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Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

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Page 1: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008



Page 2: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 001 1. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences. 4 points

Crocodiles see well, their eyes are (1) ... with three eyelids, each having a different function. Their eyeballs slide back out of (2) ... way during an attack. Should they lose one of their eight-centimetre-long teeth, a replacement is always ready. A crocodile may go through (3) ... changes during a lifetime of over seventy years. Crocodiles cannot chew as their teeth are (4) ... only to penetrate and hold.

1. A. found B. equipped C. stocked D. fitted 2. A. harm's B. danger's C. injury's D. damage's 3. A. various B. several C. considerable D. numerous 4. A. composed B. constituted C. designed D. styled 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points The meeting will begin at 8pm but (2) ... will be available from 7pm. REFRESH You will therefore have time to chat (3) ... with committee members. FORMAL At 8pm, the Chairman will make a brief (4) ... speech and then put forward some proposals INTRODUCE

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Nowadays, parents often feel guilty if they don't give their children healthy food for (1) ... single meal. Packaged food is frequently known (2) ... 'junk food' but (3) ... many instances that simply isn't so. Of course children should eat well, (4) ... meals should also be relaxed, enthusiastic and compatible with family life today. And it's essential (5) ... remember that most parents of young children are (6) ... definition, extremely busy people. Convenience foods (7) ... here to stay and they can be a valuable aid to the pursuit of happiness. Parents must seek out the best and aim (8) ... a balance between real food and practicality. With (9) ... these convenience foods, you can balance out the meal (10) ... adding something fresh and home-made.

4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 0. In times of trouble when snails have the perfect escape. when 00. But retreating into a shell does not always guarantee V 1. a survival. For the land snail Arianta arbustorum, 2. faced with local climatic warming in the Swiss city 3. of Basle, having had a shell has not helped a bit. 4. Between 1903 and 1991 this snail became really extinct 5. at 16 out of 29 localities around the city. All eight 6. populations were killed off by urban development.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. When is the train due to arrive? GET .................................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. I shouldn’t think Paul knows the answer. DOUBT ................................................. 3. I’ve had to wait all afternoon. BEEN ................................................. 4. To get to work on time I have to get up at six. MEANS .................................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 002 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points A recent (1)......... of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (2)........ of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (3)........ a language course. One suggestion is that you (4)........... whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language. 1. A. issue B. printing C. version D. volume 2. A. domain B. branch C. field D. area 3. A. wondering B. thinking C. looking D. considering 4. A. assess B. review C. balance D. survey 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. The economy of the 21st century will be based on skills and (1)…. according to a recent report. KNOW 2. The study shows that there will be more jobs in the workplace for those with (2) ... and the right

skills, and fewer jobs for those with none. QUALIFY 3. The best (3) ... is the one that can demonstrate a level of academic achievement. EMPLOY

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Do you have enough time to learn a language? The major (1)........ will be your own time and effort. Therefore you must make sure that the course on offer leads to a (2)........ qualification. Also, be realistic in your (3)...... . If you don't set achievable aims you are more likely to give up. Do not be deceived (4)........... thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. (5)......... around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a (6).......... course. Already (7)........ in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (8)............ progress were high. Three years (9)........ she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow (10)............ her first experience. 4. Some of the statements are correct and some contain a spelling or punctuation mistake. If the statement is correct, put a tick , if not, spot out the mistake and write the correct form next to it on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Food can be a case of "out of sight, out of mind for students. 2. If you are constently lethargic and struggling to concentrate 3. on your work, then it may be time to take a look at your diet. 4. Just because you're a poor student doesn't mean you can't eat 5. like a king. Eat wholewheet bread instead of the white variety 6. as it's more filling and more nutritious.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. Maria didn't listen carefully to the news broadcast. attention Maria didn't ........................................ the news broadcast.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Sally decided not to do her homework and went to a nightclub. instead Sally went to a nightclub ........................................ homework. 3. I expect you were completely exhausted by the end of the evening! must By the end of the evening ........................................ exhausted! 4."Is cleaning the room now really necessary? have "Does this room ....................................... now?

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 003 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. Their Prime Minister has been able to act more aggressively in the past year because he has …….. his power within the government. A. recommended B. reduced C. compelled D. consolidated 2. Pakistan …… the Indus and its tributaries for almost half of its irrigation supplies. A. turns back B. relies on C. takes to D. pulls up 3. The auroras are caused by the …….. of solar winds with gases in the Earth's atmosphere. A. intersection B. completion C. interaction D. perception 4. It seems strange to us now that miners and others employed in dangerous work should not have demanded the provision of ……. headgear. A. forceful B. obstructive C. relentless D. protective 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

Puppets are dolls representing traditional or modern characters in stories. They are a popular form of (1) ... for both children and adults. ENTERTAIN Some puppets seen in Europe today were (2) ... created in Italy in the ORIGIN 1500s. A puppet show was an (3) ... EXPENSIVE way to enjoy yourself.

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word

in each gap. 10 points Tinned food and drink is big business: every day more than 175,000 million tins are sold throughout the world. The process by (1) ... food products can be preserved in tins was invented in 1810 by a Frenchman (2) ... Nicholas-Francois Appert. His father ran a small hotel, (3).... Appert learned about preserving fruit and vegetables (4) ... a boy. He then became a cook and sweet-maker and grew fascinated by the idea of (5) ... able to preserve food for (6) ... than is naturally possible. He experimented with various foods and finally (7) ... in preserving vegetables, fruit juices and jams. What he did (8) ... to put the food in glass containers which were then boiled for a long time. In 1810 the French government offered a prize to (9) ... who invented a means (10) ... preserving high-quality food.

4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 0.I finished university six months ago and I've got a degree in (v) 00. business administration. I enjoyed do the course very much (do) 1. although I realise I should have been studied a lot harder! A few of 2. my friends have already got all full-time jobs but most, like me, are still 3. waiting for something suitable to turn up. Meanwhile, I make sure that 4. I keep myself being busy. I look through the job advertisements in the 5. newspapers every day and I also ask all the people I know to tell 6. me if they will hear of any vacancies where they work.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

1. Why are you interested in taking up a new hobby? want Why ........................................ up a new hobby? 2. "Have you seen my gloves, Eric?" asked Mrs Noble. seen Mrs Noble asked Eric ........................................ her gloves. 3. Suzanne was too excited to sleep. that Suzanne was ........................................ not sleep. 4. Robert has not had a job for two years. out Robert has ........................................ for two years.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 004 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. …….. providing luxury on every imaginable level, a five- star hotel should also have the ability to take you by surprise. A. With a view to B. In excess of C. Consequent on D. In addition to 2. Ancient Peruvian textiles have survived in an excellent state of preservation ……. the dry conditions of much of the country. A. with regard to B. in comparison with C. in case of D. owing to 3. Exciting new research is transforming industrial robotics, offering the promise of whole new generation of ……… intelligent machines. A. more B. much C. any D. mostly 4. Recent findings have suggested that, in ancient times too, man was capable ……… causing rapid and decisive changes ……. the genetic make-up of staple crops. A. in / for B. to / of C. of / in D. from / over 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Computers have had the (1)… to play chess for many years now. ABLE 2. Their (2)… in games against the best players in the word has shown a steady improvement. PERFORM 3. People who need any (5)… must know that these are available at the first floor. REFRESH

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word

in each gap. 10 points

In 1846 an Irish immigrant in New York named Alexander Stewart opened a business called the Marble Dry-Goods Palace. By doing so, he gave the world something completely new - the department store. Before this, no-one (1) ... tried to bring together such a wide range of goods (2) ... a single roof. The business did very (3) ... . It expanded rapidly and soon had (4) ... staff of two thousand. For Stewart even that was not enough, (5) ... . In 1862 he moved to an eight-storey building nearby, (6) ... he renamed A.T. Stewart's Cast Iron Palace. It was, (7) ... for many years would remain, the largest shop in the world. Others followed Stewart's example and soon there were stores (8) ... his in many major cities in the United States. We don't (9) ... when people started calling them department stores. The expression wasn't used in print (10) ... 1893, when it appeared in Harper's Magazine, but the way that it is used there makes it clear that it was already widely understood. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points

Dear Sally 0. This is just a short note to let you know about my new college. √ 00. You know that I have arrived in Cambridge have 1. last week, don’t you? Well, my host family met with me 2. at the airport and drove me to their home. They're a 3. really such nice family and I’m enjoying myself a lot. 4. The college where I’m studying it is also lovely. The 5. teachers are helpful and I’ve met a lot of students from 6. different countries. As soon as we will have the opportunity, we are going to have a party.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

1. 'Why don't you come over for dinner at the weekend?' he asked her. suggested He .................................. for dinner at the weekend. 2. His boss won't tolerate lateness. put His boss won't .................................. lateness. 3. The school I studied at last year was better than this one. good This school ................... my last one. 4. Although the weather was terrible we had a good time. spite We had a good time .................... the terrible weather.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 005 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. He is hoping that, by the time he…….for the grant, his book on Egyptian silverwork… ,

A. has to apply/ will have been published B. had applied/ had been published C. was to apply / has been published D. will be applying / would have been published

2. It seems that, even if big western companies …….. to help develop lifesaving GM ( genetically modified ) seeds for the underdeveloped countries, only South Africa …… to accept them.

A. will be willing/ is ready B. has been willing / will be ready C. had been willing/ would be ready D. were willing / would be ready

3. The big test …….. over the next few weeks when the government ……. to introduce a plan to include drug coverage in Medicare.

A. is coming/ will be expected B. comes/ was expected C. has come/ is expecting D. will come / is expected

4. Seafarers' records ……… back to 1590 ……. it possible to visualize the behaviour of one of the planet's most mysterious phenomena : its magnetic field.

A. dating / have made B. to date / would make C. being dated/ had made D. to be dated / are making

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. However beautiful, funny or (3) ... to look at, they are really simple tools used by artists to express their ideas. FASCINATE 2. Artists must have great technical (4) ... but the fun and charm come from the way the artists establish communication with the audience. ABLE 3. Recently studies have shown a great (5) …of doctors all over the world. SHORT

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word

in each gap. 10 points Although it has a reputation for being rather basic in terms of home comforts, the modern material used in (1) ... manufacture of tents means camping is at least a (2) ... less hard work. Nowadays tents are (3) ... lightweight that you hardly notice you're carrying them. They're easy to (4) ... up and a cheaper alternative to hotel accommodation. Talk to an expert first before spending a lot of money (5) ... a tent. Different tents suit different needs and there's no point (6) ... buying a mountaineering tent (7) ... you're planning to camp in these conditions. Don't (8) ... tempted to splash out on all the latest equipment either. Most (9) ... the fun of camping lies in the chance to get back to nature. There's no need to take anything more (10) ... the basics.

4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

0 The last time I travelled to abroad started off quite (to) 00 badly. I had arrived in Amsterdam and was at the(v) 1. station for buying a train ticket to Munich. I was going 2. to visit a friend there and after that to travel down to 3. Greece for a long holiday. I just bought my ticket 4. and turned round to pick up my bag from the floor 5. and realised that someone had stolen it. I ran all over 6. the station trying to find it but it was quite gone.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. Because it snowed heavily during the night the motorway is closed. due The motorway is closed ........................................ that there was heavy snow the night before. 2. Did you manage to get in contact with the boss today? getting Did you ........................................ in contact with the boss today? 3. I don’t care what you do. concerned As ........................................ you can do what you like. 4. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice. such It ........................................ meal in the restaurant.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 006 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points The figures were tiny and black, all hurrying (1) ... one direction and with the same (2) ... towards the farthest tip of the cliff. (3) ... we were well away from the entrance to the river and there was no longer any (4) ... of the tide carrying us back onto the rocks, I ordered the crew to raise our sails. We were finally on our way. 1. A. for B. to C. in D. at 2. A. scheme B. sense C. meaning D. intention 3. A. As soon as B. In case C. As long as D. If only 4. A. alarm B. anxiety C. risk D. concern 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. On our (1) we were greeted by the head of the department. ARRIVE 2. A person with an (2) complex is generally quite shy. INFERIOR 3. Do you happen to know the (3) of Ben Nevis? HIGH

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Some say you can do it in seven days, others promise success in 24 hours, or you may

prefer to take (1) ... time and do it in 5 weeks. What are we talking about? Believe it (2) ... not, these periods (3) ... time refer to language learning courses that promise excellent results in less time (4) ... it takes to say 'Bonjour'!

However, the advertisements of these companies are not necessarily (5) ... best guide and if you don't know what to look (6) ... in a good course you could be left with little (7) ... than a large bill. A complaint was recently made (8) ... Speed Learn Systems and the company has been forced to remove its claim that its technique is ten times better than any (9) ... method. The Managing Director of Speed Learn Systems said (10) "... we still believe our claim is true, we are willing to change our advert.

4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. The salary is not so important at this stage, provided I earn enough for to 2. live on, because I don't want to continue having to be depend on my 3. parents, although they are very much generous to me. At the moment, 4. I'm working in a nearby restaurant two evenings of a week, washing 5. up and generally helping out, which brings in a little money. The 6. other people working there are very friendly, and many of them are in the same situation as me, so we have lots to talk about.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. They didn't do it. It is simply impossible. They ..................................... 2. Perhaps she came home late and that’s why you didn’t hear her come. She........................................ 3. She had such a large house that she couldn't manage it. Her house............................................. 4. I advise you to read it twice before you sign. You.....................................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 007 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points

Until about 250 years ago, households did not take dirt as ..(1).. as they do now - it was a fact of life, and that was that. Cleaning often consisted of an annual ..(2)... called 'spring cleaning' when the furniture was moved aside, and all the linen products in the house were cleaned. Carpets and rugs were taken outside, hung on ropes and had the dust ..(3).. out of them - an exhausting and messy process. The industrial revolution brought about a major change - as new ..(4).. became available to make homes cleaner.

1. A. importantly B. crucially C. considerately D. seriously 2. A. ritual B. result C. resolution D. scrub 3. A. cleaned B. taken C. beaten D. sucked 4. A. products B. concepts C. ideals D. developments 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. It is amazing how .............................. she looks at her age! YOUTH 2. We had an ...................................... day boating on the lake. ENJOY 3. Snow lasts longer in ...................................... regions. MOUNTAIN

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Would you like to (1)… an astronaut? To do this, you must travel at least 50 miles (80 kilometres) above the surface of the earth. But even after you have done that you are still (2)… earth's atmosphere. Indeed, there are at least 300 miles of air still between you and the true vacuum of space.

Most of what we think of as our atmosphere is actually the troposphere, that part of the atmosphere closest to earth. This is where most of our weather happens, and it is the only part of the atmosphere which has enough oxygen and warmth for humans to survive. (3)… part of the atmosphere is about ten miles thick at the equator and slightly half that height at the (4)…

(5)… the troposphere is the stratosphere, which you have probably (6)… if you have travelled on an international jet liner. But there is another kind of 'jet' at this altitude. Huge rivers of air called 'jet streams' (7)… through the stratosphere, and the stratosphere contains the ozone layer which filters harmful ultraviolet rays which could (8)… make life on earth extinct. Above the stratosphere is the mesosphere, and above that the ionosphere, which is important for radio communications as signals can be (9)… off the ionosphere to different (10)… of the world. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word form on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. Mr George Wilton, a schoolmaster of Epping, England, has being got in trouble. 2. It seems he told to his class of 9-year-old girls to write kidnap letters and demands for ransom. 3. One of the parents, a Mrs Virginia Waters, said, “We only discovered

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

4. this dreadful thing during an evening class then for some of the mothers in knitting. 5. The notes were pinned up to the classroom wall.” 6. Another parent, the Mrs Joan Dripper, said, “My child’s note read: ‘I have kidnapped your daughter and demand £25. As proof, I enclose her head.’”

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. We were surprised when more guests came than we had expected. We didn't..................................... 2. In spite of our repeated warnings, they kept doing it. Although...................................... 3. He didn't find a taxi and so he missed the train. If.............................................. 4. I doubt she bought that jewel; she wasn’t that rich. She............................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 008 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points

Parrots and macaws have become so (1)......... that special varieties of these birds are (2) ......... up to £9,000 each on the black market in Britain. Macaws from Brazil cost from £1,000 and parrots from Australia can cost £7,500 a pair. The demand for parrots, cockatoos and macaws has led to a (3)......... increase in thefts from zoos, wildlife parks and pet shops. London and Whipsnade zoos are among the many places from which parrots have been stolen. Some thefts have not been (4)......... in an effort to prevent further incidents.

1. A. costly B. extinct C. outlandish D. rare 2. A. fetching B. reaching C. lifting D rising 3. A. acute B. peak C. sharp D. high 4. A. published B. publicised C. advertised D. told 2. Read the text below and use the words given in capitals below to form words that fit in the gaps. The words in capitals are given in the order in which you need to use them. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. CHILD; 2. TRANSFORM; 3. CHURCH Lennon, if he is a symbol of anything, is a symbol of (1) .......... , of play. He believed you could change the world. If you made the right gesture, a (2) .......... might take place. His life has become a myth, and high claims are made for him. He said that the Beatles were better known than Jesus Christ, which seemed to Christian (3) ..........a thing to say, but he was probably right.

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points In many Western countries, girls are more (1) ............. to smoke than boys. It's the girls who want to look "tough and grown-up." The result is that (2) ............. lung cancer in American men has fallen (3) ............. the first time in 50 years, the disease is (4) ............. in women. The decrease in the disease among men is attributed to a decrease in smoking among men (5) ............. the government's first warning of a (6) ............. between cigarettes and disease in 1964. On the other hand, lung cancer is now expected to overtake breast cancer (7) ............. the principal fatal cancer among women. (8) ............. your son or daughter is a non-smoker; there is another good (9) ............. for rejecting a smoker as a life-long mate. Smokers don't just ruin their own health (10) when…………up. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word form on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. Steeple chasing early began in the eighteenth century as a sport among the fox-hunting 2. gentry. In those days, they have raced across the countryside to a place marked by a 3. distant church spire, or steeple. It was a reckless and dangerous sport. By 1830, 4. it became a part of formal racing, and is today an established winter sport. The 5. courses, of which there are more over 40 in England and nearly 30 in Ireland, have 6. artificial obstacles in place that of the real ditches, walls, streams and hedges.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. His parents hope he'll make a good doctor. They'd like...............................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Please, help me with my luggage! Would you mind................. 3. I don't think she really meant that. She................................. 4. It is ages since we talked openly. We..................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 009 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. Dolls have ... as children’s playthings for thousands of years. A. existed B. been C. used D. sported 2. However, they were .... manufactured as toys in large numbers in Germany. A last B mainly C. first D. final 3. In the .... century people used to believe in ghosts and haunted places. A. recent B. fifteenth C. fabric D. latest 4. The centres of the industry were factories at Nuremberg, Augsburg, and Sonneberg. The dolls were primitive and.... of wood, clay, rags, and wax.

A. fabricated B. constructed C. decorated D. made 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. All of us burst into ...................................... at his joke. LAUGH 2. The results of the test were quite different from our .................................... EXPECT 3. It is absolutely…………….. to cheat your parents. HONEST

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Twenty years ago Bruce Lee inspired a kind of film which has (1)… popular everywhere in the world (2)… since - the kung-fu movie. Tiger claw is another kung-fu film, (3)… this one is not likely to be a classic. I don't mean to say that (4)… is anything particularly wrong with this movie as a (5)… of amusement for an evening, but viewers are likely to forget about it as soon as they walk out of the cinema. The plot is rather simple - girl is kidnapped by villain, boy rescues her after a series of car chases, shootings, and, of (6)… lots of violent hand-to-hand combat. It all happens in Hong Kong, which is (7)… the scene for the other five kung-fu films made by director Hu Dekawu. Some of the special effects are very good, while (8)… are just ridiculous. If you want to (9)… what I mean, look for the scene (10)… the hero destroys an armoured car by using just a cigarette and his teeth.

4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. Last year when I succeeded in realizing an ambition which I had had for many years, 2. and I went on a safari in Africa. Ever since I was a child, I had wanted to go to 3. what the books called the "Dark Continent". By later, when I was a teenager 4. in England, it seemed as though this dream would never come to true, since I came 5. from a poor family, and it was difficult even to afford holidays by the sea. 6. But when I grew older, I went to frequent college, and later qualified as an accountant.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the

sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. This is the craziest thing I have ever heard. I..................................... 2. When I saw that card I immediately remembered that summer. The card.................................................. 3. You can't leave without answering me first. Don’t leave..................................... 4. He had never shot in his life. It was........................

Page 18: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 010 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points

By the 17th century, however, ..(1).. dolls began to appear, made of cloth or leather, and these were very ..(2).. as toys for both boys and girls. There were several improvements in manufacturing. Dolls’ heads became more realistic, and new materials were used. ..(3).. in the 18th century manufacturers developed soft leather which ..(4).. like human skin, and this was used in the more expensive dolls. Dolls began to look, feel, and move more like humans. 1. A. later B. better C. then D. simpler 2. A. adapted B. suitable C. useful D. utilized 3. A. Soon B. But C. Early D. When 4. A. resembled B. looked C.covered D. felt

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. Lynn Jones reviews "The ………… of the Phoenix". FLY 2. This film offers beautiful music, …………..desert EVOKE 3. landscapes and ……human emotions. DRAMA

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Would you like to (1)… an astronaut? To do this, you must travel at least 50 miles (80 kilometres) above the surface of the earth. But even after you have done that you are still (2)… earth's atmosphere. Indeed, there are at least 300 miles of air still between you and the true vacuum of space. Most of what we think of as our atmosphere is actually the troposphere, that part of the atmosphere closest to earth. This is where most of our weather happens, and it is the only part of the atmosphere which has enough oxygen and warmth for humans to survive. (3)… part of the atmosphere is about ten miles thick at the equator and slightly half that height at the (4)… (5)… the troposphere is the stratosphere, which you have probably (6)… if you have travelled on an international jet liner. But there is another kind of 'jet' at this altitude. Huge rivers of air called 'jet streams' (7)… through the stratosphere, and the stratosphere contains the ozone layer which filters harmful ultraviolet rays which could (8)… make life on earth extinct. Above the stratosphere is the mesosphere, and above that the ionosphere, which is important for radio communications as signals can be (9)… off the ionosphere to different (10)… of the world. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points

1. Now I have my own business, and by saving in money every year, I had 2. finally enough to take myself and my family go on the holiday of a lifetime. 3. We decided to go to Kenya, and see the animals in the magnificent Serengeti park. 4. When we arrived, it was spring in the Africa, and the park was just beginning 5. to get green. We were amazed at how many animals we could see, and how much 6. unconcerned they were about people in vehicles who managed to come quite close

to them and take a lot of pictures.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. What he did next really surprised us. taken We were …………………………..what he did next. 2. We will never forget that experience. an That was…………………………………experience. 3. Terry is the shortest member of the team. than No-one in the team…………………………….Terry. 4. This is the first time anyone has done that. before ………………………………….has anyone done that.

Page 20: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 011 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points It is not so much the scandals and disputes of recent years that have (1)..... the Olympic Games. It is their (2).... enormity, their excessive cost, their (3)..... of national pride. One very sensible suggestion is that future Games should be (4)..... to individual events in which one person clearly wins. 1. A. warned B. threatened C. reproached D. shocked 2. A. sheer B. vast C. heavy D. massive 3. A. pampering B. easing C. indulgence D. spoiling 4. A. held B. restricted C. limit D. decided 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. The............... were still here when we moved in, and in the first few months we had no sign of

our new neighbours. BUILD 2. Our............... were first aroused when our dog started chewing up the edges of the carpet in

our bedroom. SUSPECT 3. We thought he was just being deliberately............. DESTROY

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

When it (1)..... to violent nationalism, the Welsh are not in the (2)..... league as the Basques or the Northern Irish, but they can be bad (3)...... The Welsh do have a distinct nationality, (4)..... a language and literature of their own. Indeed, they have their own cultural festival, with music and singing, (5)..... Eisteddfod, which dates back to 1176. The Eisteddfod forms (6)..... of the Gorsedd, or assembly, founded many centuries before the Christian era. At the Eisteddfod, the poets, or bards, wear long white, flowing robes, and (7)..... themselves very seriously. (8)..... Brittany, Wales is rather isolated. It is a mountainous lump (9)..... England and the Irish Sea. (10)..... it is isolated, and because it contains little worth stealing, the place has been left to its own devices, so that half a million people still speak the ancient Welsh language. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. Buffalo Bill and men like him had hunted the American bison to extinction. In 1900, 2. with the West tamed, there were only a few hundred buffaloes left. Today, there are 3. thousands. Their meat is in to demand for buffalo burgers. A buffalo steak is the 4. smart thing to order, and restaurants throughout the United States have supplies on 5. flown in daily. One rancher, Mr Roy Huck, has 3,500 head on his 50,000-acre 6. ranch in South Dakota. He says: "We owe a lot to the conservationist who they rescued a small

herd 70 years ago and saved the buffalo from dying out."

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. She spoke too fast and I couldn't understand her. She spoke too …………………................................. 2. They were probably astonished when hearing the news. They................................................ 3. I know she never misses such a concert. She just.................................... 4. I'll talk to her first, then I'll think about it. I'll think about it.............................

