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Engineering the Biosphere, An Unfolding Cataclysm By Dane Wigington ( www. ) What you do not know can hurt you. What if there were a monumental environmental threat That you did not even know was happening? What if you found out about this threat and then it was Realized Affecting your health and That of people you know and love? What if you discovered That this issue had the potential to destroy our crops and trees, the soil they are grown in, our entire water supply, and the biosphere as a whole and That if you did not act, we could never turn back? What if this environmental threat came into use in an insidious way, just as GMO foods have come into our food supply without our knowledge or consent? What if it Appeared to be harmless, but it was not? And what if it were so cleverly woven into our cultures That we did not even see it anymore? What if it were so masterfully stigmatized and wrapped in controversy That if you thought it strange or Concerning, you'd be scorned or ignored? What Major Factor Causing "Climate Change" They Are Not Telling Us About? More alarming articles and studies are surfacing each day That confirm the rapidly changing state of Earth's life support systems and climate. Humanity has decimated the Planet in countless ways and the repercussions are becoming catastrophic. Although there are certainly many parts to this unfolding story, the largest piece of the puzzle by making still goes completely unacknowledged by most of the scientific community and all of the mainstream media / corporate / military / industrial complex. The massive elephant in the room Has Been, National Health Federation Sign up for our Newsletter !! First Name: Your first name Last Name: Your last name Email address: Your email address Sign up Become A Member of NHF !! Find us on Facebook National Health Federation 4,320 people like National Health Federation. Like

Engineering the Biosphere, An Unfolding Cataclysm

Nov 06, 2015



Andrews Groove

Some information in regards to the on going weather manipulation that is being carried out covertly all over the world.
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  • 24/05/2015 EngineeringtheBiosphere,AnUnfoldingCataclysm 1/18

    Engineering the Biosphere, An Unfolding Cataclysm

    ByDaneWigington ( www. )

    Whatyoudonotknowcanhurtyou. WhatiftherewereamonumentalenvironmentalthreatThatyoudidnot

    evenknowwashappening? WhatifyoufoundoutaboutthisthreatandthenitwasRealizedAffectingyour

    healthandThatofpeopleyouknowand love? What if youdiscoveredThat this issuehad thepotential to


    andThatifyoudidnotact,wecouldneverturnback? Whatifthisenvironmentalthreatcameintouseinan

    insidiousway,justasGMOfoodshavecomeintoourfoodsupplywithoutourknowledgeorconsent? Whatif

    itAppearedtobeharmless,butitwasnot? AndwhatifitweresocleverlywovenintoourculturesThatwe

    didnotevenseeitanymore? WhatifitweresomasterfullystigmatizedandwrappedincontroversyThatif




    lifesupportsystemsandclimate. HumanityhasdecimatedthePlanetincountlesswaysandtherepercussions

    arebecomingcatastrophic. Althoughtherearecertainlymanypartstothisunfoldingstory,thelargestpieceof


    themainstreammedia/corporate/military/industrialcomplex. ThemassiveelephantintheroomHasBeen,

    National Health Federation

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  • 24/05/2015 EngineeringtheBiosphere,AnUnfoldingCataclysm 2/18

    and still is, "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" ("SAG"),Also known as "solar radiationmanagement"



    StratosphericaerosolgeoengineeringisaprimarytermfortheongoingglobalclimatemodificationprogramsbeingConductedbymajorpowersaroundtheWorld. "Aerosols"inthisscenario,isatermformicroscopicparticlesThataresuspendedintheair. StatedAprimarygoaloftheprogramsistogeoengineeringProvided for "solar shield" to slow "runawayclimate change"by spraying tensofmillionsoftonsofhighlytoxicheavymetalnanoparticulates(ananometeris1/1,000,000,000ofameter) intotheatmospherefromjetaircraft. Is thesprayingonly forsolar radiationmanagement?Basedonavailabledata,thereareanumberofknownobjectivesincludingbutnotlimitedtoSRM,weather warfare, overthehorizon radar enhancement, controlling food production, and possiblebiological testing. Likely there are many more aspects and agendas related to the atmosphericsprayingThatwecannotyetknow.


    Aluminum / alumina, amongother toxicmetals, is showingup in countless rain tests around theWorld. Theamountofaluminum,barium,andothermetalsInTheserain/snowtestsisalwayshighandOftencompletelyoff thecharts.SnowtestsfromMt.Shasta inNorthernCaliforniaweretoxic

    beyond belief. / i This area of the Pacific Northwest was thought to be in pristinewater source.Dozensof rainsamples taken in this region fromNumerous individualswere testedat theState

    certified lab inNorthernCaliforniaandShowedshockingresultswithoutexception. / iiFormerUSForestServiceBiologist FrancisMangles has confirmed thealarmingheavymetal contamination

    withHisOwntesting./ iiiSnowteststakenfromthesideofMt.ShastaShowedaluminumcontentashighas61,000ppb(partsperbillion). ThislevelofaluminuminthesnowistensofThousandsoftimesanythingThatmightbeConsidered"normalbackground"contamination.

    LevelsthishighcanonlybeConsideredextremelytoxic. SinceThesetoxicmetalsareinthesnowandtherain,theycanonlycomefromtheair. Aluminumin"freeform"doesnotexistnaturallyintheenvironmentbutisalwaysbondedtootherelements. So,whereisitcomingfrom? AluminumistheprimaryelementnamedingeoengineeringNumerouspatents,thesamepatentsThatdescribethisdispersingaluminumfromExpressedjetsforthepurposeofblockingtheSun.SRMisexactlywhatweseeaircraft"trails"inourskiesdoingdayinanddayout,creatingartificialcloudcoverandhaze,Whichblocksdirectsunlight.

    It is important to rememberThat this contamination isnot local, but global in scope. MovementshaveformedincountriesallovertheWorldThatAredesperatelytryingtoaddressthisissuesay.


