce trebuie sã-i spun, stiu si eu.10. Vrei sã ne descrii peisajul marin pictat de tine?11. I-am spus în treacãt care este situatia.12. Am vrut sã-i dovedesc cine e mai bun.


1. What should I sing to you? Sing me that song Maria likes.


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2. Translate to them the article you have read.3. Talk to them now don't put it off.4. Wouldn't you like to describe to us the trip you took?5. Who suggested this method to you?6. Would you introduce him to the girl you were talking to yesterday when we met?7. I don't know if we convinced him when we suggested he should adopt a new style in his painting.

8. The doctor prescribed me a lot of sleep and many walks.9. Don't explain to me what I should tell him, I also know.10. Do you want to describe to us the ........painted by you?11. I told her briefly what the situation was like.12. I wanted to prove to him who is the best.


1. În acest magazin se vorbeste engleze.2. Se-ntâmplã cã-l cunosc.3. Se pare cã nu vom mai putea gãsi bilete la acel spectacol.4. Se pare cã astãzi vom avea o vreme bunã.5. În articol se vorbeste despre despre descoperirea unor fosile.6. Nu poti stii ce-ti aduce ziua de mâine.7. Crezi cã e bunã piesa? Asa se spune.


1. English is spoken in this shop. / You can speak English in this shop.2. It so happens that I know him.3. It seems we won't be able to get tickets for this show.4. It seems we are going to have nice weather today.5. The article talks about the discovery of some fossils.6. One never knows what tomorrow will bring.7. Do you think that the play is good? That's what they say.


1. Mi-a luat douã ore sã rezolv problema aceea.2. E usor pentru unii studenti sã învete regulile de pronuntare în limba englezã, pentru altii însã este destul de greu.3. S-a întâmplat ca cei doi prieteni sã fie nãscuti în aceeasi zi.4.Este o traditie ca studentii din anul patru sã organizeze o petrecere de absolvire.5. În literatura englezã Chaucer este acela care a introdus culegerile de povestiri.

6. Este normal ca sportivii buni sã fie deosebit de apreciati.7. Am considerat necesar sã-i spun ce s-a întâmplat.8. De aici pâna în centru orasului este un drum lung.9. “- Cine-i?” “- Eu”10. Plouã de mai bine de douã ore si se pare cã va mai ploua mult.


1. It took me two hours to solve that problem.


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2. It's easy for some students to learn the pronounciation rules in English, for others it is rather difficult.3. It so happened that the two friends were born the same day. 4. It has become a tradition for the students in the fourth academic year to organize a graduation party.5. Chaucer is the one in English literature that introduced the collection of short-stories.

6. It's natural for good athletes to be highly appreciated. / It's natural that good athelets should be highly appreciated.7. I thought it necessary to tell her what had happened.8. From here is a very long way downtown.9. Who is it? It's me/I.10. It has been raining for more than two hours and it seems it will still rain a long time.


1. La petercere am cunoscut pe unchiul, mãtusa si verisoarele lui.2. Pentru nimic în lume nu as fi de acord cu asa ceva.3. De ce-mi faci observatii. Asta nu-i treaba ta.4. Si-a scuturat capul.5. Nu-l poate suferi; pânã si vederea lui îl scoate din sãrite.6. Te superi dacã fumezi aici.7. Cine crezi cã a venit la seratã. Michael cu ai sãi.8. Când l-a vãzut si-a pierdut capul.

9. Isi face rochiile singurã.10. Nu mã împrietenesc cu cei de teapa lui.11. Si-a pierdut cursurile; de aceea le-a împrumutat pe ale tale. 12. I-am cumpãrat fiului meu cãrti , iar fiului lor jucãrii.13. Si-a pus cãrtile, caietele si penarul pe masã.14. Îmi gãtesc singurã.15. Când s-au întâlnit, amândoi si-au scos pãlãria.16. Durerea ei e si a mea.17. Una din rudele mele invitate aici s-a împrietenit cu un coleg de-al tãu.