Page 21: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 012 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points The (1)... of lottery winners change their lives (2)... little, and continue on their settled (3)..., happy ever after. A couple of years ago, a Mr David Horabin won a million. He had been struggling to make a success of his dry cleaning shop for the (4)... 12 months. 1. A. most B. majority C. number D. quantity 2. A. but B. a C. scarcely D. not 3. A. way B. path C. road D. habit 4. A. earlier B. before C. recent D. past 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. According to Dr Robert Metcalf, professor of entomology at the University of Illinois, "Some strains of insects and microbes have appeared that are.................. to nearly everything in our arsenal. RESIST 2. The short-sighted and.................. use of antibiotics has produced monster bugs. RESPONSE 3. Pests are now quicker to develop resistance to new.................. weapons. CHEMISTRY

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word

in each gap. 10 points

In Britain, 98 per cent of households have at (1)... one television set and an average of 25 hours a week is spent in (2)... of it. 30 per cent of homes now have video machines, and the number is rising rapidly. This average of 25 hours a week is a staggering amount of time taken (3)... of people's lives. (4)... do they watch? Mostly, it appears, game shows and soap opera, usually (5)... American origin. Game and quiz shows - (6)... is a difference between (7)..., games you stand up, quizzes you sit down - are immensely popular. They began in the United States in 1955 with The 64 Thousand Dollar Question, which enabled contestants to win big money (8)... answering complex questions. It became an overnight sensation, but three years later the bubble burst. Several contestants - the (9)… that lost - charged that popular quiz shows were rigged. The scandal shook the TV industry and forced the networks to kill (10)... the shows. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. Yellowstone National Park is home to Yogi Bear. So Yogi Bear, as everyone ought to know, 2. ranks second only next to Peanuts in the popular strip-cartoon world. He is, therefore, dear to 3. the heart of every American child. Whatever it happens to Yogi becomes a matter of national 4. concern. And it does appear that Yogi is in deep to trouble. He is in danger of extermination. 5. Or, at least, his real-life brothers are. Out there in Wyoming, in the Yellowstone Park, there 6. used to be more hundreds of grizzly bears. A few years ago, there were about 250.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the

sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. Alice is not only intelligent, but also hardworking. Not only .................................................. 2. Paying cash isn't necessary. One.................................................. 3. It's a pity I didn't notice the change. I wish .................................... 4. Someone will steal her camera if she carries it in that bag. She will have .............................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 013 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences. 4 points 1. Mary was … by her mother as a polite and helpful girl. A. grown B. reared C. produced D. raised 2. She has always been very … of her mother. A. fond B. affectionate C. close D. respectful 3. For her, working with many people is infinitely … to working behind a desk all day long. A. desirable B. favourable C. preferable D. advisable 4. To the amazement of her friends, she … out to be a natural leader. A. turned B. made C. came D. stood 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points 1. She felt great ... ... when her telephone rang in the middle of the meeting. embarrassing 2. He has some difficulties in ... ... the stress of the exams. come 3. The authorities are doing their best to reduce the level of ... ... . poor

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Flashpacking is a neologism (1) refer to affluent backpacking. A flashpacker shares some of the characteristics of a backpacker: a (2)… of independence, no fixed itinerary and relatively long periods of travel to more exotic and far-flung destinations. (3)…backpacking is traditionally associated with budget travel and destinations that are relatively cheap, flashpacking has an association of more disposable income (4)…travelling and has been defined simply (5)… backpacking with a bigger budget. Some may define flashpacking as an incongruous (6)… of 'slumming it' and luxury; of adventurous travel with those on a budget by day and sedate dining and comfortable accommodations by (7)… Flashpackers have been further defined as tech-savvy adventurers who often prefer to travel with a (8)… phone, digital camera, iPod and a laptop, although none of these is required in (9)… to be a flashpacker. As with other forms of travel, the term flashpacker is mainly (10)…of self-identification. The origin of the term itself is obscure. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. On your exam sheet put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Traditional activities include trick- or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, 1_______ visiting "haunted houses" and carving jack-o-lanterns. Some of modern 2_______ practices developed out of older pagan traditions, especially 3_______ surrounding the Irish holiday Samhain, a day is associated both with 4_______ the harvest and otherworldly spirits. Irish and Scottish immigrants 5_______ carried out versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth 6_______ century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. I had no problems at all during my trip to France. Everything went ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. They think that Helen's brother stole the money. Helen's brother is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3. The old railway station is now a museum. A museum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4. Almost as soon as John met Jane he decided to marry her. No sooner ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 014 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points 1. An amazing collection of antique vases will be put on … … at the National Museum. A. show B. view C. display D. exhibition 2. Andy’s broken arm will almost certainly … … surgery. A. require B. ask C. demand D. hope 3. The thieves took everything … … from the TV set. A. except B. apart C. besides D. instead 4. He needs to seek … … help. A. advised B. authorised C. professional D. expert 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points 1. Fame doesn’t ... ... mean happiness. unnecessary 2. Unfortunately, the people’s ... ... with their salaries is constantly growing. satisfy 3. In your situation, it is ... ... to obey the regulations. advice 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points The secrets of a wise expansion Curitiba in southeastern Brazil has (1)... a national reputation for good city management with its innovative programmes for (2)... transport, industrial pollution control and waste recycling. One of Brazil’s (3)... growing cities, it has avoided many of the problems that usually (4)... with rapid expansion. Early in (5)... development, Curitiba adopted a plan for linear growth (6)... radial axes, using the areas in between for green space and leisure facilities as well as for industrial and housing development. Curitiba has few traffic (7)... despite having more cars per (8)... than any other Brazilian city except Brasilia. Roads running along the structural axes include special ’busways’, which (9)... rapid transport of people to and from the city centre. (10)... sophisticated bus system has been developed, featuring red express buses, green inner-district buses and yellow ’feeder’ buses. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points The construction of the monument on Mount Rushmore began in 1927 1________ and finished in 1941. The memorial, which attracts all over two 2________ million tourists every year, it commemorates four former presidents 3________ of USA and consists of four heads carved out of granite, each on standing 4________ sixty feet high. Having situated in the Black Hills of South Dakota, the 5 _______ memorial stands out from the mountainside which rises high above the 6________ surrounding farmland, and can be clearly seen from a far distance.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the

sentence printed before it. 4points 1. As part of his new year’s resolution he has renounced cigarettes and bad food. He decided ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. “Why don’t you listen when I talk to you?” said my wife. My wife accused ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3. Seeing as you broke the window you shouldn’t have said someone else was responsible. It was wrong ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4. The reforms will not succeed unless they are carefully planned. Careful ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 015 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points Bungee word was (1) in 1930, which meant rubber eraser. The (2) . originated from (3) . of the Pentecost Island, who used to tie vines to their ankles and jumped from tall wooden platforms. The vine was substituted by (4) . cord. Members of the Dangerous Sports club made the first official bungee jumping on April 1, 1979 from the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. Initially they were arrested, but later on they appeared on television and jumped from many places including hot air balloon and mobile cranes, in 1982. 1. A. developed B. created C. formed D. made 2. A. intention B. thought C. idea D. opinion 3. A. tourists B. dwellers C. merchants D. natives 4. A. elastic B. rubber C. paper D. iron 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Extreme sports are often associated (1)… various youth subcultures. Extreme sports are no more "extreme" (2) … traditional activities played (3) … a high level. The few generalizations that can (4) … made about extreme sports is that they are almost (5) … individual instead of team activities and that they often focus (6) … performing tricks or stunts. In 2006, the Extremity Games was formed for people with physical disabilities, specifically limb loss (amputees) or limb difference, to be able (7) … compete in extreme sports. The College Park Industries, (8) …manufacturer of prosthetic feet, organized this event to give disabled athletes a venue to compete in (9) … increasingly popular sports genre (10) ..referred to as action sports. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. Last year when I succeeded in realizing an ambition which I had had for many years, 2. and I went on a safari in Africa. Ever since I was a child, I had wanted to go to 3. what the books called the "Dark Continent". By later, when I was a teenager 4. in England, it seemed as though this dream would never come to true, since I came 5. from a poor family, and it was difficult even to afford holidays by the sea. 6. But when I grew older, I went to frequent college, and later qualified as an accountant. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. New drugs are being discovered which are helping the fight against this disease. The fight against this disease ………………………………………………….…………….. …………... 2. The minister proposed regular meetings for the committee. The minister ………………...………………………………………………………………………………. 3. I wish I knew what to do about this problem. I wish I knew what …………………………………………………………………….…….. ……………..

As globalization is not only an (1)… phenomenon, another approach to (2) … globalization is the recent index calculated by the Swiss Think tank KOF. The index measures the three main dimensions of globalization: economic, social, and (3) …

(1) economy (2) measure (3) politics

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

4. This problem cannot be solved instantly. There ……………………………………………………………………………………..…... ……………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 016 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points

Human activity continues to represent the single (1)… threat to coral reefs living in Earth's (2)…. In particular, pollution and over-fishing are the most serious threats to these ecosystems. Physical (3)… of reefs due to boat and shipping traffic is also a problem. The live food fish trade has been implicated as a driver of decline due to the use of cyanide and other chemicals in the capture of small fishes. Finally, above normal water temperatures, due to climate phenomena such as El Niño and global (4)…, can cause coral bleaching.

1. A. biggest B. greatest C. hugest D. largest 2. A. seas B. lakes C. streams D. oceans 3. A. destruction B. degradation C. merchants D. damage 4. A. warming B. humidity C. movement D. activity 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Television is a widely used telecommunication system (1)… broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over (2)… distances from all around the world. The term may (3)… be used to refer specifically to a television set, programming or television transmission. Since it first became commercially available (4)… the late 1930s, the television set (5)… become a common household communications device in homes and institutions, particularly in the First World, as a source of entertainment and news. Since the 1970s, video recordings (6)… VCR tapes and later, digital playback systems such as DVDs, have enabled the television to be used to view recorded movies and other programs. A television may be built (7)… receive different broadcast or video formats, such (8)… high-definition television, or preferably referred to as (HDTV). HDTV costs more (9)… normal TV but is becoming (10)… available.

4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points Breakdance is a street dance style evolved as the part of the 1st hip hop movement among African American and Puerto Rican youths in the South Bronx during the early 1970s. It is normally danced to funk or hip hop music, often remixed to prolong the breaks, and is arguably as the best known of all hip hop dance styles. Breakdancing is generally unstructured and highly improvisational, allowing for the incorporation of the many different elements: toprock, downrock, freeze, etc. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ 6_______

Molecular cloning refers to the (1)… of isolating a defined DNA sequence and obtaining multiple copies of it in vivo. (2)… is frequently employed to amplify DNA fragments containing genes, but it can be used to amplify any DNA sequence such as promoters, non-(3)… sequences.

(1) procede (2) clone (3) code

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

1. Eating Indian food is new to me. I have never………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way. In no way ………………………………………………………………. ………………………………….... 3. Andrew knew what the answer was after reading the book. By the time Andrew ……………………………………………………... ……………………………….... 4. I’m doing more work than I bargained for. I didn’t expect to…………………………………………………………………………..…... …………....

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 017 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the following text: 4 points I had been to dinner at Mike’s twice before when Richard Pratt was there and on each (1)... Mike and his wife had (2)...out of their way to produce a special meal for the famous gourmet. And this one, clearly, was to be no (3)...The moment we entered the dining room, I could see that the table was laid for a feast. The tall candles, the yellow roses, the quantity of shining silver, the tree wine glasses to each person, and above all, the faint (4)...of roasting meat from the kitchen brought the first warm oozing of saliva in my mouth. 1. A time B. event C. meeting D. occasion 2. A. come B. tried C. gone D. been 3. A. less B exception C. other D. difference 4. A. aroma B. stink C. perfume D. stench 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points Many visitors to Britain find the natives’ (1) ... frequently rather strange behave and occasionally totally (2)... One of the most common complaints comprehend is that we are cold and (3)... . friend 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points The earliest motor vehicle was built in1769 by Nicholas Joseph Cugnot. It was powered by steam and (1)...a top speed of about four kph. Many similar vehicles were then built, mainly (2)....use on farms. These steam wagons had a sturdy frame and heavy wooden wheels. This made them capable (3)... carrying heavy loads. By 1865 in response to growing public fears that steam vehicles were travelling too fast, (4)...speed limit was introduced. (5)... was decided that 3 kph in towns and 6 kph in country areas was fast (6).... As an additional safety precaution, a person waving a red flag had to walk in front of the vehicle. You (7)...think that (8)... speed limit was very (9)..., but you must remember that the roads were very poor and that many steam vehicles found (10)...difficult to stop quickly. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points

A great majority of adults in the industrialized world- in fact, about 90 1__________ per cent- they will be married at some time in their lives. Of those who 2__________ do not, some may choose to remain themselves single, but others will 3__________ have no choice. An alarming number who they marry will divorce, but 4__________ this is not because marriage itself has lost its attraction- instead 5__________ people who give up on a particular relationship and try again. For example, 6__________ of the four out of ten American marriages that end in divorce, 80 per cent are preludes to further unions. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the

sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. The garden party won’t take place if the weather stays bad. Unless.... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... ... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Two weeks passed before the letter arrived. Not until.... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... …… . 3. The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchmen. If it hadn`t..... ..... ...... .... .... .... .... .... ... ..... ... ..... .... ..... . 4. I wish you’d told me. If only ……………………………………………………… .

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 018 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points Do you look on the bright side of life or do you always expect things to turn out for the (1)...? You may be surprised to learn that you can change from being a pessimist to an optimist with very little effort. Optimism and pessimism are habits we learn as children from our parents. If you father’s reaction to some small (2).... was to blame himself, then you will probably do the same. The pessimist allows a disappointment in one area of his life to pervade the rest. Say he’s (3)... off from work. He not only feels bad about losing his job but also starts to worry that his marriage is in (4)... trouble too. The optimist doesn’t let one problem ruin his whole life. 1. A. well B. best C. bad D. worst 2. A. disadvantage B. setback C. drawback D. restriction 3. A. laid B. put C. thrown D. fired 4. A. high B. large C. deep D. great 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points Our army of (1)... and underpaid family doctors are daily disheartened work to see the same people returning with the same problems. They know only too well that thousands of people suffer from (2).... for which conventional ail treatment proves (3)... . effect

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Family life continues to occupy (1)... somewhat ambiguous position in public debate and policy in Britain today. On the one hand, references (2)...the importance of the family, however defined (3)... understood, (4)... rarely absent from speeches at political party conferences or statements from religious leaders. On the (5)... hand, (6)... contrast to some other European countries, we do not have a minister (7)... special responsibilities for the family and (8)... do we have anything (9)... a coherent programme that could be called a family policy. Some socialists might lend their support to particular programmes or social policies, (10)... the basis of the evidence as they see it. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points

Obsessive note-taking which is the occupational hazard of students. 1____________ They believe they remember things best by writing them down. Writing 2___________ things down, however, it is still a practice that can be abused as it can 3____________ so easily lead back to a passive and unconfident attitude to books; every 4____________ little point the students read may in its context be so persuasive and that 5____________ he feels obliged to include it in his notes, which also become an abridged 6____________ version of the original.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. She`d only just stubbed out one cigarette when she lit another. Hardly ................................................................................................. 2. I can only pity his performance, I’m afraid.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

His performance ................................................................................. 3. I didn`t expect to see Tim there, of all people! Tim was.............................................................................................. 4. What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion? How exactly..........................................................................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 019 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points 1. DeVos’ life story is …… in his new book, Hope from My Heart: Ten Lessons for Life. A. recounted B. recited C. related D. repeated 2. I was looking …… to a new job and now I’m on the dole. A. away B. forward C. aside D. front 3. Some scientists go so……as to assert that from now on, the world can no longer be called ‘natural’. A. much B. deep C. long D. far 4. Facial…… and tone of voice are obvious ways of showing our reaction to something. A. looks B. expression C. image D. manner 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points

1. I am sure this experience will … your lives. rich 2. Ben works on the fundamental principle that illness is caused by ……in the body. balance 3. He is …… of snakes. terrify

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Shopping for a family can be a nightmare. Going to the supermarket with a small child is a race against the clock; you have to be quick, (1)… he gets bored and throws a tantrum. Then (2) …you have all the shopping you’ll need for the next week, you are confronted (3)… several queues from hell to choose (4)… – and believe me, you will make the wrong choice. And the grief doesn’t stop (5)…; the miserable checkout staff, the struggle home with cheap bags and swollen fingers – the list goes on and on. Shopping online, (6)…, can be a life-saver. You choose all your groceries online, and the store picks them (7)… for you and delivers them to your door. (8)… supermarkets offer a selection of delivery dates and a choice of two-hour periods on (9)… dates. Another plus point is that, when shopping online, you tend to stick to a list, and so avoid those superfluous items that you convince yourself you absolutely have (10)… have when you’re there in person.

4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points

Figures released by a debt management company show a huge 209 per cent increase last year in the number of women aged 18 to 30 who have been approached the firm to help cope 1_________ with their spelling debts. Company officials put a lot of the 2_________ blame for the rise squarely at the door of the Internet , which 3________ allows shoppers to buy at their will without even having to 4_________ leave the comfort of their armchairs. ‘The internet has so 5_________ become a shopping mall in your living room. You too can even 6_________ apply for a credit card online , get all the details you need within about 10 minutes and use them to start shopping straight away,’ said Chris De Souza , head of creditor strategy at the firm .

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4points

1. The total came to just under $2, 000. The total …………………………………………………………. 2. Quite a few books are missing from the class library. Several members of the class ……………………………….. 3. In the end we had to walk to the railway station. We ………………………………………………………………. 4. There is something on your mind, isn’t there? You’re …………………………………………………………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 020 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points 1. The ten lessons in the book are ……, among other things,”Hope”,”Persistence”, and “Respect.” A. entitled B. dubbed C. named D. labeled 2. My reference should have been ……. A. glowing B. shining C. gleaming D. glistening 3. Really, it is a primer of ‘practical ……. A. sense B. wisdom C. wealth D. riches 4. Mr. Taft is still suffering the consequences of his former employer ………. to supply a positive or even neutral reference. A. refusing B. protesting C. avoiding D. disliking 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points 1. Exhaust fumes from a space shuttle can create high altitude clouds …only at night. vision 2. This particular cloud type, known as ‘noctilucent‘can also occur ……. nature 3. This is terribly … …; they will get so bored! interest

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Have you ever wondered (1)… there are so many mirrors in shopping malls? (2)… from the fact it makes (3)… glitzy and glamorous, they’re also there to show us down, so when we take (4)… our image, we notice the closest shop front (5)… well. Most malls revolve around anchor tenants, (6)… as supermarkets that draw people to the mall (7)… of necessity. (8)… locating them at the back of the mall , we have to walk past all the (9)… shops to get there and the chances are something will (10)… our eye . 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points Every parent soon learns that children have very ‘big ears’. 1 They like to listen in on adult conversations, and their ears 2 perk up at the very mention of their own name . We can be take 3 shameless advantage of this tendency, which if we think our child 4 is being listening , by giving them something worth listening to. In 5 your conversation, acknowledge your child, mentioning 6 his accomplishments at all music, spelling or skiing, including 7 how proud of him you are. You can rest assured that message is 8 being absorbed, and that his confidence is being bolstered . 9

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the

sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. That is the most outrageous suggestion I’ve ever heard!

I’ve…………………………………………………………. 2. Never stay in the water if you are tired or cold. Under no………………………………………………………… 3. An electrical failure was said to be the cause of the fire. They…………………………………………… 4. I wish he would learn to make his own breakfast. It’s high………………………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 021 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points For those people who go out in search of adventure, a long-distance flight in a hot-air balloon is a particularly exciting (1)….Indeed, around-the-world balloon trip is widely regarded as the (2)... challenge. One well-known adventurer, David Hemplemann-Adams would not agree, however. Recently, he became the first man to (3).... the North Pole in a hot-air balloon, a more significant (4) ... in his eyes. 1. A. campaign B. prospect C. motion D. engagement 2. A. ultimate B. extreme C. utmost D. eventual 3. A. meet B. reach C. attain D. fulfil 4. A. recognition B. acquisition C. achievement D. realisation 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points Fortunately for life on Earth, the Sun's production of heat is remarkably consistent. But scientists are aware that even a small change would have grave (1) ... sequence for the future, triggering either a new ice age, or runaway global warming. There is (2)... evident that this has happened before. In 17th century England, for example, the River Thames in London was regularly (3)… over. freeze

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Peter Molan, a doctor from New Zealand, is a specialist in stomach disorders. He offers his patients a simple, but effective alternative (1)...taking medicine: honey. Dr Molan claims the active component in honey is an antibacterial agent called UMF. There is some doubt in the medical world (2)…to whether UMF can destroy bacteria completely, (3)… research clearly shows that people with stomach problems experience some relief soon (4)…taking honey. Is this yet (5)…case of science simply giving credibility to (6)…we have always known? After all, it is common knowledge (7)…soothing hot water laced with honey and lemon can be good for sore-throat sufferers. In accepting the beneficial effects of honey, however, a (8)…reservations should be borne in mind. Firstly, the popular belief that honey is healthier than sugar isn't entirely well-founded. (9)…all foods, honey can be healthy (10) …eaten in moderation, but may also have some downsides. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points In the early part of the twentieth century, Bob Tisdall became famous 1___________ by the winning four events in just two hours in a university athletics 2___________ competition. He won the 400 meters, the 100 meters hurdles, the long 3___________ jump, and putting the shot. Because of at that time university athletics 4___________ made it the front page of national newspapers, and as Tisdall was 5___________ extremely handsome, he became very well-known. 6___________

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4points

1. You ought to leave now - it's past midnight. It's………….. ............................................................................................... - it's past midnight. 2. Mary hates vampire films and so does George.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Neither………………………………………………………………………………… vampire films. 3. I don't feel like going to the party.

I………………. ....................................................................................................... to the party. 4. She will have her book published next month.

Her month.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 022

1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points

Bonsai trees have always been a source of great fascination to people. They are perfect miniatures, grown in pots small enough to sit on a windowsill. You have to keep reminding yourself that these trees are (1).... real and identical to their larger cousins in all (2).... except their size. Rather like other small and perfectly-formed artefacts, bonsai trees (3).... quite a high price in the marketplace and so it doesn't come as a great surprise to find that they also (4) .... the attention of thieves. It seems that quite a flourishing business has evolved in which they are stolen from the homes of growers and collectors, then reported and trimmed by unscrupulous dealers, to be sold on, at good prices, to unsuspecting buyers.

1. A. deeply B. eventually C. actually D. greatly 2. A. concerns B. respects C. regards D. matters 3. A. obtain B. expect C. command D. charge 4. A. attract B. inquire C. appeal D. invite 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words on your answer sheet. 6 points For a work that is often regarded as one of the key operas of the twentieth century, there are surprisingly few (1)….performances………………..stand of Wozzeck. This new version is just about the best around at the moment. Although there are moments which are far from perfect – the (2)…of the character of Wozzeck is only occasinally successful –…………..interpret at others the characterisation and singing are (3)…. ……………...………………impress

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Approximately one airline passenger in every thousand arrives (1)…their destination to find that (2)… or all of their baggage has not arrived with them. For many passengers this means (3)… wait of hours or days, with all the associated inconvenience, (4)… the missing item is being located and forwarded. Others, (5)… fortunate still, have to resign (6)… to the fact that their bags are actually lost and, as the days turn (7)… weeks, face the fact that they are unlikely ever to see them (8)... To prevent loss, (9)… at least assist recovery, passengers are urged to make sure that identification tags are secure and up-to-date, an itinerary with addresses is enclosed and that bags are distinguishable (10)… others of the same make. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. .......... ………………….. ………At one time, I used to think that jogging was simply too 2. . ........... ……………………… impossible. I can remember a time when just a two-minute 3. .............. ………………………… dash to catch a bus would leave me with red in the face and 4. ............. ………………………….barely be able to breathe. The turning point for me came when 5. .............. ………………………… a very persuasive friend talked to me into the accompanying her 6. ……………………………… on a four-kilometre run round the local park.