    Ozone layerdamage is yet another knownConsequenceof geoengineering theatmosphere. / iv

    The "hydrological cycle" of the Planet is anche being completely disrupted by the aerosolgeoengineering saturation of the atmosphere. Fungal proliferation is yet another inevitable crisisWhen the atmosphere is filled with particulates, When soils are contaminated with the falloutgeoengineering, andwhen towaters are pollutedwith the same. Already, countless species are

    feelingtheeffects./vThecurrent"speciesextinctionrate"shouldbeabsolutelyshockingtoall. Atthe present time, the "extinction rate is 10,000 times" natural variability. "This is 1,000,000%of"normalbackgroundrates."

    @TheNHF @USAWatchdog @CNN "Look Up!" save our planet BAN #GeoEngineering @SkyderALERT Ground'em!!

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  • 24/05/2015 EngineeringtheBiosphere,AnUnfoldingCataclysm 3/18

    Although the mainstream media would never discuss this, we are currently in the sixth mass

    extinctiononplanetEarth./ThereIsgeoengineeringresponsibleforallofthis? Ofcoursenot,(therearecountlessformsofanthropogenicdamagetothePlanet) butiftheavailablescienceanddataisConsidered, geoengineering is Likely by far the single mostsignificant causes of environmentaldevastation and climate on the Planet today. Drought, deluge, toxic hazy skies, and totalcontaminationofthebiosphere:Welcometogeoengineering.


    Although rain and snow are falling in areas of NorthAmerica,attimesinadelugeor"blizzard"(Dependingontheseason),thedroughtsinthecontinentalUnitedStates(andmanyotherregionsaroundtheGlobe),are

    rapidlygettingworse./viiTherearenowOftenmassiveareas of drifting cloud cover spanning Thousands ofmiles over land masses and oceans with little or noprecipitation. Why is this? Why are the skies Oftencompletely featureless as These expansive cloud

    banksandupper level "haze"driftacross theGlobe? IfanynaturalcloudscanbeRecognized InThese"driftingmasses,"Oftentheyappear"melted into" theupperstoryofgeoengineeringhaze.Horizontohorizon particulate trails are not the only indication of atmospheric aerosol spraying.Cloudsshouldbe"white"andthesky"blue."Wispy,dingy,cobweblikeupperlevel"clouds"arenotnaturalandareanotherhallmarkofspraying,asare"silverywhite"skies.


    There isamountainofscientificdata toconfirm the realityof "globaldimming."Mosthavenevereven heard the term, much less noticed the effect over recent Decades. Although articles from

    mainstreampublicationsadmittotheglobaldimmingissue,/viiimostunderstatethepercentageofdimmingandtopointthefingerat"pollutionparticulates"asthesuncauses. Countlessjetaircraft,Whichcrisscrossourskiesdailydispersingmillionsoftonsoftoxicmetalandchemicalparticulates,arecompletelyignoredbyallmainstreammediajournalistsandsources.

    To date, mainstream media has done its best to avoid even Mentioning the subject ofgeoengineeringmuchlessadmittingtoTheseongoingprogramsoftotalplanetarydevastation. Theoverallramificationsfromglobaldimmingandgeoengineeringcannotbeaccuratelyquantified. AsMentionedpreviously,thelossofphotosynthesis,destructionoftheozonelayer,globalreductioninrainfall, loss of blue sky, toxification of soils and waters These are only a few of the knownConsequencesoftheglobalatmosphericspraying.


    Whatdoesthisimply? Alreadyasdocumentedabove,saturatingtheatmospherewithparticulatesshredstheprotectivelayersoftheatmosphere,namelytheozonelayer. Particulatesaturationintheupper atmosphere causes a chemical reaction That does the damage. There is now amassiveNorthernhemisphereozoneholeinAdditionstotheSouthernHemisphereholewehaveallheard

    aboutforDecades./ ixStratosphericaerosolgeoengineeringisinalllikelihoodtheprimarycauses

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    oftheglobalozonedepletion,notjust"CFCs"aswehaveBeenTold. Again,thishasAlreadyBeencited above and can be easily researched. Search "geoengineering and ozone destruction /damage."Allavailablesciencemakesthispointclear. Withouttheozonelayer,therewouldbenoterrestriallifeonourPlanet.


    Currentwindpatternchangesinturntriggeroceancurrentchanges. Mostarecompletelyunawareof thewindandoceancurrentchangesoccurringaroundtheGlobe. Evenfewerareawareof theramificationsThatAreAlreadyunfoldingfromThesechanges. OceancurrentchangesareAlready

    deliveringwarmerwaterstoregionswithvastunderseamethanedeposits. /xThesedepositsareknownas"methanehydrate"depositsandliterallyholdlifeonEarthinthebalance. Many regionsaround theGlobearebeginning toexpelmethane fromclathratehydrateanddeposits. TheEastSiberian Shelf of the Arctic is undergoing Already mass methane release. All available dataIndicatesThatthiseventaloneourbiosphereischangingbytheday. Althoughgroupsofscientistssuchas the "ArcticMethaneEmergencyGroup"AMEGarecalling for "emergencywartimescale

    geoengineering to avert planetary catastrophe," / xi geoengineering the very programs they areselling as a treatment areOpinionsmoreLikely tomajor causal factor in triggering themethanecatastrophe in the firstplace. Climateengineeringhas radicallyalteredupper levelwindpatterns.This,inturn,hasalteredoceancurrents. Therearenowenteringintothewarmwatercurrentsandthawing Arctic methane hydrate on the seabed. The fully deployed planetary geoengineeringprogramssonostatialteringglobalweatherpatternsataneverIncreasinglevelforDecades. Again,it is These alterations Likely That have Been Amajor factor in triggering the mass of methanerelease.

    Saturation of the atmosphere withmethane is equivalent to covering the Planet with a sheet ofglass. TheSun'sthermalenergygetsin,butdoesnotgetout. Althoughmostarticlesonmethanereleasemethanewere tobe20 timesOpinionsmorepotentagreenhousegas thanCO2, this isovera100yeartimehorizon. Overatenyeartimehorizon,methaneisatleast100timesOpinionsmorepotent. In Additions to the atmospheric damage Caused by themethane release, there isanche ocean acidification. As the methane migrates from the sea floor to the surface, much isdissolvedintothewater. Oceansarecurrentlyextremelyacidifyingatanalarmingrate. Again, theConsequencesofmethanereleasealoneThreatenstolifeonEarth.