18. Într-adevãr îti place pãlãria aceea veche a ei?19. Ideea a fost numai a lui.20. Ne vom gândi întotdeauna cu plãcere la tine si la ai tãi.21. Nerecunostinta copiilor sãi o sã-l vâre în mormânt. 22. Popestii nu-ti sunt prieteni?23. N-am stiut cum de nu greseste niciodatã la acest joc, dar acum i-am prins smecheria.24. Îmi place aceastã idee a ta.25. I-a trebuit mult timp pânã când sã se hotãrascã.


1. At the party I met his uncle, his aunt and his cousins.2. I would never agree to something like this.3. Why are you making objections? It's no business of yours.4. She shook her head.5. He can't stand him; the very sight of him him drives him crazy.


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6. Do you mind if I smoke in here?7. Who do you think came to the party? Mike and his folks.8. When he saw him he lost his head.

9. She sews her dresses herself.10. I'm not going to make friends with him and the like.11. She lost her notes that's why she borrowed yours.12. I bought my son books and their son toys. / books for my son and toys for their son.13. She put her books, her notebooks and her pencil-holder on the table.14. I cook for myself. / I do my own cooking.15. When they met they both took off their hats.16. Her pain is also my pain.

17. One of my relatives, who was invited here made friends with a collegue of yours.18. Do you really like that old hat of hers?19. The idea belongs solely to him. 20. We will always recall you and your parents with pleasure.21. His children's ingratitude will be the death of him, yet.22. The Popescus aren't your friends, are they?23. I've never known how come he never loses at this game, but now I found out his trick.

24. I like this idea of yours.25. It took him a long time to make up his mind.


1. Poti vedea singur la ce rezultate s-a ajuns în aceste cercetãri.2. Thomas nu era în apele lui seara trecutã.3. Tony s-a lovit rãu la genunchi.4. Stãpâneste-te!5. Geamul s-a spart de la sine.6. Trebuie sã ai grijã de tine în excursia pe care o faceti în munti.7. Nu vorbi rãu despre tine; esti prea modestã.8. Toarnã-ti încã o ceascã de cafea.9. Sezi de mult aici de unul singur?

10. Crezi cã si-a revenit atât de repede?11. Decât atâtea interventii, mai bine vorbeste în numele tãu.12. Am fost invitati la o seratã unde ne-am distrat foarte bine.13. A vorbi mult despre tine însuti dovedeste proastã crestere.14. De când s-a ars cu chibriturile, copilul n-a mai pus mâna pe ele.15. Nedând crezare celor auzite, s-au dus acolo chiar ei.16. Poartã-te frumos!


1. You can see for yourself what has been accomplished up to now with this research.2. Thomas wasn't himself last night.


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3. Tony hurt his knee really bad.4. Get a grip on yourself.5. The window broke by itself.6. You must take care of yourself in the trip you are taking to the mountains.7. Don't say bad things about yourself; you are too modest.8. Help yourself to another cup of coffee./ Pour yourself...

9. Have you been sitting for a long time here by yourself?10. Do you think he recovered so quickly? / Do you think he came to (himself) so quickly?11. You better speak for yourself than let others speak for you.12. We were invited to a party where we had a great time.13. To talk too much about yourself can only prove to be the result of a bad up-bringing.14. Since he burned himself with the matches the child hasn't touched them again.

15. Not believing the rumours he went there himself.16. Behave yourself!


1. Au hotãrât sã se astepte unul pe altul dupã examen.2. Când i-am vãzut pe cei doi scriitori, ei vorbeau unul cu altul.3. Se cunosteau unul pe altul foarte bine.4. El si sora lui se iubesc foarte mult.5. Timpul era atât de scurt pâna la plecarea trenului încât trebuiau sã se despartã unul de celãlalt înainte ca sã fi discutat problemele care îi interesau.6. S-au uitat unul la altul mirati.