5. Using the word given, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a

similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

1. "Yes, I gave away your secret," she said to me. giving She ..............................................................................................................secret. 2. Everybody thinks she is in line for promotion this year. thought She............................................................................... in line for promotion this year. 3. The only thing I forgot to bring was the tin opener. except I remembered .................................................................................. the tin opener. 4. The mountain was too steep for them to climb. so The mountain was……………………………………………………climb it.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 023 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points

People love to complain. Moaning to friends can be a source of relief from the (1) ... and strains of work, study or relationships. But when it comes to protesting to a retailer about (2) ...goods and services, many of us find we don't have the nerve and choose to (3) silence. By the time we do (4) ....summon up the courage to make our point, we have generally already allowed the problem to get to us, and we are angry. 1. A. pressures B. pains C. stresses D. struggles 2. A. faulty B. inexpert C. improper D. scruffy 3. A. stick B. suppress C. stay D. suffer 4. A. essentially B. especially C. exceptionally D. eventually 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. David’s exam results turned out to be ...... . DISASTER 2. What are the entry ...... at this university? REQUIRE 3. Nigel suffered as a child from a very strict ...... . BRING

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Does your birthday seem to come around faster each year? The common perception that time flies as you get older was first noted by the psychologist William James in the nineteenth century. More recently, scientists in London set (1)…to investigate the extent to (2)…age has an effect (3)…the way that time is perceived. Researchers asked people, divided (4)…three age groups, to say how long ago they thought certain major public events had happened. The result (5)…that people in the 19-21 age group thought that the events had occurred more recently (6)…they actually had, while the over 60s dated events too far back. The middle-aged group were the most accurate. These results show that our perception of time really depend (7) ….age, although no one quite knows (8)…this should be. One possible explanation is (9)…as we get older; we accumulate memories for events (10)…as birthdays and holidays. These regular events, occurring at the same time each year, act as mental markers, increasing the impression of time passing more quickly. Another possible explanation is that we perceive time in relation to our own age. When you are four, a year is a quarter of your life, but it's only a fortieth for a forty year old. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is either a spelling mistake or a punctuation error. For each numbered line 1-6, write the correctly spelled word or show the correct punctuation. Some lines are correct. Indicate this with a tick (V). 6 points 1…………………………………If you listen to the people around you in a cafe, you will find, that 2……………………………………around two-thirds of there conversation is taken up with 'gossip'. 3………………………………They talk about who is doing what with whom, and why certain 4………………………………..people have pleased them and others not. You may come across an 5……………………………….intense exchange about work or a book, that someone has just read. 6………………………………But such a conversation will soon drift away.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Using the word given, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. Nick didn't enjoy the performance and neither did his parents.

nor Neither Nick..................................................................................... the performance. 2. After his retirement he started playing golf.

took After his retirement............................................................................................. golf. 3. We have never met anyone as famous as he is.

most He....................................................................................................we have ever met. 4. I don't like your behaviour towards Sally.

approve I....................................................................................your behaviour towards Sally.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 024 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences: 4 points London features so prominently in the work of the English novelist Charles Dickens (1812-1870) that people often (1) ... that he was born and bred there. In fact, the writer's father worked for the navy and the family moved around a (2) Dickens was nevertheless familiar with London and many of the things he saw there were later (3) ...into his books. For example, he observed the rich (4) ... beggars on the streets, and saw cramped streets existing in stark contrast to vast open spaces. 1. A. consider B. discover C. assume D. realise 2. A. great B. big C. huge D. large 3. A. incorporated B. absorbed C. merged D. integrated 4. A. go over B. get by C. run over D. pass by 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points The zebra spends most of its life eating. Its diet consists mainly of grasses and leaves, because other larger grazers such as buffalo and wildebeest have first pick of the richest grazing areas. (1)…, the zebra's fortune anatomy is specially adapted to get the greatest benefit from the least (2)… nutrition vegetation. The animal's elongated (3)…system provides digest a large surface area, which is further aided by bacteria in the stomach. 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Svalbard University, on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, has more than one claim (1)… fame. Firstly, it is the world's most northerly campus, located in an area dotted (2)… international establishments at the frontiers of scientific research. The university itself is recognised (3)… a centre of excellence, specialising in things (4)… climate change and marine biology. What's more, there are no fewer than fourteen professors on campus, (5)… gives probably the best ratio of professors to students anywhere in the world. Even (6)… surprising, however, is the fact that Svalbard is the only campus in Europe (7)… the students are routinely armed by the university authorities. Safety is a big issue here and on arrival, students must master (8)… skills as the best way to pack a sledge or signal to a passing helicopter, as well as learning how to protect (9)… against attack from polar bears. (10)… great is the risk of attack from these creatures, that students are told never to venture out without their rifles. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points 1. ........... Ever since I can remember, I have always loved to draw. When I 2. .............. was very young, I scribbled all them over my bedroom walls until I 3................ mastered paper and pencil. Later, from an enlightened schoolteacher 4. .............. made sure of that I went on to art school and it was there that I 5. ............. drew my first life model, which was a such wonderful experience. 6. .............. My tutors encouraged me to take up drawing and seriously, but I ignored again their advice. 5. Using the word given, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4points 1. They spent so much money on holiday that now they are broke. such They spent............................................................ on holiday that now they are broke.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. Despite trying hard, they couldn't meet the deadline. tried Although ................................................................... , they couldn't meet the deadline. 3. They are seeking actors to appear in the new series. sought Actors.................................................................................... to appear in the new series. 4. She wants to know whose car that is. who She wants to know................................................................................................ to.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 025 1. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences. 4 points

Every year, half a million visitors make their way to Loch Ness in Scotland. The loch is a dark and mysterious expanse of water, 300 metres deep in places, but most visitors come in the hope of (1) ... a glimpse of the famous monster, Nessie. Those who believe in the monster's existence (2) ....that it is a type of marine dinosaur otherwise presumed to have become (3).... seventy million years ago. More sceptical observers, however, regard the story as nothing more than a clever ploy to (4).... the tourists. 1. A. taking B. catching C. gaining D. finding 2. A. require B. pretend C. demand D. claim 3. A. expired B. exempt C. extinct D. exhausted 4. A. admit B. approach C. announce D. attract 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words in the gaps. 6 points 1. I don’t know how you can cope with so much …. at work. PRESS 2. People are not entirely happy with the…………… of digital cameras. PERFORM 3. He was too …………. to be a good father. FORGIVE 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Where better for a bicycle enthusiast to live than within the boundaries of one of the bike capitals of Britain - Oxford. The city is thought to be home (1)…as many as a quarter of Britain's bicycles; the train station alone having secure facilities for five hundred. (2)… to the town's history and its layout of narrow streets, cycling has long (3)…seen as a convenient and safe way of getting (4)… in the city. And today, whether in the town itself (5)… in the surrounding countryside, the cyclist feels relatively secure (6)… the knowledge that local car drivers are accustomed to coping (7)… thousands of cyclists on the roads. But in much of the surrounding countryside, even this is (8)… really such a problem because the area has its own network of special cycle ways. Designed to keep cyclists and other road users (9)… a safe distance from one (10)… these routes are, for the most part, used by students and commuters heading to and from the city centre. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is either a spelling mistake or a punctuation error. For each numbered line 1-6, write the correctly-spelled word or show the correct punctuation. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (V). 6 points 1. .......... Most Friday nights, I go out to dinner with a colleaguae in London. 2. ............ Were both journalists, working for different organisations, and 3. ................ we enjoy catching up on each other's news and office gossip. 4. .............. Entering, our favourite restaurant last Friday, we noticed that it 5. .............. had been redecorated and the table layout had been changed. 6. 'Under New Ownership said a sign in the doorway.

5. Using the word given, finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a

similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. It's three weeks since I last went out. been I................................................................................................................three weeks. 2. I'm sorry I didn't write to you earlier.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

writing I.................................................................................................................. to you earlier. 3. They are going to add a new wing to the hospital. be A new the hospital. 4. He managed to escape although his leg was broken. having He managed to escape ………………………………………………………………..leg.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 026 1. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences. 4 points

1.The newspaper man refused to .....his source to the judge. A. say C. denounce B. reveal D. disclose

2. The inhabitants of the island were all tall as church .......

A. towers C. steeples B. poles D. dome

3. „Tree at my window, widow tree lowered when night comes on.” (Robert Frost) A. window C. curtain B. pane D. sash 4. The car skidded off the road and fell into a ......full of mud. A. bump C. border B. ditch D. gutter 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits best in the same line. 6 points There are two methods of scoring a cloze test: one mark may be awarded for each (1)…answer or else ACCEPT one mark be awarded for each exact answer. Both methods have been found (2)... RELY Some argue that the former method is very little better than the latter and does not really (3) ... JUST the additional work. 3. Fill in the gaps with only one suitable word. 10 points In June of 1838, American artist John James Audubon realised the (1)... of a lifetime. He had (2)... his great work, „The Birds of America”, which consisted (3)... 1,065 life-size paintings of America’s (4)... . Audubon had (5) ... to rejoice. His triumph had been a long (6) ... coming. In 1809, while he was (7)... a general store in Kentuky, he (8)... artist Alexander Wilson. Wilson was (9)… birds for a book, and gave Audubon the (10)… of doing his own bird paintings. 4. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If the line is correct, put a tick, if not, write the incorrect word. Write the corresponding numbers on your exam sheet. 6 points A real champion, however, has the courage to push at himself 1 ___________ in the pursuit of the seemingly unachievable and risk failure. 2 ___________ Take British rower Steve Hunk. At 38 years of age, he has 3 ___________ become the first man to win at five successive Olympic 4 ___________ gold medals in the modern era. However, he had been 5 ___________ famously announced, after winning his fourth medal. 6 ___________ 5. Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same: 4 points

1. I have never gone through a tempest-dropping fire. Never............................................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. „ A friendly eye could never see such faults.” Such faults.........

3. I’d prefer to be a beggar than a traitor. I’d .....................

4. What would you tell him if you were in front of him? Suppose.......................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 027 1. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences. 4 points

1.The accused sat silently throughout the proceedings and did not..... a word. A. emit C. pronounce B.communicate D. utter

2. Beautiful words...... .behind my tongue but I couldn’t speak them. A. would have lain C. lay B. laid D. lie

3. It appears unlikely that we ..... in time. A. shall arrive C. would arrive B. had arrived D. were arrived

4. I..... the purse of money tightly so no one could steal it.

A. clutched C. cuddled B. grabbed D. surrounded

2. Use the word in capital at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap. 6 points 1. She has a................attitude towards her employees. CONSIDER 2. Giving presentations to staff and........of overseas organisations REPRESENT their problem could be solved.

3. The jobs involve making...........with printers and placing ARRANGE advertisement in newspapers. 3. Fill in the gap with only one suitable word. 10 points A very basic point about memory is that it works by association. A table makes you think of a chair, which makes you think of a seat and so on. One thing the mind is good (1) ...... remembering is pictures or images. (2)...... Roman times, people have used this fact to create mental images to associate (3) ...... facts that they wanted to remember. The (4) ...... you play about with information when you are revising, the more (5) ...... you are to remember it. Suggestions (6) ...... various ways of becoming involved with your material come from Colin Rose, author of Accelerated Learning. The book describes a new system that, its supporters claim, can reduce the time (7) ...... to learn a foreign language (8) ...... up to seven times. He recommends drawing charts called memory maps, which are diagrams of the main points of, say, the causes of the First World War, to give you a summary (9) ...... visual form. He also suggests a degree of play acting – march up and down saying irregular verbs, use funny voices, do quick tests with a friend – anything to (10) ...... the material stand out in your mind. 4. Some of the lines are correct and some have an unnecessary word. If the line is correct put a tick, if not, write the incorrect word at the end of each line. 6 points Whatever the merits or shortcomings of this line of sharp thinking, there are undoubteldly (1) ... many of occasions in everyday social encounters when people, for one reason (2)... or another, want to avoid themselves expressing (3)... their true feelings. The ability to do this varies and success tends to breed success. (4)... Those who lie effectively will have tend to lie (5)... more often, perfecting their social skills in the process. (6)...

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points

1. „ It is impossible for a man to love and to be wise.” A man...................................................................... 2. It seems that love can find entrance into an open heart.

Love................................................................................. 3. „ I blame you not because you are praising Caesar...”

I blame you not for ..................................................... 4. He was killed because of the conspiracy of his friends. But for.............................................................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 028 1. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences. 4 points 1.................accidents will happen in this imperfect world, some of which are nobody’s fault. A. However C. In any case B. As a matter of fact D. Though 2. Perhaps she very slim. A. not any longer C. any more B. no more D. no longer 3. The Board proposed that each employee..............a 5% pay rise. A. should awarded C. be award B. should be awarded D. is awarded 4. It’s no joke being.....and having to live on social security. A. laid off C. broken off

B. dropped off D. put off

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits best in the space in the same line. 6 points Faced with the problem of less than (1)… living SPACE and working compartments, scientists came up with a(n) (2)... new idea. TheTransit Habitation Module is made CONTROVERSY from (3)...fabrics, which, when packed up, can fit snugly FLEX inside the space shuttle for transportation. 3. Fill in each gap with only one suitable word. 10 points

1. He had a ..................of coughing . 2. Tom and his wife seem well ........ to one another. 3. She’s just the ......that puts him in a good temper. 4. How can I dusting all over me like this? 5. you know whether the patient is in the positive or in the negative phase? 6. Old Paddy Cullen was here before you were ......., to be the first to congratulate you. 7. I have never been so taken ..... 8. Send a ............of the patient’s blood to the laboratory. 9. I could never stand........orders from anybody. 10. This money won’t make.... for my family.

4. Some of the statements are correct and some contain a mistake. If the statement is correct, put a tick , if not, spot out the mistake and write the correct form next to it on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. A big number of people came to see Madame Taussaud’s exhibits. ______________ 2. As long as you support me, I feel more self-confident. ______________ 3. Both Mary and her sister has attended French courses. ______________

4. Their resort is under sea level. _____________ 5. Do you find it difficult to cope with him under the new circumstances? _____________ 6. Only after many hours of searching, I remembered I had given my wallet to _____________ my daughter ______________

5. Rewrite each sentence using the word in capitals so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points

1. There is not a single drop of blood left in the test tube. AT

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. I wonder why you need to go there. SHOULD 3. I know you are right but that’s no reason to contradict him. MAY 4. If she offered me her hand, I would accept. WERE

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 029 1. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences. 4 points

1. This twenty dollar bill is a ................ A. fake C. counterfeit B. copy D. artefact

2. They are trying to ......down our salaries. A. put C. get B. whittle D. turn

3. Pensioners and the unemployed usually find it difficult to get.......on the money they receive from the state.

A. round C. across B. through D. by

4. .....he was a famous champion in his youth, nobody can deny. A. if C. that B. the fact D. though 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points 1. Light.... will be served from 3.30 p.m. in the main hall. REFRESH 2. Union members expressed their...... of the management’s offer APPROVE by walking out of the meeting. 3. In her.... to answer the phone, she almost fell down the stairs. EAGER 3. Fill in each gap with only one suitable word. 10 points Mary Caldwell married the night news editor of the „Daily Express”, (1)... Herbert Tourtel. The pair were very happy but childless, Mary continuing to produce her children’s (2)… of animal stories. When a circulation war (3)… out in the national press to capture a child (4)… , Herbert beseeched his wife to dream up a rival hero. And (5)... Rupert Bear was invented. (6).... first Herbert wrote the verses, while Mary concentrated on her bear and his loveable (7)...of friends. Adults also enjoy the (8)... of this kindly (9)... bear. Rupert Bear was such a good model too and still (10)... Mary’s dream child perhaps. 4. Some of the sentences are correct and some contain a mistake. If the statement is correct, put a tick, if not, write the mistake and give the correct form next to it; write on your answer sheet. 6 points 1. He held the umbrella above her. 2. All of a sudden she lost conscience and we were at a loss for words. 3. Take this money in case you will need a taxi. 4. You have given the wrong answer and so has she. 5. Don’t marry her unless you are sure. 6. They had established the meeting in the second half of last year. 5. Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same and it contains the word in capitals. 4 points

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

1. It’s impossible for me to believe what you say. MY 2. She denied that she had used my pen. HAVING 3. It’s no good for you to repeat the same mistake twice. YOUR 4. I shall be unable to keep my appointment with Mrs. Morris. CANCEL

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 030 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. Make up your mind,.....? We are short of time!

A. shall you C. do you B. don’t you D. will you

2. I hate..... coffee... by you. It.... awful.

A. _ / made / has tasted C. the / made / tastes B. the / makes / tasted D. the / made / is tasting

3. The plans for the building were ..........a few months ago. A. drawn on C. drawn out B. drawn back D. drawn up 4. ........summer I go..... my parents who live....the countryside. A. every /to / in C. the / at / in B. at / to / at D. in / at / in 2. Use the words in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits best in the gap. 6 points Slow, relaxed, 1.... running is an excellent exercise for cardiovascular CONTINUE fitness and weight control. It requires no special skill, little expenditure, and can be done almost anywhere. But 2.... jogging, EXCEED especially on hard surface, can result in 3.… to the INJURE joints and muscles. 3. Fill in the gaps with only one suitable word: 10 points Do you want to 1. ... part in the battle to save the world’s wildlife? „ Animal Watch” is a book which will 2. ... you in the fight for survival that 3. ... many of our endangered animals and show how they struggle on the 4. ... of extinction. „ Animal Watch” is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover their black noses 5. ... their 6. … so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being seen, for example? Or that 7. ... each orangutan which is captured, one has to die? This superb 8.... has so 9. … Britain’s leading wildlife charity that it has been chosen as Book of the year, a 10. ... awarded to books which are considered to have made a major contribution to wildlife conservation. 4. Some of the statements are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If the statement is correct put a tick for that number, if not, write the incorrect word. Work on your answer sheet. 6 points 1. A man found guilty of stealing antiquities from Egyptian tombs and has been in jail for those

five years. 2. Like his sister he had always lived in rented accommodation and when she put down a deposit

on a house, he decided he should buy other one himself. 3. They argue about that stress arousal when the body produces a burst of adrenaline. 4. They should be keep in regular touch with their bosses while looking after their babies 5. The seminar, entitled „Danger! Women at Work!” was attended by more than 300

businesswomen. 6. All around me people are using pills, tonics and pick-me- ups to make them feel healthy_.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. They insisted on my marrying him. They insisted that ………………. 2. Don’t rush to conclusion! I prefer you to think the matter over. I’d rather……………………… 3. He didn’t go to Florida because he didn’t feel well. If he……………………………… 4. Should I sing to you? It’s high time…….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

+ SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 031 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1.......any women nowadays want to spend hours cooking, and even fewer want to spend all day in the kitchen.

A. not C. hardly B. rarely D. neither 2. If I had been told that one day I would be an actor, it........ astonished me.

A. could C. might have B. would have D. could have

3. His job as a salesman will give him the .... to travel many cities. A. opportunity C. occasion B. possibility D. probability

4. The car stopped suddenly and all the passengers were.... in front. A. thrown C. flung B. tripped D. flown 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits best in the gap. 6 points 1. The.....of the ancients is well known. WISE 2. It was such a .... day that I did not dare to leave home. RAIN 3. What little children fear most is ...... LONELY 3. Fill in the gaps with only one suitable word. 10 points A friend was kept awake one night recently (1)... a car alarm. At 6 a. m. he stormed out and tried to force the car window open. A neighbour caught him (2) ... the act and (3)… of calling the police, brought out a hammer to help. (4)… them, they broke the window, turned off the alarm, and happily went back to bed. The owner, (5) … to his car, presumably thought his expensive vehicle alarm might prevent a break –in. (6) ... my friend been the type who steals car radios, the alarm would have provided the perfect cover: „ stupid burglar alarms !”, he could have said as he attacked the car (7) .... a screwdriver. (8) the point of alarms when everyone, (9) ... from my sleepy friend, that is, ignores them? The police and even the manufacturers, admit (10). … much. 4. Some of the statements are correct and some have a word which should not be there. If the statement is correct put a tick for that number, if not, write the extra word. Write the answers on your exam sheet. 6 points In the world of the sport change comes quickly. You are, of 1___________ course, only as good as your last game, whatever game you 2___________ will happen to play. The unforgiving general public have short 3 __________ memories. Once having beaten, great players slip from today’s number 4 __________ one to yesterday’s has- beens. The vanquished champion 5 __________ offered no second chance and finds himself being in the headlines. 6 __________ 5. Rewrite the sentences using the word given so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. He is supposed to have left by now. SHOULD

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. I don’t believe that this experiment will be successful. WHETHER 3. He refused to give me any information. WOULDN’T 4. It was only when I saw her that I remembered her name. NOT UNTIL

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 032 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. At the end of this month Mrs. Smith ..... here for exactly 25 years. A. will be working C. is working B. has been working D. will have been working 2. „ ..... accordance ..... the wishes ......... my people”, the president said, „I am retiring ... public life .” A. To, with, of, - C. -, with, of, off B. In, with, of, off D. In, with, of, from. 3. Everyone .......their luggage down and we .... on the platform in the freezing wind until the next train ......................... A. was getting / were waiting / had turned up C. got / waited / would turn up B. got / waited / turned up D. was getting/ had been waiting/ was turning up 4. To inform on means : A. to lie to C. to brace up B. to tell on D. to hear out 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points What kind of 1... ........experience EDUCATE and background should we be giving our children? In a 2 ........western COMPETE economy, they need to be well-informed and 3 ......... KNOW 3. Fill in the gap with only one suitable word: 10 points 1... one third of a person’s food intake in the U.K. is sugar. So, if the rest of the diet is high 2... fats, heavily processed and overcooked, this can 3 ... to „borderline malnutrition”, said Ian Stoakes, development director of the British Society 4... Nutritional Medicine. Modern methods of processing and condensing food 5... us to consume far more „empty calories” than ever 6 ... . For example, sugar is not poisonous, 7 doesn’t contain any nutrients. While 8 ... of us could munch our way through the six feet of sugar cane it takes to produce two teaspoons of sugar, we can easily get 9 ... 10 times that amount in a day when it 10... to the „hidden” sugar in everything, from biscuits to baked beans. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points A recent survey of families in Britain has established not only that ...............................1 the birth rate is declining steadily but also that families they are............................................2 getting smaller. More people are limiting themselves down to one .......................................3 child than was the same case just a generation ago. It is not entirely....................................4 clear what has made this change to come about. There is, though, ......................................5 some evidence to suggest that more women are unwilling to take ........................................6 more than a year or so, off work. 5. Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. It’s a pity that there isn’t any way of contacting them. ONLY If ........................................................of contacting them.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. The minister said that he didn’t want to say anything about it. RATHER The minister said that he ............on it. 3. „Phoning her now would be a waste of time,” she said looking at her watch . POINT „ There’s …………………… her now”, she said, looking at her watch. 4. „This government is not going to increase taxes –and that is final”, said the Minister. „There is …….........up taxes”, said the Minister. QUESTION

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SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 033 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points

1. The participants in the debate were asked to speak............ A. freely C. liberated B. democratically D. free 2. „I’ve bought you a..........sharpener”, mother said to Tom. A. six-pending C. six-pence B. six-pences D. six-pounds 3. Cathy......her boyfriend for an hour and a half when finally..... A. was waiting / showed up C. had been waiting / showed up B. was was waiting / had showed up D. has been waiting / showed up 4. ....... read „1984” by George Orwell, about the main character. A. should you / say C. should you / tell B. happen / you D. should you happen / tell 2. Use the words in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits best in the same line. 6 points

1. We were all very surprised when she handed in her ................................. RESIGN 2. The thieves ran out of the bank with two policemen running behind them in hot ... PURSUE 3. The Wedge stands out not only for the...of its decor but also because of SIMPLE its unique British meniu. 3. Fill in the gaps with only one suitable word: 10 points Rupert Bear 1... created by Canterbuty- born artist, Mary Tourtel in 1920 but only recently 2.. she received the public interest she richly deserved. Adults also enjoyed the charm of this kindly 3...bear, who so often got lost during his adventures. Rupert Bear was such a good role model too ( and still 4... ) – Mary’s dream child perhaps. Maybe this explains 5..., of all the early children’s newspaper strips only Rupert is still going 6... Rupert Bear of the 1990s is 7... brightly dressed than in the early books, his yellow checked trousers and scarf and cherry jumper are instantly recognisable, but he 8... still basically Mary’s creation. Since 1920 over 100 million Rupert books 9... been sold. Yes, Rupert will go on having adventures. 10... are even afoot for Canterbury’s own Rupert Bear statue, if the money can be raised. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points

In an addition, a significant number of women prefer to 1............... delay having children until they feel secure in the professsions they 2.......... have chosen . This may then mean they have been left it too late to 3........... have more than one child. Whatever are the reasons, the tendency to 4............ have smaller families is evident all throughout the country. Ann Winters 5........... who is a lecturer in demographics at Winchester University , 6 ............. feels the government should make it easier for mothers. . 5. Rewrite the sentences using the word given so that the meaning stays the same.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

4 points 1. I’d love a holiday in the Caribbean, but I can’t afford it. ENOUGH I the Caribbean. 2. I don’t like playing football as much as I like watching it. PREFER 3. „ You don’t have to shout”, he said. „I’m not deaf”. NEED There’s ................” ‚ he said . „ I’m not deaf.” 4. Flying horses do not exist! THING There’s a flying horse!

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 034 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. The very educated but she is very down-to-earth. A. can’t C. mustn’t B. may not D. doesn’t have to 2. She took to ...... him about and .... his work, till he threatened....... A. following / criticising / to resign C. to follow / to criticise / to resign B. to follow / to criticise / to resign D. following / to criticise / to resign 3. He hurried to the university lest the exam.... A. shouldn’t start C. couldn’t start B. might start D. should start 4. John believed that his wife..... on him and that’s why he adored her. A. hadn’t cheated C. will not be cheating B. wasn’t cheating D. isn’t cheating

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line: 6 points

1. There were two … at the company. VACANT 2. We spend a … of our lives sleeping. THREE

3. She got so angry, she was absolutely .... . SPEECH

3. Fill in the gaps with only one suitable word. 10 points The grizzly bear, symbol of North America’s wilderness, is under severe threat in one of 1. ... heartland habitats. 2. ... grizzly is 3. ... subspecies of the brown bear, but it is bigger, stronger, and fiercer. A grizzly, for example, can kill 4. ... deer with one blow of 5. ... paw. This animal is now concentrated 6. ... Alaska and western Canada where it is being 7. ... in a way that threatens to 8. ... it out entirely, according to 9. ... Environmental Investigation Agency. They say the British Columbia Government looks 10. ...grizzlies as a legitimate hunting quarry. 4. Most of the following sentences contain one mistake. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 10 points

1. I’d rather you don’t use sticky tape on the walls. __ 2. Everyone on the course was sent a welcome letter. ___ 3. Police are treating the series of fires as suspicious. ___ 4. The management and union are in dispute with working conditions. ___ 5. My dad is always blaming me on everything! ___ 6. Only after several hours searching I found what I was looking for. ___

5. Rewrite the sentences using the word given so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. I thought you weren’t coming, so I haven’t reserved a parking place for you. IMPRESSION Sorry, I was…………….that you weren’t coming, so I haven’t reserved a parking place for you. 2. As a result of the petition, the Head Teacher agreed to review the uniform policy. IN The petition ……………. to review the uniform policy. 3. It is very important that you dress smartly; so please no jeans or trainers. MUST On no ……………. worn.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

4. Apparently the Managing Director is thinking about introducing flexible working hours. CONSIDERING The Managing Director is thought……………. of flexible working hours.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 035 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points

1. ........some food in the house, the cats......for a week. A. Unless she hasn’t left / starved C. Even if she left / wouln’t be starving B. If she would have left / hadn’t been starving D. Had she left / wouldn’t have been starving 2. It’s no use...... ......... him. You’ll have ......till he stops......... A. to try / to interrupt / to wait / to talk C. to try / interrupting / waited / to talk B. trying / interrupting / waited / talking D. trying / to interrupt / to wait / talking 3. Sorry I’m late, but I ..... call in at the supermarket on the way. A. need C. had to B. must D. was to 4. I expected that Jack..........there when the train....., but there was no sign of him. A. would be / would arrive C. would be / arrived B. will be / will arrive D. will be / arrives

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line: 6 points 1. The building was destroyed by a fire. The only … part was the cellar. DAMAGE 2. His … to accept the promotion baffled everybody. REFUSE 3. What … does the judge have in mind for this crime? PUNISH 3. Fill in each gap with only one suitable word. 10 points For many people, the choice 1. ... school is just a matter of public or private. However, for a rapidly growing 2. ... of parents and children, school has nothing to 3. ... with classrooms, teachers or school uniforms. For them, there is simply no place 4. ... home when it comes to education. These people feel that their children 5. ... not receive satisfactory education at school. As a result, they 6. ... to teach their child in the comfort of their own home and at the same 7. ... have some control 8. ... the teaching process. Indeed, home schooling has many benefits. Children can work 9. ... their own pace, 10. their own abilities.