    Adding to the catastrophic ocean acidification is another form of geoengineering called "oceanfertilization." This is the intentional dispersion of iron over the oceans in order to force planktonbloomsandevensequesterThusOpinionsmoreCo2 in theAlreadyacidicseas. Thisprocess isancheaddingtothecompletedecimationofEarth'soceans.



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    Decades. Recently found documents from the NASA archives indicated That Already These

    programshadbudgets intotheHundredsofmillionsofdollarsevenbythemid1960s. /xiiTheseAlreadymassiveclimatealteringprogramswereradicallyrampedupinthelast15years. Althoughmostofusalivetodayhaveperhapslittleknowntruly"natural"weather,whatweareexperiencingtodayisanythingbutnatural. Theclimatenow"swings"radicallyfromoneextremetoanother. Ithasbecome common to have one day Springlike temperatures and snow (artificially nucleated) thenext. These"swings"or"fluctuations"aregettingeverOpinionsmoresevereasthegeoengineerscontinuetoforcetheclimatesystemtopastthebreakingpoint.


    An atmosphere That ismore conductivemetal particulate from saturation can produceOpinionsmore frequent lightning. These same particulates also have the net effect of "diminishing and

    dispersing" rain. Forests around the Globe are now filled with dead and dying trees. / xiii InAdditions,thefoliageoftreesarenowcoveredwithwhatAmountstoan"incendiary"dustfromthegeoengineeringparticulates. Add the shredded ozone layer,WhichCreatesOpinionsmore heat,and the "weathermodified" conditions are evenworse. The obvious result ismore frequent andcatastrophicforestfires. ThisphenomenonisbeingplayedoutaroundtheGlobe. TheSummerof2012sawtheNorthernHemisphereburningdown,nowitisAustraliaandTasmaniainmeltdown./xiv


    Yet another seemingly impossible aspect of global weathermodification is geoengineered snowstorms. Manywillwritethisoneoffasimpossiblewithoutanyinvestigation. Thatisamistake:asthescience of chemical ice nucleation is very established and commonlyPracticed inmany arenas,Although it is hard to comprehend this process being done on such amassive scale. Thereare


    ArtificiallynucleatedstormsAppeartobeCarriedoutunderamyriadofconditions. Inmanycases,stormsThatShouldhaveyieldedonlyrain,canbeartificiallynucleatedto"changeover"tosnow.Theterm"changeover"hasBeenrecentlycoinedbyTheWeatherChannelandothercorporate/military / industrial complexweather agencies. Snowgeoengineered froma snow event isOftenReferredtoas"heavywetsnow"(anotherrecenttermmeteorologistsarenowusing). This "snow"can begin to fall at temperatures to above freezing, Although the ongoing chemical processeventuallyProducesashallowcoolairmassThatsettlestogroundlevel. TheResulting"snow"and"ice" can sometimes remaina surprisingly long time in spite ofwarmer temperatures, a result ofartificialchemicalnucleation. ThisaspectofweathermodificationiscoveredintheFollowingarticle,



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    This is thenet resultofgeoengineering. Naturedoesnotgivesomething fornothing. Thisshouldseemall tooobvious,butunfortunately the "scientists" in somanycasesseem tobecompletelyblind to theConsequencesofTheirexperiments. In thecaseof cloudseeding toproduce rain, iftheysucceed,thenThatmoisturewillnotendupwhereitwouldotherwisehavegone. InthecaseofsaturationsprayingThatisknowntodiminishrainbyscatteringitintomassiveartificialcloudcoverandhaze,whereallthatmoisturewillendup? Comingdownsomewhereelseinadeluge? Is thisperhapswhytheUSWestislockedinrecorddroughtandUSEastishavingrecordrains?

    Thecoolingeffectsofgeoengineering likeat thecostofamuchworsenedoverallwarmingof theplanet. EvenNASAadmitsthat"condensationtrails"(geoengineeringparticulatetrails)Significantly



    Soundlikean"alarmist"statementorconspiracytheory? Allavailabledatapointstothisconclusionasahardandundeniablefactforanywhodoobjectiveresearch.

    CountlesslabtestsofprecipitationfromaroundtheGlobesonostatidonebyConcernedindividualsandgroupsinrecentyears,andtheresultsareshockingtosaytheleast. OurrainandsnowisquiteliterallypackedwiththeverysamehighlytoxicheavymetalsnamedingeoengineeringNumerouspatentsasprimaryelements. Theairwebreathe is ladenwith thesametoxinsanchealuminum/alumina,barium,strontium,manganese,thorium,andevenfluorideisnowbeingreportedinrecenttestsfromNorway. SomuchmetalhasfallenontheborealforestsofthePacificNorthwestThatsoilpHchangesofupto15timesOpinionsmorealkalinesonostatinoted. Arecentdocumentary filmbyfilmmakerGeorgeBarnestitled"LookUp"coverssomeofThesechangesandtheforestdieoff

    Thatisoccurringinborealforests./xviiiAlthoughtherearecountlessarticlesdocumentingthedieoffof forestsaround theGlobe,putting theblameonlyon Increasing temperatures,drought,andbeetles, none mention geoengineering. To omit geoengineering in this equation is to omit whatAppears to be the greatest factor of all. The lethal effects of "bioavailable" Thus aluminum and


    Ofcoursetherearecorporationswhoexisttoprofitfromcalamity. MonsantoSeemstoalwaysbeatthe top of this list. As geoengineered drought and aluminum sterilized soils independent forcefarmers to sell, international agcorporations are there to buy up the land and put to use Their