7. Cât timp Tom a fost plecat îsi scriau unul altuia. 8.S-au ajutat una pe cealaltã pentru a termina mai repede treaba.9. S-au înteles sã se anunte unul pe celãlalt de îndatã ce vor avea vesti noi. 10. Auziserã una despre cealaltã de la prieteni comuni.


1. They decided to wait for each other/one another after the exam.2. When I saw the two writers they were talking to each other.3. They knew each other/ one another very well.4. He and his sister love each other very much.5. They had so little time till the train left that they had to part with each other before discussing the problems that interested them.6. They looked at each other surprised.

7. For the time Tom was away/ had been away they wrote to each other.8. They helped each other/ one another so that they would finish the job quicker.9. They agreed to let each other know the minute they had some news.10. They had heard about each other from mutual friends.


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1. Acesti ultimi trei kilometri au fost foarte greu de parcurs.2. Vi-i prezint pe studentii din grupa mea.3. Aceste fete si acesti bãieti s-au pregãtit împreunã pentru examenul de admitere.4. Aceste douã sãptãmâni ploioase au fost bine venite pentru recolta de cereale.5. N-am putut face altceva decât sã astept în aceste douã zeci de minute.6. Ai primit cei trei sute de dolari?

7. Vi-l prezint pe George Bradley.8. “Care-i cartea ta?” “Iat-o.”9. Iatã cum si-a petrecut vacanta.10. Iatã-i lucrurile acolo.


1. These last three kilometers have been really hard to walk.2. Let me introduce you to the students in my class.3. These girls and boys have prepared themselves for the exam together.4. These last two rainy weeks have been very good for the crops.5. There was nothing else I could do but wait during these twenty minutes.6. Did you get the three hundred dollars?7. I give you George Bradley (a show-host might say this) / I introduce George Bradley to you . Here is G.B.

8. Which is your book? This one. / Here it is.9. This is how he spent his holidays.10. There are his clothes./ His things are over there.


1. Bravo bãiete! Ai fost într-adevãr la înãltimea asteptãrilor.2. Fii drãgutã si vino cu mine la teatru.3. Am întârziat pentru cã mi s-a întâmplat un mic necaz.4. Nu si-a fãcut tema; de altfel el întotdeauna are de obiectat când una când alta.5. John e student slab si pe deasupra mai si lipseste de la seminarii.6. Îti mai spun ultima datã sã nu mai lipsesti de la seminarii, sã-ti faci temele si sã fii activ si cu asta am terminat.

7. Îsi alintã fetita: mereu Maria în sus, Maria în jos.8. Nu-si face temele inventând ba una ba alta. 9. Ajunge, mulþumesc.10. “Ce s-a întâmplat?” “Ne-am certat, asta-i tot.”11. Ãsta-i adevãrul.


1. That's the boy! You rose up to the occasion, indeed.


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2. Be a dear and come with me to the theatre.3. I was late because I had a little accident.4. He didn't do his homework. Actually he always has this, that and the other to complain about.5. John is a weak student and above all he missed classes too.6. I'm going to tell you for the last time: don't you ever miss classes again, do your homework and be active in class and that's that.

7. He spoils his daughter: Maria this, Maria that. 8. He never does his homework making up this or that.9. That will do, thank you.10. What happened? We quarrelled that's all there is to it./ and that's that.11. That's the truth.


1. Vreau o pãlãrie. O voi cumpãra pe cea gri.2. Du tu pachetele grele iar eu voi duce pe acestea usoare.3. Nu vreau poseta aceasta; o vreau pe aceea mare.4. Costumele tale sunt deosebit de frumoase; în special acesta gri.5. Ai adus niste cãrti, dar ele nu sunt acelea pe care ti le-am împrumutat.6. Nu stii niciodatã ce aduce ziua de mâine, nu-i asa?7. Am petrecut acolo o lunã.

8. Scrie unsprezece cu doi de unu.9. Într-o zi va pleca pentru totdeauna.10. Unul a spus la altul si asa stirea s-a rãspândit repede în sat.