4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points

However, enough of the text can be read out to reveal what the unnamed 1. __________ soldier had done in the form of academic work. Over twenty-five years he attended 2.__________ to a number of lessons while serving in a Roman legion. These twenty-five- year 3.__________ diplomas were very valuable, such as they were proof not only of 4. _________ academic skills but also of citizenship. Anyone who in possession of a certificate 5._________ like this would be able to claim all a range of rights and privileges. 6.__________ 5. Rewrite the sentences using the word given so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. The National Museum exhibits many interesting objects. DISPLAY Many interesting objects ...............................the National Museum. 2. I went to Oxford to take a summer course in English. VIEW I went to Oxford ..................................taking a summer course in English. 3. When I first came to England, I had difficulty driving on the left. USED When I first came to England, I ............... to driving on the left. 4. Can you look after the baby for a while, Sandra? KEEP Can you........................................... the baby for a while, Sandra?

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 036 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. That’s strange – I sent the parcel by courier, so you.........have received it by now. A. must C. should B. couldn’t D. needn’t 2. Oh no ! It looks like my rucksack......behind in the scramble to get on the bus.

A. has left C. had left B. has been left D. had been left

3. I wish you......when I’m telling you something important. A. won’t interrupt C. didn’t interrupt B. wouldn’t interrupt D. hadn’t interrupted 4. ........these new regulations to come into force, our work would become much more difficult. A. if C. Had B. should D. Were 2. Use the words in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits best in the gap. 6 points 1. He is......sorry for everything he did and wants you to forgive him. TRUE 2. Mrs. Jones is at risk of having a heart attack and must reduce his.... of fatty foods. CONSUME 3. The ........seems to be working – Sandra’s getting better! TREAT 3. Fill in the gaps with only one suitable word. 10 points Searching for 1. ... one wants can be time-consuming, so 2. ... bother? Is there, for example, any financial reason to make it 3. ... one’s while? The answer, in many cases, is yes. An oak door in good condition will be considerably 4. ... expensive than a new one, even 5. is only a few years old. However, the majority of clients of reclamations yards are on 6. ... lookout for items that simply can’t be found these days, 7. ... as stone fireplaces several centuries old. Items like this 8. ..., of course, be expensive, but there are a lot of people who do not 9. ... paying a high price for a second-hand fireplace that is, 10. ... their view, better than new. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points If you are giving a presentation for or planning to confront 1__________ your boss to ask him for a salary increase, wear red. It will make you 2__________ feel more confident, so you will have come across as more assertive. 3__________ The colour red can be intimidating however, so avoid taking it if 4___________ you need it to be accessible to your subordinates. On those days when 5___________ you have a lot to get through and you need to focus your attention on the 6___________ task in hand, choose green.

5. Rewrite the sentences using the word given so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. „ I’m sick and tired of your pathetic excuses”, he said ENOUGH He said .........their pathetic excuses. 2. As he is a close friend, I naturally assumed that she would help me out. GRANTED As he is a close friend, I ......................... she would help me out. 3. I would certainly recommend David for the job. HESITATION I ................................. David for the job. 4. It was wrong of me to have insulted her. RUDE I her.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 037 1. Choose the correct form to complete the following sentences. 4 points 1. Someone threw a stone .......Tom. It hit him ........ the head and knocked his glasses ...... A. in / in / off C. at / on / off B. at / in / down D. in / on / down 2. What platform does the train ......York leave....?

A. for / to C. to / from B. to / at D. for / at

3. „ If you invite me , I’ll come for sure”, Mary said. Mary promissed that .................. A. she should come for sure if I invite her C. if she invited her, she would come for sure B. if I invited her, she will come for sure D. she would come for sure if I invited her 4. It’s necessary that a young couple .......... without any relatives. A. live C. would live B. lived D. lives 2. Use the words in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits best in the gap. 6 points 1. There has been increasing ....... on him lately. PRESS 2. By the time the sun went down, we realized we were ....... lost. HOPE 3. We thanked them for the ....... advice they had given us. VALUE 3. Fill in the gaps with only one suitable word: 10 points A recent proposal to limit the speed cars 1. ... reach is proving controversial. The idea, put 2. ... by the Institute for Road Safety, involves fitting vehicles with a communications box containing a digital map of the road network. 3. ... a car is in motion, the communications box – which knows 4. ... fast the vehicle is legally permited to travel on a particular section of road – automatically regulates the car’s speed. 5. ... therefore becomes impossible for a vehicle fitted with 6. ... a device to exceed the speed limit. There are plans 7. ... charge motorists to drive into the centre of major cities, and a communications box could be used to identify vehicles that enter this zone. At present, 8. ... time a vehicle does so, its number plate is photographed. 9. ... the number is compared against a list of authorised vehicles, but this system is costly and 10. ... from foolproof. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points The ability to deceive any others is thought by some psychologists 1____________

to be a characteristic that has been genetically selected through 2____________ human evolution. Comparisons have been made up with animal 3____________ deception, such as the camouflage and mimicry. For hundreds of 4____________ those generations, it is argued, the ability to make others 5____________ believe such insincere remarks and promises has conferred 6____________ advantages in struggles to control resources and win mating partners. 5. Rewrite the sentences using the word given so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. I can’t eat my food with all this talk about being sick. PUTTING All this talk about being sick ______________________my food.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. I should draw your attention to the fact that Lynn is no longer responsible for overseas sales. POINT Can I just _______________Lynn is no longer responsible for overseas sales.

3. Don’t worry, I will do the ironing, but not just yet. DONE Don’t worry, I will ________________________, but not just yet. 4. I went to see a financial adviser as I was thinking I might change my insurance policies. VIEW I went to see a financial adviser _______________ possibly changing my insurance policies.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 038 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. The expression on your face can actually alter your feelings and perceptions, and it has been proved that … smiling or frowning can create corresponding emotional responses. A. determinedly B. desperately C. decidedly D.deliberately 2. I am trying to … my stress levels, which is easier now that I have a new job. A. assess B. estimate C. manage D. measure 3. One of the oldest beliefs in folklore is that full moon can … a sane person into a lunatic. A. turn B. make C. create D. cause 4. Although some of the dialogue is a little laboured at times, this is, all in … , a thoroughly enjoyable film. A. all B. conclusion C. balance D. end emotional responses. 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. The board was coming under intense………………………….to take immediate action. press 2. There seemed to be ……………… differences between the two sides of the dispute. reconcile 3. For Marie the spectre of……………….. loomed large. bankrupt 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet: 10 points 1. Unfortunately, he ended his days in an institution for the criminally …. 2. … you see anyone behaving strangely, you’ll be expected to act first and ask questions later. 3. In … of arriving early I found that there were already long queues at the reception desk. 4. Many towns and cities around the world … up a particular image or memory as soon as they are mentioned. 5. All our TV and video equipment got … . 6. I was taken … by the beautiful present. 7. You may … think it’s possible, but I truly doubt it. 8. I don’t think anyone in their right mind … conceivably doubt that she’s guilty. 9. I’ve been looking for you everywhere: you … have told me you’d be here! 10. Had we … been misinformed about the train times, we wouldn’t have been late. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points Despite all the lessons we have learned from history, 1 …… it is more difficult to envisage what people will are likely to be doing 2…… a hundred years from now on. During the last century, so many 3…… changes took place that any idea as to the what a new invention is 4…… about now to become an integral part of our lives 5…… has had become a guessing game . 6…… 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. I think Carol is unlikely to pass her driving test at the first attempt. whether I…………………………… her driving test at the first attempt

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2. I’ve ordered a taxi and I expect it will be here any minute now. due The taxi …………………… arrive any moment now. 3. The man admitted that she had been driving while drunk. pled The man ………………… drunk driving. 4. The biscuits tasted so odd that I took them back to the shop. such The biscuits ………………… that I took them back to the shop.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 039 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). I find the thought of eating snails … unpleasant. A. absolutely B. somewhat C. fairly 2). The evening … more perfect. A. couldn’t have been C. wouldn’t have been C. shouldn’t have been. 3). The science of weather modification is now big …as there are some obvious advantages. A. deal B. business C. problem 4). The cause of dyslexia is unknown and it is commonly found in people of otherwise … intellectual ability. A. natural B. common C. normal 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 6 points 1. The fall in the number of burglaries is more than made up for by a … leap in the cases of street muggings. SUBSTANCE 2. Let him enjoy his short-lived ……………. for now. POPULAR 3. These items are relatively …………., so everyone can afford them. EXPENSE 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points 1). She comes from a … home but has never been troubled about only seeing one parent at a time. 2). In a … of minutes the whole building had disappeared from the face of Earth. 3). His son is believed …have been kidnapped by terrorists. 4). I just managed to get there in the …of time. 5). He’s … his heart on getting the new DVD. 6). Rome is almost guaranteed to bowl … all but the most world-weary traveller. 7) A person with an …complex is generally quite shy. 8) All of us burst … laughter at his joke. 9) I felt ... fainting as I knew I was powerless in front of that strong man. 10) The wild horses were driven … an enclosure. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points In ten years’ time zone today’s 1…… innovations will more probably have become 2…… out of date. There is little doubt that many of our habitual 3…… activities such as shopping will have been disappeared by the year 4…… 2100, largely due course to computerisation . But what we don’t know 5…… it is how this will affect personal relationships. 6…… 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). Jay is the most infuriating person I’ve ever met. more I’ve yet …………………………… than Jay. 2). He’s almost certain to leave before we get there. arrive

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

By the time ……………………… left. 3). Nobody is forcing you to take up our offer. obligation You are under………………… take up the offer. 4). She left before I realised what was happening. going By the time I realised …………………… left.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 040 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). Aphasia, the loss of language following a brain injury, is devastating, and in … cases family members may feel that their loved one is lost forever. A. strong B. severe C. important 2). Many people have proposed that no employee … be asked to work more than a 30-hour week. A. might B. should C. would 3).This sounds fine in theory though in practice it is … to bring about all sorts of problems if applied too strictly. A. liable B. likewise C. open 4).The … to stay calm in a crisis is highly valued. A. aptitude B. talent C. ability 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 6 points 1). By the 1950’s the idea that romantic love was the best … for marriage had replaced the concept of marriage as an economic contract. found 2).The weather conditions on the mountain are notoriously … but people are fooled into thinking that just because the bottom is sunny the summit will be similarly warm. predict 3). Few parents get by without having to cope with some kind of … problems in their child. behave 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your answer sheet: 10 points 1). The accused … not guilty on all counts. 2). The climbers …… to find their way out of the cave. 3). It goes … saying that in the early years of their relationship a child is dependent on its parents. 4). My oral exam is looming …, and I’m really nervous about it. 5). If scientists were able to warn governments of impending earthquakes, even if only a few hours … advance , lives might be saved. 6). Most governments now focus on mitigating the effects of earthquakes once they strike … than attempting to forecast them. 7). It was last May, while we were taking our annual spring break on Lindos that we … our house broken into. 8). It shouldn’t … us more than half an hour to get to the train station. 9). Miss Andrews …, I am sure, be a real asset to your organisation. 10)… I known that the children’s interest in the dog would wane as soon as it arrived, I wouldn’t have bought it. 4. Most of the following lines contain an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line. 6 points In the world of sport change comes quickly. You are, of course, 1… … only as so good as your last game , whatever game you 2…… will happen to play. The unforgiving general public have short 3… … memories. Once having beaten, great players slip from today’s 4… … number one to yesterday’s has-beens. The vanquished player 5… … is offered no second chance and finds himself being in the headlines, 6… … but this time for all the wrong reasons.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your answer sheet: 4 points 1). When was the planet Pluto discovered? ago How ………………………………………? 2). We can’t go on much longer without a stable government. urgent We are ……………………… stable government. 3) They think a fault in the fuel lines was behind the crash. caused A fault in the fuel lines ………………………… the crash. 4). They say that at one point he was spying for the CIA. rumoured He ……………………………… for the CIA at one point.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 041 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). He couldn't get the machine to work ........ following the instructions carefully. A. Despite B. However C. Even though 2). All of a sudden he went …. A. mad B. disabled C. deaf 3). Britain’s dilemma with … to extended European Union is characteristic of the nations’ different global attitudes. A. respect B. belief C. regard 4). If necessary this sofa could … as a bed. A. double B. act C. serve 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1). Until the end of the 18th century, most artists worked on the basis of carrying out commissions for wealthy private …. collect 2). The high-street bank Natwest offers an annual art prize worth a total 30.000 pounds, including 10 awards of 1000 pounds to all … . final 3). This … him to make the controversial decision to reconstruct the palace. able 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 10 points 1). When I asked him where room C10 was, he just … his shoulders and told me to ask someone else. 2). Her spirits … as the weeks went by and her husband still failed to return home. 3). McInerney was …up on charges of being an accomplice to the crime. 4). We plan to set … for the island as soon as the sun comes up. 5). I was foolish enough to take her comments at face … even if I know she is mean. 6). The ship was sold in 1900 … 18.500 pounds , only a fraction of its original cost. 7). The book Murphy is currently working … is about the Balkans. 8). Given that 500 million tourists roam the world each year, one cannot disagree with the need to minimise the impacts of … . 9). Tourism is now the world’s largest industry, … for more than 10% of the world’s GDP. 10). Recently company sponsorship especially in the … of prizes , has began to partially fill the gap left by the demise of private patrons. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your answer sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points Daylight saving time involves the setting of clocks one hour 1…… ahead of standard time for a given period of the time so 2…… that night falls down one hour later and there is an extra hour 3…… of daylight in the evening. It is been observed by the majority of 4…… the states in the USA , even although some states 5…… may remain with standard time all for the daylight saving time period, 6…… from April to October. 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). It was such a boring movie that I fell asleep in the middle of it. dull So …………………… that I fell asleep in the middle of it.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2). It has its disadvantages, but in general I would rather work at home than spend hours commuting. prefer Despite its disadvantages, I ……………………… hours commuting. 3). As he gets older, Tom is becoming increasingly hard-fisted. more The ………………………………………… becomes. 4). She didn’t tell the librarian she had lost the book, so as not to have to pay for it. fear She didn’t tell the librarian she had lost the book ……………… for it.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 042 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). Despite the extraordinarily wide range of events performed there, the building always … at a loss. A. acted B. operated C. served 2). We had to charge for entry so that the substantial costs could be … A. made B. covered C. fulfilled 3). In 1887 the main building was devastated by fire and … to a ruin. A. turned B. converted C. reduced 4). You are prone to hay fever if you have another allergy and, like other allergies, it appears to … in the family. A. run B. go C. stay 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 6 points 1).The majority of teenagers react violently against parental…. restrict 2).The parents were faced with the absolute …of the choice between both or just one of their children. possible 3). Studies show that nowadays many British parents … their offspring. protect 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 10 points 1). He wanted to explain his position from the …, but there wasn’t time. 2). It says you can play anything you want as … as it doesn’t last more than 20 minutes. 3).The manager states that they are going … the league championship. 4). Tom finally laid his … on the table and told his parents that he’d dropped out of university. 5). Most grave robberies are carried … at night. 6). Stolen artefacts are usually hard to trace … to the original thief. 7). I came … a really strange web site when I was looking for some information on Nietzsche last night. 8). New measures … the illiterate are introduced by the government. 9). General Santiago … power following a coup-d’etat. 10). Unfortunately, your test result came out … again. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your answer sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points Perhaps it’s better to quit while ahead, to be remembered for 1…… as a winner. A real champion, however, has the courage to push at 2…… himself further to in the pursuit of the seemingly unachievable 3…… and risk failure. Take British rower Steve Radgrave for an example. 4…… At 38 years old, he has become the 1st man to win at five successive 5…… Olympic gold medals in the our modern era. 6…… 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). You can’t pay by cheque unless you’ve got a guarantee card.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

All cheques must be …………………………………… . 2). You must not use a flash in the museum. Flash photography ……………………………………… . 3). As soon as I put the phone down, it rang again. No sooner ……………………………………………… . 4). I’d never seen such a big dog before. Never ……………………………………………… .

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 043 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). The main function of the “body clock” is to anticipate and … for external changes. A. prepare B. steady C. arrange 2). Most researchers believe that fluent readers take … every letter or word they see. A. over B. in C. out 3). Our body temperature starts to rise around dawn and begins to … in the evening. A. reduce B fall C. decrease 4). Shift workers are known to … the risk of higher-than-average risk of having a number of health problems. A. have B. take C. run 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your answer sheet: 6 points 1). A global … is going on in how we perceive ourselves and how we establish relationships. revolve 2). Statistically, marriage is still the norm, but for most people its … has changed dramatically. signify 3). Communication is the basis for ensuring continuing … in the relationship. happy 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 10 points 1). If those weren’t Jack’s keys , he …have forgotten them. 2). I … have woken up early this morning if I had known you missed the train. 3). Had it not … for your timely intervention, we would have lost our lives. 4). He graduated from Oxford with a first … degree in English literature. 5). I’ve made my final offer, so the … is in their court now – we’ll see. 6). The police do not believe that foul … was involved in the death of Jamie Gordon last week. 7). Unlike many architects, neither of these two ever made a distinction … commercial and cultural architecture. 8). The British are widely recognised … be a very polite nation. 9). Your son is … from nothing than a mild eye infection. 10). Only once during my visit did the … family sit down together to eat a cooked meal. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your answer sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points English has for more than a century and a half been called a world 1… … language. The number of people who speak it as for their mother tongue 2… … has been estimated being at between three hundred million and four 3… … hundred million. It is recognized as an official language in countries where 4… … 1.5 billion people live there. In China, the importance attached to learning 5… … English is so great that a televised teaching course drew audiences to up to 100 million. 6… … 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). If you see Andrew by any chance, could you ask him to give me a call? If you …………………………………………………………………… .

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2). In the end Tanya went to the police and told the whole truth. What …………………………………………………… … . 3). Although I tried as hard as I could, I couldn’t lift the suitcase. Try …………………………………………………………… . 4). My work won’t be finished by the end of January. I ………………………………………………… .

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 044 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). I expected to receive three reports, but none …arrived. A. whatsoever B. all C. completely 2). The policeman …to say whether there were any suspects in the murder case. A. avoided B. denied C. refused 3). Susan congratulated me … passing my driving test. A. on B. for C. to 4). Someone has been … with our lock. A. dealing B. tampering C. tackling 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 6 points 1). Work of this type is typically … and it is difficult for the staff to afford the necessary childcare while they work. pay 2). According to new major research, childhood self-esteem can overwhelm academic disadvantages or social … in determining future earnings. deprive 3). The fact that Angela was … independent allowed her to act in such a way. finance 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 10 points 1). The problems stem … our lack of involvement. 2). Health experts have warned that the currently soaring obesity levels in children may … create health problems. 3). Alex‘s feeling a bit upset because his father has just been … in hospital. 4). Mark said to … him in too if we go to the seaside next week. 5). I don’t quite like her attitude and I think she needs … down a peg or two. 6). My wife’s belief in her superior talent for babycare made it very hard for me to … to my role as a father. 7). When the jury brought the verdict … Monroe was let out for lack of evidence. 8). The jury’s decision flies in the … of all the evidence. 9). I haven’t … much thought yet to what happened yesterday. 10). There is no … of the team’s giving up at this stage. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your answer sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points The USA being a too vast country, some states straddle 1…… more than one time zone and, in this case, may be 2…… use daylight saving time in the one time zone and 3…… standard time in the other. As the main reason for the system 4…… is the conservation of energy by reducing the need to use some 5…… lighting in the evening, it has often been adopted during wartime. 6…… 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). It is the expense involved that troubles me. What ………………………………… .

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2). The police were told that the use of unnecessary force was forbidden The police were instructed …………………………………………. 3). Public opinion was so strong that the President had to resign. Such ………………………………………………………… . 4). The facts were not made public until later. Only …………………………………… .

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SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 045 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). The building is still … construction. A. under B. on C. superfluous 2). Let me draw your attention to something you … not have thought about. A. could B. would C. may 3). There are surely … careers more extraordinary than that of the Greek composer Nikos Skalkottas. A. some B. few C. little 4). Caulfield claimed they discriminated … him because of his nationality. A. on B. between C. against 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 6 points 1. I’m afraid your report is …… – where’s section C, which was obligatory? COMPLETE 2. My wife and I had an …… time in Venice. FORGET 3.Your behaviour is …… for a Member of Parliament. ACCEPT 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points 1). We have all seen some documentary or other following the fortunes of a … of elephants and cannot fail to have been struck by their uniqueness. 2). The trunk also serves as a snorkel as its owner swims for miles … a submarine. 3). Extraordinary … it may seem, the trunk also acts as a means of communication. 4). As a follow-up to our series on the two major football clubs in Manchester, … United and City, we focus attention this week on Arsenal. 5). To make matters even … , Tottenham fans had to watch as Chelsea carried off the European Cup-winners Cup. 6). It is with great regret that I have to herewith give you notice that I … to leave the organisation at the end of next month. 7). I would like to say it has been a pleasure working for you and I have … being part of the team. 8). My next step will be to … you for constructive dismissal. 9). Whether the imprisoned serial killer will ever be … only the Justice Minister can answer. 10). People are thinking constantly about how to … punishment fit the crime. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your answer sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points Are you a go-getter, or has your get-up-and-go, got up 1.……… and has gone? According to recent research, if the latter is true, 2.……… it is not entirely of your fault , as your level of physical 3.……… energy could be predetermined. This may not matter if why 4.……… your daily life does not require a high energy level, 5.……… for instance if you are any a corporate lawyer or a computer nerd. 6.……… 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). He didn’t phone last night, which made me really angry. infuriated What ……………………………… last night.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2). It has to be said that it is an appalling crime they accused him of. described They accused him of ………………… appalling crime. 3). You probably won’t think much of it, but that’s what we’re going to buy nevertheless. like Whether …………………………… what we’re going to buy. 4). I’ve no idea of how to get there, I’m afraid. route I’ve no idea which ………… to get there, I’m afraid.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 046 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). Britain likes to present itself as a multicultural society, in … of integrating ethnic minorities, has gone further than most of its neighbours. A. conditions B. terms C. regards 2). Be that as it …, there can be no denying the racial tensions that remain in our cities. A. may B. be C. will 3)… , the boy in question had split a glass of something over a regular customer at the club. A. Obviously B. Provisionally C. Apparently 4). The outbreak had barely any effect on the … national product. A. full B. gross C. total 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 6 points 1). Their …, unfortunately, was obvious from the word go. compatible 2). I was very aware of the … of my eyes-to-the-ground climbing technique. absurd 3). Fears of a serious … of disease were rising by the hour. break 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 10 points 1). The pace of life in the city is … puts me off. 2). Putting an even heavier tax on petrol is … I think we can solve our traffic problems. 3). The first days were some of the worst I … ever experienced. 4). In the normal course of …, he would have left and thought no more about it. 5). Nothing … any teacher could do seemed to help. 6).The reasons he gave, … from exploding tyres to an escaped tiger on the by-pass, were always inventive. 7). I remember one story he told about an underground train suddenly … out of the ground in front of him and blocking the road. 8). Tourists inevitably … to the main square in the Old Town. 9). During the Cold War, the US Navy trained dolphins to … out highly dangerous mine-clearing work. 10).What the verdict hinges … is how reliable the landlady’s testimony is seen to be. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your answer sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points When told to sit up if straight, do you find yourself automatically pulling 1……… in your stomach and self-consciuosly contorting your spine into up 2……… various positions which you believe to be good posture? 3……… However, with the absence of correct tutoring early on in life, 4………. our understanding clear of what good posture is is often mistaken. 5……. We simply don’t know what good posture should be feel like, which, of 6……… course, is not true all over the world. 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). We shouldn’t overstate the importance of students’ accuracy. emphasis We shouldn’t ……………………………………… accurate.