    Inhalationofmicroscopicparticulatesishighlydamagingnomatterwhattheparticulatematerial,themetallicparticlesinquestionareespeciallylethal. Respiratoryailmentsandmortalitiesarenowliterallyepidemic. DegenerativehumandiseasesThatarelinkedtoheavymetalexposurearevirtuallynowgoingoffthecharts. ADD,Alzheimer's,Autism,ALL,immunedysfunction,andmanyotherdiseasesassociatedwithheavymetals,haveallskyrocketedinrecentyears. AccordingtoscientistslikeinternationallyknownneuroscientistRussellBlaylock,theheavymetalnanoparticles

    aresosmallThattheypassrightthroughthelungliningintothebloodstream./xxiThere,theycanadheretocellreceptorslikeaplaque,slowlybutSurelyshuttingdownbodilyfunctionsandtheimmunesystem. Thesemetalsareallbutimpossibletoremoveoncetheyhavebecomelodged`inthebody. InAdditions,virtuallyeverybiteweeatisnowcontaminatedwithtoxicThesenano


    Stratosphericaerosolgeoengineering(alsoknownas"solarradiationmanagement")hasnowtaintedall. Everybreathwetake,everybiteweeat alliscontaminated. Amountainofdata,studies,


    Weareallquiteliterallyunderassault. ThethreattoalllifeonEarthfromtheglobalweathermodificationprogramscannotbeoverstated. LikelyitisthevastMajorityofmilitaryandprivate

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    Timeisnotonourside. Everydayglobalgeoengineeringcontinues,ourbiosphereisdiminished. Itisimperativetoforcetheongoingclimateengineeringprogramsintopublicdisclosure. OnlyWhenthegeoengineeringissueistrulyoutintheopen,andThoseWhophysicallycarryoutthesprayingrealizewhattheyareapartof,dowehaveachancetostopTheselethalprograms.

    Dane Wigington is the lead researcher and administrator for the website , aglobal hub for climate engineering information. Dane is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp and hasa background in renewable energy, His home was on the cover article for the World's largest renewableenergy magazine. Dane has dedicated the last ten years to researching and exposing the ongoing globalclimate engineering operations.

    (C) 2015 Dane Wiginton

    the Rose Taylor, "ALUMINUM CONTAMINATION: City Officials of Mt. Shasta, CA Will not TakeResponsibility For Their Duties To Protect Citizens & Guests Worldwide To Worldwide Destination,", undated, at .

    ii See Rainwater Tests at .

    iii Matt Spaeth, "Food Integrity Now - Francis Mangels - Chemtrails - E36," Food Integrity Now, March 7,2011, at -chemtrails-e36/ .

    iv Joe Romm, "Science: Geoengineering Scheme damages the ozone layer," ClimateProgress, May 29,2008at .

    v See "Species Extinction - The Facts," IUCN, undated, .

    There Casey Kazan and Rebecca Sato, "The Earth's 6 th Great Mass Extinction Is Occurring As YouRead This - A Galaxy Classic," The Daily Galaxy, February 26, 2008, at /02/the-6th-great-m.html .

    vii Ibid.

    viii David Adam, "Goodbye sunshine," The Guardian, December 18, 2003 at .

    ix Margaret Munro, "'Unprecedented' ozone hole opens over Canadian arctic," National Post, October2, 2011, at -canadian-arctic / .

    x Dane Wigington, "Recent changes to the Gulf Stream causing widespread gas hydratedestabilization," Geoengineering Watch, October 27, 2012,at .

    xi See .

    xii Dane Wigington, "1966 US Government Document Outlines National Weather ModificationPrograms And Implications," Geoengineering Watch, November 1, 2012,at .

    xiii Dane Wigington, "Dying of the Trees, The Climate Engineering Nightmare Continues,"Geoengineering Watch, June 29, 2014,at .

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    xiv Rob Blakers, "Australia faces 'catastrophic' days as wildfires rage in 5 of country's six states," NBCNews, January 7, 2013 at .

    xv See, eg, Kenneth G. Hubbard, "Weather Modification Studies: The Potential for Creating andUtilizing Ice Crystals in Weather Modification Activities," Utah Water Research Laboratory, January 1,1977at

    xvi Dane Wigington, "Geoengineered Snow Storms wreaking Havoc around the Globe,"Geoengineering Watch, December 6, 2013, at 2 / .

    xvii NASA News Release, "Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The US Climate," April 27,2004, at .

    xviii Jim Robbins, "What's Killing the Great Forests of the American West ?," Environment360, March15, 2010, at .

    xix Ibid.

    xx LeMoyne et al., "Monsanto Develops Aluminum Resistant biotech seeds," Thom HartmannProgram, May 14, 2010, at -seeds .

    xxi Dr. Russell Blaylock, "What Chemtrails Are Doing to Your Brain

    "Geoengineering Watch , .

    xxii Janet Raloff, "Nanosized pollutants poses crop risks," Science News, August 21, 2012, at .

    xxiii See, eg, Bob Fitrakis, "Geoengineer, Ken Caldeira Comes Clean On Chemtrails,", March 20, 2015, at -clean-on-chemtrails / .

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    Stephen Brand April 27, 2015 at 6:29 pm - Reply

    Thank you for your courage in helping to expose this crime against humanity.

    Wanda Allen April 27, 2015 at 7:01 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for covering the biggest Elephant in the sky. It's refreshing to seepeople with morals and an understanding That this must be faced head on or there will beno chance for future generations, perhaps including our own. The damage to every livingthing on the planet is immeasurable and we need to get These programs stopped as soonas possible. Dane Wigington is an honorable man who has dedicated the last 12 years ofHis life to exposing These crimes and Should be applauded for His efforts. I find His neverending persistence inspiring and he gives others motivation to continue the fight. Thankyou again for your help, here is hoping for blue skies ahead. Wanda

    honesty is the best policy April 27, 2015 at 7:22 pm - Reply

  • 24/05/2015 EngineeringtheBiosphere,AnUnfoldingCataclysm 9/18

    Finally, it is out in the open! Thank you, NHF, for printing this article on the most importantissue of our time. Disturbing reading, but we have to face the truth head-on if we are goingto change it for the better ... and anything would be better than insanity Allowing this tocontinue!

    Francine Davies April 27, 2015 at 7:25 pm - Reply

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for publishing this article. The world must wake up- time is of the essence.

    Petra Brokken April 27, 2015 at 7:57 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for publishing this article. Well written and informative. Good to seecoverage of this very important issue.

    AD April 27, 2015 at 9:11 pm - Reply

    Thank you for Bringing Opinions more attention to this issue.