1. I want a hat. I'm going to buy the grey one.2. You carry the heavy bags and I'll carry the light ones.3. I don't want this purse. I want that big one.4. Your suits are very beautiful, especially that grey one.5. You brought some books but these are not the ones I lent you.6. You never know what tomorrow will bring, do you?7. We spent a month there.8. Write eleven using two ones.

9. Some day he will leave for good.10. One told another and so the news spread out quickly through the village.


1. Cu ce ai deschis-o?2. Cu cine ai reusit sã vorbesti ieri?3. Despre ce vorbesti?4. Ce carte ai cerut?5. De ce ai scris scrisoarea?6. Cu cine te-ai dus?


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7. Pe lângã ce ai trecut în drum spre scoalã?8. Ce râu a traversat el înot?9. La ce se foloseste asta?


1. What did you open it with?2. Who did you manage to talk to yesterday?3. What are you talking about?4. What book did you ask for?5. Why did you write the letter?6. Who did you go with?7. What did you pass by on your way to school?8. What river did he swim across?9. What do you use this for?


1. Nu-ti fie milã de el; stie el sã se descurce.2. Caietul Mariei era plin de însemnãri fãcute la diferite ocazii cu proverbe, cu citate celebre si câte altele.3. Ca orice secretarã în primele zile de lucru, n-am stiut ce contin acele multe dosare primite.4. Cele douã gemene seamãnã atât de mult încât nu le pot deosebi.5. Ce-ai zice sã mergem la teatru?6. El si-a fãcut deja temele, dar tu?

7. La ce orã ai venit acasã?8. Vãd multe fete cunoscute, dar poti sã-mi spui cine sunt?9. Oare ce-i trece prin cap?10. Oare cine ti-a spus minciuna asta?11. Uite douã editii ale cãrtii. Pe care s-o aleg?12. Te-am întrebat cum o cheamã.13. Am auzit un strigãt puternic, dar n-am stiut a cui voce era.14 Pe cine ai invitat la petrecere?15. Cine vine la seratã?16. Spune-mi ce ti-a adus.

17. Cum se spune “carte” pe frantuzeste?18. Oare cine ar putea cunoaste motivul?19. Ce este ea?20. Care este capitala Scotiei?21. Care este cel mai mare mamifer marin?22. Ce adresã are?23. Nu stiu ce este mai bine: sã pornim acum sau mai târziu?24. E ora douãsprezece noaptea si sunã telefonul. Cine naiba ar putea fi?25. Ce înteles are al doilea cuvânt?26. Care piesã shakespeareanã ai vãzut-o ieri ?

27. Care dintre aceste cãrti este a doamnei care a fost aici?28. Ce limbã strãinã înveti la scoalã ?29.Care dintre aceste cãrti ti-a plãcut mai mult ?


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30.Care dintre fratii tãi vrea sã vinã cu mine la banchet ?31. Care este studenta pe care nu ai mai vãzut-o de mult ?32. Ce tren nu întârzie niciodatã ?


1. Don't pity him, he'll manage.2. Maria's notebook was full of notes put down on different occassions, notes of proverbs, famous quotations and many more.3. As any secretary during my first days at work I had no idea what was in those many files I had recieved.4. The twins look so much alike I can't tell them apart.5. How about us going to the theatre?6. He has already done his homework, how about you?

7. At what time did you come home?8. I see many familiar faces, but can you tell me who they are? / ...but can you tell me who's who?9. I wonder what goes around in his head?10. Who could have told you such a lie?11. Look there are two editions of the book, which one should I buy?12. I asked you what her name was.13. I heard a strong cry, but I couldn't make out whose voice it was.14. Who did you invite to the party?

15. Who will come to the party?16. Tell me what did he bring you.17. What is the French word for 'book'?18. Who could know the reason?19. What does she do for a living?20. Which is the capital of Scotland?21. Which is the largest sea mammal?22. Which is his address?23. I don't know what's best to leave now or later.24. It's twelve o'clock at night and the phone is ringing. Whoever could it be?