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2). The thought of the possible consequences fills me with horror. dread I ………………………………………………… might happen. 3). I suddenly realised that I didn’t know his address. occurred It ………………………………… sudden that I didn’t know his address. 4). What alienated the workforce was that management never consulted them. lack It was ………………………………… against the management.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 047 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). It never ceases to amaze me how many films are … by the critics as a load of rubbish. A. panned B. counted C. considered 2). They seemed to think that I was well … in how the E.U operated. A. acquainted B. versed C. dressed 3). It appeared they had all the necessary information at their…. A. fingertips B. toes C. arm’s length 4). For three days I just couldn’t get the … of what was going on. A. hook B. leaf C. hang 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1). The … in climate is being brought about by heatwaves and floods as far afield as Texas and India. disrupt 2). Such … in weather patterns has been increasing in frequency. stable 3) They arrived in Liverpool after an … journey. event 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points 1). The internet has proved, in just a … short years, that it can transform the very way that commerce is conducted. 2). Cash, cheques and credit cards will give …to e-currencies, some form of “Internet only” money. 3). Consumers will soon be able to download credit onto smartcards to be used to make purchases … the real world. 4)The only thing we can be sure …is that counting out coins for bus tickets will soon be a thing of the past. 5). At present the easiest way to … see and experience the Antarctic is by ship. 6). This has the added advantage … limiting the environmental impact of tourism in the region. 7). We have a … of activities and events for July and August for all ages and tastes. 8). Her paintings are on … in the reference library throughout the summer. 9). Everybody pays lip service to the phenomenon of global warming, caused … burning fossil fuels, motor vehicle emissions and CFC’s in air-conditioners. 10). By 2035, scientists believe that, if gas emissions continue to rise at present … , atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will have doubled. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your exam sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points On a recent trip to Korea, I was struck by the sight of children as 1……… squatting comfortably flat on the floor eating deeply 2……… their lunch. In such indeed a position one’s spine is beautifully stretched. 3……… My own attempt at maintaining this stance ended in failure. The my 4……… fact of the matter is that standard aspects of our modern lifestyle 5……… exacerbate poor posture. 6……… 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). John doesn’t live anywhere near London so he didn’t apply for that job in the City. John would ………………………………………………………….

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2). The arrival of the train has been delayed, I’m afraid. The train ……………………………. 3). Go to the international ticket desk immediately on your arrival. As…………………………………………. 4). You left the map in the car – that’s why we’re lost! If you ………………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 048 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1) Many researchers have always assumed that the reading process is the same: reading starts, comprehension … , then reading stops. A. sets B. occurs C. establishes 2) Scientists used to believe that our 24-hour cycle of sleeping and waking was … entirely by external factors. A. governed B. conducted C. steered 3) Some people’s body clocks keep poorer time than others, which can greatly disturb their lives and even … their health A. spoil B. injure C. threaten 4) Severe problems can result from the difficulties of … to different time zones and working by night instead of by day. A. altering B. adjusting C. suiting 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1). The tendency to link … features to personality has even crept into the English language, with words like “highbrow”. face 2) The key to this sound is their unique, … advanced speaker system . technology 3). Good ideas are often …. simple – once someone has thought of them. credible 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points 1). Houdini would usually … his equipment to be examined by the audience. 2). The chains locks and packing cases all seemed fine, … it was tempting to conclude that Houdini possessed superhuman powers. 3). The predictions range … the listing of new devices to the ways in which they will alter the daily habits of the citizens. 4). You don’t need to pay an entrance fee - … you have to do is connect the computer in the comfort of your own home. 5). There are several varieties of grapefruits, … with its own special characteristics . 6). Hills where the trees have been felled lose 500 times as … soil a year as those with trees. 7). Whoever fails to keep to the time limit, no … the position on the board, loses the game. 8). Each move is written … on a score sheet, which is to be handed to the tournament officials at the end of each round. 9).Talent and youth – that’s what is needed for success at chess, with the emphasis … youth. 10).The race is rapidly … more and more popular despite, or perhaps because of the harsh conditions that runners must endure. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your exam sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points Henry John Heinz, the founder of the gigantic food had processing and 1……. canning empire who that bears his name, was born in 1844 in Pittsburgh, 2……. Pennsylvania, of German in immigrant parents. When he was 25, he 3……. formed a partnership with an old family friend, Larry Noble, selling 4……. Horseradish before sauce in clear glass jars (previously green glass had 5……. disguised the dishonest practice of substituting the horseradish with 6……. other vegetables).

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). They said they would rather Diana didn’t listen to music at work. Diana ……………………………………………………………………. 2). There is no definite decision yet about the venue of the next Olympic Games. Nothing ………………………………………………………………………. 3). What would you do if there was an earthquake? Supposing …………………………………………… . 4). I recommend going to Brighton for a week. I think …………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 049 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1). The state has been long popular with golfers and , with dozens of … in the area , it is truly a golfer’s paradise. A. courses B. pitches C. grounds 2). South of Charleston lies Hilton Head, an island resort about 18 km long and … like a foot. A. formed B. shaped C. moulded 3). It has a fantastic sandy beach …. the length of the island and this is perfect for all manner of water sports. A. going B. running C. following 4). Alternatively , if you feel like doing nothing , lend a chair and umbrella , head for an open … and just sit back and watch the pelicans diving for fish. A. space B. room C. place 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points 1). The International institute for Energy Conservation is a non profit making … working in developing countries. found 2). Directors tend to have strong personalities and can be …. temperament 3).Some directors also take on … duties , such as planning a season’s programme and supervising the budget. manager 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 10 points 1). The final part of our journey started at Gudbrandsdalen, said by many to be the most beautiful of … the valleys in Norway. 2). It was a wonderful landscape, the more … for being dotted with centuries-old wooden farmhouses , scrupulously maintained in their original condition. 3). They have to carry food and … else they need for seven days in a rucksack weighing no more than 12 kilograms . 4). Remember , they won’t take cheques … you have a cheque guarantee card. 5). One of the … amazing marathon races in the world is the Marathon of the Sands. 6). Doctors are always … hand to deal with minor injuries. 7). They have to make sure that runners do not push … too far. 8). … man , Ibrahim El Joual , has taken part in every race since 1986. 9). On Tuesday morning, a thunderstorm at Lyons in eastern France deposited 99 mm of rain in … six hours. 10). A tropical storm, given the name Helen, hit Hong Kong on Saturday morning, though her presence had been felt … advance. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your answer sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points The next generation following of telephone users will laugh when we explain 1……… how we used to stand next to a wall in the kitchen to make up a phone 2……... call. Mobile communications, already highly advanced compared with 3…….. a decade ago before, will completely alter communications in the next few years. 4……... Though there are millions of people using mobile phones, most people are 5……..

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know little about the mobile telecommunications industry and its technology. 6…….. 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). Fancy you and I having the same surname! It’s odd ………………………………… . 2). Do we have to leave so early? Need ………………………? 3). It may seem strange, but I enjoy hard work. Strange ………………………………. 4). He was warned by the fireman not to re-enter the house. The fireman ………………………………………… .

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 050 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). The dictionary calls a secretary anyone who … correspondence, keeps records and does clerical work for others. A. orders B. handles C. runs D. controls 2). The … majority of people see sports events through the eyes of media. A. high B. wide C. main D. vast 3). We were told by the captain to … our eyes open. A. stand B. keep C. hold D. fix 4). Our biological clocks govern almost every … . A. event B. field C. division D. aspect 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 6 points 1). At the … of the train, everyone was relieved. arrive 2). There is one … difference between the two cards. essence 3). While the cost of the goods is …, the postal expenses are not. refund 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 10 points 1). Fancy he has fallen in love … her. 2). I can’t approve … her choice. 3). It goes … saying that money is not the only thing that makes people happy. 4). My exam is looming … , and I realize I haven’t study enough. 5). She is the only one who benefited … the change. 6). I wonder … it looks like. 7). She has always been jealous … her sister. 8). It shouldn’t … us more a day to reach the top. 9). He took her … the hand and smiled. 10). … I known that you had lied to me, I would have left you long ago.. 4. In most lines of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line `find this extra word and then write it on your answer sheet. If one line is correct, write a tick. 6 points Daylight saving time involves the setting of the clocks one hour 1…… ahead of standard time for a given period of the time so 2…… that night falls down one hour later and there is an extra hour 3…… of daylight in the evening. It is been observed by the majority of 4…… the states in the USA , even although some states 5…… may remain with standard time all for the daylight saving time period. 6…… 5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that it contains the word given and so that the meaning stays the same. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1). You can’t pay by cheque unless you’ve got a guarantee card. All cheques must be …………………………………… . 2). You must not use a flash in the museum. Flash photography ……………………………………… . 3). As soon as I put the phone down, it rang again. No sooner ……………………………………………… . 4). I’d never seen such a big dog before. Never ……………………………………………… .

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Proba scrisă la Limba engleză

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 051 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points

1. By this time next year, we…in this office for five years.

A. will learn B. will have been learning C.will be learning D.would have learnt 2. I…swim quite well when I was younger.

A. can B.was able C.could D.might 3. Provided that I… the answers, I would tell you.

A.had known B.knew C.know D.have known 4. In spite of the doctor’s warnings, he could not…smoking.

A.cut up B.cut down C.cut off D.put off 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points 1. The teacher’s explanation was out of my… DEEP 2. Students are happy with the…in the school facilities. IMPROVE 3. A mathematical…was carried out to show the incidence of crimes in the street. ANALYSE 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points Antarctica is becoming a popular tourist destination and in the last decade (1)…has been a dramatic increase in visitors to the sea. (2)…tourists simply want to see the last unspoiled continent, (3)…others have more active pursuits such as adventure sports in mind. And of course, there are also adventurous souls who want to follow (4)… the footsteps of the great polar explorers. (5)…, environmentalists are concerned that booming tourist industry may (6)…endangering the Antarctic environment and sowing (7)…seeds of its own destruction. Careless visitors throw rubbish into the sea, not realising (8)…harmful this can be to wildlife. (9)…danger is oil spills. In the freezing waters, oil does (10)…disperse effectively. 4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. Never she will join you in such an absurd project. 2. It won’t be long before all of you will get a prize. 3. The news of her promotion have spread rapidly. 4. If I took her advice, I would have been invited to her party last week. 5. You ought not have defied him. 6. He left home in a hurry lest he should not be late.

5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points

1. I regret the fact that we didn’t visit the museum. I wish……..

2. He arrived home and soon after he had to leave again. Hardly……..

3. It wasn’t necessary for you to buy the tickets. They had already done it. You……..

4. We will go only if our friends accompany us. Unless……..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 052 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points

1. Do you remember…her anywhere?

A.have seen see C.seeing D.saw 2. No sooner…the bell than we heard the dog barking.

A.did we ring B.had we rang C.had we rung D.have we rung 3. I wish I …in the mountains now.

A.were C.will be D.would be 4. His speech was so confusing that I found it impossible to understand what he was...

A.getting at B.getting on C.getting into D.getting up 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points 1. Many people seem to have…attitudes towards drink driving. CONSISTENT 2. Some view it as totally…that anyone should through their own selfishness be a danger to other road users. ACCEPT 3. To kill somebody while driving under the influence is surely… PARDON 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points

1. He’s keen…playing football. 2. How can he be interested…such trifles? 3. I wish I…younger. 4. She gave…eating chocolate long ago. 5. I am sorry for…broken my vows. 6. She didn’t know the answer and…did I. 7. I would rather drink tea…coffee. 8. You won’t be allowed to enter…you pay the fee. 9. They…ever take in guests. 10. This is the first time I have seen…well-behaved children.

4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. He is possessing a remarkable collection of paintings. 2. I’m really despising attitudes like that. 3. If the film will be boring, we can leave before the end. 4. Neither of them didn’t understand the problem. 5. What time do they rise the curtain? 6. The price of meat has been rising by 20% over the past year.

5. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points

1. I haven’t seen Tom for ages. It’s ages…

2. I didn’t meet anybody on my way to school. Not a…

3. I doubt you have already finished the project. You…

4. You didn’t have enough work experience so you didn’t get the job. If…

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 053 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points

1. After a great deal of hard work, he finally…his ambition. B.realised C.possessed D.deserved 2. The review committee...three practising lawyers and a retired businessman.

A.consists B.comprises C.makes up D.enclosures 3. Don’t worry: this is nothing

A.matters B.entails C.concerns D.complicates 4. As always, I am…with everything you say.

A.agree B.agreeing C.agreeable agreement 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line: 6 points It is (1)…believed that paper was invented in China. TRADITION A (2)…Chinese court official first developed a material RESOURCE that was (3)…similar to the paper that we use today. APPEAR 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points

1. In this chapter I came…some words I didn’t know. 2. They had to finish it by noon, …they? 3. He may be…up by the traffic. 4. From the moment he…into the classroom, students have always loved him. 5. I’ve lost…of the times I’ve said to myself-That’s it! 6. I was awoken in the…of night by a strange noise from outside. 7. Everyone got back safe and…after the storm. 8. I think you should reconcile yourself to doing…it. 9. She…bitter tears when she was told about the tragic event. 10. …inquiring, they found out that he had been bribed.

4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your answer sheet. 6 points

1. We’re considering to visit Switzerland next year. 2. I have to catch up all the lessons I missed. 3. This type of job requires special capacities. 4. Every morning I have to get up from my bed very early. 5. I shall go to bed as soon as I will finish my homework. 6. I have always the feeling that she enjoys teaching us.

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given: 4 points

1. I don’t think I’ll be able to come up with a solution within two days. OUT 2. He was fired five months ago. UNEMPLOYED

3. I advise you not to be late on your first date. ADVISABLE 4. We received a warning to stay home. SHOULD

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 054 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points

1. Can you remember what you were doing…? A. the time B.usually C.every day the time

2. The new museum opens…. once week by day

3. I don’t go shopping very much…. A.nowadays those days C.recently and again

4. Television lies at the…of American culture. A.bottom B.base C.head D.heart

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points Scientists are to extract DNA from the remains of a Dodo, hoping to resurrect the bird whose name is (1)… SYNONYM with extinction. British experts will (2)…fragments COVER of (3)…material from a preserved Dodo kept in GENE Oxford University’s Museum of Natural History. 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points

1. How long…was it that you lived in London? 2. I promise to get everything ready…eight o’clock at the latest. 3. Just sit here, would you? The doctor will be with you…. 4. I…rather not go by bus, if possible. 5. …that as it may, it doesn’t alter the seriousness of the problem. 6. We both wish you…staying longer. 7. Just imagine! … they told you that you had won the competition. 8. If only you…just stop talking for a moment and try listening! 9. … that really be Paula’s husband? He looks so young. 10. He… like it there if he has stayed there for so long.

4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your answer sheet. 6 points

1. By the time he is fifty, he will live in this country for half his life. 2. It’s a surprise party and they won’t know anything about it until they got there. 3. I’m sorry to have say that it was the worst holiday I’ve ever had. 4. I have once spent six weeks on Crete, which I had not visited before. 5. I don’t think the fourth conditional is existing. 6. According to statistics, smokers shouldn’t live as long as non-smokers.

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given: 4 points

1. In the event of fire, do not use the lift. AVOID Should…………………………..lift.

2. He was so anxious to succeed that he made a lot of mistakes. WELL Such…………………………….that he made a lot of mistakes.

3. I was just going to start my walk when the storm broke. POINT The storm broke when…………………out on my walk. 4. If he wants to find a good job he will need to try much harder. EFFORT Finding a good job……………………..his part.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 055 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1.By the time I …, Mrs. Adams…in the library…20 years. A.have been employed, will have been working employed, will have been working,for C. am employed, will have worked, since D. am employed, will be working, for 2.”Neither you nor John…carried out the task I gave you!” “Because neither of us…ready to do it!” A. have, are B.have, is C.has, are D.has, is 3.Yesterday he let us know that if he…to swim, he…into the water to save her. A.would be able, would jump B.were able, would have jumped C.would have been able, would have jumped D.had been able, would have jumped 4. I …come so early this morning, but I did.. A. didn’t have to B.don’t have to C.needn’t have D.mustn’t have 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points Two children who start school together may have had a similar (1)… BRING and be equally intelligent, but the way they deal with the new learning environment is often (2)… different. One will thrive in STRIKE the (3)…of the classroom, while the other will struggle to keep up. FORMAL 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points

In my 1…case, for 2…, it was at this period 3…I first 4…the most important truth 5…myself; 6…, that I’m not competitive. The urge to go on better 7… the next man, which seems to dominate 8… people’s lives in one way or 9… is something I just 10…not built into me.

4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. Some bottles are not appropriate for recycling. 2. He died a long time ago, but his ideas are always alive. 3. Try to avoid arousing anger and fear among the children. 4. I couldn’t avoid falling in love with her. 5. Inside the examination room we could neither smoke or talk. 6. Never I have seen such an ugly face.

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given: 4 points

1. As soon as the news reached Maria, she rang all her friends to tell them. HEARING On… all her friends to tell them.

2. He spoke from the heart and thus carried the audience with him. PASSION Such…he carried the audience with him. 3. The mountain route is possibly dangerous, but there is no alternative. MAY Dangerous…is no alternative. 4. She was proud to be so well-acquainted with the next president. ELECT She was proud that…to her.

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SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 056 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points

1. She is one of the kindest people….

A.that I know B.I know that C.whose I know D.of which I know 2. She would rather go shopping than… at home. stay B.stay staying D.staying 3. It is about time he… complaining and… down to work immediately.

A.had stopped, had come B.stopped, had come C.has stopped, has come D.stopped, came

4. No sooner… the team, …they…a match. A.had he joined, then, won B.has he joined, than, won C.had he joined, that, won D. had he joined, than, won

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points Are you a (1)…? Could you spend two months on a desert island without SURVIVE modern (2)…and with no contact with the outside world? CONVENIENT As part of a four-member team, and under constant (3)…from our SURVEY cameras, you’ll be sent to the island paradise of Kumsak. 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points

1. The judge refused him permission to… against the decision. 2. Let’s leave it at that for the…being and continue tomorrow. 3. In …to no time they had become the best of friends. 4. The Whittington family have lived there since time… . 5. Nothing will change for the…future. 6. From…on, things will be different. 7. Her description closely…that of a known criminal. 8. It is extremely difficult to tell the two brothers…. 9. I said that nobody was going to talk me…marriage yet. 10. It’s not easy to… this concept across.

4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. We’re having fitted a replacement wheel tomorrow. 2. I’d prefer that you don’t go this year-you’re a bit too young. 3. You look like you had just had a shock. 4. I wish it stops raining soon; I’ve got to go to the post office. 5. The king is believed to be arrived in Rome three hours ago. 6. I’d rather you don’t come on Monday.

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. 4 points

1. In my country all adults are obliged to vote. OBLIGATORY In my country……….all adults. 2. But for the intervention of his bodyguards, the President might have been hurt. INTERVENED If………he might have been hurt. 3. For a bike that’s two years old, it’s in very good condition. EVEN The bike’s in very good condition, ………two years old. 4. I really wish I had gone to university. DEEPLY I ………going to university.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 057 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your answer sheet. 4 points 1. Well I’m surprised it was John. I… have expected better of him.

A. would B.could C.should D.might

2. Don’t worry about my big brother; he… be very childish at times.

A. will B.can C.could D.should

3. I really…eat another thing, thank you.

A.wouldn’t B.couldn’t C.mightn’t D.mustn’t

4. You…be serious! It’s far too dangerous!

A. couldn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.won’t

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points What could lead a mother to turn her son into the police? Only the most extreme (1)…, most STANCE people would say. But it is not (2)…so. NECESSARY My son Jack was certainly going through a ‘ difficult’ phase; he was (3)…. COMMUNE 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points The British government recently made £20 million available to mature students, (1)… is students who have already begun their working life, and (2)… not take the normal route of university immediately after school. The mature students’ ‘gap’ (3)…leaving school and matriculating into university can be (4)… from three to 50 years – time spent working, having children, travelling (5)… whatever. Among (6)…are those whose teenage rebellions took them too (7)… away from a life of study, and equally those whose mid-life crises (8)…led them to contemplate a return to the world of academia. In (9)…of the new grants, returning to education remains a huge strain on the finances, all the (10)…so for those with dependants. Many are obliged to take out loans, adding to a burden of debt already accumulating steadily from their busy adult lives. 4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. We got some friends round for lunch yesterday. 2. If I had known you were coming, I would prepare more food. 3. Even if you see Dawn tell her I’ve got her mobile phone. 4. I’d prefer you don’t play your music just now – I’ve got to work. 5. We have got our house broken into twice this year. 6. A fifteen-minutes coffee break may be taken in the morning.

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. 4 points 1 But for the intervention of his bodyguards, the President might have been hurt.

intervened If __________________________________________ he might have been hurt.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2 For a bike that’s two years old, it’s in very good condition. even The bike’s in very good condition, ___________________________________ two years old.

3 I really wish I had gone to university. deeply I _______________________________________________ going to university.

4 The entire staff demanded Ken’s immediate reinstatement. be The entire staff demanded ___________________________________________ immediately.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 058 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. According to the Publications Department, it will be two years before the new Handbook A. completes B. is completed C. will be completed D. will have been completed

2. The President’s plane touched down in Mexico City on Wednesday, two days after he… A. would have arrived B. had been to arrive C. was due to arrive D. had arrived

3. By the end of this month, I’ll…in this office for 15 years. A. be B. be being C. have been D. will have been being

4. It is not surprising that daytime talk shows, the…blend of information and entertainment, are earning top ratings. A. utmost B. eventual C. ultimate D. extreme

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points Media attention has (1)…the appeal of home exchange WIDE over the past few years and thousands of people make (2)…to exchange their homes in order to provide a holiday ARRANGE either in the UK or (3)… SEA 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points Dear Uncle Will, You’ve probably heard by now about the failure of our attempt to climb Mount Everest. I (1)… have listened to you about not attempting it in October. Obviously, I’m very disappointed, as (2)… all my colleagues on the team, not (3)… Jonty who says it’ll probably be his last climb. We’re all physically shattered, and I’ve lost almost 20 kilos (4)… eating like a horse. Everything was (5)… so well until that notorious ridge you warned me about. No (6)… had we reached Hunter’s Ridge than the weather changed for the worse. The winds got up from the south, and then the snow drifts started. It was intensely frustrating, just lying in shelter (7)… to move, just 600 metres (8)… so from the summit. Only (9)… several days of blizzard conditions (10)… we abandon the climb and return to base camp. Oh well, drop me a line when you have time. Yours, Ben 4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. What is this word meaning? 2. More and more people are thinking it is better to stay at home for your holidays. 3. We studied in the same class for the last few years. 4. I doubted it whether it was really necessary to get a satellite television. 5. If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest. 6. If you’re such a good skier, why you didn’t go back and rescue her?

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. 4 points 1. I’m sure we’re not doing it the right way.

be This ____________________________________ way you’re supposed to do it.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

2 I think you should try applying again in a few months’ time. were If ________________________________________ try applying again in a few months’ time.

3 Although I tried hard, I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer. might Try __________________________________________ I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer.

4 It seems that Hermann wasn’t to be trusted, after all. appears Hermann _______________________________________ trustworthy after all.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 059 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. The …of making rain is simpler than you might think. A.method B.process C.way D.procedure

2. As warm, moisture-laden air… from the surface of the earth, it cools. A.grows B.raises C.lifts D.rises

3. And some of the air …into tiny droplets that eventually become clouds. A.condenses B.evaporates C.transforms D.gathers

4. These droplets…around the microscopic particles such as dust and smoke which are floating in the air. A.develop B.form D.make

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points It’s your first day in a new job, and you are desperate to make a good impression- So how can you (1)…that everything runs smoothly? SURE Keep your eyes and ears open-that way you’ll soon pick up on what’s (2)…behaviour and what’s not. Learning through mistakes ACCEPT doesn’t do much for your (3)…. CONFIDENT 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context: 10 points

1. The car needs ____________ good cleaning. 2. There’s nothing I hate more than ____________ in application forms. 3. I ____________ face another long journey! 4. I wish you wouldn’t ____________ complaining all the time. 5. ____________ leaves the office last, please turn off the lights. 6. The first time we met was ____________ we were at Barry’s party. 7. It was on this spot, 500 years ago, ____________ King Henry fought a famous battle. 8. If it’s trendy clothes you want, On Offer is ____________ place to go. 9. Oh, by the way, we’ve been ____________ to a party on Saturday by Lynn and Roger. 10. Baker strongly ____________ having broken the photocopier.

4. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. This is the first mistake I’ve ever done. 2. I heard him complain with the quality of that lecture. 3. He did up to his room in less than one week. 4. It was through a lot of experiences that Newton found the theory. 5. Harry denied that he didn’t take the money. 6. Bob urged going to the bank right away and sort the matter out.

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. 4 points

1. It would have been a disaster for him to be made responsible. PUT If he………………………………………………………… would have been serious consequences. 2. I’d prefer us to make as much progress as we can. WOULD I think it……………………………. to get on as fast as possible.