    Helen Heinle April 27, 2015 at 9:32 pm - Reply

    I'm very glad you printed this article and addressed the issue geoengineering. I am amember of your organization already. I learned of your group after hearing a gentlemaninterviewed on Joyce Riley's Power Hour last year and joined immediately. I am mostConcerned about what is happening in our skies. The world as we know it and people'shealth is being altered for the worse Because of These illegal, immoral, clandestineprograms being deployed without consent. Thank you again and I hope you get many newmembers from the anti-geoengineering community. Keep helping us speak out and soundthe alarm.

    LAM April 27, 2015 at 9:52 pm - Reply

    Thanks for covering this incredibly important global issue. Hopefully Opinions morepublications will follow your lead !!!

    Jonathan April 27, 2015 at 9:54 pm - Reply

    FINALLY a news source That has the guts to expose this ongoing genocide! Thank you somuch and keep up the good work! Also, I urge everyone to keep updated on Dane'swebsite at

    Robert West April 27, 2015 at 10:06 pm - Reply

    I live near Bend, Oregon, and we have lots of aerosol spraying at times. I fully support theHealth Freedom News. Geoengineering is killing Earth's plants, animals and all of us bypoisoning the air, water and soil. Our Representatives in Congress sono stati ignoring usand giving us silly, wrong answers to our questions. What can we do to make at least oneCongressman admit spraying That is a real thing?

    Betsy Losey Weggesser April 27, 2015 at 10:45 pm - Reply

    Thankyou For Choosing To Print An Article About The Geoengineering of Our Climate InYour Health Freedom News Magazine ... I've Known About This for About 5 years ... Ialready Knew our weather was becoming ... just plain weird ... As I've Always Been a skywatcher ... On Oct 8, 2010, I Witnessed in the sky ... .A huge grid ... as do as the eye couldsee ... Perfectly made ... North, South, East ... And The West Was A Beautiful Blue Skywithout a cloud in sight ... It made me uneasy TRUELY ... This Is not Normal Air traffic ... ItStayed in the sky for hours ... People called NBC News ... And All They Said There Was ... JustContrails folks ... I Looked Deeper and Googled Contrails ... The Rest Is History ... I FoundDane Wigington's Site ... All I've Got To Say ... Is Our Government Does Not Have Our Best

  • 24/05/2015 EngineeringtheBiosphere,AnUnfoldingCataclysm 10/18

    Health or interest at heart ... Thankyou again for printing this article ...

    Joseph April 27, 2015 at 10:48 pm - Reply

    Thanks for getting this into print in your health magazine and having the courage to do itwhile other magazines and news outlets refuse to publish acknowlege and what has tosono stati brought` to Their attention at this late date.

    Melinda April 27, 2015 at 11:28 pm - Reply

    Thank you for having the courage to NHF publish this grim, but comprehensive and well-written article on climate geoengineering. I spent the past 3 months in Cape Canaveral,Florida, where the spraying was blatantly obvious, and truly appalling !! I am now back inVermont where the evidence is not so apparent. and it would be nice to try to forget aboutthe whole situation disturbing. NO WAY! This incredibly mean worldwide environmentalissue must to be made public and completely exposed NOW. Thank you for showing thewill, the strength, and the guts to help in this great effort!

    AK April 27, 2015 at 11:34 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for helping to spread the word on this crucial topic. You just Gainedyourself a new subscriber.

    Bette April 27, 2015 at 11:36 pm - Reply

    Wow !!! I applaud you ... .I applaud you ... ..and "God" applauds you !!

    Katie April 27, 2015 at 11:38 pm - Reply

    yes, it is a question of time-how long until we can stop the spraying, or until the sprayingstops everything.

    TMS April 28, 2015 at 24:06 am - Reply

    I use to think my father was crazy until i did my own research on geo engineering. I wasshocked to find out i was the crazy one! Thank you for helping to expose this! Thanks goesout to Dane anche for opening our eyes!Todd Simmons Sonoma Ca

    Bryce April 28, 2015 at 12:11 am - Reply

    Somehow our consciousness, Which we are all a part of, wants to go through such aterrible reality as this. I completely agree That this is the # 1 assault on all cellular life. As aspecialist in biological fertilizers, I have learned how big ag plays and how big pharma isright there to pick up the pieces of depleted human beings and keep them sick. This hasbeen going on for Thousands of years;this game of controlling our monetary system,suspending our constitution and moving us towards a 95% reduction of human beings toAgenda 21. What amazes me the most Is that the same people who created this problem,who are trying to reverse this problem are anche the same people who have murderedinventors of revolutionary technologies such as free energy, over-unity water hydrolysisand countless of other inventions That would free us from lack manufacturing andproducts with a negative externality Imposed on the environment. They kill Those Thatmean well, Those Who wanted the very best for us as a species, and they manipulate ourworld by buying off individuals who sell out to the rest of us and blaming the common manfor why we are in this predicament. Make no mistake, they have the answer. That is howthey function. They have a problem, they have a solution, and in the process they striphuman rights with Opinions more additions and enhancements to an Already bloatedstatutory code. But how can we blame elites When We could not repay our revolutionarywar debts to european bankers in the late 1800's? Ironically though, they are responsible

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    for fostering wars in the first place, so they can control the whole world. Think about thejobs we all do, and wonder what is the job of an elite or royalty? It is to control humanbeings and understand Their behavior so well, That they stay on top. They might seem likethey are educated to you, but, in reality, they are just afraid of losing what they have. Iknow I am afraid of losing what I have and wish I Never Knew this to be true, but this stuffis for real. The sun hurts now, feels hotter, I see the swings in temperature, feel the heavymetals being pulled out of me in a detox, etc ..I was bullied all my young life and now I see this as the biggest of all bullying. How can Ihelp? I have soil Amendments That chelate heavy metals and tie up carbon into the soilwhere it Belongs and balance pH. That I have fertilizers are more like cell food, and takecare of life instead of kill it. I have products That remediate soil and remediate water,rendering it very healthy once again.The name of my company is BIODIVERSITY. I paid 34kfor the trademark Just Because the name and its significance Is that important to me. I wishto help. What can I do?

    andrew April 28, 2015 at 12:13 am - Reply

    Great article, and by looking at the titles of some of the other articles in this issue, greatmagazine. I will keep my eye on this publication

    Carrie April 28, 2015 at 12:16 am - Reply

    Outstanding article on the Geoengineering Threat. I miss the smell of real rain.