25. What is the meaning of the second word?26. Which Shakespearean play did you see yesterday?27. Which one of these books belong to the woman who was here?28. What foreign language do you study at school?29. Which one of these books did you like most?30. Which one of your brothers wants to come with me to the party?31. Which is the student you haven't seen for a long time?32. What train is never late?


1. Oricine ar fi ei, trebuie sã cunoascã regulamentul.2. Pe orice stradã umbli prin Roma, peste tot vezi vestigii romane.3. Întreabã de ei pe oricine vezi aici.4. Orice argumentatie e de prisos acum.5. Poti sã împrumuti aspiratorul oricãrui vecin.


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6. Nu mã intereseazã, al oricui este, câinele trebuie vaccinat.7. Orice ar spune el, gândeste-te înainte de a-i rãspunde.

8. Orice spui, e pe placul lui.9. Iatã trei cãrti care trateazã problema despre care m-ai întrebat. Ia-o pe care vrei.10. “- Cu care sã începem?” “Cu oricare vrei.”11. Invitã-i pe John si Jane, si pe oricine mai vrei.12. Pe oricine întâlneste îi spune ce s-a întâmplat.


1. No matter who they are they have to know the rules.2. No matter what street you walk on in Rome there are Roman sites everywhere.3. You can ask whoever you see here about them.4. Whatever arguments are useless now.5. You can lend the vacuum cleaner to any neighbour.6. Whomever the dog belongs to it has to be vaccinated.7. Whatever he might say, think twice before answering him.

8. Whatever you say is to his liking.9. Here are three books that deal with the subject you asked me about. Take whichever you like.10. Which should we start with? Whichever you want.11. Invite John and Jane and whoever else you want.12. Whoever he meets he tells them what happened.

Fill in the blanks with suitable indefinite pronouns or adjectives:

1. I didn’t feel like talking to ...... at all right then.2. I suppose a man can get used to ...... .3. You seem to have thought of ......, haven’t you?4. He wanted some more coffee but there was ...... left.5. ...... of us is perfect; we all make mistakes.6. “Is there ...... ink in the pot?” “No, ...... .”

7. Will you have ...... more tea? There is plenty in the pot.8. “Are you doing ...... tonight?” “No, ...... .”9. Tell me ...... you know and ...... will be well.10. We ...... know how hard you have worked. ...... shares your joy at your success.11. “Who is in the corridor?” “...... .”12. “How ...... does that cost?” “Very ......, only ...... shillings.”13. Look at my hands; ...... is on the table and ...... on my knee. Now they are ...... under the table.

14. I have only two eyes; ...... are good, but if I had six, I should need them ...... to supervise those children properly.15. “Which arm have I raised?” “The left ...... . “16. “Which of my hands is in the pocket?” “ ......; they are ...... on the table.17. “Which ...... do you want?” “ ...... will do.”18. There will be a prize for ...... of you.


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19. ...... sat for the examination, but ...... passed it. 20. One man’s meat is ...... ‘s poison.

Fill in the blanks with suitable indefinite pronouns or adjectives:

1. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone at all right then.2. I suppose a man can get used to anything .3. You seem to have thought of everything, haven’t you?4. He wanted some more coffee but there was none left.5. None of us is perfect; we all make mistakes.6. “Is there any ink in the pot?” “No, none .”

7. Will you have some more tea? There is plenty in the pot.8. “Are you doing anything tonight?” “No, nothing .”9. Tell me everything you know and everything / all will be well.10. We all know how hard you have worked. Everybody shares your joy at your success.11. “Who is in the corridor?” “Nobody / no one .”12. “How much does that cost?” “Very little, only a few pounds.”

13. Look at my hands; One is on the table and one on my knee. Now they are both under the table.14. I have only two eyes; bothare good, but if I had six, I should need them all to supervise those children properly.15. “Which arm have I raised?” “The left one . “16. “Which of my hands is in the pocket?” “ Neither; they are both on the table.17. “Which one do you want?” “ Either will do.”

18. There will be a prize for all of you.19. Everyone sat for the examination, but few passed it. 20. One man’s meat is another‘s poison.