3. One seldom has the opportunity to meet a famous celebrity. MEET Rarely …………………………………

4. She thought I was someone else. FOR She mistook..................................

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 060 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. When I got back home after my holiday, I noticed that someone…with the lock on my door. A. tampered B. used to tamper C. had been tampering D. is tampering

2. I’ve decided to carry on living there A. for ages B. now and then C. for the time being D. on and off

3. Go to the Aer Lingus desk immediately A. on arrival B. you arrive C. when you’ll arrive D. as soon as you arrive

4. I’m terribly sorry; I had no idea you …appointed deputy director. A. are B. were C. have been D. had been

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points Lennon, if he is a symbol of anything, is a symbol of (1) ...., of play. CHILD He believed you could change the world. If you made the right gesture, a (2)… TRANSFORM might take place. His life has become a myth, and high claims are made for him. He said that the Beatles were better known than Jesus Christ, which seemed to Christian (3) .... CHURCH a senseless and irresponsible thing to say. 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points Just imagine what life would be like without a washing machine. Life’s just (1)… busy nowadays for most of us to contemplate washing clothes in the bath tub. So what on earth would you do if your machine broke down? Here at Royston’s we pride (2)… on our washing machine repair service. Our mechanics fix up to 40% of machines on the spot, and for those that are taken back to our warehouse for repairs, a further 50% (3) … repaired within a week. But we don’t expect our customers to go without. A replacement washing machine is delivered free of charge within 24 hours of your machine (4) … removed. It is installed in your home by our mechanics, and is kept by you (5)… your old machine is returned. Should you wish to purchase a new machine our showroom (6)… hundreds of models for you to choose from. All new machines (7)…with a three-year warranty, covering spare parts and workmanship. Of course, if it (8)… transpire that the fault has arisen from customer negligence or from failure to observe basic maintenance procedures – (9) … as regularly cleaning the filters – repair costs will (10)… be borne by the company. 4. Each of the following sentences contains an extra word. Write the extra word on your exam sheet. 6 points First came the PC, then the internet and e-mail; now the e-book is upon us, a handheld 0 device similar in size and appearance to a video cassette. The user is simply calls up the 00 is website on their PC, selects the desired books, after downloads them onto their e-book 1 machine and sits down to read them. For to turn a page the user simply taps the screen. 2 E-book technology is being evolving rapidly, and with some of the latest handhelds you 3 will even get internet access. But why would one want an e-book machine if in preference 4 to a book? Well, one selling-point companies emphasized, when these devices had hit the 5 market a few years ago, is the space they did save when going on holiday. E-books lighten 6 the load, literally. 5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. 4 points

1 I’m beginning to think that deciding to resign wasn’t a great idea.

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doubts I’m starting to ……… to resign. 2 It will be the first ice hockey stadium I’ve ever been to.

my It will be ……… to an ice hockey stadium. 3 We can’t swim in the sea yet because it’s too cold.

us It isn’t warm ……… swim in the sea. 4 I used to take more exercise than I do now. as I don’t ……… I used to.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 061 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. A recent ......... of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts. A. issue B. printing C. version D. volume 2. Their advice may prove invaluable for those ........ a language course. A. wondering B. thinking C. looking D. considering 3. One suggestion is that you ........... whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language. A. assess B. review C. balance D. survey 4. Therefore you must make sure that the course on offer leads to a ........ qualification. A. recognised B. understood C. valued D. regarded 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points A symbol is a word or even a picture that may be familiar in (1)…life, DAY but possesses specific connotations over and above its standard and obvious meaning. It points to something vague or (2)…, something which is MYSTERY normally hidden from us or may even be quite (3)…. COMPREHEND 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. And now on The Crime Programme an update on another unsolved crime, the armed robbery of the jewellery warehouse in London which we reported on six months ago. Police are anxious to establish the identity of a man, believed to (1)… one of the gang members, (2)… purchased a green lorry in March of last year, six months before the robbery, from a garage in Brentwood. The garage’s suspicions were aroused (3) …the man paid in cash for the lorry, and then registered it under a false company name. Significantly, the notes were handed (4)… in mixed denominations. As police explained to us, one would normally (5)… a large wad of banknotes to 6… been obtained from a bank, in (7)… case the notes would all be neatly arranged in piles of the same denomination. (8)… short, the man may have paid for the lorry with money from a previous robbery.(9)… looked again at video evidence of the robbery, police now know that the lorry was (10)… to block the entrance of the warehouse, stopping any other vehicles from entering, so that the robbery could be carried out more easily. 4. In each line of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. A new cinema should have been discussed and debated for seven or eight years before it finally happened, so it’s great to actually be here and see it. 2. I would have known I’d be working on the opening night! I’d have loved to see all the celebrities! 3. No sooner had we arrived when the computer in the box office broke down, so I hope that’s not going to be typical. 4. Very often are there problems in the first few days with a new cinema, but I’ve seen nothing yet. 5. Little understand people just how difficult it must be to run a ten-screen cinema successfully. 6. I’m really do hope they succeed, because I’ve seen some great films here already.

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. 4 points

1. Telling John to do anything is pointless, because he just does what he wants.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

use John likes to do his own………what to do.

2. Micky said he was ill as he didn’t want to go to school. be Micky pretended………wouldn’t have to go to school. 3. Regrettably, Kate couldn’t cycle to work any more when she moved to London. missed Kate……… cycle to work when she moved to London. 4. I have seen all of his films except Look Back. only Look Back is……… I haven’t seen.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 062 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. The report suggested…up links with local companies. A. setting B. making C. doing D. joining 2. Parental influence tends to…as children get older. A. reduce B. subside C. sink D. decline 3. He took to his studies like a …to water. A. fish B. crab C. duck D. swan 4. It is important for international business executives to have…with other cultures. A. empathy B. comprehension C. knowledge D. feeling 2. Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. 6 points 1. The speech was so…that many people got up and left before the end. INSPIRE 2. Most people use computers for complicated…these days. CALCULATE 3. There are many… activities that promote team-building. COLLABORATE 3. Fill in each blank with one word suitable in the context. 10 points The polar bear is under threat because its hunting season at the North Pole is being shortened by thinning Arctic ice. Data gathering by US Navy submarines using sonar technology (1)…the depth of Arctic sea ice is now an average of 1.3 metres less than it was in the 1970s, (2)… it to break up earlier in the year. (3)…to the Canadian Wildlife Service, the sea ice season in western Hudson Bay has been reduced by three weeks (4)… the last 20 years. (5)…has serious implications for wildlife in the region, since Arctic mammals use the sea ice (6)…an extension of the land. Polar bears, for example, roam the frozen water (7)…a constant search for seals, their main (8)…of food. But (9)…sea ice breaking up earlier, the seals are becoming harder to find. As (10)…, the polar bear population has not declined significantly, but female bears are already giving birth to fewer cubs. 4. In each line of the following text there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the text. For each line find this extra word and then write it on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. The oldest of exam certificate ever found in Britain is a fascinating 2. object. It dates back from almost two thousand years to the era when 3. the country was under the Roman rule. This certificate, which is in 4. actually fact two bronze sheets once threaded together, survives in 5. the form of fragments, and the same name of the soldier to whom it was 6. been awarded is no longer visible. However, enough of the text can be read.

5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given and that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. 4 points

1. It was the most exciting day of his life. more He………exciting day.

2. We have received no letters from her since she left home. sent She………since she left home. 3. My tutor’s comments made me begin to think about my essay.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

thinking My tutor’s comments on my essay started………written. 4. She lived in London some years ago, but she lives somewhere diffent now. live She………moved now.

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 063 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. General Custer was confident of victory despite being vastly…… by the enemy. A. outnumbered B. outclassed C. overcome D. overtaken 2. The ministry refused to …… the figures to the press. A. release B. leak C. show D. add 3. ……comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it. A. It B. Therefore C. There D. That 4. The lawyer insisted that his client…… never have been arrested in the first place. A. should B. must C. ought D. would 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. She is …… of spiders. terrify 2. There are …… volumes on the history of the cinema. count 3. He is making an…… which might not be true. assume

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Would you like to (1)… an astronaut? To do this, you must travel at least 50 miles (80

kilometres) above the surface of the earth. But even after you have done that you are still (2)… earth's atmosphere. Indeed, there are at least 300 miles of air still between you and the true vacuum of space.

Most of what we think of as our atmosphere is actually the troposphere, that part of the atmosphere closest to earth. This is where most of our weather happens, and it is the only part of the atmosphere which has enough oxygen and warmth for humans to survive. (3)… part of the atmosphere is about ten miles thick at the equator and slightly half that height at the (4)… .

(5)… the troposphere is the stratosphere, which you have probably (6)… if you have travelled on an international jet liner. But there is another kind of 'jet' at this altitude. Huge rivers of air called 'jet streams' (7)… through the stratosphere, and the stratosphere contains the ozone layer which filters harmful ultraviolet rays (8)… could make life on earth extinct. Above the stratosphere is the mesosphere, and above that the ionosphere, which is important for radio communications as signals can be (9)… off the ionosphere to different (10)… of the world.

4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically

incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points

Wrestling is generally considered to be one of the oldest organised sports on earth. Men have been made 1_________ in the wrestling ring for more over a thousand years, and four 2_________ hundred years ago, wrestlers were to be found throughout Japan. The 3_________ organisational and structure of the sport began in the 1680s, with 4_________ most of the basic rules remaining largely unchanged ever since. The 5_________ ring itself is considered a sacred place, and even for this reason, 6_________ wrestlers must throw a handful of salt into it before they may start fighting.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the

sentence printed before it. 4 points

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

1. Although I respect the law, I cannot accept the court’s decision.

Much…………………………………………………………. 2. If you trade in your existing answer phone, we will reduce the price of a new one by £100.

Trade………………………………………………………… 3. Norman was sorry he had lost his temper.

Norman regretted……………………………………………. 4. Try as I might, I could not understand the code.

No matter………………………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 064 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. ‘There is no further treatment we can give,’ said Dr Jekyll. ‘We must let the disease take its …… A. course B. end C. term D. way 2. He walked from the court a free man, having been …….. of murder. A. unconvinced B. discharged C. liberated D. acquitted 3. Can you take …….. of the shop while Mr Bentall is away? A. management B. running C. charge D. operation 4. Jack and Christine wondered how the rumours had begun to…….. A. disseminate B. spread C. run D. develop 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new words on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Workmen began pulling down the most attractive bridges and ... them with modern ones. place 2. He has worked his way … through to the present day. progress 3. What we saw there was a … sight. pity 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Throughout this year, we will be recommending a collection of books that, when taken (1) … a whole, will form a library of 1,000 titles that will inspire and satisfy (2) …kind of reader you could possibly imagine. Book lists appear from time to time, often arousing controversy (3) … being too elitist or too populist. But our list is the result of consultations with book buyers and booksellers, people (4) …know and love books. Currently, there are well (5) … a million books in print. Add another 100,000 books published each year and the choice for readers becomes bewildering, although certain books, both classics and contemporary works, stand out. While our list doesn’t identify classics (6) … the traditional sense, many of the works included (7) … considered to be classic books. The list aims to make the reader aware of (8) … is available that is stimulating, rewarding and inspiring. (9) …else does one learn about a good read other (10) … by enthusiastic recommendation? 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points When they are in the ring, which is five metres in diameter, 1___________ the men must fight between each other until one of them is knocked 2___________ down or push out of the ring. Slapping, tripping, and judo-style move 3___________ are all allowed, whereas punching him with a fist is not. There is no 4___________ upper weight in limit, which is why many sumo wrestlers spend years 5___________ long trying to make themselves put on weight. The Sumo Association 6___________

runs six major tournaments a year. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock. He is …………………………………..

2. His father made him study Latin at the age of three. At the age of three, he………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

3. It was more of a business arrangement than a marriage. It was not………………………………………….

4. You must not communicate in any way with anyone involved in this case. You must have………………………………………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 065 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. How voters will react to this latest political scandal …… to be seen. A. is B. remains C. has D. waits 2. The minister made no …… of any further negotiations. A. mention B. comment C. indication D. remark 3. The forecasters take a gloomy …… of the economic future. A. regard B. aspect C. view D. outlook 4. You’d rather speak to him yourself,……..? A. hadn’t you B. didn’t you C. wouldn’t you D. won’t you 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. It is sad spending long miserable hours … jogging for miles in the rain every day. happy 2. It seems that it is not … the most useful, but it is beautiful. necessity 3. There is less …. of happy people showing strong feelings and dependency. likely 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. 10 points Imprinting is a learning mechanism which occurs early in the life of certain animals. (1)… is through this process that they develop a positive attachment (2)… members of their own species. No (3)… do young birds hatch than they must learn to recognise their mother in (4)… to be able to follow and keep close to her for their own safety. (5)… this process go wrong, newly-hatched chicks (6)… the risk of becoming lost, and may (7)… to harm. (8)… that they possess a high level of mobility, it would be difficult for the mother to keep the chicks together (9)… the assistance of imprinting. The process can take literally (10)… matter of minutes. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points In the early part of the 20th century, Bob Tisdall became famous by 1___________ the winning four events in just two hours in a university athletics 2___________ competition. He won the 400 metres, the 100 metres hurdles, the 3___________ long jump, and putting the shot. Because of at that time university 4___________ athletics made it the front page of national newspapers, and as 5___________ Tisdall was extremely handsome, he became very well-known. 6___________ 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. The controller never looked away from the screen. At no time………………………………………

2. Miranda said she was sorry that she had not read my report yet. Miranda apologized…………………………………..

3. You can stay in the flat for free if you pay the bills. So long as……………………………………….

4. I didn’t mean to be impolite. It…………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 066 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. I wish the neighbours …… making so much noise. A would stop B will stop C stopping D stopped 2. Every worker gets an extra month’s salary as an end-of-year…….. A bonus B addition C reward D donation 3. At the scene of the disaster the Prince said some comforting words to the ……. relatives. A lamenting B wailing C complaining D grieving 4. The soldiers walked cautiously through the ……. deserted streets. A obviously B apparently C probably D hopefully 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. It is essential that you do a minimum of …exercise . day 2. Because you are too young, you are … of how unsettling a separation can be. aware 3. Who may then experience a very real sense of … ? lonely 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points The first known mention of the Italian tomato in Italy dates back to the year 1544. It was then (1)… the herbalist Mattioli called it ‘Pomodoro’, (2)… means ‘Golden Apple’, (3)… possibly to the golden colour of the original yellow vegetable known at that time. Tomatoes were then cultivated into bright red varieties and (4)… to Matioli were first eaten fried in oil with salt and pepper. In 1811 the Italian cook Filippo Re discovered that if tomatoes (5)… crushed, cooked and (6)… dried in the sun they turned (7) … a dark red paste. This was an ideal (8) … of preserving the tomato throughout the year, allowing (9) … preparation of many dishes such as sauces and stews. Around the 1840’s (10)… product started to be commercialized. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points He was offered to parts in films and attractive jobs in business 1____________ but he was more interested in seeing round the world and he 2____________ took up a position in India. He forgot about sport for a while but 3_____________ then someone reminded him about that the Olympics were taking 4_____________ place soon in four months’ time. He decided to have a go and went 5_____________ to Los Angeles, where he represented for Ireland in the 400 metres 6_____________ hurdles. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. Despite Jack’s strange clothes, everybody ignored him. Nobody took………………………………………

2. Whenever he passed the prison, Bernard remembered the years he had spent there. Brenda couldn’t………………………………………

3. If you buy fifteen tickets for the same performance, you can have a 50 per cent-discount. Provided fifteen ………………………………………

4. Our profits this year are higher than they have ever been. Never ……………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 067 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. In ……., it was a bad idea to pay him in cash. A account B consideration C retrospect D knowledge 2. The minister assured us that there were ……. funds for this project. A rich B financial C ample D deep 3. After months of getting …….. , the detectives began to feel that they were onto something. A somewhere B nowhere C everywhere D anywhere 4. It is very appropriate that the prize ……… go to such a young architect. A could B should C need D might 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Have a discussion with your doctor, then exercise …according to his instructions. system 2. The fountain pen is still a very attractive and …. object. practice 3. It provoked him such… of feelings! intense 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap 10 points True relaxation is most certainly not a matter of flopping down in front of the television with a welcome drink. Nor is it about drifting (1)… an exhausted sleep. Useful though these responses to tension and over-tiredness (2)… be, we should distinguish between them and conscious relaxation in (3)… of quality and effect. (4)… of the level of tiredness, real relaxation is a state of alert yet at the same (5)…passive awareness, in which our bodies are (6)… rest while our minds are awake. Moreover, it is as natural (7)… a healthy person to be relaxed when moving as resting. (8)… relaxed in action means we bring the appropriate energy to everything we do, (9)… as to have a feeling of healthy tiredness by the end of the day, (10)… than one of exhaustion. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points Although it was not only the third time he had competed 1____________ in this event, he won it with a record-breaking time of 51 .7 seconds. 2____________ This is remarkable if we could compare Tisdall’s training with 3____________ the intense training that modern athletes undergo to prepare them 4____________ for the Olympics. Tisdall’s ‘training’ consisted of staying in bed for 5____________ a week, going straight out from his bed to the track — and winning! 6____________ 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. ‘I did not remove the money from the safe,’ said Peter. Peter denied………………………………………….

2. Macbeth is the play that I enjoy the most. There……………………………………………….

3. Nobody remained on the ship after the captain had left it. The captain…………………………………………

4. The factory seemed to have been damaged by fire. It looked………………………………………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 068 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. For a couple of hours after I left the dentist’s my jaw was still ……. . A asleep B unfeeling C painless D numb 2. I expect ………….. the course next year. A completing B to complete C will complete D completed 3. Don’t tell anyone about this, ……………….? A do you B won’t you C will you D should you 4. The accused ……………guilty to all charges. A pleaded B admitted C said D confessed 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. You mean that, …, the computer is far more than a mere instrument. basic 2. Complaining can be used to draw attention to the… of the social system. efficient 3. This is one of the … characteristics of the instrument. distinct 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Although the great detective Sherlock Holmes is read in almost every language, his first appearance in print was a (1) ... than auspicious occasion. His creator, Conan Doyle, was a practising doctor when he wrote his first Sherlock Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet,(2) … was rejected three times (3)… a publisher agreed to pay the author £25 for the copyright. The story appeared in 1887 but neither (4)… nor its follow-up The Sign of Four (5)… very much attention in the literary world. Then, in 1891, Conan Doyle sent A Scandal in Bohemia to The Strand magazine. The story (6)… in the July issue and Sherlock Holmes achieved fame at (7)… This fame, (8)…, grew to such an (9)… that Doyle is reported to (10) … said ‘he takes my mind from better things’. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points Managers spend most of their time communicating — reading, and writing, 1___________ talking or listening — yet the evidence is that they do not always do this 2___________ as successfully. One reason that has been suggested for this is that, in the 3___________ past, communication was regarded as a natural process, not been taught 4____________ in any formal sense. This theory has been changing, and with the concept 5____________ of communication as an ‘art’ now appears regularly in the management 6____________ courses and seminars. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. Jack plays football more skilfully than Paul. Jack is……………………………………………

2. ‘Hand over the bag or I’ll shoot you!’ said the robber to the security guard. The robber threatened………………………………………………………….

3. Although Professor Sweet knew a lot about grammar, he couldn’t answer the question. Despite………………………………………………………………………

4. Mrs Fielding is too old to make such a journey: Mrs Fielding is so……………………………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 069 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. Do not ……… the driver while the bus is in motion. A disturb B distract C convert D interrupt 2. ‘There is no of forced entry,’ said Inspector Morse. A mark B attempt C trace D sign 3. Twenty people were arrested during the demonstration, of ……..four were charged with obstruction. A who B whom C which D them 4. I didn’t learn very much ……….. my time at that college. A during B throughout C on D all 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. George gave a … excuse for her wife. SATISFY 2. I think this woman is rather … . INTRUDE 3. The… of his movements surprised us. RAPID 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points Around the 1840s, tomatoes started to be commercialized and sold in markets: (1)…was cut into slices and served on fresh fig leaves. It (2)… recognized that the tomato was packed (3)… of many precious qualities such as vitamins (4)… other substances contained in the seeds, (5) …with a low calorie count and a vast number of culinary uses. The initial technology for preservation (6) … the various forms that we now know was created, (7)… tomatoes to be used throughout the year and in the (8) … 150 years the tomato has become second (9)… to the potato (10) … the most popular vegetable in the world. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points Communication is probably only one of the least appreciated 1_____________ aspects of management, and more and more and organisations are 2_____________ realising that effective communication involves telling staff why all 3_____________ things are happening. This not only helps day-to-day working but 4_____________ allows changes to be introduced more smoothly, and sometimes 5_____________ leads to improvements for being mentioned by staff. 6____________ 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. I am always short of time. I never………………………………………………..

2. I had only just watered the garden when it began to rain. Hardly………………………………………………..

3. I haven’t visited any countries in South America except Venezuela. Venezuela is…………………………………………………..

4. We cannot exchange tickets in any circumstances. Under…………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 070 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. After three weeks the cut on Tom’s hand had still not ……….. . A cured B joined C mended D healed 2. The cliffs on this part of the coast are being ……. by the sea. A worn B eroded C demolished D deteriorated 3. Attendance at the council meeting was very …………….. . A poor B small C slack D limited 4. Anyone ……………ticket has been stolen should contact the airline immediately. A his B their C whose D which 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on the exam sheet. 6 points 1. After three months, our plans have come to… fulfil 2. The man accepted his fate with… resign 3. My friend is so fat because he is so ….. act 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points After becoming famous, Doyle complained that he would (1)… spend his time writing more worthy historical novels. At one (2)… he ‘killed’ Holmes but was forced by public outcry to restore him to life for a (3)… series of adventures.(4)… it is over a century since the (5)… enduring detective of all time first took (6) … residence at 221b Baker Street, which never (7)… existed, his fame lives (8)… and many admirers of his ingenious (9)… of deduction still write to him (10)… that address. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. Both the morale and efficiency of an organisation are depend 1____________ to a great extent on the abilities of its staff to communicate 2_____________ effectively. Communication is not something that should be undertaken 3_____________ only when trouble occurs. It should be a daily habit if the organisation is 4_____________ to run smoothly and avoid difficulties and, of course, it should be both a 5_____________ two-way process, involving listening to as well as be talking. 6_____________ 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before. 4points

1. I won’t agree until Tom’s apologised. Only when…………………………….

2. Please don’t use the shower after midnight. Would you mind…………………………..

3. I agree he’s a good worker but I still don’t think he should get the job. Despite…………………………………………

4. The residents get very angry when bicycles are left in the hallway. The residents all wish bicycles…………………………………

Page 124: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 071 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Sally regretted ……………. the journalist so much. A telling B tell C to tell D told 2. Mrs Archer is known ………… the finest collection of twentieth century art in private hands. A as have B having C by having D to have 3. The police promised him ……….. from prosecution if he co-operated with them fully. A safety B protection C immunity D absolution 4. The judge refused to do what the gangsters asked………… much money they offered him. A however B that C whoever D whose 2. Use the words in capitals to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. They made an … search of the house, but they couldn’t find the missing money. EXHAUST 2. In spite of all her efforts, her story sounded rather… PLAUSIBLE 3. This is a really strange … OCCUR 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points The age of a garden has a great effect on the abundance of its wildlife. Since most animals depend ultimately on plants for their food, animal life cannot easily establish itself (1) … the absence of plant life. A plot of land behind a newly-built house, even (2) … covered with a layer of good soil, will support very (3) … resident species other (4) … microscopic organisms. (5) … from the odd worm or spider, not (6) … creatures will be able to (7) …a living in the garden (8)…this stage. Colonisation takes (9) … gradually. Humans may introduce plants, and weed seeds will arrive on the breeze or be dropped by passing birds. Insects and other animals visit the garden and, given suitable conditions, they take (10) … residence there. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points The oldest exam certificate ever found in Britain is a fascinating 1____________ object. It dates back from almost two thousand years to the era when 2____________ the country was under the Roman rule. This certificate, which is in 3_____________ actually fact two bronze sheets once threaded together, survives in 4_____________ the form of fragments, and the name of the soldier to whom it was 5_____________ been awarded is no longer visible. 6_____________ 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before. 4 points

1. ‘John shouldn’t have behaved so badly,’ said Janet. Janet objected………………………………………..

2. Anna failed to understand how serious her illness was until she spoke to the doctor. Not until …………………………………………..

3. They set off to climb the mountain in spite of the fog. Although ……………………………………………

4. I do like carrots, but I don’t want to eat them every day. Much as…………………………………………….

Page 125: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 072 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Robert had filled the freezer with food, …………… we were very grateful. A for which B to which C on which D about which 2. All the robbers …………….. to ten years in prison. A are sentenced B sentenced C were sentenced D had been sentenced 3. More than thirty people …………. evidence to the court during the four-week trial. . A gave B explained C produced D spoke 4. Adam is thought …………….at sea. A to have been killed B having been killed C to be killed D be killed

2. Use the words in capitals to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. His … as President proved to be beneficial. DESIGNATE 2. What you are saying is only a … possibility. THEORY 3. I admired the wonderful … of the countryside. SCENE

3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. 10 points

Curiosity about the origins and development of human society is a distinctive feature of our species that can be traced back thousands of years. Even (1) … ancient times, people kept collections of antiquities from even (2) … periods. For (3) … of the human past, archaeology is the only (4) … of information, as written records are a comparatively recent invention. Our knowledge of the period stretching back from the present day to the emergence of the first tool-making hominids some 2.5 million years ago (5) … based predominantly on the remains of settlements, burials and artefacts. It is the (6) … of these traces that is the domain of archaeology. From it we (7) … of the gradual but (8) … mastery of the environment, beginning (9) …the first tools, the building of shelters and the knowledge of fire — early (10) … along a path of successive innovations.

4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points

However, enough of a text can be read out to reveal what 1____________ the unnamed soldier had done in the form of academic work. 2____________ Over twenty-five years he attended to a number of lessons 3_____________ while serving in a Roman legion. These twenty-five-year diplomas 4_____________ were very valuable, such as they were proof not only of academic 5_____________ skills but also of citizenship. Anyone who in possession of a certificate 6_____________ like this would be able to claim a range of rights and privileges.

5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. These are problems which can only be solved politically. These are problems to which………………………………………………

2. People say that animals are mistreated in that circus, but I didn’t see this. I didn’t see…………………………………………………………………….

3. If you practise regularly you will become more skilful. Without…………………………………………………………………….

4. Peter’s advice to me was to sell the shares immediately. Peter suggested…………………………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 073 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. The lawyer claimed that the tests had been carried out by experienced scientists but this is not necessarily…………………… A so B the way C thus D the method 2. ………………. what he says, observe what he does. A Although B In contrast C Contrary D Never mind 3. It was decided that ……………. the following Thursday. A we met B we would meet C our meeting D we will meet 4. He ………………. his life to the skill of the surgeons. A owes B keeps C preserves D maintains 2. Use the words in capitals to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Susan’s paintings are on at our school… EXHIBIT 2. The treatment for the prisoners was… HUMAN 3. All we know is that the man led an uneventful… EXIST 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. 10 points Pottery and metallurgy (1) … led to the advanced technologies of the present day. From archaeology, we also learn of the change: (2) … hunting and gathering food to keeping animals and planting crops and (3) … the increasing social complexity which accompanied these developments, eventually (4) … to the formation of states and empires. The archaeological record of (5) … recent events is enriched (6) … the survival of lavishly furnished tombs, temples and palaces which are (7) … the greatest human cultural and artistic achievements. (8) …archaeology is not only (9) … study of the grandiose and spectacular, but also provides evidence of the everyday circumstances of (10) …people. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points Sometimes, important the diplomas were bought and sold 1_____________ illegally on what it would, in our age, be called the black market. 2_____________ While the system could be abused in this way, it is although still a 3______________ tribute to the efficiency of the Roman Empire that efforts were made 4______________ to educate up common soldiers — and it also reminds us that 5______________ studying to pass exams is not a new by any means. 6_____________ 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. I am sure the exchange rate will not change. In my opinion there…………………………………………..