    Mary April 28, 2015 at 12:31 am - Reply

    Thank you so much for printing this story! In Solidarity, Love, Peace, Miracles, Joy; You andAll of us may be truly Blessed with a clearer sky and a brighter, happier tomorrow.

    Ian Mitchell April 28, 2015 at 2:21 am - Reply

    Thank goodness somebody cares more for this plante we live on, instead of Their paychecks.When this plante can not support us any longer Because of this crime herrindessmoney will not matter any more.So Thank you for puplishing this artical a big tumbs up !!

    eugene April 28, 2015 at 2:30 am - Reply


    Karen April 28, 2015 at 3:28 am - Reply

    Thanks Health Freedom magazine for exposing in such a lucid and intelligent way thehorror of geo-engineering as well as your great articles on toxic vaccinatiions and what theyare doing to people! With your help Opinions more and more are waking up!

    Frederick April 28, 2015 at 3:48 am - Reply

    Thank you for having the courage to point out the genocidal elephant in the room ... "Power in any form is evil, and it will Inevitably lead to disaster." -J.Krishnamurti

    CJ Hoff April 28, 2015 at 6:26 am - Reply

    Thank you for publishing this article on the # 1 global public health assault! We all have tobreathe, and what we breathe Should be open to public discussion.

    Allan Graham April 28, 2015 at 8:40 am - Reply

    Thank you for having the courage to expose this. I see this everyday and it is getting worse.I have written to my MP several times about this issue but he denies it. Is it any wonder I do

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    not vote for These morons?

    Michel B April 28, 2015 at 8:49 am - Reply

    Excellent coverage. Now, what other publications will carry this article too?

    VICTOR April 28, 2015 at 9:07 am - Reply

    Thank you for publishing this issue on what is being done to our planet! .time Is of theessence if we are to stop the ongoing insanity of the world we once Knew.

    Robert April 28, 2015 at 11:21 am - Reply

    Great to see, good of you to take this step.keep at it

    maciej kocialkowski April 28, 2015 at 24:41 pm - Reply

    thank you guys so much for shining light on this most important and immediate issue ofall. we need more publications and public disclosures of information to say this, so we canmove into the climate engineering sector and unclassified track and prosecute Thoseresponsible. again, kudos to you for your courage and spreading awareness.

    Rod April 28, 2015 at 24:50 pm - Reply

    well done and thank you for having the balls to this report.

    AZgirl7 April 28, 2015 at 1:30 pm - Reply

    Thank you for helping shine the light on this crime against mother earth and all herInhabitants. It's easy to see why people just can not believe That anyone would actuallyhave a motive for Pursuing such a diabolical and extremely expensive experiment. I NeverKnew being fabulously wealthy put you at high risk for becoming bat s ** t CRAZY andkilling everything in sight.

    Linda Cook April 28, 2015 at 2:22 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for writing an article That affects all of us. Look forward to morearticles on this subject.

    Chuck April 28, 2015 at 2:32 pm - Reply

    Thanks National Health Foundation for helping expose this insanity! Dane Wigington Thankyou for the article and all your hard work. I encourage people to go to get educated about the truth! ALL Involved in this poisoning ofplanet earth and human life need to be held accountable !! This needs to stop immediately!I encourage everyone to tell everyone they know!

    Don April 28, 2015 at 3:27 pm - Reply

    As the reckless climate engineers Their continuous assault on our planet each day withoutthe inhabitant's permission, the population's awareness of this global crime againsthumanity - and all life on this planet, continues to grow. I commend your publication forstanding up against one of the greatest environmental threats planet earth has ever faced.I hope you continue to cover this issue until we have stopped this dangerous, immoral andunlawful 'chemotherapy' to earth's ecosystem.

    Shannon Weckman April 28, 2015 at 3:31 pm - Reply

    Thank you for a most informative article on geoengineering. We have to stop this insanitybefore all life is lost on this planet. I am anche engaged in trying to wake people up to the

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    issue. Excellent article. You just might be saving millions of lives!

    joy the April 28, 2015 at 4:45 pm - Reply

    Yesterday I got into a heated argument with a very good friend. He said, vaccines are good,chemtrails are all in my head, and our Governments care about what happens to us. If wecan not get people to see what is happening, they will die in ignorance, and the people whoare doing it will continue to kill all life on earth without a slap on the hand. To what end? Itis time for humans to face reality.

    Chris Hunt April 28, 2015 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    Excellent! Thank you for publishing this, it's really time to hold the perpetrators to account.Firstly for doing it, and secondly for the cover-up and denial, "...... ..they lie for a living............ .."

    Linda April 28, 2015 at 5:56 pm - Reply

    Probably the most important issue of our time !. These are crimes against Humanity andNature. Thanks to people with courage, all is being revealed.

    Eliana April 28, 2015 at 6:00 pm - Reply

    I have Hundreds of photos of the chemtrails in my neck of the woods, the Shasta Valley. Wehope to present to the County Supervisors this year. I'm planning to present a slide show ofmy photos That show our ongoing skies !!!Do we have the strength as local communities to demand an immediate ban of thespraying in our skies? If not, I think we are going to begin to see mass movements ofpeople leaving the heavily sprayed areas.

    Katherine April 28, 2015 at 6:02 pm - Reply

    Has anyone tested their hair for radiation? Its not even funny how much toxicity this iscreating on us and everything! it must be stopped. It's poison and it's anche trapping theheat of the planet in on top of everything else!

    Malcolm Wall April 28, 2015 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    Thank you for exposing this insane program. NHF deserves the gratitude of everybody onthis planet. Good Boy.

    Kimi April 28, 2015 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    Check into Sophia Smallstorm who has researched this for years. On youtube she has greatlectures on this subject and brings up the part of this That rarely anyone ever talks about-the nanotechnology In These chemtrails and the relation to Morgellans Syndrome.

    t April 28, 2015 at 8:28 pm - Reply

    Put simply ... thank you.

    deborah April 28, 2015 at 9:04 pm - Reply

    To the editors / publishers:Applause and thanks to you for making the decision to profile Dane Wigington's expose ofthe criminal climate engineering experiment currently underway in the US and globally.There are few remaining heroes in this corrupt and deceptive society ... That we haveendorsed .Dane Wigington is one ... and you folks at Health Freedom are heroes as well forproviding a forum in cui the truth can be told. As Dane has Repeatedly Stated, Those whosupport the geoengineering That actions are causing a cataclysmic destruction of our

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    planet will soon be called out and held accountable for Their crimes. This includes thefailure to disclose known truths. Thank you for stepping outside of this group and disrobingthe twisted web of insanity That we can no longer disregard. Deborah Barker

    Michael Sabo April 28, 2015 at 9:48 pm - Reply

    Thank you for standing for the Earth and Humanity. It takes courage to talk openly aboutthis and the more of us there are, the better. We need to be a resounding voice SO LOUDthe mainstream will be drowned out by our collective voice and it can no longer be denied.

    Dave April 28, 2015 at 10:03 pm - Reply

    Well Done!

    Ana April 29, 2015 at 24:06 am - Reply

    Thanks for publishing such an important issue and article for the good of the planet and ofhumankind That need to be informed of such heavy geoengeneering global programsAlready happening in our skies Global .many thanks from Portugal for exposing the truth!

    Jacqueline April 29, 2015 at 3:13 am - Reply

    Thank you so much for publishing this very important report. This criminal activity must bestopped!

    Markus April 29, 2015 at 4:17 pm - Reply

    At last! Finally a major magazine is writing about the chemical warfare That is Launchedupon us by our so called "Elected" politicians and the military. I just hope it's not to late ... Thanks to the brave people who wrote and published this article!

    DK910 April 29, 2015 at 5:13 pm - Reply

    I applaud your tenacity and fearlessness in publishing this article and Attempting to exposesub-human cowards Administering this program and the megalomaniacal psychopathswho conceived it.Only the intelligence, and coordination of outrage Those of us who choose to see and callfor a stop to this and other genocidal Mandates coming down from the ruling elite will snapour sleeping (or otherwise adulterated / deluded) brothers and sisters from Their spell ofsupplication and once and for all, alter the tragic course of history That we are born to theauthor on Behalf of this inhuman and anti-life force.

    April Tatro-Medlin April 29, 2015 at 6:58 pm - Reply

    Thank you for running this article. For far too long we sono stati dealing with this in LasVegas, Nevada. During the last session of our legislatures they Began to hear testimony on"early onset alzheimers disease" Which begins effecting people in Their 20's & 30's. Ourskies are full of These chemical-laden trails Which turn into strange looking clouds Thatcover the sun. We now have many days When we can not even see the sun- Which is weirdfor Nevada. A recent storm lifted dozens of trees from the ground in & around my neighborhood. ThatI've seen trees have fire blight on them also. Please continue to report on this issue. We arein desperate need of getting this information out to the people.

    Ray Medlin April 29, 2015 at 7:23 pm - Reply

    I would like to thank you so much for reporting on this issue. I am going to purchase thisissue and if this magazine continues to print this type of information I will purchase asubscription.

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    Joe Campbell April 29, 2015 at 7:42 pm - Reply

    Many thanks for having the courage to publish this article Which highlights the greatestcrime against humanity. Is the publication available in Ireland. ????

    Rebel Siren April 29, 2015 at 9:24 pm - Reply

    Thank you for helping expose this crime against humanity! As our numbers continue togrow in Pursuing a cleaner, safer, healthier world, we stand a greater chance. Let's allcontinue to work together and raise awareness of the connected corporate and goventities That put profit above our health and future sustainability That are controlling andpoisoning our climate & weather (the the air we breathe), the food we eat (GMOs), and thepharmaceutical corps (vaccines loaded with toxins, and cures deadlier than the illnessbeing treated), all cogs in the wheel deleterious. Those That have taken control and putprofits above nature and life, That & brainwash deceive the public, and their hired minionsThat fight us every step of the way, MUST be exposed. Much gratitude to your organization,and to Geoengineering Watch.

    marie snow April 29, 2015 at 9:55 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for sharing this most important topic for all to see. Everything possibleis being done to poison humanity. Our fresh water, oceans, and food no longer Shopsprovide us with the very basic needs for a healthy, long life. Our air is literally choking us todeath .... we have had 4 days of full, bright sunshine and blue skies ... completely out of the'norm.' This should be available for the entire planet on a daily basis. Looking forward tomy email updates from NHF. Thanks again !!

    Marla Wood Stair- April 29, 2015 at 9:57 pm - Reply

    National Health Federation, THANK YOU! Thank you for publishing Mr. Wigington's articleand thank Dane Wigington For His dedication to exposing the ongoing geoengineeringoperations! This is a situation and say the most urgent environmental issue (short ofnuclear meltdown) facing our planet today. Please continue coverage and help bring thisinformation to the attention of all who do not yet know. Our Governments need to answer.

    Marla Wood Stair- April 29, 2015 at 9:57 pm - Reply

    National Health Federation, THANK YOU! Thank you for publishing Mr. Wigington's articleand thank Dane Wigington For His dedication to exposing the ongoing geoengineeringoperations! This is a situation and say the most urgent environmental issue (short ofnuclear meltdown) facing our planet today. Please continue coverage and help bring thisinformation to the attention of all who do not yet know. Our Governments need to answer.

    Jean April 30, 2015 at 12:14 am - Reply

    Thank you NHF - Those of us who are awake to this ongoing assault are very grateful foryour courage. Keep up the outstanding work. With a nod to our April 25th GeoengineeringAwareness Day, I'm sending this link to and wide to friends and family - many of whom-Iknow see what I see but can not fathom the why, and Therefore, remain in denial. Far TooOften, I look around outside, and up at the sky, and realize almost everyone else, who isdriving, walking, sitting or hanging out, is on talking or looking down at Their cell phones.Distracted, oblivious ... And thank you, as always, to Dane Wigington and his Your ability to articulate this immense and complex issue in terms That anyone willing tolook and listen can understand is one of our great hopes. For Those of you reading this, who want to learn and understand blackberries, I urge you tocheck out Dane's site and look at all the patents, and to the US, UN, IPCC governingdocuments for programs That are presented only as proposals, ideas to be Considered,

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    rather than fully operational, covert, and hiding-in-plain-sight for Decades in the US and for42 years in other countries.