2. We can attend the seminar provided we get the manager’s approval. The manager’s………………………………………………………….

3. It sounds very much like a song I heard twenty years ago. It reminds…………………………………………………………

4. Sarah thought the traffic warden was a policeman. Sarah mistook…………………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Page 128: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 074 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. ……………….. we understand his reasons, we cannot condone his behaviour. A Even if B Only if C What if D As if 2. Sonia has only her own greed …………… for what happened. A blame B to blame C to be blame D blamed 3. If you hadn’t seen the policeman, what …………..? A you would have done B would you do C did you do D would you have done 4. George threatened his neighbour with an axe,………… he received a six month prison sentence. A which B that C so that D for which 2. Use the words in capitals to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. On seeing the tiger, she gave an … cry. VOLUNTARY 2. His success is … due to her colleagues’ help. LARGE 3. As the fog …, we couldn’t continue our journey. THICK 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. 10 points Aggression has long been a natural feature of human behaviour, perhaps ever since the emergence of the earliest hominids. However, (1) … is no (2)… for organised group conflict before about 12,000 years ago. The development of (3)… conflict was closely linked to changes (4)… economy and society (5)…, probably, (6)… more serious after the adoption of agriculture. Larger populations(7)… greater pressure on land and resources, and thus increased tension (8)… neighbours. Settled farmers also had food stores, herd animals and standing crops (9)… steal. The stresses, associated with the emergence of more hierarchical societies (10)… over by chiefs and kings probably had an important role in inter-group conflicts. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points A recent survey of families in Britain has established not only that 1_____________ the birth rate is declining steadily but also that families they are 2_____________ getting smaller. More people are limiting themselves down to one 3_____________ child than was the same case just a generation ago. It is not entirely 4_____________ clear what has made this change to come about. There is, though, 5_____________ some evidence to suggest that more women are unwilling to take 6_____________ more than a year or so off work, particularly those with successful careers. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. He threatened the officers with violence. He made………………………………………

2. All the children will receive a prize, whatever their score in the competition. No matter…………………………………………

3. Except for the inspector, everyone was in uniform. The inspector was the……………………………………..

4. Because of his conviction for fraud, the trainer lost his licence. His conviction for fraud…………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Page 130: Engleza Bilingv - Subiectul II - Variante 001-100 - An 2008

Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 075 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points 1. Don’t tell me you’ve read War and Peace……….! A yet B still C already D just 2. Janet had ……… saved the manuscript of his best friend novel from the burning house. A lastly B at last C lately D at least 3. Mr Nixon refused to answer the questions on the ……… that the matter was confidential. A reasons B excuses C grounds D foundations 4. The lawyer insisted that his client ……… never have been arrested in the first place. A should B must C ought D would 2. Use the words in bold to form one word that fits in the text. Write the new word on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. She didn’t like his proposal and showed her ……… APPROVE 2. Calm is always desirable for the ……… of peace. MAINTAIN 3. Sometimes, it is ……… to tell the truth! WISE 3. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. 10 points The stresses, associated with the emergence of more hierarchical societies ruled over by kings and important leaders (1)… have had an important (2)… in the growth of inter-group conflicts. As human communities became organised into larger units (3)… warfare they waged became (4)… more lethal. States had greater resources (5)… for aggression, defence and the development of new weapons. The written records of ancient societies tell (6)… full-time specialists employed by the state to produce armour and weaponry, and expensively-equipped elite forces (7)… into being. Sometimes the (8)… social and economic order was moulded around the (9)… of warfare. The feudal system of medieval Europe, for example, had as (10)… of its principal objectives, the maintenance of a force of armoured knights. 4. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Put a tick to the numbers indicating a correct line and find the incorrect word and then write it next to the numbers indicating the incorrect line. 6 points In an addition, a significant number of women prefer to 1______________ delay having children until they feel secure in the professions they 2______________ have chosen. This may then mean they have been left it too late to 3______________ have more than one child. Whatever are the reasons, the tendency to 4______________ have smaller families is evident all throughout the country. Ann 5_______________ Winters, a lecturer in demographics at Winchester University, 6_______________ feels the government should make it easier for mothers. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. There has never been a time when the English language was not in a state of change. At no time…………………………………………………..

2. Bill found a new job very quickly. It didn’t………………………………………………………

3. You’ll have to spend at least £500 to get that sort of camera. You won’t……………………………………………………

4. Only the managing director and the chief chemist know the details. Knowledge…………………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 076 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. In the sale, I paid $10 instead of $25 for a new pair of ski boots, it was an absolute……. A. reduction B. discount C. opportunity D. bargain

2. The announcement about job losses has …… consequences for the firm. A. hard-hitting B. never-ending C. far-reaching D. wide-ranging

3. How much for this leather jacket? I can’t seem to find the …… anywhere. A. price B. fee C. cost D. payment

4. Little businesses usually treat their regular …… better than large shops. A. patients B. clients C. customers D. shoppers

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. All her attempts to make him change his mind were proven quite …… in the end.

EFFECT 2. The President appeared on TV in a (n) …… attempt to regain his popularity before the

elections, but to no avail. FRUIT 3. 10 per cent of British people have taken out …… of a gym. MEMBER

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points

Various people have come .... ... (1) with surprisingly similar folk explanations …… (2) belemnites, unusual bullet – shaped fossils found …… (3) the world; ……(4) pre-Christian Polish villagers and Maori tribesmen believed …… (5) to be solidified forms …… (6) lightning bolts. Belemnites are …… (7) fact…… (8) fossilized inner shells of Belemnoida, …… (9) extinct order of cephalopod. Modern cephalopod relatives of the extinct Belemnoida …… (10) the chambered nautilus, the squid and the octopus.

4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. As he slow seated himself, he looked at the lady. She fixed her eyes 2. upon the this little teapot. Mr. Bumble coughed again, and slightly smiled. 3. Mrs. Corney rose up to get another cup and saucer from the closet. 4. As she sat down, her eyes once again encountered these of the 5. gallant beadle; she coloured, and applied herself to the task of she making 6. his tea. Again Mr. Bumble coughed—louder this time than he had has coughed yet. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. The headmaster has requested that I should speak to you on his behalf. The headmaster wishes ……………………………………………………. 2. “What were you doing there alone last night?” Peter asked her. Peter asked her what………………………………………………………… 3. You will still have to pay for the reception even if the wedding won’t take place. Whether……………………………………………………………………….. 4. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like him very much, he’s the best match you’ll ever get. However …………………………………………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 077 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Don’t be such a …… blanket – come and join us! A. rolling B. nosy C. stuffed D. wet

2. When she suddenly …… up the subject of the inheritance, there was an embarrassing silence. A. took B. showed C. brought D. came

3. What …… of washing-up liquid do you normally buy? A. marker B. make C. brand D. label

4. Children! It’s time you …… away those toys! A. tidy B. tidied C. to tidy D. should tidy

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. His parents were firm believers in discipline and he had a very strict … BRING 2. The book attempts to pay yet another …… to the great musical achievements of one of the

greatest musicians of our times. TRIBE 3. The leader of the minority group made a forceful address to the majority, in the hope of

achieving a peaceful …… between the two. EXIST 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Most art in ……(1) 1960s criticized the government and politics ……(2) the time, but Andy Warhol targeted celebrities as ……(3) as consumer culture. Warhol’s 1962 ‘Marilyn Diptych’ reproduced the image of Marilyn Monroe ……(4) an unflattering silk-screen printing method. Certainly, this was not a pleasant ……(5) for fans of Monroe. Her face ……(6) occasionally smudged and faded, cheapened ……(7) repetition. Interestingly, Warhol took the ……(8) same features ……(9) made Marilyn so attractive – her blond hair, her pouty lips – and ……(10) them seem unattractive. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Hugh Grant made millions of dollars last night from his six-years love 2. affair with a screen goddess had called Liz. 3. The star of Notting Hill had been a long relationship with the actress Liz 4. Hurley, but the money came back instead from his obsession with film legend 5. Elizabeth Taylor. Grant would sold Andy Warhol’s 1963 Pop portrait of Taylor at 6. Christie’s in the New York for $21 million, a record for the Liz series. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. We cannot deny that serious errors of judgement have been perpetrated in the system. There is ………………………………………………………………………. 2. It is vital that people see that the government is taking steps to re-establish the calm. The government………………………………………………………………. 3. “I’m in a bit of a hurry, but I’ll ring you tomorrow”, he said. He said that …………………………………………………………………. 4. The teacher told me at least three times how to carry out the experiment, and I still didn’t understand! Not even after…………………………………………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 078 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Thomas Mann’s Dr. Faustus is a long, complex, …… rewarding novel to read. A. yet B. since C. while D. however

2. It is astonishing that so many young people complete their education …… learning to read properly. A. unless B. apart from C. except D. without

3. In our local street market, there’s a …… which sells delicious hot potatoes. A. counter B. stall C. table D. store

4. If you buy clothes from a mail-order company, you choose what you want from a ……. A. prospectus B. brochure C. directory D. catalogue

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. Although it doesn’t rain much, the local tap water is quite …… DRINK 2. The road is being …… to cope with increased traffic. WIDE 3. ……of the club is open to all who live in the village. MEMBER

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Edward Hubble theorized that the Universe …… (1) created with The Big Bang and ……(2) continue to expand forever, ……(3) many scientists suspect the universe will ……(4) day reverse ……(5) – and contract. They call this The Big Crunch. The …… (6) of an eventually contracting universe depends ……(7) a little number called omega, which represents the ratio of the universe’s density to its critical density. …… (8) scientist Gregory Norman ……(9) it: ‘Destiny hangs ……(10) a digit.’ 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Liz is a unique painting from a group of the 2. 13 colourful portraits were produced by the pop artist in 3. tribute to Taylor at the height of her obvious silver-screen fame. 4. The image will shows the actress against a turquoise background that 5. sets off her scarlet lips and violet eyes. Nevertheless using the technique 6. of screenprinting, Warhol that embellished her eyes, skin and make-up with paint applied by hand. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. People say that Picasso was a genius. Picasso is ……………………………………………………………………………. 2. The US have been reviewing their immigration policy for some time. The US’s…………………………………………………. 3. John should make an effort to get out and about more. It’s high time ……………………………………….. 4. He left school and immediately got a job at the hospital. No sooner………………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 079 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. You can pay for your new computer in monthly …… if you wish. A. doses B. parts C. installments D. cheques

2. They didn’t win the holiday but were given a T-shirt each as a …… prize. A. consolation B. compassion C. condolence D. compensation

3. I wanted to buy a small radio so I went to a shop which sells electrical ……. A. produce B. goods C. purchases D. exports

4. I think we need to talk this …… before you make a decision. A. back B. in C. up D. over

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. The bad weather will move …… during the day. EAST 2. Add a …… of sugar if you have a sweet tooth. SPOON 3. He gave up work at 55 and led an active ……. RETIRE

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam

sheet. 10 points

Many people report that they watch ……(1) television than they ……(2) like. It was not ……(3) recently, however, that scientists began to regard television ……(4) a potentially addictive habit. In a ……(5) of studies, researchers found that heavy television viewing, defined ……(6) three or more hours of television each day, had disastruous effects …… (7) the subjects` physical and psychological states. The subjects displayed increased rates of chronic physical ailments and reported …… (8) considerably more anxious and depressed …… (9) people who watch television …… (10) rarely. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. K Anders Ericsson, psychology professor at Florida State University which 2. has investigated feats of phenomenal mentally performance, says that 3. traditionally the skills of mental calculators emerged because under stressful 4. conditions. 'There is being a history of mental calculators dating back to the 1800s 5. which founded that lots of the early calculators were shepherds. They 6. developed these skills for controlling their fear of being alone.’ 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. It seems as if there is a slight deterioration in his mental condition. His mental condition………………………………………………… 2. He got home late. Then he realized he’d left his keys at work. Only after ……………………………………………………… 3. This hotel is comfortable, but it lacks the smugness of home. Comfortable……………………………………………………. 4. Nobody has slept in this bed for centuries. This bed…………………………………………………………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 080 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Stop acting so superior and looking…… everybody else. A. evil to B. down to C. up to D. down on

2. …… to the negative reports one often reads in the press, the standards of education are improving all the time. A. Opposed B. Adverse C. Contrary D. According

3. When I noticed the …… stare he was giving me, I realized he hadn’t understood a word I was saying.

A. blank B. void C. empty D. open 4. Her allergy to fish is so severe that the …… sight of it makes her feel sick.

A. simple B. plain C. easy D. mere

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. After working for the government for 25 years he ended his career as an obscure …… in a firm. COUNT

2. The group of wandering actors gave a wonderful …… in the main square of the town. PERFORM

3. If he had listened to me he wouldn’t be in a(n) …… position at work now. CRITIC

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points While Pythagoras is …… (1) known in modern times for the formula …… (2) to determine the third side of any right triangle, …… (3) true breadth of his accomplishments extends far …… (4) the realm of mathematics. …… (5) many people today know that …… (6) was Pythagoras who first used the …… (7) philosophy? Indeed, …… (8) numerous and important are Pythagoras’ ideas and accomplishments that without him, Classical Greek thought, …… (9) all its recognized influence, might …… (10) developed differently. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Like a child he was not top of the class: ‘I was always 2. being an autodidact. I didn't always believe what the teachers told 3. us so I would look in books to check.' His first love were not maths but 4. language - therefore it was like a code to be cracked. He smiles angelically as 5. he remembers how much he used loving declining the most difficult 6. French verbs in the imperfect subjunctive. 'I even been tried to create a new language.’ 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. Insiders believe that he resigned because he was blackmailed. He is ……………………………………………………………. 2. The two factions of the government were deeply divided. There was…………………………………………………….. 3. This is Mary’s first solo piano appearance in public. This is the first time…………………………………………. 4. Provided that you leave a forwarding address, we will be able to contact you. Unless…………………………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 081 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. I’m afraid that these bad reports of your son’s school work are …… too true. A. some B. each C. all D. every

2. The writer …… a talk to a group of engineers-to-be. A. made B. gave C. had D. led

3. Let’s not decide where the next ball will take place – we’ll just play it by …… and see what is going on at the time.

A. lip B. ear C. eye D. hand 4. I was worried about her integration in the new office, but she took to it like a …… to water.

A. swan B. fish C. duck D. raindrop

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. She wouldn’t hear of marrying him because of his awful job; he was a(n)……. TAKE 2. Don’t say anything about the wallpaper; I know it’s pink but I only wanted to …… the room

a bit. LIVE 3. It was on such short notice that the only thing she could do was to …… up a bit, take her

coat and leave the house. FRESH 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Schizophrenia is one of the …… (1) widely misunderstood terms in medical discourse. Popularly characterized …… (2) multiple identities, schizophrenia actually describes …… (3) disorder indicated by …… (4) symptoms as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech …… (5) flat affect. …… (6) many incorrectly term schizophrenia is the…… (7) called dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative identity disorder is …… (8) by the presence of two or …… (9) distinct identities or personality states that recurrently …… (10) control of the individual’s behaviour. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. At the age of nine he was given a calculator. 'I could have 2. see it had all these extra buttons pushing - for the square root and so 3. on. I worked everything off by doing tests on it myself. I started to 4. understand the properties of the numbers. That was the start. I wanted to know 5. how did the calculator work out where the roots came from. They don't teach that at 6. school, do they?' At age of 11, he started giving his performances. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. I’m trying to eat fewer sweets. I’m trying to cut………………… 2. Basically, a couple’s happiness depends on their ability to communicate. Basically, the more……………………………….. 3. She not only worked longer hours than her father, but she also earned considerably more. Not only……………………………………………… 4. Mary didn’t like the Chinese food I offered her, and Paul didn’t either. Neither………………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

Proba scrisă la Limba engleză

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 082 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. He lost all his money in a speculative business venture and was …… to beggary. A. demeaned B. compelled C. reduced D. converted

2. After the scandal in which the umpire was involved, the result of the match was declared null and ……

A. void B. over C. cancelled D. barred 3. In the UK, people …… up to four hours per day watching television.

A. pass B. take C. sit D. spend 4. Most of us rely …… TV as a source of information about the world.

A. at B. on C. in D. to 2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. The increasing …….of the Internet surfing is a reality nowadays. POPULAR 2. My mother …… of my friends, she thinks they make me waste time. APPROVE 3. That he won’t come on time is a ……; punctuality has never been his forte. CERTAIN

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Rivalries …… (1) ancient Celtic clans …… (2) repeatedly arisen throughout the history of the British Isles. When the Scots, attempting to establish a viable economic foundation …… (3) national endeavours, opened …… (4) unprecedented Company of Scotland in 1695 …… (5) London investors, English merchants were threatened. Prominent British companies, such as the East Indian Company argued that their …… (6) interests were jeopardised and that, in …… (7), their very rights were …… (8) violated. English support for the company quickly dried …… (9), causing …… (10) demise. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. We meet on a warm but misty winter day at the station cafe at Reims, an 2. hour east of Paris, where Lemaire is writing a PhD theses on artificial intelligence. 3. He moves his hands nervously and takes a while to make the eye-contact. From his 4. pallid complexion, he looks as someone who doesn't get out much. He never drinks 5. alcohol or coffee. 'To combat stress I’m drinking water,' he says. 'I eat at the 6. university canteen. I watch what I eat because it's important for brain. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. If they hadn’t warned us, we’d have made the same mistake. If it……………………………………………………………. 2. We very much regret the relocation, although there was no alternative. Much………………………………………………………….. 3. You won’t find a better health service than this. Nowhere………………………………………………………… 4. In the event of your failing the driving test, would you take it again? Supposing……………………………………………………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 083 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. We like our students to participate …… in the school’s extra-curricular activities. A. actively B. basically C. comprehensively D. dynamically

2. When I was young, everyone in the family …… gather together at home for Christmas. A. were used to B. used C. would D. use

3. The latest crisis was brought …… by the Prime Minister’s hasty declarations. A. over B. in C. down D. about

4. I suppose I’ve always liked classical music because I grew ……composers like Mozart and Strauss.

A. up to B. in with C. on at D. up on 2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. She won him over immediately with her large blue eyes and her …… smile. CHILD

2. After all the unfortunate investments he had made, there was nothing for him to do but file for …… BANK

3. Due to their substandard training, not even one of the …… of today have been short listed. INTERVIEW

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points …… (1) Hippocrates …… (2) already identified scurvy, a disease we know now to be …… (3) by vitamin C deficiency, in the fifth century B.C., its simple cure was not ……(4) until 1747, when James Lind conducted his famous …… (5) on board of the Salisbury. Lind treated twelve sick sailors by adding various substances …… (6) their diets. Two lucky sailors were …… (7) oranges and lemons and were cured after …… (8) six days, ……(9) the others continued to suffer …… (10) the supposedly curative agents administered to them. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. There are plenty of boys at the bottom of the so social heap who 2. they know that no girl worth having will take them on, just as there 3. are many nervous husbands in the middle of classes who feel they 4. may soon prove extra to their wives’ their requirements. Highflying hedge-fund 5. queens or sensible girls from sink estates: plenty of women are plenty 6. smart enough to work things out that in some circumstances a man is a liability. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. Haven’t you got a better solution to this problem? Is………………………………………………….. 2. He can’t be a policeman, I’ve never seen him wearing a uniform. If he………………………………………………….. 3. I’ll finish doing the living room, then I’ll start lunch. Once……………………………………………….. 4. We can say that the computer industry is the money spinner these days. The computer industry…………………………………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 084 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Gorbachev was the last leader of the …… Soviet Union. A. previous B. earlier C. anterior D. former

2. I loved your birthday cake, can I have the ……? A. bill B. receipt C. recipe D. prescription

3. If a politician …… a fool of himself on TV, his career is over. A. makes B. looks C. behaves D. does

4. The armchair ……as I sat on it. A. crashed B. moaned C. creaked D. smashed

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. Our new range of cars will surely …… the products of all our competitors. CLASS

2. He is still lazy and does nothing, but at least he speaks politely to me, which is a (n)……. IMPROVE

3. I can assure you she won’t win me over with her small favours and her …… words. HONEY

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Student riots …… (1) not specific to our century. In the sixteenth century, following the Reformation, students burned books as a …… (2) of their liberation ……(3) old systems of power. They were particularly enthusiastic …… (4) igniting the works of John Duns Scotus, the pride …… (5) the Franciscans. Scotus’ writing was dry, dense and pedantic; this was probably sufficient reason for the students to destroy his works. …… (6) they had read his books, …… (7), they would have found a thinker …… (8) revolutionary as themselves. Scotus chafed …… (9) the new current theological trend toward exploring all things through logic and argued …… (10) a place for miracles and God’s ineffable will. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Men and boys have come to the understand that they are increasingly seen as 2. hairy, smelly, lazy, disruptive, violent and generally extremely rather a bad thing. 3. Women regularly blame their difficulties on men and expect them to make up 4. reparation. They increasingly tolerate men only if did they take on domestic 5. chores and any childcare. Meanwhile, women are beginning to feel truly 6. rather independent of men, at least financially. It is hardly surprising that men increasingly feel dispensable. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. His visit to the principal’s office yesterday turned out to be completely unnecessary. He…………………………………………………………… 2. They say that Napoleon died from asbestos poisoning. Napoleon………………………………………………. 3. I wasn’t at home yesterday so you must have spoken to my brother. I wasn’t at home yesterday so it must……………………………. 4. If you hadn’t been speeding the police wouldn’t have stopped you. You must……………………………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 085 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. That’s why it’s very important …… the programme makers show us. A. that B. why C. if D. what

2. …… from the occasional late night party, our neighbours are very quiet. A. Apart B. But C. Except D. As

3. No sooner had the refugees been evacuated from the town …… the shelling started again. A. when B. then C. than D. as

4. If you’ve had an upset stomach, it’s better to stick to …… foods like milk, eggs and potatoes.

A. mild B. insipid C. tasteless D. bland 2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. It is …… believed that long walks are beneficial for your health. COMMON 2. Let me give you a word of …… - never trust anyone when you start a joined venture.

WISE 3. Nowadays, all long distance travel has become almost …… the business of airlines.


3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Of the …… (1) actions for …… (2) Cromwell is remembered, his execution of King Charles I is surely the foremost. For the …… (3) time in recorded history, the people of England openly rebelled …… (4) a king, tried him in a court of citizens, and duly executed him …… (5) treason. It is certainly possible that, …… (6) a man …… (7) forceful as Cromwell to lead the …… (8), the people of England …… (9) have hesitated at the first step. This one act, carried …… (10) by Cromwell, forever changed the ways in which the people viewed the monarchy and vice versa. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Were the directors not put off by the boarding-school is setting of the story – 2. or, rather, with the class-ridden baggage the words “boarding school” trail off in their 3. wake today? “In the old movies, the school has had a kind of classlessness,” 4. says Thompson. “We’ve adopted that. You’re not for one moment thinking 5. under the impression that it’s posh, and when did you meet the girls, 6. they adversely come from a variety of backgrounds. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. We are sorry to say that your job application has not been successful. We regret…………………………………………………….. 2. They are fitting the new furniture tomorrow. We’re…………………………………………………………… 3. My students are not allowed to speak during her lectures. I won’t have…………………………………………………….. 4. We would have had a nice party if she hadn’t drunk so heavily. It was her…………………………………………………………

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 086 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. He went to the reunion to find out …… his high school sweetheart looked like after all these years.

A. how B. what C. whether D. which 2. On the news there was some dramatic …… of the earthquake that had been captured by an amateur cameraman.

A. shooting B. clipping C. scenery D. footage 3. My friend Peter, who works as a vet in Sussex, …… a busy life.

A. leads B. keeps C. passes D. follows 4. It took the panel of judges a long time to agree …… which book should win the prize.

A. to B. by C. on D. with 2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. My cousin is a very …… person and seems to get everything in life by her own forces. AUTONOMY

2. I’m sorry, but for this particular job we require a person with more ……. EXPERT 3. Scientists have reported a …… growth in the factors leading to the destruction of the ozone


3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points

Captain Cook? Although …… (1) people know …… (2) of his voyages, considered …… (3) they comprise a grand adventure. On his initial voyage, in 1768, Captain Cook circumnavigated New Zealand and …… (4) discovered the Great Coral Reef. On his second voyage, …… (5) encompassed over 70,000 miles, he sailed all the …… (6) to Antarctica. On his final journey, in search of the Northwest Passage, he discovered Hawaii, charted much of the coast …… (7) Oregon to Alaska and sailed close to the North Pole. His efforts ……(8) more information to the map of the world …… (9) anyone else …… (10) contributed in a very long time. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Gemma Arterton, 21, who she plays the head girl, Kelly, agreed: “The film 2. is partly a detailed look at teenage tribes – you get away a good sense of British 3. teenage culture.” They were all running the chatting and giggling, huddled against 4. the rain, and for one very mad moment it felt as if I was at an actual school. “It does 5. to feel like that, because you’re working with people your age,” said Arterton. “It’s 6. lovely, cosy; between takes we’re lazying on the dorm beds, are talking about boys.” 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points 1. Unexpected turns of fortune have often proved great military genies wrong. Great military genies……………………………………………………. 2. I’ve no idea why she’s crying. I just smiled at her. I’ve no idea why she’s crying. All………………………………………… 3. Marty should have let us know that he was leaving the country. I wish……………………………………………………………………….. 4. The minister’s declarations led to the setting up of a public enquiry. As a………………………………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 087 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. I asked the assistant for a bottle of olive oil, but she said they were……. A. in stock B. out of stock C. on sale D. for sale

2. The assistant said that she couldn’t give me a refund without a ……. A. receipt B. recipe C. prescription D. ticket

3. I do wish my daughter would be more …… to her old grandmother. A. dominant B. careful C. alert D. respectful

4. The woman gave a series of …… answers which told the police nothing more. A. tricky B. evasive C. uncertain D. elusive

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. The way he talked and behaved was a clear sign of his ...... SANE 2. The …… of his argument proved once more that he wasn’t serious in his endeavour.

UNSOUND 3. Don’t you ever listen to him again; his last phone call was but a …… attempt to win your

heart again. PITY

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Since 1970, national parks ... ... (1) had to double …… (2) number of signs ……(3) their trails and campgrounds warning visitors …… (4) falling rocks, …… (5) animals and steep cliffs. It’s obvious …… (6) the new signs …… (7) intended to protect the parks …… (8) unnecessary litigation. In 1972, the National Parks Service in Yellowstone was forced to pay …… (9) than $ 87, 000 ……(10) the parents of a bear victim.

4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. The matron looked, from the little kettle, to the beadle, who it was 2. moving towards the door; and as the beadle coughed, preparatory for 3. to bidding her good-night, bashfully inquired if whether—whether 4. he wouldn’t have take a cup of tea? 5. Mr. Bumble instantaneously turned back his collar over again; laid his hat and 6. stick upon a chair; and would drew another chair up to the table. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it: 4 points 1. Who was the previous owner of this house? Whom did ……………………………………… 2. The business will never make money, even if you invest a fortune in it. However…………………………………………………………………. 3. The doors were locked so that students would not leave school before the end of the classes. To prevent …………………………………………………………………… 4. The victims’ names were withheld until relatives had been informed. Only after ………………………………………………………….

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 088 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. News of the conflict …… to a dramatic fall on the stock exchange. A. led B. based C. incited D. prompted

2. It’s the fourth time in a …… that the trip had to be postponed. A. line B. row C. file D. succession

3. The …… formed group will first perform two concerts in Paris. A. newly B. lately C. ultimately D. latterly

4. The President’s press …… is now so large it needs its own plane. A. body B. corps C. gang D. media

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. People who believe that I’m ruined and that my career is over are sadly …….MISTAKE 2. The damage done by long-term smoking is still difficult to ……. VALUE 3. The company is not responsible for any …… delays due to bad weather. EXPECT

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Remarkably, Shakespeare’s texts contain such a …… (1) degree of perfection and artistry that they can be used to …… (2) understand almost any other text. Much …… (3) the legend on a map, the simplicity of Shakespeare’s language serves as a guide …… (4) the examination of texts. When we read Shakespeare, we see …… (5) language is capable of, and see more clearly the reasoning …… (6) the creation and use of words, syntax, grammar and metaphor in all …… (7) plays. Something …… (8) final as Shakespeare’s iambic pentameter …… (9) be usefully applied to the abstractions of Becket and even to English translations of a …… (10) such as Molière. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Parker and Thompson visited a series of real schools – they state and private – 2. while researching about the film. “What’s interesting,” says Parker, “is that when 3. you talk to the always various girls, they’re obviously different for the first couple of 4. minutes – some are clearly posh, some less so. But at the moment they began talking 5. madly about the delineation of the various groups in their particular schools – the 6. emos, the chavs, whatever –the girls’ attitude to the life was broadly similar. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. Her smoking is one thing that she does not intend to give up. She has……………………………………………………….. 2. The students’ reaction was so strong that the Dean had to review his declaration. Such…………………………………………………………….. 3. He hadn’t ever stayed in such an elegant hotel before. Never………………………………………………………………. 4. It is thought that he was having an affair at the time of his wife’s death. He is…………………………………………………………………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 089 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Somebody …… the same issue at our last meeting. A. lifted B. roused C. elevated D. raised

2. He has lost …… of the number of times he had to work all hours. A. memory B. count C. score D. patience

3. The findings of the report marked the …… of the end for the enterprise. A. starting B. commencing C. beginning D. dawning

4. A spokeswoman expressed disappointment ……the level of response to the appeal. A. for B. at C. upon D. inside

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. What really struck me was the hollow smile and the …… in her eyes. SAD 2. Earthquakes are unfortunately much more …… than we like to believe. PREDICTABLE 3. Whenever assigning your personnel a difficult task make sure they are …… motivated to

fulfill it. SUFFICE

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points The history of the lemon dates …… (1) centuries …… (2) the advent of written language, and therefore, …… (3) is known about the fruit’s genesis. Evidence points …… (4) the cultivation of lemons in Palestine as …… (5) as the first century A.D. The fruit …… (6) not find mass appeal, however, because the prohibitive cost of growing and transporting lemons enabled …… (7) the most privileged to taste their tart nectar. …… (8) was not until the late Middle Ages …… (9) lemons found their way …… (10) the recipes of Europe. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. The findings, from David Jesson, of the University of York, must indicate that a 2. significant number of parents are “buying” their own way into grammar schools 3. by the paying for their children to be coached for grammar school entrance exams, 4. either by private tutors or at private prep for schools. Professor Jesson said 5. so that the findings suggested that grammar schools were doing little to alleviate 6. the social and economic divisions in the society they were being intended to serve. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. 4 points

1. Caroline was shocked when she heard the news of her father’s heart attack. It came ………………………………………………………………….. 2. The board couldn’t reach a decision because of the complexity of the problem. The complexity of the problem prevented …………………………………. 3. ‘Why didn’t I listen to her advice?’ If only …………………………………………………………………… 4. It is essential that no one is told about our plans. You……………………………………………………..

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 090 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. He was no …… to hardships, having grown up in a little farm in the mountains. A. stranger B. outsider C. unknown D. foreign

2. She …… better not say anything to anyone about this. A. would B. did C. ought D. had 3. As a physician , he is in the position to give …… to sick people.

A. suggestion B. warning C. advice D. recommendation 4. Our network is pleased that …… loved the documentary we broadcast on Sunday.

A. onlookers B. watchers C. viewers D. spectators

2. Use the word in bold at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. You should take all the precautions and take into account the …… of something going

wrong. LIKELY 2. The Mayor has indicated his …… of plans to build a new hotel in the old town. APPROVE 3. The old man behaved …… with his young grandchildren. DREADFUL

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Modern English has been influenced over time by English speakers’ contact …… (1) the speakers of a …… (2) of different languages, including French. …… (3) example, as a result of the Norman invasion of England in 1066, …… (4) 10,000 French words have survived in Modern English. The Normans ruled England …… (5) the next 300 years, so many of the modern words concerning government and high society, are of Old French derivation. …… (6) the same time the Normans ruled England, …… (7), the peasants …… (8) spoke English, so many of the modern words for work and …… (9) day living are …… (10) Old English. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. His research also questions the value of the immense personal sacrifices suddenly 2. made by parents for to get their children into grammar schools, as it has 3. indicates that the vast majority of them do little than better than comprehensive 4. schools at helping pupils to progress themselves through their GCSEs. The findings, 5. published even today by the Centre for Market and Public Organisation, are 6. bound to fuel off the debate about the merits of selective education. 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points

1. You can avoid a heart attack by giving up smoking completely. PREVENTED 2. The staff’s reputation was greatly damaged by his outrageous behaviour. HARM 3. The outcome of the war was a deep disappointment to the Germanic warriors. DEEPLY 4. I think cycling is preferable to walking. RATHER

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 091 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. A global market will only come about when trade……have fallen. A. walls B. checks C. blockades D. barriers

2. They complain that nearly all the mass-media are …… against them. A. biased B. unfair C. subjective D. partial

3. The days of the government have clearly been …… ever since the scandal broke. A. counted B. numbered C. figured D. enumerated

4. Before you enter …… any agreement make sure you get legal advice. A. into B. for C. upon D. in

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. They tried to rescue all the goods, but …… half of their belongings were lost in the blaze. FORTUNE

2. Scientists now agree that laughter has a highly …… effect. THERAPY 3. The …… of one or two local politicians has shocked a lot of people. HONEST

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points A legend can endure …… (1) in the collective imagination and can have amazing longevity in …… (2) of repeated attempts to disprove …… (3). The tale of Atlantis is …… (4) a survivor. Though the exact origins of the Atlantis myth …… (5) unknown, the first written references to Atlantis appear in two of Plato’s dialogues, …… (6) the continent appeared on nautical maps well …… (7) the 20th century. Thousands of books have been written speculating …… (8) Atlantis was located. All of this despite a legion of failed efforts to find …… (9) that the land …… (10) existed. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. In the Tibetan School of Budhism, it was never easy to find the successor 2. to a Panchen Lama, the second high religious leader next to the Dalai Lama. 3. The titles are supposedly spiritual bequeathed: when a Panchen or Dalai Lama 4. dyes, his followers scour the country-side in search of the infant in which their 5. master’s soul has reborn. They look for children with odd characteristics or 6. preternatural wisdom and often are armed with clues from the dying lama’s dreams. 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same: 4 points 1. I’m sorry, I thought you were my husband. MISTOOK 2. The accusation that he had pocketed the insurance money was unfounded. WRONGLY 3. The Queen celebrated her Silver Jubilee ten years ago. PLACE 4. Don’t speak so much and you won’t have to go to the Principal’s office so often. SAVE

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 092 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. We …… need someone who can look after the baby while we’re on vacation. A. awfully B. well C. badly D. dearly

2. After getting up at seven every day of the week, we like to …… on Sunday mornings. A. sleep over B. lie in C. stay up D. dream around

3. The first …… on tonight’s phone-in is on line six. A. caller B. speaker C. ringer D. talker

4. Jamie Oliver has become a household ……, known to million of people. A. word B. name C. fame D. star

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. I don’t know how he can like this wine, for my part I find it rather ……. DRINK 2. It gives me great …… to announce that this year’s winner is Ms. Petulia Smith. PLEASE 3. There have been …… occasions when you could have amended your behaviour, but you

never have. COUNT 3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points While San Francisco’s cable cars …… (1) as a world-famous …… (2) attraction, they were conceived for far …… (3) practical purposes. In 1873, Andrew Halldie designed a cable that …… (4) threaded through an underground tunnel on …… (5) continuously running loop; cars attached to …… (6) via a narrow slot in the street. …… (7) localized engine of the cable cars presented …… (8) advantage: unlike noisy steam engines, it …… (9) not score carriage horses, …… (10) formed the majority of street traffic. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. He kept saying the same joke again and again. 2. Could you describe how the driver looks like? 3. I realized how much different everybody’s personality is. 4. It was a twelve hours trip. 5. I tried hardly to remember where I had parked the car. 6. There were hardly no trees left, just bare rocky land. 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points

1. Leave us your address so that any post can be set on to you. FORWARD 2. Could you help me with these suitcases as they’re rather heavy? LEND 3. This interpretation is as valid as that one. EQUALLY 4. I don’t believe she is the mother of two, she looks so young. BE

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 093 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. He couldn’t …… his wife that he was telling the truth. A. admit B. confide C. trust D. convince

2. It was difficult to guess what her …… to the news would be. A. feelings B. reaction C. capital D. opinion

3. In order to buy his house he had to obtain a large …… from his bank. A. loan B. finance C. capital D. debt

4. My passport …… last month, so I will have to get a new one. A. elapsed B. expired C. ended D. terminated

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. You must know that I won’t put up with your anti-social …… any longer. BEHAVE 2. The latest measures the government took in order to reduce unemployment were,

unfortunately, just as …… as the previous ones. EFFECTIVE 3. If you want to be successful when learning, keep away from any …… that may be near you. DISTRACT

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points A new survey has indicated that the …… (1) of infants …… (2) the age of two who watch television or videos is far greater …… (3) previously believed. Research found that typically, …… (4) fifty-five percent of children …… (5) the ages of six months and two years watch television daily, and forty-two percent watch recorded content …… (6) as DVD’s or tapes. The study found that …… (7) was true …… (8) the children spent the …… (9) of their time at home or in a daycare setting, though most were cared …… (10) at home. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. With the few money he had been given, he bought an apple and some cheese. 2. He is feeling that they have made a big mistake. 3. I woke up the next day feeling terribly. 4. In some places you feel like in a jungle. 5. Every major city keeps change and Lisbon is not an exception. 6. You better make sure you’re not late again. 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. I would prefer you not to come by at 6. RATHER 2. I feel that I don’t fit in with the pupils in my new class. FISH 3. Medical authorities claim to have eradicated smallpox. ACCORDING 4. I would like to receive a copy of your latest catalogue. GRATEFUL

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 094 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet: 4 points

1. Our Department is also deeply …… in various improvement schemes. A. connected B. entailed C. involved D. implied

2. His answer was so confusing that I could hardly make any …… of it at all. A. interpretation B. meaning C. intelligibility D. sense

3. The main attraction of the job was that it offered the …… to do research. A. luck B. proposal C. opportunity D. prospect

4. I wish you’d tell me what I …… do in this difficult situation. A. shall B. would C. should D. ought

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. This is a(n) …… tune which has charmed many generations of music lovers. FORGET 2. I have been able to discern a(n) …… change in her behaviour lately. SUBSTANCE 3. According to research, pets tend to resemble their …… as they grow older. OWN

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Today we don’t put a great deal of value …… (1) salt. We get as …… (2) as we want, often …… (3) than we want, really. Salt causes high blood …… (4) and it is associated …… (5) a variety of other health risks. As a …… (6), it is perhaps difficult to understand how important, how vital, salt …… (7) was. Until …… (8) 100 years ago, salt was the only reliable means people had to preserve food. In …… (9), it was commonly used in rituals of preservation …… (10) history. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. It had been one of their better weekends, even though she’d nearly drowned. 2. On Sunday after the so-called hurricane, they had went to the beach and 3. the waves had been carved the beach in half. Everyone was swimming in the 4. backwash and it was warm and deceptive tempting, and Carrie had gotten rolled by 5. a wave and swept off down the beach, panicking but also realizing 6. that her mouth was being open and she was screaming. 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points

1. ‘Have you ever been to America?’ the customs officer asked me. WHETHER 2. He is becoming quite famous as a journalist. NAME 3. I’m sorry I’ve hurt you. APOLOGIZE 4. She regrets not going on that voyage to India. WISHES

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 095 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. When Mark …… to Greece last summer, he couldn’t find a guidebook he liked. A. went B. had gone C. has gone D. going

2. It takes a lot of exercise to keep ……. A. powerful B. fit C. strong D. health 3. The expert was able to tell at once that the painting was …….

A. real B. natural C. true D. genuine 4. Early newspapers were published on very …… money as they were simple pieces of paper.

A. many B. few C. small D. little 2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. The number of …… for teaching positions has fallen sharply lately. APPLY 2. The loss of her husband was a …… experience for Aunt Rosie. TRAUMA 3. The last few years have witnessed a …… increase in the use of cell phones. CONSIDER

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points The Taj Mahal, …… (1) though it is located in Agra, India, is one of the most magnificent example …… (2) Islamic architecture. Shah Jahan, one of the Moslem rulers, built …… (3) in the 12th century as a tribute …… (4) his late wife, and, in …… (5), the style of the building seems to reflect that it was built …… (6) a beloved woman. Overall, the style of the structure gives a striking …… (7) of lightness, …… (8) the heavy stone material. All of these characteristics led …… (9) an almost otherworldly beauty, …… (10) of any queen. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. When they got home from the dinner the weekend the hurricane missed, 2. he said he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t move them forward. He 3. thought they should move on. He started to crying. Not for himself, for her. 4. He’d been rescued her from her lousy life, and now he was throwing her 5. back. He felt like a villain for doing it, for things they having to be that way, for not 6. being able to give her what she wanted. The last thing he wanted was to hurting her. 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. Please don’t use my toothbrush when you sleep over. MIND 2. He just failed to break the world record. SUCCEED 3. There is still an awful lot to do. REMAINS 4. In just over a week it will be Election Day. GO

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 096 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Today there are almost 200 makes of cars ……the market. A. to B. on C. at D. in

2. If Sheila …… a boutique in the High Street, she’ll make lots of money. A. will open B. opens C. opened D. will be opening

3. He took a look at me and decided he had …… take me home. A. better B. further C. sooner D. rather

4. One can only …… access to the upstairs study through the music room. A. obtain B. achieve C. gain D. find

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. Young people often feel that they are ……and treated unfairly. UNDERSTAND

2. The personnel refused to attend any kind of …… outside their normal working hours.TRAIN 3. The thing that annoys the nursing staff more than anything else is the ……attitude of some patients. RESPECT

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Jazz …… (1) a musical genre has existed …… (2) enough to develop many branches. These branches, …… (3) separate, can influence …… (4) other. Recently, a new 90-minute choral work was written …… (5) and performed …… (6) a major jazz orchestra. This large-scale work was based on a recording …… (7) in the 1930s by a noted blues singer and her trio. Jazz has matured …… (8) the days when it was not …… (9) acknowledged as an art …… (10) by serious musicians. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Of course, the impulse to tailor one’s natural proportions it is nothing new. 2. There were four centuries of corsetry, and she girdles in the early 20th century— 3. “even for the young and slim,” pointed out Valerie Steele, often director of the 4. museum at FIT—before we have started letting it all hang out in the 1960’s. 5. After women went to work in earnest, there was the fitness craze to keeping us firm. 6. We internalized [girdles] through diet and will exercise and surgical procedures. 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. She’s too experienced a player to fall into that trap. ENOUGH 2. They will be charged with fraud and tax evasion. FACE 3. She worked as a School Inspector before she was appointed Theatre Manager. PRIOR 4. There’s nobody else here so let’s go home. SEEING

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 097 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. We might sell our business if it …… another loss this year. A. would make B. is making C. makes D. will make

2. If you give in to their pretensions, you will …… a dangerous precedent. A. give B. make C. set D. forge

3. One day, …… unexpectedly, he invited me to a big charity dinner. A. more B. even C. quite D. much

4. I won’t take for granted everything you say, but I agree with you up to …… A. an extent B. a degree C. a limit D. a point

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. She always tried to be …… to the needs of the poor. SYMPATHY 2. This equipment is …… for use in the classroom because of its size. SUIT 3. Carbohydrates, found in things such as sugar and pasta are ……. FAT

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points No philosopher has been more misunderstood or maligned …… (1) Friedrich Nietzsche. But Nietzsche has only himself to …… (2). First …… (3) foremost, Nietzsche was a man …… (4) ideas. His tremendous mind generated a huge number of ideas, and most of them found their …… (5) into his writings in one form or …… (6). But …… (7) it is quite easy to find instances in which Nietzsche mentions certain objectionable or controversial ideas, it is difficult to decide whether the mere appearance of an idea …… (8) that Nietzsche expresses that view. Nietzsche’s writings are a mirror, readers looking at them are more likely to see their …… (9) views and attitudes reflected back…… (10) them. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. Kate S., 27, a slim, attractive event planner who lives between Chinatown, 2. was recently getting dressed for a high-profile party. “I always will 3. wear a black pinstriped suit,” she said. “I give out my womanly rights away 4. to wear stilettos and a low-cut shirt, so I have do anything, you know? Something 5. I knew there would being men around. You don’t want to look like a 6. corporate person; do you want your body to look cute.” 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. Why don’t we hire a car for this week in Paris? ABOUT 2. Given a good start, I’m sure she’ll win. PROVIDED 3. The original plan has been extensively modified. MODIFICATIONS 4. Who else was this information available to? ACCESS

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 098

1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. I wish there …… more leisure facilities in this town. A.are B. will be C. were D. have been

2. Cameras were …… and I felt like a real celebrity. A. glowing B. shining C. flashing D. lighting

3. The introduction of Bar coding and electronic scanning has ……major improvements in our stock control. A. come about B. come to C. brought round D. brought about

4. Michael is acknowledged as an authority ……eighteen-century French architecture. A. over B. with C. in D. on

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. As hard as I tried, the document remained …… to me. COMPREHENSIBLE 2. Humans have created …… legends and myths ever since the dawn of humanity. COUNT 3. Listening to music is ……, but I don’t think it’s very creative. ENJOY

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points Emily Dickinson had little contact…… (1) the outside world, …… (2) her poems indicate a deep love and appreciation …… (3) man and nature. She …… (4) never planned to publish her poems; in fact, …… (5) was her sister …… (6) submitted them …… (7) publication. …… (8) a tragedy it would have been for the world to be devoid of such vivid, insightful observations of the world around …… (9). Dickinson wasn’t a scholar and ignored the rules and conventions of poetry in her work, …… (10), the spelling in her work was nearly impeccable. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. The quarrels with her mum were becoming violent, and Flo feared the 2. one of them could take some things too far. All she wanted was 3. for a safe place to live, without the fights and shouting matches. 4. At last with her friends there was vodka and cider or hash to dull the 5. pain of her existence. So upstairs she quietly packed a little 6. belongings, and held away tears as she slipped out of her South London home. 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. It’s your attitude that annoys me. FIND 2. I don’t mind where we spend the night. PREFERENCE 3. Surrealism has influenced modern painting greatly. IMPACT 4. They have discovered some interesting new information. LIGHT

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 099 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Paul made a rash decision, in the ……of the moment. A. heat B. passion C. impulse D. thrill

2. Whenever I stroke a cat, I …… a rash. A. come up with B. come out with C. come out in D. come against

3. The number of visitors to the UK …… last year. A. was decreased B. has been decreased C. decreased D. decrease

4. Princess Diana still is a …… of inspiration for many British people. A. spring B. reason C. origin D. source

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. One of the main reasons for teenage … is the constant conflict with the parents. UNHAPPY 2. The … of teachers is one of the main problems our college is faced with. SHORT 3. Journeys by boat are usually …, and many people find them romantic. AFFORD

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points The short-stories of Ernest Hemingway can best …… (1) understood in context of …… (2) “iceberg theory”, …… (3) contends that an author can …… (4) the majority of a story if he or she is confident that the omission …… (5) strengthen the story. The resulting short story is simply a snapshot of the action …… (6) the bulk of the narrative is …… (7) unwritten (much …… (8) an iceberg, only 10% of which is …… (9) the waterline). For example, in “The End of Something”, the only action is a brief conversation in which a man breaks …… (10) with his girlfriend. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. The mean streets of London there were no place for a young teenager, and 2. Flo drifted away from one friend’s house to the next. Soon she’d 3. have outstayed all her welcomes, and ended up sleeping rough. She says: 4. “It was an awful situation to be in, but I knew I couldn’t go back at 5 to mum. I went to friends' houses, then a playground huts in a local 6. school and the park. It was very awful. I didn’t know what to do.” 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. My impression of her was that she was a highly reliable person. STRUCK 2. She didn’t say a word to me when she left the room. WITHOUT 3. Most people regard her as the best actress in the soap. WIDELY 4. Aunt Eliza found it difficult to accept her husband’s death. TERMS

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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II (30 puncte) Varianta 100 1. Choose the correct form. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 4 points

1. Terry’s father had allowed him to get …… with all kind of bad behaviour at home. A. away B. off C. round D. on

2. Had you come on time, I …… here in the rain like a fool. A. will be waiting B. didn’t wait C. wouldn’t be waiting D. couldn’t wait

3. Instead of feeling ashamed, many young criminals tend to …… about their deeds. A. boast B. support C. justify D. encourage

4. Beatrice is a very …… child and cries easily. A. sensible B. sensitized C. sensual D. sensitive

2. Use the word in bold type at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. She was hurrying to work when she fell on the …… road and broke her arm. SLIP 2. Travelling …… can be more stressful, but at the same time is often more fun. INDEPENDENCE 3. Don’t get me wrong, but I still have my doubts about the …… of his documents. AUTHENTIC

3. Fill in the gaps in each sentence with one word only. Give your answer on your exam sheet. 10 points It is very hard to …… (1) or disprove the existence of the Loch Ness Monster …… (2) of the characteristics of the very loch …… (3) it supposedly inhabits. Loch Ness …… (4) cold, murky waters that yield almost zero visibility. The present incarnation of “Nessie” first …… (5) the modern public’s eye in April …… (6) 1933, shortly …… (7) local hotel owners Mr. And Mrs. John Mackey reportedly spotted, in …… (8) own words, “an enormous animal rolling and plunging”. Suddenly, the Loch Ness monster was plucked …… (9) historical obscurity to …… (10) reborn in the pages of the world news. 4. Each of the following line contains an extra word or grammar mistake. Write the extra word or the correct grammatical form on your exam sheet. 6 points 1. The ‘Elizabeth’ star was being delighted to work with him on ‘Indiana 4’ 2. because she has always had a thing for him. “I was such great a fan of the 3. original Indiana Jones movies. I was completely head over the heels in love 4. with Mr. Ford – and I still am.” She is said: “Harrison is very frank and open 5. and not at all self-conscious. And I think that that's incredibly neither attractive 6. somebody is as attractive like he, but seemingly as unaware as he is of it.” 5. Rephrase each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals and so that the meaning stays the same. 4 points 1. Just pretend to agree with his ludicrous pretences. ALONG 2. Although John studied harder than anyone, he failed the exam. SPITE 3. After he has finished his homework, he went for a walk. HAVING 4. In what way was Charlotte’s evidence important? SIGNIFICANCE