    Laura April 30, 2015 at 12:24 am - Reply

    Thank you for publishing this article, and thank you, Dane, for your tireless Efforts inexposing this crime. Call me if anyone would like to talk about how geoengineeringmatches Bible scriptures. (262) 376-8765

    Robert B April 30, 2015 at 6:28 am - Reply

    It's a great thing When a great publication like the Ntnl Health Federatioin (NHF), a group ofdoctors & nutritionists dedicated to real health reform (v. Govt. Health for-profit reform)features information about planet-wide climate-control programs That anche are creatinguntold numbers of serious illnesses as a result of Their usage of toxic heavy metallicnanoparticulates in the very air we breath That, anche That settles into the soil and thewater we drink! Kudos to the NHF and to Dane Wigington from Geoengineering Watch!

    Irene Parousis April 30, 2015 at 7:27 am - Reply

    Excellent account by Dane Wigington, one of the most informed people on climateengineering programs as they relate to the total destruction of our biosphere. Articles likethis must be shared to and wide. As Governments prepare to 'legalize' geoengineering, it ismore pressing than ever That this ongoing critical issue is covered by all. To be discussed ina publication like this is a pivotal step That Will Surely foster more of the same, whilevalidating all of our voices in this battle. Thank you Dane and Health Freedom News!

    CJ Hoff April 30, 2015 at 7:54 am - Reply

    Thank you for reporting on what many now believe is the # 1 global heath problem in theworld.

    Jennifer April 30, 2015 at 11:50 am - Reply

    Thank you so much for covering this subject !!! This is One That is so very important for thepublic to hear about. Many people are still unaware and it's really scary That this is allowedto happen! I'm watching extensive tree death and people here in the area That I live(Monadnock Region of New Hampshire) are experiencing ongoing respiratory issues andThese Are otherwise, very healthy individuals. I only hope That These programs stop andThat we are incendio regain the health of the environment and all living things. Again,thank you !!!

    Rebel Siren April 30, 2015 at 6:41 pm - Reply

    Thank you for helping expose this crime against humanity! As our numbers continue togrow in Pursuing a cleaner, safer, healthier world, we stand a greater chance. Let's allcontinue to work together and raise awareness of the connected corporate and goventities That put profit above our health and future sustainability That are controlling andpoisoning our climate & weather (the the air we breathe), the food we eat (GMOs), and thepharmaceutical corps (vaccines loaded with toxins, and cures deadlier than the illnessbeing treated), all cogs in the wheel deleterious. Those That have taken control and putprofits above nature and life, That & brainwash deceive the public, and their hired minionsThat fight us every step of the way, MUST be exposed. Much gratitude to your organization,and to Geoengineering Watch.

    Catherine Giangrande April 30, 2015 at 9:23 pm - Reply

    Thank you for printing this article! Every day I look up to criss crossed lines of the aerosols,it is truly disgusting to watch this crime being inflicted on humanity! God bless Dane For Histireless Efforts to make public this crime!

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    Catherine April 30, 2015 at 9:32 pm - Reply

    Thank you for printing this article! Every day I look up to criss crossed lines of the aerosols,it is truly disgusting to watch this crime being inflicted on humanity! God bless Dane For Histireless Efforts to make public this crime! I will definitely be supporting groups and all formsof information to bring geoengineering and its sinister results to the awareness of themasses.

    Craig Crandall April 30, 2015 at 11:59 pm - Reply

    Thanks for posting this article. You are true champions and true heros! May yourreadership expand ten thousand fold!

    Dan Cieri May 1, 2015 at 24:11 am - Reply

    This is a tremendous step forward for Those of us who never waver from exposing thisinsanity. Big kudos to the magazine editors, and Dane as always. Thank you for seeing whatso many others do not or will not. Gives ya feeling That maybe, just maybe, we really will beincendio get this to stop. This made my day!

    Elle May 1, 2015 at 3:39 am - Reply

    We the people truly appreciate your courage for posting articles such as this one. Wethought journalism was lost. Yet you give us hope. Thank you.

    andrew from Scotland May 1, 2015 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    Thank you for printing this most informative article. Extremely useful.

    Tom Bourland from Altadena, CA May 5, 2015 at 7:32 am - Reply

    Thank you for covering this extremely important story. We in California are in the midst ofa severe Draught That I think is Caused by bioengeneering this mess. Those in our statehouse and govenor's mansion Should be arrested for Allowing this to happen without apublic outcry. This is tantamount to Allowing your fellow citizens and your constituency tobe poisoned. California This problem will become our national When agricultue dries up.And too few are looking up where the problem is so obvious. We are also much tootrusting of "experts" who are not advocating for us, yet we believe them. It Seems prettysimple-when we did not spray the sky, California had enough water. Now that the sprayinggoes on almost daily, we just had the driest winter on record. It is in our face-what will we,the people, do? It will be interesting to see.

    Nature_Luv_Environment May 6, 2015 at 8:09 pm - Reply

    Dane ROCKS as he truly is a dedicated, credible and knowledgeable person who caresabout our environment. Anyone who has worked as diligently as he to expose the masscorruption That our environment has endured by These covert Gov / Military operations,deserves an achievement of honor and respect !!! We commend you for your diligence inexposing These crimes and hopefully the criminals who sit Behind These operations all in itfor Their disgusting greed & power. Hopefully soon, they too will be revealed to Their lovedones including Those aiding and embedding: such as the Congressional leaders !!! Thankyou and keep up the EXCELLENT work!

    j.foster May 13, 2015 at 3:48 am - Reply

    Thank you all for the great comments !!! Dane Wigington is a hero in our hearts and we arehonored to share His work !!!

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